State of Himachal Pradesh Transfer to Regional Office Dehradun
Telephone No.:(0172) 2638061 FAX No.: (0172) 2638135 \h d -Z /:):-11 "l ilillll~;Fl ,1\11 .( /IJ-/~). ~'tif(:x :11~Q 'lTlx d XlxillTx <;lj~I'11 lfP!. rjU~l)JI~~160030 Lf~rfqxUT~<:j '<:f;1 lrA'r~~PJ NORTHFr~N HEGIONAL OFFICE GOVERNMENT OF INDIA "/i:r ;i ;:/;'>.'/I<,n / DAYS NO, 24·25, SECTOR 31-A MINISTRY OF ENVIRONMENT & FOREST '/I.:r ,)' >:,(;'1/:/,,/1 II DAKSf liN MAr~G, CHANDIGARH·160030 Datcd:!\pril 01,2014 F. No.A-] 00 13j 1j2006NRO To Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Central) Ministry of Environment and Forests, ClovcrnmenL of India, I.(egional Office, Dehradun, Utlarakhand. Sub.: Transfer of records pertaining to the State of Himachal Pradesh ~reg. Sir, As per telephonic discussion with you and the previous correspondence on this issue, I am sending herewith aJl records, proposals files related to diversion of forests land for non forestry purposes, court cases files, working plan files and working plan documents, RTI application files, Environment files and other miscellaneous correspondence (as per lists attached) in respect of the State Government of ]limachal Pradesh, on April 02, 2014. Shri Amarjit, LDC of this office and other two oJficials are accompanying the records and will handover the sarne to Shri Yogesh Gairola, R1. of regional office at Dehradun. The truck carrying the record will start on April 02, 2014 at 9.30 A.M. from Chandigarh and reach Dehradun the same afternoon. This is for your information please. Yours ftSZ1Y, (I~;~ingh) Encls: As above. Additional Principal Chief Conservator of Forests (Central) Copy to: The Additional Director General of Forests (FC) Minlstry of J<:nvironment and Forests, Government of India, Paryavaran Bhawan, CGO Complex, Lodhi I~oad, New Delhi 110003.
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