C/03/217 Brussels, 25 July 2003

11604/03 (Presse 217)

Appointments to the court of justice

On 23 July 2003 the Representatives of the Governments of the Member States appointed the following Judges to the Court of Justice of the European Communities* for the period from 7 October 2003 to 6 October 2009:

Mr Claus GULMANN 1 Mr Koen LENAERTS 2 Ms Fidelma MACKEN 1 Mr Allan ROSAS 1 Mr Romain SCHINTGEN 1 Ms Rosario SILVA de LAPUERTA 2 Mr 1. and the following Advocates - General to the Court of Justice of the European Communities* for the period of 7 October 2003 to 6 October 2009:


* See annexed curricula vitae.

1 Renewal 2 First appointment ______

Internet: http://ue.eu.int/ E-mail: [email protected] 11604/03 (Presse 217) 1 EN ANNEX CURRICULUM VITAE

Claus Christian GULMANN

Born 1942, married, three children

Judge at the Court of Justice of the European Communities since 1994

1965: Law degree from Copenhagen University; 1976-1977: studied at New York University; 1970-1971: studied at the Sorbonne, Paris; 1980: Law doctorate from Copenhagen University (thesis on trade barriers in the EC)

1965-1977: Ministry of Justice

From 1977: Copenhagen University; 1980-1986: Chairman of the Forensic Council; 1981-1989: Professor of international law and EC law

1989-1991: Employed by the solicitors B. Helmer Nielsen, Copenhagen

1991-1994: Advocate-General at the Court of Justice of the European Communities

Other activities

• 1968-1970: Deputy judge in a city court (Brønderslev)

• 1973-1976: Law clerk for the Danish judge at the Court of Justice of the European Communities, Luxembourg

• 1977-1989: Assisted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in EC legal proceedings (pleaded before the Court of Justice of the European Communities as an assistant representative of the Danish Government)

• Adviser to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the Jan Mayen and Storebælt cases at the International Court of Justice in The Hague

• 1980-1991: Chairman and member of arbitration tribunals, in particular in ICC cases

• 1988-1991: Expert member of the Commercial Appeals Board at the Ministry of Industry

• 1982-1987: Legal adviser to the Danish Provincial Chamber of Commerce

• 1989-1991: Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Depositor Guarantee Fund

• 1988-1990: Member of the Committee overseeing scientists' copyright and member of the committee preparing a new copyright law

• 1986-1989: Chairman of the Board of the Danish Human Rights Centre; 1988-1990: member of the Board of the Danish Red Cross; member of the board of various humanitarian organisations

• 1985-1994: Editor of "Karnovs Lovsamling" and "EF-Karnov"; 1978-1984: editor of "Nordic Journal of International Law"; 1980-1989: editor of "Justitia"; member of the Editorial Board of "Tidsskrift for Rettsvitenskab" and "Yearbook of European Law"

• Author of books on international law and EC law, etc.


11604/03 (Presse 217) 2 EN CURRICULUM VITAE

Prof. Dr. Koen LENAERTS, Professeur de droit européen (Université de Leuven) Juge au Tribunal de première instance des Communautés européennes né le 20 décembre 1954 à Mortsel de nationalité belge marié, 6 enfants adresse professionnelle:

– Tribunal de première instance des Communautés européennes boulevard Konrad Adenauer L-2925 Luxembourg tél. 00352/ 43 03 35 53 fax 00352/ 43 03 29 00 [email protected]

Titres académiques – Candidat en droit, avec la plus grande distinction, 1974, F.U.N.D.P., Namur; – Licencié en droit, avec la plus grande distinction et les félicitations du jury, 1977, K.U.Leuven; – Master of Laws (LL.M.), 1978, (Law School); – Master in Public Administration (M.P.A.), 1979, Harvard University (John F. Kennedy School of Government); – Docteur en droit, 1982, K.U.Leuven, sur thèse (Analyse comparative de la jurisprudence constitutionnelle de la Cour de justice européenne et de la Supreme Court américaine).

Fonctions Actuelles: – Professeur de droit européen à l’Université de Leuven depuis 1983, au rang de professeur ordinaire (à temps partiel) depuis 1990; directeur de l’Institut de Droit européen; – Juge au Tribunal de première instance des Communautés européennes depuis 1989.

Antérieures: – Visiting Professor of Law, Harvard University (1988-1989) en charge du cours "European Law"; – Professeur au Collège d’Europe à Bruges (de 1984 à 1989); – Référendaire à la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes (cabinet du Juge René Joliet, 1984-1985); – Avocat au barreau de Bruxelles (de 1986 à 1989) – plaidoiries devant la Cour de justice européenne, entre autres en tant qu’avocat de l’Etat belge.

Distinctions scientifiques – Harkness Fellow of the Commonwealth Fund of New York, 1977-1979; – Honorary C.R.B. Fellow of the Belgian American Educational Foundation, 1977; – Stipendiat du "Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst", 1979; – Lauréat de l’Académie royale des Sciences, des Lettres et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, 1983 (pour thèse doctorale); – Prix "Fernand Collin" 1984 de la Fondation universitaire de Belgique (pour thèse doctorale); – Membre de l’Academia Europaea (Londres), depuis 1988; – Chaire Francqui au titre belge, 1997-1998, Universiteit Antwerpen (UFSIA/UIA); – Chaire Francqui au titre belge, 1999-2000, Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB).

11604/03 (Presse 217) 3 EN Responsabilités scientifiques – Membre des comités de rédaction de European Law Review (Londres, Sweet & Maxwell, depuis 1986), des Cahiers de droit européen (Bruxelles, Bruylant, depuis 1994) et de S.E.W. Tijdschrift voor Europees en economisch recht (Deventer, Kluwer, depuis 1996); membre des comités scientifiques du Journal des Tribunaux – Droit européen (Bruxelles, Larcier, depuis 1993), du Columbia Journal of European Law (New York, Columbia University, depuis 1994) et de World Competition. Law and Economics Review (La Haye, Kluwer Law International, depuis 1999); – Membre de la commission d’évaluation de la recherche scientifique à la Faculté de Droit de l’Université d’Amsterdam (1999), de l’Université d’Utrecht (1999-2000) et de la Vrije Universiteit Brussel (VUB) (1999-2000); – Directeur de cinq thèses doctorales défendues à l’Université de Leuven et membre de 25 commissions d’examen doctoral dans différentes universités européennes; – Promoteur du projet de recherches interuniversitaire "Préparation de la position flamande en vue de la Conférence Intergouvernementale 2004", à l’initiative du gouvernement flamand; – Professeur invité à l’Académie de Droit européen (Institut Universitaire Européen, Florence, en 1990 et en 2000); – Membre du ‘Comité d’accompagnement’ du programme DESS en contentieux communautaire (Institut Universitaire International de Luxembourg, depuis 1998; cours annuel dans ce programme); – Conférences en tant que professeur invité, entre autres, aux Universités de Gand, d’Anvers, de Bruxelles (VUB, ULB), de Namur, de Leiden, de Nijmegen, de Tilburg, de Strasbourg (Université Robert Schuman), de Poitiers, de Bonn (Zentrum für europäisches Wirtschaftsrecht), de Londres (King’s College) et de Cambridge, au Trinity College (Dublin), à la Columbia University (New York), à la Fordham University (New York), à la Temple University (Philadelphia), à la , à la University of Georgia, à l’Université du Burundi (Bujumbura, un mois en 1983 et en 1986) et au Collège d’Europe (Natolin, Pologne); – Président de séance ou rapporteur à de nombreuses conférences scientifiques (voir liste des publications).

Responsabilités dans la société – Coordinateur des enseignements en droit européen organisés dans le cadre de la formation permanente des magistrats ainsi que de la formation des magistrats stagiaires par le Conseil supérieur de la Justice et le Ministère de la Justice (aussi enseignant dans cette formation); – Membre du groupe technique institué par le gouvernement belge en vue de la rédaction de la Déclaration de Laeken (2001); – Membre du groupe d’experts désignés par le Ministre belge des affaires étrangères au soutien des membres belges de la Convention sur l’avenir de l’Union européenne (2002-2003).

Connaissances linguistiques néerlandais, français, anglais, allemand, espagnol compréhension : italien, portugais


Prof. Dr. Koen LENAERTS,

Buitengewoon hoogleraar, Instituut voor Europees Recht, K.U.Leuven Rechter, Gerecht van eerste aanleg van de Europese Gemeenschappen

Professor of European Law, University of Leuven Judge of the Court of First Instance of the European Communities


– K. LENAERTS, The “Negative Implications” of the Commerce Clause and “Preemption” Doctrines as Federalism Related Limitations on State Power: a Historical Review, Cambridge, Thesis Series, 1978, 117 p.

– K. LENAERTS, Constitutie en rechter. De rechtspraak van het Amerikaanse Opperste Gerechtshof, het Europese Hof van Justitie en het Europese Hof voor de Rechten van de Mens, Antwerpen, Kluwer, 1983, XXI + 610 p.

* Alle vermeldingen in de oorspronkelijke taal/All items mentioned in their original language. 11604/03 (Presse 217) 4 EN – K. LENAERTS, “Bevoegdheid van buitengerechtelijke overheden”, “Volkenrechtelijke immuniteiten”, “Erkenning van buitenlandse overheidshandelingen”, “Afstamming” en “Erfrecht”, hoofdstukken III, V, VII, XXV en XXVIII in G. VAN HECKE m.m.v./ in collaboration with K. LENAERTS, Internationaal privaatrecht, (A.P.R. reeks), Brussel, Story, 1986, XXI + 426 p.

– K. LENAERTS, Le juge et la constitution aux Etats-Unis d’Amérique et dans l’ordre juridique européen, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 1988, XXIV + 817 p.

– K. LENAERTS, Two Hundred Years of U.S. Constitution and Thirty Years of EEC Treaty. Outlook for a Comparison, Brussels, Story/Kluwer Law and Taxation, 1988, VII + 89 p. (redacteur en auteur referaat onder dezelfde titel als boek, zie pp. 7-24/editor and author).

– G. VAN HECKE m.m.v./in collaboration with K. LENAERTS, Internationaal privaatrecht, (A.P.R. reeks), Brussel, Story, 1989, 2de gewijzigde druk/second revised edition, XXI + 435 p. (integrale bijwerking en nieuwe redactie van hoofdstuk XXV “Afstamming”, zie pp. 238-265).

– K. LENAERTS, Leidraad bij het college Europees Gemeenschapsrecht, Leuven, Vlaams Rechtsgenootschap, jaarlijks bijgewerkte edities/yearly revised editions 1991, 1992, 1993, 1994, 412 p.

– K. LENAERTS & P. VAN NUFFEL, Europees Recht in hoofdlijnen, Antwerpen/Apeldoorn, Maklu, 1995, 736 p.; 1999 (tweede herwerkte uitgave/second revised edition), 911 p.; Europees Recht, 2003 (derde herwerkte uitgave/third revised edition), 901 p.

– K. LENAERTS & D. ARTS, Europees Procesrecht, Antwerpen/Apeldoorn, Maklu, 1995, 458 p.; 1999 (tweede herwerkte uitgave/second revised edition), 611 p.

– K. LENAERTS, R. BIEBER, K. DE GUCHT & J. WEILER (ed.), Au nom des peuples européens/In the name of the peoples of Europe. Un catalogue des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne/A catalogue of fundamental rights in the European Union, Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag, 1996, 395 p. (K. LENAERTS & J. VANHAMME, “Commentary on ‘The Declaration of fundamental rights and freedoms, adopted by the European Parliament on 12 April 1989’, Articles 1-16”, pp. 177-262).

– K. LENAERTS, Sanktionen der Gemeinschaftsorgane gegenüber natürlichen und juristischen Personen, Bonn, Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität – Zentrum für Europäisches Wirtschaftsrecht, 1997, nr. 72.

– K. LENAERTS & P. VAN NUFFEL, Podstawy Prawa Europejskiego, Warzsawa, Dom Wydawniczy ABC, 1998, 417 p. (vertaling door/translation by Joanna Bojko).

– K. LENAERTS & P. VAN NUFFEL (editor R. BRAY), Constitutional Law of the European Union, London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1999, 717 p.

– K. LENAERTS & D. ARTS (editor R. BRAY), Procedural Law of the European Union, London, Sweet & Maxwell, 1999, 539 p.


– K. LENAERTS, “Distribution of Powers in American Federalism”, in Jahrbuch des öffentlichen Rechts der Gegenwart, Tübingen, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck) Verlag, 1981, Neue Folge/Band 30, 569-615.

– K. LENAERTS & J. DE CEUSTER, “Internationaal privaatrecht. De wetsconflicten in het personen- en familierecht: algemene schets”, in Personen- en familierecht. Artikelsgewijze commentaar met overzicht van rechtspraak en rechtsleer, Antwerpen, Kluwer, 1984, IPR I 29 86.

– K. LENAERTS, “Internationaal privaatrecht. Afstamming”, in Personen- en familierecht. Artikelsgewijze commentaar met overzicht van rechtspraak en rechtsleer, Antwerpen, Kluwer, 1984, IPR V-1-94, tweede gewijzigde druk/second revised edition, 1989.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 5 EN – K. LENAERTS, “Systeemschets van het internationaal privaatrecht”, in Jubileumnummer 20 jaar Jura Falconis, Antwerpen, Kluwer, 1984, 465-489.

– K. LENAERTS & K. GRIMONPREZ, “La jurisprudence de la Cour de cassation belge au sujet de la Convention européenne des Droits de l’Homme”, in Rapports belges au XIe Congrès de l’Académie internationale de droit comparé, II, Anvers-Bruxelles, Kluwer-Bruylant, 1985, 65-93.

– K. LENAERTS, “Mensenrechten”, in R. DE SCHRYVER & R. DILLEMANS (ed.), Wegwijs Cultuur, Leuven, Davidsfonds, 1986, 413-418; tweede editie/second edition 1992, 212-218.

– K. LENAERTS, “Le statut du droit étranger en droit international privé belge. Vers un nouvel équilibre ?”, in Mélanges offerts à Raymond Vander Elst, Bruxelles, Ed. Némésis, 1986, 529-555.

– K. LENAERTS, “Het leefmilieubeleid in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika: de bevoegdheidsverdeling tussen Unie en Staten”, in H. BOCKEN (ed.), De grondwettelijke bevoegdheidsverdeling inzake leefmilieu, Brussel, Story, 1986, 181-196.

– K. LENAERTS, “De vereffening-verdeling van de huwelijksgemeenschap in het internationaal privaatrecht”, in W. PINTENS & F. BUYSSENS (ed.), Vereffening-Verdeling van het huwelijksvermogen, Antwerpen, Maklu, 1987, 140-167; tweede editie/second edition 1993, 209-258.

– K. LENAERTS, “Les répercussions des compétences de la Communauté européenne sur les compétences externes des États membres et la question de ‘preemption’”, in P. DEMARET (ed.), Relations extérieures de la Communauté européenne et marché intérieur: aspects juridiques et fonctionnels, Bruxelles, Story, 1988, 37-65.

– K. LENAERTS, “La position du Parlement européen devant la Cour de justice à la lumière de la position du Congrès américain devant le juge fédéral”, in J.-V. LOUIS & D. WAELBROECK (ed.), Le Parlement européen dans l’évolution institutionnelle de la Communauté, Bruxelles, Éditions de l=Université Libre de Bruxelles, 1988, 174-186.

– K. LENAERTS, “Border Installations”, in P. CAMERON, L. HANCHER & W. KÜHN (ed.), Nuclear Energy Law After Chernobyl, London, Graham & Trotman, International Bar Association, 1988, 49-82.

– K. LENAERTS, “Europese instellingen”, in Inleidend overzicht van Belgisch recht, Brussel, Open Universiteit/Leuven, Acco, 1988, 139-163 (leereenheid 8).

– K. LENAERTS, “Internationaal privaatrecht”, in Inleidend overzicht van Belgisch recht, Brussel, Open Universiteit/Leuven, Acco, 1988, 140-158 (leereenheid 40).

– K. LENAERTS, “La Belgique communautarisée et régionalisée face à la Communauté européenne”, in La collaboration de l’État, des Communautés et des Régions dans le domaine de la politique extérieure, Louvain-la- Neuve, Academia, 1988, 119-126.

– K. LENAERTS & G. VAN HECKE, “Conflict of Laws and Public Law”, in Rapports belges au XIIe Congrès de l’Académie internationale de droit comparé, Antwerp-Brussels, Kluwer-Bruylant, 1988, II, 19-29.

– K. LENAERTS, “ERASMUS: Legal Basis and Implementation”, in B. DE WITTE (ed.), European Community Law of Education, Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag, 1989, 113-125.

– K. LENAERTS, “Der Staatsangehörigkeitsgrundsatz im belgischen Internationalen Privatrecht”, in E. JAYME & H.-P. MANSEL (ed.), Nation und Staat im Internationalen Privatrecht, Heidelberg/Karlsruhe, C.F. Müller Verlag, 1989, 165-191.

– K. LENAERTS, “The Development of the Judicial Process in the European Community after the Establishment of the Court of First Instance”, in Collected Courses of the Academy of European Law (session 1990), Florence- Dordrecht, European University Institute – Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1991, I-1, 53-113.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 6 EN – K. LENAERTS, “Gelijkheid en non-discriminatie in het Europees gemeenschapsrecht”, in A. ALEN & P. LEMMENS (ed.), Gelijkheid en non-discriminatie, Antwerpen, Kluwer, 1991, 47-84.

– K. LENAERTS, “Procederen voor het Hof van Justitie en het Gerecht van eerste aanleg van de Europese Gemeenschappen”, in M. STORME & A. BEIRLAEN (ed.), Procederen in nieuw België en komend Europa, Antwerpen, Kluwer, 1991, 475-538.

– K. LENAERTS, “Het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen als cassatierechter”, in Liber amicorum J.E. Krings, Brussel, Story, 1991, 671-690.

– K. LENAERTS, “Article 151; Article 152; Article 153; Article 154”, in V. CONSTANTINESCO, J.-P. JACQUÉ, R. KOVAR & D. SIMON (ed.), Traité instituant la CEE. Commentaire article par article, Paris, Economica, 1992, 891-910.

– K. LENAERTS, “A New Institutional Equilibrium ? In Search of the ‘Trias Politica’ in the European Community”, in C. ENGEL & W. WESSELS (ed.), From Luxembourg to Maastricht. Institutional Change in the European Community after the Single European Act, Bonn, Europa Union Verlag, 1992, 139-159.

– K. LENAERTS, “Some Thoughts About the Interaction Between Judges and Politicians”, in Europe and America in 1992 and Beyond : Common Problems ... Common Solutions?, Chicago, The University of Chicago Legal Forum, 1992, 93-133.

– K. LENAERTS, “Het Gerecht van eerste aanleg van de Europese Gemeenschappen/Le Tribunal de première instance des Communautés européennes”, in Het Europa van de burger/L=Europe du citoyen, Bulletin Internationale Unie van Magistraten (België)/Union Internationale des Magistrats (Belgique), oktober/octobre 1993, 12-72.

– K. LENAERTS, “Federale lessen”, in INTERDISCIPLINAIRE STUDIEGROEP EUROPESE INTEGRATIE (ed.), Institutionele toekomstverkenningen. De plaats van Nederland in de Europese Gemeenschap (EG) bij toetreding van nieuwe leden, Den Haag, Sdu Uitgeverij Plantijnstraat, 1993, 37-47.

– K. LENAERTS, “Rechtsbescherming en rechtsafdwinging: de functies van de rechter in het Europees Gemeenschapsrecht”, in Het Europees Gemeenschapsrecht, Gent, Mys & Breesch Uitgevers, 1993, 181-208.

– K. LENAERTS & D. ARTS, “La personne et le principe d’égalité en droit communautaire et dans la Convention européenne de sauvegarde des droits de l’homme et des libertés fondamentales”, in La personne humaine, sujet de droit (Quatrièmes Journées René Savatier), Paris, Presses Universitaires de France, 1994, 101-134.

– K. LENAERTS, “Form and Substance of the Preliminary Rulings Procedure”, in D. CURTIN & T. HEUKELS (ed.), Institutional Dynamics of European Integration. Essays in Honour of Henry G. Schermers (Volume II), Dordrecht, Boston, London, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, 1994, 355-380.

– K. LENAERTS, “Subsidiarity and Community Competence in the Field of Education”, in J. DE GROOF (ed.), Subsidiarity and Education. Aspects of Comparative Educational Law, Leuven, Acco, 1994, 117-144.

– K. LENAERTS, “Federalism and Rights in the European Community”, in E. KATZ & G.A. TARR (ed.), Federalism and Rights, Lanham, Maryland, Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 1996, 139-172.

– K. LENAERTS & E. DE SMIJTER, “The Question of Democratic Representation: On the democratic representation through the European Parliament, the Council, the Committee of the Regions, the Economic and Social Committee and the National Parliaments”, in J.A. WINTER, D.M. CURTIN, A.E. KELLERMANN & B. DE WITTE (ed.), Reforming the Treaty on European Union – The Legal Debate, The Hague, Boston, London, Kluwer Law International, 1996, 173-197.

– K. LENAERTS, “Le devoir de loyauté communautaire”, in La loyauté. Mélanges offerts à Etienne Cerexhe, Bruxelles, Larcier, 1996, 229-247.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 7 EN – K. LENAERTS, “Is the European Union federal ?”, in F. FLEERACKERS, E. VAN LEEUWEN & B. VAN ROERMUND (ed.), Law, Life and the Images of Man. Modes of Thought in Modern Legal Theory. Festschrift for Jan M. Broekman, Berlin, Duncker & Humblot, 1996, 417-446.

– K. LENAERTS, “The Court of First Instance”, in J. MONAR, N. NEUWAHL, D. O=KEEFFE & W. ROBINSON (ed.), Butterworths Expert Guide to the European Union, London, Butterworths, 1996, 76-77.

– K. LENAERTS, “Procedures and Sanctions in Economic Administrative Law”, in Berichte für den 17. Kongreβ FIDE (Fédération Internationale pour le Droit Européen), Berlin, 9.-12. Oktober 1996 (Volume III), Baden- Baden, Nomos Verlag, 1996, 7-21 (“Questionnaire”) en 506-577 (“General Report”).

– K. LENAERTS, “Procedures and Sanctions in Economic Administrative Law : Report of the Proceedings of the Working Group”, in J. SCHWARZE (ed.), 17. FIDE Kongreβ. Ergebnisse und Perspektiven, Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag, 1997, 173-180 (see also “General Report”, 101-172).

– K. LENAERTS & M. PITTIE, “L=arbitrage et le droit européen. Conclusions générales”, in L’arbitrage et le droit européen. Actes du Colloque International du CEPANI du 25 avril 1997, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 1997, 183- 225.

– K. LENAERTS, “The Legal Protection of Private Parties under the EC Treaty: a Coherent and Complete System of Judicial Review?”, in Scritti in onore di Giuseppe Federico Mancini, Milan, Dott. A. Giuffrè Editore, 1998, II, 591-623.

– K. LENAERTS & E. DE SMIJTER, “The United Nations and the European Union: Living Apart Together”, in K. WELLENS (ed.), International Law: Theory and Practice: Essays in honour of Eric Suy, Deventer, Kluwer Law International, 1998, 439-458.

– K. LENAERTS & I. MASELIS, “Inkomstenbelasting en non-discriminatie in de Europese Unie”, in Liber amicorum Jean-Pierre Lagae, Diegem, CED.Samsom, 1998, 477-495.

– K. LENAERTS & P. FOUBERT, “De plaats van de sociale politiek in het Europees Gemeenschapsrecht”, in Liber amicorum Prof. Dr. R. Blanpain, Brugge, Die Keure, 1998, 15 36.

– K. LENAERTS & E. DE SMIJTER, “Some Reflections on the Status of International Agreements in the Community Legal Order”, in Mélanges en hommage à Fernand Schockweiler, Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag, 1999, 347-370.

– K. LENAERTS, “Le respect des droits fondamentaux en tant que principe constitutionnel de l’Union européenne”, in Mélanges Michel Waelbroeck, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 1999, I, 423-457.

– K. LENAERTS & M. PITTIE, “Problématique générale de la procédure de contrôle des aides d’État”, in Les aides d’État en droit communautaire et en droit national, Commission Droit et Vie des Affaires de la Faculté de Droit de Liège, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 1999, 217-254.

– K. LENAERTS, “De feiten in het recht: kanttekeningen vanuit de Europese rechtspraak”, in Liber amicorum W. van Gerven, Antwerpen, Kluwer, 2000, 41-61.

– K. LENAERTS, P. VAN YPERSELE & J. VAN YPERSELE, “La protection des droits sociaux fondamentaux dans l’ordre juridique de la Belgique”, in J. ILIOPOULOS-STRANGAS (ed.), La protection des droits sociaux fondamentaux dans les États membres de l’Union européenne, Athènes/Bruxelles/Baden-Baden, Editions Ant. N. Sakkoulas/Bruylant/Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2000, 171-223.

– K. LENAERTS, “The European Court of First Instance: Ten Years of Interaction with the Court of Justice”, in Liber amicorum Lord Slynn of Hadley – Judicial Review in European Union Law, The Hague/London/Boston, Kluwer Law International, 2000, 97-116.

– K. LENAERTS & E. DE SMIJTER, “Een ‘Bill of rights’ voor de Unie”, in A.K. Koekkoek (ed.), Bijdragen aan een Europese grondwet, Deventer, Tjeenk Willink, 2000, 107-138.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 8 EN – K. LENAERTS, “The impact of the EU Charter of Fundamental rights in the perspective of enlargement”, in A.E. KELLERMANN, J. DE ZWAAN & J. CZUCZAI (ed.), EU Enlargement. The Constitutional Impact at EU and National Level, The Hague, T.M.C. Asser Press, 2001, 447-479.

– K. LENAERTS & I. MASELIS, “Procedural Rights and Issues in the Enforcement of Articles 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty”, in B.E. HAWK (ed.), Annual Proceedings of the Fordham Corporate Law Institute. International Antitrust Law & Policy, New York, Juris Publishing Inc., 2001, 279-311.

– K. LENAERTS & A. VERHOEVEN, “Institutional Balance as a Guarantee for Democracy in EU Governance”, in C. JOERGES & R. DEHOUSSE (ed.), Good Governance in Europe’s integrated Market, Oxford, Oxford University Press, 2002, 35-88.

– K. LENAERTS & P. FOUBERT, “Social Rights in the Case-Law of the European Court of Justice. The Impact of the Charter of Fundamental rights of the European Union on Standing Case-Law”, in P. VAN DER AUWERAERT, T. DE PELSMAEKER, J. SARKIN & J. VANDE LANOTTE (ed.), Social, Economic and Cultural Rights – An Appraisal of Current European and International Developments, Antwerp/Apeldoorn, Maklu, 2002, 159-185.

– K. LENAERTS, “Les services d’intérêt économique général et le droit communautaire”, in Rapport public 2002 du Conseil d’État de la République française. Jurisprudence et avis de 2001. Collectivités publiques et concurrence, Paris, 2002, 425-437.

– K. LENAERTS, “Modernisation of the application and enforcement of European Competition Law – An introductory overview”, in J. STUYCK & H. GILLIAMS (ed.), E. BALLON (ass. ed.), Modernisation of European Competition Law, Antwerp/Oxford/New York, Intersentia, 2002, 11 40.

– K. LENAERTS, “Interlocking legal orders or the European Union variant of ‘E pluribus unum’”, in J.A.R. NAFZIGER & S.C. SYMEONIDES (ed.), Law and Justice in a Multi-State World: A Tribute to Arthur T. von Mehren, New York, Transnational, 2002, 751-778.

– K. LENAERTS, “Prejudiciële uitlegging van gemeenschapsrecht met het oog op toepassing van nationaal recht”, in Mok-aria, Deventer, Kluwer, 2002, 173-186.

– K. LENAERTS, “La réorganisation de l’architecture juridictionnelle de l’Union européenne: quel angle d’approche adopter?”, in M. DONY & E. BRIBOSIA (ed.), L’avenir du système juridictionnel de l’Union européenne, Bruxelles, Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, 2002, 49-64.

– K. LENAERTS & L. JADOUL, “Quelle contribution de la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes au développement de l’espace de liberté, de sécurité et de justice?”, in G. DE KERCHOVE & A. WEYEMBERGH (ed.), L’espace pénal européen: enjeux et perspectives, Bruxelles, Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, 2002, 199-222.

– K. LENAERTS & T. CORTHAUT, “Toegang tot de communautaire rechter – Nieuwe Ontwikkelingen”, in J. WOUTERS & K. LENAERTS (ed.), Themis – School voor postacademische juridische vorming, Internationaal en Europees recht, vormingsonderdeel 13, academiejaar 2002-2003, Brugge, die Keure, 2002, 61-86.

– K. LENAERTS & M. DESOMER, “Het EVRM en de Europese Unie”, in P. LEMMENS & W. VANDENHOLE (ed.), Het EVRM vandaag en morgen, Antwerpen, Kluwer, 2002.

– K. LENAERTS, “L’articulation entre ordres juridiques à l’oeuvre: le régime de récupération des aides d’État versées en violation du droit communautaire”, in Mélanges en hommage à Constantinos N. Kakouris, Athènes, Editions Ant. N. Sakkoulas, 2002.

– K. LENAERTS & M. DESOMER, “Simplification of the Union’s Instruments”, in B. DE WITTE (ed.), Ten Reflections on the Constitutional Treaty for Europe, European University Institute, San Domenico di Fiesole, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, 2003, 107-131, http://www.iue.it/RSCAS/Research/Institutions/EuropeanTreaties.shtml.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 9 EN – K. LENAERTS, “De hervorming van de rechterlijke organisatie binnen de Europese Unie”, in Liber amicorum Pierre Marchal, Gent, Larcier, 2003, 77-94.

– K. LENAERTS, “De quelques principes généraux du droit de la procédure devant le juge communautaire”, in Mélanges en l’honneur du Professeur Jean-Victor Louis, Bruxelles, Éditions de l’Université de Bruxelles, 2003.


1. K. LENAERTS, “Mag de gemeente de leurhandel afhankelijk stellen van een voorafgaandelijke toestemming ?”, Jura Falconis, 1975-76, 305-324.

2. K. LENAERTS, “Naar een herziening van het benoemingsbeleid in het Belgische Openbaar ambt?”, Jura Falconis, 1976-77, 99-120 en/and 251-270.

3. K. LENAERTS, “U.S. ‘Human Rights’ Policy: an appraisal”, Res Publica, 1980, 619-632.

4. K. LENAERTS, “De rechtsvinding in het i.p.r. inzake adoptie” (noot onder/note under Jeugdrb. Turnhout, 20 februari/February 1981), Rechtskundig Weekblad, 1980-1981, 2742-2749.

5. K. LENAERTS, “Het federalisme, een centripetaal constitutioneel model in de Verenigde Staten van Amerika”, Tijdschrift voor Bestuurswetenschappen en Publiekrecht, 1981, 277-285.

6. K. LENAERTS, “La vérification des conditions du statut personnel de chacune des parties lors d’une adoption internationale” (noot onder Brussel/note under Brussels, 2 april/April 1980), Revue trimestrielle de droit familial, 1981, 174-178.

7. K. LENAERTS, “Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen, zaken 138/79 en 139/79” (bespreking van het zgn. arrest Parlement t. Raad, 1980), Sociaal-Economische Wetgeving. Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht, 1981, 397-410.

8. K. LENAERTS, “Les rapports entre juridictions ‘suprêmes’ dans l’ordre juridique instituté par la Convention européenne des Droits de l’Homme. Remarques de droit européen et de droit comparé à propos d’une jurisprudence de la Cour de cassation belge”, Cahiers de droit européen, 1983, 186-206.

9. K. LENAERTS, “De eigenheid van de communautaire rechtsorde” (commentaarartikel n.a.v. het arrest Polydor, 1982), Sociaal-Economische Wetgeving. Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht, 1983, 34-45.

10. K. LENAERTS, “Le rôle joué par l’exception d’ordre public lors de la solution des conflits de lois en matière de filiation”, Revue trimestrielle de droit familial, 1983, 109-132.

11. K. LENAERTS, “De afdwingbaarheid van het primaat van het gemeenschapsrecht” (commentaarartikel n.a.v. het arrest Waterkeyn, 1982), Sociaal-Economische Wetgeving. Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht, 1983, 716-722.

12. K. LENAERTS, “La modulation de l’obligation de renvoi préjudiciel”, Cahiers de droit européen, 1983, 466- 500.

13. K. LENAERTS, “Court of Justice of the European Communities. Case 106/81, Julius Kind KG v. The European Economic Community (Council and Commission)”, Common Market Law Review, 1983, 825-847.

14. K. LENAERTS, “Toegewezen bevoegdheden en prejudiciële evenwichtsoefeningen in de rechtsorde van de Europese Gemeenschap. Een perspectiefbeeld”, Rechtskundig Weekblad, 1983-1984, 129-154.

15. K. LENAERTS, “De voorrang van verdragen bij fiscale normenconflicten. Trefzeker uitgangspunt of toevallige uitkomst?”, Fiskofoon, 1984, 72-81.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 10 EN 16. K. LENAERTS, “Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen, zaak 87/82” (bespreking van het arrest Rogers t. Darthenay, 1983), Sociaal-Economische Wetgeving. Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht, 1984, 302-304.

17. K. LENAERTS, “Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen, zaak 224/82” (bespreking van het arrest Meiko-Konservenfabrik t. B.R.D., 1983), Sociaal-Economische Wetgeving. Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht, 1984, 304-307.

18. K. LENAERTS, “Het gelijkbehandelingsbeginsel in de klem van een kwalificatievraag” (commentaarartikel n.a.v. het arrest EGKS t. Ferrière S. Anna SpA, 1983), Sociaal-Economische Wetgeving. Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht, 1984, 365-375.

19. K. LENAERTS & G. VAN HECKE, “The Act of State Doctrine: A continental lawyer looks at the House of Lords Ruling Buttes Gas v. Hammer”, Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Internationaal Recht, 1986, 59-69.

20. K. LENAERTS, “The Application of Community Law in ”, Common Market Law Review, 1986, 253- 285.

21. K. LENAERTS, “Kleine nalatenschappen in het internationaal privaatrecht: de verwijzingsregel en het renvoi” (noot onder Antwerpen/note under Antwerp, 22 april/April 1986), Rechtskundig Weekblad, 1986-1987, 871- 876.

22. K. LENAERTS, “Kroniek van het internationaal privaatrecht (1980-1985)”, Rechtskundig Weekblad, 1986- 1987, 1857-1908 (Deel 1/Volume 1), 1937-1964 (Deel 2/Volume 2) en 2001-2018 (Deel 3/Volume 3).

23. K. LENAERTS, “Plurality of Nationalities Within One Family”, La Abogada Internacional, 1987, 54-57.

24. K. LENAERTS, “Voorrechten op zeeschepen in het Belgisch Internationaal Privaatrecht” (noot onder Gent/note under Ghent, 10 oktober/October 1986), Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Handelsrecht, 1987, 110-119.

25. K. LENAERTS, “Concessies van alleenverkoop: de internationale bevoegdheid van de Belgische rechter” (noot onder Kh. Brussel/note under Kh. Brussels, 30 oktober/October 1985), Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Handelsrecht, 1987, 619-629.

26. K. LENAERTS, “Nuclear Border Installations: A Case Study”, European Law Review, 1988, 159-187.

27. K. LENAERTS, “Het personeel statuut van een Belgische vennootschap bij overbrenging van de werkelijke zetel naar het buitenland”, Tijdschrift voor Rechtspersoon en Vennootschap, 1988, 112-115.

28. K. LENAERTS & K. LENAERTS-GRIMONPREZ, “De adoptieve afstamming in het internationaal privaatrecht”, Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Burgerlijk Recht, 1989, 449-467 (Deel 1/Volume 1) en 1990, 5-18 (Deel 2/Volume 2).

29. K. LENAERTS & F. SUNAERT, “Belgian case law relating to Community law 1982-1985”, European Law Review, 1989, 434-456.

30. K. LENAERTS & K. COPPENHOLLE, “Belgian case law relating to Community law 1986-1988”, European Law Review, 1990, 73-81.

31. K. LENAERTS, “Kroniek van het internationaal privaatrecht (1985-1989)”, Rechtskundig Weekblad, 1989- 1990, 902-920 (Deel 1/Volume 1) en 937-951 (Deel 2/Volume 2).

32. K. LENAERTS, “Le Tribunal de première instance des Communautés européennes: genèse et premiers pas”, Journal des Tribunaux, 1990, 409-415.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 11 EN 33. K. LENAERTS, “Het Gerecht van eerste aanleg van de Europese Gemeenschappen”, Sociaal-Economische Wetgeving. Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht, 1990, 527-548.

34. K. LENAERTS, “Das Gericht erster Instanz der Europäischen Gemeinschaften”, Europarecht, 1990, 228-248.

35. K. LENAERTS, “Constitutionalism and the Many Faces of Federalism”, American Journal of Comparative Law, 1990, 205-263.

36. K. LENAERTS, “La loi applicable et la libre prestation des services en matière d=assurance vie”, Annales de Droit de Louvain, 1990, 145-168.

37. K. LENAERTS & M. VERBRUGGEN, “Jurisprudentie van het Hof van Justitie van de Europese Gemeenschappen over het Verdrag van Brussel van 27 september 1968 betreffende de rechterlijke bevoegdheid en de tenuitvoerlegging van beslissingen in burgerlijke en handelszaken”, Tijdschrift voor Belgisch Handelsrecht, 1991, 760-829.

38. K. LENAERTS, “L’égalité de traitement en droit communautaire: un principe unique aux apparences multiples”, Cahiers de droit européen, 1991, 3-41.

39. K. LENAERTS, “Some Reflections on the Separation of Powers in the European Community”, Common Market Law Review, 1991, 11-35.

40. K. LENAERTS, “Fundamental Rights to be Included in a Community Catalogue”, European Law Review, 1991, 367-390.

41. K. LENAERTS, “Grundrechtsschutz in den Europäischen Gemeinschaften und im Rahmen der Europäischen Menschenrechtskonvention”, Zeitschrift für Rechtsvergleichung, Internationales Privatrecht und Europarecht, 1992, 281-298.

42. K. LENAERTS & K. COPPENHOLLE, “The application of Community law in Belgium 1989-1992”, European Law Review, 1992, 447-465.

43. K. LENAERTS, “Some Thoughts about the Interaction between Judges and Politicians in the European Community”, Yearbook of European Law, 1992, 1-34.

44. K. LENAERTS, “Het onderwijs in het Europees recht na ‘Maastricht’”, Tijdschrift voor Onderwijsrecht en Onderwijsbeleid, 1992-93, 264-281.

45. K. LENAERTS, “Rechtsbescherming en rechtsafdwinging : de functies van de rechter in het Europees Gemeenschapsrecht”, Rechtskundig Weekblad, 1992-1993, 1105-1118.

46. K. LENAERTS, “Regulating the Regulatory Process : ‘Delegation of Powers’ in the European Community”, European Law Review, 1993, 23-49.

47. K. LENAERTS & P. VAN YPERSELE, “Le principe de subsidiarité et son contexte : étude de l’article 3B du traité CE”, Cahiers de droit européen, 1994, 3-85.

48. K. LENAERTS, “Education in European Community Law after Maastricht”, Common Market Law Review, 1994, 7-41.

49. K. LENAERTS, “The Principle of Subsidiarity and the Environment in the European Union : Keeping the Balance of Federalism”, Fordham International Law Journal, 1994, 846-895.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 12 EN 50. K. LENAERTS, “Subsidiarity and Community Competence in the Field of Education”, Columbia Journal of European Law, 1994-1995, 1-28.

51. K. LENAERTS, “Is de Europese Unie federaal ?”, Tijdschrift voor Bestuurswetenschappen en Publiekrecht, 1995, 607-618.

52. K. LENAERTS & E. DE SMIJTER, “La Conférence Intergouvernementale de 1996”, Journal des Tribunaux – Droit européen, 1996, 217-229.

53. K. LENAERTS & E. DE SMIJTER, “The European Community’s Treaty-Making Competence”, Yearbook of European Law, 1996, 1-57.

54. K. LENAERTS & P. FOUBERT, “Belgian Law and the European Community (1993-1996)”, European Law Review, 1997, 599-619.

55. K. LENAERTS & J. VANHAMME, “Procedural Rights of Private Parties in the Community Administrative Process”, Common Market Law Review, 1997, 531-569.

56. K. LENAERTS, “Sanktionen der Gemeinschaftsorgane gegenüber natürlichen und juristischen Personen”, Europarecht, 1997, 17-46.

57. K. LENAERTS & E. DE SMIJTER, “Le traité d=Amsterdam”, Journal des Tribunaux – Droit Européen, 1998, 25-36.

58. K. LENAERTS, “Federalism: Essential Concepts in Evolution – The Case of the European Union”, Fordham International Law Journal, 1998, 746-798.

59. K. LENAERTS, “De Europese Unie: doel of middel?”, Rechtskundig Weekblad, 1998-1999, 689-710.

60. K. LENAERTS & A. VERHOEVEN, “Comitologie en scheiding der machten: enige kanttekeningen bij het Raadsbesluit van 28 juni 1999”, Sociaal-Economische Wetgeving – Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht, 1999, 394-413.

61. K. LENAERTS, “Respect for Fundamental Rights as a Constitutional Principle of the European Union”, Columbia Journal of European Law, 2000, 1-25.

62. K. LENAERTS & E. DE SMIJTER, “The European Union as an Actor under International Law”, Yearbook of European Law, 1999/2000, 95-138.

63. K. LENAERTS, “Le Tribunal de première instance des Communautés européennes: regard sur une décennie d’activités et sur l’apport du double degré d’instance au droit communautaire”, Cahiers de droit européen, 2000, 323-411.

64. K. LENAERTS & A. VERHOEVEN, “Towards a Legal Framework for Executive Rule-Making in the E.U.? The Contribution of the New Comitology Decision”, Common Market Law Review, 2000, 645-686.

65. K. LENAERTS & I. MASELIS, “Le justiciable face à la Commission européenne dans les procédures de constatation d=infraction aux articles 81 et 82 CE”, Journal des Tribunaux, 2000, 496-504.

66. K. LENAERTS, “Fundamental rights in the European Union”, European Law Review, 2000, 575-600.

– K. LENAERTS & I. MASELIS, “Procedural Rights and Issues in the Enforcement of Articles 81 and 82 of the EC Treaty”, Fordham International Law Journal, 2001, 1615-1654.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 13 EN – K. LENAERTS & E. DE SMIJTER, “The Charter and the role of the European courts”, The Maastricht Journal of European and Comparative Law, 2001, 90-101.

– K. LENAERTS & E. DE SMIJTER, “A ‘Bill of Rights’ for the European Union”, Common Market Law Review, 2001, 273-300.

– K. LENAERTS, “Le droit comparé dans le travail du juge communautaire”, Revue trimestrielle de droit européen, 2001, 487-528.

– K. LENAERTS & P. FOUBERT, “Social Rights in the Case-Law of the European Court of Justice. The Impact of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union on Standing Case-Law”, Legal Issues of Economic Integration, 2001, 267-296.

– K. LENAERTS & M. DESOMER, “Het Verdrag van Nice en het ‘Post-Nice’ debat over de toekomst van de Europese Unie”, Rechtskundig Weekblad, 2001-2002, 73-90.

– K. LENAERTS, “La déclaration de Laeken : premier jalon d=une constitution européenne?”, Journal des Tribunaux – Droit européen, 2002, 29-43.

– K. LENAERTS, “Rechter en partijen in de rechtspleging voor Hof en Gerecht”, Sociaal-Economische Wetgeving – Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht, 2002, 231-237.

– K. LENAERTS & M. DESOMER, “Bricks for a Constitutional Treaty of the European Union: Values, Objectives and Means”, European Law Review, 2002, 377-407.

– K. LENAERTS & M. DESOMER, “New Models of Constitution-Making in Europe: The Quest for Legitimacy”, Common Market Law Review, 2002, 1217-1253.


– K. LENAERTS, Rezension in Das Standesamt-Zeitschrift für Standesamtwesen, 1980, 159 van/of J. PAUWELS, W. PINTENS, P. SENAEVE, H. VAN HOUTTE & P. VAN LANGENAEKEN, Aktuele problemen van burgerlijke stand. Internationaal privaatrecht, Antwerpen, Maarten Kluwer, 1979, 86 p.

– K. LENAERTS, boekbespreking/book review in Rechtskundig Weekblad, 1983-1984, 1433-1434, van/of A. WENDELS, Internationale echtscheidingen, in Studiepockets privaatrecht, XVII, Zwolle, Tjeenk Willink, 1983, 151 p.

– K. LENAERTS, discussiebijdrage in Les Etats fédéraux dans les relations internationales, Belgisch Tijdschrift voor Internationaal Recht, 1983, 373-375.

– K. LENAERTS, “The Judicial Umpiring of American Federalism and European Supranationalism: Some Comparative Thoughts”, in Federalism: A U.S. – European Comparative View, Brussels, Center for American Studies, 19 May 1984, pp. 20-30.

– K. LENAERTS, boekbespreking/book review in Rechtskundig Weekblad, 1984-1985, 364-365, van/of J. MERTENS DE WILMARS, Recht voor morgen, Antwerpen, Kluwer, 1983, 90 p.

– K. LENAERTS, boekbespreking/book review in Rechtskundig Weekblad, 1985-1986, 1453, van/of J. DE JONGHE, De staatsrechtelijke verplichting tot bekendmaking van normen, in Werken en Studies van het Interuniversitair Centrum voor Staatsrecht, nr. 17, Antwerpen, Kluwer, 1985, 183 p.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 14 EN – K. LENAERTS, boekbespreking/book review in Rechtskundig Weekblad, 1985-1986, 1528-1530, van/of J. ERAUW, Beginselen van Internationaal Privaatrecht, Gent, Story, 1985, XXII + 334 p.

– K. LENAERTS, boekbespreking/book review in Common Market Law Review, 1987, 310-321, van/of Integration through law. Europe and the American Federal Experience, M. CAPPELLETTI, M. SECCOMBE & J. WEILER (ed.), Berlin, Walter de Gruyter, 1986, four books.

– K. LENAERTS, “L’objet du contrôle de la Cour: la recevabilité des recours intéressant le Parlement”, in Le Parlement européen et la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes, Université Robert Schuman de Strasbourg, 10 avril 1987, pp. 11-20 en passim.

– K. LENAERTS, boekbespreking/book review in Tijdschrift voor Privaatrecht, 1988, 292-295, van/of Festschrift für Karl H. Neumayer zum 65. Geburtstag, Baden-Baden, Nomos Verlag, 1985, 562 p.

– K. LENAERTS, “Juridische integratie in Europa en de U.S.A.”, interview in Academische Tijdingen/Alumni Lovanienses, 1989, nr. 1; partim herdrukt/reprinted in Jura Falconis, 1989, 462-463.

– K. LENAERTS, “De funkties van het recht in de Europese Gemeenschap”, Acco Aktueel, februari 1990, 28-34.

– K. LENAERTS, “Gefederaliseerd België en Europese integratie” (studiedag te Gent op 9 maart 1990) : voorzitterschap en discussiebijdragen, Vlaams Jurist Vandaag, 2de kwartaal 1990, 14-25.

– K. LENAERTS, boekbespreking/book review in Rechtskundig Weekblad, 1994-1995, 207-208, van/of K. DE GUCHT m.m.v./in collaboration with S. KEUKELEIRE, Besluitvorming in de Europese Unie, Antwerpen/Apeldoorn, Maklu, 1994, 313 p.

– K. LENAERTS & J. VANHAMME, boekbespreking/book review in Common Market Law Review, 1995, 655- 659, van/of R. DEHOUSSE (ed.), Europe After Maastricht : an Ever Closer Union ?, Münich, Law Books in Europe & Verlag C.H. Beck, 1994, 318 p.

– K. LENAERTS, “Redactionele Signalen”, Sociaal-Economische Wetgeving. Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht, 1998, 181, en/and 1998, 269.

– K. LENAERTS, “Préface” in J.-P. KEPPENNE, Guide des aides d=État en droit communautaire. Réglementation, jurisprudence et pratique de la Commission, Bruxelles, Bruylant, 1999, 693 p.

– K. LENAERTS, boekbespreking/book review in Sociaal-Economische Wetgeving. Tijdschrift voor Europees en Economisch Recht, 2000, 226-227, van/of R.A. Lawson, Het EVRM en de Europese Gemeenschappen, Deventer, Kluwer, 1999 (Europese Monografieën nr. 61), XX + 568 pp.

– K. LENAERTS, editorial in EC Tax Review, “Tax law and the Court of First Instance of the European Communities”, 2000/1, 2-4.

– K. LENAERTS, “The European Union: legal order or legal space?”, boekbespreking/book review in Archiv für Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie, Franz Steiner Verlag Wiesbaden GmbH, Sitz Stuttgart, 2000, Band 86/4, 590- 596, van/of J.M. Broekman, A Philosophy of European Union Law, Leuven, Peeters, 1999, 472 p.

– K. LENAERTS, E. BRIBOSIA, O. DE SCHUTTER & P. MAGNETTE, “De bescherming van de grondrechten in de Europese Unie ─ Synthesenota/La protection des droits fondamentaux dans l’Union européenne – Note de synthèse”, DOC 50 0439/001 (Kamer/Chambre) 2-340/1 (Senaat/Sénat), Belgische Kamer van volksvertegenwoordigers en Senaat/Chambre des représentants et Sénat de Belgique, 11 februari 2000/11 février 2000, Het Handvest van de grondrechten van de Europese Unie/La Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne, Hoorzitting 7 december 1999/Audition 7 décembre 1999, Verslag namens het federaal adviescomité voor Europese aangelegenheden, uitgebracht door de heren Herman De Croo (K) en Philippe Mahoux (S)/Rapport fait au nom du comité d’avis fédéral chargé de questions européennes par MM. Herman De Croo (Ch) et Philippe Mahoux (S), Kamer/Chambre, 2e zitting van de 50e zittingsperiode/2e session de la 50e législature, 1999-2000, 4-19.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 15 EN – K. LENAERTS, “Het Handvest van de grondrechten van de Europese Unie: context, inzet en perspectieven/La Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne: contexte, enjeux et perspectives”, DOC 50 0439/001 (Kamer/Chambre) 2-340/1 (Senaat/Sénat), Belgische Kamer van volksvertegenwoordigers en Senaat/Chambre des représentants et Sénat de Belgique, 11 februari 2000/11 février 2000, Het Handvest van de grondrechten van de Europese Unie/La Charte des droits fondamentaux de l’Union européenne, Hoorzitting 7 december 1999/Audition 7 décembre 1999, Verslag namens het federaal adviescomité voor Europese aangelegenheden, uitgebracht door de heren Herman De Croo (K) en Philippe Mahoux (S)/Rapport fait au nom du comité d’avis fédéral chargé de questions européennes, par MM. Herman De Croo (Ch) et Philippe Mahoux (S), Kamer/Chambre, 2e zitting van de 50e zittingsperiode/2e session de la 50e législature, 1999-2000, 20-26.

– K. LENAERTS, “Europa verzoend: doelstellingen en vereisten/L’Europe réconciliée: objectifs et exigences”, Belgische Senaat/Sénat de Belgique, Colloquium/Colloque, Het Verdrag van Nice en de grenzen van Europa/Le Traité de Nice et les frontières de l’Europe, Brussel/Bruxelles, 7 maart 2001/7 mars 2001, Verslag/Compte rendu, 2001, 43-51.

– K. LENAERTS & M. DESOMER, “Het Verdrag van Nice. Het Handvest van de grondrechten van de Europese Unie”, 8ste Alumnidag KU Leuven, College De Valk, Europees recht – recente ontwikkelingen, 16 maart 2001.

– K. LENAERTS, Le livre blanc de la Commission sur la modernisation des règles de concurrence – Actes de la Journée d’études organisée le 26 mai 2000 à l’occasion du 35e anniversaire des Cahiers de droit européen, Introduction, Cahiers de droit européen, 2001, 134.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 16 EN – K. LENAERTS, “De finaliteiten van de Europese Unie. Doelstellingen, bevoegdheden en methodes/Les finalités de l’Union européenne. Objectifs, compétences et méthodes”, Belgische Senaat en Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers/Sénat de Belgique et Chambre des représentants, Brussel/Bruxelles, 20 juni 2001/20 June 2001, Verslag/Compte rendu, 2001, 14-22 en 37-38.

– K. LENAERTS, “Gerecht van eerste aanleg: het kleine broertje wordt volwassen” (interview afgenomen door/by Flip Voets), Juristenkrant, nr. 30, 23 mei 2001, 8-10.

– K. LENAERTS, “Préface” in G. DE KERCHOVE & A. WEYEMBERGH (ed.), La reconnaissance mutuelle des décisions judiciaires pénales dans l=Union européenne, Bruxelles, Éditions de l=Université de Bruxelles, 2001, 255 p.

– K. LENAERTS, bewerking van trefwoorden “Europees recht”, in E. DIRIX, B. TILLEMAN & P. VAN ORSHOVEN (ed.), De Valks Juridisch Woordenboek, Antwerpen, Intersentia, 2001, 431 p.

– K. LENAERTS, Interview afgenomen door Bernard Bulcke over de “Verklaring van Laken”, De Standaard, 29- 30 december 2001.

– K. LENAERTS, “De Europese Unie: rechtsorde of juridische ruimte?”, Ad Vocare, 2001-2002, 53-56.

– K. LENAERTS, “Rapport sur les travaux de l’atelier ‘Missions et compétences’”, Brussel/Brussels, Koninklijk Instituut voor Internationale Betrekkingen/Institut Royal des Relations Internationales, De toekomst van de Europese Unie/L’avenir de l’Union européenne, 3 & 4 juli/July 2002, http://www.irri-kiib.be/symposium.htm.

– K. LENAERTS, “Comment simplifier les instruments d’action de l’Union?/ How to simplify the instruments of the Union?”, Groupe de travail/Working Group IX “Simplification” de la Convention européenne/of the European Convention, 17 octobre/October 2002, WG IX – WD 07.

– K. LENAERTS & M. DESOMER, boekbespreking/book review in Common Market Law Review, 2002, 904- 907, van/of U. BERNITZ & J. NERGELIUS (ed.), General Principles of European Community Law, The Hague/London/Boston, Kluwer Law International (Europese Monografieën Volume XXV), 2000, 244 p.

– K. LENAERTS, “Aspects fondamentaux du droit européen”, in Conseil francophone de la Fédération royale du Notariat belge, Bruxelles, 2002.

– K. LENAERTS, “Co-operation in the second and third pillars of the European Union”, Koninklijk Instituut voor Internationale Betrekkingen/Royal Institute for International Relations, Models of co-operation within an enlarged European Union, 28 januari/January 2003.


11604/03 (Presse 217) 17 EN CURRICULUM VITAE

Fidelma O'Kelly Macken

Born 1945

Called to the Bar of Ireland (1972);

Legal Advisor, Patent and Trade Mark Agents (1973-1979);

Barrister (1979-1995) and Senior Counsel (1995-1998) of the Bar of Ireland;

Member of the Bar of England and Wales;

Judge of the High Court in Ireland (1998);

Lecturer in Legal Systems and Methods and "Averil Deverell" Lecturer in Commercial Law, Trinity College, Dublin;

Bencher of the Honorable Society of King's Inns;

Judge at the Court of Justice since 6 October 1999.


11604/03 (Presse 217) 18 EN CURRICULUM VITAE (summary)

of Dr. Allan Rosas

Born 1948, Turku, Finland; married, three children; Finnish citizen, resident of Brussels 1995 – Military training as a legal officer 1970-71, military rank First Lieutenant (Finnish reserve defence forces)

Jugde at the Court of Justice of the European Communities 2002 - Education and academic career: LL.B. (“oikeustieteen kandidaatti”) 1969, LL.M. (“oikeustieteen lisensiaatti”) 1971, Doctor of Laws (“oikeustieteen tohtori”) 1977 (Univ. of Turku); courses and research in London 1969, The Hague 1970, 1972, Strasbourg 1973, Geneva 1973, 1974; Doctoral dissertation “The Legal Status of Prisoners of War” awarded “special mention as a contribution to creative scholarship” by the American Society of International Law 1977

Associate Professor of Public Law, University of Turku 1978-1981; Armfelt Professor of Law at the Äbo Akademi University (Turku/Äbo) 1981-1996; Head of its Department of Law 1978-1985, 1990-1995 and Director of its Institute for Human Rights 1985-1995; First Vice-Rector of the Åbo Akademi University 1993-1995; member of the Appeal Board (administrative tribunal) of the University 1982-87

Member of the Advisory Board for Higher Education (Finnish Ministry of Education) and Chair of its Section for Social and Legal Sciences 1984-1989; member of the Research Council for the Humanities and Social Sciences of the Academy of Finland 1994-1995

Various international and national academic positions of trust and memberships in learned societies; coordinated several international and national research projects and programmes, including in the fields of EU law, international law, humanitarian and human rights law, constitutional law and comparative public administration.

Positions of trust in Finland (selected): member of the Advisory Board for International Legal Affairs (Ministry of Justice) 1974-1977; permanent expert to the Advisory Board for Disarmament Affairs (Ministry for Foreign Affairs) 1978-1991; member of the Finnish National Commission for UNESCO (Ministry of Education) 1978-1992 and Chair of its Section for Social Sciences 1987-1989; member of the Advisory Board for International Human Rights Affairs (Ministry for Foreign Affairs) 1989-1995

Member of, or permanent expert to, a number of governmental law commissions and working groups, such as the Commission for Constitutional Reform 1982-1983, Commission for Wartime Legislation 1986-1988, Commission for a Constitutional Bill of Rights 1989-1993, Commission for Constitutional Reform 1990-1993; expert opinions and counselling to the Finnish Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Labour, committees of the Finnish Parliament, courts and law firms

International experience before 1995: Represented the Finnish Government as member of, or adviser to, Finnish delegations to various international conferences and meetings, including the Geneva Diplomatic Conference on the Reaffirmation and Development of International Humanitarian Law Applicable in Armed Conflicts 1974-1977, the 23rd (Sofia 1985), 24th (Paris 1987) and 25th (Paris 1989) General Conferences of UNESCO, the Committee for Conventions and Recommendations of the UNESCO Executive Board 1990-1991, various OSCE (CSCE) contexts, such as the Moscow Meeting of the Conference on the Human Dimension September-October 1991, and the UN World Conference on Human Rights, Vienna, June 1993

Expert functions in relation to the UN, UNESCO, OSCE (CSCE) and the Council of Europe, including membership of the UN working group on an international arms trade register 1990-1991, the UN working group on the right to development 1993-1995, the International Humanitarian Fact-Finding Commission established under Protocol I additional to the 1949 Geneva Conventions 1993-1995; ad hoc expert with Mr Max van der Stoel, OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities, 1993-1994

11604/03 (Presse 217) 19 EN Posts at the European Commission: From 1 October 1995 to 28 February 2001: Principal Legal Adviser (A 2) at the Legal Service of the European Commission, in charge of external relations; area of responsibilities included legal aspects of international trade and WTO issues, bilateral EU treaty and other relations with third countries, EU enlargement, association agreements and the EEA, multilateral cooperation in the context of the UN and its Specialized Agencies, the Council of Europe and other international organizations, EU sanctions regimes, the Common Foreign and Security Policy and questions of EU competence in the field of external relations; coordinating the Commission’s participation in international and national litigation in the field of external relations, including the European Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance (Luxembourg) and WTO panels and the Appellate Body (Geneva); acting as an agent of the Commission in selected cases before the Luxembourg Courts, the WTO dispute settlement bodies, the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the European Court of Human Rights Deputy Director-General (A 1) of the Legal Service, responsibilities including functioning as a deputy to the Director General on all matters of EU law involving the European Commission, the coordination of infringement cases and matters of administration and in-house training, March 1, 2001 - January 16, 2002. Between 1 April 2001 and 31 May 2001, also acting as Director General f.f.

Publications: close to 300 publications (in English, Finnish, Swedish, French, German, Spanish), including more than 30 books, mainly in the fields of international law, EU law, human rights and citizens’ fundamental rights, and Finnish and comparative constitutional and administrative law

Languages: fluency in Swedish, Finnish, English; good ability to understand, speak and write: French; good ability to understand: Danish, Norwegian; ability to read and limited ability to speak: German; studied Latin (five years) at school; basic course in Spanish 2000


11604/03 (Presse 217) 20 EN CURRICULUM VITAE


Nom : SCHINTGEN Prénom(s) : Romain Lieu et date de naissance : Luxembourg, le 22 mars 1939 Marié : Lucie DUI (1974) Enfant : Isabelle (1981)

Fonction :

Juge à la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes depuis le 11 juillet 1996

Juge au Tribunal de première instance des Communautés européennes du 1er septembre 1989 au 11 juillet 1996

Études :

– Études secondaires :

* Athénée Grand-Ducal de Luxembourg (1952 - 1959)

– Études universitaires :

* Cours supérieurs de philosophie et lettres - Section Droit à l’Athénée Grand-Ducal de Luxembourg (1959/1960)

* Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Économiques de l’Université de Montpellier (France) (1960/1961)

* Faculté de Droit et des Sciences Économiques de l’Université de Paris France) (1961/1963)

Diplômes :

Certificat de fin d’études secondaires - Section latine 11 juillet 1959

Docteur en droit : 16 janvier 1964

Carrière professionnelle

– Avocat au Barreau de Luxembourg : assermenté le 29 janvier 1964

– Avocat-avoué au Barreau de Luxembourg : assermenté le 29 juin 1967

– Attaché de Gouvernement au Ministère du Travail et de la Sécurité sociale : 10 octobre 1967

– Conseiller de Gouvernement adjoint à ce même département : 17 janvier 1974

– Conseiller de Gouvernement à ce même département : 30 mai 1975

– Premier Conseiller de Gouvernement à ce même département : 14 février 1984

– Administrateur Général du Ministère du Travail : 26 mars 1987.

Conseil Économique et Social

– Président du Conseil Économique et Social (1988/1989) ;

– Membre du Conseil Économique et Social (1978-1989).

11604/03 (Presse 217) 21 EN Fonctions d’administrateur (jusqu’en 1989)

– Administrateur de la Société nationale de Crédit et d’Investissement (SNCI), Luxembourg ;

– Administrateur de la Métallurgique et Minière de Rodange-Athus (MMR-A), Luxembourg ;

– Administrateur de la Société Européenne des Satellites (SES), Luxembourg.

Activités internationales (jusqu’en 1989)

– Délégué du Ministre du Travail au Groupe des Questions sociales du Conseil des Communautés Européennes ;

– Membre gouvernemental du comité du Fonds social Européen ;

– Membre gouvernemental du Comité Consultatif pour la libre circulation des travailleurs ;

– Membre gouvernemental au Conseil d’administration de la Fondation européenne pour l’amélioration des conditions de vie et de travail (Dublin) ;

– Président de la délégation luxembourgeoise à la Commission sociale de l’Union Économique Benelux ;

– Membre du Comité de la Main-d’œuvre et des Affaires sociales de l’OCDE ;

– Délégué gouvernemental à la Conférence internationale du Travail (Organisation internationale du Travail - O.I.T).

Institut Universitaire International Luxembourg (IUIL)

Président depuis le 27 novembre 1995

Distinctions honorifiques :

– Commandeur de l’Ordre grand-ducal de la Couronne de Chêne (Luxembourg) (1989) ;

– Grand-Officier de l’Ordre du Mérite (Portugal) (1988) ;

– Das Große Verdienstkreuz des Verdienstordens der Bundesrepublik Deutschland (République Fédérale d’Allemagne) (1976) ;

– Encomienda de la expresada Orden del Mérito Civil (Royaume Espagne) (1980);

– Officier de l’Ordre de la Couronne (Belgique) 1986);

– Officier de l’Ordre d’Orange-Nassau (Pays-Bas) (1973).


– Ouvrage de base sur « Le Droit du Travail » au Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, Publication du Service Information et Presse du Gouvernement, 1990, mise à jour publiée en juillet 1996)

– Jura Europae, Droit des pays de la CEE, Droit du Travail - Contribution relative au Luxembourg, Éditions Techniques Juris-Classeurs Paris ; Verlag C.H. Beck, München - Mises à jour annuelles

– Le droit de grève au Luxembourg, Publication du Max-Planck Institut à Heidelberg

– Le droit du licenciement - Essai d’un bilan - Bulletin du Cercle François Laurent 1985/1986 - Bulletin II

11604/03 (Presse 217) 22 EN – Les rapports de travail dans l’histoire sociale luxembourgeoise, dans Mémorial 1989, La Société Luxembourgeoise de 1839 à 1989, page 801

– La politique sociale dans l’ordre juridique communautaire dans « L’Europe en marche » publication du Lions Club Luxembourg-Country (1992)

– Le droit du travail dans l’ordre juridique communautaire, Bulletin du Cercle François Laurent, 1993, Bulletin III

– La longue gestation du droit du travail communautaire : De Rome à Amsterdam, Mélanges en hommage à Fernand Schockweiler, 1999, Nomos-Verlag


11604/03 (Presse 217) 23 EN CURRICULUM VITAE


Born in Madrid on 15 June 1954. Married with two children.


Secondary education at the Instituto Véritas, Madrid.

Higher education - Law degree at Universidad Complutense, Madrid (1971-1976).


1978 - appointed Abogado del Estado following competitive examination.

1978-1982 - Abogado del Estado in Málaga.

1982-1984 - Abogado del Estado at the Legal Service of the Ministry of Transport, Tourism and Communications.

1984-1989 - Abogado del Estado at the Legal Service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

1987-1989 - Abogado del Estado at the Legal Service dealing with the Court of Justice of the European Communities and agent of the Kingdom of Spain before the Court.

Since 1989 - Abogado del Estado-Head of the State Legal Service dealing with the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

Since August 2000 - Deputy Director-General of the Community and International Legal Assistance Department (Ministry of Justice).


Member of the Commission discussion group on the future of the Community judicial system.

Head of the Spanish delegation in the Friends of the Presidency Group with regard to the reform of the Community judicial system in the Treaty of Nice.

Head of the Spanish delegation in the Council Working Party on the Court of Justice.

As a member of the Spanish delegation, worked on the preparation of the European Patent Convention and the establishment of the Court of First Instance.

Member of the Spanish delegation on various United Nations Committees on securities and international public procurement.


Professor of Community law at the Diplomatic School.

Has given Community law courses at the Carlos III University, the University of San Pablo-CEU, ICADE, the National Institute of Public Administration (INAP) and the Women's Institute.

Lecturer on Community law issues at a number of faculties and institutions.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 24 EN PUBLICATIONS

Co-director of the journal "Noticias de la Unión Europea" since it was set up in 1985.

Author of a book on procedure before the Court of Justice of the European Communities ("El Procedimiento ante el Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas", updated second edition) published by "La Ley".

Has contributed to a number of collective publications on Community law and Spanish administrative law, some of which are listed in the Annex.

Author of various articles in specialist Community law journals.


- España y el Tratado de la Unión Europea – La administración de Justicia: el Tribunal. Colex.

- España y la negociación del Tratado de Amsterdam – La ampliación en el Tratado de Amsterdam de las competencias del Tribunal de Justicia – Política exterior.

- El Tratado de Niza. El Grupo de reflexión sobre el futuro del sistema jurisdiccional comunitario. Colex.

- Estudios de derecho tributario. El recurso de reposición previo al económico-administrativo – Instituto de Estudios Fiscales.

- La introducción del Euro en España – El marco normativo de Derecho comunitario para la introducción del Euro. Banco Santander Central Hispano.

- Derecho de los contratos públicos – El Derecho europeo y la Ley de Contratos de las Administraciones públicas. – Praxis

- Igualdad de Trato – Las innovaciones del Tratado de Amsterdam en materia de igualdad hombre-mujer.

- Diccionario jurídico – Voces de Derecho Comunitario – Espasa.

- Perspectivas jurídicas actuales. Homenaje a Alfredo Sánchez-Bella. La responsabilidad patrimonial de los Estados miembros por incumplimiento del Derecho comunitario – Centro de Estudios Ramón Areces.

- La Constitución española y el ordenamiento comunitario europeo I – Las nuevas competencias comunitarias en el Tratado de la Unión Europea. XVI Jornadas de la Dirección General del Servicio Jurídico del Estado 1993 – Ministerio de Justicia.

- La Constitución española y el ordenamiento comunitario europeo II – La Comisión – XVIII Jornadas de la Dirección General del Servicio Jurídico del Estado – 1994 – Ministerio de Justicia.

- El ámbito privado del sector público. El control comunitario de las privatizaciones XXIV Jornadas de la Abogacía General del Estado – 2002 – Ministerio de Justicia.

- El nuevo marco jurídico de las telecomunicaciones y de los servicios audiovisuales – La salvaguardia de la competencia – Cuadernos de Derecho judicial.


11604/03 (Presse 217) 25 EN CURRICULUM VITAE

Vassilios Skouris

Born in Thessaloniki in 1948 and attended primary and secondary school there. Studied law at the Free University of Berlin (1965-1970) and continued with post-graduate studies at Hamburg University (1970-1972). Awarded a doctorate in 1973 and in 1978 was appointed Private Lecturer in Constitutional and Administrative Law in the Faculty of Law of the University of Hamburg where he had been Assistant Lecturer from 1972 to 1977.

Professor of Public Law in the Faculty of Law of the Dimokriteiou University of Thrace (1977-1980) and in the Faculty of Law of Bielefeld University, Germany (1980-1982). From 1982, Professor in the Faculty of Law at the Aristoteleiou University of Thessaloniki.

Minister for the Interior in the Government of Ioannis Grivas for the elections on 5 November 1989.

Member of the Administrative Board of the University of Crete (1983-1987), member of academic associations and preparatory committees for laws on matters relating to justice, education, etc.

From 1987, regular member of the Appeals Board of the European Schools in Brussels.

President of the Greek European Law Association (1992).

President of the Association for Legal and Economic Studies and Public Works ("IKTINOS") (1993).

Member of the High Council for the Appointment of Civil Servants from 1994.

Director of Studies (1985-1990), from 1990, Secretary and, from September 1997, Director of the Centre for International and European Economic Law.

Member of the Administrative Board of the European Legal Academy at Trier (from 1995).

Minister for the Interior in the Government of Kostas Simitis for the elections on 22 September 1996.

Member of the Administrative Board of the National School for Judges (1995-1996).

Chairman of the Economic and Social Committee (1998-1999).

From June 1999, Greek Judge at the Court of Justice of the European Communities (Luxembourg).

Has represented Greece in important cases before the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

Has published monographs, textbooks and a large number of academic studies on the subjects of administrative, constitutional and European community law in Greek, German, French and English.

Has taught and lectured at universities abroad (Germany, France, Italy and Austria).


11604/03 (Presse 217) 26 EN CURRICULUM VITAE

Francis Geoffrey JACOBS

Born 8 June 1939

Advocate General at the Court of Justice of the European Communities since 1988

Professor of European Law, University of London from 1974 to 1988

Barrister; Queen's Counsel; Bencher (Middle Temple)

Author of several books on European law; Founding editor, Yearbook of European Law; General editor, Oxford EC Law Library (formerly Oxford Series on European Community Law).

A visiting professor, King's College London, since 1989 A governor, British Institute of Human Rights, since 1985 A governor, Inns of Court School of Law, 1996-2001

Awards: Commandeur de l'Ordre de Mérite, Luxembourg 1983 Fellow, King's College London 1990 Hon. LL.D., University of Birmingham 1996 Hon. DCL, City University 1997 Hon. Fellow, Society of Advanced Legal Studies 1997


11604/03 (Presse 217) 27 EN CURRICULUM VITAE

Juliane KOKOTT

I. Personal details

Forename: Juliane

Surname: Kokott

Place of Birth: Frankfurt am Main

Date of birth: 18 June 1957

Parents: Father: Dr iur. Bernhard Kokott (died 1995) Mother: Marianne Kokott, née Drescher

Nationality: German

Civil status: married to Rainer Sturies, lawyer, five children

II. School and university education

1964–1972 Primary and secondary school in St Ingbert, Saarland

1972–June 1976 Attended Heinrich-Hertz-Gymnasium in Bonn/BadGodesberg, obtaining higher secondary school leaving certificate (Abitur)

October 1976–July 1978 Law studies in Bonn and October 1979–March 1982

October 1978–July 1979 Studied at the University of Geneva and the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva, as a scholarship student of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)

20 March 1982 First State law examination, Bonn/Cologne (wholly satisfactory)

III. Academic career

May–July 1982 Technical assistant to Prof. Dr iur. Christian Tomuschat, University of Bonn

August 1982–December 1983 Fulbright scholar in the United States of America: • LL.M., American University, Washington D.C.; • Assistant to Prof. Dr Thomas Buergenthal, American University, Judge at the International Court of Justice, former President of the Inter-American Court of Human Rights; July–December 1983 Consultant to the law office of Fulbright & Jaworski, Washington D.C. in a Swiss-American arbitration case.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 28 EN 1984–1987 Legal traineeship at the District Court of Heidelberg, from May to July 1986 trainee post at the Federal Constitutional Court; in addition to traineeship, work at the Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law; 7 July 1987 Second State law examination (satisfactory).

5 July 1985 Law doctorate from the University of Heidelberg: dissertation on the inter-American system of human rights protection (magna cum laude)

16 December 1985 Diploma of the International Academy for Constitutional Law, Tunis

10 June 1987 Awarded Otto Hahn medal of the Max Planck Society for scientific trainees

September 1988–June 1989 Research at Harvard Law School as a result of winning the Otto Hahn medal (see above)

7 June 1990 Graduated as Doctor of Juridical Sciences (SJD) from Harvard University

27 May and 7 July 1992 Post-doctoral lecturing qualification (Habilitation) from the Law Faculty at Heidelberg University and authorisation to teach (venia legendi) comparative public law, international law and European law in that Faculty

IV. Professional experience

(a) Centred on European law

August 1987–August 1988 and Consultant for European Community law, inter alia, at the July 1989–April 1992 Max Planck Institute for Comparative Public Law and International Law

August 1991–October 1991 Visiting Professor on European Community law at the University of California – Berkeley, Boalt Hall School of Law

10 October 1994 Appointed Professor of German and Comparative Public Law, International Law and European Law at the Heinrich Heine University, Düsseldorf (C4)

Since October 1999 Chair of International Law, International Business Law and European Law in the Law Faculty at the University of St Gallen

Since January 2000 Director of the Institute for European and International Business Law at the University of St Gallen (EUR–HSG)

Since 1 January 2001 Deputy Director of the Master of Business Law programme (MBL-HSG) at the University of St Gallen, specialising in European Business Law

11604/03 (Presse 217) 29 EN (b) Other professional activities

Summer semester 1992 – Replacement professor in the Law Faculty of the Winter semester 1992/93 University of Mannheim and in the Law Faculty of the University of Augsburg

17 February 1993 Appointment as Professor of Public Law (C3) at the University of Augsburg

14 December 1993 Appointment as Professor of Public Law (C3) at the University of Heidelberg

March 1995 Appointment by the Federal Government as a deputy judge at the International Conciliation and Arbitration Court of the OSCE

28 May 1996 Appointment as an ordinary member of the Federal Government's Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) by the Federal Minister for Education, Science, Research and Technology and the Federal Minister for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Reactor Safety; 1996–2003 Deputy Chair of the WBGU July 1996 Appointment as an associate member of the International Academy for Constitutional Law, Tunis

Since October 2000 Member of the Management Committee of the Institute for Business and Ecology of the University of St Gallen (IWÖ–HSG)

Since March 2002 Member of the International Advisory Board (IAB) of the North-Rhine-Westphalian Science Centre's Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy

Since April 2002 Member of the Board of Trustees of Oikos, Foundation for Economics and Ecology

V. Academic appointments

December 1992 Chair of Public Law (C3) at the University of Augsburg

January 1993 Chair of Public Law, specialising in administrative law and the science of administration (C3) at the University of Bochum

May 1993 Chair of Public Law (C3) at the University of Frankfurt/Main

June 1993 Chair of Public Law (C3) at the University of Heidelberg

28 December 1993 Chair of German and Comparative Public Law, International Law and European Law in the Law Faculty at the University of Düsseldorf

1999 Chair of International Business Law, International Law and European Law in the Law Faculty at the University of St Gallen

11604/03 (Presse 217) 30 EN VI. Selection of current projects

(a) Centred on European law

• Speaker at the meeting of the Association of German Teachers of Constitutional Law in Hamburg in October 2003 on the topic: "Teachers of Constitutional Law faced with changing subject matter: the consequences of Europeanisation and internationalisation"

• Speaker at the Second European Lawyers' Conference in Athens; presentation of a report on the subject "Protection obligations and fundamental rights in Community law", 1 and 2 May 2003

• Collaboration on "Commentary on the TEC" by Rudolf Streinz (publisher), comments on Articles 281, 282, 296–299, 301–307, 311–314 of the TEC

• Leadership and technical coordination and lectures on European Community law and international business law in the context of St Gallen University's "Master of European and International Business Law" programme, organised according to private sector principles; Deputy Director

• Harmonisation of public law compensation for environmental damage; period: January 2000-January 2001; participants: Prof. Dr J. Kokott and Dr Frank Hoffmeister, European Commission; project sponsor: UBA/Berlin; area of research: European Community law, comparison of public law with the aim of harmonisation

• Participation in the inter-disciplinary project group on a Master's programme at the University of St Gallen in politics, law and economics with a specialisation this year in the expansion of the European Union towards the East (MIA); since December 1999

• Participation in the higher education programme (WBZ) at the University of St Gallen, run according to private sector principles, by organising conferences in Zürich, for example on topics such as "Equality at Work" (May 2000), "Bilateral agreements between the EC and Switzerland" and "Free movement of persons" (October 2000)

• Completed project: successful representation of North Rhine-Westphalia before the European Court of Justice in the preliminary ruling procedure in the Case of Marschall v Land Nordrhein-Westfalen, [1997] ECR I– 6363 (Admissibility in European Community law of measures to promote equality of opportunity for women)

(b) Other projects

• I-CON (The International Journal of Constitutional Law): period: since 1996; participants: Prof. Dr J. Kokott (responsible inter alia for submission of the draft project accepted by the New York University School of Law on the basis of which the journal was founded), experts in constitutional law from all over the world; the International Association of Constitutional Law, the American Association of Constitutional Law, the New York University School of Law/Global Law School Program; project sponsors: New York University School of Law, Soros Foundation, Swiss National Fund for the Promotion of Scientific Research and the participants; area of research: comparative constitutional law, convergence of constitutional developments, regional and universal constitutionalisation processes

• Rapporteur to the Committee on Diplomatic Protection of Persons and Property of the International Law Association/ILA; period: since 1996 (first report, London, July 2000; second report, New Delhi, April 2002)

• Expropriations between 1945 and 1949 and the European Convention on Human Rights; period: January 2000 – May 2001; participants: Prof. Dr J. Kokott, Dr Beate Rudolf, Düsseldorf, von Raumer law office, Berlin; representation of several appellants in a case before the European Court of Human Rights

11604/03 (Presse 217) 31 EN • Completed project: public relations work for the Federal Government; period: March 1997 to 2002; participant: Prof. Dr J. Kokott: gave an opinion on behalf of the Federal Government in the proceedings relating to the complaint of unconstitutionality by the Association for the Promotion of Knowledge of Human Psychology, (VPM), Zürich, inter alia against the decision of the OVG NW (Higher Administrative Court of North-Rhine Westphalia) of 15 May 1996 (- 5 B 168/94 -)

VII. Regular lectures given in St Gallen on:

European law European and International Business Law International Law Law of International Organisations Comparative Constitutional and Administrative Law

VIII. Memberships

European Constitutional Law Network (ECLN) Recent Developments Editor, New York University School of Law, I·CON: The International Journal of Constitutional Law Associate Member of the International Academy for Constitutional Law, Tunis; President of the "Association des Anciens Auditeurs de l'Académie internationale de droit constitutionnel", Tunis International Association for Constitutional Law/IACL Member and Rapporteur of the Committee on Diplomatic Protection of Persons and Property of the International Law Association Management Committee of the Institute for Business and Ecology (IWÖ-HSG) at the University of St Gallen Informatics Management Team at the University of St Gallen Heidelberg University Society Association of the Friends of Heidelberg University German Society of International Law American Society of International Law German Society for Foreign Policy German–Israeli Lawyers' Association Association of German Teachers of Constitutional Law Harvard Law School Association

St Gallen, 12 June 2003


11604/03 (Presse 217) 32 EN CURRICULUM VITAE

Luís Miguel Poiares Pessoa Maduro

Personal details

Date of Birth: 03/01/67; Marital status: single; Identity card: No 7921473 issued on 29/06/89 in Lisbon; Place of Birth: Sé Nova, Coimbra, Portugal; Nationality: Portuguese


1996: Doctorate in Law from the European University Institute (with Distinction)

1990: Degree in Law from the Law Faculty, University of Lisbon (final mark 14 points).

1985: Completion of twelfth year of Secondary School No 2, Figueira da Foz.

Academic and professional activities

Assistant Professor, Law Faculty, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Visiting Professor, (Natolin)

Visiting Professor, Instituto Ortega y Gasset (Madrid)

Visiting Professor, Institute of European Studies, Universidade Católica Portuguesa

Visiting Professor, Institute of European Studies, Macao

Co-Director of the Academy of International Trade Law

1998 US-EU Fulbright Visiting Research Scholar at Harvard Law School

1997 Visiting Professor, European Masters in Human Rights (Padua/Venice, Italy)

1997-99: Professor at the Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa and Director of the Centre for European Law Studies and Economics

1996-97: Research fellow, European University Institute, Florence

1995-96: Research assistant, European University Institute

1991-94: Researcher, European University Institute, Florence, participating in the Doctorate in Law programme. Recipient of a scholarship from the Portuguese Ministry of Foreign Affairs between 1991 and 1993 and from the European University Institute to date.

August- Research programme, University of Wisconsin, Madison (USA), with an December 1992: additional scholarship from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. Mentors: Professors William Whitford and Neil Komesar.

June/July 1992: Attended Academy of European Law, Florence.

1990-1991: Trainer Lawyer at Relógio, Rocha e Simoes Law Firm.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 33 EN Prizes

1998: Obiettivo Europa: for the best PhD Thesis at the EUI

1997: Row and Maw Prize (awarded to the member of the EUI law department who "made the most significant contribution to the department in terms of academic excellence, advancement of learning or service to the community")

1997: EU-US Fulbright Scholar

Other academic positions

Editor of the European Law Journal

Co-editor of the series Studies in European Law and Integration, Hart Publishing

Member of the Editorial Board of Themis, Law Journal of the Law Faculty, Universidade Nova de Lisboa

Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Business Law Education

Member of the Advisory Board of the Law & Society Review

Coordinator of the Internet and Law programme, Law Faculty, Universidade Nova de Lisboa Referee for the Revista Análise Social

Adviser to the UK Government (Convention on the Future of Europe and IGC 2004)



EU Law, co-author with Damian Chalmers, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2004.

A Constituição Plural, Principia, Lisbon, forthcoming 2003.

Power, People and Politics: The Constitutional Challenge in Europe and the United States (co-editor with Daniel Harlberstam), Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, forthcoming 2003.

Co-Editor with Joseph H H Weiler, Special Book Review Issue of the European Law Journal, 1999.

We The Court – The European Court of Justice and the European Economic Constitution, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 1998.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 34 EN Articles and contributions to collective works 1

Europe and the Constitution: As Good As It Gets, in Marlene Wind and Joseph Weiler (eds), Beyond State Constitutionalism: A Festschrift for European Constitutionalism, forthcoming, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2003.

Contrapunctual Law: Europe's Constitutional Pluralism in Action, in Neil Walker (ed.), Sovereignty in Transition, Oxford, Hart Publishing, forthcoming 2003.

Political Social Europeia e Mercado Comum: Causa ou Consequência? forthcoming, Revista de Direito Público e da Economia, 2003.

The Double Constitutional Life of the Charter, in Eriksen, Fossum and Menendez, The European Charter of Fundamental Rights, Nomos, Baden-Baden, forthcoming 2003. To be published also in Tainara Hervey and Jeff Kenner (eds.), Economic and Social Rights under the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights, Hart Publishing, Oxford, forthcoming 2003.

Sovereignty in Europe - The European Court of Justice and the Construction of a European Political Community, in John Stack and Mary Volcansek (eds.), Courts Crossing Borders, Praeger Publishers, forthcoming 2003.

"Las Formas del Poder Europeo: El Constitucionalismo Plural de la Unión Europea", Revista Española de Derecho Constitucional, forthcoming 2003.

Is There Europe for a Constitution? A Comment on Weiler's A Constitution for Europe: Some Hard Choices, in Special Issue Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Journal of Common Market Studies, 2003.

"União Europeia: Escolhas e Consequências", Política Internacional, No 26, 2002, p. 65.

"Harmony and Dissonance in Free Movement", Cambridge Yearbook of European Law, Vol. 4, 2002, 315. Also published in Andenas and Roth (Eds), The Provision of Services in the EU, Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2002.

The Constitution of the Global Market, in F. Snyder (ed.), The International and Regional Regulation of Trade, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2002.

The Constitutional Question, in European Tribune: 27 Thoughts on the Future of Europe from the Spanish Presidency website, Comité Organizador da Presidência Española de la Unión Europea (trilingual edition: English, French and Spanish).

"Europa: O momento constituinte", Brotéria, vol. 154, No 1, 2002, p. 57. Also published in Spanish as: "Europa: El momento constituyente", Revista de Occidente, No 249, 2002, p. 73.

"International Trade and Constitutionalism: Friends or Enemies?", Nação e Defesa, No 97, 2001, p. 27.

"O Superavit Democrático Europeu", Análise Social, No 158-159, 2001, p.119.

Is There Any Such Thing as Free or Fair Trade? A Constitutional Analysis of the Impact of International Trade on the European Social Model, in de Burca and Scott (eds.), The EU and the WTO - Legal and Constitutional Issues, Hart Publishing, Oxford, 2001.

1 Only articles already accepted for publication are listed as forthcoming. Short reviews have not been included.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 35 EN Europe's Social Self: The Sickness Unto Death?, in J. Shaw (ed.), Social Law and Policy in an Evolving European Union, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2000.

The Scope of European Remedies: The Case of Reverse Discrimination and Purely Internal Situations, in Kilpatrick, Novitz and Skidmore (eds.) The Future of Remedies in Europe, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2000.

Never on a Sunday - What Has (EU) Law To Do With It?, in Sciarra (ed.) Labour Law in the Courts - National Judges and the ECJ, Oxford, Hart Publishing, 2000.

A Crise Existencial do Constitucionalismo Europeu, in Estudos em Homenagem de Francisco Lucas Pires, Autónoma Editora, Lisboa, 1999.

Striking the Elusive Balance Between Economic Freedom and Social Rights in the European Union, in Alston, Cassese, Lalumière, Leuprecht (orgs.), "An EU Human Rights Agenda for the New Millennium",

Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999 (also to be published in French by Bruylant).

T'he Heterenonyms of European Law, 3 European Law Journal 1999 (Special Book Review Issue), 160.

"The Saga of Article 30: To be Continued - A Comment on Familia Press and Other Recent Episodes", 3 MJECL 1998, p. 298.

"Reforming the Market or the State? Article 30 and the European Constitution: Economic Freedom and Political Rights", European Law Journal, 1997–1, p. 51.

"Regulatory Reform in the European Union: A view from the European Court of Justice", co-author with Jerónimo Maillo, CD Rom of the "Fourth Biennial International Conference" of the "European Community Studies Association", 11 to 14 May, Charleston, South Carolina.

"Keck: The end? The beginning of the end? Or just the end of the beginning", 1 (1994) Irish Journal of European Law, 30–43.

"Problemas da Concertação Social", Revista Jurídica, No l 5, Jan/Jun, 1991, p. 9.

"O Direito à Segurança no Emprego", co-author with Margarida Cabral, Revista Jurídica, No 15, Jan/Jun, p. 49.

Author of a number of reviews (not listed here).

Author of short newspaper articles and editorials (not listed here).

Working Papers

Europe and the Constitution: What If This Is As Good As It Gets?, European Constitutionalism Working Papers (ConWeb) No 5/2000.

Europe's Social Self: The Sickness Unto Death?, European Constitutionalism Working Papers (ConWeb) No 2/2000.

A Crise Existencial do Constitucionalismo Europeu, Working Paper 2/99 of the Law Faculty, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

We Still Have Not Found What We Have Been Looking For: The Balance Between Economic Freedom and Social Rights in the European Union, Working Paper 4/99 of the Law Faculty, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 36 EN Research Projects (participation and/or coordination)

European Network of Constitutional Scholars

Constitutionalising European Governance

Evolve (International Project on the Evolving Norms of Constitutionalism)

Constitucionalismo: Paradigmas em Mudança

Multi-level Constitutionalism. Transatlantic Perspectives

Jurist: European Law Internet Portal

1997: Member of the research project "An EU Human Rights Agenda for the New Millennium" headed by a Comité des Sages comprising Antonio Cassese (President of the International Criminal Court for the former Yugoslavia), Catherine Lalumière, MEP and former Secretary General of the Council of Europe, Peter Leuprecht, former Deputy Secretary General of the Council of Europe with responsibility for human rights issues.

1995: Member of the research project "The European Court of Justice and National Courts in the Construction of European Social Policy", headed by Silvana Sciarra, European University Institute, Florence.

Pedagogical activities


Community law I and II: International Public Law, International Commercial Law (co-lecturing) and Economic Analysis of Law at the Law Faculty, Universidade Nova de Lisboa. Coordinator of the courses Informatics Law and Informatics for Lawyers.

Community Law and International Institutions at the Economics Faculty, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

Community Law at the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences, Universidade Nova de Lisboa.

Constitutional Law of the European Union, College of Europe.

Derecho de la Integración Económica, Instituto Ortega y Gasset (Madrid).

Law of the European Union, Institute of European Studies, Macao.

Economic Law III, Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa.

Thesis supervision

Supervisor for eight Masters theses at the College of Europe.

Supervisor for a thesis for the European Masters on Human Rights and Democratisation.

Supervisor for six theses for the Masters in European Studies at the Institute of European Studies, Macao.

Supervisor for five Masters theses at the Institute of European Studies, Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

Participation in doctoral examining boards

University of London, Kings College.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 37 EN Most relevant participation in seminars and colloquia 2:

2002: College of Europe; New York University School of Law; University of Saragossa; Instituto de Empresa (Madrid); University of Leiden; Dubrovnik Academy of Human Rights; Council of Europe (Strasbourg); Manchester University School of Law; University of Coimbra; University of Ljubliana; University of Múrcia; Instituto Ortega y Gasset (Madrid); Nottingham University; Hong Kong University.

2001: Oxford University; University of Michigan; Madison Law School; Instituto Orgeta y Gasset (Madrid); Max-Planck Projekt Gruppe (Bonn); European University Institute (Florence); Dubrovnik Academy of Human Rights; Instituto de Empresa (Madrid); Assembly of the Republic (Portugal); University of Leeds.

2000: German Association of Comparative Public Law (Freiburg); Instituto Orgeta y Gasset (Madrid), STPL (University of Manchester), EUI (Florence), Kings College (London), University of Coimbra, Universidade Católica Portuguesa.

1999: Law & Society Association, Chicago, June; Conference on International Trade and Regional Integration, Macao; International Law Days (organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Portugal); Lectures at the Law Faculty, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

1998: The Society of Public Teachers of Law, Manchester, 8-11 September 1998; Lecture at Florida International University, 10 April 1998; Lecture at the Conference EU and Human Rights - An Agenda for the Year 2000, Brussels, European Parliament, 27-29 May; Lecture at the European Day Celebration in Macao, 9 May; Lecture at the Conference "Rethinking Constitutionalism in the European Union", Copenhagen.

1997: EUI (Florence).

1995: Fourth Biennial International Conference of the "European Community Studies Association", 11-14 May, Charleston, South Carolina.

1994: EUI, Florence.

1993: "Colloquium on Legal Theory and the European Union", University of Edinburgh.


2 This list is not exhaustive and is limited to the institutions and the year in which they took place. 11604/03 (Presse 217) 38 EN CURRICULUM VITAE OF


Born in Madrid on 20 June 1950.



In June 1966 he completed his secondary schooling, obtaining a special Higher School Leaving Certificate prize from the university district of Madrid, with a distinction in the higher level final examination and with distinctions in 34 subjects.

In June 1971 he completed his law degree studies at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, with distinctions in the subjects of natural law, Roman law, the history of law, political law, political economics, criminal law, international public law, government finance, administrative law, labour law and business law.

In 1972 he passed the additional examinations for a Bachelor's Degree in Law with the top mark of "outstanding", and obtained the prize of the Blanco Ramírez Foundation for Law Graduates.

In the same year, 1972, he completed his studies for a diploma in social services from the Madrid Social Services School, obtaining the mark of "outstanding" in the subjects of political and administration organisation of the Spanish State, introduction to the study of law, labour law, social problems of Spanish development, social security, Spanish trade union organisation, labour law procedure and health and safety at work. He presented his thesis on "El recurso en interés de la ley del derecho procesal laboral" (appeals against judgments of the central labour law tribunal), which also obtained the maximum mark of "outstanding".

In 1976 he completed the course for the Doctorate in Law, with the maximum grade of "outstanding" in all subjects.

He assisted Professor García de Enterría in the teaching of administrative law in the Faculty of Law of the Universidad Complutense during the 1977-1978 academic year and the following years.

In 1979 he obtained the European Communities diploma awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

In May 1979, he was awarded a scholarship by the Spanish School of Diplomacy to attend a colloquium on the accession of Spain to the European Communities organised by the Free University of Brussels and the Catholic University of Leuven.

In April 1982 he attended the first seminar on European Community law organised by the General Council of the Judiciary.

In April 1982, he was awarded a scholarship by the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo in Santander and took part in the course on "Bases filosóficas, antropológicas y psicológicas sobre el amor" (Philosophical, anthropological and psychological theories on love).

In 1982 he was also appointed professor of criminal law I and II in the Faculty of Law at the Centre for University Studies, Colegio Universitario Luis Vives, which comes under the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, where he lectured during the 1982-1983, 1983-1984 and 1984-1985 academic years.

In September 1982, as a lecturer under contract to the School for the Judiciary, he gave a series of lectures on criminal law procedure on the XXVIIth course for the profession of judge.

In November and December 1982 he carried out studies at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, in the Directorate for Legal Affairs and at the Court of Human Rights.

In September 1983 he was appointed professor of criminal law procedure at the School of Legal Practice of the Universidad Pontificia de Comillas, teaching there during the 1983-1984, 1984-1985, 1985-1986 and 1986-1987 academic years.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 39 EN On 10 October 1983 he was appointed by the Ministry of Justice to attend, as the Ministry's representative, the European colloquium on "Compensation for the victims of acts of violence", organised by the non-profit making body "Aide et Reclassement", held in the town of Huy (Belgium) from 14 to 17 October that year.

In May and June 1984 he carried out studies at the legal service of the Commission of the European Communities in Brussels.

In July and August 1985 he carried out studies and research at the Court of Justice of the European Communities, working on the topics of European Community law and criminal law.

On 18 and 19 April 1986 he attended the seminar "Spain in Europe", organised by the "Casa de España" in New York, and lectured on "The legal consequences of the accession of Spain to the European Communities".

In the academic year 1993-1994 he taught judicial application of Community law on the course for the higher diploma in Community studies at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid.

In the academic year 1993-1994 he also taught a Doctorate course in the Department of Administrative Law of the Universidad Complutense, with Professor García de Enterría.

In April 1994 he attended the first democratic multiracial elections in the Republic of South Africa as a United Nations observer.

Since 1997 he has been a member of the advisory board of the Revista de Derecho Comunitario Europeo, published by the Centre for Constitutional Studies.

He has been on the editorial board of the journal Gaceta Jurídica de la Unión Europea y de la Competencia since 1999.

He has been a member of the editorial board of the Revista Española de Derecho Europeo (Civitas) since issue No 1, January/March 2002.



In May 1975 he passed the competitive examination to the School for the Judiciary, for the profession of judge, where he has been active without interruption since 18 September 1975.

In April 1976 he was appointed Judge of the Court of First Instance and Examining Judge in Arenas de San Pedro (Ávila), performing the same role, in extension of his jurisdiction, in Talavera de la Reina (Toledo).

In April 1978 he was appointed Judge of the Court of First Instance and Examining Judge in Navalcarnero (Madrid), performing the same role in extension of his jurisdiction in San Lorenzo de El Escorial (Madrid).

In September 1980 he was appointed Judge of the Court of First Instance and Examining Judge in Tarancón (Cuenca).

In March 1981 he was promoted to the category of Magistrate and appointed Examining Magistrate-Judge No 2 in San Sebastian, also acting as a replacement for Examining Judges Nos 1 and 3 and Judges of the Court of First Instance Nos 1 and 2 in that city.

In September 1981 he was appointed Examining Magistrate-Judge No 17 in Madrid.

On 14 September1983 he was appointed as a Magistrate by the governing body of the General Council of the Judiciary, as a result of the open competition announced in the Official Journal of the State on 26 July 1983, and designated Deputy Head of the Institutional Relations Service.

In January 1983 he was appointed by the Ministry of Justice as an expert representing Spain at the Council of Europe in Strasbourg, on the Committee of Experts on Victims in Social and Criminal Policy.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 40 EN On 10 and 11 June 1985 he took part, with the delegation of senior Spanish magistrates, presided over by the President of the Supreme Court and of the General Council of the Judiciary, in the study trip to the Court of Justice of the European Communities in Luxembourg.

From 4 to 14 December 1985 he attended, as the representative of the Ministry of Justice of Spain, the conference in Luxembourg on the preparation of the Convention and Protocols on Community patents.

In March 1986 he was appointed by the governing body of the General Council of the Judiciary as a member of the examining commission for the open competition to fill vacancies for magistrates, convened by order of the Ministry of Justice on 7 February 1986.

On 27 February 1987 he was appointed legal secretary at the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

In July 1988 he was appointed Director of the private office of the President of the General Council of the Judiciary, a post in which he was established in November 1990.

In September 1992 he attended, as a Spanish expert, the second meeting of Presidents of Supreme Courts of Justice of the southern cone of America, held in Sucre (Bolivia).

On 20 November 1992, by agreement with the Council of Ministers, he was appointed ad hoc judge of the European Court of Human Rights, for the Ruiz-Mateos case.

On 1 January 1995, by joint agreement of the Governments of the Member States, he was appointed Advocate-General to the Court of Justice of the European Communities, and was re-appointed by a decision of the representatives of the Governments of the Member States on 27 May 1997.

By agreement of the governing body of the General Council of the Judiciary on 20 November 1996, he was appointed Magistrate at the Third Chamber of the Supreme Court, with special status for the duration of his duties as Advocate- General at the Court of Justice of the European Communities.

Since 6 October 2000 he has been First Advocate-General at the Court of Justice of the European Communities.


He has given numerous LECTURES, and directed and organised LEGAL COURSES, especially on European Community law and administrative law, at various institutions such as the Centre for University Studies (CEU) in Madrid, the University of Santiago de Compostela, the School of Diplomacy, the European Union of Lawyers, the Colegio Mayor Universitario San Pablo de Madrid, the Navarra Legal Council, the Polytechnic University of Madrid, the School for the Judiciary, the Mirna Mach Foundation in Guatamala, the Atheneum of Mahón (Menorca), the Generalidad de Cataluña and the Patronato Catalán Pro Europa de Barcelona, the University of Alcalá de Henares, the Murcia School of Legal Practice, the School of Public Finance of the Ministry of the Economy and Finances, the School of Legal Practice of the Universidad Complutense de Madrid, the Centre for Higher Studies of Alicante, the University of Granada, the Free University of Brussels, the Bar Associations of Madrid, La Coruña, Zaragoza, Lille and Oporto, the Civil Engineering College, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Martinique, the University of Nanterre (Paris), the Escuela Libre de Derecho y Economía de Madrid, the University of La Laguna de Tenerife, the University of Extremadura, the Madrid Centre for Constitutional Studies, and the Court of Justice of the Cartagena Agreement in Bogotá, Barquisimeto and Margarita. He also took part in courses on Community law organised by the General Council of the Judiciary in Granada, Burgos, Madrid, Valencia, Zaragoza, Barcelona, Sevilla, Albacete, Las Palmas and Santa Cruz de Tenerife; the Community law courses given by the ICADE (Catholic Institute for Senior business management) and the CEOE (Employers' Federation), and the seminars of the IESE (Institute for Advanced Business Studies) in Madrid; in the master's degree courses in European Community law at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid and the Universidad Complutense de Madrid; and in the summer courses at the Universidad Complutense de El Escorial and the Universidad Menéndez Pelayo in Santander, Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid, the French National Magistrates' School, the University of Deusto, the University of Castilla-La Mancha in Toledo, the Universidad Pompeu i Fabra, the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, the University of Buenos Aires, the Universidad Ramón Llull- ESADE in Barcelona, etc.

11604/03 (Presse 217) 41 EN The topics most frequently covered at these lectures include European Community law, the Court of Justice of the European Communities, the question of preliminary rulings, the administrative law of the Community, the role of national judges in connection with the implementation of Community law, competition law, anti-dumping measures and subsidies, and human rights in the Community.


Knowledge of LANGUAGES:

Fluent in French and English.

He holds the diploma in French Studies of the University of Poitiers. He passed examinations in French at four levels at the Official School of Languages in Madrid. He has successfully completed various courses of English at the British Institute and University of Southern California. He has obtained the University of Cambridge First Certificate.



– reviews in the Revista de Administración Pública, the Revista Española de Derecho Administrativo and in Poder Judicial, where he also covered information on cases of the European Court of Human Rights from 1990 to 1994.

– a study on "La Comunidad de bienes meubles y adquisiciones" (Co-ownership of personal property and acquisitions) in the 1975 Yearbook of the School for the Judiciary, pp. 185 to 209.

– an article entitled "El derecho del inculpado a no declarar y a no decir la verdad" (The right of the accused not to testify and not to tell the truth) in the journal Poder Judicial, No 6, March 1983, pp. 27 et seq.

– an article on "Turismo y medio ambiente: el delito ecológico introducido en la reforma del Código Penal" (Tourism and the environment: the introduction of crimes against the environment in the reform of the criminal code), in the review Estudios Turísticos, No 79, autumn 1983, pp. 55 et seq.;

– an article on "La prisión provisional en la doctrina de Tribunal Europeo de Estrasburgo" (Provisional detention in the doctrine of the European Court in Strasbourg), in the review Poder Judicial, No 10, March 1984, pp. 150 et seq.;

– an article entitled "La protección del turista víctima de un delito de violencia" (The protection of tourists who have been victims of violent crimes) in the review Estudios Turísticos, No 81, spring 1984, pp. 45 et seq.;

– a study entitled "Estudio de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas" (A study of the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Communities) published in the volume "Iniciación al estudio del derecho comunitario europeo", published by the General Council of the Judiciary, Madrid 1984, pp. 183 to 250;

– an article entitled "La primacía del derecho comunitario europeo" (The primacy of European Community Law) in the review Noticias CEE, No 12, January 1986, pp. 97 et seq.;

– an article entitled "El proceso prejudicial del artículo 177 del Tratado CEE" (The procedure for preliminary rulings in Article 177 of the EEC Treaty), published in the review Actualidad Administrativa, No 20, May 1986, pp. 1137 et seq., and in No 21, May 1986, pp. 1185 et seq.;

– an article on "Los métodos de interpretación del Tribunal de Justicia de la Comunidades Europeas" (The methods of interpretation of the Court of Justice of the European Communities) published in the Revista General de Derecho, No 499, April 1986, pp. 1407 et seq.;

11604/03 (Presse 217) 42 EN – an article on "La labor del Tribunal de Justicia en la construcción del derecho comunitaria europeo" (The work of the Court of Justice in the construction of European Community law) published in Noticias CEE, No 25, February 1987, pp. 49 et seq.;

– an article entitled "Normativa reciente sobre la libre circulación de capitales en la CEE" (Recent rules on the free movement of capital in the EEC), published in Actualidad Administrativa, No 15, April 1987, pp. 841 et seq., and No 16, April 1987, pp. 905 et seq.;

– an article on "La aplicación en España del Convenio de Bruselas de 27 de septiembre de 1968 y los criterios de competencia judicial internacional en materia civil" (The application in Spain of the Brussels Convention of 27 September 1968 and the criteria for international legal jurisdiction in civil matters), published in Noticias CEE, No 41, June 1988, pp. 37 et seq.;

– an article on "La primacía del derecho comunitario europeo" (The primacy of European Community law), published in Revista General de Derecho, No 526-527, July-August 1988, pp. 4497 et seq.;

– a study on "Los derechos humanos en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia de la Comunidades Europeas" (Human rights in the decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Communities), published in special number VI of the review Poder Judicial, October 1989, pp. 159 to 177;

– a study on "El Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas" (The Court of Justice of the European Communities) published in the book "Estudios de Derecho Comunitario Europeo" (Studies on European Community law) published by the General Council of the Judiciary, November 1989, pp. 39 to 122;

– an article on "Prisiones privadas" (Private prisons) in the review Jueces para la Democracia, No 8, December 1989, pp. 40 et seq.;

– an article entitled "Técnica jurídica de protección de los derechos humanos en la Comunidad Europea" (Legal techniques for safeguarding human rights in the European Community) in the Revista de Instituciones Europeas, volume 19, No 1, January-April 1990, pp. 151 to 184;

– an article entitled "La aplicación del derecho comunitario europeo por los órganos jurisdiccionales españoles" (The implementation of European Community law by Spanish jurisdictional bodies) in the review Gaceta Jurídica de la CEE, No 86, D-13, 1990, pp. 11 to 49;

– a study entitled "Las medidas antidumping de la Comunidad Económica Europea" (The anti-dumping measures of the European Economic Community) published in the Revista General de Derecho, No 576, September 1992, pp. 8653 to 8700;

– a study on "Las fuentes del derecho comunitario" (The sources of Community law) in the book "Derecho social comunitario" in Cuadernos de Derecho Judicial No XXIV, published by the General Council of the Judiciary, Madrid, 1992;

– in 1993 he published the book "El juez nacional como juez comunitario" (National judges as Community judges) in the collection Cuadernos de Estudios Europeos of the publishers Civitas;

– a study on "Los órganos de protección de los derechos humanos en el Consejo de Europa" (The organs for safeguarding human rights in the Council of Europe) in the book "La jurisprudencia del Tribunal Europeo de Derechos Humanos" in Cuadernos de Derecho Judicial No XI, published by the General Council of the Judiciary, Madrid, 1993;

– a study on "El derecho de la competencia en la Comunidad Europea” (Competition law in the European Community), in the book "Derecho comunitario. Presente y perspectivas", in Cuadernos de Derecho Judicial No XXXII, published by the General Council of the Judiciary, Madrid, 1995;

– a study entitled "Cuestiones prejudiciales planteadas en relación con el derecho administrativo" (Referrals for preliminary ruling relating to Community law), in the book "Implicaciones que en el orden contencioso- administrativo produce la integración en la Unión Europea", in Cuadernos de Derecho Judicial No XXI, published by the General Council of the Judiciary, Madrid, 1996;

11604/03 (Presse 217) 43 EN – a study on "El papel del juez nacional en la aplicación del derecho comunitario" (The role of the national court in implementing Community law), in Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto No 16/1997, published by the Instituto de Estudios Europeos of the University of Deusto;

– an article written jointly with Manuel López Escudero entitled: "La jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia sobre la admisibilidad de las cuestiones prejudiciales" (Court of Justice case-law on the admissibility of referrals for preliminary rulings), published in the review Poder Judicial No 47, third quarter of 1997, Madrid, 1997;

– a text entitled: "La cooperación entre el Tribunal de Justicia y los jueces nacionales: límites del procedimiento prejudicial" (Cooperation between the Court of Justice and national courts: limits of the preliminary ruling procedure), in volume II (Diritto dell'Unione Europea) of the book "Scritti in onore di Giuseppe Federico Mancini", published by the Seminario Giuridico della Università di Bologna, Milan, 1998;

– chapter III, "Líneas generales de la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas en materia contencioso-administrativa" (Broad lines of the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Communities on Contentious Administrative Proceedings), of the first part of the book "Jurisdicción contencioso-administrativa (Comentarios a la Ley 29/1998, de 13 de julio, Reguladora de la Jurisdicción Contencioso-Administrativa", supervised by Enrique Arnaldo Alcubilla and Rafael Fernández Valverde, and published by El Consultor de los Ayuntamientos y de los Juzgados, Madrid, 1998;

– a text written jointly with Bernardino Correa on "La protección de los derechos humanos por el Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas" (Safeguarding of human rights by the Court of Justice of the European Communities), in the book "Derechos humanos del migrante, de la mujer en el Islám, de injerencia internacional y complejidad del sujeto", edited by Antonio Marzal, published by ESADE Facultad de Derecho and J.M. Bosch Editor, Barcelona, 1999;

– an article entitled: "La protección de los derechos de los ciudadanos. Jurisprudencia reciente del Tribunal de Justicia” (Safeguarding citizens' rights, recent case-law of the Court of Justice), in the book "Les nouveaux droits de l'homme en Europe", a compilation of the statements made at the XIth Congress of the Union of European Lawyers in Palma de Mallorca on 29, 30 and 31May 1997, published by Ed. Bruylant, Brussels, 1999, pp. 145 et seq.;

– a text written jointly with Manuel López Escudero on "L'institution de l'avocat général à la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes" (The institution of Advocate-General at the Court of Justice of the European Communities), in the book "Mélanges en hommage à Fernand Schockweiler", Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, Baden-Baden, 1999;

– an article on "El Tribunal de Justicia y el Tratado de Niza" (the Court of Justice and the Treaty of Nice) for the Gaceta Jurídica de la Unión Europea y de la Competencia No 212, covering the months of March and April 2001, pp. 4 to 11;

– cooperation on the book "Estudos em homenagem a Cunha Rodrigues", with a study on "El principio de no discriminación por razón de sexo en la jurisprudencia del Tribunal de Justicia de las Comunidades Europeas" (The principle of non-discrimination on the basis of gender in the case-law of the Court of Justice of the European Communities), published by Coimbra Editora, 2 volumes, Coimbra 2001, pp. 1129 to 1155 of volume II;

– an article on: "La réforme de la Cour de justice opérée par le traité de Nice et sa mise en oeuvre future" (The reform of the Court of Justice effected by the Treaty of Nice and its future implementation), published in the "Revue trimestrielle de droit européen", October-December 2001;

– an article on: "La reforma de la arquitectura judicial europea: un templo del Grial falto de inspiración" (Reform of the European Judicial Architecture: a Temple of the Grail lacking inspiration), published in the review Cuadernos de Derecho Público No 13, May-August 2001, pp. 125 to 151, by the Instituto Nacional de Administración Pública;

11604/03 (Presse 217) 44 EN – co-author of the collective book "Tratado de Niza. Análisis, comentarios y texto"(Treaty of Nice. Analysis, comments and text), of which he wrote Chapter 4 entitled: "La reforma del Tribunal de Justicia realizada por el Tratado de Niza y su posterior desarrollo" (The reform of the Court of Justice effected by the Treaty of Nice and its subsequent implementation), pp. 83 to 104, Ed. Colex, Madrid, 2002;

– participation in the collective work "La encrucijada constitucional de la Unión Europea", coordinated by by Eduardo García de Enterría, with a text entitled: "La articulación de los tribunales de la Unión Europea y de la estructura judicial de los Estados miembros" (Links between the European Union courts and Member States' legal structures), pp. 509 et seq., Ed. Civitas and Colegio Libre de Eméritos, Madrid, 2002.

Luxembourg, 8 April 2003.

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