Washington, Wednesday, February 20, 1946

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Washington, Wednesday, February 20, 1946 FEDERAL REGSTER '9 3 4 - ¿ y VOLUME 11 NUMBER 36 . ^ A / IT E O % Washington, Wednesday, February 20, 1946 The President Regulations CONTENTS THE PRESIDENT EXECUTIVE ORDER 9698 TITLE 7—AGRICULTURE Executive Order: Page Public international organiza­ Chapter V II—Production and Marketing Designating, P ublic International Or­ tions entitled to enjoy cer­ Administration (Agricultural Adjust­ ganizations Entitled T o Enjoy Certain tain privileges, exemptions, P rivileges, Exemptions, and I m m uni­ ment) and immunities ; designa­ ties [Tobacco 13, Supp. 2] tion __________ 1___ _ 1809 P art 725— F lue- cured and B urley By virtue of the authority vested in REGULATIONS AND NOTICES me by section 1 of the International T obacco Organizations Immunities Act, approved DETERMINATION OF ACREAGE ALLOTMENTS FOR A griculture Department : December 29, 1945 (Public Law 291, 79th NEW FARMS Milk in Greater Boston, Mass., Congress), and having found that the marketing area___________ 1811 The Marketing Quota Regulations, United States participates in the follow­ Tobacco, 1946-47 marketing ing-named international organizations Flue-cured and Burley Tobacco, 1946-47 Marketing Year, Part I, as amended, is year: pursuant to a treaty or under the au­ further amended by striking out the sub- Dark air-cured, proclamation thority of an act of Congress authorizing increasing national mar- such participation or making an appro­ paragraph (d) in § 725.221 and inserting in lieu thereof the following: keting quota.--- ------— 1811 priation therefor, I hereby designate such Fire-cured, proclamation in­ organizations as public international § 725.221 Determination of acreage creasing national market­ organizations entitled to enjoy the allotments for new farms. * * * ing quota.______________ 1809 privileges, exemptions, and immunities (d) The farm will not have a 1946 Fire-cured and dark air- allotment for any kind of tobacco other conferred by the said International cured, marketing quota Organizations Immunities Act: than that for which application is made regulations_____ ._______ 1811 The Pood and Agriculture Organiza­ hereunder. Flue-cured and burley, deter­ tion. This supersedes Supplement 2 to the mination of acreage allot­ The International Labor Organization. Flue-cured and Burley Tobacco Market­ ments for new farms_____ 1809 The Pan American Union.. ing Quota Regulations, 1946-47 (Tobacco The United Nations. 13), issued February 4, 1946 (11 FJR. Alien P roperty Custodian, Office The United Nations Relief and Re­ 1339). of: habilitation Administration.. Vesting orders, etc.: (52 Stat. 38, 47; 54 Stat. 392; 53 Stat. With respect to the designation of such Fujihara, Naoyuki_.----------- 1828 1261; 56 Stat. 51; 7 U.S.C. 1301 (b), 1313; other international organizations as may Italian State Railways— .___ 1828 52 Stat.‘ ; 7 U-S.C. 1375; Pub. Law 118, be entitled to the privileges, exemptions, 66 .Werdehoff, Laura-------------- 1827 78th Cong., approved July 7, 1943, 57 Zuercher, Mary----------------- 1827 and immunities conferred by the said Stat. 387, as amended by Pub. Law 276, Act, the Department of State is hereby 78th Cong., approved March 31, 1944, Civilian P roduction Administra­ designated as the agency to receive ap­ 58 Stat. 136) tio n: Priorities system operation : plications for the granting of such priv­ Done at Washington, D. C., this 18th ileges, exemptions, and immunities. The day of February 1946. Witness my hand ÇC ratings, special provisions Secretary of State shall require such and the seal of the Department of Agri­ for assignment in order information as he may deem necessary culture. to increase production : from the international organizations Electrical motors, fraction­ [ seal! J. B. H utson, making such applications, and shall sub­ Acting Secretary of Agriculture. al horsepower AC (PR mit recommendations to the President as 28, Dir. 11)______ 1813 [F. R. Doc. 46-2723; Filed, Feb. 19, 1946; Sheet metal, electrical high to whether the applicant organizations 11:23 a. m.) should be designated as. public inter­ silicon (PR 28, Dir. 12) _ 1814 national organizations entitled to enjoy - Inventories, newsprint (PR 32, P art 726— F ire-C ured and D ark A ir- the privileges, exemptions, and immuni­ Dir. 7 )_________ 1814 Cured T obacco ties conferred by the said Act. Federal Communications Commis­ proclamation increasing the national sio n : H arry S. T ruman MARKETING QUOTA FOR FIRE-CURED TO­ Buffalo Broadcasting Corp., The W hite H ouse, BACCO FOR THE 1946-47 MARKETING YEAR hearing__________ 1825 February 19, 1946. Whereas, on September 28, 1945, the Radio service, emergency; zone Secretary proclaimed a national market- and interzone police sta­ [P. R. Doc. 46-2702; Filed, Feb. 19, 1946; 10:31 a. m.] (Gontinued on p. 1811) tions__________________ 1823 1809 1810 FEDERAL REGISTER, Wednesday, February 20, 1946 CONTENTS—Continued CONTENTS—Continued I nternational T rade, Office of: Page Securities and Exchange Commis- Page FEKM$£kEHSrn Penicillin, revocation of validity sion: \ l»3« '* of individual export li­ Hearings, etc.: censes_________ ___________ 1813 Associated Gas and Electric I nterstate Commerce Commission : Co. et al-------------------- 1838 ' Published daily, except Sundays, Mondays, Explosives and other dangerous Columbia Gas & Electric and days following legal holidays, by the articles, transportation__ _ . 1823 Corp---------------------- 1838 Division of the Federal Register, the National Machinery, unloading at Belle Middle West Corp__________ 1839 Archives, pursuant to the authority contained Chasse, La________________ 1827 Solid F uels Administration for in the Federal Register Act, approved July 26, Traffic on Canton & Carthage W ar: 1935 (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., ch. 8B ), under regulations prescribed by the Railroad, rerouting______ 1826 Coal produced in District 11, au­ Administrative Committee, approved by the Navy Department: thorization to shippers and President. Distribution is made only by the Naval reservations, cross refer­ public utilities receiving«*_1812 Superintendent of Documents, Government ence______________________ 1820 Stabilization A dministrator, Of­ Printing Office, Washington 25, D, C. Office of Price A dministration: fice of: •The regulatory material appearing herein is Adjustments and pricing orders: Stabilization of wages and keyed to the Code of Federal Regulations, Crumbling, J. J., and Co____ 1829 prices; carbon and alloy which is published, under 50 titles, pursuant to section 11 of the Federal Register Act, as Electric Household Utilities steel mill products^_______ 1820 «mended June 19,' 1937. Corp______1____________ 1832 State £>epartment: The F ederal R egister will be furnished by Eppley, Evans L_______ 1830 Control of persons entering and mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $1.50 Hudson Motor Car Co______ 1834 leaving U. S.; aliens enter­ per month or $15.00 per year, payable in ad­ Parrilla, Manuel de Jesus___1831 ing ------------------ ;---------- 1812 vance. The charge for individual copies Presto Recording Corp______ 1834 Treasury D epartment: • (minimum 15#) varies in proportion to the Surety companies acceptable on size of the issue.. Remit check or money Royal Quaker Cigar Co______ 1832 order, made payable to the Superintendent Safe Padlock and Hardware federal bonds; Mellon In ­ of Documents, .directly to the Government Co ____•_______________ 1835 demnity Corp_______ _____ 1812 Printing Office, Washlngton~25, D. C. Siegel, A., and Sons, Inc____ 1830 There are no restrictions on the republica­ CODIFICATION GIJIDÉ tion of material appearing in the F ederal Stearns Mfg. Co____________ 1829 R egister. Steber Mfg. Co__________ 1829 A numerical list of the parts of . the Code Strickler, E. B______________ 1831 of Federal Regulations affected by documents Tampa-Vana Cigar Co_______ 1830 published in this issue. Documents carried NOTICE in the Cumulative Supplement by uncodifled Unity Leather & Textile Co__ 1835 tabulation only are not included within the Universal Cooler Corp_______ 1832 The 1944 Supplement to the Code purview of this list. Waters, Conley, Co_________ 1833 of the Federal Regulations may be Weber Showcase and Fixture T itle 3—T he P resident: Page obtained from the Superintendent Co., Inc_____________ 1828 Chapter II —Executive orders: of Documents, Government Print­ Barbed wire, sales by War Assets 88211_______________________ 1820 ing Office, at $3 per book. Corp. et al. (SO 94, Am. 2 9698________________________ 1809 Title 7—A griculture: Book 1: Titles 1-10, including to Rev. Order 88) _____ . 1834 Chapter V II—Production and Presidential documents in full text. Bolts, stave and heading (MPR 535-6, Am. 1)____ __________ 1815 Marketing Administration Book 2: Titles 11-32. Cordwood: (Agricultural Adjustment) : Book 3: Titles 33-50, including a Chemical (MPR 535-7, Am. Part 725—Flue-cured and general index and ancillary tables. 2 ) -------------------------- 1815 burley tobacco_________ _ 1809 Chestnut (MPR 535-5, Am. Part 726—F ire-cu red and 2 ) --------------- 1815 dark air-cured tobacco CONTENTS—Continued Cordwood, insulation -and felt, (3 documents)______ 1809,1811 etc. (MPR 535-1, Am. 4) ___ 1814 Chapter * IX —Production and F ederal T rade Commission; Page Dwelling structures, prefabri­ Marketing Administration Hearings, etc.: (Marketing Agreements and Luxor Radio Mfg. Co., and cated, and subassemblies Consolidated Radio and (M PR 606)_________ 1817 Orders) : Television Co__________ 1825 Food commodities, seasonal and Part 904—Milk
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