The University of Dayton Alumnus, February 1946
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University of Dayton eCommons The nivU ersity of Dayton Magazine Marketing and Communications 2-1-1946 The niU versity of Dayton Alumnus, February 1946 University of Dayton Magazine Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of Dayton Magazine, "The nivU ersity of Dayton Alumnus, February 1946" (1946). The University of Dayton Magazine. 82. This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Marketing and Communications at eCommons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The University of Dayton Magazine by an authorized administrator of eCommons. For more information, please contact [email protected], [email protected]. I ) I) <., President Awards Math Club Alumni Plaque FEBRUARY • 1946 ALUMNI CONTRIBUTE TO 1946 CAMPAIGN A a result of the dues statements which were mailed to yo u last month, the Alumni Secretary is very happy to report that remittance have been received from 326 loyal alumni. A of Feb. 18, we have re ESTAilLISHED 1929 ceived $1,5 25.00 in dues payment Vol. XII February, 1946 To. 2 and special gifts for which we are very grateful. The complete list of those who have made contributions Mary Shay '44 .......... ..... ....... .. .. ...... ... ... Editor will be published in the M arch Alumnus. So, if you have neglected "Entered as second class matter April 15, 1940, at the Post Office, at Dayton, to send in your '46 contribution, Ohio, under the Act of March 3, 1879." won't you PLEASE DO IT NOW -so that we can reach that "grand" Issued l\I onthly- October through June - 1,000 membership. SUBSCRIPTION- Per Year, including Membership in the Alumni Associa tion, $4.00. Subsc ription alone, $2.00. Single copies, 25 cents. I t's a grand old name- Shay Checks, drafts and money orders should be made payable to "The Alumni Come on boys, what do you say? Association of the Unive rsity of Dayton." Shell out and give the gal a hand T e help her secure the Grand For wills and other bequests, the legal title of the corporation is "The Uni ( 1,000 Membership) versity of Dayton, Dayton, Ohio." Now that the old school has gone coed Let' help her push ahead. Let that call be heard afar By her, where 'ere you are. Cozy, Marty, Vic, Bill and Tim, She'll lead you to that "Gym," Dr. Edward A. Ruth, acting head of the Sociology department, represented She might goad our "Rock 'em the University at the 14th annual National Catholic Conference on Family Life, H arry" ponsored by ·the Family Life Bureau of the National Catholic Welfare Confer To hunt bigger quarry. ence in Washington, D. C., at the Catholic University of America .. Carl A. To wade through the toughest of Schmidt, Dayton druggist, outlined and di cussed his price stabilization plan at foes, a meeting of the Bellarmine Society, in the Albert Emanuel Library ... Brother The bigge t and best- who know ? John J. Lucier, chemistry instructor, addressed the opening ession of the 15th To lead Dayton way up on top, anniversary meeting of the Dayton ection of the American Chemical Society. Phelan did it with his crop. His topic was " War Time Chemical Education at U . D." and pointed out Since we have failed, why not this that scientific education is the country's first line of defense ... Major Wilfred I. gal? Freel, profes or of military science and tactics, announced that the advanced Kick in- let's help our pal. ROTC program ha been reactivated. There have been no advanced ROTC Do your bit- get in the game courses on the campus since 1943, but the basic course has been continuous ... To help Mary secure her aim The University was represented on the Executive board of the Bishop Thill (1,000 memberhip) local conference of the Catholic Student's Mission Crusade held recently in and Dayton ... Brother Albert Rose, instructor in political science, spoke at the Prove that Mary's a grand old name. dinner meeting of the Catholic Business Women's Club, Dayton, at the Loretto (Ned Grime '04 Chicago.) ... Dr. E. B. O'Leary, head of the business organization department, was one of three speakers at a dinner meeting of the Dayton Sales Executive Club. Dr. O'Leary spoke on "The Outlook on the Economic Front" . Dr. George Nicoll Front Cover: May we introduce was guest speaker at the February meeting of Sigma Delta Pi, premedic ociety. Father George J. Renneker, presi H e is head of the roentgenelogy lab at Miami Valley H o pita!, Dayton, and dent of the university, presenting the poke on "X-Ray Education" ... Dr. Florence Wagner spoke to Up ilon Delta Mathematics Club Alumni Award of Chi, home economics group, and the Dayton and Montgomery County Home Excellence in Advanced Mathematic Economics and Dietetics Association at U. D. She spoke on "Openings for H ome in the Senior Class to Lt. Jack Ho Economics Trained Women" ... The Dayton Music Club chorus, under the man, '43. The plaques were not direction of 0 . E. Gebhart, presented a musical program at the first assembly awarded sooner because of the of the second emester. Selections included Tschaikowsky's " utcracker Suite," shorage of materials. The .Junior "Liebes traum" by Lizst, Bizet's "Open Thy H eart" and "Donkey Serenade" by class awards were made to Louis Friml .. A group of U. D. boosters sponsored a dinner party for Bro. Schad, Synck, '43, Dennis Griffin, '44, and former athletic director of the Flyers ... Brother Thomas Price wa the principal Alice Bl aeser, '45. The Senior clas speaker at the first annual father and daughter breakfast of the Father's cfub of award were given to Lloyd Week , the Juliene PTA. Brother T om spoke on the topic, "Woman' Role in the Modern '44, George Igel, '45, and H oman. World" ... H arry Baujan, athletic director, has call ed a meeting of all tho e The Math C:lub Alumni Award was interested in spring football .. U. D. has taken its place among other coll eges established in 194 l through the ef with the American Alumni Council. As a re ult of attendance and participation forts of Frank Bucher and Jack of Mary Shay, yo ur Alumni Secretary, at a district conference of the American Kirch mer. Alumni Council. membership has been secured in this organizati on. 2 FINAL LECTURE ON Night Enrollment UNIVERSITY SERIES Tops All Records The University of Dayton eve ning clas es began Wednesday, Feb. 13, with another peak enrollment of over 700 students. Jose S. Sada To accommodate the increased Calle R amos Arizpe, 314 Sur enrollment, the evening class pro Apratado Postal 2 gram has been expanded to include Torreon, Coah. over 90 course . Because of the in Mexico. crea ed popularity of the busine s January 29, 1946 administration courses, es pecially University of Dayton, with the di charged veterans, sev D ayton, Ohio eral cour e have been · added to the chedule of the business organ Dear Brother : ization and accounting departments. H aving attended your University ew faculty members have been during the year 1920, I would like added to the staff to meet the new to have a remembrance of my stu need. dent days, which I so much like to Dr. H enry H odges, of Manage recall, and for this reason I take the ment Consultants Inc. , will teach liberty to request you to have the the cour e in Industrial M anage kindness to send me by mail THREE ment. Richard Fraine of the Stand U. D. PEN A TS, informing me ard Register Co., will be the instruc of the price which I will be happy tor for the course in " Motion and to cover promptly. I would also desire, if it is not too FRANK J. SHEED Time Study II." A course in ad vertising will be given by George inconvenient for you and if you The Uni~.¢r ity Lectures will pre Staudt, director of advertising and judge it proper, to send me period sent the fifth and fin al peaker on sales promotion for the Standard ically your student promotion pam the eries, Sunday, March 3, at 8 :15 Regi ter Co. phlets because, situated by the grace p. m. , in the main ballroom of the The personnel a dminis tration of God in this city where I enjoy a Biltmore Hotel. Mr. Frank Sheed course will be taught by Roy Sparks comparatively large acquaintance will speak on "The Church in Pres of the Inland Manufacturing clivi- ship, I would like to advertise the ent-Day Europe. " ion of GM, while Barrett Klopfer, school among the parents here, in Born in Australia of Irish descent also of the Standard Register will an endeavor to have some of our in 1897, he wa graduated from be the instructor for "Work Simpli young men go to receive from you Sydney University with degrees of fi cation in the Office." the solid instruction and education Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Brother Elmer C. Lackner, S. M., which have given such prestige to Laws. On coming to England how assi tant dean and former alumni my never-to-be-forgotten University. ever, he decided not to practice law, secretary, is director of the evening Making use of this opportunity to but founded a Catholic publishing clas program. place myself at your orders, I re house which aims at pre enting Day school enrollment has really main, Catholicism positively, and at being hit an all-time high.