Iveu)S & Lfotes
IVeu)s& lfotes GP A Publication of the Prince George's County Historical Society XXXWIft,Iumber 7 January*Febntary, 2OO9 JOIN THE HISTORICAL SOCIETY, FEBRUARY 8, 2OO9, FOR OUTSTANDING LECTURE AND EXHIBITION MASON AND DIXON and THE DEFItTttNG OF AMERICA An important exhibition, Mq.son qnd Dixon and the DeJining of America, currentlg at the Mary- land Historical Society (MdHS), running through the end of FebruarU, 2009, some of the A "crown stone" boundary monument on the features Mason-Dixon Line. Shown is the coat of arms institution's most important docttments in its Li- of Maryland's founding Calvert family. On the brary's Caluert Collection from the iconic Mason- opposite side (originally to the north) is the Dixon surueA, along tuith artifacts emploAed in it crest of the Penn familv. as tuell as those that illuminate it. Jeannine Dis- uiscour, Deputg Director and Curator, and Dauid Marietta House Museum S. Thaler, PE, LS, F.ASCE, F.lfSPE, organized the Headquarters of the exhibition at MdHS, utith collection materials Prince George's County Historical Society ouned bg MdHS, the MaryIand State Archiues, 5626 Bell Station Road Annapolis, and Independence Hall, Phila.delphia. Glenn Dale, MD 20769-9120 It has recently been suggested by a profes- (off MD 193, nea-r MD 450) sional surveyor and engineer, that one of the Facility Manager: Susan Reidy 30r-464-5291 greatest scientific and engineering achievements A facilitg of the Margland-Notional Capital of all time was the survey of the so-called Mason- Park ond Planning Commission Dixon Line. Selected for this endeavor in 1763 Marietta House Tours were surveyor Jeremiah Dixon, and Charles Ma- Friday, Saturday & Sunday son, an astronomer from the Royal Observatory 12 noon to 4 p.m.
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