THE LONDON GAZETTE, 13ra FEBRUARY 1959 1081 Government, Whitehall, London S.W.I, object to the thence northwards and northwestwards along .the confirmation of the Order. centre of North Road, North Hill and Great North Road to the borough boundary. SCHEDULE (NOTE. The area includes all properties: That part of the Metropolitan Borough of Hammer- (a) In Bishopswood Road, Broadlands Road smith comprising Angel Walk, Aspen Gardens, Blacks Compton Avenue, Courtenay Avenue, Denewood Road, Bridge Avenue (including Bridge Avenue Road, Gaskell Road, Grange Road, Kenwood Road, Mansions), Bridge View, Butterwick, Butterswick North Grove, Sheldon Avenue, Storey Road, Cottages, Colet Gardens, Chancellors Road (even Stormont Road, View Road and Yeatman Road; numbers), Chancellors Street, Crisp Road, Down (b) In those parts of Aylmer Road, Bancroft Place, Edith Road (Nos. 2 to 20 even), Elric Street, Avenue, Hampstead Lane and The Grove, and of Foreman Court, Fulham Palace Road (Nos. 1 to 89 the south-west side of Great North Road which odd—"Nos 14 to 66 even) (including Guinness Build- are within the Borough of Hornsey ; and ings and Peabody Estate), Great West Road (from (c) On the west side of North Road and the Eastern Borough Boundary to Nigel Playfair Avenue), south-west side of North Hill.) Hammersmith Bridge Road (including Digby Man- sions), Hammersmith Broadway (Nos. 1 to 30 odd), Dated this 13th day of February 1959. Hammersmith Road (Nos. 157 to 267 odd), Holcombe H. Bedale, Town Clerk. Street, King Street (Nos. 1 to 191 odd), 'Lower Mall, Town Hall, Lurgan Street, Macbeth Street, Mall Road, Mall Crouch End, London N.8.
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