Stramash!e Orwell and Portmoak Quarterly Parish Magazine Scottish Charity Number: SC015523

CHRISTMAS’ CHEER Time for thanks

THE UNDERVALUED FARMER Wake-up call to society 17th Century Scottish Castle Castle Wedding for 110 and Family Home Marquee Wedding for over 200 Grade A Listed with a 9th century [email protected] ruined medieval church, maze and a 150 yard ‘moat’ situated in its parkland Tel: 01577 840236



01577 862095 FIND US ON | 39 High Street, Kinross KY13 8AA 1 Dear Friends, way, the plight of our farming community and the need for us all Our farmers are heavily to be aware of it and to stand in on my mind. At our Harvest solidarity with our struggling farmers. Thanksgiving services, of course, we give thanks for them and the indispensable work they do. In our local farmer who came to speak beautiful rural parish that work is in to me at the close of a recent evidence around us all the time. In service. In a calm and measured church we pray for them regularly. way, but with deep feeling, he told me of the pain within the farming their life than any other occupational I am, however, deeply troubled community; the sense that their group. Chris shared heartrending by the situation our farmers are work is misunderstood and greatly accounts of four recent suicides currently facing - and have been undervalued; the inability of most of farmers in his own area. This is for quite some time. Two recent people in a consumer culture to surely a loud wake up call to our conversations, and a lecture I appreciate the connection between whole society. attended in St Andrews, have the round the clock work of farming brought home to me in a sharpened and the food on supermarket shelves The lecture to which I referred was and on our tables; the loneliness of given last night (as I write) at St the work today, when in the past Andrews by Prof. Norman Wirzba it was a team effort; the keenly felt of Duke University. Entitled ‘The CONTENTS disrespect directed their way from Spirituality of Eating’, it served to people who look down on their underline much of what I have just 1 THE NEGLECTED GIFT mud-caked working clothes or reported hearing and set it in a wider Time for transformation demonstrate anger at the inevitable context. Its main thrust was the need earth left on the road by tractors to move from viewing our food as 2 SCIENCE & RELIGION a ‘commodity’ to seeing it as a ‘gift’, A Christian’s vision another. And, along with such issues, with a consequent new appreciation the drastically reduced returns for and love of the land and those who 4 TWIN YOUR TOILET their labour leave many with a sense work it. Do watch the talk online A ‘Messy’ marvel of futility and purposelessness. It was (google ‘James Gregory Lectures’) – it a conversation that moved me deeply. will transform your attitude to the 5 LOVE TO LAUGH? land, farmers and food. Only joking! Subsequently, I had a chat with Rev Chris Blackshaw who serves More immediately and practically, we 8 A GREAT TRADITION as Pioneer Minister to Farming need in every way possible to let our Spiritual poetry’s alive Communities, based at the Livestock farmers know that we value them Auction Mart in Ayr. One of the best and stand in solidarity with them. We 11 BRICKS, BAKES & memories of my year as Moderator need to require our politicians and BARGAINS was a visit to this auction mart, government to do far more to help Fashioning the future spending time listening to farmers, them and to alleviate their suffering. and then being able to announce In the church we need to develop 12 OPEN FOR the creation of this pioneer ministry more effective pastoral networks of OPPORTUNITY post, intended to provide pastoral support. An (ecumenical) agricultural Abuzz with activity support to farmers and their families. chaplaincy at the busy Market Chris has been doing sterling work is long overdue. 13 MAIR OF MUCKLE A popular preacher We would all do well to start viewing by farmers, and for some the the food we eat as a gift rather than 14 FOOD FOR A FESTIVAL unbearable levels of stress. Farmers a commodity. Such a thankful spirit Adopting a lifestyle feel dreadfully undervalued and may yet bring the transformation, at every level, that is so much required. 15 LANDSCAPE & statistic that one farmer a week in LIVESTOCK the UK commits suicide. Farmers Yours sincerely, Feeding nature and nation are three times more likely to take Angus Morrison Very Rev Dr Angus Morrison

EDITORIAL ADVERTISING DESIGN Ruary MacLeod on 01577 863992 Kim Reid on 01577 862686 Sarah Deighan CONTACTSor email [email protected] or email [email protected] email [email protected] 2 Grasping the Nettle with the Pope’s Astronomer Contrary to fact, but a myth privileged highway that has no place still unthinkingly believed for religious perspectives. by some, is the notion that science and faith are The evidence suggests that the irreconcilably at loggerheads. majority of people reject that highly It is too often forgotten that the exclusive view and recognize that there is so much more to explore. enterprise was given its impetus Science can describe in great detail largely by the Christian vision of the the chemical constituents of Aunt Consolmagno is also a brilliant universe as an ordered reality which Mary’s birthday cake. It has nothing communicator. His deep belief that is open to study by a human mind to say about the love that led to its science and religion need to work that has been shaped in the ‘image alongside one another as friends, not of God’. Many of the cutting-edge avenues to truth outwith the sphere foes, resonates strongly with the aims scientists in today’s world (although of GTN. His visit was part of GTN’s our New Atheist friends like Richard numbers are eager to explore them. journey and we were honoured to Dawkins would not wish you to know They grasp intuitively the truth have him with us. that!) are men and women of faith of Jonathan (Lord) Sacks’ words: who delight to think God’s thoughts “Science takes things apart to We were pleased that Brother after him, in their exploration of this see how they work; religion Consolmagno’s visit attracted a amazing world. puts them together again to see large amount of media interest, what they mean.” appearing in many newspapers and Grasping the Nettle (‘GTN’) with interviews on radio and TV. is a Scottish based national and To help us in promoting our aims, Besides various much appreciated interdenominational initiative, whose GTN this autumn invited Dr Guy school visits, his four intensive days main aim is to promote informed Consolmagno, whom Pope Francis in involved well-attended and friendly dialogue on the subject appointed as Director of the Vatican lectures at the University of , of science and God. That’s a Observatory in 2015, to address the Glasgow Philosophical Society, relationship some would urge us to a series of gatherings in Scotland, the Scottish Institute of Physics and consign to the dustbin of discredited as well as to speak in a number the Dundee Science Centre. The ideas, claiming that science alone of schools. An internationally visit culminated in a day conference offers a reliable route to truth – a recognized astronomer, Dr at Heriot Watt University where he was joined by Dr Denis Alexander of the Faraday Institute in Cambridge and Dr Russel Moffat as main speakers.

The feedback from all of these occasions has been highly positive. Many were enthralled by what they heard. The notion that science and faith are ‘enemies’ appeared increasingly eccentric. Look out for a number of these talks on the GTN website.

At GTN we are indebted to Dr Consolmagno for sharing his time, knowledge and communication skills with us. He has left a foundation on which we hope to build further. ANGUS MORRISON Chair, Grasping the Nettle 3 Orwell & Portmoak Parish 29 South Street, Milnathort, KY13 9XA

asis Monday to Friday, 10am until 12noon 01577 861200 LADIES GROUP [email protected] The Group usually meets on the last Friday of each month at 10.15am in Portmoak The Very Rev Dr Angus Morrison Church New Room, when there is an interesting talk or craft demonstration. Portmoak -10am; Orwell -11.30am After we meet on December 13th to ‘Celebrate Christmas’ meeting of the new year will be on Friday, 31st January, when we shall gather for ‘Coffee, Cake and Chat’. If you are new to the district, why not come along. You will be made very welcome! AVRIL ROGERS The Guild’s New We can help! Please come in and ask. The Guild’s Secretary offers a taste of what is to come next year 18th Seema’s Project Copying and printing are A Guild project available at competitive rates By the time you read this notice, supporting street - colour or black and white. the Guild will have completed children in India its programme of meetings until Christmas, with the Christmas lunch MARCH still to come. 3rd Kate White Meetings as from January are to be as The Japanese Garden follows: 17th AGM and Charity Meal JANUARY (7pm start)

7th David Lawrie All meetings will start at 2pm, except Farming in Rwanda on March 17th, which will be at 7pm. Weekends come and buy our 21st Lorna Ferguson Anyone is welcome to come along to new range of tasty freshly Living in Japan any meeting and it is hoped to see a baked artisan breads good turnout for the Charity Meal, FEBRUARY to provide support for the Guild’s projects. 4th Denise Crighton Ward JEANETTE McLENNAN Finland Secretary 4 TOILETS, TAPS AND TRAINING – A LIFESAVING TRIO… …so says Toilet Twinning, a fundraising initiative of the international relief and development agency Tearfund As a congregation, Orwell and Portmoak in November 2017, when a speaker from Tearfund came to talk to us and we heard about this initiative which funds projects in poor communities, with the goal of long-term behaviour change through education, training and upskilling. Support includes involving communities in building their own toilets, providing education and training on handwashing and hygiene and supporting access to clean water - a vital combination that saves lives.

The premise is simple: a donation of £60 twins your toilet with one in a poor community. There’s even the opportunity to twin your toilet with a whole toilet block in a school or refugee camp for £240. They of your overseas toilet twin alongside GPS coordinates, meaning you can look up the location of your toilet twin on Google Maps!

Our Churches’ Harvest Thanksgiving weekend at the end of October coincided with Messy Church, which we used as an opportunity to focus on Toilet Twinning in particular and the huge difference it is making in many people’s lives, as well as thinking about some other ways in which we can help people less fortunate than ourselves. All money donations went directly to Toilet Twinning and our session was full of crafts, games, activities and experiments focused on all- experiments, playing build-a-bog, and even making poo!

In the process, we learned how God cares for every one of us and has plans to give us a future with hope. We also accepted food donations, which were given to the charity Broke not Broken after Sunday’s Harvest Thanksgiving Services and some people brought along some pre-loved but no longer needed toys to donate to a nursery in Rwanda, to support our visitor, Winnie Muvunyi. All aimed at following Jesus’ invitation to ‘love our neighbours as ourselves’.

Thanks to donations made at Messy Church in September and October, as well as wonderful help from donations made at October’s Tea and a Blether event, we are nearing our goal of £240. We really want to be able to twin our church toilet with a whole toilet block in a school! Hopefully, by the time you are reading this, we will have reached our target and have done our little bit to help Toilet Twinning to continue their fantastic work.

Twinning initiative, you can access all you need to know at the website

Messy Church: dates for your diary Saturday 25th January - 4-6pm Orwell Church Hall Saturday 29th February - 4-6pm Portmoak Village Hall CARA CHALMERS 5 To Make You Smile

As a lover of books, I enjoyed the following gems from James A. Simpson’s ‘More Holy Wit’. I hope you do too. A.M.

For Groucho Marx, books were a means of escaping from the dominance of the ‘eternal rectangle’. educational,” he said. “When someone turns on the set, I go into another room and read a book.”

A rare book is one that comes back after you have lent it.

Asked to contribute to a symposium on the books that most “My mother’s cook-book and my father’s cheque book.”

One critic commented, “Thank you for sending me a copy of your book. I will waste no time in reading it!”

Another critic, the Rev Sydney Smith, said, “I never read a book before reviewing it. It prejudices me so!”

An Englishman startled Mark Twain by saying, “I would give £10 not to have read Huckleberry Finn”. While Mark Twain was still reeling from this extraordinary remark, the Englishman smiled and added, “So

“Why don’t you buy a dictionary?” asked the man whose friend repeatedly asked him how to spell certain words. “What use would a dictionary be?” was the reply. “If I can’t spell the words, I couldn’t

Anybody who corrects all his mistakes is probably writing his autobiography.

4.30pm - 10.30pm 6

N!a" #$ 2018

In the year 2018, the Lord came to Then Scottish Power demanded I’m still trying to resolve a Noah, who was living in Scotland, a guarantee be given for the complaint with the Human and said, “Once again the earth future costs of moving power Rights Commission on how has become wicked and over- lines and other overhead many minorities I’m supposed populated, and I see the end obstructions to clear the to hire for my building crew. passage for the Ark’s move to another Ark and save 2 of the sea. I told them the sea every living thing, along with would be coming to us, but people who want to work. The a few good humans.” He gave they wouldn`t listen. Getting Trades Unions say I can’t use Noah the blueprints, saying, “You the wood was another problem. my sons. They insist that I have have 6 months to build the Ark There’s a ban on cutting down to hire only Union workers before I start the unending rain local trees in order to save the with Ark-building experience. for 40 days and 40 nights” spotted owl. I tried to convince To make matters worse, the the environmentalists that I Inland Revenue seized all my 6 months later, the Lord looked needed the wood to save the assets, claiming I’m trying to down and saw Noah weeping in his owls - but no joy. leave the country illegally with yard - but no Ark. “Noah!” He endangered species. roared, “I’m about to start the When I started gathering the rain. Where is the Ark?” animals, an animal rights So, forgive me, Lord, but it group sued me. They insisted would take at least 10 years for “Forgive me, Lord,” begged Noah, “but things have changed. I against their will. They argued needed a building permit. I`ve the accommodation was too Suddenly the skies cleared, the sun been arguing with the inspector restrictive and it was cruel came out and a rainbow stretched about the need for a sprinkler and inhumane to put so across the sky. Noah looked up in system. My neighbours claim wonder and asked the Lord - “You that I’ve violated the local space. Then the Ministry mean you’re not going to Planning Laws by building the of the Environment ruled destroy the world?” Ark in my garden and exceeding that I couldn’t build the Ark the height limitations. We had until they had conducted an “No” said the Lord, “The to go to the Planning Board for environmental impact study on government beat me to it.” a decision. BOOK REVIEW • BOOK REVIEW • BOOK REVIEW • BOOK7

The Myth of the Strong Leader: Political skipping chapters on American presidents (I’ll go back Leadership in the Modern Age to them some time) and focussing on British Prime by Professor Archie Brown, Emeritus Professor Ministers. The sections on Winston Churchill, Clement of Politics at Oxford University Atlee, Margaret Thatcher, Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Publisher: Penguin Random House UK (Alec Salmond) et al, are fascinating. The sections ISBN 9780099554851 dealing with the rise and behaviour of Mussolini and 470 pages (of which 103 pages are notes and index) Hitler and many other dictators such as Joseph Stalin, Price £11.99 Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, are also of great interest.

A word about the author The theme which runs Archie Brown is a native of throughout the book is that, Annan in Dumfriesshire, and a when analysed in the cold light keen follower of Queen of the of day, the widespread belief that South. Ask Archie to name the “strong leaders”, dominant Queens team of season 1956 individual wielders of power, for example, and he will recite it are the most successful and from goalkeeper to left-winger admirable does not bear scrutiny; without the slightest hesitation. there are usually other factors in play. Just one example cited Archie attended Annan of this in a democracy is that Academy and left school at of the former Prime Minister, age 16. He pursued his studies Tony Blair, who still dines out whilst working in London, on the claim that Labour won studied at the LSE then was three General Elections in a employed as a lecturer in the row because of his leadership. Politics Department at Glasgow Professor Brown suggests the University. In due time he was claim does not stand up to appointed Professor of Politics scrutiny because there were at Oxford University from so many other factors at play, where he retired a few years including the work of Gordon ago. He is highly regarded in Brown as Chancellor of the academic circles, especially as Exchequer, and the troubles a commentator-in-depth on within the Conservative Party, Russian politics. which enabled Labour to win.

The book itself Professor Brown’s book is a timely read in this age “The Myth of the Strong Leader” is a work of when the leadership of politicians of all parties in the UK, and the leadership of a certain president “across it is intended only for students of politics, and not for the pond”, are causing concern. a general reader. But that would be a big mistake. The book is written in such a way that it will certainly satisfy I would most certainly recommend it as a good read the serious student of politics, but also allows the general over the winter months. reader to be selective. For example, I found myself DUNCAN STENHOUSE 8

Maintaining a Gaelic Tradition

Recently I had the privilege of appreciate the quality of these works. Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh is one participating in a thoughtfully Each of them is a worthy successor of our most original and exciting prepared and uplifting Celtic- of the long line of poets whom contemporary Gaelic poets. This style service in a neighbouring they follow and whose work they poem, Iolair, Bru-dhearg, Giuthas parish. The service was based continue in new and striking ways. (Eagle, Robin, Pine) was written in on the beautiful prayer-hymn of loving memory of his mother who St Patrick, known as St Patrick’s Two of the authors, Maoilis Caimbeul died at a comparatively young age. Breastplate (or Luireach Phadraig and Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh, are She was a gifted soprano singer with in the Old Irish Gaelic in which it well-known Gaelic poets. The third a deep love for the natural world. was written). Given that Patrick is Jock Stein, a retired minister The poem offers a penetrating, lived in the 5th century, this indicates of the Church of Scotland and symbolically rich exploration of life’s how ancient is the tradition of an accomplished poet in English. ultimate issues. Gaelic spiritual poetry. It is one that His work, entitled The Iolaire (An continues to the present day. Iolaire) The following excerpt (section 60), in Iolaire tragedy of 100 years ago, is a An exciting event at this year’s richly thoughtful ‘Pibroch Poem on of a poem well worth perusing Royal National Mod in Glasgow Book Four of the Old Testament in full - as equally are the others was the launch of three remarkable Psalms’. Maoilis Caimbeul’s Gras referred to. It is one of the readings companion booklets of Gaelic verse (Grace) is a deep and nourishing I shared at the Celtic service earlier in this great tradition, published by meditation on the miracles of God’s referred to. [Copies of the booklets Handsel Press. In each case there is a grace throughout creation. are available from the Orwell & Portmoak Manse and cost £5 each.] enables those without Gaelic to ANGUS MORRISON


Derek McGregor 01577 864797 6 Smith Street Kinross KY13 8DD 9 60 60 Dè mur eil fànas eadar-reultach iargalta shuas And what if above us blankly stares no interstellar idir, Void, ach a-mhàin Glòir iolair-iongach chaithreamach but only Glory is there, eagle-clawed and exultant, a’ cromadh le luas an t-solais? swooping earthwards at the speed of light?

’S gach uile eun And every bird na shearaf a’ seinn a seraph singing mu Ghlòire! Glory!

’S gach uile ite And every pinion na sròl-mheirghe a crackling pennant Glòire! Of Glory!

Agus dè mur eil dubh-aigeann fodhainn air clab a’ And what if no Abyss yawns under us chraois, but as magma from the Earth’s incandescent core ach à cridhe caoir-gheal na Talmhainn tha Glòir a’ there upwards seethes and geysers Glory! bruich ’s a’ stealladh nìos mar mhagma? And every tree a green volcano ’S gach uile craobh of Glory! na bolcàno ghorm de Ghlòire! And every leaf ’S gach uile duilleag of Glory! na leus asèatailin Glòire! And what if the fountains of the deep were broken Agus dè ma bhrisear fuarain na doimhne mòire, up, ’s ma dh’fhosglar tuil-dhorsan nèimh, and the windows of heaven are opened wide, ’s gum bàthar an Talamh fo eòlas Glòir an and the whole earth is baptized in fathomless Tighearna? Glory!

Agus dè ma bhios an Talamh trìd-dheàlrach le And what if this world turns translucent with Glory? Glòir This grain of stellar sand becomes a pearl between - na gràinne gainmhich air dol na neamhnaid two clenching iridescent jaws of Glory? eadar dà ghèill Glòir air dhath a’ bhogha-frois? And what if we are grains of wheat, while from No dè mas e gràinnean cruidhneachd a above, below, th’annainn, there meet two cosmic millstones of granite-solid ri ar bleith eadar dà chloich-mhuilinn Glòire? Glory? ’S dè as ciall dhar plaosgadh ma bhios sinn caoch? And what will it mean to be unhusked if we are hollow? Trom-chudthrom Glòire! The weight! Neo-chrìochnach! Sìor-mhaireannach! Cò ach Crìosd tha treun thar Glòir? Who but Christ can bear the weight of it?

’S cò chuireas às àicheadh ma-tà an Oidhche? And who then dares deny the Night ’S co bhios an càs air ciad-fhàire and scan the skyline for that First an Là nach fhaigh am bàs? and Final Light?

Ach dhuibhse air a bheil eagal m’ainmsa But for you who revere my name èiridh Grian na Fìreantachd the sun of righteousness will arise le slàinte na sgiathan (Malachi 4:2) with healing in his wings (Malachi 4:2)

(Bho Iolair, Brù-Dhearg, Giuthas, le Fearghas (From Eagle, Robin, Pine by Fearghas MacFhionnlaigh) MacFhionnlaidh) 10 Please contact: Might you be too good for us? Do You Play Brendan Hamill - 01577 861515 Bridge or Would Catriona or Jim Marshall - 01577 Isn’t it fun to come top every week? Like to Learn? 864482 Janet Hill - 01577 866871 Do you fear you might not be good enough? Do you play bridge and Is it a long time since you live close to Kinross or played bridge? See above, the rest of us will be Milnathort? delighted to welcome anyone who Why not come along and sit next might displace us from the bottom Kinross Bridge Club is a low- to one of the members and watch slot occasionally. how it works. Tea and biscuits are plays duplicate from 6:45 available around half time. Do you not play bridge but to 9:45pm on Wednesday would like to learn? evenings in the Kinross Alternatively, come and see one of us Church Centre. Milnathort (JH) when you come into Kinross to and Perth Bridge Bridge Club is a slightly larger club do your shopping and we can look at Clubs both run Scottish Bridge some sample hands. Union courses for beginners and Union and plays duplicate from 6:45 intermediate players.They also run to 10pm in the Orwell Bowling Are you unfamiliar with duplicate and refresher sessions Clubhouse on Mondays. Both groups scoring? which you may like to join. consist of friendly, unthreatening card players and are keen to Both clubs record the results of However, nothing beats being able to welcome new members. each hand electronically by North play locally and to increase your local (checked by east or west) and the circle of friends! computer calculates the results by the end of the evening.

Reading in Church – Ordeal or Opportunity?

At the age of ten, I was persuaded and encouraged by my parents and my Sunday School teacher to read a passage from The Bible to the entire Sunday School. It was a of Scotland. Every member of the the Sunday services. No one on the large assembly of about one hundred Session had to take their turn of rota needs to be at the lectern more reading throughout the year. Some than a few times a year and so it is large. However, I got through what I of the men - it was an all-male Kirk hardly an onerous task. The lectern was expecting to be something of an Session - were very nervous prior Bible which is normally used is a large ordeal. Instead, it was quite easy. The to and during their turn at standing book with large print, which makes in front of the congregation, and it for comfortable reading without the or ‘awkward’ names, thank goodness! showed. The practice was eventually need for powerful spectacles! changed so that only those who Since then, reading to or addressing were comfortable ‘doing their turn’ Anyone who would like the a gathering of either friends or were used. opportunity to contribute as a reader to this important part of the service me – usually! We are fortunate in Orwell and would be very welcome and needs Portmoak congregation that currently only to speak to any elder to express For a couple of years, I was on the we have enough readers willing to their interest. Kirk Session of a church in the south make their contribution in this way to DICK CRIGHTON 11 Update from the Orwell and Portmoak Buildings Improvement Project Fundraising Team

Have you noticed the display range of high street stores and lots of “bricks” growing along the of bargains were available at the railings outside Orwell Church pop-up shop. This event raised an as well as festooning the amazing £1860. The Fundraising Team is very grateful The fundraising continues and to everyone who has purchased a the team is so grateful for all the “brick” contributing to the buildings support received. project. If you would like to join Alternatively, information about this and other fundraising schemes can be found on the church website. (www.

In September, we had a Historical Village Walk followed by refreshments. It was a lovely afternoon and everyone was able to sample delicious goodies from the new Ba’ Hill Bakes recipe book, after a fascinating tour of Milnathort. There were videos and photographs to pore over, including some postcards by kind permission of David Millar. Copies of the Ba’ Hill Bakes recipe book are available from The following is a summary of the progress so far -

A great night out was had by all who Church contribution £ 200,000 attended a Fashion Show in Dance Arthur and Margaret Thompson Trust £ 140,000 Connect, Kinross. The Fundraising Gannochy Trust £ 30,000 Team is very grateful to George and Fundraising events £ 26,911 Rachel Webb for their generosity in Pledges of funding from church and community members £ 38,625 providing such a lovely venue. The show comprised clothing from a TOTAL £435,536 12 “Best living room ever” was how the KYTHE Hub’s Open Day at the end of October was described

Who wouldn’t want a large The Hub is abuzz with activity. We are open for Drop-in at Tuesday friends, mingling and chatting lunchtimes, Thursday lunchtimes over coffee and home baking, and Friday after school. On top of while some young children, that, we meet with some young of those dropping by, were people 1-2-1 and facilitate other playing air hockey and other agencies to meet with young people games. Add to that, a quiet table too, such as YMCA Perth and Skills where some arts and crafts were Development Scotland (SDS). There taking place, and a few of the older are ongoing groups, such as Supaclub young people playing pool. Sounds and Talkback. pretty good. Could it be improved? Absolutely! With a couple of chords We are delighted that Sharon Here are a few prayer points, as we played on acoustic guitar, before we Thomas has taken on the role of know that prayer does indeed work: knew it, there was another guitar administrator to help support the joining in with Barry, our youth work of KYTHE, and she can be • Give thanks for all the worker, on drums and we were all contacted at opportunities we have been given joining in to sing The Beatles’ song to serve our community ‘Help’. What a great atmosphere! God continues to provide in many ways – through volunteer help, • Give thanks for an increase in One person commented that, “A the provision of various items for volunteers and their continued while back if you mentioned the Hub, generously donated from commitment to KYTHE. KYTHE in the community, you those within the community. We were an unknown, that has now are delighted that we have been • Please pray for all the young changed.” If you were there, you’ll successful in our bid for the Co- people that are in contact with agree, and if not, we look forward to operative Community Fund and will KYTHE and that they will see welcoming you at our next open day. receive a share of 1% of the Kinross Christ in us and respond to His Co-op’s sales. Make sure that you grace. Looking back over the last couple of have a Co-op card and ensure that • Pray for Barry and Gillian for months, the October holidays were KYTHE is your preferred local energy and to see KYTHE grow a busy time with a variety of activities charity, to maximise these donations. in a sustainable manner that for the young people of Kinross- brings glory to God. shire. Band Camp was so popular Looking forward, we eagerly that we had to book two rooms at anticipate the development of • Pray for the Management Group the Community Campus. On offer the Hub with a revised layout to and Trustees as big decisions also, were Art Workshops and the incorporate a full kitchen, which has come along that wisdom various drop-in sessions. been provided free of charge from a would be sought and found in local company (again God provides!). everything. Please pray that this work will For up-to-date information, follow us on Facebook or Instagram @ instakythe

Many thanks! FIONA EASTOP Communications [email protected]

DYNAMIC CHRISTIAN YOUTH WORK 13 Thomas Mair – ‘a much- enlightened Seer’

In the library of the Michael Act of 1712. Mair’s neighbour in Bruce Cottage Museum in Portmoak Parish, the Rev. Ebenezer Kinnesswood, there is a Erskine, was to take a leading role scrapbook containing notes, in the protests made by many Above: The founding fathers of the Secession letters, photographs and congregations and their ministers. printed matter relating to Transferring from Portmoak to the Gairneybridge on 6th December 1733. The group the Reverend Thomas Mair West Church in Stirling in the autumn includes the Rev. Thomas Mair (standing far left) of Orwell and the founding of of 1731, Erskine was rebuked by the and the Rev. Ebenezer Erskine (seated far right) the Secession Church in 1733. Synod for his outspoken sermons and to be known as the ‘Muckle Kirk’. In preparing this thumbnail sketch of removed from his charge. When the Secession Church split the life of the much-loved Thomas into two factions in 1745, the bone Mair, David Munro, Chairman of Erskine returned to Kinross-shire of contention being a clause in the the Michael Bruce Trust, has delved on 6th December 1733 to meet up oaths that burgesses had to take, into the contents of this scrapbook, with three ministers who had also Mair sided with the ‘Anti-Burghers’ originally compiled in 1887 by former been deposed - the Rev. William and became Moderator of the Trust Chairman, Edinburgh chemist Wilson of Perth, the Rev. Alexander Anti-Burgher Associate Synod. Ten James Mackenzie. Moncrieff of Abernethy and the Rev. James Fisher of Kinclaven. Also in ejected from the Secession Church Born in 1701, the son of George Mair attendance at their meeting, held over a point of doctrine. Despite in Culross, Thomas Mair studied at in a cottage at Gairneybridge, were this, he retained the support of Edinburgh University before being Erskine’s brother Ralph and the his congregation and continued to ordained as a minister of the Church Rev. Thomas Mair of Orwell. This preach until his death in 1768. of Scotland in September 1725. His event was to mark the birth of the charge was the rural parish of Orwell Secession Church, but it was not until The Rev. Thomas Mair lies buried where the church, at that time, was February 1737 that Thomas Mair under a table stone in the south-east close to the shore of Loch Leven. His ‘seceded’ and joined the Associate corner of the kirkyard in Milnathort. parishioners, from the outset, were Presbytery of the Secession. The barely readable inscription on very supportive but keen to see the the gravestone is not displayed in church moved closer to the centre Mair and most of his congregation the usual style with name and date of of population in Milnathort. Mair were eventually evicted from the showed his shrewdness by keeping parish church in Milnathort and lines of verse written in the form of a subscription paper in his pocket in 1742 the Orwell seceders built while going about the parish. When their own church. Designed to line spelling out the words ‘MASTER anyone brought up the subject, he accommodate 1,200 people - Mair THOMAS MAIR’. This eulogy to Mair would agree wholeheartedly and ask being a popular preacher - this was said to have been composed by a them to contribute towards the cost building on the Old Perth Road came local farmer, Mr Miller of Ballingall: of relocating the church, a project that was eventually completed in Muse, Passenger, as you this stone walk by, 1729 when the church was moved to And gravely think that underneath it ly the Ba’ Hill. Some relicts of a much enlightened Seer, During the 1730s, Thomas Mair was Triumphant now among the heavenly Quire. to become deeply embroiled in the Elijah-like for zeal on earth oppressed, debate over the right of landowners Removed from strife he dwells serene in Rest. to appoint parish ministers that had Twice twenty years he preached to Numbers round. been restored by the Patronage How glad were all who heard the joyful sound ! Orwell, with tears, your Guide withdrawn deplore - The Anti-Burgher Secession Church, known as the ‘Muckle Kirk’ Mourn for your loss. This Prophet warns no more. A Soul Physician, skilled with hearts do deal, Sores to rip up, and bleeding wounds to heal. Many have felt this Doctrine drop as balm, And blessed the man God sent their minds to calm. The grave of the Rev. Thomas Mair in the Redeeming love, his darling Theme below. kirkyard, Milnathort 14 MISSION TO JAPAN Lorna's Update Every high school has a Culture Festival. It has been part of the school One of the advantages of calendar for many years. This means having your children at local that Japanese parents will also have schools in Japan is the chance experienced the Festival as children, to join in with various events so they all know what needs to be happening throughout the done. There are very few instructions year. You can then get to know other given, and yet everything goes parents and teachers and learn a lot smoothly and the job is accomplished. about Japanese culture along the way. However, if you are not Japanese, then you don’t know what to do. If Japanese high school, and I agreed to you ask how you can help, people serve on the PTA for his class. One will usually answer that . of the highlights of the school year Instead, you have to look out for is the Culture Festival. Some classes something to do - pick up a cloth and work hard to put on various forms of entertainment - short musicals doing something and give her a hand. or plays or dance items. The school Japanese society is group-orientated. cheerleading group gave an impressive Becoming part of a group, like the athletic display, and various school PTA, gives you a good experience in bands played musical numbers. Other learning how Japanese groups operate. classes prepared food and snacks to Serving alongside other people is also sell to hungry customers. a great way to build friendships with other Japanese parents. The PTA parents were divided into different groups to prepare hot food In the Bible, the Apostle Paul said for sale. I was put in the “curry that “I have become all things group”. Japanese people like to plan to all people so that by all things thoroughly and well in advance, possible means I might save so the group initially met 3 months some” (1 Corinthians 9:22). As before the Festival to try out different missionaries in Japan, we try to live curries and see what sorts would as far as possible in the same way as work best on the day. We also had to Japanese people, understanding their culture, in order to be able to share the good news of Jesus in ways that they can understand and relate to. Then on the Saturday morning of the Festival, we all turned up early I will be back in Scotland until late at the school. The Dads helped pitch March 2020, staying in Kinnesswood. tents in the school grounds, teachers I hope I might have the opportunity helped cook the rice, and the Mums to meet some of you during that organised the curry. During the 6 time. Thank you for your interest in hours of the Festival, we sold 250 our work in Japan. plates of curry. LORNA FERGUSON 15 Treasuring our Livestock

Over the last few years, British livestock farmers have been taking a lot of criticism from a small minority of the general public who do not eat meat or utilise any livestock-oriented products.

We are perceived to be completely the trees for shelter and buildings to Many occupations rely on the farmers cruel to all our livestock for the house the livestock in winter when - butchers, bakers, livestock auction way we rear them and send them the cold and wet land can receive a marts, grain traders, vets, agricultural for human consumption. On social rest. We treasure our livestock. engineers, supermarkets, abattoirs, media, there are posts portraying milk suppliers, machinery salesman, farmers as the ‘baddies’ through Livestock farmers across the country agricultural workers (permanent, casual misinformed propaganda. work to the highest standards of and seasonal work); the list goes on. animal welfare. There are parts of We farmers are the custodians of the our country that cannot be cropped What we eat is an individual choice, countryside and we take a pride in but sheep and cattle are the only but we must remember that whatever maintaining our wonderful landscape. practical way to maintain the lands we eat, we will always need farmers. But in order to look after the land we sustainably and environmentally. need to cultivate the soil to grow the Taking care of the landscape and Psalm 104:14 “You cause the cereals, vegetables, fruits and grow environment allows us farmers to grass to grow for the livestock grass for the livestock; we need the feed the nation with beef, lamb and and plants for man to cultivate, cattle and sheep to eat the grass that pork but also the grains, cereal, that he may bring forth food makes them grow, as well as return from the earth”. some organic matter back to the soil; goes on. MARK THOMSON 16 Prayer Corner O God, our loving, heavenly Father, we thank you for Christmas and for all that it will mean Wint! Di"y Dates for each of us. Services over the Winter Season We thank you that, when Jesus, your Son, December came into this world, as Mary’s boy child, he came into a humble place, rather than into a Sun 1st Joint All-age Service palace. Portmoak Church - 10.30am Sun 8th Communion Services We thank you that he had to grow up and to Portmoak Church - 10am learn, like any other child. Orwell Church - 11.30am We thank you that he shared this life with its Sun 15th Usual Services struggles and its disappointments, its sorrows Portmoak Church - 10am and its joys, its trials and its temptations. Orwell Church - 11.30am Wed 18th Carols @ The Cross We thank you for the service of his life, for Milnathort - 6.30pm the love shown to us through his death on a Sun 22nd Joint All-age Service cross for our sins; and for the power of his Orwell Church - 10.30am glorious resurrection.

th Tue 24 Christmas Eve Service Grant, O God, that when Jesus comes to us Portmoak Church - 6.30pm Watchnight Service no room in our hearts for him but that he Orwell Church - 11.30pm may enter our hearts and stay there always. Wed 25th Christmas Day Service Thank you, heavenly Father, for the happiness Orwell Church - 10.30am that Christmas can bring; for the gifts we may Sun 29th Usual Services receive; for the meals we may eat together; Portmoak Church - 10am for the games and the conversation that we Orwell Church - 11.30am may share. January Grant, O God, that the peace and goodwill th Sun 5 Joint All-age Service which we should enjoy on Christmas Day Portmoak Church - 10.30am may not be something which lasts only for a Sat 25th Messy Church day but instead continues into all the ordinary Orwell Church Hall - 4-6pm days of life.

February Let us remember also all those people for whom Christmas will not be a happy time. Sun 2nd Joint All-age Service Bless those who bear the burden of sorrow Orwell Church – 10.30am or illness. Bless those who have no home, no (if available) family, no friends and no one to remember Sat 29th Messy Church them. Be with them in their loneliness, to Portmoak Village Hall – 4-6pm comfort and to cheer them. March Help us all, heavenly Father, to appreciate st Sun 1 Joint All-age Service a little more the happiness we enjoy and to Portmoak Church – 10.30am share it freely with others. Sun 8th Communion Services Portmoak Church - 10am Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Orwell Church - 11.30am Amen. William Barclay (Alt.) 18

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