Service Notes

Appointments and Transfers

Major- Sir G. Coveli,, C.I.E., k.h.p., resumed charge of the post of Director, Malaria Institute of , on the afternoon of the 17th July, 1946, on completion of his deputation to the United Kingdom and the of America. The Governor is pleased to reappoint -General W. E. R. Dimond, c.i.e., c.b.e., k.h.p., on return from leave, as Surgeon-General with the Government of , vice - C. L. Pasricha. Colonel L. K. Ledger, o.b.e., on return from 4 months' leave ex-India, assumed charge of the Inspector-General of Civil "Hospitals, Central Provinces and Berar, with effect from 21st October, 1946. Lieutenant-Colonel (Temporary Colonel) A. K. Sahibzada, o.b.e., was appointed to officiate as Deputy Director-General, Indian Medical Service, from the 27th December, 1944, to the 30th April, 1945, and to hold the post substantively, with effect from the 1st May, 1945, vice Colonel S. L. Bhatia, m.c. Lieutenant-Colonel K. S. Fitch, o.b.e., Assistant Director-General, Indian Medical Service (Resettle- ment), is appointed Additional Deputy Director- General, Indian Medical Service (Resettlement), with effect from the 26th April, 1946. Lieutenant-Colonel M. K. Afridi, o.b.e., Deputy Director, Malaria Institute of India, was placed on - deputation to the United States of America from the 3rd June, 1946. Lieutenant-Colonel W. T. Taylor, Officer on Special Duty in the office of the Director-General, Indian Medical Service, is appointed to officiate as Additional Deputy Director-General, Indian Medical Service (Stores), with effect from the afternoon of the 4th June, 1946, vice Lieutenant-Colonel M. K. Kelavkar, o.b.e., granted leave. Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. Crichton, C.I.E., Director of Public Health, Central Provinces and Berar, is appointed to officiate as Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals, Central Provinces and Berar, in addition to his own duties, with effect from the 13th June, 1946. Lieutenant-Colonel W. Scott on return from leave was placed as Officer on Special Duty in the office of the Inspector-General of Civil Hospitals, Central Provinces and Berar, with effect from the 17th June, 1946, to the 23rd June, 1946 (both days inclusive), and then assumed charge as Civil Surgeon, Nagpur, from the 24th June, 1946. Lieutenant-Colonel W. J. Webster, m.c., Assistant Director, Central Research Institute, Kasauli, is appointed to officiate as Director of that Institute, with effect from the afternoon of 6th July, 1946, vice Lieutenant-Colonel H. W. Mulligan. Lieutenant-Colonel R. H. Malone, i.m.s. (Retd.), has been appointed temporarily as Assistant Director, Central Research Institute, Kasauli, from the afternoon of the 6th July, 1946. Lieutenant-Colonel T. S._ Shastry, i.m.s. (Retd.), was relieved of his duties as Director, Government of India Medical Mission (Malaya), with effect from the after- noon of the 20th July, 1946. Lieutenant-Colonel Jaswant Singh, Deputy Director, Malaria Institute of India, was appointed to officiate as Director, Malaria Institute of India, in addition to his own duties during the absence on deputation of Major-General Coveli. Lieutenant-Colonel S. L. Patney made over charge of the Presidency Jail to Major E. A. R. Ardeshir, in the forenoon of the 8th June, 1946. Lieutenant-Colonel C. L. Pasricha, Surgeon-General, with the Government of Bengal, on relief, reverts to his substantive post of Professor of Pathology and Bac- teriology, School of Tropical Medicine, Calcutta, vice Dr. Ganapati Panja. Lieutenant-Colonel R. Linton, doing general duty at the office of the Surgeon-General with the Government Nov., 1946] SERVICE NOTES 499

Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service is to be Medical College, ^Bengal, appointed Principal, Seconded to the Medical Superintendent of the Medical College Hospitals, Calcutta, vice Lieutenant-Colonel E. G. Montgomery. (Emergency Commission) Lieutenant-Colonel W. H. Crichton, c.i.e., Director To be Major ?* Public C. P. and Berar, ceased to hold Health, Husain Akhtar. Dated 22nd January, 1946. additional charge of the of Civil Inspector-General R. N. Sen was to the temporary -hospitals, C. P. and Berar, with effect from 21st Octo- appointed ber, 1946. post of Malaria Officer, Raniganj, with effect from the 12th 1946. F. R. W. K. Allen, Officer on March, Lieutenant-Colonel P. S. has been as Special in the office of the of Captain Bhargava appointed Duty Inspector-General Assistant to Medical Adviser War C. P. and is as Civil (Pensions), Depart- J-'ivil Hospitals, Berar, posted ment 19th 1946. effect from the 25th October, (Pension Branch), March, I946e0n' ao^' Captain G. H. F. Humphreys is appointed Civil Sur- with effect from the afternoon of the of State for India has to geon, Gangtok, ?ecretary appointed 9th 1946. an Medical Service the following officers April, nf+l (Civil) The undermentioned officers of the Indian Medical the Indian Medical Service, with effect from the ates Service (E.C.) revert from the Indian Army Medical stated against their names :? Corps and are seconded for service in the Royal Indian . Central Government Air Force :? Wlajor C. 1945. Mani. Dated 3rd February, Captain G. P. Ghosh. Dated 4th May, 1946. Major T. 1945. C. Puri. Dated 20th April, Captain M. S. Khera. Dated 7th May, 1946. 14th 1946. r, . Bengal Captain J. K. Sehgal. Dated May, ^?aptain E. J. Somerset. Dated 18th May, 1944. Captain R. C. Sharma. Dated 15th May, 1946. Major W. J. Virgin. Dated 15th October, 1944. The services of Captain M. C. Sharma, Liaison Officer in the office of the Liaison Officer (Consumer . Bihar (Drugs) have been at the of Major A. N. Duggal. Dated 19th October, 1944. Goods), Bombay, replaced disposal the Director-General, Indian Medical Services, with ? m Assam at effect from the afternoon of the 1st July, 1946. Major T. D. 1944. Ahmad. Dated 30th October, Captain A. P. Ray is appointed temporarily as

. Malaria Institute of with n , Punjab Assistant Director, India, aptain M. D. Black. Dated 2nd February, 1945. effect from the 1st August, 1946, until further orders. undermentioned Indian Medical Service (Civil) Captain N. Jungalwalla is appointed temporarily as 0fi> Commissioner with 1S revei"ted to the Burma Establishment, with Additional Deputy Public Health effpCfrf the Government of with effect from the 8th ? ^e date name :? India, at 0I2 shown against his S. W. Allinson. Dated 4th April, 1946. August, 1946. ^ajor an the Medical Re- Temple-Raston, Deputy Inspector-General Captain R. Passmore, Officer of of search Department, is appointed temporarily as Simir* ?osPitals, Punjab, is appointed Civil Surgeon, mia hast, with effect from the afternoon of the 30th Assistant Director, Central Research Institute, Kasauli, April, 1946. with effect from the 26th August, 1946. S. P. Ramakrishnan is to officiate Captain A. N. Roy is appointed as Deputy Assistant jai?r appointed Indian Medical Service Director, Malaria Institute of Director-General, (Resettle- "?.^ssi^ant India, Delhi, with effect from the 27th 1946. effect from the afternoon of the 18th May, 1946, ment), August, Captain G. H. K. Niazi is appointed as Deputy lvr -further orders. Major H. A. Civil is Assistant Director-General (Medical Stores), Medical Ledgard, Surgeon, Quetta-Sibi, with effect from the forenoon PPointed as Chief Medical Officer and Store Depot, Raipur, Inspector- 1946. neral of Prisons in Baluchistan, with effect from the of 14th September, en\??n of the 21st May, 1946, in addition to his The undermentioned officer of the Indian Medical uwn duties. Service (E.C.) reverts from the R.I.N.V.R. and is a F. E. Buckler was appointed Additional seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps :? ssistant to the Surgeon to His Excellency the Viceroy Captain M. Bhattacharjee. Dated 16th February, the 2nd April, 1946, to the 28th May, 1946, and 1946. ^ the to frr. i Surgeon His Excellency the Viceroy the 29th Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service p May, 1946, vice Major D. S. Jackson, granted leave. Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps ajor D. P. Dewe is appointed as an Agency Sur- (Emergency Commission) ? u substantively on probation with effect from the To be Captain renoon of the 9th June, 1946. Mohammed Hamid Mirza. Dated 15th May, 1944. .following appointment is made on His Excellency in? Viceroy's personal staff To be to to 3rd 1943 Hi? p?r i^" Buckler, Assistant the Surgeon April, the to officiate as Sur e^ency Viceroy, is appointed K. Venkataraman. L. W. Mackey. ? &eon to u His Excellency the Viceroy in addition to D. Sankaran. T. G. Jones. ? with effect from the 1st T. R. , duties, August, 1946, Mainyan. R. D. Thorpe. Veutenant-ColoneI H. Williamson, o.b.e., i.m.s. C. T. G. Tilak. R. A. Garson. etd.), granted leave ear-India. The undermentioned officer of the Indian Medical W. J. Civil Dacca, is Virgin, Surgeon, Service (E.C.) reverts from the Indian Medical to be the of the Medical College, Army Principal Corps and is seconded for service in the Royal Indian of the Dacca, with effect fm HPe"ntendent Hospital, Air Force :? 9? the date on which he takes over charge. N. Dated 17th 1946. Major G. B. W. Fisher, on return from leave, is Captain G. Govindaraj. May, PPointed to be Professor of Clinical Midwifery and The undermentioned officer of the Indian Medical gynaecology, Medical College, Calcutta, vice Dr. Sudhir Service (E.C.) reverts from the Indian Army Medical Chandra Basu. Corps and is seconded for service in the Royal Indian Major J. Goodall, doing general duty at the Medical Air Force :? Hospitals, Calcutta, is appointed to be Professor Captain S. K. Muhury. Dated 21st August, 1946. Clinical Medicine, Medical College, Calcutta, vice Leave Ur- A. K. M. A. Wahe'd. Lieutenant-Colonel H. E. Major N. Z. Y. Hussain is to Murray, c.i e Profp^nr appointed temporarily Medical e post of Assistant Officer-in-charge, Anti-Malaria Midwifery College Calcutta, is to Wanted ?eavl P^atmns, Delhi, with effect from the 22nd August, re"rement * SJEZ 500 THE INDIAN MEDICAL GAZETTE [Nov., 1946

Lieutenant-Colonel H. H. Elliot, cjx., m.b.e., m.c . 5th May, 1946 an Agency Surgeon, is granted leave on average pay K. Abraham. G. A. Roche. for 8 months combined with leave on half average pay K. S. Bagchi; B. S. Patankar. for 20 months, with effect from the afternoon of the R. S. Gupta. 21st May, 1946, pending retirement. S. C. Ghosh. Dated 13th May, 1946. Lieutenant-Colonel M. K. Kelavkar, o.b.e., Additional D. R. Bharucha. Dated 18th May, 1946. Deputy Director-General, Indian Medical Service R. A. Davar. Dated 19th May, 1946. is leave for 4 months (War concession (Stores), granted 12th 1946 leave for 24 days and the balance on average pay) July, with effect from the afternoon of the 4th June, 1946. B. Bhattacharjya. M. B. Menon. Major C. L. Greening, Assistant, Director, Central G. H. K. Niazi. Research Institute, Kasauli, is granted leave on average E. L. Jones. Dated 21st August, 1946. ex-India for 4 months under pay the Key Leave Scheme Land Forces?Indian Medical Service with "effect from the afternoon of the 30th 1946. May, Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps Major R. D. MacRae, an Agency Surgeon, is granted leave for 6 months with effect from the forenoon of (Emergency Commissions) the 9th June, 1946. Captains to be Major T. Somerville, an officer of the Medical Re- D. C. Logan. Dated 31st December, 1945. search Department on service under the Indian foreign 1st 1946 Research Fund is leave on February, Association, granted average G. S. Sandhu. M. D. ex-India for 6 months under the Leave Scheme Joshy. pay Key E. B. P. P. Hazari. with effect from the afternoon of the 11th 1946. Mody. June, M. M. Hossain. Dated 3rd February, 1946. His services are replaced at the disposal of the Director- General, Indian Medical Service, for the period of hi? 5th February, 1946 leave. T. D. Narang. A. A. Rawat. Major G. P. Charlewood, Civil Surgeon, Ajmer, is M, N. Ghosh. Dated 6th Februao'', 1946. M. B. Hasan. Dated 8th granted leave on average pay ex-India for 6 months February, 1946. under the Key Leave Scheme with effect from the 15th February, 1946 afternoon of the 13th June, 1946. M. S. Hashemi. N. Khansur. Promotions P. N. Roy. B. C. Dated 17th 1946. Lieutenant-Colonel to be Colonel Singh. February, J. M. Murray. Dated 21st 1946. J. Rodger, o.b.e., m.c. Dated 21st August, 1946. February, The undermentioned Indian Medical Service Officer 1st March, 1946 is advanced to the list of Selected Lieutenant- C. M. Menon. M. Z. Y. Hussain. Special K. Colonel :? N. Sen. Dated 4th March, 1946. Lieutenant-Colonel M. A. Singh. Dated 19th Mav. 5th March, 1946 1946. L. A. Venkataraman. V. B. Kale. Majors to be Lieutenant-Colonels V. S. Mahadevan. S. M. B. M. Rao. Dated 6th Mav, 1946. Apte. Dated 6th March, 1946. S. R. B. N. Hajra. Dated 10th May, 1946. Chowdhury. Dated 14th March, 1946. N. G. Kar. Dated 16th R. M. Lloyd Still. Dated 17th May. 1946 March, 1946. L. R. S. Deo. Dated 20th A. Singh. Dated 20th May, 1946. March, 1946. V. Swarninathan. Dated 22nd 1946. K. F. Alford. Dated 6th July, 1946. March, S. C. Bakhle. Dated 28th August, 1946. 23rd March, 1946 C. L. Chadda. G. C. 7th September, 1946 Chawla. S. K. Bose. Dated 29th March, 1946. E. M. Swell. P.J.Kelly. G. McCracken. Dated 4th April, 1946. Captains to be Majors T. S. Chohan. Dated 6th April, 1946. W. C. Taylor. Dated 1st November, 1944. A. K. Gupta. Dated 7th April, 1946. 1st May, 1946 9th April, 1946 E. D. MacWorth. G. R. Butterfield. L. S. F. Woodhead. W. C. Templeton. J. R. Kerr. G. W. Palmer. 12th April, 1946 J. D. Munroe. B. J. Doran. K, P. Mukerji. A. P. Bannerjee. T.. M. Williams. 13th April, 1946 R. B. Davis. Dated 12th June, 1946. N. R. Gupta. A. T. George. W. M. Wilson, Dated 1st July, 1946. A. N. Subbarama. 31st August, 1946 M. B. Thakure. Dated 18th April, 1946. W. A. Hopkins. L. U. Kamm. G. L. Dutt. Dated 21st April, 1946. J. W. R. Sarkies. T. Donness. Lieutenants to be Captains F. M. Byim. 11th 1946 W. Laurie. Dated 10th 1946. February, September, M. Nazir. A. R. Ray. Indian Medical Service Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps Captain to be Major (Emergency Commissions) B. Bbattacharjya. Dated 12th January, 1946. Lieutenants to be Captains Forces?Indian Land Medical Service Harbans Singh Gill. Dated 23rd August, 1945. (Emergency Commissions) T. P. Sharma. Dated 10th December, 1945. K. Dated 1946. Captains to be Majors Satyashankar. 1st February, Krishnadhan Banerjee. Dated 15th November, 1945. 6th, February,. 1946 P. Chandra. Dated 7th January, 1946. S. T. Ohol. T. Acharyva. H. Dhawan. Dated 15th January, 1946. 12th February, 1946 N. S. Pillay. Dated 2nd February, 1946. B. K. Basu. S. A. Rahman. Kunnathur Parthasarathy. Dated 28th Februarv, B. R. Mukherjee. 1946. M. A. S. Khan. Dated 13th February, 1946. M. Krishnamurthi. Dated 1st April, 1946. P. K. Mishra. Dated 14th February, 1946. M. A. Haq. Dated 8th April, 1946, M. A. Rozalla. Dated 19th February, 1946. 501 Nov., 1946] SERVICE NOTES

The undermentioned officer is to 21st 1946 permitted relinquish February, his commission on release from army service and is B. S. Z. Mian. Manocha. granted the honorary rank of Lieutenant-Colonel :? S. K. Saigol. Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service

The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service his commission on release from army service and is Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps :? granted the honorary rank of Major {Emergency Commissions) Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Major R. S. Rao. Dated 1st May, 1946. Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps L. C. R. Emmett. Dated 5th May, 1946. (Emergency Commission) The undermentioned officers are permitted to relin- Major J. R. Sen. Dated 18th April, 1946. quish their commissions on release from army service and are the rank of The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish granted honorary Major:? his commission on release from army service and is Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service granted the honorary rank of Major. His services are Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps replaced at the disposal of the Government of Bengal (Emergency Commissions) the date :? from specified Major S. C. Ray. Dated 29th May, 1946. Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Ty. Major P. Banerje. Dated 19th June, 1946. Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish (Emergency Commission) his commission on release from army service and is Major Sudhansu Mohan Ghosh. Dated 23rd April, granted the honorary rank of Major :? 1946. Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service ' Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish liis commission on release from army service, and is (Emergency Commission) granted the honorary rank of Major, subject to His Major Shambhu Nath Aggarvval. Dated 12th Septem- Majesty's approval :? ber, 1946. Land Forces?Indian Medical Service The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps his commission on release from army service and is {Emergency Commission) granted the honorary rank of Major :? Ty. Major C. H. Phillips. Dated 26th April, 1946. Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish his commission on release from army service and is (Emergency Commission) granted the honorary rank of Major :? Major C. F. Vieyra, m.b.e. Dated 24th October, Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service 1946. Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps The undermentioned officers are permitted to relin- their commissions on from {Emergency Commission) quish release army service und are granted the honorary rank of Major: Ty. Major D. A. Pundlik. Dated 26th 1946. April, Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps his commission on release from service and is army (Emergency Commissions) granted the honorary rank of Major. His services are replaced at the disposal of the Bengal Government Major V. R. Kamath. Dated 1st May, 1946. R. R. Dated 5th 1946. with effect from the date specified :? Captain Reddy. May, The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service his commission on reversion to the Indian State to the Seconded Indian Army Medical Corps Forces :? {Emergency Commission) Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Major S. K. Ganguli. Dated 29th April, 1946. Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish (Emergency Commission) his commission on release from army service and is Captain M. Z. Hasan. Dated 4th February, 1946. granted the honorary rank of Major :? The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service his emergency commission and is reverted to his former Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps and entitled status in the I.A.M.C. (S.M.S.):? {Emergency Commission) Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Seconded to the Indian Army Corps Major C. D. Torpy. Dated 30th April, 1946. Medical (Emergency Commission) The undermentioned officers are permitted to relin- K. E. R. Robertson. Dated 3rd quish their commissions on release from army service Captain March, 1946. and are granted the honorary rank of Major. Then- The undermentioned to services are replaced at the disposal of the Government officer is permitted relinquish his commission on reversion to of Bihar with effect from the dates specified :? the Indian State Forces :? Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps {Emergency Commissions) (Emergency Commission) Major H. N. Sahay. Dated 3rd 1946. May, M. A. Rauf. Dated 26th 1946. Major Amalendu Chattoraj. Dated 15th May, 1946. Captain March, The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish The undermentioned are officers permitted to relin- his emergency commission on release from army quish their commissions on release from army service service :? and are the rank of granted honorary Major. Their Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service services are at the of the Government replaced disposal Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps of the United Provinces from the dates specified {Emergency Commission) Indian Land Forces?Ind^n Medical Service M. D. Innis. Dated 1st 1946. Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps Captain April, The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish {Emergency Commissions) his commission on reversion to the Indian State Major J. N. Jaswal.. Dated 29th April, 1946. Forces :? Ty. Major B. W. Lyall. Dated 18th May, 1946. Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps The undermentioned officers are permitted to relin- quish their commissions on release from army service (Emergency Commission) and are granted the honorary rank of Major :? Captain K. P. N. Panicker. Dated 6th Ma3r, 1946. Nov., 19461 SERVICE NOTES 503

The undermentioned officer is to The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish permitted relinquish his commission on release from army service and his commission :? is granted the honorary rank of Captain. His services Service Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical. are placed at the disposal of Bihar Government with Corps Seconded to the Indian Army Medical, effect from the date specified :? (Emergency Commission) Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Captain Abdul Jabbar. Dated 31st August, 1946. Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish Commission) "is (Emergency commission on from service and is release army B. Dated 4th 1946. granted the rank of His services Captain Mukopadhaya. May, honorary Captain. The undermentioned officers are to relin- replaced at the of the Government of permitted disposal their commissions on release from service C. P. and Berar from the date specified : quish army and are granted the honorary rank of Captain :? Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps Commission) (Emergency {Emergency Commissions) Captain B. R. Dated 3rd April, 1946. Kashyap. S. Dated 19tli 1946. The undermentioned officers are permitted to relin- Captain Maragathavel. April, M. V. Kurian. Dated 26th quish their commissions on release from army service Captain April, 1946. and are granted the honorary rank of Captain :? Captain G. P. Haider. Dated 5th May, 1946. Captain N. V. Subrahmanyam. Dated 17th May, Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service 1946. Seconded to the Corps Indian Army Medical The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish (Emergency Commissions) his commission on release from army service and is Captain M. Habibullah. Dated 6th April, 1946. granted the honorary rank of Captain :? Captain Samuel Sindha Ram Singh. Dated 9th May, Land Forces?Indian Medical Service 1946. Indian Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps Captain J. G. Dated 14th 1946. Rodrigues. June, Commission) The undermentioned officers are permitted to relin- (Emergency quish their commissions on release from army service Captain S. Padmanabhan Iyer. Dated 25th May, and are granted the honorary rank of Captain. Their 1946. services are replaced at the of the Government The undermentioned officers are permitted to relin- ?f disposal United Provinces with effect from the dates quish their commissions on release from army sendee specified :? and are granted the honorary rank of Captain :? Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps ' (Emergency Commissions) (Emergency Commissions) Captain H. S. Saksena. Dated 20th April, 1946. Captain G. D. Agarwal. Dated 3rd May, 1946. , Captain P. C. Roy Asawarival. Dated 24th April, Captain C. K. Ramchandar. Dated 18th June, 1946. 1946. Captain Kona Chandra Rao. Dated 16th July, 1946. The undermentioned officers are permitted to relin- Captain M. S. Yenkat Raman. Dated 27th July, 1946. quish their commissions on release from army service Captain S. Hasan. Dated 31st July, 1946. and are granted the honorary rank of Captain :? (Women's Branch) Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Captain (Miss) B. Natarajan. Dated 30th July, 1946. Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish (Emergency Commissions) his commission on release from army service and is the rank of Captain C. C. Menon. Dated 9th April, 1946. granted honorary Captain:? Captain N. B. Das Gupta. Dated 20th April, 1946. Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Captain V. N. Khanna. Dated 27th April, 1946. Indian Army Medical Corps V. Captain P. Naidu. Dated 19th May, 1946. (Emergency Cormnission) The undermentioned officer is permitted'to relinquish his Captain P. K. Dhar. Dated 31st May, 1946. commission on release from army service and is The undermentioned officer is to granted the honorary rank of His services permitted relinquish Captain. his commission on release from service and is are replaced at the disposal of the Government of U. P. army granted the honorary rank of His services from the date specified :? Captain. are replaced at the disposal of Government of Orissa Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service from the date specified :? Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service {Emergency Commission) Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps Captain J. B. Dated 23rd 1946. Singh. April, (Emergency Commission) The undermentioned officers are permitted to relin- quish B. K. Dated 1st 1946. their commissions on release from army service Captain Acharyya. June, and are The undermentioned officer is to relinquish granted the honorary rank of Captain :? permitted his commission on release from service and is Indian army Land Forces?Indian Medical Service granted the honorary rank of Captain :? Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service (jEmergency Commissions) Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps J. 26th 1946. Captain Singh. Dated April, (Emergency Commission) Captain R. I. Ananthanarayanan. Dated 26th May, 1946. Captain L. J. Michael. Dated 4th June, 1946. undermentioned officers are to relin- The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish The permitted their commissions on release from army service his commission on release from army service and is quish and are the honorary rank of :? granted the honorary rank of Captain. His services granted Captain are replaced at the disposal of the United Provinces Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Government with effect from the date specified :? Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service (Emergency Commissions) Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps H. Captain Ghosal. Dated 7th April, 1946 G. S. (Emergency Commission) Captain Ramalu. Dated 2nd Mav 194fi P. IC. Sen. Captain S. S. Goyal. Dated 27th April, 1946. Captain Dated 13th 504 THE INDIAN MEDICAL GAZETTE [Nov., 1946

The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish Captnin (Mrs.) Hamida K. Ahmad (rice Malik)- his commission on release from army service and is Doted 30th May, 1946. granted the honorary rank of Captain. His services Captain S. R. Chatterji. Dated 11th June, 1946. are placed at the disposal of the Government of Surgeon-Lieutenant P. K. N. Kishore. Dated 21st Bombay with' effect from the date specified :? July, 1946. Tnder Sen Dated 25th July. 1946. Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Captain Jetley. N. G. Dated 29th July, 1946. Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps Captain Roy. Captain K. Venkataraman. Dated 26th August, 1946. (Emergency Commission) (Women's Branch) Captain D. N. Muzumdar. Dated 18th June, 1946. Kamla Rahim Khan (nee K. Isaac). The undermentioned officer is to Captain (Mrs.) permitted relinquish Dated 6th 1946. his commission on release from army service and is August, granted the honorary rank of Captain :? The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish his commission on release from service and is Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service army the rank of :? Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps granted honorary Surgeon-Lieutenant Indian Medical Service (Emergency Commission) Seconded to the Royal Captain A. Satyanarayana. Dated 8th July, 1946. The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish (Emergency Commission) his commission on grounds of ill health and is granted Surgeon-Lieutenant Sarosh Bhacca. Dated 3rd May, the honorary rank of Captain :? 1946. Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps his commission on release from army service and is (Emergency Commission) granted the honorary rank of Surgeon-Lieutenant :? Captain D. M. Kar. Dated 23rd July, 1946. Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish Seconded to the Royal Indian Navy his commission on release from army service and is (Emergency Commission) granted the honorary rank of Captain :? Captain H. B. Sinha. Dated 27th June, 1946. Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps (Emergency Commission) Captain S. M. Ghosh. Dated 31st July, 1946. The undermentioned officer is permitted to relinquish his commission on release from army service and is granted the honorary rank of Captain :? Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps (Emergency Commission) Captain N. Vythianathan. Dated 26th August, 1946. The undermentioned officers are permitted to relin- quish their commissions on release from army service and are granted the honorary rank of Captain :? Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps (Emergency Commissions) Captain R. N. Sinha. Dated 24th May, 1946. Captain C. R. Chandrasekhar. Dated 12th July, 1946. Captain M. K. R. Panicker. Dated 30th Julv, 1946. Captain S. C. Ghosh. Dated 6th August, 1946. The undermentioned officers are permitted to relin- quish their commissions on release from army service and are granted the honorary rank of Captain :? Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Seconded to the Royal Indian Navy (Emergency Commission) Captain M. A. Choudhrie. Dated 25th June, 1946. Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps (Emergency Commissions) Captain M. B. R. Khan. Dated 9th July. 1946. Captain R. M. Gopalaratnam. Dated 9th July, 1946. Captain K. N. Baria. Dated 19th July, 1946. (Women's Branch) Captain (Mrs.) M. F. Hutton. Dated 8th May, 1946. The undermentioned officers are permitted to relin- quish their commissions on release from army service and are granted the honorary rank of Captain :? Indian Land Forces?Indian Medical Service Seconded to the Indian Army Medical Corps (Emergency Commissions) Captain S. V. Joseph. Dated 25th May, 1946.