Victorian Population Health Survey 2008 City of Selected findings

70 60 Ballarat Males Ballarat Males 60 50 Ballarat Females Ballarat Females 50 40 40 70 6030 30 Ballarat Males Ballarat Males 60 Ballarat Females 5020 20 Ballarat Females

% of population % of 50 population % of 40 10 7 10 The City of Ballarat lies within the Victorian health region Alcohol40 consumption 30 and is part of the Central Highlands Primary Care Partnership. 0 8 0 The30 AustralianCurrent Alcohol smoker GuidelinesEx-smokerspecify the risks ofNon-smoker short and Fruit guidelines Vegetable guidelines Both guidelines Ballarat is located 115km West of and as of June 30 20 20 1 long–term alcohol–related harm by level of alcohol consumption in 2007, had a population of 89,703 with adults comprising 75.9% of population % of population % of males10 and females. 10 the population, compared with 77.1% for Victoria2. More than three 0 0 out of ten residents (31.5%) were aged 50 years or older, compared The patternsCurrent of alcoholsmoker consumptionEx-smoker were similar betweenNon-smoker the City Fruit guidelines Vegetable guidelines Both guidelines with 30.9% for . There was a greater percentage (37.0%) of and Victoria for females. However, the percentage of males in the low income households (combined annual income of less than City who consumed alcohol at a low risk level for short-term harm $33,500) compared with 30.6% for Victoria3. Life Expectancy at (23.0%) was lower than Victorian males (33.3%) and lower than birth in 2006 was 82.3 years for females and 76.9 years for males, females50 in the City (39.3%). 80 lower4 than the Victorian figure of 84.3 years and 80.0 years Ballarat Males 70 Ballarat Males Percentage40 of persons at short-term risk of alcohol-relatedBallarat Females Ballarat Females respectively5. 60 harm, 2008 50 The Victorian Population Health Survey is an annual state-wide 30 50 8040 Ballarat Males Ballarat Males survey that the Department of Health undertakes to collect 20 3070 40 Ballarat Females Ballarat Females information on the health of the adult Victorian population 6020 % of population % of % of population % of 10 (18 years or older). This is the first time that the sample size 30 5010 has been expanded to allow detailed analysis at the local 0 400 government area level. 20 Low risk At least yearly At least monthly At least weekly 30 Sedentary Insufficient Sufficient Risky or high risk 20 % of population % of This fact sheet presents major findings from the 2008 survey. population % of 10 10 For more information see: 0 0 Low risk At least yearly At least monthly At least weekly Sedentary Insufficient Sufficient

Risky or high risk Smoking status Note: abstainers are not included in the assessment of short-term risk levels. Current smokers are defined as those who smoke daily or occasionally. Smoking patterns between the City and Victoria were Percentage of persons at long-term risk of alcohol-related similar6. In 2008, 24.3% of males and 22.7% of females in the City harm, 2008 were classified as current smokers compared with 21.4% and 16.9% 100 80 Ballarat Males Ballarat Males respectively for Victoria. 70 80 Ballarat Females Ballarat Females 60 Smoking status, 2008 60 50 70 100 60 8040 Ballarat Males Ballarat Males Ballarat Males 40 Ballarat Males 70 60 50 30 Ballarat Females 80 Ballarat Females Ballarat Females Ballarat Females 6020 % of population % of 50 population % of 20 40 5010 40 60 0 30 400 30 40 Abstainer Low risk Risky/High risk 30 Low Moderate High Very high 20 20 20 % of population % of % of population % of population % of 20 population % of 10 10 10 0 0 0 0 Current smoker Ex-smoker Non-smoker AbstainerFruit guidelines LowVegetable risk guidelines Risky/HighBoth guidelinesrisk Low Moderate High Very high

80 Ballarat Males 70 50 80 Ballarat Females 60 Ballarat Males 70 Ballarat Males 40 50 Ballarat Females Ballarat Females 60 8040 Ballarat Males 30 50 3070 Ballarat Females 40 60 % of population % of 20 20 30 5010 20 % of population % of % of population % of 10 400 10 30 Underweight Healthy weight Overweight Obese 0 0 Low risk At least yearly At least monthly At least weekly population % of 20 Sedentary Insufficient Sufficient Risky or high risk 10 0 Underweight Healthy weight Overweight Obese

100 80 Ballarat Males Ballarat Males 70 80 Ballarat Females Ballarat Females 60 60 50 40 40 30 20 % of population % of 20 population % of 10 0 0 Abstainer Low risk Risky/High risk Low Moderate High Very high

80 Ballarat Males 70 Ballarat Females 60 50 40 30

% of population % of 20 10 0 Underweight Healthy weight Overweight Obese 70 60 Ballarat Males Ballarat Males 60 50 Ballarat Females Ballarat Females 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 % of population % of population % of 10 10 0 0 Current smoker Ex-smoker Non-smoker Fruit guidelines Vegetable guidelines Both guidelines

50 80 Ballarat Males 70 Ballarat Males 40 Ballarat Females Ballarat Females 60 30 50 40 20 30 20 % of population % of % of population % of 10 10 0 0 Low risk At least yearly At least monthly At least weekly Sedentary Insufficient Sufficient Risky or high risk

70 60 Ballarat Males Ballarat Males 60 50 Ballarat Females Ballarat Females 50 40 40 100 30 80 Ballarat Males Ballarat Males 30 70 80 Ballarat Females 20 Ballarat Females 20 60 % of population % of 70 population % of 60 10 Ballarat Males 10 50 Ballarat Males 60 60 Ballarat Females 50 0 0 40 Ballarat Females 50 Overweight and obesity Physical Activity 40Current smoker Ex-smoker Non-smoker 40 30Fruit guidelines Vegetable guidelines Both guidelines 40 Being overweight or obese is an important risk factor for developing In 2008,20 65.5% of males and 58.6% of females in the City met % of population % of 20 30 population % of 11 30 type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, certain the physical10 activity guidelines , similar to Victorian males and 20 20 cancers,0 sleep apnoea and osteoarthritis. It is typically measured females0 (61.0% and 59.7% respectively). There were no differences % of population % of Abstainer Low risk Risky/High risk population % of Low Moderate High Very high 10 by calculating a person’s Body Mass Index (BMI), which is their in10 physical activity levels between the City and Victoria overall or 9 0 weight in relation to their height . between0 males and females in the City. Current smoker Ex-smoker Non-smoker Fruit guidelines Vegetable guidelines Both guidelines In 2008, 36.8% of males and 22.9% of females in the City of Ballarat Levels of physical activity, 2008 were overweight, similar to Victorian males and females (39.9% and 50 80 24.2% respectively). Almost one in five males (19.0%)Ballarat Malesand 20.2% of 70 Ballarat Males 40 Ballarat Females females in the City were obese, also similar to VictorianBallarat Females males and 60 30 females (17.3% and 16.1% respectively). 50 40 Percentage of overweight and obesity in adults, 2008 20 30 20

50 population % of 80 % of population % of 10 80 Ballarat Males Ballarat Males 1070 Ballarat Males 70 Ballarat Females 400 Ballarat Females 0 Ballarat Females 60 60 Low risk At least yearly At least monthly At least weekly Sedentary Insufficient Sufficient 30 50 50 Risky or high risk 40 40 20 Psychological distress 30 30 Poor20 mental health is a significant risk factor for poor health % of population % of % of population % of 10 population % of 20 outcomes.10 The Kessler 10 (K10) scale is a set of ten questions 10 0 0 designed0 to categorise the level of psychological distress over a LowUnderweight risk At leastHealthy yearly weightAt least monthlyOverweightAt least weeklyObese Sedentary Insufficient Sufficient four week period. Risky or high risk Nutrition In 2008, 65.0% of males and 63.6% of females in the City were In 2008, 9.6% of females and 5.3% of males in the City met the classified as having a low level of psychological distress, similar 10 100 dietary guidelines for vegetable consumption, similar to Victorian to80 Victorian males and females (65.3% and 59.7% respectively). Ballarat Males Ballarat Males females and males (10.7% and 5.0% respectively). However, the However,70 the percentage of females in the City classified as having 80 Ballarat Females Ballarat Females percentage of females in the City who met the dietary guidelines for a 60moderate level of psychological distress (15.5%) was lower than 60 fruit consumption (42.9%) was lower than Victorian females (53.5%). Victorian50 females (24.0%). More than one-third (34.5%) of males in the City met the dietary 40 40 Levels30 of psychological distress, 2008 guidelines for fruit consumption, similar to Victorian males (41.0%). 20 % of population % of 80 100 population % of 20 Ballarat Males Ballarat Males Percentage of adults who met guidelines for the number 1070 80 Ballarat Females Ballarat Females 0 of serves of fruit and/or vegetables per day, 2008 600 Abstainer Low risk Risky/High risk Low Moderate High Very high 50 70 60 60 Ballarat Males Ballarat Males 40 60 40 50 Ballarat Females Ballarat Females 30 50 20 % of population % of 20 40 population % of 40 10 30 30 0 0 20 Abstainer Low risk Risky/High risk Low Moderate High Very high 20 % of population % of population % of 10 10 0 0 Current smoker Ex-smoker Non-smoker Fruit guidelines Vegetable guidelines Both guidelines

80 Ballarat Males 70 Ballarat Females 60 For more information please refer to the full report of the 2008 Victorian Population Health Survey at 50 40 30 1. Service Planning, Department of Health (DH). 6. The LGA estimates are age-adjusted to the 2006 10. The Dietary Guidelines for Australian Adults Victorian population. recommend five serves of vegetables and two % of population % of 20 2. ABS (Australian Bureau of Statistics), 2007. 80 Ballarat Males 7. The 2008 VPHS survey questions on alcohol serves of fruit daily for adults, aged 19 years and 1070 3.80 ABS, 2006 national census. 50 Ballaratconsumption Females captured the risks of alcohol-related- older, to ensure a healthy diet. NHMRC 2003. For Ballarat Males 4. LGA estimatesBallarat are Males considered to be higher or lower 600 70 harm based on the current 2001 Australian Alcohol persons aged 12 to 18 years, the recommendations Underweightthan the VictorianHealthy estimate weight based on statisticalOverweight Obese 40 Ballarat Females Ballarat Females Guidelines. New guidelines were released in March are for three serves of vegetables and three 50 60significance, determined by comparing the 95% 2009 and will be reflected in the 2009 VPHS. serves of fruit. confidence intervals (CI) between estimates. Where 30 40 50 11. The National Physical Activity Guidelines for the 95% CI of estimates do not overlap there is 8. NHMRC (National Health and Medical Research 30 40 Australians recommend at least 30 minutes of strong evidence that the estimates are different. Council) 2001. moderate intensity activity on most, preferably all 20 population % of 20 30Where they overlap, the estimates are deemed to 9. BMI Reference: WHO 2000, Obesity: Preventing days in persons aged 19 years and over. DoHAC 10 20be similar. and Managing the Global Epidemic, WHO Technical % of population % of

% of population % of (Department of Health and Aged Care) 1999, 10 Report Series 894, World Health Organisation 0 5.10 Health Intelligence Unit, DH. Canberra. Underweight Healthy weight Overweight (WHO),Obese Geneva. 0 0 Low risk At least yearly At least monthly At least weekly Authorised by VictorianSedentary Government, 50 LonsdaleInsufficient Street, Melbourne. Sufficient Risky or high risk Printed on sustainable paper by [insert printer's details here]. December 2009

100 80 Ballarat Males Ballarat Males 70 80 Ballarat Females Ballarat Females 60 60 50 40 40 30 20 % of population % of 20 population % of 10 0 0 Abstainer Low risk Risky/High risk Low Moderate High Very high

80 Ballarat Males 70 Ballarat Females 60 50 40 30

% of population % of 20 10 0 Underweight Healthy weight Overweight Obese