Royal Darwin Total beds: 393 (includes 26 for Mental Health patients). Royal Darwin Hospital (RDH) is the ’s (NT) largest tertiary referral and teaching hospital and Australia’s National Critical Care and Trauma Response Centre (NCCTRC). It is a university teaching hospital providing acute hospital services to the residents and visitors of the Top End of the NT, while acting as a tertiary referral hospital for the remainder of the NT, the Kimberley Region of Western Australia and our northern neighbours in the event of a disaster in the region. The hospital has a catchment population of around 150 000 people and directly serves an area of 127 000 km2. The hospital has a strong and successful association with the of through the joint initiative of the Northern Territory Clinical School. The association with Flinders University allows the hospital to engage teaching staff and thereby enhance its available expertise in wide ranging fields, along with training doctors. The hospital also enjoys close association with the Menzies School of Health Research (MSHR) and the Charles Darwin University (CDU). The hospital provides a comprehensive range of clinical, diagnostic and support services including:  Anaesthetics  Orthopaedics  Audiology  Paediatrics  Cardiology  Pathology  Dermatology  Pharmacy  Ear, Nose and Throat  Physiotherapy  ECG/EEG  Plastics  Emergency Medicine  Prosthetic and Orthotic  Forensic Pathology  Radiology  General Medicine  Radiology  Head and neck  Rehabilitation  Hyperbaric  Renal  Infectious Diseases  Rheumatology  Intensive Care  Seating Equipment and  Interpreter Technology (SEAT)  Microbiology  Sleep Studies  Nutrition/Dietetics  Speech Pathology  Obstetrics and Gynaecology  Surgery  Occupational Therapy  Trauma  Oncology  Urology  Ophthalmology During the reporting year, a new management team and organisational structure was implemented at RDH. The hospital’s organisational structure now consists of three clinical divisions, Medicine, Surgery and Critical Care and Maternal and Child Health and works in partnership with the NCCTRC. The clinical divisions are supported by Medical Administration Services, Nursing Services and other support services. Each division is led by a Medical and Nursing Co Director partnership, providing a stronger focus on joint leadership, accountability and governance. Appointments were made to the key positions and the RDH Governance Group is well established, having a clear agenda of reform in the areas of safety and quality, patient flow and resource management and application.