–intelectual revolution


Galileo Galilei was born in Tuscany in 1564, on the verge of 16th century. What it commonly familiar and specific about that period of time, the century when Galileo Galilei was born, is that all the 15th century is nonetheless the end of Dark Era. Dark Era as it is often referred to as Dark Ages or Medieval Ages is a period of time when the great influence of Church dogma was taught to people. Church dogma was a belief, a statue of law, something that could not be contradicted. With tide incomings of intellectual improvement, science and new revilement had majorly contradicted the Dogma, differing the religious beliefs and turning to new period of time; time called “intellectual revolution”. Intellectual as any other revolution has brought new ideas and perspectives in all segments of science. It has take one century to step out of ignorance into progressive, more discursive period of time. Still the oppression of elite was standing in the path of great minds such as Galileo Galillei. “Of all the luck” Galileo has missed the misfortune of being born in the wrong time and place.

Intelectual revolution-main part

We can freely say that the intellectual revolution began in the era of Galileo Galilei.

-Galileo Galilei was the oldest son of Vincenzo Galilei, a musician who made important contributions to the theory and practice of music and who may have performed some experiments with Galileo in 1588–89 on the relationship between pitch and the tension of strings.

-He designed a new form of hydrostatic balance for weighing small quantities and wrote a short treatise, La bilancetta (“The Little Balance”).

-He also found some ingenious theorems on centres of gravity (again, circulated in manuscript) that brought him recognition among mathematicians and the patronage of Guidobaldo del Monte (1545–1607). As a result, he obtained the chair of at the University of Pisa in 1589. There, according to his first biographer, Vincenzo Viviani (1622– 1703), Galileo demonstrated, by dropping bodies of different weights from the top of the famous Leaning Tower, that the speed of fall of a heavy object is notproportional to its weight, as Aristotle had claimed.

-In the midst of his busy life he continued his research on motion, and by 1609 he had determined that the distance fallen by a body is proportional to the square of the elapsed time (the law of falling bodies) and that the trajectory of a projectile is a parabola, both conclusions that contradicted Aristotelian .

-In 1612 Galileo published a Discourse on Floating Bodies, and in 1613 „Letters on the Sunspots“.

-In 1623 Galileo published „The Assayer“ dealing with the comets and arguing they were sublunary phenomena. In this book, he made some of his most famous methodological pronouncements including the claim the book of nature is written in the language of mathematics.

-As a main focus underlying Galileo's accomplishments, it is useful to see him as being interested in finding a unified theory of matter, a mathematical theory of the material stuff that constitutes the whole of the cosmos. Perhaps he didn't realize that this was his grand goal until the time he actually wrote „The Discourses on the in 1638“. Despite working on problems of the nature of matter, he could not have written his final work much earlier than 1638, certainly not before „The Starry Messenger“ of 1610, and actually not before the Dialogues on the Two Chief World Systems of 1632. Before 1632, he did not have the theory and evidence he needed to support his claim about unified, singular matter. He had thought deeply about the nature of matter before 1610 and had tried to work out how best to describe matter, but the idea of unified matter theory had to wait on the establishment of principles of matter's motion on a moving earth. And this he did not do until „The Dialogues“.


Intellectual revolution has its roots deeply grown in Galileo Galilei's work and no matter what what part of science was obtainted in Galileo's life era, his contrubition was nontheless between the most important ones. Galileo faught against ignorance and blind beliefs, he made made step forward by thiking „out of the box“ giving inovations and theories.