WWW.IRCF.orG/REPTABLETILESANDA OF CONTENTSMPHIBIANSjoURNAL IRCF REPTILES & AMPHIBIANSIRCF Rept • VOLIles15, N &O 4Amph • DEC I2008bia ns189 • 21(3):96–97 • Sep 2014 IRCF REPTILES & AMPHIBIANS CONSERVATION AND NATURAL HISTORY TABLE OF CONTENTS FEATURE ARTICLES Two. Chasing Bullsnakes Xanthic (Pituophis catenifer sayi) in Wisconsin:Spotted Brown Tropes, On the Road to Understanding the Ecology and Conservation of the Midwest’s Giant Serpent ...................... Joshua M. Kapfer 190 . The Shared History of Treeboas (Corallus grenadensis) and Humans on Grenada: TropidophisA Hypothetical Excursion ............................................................................................................................ pardalis (Squamata,Robert W. Henderson 198 Tropidophiidae),RESEARCH ARTICLES in Havana, Western Cuba . The Texas Horned Lizard in Central and Western Texas ....................... Emily Henry, Jason Brewer, Krista Mougey, and Gad Perry 204 . The Knight Anole (Anolis equestris1 ) in Florida 2 1 3 .............................................Javier Torres , RubenBrian J. Camposano, Marrero Kenneth, Orlando L. Krysko, KevinJ. Torres M. Enge,, Ellen and M. Víctor Donlan, andM. Michael Ramírez Granatosky 212 1Departamento de Biología Animal y Humana, Facultad de Biología, Universidad de la Habana, CP 10400, La Habana, Cuba (
[email protected]) CONSERVATION ALERT 2División de Zoología de Vertebrados, Instituto de Ecología y Sistemática, Calabazar, Boyeros, La Habana, CP 11900, Cuba . World’s Mammals3Facultad in Crisis de .............................................................................................................................................................Biología