Phase One: Planning Assumptions Public Comment Summary Report February 23, 2016


Public Involvement Objectives

The objectives of the 2040 Plan’s public involvement and outreach efforts are:  Provide multiple opportunities for stakeholders and the public to review plan-related information and obtain updates on the progress being made by the Plan to identify projects to address regional goals.  Provide stakeholders and the public with multiple opportunities through which they can provide feedback to OKI staff on the Plan’s development.  Tie in the Plan to OKI’s overall work activities and mission to communicate a clear, coordinated and comprehensive public message.  Update community members who participated in the previous update, performed in 2012, while identifying and reaching out to new, previously untapped community members and stakeholders.

Purpose of this Document

OKI views comprehensive, strategic stakeholder outreach and public involvement as essential to the success of the 2040 Regional Transportation Plan, 2016 Update and, ultimately, to the completion of the vital improvements throughout the Tristate. As such, this Public Comment Summary Report has been developed to record public involvement activities undertaken and the input received during the first of two phases of the 2016 Update.

Phase One: Planning Assumptions

Phase One of the 2016 Update can be summarized as the Planning Assumptions Phase. This phase was implemented between September 8, 2015 and January 8, 2016. The September start date of this phase was marked by the OKI Intermodal Coordinating Committee (ICC) presentation and the 2040 Plan’s website going “live.” The January end date of this phase was denoted by the conclusion of the public online survey.

As part of Phase One, OKI’s 2016 Update staff presented data and analysis on key factors pertinent to the region’s long range transportation planning process: Demographics, Congestion Management, Land Use & Environment, Safety and Security. This work presented existing data and projected trends for the OKI region, which provide better understanding of transportation needs and assist OKI staff in planning recommendations to address these needs. Planning Assumption information was made available to the public under the 2040 Plan website’s Planning Assumptions tab,


In the survey created for Phase One, OKI staff’s focus was on listening to the public to learn of their transportation needs and issues of greatest importance. OKI staff is considering public input collected from this survey, along with the Planning Assumptions data and input from OKI members, to draft the project recommendation list that will be presented in Phase Two of the 2016 Update process.

The eight-question survey was accessible online via SurveyMonkey and in paper format. In the six weeks the survey was open (November 30, 2015 to January 8, 2016), 2,302 surveys were submitted online and received by OKI staff.

Survey Outreach

In accordance with the 2040 Plan’s Pubic Involvement Plan (PIP), extensive outreach across a variety of channels was conducted to engage residents to complete the survey. To encourage survey completion, survey respondents had the opportunity to win a one-year Cincy Red Bike membership. Brad Bowers, a University of student and Clifton Heights resident, was randomly drawn as the winner of this membership.

Social Media:

OKI uses OKI’s Facebook page and Twitter account for all Social Media networking activities. During Phase One, the survey was promoted on Facebook in five posts reaching a total of 43,171 people. To promote the survey beyond OKI’s Facebook followers, two of the five posts were upgraded from organic posts to paid ads, significantly increasing impressions and engagement among Facebook users across the OKI region. OKI’s posts were shared more than 50 times by individuals and civic organizations, including the Department of Transportation, Dearborn County Planning and Zoning, Urban League Young Professionals of Greater Southwestern Ohio and Cincinnati City Council Members. The survey was promoted via one Tweet for a total of 911 impressions.

Constant Contact Messages and Email:

To ensure consistency in communications and facilitate promotion of the survey by non-OKI staff, a sample message was disseminated to OKI members and regional partners for their use in sharing with their email networks. See Appendix A for a copy of the message. This sample message was sent via Constant Contact to OKI’s Executive Committee and Intermodal Coordinating Committee. OKI’s Environmental Justice Committee received the message via email.

The following officials, organizations and municipalities also received the message via email: Central Business Association, Cincinnati City Council, Cincinnati USA Regional Chamber of Commerce, Clermont County Chamber of Commerce, Dearborn County Chamber of Commerce, Greater Cincinnati and Northern African American Chamber of Commerce, Greater Cincinnati Chinese Chamber of Commerce, Green Umbrella, Hamilton County Commissioners, Hispanic Chamber Cincinnati USA, Mill Creek Watershed Council of Communities, Northern Kentucky Chamber of Commerce, Planning and Development Services on Kenton County, Springdale City Council, Southwest Ohio Regional Transit Authority, and the 46 active community councils within the City of Cincinnati.

Public Meetings

OKI’s Public Involvement Specialist Florence Parker attended 16 community council meetings across Cincinnati, at which she discussed the survey and distributed paper copies of survey to those who preferred this version to the online survey. Of the 2,302 surveys submitted, 45 were paper surveys.

OKI also had representation at the Community Development Corporations Association of Greater Cincinnati’s Holiday Reception on December 9, 2015 and the State of Metro Annual Meeting on December 11, 2015. Survey handouts, which featured a QR code connecting users to the survey on their smart phones, were distributed to attendees at both events. In addition, OKI’s Deputy Executive Director Robert Koehler distributed the flyers to his colleagues on the Metro Futures Task Force at their December 3, 2015 meeting. See Appendix B for a copy of the handout.

Media Coverage

A media advisory announcing the survey was sent to local media on December 3. See Appendix C for a copy of the advisory.

The survey received the following coverage:  Hamilton County Commissioner Chris Monzel highlighted the survey on-air with Brian Thomas on 55KRC- 550 AM on December 2, 2015.  OKI CEO Mark Policinski referenced the survey in an interview with News 5 WLWT’s John London on December 3, 2015.  Robyn Bancroft, 2016 Update Project Manager, discussed the survey in an interview with 91.7 FM-WVXU’s Tana Weingartner, which aired on December 3rd and 4th, 2015.  Local 12 WKRC-TV mentioned the survey following an interview with OKI’s Andy Reser, Model Application Coordinator, on air quality model forecasts, which aired on December 8, 2015.


In addition to providing an overview of the 2040 Plan 2016 Update and presenting the Planning Assumptions reports, the website had a link to the survey. The website also provided Project Manager Robyn Bancroft’s contact information, as well as an online comment form through which individuals could submit questions or comments on anything related to the Plan or survey.

Public Input – Survey One Results

Responses to each survey question are summarized as follows:

1. I currently live in County.

The majority of respondents, 53.1%, reside in Hamilton County. 15.4% of survey takers live in Kenton County, while 10.0% live in Butler County. Boone, Campbell, Clermont, Dearborn and Warren Counties each had 4.1% or less of total responses.

The response breakdown reflects data from the 2010 Census of existing population distribution across the eight- county OKI region. This data is available under “Demographics” on the Assumptions tab of the 2040 website. The Census data shows that 43% of residents reside in Hamilton County, while 14% live in Kenton County and 17.4% live in Butler County. Clermont County is home to 9.6% of the region’s residents, which is slighty higher than the survey result. Boone, Campbell, Dearborn and Warren Counties each contain 5.5% or less of the region’s population.

2. I currently work in County.

The majority of respondents, 56.0%, work in Hamilton County. 11.6% of survey takers selected “Not applicable, I am not employed,” 7.7% work in Kenton County and 6.3% work in a county outside the OKI region. Boone, Butler, Campbell, Clermont, Dearborn and Warren each received 5.9% or less of total responses.

These responses again reflect 2010 Census data of our region’s employment distribution. This data shows that Hamilton County has 52% of the region’s employment. 6.5% of workers are employed in Kenton County, and Boone, Campbell, Clermont, Dearborn and Warren Counties each have 7.8% or less of the region’s population. 14.6% of jobs are located in Butler County, which is slightly higher than the survey result.

3. My age category is:

The most common age groups of respondents were 51-64 years old (26.6%) and 31-40 years old (23.2%).

Response Response Answer Options Percent Count 16-20 0.8% 18 21-30 17.1% 393 31-40 23.2% 531 41-50 17.6% 403 51-64 26.6% 610 65 and over 14.7% 337 answered question 2292 skipped question 10

4. My most frequent mode of transportation is? Please select one.

The overwhelming majority of respondents, 79.6%, drive their cars alone as their most frequent transportation mode. The next most selected modes were Bus (5.2%) and Walk (4.6%).

This response breakdown is fairly consistent with 2009-2013 data from the America Community Survey. Nationwide, 86% of people most frequently drive their cars alone, while 2% take the bus and 2% walk.

5. Based on the mode you selected in the prior question, if we could improve an aspect of your trip to work/school or a route you travel frequently, what would it be? Please be specific, include road name and county, if applicable.

This was the only open-ended survey question, aside from the opportunity to add additional comments at the survey’s end. Many respondents expressed frustration regarding construction throughout the region, especially on I-75 and I-71 in Ohio. Naturally due to the construction, delays and congestion caused more frustration which led many to suggest as an alternative form of transportation. However, light rail throughout the region was a common suggestion whether from the outer suburbs to and vice-versa, or to the Cincinnati Northern Kentucky International Airport. Fifteen percent of respondents wanted to implement more modes of public transit.

In addition to passenger rail, another common comment was the lack of and inconsistency of bus routes, mostly with SORTA/Metro. Improved frequency and additional late night stops were mentioned along with a universal bus card for the region (to be used on Metro and TANK). Almost 11% of respondents wanted to improve existing transit.

More bike lanes and sidewalks connecting neighborhoods were also common themes, as many wanted options that did not involve roadways. These types of comments were shared by about 12% of the respondents.

There was also the suggestion of adding more lanes to the major interstates in the region to accommodate more traffic and help ease congestion.

Lastly, the and all issues related to it was mentioned often. This Included toll and anti-toll sentiments, the idea of rerouting trucks to I-275, lack of safety, congestion and the Cincy Eastern Bypass. See Appendix D for all responses to this question.

Because this survey asked that specific road names be provided, several major roadways were commonly mentioned. See Appendix E for the comments associated with these commonly cited roads, categorized alphabetically by road. OKI staff emailed this list of roadways and comments to appropriate OKI members representing these local jurisdictions. See Appendix F for a copy of this email.

6. Which statement would you most likely say today?

Over half of respondents, 56.4%, prefer to keep their car but would gladly drive less. 21.0% of survey takers always want to own and drive a car, while 18.9% would not own a car, if they could meet their daily needs using other modes of transportation. 3.7% of respondents answered that they do not own a car, with more finding it challenging to meet their daily needs without a vehicle than not.

Response Response Answer Options Percent Count “If I could meet all my daily needs using other modes 18.9% 430 of transportation, I would not own a car.” “I always want to own and drive a car.” 21.0% 479 “I would like to keep my car but would gladly drive less 56.4% 1286 if there were viable alternatives.” “I currently do not own a car and am able to meet my 1.4% 33 daily needs.” “I currently do not own a car and find it challenging to 2.3% 53 meet my daily needs.” answered question 2281 skipped question 21

7. What is your top concern about getting around the Greater Cincinnati region over the next 25 years?

Most respondents’ top concern is congestion and traffic, 38.9%, followed by lack of public transit options with 32.7% of responses. The environment and safety were the next most selected responses, with 8.0% and 5.3% of responses, respectively. Gas getting too expensive was the least selected answer.

Response Response Answer Options Percent Count Cost of buying/maintaining a car 3.8% 87 Congestion/traffic 38.9% 893 Safety/car crashes 5.3% 122 My physical ability to drive 4.8% 110 Gas getting too expensive 1.7% 38 The environment and worsening air quality 8.0% 183 Lack of public transit options 32.7% 750 Other 4.8% 110 answered question 2293 skipped question 9

8. Select THREE types of transportation improvements that are most important to you.

Respondents favored implementing more modes of public transit (56.2%), followed closely by rehabilitating outdated infrastructure (55.9%). Maintaining existing roadways and creating walkable neighborhoods were the next most selected responses. Creating bike paths/lanes, investing in new construction, improving regional connectivity and improving Midwest connectivity received fairly even response rates of around 25%. Developing advanced technologies was the least popular response.

Response Response Answer Options Percent Count Investing in roadway expansion and new construction 25.5% 587 Maintaining existing roadways 38.5% 886 Rehabilitating outdated transportation infrastructure 55.9% 1286 (e.g., bridges, roads, railways) Improving connectivity among regional centers of 25.2% 580 activity within our OKI region Improving connectivity among our region and 23.2% 534 Midwest cities Implementing more modes of public transit 56.2% 1294 Developing advanced technologies, such as 6.9% 159 autonomous vehicles Creating bike paths and lanes 27.5% 634 Creating walkable neighborhoods 35.4% 815 Other 5.7% 131 answered question 2302 skipped question 0

9. Please share with us additional comments you may have.

962 survey takers responded to this question. Responses to this last survey question are very similar to those received from Question 5. 47% of respondents favored implementing more modes of public transit, namely light rail connecting suburbs and the urban core and an extended streetcar route. Many responses also expressed a need for public transit connecting our region to Midwest cities. The most common reason cited for wanting more transit was a desire to improve access and connectivity.

Following transit, the next most popular comments from 16% of respondents centered on improving our region’s bike network and making centers of activity more walkable; OKI pursuing a “complete streets” plan for the region was mentioned repeatedly.

The third most common responses from 11% of respondents related to improving our existing bus network. Specifically, respondents want an increase in the number of routes across the region to shorten commute times (particularly for those traveling downtown for work), improved connectivity between METRO and TANK, and increased utilization of smaller buses, capable of traveling on more roads and completing quicker routes.

Fixing the Brent Spence Bridge to alleviate congestion on the I-71/75 corridor was echoed by nearly all respondents who feel our regional focus should be on rehabilitating outdated infrastructure. 10% of those who responded to this question want focus to be on infrastructure rehabilitation. See Appendix G for all responses to this question.


Final Overview

OKI’s 2016 Update staff actively reached out to residents and stakeholders across the region in Phase One of this project to ensure the public was informed about the 2016 Update to the 2040 Regional Transportation Plan, as well as to ensure the public had multiple opportunities to provide feedback to OKI staff on the Plan’s development. The investment of staff time was significant, however the level of public response (over 2,300 surveys completed) was overwhelming. Feedback received is providing invaluable insight into the transportation needs and issues most important to the public and helping in the identification of projects recommended for inclusion in the Plan.

Next Steps

Phase Two of the 2016 Update will publicly commence in March 2016 with the ICC and Executive Committee monthly meetings. At these meetings, OKI staff will present a DRAFT Project List that has resulted from Phase One’s planning assumption data collection and analysis, public input and feedback received from OKI members. The DRAFT Project List will consist of only transportation improvements identified for inclusion in the fiscally constrained OKI 2040 Transportation Plan, 2016 Update.

With concurrence from OKI members made at the March meetings, OKI staff will initiate the Phase Two public participation process by posting the DRAFT Project List on the Plan’s website. A second Public Comment Summary Report for Phase Two will document all outreach and input received during the remainder of the OKI 2040 Regional Transportation Plan’s 2016 Update process.

Public input and OKI leadership will determine the final recommended list of projects. The OKI 2040 Regional Transportation Plan, 2016 Update including the final Project List will be presented to the OKI Board of Directors in June 2016 for adoption. Appendix A: Sample Survey Message

You Have the Green Light: Share Your Transportation Needs to Shape Our Region’s Future

Calling anyone and everyone! Whether you drive, ride, pedal or walk, your input is needed to guide the future of transportation improvements in our community and across the region.

The Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments, also known as OKI, recently launched a survey on November 30, to understand what short and long-term transportation needs and issues are most important to you. The online survey is short, taking only about 5 minutes to complete, and will be open through Friday, January 8.

Make your opinion count by participating in this survey! Click here to take the survey. Or you can find the survey on OKI’s Facebook page at Thanks to our friends at Cincy Red Bike, you have the chance to win a One-Year Red Bike Membership by taking the survey!

Your input will be used by OKI to create the region’s 2040 Plan, which identifies the transportation projects and programs to be implemented over the next 25 years. Since transportation and economic development are closely connected, the 2040 Plan helps advance our region and improve quality of life for all of us who live, work and play here. For more information about the 2040 plan, visit

The goal of this survey is to gather as much community input as possible, so feel free to forward this information to your friends, family and networks. Thank you in advance for your participation!

Questions? OKI is happy to share additional information. Please contact Lorrie Platt, OKI’s director of communications, at 513-619-7670 or [email protected].

Appendix B

You Have the Green Light! You Have the Green Light! Share Your Transportation Needs Share Your Transportation Needs to Shape Our Region’s Future to Shape Our Region’s Future

Take OKI’s short, online survey now through Take OKI’s short, online survey now through January 8 to guide the future of transportation January 8 to guide the future of transportation improvements in your community and across improvements in your community and across the region. Thank you for your participation. the region. Thank you for your participation.

To take the To take the survey, visit survey, visit / / A Cincy Red Bike annual membership will be A Cincy Red Bike annual membership will be awarded to one lucky participant! awarded to one lucky participant!

You Have the Green Light! You Have the Green Light! Share Your Transportation Needs Share Your Transportation Needs to Shape Our Region’s Future to Shape Our Region’s Future

Take OKI’s short, online survey now through Take OKI’s short, online survey now through January 8 to guide the future of transportation January 8 to guide the future of transportation improvements in your community and across improvements in your community and across the region. Thank you for your participation. the region. Thank you for your participation.

To take the To take the survey, visit survey, visit / / A Cincy Red Bike annual membership will be A Cincy Red Bike annual membership will be awarded to one lucky participant! awarded to one lucky participant! Appendix C: Media Advisory


You Have the Green Light: Share Your Transportation Needs to Shape Our Region’s Future

Calling anyone and everyone! Whether you drive, ride, pedal or walk, your input is needed to guide the future of transportation improvements in our community and across the region.

The Ohio-Kentucky-Indiana Regional Council of Governments, also known as OKI, recently launched a survey on November 30, to understand what short and long-term transportation needs and issues are most important to you. The online survey is short, taking only about 5 minutes to complete, and will be open through Friday, January 8.

Make your opinion count by participating in this survey! Click here to take the survey. Or you can find the survey on OKI’s Facebook page at Thanks to our friends at Cincy Red Bike, you have the chance to win a One-Year Red Bike Membership by taking the survey!

Your input will be used by OKI to create the region’s 2040 Plan, which identifies the transportation projects and programs to be implemented over the next 25 years. Since transportation and economic development are closely connected, the 2040 Plan helps advance our region and improve quality of life for all of us who live, work and play here. For more information about the 2040 plan, visit

The goal of this survey is to gather as much community input as possible, so feel free to forward this email to your friends, family and networks. Thank you in advance for your participation!

Questions? OKI is happy to share additional information. Please contact Lorrie Platt, OKI’s director of communications, at 513-619-7670 or [email protected]. Appendix D

Based on the mode you selected in the prior question, if we could improve an aspect of your trip to work/school or a route you travel frequently, what would it be? Please be specific, include road name and county, if applicable.


A bus stop on 27 at the intersection of 27 and Peabody/Spartan Drives. 32 is a complete mess. All engineers that were the project that was just completed need to be fired. Traffic has never been worse. How about adding a 3rd lane until all the fancy bridges get built? 42 in mason needs reconstructed. Driving 71S each day is a pain; however, not interested in Metro. Would love to have a mode of transportation assisting the suburbs into downtown. Light rail on Advocate for work from home as a way to reduce congestion; reduce congestion on 71 during the evening peak hours. Getting rid of the speed trap on 28 heading into old Milford. We also need a highway that goes east-west past 71. We needed it decades ago, and we still need it. 71 lane endings Add Rail service on the I-71 Corridor I-71 between OH-562 and Pfeiffer Rd. I live and work in the City of Cincinnati and drive no more than 15 minutes to work via I-71. Four lane highway would be beneficial on I-71. It makes no sense to create communities outside the City without expanding highways to accommodate growth. People still work downtown and live in Mason. I71 - finish construction between downtown and Norwood (Hamilton County). I-71 South of Ohio River somehow help ease rush hour traffic in the evenings on 71-N I would like to see I-71 rerouted off the Brent Spence Bridge to improve congestion. A new bridge in that space will not alleviate the congestion so a new route should be considered, Congestion on i75 in the evenings Making sure that the traffic boards work on 75 South Finish construction on I-75S -- it is scary to drive to work sometimes dues to construction 1. Complete the I-75 corridor construction in Ohio. 2. Restrict semi use of I-75/I-71 to local traffic only. Make them use the I-275 loop. 3. Long term: finalize a plan to fix the Brent Spence bridge. Resolve/finish construction on 75, which has been a hassle for probably 12 years. This probably is the biggest traffic problem I face while driving. Also since I end up driving back and forth to downtown sometimes multiple times per day to visit clients (from Sharonville), I would welcome light rail or easier bus access if I could remove one of those trips per day. I wish I did not have to drive my car to work. I live in Mt. Lookout and work in Springdale. Public transportation option is unreasonably difficult and inconvenient. I travel I-75 every day - a nightmare. Unless I drive during off hours (no later than 7 a.m. to work and no later than 4 p.m. home), it usually takes me 40-60 minutes to travel 18 miles. rail up and down 75 from butler/warren county to downtown Cincinnati linking streetcar Highway 75 Hamilton Provide me alternative modes of transit so that I don't have to sit in endless I-75 traffic. Light rail along 75. I would jump on at Glendale Milford and off downtown. I-75 northbound from Florence to the river seems to be backed up almost all of the time. Finish construction on 75 Traffic on I-75, consider a regional light rail option. I-75 North to the Brent Spence Bridge. It is highly congested and not always at rush hour ban the tractor trailers in the I-75 corridor again Interstate 75 Bridge across Ohio river at Cincinnati,Oh & Covington, Ky

Widen I-75, and add another bridge across the Ohio River without tolling the citizens, who are already taxed to the maximum! Tolls would be another tax on our citizens, unless locals could be exempt, and interstate commerce vehicles could pay to use the bridges! I75 congestion Just get I-75 construction finished downtown. improve the flow of traffic on 75 bridge, the funnel on southbound 75 towards the bridge is always backed up, not enough lanes to accommodate traffic flow Make I-75 less congested and give commuters ability to get through Northern Kentucky faster. Provide for the free flow of traffic on I-75 particularly at the Ohio River crossing I-75 North (Kenton County) is frequently backed up/stopped. Additional 1 (preferably 2) lanes needed for future.

I wish there were signs on I-75 reminding people that the speed limit on the Brent Spence Bridge is 55mph. I travel the bridge in both directions 10-15 times a week and find that traffic back ups are often caused because people slow down as they get to and are on the bridge. Many times there are so few cars on the northbound bridge that I have to wonder why there was a 2 mile back up in the first place. A few flashing signs as reminders that the speed limit is still the same would go a long way to keep traffic moving. Less traffic on I-75. It's always heavy. Less traffic tie up on I-75 North Stronger enforcement of the truck restriction lanes on southbound I-75 through the cut in the hill. Improve flow on I-75...both directions from Cincinnati to Buttermilk Fix the congestion on I-75 and the bridges I-75 at Ohio River I-75 Hamilton County Any area on I 75 that is not jarring my teeth will soon be My drive on I75. Fewer potholes, and better on-ramp for southbound I-75 from Clifton. replace the I75 bridge over the Ohio River with wider and safer bridge I75 Honestly, finish the construction on I-75, because it makes my commute a nightmare. Replace the I-75 bridge

Reduce traffic on I-75. Improve traffic light timing on Vine Street/Springfield Pike. Improve Rt. 42 and Reading Road intersection.

Improve the I75 corridor, including the Brent Spence bridge, which is in need of improvement or replacement

Every other weekend we travel through Cincinnati on Friday evening and Sunday evening. What a congested mess driving through the cut in the hill in KY and trying to cross the Ohio River on a bridge that's ancient. When's it going to cave in? How many lives will be lost before renovations are made to handle the hugh amount of traffic? We've started to go around 275 towards Eastgate to avoid the bridge traffic. It's costing us time and money to do so, but I'd rather be safe.

Also, major renovations are needed to Pleasant Valley Rd & Camp Ernst Rd. in Boone County. No shoulders, roads falling away at the edges, poor lighting, and encountering those huge semi-trucks trying to avoid I71/I75, school buses, speeding dump trucks, and emergency vehicles just scares the day lights out of me. What am I supposed to do if an emergency vehicle is behind me? I can't pull off the road. Traffic backs up so badly at the intersection of these 2 roads in the mornings and evenings! It's almost impossible to make a left turn from Pleasant Valley onto Camp Ernst during these times. Since we moved here 10 years ago, traffic has increased probably 5 times yet nothing has been done to the roads to accommodate the increased traffic. Drivers from the Union area use Camp Ernst and Pleasant Valley to avoid the heavy congestion on Rt.42 as they're trying to get to I71 / I75. Keep semis out of the left two lanes of SB I-75 through the cut in the hill improve 75 in both directions within Hamilton County - it's been entirely too congested for at least 15 years Reduce the number of trucks in the I75 corridor. rapid transit, I 75 corridor. 275 between blue ash and milford. Fix pot holes/ every road in Hamilton city. fix the rest of 275. add a train the city of Cincinnati has portions of a subway already completed which they also have to maintain because one section is under central parkway and another houses a water main. Connect the subway to above ground lines and you could serve the region not just a small section of the city(street car system) I-275 is a parking lot during rush hours - everyday of the year and its getting worse as population increases. get some of the truck traffic out of the inner 275 boundaries Divert semi traffic around 275 from 6-9am and 3-7pm m-f. Nothing can be done other then expanding I-275 to a four lane highway. If traffic is bad then I and countless others, will use technology that gets us to our destination avoiding traffic. i.e. Waze All commercial traffic should immediately be re-routed around I-275. This would eliminate any current congestion on the Bret Spence Bridge while dramatically improving safety. Improve traffic flow on 275 E from I-75- 16, Dixie, turkeyfoot and 17 are all issues most afternoons

In my daily work commute, I travel 275 through Clermont & Hamilton counties in Ohio + Kenton & Boone counties in Kentucky to the junction of 71/75. There is only 1 Artemis sign from the Beechmont Ave on ramp to 275 --just after entering N Ky via 275 S near the junction of 471 N-- normally too late to adjust for traffic related message. At least one more in OH and 1-2 more in N Ky would be helpful. Better highway garbage collection along 275 in Ohio + perhaps better wildlife mgt (deer) would make commuting on this route safer.

Interstate system around the river in particular the bridges. They all need addressing whether it is the 275 bridges or the Brent Spence. i travel 275 between the 33 mm and 49 the highway has just been redone its very nice now put trucks on 275, enforce the law 471 before 8:00AM Route 536 in Eastern Kenton County is dangerous. Turn lanes with signal lights along 747 for all intersections instead of just one direction (like Princeton Rd only has it for one side when both are needed) traffic light. 122/West Alexandria Butler County Widen the intersection at 129 and Hampshire dr. I drive from 129E to 75 S to 275E to Reed Heartman. Traffic is ALWAYS so back up and terrible. There seems to be a daily accident that causes 75S to always be backed up to Union Centre or further up.

I would DEFINITELY use the bus if it went from 14&Sycamore in Hamilton County to 9th & Monmouth in Campbell County, but currently since it is multiple "zones" /fares and has a transfer/takes so long, it's not worth it. I would also use it if I could get from Sycamore & 14th to 3500 Madison Road (both in Hamilton Co) if again it wasn't multiple fares with the transfer, and if it didn't take so long. wide route 177/ decoursey pike 237 in Hebron at Coral Drive - it's impossible to turn out of the neighborhood during high traffic time - people speed in that area and there are a lot of semi-trailers too. Pleasant Valley in Florence when you turn from Camp Earnst is dark with winding roads - there's no rrom for error with the side of the road ending and then dropping off. If you could improve the route to I-65 by upgrading the condition of 250 from Madison, that would be extremely helpful. The traffic and signals at the intersections of 27 and Spring street and 27 and 73 in Oxford are awful. It takes several minutes to get through light changes even when there is little or no traffic on any of the roads

The where I-275 and I-71 meet in Kenton County can be incredibly congested and even dangerous during peak hours. To get home, I travel I-275 W and take the exit to get on I-71 S. At times this gets backed up all the way to Crestview Hills. Ease traffic congestion where 275 merges onto I-75 south in Erlanger. Traffic between 275 and Exit 6 Mitchell is always congested, if that can change it will make my commute better, it shorten my travel time about 25% Daily congestion on I-275 both directions at Rt.42 in Sharonville. Rt.42 congestion north of I-275 to Mason. Stop and go, poorly timed traffic flow on Winton Road from I-275 to Winton Woods.

Implement hard shoulder running on 275 between 28 and 71. Cars entering the highway from Wards Corner and Loveland-Madeira are paralyzing traffic. It would also be helpful to build auxiliary lanes at these interchanges to allow more time to merge. Reduce traffic on 275 between 75 and wards corner 275 West between Milford and I-71 is very congested. More lanes to help elleviate the congestion, making entering and exiting the highway easier would be helpful. Add a 3rd lane on I-275 between the New Richmond and Five Mile exits in both directions. Traffic backs up in this area in the morning and evening rush hours. Add additional traffic cameras on I-275 at the New Richmond, Five Mile and SR 125 exits.

Widen 275 from 4 to 6 lanes between rt 52 and five mile road interchanges. Build eastern by-pass. Build eastern corridor connector. East side is cut off from rest of highway network. Routing eastsiders through KY to 471 is a copout for Ohio Hwy officials. 275 between state route 28 and 71 in both directions needs to be able to accomodate more traffic..ex.additional lanes The area of I-275 between SR-32 and US 52 seems like the bastard son of the region's freeways. More ITS is needed in this area and an additional lane between US 52 N and Five Mile Road is desperately needed. I believe that the interstates would be safer if the big rigs had a by-pass highway and weren't allowed in the 275 loop except for local deliveries. 275 east is always backed up or at a stand still. I275 West between Forrest Fair and Hamilton Ave evening sunset causes traffic to come to a stop. I-74 West at Miamitown. Water comes straight down hill when it rains causing hydroplaning. I71 needs three lanes from Columbus to Cincinnati. Road reflectors need replacing. These have saved me from several accidents on dark stormy nights. Bridges over I270 and I90 east Mentor Co look as if pieces will be falling down on road. I75 Bridge to Kentucky is scary. Avoid at all cost. Traffic on I275 East side is congested during rush hour.

Traffic congestion on 275 West from Milford to 71 is terrible. lanes go down to two at 71 which backs traffic up during rush hour. aleviate the conjestion on north and west bound 275 from Milford to Loveland. We sit on the highway everyday in that area in the morning. Then in the evening the same going the other way. Improve I-275 in Clermont County from SR-28 to Loveland Maderia Rd. In the mornings heading towards I-71 traffic is always backed up and slow from SR-28, Wards Corner, and Loveland Maderia. 275 between milford and Montgomery us too crowded 275 needs a few more lanes across the top, from Milford to Colerain. I would take a train to downtown if one existed.

I would love to see regional rail between the major suburbs and the urban core. I drive to work everyday on 275 to 471 and between the time spent and the traffic congestion, it is not a very efficient means of transportation. I would love to be able to catch a train in the morning, work on the way downtown, and not have to worry about getting stuck in traffic or being involved in an accident. 3L, merge from I-275 to I-75/75S - always backed up around 4:30/5:00 in the afternoon Off ramp from I275 to Route 8 towards Dayton/Bellevue

Rework I-275/I-75/71/Donaldson Hwy interchange so it flows more efficiently. Rework I-275 from I-75/71 interchange to I-471 as it is more gridlocked than I-75/71 at the bridge. Rework 237 between Litton Lane and Worldwide Blvd. Fix the I-75 between Norwood Lateral and I-275 (Ohio side) to alleviate gridlock. Fix I-71 at the Kenwood cut in the hill to alleviate gridlock. More protect bike lanes downtown. For my specific commute, 2nd street would be great to have a bike lane. It is so wide that people treat it like a highway and travel at 50+ mph which is very uncomfortable to ride a bike in. I just go all the way down to Smale now and ride west to east down there. 471 NB through Kentucky backs up every morning. They just did a major rehab to it a couple years ago, but it didn't take care of the congestion problem. Traffic entering 471 from 275 in the morning. And frequent accidents on 275 at the AA Hwy entrance It is very hard to cross in pedestrian crossings. Almost all of the crossings on my walk to and from work (on either 4th or 5th) are no turn on red but people turn on red anyway and I have almost been hit way too many times. Just enforcing this might help. I have found it is safest to wait for a clearing and cross whenever, wherever rather than following the rules. Flashing light at 50 and Bank St The merge on to 50/75 on the Big Mac bridge (471 North) is a headache most days. I'm generally at that point by 6:45 am most days. Hey better Road go one north of 52 up to 125 to replace a dangerous roads of 9 mile in 10 mile Road in Clermont County KY 536 between US 42 and I-71/75 Complete the 536 connector from Boone all the through to the AA in Campbell Maintain 5 st. entrance and exit to I-75/71. Move truck traffic to outer belt. Maintain current roadways in good repair while improving traffic patterns. I-75 and I-71 should have no trucks allowed during rush hour. Train option following along 71 or 75 Light rain corridor on 71 and 75 Light rail along 71 and 471 (or downtown-Newport). Add 4 lane sections to both I-71 and 1-75 within the 275 loop. Consider an HOV lane to keep traffic moving. Fix 71 N at Smith edwards/Norwood lateral. Horrible design. Also add traffic lights to onbound lanes to manage inflow. 71 South between Fields Ertel and Red Bank Road at Rush hour. Governors Way and Mason/Mason Montgomery-Going South on Mason Road needs a left turn signal onto Governors way. HAM-71: Create a northbound add lane from SR 126 that drops at Pheiffer Road. HAM-275 @75: Remove the cloverleaf portion of the interchange.

I would love to take a train from Kenwood down 71s toward MLK so I could get to work. Or some form of BRT. I would also like it if buses ran frequently later down Montgomery Rd. to Kenwood. It would take me over an hr to get home when it takes about 20 minutes now.

Since MLK is being built (best improvement for me) the second best is fixing how I have to change 3 lanes in order to continue you on 71 North past the Norwood lateral coming from Duckcreek onramp. It's a nightmare if there is any kind of traffic.

Improve congestion on I-71N between southern NKY counties and downtown in mornings, between downtown and NKY on I-71S in evenings. Potholes at the end of 71N exit on Smith/Edwards I want rail service up the 71 or 75 corridor traffic is awful on both and rather not drive I drive 71 S from Pleasant Ridge to the Queens gate area. It would be great to have a public transportation option. 71 traffic is ridiculous. People are afraid of the Red Bank Road hill.

1. Do something to alleviate the congestion on northbound 71 that originates at the Ridge exit where four lanes go down to two. 2. Provide alternative modes of transportation, like light rail, in order to reduce overall congestion. Traffic congestion on I-71 and 275 between Wards Corner and 71 My current route of 71/75 north to Mt Zion is quite convenient A mass rail system right up 71/75 with bus service and car parking from there.

The I-71/I-75 congestion during rush hour is ridiculous. If this could be fixed that'd be awesome. Brent Spence bridge needs to be replaced. Reduce the number of cars or increase the number of lanes along 71 & 75. Light-rail service along 71/75. Gallatin to Kenton would be wonderful! Reduced traffic on both I 71 and I75 I-71 and I-75 are both a nightmare! It would be nice to offer some other mode of transport for us up and down those corridors. If we don't have some way of getting some of yhe cars off yhe roadway, the traffic is only going to get worse! Less traffic on I 71/75 There are always delays when traveling the 71-75 corridor - too few lanes - for the amount of traffic! When there is an accident or other tie-up on I-71 or I-75 there is no alternate interstate route here. I travel a lot and EVERY other metro area -- Cleveland, Columbus, Indy, Louisville -- where I go has alternatives. We need North-South alternatives on both the west and east "sides" of Greater Cincinnati. Build a new 71/75 bridge with out tolls over the Ohio river have a street car go into Kentucky plus go out to the airport with it The I-71/75 bridge and Cut in the hill, which is a section of I-71/75 that leads to bridge needs redesigned. Traffic backups and to be honest a very scary experience with large trucks and cars moving way too fast coming down the hill towards bridge. Police patrols are useless because of high traffic and little space to poll anyone over. Radar speed signs are ignored as I always encounter them flashing over 65 mph when speed limit is 55. I often drive from my Ft. Wright home to Covington to church, to volunteer at a Covington school, to the public library. I take I-71/75. It is a very busy road and some drivers take no heed of the 55 mph speed limit. There are many, many accidents. What would make drivers slow down?

Get the bridge project done on 71/75. Spence bridge is terrible. I would really like to see the truck traffic diverted around the city on 275 because far too often, the cut in the hill is a complete bottle neck due to truck traffic. I can't begin to count how many times I have almost been run over by trucks trying to change lanes going up the cut in the hill in Kenton County on 71/75 south bound. I-71/I-75 in Boone and Kenton County I 71- I 75 1.) I don't understand why 71 traffic dose not get diverted to 275 then 471. The ramps on 275 and 471 could be fixed to handle more traffic, this would help the cut in the hill traffic, and traffic in the tunnel. whenever there is a wreck in the tunnel traffic is stopped on 2 freeways its ridicules

2.) the ramp that comes off Donaldson Rd. to north 71/75 and the airport. I don't know who singed off on that but I hope they still don't work there. every morning its like bumper cars with people coming off that ramp trying to get over to take the 275 airport exit and people coming off 71/75 trying to go 275 east try that one for yourself one morning

3,) Speaking of 71 why cant 71 continue the way it was planned from the 71 / 75 split that would do the most good. separate 71 and 75 Light Rail Would be amazing. The 71 75 bridge is the biggest issue that we face. Improve I-71 - 75 bridge. New Bridge over Ohio on !-71 and !-75 71 75 north and south at bridge and cut in the hill are regularly backed up due to wrecks. Possibly widen or add lanes. Direct semi trucks to slow lane with signs. Add emergency lanes on both sides of new bridge. Exit ramp on 71 75 south for erlanger is very dangerous as you have to weave through traffic merging from 275 heafing to 71 75 south. Couldn't we get a rail on 71 and 75 to run from mason / liberty to downtown? Fix the 71/75 and Pike Street merge traveling northbound. 71/75 - 275 interchange in Boone County Not as congested driving up 71/75north every morning to get from Kentucky to downtown! Extra lanes at 71-S Taft exit (or finish the current project with a reasonable timeframe). Traveling I71S in the evening approaching 471 is very congested and time consuming. Something that improves the bottleneck would be helpful. Add lanes of I-74 both directions from I-75 to state line. 1. Stop the traffic jams where I74 and I75 meet (going east bound on I74 to S bound I75). Mornings are the worse times 2. There is always a back up going south on the overpass of dry fork road to make a left turn onto the entrance ramp of I74E. Rarely is there ever a way to get through there without sitting for endless minutes, during morning and evening rush hours. 3. Need a traffic light at the corner of Campbell and Kilby Roads in Harrison 4. We need public transportation in Harrison Ohio Redesign the section of 74 where 74, 75 and the 2 entrance ramps (one from Montana, one from Beekman) all come together. There have been improvements but it's still a huge bottleneck and there are many accidents and near misses. Make sure buses are on time. Perhaps an earlier route as well for the 74X downtown. Put in HOV lanes on I-75 & I-71 north & south. Also make it illegal for big trucks to be in the left lane. Spill over traffic onto US 25 Dixie Highway through Ft. Wright and Park Hills to Covington and Cincinnati brings the entire morning and evening commute to a standstil when 75 is obstructed. Amsterdam Road at Montague backs up through Park Hills and the alternative is to sit in traffic. I-75 South AM: At I-275 merge and Ronald Reagan Merge.

I-75 North: Lateral, Towne Street, Paddock Merge. GE area as well.

Less congestion on I75 at Ronald Reagan Hwy 75 between Norwood Lateral and 275 I-75 Between the river and I-74. 75 having less construction and more lanes between 275 (near Springdale) and the Brent Spence Bridge. 75 bridge over the river Eliminate I-75 congestion particularly at the Brent Spence Bridge

I most often take the CWB bridge from Covington to Cincinnati. I avoid the I75 bridge like the plague! cut in the hill 75

Not allow semi trucks during morning and afternoon rush hours...they jam up traffic in both directions on the cut in the hill on I-75. Taking trucks off the 75 Cut in the Hill during rush hour. As the amount of trucks continue to grow it's making for a dangerous situation as they are often delayed in getting up the hill and using multiple lanes. I 75 cut in hill traffic from buttermilk to the bridge

Light rail along I-75 from CVG through downtown Cincinnati to Downtown Dayton. A second rail would go from Downtown Dayton to WPAFB. I travel from Downtown to West Chester. Light rail up I75 would be great. Traffic is growing worse and worse and we don't have any mass transit options besides the bus. I75 Northbound starting around Erlanger into Cincinnati always seems to be backed up lately .

Solving the congestion/traffic along north 75 from I-275 to the bridge. Other than adding lanes I'm not sure how to solve this problem. Travel is typically fine except traveling north on I75 from the 275 split to the river. I could make it to work in about 15 minutes. Traffic makes it at least 25 minutes because of the bridge back-up Access to I-75 from Northside. The ramp onto I-74 S/E is terrible in the morning. It was much much much better when Northside had two separate on-ramps to I-74 S/E. I'm sure there were a lot of Expensive Studies done when it was decided to close one of the two ramps, but as a resident of the neighborhood I am here to tell it was better back then. I-75 through hopple and Mitchell is horrible. There are many wrecks there because of the construction. 75 north/south Southbound 75. extend south bound merge lane off of 275 and cross county highway or create it's own 4th lane merge lane all the way into Cincinnati I75 North to Hopple Street I-75 North from Kyles Ln. is frequently backed up all the way to be bridge. Needs to be cleared by requiring all thru traffic be required to use I- 275 under severe penalty for violation -- $1000 per violation. Working traffic lights and appropriate traffic movement. Civil engineering could help with improvement. I live in Reading and travel to Tri-County Parkway by means of 75 North then throught Glendale to Tri-County Parkway. Iimprove the interchanges with I 75 @ Union Center Blvd. and Libety Way and SR 129 75 & 71 never ending construction & traffic - Brent Spence Bridge - The Intersection of Eaton, Millville & Main on the west side of city of Hamilton - The northern I-75/I-275 interchanges are a mess. It would be helpful to make it so entering and exiting traffic doesn't have to merge. There are accidents frequently on the 275 E/75 N interchange from people slamming on their brakes when traffic suddenly stops to merge. I was involved in one and now avoid that route home even though it takes less time.

Encourage southbound I-75 travelers to move out of the right lane so that those trying to merge from eastbound I-275 have a chance. Since all the work that was done there recently actually made it harder to merge. The left lane seems empty at that point, but nobody will let you into the right lane, even though hardly anybody is exiting at the next exit! Also ALWAYS include traffic info on the traffic info signs, instead of putting up bits of confusing and incomplete traffic death info all weekend. The i75-i275 interchange is a congested, dangerous mess traffic backups on 75 and 71 - it oftentimes takes me 1-1.5 hours to get home from work between the hours of 5-6:30 Keep I-75 and I-71, and Norwood Lateral up. Also, Reading and Paddock Rds Would rather have a train overhead up I75 down I71 across Ronald Reagan Hgwy. Kings lowland to CVG airport.

I avoid the Brent Spence Bridge and I-75/71 at all costs. I'm able to utilize the Clay Wade Bailey Bridge most times but I fear it will not be able to handle the additional traffic if the Brent Spence Bridge is rerouted/rebuilt or becomes a toll road. I wish I could use alternate transportation but I often need my car at work and the additional time it would take to access multiple buses is impractical. I would like the roads and bridges repaired,I75 I71,You shouldn't be tolling existing roads, These states should use hiway funds on hiways and only Hiways,Raisethe hiway tax more money would go the hiway than tolling every would, Create a light rail system that runs up and down both I75 and I71. As well as connectors at downtown, the Norwood lateral, and the north most section of I275 Reduce traffic on I-75 and I-71.

Eliminate semi-trucks from I75/I71. They should take 275. Many times they are in either 3 lanes or 4 lanes across which slows all traffic. 75/71 North and south, 275 east and west Lessen traffic during rush hours on I 75/I 71, cut of the hill, Way.

I-75/71 North, Florence thru Erlanger. I live in Fort Mitchell and work in Walton. Great going south, but heavy traffic at all times going north. I75N/275E interchange Improve the AA highway! transportation to the airport and Florence shopping. Light Rail, Streetcar, Airport to CBD Rail Connection Need better connectivity between Alexandria area & Florence area (536). Also need better way to get around Cincinnati downtown, look into a better bypass, not just move congestion out to Kyles Lane Aside from accidents, I find that my commute from Amelia to Reading Road is relatively smooth. I use Waze daily to alert me to accidents and alternative routes. Major improvements on the route from Park Hills to Crescent Springs via Amsterdam Rd and Bromley-Crescent Springs Rd. There is always a bottleneck at Amsterdam and Sleepy Hollow. If I use highway, bottleneck and Dixie and the side street in front of Liquor Store and Carpet Store. route 77x Anderson ferry rd more buses at more times greater options from more frequent buses or other public transportation and more after work hours transport options to Anderson Township Rail/bus transit to anderson Township from OTR I would be willing to take the bus downtown to save money and inconvenience of finding parking. Do express routes run to Aronoff, Music Hall, Fountain Square, ballparks? Phase 2 of streetcar to my auburn and Clifton in Hamilton county Build an overpass or underpass at each railroad crossing on Augsburger Road, especially at the two-rail crossing near Irving Material, Inc. at 600 Augsburger Road, New Miami, Butler County, Ohio. Increased numbered of express buses going from Avondale (Reading and Forest) to downtown. I would take the bus if they were on time more often and if there were more frequent express buses headed downtown. Traffic light at intersection of Bank St and US 50 in Dillsboro IN Better bike and pedestrian facilities. Batavia Hill is very dangerous on Old 32, though I see bikers and pedestrians on it frequently walking to Batavia High School. Beaumont, Ft Wright to Highland Ave, Ft Wright north to I 75 or south to I 275 complete bike lanes -Oasis line - bridge over little miami at beechmont connecting bike access from East side of town. Completing Wasson way Expand Beechmont avenue.

Traffic signals don't adequately handle the amount of new vehicles on the roads every year, they just make going anywhere take way longer Beechmont Ave and Route 32 around Eastgate are examples. 10 years ago it took 5 minutes to get somewhere that now easily takes 10-12. Make Beechmont Ave more bicycle friendly. Widen Beechmont to help with merging with 32, Wooster, and Columbia Pkwy beechmont Ave. Mt Washington, Hamilton County Beechmont Ave where State Route 32 enters needs a way to keep those merging from impeding Beechmont. Prevent flooding on the roads connecting to the Beechmont levee. There are too many days where these roads are impassable or close to impassable. Eastbound Beechmont/Ohio Pike (SR 125) is very congested frequently (between Nordyke Rd. and I-275). There are several traffic lights that are not in sync and cause problems- light, Hamblen Rd light, Hopper Hill light, Mt. Carrmel-Tobasco Rd light. The right lane is especially backed up because many people want to turn right into Starbucks/Beechmont Racquet Club and others are planning on turning right further ahead, even as far ahead as I-275. I have a short commute back and forth to work and rarely have to deal with congestion on the surface streets I use for my preferred route to and from work (I do avoid Westwood Ave in the morning because of traffic and construction and take State to Beekman Street instead). Beekman has been in pretty rough shape, the potholes get bad during the winter. Blue Ash Rd, especially in Deer Park and Silverton needs restoration, including street lighting upgrade and better parking. Bike lanes on public roads through Blue Ash, Sharonville (Plainfield, Cooper, Sharon, etc.) Repair Blue Rock and Spring Grove Avenues in Hamilton County

Trolly that connects communities for shopping living and the work thru Bondhill, Pleasant Ridge, Oakley Norwood and Kenwood Langdon Farm Rd, Seymour Rd, Montgomery Rd, Ridge and Madison Road I'd love a bike lane on Bonham Rd. into Oxford. I'd ride it into town to work, currently, I don't feel safe riding on that road. Bus transportation from Madisonville (Bramble Road) directly to Children's Hospital (Burnett St.). Right now you have to go downtown - this is crazy when Children's Hospital is one of the largest employers in the City. Improve Branch Hill Guinea Pike Rd from State Route 28 to Wards Corner. Fill potholes, fix rough patches (mostly around Weber/Cook Rd to Wards Corner). The Brent Spence bridge New Brent Spence Bridgw Build a new bridge 71/75. Even if it means rolls. in addition to Brent Spence Bridge and I-75 (cut in the hill), there has been more congestion for the exit ramps along I-275 west primarily exits 4A and exit 8A (traffic backs up on 275 for about a mile every morning) Replace the Brent Spence Bridge. Fix the Brent Spence Bridge congestion/condition issue: get KY/OH and local leader buy-in to one design, a funding plan, and rally everyone to the plan. Then DO IT! New Brent Spence Bridge Ease congestion on the Brent Spence bridge and allow traffic to flow at full speed. Brent Spence Bottle-neck. I 71-75 bridge over the Ohio river. Improve the I75/71 corridor including the BS Bridge.

The Brent Spence Bridge is a nightmare to drive across. I have to take back ways to work every morning just to avoid the cut-in-the-hill. Repair/replace the Brent Spence Bridge connecting northern Kentucky with Cincinnati, Ohio. Replace the Brent Spence Bridge, or make public transit that crosses the river more convenient. The bridges from Ohio to ky suck. I would make the Wayans whiter than they currently are I would guess at least 10 lanes total 5 lanes each side because there's a massive amounts of exits on both sides Bridgetown, Taylor, Ebenezer. Put in a rotary! convenient bus access--bridle rd. hamilton county Only drive 5 miles to work--no bus routes from Bridle Road 45244 to 7850 Five Mile 45230. Bromley Crescent Springs road and we do not need a bike path on this road. Improve Bromley Crescent Springs, Amsterdam, and Sleepy Hollow roads. All 3 are very dangerous. Kyles Lane is very dangerous from Farrell Dr. to KY 17/Madison Pike. Bridge or ferry service from Bromley/Ludlow to Cincinnati to stop backups on RT 8 when interstate is backed up. Or street car from Ludlow into Covington! Brent Spence Bridge, Hamilton/Kenton County Replace the Brent Spence Bridge - tolls are fine with me. I travel it frequently and the traffic is appalling. Brent Spence Bridge repairs needed I 75 bridge Upgrade or replace the Brent Spence Bridge reduce congestion around the Brent Spence bridge area

Replace the 71/75 bridge I75 and the Brent Spence bridge. replace brent spence bridge BRENT SPENCE BRIDGE Brent Spence Corridor on 75 for my business and my employees Brent spence bridge, less trucks on roads Brent Spence bridge Replace the Brent Spence Bridge Fix the Bridge 71/75 Brent Spence Bridge The Brent Spence Bridge and the I75/I71 cut-in-the hill in Northern Kentucky. Replace Brent Spence bridge Ban semis on current Brent Spence I frequently visit family in Northern Kentucky. The Brent Spence Bridge is horrendous and needs to be replaced or augmented with a new bridge. This is one of the worst bottlenecks in the country and makes the trip very difficult. The lack of visibility on the lower deck is particularly unpleasant. Brent Spence Bridge The 71/75 bridge Replace Brent Spence bridge Reduce congestion on the Brent Spence bridge and the cut in the hill. Bottle neck on Brent Spence is terrible. Brent Spence Bridge - I-75 North and South No Tolls on Brent Spence Bridge I start work at 6am and finish at 2:30pm. This is so I cn avoid the traffic clog at Brent SpenceBridge Brent Spence Bridge BSB The Brent Spence I use daily and it is a very difficult process of trying to cross too many lanes in a short span. Don't like taking the bridge to and from Cincinnati because it is dangerous.

Replace I-71/75 Brent Spence bridge. The Brent Spence bridge should be a priority. I count myself lucky I don't have to travel it every single day. Make the Brent Spence Bridge safer Traffic across Brent Spence Bridge (without a toll, which would be a hefty bill in my budget since I commute to work on one side of the bridge and live on the other). By not putting a toll on the Brent spence bridge would be excellent. Fix Brent spence bridge without tolls Replacing the Brent Spence bridge to accommodate current AND FUTURE levels of traffic Rebuild the Brent Spence Bridge. NEW I75/71 BRIDGE AND MORE LANES I-71/75 Brent Spence Corridor going thru Ft. Mitchell, Ft. Wright and Covington I-75 Brent Spence bridge Bridge to OHIO-it needs improvement. Why the two states cannot come to an agreement before something happens is beyond me; but OHIO can spend millions $$$$ on a streetcar?? Begin work on new bridge to replace Brent Spence or add bridge next to Brent Spence. To improve the travel over the bridge from Kentucky to Ohio. Brent spence bridge traffic delays and safety issue on the bridge and approachments Fix Brent Spence Bridge Brent spence bridge and interstate 75

Buses outside of downtown Cincinnati should have their own designated lane, at least during rush hour. During rush hour, it takes more than five times the amount of time it takes to ride through Burnet Ave, from Cincinnati Children's Hospital all the way down to where it merges with Reading Rd. The same is true along Martin Luther King, Jr Blvd. where it intersects Burnet Ave, all the way to Clifton Ave, at . There are at least 5 bus routes affected by all the personal vehicles causing the jam. It would be more effective for those moving massively by bus if the buses had their own lane. I own a car but I take public transportation given my proximity to work. Being in a bus affected by traffic defeats the purpose of opting for public transportation. Those who chose to drive every day to work should be the only ones affected by their own traffic jams. Roads around the hospital complex Burnett, erkenbrecker, vine. Better timed traffic lights, quicker snow/ice removal...

Improve traffic flow patterns at buttermilk exit traveling south. I-71 traffic and traffic light timing on Buttermilk Pike Intersection of buttermilk and grandview in ft. Mitchell is a mess. Need extra lanes on both sides of grandview. The Buttermilk/Orphange Rds realignment project in Fort Mitchell, Ky (Kenton Co) Camp Ernst road.l Pendleton County (Butler and Falmouth) needs a bus system to Alexandria & Cold Spring in Campbell County. Also need para-transit as my two sons who have autism are at risk of running off into the street at a bus stop.

Repair sidewalks in the CBD especially the pavers that are coming loose all over the CBD, which presents a hazard to people with disabilities Bike lane up center hill Ave Bike lanes on Central, and Vine downtown. Eliminate the one-way segment of Central Avenue between 9th and 7th Streets. There is no reason why the road is two-way on either side of this segment. It breaks the flow of the road and causes the driver to go out of the way for nor reason. Central Parkway in Hamilton County between Northside and Downtown Enforcing speed limits for cars along Central Parkway north of Liberty and all along Spring Grove. Protected bike paths - not designed like those awful ones on Central Pkwy. It can be difficult to cross Central Parkway due to the long wait times with walking. It also seems unsafe, as cars will turn or run red lights and nearly hit pedestrians, even with a walk light. We need more on-street protected bike lanes, like the one on Central Parkway, all throughout the region. Central Parkway Extend the Central Parkway Bikeway all the way to Ludlow Ave. More bike lanes on major roads, preferably dedicated, separated bike lanes like those on Central Parkway. The Central Parkway protected bike lanes need to be finished all the way to Ludlow. All of my major issues travelling to and from work involve construction. As soon as construction on Central Parkway and I-75 between downtown and Reagan is finished my commute should be fine.

A traffic light is desperately needed at the intersection of Chase Ave. and Virginia Ave. in Northside (45223). I live near this intersection and use it often but it is incredibly dangerous and there is at least one accident per week at this intersection and several nearly accidents. I would love it if there was more options for bus transportation from cheviot into downtown. This would make the snow days less frightening for myself and I believe the buses can be a more energy efficient transport than driving individual vehicles. Streetcar downtown is a great start for me and my wife...Needs to extend all over Cincinnati and Northern Ky in the future... Better transportation options between Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky. It takes me almost an hour to get to work via the bus (take a Metro downtown then transfer to the Southbank Shuttle from there), compared to about 15-20 minutes driving. A bus route between Cincinnati and Oxford. Bus to Cincinnati Music Hall, Kenwood Mall, Tri-County Mall, CVG Airport Rail from downtown Cincinnati to the Airport (all the way to ) I would like fast transit by rail from Cincinnati to Columbus, Cleveland, Indianapolis and Chicago. I'd like a bus route from Northside to Kenwood Town Center. Problem with shopping and using mass transit is how does one carry more than a large backpack. I will ride my bike around town. I don't ride in inclement weather. An alternative from the West Side of Cincinnati to Kentucky other than the Brent Spence Bridge Peak transit service from Cincinnati to Mason. replace the worn out pavement on city of Cincinnati streets I would add traffic lights at the intersection of Clayridge road and U.S. 27 in Campbell county and another at Tarvin and 27, they are dangerous at rush hour. I live and work in Clermont County. No real means of transportation during the day to and from Batavia, Amelia, Eastgate Mall. transportation is a real problem in means of congestion and not really accessibility to get to any place or even to spend a day downtown Cincinnati. Provide a more direct route or high frequency express transit option from Clermont Co to downtown. Widen Clermontville Laurel Rd. in Clermont County. I am a UC Student and I just walk to class down Clifton Avenue everyday. I was previously working in Anderson Township and I would take McMillan to Reading to 471 to 275 to get to work. The only problem I had during this commute was the frequent construction happening on McMillan, but that is to be expected with new apartment buildings being built and the many pipes being replaced in the roadway all over Cincinnati. Add a Metro route or change an existing one to connect people living near Clifton & Ludlow Aves with the Kroger on Kenard. Make improvements on road quality, specially the ones running up and down the hills between Clifton and downtown. The intersection at Clifton Ave & McMillan is atrocious.

My route to school (down Clifton Avenue) could be improved with more frequent bus service, although this comment applies to any and all bus lines. The 17 in the morning on Clifton is regularly too full to sit or even stand. This applies to all buses I have ridden between about 8:15 and 9:15. Clearly this is a rush period and more frequent service could spread out the crowd. In the future I expect to work downtown and arriving there from Clifton by subway or light rail would be much more convenient than a bus. I love the bike lane on Central Parkway. If there was one of these on Clifton Avenue, that would be great. I would also like to see a cross-town bikelane on Liberty. I would love my short commute from Clifton to downtown, and the downtown area in general to be more bike friendly so I wouldn't have to drive my car. It seems wasteful for such a short trip.

I would rather take a bus, but to go 10 miles by bus from my Clifton home to near the TANK hub in Ft. Wright where I work would take more than 1 hour and 15 minutes each way. If the trip was 45 minutes or less, I would gladly take the bus and get rid of my car. It currently takes me 1 hour to commute from home (Clifton) to kids' schools(Hyde Park and E Walnut Hills) and back. Transit takes over twice as long because of the infrequent level of service - even longer than bicycling the route. More frequent transit service would allow the opportunity to avoid taking the car for this route and pretty much everywhere I have to go. I would like public transit to be more convenient. I live in Clifton and work in Pleasant Ridge. Currently it takes me ~20 min to drive but would take me over an hour by bus. more frequently run bus services between downtown and Clifton. Waiting 20min for the next bus during high travel times (rush hour) is too difficult for my job. Streetcar to Clifton, Hyde Park/Oakley Clifton/Ludlow intersection needs a turn lane, and the Brookline/Jefferson intersection needs a light and a crosswalk. The new roundabout installed at Clinton Springs is completely ridiculous. It actually creates a worse traffic pattern than what was there previously and a bottleneck is created at Clinton Springs because the curb lane has been limited.

When I walk my son to school, the intersection at Clinton Springs and Mitchell is quite dangerous, as cars turning right don't have to stop at the stop sign and will keep going even if there are pedestrians. All cars should have to stop at that stop sign before proceeding. Sidewalks to ride a bicycle to sores and work. Troopers Crossing, Cody Road, Independence Station. Colerain avenue, Hamilton county ohio Colerain Avenue of 275 going north in Hamilton County. Improve on the lights and paint the street safety lines. It is very difficult to see them even during daytime. Colerain Avenue is full of pot holes. Is always congested especially between Galbraith and . Complete Interstate 75 and replace the Brent Sprence Bridge. Would like to see better timed lights on Colerain Ave especially during the early morning hours. MANY times I sit at Galbraith and Colerain and the light cycles 3 times before the cross streets get green.

Also would like to see the concrete medians gone from Colerain ave. Adds to the already congested road. Colerain ave in Hamilton county to downtown. It's an hour or more by bus outside of city limits. I ride the metro daily to school and work. I ride the route 19 bus which goes down Colerain. The bus needs to run more often outside of rush hour,.and it needs to run past 1100. Also, it needs to run longer on Sunday's. All Hamilton Co. On ramp from Colerain Ave to 74 W-merge is dangerous as other drivers are exiting to West Fork off ramp Traffic patterns on Colerain Ave can be very slow

Driving is most convenient. I am 86 and am on the 17 bus line in College Hill. The 17 has frequent stops on Hamilton Ave and I can walk there. I do need to go cross town to Hyde Park. A central interchange would help me. I also need to discipline myself to use the bus more often.

I commute from College Hill to Norwood. The most direct routes have grade level railroad crossings that often cause delays, so I usually take a longer route using Mitchell Avenue. The adoption of smart traffic signals would vastly improve my commute. I live 1 1/2 miles from work and travel Collins Road to Buttermilk Pike to High Street to Terry Lane Improve Columbia Parkway Improve the safety on Columbia Parkway Great commute already along Columbia from the east side/Hyde Park Columbia parkway to Taft too Martin Luther King Drive Less congestion on Columbia parkway in Hamilton county Columbia Parkway, ease congestion from East Side suburbs to Downtown Improve traffic flow on Columbia Parkway during rush hours. Congested and dangerous Prevent back-up's on Columbia Parkway approaching both Delta and William Howard Taft during rush hours. East-side of Columbia Parkway heading west bound into the city Columbia parkway at early drive time is a challenge. Driving to DTWN is very heavy for the 3 lanes. Increase safety on Columbia Parkway (RT 50?) between Delta Ave & Downtown Cincinnati. None, I have an easy quick commute down Columbia Parkway Traffic cameras on Columbia Parkway would be very beneficial. Because traffic reports rely on police reports, often an accident is cleared before it even makes the news. Columbia Parkway capacity and signal timing/ Transit options (preferably rail) from Mt. Washington area to downtown area.

Commuter rail. It is such a wast of time to drive into work along columbia parkway. I work in Clifton at University Hospital. It would be very nice to have a commuter rail along columbia parkway which would pick people up in Mariemont/Fairfax as well as at Delta/Columbia Parkway then continue onto clifton/downtown. This would reduce the congestion on Columbia parkway during rush hour and be cleaner for the environment. If you want to attract young talent, provide adequate public transportation. traffic on Columbia Parkway heading into downtown in the morning and also traffic on 275 North coming from Anderson going to Tri County in the morning Columbia Parkway to be one way in downtown during the morning and one way out of downtown in the afternoon. Columbia Parkway Columbia Parkway west-bound, the exit from Martin Drive onto the parkway is very dangerous. it is a short exit and cars drive to fast and always fail to yield.

More buses and public transpiration alternatives on Columbia Parkway and also better/quicker connections from downtown to uptown. Columbia Rd, Deerfield Township, Warren County

I would prefer not to have to drive. So light rail to link my neighborhood Columbia Tusculum to downtown would be very useful and effective.

More bus routes and/or frequent service from Columbia Tusculum to downtown and Anderson. Also, a way to get from Columbia Tusculum to the UC area and to shopping areas on public transportation. It's impossible right now. The only place you can really go by bus is downtown. I'd also like to see a plan for folks on the East Side, east of Columbia Tusculum, to downtown by public transit to reduce vehicle traffic. In Hamilton county, it would help a lot if the 17 Northgate Metro bus route ran on Sundays and if we could get more buses in general on Compton and Pippin roads. Lights @ Corbly & beechmont Cornell road in blue ash Busses need to be more frequent, and on time routes 32 covedale and delhi! bus from covedale to delhi

As most of my driving is confined to the city of Covington my only real suggestion would be to have better regulated traffic lights. In the winter, covington roads are always much worse when it snows than the surrounding cities. It would be nice to have better snow removal and treatment in the winter. Kenton needs a light rail to the airport from Covington and Cincinnati Mass transportation from Covington to East Walnut Hills. Safe biking lane from Covington to Newport. Specifically, the 4th St bridge is a scary place to cross. Also, a safe way to walk from The city center to Devou Park. Walking along the winding road feels unsafe. An east-west mass transit option near Cross-county highway. Traffic is awful to/from work. Since we're all going the same way, why not a train? A public transportation route that goes the path of Cross County highway. Cut in the hill bottle neck before/on the Brent Spence Bridge. Having two on-ramps so close to the bridge turns a 14 mile commute into a 45 minute trip.

Also, merging 71 & 75 right before the bridge is the other bottleneck. Trucks on the cut in the hill keeping to the right two lanes. Kenton county. enforce truck lanes o cut in the hill Traffic coming down "cut in the hill" and over the Brent Spence bridge. Also, the traffic and safety of travel on Reading Road. County to county system, preferably train or rail. Or, in a perfect world, CVG to DAY airport rail system. My wife and I carpool most days. Cut-in-the-hill/Brent Spence traffic is almost always challenging; would love to see light rail from CVG to downtown. Rail travel connecting city sections and/or neighborhoods tunnels/subway system linking CVG-NKY-Downtown-Uptown-major areas north of city-connect every population area! Public transportation to airports (Dayton and/or CVG). Carpooling is also helpful if there were a link/listserv to review. Hamilton trains stopping traffic Dayton at Heaton street all rail crossing in HAMILTON butler county Improved access to dayton from Lebanon, alternative to 71/75 for going south and across the river. All for the proposed eastern bypass even though the proposal places in near my backyard Dearborn County needs more bike trails and bike lanes. Install a rail system from Dearborn County to Kenton Co. Take the bike lanes off Delta Ave. I live in Devou park, but if i'm caught riding my bike at night (which currently happens at 5) then I get hassled by the rangers up there. Can you get them off my case? Dixie Would love more bike, walk, transit options along Dixie and into Covington and Cincinnati from Fort Wright area. Better traffic flow on Dixie Highway near George Huser Dr. & the street next to it by Brooks Flooring. During rush hour, it is difficult to turn onto Dixie Hwy. because of the traffic blocking the intersections. I don't go very far, but I would use my bicycle if there was a bike path to ride on. ...right down the Dixie Hwy into Covington....from Ft. Mitchell to downtown Covington. Dedicated bike lane on Dixie Highway.

Dixie Highway in Ft. Mitchell, Lakeside Park and 71/75 N in Kenton County. Morning traffic is awful. Also semi trucks traveling within the 275 loop on 71/75 in both N and S is getting dangerous. They need to reroute on 275 if not doing business within the 275 loop. Dixie Highway (US 25) in Kenton County needs to widened to accommodate left turning vehicles. Currently it is 4 lanes with no center turn lane. Also accommodations for pedestrians and bicyclists need to be improved as well. Dixie Highway - I-75 to Brent Spence Bridge The intersection of Dixie highway and Kyles Lane. And a turn lane from northbound Dixie highway on to Kyles lane. I find Dixie Highway's and Turkeyfoot's traffic signals often are timed inconsistently with the flow of traffic. Dixie highway Kenton county Street car through Dixie Highway to downtown. Ideally if it ran to Crestview Town Center. All northbound roads which are congested (i.e. Dixie Highway, I75, and other back roads, in Kenton County. More bike lanes, more connections to downtown with regional bike trails. Expanded streetcar service to Newprot, Bellevue, Covington, Clifton, Corryville, U.C. and beyond. Better lighting and improved sidewalks throughout the Center City. I am unable to use the bus to get to/from work due to the last leg of my journey not being accessible by bus. I work on Mason-Montgomery Road near Mason High School. I would gladly drive a short distance to park my car and take a bus if there was reliable and frequent service that got me within a 1/4 mile of my place of employment. It would be nice to have some form of light rail between the outer suburbs and downtown and also to Dayton. Safe biking between downtown Cincy and the Hilltop. Vine Street, esp. the hill is dangerous riding. Better bus service from campbell county directly across downtown to clifton rather than needing to change buses. Have better/more frequent public transportation to downtown area from Clifton! Specifically, I would ride a streetcar over a bus anyday! Streetcars have much easier boarding than buses! I live downtown and work near Finneytown, so I would need more outbound bus service in order to not drive. More frequent bus service on Downtown to Madison/Erie corridor Streetcar from downtown to newport on the levee across the people people bridge. I would love the street car to expand to the burbs. From downtown to Newtown which are both Hamilton County. Also from downtown to someplace with a grocery store. Streetcar from downtown to Walnut Hills. More bike lanes -same route & red bikes in WH The ideal would be a system of mass transit that would make travel between downtown and the western / northern suburbs convenient at all times of the day. Realistically, better traffic flow on I-75. Improved bicycle safety. More frequent bus service between downtown and Clifton. I'd love the ability to take an express (or even non-express) train from downtown to Union Center exit. Then walk or bike the mile from 75 to my office.

While I ride my bike most, I often use the bus as part of my multi-modal commute. Increased service frequency and developing the STREETCAR to connect between Downtown and Uptown areas would improve my commuting potential and get me out of the urban core more often. Improved access to and from downtown uptown and Northside and 75/75 bridge improvements. E/W 275 from the Coney Bridge to the 5 Mile Rd through Hamilton County Dedicated PROTECTED bike routes throughout Hamilton, OH, especially ones that connect far east (Fair Ave and High) to far west (NW Washington BLVD and Main). East west travel route across NKY.

Cut down on cut through traffic which doubled from 1700 to over 3000 cars a day within a years time and the speeding on East Henry Clay Avenue in Fort Wright, Ky Kenton County. Residents have suggested speed bumps and numerous other ways but no one can seem to come up with solution on our city council. Ongoing problem for years and getting worse. Like Dixie Hwy our neighborhood is. Not make East Henry Clay a thru way from Covington to I-75 and vice versa. Road Maintenance on East McMillan, Wm Howard Taft and Gilbert in Walnut Hills, Hamilton County, OH 45206 The light at Ohio side of Taylor South Gate Bridge. The left turn light from East (heading westbound) to turn on to 27 is timed to be WAY too long. Sometime cars on 27/Broadway are sitting there for 2 minutes with no traffic. Direct route from the east side of town to Cincinnati Improve bus routes in Hamilton County east-west direction. I would LOVE to ditch my car. eastern avenue - east of delta Cincy eastern by pass

Complete cincy eastern by pass

Build the Eastern bypass! Build the Cincy Eastern Bypass Build the eastern bypass before I fall in the Ohio River when the Brent Spence collapses Way to go east west across NKY and into Ohio. The Cincinnati Eastern Bypass will help with this. Build the eastern corridor through Hamilton County Commuter train in the eastern corridor to reduce commuter traffic on Columbia Parkway and US 50 light rail basically along previously planned eastern corridor Eastern Corridor Rail Implement Segment 4(a) of the Eastern Corridor ASAP East side Hamilton county access (road, rail) Light rail / street car connecting Eastern Hamilton County to Downtown and Kenwood areas. More dedicated bike lanes also. Connect streetcar downtown to UC / Clifton. Rework the bottle necks that have been artificially created on the east side of town, specifically Eastern Avenue and Wooster Pike through Fairfax. Light rail, such as the proposed Oasis Line, would also greatly alleviate traffic. Metro Eastgate Route 82 Eastgate corridor to Oakley

Provide some mass transit options like light rail that facilitate expeditious travel across the greater Cincinnati metropolitan area. Use of current mass transit resources to travel across town or to jobs from one suburb to another is presently not feasible. Example - Eastgate to Pleasant Ridge or Kenwood Town Center; Anderson Towne Center to Over the Rhine business areas. I work downtown and live in East Walnut Hills. Extend the streetcar to uptown and create an east-west line running from UC to (at least) Desales corner and I would just that to get downtown. Close East Henry Clay Ave. to Covington pass through....the crime is increasing and bringing our home value down. More importantly, the safety of our children. Traffic flow in front of Oak Hills High School, Ebeneezer Rd, Hamilton County, Ohio. Light at Werk/Ebeneezer backs up. Ebeneezer both directions backs up. 5 point intersection at Taylor/Ebeneezer/Bridgetown Rd is problematic also. Widen the section of Edwards Rd. that runs between Madison and Wasson. Change traffic patterns so that when moving toward Wasson (from either direction) there is less of a chance of getting stuck in an intersection (Hamilton County). Re-pave the roads & highway. Edwards Rd. near Garland Ave. is atrocious, I-71 NB from exits 5 to 9 is awful, as is OH-562. Traffic calming at Erie and Brotherton erie avenue bus 11 that will expand to hyde park plaza and Paxton Sync up the traffic lights on Erie Ave. and Madison Ave. in Hyde Park so that you are not stopping at every light. I bike to work year round in Hamilton County. The intersection of Erie Ave and Rosslyn has a continuous right turn onto Rosslyn when you are heading west on Erie. I would like to see the continuous turn lane closed and have all the traffic go through the main intersection. As I ride along Erie it's very common for drivers to speed past me and then cut me off in order to turn on to Rosslyn. I believe changing this intersection would make it much safer for bicyclists. The merge at Erlanger going southbound where you have to merge with traffic from 275 and then cross over right away to get off on Commonwealth is sometimes quite treacherous; it is such a short window of time to cross three lanes of traffic. I live in Erlanger and work in Ludlow and there is no direct route More turn lanes in Erlanger/Elsmere (Dixie Hwy) Move my bus stop to the well lit intersection at the crosswalk of Euclid & Fowler in Madeira I live in Evendale but drive 10 minutes to catch the Montgomery 3x bus. The bus that stops closet to me, the 43, only comes once an hour, and takes over an hour to reach downtown. Busses that run further out beyond Evendale and on Saturday and Sunday. Return Route 1 to later hours than 7:30 PM Exit 24 on I-71 is a pain to get on and off during rush hour. I understand that there are construction plans to improve this exit and the surrounding area in the next 3 years. Bike path to Fairborn Less traffic coming through Fairfax, OH when Wooster Pike narrows down into one lane. light rail corridor as far as CVG south plus light rail to Fairfax area I walk to most places where I live, but it would be nice if there was better and more frequent transportation to the Fairfield area. Also, a route from Hamilton to the new shopping would be beneficial. Make Fairfield Avenue in Bellevue more bike friendly I would like the 23 express bus route to continue again to Fairfield on Dixie Hwy, like it used to. The route stopped in Feb. 2014 and it was very helpful for me to get to my destination. Now it is terrible and has been since the service stopped. In Oxford Ohio I would like a bus to run on Fairfield Rd. from the center of uptown west as far as the community park. I would like buses to run more often between Oxford and the city of Hamilton.

Fields Ertyl road between Lebanon & Montgomery has been under construction for quite some time & road is very rough/bumpy. Most major roads in Florence and access to interstate are difficult during the busy times I drive from Vevay Indiana to Over the Rhine. If there was rail transit from Florence Kentucky convient to I71 I would take it and it would cut down on the interstate congestion. road conditions are horrible! Forest Ave/Burnet Avenue near CCHMC I travel to the UC area from Norwood. Forest, Dury and Erkenbrecher roads are in terrible condition. Fewer parked cars on streets in my neighborhood. Local bus/shuttle service with stop near my door to Kroger's in Ft. Mitchell and to Latonia and Florence A light rail/tram system from Ft Wright is needed to and the Houston Road shopping area - Wal-Mart, Kohl's, Target. Must the tram must have easy access from residential subdivisions. Improve the merger at Galbraith/Ronald Regan at I-75. Gaynor rd Construction delays some mornings on Gilbert at Martin Luther King; the ability to exit back onto Gilbert from Beecher in the evening commute hours. It's so congested sometimes from only being two lanes, that I have sometimes had to turn right and go up to Lincoln to turn around and come back out to Gilbert via the traffic light at Lincoln and gilbert. My commute down Gilbert Ave in Cincinnati could be accomplished more efficiently through rail-based public transit. Extend the street car up through Gilbert Ave or another road that connects Walnut Hills to downtown. Buses that kept to a more reliable schedule. Create protected bike lanes along Gilbert Avenue from Downtown to Victory Parkway. Improve the intersection at Gilmore Rd and Hamilton-Mason Rd in Butler County. Widen Glendale-Milford Rd in Evendale (east of Reading Rd). Build ramp from S.R. 126 WEST to I-75 NORTH. I would take Metro if I could do it in less than an hour. My commute over Glenmore, Muddy Creek, and Neeb takes me 10 minutes by car, but it would be over an hour and require at least one transfer if I tried to take Metro. glenway

Glen way Avenue Bike lanes on Glenway Avenue Dedicated turn lanes on Glenway Ave in Price Hill would clear lots of congestion. Glenway Avenue can be congested in the morning east of Sidney. Left turn lanes would be a good addition. The sidewalks are narrow and place people too close to the street. A repavement of Glenway Ave. from Rapid Run down to Quebec is probably needed.

North Bend Road from I-275 north is always a mess in the afternoon because of Amazon traffic. I've heard something in passing about a new exit at Graves Rd. to help with all the workers going to the industrial park. This would be GREAT and I hope to see it constructed soon.

More funding and incentives for complete streets and increase connectivity to the existing great miami recreational trail including projects like the Hamilton Belt line Trail and unfinished portions of the existing trail. Bike lanes along SR4 would also be nice near Hamilton. I like the idea of improving bike trials to where I can reduce the driving of a car in Greendale bike, bus, and carpool in greene/montgomery counties Install roundabouts at Hamilton and Spring Grove, and at Clifton and MLK. make Hamilton Avenue 4 lanes Fix traffic light flow during peak hours, Hamilton Avenue at Meredith in Springfield Township, Hamilton County Hamilton Ave. BRT would improve my commute, as I go into and leave work when the 15x Express is NOT running. Thank you Hamilton Avenue from Spring Grove to North Bend, Hamilton County congestion on Hamilton Ave I reside in Hamilton County, Mount Healthy area. If there were a bus I could catch on Hamilton Ave. or Winton Rd. that were a straight path to Tri County, without having to go to Clifton or Downtown Cincinnati. Then I could leave my car at home. Hamilton Avenue in Hamilton County - the bus stops in the 4000 block of Hamilton are littered because of overflowing trash cans. The City expects the building owners to be responsible, but they are in public space. A light rail corridor down Hamilton Ave. would help get me out of my car. Free or cheap bus cards for monthly riders might get me to use the bus more often. Safe and separate bike lanes. Hamilton Avenue. The Hamilton Ave corridor. Greater frequency on Metro routes 17, 19, 51. MetroPlus service on 17/Hamilton Ave corridor. Light rail or street car along Hamilton Ave, Winton Road, and or Clifton The Hamilton Beltline. It is a bike path the City would like to build through the west side of Hamilton. It would connect many neighborhoods while providing an alternate to driving. It is the CSX rail line that dead ends on the west side of the City of Hamilton, Butler County. Please fund this and other bike land & path projects. New bridge at north end of Hamilton across the Great Miami River. Washington Blvd. extension over River.b I wish a Shuttle bus from my job would come up and down Hamilton Street. Then I would not have to worry about parking extra early jus to get a space. Better Frequency along Route 17 - Bus Rapid Transit would be great along Hamilton, Ludlow and Clifton Ave. Hamilton-mason rd Reinstate late-night Owl Service; also extend Metro Route 21 to the Meijer at Harrison & I-74.... Long waits at traffic lights to access Harrison Ave from Rybolt Rd. Dent, Hamilton Co. I would like to see traffic calming measures on Harrison Ave and an improved Western Hills Viaduct

Although I have a car, I choose to ride the bus from Harrison, OH to my office in downtown Cincinnati. More frequent service and service running later than 5:30 PM and on weekends would significantly improve the ease of getting downtown for reasons other than work. Shared left turn lanes on Harrison Avenue and Glenway Avenue in Hamilton County, as well as enforcing the parking restrictions on the these roads during rush hour times would be helpful. For a Tank bus to offer transportation from Henry Clay Ave to Fidelity in Covington Change the timing of the lights in Oxford (Butler Co) on High Street so that when traffic is light or non-existent, I can go the speed limit from one end of town the other (west to east, 1/2 mile) with out getting stuck by at least two lights in the process. As it stands, my only hope of doing this is to go 5-10 miles over the speed limit which is not what I want to do. In Hamilton on High street, have another way to get to 129 if there is a train. Traffic on Highland and Kyles in the morning and afternoon, not sure what you can do about it. Highland Pike and Kyles Lane in Fort Wright (Kenton) where there is constant traffic in the AM and PM due to the heavy flow of traffic getting on and off the I-75. It is only 1 lane and should be widened. Tight lanes and turning options on highland Ave. It is very difficult to get out my street,most times of day.The cars fly up Highland Ave. Ft.Wright.I live on Mt. Vernon. In Kenton County, improve/rebuild/re-engineer Highland Ave between 19th St. in Covington and its connection to Kyles Ln by the Ft. Wright city bldg. In Kenton Co. create a turn lane (center lane) on Highland Pike between Basswood and the City Bldg in Ft. Wright. For safety, paint a center line the length of E Henry Clay Ave in Fort Wright. Make a "no engine braking" zone for the City of Ft. Wright including I71/I75 to reduce noise pollution from trucks going north (downhill) on I71/I75. Erect noise barriers on I71/I75 through Ft Wright. I live in Fort Wright along Highland Pike. In the morning (and evening) that road is a disaster. The intersection at old Kyles and Highland (just down from the stop light) needs to be re-engineered. That stop sign is awful. The turn lanes on Kyles also should be reviewed. Highland Pike, Kenton Co., in Ft. Wright- traffic is awful during rush hour. It is extremely difficult to get out of my subdivision -at any time during the 7am- 8:30am block. Exiting the other end of the subdivision into Kyles Lane is an option but not a good one in bad weather. While I understand the drawbacks, a traffic light at Beaumont would be most helpful during rush hour. I have lived on Mt. Vernon for many years and keeps getting worse. Morning traffic on Highland Pike coming up the hill, two lanes merging into one causes a long back up.

Ease the traffic on Highland Pike at key times/ 7:15 - 8 AM and 5:00 - 6:00. It is almost impossible to safely leave my subdivision. Also, the cut in the hill and BS bridge. There are back ups most every day. The bridge needs to be replaced too and you need to find a way to get it done before something tragic happens. Traffic on Highland pike is too heavy. In the morning, restrictions on turning from Kyles onto Highland, along with all the stop lites on Highland really causes bottlenecks. Improve traffic flow on Highland Pike in Ft. Wright

Highland Pike-Ft. Wright (Kenton)--too much traffic coming from 3-L..goes down to one lane before City Bldg.--overload in mornings..... -need Yellow FLASHING lites at Reeves Drive so people are aware there is a street especially those driving FAST up the hill...people behind you see you turning and move over to right lane but person behind them is not always aware...also might help slow people down... this road was not built for so much traffic.... Kenton County Highland Pike/Kyles Ln With all the traffic north on Highland from other areas, it is virtually impossible to make a left turn onto Highland or Kyles lane during morning rush hour from the Lorup,Kentucky, Olivia, etc. streets. Morning traffic on Highland Ave to Kyles Lane exit from 7-8:30 am; Traffic on Dixie Hwy from Erlanger to Covington both rush hours; Traffic on Dudley Road that stacks up at the light at Dixie Hwy - terrible, needs a turn right lane further back; 75/71 in NKY any time of day, never can predict how long it takes to get to Cinti. Get the state to fix Highway 62 so it is safe to travel High Speed rail from Hooven to Downtown More easily trigger the traffic light at Hopkins/Asmann and Victory Parkway. My route has recently been improved - the 237 bridge over ky 18 and the relatively new Aero Parkway. The most congested area is Houston Rd/KY 18, particularly trying to turn left from Houston Rd onto KY 18 to get to Mall Rd.

Light Rail to CVG. We drive on 22 - 3 which has gotten busier and busier and is bumper to bumper during rush hours even out to as far as Morrow OH. Hwy 48 backs up at its intersection with 22-3. Traffic stops entirely if someone is making a turn across traffic where the road is down to a single lane each way. Improving traffic flow in those areas is getting to be essential with all the new development out here. increase frequency of bus service from Hyde park to downtown Cincy Bus to Hyde Park area from Hunt and Plainfield Roads in Blue Ash and back. Continuous safe bike lanes from Hyde Park to Downtown I would use the Metro from my neighborhood at Hyde Park if it ran more directly to the city, with fewer stops and a less circuitous route to downtown. Better road conditions. Street in Hyde Park, where I live, are patched, potholed, and a mess. I-71 southbound to Downtown is dangerous - construction has changed all the lane alignments, but the danger is in poor or missing lane striping, and the many ridges, holes, and other problems in the paving. More frequent Metro bus service and safe bike lanes (on-road preferred). Streetcar or light rail service from Hyde Park/Mt. Lookout (home) to the University of Cincinnati (work) would be fabulous! Making 51 bus more direct and efficient route to the east side. It's a long and winding ride from Hyde Park to Northside. Intersection at 275 and Winton road is nuts during rush hour. There is also issues with getting onto 275 from rt 4 in Fairfield. I travel east to west along the northern route. I-275 or subsidiary roads. It's awful. Congestion every day. On all interstates use reflective paint and better quality lane reflector markers. It is very difficult to see the stripes on the road in inclement weather. This is especially true on 275 East near Reed Hartman ramps. I-275; the worst interstate in Ohio I would like to be able to reach more locations via public transportation. Because I live in Fort Mitchell, KY the biggest improvement I could imagine to the current system would be to provide a non-express route along I-275 from NKU to CVG, which stops along the way for transfers to any route that crosses it. This would prevent the time consuming trip to downtown just to connect with other routes, and would make public transportation immensely more useful to suburban residents of Northern KY that do not want or need to go to / through downtown Cincinnati to get to other destinations in NKY. By providing an alternative to driving by investing in a regional commuter rail service connecting high population density centers within the I- 275 loop with job centers in Downtown and Clifton and the airport. Expand Metro service to stop in Northern Kentucky on routes that go into downtown Cincinnati (i.e. those on I-275 and I-471).

The "top" of 275 is really challenging in the morning commute. It is always backed up starting around Milford until about Montgomery Rd. Get the I-275 bridge work completed between Indiana and Kentucky. Car must merge efficiently and maintain speed regardless of elevation changes on I-275 Westbound from Milford to I-71. Also, obey proper speed limits, often people are commuting UNDER speed. Improve congestion on I-275 between I-71 and SR 28 during morning and afternoon rush hours. I-275/Graves Road Interchange, Boone County, KY Divert some traffic off of I-471

I-471 N on ramp from Memorial Parkway. The left turn light is not effective at peak commuting hours. Consider changing the turn light to a flashing yellow light while oncoming traffic is given the green light.

I-471 S Memorial Parkway Exit Ramp. The exit lane, specifically, the right turn (which is a yield) to exit to Memorial Parkway is not effective in meeting demand during peak hours. Often this exit backs up onto the highway creating an extremely UNSAFE environment. Cars that are attempting to access Newport Pavilion should be routed to the next exit (Grand), and a continuous right turn lane that ingresses traffic directly into the Pavilion should be added, and solely devoted to that traffic. Traffic exiting I-471 S at Memorial Parkway should not be allow to access Newport Pavilion from that exit - utilizing those plastic sticks to prevent them from getting over two lanes into the left turn lane. It is because individuals are trying to exit right off of the exit ramp, and cross two lanes of traffic in 500 feet to get to the left turn lane into Newport Pavilion. This was a poorly executed ingress/egress - and did not account for the spike in commuters that would be shopping here after work. More efficient means from 471N to us 50. The sharp turn slows traffic and causes back ups onto the 471 bridge. I travel from Newport to Norwood on I471 and I71. The traffic in the morning (8:00 am) is acceptable. The traffic in the evening (4 pm, Norwood to Newport) is horrendous. I would be so happy to take a bus/light rail/subway from the Newport shopping center to the Rookwood shopping center and back, but there are no time-efficient routes. Light rail down 71 Add more travel lanes to I-71 (NB and SB). Change in highway driving. I71 south and north (Hamilton county) are unpleasant to travel. Ultra busy traffic and take longer to get home Interstate 71 traffic congestion THe 71X from Kings Island to Government Square needs longer service hours. Traffic on I-71 in both directions is terrible during rush hour. Light rail on I-71 Repair pot holes in I 71 north of river I want a rail connection from the north east suburbs to center city Cincinnati. I'm so sick of being stuck in traffic on I-71. A rail route following a similar path to 71 would be ideal. More lanes in 71. Less traffic around the city would great improve my daily commute. Add additional lanes on I-71 South Less congestion on I71 between from Fields Ertel to Taft. Fix potholes on I-71, north of Lytle Tunnel. Also improve street surface conditions in general around Price Hill and Delhi. Roads are very bumpy and rough. I currently take I-71 from Pleasant Ridge in Hamilton County into Queensgate for my job. If possible, I would prefer to use public transportation for my daily commute. This could include taking bus rapid transit or light rail. If there were light rail options along I-71 I feel that even if it didn't get me to where I need, others could use it, thus making my commute easier. light rail along I-71 corridor 1-71 south from Fields Ertel to the Norwood Lateral (to work) I-71 north from Taft to Pfeiffer (from work) Decrease congestion on I-71 during rush hour. 71 north backup from exit 5-8 during evening rush hour congestion on 1-71 peak hours northbound leaving downtown and UC area I would enjoy a light rail system that extends up I71. I71 Rail service to downtown following I-71 route I71 between 275 and Red Bank in Hamilton Co I have adjusted my route to avoid traffic on 71. I would recommend more lanes on 71 north between downtown and 275 I-71 North between Norwood Lateral and I-275. Need a 4th lane. Always backed up after 4:00pm. Provide a more comprehensive public transit system. I use I-71 between Red Bank and Pfeiffer daily. I would gladly take bus or rail transit if it was available and didn't require an excessive amount of time or connecting downtown. I am also a cyclist, so safe and convenient cycling routes would help me commute by bike more frequently. Reduce I-71 congestion 3-6 pm Dana north to Fields Ertel Having light rail from downtown (where i live) to blue ash on I-71 corridor (where i frequently travel to). More lanes on 71 south from 275 through smith edwards Light rail across I-71 corridor. From Kenwood exit 11 to downtown I would love a better mass transit option on 71. Light Rail or more Xpress Bus Service routes and times out to Kings Mill from Oakley, Kenwood and UC I-71 Reading Road Vine Street Madison On I-71 from the Smith/Edwards Road exit North during the late afternoon rush hour (i.e., starting at about 4:00 PM) traffic is so overcrowded and jammed that it is not practical to use this expressway to get anywhere in a timely way. I drive between from Exit 24 on I-71 to Downtown (and back) several times a week, for various reasons. I would much prefer to take a Train of some kind. widen I-71 to the River and fix the Brent Spence Bridge Light rail from downtown north. I live in West Price Hill and work in Madisonville for Fifth Third Bank. A light rail line that stopped at the Fifth Third's facilities in Madisonville would be perfect. I-71 is only getting worse with regard to traffic. It would be nice if there was light rail that was extended up 71 and 75 so that I could drive my car to a train station in West Chester or Mason and take the train down to Kenwood, Downtown, and the airport. light rail into the city running with the major I-71 and I-75 freeways

I travel I-71 between downtown & Blue Ash almost daily. If there was a train/subway I would gladly leave my car in the garage. I - 71 and I - 70 and I - 74 and US 50 The I75/71 N between Buttermilk and Dixie are constantly clogged. As-is Dixie Highway (north) between Buttermilk and I75/71 (this is not for my commute, but for dropping off and picking up kids at Beechwood Independent School). Added peak hour capacity on I71 and I75 within the I275 Loop I71 and Montgomery rd Coming north on I-71 from downtown, the interchange with the Norwood lateral is a mess. Having the two right lanes exit off, and then a new lane joining on the left causes everyone to have to shift over at least 1 lane. The end result is massive congestion that I don't think would exist if lanes all entered and exited from the right as would normally occur.

I think that the northbound I-71 Pfeiffer exit needs its own exit lane and trying to turn left from Kenwood Rd. onto Pfieffer after work to get back on I-71 is the most frustrating part of my day. The traffic lights on Pfeiffer cause a backup to that intersection making it impossible for more than a few cars to get through during the left turn arrow light and causing a backup on Kenwood.

Interstate 71 where red bank and the norwood lateral merge in. Route 22 through Montgomery after 6 pm when it goes from 2 lanes to 1 lane On 71N, around the Red Bank Rd. exit, there is a bottle neck almost every day. As soon as you round the bend and start heading up the hill, everyone is slamming on their breaks. I also see a lot of semis in the left lane around this area. I think that going up that hill, trucks should be restricked from the left lane. I-71 and ridge road interchange. There are too many required Kane movements if you want to pass through that area. On ramp/ Offramp upgrades to i-71

Upgrades to ridge road highland ave intersection Less congestion using the exit ramp from 71 south to the Smith/Edwards exit Additional lanes on inbound I-74. Need a more direct route to I74 from Bright Indiana. Keep alternate routes to Hopple/MLK open and available when I75 is closed due to accident or construction. Widening east bound I-74 to three lanes at least from North Bend inbound.

Finish construction projects please (Carol Cropper bridge on I-275 and I-75 through Cincinnati.... no reason these should take this long!!!!!).

Add another lane in-bound (East) into Cincinnati on I-74 from mile 15 (North Bend Road) to mile 19. Desperately needed!!!

Need West to East/East to West bus route from Harrison, OH to Cincinnati or Northern KY. Bus 52 only runs twice a day? I think. If you get to Harrison at 7:05 instead of 7:00AM you don't get to work, similarly getting to Cincy to go home, etc. More times/weekday! Most buses go N/S, S/N not east-west/west-east.

There needs to be an additional bridge over the Licking River. If the bridge on I-275 is closed due to an accident, etc. (as has happened), it is very hard to get across that river in a straight forward way.

Make OH 127 an interstate level road parallel to I-75 through Eaton and Hamilton.

Needs to be an E-W interstate from Indiana between I-70 and I-74 through Oxford/Middleton or expand Highway 35 through Eaton to connect to I-75 or interstate level OH highway 27. I-74 East needs to be widened, especially between the North Bend exit and the 75 interchange Add a lane to I-74 E

I-74 eastbound in Hamilton County is a bottleneck in approaching I-75 every morning during rush hour, only during the school year. Eliminate 3 lanes down to 2 lanes like at the new I74 to I75 merge. (or 4 to 3 etc.) Just an accident waiting to happen. Less construction or at least do it faster rather than there always being construction somewhere along I-75 and I-70. better conditions on interstate 75 Finish I75 construction. Traffic on I 71 NB - evening rush The I-75 corridor is barely managing. There is congestion all the time. I avoid it whenever possible. This impacts my work since I drive to meetings for work and wastes productivity. The traffic is terrible with long delays more often than not. 75 n and 75S are a drivers nightmare. The trucks can not stay in their lanes and there are a lot of trucks. It is dangerous! 71N and 75S are slightly better. Atleast the roads are in better shape and the lanes sre wider but it is not great. We can avoid the freeways and go through Clifton, Norwood, Reading, OTR. Ridge Road but the traffic is still stop and go congestion. Get rid of all the trucks on Interstate 75. Speeding on I-75 South entering Kentucky from Ohio from 6:30 - 7:00 AM. Too many tractor trailers on I-75 Congestion along I-75 in Northern KY/BSB. I-75 northbound and southbound between Sharon Rd and Florence I-75 Better flow on I-75. Make it easier to cross I-75 Finish I75 construction Finish 75 construction between the Norwood lateral and downtown. I75 bridge and/or I471 Speed up the I-75 Construction Finish the construction on 75 sb. I-75 traffic. Drivers need educated on the fact that I 75 at rush hour is jammed, but still the best alternative if it can move even at 20 mph. Also need some work on limiting the timing of cars entering I75 across the river into Cincinnati 75 North and 75 South is always congested and also has frequent accidents that cause the whole freeway to be at a stand still. An additional lane may help.

Finish the construction on I-75 N and S by Hopple Street Exit and Harrison Avenue been going on way too long.

I just moved from Kentucky to Ohio, when I lived in Kentucky I would have said fix the bridges..... Traffic congestion & construction on I-75 75 is always backed up. Its a pain taking the freeway to work every morning Perform construction on the highways 24/7 so the projects get complete before the next one starts. I 75 has been under continuous reconstruction longer than it took to build. I-75 is constantly congested for NO reason (Wreck, broken down, etc.) during rush hours Northbound in the morning and southbound in the evening I-75 northbound to the bridge I-75 into downtown Cincinnati

Provide train service along I-75 (at least from downtown Cincinnati north to Mitchell Ave exit). I live downtown and could take a train up I-75 to Mitchell Ave and walk the rest of the way to work. The bus takes 60 minutes compared to a 13 minute car drive or 30 minute bike ride. I would do the 30 minute bike ride, but it is too dangerous without dedicated bike lines on Mitchell Ave. We need commuter rail. I cannot stand sitting in traffic on I-75 anymore. I would much rather sit on a train and read a book while commuting to West Chester. It is crazy that our city has the largest metropolitan statistical area in Ohio, yet we do not have commuter rail. We would need a comprehensive system with streetcars, subway, and commuter rail (with buses to fill in the gaps). Something similar to MetroMoves of 2002 would be amazing. Limit access to I-75 and/or have an express lane. Fix I 75 so that traffic is not as congested between the exit after I 74 and Cross County. Complete construction on I-75. I would like to see less traffic when driving since my job requires me to be in all parts of the Cincinnati area. I-75 construction has not help relieve the madness one bit. Less traffic congestion I75 north weekday mornings keep trucks off 1-75 I 75 north and s from bridge to ft Mitchell Move trucks to the far left 2 lanes so locals can exit easier Remove lane restriction at ft Mitchell I-75 Corridor in KY & OH Metro's Express Bus Service is great. It will be better when I75 is complete. Adding a fourth lane to I-75 south or a light rail system similar to other major cities. I-75 Reduce the volume of traffic on I75N through NKY and on I71N through Hamilton County. Enforce existing laws that restrict trucks to right lanes on I75S through NKY. I-75 north and south. Between the river and Florence. Less construction delays throughout the year when I travel I75 into Ohio. I-75 OTR I-75 up and down Reduce congestion at I-75 and OH-126 Fix I-75 in the Paddock exit area. Trucks have traveled through there so much the road is warped. Because it is warped it makes it dangerous to transition over to another lane at time due to the uneven pavement. Eliminate existing ramps north and south I-75 at Covington. The ramps from Pike & 4th in Covington to N I75 both create traffic slow-down and safety issues. In addition, it is a serious safety issue when drivers from I-71 & Cincinnati merge onto the Brent Spence on the left and then want to cut across all of the lanes to exit in Covington. I-75 SB between Glendale Milford and Norwood Lateral in the p.m. rush. Widen I75 and the bridge Improve the flow of the 1-75 cut in the hill and the brent spence bridge. I am concerned how much worse it will get once they finally decide ont he bridge replacement. Limit semi trucks during commuting hours. Enforce speed with semi trucks. Many accidents I see are because of semi trucks speeding and cutting out of control between boone county and the bridge. Complete the work in Ohio on 1-75 so traffic can flow. MAKE this a priority Widen I-75 as you approach the hill and build a new interstate bridge between Ky and Ohio. Widen I75 from downtown Cincinnati up to West Chester. Northbound I 75 is often backed up from Erlanger on til my exit-189 Ease congestion on I-75 South from Exit 14 into downtown Relieve backups on northbound I-75 in Northern Kentucky. 75 North, from Kyles lane to Erlanger exit. 275 to 75 interchange is scary to get off at Erlanger I-75 at 2-75 and through the Lockland split is ridiculously congested. It's amazing that no backups ever occur in the construction zones but occur here. I75 / Cut in the hill. Safety and Congestion on the Brent Spence Bridge. I-75/I-275 interchange in Northern Hamilton County. Long back-ups on southbound I-75 in the "EXIT ONLY LANE" to 275. This should be either repainted to "I-275 WEST ONLY" with the 2nd right lane exit to "I-275 EAST" or adding an additional southbound lane. I think updating the coverleaf design on the interchange would work wonders by adding flyover ramps. I-75/I-275 interchange in Erlanger is always congested. Better lane identification, starting farther away from the interchange might alleviate some of the issues.

The closer one gets to the Brent Spence bridge, the more congested I-75 becomes. There appears to be no such thing as "rush hour" traffic any longer. I travel this route at various times of the day and it is always congested. Thankfully, I do know the back roads and am usually able to avoid the majority of the traffic mess 1) I-75 needs to be expanded from the northern end of I-275 all the way down to the river. I know this has started in certain areas and happening in stages over the next decade, but this is an absolute necessity.

2) The area on I-75 south between Ronald Reagan and Paddock Road needs to be re-engineered. It is backed up every morning during rush hour through the Lockland Split into Evendale.

3) I-75 north in Evendale and Sharonville needs to be re-engineered. It is backed up every afternoon during rush hour all the way through Evendale and sometimes into Lockland.

4) Greatly expand rush hour public transportation options from suburbs (i.e. West Chester/Liberty Township) down into Hamilton County. A few limited "park-and-ride" options exist going into downtown, but these are very limited and there are few (if any) options going to other parts of Hamilton County. If there was viable public transportation that could replace my work commute in my car, I would certainly consider using it.

5) Light rail and/or a subway would be a dream, but I have no confidence it will ever happen here.

I-75. Vine street from zoo to Mitchell avenue needs to be widened- and the lights need to be adjusted better at Vine and Mitchell. I have no complaints about my commute. I take Idependence Station to Tukeyfoot to Industrial. No problems I take Indian Hill Rd to 71S or Route 50 to William Howard Taft. Both routes are attractive to bicyclists, but there isn't sufficient road-space (i.e. a bike lane) for them. Bike lanes would be great! Bus routes are not convenient, would add substantial time to an already long commute as I'd have to go downtown to come back up to Walnut Hills. Improve light timing along Kellogg and riverside roads. The lanes on Kellog Ave are too narrow. Also, there should be an efficient way to bypass Mt. Lookout Square, which is very backed up during rush hour.

Expand Kellogg/Eastern or Columbia Parkway to have double the lanes. Currently there is no direct route into downtown and uptown (by the hospitals) from the east side. The east side needs a highway or multi-lane road to get into those high employment areas.

Rail! The Streetcar will be great for me, but being able to take it to Northing Kentuck (Newport & Covington) as well as Clifton makes a lot of sense. It would be nice to take rail to the Kenwood area as well. It would cut down car trips for my family. If there was a way that I could get to school (at Thomas More College) from where I live in Hamilton County in a timely fashion using mass transit I would gladly use mass transit to get to school rather using my car. Direct routes to/from Kentucky down Queen City. Also increase mode of transportation. Improve frequency of buses coming and going from Kenwood. Kenwood and Cooper regular daily service to Downtown and back. light rail transportation from Kenwood/Blue Ash/Loveland to downtown Remove brush overhanging road on Kyles lane just below entrance to Farrell drive to St Charles Center.

Knowlton and Blue Rock Streets in Northside are a bit of a mess right now. Also, Ludlow/Jefferson needs to be repaved from the new sewers lines or whatever was put in under the street over the summer. The city did a horrible job of patching the roads after this work was done. It looks like concrete or something was poured to fill in the spaces they dug out and it is awful to drive on. If construction could be sped up on 75 North and South that would helpful as well. All in all, easier public transportation would be appreciated all around. If I could take a subway/streetcar/light rail from Northside to Clifton/Downtown, I would gladly do so. There are so many heroine addicts on the road these days I'm scared every time I get in my car. Improve KY 1072 from KY 17 to KY 3187. The long right hand turn lane to KY3187 should be eliminated and a multipurpose turn lane should be installed in-between the two lanes. Long term possibly 5 lanes to I-75 when the bridge is built. Ky. Highway 16 in Kenton Ky. Highway 536 in Boone Kenton and Campbell Extend Ky 212 north from the airport, across the river linking to I-74 creating an alternative path, to the airport and northern Kentucky, relieving traffic stress on I-75. Widen KY 236 between US25 and I/75-71

KY 536 and / or another East -west connector for Northern KY. There is not hardly any except for I-275 that can carry any real amount of traffic. Build the eastern bypass by finishing where I-71 should have just crossed I-75 in Walton instead of the two running together. Split them apart. Traffic flow on KY-8 in Bellevue/Newport Red light at Kyles & Highland should be able to turn on red or have an arrow to turn Make the turn lane at Kyles and Highland Pike a no turn on red all day so the people who live on the streets off of Kyles in Fort Wright have a chance to make a left turn in a timely fashion Rush Hour traffic congestion on Kyles Lane, Kenton COunty Kentucky I drive Kyle's Lane to I-75/71 north to 5th street exit in Covington to 3rd and Madison

TURNING LEFT ON KYLES LANE OUT OF SIDE STREETS.ALSO, BLIND SPOT TURNING LEFT ONTO KYLES LANE OUT OF MT. VERNON. Improve traffic flow on Kyles Lane in Kenton Co Allow right turn on red onto Kyles Lane from Kyles starting at 8:30am. Traffic on Kyles Lane & Kyles Ln.Dixie Highway interchange in Ft Wright, KY, Kyles lane and dixie. needs a right hand turn to south on Kyles.. The city has fought for 10 years and it is still not completed. Add a left turn arrow light at Kyles Lane and Henry Clay in Ft. Wright. This is in Kenton County. Also replace the Brent Spence Bridge between Covington, Ky and Cincinnati, Oh (I-75) Eliminate the "No Right Turn" between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. Mon-Fri. off old Kyles Lane at Highland and Kyles Lane. Kyles Lane, Highland Pike, Ohio SR 32 Timing/sequencing of traffic signals/intersections. For peak periods, use technology to give preference/longer thru-put to heaviest directional traffic flow. One intersection in particular (Langdon Farm and Carthage Ave), is a one leg at a time intersection and the Langdon Farm legs have extremely short signal - makes no sense given current traffic volumes! Fix the bottom of the hill on Lehman Rd.

Create more pedestrian-friendly environments. For example, narrow roads like Libery street and make crossings more accessible.

Narrow Liberty Street to make it a 25 mph area like the rest of the downtown Cincinnati / Over-the-Rhine streets. The light at Liberty and Central Parkway to turn left is also very dangerous. There is no turn arrow when traveling westbound, so cars get backed up and sit in the intersection. It's hard to safely turn to get to the bike lane, and when I drive my car, it is also difficult to make the turn. Usually there are 2-3 cars turning left once the light has turned yellow-red because they were sitting in the intersection the entire time the light was green. The lefthand turn from Liberty to Central Parkway SB is a huge pain and 1-2 cars can get through each light. Liberty Street. Make it narrower. Liberty St. is the most difficult to cross in OTR and central business district. It is to wide and has no island in the middle like Central Pkwy. Other than that it is the inattentive motorists who are the biggest threat to a pedestrian. Better timed lights on Liberty St in OTR. Liberty Way at SR-129 and I-75 backs up to Cox Road in the evenings. Liberty Way interchange in Butler Traffic light timing along Liberty Way

Reduce width of unnecessarily wide streets (Liberty, Central Parkway, Bank, Linn) to reconnect neighborhoods and improve walkability. more bridges across the licking river. Finish the Licking River Greenway trail repave Lincoln Avenue in Hamilton County between Reading and Martin Luther King Decrease traffic along Linwood and Delta avenues in Mt. Lookout/Hyde Park traffic relief on route 561 (linwood avenue ) through the mount lookout neighborhood of cincinnati Eliminate street parking during a broader timeframe on one lane streets and especially on hills like Linwood coming out of Mt Lookout square heading to Lunken. Drivers get very mad when they are behind me but with parked cars it is not safe for me to use the right lane or share the one other lane with them. add additional bridge across Little Miami River in Loveland area. Little Miami River bridges between Newtown and the Ohio River Public transportation to downtown Loveland, OH Loveland Ave., Clermont and Hamilton counties

Ludlow needs to be widened to 4 lanes or the parking spaces need to be restricted during rush hour in the morning and the afternoon. Direct route from Cinti State (at Ludlow) to Children's Hospital Bike path in Hamilton county from ludlow ave to rookwood commons on Madison ave Subway I would like more public transit options that run later at night. More that runs from downtown Cincinnati to uptown near Ludlow ave and to northside. too many lights & traffic on Ludlow, all the way up Hamilton Ave to NCH. I would like to ride my bike to work (near Lunken Airport) and live within close proximity to the Little Miami Scenic Trail (terrace park). However, the trail currently ends at State Route 32 / Beechmont - and a dedicated bridge over the little Miami river is needed to allow safe passage. Provide more bus service in Butler County. We need transportation between the hospitals from Mercy South on Mack Road in Fairfield to Fort Hamilton on Eaton Ave and out to West Chester Hospital by Cox Rd and the Atrium in Middletown. There are not ways to get to the hospitals via public transportation. We also need ways to get to work out by Bridgewater Falls in Fairfield Township and down the by-pass by Port Union Rd and Symmes Rd. The bus service on the West Side of Hamilton is non existent and needs to connect the east side of Hamilton with the west side.

I live in Maderia and use Ronald Reagan going west, which when going to I75 is messy. If I keep going and take Galbraith there are many traffic lights and traffic is really slow. If there was a safe bike route, or reliable/frequent bus route, I'll not drive.

I ride my bike or take the bus to work as often as possible and could do so more often if there was a bus stop closer to my house in Madeira (I walk 2 miles to the Kenwood Mall to get the Metro Plus). A dedicated bike lane on Madison would be very useful as well. Madison Avenue congestion from 17th to Latonia. Madison Pike & Dudley Pike are pretty busy during "rush hour". Madison Road bike lanes end in Obryonville. They should go all the way up through Oakley. Shrink Erie Ave down to 3 lanes and a bike lane. Extend the streetcar uptown. The intersection of Madison/Edwards/Wasson is a nightmare! It's terrible in a car, and even more frightening as a pedestrian. Alleviate traffic congestion on Main St. and High St. in Hamilton (Butler County)

Improve bikeways throughout Hamilton (Butler County) (including more sharrows, bike lanes, and bike trails) so that there is a better transportation network to get around town on a bike. Bike lanes, slower speed limits on major thoroughfares, traffic calming on Liberty Street in Over-the-Rhine, Cincinnati. Marburg and Ridge more bike friendly All of this information is for Hamilton County. Complete the road at Martin Luther King between Reading Rd. and Gilbert Ave. Pave Victory Parkway and Johnathan. Add a stop light at Victory Parkway and Johnathan. During school days, I am not able to get off my street, Johnathan then get to Victory Parkway too much traffic to turn left. Thank you.

No need good bike and foot locally and when I use the car in connection with work it's all the way to Mason, so no alternatives to car. My son and his family live in Mason, Oh. and we both do a lot of travel back and forth and the worst part of it is crossing over the bridge. I almost always starts backing up in Ft Mitchell and all three lanes are loaded with trucks.

Widen intersection of Mason Morrow Millgove Rd @ Columbia in Warren County to make semi truck turns easier. On WARREN US 42, realign Bethany Rd and Mason Morrow Millgrove to create a single signalized intersection or a roundabout instead of 2 offset intersections.

Currently I travel on only three roads in order to get between home and school, however, I am concerned by the many traffic accidents and congestion that occurs on Mason-Montgomery. I am also concerned by the lack of consistent sidewalks and walkways across lanes in order to make walking from the area offices to restaurants a safe and easy option. Mason needs to create a more walkable and bike friendly atmosphere in order to prevent it from turning into a Colerain Ave. Be inspired by cities in the Netherlands where citizens are encouraged to bike ride in order to stay healthy and clear up traffic so that those that live by can commute by ways other then car. Make McMilllan St 2-way East of Victory. The intersection of McMillan and Auburn is always dangerous. No turn on red would help. I love Light Rail, Please create Light rail from middletown/Kings Island to the City Center!! Move traffic better from Milford to blue ash 275 If the bike path along the Mill Creek was completed from North Bend Rd down to at least Gest St, I could bike to work. On days when biking is not feasbile, If there was a bus route from Winton and Spring Grove down to Dalton St and more busses available at North Bend and Winton going down winton, I could bus to work. Finish/open the MLK interchange on I-71.

Martin Luther King Drive needs a major dose of traffic calming as it passes UC campus. Sharpen the turning radii at Clifton Ave., getting rid of the triangle islands. Narrow the travel lanes, end rush hour parking restrictions, add curb bumpouts at entrances to campus & Burnet Woods, and a landscaped median which can be used for a pedestrian-crossing island where appropriate. Between a college campus, an urban park, and multiple walkable neighborhoods (Clifton, CUF, Corryville), is not any place for a 7-lane road where people travel 35-40+ mph. The road should be redesigned with a target actual driving speed of ~25 mph in mind, with added encouragements for motorists to actually yield to pedestrians at all legal crossings, which is a major problem currently. Clifton Avenue could handle many of the same treatments. The new entrance/exit ramp being constructed on MLK will greatly improve my commute. I wish MLK was more bike and pedestrian friendly. I live only 1.5 miles from work, but because I need to travel across (or on) MLK with 2 kids, I would never ride a bike with a carrier (or allow the 4yo to ride her bike with me). I would like to see dedicated bike lanes with trees separating bikes from cars. Complete the shared-use pathway all along MLK in Cincinnati as soon as possible! Protected bike lane on MLK traffic calming at MLK and Clifton Ave intersection in Hamilton County; MLK is way oversized, which contributes to dangerous conditions for pedestrians crossing, as cars speed by at 50MPH or more on MLK a foot away from pedestrians; this is a very busy intersection for pedestrians; eliminating bypass lanes would probably help here Travel from Clifton to Anderson frequently. MLK and hospital traffic has become more dangerous. Lane change near Reading extremely confusing.

A route from MLK in Covington all the way across Newport that does not involve the stop and start present in Campbell County. Bike lanes on Martin Luther King, McMcillan and Calhoun in Hamilton County near the University of Cincinnati. Any bike lanes, improved safety for bicyclist on main routes such as Montgomery Road Bike Lane on Monmouth and York Streets in Newport, Campbell County. Sycamore turned to two-way downtown Cincinnati, Hamilton.

ANY bike lanes in downtown and Over the Rhine.

Making the floor of traffic on Montana Avenue floor better during rush hour

Montana Ave is horribly slow since it went from 4 lanes to 2 lanes with a turn lane. If there is an accident you're in a horrible situation. Montana Ave is a mess. The road diet didn't work.

Include more sidewalks in Hamilton County in the Montgomery area -- sidewalks on Enyart Road (leading to Symmes Elementary), for example East Walnut Hills to Xavier and Pleasant Ridge on Montgomery Rd. Improve signal timing / coordination, and geometric layouts to north/south corridors (i.e. Montgomery Rd.). If these could move efficiently, they would take cars off of the over-congested highways. More frequent bus service. Easier / more timely transfers to routes outside the Montgomery Road Corridor. Hamilton county, Montgomery road, make more bike accessible

Sequence traffic lights along Montgomery Rd in Hamilton County. Additionally, increase public transit frequency along this route. more rail. potentially up through the Montgomery Road corridor someday Improving road conditions on Montgomery Rd from Pleasant Ridge to downtown. The increased traffic on our I-75 & I-71 highways is a problem as it is in all major cities. How can this be mitigated? Moock Road has no bus stop and is dangerous for bikes. It's peppered with apartment complexes and thousands of people live on this mile long stretch that can only accommodate cars. Desperately need bus and bike options in Wilder KY Increase in bike lanes and light rail downtown up into Mt. Adams.

Improved bike infrastructure between Mt Adams and downtown Cincinnati. Specifically, from Martin St to Columbia Parkway to 5th St. I wish there was a bus from Mt Adams to Over the Rhine. Or that the Mt Adams bus was more frequent and functional. There is no reason I should have to drive 1.5 miles, but the bus from my home to office takes 25 minutes (and then I have to walk for 10 minutes) and comes very infrequently. Better public education regarding passing lane (stay right unless passing) etiquette (and laws) on I-275 and I-471. A complete redesign (bypass? additional lanes?) of the intersection of Mt. Carmel-Tobasco Road and Ohio 125. Additional lane of traffic on I-275 between Five Mile and Kellogg.

Shorter routes between Mt. Lookout and downtown. Metro currently has only express route that runs twice in the morning and twice in the afternoon. All other routes from Mt. Lookout/Hyde Park take 30-45 minutes to downtown (same for the trip back). Please improve the traffic flow at Mt. Lookout square and Red Bank. It gets very congested. Light rail from Mt Washington to downtown. I travel a short distance from mt Washington to California oh so there is not much to improve. A safe bike route would be a plus so I cold ride my bike to work. Work with metro and tank to provide a direct bus route from Mt. Washington to Covington. Commuter train from mt wash/Anderson to uptown cinti Widen Mt Zion Rd between US 42 and I75 1. Poor east/west connection from Mt. Zion Road to Madison Pk in Independence, Kenton County. The local roads that make up Rt. 536 are dangerous in inclement weather. 2. Bus service from Florence via Rt.42 to Beaver Road, Boone County North Bend Rd is the main artery that I used. I find it to be acceptable a vast majority of the time. synchronize traffic lights on North Bend Rd. I would love to see the streetcar project extend south into northern Kentucky (with a route including Newport and Covington) and the original plans to bring it north to Uptown Cincy come to fruition. Regional rail from Northern KY into the city would be amazing. I travel to Newport Ky everyday by bus. New town road and Dana Ave 1. Newtown Road south/east of Rt. 32 add a bike lane; 2. Erie at Rosslyn, remove right continuous turn; 3. Madison in O'Bryonville, marked bike lane instead of sharrow; 4. Erie by District 2 police station, add designated bike lane between Marburg and Delta, especially around the uphill curve. Nine mile road in IN

Improve bus pickup general dr to both DT& Covington Florence Mall&Crestwood Mall 3/4new routes to Cinti....Think NK/Cinti as one city Faster connectivity between NKU and Tank/Metro connector downtown.

Better public transit options from NKY to downtown. Can't use TANK because it does not allow time for drop off/pick up of my son for school

I currently work less than 7 miles from home (NCH to S. Cumminsville). But since I would have to transfer at least once (maybe twice), and pay for Zone 2, and it would take well over an hour to reach my destination by bus (vs. 15 minutes by car), I choose to drive. It was great when you had the "Clean Air Fare" of 50 cents a ride a few years ago when I worked downtown. I rode the #17 bus like crazy that summer. The cheaper fare more than made up for the increased length of the commute.

Road debris and Traffic Light Management are my top two beefs! The cities in this area of Northern KY (I live in Erlanger), do not have a good ongoing street sweeper program year round. Nor do the cities seem to understand traffic light management. When many intersections would benefit from a flashing yellow light from the hours of 11pm till 5am, as one example, this just doesn't seem to happen often enough or at all in many areas! Milwaukee, Wisconsin is an excellent example of Great traffic management and light timing. Another major problem is that it is supposed to be "Traffic Management", so why when I am driving along the urban areas and I see a lone car pull up from the side street to the traffic light, within 5 to 10 seconds the lights begin to change (cycle). What kind of management is that? How about actually allowing 2, 3, 4 or even 5 cars to accumulate on the side street before the cycle begins. I would think 45 seconds to 75 seconds depending on the area, would be intelligent management! NOT 5 seconds!! i would like to spend less time in transit. i travel between northside and blue ash; traffic on I75 between the lateral and mitchell is bad because of construction, but reid-hartman/plainfield is also incredibly conjested between cooper and ronald reagan on a daily basis. the traffic flow there is just not at all effecient. lastly, i would love to commute by bike on occasion, but the infrastructure just isn't there for me to do it safely. Complete bike lanes between Northside and downtown. The Central Parkway bikeway is great, but it dead ends at marshall and the bike lanes on Spring Grove also come to an abrupt end under Hopple St. The bikeway on Central really needs to continue to Ludlow/Hamilton to complete this bike route.

Also the only safe bike route across the Ohio is the Purple People Bridge which is a bit out of the way for Covington cyclists. The Roebling sidewalk is a bit dangerous to bike on and the bridge deck is nearly impossible to bike on. A bike lane across the CW Bailey seems possible, and ditch that suicide lane in the center. Northside to OTR via Spring Grove and Liberty is my daily commute. More bus routes would help. More-direct bus service from Northside to Price Hill.Otherwise, improve Beekman/State. Northside to College hill bike route. Improve Glenview Ave. Riverside bike path from downtown to Anderson ferry. Would avoid going through Ludlow KY and Rt.8. Hamilton Ave. from Mt Healthy to Forest park. Make shoulder a bike route. Connect the pieces of bike lanes spread across the region. Connect Norwood and Pleasant Ridge to Oakley and Hyde Park with safe designated bike lanes. Rapid transit from the Norwood lateral to downtown. Potholes on exit ramp from eastbound Norwood lateral to Ridge road Potholes on entrance ramp onto 71 south from Red Bank road Ease congestion-Norwood Lateral I-75, improve old roads Rail transit from Norwood to downtown. Unrealistic bus service from Oakley square to Liberty Way. It would be such a specific route that the demand would likely not support the need for it. light rail from oakley to blue ash More express bus time options. I take the 12x from Oakley to downtown for work and there are only two times in the morning and two times after work to choose from. streetcar extended to hyde park/Oakley/norwood area. Bike, if possible. I would like a bike path from Oakwood to downtown Dayton. The bottleneck that occurs in O'bryanville Improved road condition (Ohio) as potholes are horrible. Also implement a position of no trucks (18 wheelers) in left lanes and a 'tow & go' program, where you have a limited time to make repairs (tire, etc.) or you'll be towed off the freeway. These 2 things would greatly improve traffic flow. Please remove the rutting of roadways and specifically Ohio 73. NEED A ROAD OUT OF OHIO COUNTY TO CONNECT TO US 50 AND EVENYUALLY TO 1-74 Improved overall regional multi-modal trail and on-road bike infrastructure connectivity. Specifically, complete the Ohio River Trail, Mill Creek Greenway Trail, and Wasson Way Trail in Hamilton County. Bike lanes and sidewalks everywhere. It is crazy that I need to get into my car to go just a few miles in my community. Wouldn't be great to walk to the grocery, bank, library, church, parks, etc. Build mass transit system 13 rails system that moves 75 miles an hour build easten coridor transit system build Montgomery rd rail all way to mason. Build transit rail system down town to sharonvill ect 13 rail system. Build a world port airport on west side town and rail system from down town to new world port air on west side Cincinnati. And wind solar farm to also power new work port air port on west side on Cincinnati, make 71 6 lanes on each side north and sounth. Make 75, 6 lanes on each side north and south, buil south bound off ramp exit ramp on 71 on exit 11 build a north on ramp on exit 11 on 71 north. My commute is perfectly acceptable. I'd like to see additional biking options available in the region. We *must* focus on the needs of people with few transportation options, particularly looking forward a few decades as our population ages. Rapid transit system in the region. I have traveled a bit and I like Washington DC, the Netherlands, London etc where I vacation so I do not need a car but can get to everywhere I want. A light at Old 17 and Madison, another way to get to Dudley Pike. old Madison pike, Kenton county - road repair, the sides of road are sliding down the hill Repair potholes on Olive Branch Stonelick Rd. To leave before rush hour to avoid the cut of the hill and 3l and Orphanage Road. Safer walking routes along OTR / Pendleton. More lights, development, etc. More well light streets in Over the Rhine (away from Vine Street) I currently walk from southern Over the Rhine to the riverfront for work. Enlarging the medians in Central Parkway, and calming the traffic on E Pete Rose Way would make my commute much easier and more enjoyable. Add streetcar connection from Over the Rhine to UC's campus OTR to Uptown for daycare/school. None, beyond bikeway planned for Phase I in Oxford in 2016. I would like safer access to bike routes leaving the Oxford area and going to Hueston Woods State Park.

In addition, my family and I would love to be able to travel to Cleveland and Lake Erie w/o having to drive. This means having easy access to bus, preferably rail, i.e. not driving all of the way to Cincinnati.

Oxford city needs more sidewalks and signals for pedestrian safety. This problem exists practically throughout the city but is now exacerbated by the new complex of Miami Reserve and the public access to lane Library. Another exceedingly important point is to insist of enforcing the driving laws so that pedestrians are not run over or challenged when on crosswalks - students at Miami University are terribly lax in not using their phones when driving and the country folk do not understand city life - thinking that only cars are the main means of locomotion. It might be expedient if the police force of Oxford had more active safety cops. Another example is bikes on the sidewalk on High Street especially near the bike shop when there is a clear sign posted that bikes on the sidewalk are prohibited. How is this enforced? There are a number of partially and fully blind people in the community including me who need to walk and to be able to do so safely. Public transportaion available to rural areas... Mine is Oxford Middletown Road, 45013 Improve lighting on Oxford Reily Road in Oxford. I will walk to work more if it was lit up.

Bike support on main arteries such as Paddock and Seymour. The combination of hills and no shoulder make it tough to ride in traffic safely. A smaller bus or van that could come closer to my inner street in Paddock Hills would be nice! Especially in poor weather, it's hard to walk two short blocks and then one very long block down to Reading Road for bus. I'm on Bristol Lane and often need to go downtown. (And four blocks back Up a very long block.) There are several bottleneck areas I drive through everyday. Specifically, the Paddock Rd. area on I-75 and the Brent Spence Bridge are the most time consuming. I will soon be riding bus and would probably like express bus directly to shopping areas, grocery stores from paddock road & Tennessee Hamilton county Bike path/sidewalk from Patterson St. (Oxford) down hwy 73 to Springwood subdivision Regular bus service off Paxton/Cryer Aves. or Pineridge/Paxton. Express to downtown, too! Pfeiffer Road/Glendale-Milford Road and I-71 The merge from Pike St/12th to 71/75. Bike lanes through the intersection of Plainfield Rd and Hunt Rd in Blue Ash would allow me to safely bike to work. I have taken that route twice but it is dangerous for a daily bike commute, so i'm stuck in my car. I live in Pleasant Ridge right off Montgomery Road for the #4 Route of the Metro. I work right across the river next to the Roebling Bridge in Covington. If I could a bus that would continue into NKY without having to transfer, I would take it. We recently moved from Downtown where I could walk to work and prefer that lifestyle (one in which I am less reliant on a car).

I would love to be able to easily bus from Pleasant Ridge/Oakley to downtown and it not take an hour (or more) and/or be at odd inconvenient times. Without traffic it's a 10-15 drive so 30 min bus ride would be acceptable. Plus there's a distinct lack of decent bus shelter. I see folks on Ridge Ave in front of the Dollar store have to walk in the street if there's snow to wait at the southbound bus stop. There's no sidewalk. Look at St.Paul/Minneapolis, they have a great bus & rail system that's connected and simple to use. This has been done right in other places we don't need to reinvent it; just take some best practices and apply them here. It's just sad when it would take me 2 hours to bus home from Kroger on Paxton when I can drive there in 10 mins. Since I don't work, I just try to stay off the roads during peak traffic times. The left turn lane on Pleasant going to Gray Rd, going north from 275 is particularly bad when traffic is heavy. The light to turn left comes before the green light, but one can't get up to the turn lane because the lane to turn left is too short. Home/161 Prevalent Dr to Work/651 E High St, Miami Home to Kroger Home to Walmart Home to Church/110 N Poplar St

A traffic light at Pride Parkway and Honey Road. I wish there were quicker buses than the 4 from the corner of Quatman and Montgomery to downtown. on the Westside the Quebec Road there is no bus Queen City Avenue often gets backed up. Western Avenue gets backed up in the morning. Ravine street to central parkway is very hard to turn to... Getting from UC to downtown is horrible Make sure to tend to the pot holes in bond hill on reading rd. there tend to be big craters in the road when the weather gets bad Evening rush hour congestion at the Reading Rd/Liberty St onramp to 471. let the route 41 from Mt Airy come futher down reading road to connect to the Metro/Access bldg in Norwood to serve employees at that facility None specifically I can think of. Sometimes Reading Rd can be a bit congested (given it's one of the busiest/most traveled main roads), which could be helped by widening. Reading Road, Hamilton County, Avondale Area. Make the timing of the green lights longer for Reading Road Improved service along Reading Road Streetcar service along Reading Road.

I often take I-71 to Reading Road (en route to the UC area), coming from either downtown or I-471 in Newport, KY. I enter from the right side, but have only about 1/2 mile to swing all the way over to the left lane to exit on Reading Road. If I enter I-71 via 7th Street in downtown, I have even less space to switch several lanes in order to exit on Reading Road. It's wild that my GPS even suggests this last option, because of how dangerous it is, but it does. If I were to miss this exit, though, I'd have to go several miles north on I-71 before I could turn around. Better traffic flow from Reading Road onto I-471S entrance. The time spend in the afternoon at the traffic light at Reading/Liberty exceeds the total time of the rest of my commute.

Reading Road in Cincinnati Ohio or Victory Parkway by way of Gilbert Avenue to go to downtown Cincinnati of I-71 North or South Rapid transit rail along Reading road corridor and laterally along Glenway/Queen City/McMillan corridor Metro(SORTA) would definitely benefit from added routes along major roads(reading, glenway, vine) as well as added service on Sundays. Also, it would be great to see bus service to Sharonville and possibly the Mason area as there are many jobs in those areas but no way for people who use public transportation to get to them. I encounter a lot of red lights on my route to/from work on Reading/Montgomery... doesn't seem like an unreasonable amount but I suppose it would be nice if there were fewer intersections.

Living in N Avondale and working downtown, biking is dangerous on Reading or Vine. Victory Pkwy is ok but not speed patrolled, and I've actually been HIT by a car in the Central Pkwy bike broad daylight and non-rush hour! Get the Streetcar to the Zoo!! Fix the I75S interstate ASAP. Takes me 1-2 hrs to get home on busy days that takes me 20 minutes on a non busy day. Fix alternate side streets such as Reading Rd, Vine Street and Winton Woods Rd. Those roads are alternate streets that can be taken when i75 is busy. East-west bus routes on Reagan. Reduce morning congestion on Red Bank Rd approach to I-71. Condition of red bank and I71 is disgraceful. Please, repave. improve the Redbank Road interchange Redbank Road Redbank rd, I-71, Norwood lateral and I-75 are all just one back-up after another. Maybe it is time for some kind of commuter Lane for carpooling. Raise drainage ditch across foot of Redwood at Amsterdam.

Kenton County, Redwood Drive near Park Road, there is a drain that runs across the road, meaning a deep dip in the road, which is bad for cars. All that is needed is a flat grate across the road to fix this issue. Kenton County - Turning from General Drive onto Amsterdam Road. This is a very dangerous turn as the road curves so cars coming from either way are going pretty fast and are difficult to see. I know of numerous neighbors who have accidents at this location. A large mirror hung on a tree would solve this issue. Kenton County - Dolwick Drive and Kenton Lands Road - I work on Dolwick Drive and going home I must turn left onto Kenton Lands from Dolwick. Since many businesses are being built on Dolwick there is a large line of traffic every day around lunchtime and at least 30 cars deep when turning left from Dolwick onto Kenton Lands. Either a stoplight or stop signs are needed on Kenton Lands. Monorail from Reed Hartman (Butler County) to 275E to 71 South in the rush hour morning and return the route in rush hour evening hours. Eliminate trucks from I71.

Longer green lights on Remington at Loveland Madeira and Main (in Montgomery) Richardson Road is treacherous. hands Pike all the way to Taylor Mill Road is dangerous. Kenton County.

Richwood Road / Interstate 75 interchange in Boone County. Frequent bottlenecks and congestion. Was originally a truck-stop area, and residential has 'grown up' around it, but the road infrastructure has not been upgraded to accomodate this growth. Slowing down the cars on Ridge Avenue to follow the speed limit. I can barely turn out onto it because of speeders. It would be great if ridge Ave was more pleasant and safe for all modes of transportation year round. Between Madison and Montgomery. Better road maintenance, especially filling potholes. the 71 North bottleneck at Ridge Avenue Clean up Ridge between Montgomery and Highland. Traffic during rush hour at: 1) Ridge Rd and Montgomery Rd 2) Ridge and Cross County 3) Exit off ramp Reed Hartman and Cross County Hwy - eastbound If it were safe to bike on Ridge Road between Woodford and Highland I would gladly bike to and from work. A bike lane (preferably with a curb so cars couldn't wander in) would be a big help Ridge Rd btw Reagan & Galbraith sidewalks or bike lanes on ridge rd (Hamilton co) so I could walk or bike to work if Ridge Road were more bike friendly (slower cars, bike lane) and if the sidewalks were better maintained between Montgomery and highland-- I would feel more comfortable walking or biking to work. Ridge road being more pedestrian/bike friendly. Too much car congestion makes it dangerous at rush hour. fix the Ridge Road area of I-71 as it is always congested during rush hour

Ridge road has horrible traffic from the N onramp off 71 N up until Ronald Reagan. Traffic is getting so bad, especially around Ronald Reagan. Relieve congestion at the Ridge/I-71/Norwood Lateral interchange. Bike lanes on River Rd. between State Av and Hillside Av. Train and/or off-road bike along Riverside Drive (Oasis Line)

I use Riverside drive heading East from Downtown to Wilmer Ave to Beechmont Ave heading East. The worst part is often the volume of traffic at rush hour on Riverside as traffic can be crawling at 20 mph or less for no other reason than the traffic lights. Also, the on ramp to Beechmont from Wilmer has such a small radius that one cannot get up to the 45 mph speed most cars are traveling at that point (the 35 mph speed limit is neither seen nor observed at that part of the road) on Beechmont before having to merge into the main traffic flow. decrease congestion on the major highways particularly Ronald Reagan and the bottle neck of 75S at the RR interchange. Better maintenance of Ronald Reagan Highway Improved design at Ronald Reagan highway and I-75 to reduce congestion

Resolve the congestion around rook wood and the Edwards, Madison, Wasson intersection, particularly during the evening commute My commute is 29 miles one way, and I am able to cycle it a few times a year because the bikeway system is so splendid in southern and western Ohio. My biggest complaint about my driving commute is that the lights on Roosevelt Blvd. are either not sequenced or sequenced in a bizarre way. Otherwise, the drive is what it is.

Before I became a new parent and stay at home mom, I did work and went to school. Butler County can use an expanded bus system. It currently focuses on Miami University locations, Hamilton, and Oxford. There are no locations in Ross along 128 or 27. It is a rural county, but it would be helpful to have other options besides only car travel. Perhaps the bus system, BCTRA, could work with Cincinnati Metro's to further expand options and help get people in Butler county to see Cincinnati attractions. A bike path along Round Bottom road would make it safer for the frequent bikers and auto traffic. It's wind-y, narrow in places, and has many sudden blind areas when you round bends. A lot if roads need repaved in Ohio. There are too many pot holes. Route 23 and route 52 in the city Portsmouth Ohio are terrible. Try driving east on route 52 through Portsmouth, the road is extremely rough. Route 32 between old 74 and glen este withamsville at 6-8am Better light synchronization on the Ohio Route 4 By-Pass. Going straight down the By-Pass often leads to many stops by the lights. If the Route 4 Ridge Road bus ran more frequently. more frequent trip on the route 50. more often than once an hour, and also expansion of the route 50 to go by the Kroger in Hooven

In Campbell County it would be nice to have easier rush hour access to Route 9 (Licking Pike) from Johns Hill Road.

I would like a way to commute to work without driving. I use rt 128 in Butler County. Would take a shuttle bus if it was available. In Kenton County extend the 5 lanes of Rt 17 from Mother of God Cemetery all the way into Covington to 12th St ... also on Highland Pk in Ft Wright from the city building to Wal Mart, make it 2 lanes with a double turn lane in the middle.

If the Butler County RTA bus stopped at Rt. 27 and McKee on the south edge of Oxford I would take it to work instead of driving. A bypass around Newton on Rt. 32 would make the commute faster. Not sure if a highway through that area would be beneficial though. Light rail would be more ideal. Eliminate some of the traffic lights on Route 4 between Hamilton and 275 exchange Traffic light timing on route 4 between Middletown and Hamilton I enjoy my relatively scenic commute on East Rte. 50. I travel RT 50 to and from work. The traffic continues to grow. This is the only way to the west end of the county Rt 536 from Rt 17 to I-75....GET THE PROJECT GOING! rt 8 campbell

Create a bike lane for Route 8/Fairfield Ave in Bellevue KY. ,this route is not only used by daily commuters but also enthusiasts Southbound 75

Multi-Use Path along one side of Section Road the whole length in Amberley Village to connect with sidewalks in Roselawn and Deer Park. I am disabled and do not own a vehicle. The only bus that runs near my house is the 77X which is only a Sun Run. The other bus that runs in my neighborhood is the 50 which is a 3/4 mile walk from my house which I can no longer manage. We need to have regular bus transportation that runs in Sedamsville going towards Delhi and/or Price Hill. Sometimes I travel through Norwood and get lost because the street signs are missing on several corners.

Traveling west on Seymour Ave and turning north on Paddock to take the 75 north entrance ramp is nearly impossible. The traffic gets backed up so bad that only one car can turn at a time. Very frustrating and dangerous. One specific issue is the timing of lights that make it nearly impossible to turn right from Seymour to Route 4/Paddock in order to get onto 75 North at the Paddock interchange. On a bad day, 0 cars get through the double right turn lane on a green light, on a good day during rush hour about 3 cars can get through each light cycle, so traffic backs up down Seymour. It seems silly that the lights don't accommodate the greater traffic flow coming up Seymour to get onto 75. The lights ahead of the right turn are red when our light is green which means sometimes 0 cars get through the green turn light because there's no room in the lanes from all the traffic coming up Paddock that gets the flow of green lights to get onto the highway.

Provide usable mass transit. From Sharonville to my office near 75/Norwood Lateral takes me ~20 minutes by car, 25 in bad traffic. To take the bus, it takes 2.5 hours each way and the cost is no better than the cost of owning and operating a car. Evidently if you don't work downtown, they don't care.

Absent that, focus on maintaining what we have, not expanding it to ease commutes from the exurbs. The plans to eliminate the access roads parallel to I-75 will undoubtedly make my commute significantly worse in order to speed commutes for those living further out. I currently walk two miles (from Reading Rd / Main St in historic downtown Sharonville) to get to the #43 bus stop in Evendale Commons (in front of Menards - Reading Rd / Glendale Milford). I was surprised to find that Sharonville severe lacks public transportation options. It would be great if the 43 route was extended further up Reading Road through Sharonville so that my girlfriend and I (and other residents) had the option to get downtown without driving. I work 2.5 miles from home (from Norwood to Pleasant Ridge). It takes 5-10 minutes to drive and I park for free in a parking lot, spend about 20 cents on gas each way. Very little to improve. Although, a very minor issue are the lights at the Smith/Edwards exit/entrance of I-75 in Norwood. There are 3 lights within 0.1 miles that almost seem to be timed so that you are stopped at all 3.

There is little if any public transportation in South Covington. I hope after the Hands Pike Hill is finished there will be a loop for the residents in SC. South on sr17 up Hands Pike north on sr16

Quit destroying South Fairmount with eminent domain! Tell the Sierra Club to jump off the Brent Spence bridge and stay in the river until they drown.

Please provide bus service from my home, 2208 South Road. How about from the west end of Werk Road, Our Lady of Visitation is there. improve the traffic light situation at Spring and Patterson in Oxford. Interminable waits for lights with no one around much of the time. Finish the bike lanes on Spring Grove. I would ride a bike to and from work using Spring Grove Avenue. Please finish installing bike lanes on Spring Grove heading south to Downtown, and install infrastructure that makes the left hand turn at Elsinore less of of an act of taking my life into my own hands. Bike lanes on Spring Grove, from the end of the existing lanes to CBD. A bus route that stops near my workplace on Spring Grove, not over a mile away, and doesn't take 2 hours to get there. Potholes on spring grove avenue Spring grove ave from 8th st to dalton to spring grove, up to 2900 block of spring grove Spring grove avenue, Glenway avenue (elimInate on-street parking for safer traffic flow) I usually drive on Spring Grove Ave from the Northside Cincinnati neighborhood to get to downtown Cincinnati. High speed light rail would be preferable. public transportation starting along Springfield Pike to the Airport and Kenwood Towne Center

You could improve the "spoke" fashion of our present Metro routes. As I come closer to the inevitably that the end of my driving days are near, I am concerned with the transit system. I can get to a bus stop on Springfield Pike at Mary Lane (route 78). It is a far walk from my house on Laramie Tr. to get to the Pike. Fleming Road is the street behind our house but there is no bus that services Fleming between Winton Rd. and Springfield Pike. Also, it is confusing for me that 78 has two routes - one going to Lockland and one going to Tri-County. I was not successful in using the Metro website to understand the 78 routing. Stoplight at Springfield Pike and Sharon Rd in Glendale. Light seems to overestimate Sharon Rd traffic during afternoon rush. On 275W with traffic merging from 75 while also exiting on 747N is a dangerous interchange due to vehicles all converging to lane second from right. Entrance ramp from Kennedy Ave to I-71N (near mile 8) is a short and seems dangerous during busy hours. Left turn arrow to Chestnut from Springfield Pike South in Wyoming to encourage local traffic to take Burns to get east of Sprinfield pike instead of holding up traffic on left turns during busy times. Infrared sensors in and around lights at Red Bank and Madison intersection. Always busy, but it constantly changes where the heaviest backup is. The length of time given to the green light at side streets on Springfield Pk. in Wyoming. Traffic sits for few or zero cars coming off of those side streets and it wastes time and fuel. Need better synchronization. Also, installing lights that count down to when they are going to change would save fuel by allowing people to decelerate sooner. I also bike to work. Bike lanes on Springfield Pike / RT 4 in Hamilton County would be an improvement. Get the semis off SR 1 because of fatality accidents Improvements to State Road 1 and local county roads Retime the lights at the sr123 and 48 baypass area to make it easier to turn east off the 48bypass

St Route 127 Improve rideability on SR129, the Butler County Regional Improvements to SR-148 hills and curves in Dearborn County. The intersection of SR17 and SR16 near Holmes High School could use some improvement. Keeping state route 222 in good shape. State. Route 262 in both Dearborn and Ohio counties is in need of great repair.

Less traffic signals on SR28 from Goshen to I-275 and a continuous turning lane from Goshen to SR48. I-275 from US50 to I-71 needs an additional lane. The improvements to the 32 off ramp are fantastic. Expand capacity of State Route 32, especially where it goes through Newtown. Also, 32 is in need of pavement repair from Batavia to Glen Este/Withamsville in both direction. And it would be much better if that intersection, and Bach Buxton and Old 74 we re-configured to reduce the stop light delays that slow traffic dramatically during the morning and evening rush. keep working on 32 Improvement of SR 32 through Newtown. Long drive time though that area during evening and morning rush hours. SR32 needs to connect to Redbank. There is no direct route into the center of Cincinnati without driving the outer loop or zigzagging through surface streets My trip has already been improved with the redesign of the 32 interchange off of 275. Improve rush hour traffic flow at SR #350 and US #50 in Aurora, IN. Better signage to keep semis off St Rt 350 in particular Fort Ancient,Warren Co. North/South (non interstate) travel between St. Rt. 42 and 275W in Boone County.

My commute, while long, at 30 minutes, is nice currently. I am able to take roads that are not congested, do not have an overabundance of traffic lights, and are very scenic. My current route includes taking SR48 north to Bunnell Hill to Centerville. There are a total of six traffic lights on my route currently. This is one of the primary reasons I moved to my current location in Lebanon. SR 48 between US 22/3 and I-71 needs widening to accommodate heavy traffic in the PM peak. There really isn't much that can be done to improve my daily trip to work. I travel on SR 48 from Montgomery County to Warren County. The route is usually free from heavy traffic. The only time my route is dangerous is when there is snow and ice because there are many hills and turns. Making sure the roads are clear during the winter time is the most important. Majority of the secondary/prime state routes (50) are old "Goat Paths" routes are not up to standards, Berm width to narrow, or non at all, crown's are recessed, (retaining water during lite rain fall), cut all foolage back beyond right away, cut all trees out hanging over SR or right aways. Complete the upgrade to SR 536. Add capacity to the I-71/I-75 Corridor (BSB). Address congestion along SR8 in Newport, Bellevue, and Dayton.

I drive State Rt. 62 to work each day from Farmers Retreat. The road continues to slip from Farmers Retreat to Dillsboro in Dearborn Co. Drivers must move to the opposite lane to avoid the slippage.. causing a traffic hazard on blind curves and narrow road. In Warren Co. the stretch of SR63 in front of the prison (LCI), needs to be widened to four 4 lanes from I75 to SR741. It's always congested put a traffic light at st rt 63 and union rd in monroe.ohio Improve SR 63 in Warren County between I-75 and Lebanon. Please widen it to either 3 or 5 lanes. Also control future access control locations of future development along the route. Dedicated turn lanes at the prison entrances would be nice too.

In my area SR 73 in Warren County has no safe bike lanes or sidewalks so I am often forced to drive short distances that I would prefer to walk. safe bicycle routes in Oxford vicinity that are good for commuters, such as near SR-73. An Amtrak stop and station for distance travel. City bus connections to Cincinnati and Dayton areas. make st. rt. 73 safer SR 73 from Oxford to Middletown with a wider shoulder and lessen the curvature of the roadway I know there is a widening project on SR 747 from Princeton Road to Millikin Road. I would like to see SR 747 widened from Millikin Road to SR4. Better access turning left from St. Anthony Drive onto southbound/eastbound Kyles Lane. Getting harder and harder to do. More frequent 15x runs. Though the service I get near Stanford and Hamilton is probably more reliable than most in the area, with the 17s running so often, they're just much slower. Stephen Rd and Dixie Hwy

Widen and improve the geometry of Stephenson Road in Erlanger. Widen and straighten Stevenson Rd. The stretch of Sunset between Glenway & Queen City has not been repaved in several years - well over 10 years. It is very bumpy - full of potholes and cracks that have not been fixed properly - and unfriendly to vehicles. intersection visibility is terrible at the intersection of Sycamore/Auburn/Dorchester (Hamilton Cty)- consider adding a traffic light? I bike to work almost every day ... The problem, as I see it is that State, County and Symmes township roads are NOT bike friendly. There is no room on the outside of the right lane line to ride. Eliminate RR crossing on Symm's Road! Infrastructure is much improved in recent years and I have no major complaints. I live in Clifton Heights - ultimate wishlist would include bike lane on major thoroughfares there (thinking Taft/Calhoun, McMillan, and MLK. Parking occasionally an issue (most recently CVS on Calhoun and Vine has nowhere to leave a bike). Encourage drivers to use interstates, instead of taking shortcuts through residential neighborhoods. Hundreds of daily drivers from the Independence/Taylor Mill area who commute north chose not to use I-275, and instead drive though Fort Wright to SR-1072 to I-75. Instead of discouraging this, traffic lights and flow are modified to facilitate this unnecessary traffic, and makes it difficult and dangerous for residents to travel in the neighborhood in which we live. I travel from Taylor Mill through downtown Cincinnati everyday. I did take 275 through Indiana (which is a bit farther but traffic moves better) but currently the bridge is reduced to one lane. I would welcome an additional route around central Cincinnati to reduce the traffic flow downtown.

Walk however there are no sidewalks even though the area has many houses. Specifically on teal town, old 74, and Glenn este withimsville. More frequent faster bus or rail service to Tri-County/Springdale Turkeyfoot between Crestview Town center is not usable during 3-6. Turning lanes are backed up to Summit. Dudley road also is a nightmare from 4:30 to 6. High speed rail. Tylersville to downtown I live by UC and go downtown frequently. I like using the red bikes as much as possible. Problem is coming back coming up the hill. I usually ditch the bike and take a bus up the hill. It would be nice if there was some agreement with SORTA with red bike so you could get a free ride up the hill or only charge 50 cents or something. More bike lanes around UC and the hospitals. Better public transit options in the same area for when it rains or is too cold. Biggest delays in my commute are UC's exit on 71 and the Brent Spence bridge.

Would prefer to use light rail/street car/bus if any were available. would use light rail if available from UC area to downtown, also from UC area to Airport. Bus service to/from downtown is not frequent enough, and regular service does not exist to airport.

Union Center Interchange w/I-75 in Butler county. SR 747 between I-275 and SR 129 in Hamilton and Butler counties.

Improve Union Centre Blvd/I-75 interchange Light rail and bike paths from downtown to Union Centre I work in the Uprown area but frequently must attend meetings and other events Downtown. It would help me enormously if the streetcar connected all the way to Uptown, neat UC. Cars act like they own the streets which they don't and shouldn't. We need to slow traffic speeds and encourage wider sidewalks, bump outs and increased pedestrian crossings, particularly in the downtown and uptown areas. Once the streetcar is operating, expanding the route to Uptown and elsewhere would be extremely beneficial for those who work/live Downtown/OTR. Would enable us to travel outside of the core without taking a car. I would love a bike trail in the Uptown/Clifton (connecting the campus, Ludlow and hospitals). I have lived in other cities with great bike infrastructure and was able to sell my car and ride everywhere. That is what I would love the most in Cincinnati Better roads...(the State Rd 62 slips) and less traffic issues on US 50 in Lawrenceburg US HWY 50 in Dillsboro, of Dearborn County. Dillsboro needs much better access points or gateways to US 50 from Bank Street, Front Street, and 262. The current speed and traffic volume on US 50 make it very difficult to cross the road or turn left during morning rush hour. A traffic lite at us 50 and bank st US 127 in Butler County and OH 4 in Butler County.

I drive US 25. Only about 7 or so miles. From Walton to Richwood. I'm all good. :-) If this ever changed tho - it is a nightmare to drive any fair distance in this tri state area. And we have the very best highways and road conditions. Its population and the fact the population we do have enjoys being parental in nature and hogging the entire road. Total disrespect of other people and.their time. Just drive to right and allow people who are obviously catching up to you to pass. That's what they all need to be taught. Time traffic signals on US 27 from Newport thru Cold Spring so less time stopped at signals in Campbell County Fix up US 27 from Stillwell Beckett to Oxford.

US 27 Campbell County Intersection at US 27 @ SR 129 in Millville (Butler County); Add right turn lane on US 27 Northbound turning onto New London Rd. Offer incentives to telecommute so I don't have to drive to work. increase frequency on bus routes on major thoroughfares. instead of reaching bus routes further out, we should focus on frequency (every 10- 15 minutes) in the urban areas and along main trunk lines such as US 27 and US 25. Also right now the quickest way from Newport (where I live) to Covington is through Cincinnati. There needs to be more connectivity and sharing between those two cities. We should look at streetcars, bike paths, the licking river green way, new bridges over the licking river etc. as possible ways to help both Covington and Newport connect better to each other. There are more bridges between Covington and Cincinnati than between all of Kenton and Campbell Counties. 4th St, 12th St. and I-275 are very far apart and separated and really create a divide between the two northern Kentucky counties. Even if they were just pedestrian/bike bridges connecting from one levee wall to the other it would really help to make the whole urban basin feel more like one connected place and not so many separate cities. In Butler County going from Ross (US27), north to Oxford (US27) is very congested and could use a bypass. U.S. 42 between Pleasant Valley Road and I-71/75 in Florence. US 42 from Pleasant Valley Road to Ewing Boulevard in Florence. US 421 north from Madison, Indiana to Greensburg, Indiana needs to be a "super 2", or a four lane. Fix US 50 so that it doesn't flood between Mariemont and Terrace Park; fix Walton Creek Rd. between the intersection with Muchmore and Varner Hill

Make US 50 wide enough for a good bike lane going both ways. I got my serviced in Chillicothe and noticed that big trucks seem to resent bicycle riders. I got the brake lines replaced on my car. I rode my bicycle home and then rode my bicycle back to pick up my car. The best improvement would be to increase traffic flow/speed on US 50 into and out of downtown Cincinnati. Currently, it backs up around Columbia/Tusculum areas due to lower speed limits and an over abundance (3 in a 1/4 mile) of stoplights. Maintain pavement on the following roads before they deteriorate into unsatisfactory conditions. US50 from Indiana border into downtown Cincinnati. Glenway Avenue and Warsaw Avenue. US 50 Dearborn County,IN

I do not see a need for any improvements. I take US 50 W from Aurora, IN to Dillsboro, IN for work. Good Road. 10 Minute Drive. US 50 in Dearborn County East of SR350 to I-275 through the city of Aurora and Lawrenceburg. increase traffic flow on US 50 through the Lawrenceburg area I live in Greendale and work for Dearborn County. Such a short drive would be perfect for a bike trip, but is not really a safe alternative to cross 50 and travel such distances on Ridge Ave. This may be more of a local issue, aside from US 50.

US 50 From Greendale to Aurora is very congested. This stretch has a growing business district and needs help with the easing of congestion. Widen US 50 from State Line Rd to Lawrenceburg Road in Hamilton County 2 lanes for US-52/Riverside Drive parallel to Columbia Parkway/US-50. I live in Villa Hills. The roads are an embarrassment. Crescent Springs has nice paved roads and Villa Hills has crumbling curbs. Now, I have to pay increased taxes to make up for the city's fiscal irresponsibility and shortsightedness. get the bikes off of vine street My daughter catches the school route on Vine St. & Woolper. The drive sometimes doesn't know where the bus stop is in the evening? which means that she has to walk a couple of blocks. More closely monitor timing of lights at Vine and McMicken to avoid backups on southbound Vine during PM rush hour Improve bike safety on Vine street between Hartwell and UC Potholes in Walnut Hills. When I can't ride my scooter, I'd like to take the #1 bus from my home in Walnut Hills to work, downtown. The service is incredibly infrequent and inconvenient for me during peak commute times so I often end up driving, when I would MUCH RATHER take a bus that fit into my schedule. repave walnut street in downtown cincinnati to have a route from walton,ky over to ,say before butler ,than A A highway ,because by the time i hit turfway it is backing up... I don't have to worry about that to much. Auglaize County I think that we need more paths here in Wapakoneta so we can ride our bikes more. There is no public transportation option to Ward's Corner Road near I-275. If there was I would not drive.

Wider sidewalks, better street conditions, bike racks, buses that went close to house and to work, street car down Warsaw Ave Sidewalks on S. Washington Blvd in Hamilton, OH. I would prefer public bus transportation be available. Washington Blvd at Amberly Dr., Hamilton, Ohio, Butler County. Same would be true for any major roads in Hamilton. Light rail on Wasson Road I would love to see the Wasson Way bike trail completed as soon as possible so that I could commute to work by bike.

Please build the Wasson Way. It would make my bike-commute from Clifton to Pleasant Ridge so much easier. If that is not possible, then please try to work with Norwood and Cincinnati to put bike facilities onto Montgomery Rd, between the Norwood Lateral and Woodburn. I see more bike-commuters in this stretch than anywhere else, yet there are no bike facilities at all. Regional bike paths. Wasson, Oasis, Mill Creek, Cincinnati Connects, etc. currently only one bus line that makes it to West Chester. (42x). no ability to return to that area outside of limited express runs. If you could provide High Speed / Light Rail from West Chester / Liberty Township down the I-75 corridor to a drop off in the Central Business District. I would need the service at different times 6-8 am, 11am-1pm, 4-6pm. Hike and bike trail or isolated bike lanes to West side i live on the west side (green/colerain/harrison) and have to drive almost halfway to work to take a bus that takes 2x as long. and there are not many options available. more stops, more often. I am concerned about the safety of Western Hills Viaduct in Hamilton County. Better variety of crosstown public transit. A rail line on the western hills viaduct. Repair the western hills viaduct. western hills viaduct and Brent Spence bridge I live in Western Hills and work in Tri-County - there are no direct routes between the two on public transit. Currently I would have to ride downtown and then change buses. It would make my commute far too long. have an express bus that goes from West 8th St. in West Price Hill straight downtown to reduce time it takes to get downtown. Bus shelters in Westwood, replacement benches for the tacky advertising benches Improve road conditions on Westwood Northern Blvd between School Section and North Bend. I use Westwood Northern Blvd to Martin Luther King. There have been a lot of improvements along this route. It will be helpful when the construction at 1-75 and Hopple is completed. No improvement needed - only drive about 2 miles - Westwood Northern, Race, Glenway.

Public transportation (frequent & reliable) for those who live on/off hilly streets like Wm.H.Taft, for those who can’t or don’t drive, to Hyde Park Plaza, Rookwood Commons, Oakley business district, Clifton business district, Mariemont Theatre, all in Hamilton Cty. Traffic on winton rd at the intersections of both north bend and Galbraith. transit on Winton Road Make Winton Road safer for pedestrians and bus riders by improving bus stops, adding safe sidewalks on Winton between Sharon and Kemper Roads, and enforcing the speed limit. Bike lanes along Winton Road north of Compton Winton Road/75 Winton road, Hamilton ave and I-75 road repairs done quickly and correctly. The roads in Butler and Hamilton counties are horrible. People coming from other states think we have the worst roads they have ever seen! I have a five minute drive to work, no complaints. I live near Wooster Pike in Fairfax. If traffic flow there could be relaxed during rush hour, it would be great.

Better transportation availability. more frequent buses also later busses and weekend service. Mariemont/Fairfax. Wooster Pike.

Faster public service from Wyoming to Downtown as there are too many frequent stops to make me reconsider driving my car. trip to !! WalMart! The bus schedule needs to run on time during peak hours. More cross town routes would also be helpful. Decent public transportation aka something besides buses One project at a time. Please finish one project at a time. Does every interstate have to be under construction at one? I take 4 different highways to work, 17 miles, and every single one is under construction. I've lived here for 12 years and it has been like this since day one. Please plan accordingly. Another bridge over the river Safety. I would like train options to cleveland Better access to major highways. Better transit into cincinnati/Hamilton county - a lightrail perhaps. Faster route to I275 or I75 from downtown HAMILTON Increasing mass transportation options Make it more bike friendly. In a perfect world mass transportation would be available. I ride as often as I can to save fuel. Butler county, hamilton, the trains, I'm getting stuck all the time by them! And then when I do try to avoid them there is so so so much traffic trying to get to the one underpass in town. Another underpass would be appreciated Safer bike lane Adding bike lanes to the road so that it is safe to bike to work, being that it's only a mile away. The broad has no shoulders, and the sidewalk in frequently in use, so it's not efficient riding on the side walk either. Rail transportation would be a dream come true. Green light traffic signals. More bike paths, walk paths, and access to public transit. Connect more destinations, not just connecting things to downtown. Focus on the core where your efforts can serve more people with the same amount of money. Actually I'd prefer to take more public transportation. More frequent buses crosstown and north. Bus options to downtown are pretty good but not convenient at night from entertainment venues like Music Hall or UC. Add more bike paths throughout Auglaize county. More efficient roads, without increasing size, or public transportation (streetcar/high speed rail) to transfer many people at a time, on a small track. The bridges need attention More safe bike routes. Traveling to the Cincinnati area, I would much prefer to be able to take the train (if it were available) and be able to connect with both local transit and bike sharing services. I would prefer to take public transportation. My only option, presently, is to take multiple buses. However, by bus, my 7 mile drive would take an hour. At this point, public transportation is unfeasible for better public transportation to downtown - our bus was cut back more transportation Traffic control Time Transportation Van Better control over labe shutdowns during rush hour Light rail Widen highways add more lanes None Educate motorist on driving ettiquete More walkable neighborhoods, sidewalks main street an efficient crosswalks More public transportation options would be appreciated shorten 1.5 hour bus ride to work. bike lanes in suburbs to keep bikes away from fast traffic Streetcar route to (cannot read) Street Conditions N/A I enjoy driving my own car Alaska would have speed bumps or a "roundabout" in the center. Cars drive to fast up and down a street that is the walking path of many children. Fill all the potholes Better cross town bus connections, more bike lanes and bike paths. I am a reluctant car driver and would like to use public transportation more. nothing. i work night shift Traffic gets on my nerves I would ride my bike to work at least one day a week if I felt safe on the city streets or there was a bike path I could take. There are few bike lanes on the streets that I travel and when there is one, cars frequently drive in the bike lane.

I live 3 miles from work. If there was a way to get there safely I would bike at least 25% of the time, if I didn't have offsite meetings scheduled Interstate 75 I71 south exit 6 to downtown

Safe routes to travel to cafes, coffee houses, eating establishments, ... Light rail Better bus or rapid transit system. adding any sort of bicycle infrastructure would be an improvement More buses throughout the day. Mini-buses for short trips. Service late at night, especially on weekends. More sidewalks and bike paths.

I would love to have public transportation into Cincinnati, Dayton, and Indianapolis Make the a-holes I carpool with nicer people. Safer bike paths, drivers are dangerous to bike riders even with bike paths Provide better and safer options for commuting by bicycle. I would use this more often as a mode of transportation if our infrastructure and laws made this less hazardous and more efficient. Expand the streetcar Bike and or Metro N/A From Party Source to Newport to Downtown Cincinnati Safer bike space in Butler County on the roads. Car service. I can't drive now so can't get many places safely. Better bus service in butler count to more places. Bike routes. Spare me from I-75 Bike Walk Expand bicycle routes and improve roadways to make it safe for cyclists. More affordable homes in Cincinnati neighbirhhods so I can live near my work By car better public transport options Bike paths and bike friendly roads Unsafe sidewalks. Several businesses do not clear their sidewalks of weeds and in the winter, they actually plow large snow banks onto the sidewalks as they clear their parking lots. I am most interested in hike/bike trails lite rail to Music Hall, stadiums, Hyde Park, downtown, Theater's etc from NW Cincinnati More express routes, specifically later options for Metro's 15X line. Repair pot holes, Finish construction projects as quickly as possible I can't think of anything. Improve Traffic. Reduced Congestion, improved Traffic Signals.

I would love to feel safe walking or biking around home with "complete streets" or a walking/biking trail such as the Wasson Way effort. I live on Norwood Ave and frequently travel routes toward Rookwood Commons, Hyde Park Plaza and Mt. Lookout Square. I work on Grandview Dr in Ft.Mitchell, Ky. The intersection at Grandview and Buttermilk and nearby intersections are so unsafe. I would love to feel safe walking to nearby restaurants. Repair roads - especially neighborhood roads. Most main routes in Butler County are Ok, it is the secondary roads that suck I would be more comfortable using an alternative form of transportation, i.e. bicycle, if the road I use to get into town had a bike path. The road is narrow. I need to drive due work requirements at this time. My trip to work is really short, country house in Oxford Township to Miami U in the city of Oxford. More interested in reliable ways to travel outside of Oxford.

I can't use 275 - 471 to UC because all of my exits are on the left, and people try to kill me because I only drive about 75 in the left hand land. My job requires a lot of driving, so the infrastructure aspect that would help me is commuter rail to north, south, eas and west.

Often, I will contact friends in the neighborhood if I know we are attending the same function and share the driving. I would love more public transportation options. If I could get where I need to go with it I would gladly give up my car. Rail Transit Less traffic. No toll bridge. Sorry, no suggestions. Better bicycle access. Better bridges. IT Would be nice to have alternate transit methods particularly light rail to connect the different job centers with neighborhoods particularly within the county of Hamilton. We need more bike lanes in Oxford Ohio. street cars up and down price hill and walnut hills Detour truck traffic around the CBD during rush hours. Eliminate the Metro buses that park on major roads and block traffic. This happens in Hamilton County on Colerain Avenue and Hamilton Avenue. Rail and not a streetcar for a few yuppy downtowners the route 20 to operate on sundays Middletown roads are shite m8 More routes/times between downtown Cincinnati and Clermont County Given my current circumstances, retired and healthy, I must admit I have complete freedom to drive anywhere I want at the time I want. This convenience probably negates my desire for current changes. BUT I could foresee a future when I can't drive, of wanting easy to access public transport. Teach people that a Stop Sign means STOP, especially in Oxford where college students have not learned it. Better bus stops. Better bus tracker so I know where a bus is anytime.

I have a short communte to work, approx. 2.3 miles, very light traffic (in Oxford), so very short time in car. I'm not interrupted by "heavy" rush hour traffic, nor trains for most part, nor pedestrians (Miami U. students), so am mostly satisified with trip between work and home. Besides, I pass a variety of stores I often stop to do something/pick up something on way home. No suggestion as I use various routes N/A. I work from home. bus service Buses often run late. And I'm on a time clock. I drive my own car, so that I may be on time. improved highways Initiate road surface repairs quicker. In particular, the raised bumps that develop at the seams, these are like speed bumps and cause vehicle damage at highway speeds. Make it easier to report traffic hazards regardless of who is responsible for making the repairs - there should be one number state wide. Better transit (faster trips, more frequent trips) 78 I currently walk or take the Southbank Shuttle to work everyday. I wish that there was a way to load a card with a desired amount of money that would be able to deduct for each trip instead of having to carry around singles or change. I will not buy the Shuttle pass because on nicer days I choose to walk and I do not take 40 trips in a month to make it worth me buying. NA viable mass transit from home to work (bus is impractical). More buses during rush hour for the 17. Develop the most used routes, example the 4 bus, and have it run regularly every 10 minutes. It sucks to miss a bus and have to wait 20 min, or even up to an hour. Grocery store - currently Newport Be more efficient when working on roads. Add a light rail line instead of continuously adding lanes to the expressways. Safer routes to downtown from Fairfax, points east. Also Safer route to the Miami/Loveland bike path from Mariemont, etc. I would prefer to take a train into work downtown. It would be much easier to hop on a train and not have to worry about parking downtown. In addition, this would reduce the amount of cars on the road and would solve the "Brent Spence" problem. It would make so much more sense if our leaders wouold spend more time coming up with a long term sustainable transit option in trains versus arguing over how to get more cars on the roads. Larger and better located street signage. better traffic information for N KY Fewer stoplights in the downtown area. Please consider adding passenger rail service from Dayton to Cincinnati. I travel to Cincinnati regularly to visit friends and family. I sometimes enjoy shopping and entertainment in Cincinnati, but am usually deterred by the traffic. I would visit Cincinnati more often and do more business there if there were high-quality public transit from Dayton. None would work for me since i'm in the service industry. Light Rail None. They are fine. Better protected bike infrastructure, complementary public transportation for longer trips I use a car to commute to work but prefer walking and bicycling for most other trips when possible Create new mass transit options I need an option other than driving. I drive from Newport to Norwood because there is no other relatively easy option. I would love a light rail line. Bike lanes, protected if at all possible, would be an enormous help with regard to safely riding to/from work.

We need some sort of quick and unified fare payment system for the Metro/TANK services. It's frustrating how long boarding takes because so many people pay with dollars and coins. I'd like to see a transit card system such as Chicago's Ventra card or DC's Smart Trip card. N/A. I drive from store to store every day. I would much prefer the ability to utilize public transport than drive. However the options from my neighborhood to my office are non existent/extremely inconvenient. Light rail would be a welcome addition in the region. OKI needs to prioritize efforts that make walking safer and more pleasant in our central city. These include traffic calming measures, sidewalk bump-outs at intersections and crosswalks, longer pedestrian crossing phases, and conversion of one-way streets back to two-way (as they were originally built) to reduce traffic speed. better public transportation to (city) locations from suburbs N/A bus/bike, LRT I would much prefer NOT to drive alone. Bike lanes, and off-road bike trails. accidents not cleared fast enough More buses on the weekend! Particularly on Sunday. delineated bike lanes on city streets rail bus

I would invest more heavily in rail transportation. I used to commute primarily by bus, but when I had a child and moved to Covington, this became more difficult. It takes about an hour and a half to take my son to daycare and get to work by bus, where it takes half an hour to do the same by car. Rail is more commuter based, quicker and easier to use, and lightens the load on our roads, especially during rush hour. Most of the potholes in my area have been taken care of. Bring us lightrail! Passenger rail, I don't like driving so much. I get of work at 7:30am bus comes at 7: 27 am next bus comes in an hour have to be at work 11:00pm can' t take bus on weekends service end at after 5:30 pm and of course that applies to holiday schedule also. More frequency on major corridors not sure fewer stoplights or stoplights in sync with each other Make it bike friendly so that I wouldn't need to use my car Why are commuter lines only running M-F? My family lives in West Chester and I would love to go visit them on the weekends and not have to worry about taking a car up. I can get up on Friday but have no way of getting back down on Sunday. Winton rd Light rail out from downtown would be amazing. Do what Chicago does!

When there is a marathon happening, I think people who live within, say 1 mile from the course, should get a flyer mailed out so they might know their route will be different. I live two blocks away from the 4th Street bridge that connects Covington to Newport and work at Newport on the Levee, a drive that usually takes 5min at most. Every time there is a marathon, things change and the changes are never consistent. Sometimes one lane of the bridge is closed, sometimes the whole bridge is closed. Then, I have to choose to either go to the other end of town then over to Monmouth and to the Levee or try the CW Bailey bridge and back over the Taylor Southgate but wait... that bridge is sometimes closed as well so I have to then cross the I-471 bridge and drive like 5miles to cover maybe 1 mile. Fewer potholes would be great. Other than that there's just traffic congestion, which probably can't be fixed without new roads or other transportation avenues better sidewalk conditions (heaving slabs suck), more curb ramps, more handicap parking in surface lots downtown and/or metered spots on passenger side. (I can't use any of the garages because I don't have use of my hands to be able to pull the ticket to open the gates-or use the automatic machines that you put the tickets in to pay to open the gates when you leave.) (Most ramp equipped accessible vehicles need parking on the right side of the streets for the ramps/lifts to deploy safely onto the sidewalk and not into the street.) I would take a bus to work from Delhi Twp to downtown if I could do it in under 30 minutes

Provide me with a reliable public transport alternative or at least maintain interstates to prevent damage to my vehicle and improve traffic.

I would like to be able to walk to an industrial job. housing and zoning shouldn't add 10 miles to a commute.

I recognize that's not the input you are asking for, but industrial businesses that comply with EPA regulations and also pay barely living wages shouldn't be sequestered miles away from residential areas forcing people to drive 10+ miles to and from work every day.

I live in Hamilton, there are few production jobs that are within 2 miles of the majority of residences. Public transportation to work would be great- carpooling is tough to coordinate Give me an easily accessible and quick bus route to work. That is the only time I drive my car. More bike lanes across the City of Cincinnati I would love better public transportation so that I don't have to drive my car as much. Better mass transit options Light rail options

Accident management, it is outright insanity how frequently we "shut down" a lane or a highway during rush hour. Get this under control. Frequency, would nearly double rush hour service. Slightly less frequent stops (sometimes there's 1 stop per block!). Highway More public transit options (light rail) and routes More frequent express bus routes at the end of the work day would persuade me to take the bus Build rail transportation Increased public transit options. Continuation of streetcar route and connection of that route to other transit modes. Can you magically put fewer cars on the road? Otherwise, short of construction causing delays and then being inadequte by the time it's done, I'm not sure what could be improved on the routes themselves. More frequent services to worksites. I travel over 4 states, not just local More lanes on highways Eastern Corridor 75 Able to bike the route vs. drive I work downtown and hate the drive - road work needs to be coordinated much better to allow more efficient traffic flow - same with highway work

Trains! The ability to take a subway or light rail to work. Synchronize metro tank schedules for easy transfer. Share the same radio signals. let metro serve in KY directly. Run frequent shuttles btw cincy Covington centers. Ban all smoking near bus stops. Protected Bike Lanes 75 If the 15x could run all day Not have multiple Veins down at the same time - ex: I-75 AND (Winton rd, OR Spring Grove, OR Colerain experiencing construction at the same time)

NA Neighborhood-to-neighborhood alternatives could be improved. Not all traffic is between neighborhoods and the core. Neighborhood-to- neighborhood connections would improve commerce, potentially reducing limitations of challenged neighborhoods (e.g., food deserts or undiversified retail) by shortening the distance or cost to obtain goods or services where they are available. careless drivers; road congestion

As a pedestrian, I'm almost hit by a car about once a week where people are making a left-hand turn from multiple lanes of a one way street. Are that many one-way streets really necessary downtown? It's terrible for pedestrians also due to increased speed. Repair the roads. Opportunity to collaborate on car pool rides with employees at other businesses near my work at siemens. Also the lack of sidewalks or even space for a bike lane on tealtown rd. Getting to downtown Cincinnati My ride is fine since I am not driving. My commute by car is just fine. Only takes 15 minutes. I'd LOVE to take public transportation, but my commute becomes 90 minutes and costs about $10 a day in fares that way. Ridiculous.

Traffic around the university due to construction Protected bike lanes, so I could leave my car at home. I'm pretty content, actually. I made the choice to work with a commute.

I would STRONGLY prefer not driving as much - both in transportation to work and around town. Cross-town connections would be extremely helpful, as all public transit now seems to be built on hub-and-spoke models. Additionally, adding times other than just toward downtown in the morning and outward in the afternoon/evenings would be hugely helpful. train or subway The City is too congested. We do not have enough options for drivers. And we have even fewer options for people who wish to use public transportation. The streetcar in Cincinnati does not offer enough options for people who want to get to work from their homes in communities outside of the central business district. Expand bus service High speed light rail or subway My route currently is ok

Less congested traffic during morning and evening rush hours. too many merging delays that significantly impact freeway travel speed. The roads need repair. I either take 71 across the Brent Spence Bridge or 275 to 471 across that bridge every day. Traffic is terrible, and since I'm crossing between two bus systems that isn't even close to a viable alternative. Finding a way to ease the traffic and/or offering a viable transit option would help a lot. reduce the traffic A designated lane for 18 wheelers and also decresed their speed limit. Area doesn't matter as I could be in another location in 2 years or 15 years. More public transportation options. Essentially impossible to get around by bus in Clermont county. I could always move in 3 years or 15 years from now, so where can change, but as long as there is a way to take public that is within reach in the area. better interstate

Best case would be light rail from the suburbs to the uptown. Next case would be better bus service from the suburbs to the uptown. Please modernize our public transit system with better bus service, streetcar, BRT, so I don't have to drive so much. It will be the determining factor in my next move. Nothing particular - the roads I drive to work daily are appropriately sized and in relatively good condition. Replacement of unsafe bridges in Dearborn county NA

Mine is complicated no better links to Tank from Metro on the Eastside, buts is a 5 hour daily hell journey and lots of people take it. More traffic speed enforcement. Too many drunk/under the influence drivers. None, sidewalks are fine ludlow Support more local business aside from liquor stores and lottery stores I am satisfied with my route. Much improved bus service Bike lanes Increase commuter bike routes. Much more important than recreational bike trails. Would rather have a bus to ride but there isn't a bus route that works. Need more transit options in Hamilton and Butler Co. 24 hour Bus service I take side streets to get to work and my only issue is that when there is an accident on the highway a lot of people get off and take Dixie highway and it messes up my commute. So, better accident handling i75 would help. Redwood drive Adding more bike lanes, making streets safer for pedestrians and expanding the streetcar/ building light rail. Regrettably I still drive to work. I walk or bike everywhere else. Wider sidewalks and protected bike lanes would make getting around infinitely more enjoyable.

Bike paths around the city of Cincinnati. They are disjointed (which I understand as you wait to pave and then add them) but they need to be joined sooner than later. Also, converting one ways (like MLK, McMillan, etc.) would help to calm traffic and make it safer. light rail to major spots like stadiums etc park and ride lot in mineral city. More separated bike lanes. Also more roundabouts. Better alternative transportation options. More bike lanes and I'd leave the car behind more often. Better/safer bike routes Better sidewalks, bike lanes, and bus routes so that there are good alternatives to driving. More local regular bus routes connecting residential areas to business/retail centers. Even more park and ride lots. more bike lanes or detected bike routes would be very helpful. It would help others feel safer and help reduce congestion and exhaust in our community. I'd like to not have to drive my car anymore. Regional rail would be amazing, it would allow me to not have to drive my car anymore. I try to walk as much as possible, but crossing the bridges and the busy streets along the riverfront can be scary. A better route to take to work A subway train system. I used to live in San Francisco for 8 years and what was amazing about it was that everyone rode the train even though they had 2 or more cars. Also, there was a considerable amount of biking to and from work. Designated lanes with a comprehensive bike trails map. And abundant locking stations either public or at work. More service - later hours on weekdays, weekend service, better frequency Bus Rapid Transit would be a huge improvement. Redesign known highway choke points (Kyle's Lane, Brent Spence, Ridge Road) to increase flow I would like to see commuter rail options. Driving is becoming more and more stressful and dangerous. I feel that having rail going into the city would greatly improve my morning and evening commute. In addition, to go to football or baseball games downtown, it would be nice to not have to worry about parking and just take a train into the city. This could be accomplished with a rail system up and down 75 which converts into a subterranean system with the existing subway tunnels. I drive in my car, but take the bus at time especially in the evenings, for I have a hard time seeing at night. none

Safety on Metro busses. I don't use them because teenage riders are often menacing and make it feel unsafe. They are also unruly and loud.

No More frequent bus service Alternative to driving 71 or 75 light rial/ street car Remove traffic circles Develop more smart signals so don't have to wait at signals when no cross traffic. I would like alternate forms of transportation. Streetcar and light rail especailly. Light rail to Dayton Would love to be able to ride bus or train to get to work. The bus system needs to be more punctual and run more frequently. Line 17 is pretty good until the evening hours. Would like it to run every 10 minutes!

N/A Fixed Rail in Hamilton County - Light Rail / subway and Streetcar routes Streetcar uptown, light rail out of the city, more bike lanes Butler county. Road surfaces on many streets and roads need improvement. mass transit (light rail) More bike lanes Combining Metro and TANK allowing cross river routes and a unified fare system. mass transit I would prefer not having a car, fighting rush hour and getting to work on time via rail or a reliable transit system. Metro is unreliable, dirty and riddled with people who harass on the bus. Not having to commute everyday in my car would be nice. Alternative modes of transportation would be fantastic. Better public transportation along the major interstates (71 & 75) so that I do not have to drive to get out of downtown. More public transit options. While i walk to work, there is not really a way for me to get anywhere else once i am there. I am kind of stuck. Having expanded bus Rapid Transit opportunities would be fantastic. I would ride from uptown where i live and work, all around the city/region, if it were convenient to do so. Currently it is not. BRT or light rail are needed in this region badly!!! Light rail from Eastern Hamilton County to downtown Cincinnati. Even though I drive a car to work if there was a rail option and I was not in traffic then that would be the best improvement. Have public transportation that could get me to the city of Hamilton on the weekends I struggle with the lack of continuous north-south and east-west bike lanes. For example: I commute by bike from Northside to the Fountain Square area, and there's a bike lane on the north section of my trip on Spring Grove and on a southern section of that distance on Central, but there's no bike lane on either road through Camp Washington (and heavy, fast-moving auto traffic on both). I realize we can't put bike lanes on every thoroughfare, but it would be nice to have some kind of grid where we currently just have a few loose threads. I bike-share most frequently and have already moved as close as I can to where I commute between, but am still burdened by the cost of owning a car. Because there are not alternatives forms of transportation to get to the amenities around the region, I'm forced to spend my money on my car rather than locally on enjoying the region. A regional light-rail/streetcar system that can get to all major parts of our region from the urban core would be the best way to improve my quality of life. Would prefer not to have to drive. Light rail into downtown from Mariemont would be great. I live downtown and would love to see the streetcar expanded. I can't wait until it opens. It will make getting around so much easier not having to take so many Ubers. I'm fortunate that I only have a short commute to work and general travels throughout the day are close and uneventful. However I see and here from others that have to travel even short distances through very congested areas of roadway. Many times that seem to include accidents. Better linkage between Anderson Twp (SORTA) and Highland Heights (TANK). The 75X goes right by my workplace, but it doesn't stop. It's ridiculous to have to go into Cincy and come right back to Highland Heights. There is no bike path along my walk to work. Ideally, we would have more bike path connectivity. I take a car because it gets me to where I need to go the fastest/most convenient. I absolutely HATE driving but feel I'm not really left with much choice. My work will likely never be accessible by public transit, but I live near downtown. I am very excited for the streetcar since I spend most of my time in Over-the-Rhine and Downtown.

More Red Bike Stations in Over-the-Rhine, an Uptown connection for the streetcar, and more Metro*Plus routes are my biggest priorities. If I didn't work far from work, I would be willing to go car-free. Currently my job prevents that from being a reality. Maybe in a few years I will get a job Downtown/Uptown and make this a reality. Allow me to get out of my car and take a bus or a train. Traffic is a major hassle. If there were better public transport such as: more express buses going to downtown Cincinnati, high speed rail to Columbus, I would drive less. More bike lanes and a better, comprehensive network of bike trails. Later night service n/a Well I'd prefer to take public transit but there isn't a route that is especially convenient for me + its only a 2 mile commute with minimal traffic so car makes sense. My family is moving closer to my work so I will be able to walk next year. The streetcar will help most. You can't improve it, it's a long crappy commute. I would like to use the bus more, but Hamilton County seems reluctant to support routes outside of Cincinnati N/A Add additional infrastructure around our available options that make them more friendly to users (increased streetcar routes and times, better one use prices for red bike) Carpool designated lanes around the Cincinnati area. I-71 light rail We need better infustructure throughout Southeastern Indiana. A straight Road to the Markland Dam located east of Vevay. SR 101. This would increase economy, property values, more options for business. We need more exits to the tri state other than US 50 & I 275. I would say a new 4 lane US 50 to downtown Cincy with less exits would be a win-win. I would like to see more TANK routes, times, and increased hours. If possible I would ride the bus to work, however as it is now it takes almost three hours Make the city more bike friendly Offer an express bus to downtown Cincinnati that offers fewer stops and quicker service to and from downtown. I live fairly close to work. I also use the car to travel for sales calls. Railroad crossings. In Hamilton, you can not go anywhere without being stuck by a train. I ride Rt. 52 to/from Harrison. The PM runs need a later time to meet the needs of people who are stuck working past 5 PM. I have inquired about this in the past but never heard a response. The last PM run currently departs downtown at 5:15 PM. Simply stretching the schedule a bit would be the best choice, in my opinion. Example: 3:45, 4:15, 4:45, 5:10, 5:35. Make the freeways actually work at freeway speed. Less time Evendale on weekends, Hamilton County no problems bring back the route 33 Bridgetown town bus because i work a hour to work i work at the kroger in dent on harrison ave bring the route 33 bridgetown we make my life alot easier More options for public transportation! In the past, I regularly took the bus (which would be really easy since I now work downtown), but once we moved out of the City of Cincinnati (by about a mile), that service is significantly more difficult to access. Better bike paths and enforcement of bike riding rules.

Rail transportation needs to be provided in Greater Cincinnati. Our region is in the Dark Ages when it comes to public transportation, especially trains. Construction of the Oasis rail line needs to start immediately. And planning for other rail lines needs to begin now as well. Complete I-75 improvements with more urgency!!! nothing

If there could be a service that would provide transportation for handicapped people to get to and from the doctor w/ reasonable cost Walking or bike trails If the times of the lights changing could be shorter that would be wonderful. A large part of my commute is spent sitting at red lights for long periods of time. NO TOLLS ON THE BRIDGE 71S out of downtown US 42 from Pleasant Valley to I75 in Boone County. Turkeyfoot exit off Eastbound 275 to Thomas More Parkway in Kenton County Rt 32 through Newtown and Rt 50 through Mariemont to Newtown.

Improve crosswalk safety. The pedestrian crossing signs are ignored by many drivers. I'm talking about the crossings like those by the Aronoff on Walnut or the one from Westin to Fountain Square. There are many times that I've almost been hit while in the crosswalk. More lanes heading toward Cincinati. Nothing, main road was just widened. Can not think of any other issue currently, with the exception of my side road being cleared of snow earlier than it usually is. Intercity Rail More access to bike lanes so that I could safely bike to work. DOWNTOWN SHUTTLE BUS when I can I use public transportation. but since I am in sales my car is a requirement. Hwy 56 connected to River Ridge and Hwy 256 to I-65 and Hwy 421 to Kentucky. Also make our roads MUCH MORE bicycle and pedestrian friendly. Very important Because I generally travel early in the morning and early in the afternoon, I don't usually have traffic problems.

There are a lot if one lane gravel roads jn the more rural counties which makes it difficult to navigate especially in bad weather. Express Buses with local connectors Improve condition of ALL roads. Build bike lanes for safe bike travel to reduce car traffic. I would like OKI to adopt a Complete Streets policy so that all of our streets provide a safe and functional route for not only cars, but also people walking and biking. I would like better public transit within the city. High frequency transit for maximum usefulness for all trips, not just the work commute. I need a car to get to my job in suburbs but prefer walking and biking for all other trips, I would like improved transit to travel in between Cincinnati neighborhoods. nothing Get SORTA to hire bus drivers who don't try to run people over. Metro Plus on Saturdays. Light rail

More flexibility for transit. Transit services are not offered with enough hours or frequency to allow me a replace car transportation. I used to bike commute. I have a baby now. I'm limited to walking around my downtown neighborhood. I'm excited for the streetcar this year. I hope that it continues up Clifton and to Northside and beyond. better public transport, more frequent service Timely Repairs and Snow Removal n/a I think there needs to be more routes that go past the hospitals.

Once the streetcar is operational, I will ride it to work (part of the way) instead of walking. If the line is expanded, that would be even better. The type of Job I have and the distance i travel I would need a car fewer potholes, better public transportation improve pavement conditions Better public transit to give me alternatives to driving everywhere. As my routes are constantly changing from day-to-day, this would be difficult to answer. Streetcar or subway If there was enough public trans, I would use that. If there was a safe bike lane, I would pedal more. work from home More bike facilities including lanes and protected lanes. Keep improving the roads. Reduce traffic. I think we need to reduce traffic by getting more people (including me) to take mass transit, bicycle, or walk, and getting more freight off trucks onto railroads. (I think history has shown us that, over the long run, improving roads increases congestion.) Educate the public on bike laws so drivers pay more attention to bike safety stop harassing cyclists who are biking legally. ADD ONE MORE BUS ON THE 25X IN THE MORNING AND THE EVENING bus reliability (schedule, mechanical, data/app)

I'll use bus routes instead of road names - better service on the TANK 2x to the airport and additional new and replacement Metro buses on all routes - more routes like the 90 Metro*Plus. The streetcar system should be expanded to NKY and Uptown. eliminate constant construction throughout the city. eliminate people running red lights causing danger to my family. I work 7 min from my home so I meet no resistance in my quick drive Time traffic lights to move traffic, not stop it during high traffic times. I follow the route suggestions sent by my employer so I've no choice but to follow those and deal with the situation as it comes concerning traffic, proposed tolling or construction. However I hope that there is enough study done to determine the need for tolls verses alternative options I would ride a bike to work if I could get there safely. My wife lets me ride a motorcycle to work but not a bike because they are too dangerous on city streets. establish truck lanes for 18 wheelers Light rail Train from downtown to airport and Kenwood. Rail between Cincinnati neighborhoods and nearby cities. Lower parking fees in downtown Cincinnati. More reasonable parking rates downtown. Better bus service, and the street car More mass transit options, specifically light rail and heavy rail. I would love to see light rail brought to the greater Cincinnati area. I live in Norwood and work downtown--a rail option would greatly enhance my commute. What I really would like is an alternative to cars, such as bicycling. I will not compete with cars on regular streets. We are way behind other areas, even Dayton, but also Columbus and Cleveland. Why do we always have to be last?

As an aside, I find Ridge Road very challenging these days. IMPROVE ROADWAYS/SIGNAGE INTO/OUT INTERMODAL FACILITIES. More transit Improve, expand public transportation options so I won't choose to drive Light rail so I don't have to drive. Awareness of the rights of cyclists by motorists. Fix the roads. All of them. They have potholes and cracks that destroy our cars and make driving hazardous. Yet, somehow, we find the money for that waste of a toy train downtown. Less congestion

Elevate pedestrian experience/right of way to same or better level than vehicles in city of Cincinnati, ie eliminate continuous turn/slip lanes at intersections (MLK/Clifton, Calhoun/Vine), provide more bumpouts at crosswalks, more two way streets, lower speed limits. More protected bike lanes. Stricter enforcement of current bike laws You could invest more in a seamless public transit network to absorb more regional communting trips and free up capacity on the local freeway network. n/a No Suggestions more convenient transportation. timely information on construction Most of my trips are walk, but there are obviously times I travel further or in inclimate conditions. I'd rather take trips either without cars or with car share if possible, so improving walk conditions, enhanced shared services or public transit (bike share, light rail to further places, improved bust stops with real-time tracking) are priorities for me. Light rail as in original plan I live downtown and mostly work downtown, so streetcar is gonna be great.

More dedicated bike lanes in the downtown basin. I-71 and Brent Spence Bridge. However, I would like to see more streetcar or light rail transit. Get the blasted bicycles off the sidewalk Downtown, where they are illegal. high end bus service Not sure how to solve the problem of people not staying in their lane particularly for oncoming traffic. This is the biggest problem I encounter when driving. Better alternative transportation options. I'd love to get around without a car. more frequent bus service on Metro route 11 to hyde park Less red lights? Better road maintenance. Make semis take I-275, not I-75/71 Provide a better metro bus system or a light rail system that goes to the Greater Cincinnati region. Decrease in traffic, improved road quality on interstates I work in multiple locations so no one road, but it does seem a problem that parking is allowed on 2 lane, secondary roads. I think that people need to be parking in driveways or parking behind businesses or homes on tertiary roads, not secondary roads. It seems like a waste of pavement for roads to be used for parking lots. More frequent express bus service between communities and job centers. I try to attend all 46 active comm council meetings at least once annually but METRO service is limited in the some parts of Hamilton county. A light rail system would have benefited the community & traffic jams better than a street car downtown.... Improve RR crossings. I also bike whenever practical, and take the Central Pkwy bike lane from Brighton to downtown. The city did well to install that bike lane, and should look at doing that elsewhere around the city. INCREASE IN ON-ROAD BIKE LANES = INCREASE FREQUENCY OF BIKE COMMUTING Give me an option besides driving my car. We would love to see the Cincinnati Streetcar extended to NKY - we'd ride it every day! No tolls on interstates and/or bridges. I-64, I-65, and I-71. ? Build safe routes for commuting by bike! I don't want to drive. less traffic, better road conditions meaning pot holds, construction, etc. More phat trap beats yo Heading north from Anderson Township to anywhere else in Hamilton County is limited to three primary bridges that cross over the Little Miami River. Additional access routes would relieve current bottlenecks during peak times. Protected bike lanes would make me more likely to use my bike Better mass transit so I wouldn't have to drive so much. Express bus route 71/75 split to downtown

My current road and bridge routes are fine. Obviously the Brent Spence Bridge replacement is important, but I do not use it frequently. I would prefer the the emphasis be placed on mass transit improvements such as light rail or expansion of the streetcar line. Make more intelligent bus stops. Many of the stops do not make sense. Specifically, the 12X has a stop at Rookwood and then has to cut across 3 lanes of traffic to make a left turn on Madison, where there is a stop literally feet after making the turn. Also the 12X stop at 7th and Main is horrible for traffic in the right turn lane at a light during rush hour. There are stops 2 blocks away in both directions that seem adequate; elimnating the 7th and Main stop would help rush hour traffic and keep the bus more on schedule (since it's always late). more routes to other neighborhoods I am retired and age 76. There is no bus. So when I am unable tol drive I will have to rely on a taxi/car service. Build commuter rail There aren't alternatives to driving that are close in travel time to driving my own car. Or if there are, I don't know of an easy way to learn about them. The sidewalks in the urban core are a mess and need to be redone Nothing really, I don't usually have any problems on the route I travel frequently. Better flowing TOLL FREE roadway Public transit would be quicker and easier Provide more direct funding to improve transit options within the county limits. This money could go towards multi-modal improvements or increased route frequencies. None. Better East/West access throughout the metro area. less traffic/speed lanes Rail would be the first choice.

Light rail transit would eliminate my dependence on an interstate that will always be under construction and jammed for 5 hours a day. Besides have an option to not have to drive? less round-abouts Better and more comprehensive transit of whatever form. Light rail from suburbs to downtown. RAIL TRANSIT!!!!!! I can't be more specific than that. Need to connect KY, IN and OH. North south east west. I currently commute once per week to Butler county from downtown Cincinnati and I absolutely hate driving this commute. Would be amazing to sit on a train and read a book versus what is I-75 I would prefer to take public transportation Railroad Better bike paths and mass transit A commuter rail line would be heaven. I live in the city and work in the suburbs; the commute for people going either way is a waste of time, energy, and resources. Very pleased with road conditions I go a lot from downtown to clifton. It would be great if I could take a streetcar to go from OTR to uptown. Rail! More frequent service! Light rail to other neighborhoods in cincinnati Less traffic, better roads. Trains I-75 to downtown Cincinnati Rail Traveling by car is fine on my typical routes. Create a bipass around Cincinnati to the East I'd rather not have to drive my car. Better bike infrastructure and public transit. Nothing right now

Ohio st stairs being cleaner and better lit for walking at night. It would make the walk a lot safer and allow me to use it at night as well. Secure parking so my bike won't get stolen. Educated drivers on sharing the road with cyclists, so I feel safer cutting across from bike lane on right hand size when I have to make a left turn.

The routes which I travel are not needing any repair. Offer rail options. I HATE being stuck commuting. I would love to take a train to work, and ditch my car. But I can't. Because you guys have no plan. Surveys? Come on. Alleviate congestion via public transportation. I'd prefer not to have to drive a car at all. I'd prefer to have more frequent bus service or a rail option to get to work. Purple Line Eliminate ate urban highways, restore the cheaper more effecient, less sprawl causing street grid. Boulevard conversions. Route truck around 275. More traffic lanes Provide a regional rail transit option Not using a car Provide light rail options. Light rail along oasis corridor Build more protected bike lanes. Serious public transportation options. Buses should come every 10 minutes. Real routes that take us around the core neighborhoods. A streetcar. A train. Bike lanes. I don't want to drive my car another day. I would bike to work if there was a safer route. Would take the bus if the 1.5 mile trip didn't require a transfer that makes it quicker to walk. Protected bike lanes would be great. Light Rail less traffic, fewer other cars None. A traffic free option would be stellar. Bus/rail service to my job. Faster, less fuel-dependent. Wifi! Traffic speed enforcement Provide more public transit, so that I wouldn't have to always use my car. get rid of bums constantly asking for $ Light Rail Quick transport without having to deal with backups. Better public transit. Protected bike lanes I would love to take the street car to work and home each day

More frequency, especially on weekends. More MetroPlus routes. Extend streetcar to Uptown and Walnut Hills. More transit districts, to avoid transfers at Govt Square. Crosstown route from Camp Washington to UC. More service/bus routes for Colerain and Spring Grove Ave. I wish I didn't have to use my own car to get everywhere Ensure it includes timely public transportation, walkable streets, and separated bike lanes. Hamilton County - Ridge Road. Time and traffic!!! Light rail We don't need more roads in this region. It's already sprawling. Improve mass transit options to pull cars off the road going to the city center. N/A Make mass transit available across the region. More light rail. Make using the bus easier. No tolls, PERIOD! More public transit...especially rail.

My drive is currently fine but I'd much rather sell my car and have reliable transit (IE: rail, not buses) to get me where I need to go for work. I would be nice if the bus Express routes ran on weekends, or longer hours. more education on bike safety and laws for both bikers and car drivers Would like to see a much more coherent mass transit system. Our current options are very poor compared to peer cities. Expanding into BRT or rail transit beyond the start of the streetcar system would be great. Improve public transportations options so that I am able to walk and take transit more often, and drive less often. Bike lanes I would greatly increase rail transit options in Cincinnati More transit options. limit trucks to roads that have more than 2 lanes except when making delivers to job sites.3 potholes My trip to work does not include a bridge and only takes me 6 minutes. Fix the mess in Florence Kyles lane to Dixie Highway Encourage local governments to install more sidewalks, maintain them better, and provide better signage to warn motorists of pedestrian right of way. Keep people from walking in the street or crossing at a diagonal in an intersection. absolutely none. the more road work you do the worse it is. none I'd prefer to bike, but people think bikes aren't allowed on the road, and that it should be punishable by death. So a little education for the idiot drivers would be nice. more handicapped accessible a cab you could call for drs appointments or just to run to grocery store at nominal cost Have a separate lane for semi's. Everything is fine Do not create any toll roads! I do not have much trouble now.... no suggestions other than better plowing in the winter time. Encourage drivers to follow current traffic laws, do not make new regulations or spend more tax dollars. provide accessible transportation less traffic No problems build a newer and wider bridge across Ohio river. I don't know Better maintain roads and bridges and improve traffic flow. NA I drive 1.3 miles to work. Get rid of double "bump-out" lines. Confusing and not used. Also darken lane lines so that they are visible at night in rain. N/A Road maintenance A bypass to allow my company trucks to work. Currently you have to take a bus downtown then transfer to where you want to go. We need more cross town access. Lower traffic volumes across all Greater Cincinnati roads Very little congestion compared to other urban areas. Use concrete, "The Permanent Pavement". My route is just fine by car. More service on Saturday and Sunday Synchronize the stop lights so that traffic moves more efficiently. Cross-town options INSIDE the city (besides Lateral & RR Hwy. Many, many health care workers now function out of several locations during a week, and home health care workers are all over the area many times daily. Also---Light rail to Columbus! Many of us have to go their for work several times a month.... Light rail to Cleveland--hello, lake area vacations! better roads Having other options such as street car or light rail Increase enforcement of existing traffic laws in all of Hamilton County. Speeding is too prevalent. Construction on highways Improved sidewalks along Hamilton. Better more direct public transportation. City of Oxford needs to enforce jaywalking. provide viable alternative transportation options to reduce congestion/delay. No improvement needed Train! more bikeways I wish my express route (Metro 15x) ran later in the morning (until 8:30 or 8:45). Frequent and reliable bus/streetcar service Improve quality of the roads. Actually enforce the traffic laws where left turn lanes are present to keep people from using them as an extra driving lane or passing lane, and keeping people from stopping along them. Remove some of the bus stops to consolidate them at traffic lights. Look at Montana Ave. as an example of a street that just does not work.

I'm retired so I want to go wherever I want to go when I want to go. Which is the same as when I was working, I could not use mass transit then and will not use it now. I will not pay a toll, in fact will drive out of my way to avoid them. When traveling I plan around all toll roads. Streetsweeping More frequent, later bus routes (I mainly use Metro 17 in Cincinnati) No improvements currently needed. Wish I didn't need the car. A quick public transit option would be preferable. Had to get the car after moving from Chicago. Bus or taxi transportation would be my next choice, although we like walking, there aren't sidewalks on our part of the road, and walking along the road would not be safe. Provide mandatory bike education to motorists to make it safe for me to commute to work regularly by bike. Metro moves up the speed limit More express busses or more scheduled busses to Florence. improve highway capacity Conditions of roads. Quicker access to the east side of Cincinnati. Now I have to go over Brent, over to and up 471, then north 275, swing all the way around to get to the Loveland/IndianHill/Sycamore area. Need eastern bypass We need better bus service overall. Bus As I age services that will provide transportation to medical, shopping, and other services I will need. none Expend roadways and have the traffic light change at the same time with others to allow traffic to flow better.

Reduce deferred maintenance on all the roads and improve traffic signal controls to reduce congestion, especially in commercial districts. Add a bus only lane.

Not much could change my situation. I am the Mayor and only live about 1.5 miles from the office so I really don't encounter any difficulty.

Given the short distance I travel I suspect I could bike or walk on certain days. To date I have not chosen to do that but it would be possible. Make sure loop detectors are working at traffic signals. No Improvment Public Transportation Make roads wider to accommodate bus traffic and still allow automobiles safe access to their proper lanes. Too often cars go over the yellow lines to miss busses that cut into their lanes. Decrease traffic backups during AM and PM peak hours. my commute is fine. under 10 minutes less traffic lights none I don't have a answer but bike paths is not the answer. Create walkable communities. Stop supporting policies that favor cars over pedestrians. It would be great if we had more trails to ride bikes to work!! I used to belong to a car pool, but a recemt job change necessitated the termination of the communal commute. I would not mind reestablishing a car pool and am working toward that goal. Better business incentives in Campbell County so that I am not forced to drive through 3 counties to go to work. To provide more variety of transportation like subway system, bus travel, trains, etc. Additional bike lanes for riding on the road and getting to where you need to be. Any road in Warren County. Less stop lights. more round-a-bouts. NA More transit More frequent and efficient bus routes with longer operating hours. Mass transit instead of roads. Coordinated traffic lights Work 9 miles from home down country roads. Couldn't get any better! Get the slower traffic out of the fast lane! Any highway in the tristate has people who are unwilling to move over and let faster traffic pass. It creates bottlenecks that hold up traffic flow and causes accidents. better mass transit It would be nice to have an accessible, safe bike lane for occasional commuting back and forth to work. Increase METRO bus service and frequency have someone drive me; not realistic but would love it Regional cooperation between agencies. Bus routes that cross the river. Unified fares. Improved service on bus routes by increasing frequencies. Improve traffic signal timing Provide commuter rail and/or dedicated bus lanes to better connect the region. Appendix E

Based on the mode you selected in the prior question, if we could improve an aspect of your trip to work/school or a route you travel frequently, what would it be? Please be specific, include road name and county, if applicable.

Location Response (Specific Road, Intersection, Bridge, etc.)

Central Parkway Central Parkway Central Parkway in Hamilton County between Northside and Central Parkway Downtown Enforcing speed limits for cars along Central Parkway north of Central Parkway Liberty and all along Spring Grove. Extend the Central Parkway Bikeway all the way to Ludlow Central Parkway Ave. It can be difficult to cross Central Parkway due to the long wait times with walking. It also seems unsafe, as cars will turn Central Parkway or run red lights and nearly hit pedestrians, even with a walk light. More bike lanes on major roads, preferably dedicated, Central Parkway separated bike lanes like those on Central Parkway. Protected bike paths - not designed like those awful ones on Central Parkway Central Pkwy. We need more on-street protected bike lanes, like the one on Central Parkway Central Parkway, all throughout the region. The Central Parkway protected bike lanes need to be finished Central Parkway all the way to Ludlow. All of my major issues travelling to and from work involve construction. As soon as construction on Central Parkway and Central Parkway/I-75 I-75 between downtown and Reagan is finished my commute should be fine. Based on the mode you selected in the prior question, if we could improve an aspect of your trip to work/school or a route you travel frequently, what would it be? Please be specific, include road name and county, if applicable.

Location Response (Specific Road, Intersection, Bridge, etc.)

Columbia Parkway Columbia Parkway

Columbia Parkway Columbia parkway at early drive time is a challenge. Driving to DTWN is very heavy for the 3 lanes. Columbia Parkway capacity and signal timing/ Transit Columbia Parkway options (preferably rail) from Mt. Washington area to downtown area. Columbia Parkway to be one way in downtown during Columbia Parkway the morning and one way out of downtown in the afternoon. Columbia Parkway Columbia parkway to Taft too Martin Luther King Drive

Columbia Parkway west-bound, the exit from Martin Columbia Parkway Drive onto the parkway is very dangerous. it is a short exit and cars drive to fast and always fail to yield. Columbia Parkway, ease congestion from East Side Columbia Parkway suburbs to Downtown

Commuter rail. It is such a wast of time to drive into work along columbia parkway. I work in Clifton at University Hospital. It would be very nice to have a commuter rail along columbia parkway which would Columbia Parkway pick people up in Mariemont/Fairfax as well as at Delta/Columbia Parkway then continue onto clifton/downtown. This would reduce the congestion on Columbia parkway during rush hour and be cleaner for the environment. If you want to attract young talent, provide adequate public transportation. East-side of Columbia Parkway heading west bound into Columbia Parkway the city Great commute already along Columbia from the east Columbia Parkway side/Hyde Park Columbia Parkway Improve Columbia Parkway Columbia Parkway Improve the safety on Columbia Parkway Improve traffic flow on Columbia Parkway during rush Columbia Parkway hours. Congested and dangerous Increase safety on Columbia Parkway (RT 50?) between Columbia Parkway Delta Ave & Downtown Cincinnati. Less congestion on Columbia parkway in Hamilton Columbia Parkway county More buses and public transpiration alternatives on Columbia Parkway Columbia Parkway and also better/quicker connections from downtown to uptown. None, I have an easy quick commute down Columbia Columbia Parkway Parkway

Columbia Parkway Prevent back-up's on Columbia Parkway approaching both Delta and William Howard Taft during rush hours. Traffic cameras on Columbia Parkway would be very beneficial. Because traffic reports rely on police reports, Columbia Parkway often an accident is cleared before it even makes the news.

traffic on Columbia Parkway heading into downtown in Columbia Parkway the morning and also traffic on 275 North coming from Anderson going to Tri County in the morning Based on the mode you selected in the prior question, if we could improve an aspect of your trip to work/school or a route you travel frequently, what would it be? Please be specific, include road name and county, if applicable.

Location Response (Specific Road, Intersection, Bridge, etc.)

Dixie Dixie Would love more bike, walk, transit options along Dixie Dixie and into Covington and Cincinnati from Fort Wright area.

Better traffic flow on Dixie Highway near George Huser Dixie Highway Dr. & the street next to it by Brooks Flooring. During rush hour, it is difficult to turn onto Dixie Hwy. because of the traffic blocking the intersections. Dixie Highway Dedicated bike lane on Dixie Highway. Dixie Highway Dixie Highway - I-75 to Brent Spence Bridge Dixie Highway (US 25) in Kenton County needs to widened to accommodate left turning vehicles. Dixie Highway Currently it is 4 lanes with no center turn lane. Also accommodations for pedestrians and bicyclists need to be improved as well.

Dixie Highway in Ft. Mitchell, Lakeside Park and 71/75 N in Kenton County. Morning traffic is awful. Also semi Dixie Highway trucks traveling within the 275 loop on 71/75 in both N and S is getting dangerous. They need to reroute on 275 if not doing business within the 275 loop. I don't go very far, but I would use my bicycle if there was a bike path to ride on. ...right down the Dixie Hwy Dixie Highway into Covington....from Ft. Mitchell to downtown Covington. The intersection of Dixie highway and Kyles Lane. And a Dixie Highway and Kyles Lane turn lane from northbound Dixie highway on to Kyles lane.

Dixie Highway and Turkefoot I find Dixie Highway's and Turkeyfoot's traffic signals often are timed inconsistently with the flow of traffic. Dixie Highway Kenton Dixie highway Kenton county Street car through Dixie Highway to downtown. Ideally if Dixie Highway to Downtown it ran to Crestview Town Center.

Dixie Highway/75 All northbound roads which are congested (i.e. Dixie Highway, I75, and other back roads, in Kenton County. Based on the mode you selected in the prior question, if we could improve an aspect of your trip to work/school or a route you travel frequently, what would it be? Please be specific, include road name and county, if applicable.

Location Response (Specific Road, Intersection, Bridge, etc.)

Widen 275 from 4 to 6 lanes between rt 52 and five mile road interchanges. Build eastern by-pass. Build eastern Eastern Corridor / 275 between RT52 and Five Mile corridor connector. East side is cut off from rest of highway network. Routing eastsiders through KY to 471 is a copout for Ohio Hwy officials. Eastern Corridor Build the eastern corridor through Hamilton County Commuter train in the eastern corridor to reduce Eastern Corridor commuter traffic on Columbia Parkway and US 50 Eastern Corridor Eastern Corridor Rail Eastern Corridor Implement Segment 4(a) of the Eastern Corridor ASAP light rail basically along previously planned eastern Eastern Corridor corridor Eastern Corridor Eastern Corridor Based on the mode you selected in the prior question, if we could improve an aspect of your trip to work/school or a route you travel frequently, what would it be? Please be specific, include road name and county, if applicable.

Location Response (Specific Road, Intersection, Bridge, etc.)

Glenway Glen way Avenue glenway Glenway Glenway Avenue Bike lanes on Glenway Avenue Dedicated turn lanes on Glenway Ave in Price Hill would Glenway Avenue clear lots of congestion. Glenway Avenue can be congested in the morning east of Sidney. Left turn lanes would be a good addition. Glenway Avenue The sidewalks are narrow and place people too close to the street. A repavement of Glenway Ave. from Rapid Run down to Glenway Avenue from Rapid Run to Quebec Quebec is probably needed. Shared left turn lanes on Harrison Avenue and Glenway Avenue in Hamilton County, as well as enforcing the Harrison/Glenway parking restrictions on the these roads during rush hour times would be helpful.

Reading/Glenway/Queen City Rapid transit rail along Reading road corridor and laterally along Glenway/Queen City/McMillan corridor

Metro(SORTA) would definitely benefit from added routes along major roads(reading, glenway, vine) as well as added service on Sundays. Also, it would be great to Reading/Glenway/Vine/Sharonville/Mason see bus service to Sharonville and possibly the Mason area as there are many jobs in those areas but no way for people who use public transportation to get to them. Spring grove avenue, Glenway avenue (elimInate on- Spring Grove Avenue/Glenway street parking for safer traffic flow)

Maintain pavement on the following roads before they US50 / Glenway / Warsaw deteriorate into unsatisfactory conditions. US50 from Indiana border into downtown Cincinnati. Glenway Avenue and Warsaw Avenue. Based on the mode you selected in the prior question, if we could improve an aspect of your trip to work/school or a route you travel frequently, what would it be? Please be specific, include road name and county, if applicable.

Location Response (Specific Road, Intersection, Bridge, etc.)

Install roundabouts at Hamilton and Spring Grove, and Hamilton and Spring Grove at Clifton and MLK. Hamilton Ave make Hamilton Avenue 4 lanes

A light rail corridor down Hamilton Ave. would help get Hamilton Avenue me out of my car. Free or cheap bus cards for monthly riders might get me to use the bus more often. Hamilton Avenue congestion on Hamilton Ave

Hamilton Avenue Fix traffic light flow during peak hours, Hamilton Avenue at Meredith in Springfield Township, Hamilton County Greater frequency on Metro routes 17, 19, 51. Hamilton Avenue MetroPlus service on 17/Hamilton Ave corridor. Hamilton Ave. BRT would improve my commute, as I go Hamilton Avenue into and leave work when the 15x Express is NOT running. Thank you Hamilton Avenue from Spring Grove to North Bend, Hamilton Avenue Hamilton County

Hamilton Avenue in Hamilton County - the bus stops in Hamilton Avenue the 4000 block of Hamilton are littered because of overflowing trash cans. The City expects the building owners to be responsible, but they are in public space.

I reside in Hamilton County, Mount Healthy area. If there were a bus I could catch on Hamilton Ave. or Hamilton AVenue Winton Rd. that were a straight path to Tri County, without having to go to Clifton or Downtown Cincinnati. Then I could leave my car at home. Hamilton Avenue Safe and separate bike lanes. Hamilton Avenue. Hamilton Avenue The Hamilton Ave corridor. Light rail or street car along Hamilton Ave, Winton Road, Hamilton Avenue/Winton Road and Clifton and or Clifton Based on the mode you selected in the prior question, if we could improve an aspect of your trip to work/school or a route you travel frequently, what would it be? Please be specific, include road name and county, if applicable.

Location Response (Specific Road, Intersection, Bridge, etc.)

The intersection of Dixie highway and Kyles Lane. And a Dixie Highway and Kyles Lane turn lane from northbound Dixie highway on to Kyles lane. Improve Bromley Crescent Springs, Amsterdam, and Sleepy Hollow roads. All 3 are very dangerous. Kyles Bromley Crescent Springs / Kyles Ln Lane is very dangerous from Farrell Dr. to KY 17/Madison Pike.

Highland Pike and Kyles Lane in Fort Wright (Kenton) Highland and Kyles where there is constant traffic in the AM and PM due to the heavy flow of traffic getting on and off the I-75. It is only 1 lane and should be widened. Traffic on Highland and Kyles in the morning and Highland and Kyles afternoon, not sure what you can do about it.

I live in Fort Wright along Highland Pike. In the morning (and evening) that road is a disaster. The intersection at Highland Pike / Kyles old Kyles and Highland (just down from the stop light) needs to be re-engineered. That stop sign is awful. The turn lanes on Kyles also should be reviewed.

I live in Fort Wright along Highland Pike. In the morning (and evening) that road is a disaster. The intersection at Highland Pike / Kyles old Kyles and Highland (just down from the stop light) needs to be re-engineered. That stop sign is awful. The turn lanes on Kyles also should be reviewed. Traffic on Highland pike is too heavy. In the morning, restrictions on turning from Kyles onto Highland, along Highland Pike / Kyles with all the stop lites on Highland really causes bottlenecks.

Kenton County Highland Pike/Kyles Ln Highland Pike/Kyles Lane With all the traffic north on Highland from other areas, it is virtually impossible to make a left turn onto Highland or Kyles lane during morning rush hour from the Lorup,Kentucky, Olivia, etc. streets. Morning traffic on Highland Ave to Kyles Lane exit from 7-8:30 am; Traffic on Dixie Hwy from Erlanger to Highland to Kyles Lane Covington both rush hours; Traffic on Dudley Road that stacks up at the light at Dixie Hwy - terrible, needs a turn right lane further back; 75/71 in NKY any time of day, never can predict how long it takes to get to Cinti.

Remove brush overhanging road on Kyles lane just Kyles Lane below entrance to Farrell drive to St Charles Center.

Red light at Kyles & Highland should be able to turn on Kyles & Highland red or have an arrow to turn Make the turn lane at Kyles and Highland Pike a no turn on red all day so the people who live on the streets off Kyles and Highland Pike of Kyles in Fort Wright have a chance to make a left turn in a timely fashion I drive Kyle's Lane to I-75/71 north to 5th street exit in Kyles Lane Covington to 3rd and Madison Rush Hour traffic congestion on Kyles Lane, Kenton Kyles Lane COunty Kentucky TURNING LEFT ON KYLES LANE OUT OF SIDE Kyles Lane STREETS.ALSO, BLIND SPOT TURNING LEFT ONTO KYLES LANE OUT OF MT. VERNON. Allow right turn on red onto Kyles Lane from Kyles Kyles Lane starting at 8:30am. Kyles Lane Improve traffic flow on Kyles Lane in Kenton Co Kyles lane and dixie. needs a right hand turn to south on Kyles Lane and Dixie Highway Kyles.. The city has fought for 10 years and it is still not completed. Traffic on Kyles Lane & Kyles Ln.Dixie Highway Kyles Lane and Dixie Highway interchange in Ft Wright, KY, Add a left turn arrow light at Kyles Lane and Henry Clay in Ft. Wright. This is in Kenton County. Also replace the Kyles Lane and Henry Clay Brent Spence Bridge between Covington, Ky and Cincinnati, Oh (I-75) Eliminate the "No Right Turn" between 6:00 a.m. and Kyles Lane at Highland 9:00 a.m. Mon-Fri. off old Kyles Lane at Highland and Kyles Lane. Kyles Ln Kyles Lane, Highland Pike, Ohio SR 32 Based on the mode you selected in the prior question, if we could improve an aspect of your trip to work/school or a route you travel frequently, what would it be? Please be specific, include road name and county, if applicable.

Location Response (Specific Road, Intersection, Bridge, etc.)

Create more pedestrian-friendly environments. For Liberty Street example, narrow roads like Libery street and make crossings more accessible. Narrow Liberty Street to make it a 25 mph area like the rest of the downtown Cincinnati / Over-the-Rhine streets. The light at Liberty and Central Parkway to turn left is also very dangerous. There is no turn arrow when traveling westbound, so cars get backed up and sit in Liberty Street the intersection. It's hard to safely turn to get to the bike lane, and when I drive my car, it is also difficult to make the turn. Usually there are 2-3 cars turning left once the light has turned yellow-red because they were sitting in the intersection the entire time the light was green.

The lefthand turn from Liberty to Central Parkway SB is Liberty to Central Parkway a huge pain and 1-2 cars can get through each light. Liberty Street Better timed lights on Liberty St in OTR. Liberty St. is the most difficult to cross in OTR and central business district. It is to wide and has no island Liberty Street in the middle like Central Pkwy. Other than that it is the inattentive motorists who are the biggest threat to a pedestrian. Liberty Street Liberty Street. Make it narrower. Reduce width of unnecessarily wide streets (Liberty, Liberty/Central Parkway/Bank/Linn Central Parkway, Bank, Linn) to reconnect neighborhoods and improve walkability. Based on the mode you selected in the prior question, if we could improve an aspect of your trip to work/school or a route you travel frequently, what would it be? Please be specific, include road name and county, if applicable.

Location Response (Specific Road, Intersection, Bridge, etc.)

I-71/Montgomery Road I71 and Montgomery rd East Walnut Hills to Xavier and Pleasant Ridge on Montgomery Rd Montgomery Rd. Hamilton county, Montgomery road, make more bike Montgomery Road accessible

Improve signal timing / coordination, and geometric Montgomery Road layouts to north/south corridors (i.e. Montgomery Rd.). If these could move efficiently, they would take cars off of the over-congested highways. More frequent bus service. Easier / more timely Montgomery Road transfers to routes outside the Montgomery Road Corridor. more rail. potentially up through the Montgomery Road Montgomery Road corridor someday Sequence traffic lights along Montgomery Rd in Montgomery Road Hamilton County. Additionally, increase public transit frequency along this route.

Improving road conditions on Montgomery Rd from Montgomery Road from Pleasant Ridge to Downtown Pleasant Ridge to downtown. The increased traffic on our I-75 & I-71 highways is a problem as it is in all major cities. How can this be mitigated? Based on the mode you selected in the prior question, if we could improve an aspect of your trip to work/school or a route you travel frequently, what would it be? Please be specific, include road name and county, if applicable.

Location Response (Specific Road, Intersection, Bridge, etc.)

Evening rush hour congestion at the Reading Rd/Liberty Reading Rd/Liberty Street St onramp to 471. Reading Road Improved service along Reading Road let the route 41 from Mt Airy come futher down reading Reading Road road to connect to the Metro/Access bldg in Norwood to serve employees at that facility None specifically I can think of. Sometimes Reading Rd can be a bit congested (given it's one of the Reading Road busiest/most traveled main roads), which could be helped by widening.

Reading Road Reading Road, Hamilton County, Avondale Area. Make the timing of the green lights longer for Reading Road Reading Road Streetcar service along Reading Road. Better traffic flow from Reading Road onto I-471S entrance. The time spend in the afternoon at the traffic Reading Road/I-71 light at Reading/Liberty exceeds the total time of the rest of my commute.

I often take I-71 to Reading Road (en route to the UC area), coming from either downtown or I-471 in Newport, KY. I enter from the right side, but have only about 1/2 mile to swing all the way over to the left lane to exit on Reading Road. If I enter I-71 via 7th Street in Reading Road/I-71 downtown, I have even less space to switch several lanes in order to exit on Reading Road. It's wild that my GPS even suggests this last option, because of how dangerous it is, but it does. If I were to miss this exit, though, I'd have to go several miles north on I-71 before I could turn around. Reading Road in Cincinnati Ohio or Victory Parkway by Reading Road/Victory Parkway way of Gilbert Avenue to go to downtown Cincinnati of I- 71 North or South

Reading/Glenway/Queen City Rapid transit rail along Reading road corridor and laterally along Glenway/Queen City/McMillan corridor Metro(SORTA) would definitely benefit from added routes along major roads(reading, glenway, vine) as well as added service on Sundays. Also, it would be great to Reading/Glenway/Vine/Sharonville/Mason see bus service to Sharonville and possibly the Mason area as there are many jobs in those areas but no way for people who use public transportation to get to them.

I encounter a lot of red lights on my route to/from work Reading/Montgomery on Reading/Montgomery... doesn't seem like an unreasonable amount but I suppose it would be nice if there were fewer intersections.

Living in N Avondale and working downtown, biking is dangerous on Reading or Vine. Victory Pkwy is ok but Reading/Vine not speed patrolled, and I've actually been HIT by a car in the Central Pkwy bike broad daylight and non- rush hour! Get the Streetcar to the Zoo!!

Fix the I75S interstate ASAP. Takes me 1-2 hrs to get home on busy days that takes me 20 minutes on a non Reading/Vine/Winton Woods busy day. Fix alternate side streets such as Reading Rd, Vine Street and Winton Woods Rd. Those roads are alternate streets that can be taken when i75 is busy. Based on the mode you selected in the prior question, if we could improve an aspect of your trip to work/school or a route you travel frequently, what would it be? Please be specific, include road name and county, if applicable.

Location Response (Specific Road, Intersection, Bridge, etc.)

I-71 and ridge road interchange. There are too many I-71/Ridge Road required Kane movements if you want to pass through that area. On ramp/ Offramp upgrades to i-71 I-71/Ridge Road Upgrades to ridge road highland ave intersection

It would be great if ridge Ave was more pleasant and Ridge Avenue safe for all modes of transportation year round. Between Madison and Montgomery. Better road maintenance, especially filling potholes. Slowing down the cars on Ridge Avenue to follow the Ridge Avenue speed limit. I can barely turn out onto it because of speeders. Ridge Avenue/71 the 71 North bottleneck at Ridge Avenue Ridge between Montgomery and Highland Clean up Ridge between Montgomery and Highland. Traffic during rush hour at: 1) Ridge Rd and Montgomery Rd Ridge Rd/Montgomery 2) Ridge and Cross County 3) Exit off ramp Reed Hartman and Cross County Hwy - eastbound

If it were safe to bike on Ridge Road between Woodford Ridge Road and Highland I would gladly bike to and from work. A bike lane (preferably with a curb so cars couldn't wander in) would be a big help

if Ridge Road were more bike friendly (slower cars, bike Ridge Road lane) and if the sidewalks were better maintained between Montgomery and highland--I would feel more comfortable walking or biking to work. Ridge Road Ridge Rd btw Reagan & Galbraith sidewalks or bike lanes on ridge rd (Hamilton co) so I Ridge Road could walk or bike to work

Ridge Road Ridge road being more pedestrian/bike friendly. Too much car congestion makes it dangerous at rush hour. fix the Ridge Road area of I-71 as it is always congested Ridge Road at I-71 during rush hour Ridge road has horrible traffic from the N onramp off 71 Ridge Road at I-71 N up until Ronald Reagan. Traffic is getting so bad, especially around Ronald Reagan. Relieve congestion at the Ridge/I-71/Norwood Lateral Ridge/I-71/Norwood Lateral interchange. Based on the mode you selected in the prior question, if we could improve an aspect of your trip to work/school or a route you travel frequently, what would it be? Please be specific, include road name and county, if applicable.

Location Response (Specific Road, Intersection, Bridge, etc.)

Repair Blue Rock and Spring Grove Avenues in Hamilton Blue Rock/Spring Grove County Install roundabouts at Hamilton and Spring Grove, and Hamilton and Spring Grove at Clifton and MLK. A bus route that stops near my workplace on Spring Spring Grove Grove, not over a mile away, and doesn't take 2 hours to get there. Bike lanes on Spring Grove, from the end of the existing Spring Grove lanes to CBD. Spring Grove Finish the bike lanes on Spring Grove. I would ride a bike to and from work using Spring Grove Spring Grove Avenue.

Please finish installing bike lanes on Spring Grove Spring Grove heading south to Downtown, and install infrastructure that makes the left hand turn at Elsinore less of of an act of taking my life into my own hands. Spring Grove Potholes on spring grove avenue Spring grove ave from 8th st to dalton to spring grove, Spring Grove up to 2900 block of spring grove Spring grove avenue, Glenway avenue (elimInate on- Spring Grove Avenue/Glenway street parking for safer traffic flow)

I usually drive on Spring Grove Ave from the Northside Spring Grove northside Cincinnati neighborhood to get to downtown Cincinnati. High speed light rail would be preferable. Based on the mode you selected in the prior question, if we could improve an aspect of your trip to work/school or a route you travel frequently, what would it be? Please be specific, include road name and county, if applicable.

Location Response (Specific Road, Intersection, Bridge, etc.)

32 is a complete mess. All engineers that were the project that was just completed need to be fired. Traffic 32 has never been worse. How about adding a 3rd lane until all the fancy bridges get built? Traffic signals don't adequately handle the amount of new vehicles on the roads every year, they just make going anywhere take way longer Beechmont Ave and Beechmont and SR32 Route 32 around Eastgate are examples. 10 years ago it took 5 minutes to get somewhere that now easily takes 10-12. Route 32 between old 74 and glen este withamsville at Route 32 6-8am A bypass around Newton on Rt. 32 would make the commute faster. Not sure if a highway through that RT32 in Newtown area would be beneficial though. Light rail would be more ideal. Expand capacity of State Route 32, especially where it goes through Newtown. Also, 32 is in need of pavement repair from Batavia to Glen Este/Withamsville in both direction. And it would be much better if that SR32 intersection, and Bach Buxton and Old 74 we re- configured to reduce the stop light delays that slow traffic dramatically during the morning and evening rush. Improvement of SR 32 through Newtown. Long drive SR32 time though that area during evening and morning rush hours. SR32 keep working on 32 SR32 The improvements to the 32 off ramp are fantastic.

SR32 needs to connect to Redbank. There is no direct SR32 connect to Redbank route into the center of Cincinnati without driving the outer loop or zigzagging through surface streets My trip has already been improved with the redesign SR32 off 275 of the 32 interchange off of 275. Based on the mode you selected in the prior question, if we could improve an aspect of your trip to work/school or a route you travel frequently, what would it be? Please be specific, include road name and county, if applicable.

Location Response (Specific Road, Intersection, Bridge, etc.)

50 and Bank Street Flashing light at 50 and Bank St The merge on to 50/75 on the Big Mac bridge (471 50/75/471 North) is a headache most days. I'm generally at that point by 6:45 am most days. Traffic light at intersection of Bank St and US 50 in Bank Street and US50 Dillsboro IN More efficient means from 471N to us 50. The sharp I-471 to US50 turn slows traffic and causes back ups onto the 471 bridge. NEED A ROAD OUT OF OHIO COUNTY TO CONNECT TO Ohio County to US50 US 50 AND EVENYUALLY TO 1-74 I-71/I-70/I-74/US50 I - 71 and I - 70 and I - 74 and US 50 more frequent trip on the route 50. more often than once an hour, and also expansion of the route 50 to go Route 50 by the Kroger in Hooven

Rt50 I enjoy my relatively scenic commute on East Rte. 50.

Rt50 I travel RT 50 to and from work. The traffic continues to grow. This is the only way to the west end of the county Improve rush hour traffic flow at SR #350 and US #50 in SR350 and US50 Aurora, IN. Majority of the secondary/prime state routes (50) are old "Goat Paths" routes are not up to standards, Berm width to narrow, or non at all, crown's are recessed, SR50 (retaining water during lite rain fall), cut all foolage back beyond right away, cut all trees out hanging over SR or right aways. Better roads...(the State Rd 62 slips) and less traffic US 50 issues on US 50 in Lawrenceburg US 50 US HWY 50 in Dillsboro, of Dearborn County. Dillsboro needs much better access points or gateways to US 50 from Bank Street, Front Street, and 262. The US 50 Bank Street, Front Street and 262 current speed and traffic volume on US 50 make it very difficult to cross the road or turn left during morning rush hour. Fix US 50 so that it doesn't flood between Mariemont US50 and Terrace Park; fix Walton Creek Rd. between the intersection with Muchmore and Varner Hill I do not see a need for any improvements. I take US 50 US50 W from Aurora, IN to Dillsboro, IN for work. Good Road. 10 Minute Drive.

I live in Greendale and work for Dearborn County. Such a short drive would be perfect for a bike trip, but is not US50 really a safe alternative to cross 50 and travel such distances on Ridge Ave. This may be more of a local issue, aside from US 50. increase traffic flow on US 50 through the Lawrenceburg US50 area

Maintain pavement on the following roads before they US50 deteriorate into unsatisfactory conditions. US50 from Indiana border into downtown Cincinnati. Glenway Avenue and Warsaw Avenue.

Make US 50 wide enough for a good bike lane going both ways. I got my serviced in Chillicothe and noticed US50 that big trucks seem to resent bicycle riders. I got the brake lines replaced on my car. I rode my bicycle home and then rode my bicycle back to pick up my car.

The best improvement would be to increase traffic flow/speed on US 50 into and out of downtown US50 Cincinnati. Currently, it backs up around Columbia/Tusculum areas due to lower speed limits and an over abundance (3 in a 1/4 mile) of stoplights. US50 US 50 Dearborn County,IN US 50 in Dearborn County East of SR350 to I-275 US50 through the city of Aurora and Lawrenceburg.

US 50 From Greendale to Aurora is very congested. This US50 greendale to aurora stretch has a growing business district and needs help with the easing of congestion. Widen US 50 from State Line Rd to Lawrenceburg Road US50 State Line to Lawrenceburg in Hamilton County Appendix F

From: Regina Fields On Behalf Of Robert Koehler Sent: Wednesday, February 10, 2016 3:49 PM To: [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Nsonwu, Emmanuel ; [email protected]; John Gardocki ; [email protected]; Gilday, Tim ; [email protected]; Stephenson, Craig ; 'Wright, Jeff' ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]; Victor, Reggie ; [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected] Cc: Robyn Bancroft ; Regina Fields Subject: OKI 2040 Plan - Public Comments

Dear ICC Member, I mentioned in my 2040 Plan presentation to ICC yesterday that OKI received 2300 responses to our online survey that was made available late November to early January. One of the survey questions was this open- ended inquiry: If we could improve an aspect of your trip to work/school or a route you travel frequently, what would it be? Please be specific, include road name and county, if applicable. There were 14 roadways that were most commonly mentioned by people in their responses to this question. One or more of these roadways are located within your local jurisdiction.

Please find attached an Excel file that has all of the comments received for each roadway by worksheet tab. For example, the first worksheet tab includes all the comments OKI received that mentioned Central Parkway, so the City of Cincinnati may be interested in these comments. The second worksheet covers Columbia Parkway, so again the City of Cincinnati may be interested, but also Hamilton County and ODOT might be interested as well.

Please open the attached file and review the comments associated to your roadway(s). Please note that we have included the transit providers and state DOT representatives who may want to review all possible roadways in your respective states. Comments often included reference to transit and the highway networks which may not be obvious by the roadway name.

Though these comments may not be news to you, they may assist you and your agency as you consider needed transportation improvements which should be considered for inclusion in the 2040 Plan, 2016 Update. Please consider these comments and include any recommendations with your review of the 2040 Plan’s Preliminary DRAFT Recommendation Project List. As a reminder, OKI has requested via my email sent yesterday, that you send in writing any edits or suggestions on the Preliminary DRAFT Recommendation Project List to the attention of Regina Fields ( by February 26, 2016.

I hope this information is useful to you in some way. Thank you. --Bob Robert Koehler Deputy Executive Director OKI Regional Council of Governments 720 E. Pete Rose Way, Suite 420 Cincinnati, Ohio 45202 513.619.7676 [email protected] Appendix G

Please share with us any other comments you may have.


I like it that Oxford has policemen walking a "beat" at night. I've heard of people getting jumped at night. I'd be perfectly happy with higher speed limits. Light rail connections! Connect the neighborhoods and suburbs Stop with the bike lanes. Cincinnati, geographically, is terrible for bike transportation. It is much to hilly, much too curvy and the average commute is 15+ miles. Plan on creating infrastructure that will service the needs of a population 20, 30, 40 years from now, not today's. If you plan for today's needs it will be outdated and insufficient by the time the top coat is laid. Thanks for asking... Please bring the street car line up the hill to university, zoo, hospitals, residents of Clifton, Northside, Hyde Park. While it may not be doable here, I enjoyed the Chicago train system (CTA). Maybe something to think about. Bring our rail system back. Amtrak used o run through Chillicothe 30 years ago. Kentucky and Ohio need to coordinate better on transit, carpooling and bikeways. Focus highway dollars on the Western Hills Viaduct. The lack of mass transit, in a walkable, neighborhood oritented town like Cincinnati, is a disservice to those who don't own a car. It takes over 2 hours to go from the west side of town to east side on bus, and even longer to reach the northern burbs. For a small town like Cincinnati, which is dominated by rail lines, it's unacceptable. Please build light rail systems from the suburbs to downtown. We need more efficient public transportation. I moved to DC for school, and I loved not needing a car to live. So I never moved back to Cincinnati. I don't want to be trapped in a car again. Other than that, Cincinnati has a lot to offer, and I hope I'll have the option of living car-free (or lite) there someday. Thanks for asking I hope autonomous vehicles are affordable, especially for the disabled. I also hope more bike paths / lanes are created. I would love to see Cincinnati and Hamilton county greatly expand bike only routes and trails. I believe if we had a lot more it would help to cut back on pollution and help us all to be a lot healthier. Mass transit must be enhanced to combat global warming. I would love to have a light rail option for the city. improvements in the inner city should be a priority need to improve public transportation local highways are saturated sometimes the metro be passing me up and its cold outside Affordable daycare childcare We need to fix Brent Spence Bridge and Western Hills Viaduct!!! I really want to see a subway system in Cincinnati. Public vans for people that can't afford transportation in certain communities Why do we continue to spend money on bike lanes by reducing travel lanes. Any serious professional can not ride a bike to and from work. And half the year the weather will not permit bike riding. There are considerable new construction & renovation projects in Cinti. and roadways are not well maintained and will have a significant increase especially with current highway projects that will feed more vehicles to city streets. have special fare days Further development of our public infrastructure is an absolute must Please increase the routes and low-cost availability of the Cincinnati Transit System. "They" always say that new roads lessen congestion, but they never do around here because local governments see the new roads as a way to increase businesses and density, and there is no oversight of this abusing type of zoning. Cincy red bike should encourage helmet use Keep supporting the streetcar Bike paths, bike lanes, sidewalks are essential to cities. Otherwise, they're just a place. But, moving masses of people by tracks, rail, tunnels etc. should be a collective community focus. One travel with relative ease in European countries regardless of age. Government subsidies make that possible. What a concept! By modes of transit I mean light rail, subway (my dream!), and more efficient bus service, including a downtown loop, extended service into outlying suburbs and retail corridors, and use of small buses for faster, more efficient service on some routes. I DO NOT want an extension of the street car - too slow and will run infrequently; overhead wires are unsightly visual pollution; tracks endanger pedestrians and drivers (esp handicapped persons crossing streets); streetcar will add to traffic congestion, not reduce it. Thanks for asking and I support more public transportation options. Using hubs, such as the Anderson Town Center and developing the transportation center on 3rd St are important Please continue to connect/extend existing bike paths!! I plan to work in the auto industry when I graduate from college What about smaller buses that run the same routes but more frequently. (If you look in the window of most buses, only a few seats are being used). This could also save on operating costs in the long run for Metro. I would surely ride my bike more if I felt safe riding a bicycle on the city streets. Safe bike lanes with high consequences for driver violators are needed. Having options in case I bike to work but severe weather makes it impossible to bike home Stop removing lanes of traffic to add seldom used bike paths There are too many cars and trucks for our roads. Gridlock is paralizing our cities. We need fast trains, intercity and between cities (Columbus, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Chicago and connecting the suburbs to the cities. Please increase public transportation service to rural areas. The bus service (Metro) could be better If it served more hours (over nights & weekends). I wish the subway would have opened. This would have been a wonderful way to get around. We do not need new roads or highways. We need to fix our current roads and bridges, and provide more public transportation locally and regionally We need a better transportation connection with Pittsburgh other that car I like Metro and wish more would use it. I was against the streetcar because it siphoned off funds that would have improved the bus routes, particularly connecting the city to outlying suburbs, where many jobs and medical facilities are. I dislike car for their danger and their pollution. The spelling of the word "comfortable" should be changed to "comfterble". We need a regional mass transit system. Present system is a cobbled together mess and extremely inconvenient. Thank you for seeking public input on these questions! Although we clearly need to maintain the roadways we already have, I think the top priority for future development is to support alternate modes of transportation. Especially those that provide physical activity and improved health, as well as environmental benefits. None. We need more public transportation, especially light-rail / street car and more dedicated bike lanes. I would like to see improved options for public transportation for the elderly, and more funding for student transportation in school districts. Not sure why we're investing in outdated technologies like streetcars instead of hyperloops or other forward looking alternatives End exclusionary zoning to make the housing as free as the car market. I might own a motor home or travel trailer and live in that if it was legal to place one on a residential lot. As long as a home is not a threat to anyone's health or safety then living is such a home should not be criminalized. Future planning comissions need to keep the communities where people live in mind, not just the wishes of the big national chain stores and business Street names are cumbersome and unnecessarily lengthy. One of our employees rides his bike every day to work, nice or rain or snow. He refuses to go on Central Parkway because of the "bike lane" there. He says there is so much debris in the lane it is dangerous. The poles do not allow a street sweeper to clean the lane. In addition the location of the bike lanes creates a dangerous situation. People in cars making a right turn are likely to turn without looking and therefore hitting the bicyclist. He would prefer the chevrons on the street or nothing at all. We need mass transportation. Get cars off the roads and enable people to walk or bike in their community and city. n/a I am concerned that the present bus routes and transportation options do not help get workers to jobs. We have poverty issues in our community and need to work to provide access to jobs. Need mor bikin on streets, mor of a community to walk and mor buses like we used to have Walk-able neighborhoods helps to create and maintain safe communities, improves public health, and goes a long way towards keeping real estate values up. I would ride my bike many more places if the roads were set for Bike / Walking safety Public transportation between downtown Cincinnati and Butler county is poor. I would love to be able to easily get downtown without driving. I have little faith that any changes will occur in Hamilton County just by seeing how little change in improvements has occurred in the past 40 years. The county is simply broke and with the economy not growing much in the years to come. Public transportation is not only an environmental issue, but one related to poverty and to the aging population. I support a carbon tax. This city isn't bike friendly at all, and with the increasing amount of cyclists like myself out there it is becoming more and more dangerous for us to ride on the city streets We need a subway system to grow businesses, provide additional job opportunities for low income households, reduce our carbon footprint, and reduce congestion. More walkable neighborhoods will cause less congestion, less maintenance of roadways, less pollution, less gas money spent, and more time with family and friends. More diverse zoning would help so there's not massive swaths of residential segregated from large swaths of commercial/manufacturing. In order for Cincinnati to continue to attract young professionals and continue to grow its urban population, it needs better mass transit. This includes urban rail transit, and also inter urban rail transit to connect with other cities in Ohio, Indiana, and Kentucky. That would require expanding heavy rail, preferably without the assistance of Amtrak; electric trains with dedicated tracks are needed. A three-C high speed line would be especially helpful. Expand route 42x to connect Oakley to West Chester, and start a route from Oakley to Mason. OKI has done a good job of planning for all modes where possible. Keep up the good work. This city is choking on congestion. Look at congestion maps to other comparable cities on google maps and during peak times they are significantly less congested. Electric systems of transportation, supplied with solar and wind. High speed rail between cities. we do a lot of walking with our dog. My wife and me are both over 80. Have we ever looked into what it would take/cost to revive the abandoned subway? That plus streetcar plus bus plus trains to other cities would be perfect. Driving the Brent Spence is scary and something I no longer choose to do. I leave 5 minutes earlier and take the Clay Wade anytime I have to go across the river. I'm a mother and something I see as a prudent decision to protect my family. Too many accidents and too many backups. I walk or bike when I can. A more connected bike path would make a huge difference in my life! I would utilize public (bus/streetcar) transportation IF it were convenient, but it's not. I would love to see public transportation in the way of trains connecting Ohio cities. Rail. Would love to have more options for walking and biking! Presently I am able to drive my own vehicle but in the future I could see using a golf cart type of vehicle could be viable transportation in our small town Having traveled in Europe, I am amazed how efficient the bike paths are and how many people use them. In addition, the whole European community is geared to be outside when able, walking, biking or using public transit. Something for the United States to aspire to. Being that my family moved out of the Dayton area and into a more rural environment to get away from urban environments, I have great concern that expanded highways, such as the East Cincy Bypass are being considered, bringing an abundance of traffic and new development to rural areas that aren't necessarily wanting them. I would really like to see an Amtrak train stopping in Oxford. I am really interested in the proposed train to Chicago, stopping in Oxford. Doesn't sound like the parties involved are cooperative. I go to Cincinnati to attend the Broadway Series. Am anticipating using the street car for dining after the plays. Would like to see easier bus connections from Cincinnati suburbs to downtown. I believe I'm in the minority though, with all of the discussion about the streetcar. 536 expansion is a waste of money. Finish 75 through town before even thinking about making a new death trap out here. We have big transportation issues in this region, but too many municipalities it would have to run through. I wish there was a way for all the local governments in the area to work together to find a solution. I am 80 years young, and that fact has great influence on my opinions I would love to see the streetcar connect through major roads out from the city. For example up Madison and Gilbert, etc. More public transit! Need a regional rail network Build regional rail...duh I have concern with the clenliness of the bus. I have stains on my clothing from the seats which are covered with an upholstery that disguises dirt, grease, etc. i am also worried about getting bed bugs from these upholstered, often dirty seats. Pay for the replacement of the Brent Spence Bridge with tolls. Maintain what you have instead of building new. My wife has an amputated leg that limits her mobility and has decreased her desire to drive herself. We live in Oxford, and although taxi services have started there, other transportation services for those with disabilities seems limited and somewhat difficult to locate/schedule. Absolutely no tolls to fund bridge and stop all the mass transit boondoggles and bike paths used by a tiny sliver of the population. Easy and accessible and reliable public transportation between major cities in Butler and Hamilton County? I would LOVE that. Complete streets where cars share the road with transit, bikers, and pedestrians is what our vision of the future should be. NO TOLLS! We need a better bridge for I-75 more than we need a passenger rail system downtown. I wasn't sure if the choice "investing in roadway expansion and new construction" is intended to include the Brent Spence fix. If so, it would supplant the "Rehabilitating outdated..." item in my choices for Q. #8. I'd love to see more connected bike paths. Cincinnati has such great things going on, I'd love to see that expanded to the Oxford area as well. Seniors have limited options for safe, low cost, door to door transportation in Hamilton County. Increasing options would be extremely helpful. Roadway expansion is not always the answer. Ethical and wise development, or efficient development would be a great answer to improving transportation infrastructure. Integrating technology like message boards will help and is one great step. You can't take the stupid out of the driver, but implementing advanced messages to assist what the driver needs to do will help congestion and safety. Also having the future in mind is what makes infrastructure work Creating a regional mass transit system would be amazing. Having that connect to other states and rail lines. The 3C rail proposal that fell through a few years ago would be a great way to get that started. Instead of the major thoroughfares being the interstate, having it be rail transit to connect our region to the rest of the Midwest and even the east coast would be great not only for daily commutes but for travel connectivity. I would like on call transportation for local travel. High Speed Rail System would benefit the entire State. Amtrak out of Oxford would be wonderful. is it possible to have golf buggy trails as well as bike paths? Increased public rail travel should be a goal for future transportation. Greater public transportation is important for the future and especially for aging and disabled populations. Rt. 27 and Rt 73, entering Oxford, need changes. We need more public transportation between Oxford and Cincinnati/Dayton hospitals, airports, malls to reduce a sense of isolation when living in Oxford. What exists provides well for us but despite politicians promises whether federal of local the infrastructure needs to be maintained and/ or improved I'd love to be able to remain here as a retired person, but, without changes, my wife and I will likely move away The usefulness of public transportation depends very much on the frequency of services. One bus choice a day to any places I have listed won't solve the problem Thanks for this opportunity to share It would be great if OKI adopted a complete streets policy Expansion of the streetcar to Uptown and Northern Kentucky should be a priority. Brent Spence plan needs to be scrapped and re-imagined to incorporate a rail option If other MSAs equivalent to Cincinnati (like St. Louis) can have a light rail option for local transit needs, Cincinnati should be able to achieve something as well. Or, at least, they could expand and allow the street car to handle commuters I love the bike path & bike lanes that now connect from downtown all the way out to Lunken airport -- my family uses this route to get to & from downtown regularly in the spring-summer-fall during daylight hours. Lights would be nice along the path so we could feel comfortable using the route for night time activities like the fireworks, Fountain Square movie nights, etc. We're looking forward to the new trails continuing north too Light rail should be considered in the plans to replace the Western Hills viaduct We are looking to sell our home in the suburbs and move to Covington, Newport or Bellevue in order to shorten our commute, live in a walkable neighborhood and ultimately give up one of our caurs More focus on interconnecting job centers such as Uptown, West Chester, Mason with surrounding counties with better, express bus service. Updating the Brent Spence Bridge with a separate span for I-75 (3 Lanes each direction) with BSB updated for I-71 traffic only. Need to find a compromise between a $2.1B bridge that is paid with tolls and a bridge that may have back-ups, but has increased capacity Thinking regionally about multimodal transit systems must be a top priority for us. We should not constrain our thinking to currently available funds It is important to create safe walkable neighborhood. In our neighborhood the side walk from Alms park ends very close to the entrance so that it is dangerous for pedestrians to walk around. More extensive sidewalks need to be developed to foster safe walking

1) Treat the bus service as if it were a subway/airtrain - this means, make the most used routes run regularly (like every 10 min or less) and efficiently (less stops), make these routes simple to understand, get development on the routes (like what's happening with the Cincy streetcar), get an ad campaign that makes the connection for people that these major bus routes work just like a subway would. 2) Get a family pass option - a family, with kids in elementary school (not just the free toddler option), ought to be able to ride the bus together at an affordable rate. 3) Have the transit policy makers/planners actually use public transit and the bike lane policy makers/planners actually bike around the city. 4) Create bike lanes on the streets that have lots of traffic and need bike lanes (ie Liberty Street, Jefferson Ave), not on streets that don't have enough traffic to matter (ie Eggleston). Also, don't end a bike lane in the middle of traffic! It's terrifying! This happens at Addison Rd. and O Bryon St. 5) For some reason the raised sidewalk next to Columbia Pkwy along Mt Adam (not the protected one) becomes unraised and gets really skinny as you are about to climb the stairs for the overpass. It's incredibly dangerous, but it's the most efficient way for many to get downtown from Mt Adams, so people use it all the time I also believe that our region should explore how to engage communities in walking even if we do improve our transit system. We need to find more creative ways to get people to walk in an enjoyable environment (safety, repair of broken concrete in walking communities, free bus pass to ride to get to a safe and maintained walking trail

I would dearly love to see commuter rail developed rather than the massive spending on widening highways. Cincinnati does not need more/bigger roads. It needs reliable public transit

I would also love if NKY could connect with the soon to be opterating Cincinnati Streetcar. This would be amazing. But we will still need commuter trains for the suburbs and airport None

Induced demand is a major problem in the region. We need to stop expanding roadway capacity and start attacking congestion, insofar as it is a real problem, through smarter land use policies (more density and mix of uses), TOD-focused transit, and walkable neighborhoods/complete streets. Bicycle policies need to be more focused on utility cycling rather than recreational cycling (this especially means more in-road buffered & protected paths, rather than shared use paths which inhibit one's ability to travel at on-road speeds and/or take cyclists off the roads and away from homes & businesses (i.e. origins and destinations) and/or expose cyclists to unnecessary extra conflicts with motor vehicles at driveways). The need for regional light rail, (as well as national high speed rail) is imminent. Congestion and pollution will only continue to worsen in the future. We need this. http://metro- No bypass needed Help get the Streetcar Uptown

It's time to get serious about public transit options. This includes better bus service: frequent buses and covered, comfortable stops and transfer points. It also includes getting serious about rail transit. Of course we can reduce overall demand for motorized transportation by building neighborhoods where it is possible to walk or bike to our basic needs in the first place

First, people are driving less and will continue to drive less into the future. Creating walk-able, connected neighborhoods and nodes which are then connected by car, bus and rail across the region should be the goal. Light rail and regional rail are important for connecting the suburbs to the city center. Instead of wasting money on making our highways bigger and wider (which has been proven to NOT work in cities like Los Angeles, Houston and Atlanta) we should spend our money on a second mode of transportation and/or making our existing streets more pleasant and usable. Light rail and bus rapid-transit from the main nodes (Hamilton, West Chester, Mason, Montgomery, Florence, Lawrenceburg, Batavia etc.) should be the top priority. If less cars were on the highways, congestion would go down, period. This would also allow the city and region to draw young professionals and higher paying jobs to the city because that audience desires green modes of transit, convenient modes of transit and the new development that comes with it. Finally, don't forget about Northern Kentucky. Newport, Covington, Ludlow, Bellevue and Dayton have a ton of potential and are directly in line with each other along Route 8. This riverfront could be tied together much better to help compliment the Ohio side. I feel like when money is being spent locally it usually falls to Ohio, but when both sides get better, it helps the whole region. It's not the 1950s anymore, and times have changed. People are connected today by the internet and social media more so than by roads. We should strive for pleasant roads with calm traffic, green spaces, bike friendliness, crosswalks and on street parking. More traffic lanes equals more traffic, less traffic equals more happiness. You can't text and drive or search the internet and drive, but you can do those things while sitting on a bus or train. That is the future and should be our region's future too I'd love to see streetcar/lightrail at least between Newport, Covington, and Cincinnati. Regional would be even better, but the core cities desperately need to be connected

I love Cincinnati and want to see the city invest in public transit and complete streets. This will help the city develop its neighborhoods, will give us a competitive advantage among peer cities, and will make us all healthier and more connected. Bonus points if we step up our intercity rail service, the Cardinal line is currently very slow and inconvenient Build the eastern corridor. Complete a regional connected bike trail system. Promote daily rail to other metro areas and integrate the streetcar system to the train station Extend the streetcar to Clifton, and please keep pushing for 3-C rail service

More public transit investment (Light Rail / Streetcar, Bus Rapid Transit) will greatly impact the region by reducing congestion and pollution. Pollution ranks very high in the Cincinnati Metro and reducing this will have a very high quality of life factor for everyone in the region and especially in the order core of the neighborhoods in Ohio and Northern Kentucky Attracting new people to the city requires investing in public transportation. Younger people are driving less and want other options. Cincinnati has a dense layout and can easily be served by options other than driving There are too many bug potholes that can ruin your car. More public transportation options from downtown to the suburban area of Cincinnati is needed OKI should adopt a Complete Streets policy for all road projects -- funding should not be awarded to any road project in Cincinnati unless those funds benefit all roads users, including pedestrians and cyclists Please be more transparent and forthcoming about cincy eastern bypass. Ownership of Citizens for Cincy Eastern Bypass project (except Fischer) are very vague in public details. Details and planning not being communicated to public well No more rail fails please LRT Please!!!!-- greater independence for boomers and teens. Smaller more frequent buses-- more circulators Dump the street car Please prioritize bikes, healthy communities, and environmentally friendly modes of transport light rail please The Cincinnati streetcar is a great start! Let's expand remove as much truck traffic from 71/75/Brent Spence bridge as you can - seriously consider the 71 eastern bypass option Educational awareness that informs motorists that bicylists have the same rights to be on the road as they do

Population control. If we don't have it - there are no good solutions to an ever growing issue. Population control is the only answer to all of these problems we are encountering as a society start thinking about mon-a-rail Please develop a long term public transportation plan so that Cincinnati can grow and develop into a leading metropolitan area rather than relying on cars and a crappy bus system. In addition, bus hubs in more areas would make a lot of sense so that, for instance, my friend who lives in northside could get to his job in pleasant ridge which isn't far by car via the Norwood lateral except that he doesn't drive and has to go to government square to change buses and it takes him over an hour n/a Ideas such as the eastern bypass need serious consideration to Need more bus routes near schools and hospitals. You have to often transfer on a bus twice and pay extra just to go 10 minutes away by car. So why take a bus Road investments are costly and do not always spur development in the places where the money is spent. They typically benefit only a select group of society. Rail investment costs are usually similar, but they have a much longer and much further reach

If you create walkable neighborhoods and public transit, you will reduce the need for roadway expansion, reduce pollution, increase health, reduce traffic congestion and increase raodway safety Less focus on auto transport, please you drop some routes that I would normally take to like the 10. 32 being split out why don't you just baked a 32 that goes to Glenway Crossing a 10. And keep the 32 just the regular 32. I have seen more people get confused about which ones going to Western Hills and which ones going to Delhi especially if they're new to the area. It would be nice if they had one bus that would hit all the different museums centers downtown . It would also be nice if they came out with some kind of family chaos when I take the grandkids on the bus with me it gets quite expensive I rather pay somebody gas money and to take him on the bus and it's a treat for them to go on the bus. And one more thing when my husband was disabled we couldn't get a ride out to what think it was Silverton for him to take a test to see if he was disabled and to get that metro where the bus come to the house to pick you up I had a husband who had a very bad heart condition and they wanted me to take him out there so they can test him that's kind of ridiculous. Has to be a better way none To be modern, we must have advanced thinking Light rail. Do it Having complete streets plans that create WHOLE neighborhoods throughout the Tristate would be great. Everyone should be able to walk, ride, drive or take public transit. Also more transportation besides a bus, and better bus routes are needed. Being able to take transit in to work or downtown would be ideal. Easily being able to walk on sidewalks to destinations near my neighborhood is important. Currently it is clear that we are designed for cars, so if you're not in one you are really at risk of injury, or simply not being able to get to your destination. When you live 10 miles from somewhere it shouldn't require a two hour bus ride to get there I believe we need to invest in street car extension to UC-hospitals. Very important to develop Wasson Way No more "improvements" in highways -- adding lanes. That does nothing to reduce congestion/commuter times in the long run. Let's use innovative public-private partnership to fix our biggest problems -- Brent Spence and Western Hills viaduct. Let's expand the streetcar to Clifton. Let's really get serious about precepts of the award-winning Plan Cincinnati's walkability ideas. Let's connect under-employed people and impoverished people to jobs, education & health care services Roads and highways are important, but we are wasting millions of dollars in asphalt. I would like to see viable go speed rail options return to our region I would to see investment in alternatives to the car centric road plans. We need a diversity of options including buses, light rail and bike/ pedestrian projects Make sure you look at total user experience. I'm excited for the new light rail downtown but I'll have to drive downtown to use it. If you want folks to use rail there needs to be safe parking areas near th stops especially the outlying ones. Folks from West Chester or Mason might come downtown for an event (show, music, festival etc.) on a week night if they could easily park their car nearby and hop on a train taking them down in less time it takes to drive. We need to change the mindset that the bus is for poor people who can't afford a car and instead have it be part of an integrated public transport system that is safe and convenient to use The fact there isn't light rail to Cincinnati airport is relidulious Less interstate travel through the city. Expand the lanes of travel around the city for interstate traffic I have lived in Hamilton, OH all my life. I have worked in manufacturing almost all my life. I went to school at Miami, worked at the EPA, drove an hour and realized that was counter productive and went back to working manufacturing, but still have to drive at least 11 miles to get a comparable job Hoping that the light rail to possibly Chicago is still in the works. Hopeful that Cincinnati can increase its public transportation to make it easier to the city. So far I'm not driving because it is much cheaper to take the metro but after today, being stuck in zoo traffic for 45 mins, I'm reconsidering I would enjoy bike commuting more often, particularly if there were more dedicated bike lanes We need rail I'm glad to hear that the Streetcar is on its way soon, and I'll be glad to see any extensions as well as Light Rail options. I've lived in a couple cities with Light Rail (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia and Minneapolis), and it makes a big difference Please, please help lead the way in implementing bicycle plans and educating the public as to the importance of bicycle infrastructure The Cincinnati Streetcar should extend Uptown to hospitals and the University of Cincinnati It seems that traffic/congestion is continuting to increase need ot invest in roads whether new or expanded to improve capacity This area has grown significantly and the infrastructure has not. This area compared to other parts of the country is way behind Make more bike lanes & lets get a train for inter city, inter region mass transit instead of focusing on updating & expanding our freeways Bus system is slow and outdated. We need light rail with short headways Quit focusing on bikes, bike paths and reducing major through ways to acomodate bikes. Bikes are not a serious solution to any traffic problem in cincinnati. If you can find a way to tax the useage of bike on bike paths, then go for it. But until then, stop spending my tax dollars on a mode of transportation that contributes $0 taxes to its infrastructure

Previously, I rode the bus to both work and university. Now I drive my car because I sometimes need it for work and the main pick up for the express bus which would take me back home only comes to government square in downtown. My office is too far away to make the bus a viable option during bad weather, the cold, and fitting with my sometimes very flexible schedule Expand street car to Clifton and hyde park areas Can't wait to ride the streetcar, except I can ride my bike just as far - faster & cheaper. Please invest in extended light rail options Light rail within the 275 loop and high speed rail to other cities like Cleveland, Indy, and Chicago would be amazing Traffic light timing. None To compete with our peer cities, our region needs to focus on transit I wonder how much of our traffic congestion could be alleviated by building light rail along the I-71 and I-75 corridors - it seems that much of the congestion comes from moving people in and out of downtown for work Maintenance of existing roads is also a high priority

Having spent time in Portland, OR, and east coast cities, I would LOVE for Cincinnati to have more reliable, flexible public transportation options. Train, bus, light rail - anything - ESPECIALLY connecting suburbs to Cincinnati. I would LOVE nothing more than to *not* drive to work, but living in Milford and commuting to Avondale, means lots of driving. Please, PLEASE investigate and invest in a solid, flexible, and affordable public transit system including buses, trains, rail, etc. So much better for the environment, safer for commuters

I only drive my car to my job two miles away because I had to pay for an expensive repair. My wife exclusively takes the bus. I would like to see a more comprehensive regional plan It would be great to have more regional hubs around each city to transport passengers If you want people to move downtown, you have to get smog to move out of town, especially in the hot summer months Please support the expansion of the streetcar and/or light rail to other neighborhoods within the city - the expansion of this system is critical to future transportation needs! I also strongly support expanded Amtrak service and bicycle infrastructure (trails and on-road bike lanes). More bikes lanes and bike paths Scrap the streetcar system. Use more and smaller buses over expanded routes Keep promoting the need to use less fossil fuel. Consider user fees for major bridge repairs - bad and aging pavement causes damage to cars tires and suspension systems I hope as a region we start to look at other transportation options besides cars I am looking forward to the completion of the riverwalk in nky connecting bromley to dayton ky. I am really hoping there is not a toll for the new bridge as that would impact me both ways multiple times a day More express routes, not just during rush hours No more bike paths. The cyclists don't use them. What a waste of money I don't know of any other business that reacts to lower sales by increasing prices (except maybe the USPS). It makes absolutely zero sense. Why would I pay $4-5.00 for a round trip that takes nearly 3 hours out of my day when I could make the same round trip in under 30 minutes by car, and only spend about 75 cents in fuel WE need to develop our public transit and bicycle options, as well as making our city more pedestrian-friendly Traffic in Cincinnati is unbearable. And the companies we work for are getting tired of people always being late. As an employee, you can't gauge if your 15-17 minute commute will be 45 or 60- minutes because of all the people on the road. When your 15-17 minute commute takes 45-60 minutes, it's a problem. And these idiots protesting any new roads should not be listened to (i.e. the village of Newtown should NOT have been allowed to stop the east side connector).

Every winter the roads become terribly rundown (huge potholes, etc) - to the point I'm worried for the safety of my vehicle. If these could be repaired in a more timely manner, I think it be great So many in Cincinnati love to bike. I don't understand it, but it should continue to be encouraged. THERE IS SO MUCH POTENTIAL IN A BUS SYSTEM that is going unused. Busses take way to long to get to their destination, stop way too frequently, have potential to cater to more customers by adding services like wifi and more express routes that could subsidize current operations. It could be like ride sharing with regular customers using prepackaged express routes on a large scale instead of expensive individual custom rides like UBER. Think quick, short routes to/from regional hubs with point to point express routes between regional hubs. Charge premium, millennials don't want to own cars, and it's a relatively low cost initiative compared to passenger trains. Rail would be best, but we are stuck with the infrastructure we have We need rail to compete against similar cities. A transportation sales tax is the key to funding this Build a downtown to the airport commuter rail line Roads need lots of attention Too many smokers among bus riders. Public health and transit officials should meet to educate the bus riders. Na The traffic issues always seem to be due to construction. If a McDonalds can go up in a week why does it take YEARS for anything to be done on a highway? I always seem to see nothing ever being done. Just traffic cones and empty construction sites I would gladly use something like Chicago's Metra Commuter Trains from the further suburbs - re-opening Glendale's Commuter train capability A guy shoots four people in Vermont and it's national news for days. The same day eleven people die in car crashes in the state of Ohio alone and it's just another day. Why can't we come up with something other than eight inches of painted line to separate 2500 lb vehicles travelling in opposite directions at a combined speed of 80 mph NA

The accessibility of jobs and neighborhood retail centers needs significant improvement in Cincinnati. One is almost completely car dependent. Alternatives to the car should be pursued as a regional priority to enhance mobility and security within the region. Enhanced mobility has a follow-on to a more integrated economy for the region in my opinion. One of the defining hallmarks of world-class cities is that one can easily obtain new employment within the region. Jobs are certainly primary factor in this. But mobility is also an important factor in this. While roads certainly play an important role in mobility and commerce, there is much evidence in research indicating additional lane capacity does not reduce congestion or significantly enhance mobility. Our region must look at alternatives and diversify. Diversification ensures that our regional transportation system is anti-fragile, which can provide benefits not just economically but during emergencies as well. Please do something, anything. After commuting by subway for 5 years this whole driving to work thing is a drag Please help us fix the 71 North bottleneck at Ridge Avenue and the 75 bridge into Kentucky The list of friends who are really talented young professionals, but moved out of Cincinnati (and sold their cars) is getting long. We are also thinking about a move to a city with more transit options before my fiancé and I settle down. It's not ONLY about the transit, the transit leads to more vibrant places, and we would be able to walk more I think green technologies are feasible for public transit in a place like Cincinnati where the is no existing mass public transit system. This would create a lot of jobs and improve the quality of living in the city. It would also reduce CO2 emitted by cars because less people would need to drive and less city buses would be necessary There is alot of congestion in the jungle jim area especially when coming out of there by making a left onto northbound Glen este withamsville rd My spouse and I share a car but because I drop off our daughter I usually use the car. We also use bikes, a scooter and busses. We like the cost savings of sharing a car but would also love more busses running on winton road and always appreciate better bike infrastructure Cincinnati needs commuter rail transit We shd have light rail option. Especially to the airport and the north suburbs

I think that the eastern bypass proposed by Henry Fischer is a terrible idea. It will ruin southern Campbell county and not solve the problem of the Brent spence bridge, just put it off till another day Not sure if this is the place - but I want to emphasize that plans to build bypasses or new highways that cut through urban communities in order to serve bedroom communities are unacceptable. Instead of encouraging sprawl (& white flight) and pollution we should have walkable communities and good public transportation options.

I do not approve of the proposed eastern bypass; it would ruin our rural community. People choose to live here because it's quiet and peaceful, we don't want a highway in our yard. They flash around that it will bring jobs, the people who live here don't mind commuting to their jobs. What it really means is strip malls and check cashing businesses, we have enough of that garbage as it is. They need to stick to the issue that the bridge needs replaced and shelve the personal money making agenda; we don't need a bypass, we need a safe bridge and more public transportation options. I have been to many cities in my life and what makes for the most functional and user friendly ones is public transportation; we need to bring the area into this century. Don't build a bypass and shove the pollution and traffic in someone else's yard, build some additional public transportation and lessen the traffic as a whole. It just makes sense N/A I bought a bike when I retired, expecting to use it for all my short trips. But I quickly learned how dangerous it is to ride on the streets here! Too scary! It just sits in the garage now I've lived in other areas where public transportation is a bigger focus and more important to the community. That isn't the case in this area. I think more people would use public transportation if it was better and more frequent. For an area that is so spread out and a large population, a good transportation system is definitely a necessity A fast lane, that will run from Downtown Cincinnati to Liberty Township Larger cities have HOV lanes. Maybe that will be an incentive for carpooling. Also, it may be an incentive for hybrid/electric vehicles I think improving the state of our public transportation system in Cincinnati could be a leading factor in attracting people in our area and decreasing the segregation of our city. We are a city divided into tiny neighborhoods that stay within themselves. Greater connectivity could have a large impact on that. If there are ways to be involved in supporting that work, i would be happy to do so - [email protected] My commute takes about ten minutes to get from East Price Hill to South Cumminsville, all surface streets. I would happily ride the bus if it did not extend my commute time to an hour in each direction. I'm leery of bike commuting on Glenway, Westwood Ave, or along Beekman where it intersects with Hopple...not very bike friendly traffic conditions between steep grades and no protected lanes (or even a reminder for drivers that they should share the road). I'd like to be able to walk to the grocery store or the gym or other close places without having to drive...but there aren't safe sidewalks Expanded bus service is more important than the streetcars I would ride my bike to work if my wife thought it were safer. More bike lanes in the city would help with that Working form home helps the environment by reducing our carbon foot print, improves the lives of employees as they can reduce travel time and expense freeing up limited resources. Also allows stressed employees to better manage their work/life balance I am currently Ok with Metro routes I use, but sometimes they come early or late - it would be nice to have shorter distances to walk to get to Metro routes

Infrastructure designs along the I-71 and I-75 corridors is horrible. There's no reason that traffic should come to a stand still every single weekday in the same areas. Something needs to be done as it is just getting worse as people move to the suburbs and commute into greater Cincinnati. A 25 minute drive on Saturday-Sunday is no less than 45-50 minutes on Monday-Friday; worse of course if rain/snow is involved. Please do something about I-275 merge to 75 north/south. please, please, please do something about SR 126 (Ronald Regan Hwy) merge onto I75 north/south For four years, I used Cincinnati Metro to commute to and from work. I was satisfied with this system, but when I bought a house in another part of Hamilton County, my nearest Metro route dropped me off at a part of the city that made me feel unsafe. I would gladly continue to use Metro if their Express options were more viable I'm glad there is a new on/off ramp going in on I-71 closer to Children's Hospital. I don't think bike paths should be created if doing so reduces driving lanes and creates more congestion, as on Central Parkway More buses to different routes I think the congestion/traffic is related to the car crashes and I think drivers in this region are less aware of safe driving practices/driving etiquette than any other region I have lived. I also think it is insane that we have one metro area in Cincinnati/Northern Kentucky and two transit systems and that to navigate both you need to transfer I love the fix that occurred off of the Rybolt Road exit near Wesselman, very nice now! The only other suggestion is making the roads have the ridges/edges in them in and around sharp turns on the roads to help with accidents. I noticed they did this on Bridgetown Road near Kuliga Park on a sharp bend, much better now. Also love what was done to the Western Hills Viaduct near River Road, I was in a terrible car accident in 2003 under the old under pass because of how sharp of a turn that was and the car I was in hit a pole holding up the old overpass. Now it is much safer and easier to drive...well done I have never lived in a city with so many bottlenecks! It's horrible and creates all the traffic Take another look at I-75S from Roselawn to Downtown, the updates are causing confusion and accidents. The Lanes are too small and curvy. Thank you 1) Make a decision with the Brent Spence Bridge project and get the work started. 2) Consider expanding the Butler County Regional Highway out to I-71 Glad to know that you consider the comments of the tax payers before you spend funds on improvements My commute is an hour from Trenton OH to Children's Hospital on Lincoln Ave. Would LOVE to either see FAST public transportation (i.e., subway from northern Cinci to the hospital) or need more lanes, etc. to alleviate some of the traffic congestion. The amount of time spent in a car in traffic is time away from family, etc Bus service in Cincinnati needs to be expanded There should be rapid/modern rail for the i75 corridor. From just south of Florence all the way to the area near to the Dayton airport. There's a lot of population through this area and it would connect major population and work centers. Bus or street cars could have stops/pickups wherever it stops along the route. Garages could even be built at the stops. The right-of-way is already there

We need both: modern modes of transportation (Disney world has had Monorails for decades) and changing neighborhood construction as walkable neighborhoods (see Jacksonville Fla)

I have taken the public bus to work before. There were a couple of occurrences where the bus didn't appear as scheduled. However, more importantly at times I was intimidated/afraid on the bus Cincinnati and Dayton should be looked at as one region instead of realizing we don't have any transit options connecting the two. One line from just south of Florence KY up i75 next to the Dayton airport. I75 corridor would reach a huge population of people I often get nails in my tires (4) since moving to the CCHMC Lincoln building last year. Cleaning of the street would be nice so that this does not continue to happen There's currently no good way to get from the west side to east side of Hamilton county (Monfort Heights to Milford for example). Also, it would be very helpful to have another bridge across the Ohio River, from North Bend or Addyson in OH to northern KY Traffic into the city and out of the city every work day is severe and needs to be addressed immediately! All major highways have delays, are dangerous, and cause visitors/travellers to HATE the city mass transit please!! and not just to downtown Maintain current roads and adapt to 21st century needs (bike lanes and public transit) before expanding and widening roads Thanks for all you do I'm okay with tolls, I understand that tolls are a way that I can invest in the future of the region My only transit option today is to drive my car - I have no alternatives available. I would like commuter rail alternatives. With the Streetcar in place, using rail to commute into downtown is highly attractive to me I believe that the Bright to I 74 proposed highway is a waste of resources that could be used to improve existing roadway safety. Taxes in Dearborn county will have to be raised to construct the super highway for the benefit of a few We are a rural area and not conducive to modern public transit. I think it's imperative to the growth of the region to adapt our transportation plans to accommodate new technologies and to recognize the changing mind set of the next generation that is less tied to their cars and more interested in convenient mass transit Metro and Tank need to expand TOGETHER ...also, Metro needs to take on some of Tanks class, bc Metro hardly has any The CBD/OTR streetcar loop is a good first step, but planning for its expansion to Uptown as a next step should be as high - if not higher - a priority as the MLK interchange Need to expand Rail. Daily Amtrak service to Chicago. Expand Streetcar to UC, Northside, Walnut Hills Expand the streetcar network to the uptown area. Reattempt to implement light rail. I want to live in a walkable neighborhood where there is abundant and convenient transit. Cincinnati needs to continue making big strides in these areas. If not, I am willing to relocate to another city Rail is the future of transit High Speed Railway like in many European Countries We should investigate the potential for HOV/HOT lanes on I-75 and I-71 in HAM/WAR/BUT counties. Would provide incentive for HOV and also allow for express bus service that is more attractive I rode the DC Metro subway to/from work every day while I lived there. I would gladly use public transit more often now if there was a reliable, viable option Current Cincinnati bike lane design makes no sense Please look into more rail options. Our city is so behind the times and car dependent Cincinnati is really on the upswing, but the lack of transit options will really cap the growth of our city and greater area. I hate the current mode of increasing capacity on roadways simply to allow many to inefficiently move further away from the urban core at the expense of others Walkable neighborhoods that have the density to support the retail and offices needed to make the neighborhood truly walkable are my highest priority. Transit between neighborhood centers would be my second priority. Having just moved to Cincinnati, it is plain to see that the city's road infrastructure is overbuilt for the population. The city could easily handle a road diet - allowing excess right-of-way to be developed for alternative modes of transportation or sold off for private use. OKI should advocate for more density where warranted in the city and near neighborhood centers, less parking requirements, and more transit options Bus service is terrible, very infrequent on may routes and stops too early in evening Car sharing!! A county, city, or state owned fleet of one-way rentable cars (like service Car2Go) available in cities would be AMAZING I would love to see more options to commute downtown. If there were a rail system that ran every 20-30 minutes, I would gladly take that rather than driving. My schedule changes every day so it's not really feasible for me to take the Metro. I'm one of many who live in NKY and commute to Ohio every day so it would be amazing to see improvements to the Brent Spence Corridor. It's so congested that I avoid it at all costs Quit trying to move back in time, trolleys, light rail don't work with the population densities we have and I live here because of those low densities. Work on the roads Passenger rail investment seems appealing on paper, but it seems our region is not dense enough to justify the expense. We should focus limited transportation dollars on maintaining and improving our road infrastructure. Rail dollars should only come from a voter approved dedicated tax Please keep making progress on commuter bike lanes, wakable communties and mass transit. Intracity rail would be fantastic.Cleveland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Chicago I am very happy with the biking improvements over the last five years and hope we will see many more The Brent Spence Bridge is so outdated for the current traffic we have today. Someone has to address the Federal Government on this issue. Ths is 1-75 for pete sakes. I hate this bridge due to small lanes and people trying to change lanes while a rig is on the bridge As I move into "senior" status, I hope public transportation accessible for senior citizens and all is improved. Light rail connecting the region and areas outside of the region is very important. It can help reduce pollution and congestion, and can encourage a more active lifestyle. Protected bike lanes in cities large and small can do the same. Note the word PROTECTED; just putting up a sign and painting some bikes on an existing roadway is not enough as a disabled citizen, affordable public transit is vital to my exisiance I'm not sure why bus routes seem to be so convoluted and ineffective at efficiently traversing major corridors through the city to connect communities with downtown and with each other. There needs to be radial and lateral routes that connect the region's nodes in a multi-nucleated polycentric way. In addition to improved bus service it would be great to create fixed rail that bolsters green-TOD. If there has already been a feasibility study on this I would be interested in reading it I see the street car as essential moving into the future I would like to see a complete revisit of current bus routes to ensure not just service to downtown, but across town as well. Additionally, there are too many stops placed too close together which results in longer than necessary transit times as well as resulting traffic congestion Construction and widening of i-75 North and South not just repairs - type of transportation North and South on this route to much travel for this highway Cincinnati needs rail. It needs inner-city rail as well as more frequent and faster inter city rail to places like Chicago, Columbus, and even NYC

More resources should be focused on cincinnati's urban and ex-urban core rather than supporting areas on the periphery. This is where the primary growth will occur in the future, and it is desirable that we encourage more people to live where they can share resources and decrease their energy footprints. That means more resources directed towards the city of Cincinnati itself

OKI needs to fund grassroot projects which local governments are unable to fund (townships) There is a need to improve local roads and intersections due to the fact that Ohio's Agriculture's equipment is larger and needs wider roads and berms to move safely from farm to farm. Also larger trucks and equipment means more wear and tear on roads. These people need to make a living just as any one else and it is our job to make that possible. The region has interior grain facilities that there needs to be road improvement done to keep these business and have safe roads to reach them. Remember we all need food. There needs to be funding sources for this projects local governments cannot do them alone with out considerable financial assistance especially since most of this roads are either township or county roads. OKI need to help the small as well as the big

Build a 13 rail system from down town to Milford, down town to. Mason montomery sysemms township , down town to sharonvill or e en better to west chester. Build rail to dayton and another rail to.clumbus . build a world port airport on west side.of Cincinnati and Hamilton county. With rail going.from down town to.airport. need have wind and when possible with 6 16000 feet runway with 20 air port terminals make airport 58/sq miles big. Make 71/and 75 6 lanes on both side.north and sounth. Build the exit on south bound off ramp on exit11/on 71 and build north bound north ramp on to 71 north on exit 11, build south ramp on exit 10/on 71/south. Build new world port air port in Cincinnati and Hamilton county. Thank you I would gladly park my car in Ohio and take a bus or train to work at St. E's if I could I think a regional transit plan like Metro Moves should be resurrected. Trends are all stating that more public transit is desired- now is the time to get ahead of it. We already lag so much on public transit. If we stop thinking only in terms of cars, I think we'd be a lot better off in every other aspect (walking, biking, public transit, etc.) Thanks for the survey. subway and light rail

I think it is important for the OKI region to focus on a completely multimodal transportation plan. That means several things, one, finding a better way to fund highways (tolls) and taking better care of the roads we already have instead of neglecting them for new roads. A lot of current roads are far too wide and there is too much right of way, which can lead to a very depressing design that is uninclusive to pedestrians and cyclists. Many of our roads need to go on "road-diets" and balance the right of way between cars, pedestrians, and cyclists. This also means creating more efficient bus routes that are higher frequency on important roads that connect residents and jobs. On street bike lanes and off street bike trails are two fantastic ways not only to provide an alternate mode of transportation, but they provide spaces for recreation. People who are active and more connected with nature are healthier and happier, its a proven fact. A bike trail system that connects our parks would be a valuable asset to the city and would encourage people to live better lives. I think most important of all though the region needs to expand its light rail options. If we had more light rail routes that not only connected residents to jobs, but lines that connected the entertainment epicenters of the region, we could more easily travel between cities and counties. A multi-state public transit alliance must be created to streamline transportation throughout the region in order for it to be feasible to live in Boone County and work in Butler County (example) without relying on car ownership No new roads. Focus on fixing the obvious transportation infrastructure, like the Brent Spence. STOP widening roads; we can't maintain what we already have! Transportation spending is very limited, so we have to prioritize better than we have in the auto-dominated past The trolley we have bought is a joke. We need to grow or wither on the vine. I should be able to land at the airport and take public transportation to work or home. I should be able to get to the main venue areas without using a car Reliable public transportation would help the environment and enable people to get from point a to point b without a car As someone who lives in a part of the region outside of the city center, my primary concern is improve access to and from the outlying suburbs and Cincinnati. I have a car, and would continue to own one, but increased bus service or eventually rail service would mean that I could make it to other places in the region for shopping and entertainment without the long drives associated with a commute from Harrison. In short, better integration of Cincinnati with its outlying suburbs is essential for the future growth of the region I think there's a real need in Cincinnati for better public transportation that doesn't have the bad reputations or feeling of danger as with buses. My ideal state would be to have better rail options to get to other cities

Although I currently drive alone and live north of Downtown where I work, I am considering a move to Columbia Tusculum so that I can bike in to work on the bike lane on Riverside road. However, if the Ohio River Trail bike path were to be completed, that would obviously be a much nicer ride. I know the City of Cincinnati has decided to re-route that along the Oasis Rail line instead of along the river as originally designed since it would be cheaper. However, since the railroad doesn't want to sell that line, I think it would make more sense to continue that path along the river as originally designed than spend time and money trying to force the railroad to sell. I think the path along the river would make for a nicer rider than next to a rail line. I chose to move to Cincinnati two years ago, and was drawn here by the walkability of many of its neighborhoods, the revitalization of downtown and OTR, a burgeoning bike lane presence, and the approval of the streetcar plan. These qualities made Cincinnati attractive to me and suggested that the city was thinking beyond the single-car model of transportation. I hope Cincinnati and the surrounding area will continue to invest in forward-looking transportation options I would LOVE to see Beechmont Avenue in the Mt. Washington neighborhood made more pedestrian friendly. The street is a speed strip, and not congested at all- but is economically killing Mt. Washington. It would be VERY nice to have transportation options, such as rail- connecting eastside neighborhoods with Downtown. Also, it would be nice to have daily intercity rail connections (Chicago to Cinti, especially) I cant believe anyone would oppose this highway.Most cities have this already.It would be economic boom for lots of small towns I feel that bike paths have been growing in the area and there use can be documented. Im sure initial costs of construction are high but once build I would guess maintenance is much less when compared to automobile surfaces A light rail system that extends to Dayton in the north down to Florence in the south needs to be in place before 2040. By then, the population of the Cincinnati-Dayton Combined Statistical Area will be well over 3.5 million people People my age are moving back down into the urban core. It would be great if I could get to work without driving Need light rail Down 75 from West Chester to Streetcar downtown

Please add like bike lanes and a center turn lane on Erie Avenue like we have on Delta Ave. Also, Wasson Way needs to be built. Finally, the intersection at Madison/Edwards/Wasson is a mess I hate owning a car but it is difficult in Cincinnati to be without one. Consider a more concise set of bus routes which may not cover every neighborhood well but give people timely, direct service along major routes. Public transit needs better funding to grow. It's an asset to a region, not a liability. Build BS Bridge - tolls are OK Cities flourish when they can move people around efficiently. Improved transit would bring more people and companies to Cincinnati center Our region is beginning to grow significantly. Cincinnati's urban core has greatly changed for the better in the past few years. For people like me who live in the suburbs and commute to the city, a dedicated ROW rail system would really bring the communities together. I would liek to be able to go into the city for work and for play without having to worry about driving or parking. The region would grow significantly with better transportation options Infrastructure improvements are key to the future I do mainly local driving so I am for the most part okay with things. I do think we must build a new Brent Spence and maintain existing roadways I think our city would benefit greatly from better/more rail connectivity in the region. OKI should lobby Amtrak and other agencies to provide convenient rail options to Chicago, Cleveland, Pittsburgh, and St. Louis. Passenger rail transport at speeds and schedules that are competitive to driving would be a boon to our region and economy Being from NY I love using other means of tranportation, it's great. The City of Hamilton needs many of their roads repaired. Most are considered below an acceptable level of maintenance. It will take the City 10 years to fix the problem unless they can get more road funding. They also have a bike Master plan for the City and I think programs like this need to be encouraged and funded because it promotes alternate modes of transportation and less traffic I know it's unlikely, but my dream is a light rail network that includes both Cincinnati and Northern Kentucky

A more robust public transportation system - including bus and light rail (and I would add car sharing options) - is key to the progress of our region and to attracting young professionals I hope you'll make a serious look at how 'road diets' have worked across other cities our size and focus on quality of roads vs quantity of roads Streetcar from downtown to newport on the levee across the people people bridge. I would be able to ditch my car and no longer need to park downtown I really think Cincinnati needs some sort of mass transit. Specifically I'd like to see something like the system envisioned at this site: Invest in expanding the streetcar system in the city and inner ring suburbs, stop wasting money on building/expanding highways everywhere make the city cool enough for young people to want to stay Region needs more transit options I have seen the biggest challenge commuting is have the the same technology application and scheduling between TANK and METRO. This should be simplified. I have many friends who don't take the bus because they are confused about the two identity. I'm guess they're is overage in coverage as well There is no single solution to the region's challenges of the future. We must reconcile previous mistakes with urban planning in the region's past with smart, innovative solutions. Neighborhoods are our asset thus our neighborhoods need to be more pedestrian, bike and transit friendly. The state of our roads and our traffic flow is terrible in this city because of poor infrastructure layout and design. We need to invest in fixing some of this. I am also a huge advocate for BRT and a smart rail network connecting dense areas of the region. We can also create bicycle trails like Wasson that can connect our whole region and bring in dollars and spur business and entrepreneurship. We need to come together as a region to build the bright future we all want Please expand the streetcar into Northern KY, connecting it to the system in Cincinnati. This will be a massive boost to investment in our urban core. Once the core grows / repopulates, the system will pay for itself (directly and indirectly through tax income) and will allow expansion to strategic suburban nodes: Airport, malls, office parks and major industrial zones. This city desperately needs a more comprehensive transit system, and bus routes alone will not suffice Thanks for listening, and let me know how i can help Why is there no regional rail connecting Dayton and Cincinnati I feel it is important for oki to focus more on developing a comprehensive transit system including trains busses and bikes rather than more roads and highways

I think the city needs to think about the roads that are used as main thoroughfares but are not set up to deal with that much traffic. There are many roads that people use to avoid routes that back up frequently, that should be residential streets. This traffic often travels in much the same manner that they would on a busier road and detriments residential neighborhoods This would be such a great region if we were not so dependent on cars. I hope to see a day where I can get to work in a timely manner using public transit I would love to be able to use public transit to get around the city more. Currently the bus system does not keep to its schedule often enough (when I have tried to use Metro, the espress routes were way behind) and there is no real-time tracking app supported by SORTA. I would also like to see more BRT-type routes and an expanded rail transit. Also, downtown Cincinnati needs to be more bike friendly, and one ways reduced I would love the Hamilton bike path to connect to more major bike paths or cities in the area.

The citizens of the City of Cincinnati are ready for rail/BRT. Please acknowledge that even if the burbs do not wish connections, that urban dwellers wish for better transit. Thank you!

I'd much rather see investment in local regional rail than highway expansion. Where 71 South was widened, near the Ronald Reagan exit, traffic has been slower than before the expansion LIGHT RAIL More Bike Lanes, more public transit, and a solution the Brent Spence Bridge In the next 20-40 years, midwest cities such Cincinnati, Cleveland, Indianapolis, etc. have a tremendous opportunity to expand on an underutilized public transportation system. The economic growth and urban development which quality public transportation can spur is proven in cities throughout the country (Washington D.C., Portland, New York City). Expanding existing highways has only led to more congestion. It's time to learn from our mistakes and start putting federal money towards better public transportation and bike paths throughout cities. Not only well this help to save our environment, it will also improve the health of our city's population OKI should encourage the use of public transportation, improve and expand modes of public transit, and promote walkable neighborhoods and healthy communities by stopping its decades long misguided encouragement of urban sprawl

We need to expand the streetcar system to uptown and beyond. I would love to have passenger train service to other Ohio cities, especially Toledo, where my wife's parents live. No comments I think on road bike paths are very important and should be a focus.

Having relied on vehicles for my adult life, I longingly look at other cities and the different modes(aside from buses and taxis) of transportation and wish these were in the Greater Cincinnati area. I think the street car is an excellent addition to Cincinnati, and this is exactly what the city needs Not having to drive everywhere will be amazing, and it is actually making me consider moving my family into the city. If I could walk out of my front door, and not have to drive my POV(Personally owned Vehicle) all over the city, I would be very happy. I feel alternative modes of transportation will be extremely beneficial to the city, and this is one of the smartest moves the city has done in a very, very long time. Having just gotten out of the Military, I was offered the chance to go to school at several schools all over the country, but knowing what downtown has done to make the city better made me want to move back home to the area. Between all of the renovations to the downtown area, to the bikes and now the street car, I feel these moves are going to keep the city desirable to people who are considering moving to a new location from elsewhere The focus should be much more on mass transit options and eliminating the need for personal cars. We are well beyond the age of remaining prideful about our vehicle habits. Cincinnati's urban development is growing at a pace that warrants high investment in public transit I love the idea of the Streetcar, but it is so small it needs to have branches out into the city to last long-term. If branches could be extended up to Clifton, down through Covington and Newport, up to Glenway Ave, and up to Oakley, it gives riders many more reasons to use it. If it could branch out to locations that could contain park-n-ride garages/lots, then it could have an impact on rush hour commuting and just about everyone in Cincy can get behind that! Also, I would need a lot of convicing to get behind a rural bypass highway that the Brent Spence opposition (including KY Gov Matt Bevin) are championing. I think Brent Spence needs replacing, and I also like hte idea of new bridges between downtown and 275, like Columbia Tusculum to Dayton, and at Anderson Ferry BRT and Light Rail arecritical to the future development of the region. Connecting the large nodes of activity throughout our region, as well as providing access to NEW areas that could utilize mass transit will spur economic growth throoughout the region and attract the best and brightest from around the country to move here. The streetcar is a great improvement for Cincinnati I would like for the region to become more unified as opposed to being segmented into a faction here and a faction there each with it's own agenda This area has one of the worst public transportation systems that I've experienced. There is no variety and the area that is covered by public transportation is ridiculously small especially when you consider that the farther out places are only reachable on a commuter bus schedule I would use train service. The bus system always seems complicated and the wait between pickups is too long. I am a Hamilton County property own and pay substantial taxes. I like the idea of my tax money going towards public transportation and the Cincinnati Streetcar Would love to have a train to the airport. Would LOVE to have streetcar to downtown from Hyde Park Another thing Cincinnati could use is a subway system We really need much more rail options. Airport to West Chester and Kings Island and East Side to Indiana. All of these should connect in the urban downtown Cincinnati. From there Subway and Streetcar could connect people to their jobs. This would greatly reduce traffic, the burden on our roads, and solve the Brent Spence issue. We need to reduce the amount of cars on the road and provide high quality transportation options to get to and from work I would love to see our region become less car dependent for myself and my children as they grow up. Getting around the region on rail would be amazing, as well as connecting to other cities in Ohio, Indiana and Chicago

Roadway and infrastructure maintenance is important to existing businesses and the ability to attract new business. I cannot express how tired I am of reading dismissive comments about the "burbs" and the "selfish people" who don't care about the city. The sustainability of our transportation infrastructure needs to be a priority over the feel good toys of urban hipsters Connecting the Riverfront, Little Miami and Riverfront bike trails is a high priority to me We need a 100-year plan for a regional rail system and it needs to come from OKI to be credible. Without it, our region will continue to fight an uphill battle against competing regions and gridlock will continue to compound on itself despite additional capacity additions. We need to be strategic in how we spend our transportation dollars and stay in the competition with other cities that we're currently losing Would love to have light rail and a connection to Indy, Columbus, Cleveland, Chicago More rail and bus routes within the city and connections to other cities I think the city center is just beginning to come back alive and we need to make sure that it has the transportation options it needs to keep up the revitalization Good transportation and infrastructure that provides effective means for people to travel throughout the OKI region and beyond is important to people living/working here and the economy needed to support that The region could benefit by advocating for a rail connection between cities with large universities (Cincinnati to Columbus and Lexington). This would allow young people to explore the region. It would also capitalize on the geographic proximity of these cities to sell themselves as regional travel destination I'd love to see the city continue to become more and more bicycle friendly. A protected bike lane traveling north/south and east/west in the city center would be great! In the next 25 years I would love to see the streetcar expanded all across the region. I'd love it to be a form of viable transportation for everyday needs. I'd like to see it go to Clifton, Newport, Covington, Airport, Oakley, Hyde Park, Northside, etc... There needs to be light rail from Kings Island/Lebanon to Cincinnati, Dayton to Cincinnati, Cincinnati to CVG

To make car-free or car-light options possible, the biggest issue is creating walkable neighborhoods. Places people actually want to walk around in. Shrinking Liberty Street in OTR, building new mixed-use construction in neighborhoods with zero set backs, and adding reliable transportation alternatives to driving are the best ways to do that. Adding regular high-speed train travel between Cincinnati-Columbus-Cleveland and other midwestern cities (Pittsburgh, Chicago, Detroit, Toledo, Dayton, Indianapolis, etc) will make the occasional required drive unnecessary. Connecting Sharonville, Reading, Downtown, Uptown, Covington, Blue Ash, Mason, etc by reliable light rail will completely eliminate my need for a car to do anything beyond getting to work and get many people to work. Connecting the region with itself on the neighborhood, metro, and regional scale is how to improve access to jobs. That is my #1 priority as a voter and resident in the metro area We need to revisit intracity and intercity public transit options to reinvigorate our region

One truth in road building is 'if you build it, cars will fill it up'. The American Lung Association recently listed Cincinnati as the 8th most at risk region in the country for particle pollution. I75 and the 170,000 vehicles that zoom past our homes, schools, and businesses everyday are major contributors to this. A new bridge and corridor or new bypass will only increase our risk of becoming sickened by tailpipe emissions and do little to reduce traffic congestion. Build nothing! Instead, cap and trade traffic for local commuters and toll passers-through. Issue every commuter in the area 10 bridge crossing credits per week - 2 crossings per day - for free. Those who require fewer credits may sell their credits to those who require more and credits can be used for public transportation. This will cap the amount of traffic, reduce congestion, improve air quality, and raise needed revenue by tolling those drivers who are merely passing through. This market-based solution should be an easy pill for our politicians to swallow. The Highway Trust Fund is badly insolvent. The Cincinnati region is not getting any help from the Feds. Any project will be funded by private interests who will want a return on their investment - that means high tolls for everyone! This plan only tolls those who don't rely on the bridge for a daily commute. It also incentivizes efficient use of our bridge which will reduce congestion and emissions Expand streetcar up the hill to the university and hospitals I would like to see spending on regional or inter city rail transit that is frequent and accessible. I would also like to see additional streetcar spending to bring it to uptown Cincinnati Creating safe bike ways should be a top commitment in our area

I live in an area where I am completely stranded if I have no car access. I would love to be able to do my errands by bike or on food, but the building density is too low and therefore the infrastructure is not here. Also, allowing for mixed-use development and greater building density will proide the tax base to better help fiscally support more amenities like bike paths/lanes I would love to see the streetcar go to uptown. Also, Cincinnati needs more bike infrastructure. If Cincinnati could get BRTs, that would be amazing as well We are drastically lagging behind peer cities in public transit and it needs to be better addressed by local and state governments Cincinnati has so much potential to have all areas of the city thrive by making individual neighborhoods walkable and bike-friendly while having them connect by a network of lightrail, commuter rail, and streetcars. Anyone who thinks this is not appropriate for Cincinnati is shortsighted and if Cincinnati were to implement these suggestions more young people would stay and ones outside the city would come in. There is a reason OTR is so popular with young people and it is because of what I just listed so why not apply that thought to all neighborhoods. Also, I would like to note that not only would this process make each neighborhood thrive, but would also create a unity between the different neighborhoods. Imagine how much Hamilton, for example, would benefit if it had a commuter rail that picked up its residents and sent them to the Cincinnati area to work and be educated. Both would benefit from it and towns that are economically depressed could see a renewal on life because its citizens can bring back income they earn in Cincinnati or open a business after going to school at an affordable and accredited college. Please do something soon because as it is I will probably leave in the near future in part because of the transportation issues. I don't want to sit in traffic, I don't want to deal with a lack of adequate bus times, I want to live in a city that gets it Focus on encouraging developments that are transit-friendly and accessible without a car. I'd love to take the bus to my job in the suburbs, but if I do I'm basically stranded out there, as there is no way to get around (lunch, errands, etc) without a car Keep focused on the future. No new roads are needed. Focus on more road diets, regional rail and expanding streetcar services

Expanding roadways does not help us, investing in public transportation and other modes besides personal vehicles will reduce congestion and save us all in cost of repair for the structures Public rail options throughout the region and connecting to other Midwest locations should be top priority I live in Walnut Hills and spend a lot of time downtown and traveling up Madison road. I would almost never use a car if there was a tram/street car system that could get me from Hyde park square through east walnut hills and downtown My wife and I are avid cyclists and recently had a child. We are nervous about the safety of cycling on local streets with her Light Rail Light Rail omg please create Light Rail. at one point cincinnati and Chicago had the same growth path until they choose to continue with thier Light rail and now look at the two cities. They have over a Million people and cincinnati proper can hardly attract over 300k. WE NEED LIGHT RAIL!!!!!!!!! Would love to see work done to continue to improve the streetcar system expanding, looking into creating a less car dependent downtown and surrounding regions I truly hope the streetcar will be successful and will jumpstart further miles of rail in our city The only reasonable way to move from downtown to suburbs is car. Would be great to have options Ohio has 1000+ traffic deaths this year! Providing transit options is a matter of public safety! I hope the street car is worth the wait! Southeastern Indiana can grow if the infustructure was created. Our Legislature doesn't want to put money here while they can do it in the major cities Expanded express bus service throughout the Tri-State area....

Living in rural Dearborn county other modes of transportation are not economically feasible however if I was living within a reasonable size town or city, public transport would dominate my priorities. Light rail that would connect the northern, southern, eastern and western suburbs with the central part of Cincinnati would greatly improve the existing traffic woes that the region currently is experiencing. A MAJOR problem that I see impacting the entire tri-state is the lack of progress to the Brent Spense replacement/addition. I know that KY owns the river and therefore the bridges but to force that state to repair/replace all Ohio river bridges is a lack of foresight on the interstate system. As the word says "interstate" not "intrastate". I believe interstate funding is lacking on the federal level for maintaining our current highway system. If it means raising the federal highway tax, then that is what must be done and I'm no fan of raising taxes The region needs to be more proactive in providing incentives to ride the bus. When I talk to co-workers, they complain that it is either not convenient enough (i.e., too infrequent) or they see no value in it. I think the biggest problem is the lack of dedicated mass transit/HOV lanes. "Why ride the bus when you see it sitting in traffic with you?", people ask. We should require that ALL major new bridges and roadways (ex: Brent Spence, WH viaduct) be retrofitted with these lanes. Wouldn't that help justify more government funding? The shoulders on I-71 are a nice start, but we need lanes. Why are we widening I-75 for more cars? We need to motivate people to use mass transit Thanks, good job!! Build a light rail service connecting Lex, Louis, Cin More rail! It would be nice to have some type of rail system (bullet train) that would connect Cincinnati, to Dayton, Cleveland, Indianapolis, Lexington, Louisville. It would be expensive but it seems like obvious routes that would get traveled by the general population We need handicapped accessible taxis! the lack of adequate public transit is holding back job opportunities n/a Please do not add any more traffic lights to 32. It is already bad enough. Also, if you look at the drawings at GoClermont, the engineers think 32 is a US Highway, and in another picture they have 32 labeled as 275. If they are this incompetent, how can we trust them with million dollar projects? We have a great need to make more transportation available and affordable for the elderly who are too fragile to wait at bus stops. They deserve to have a way to purchase food, go to the bank and the doctor A lot of our patients need public transportation to get to/from appointments. Several of them have used a free service that seemed to be not very client friendly. The patients would have to arrive super early or stay up to a few hours post treatment to wait on said ride. And they all had mult complaints of rude service but were afraid to speak up for fear they would miss future appointments for speaking up. I would love to see a friendly, reliable service for the public who really needs it. I am very supportive of the streetcar, but we have to extend it to Uptown to maximize its potential. I hope that the streetcar will become the springboard for developing light rail. creating more bike paths like the Loveland bike trail should be a priority. And replacement of Brent Spence should be Number 1 priority Better bus connection to get more people connected to job centers Northern Kentucky is set up terribly to try and bike/walk, do something other than drive. Do anything to replace the BenSpence Bridge. Even if it means tolls, it needs to be done Rail transportation needs to be provided in Greater Cincinnati. Our region is in the Dark Ages when it comes to public transportation, especially trains. Construction of the Oasis rail line needs to start immediately. And planning for other rail lines needs to begin now as well Transportation should be somewhat reactive and reflective of the choices made by the regional population. Planning efforts should try to ascertain those coming trends and direct resources accordingly Public transportation for people to and from Ky and In and from outside counties in and out of Hamilton County is terrible. I work with people who cannot get to medical specialist appointments from Clermont County to Hamilton County. It is terrible that we don't have options for them I moved here in 2014 from Morgantown, WV. The roads here are EXPONENTIALLY better than there, so when people complain, I have to laugh. I think OKI does a great job. Great job OKI staff! NO TOLLS ON THE BRENT SPENCE None It seems that previous plans have been made to meet surrent challenges rather than linclude the growth in the future I am absolutely opposed to creating any entity to collect tolls on the Brent Spence Bridge Why is there no transit circling the downtown Cincinnati business area A new bridge from Kentucky to Cincinnati Big fan of the Eastern City Bypass...would alleviate a lot of traffic around Lebanon, Brent Spence Bridge, and provide increased connectivity to Kentucky We need smaller busses and perhaps vans, like some European countries have. Buses are hardly ever full; sometimes only 2 or 3 riders! The sidewalks along Kyles Lane and Highland Pike are in poor shape at the gutters. They are sinking and pose a trip hazard to people walking those paths. I think they should be fixed before someone falls and sues the city/county Please figure out a way to reduce the congestion - light rail, hint, hint. I drive 28 miles to work and spend around 1 1/2 in traffic. The same goes for on the way home where are live in colerain/green township, there are no sidewalks, shoulders, or bike paths. i would like to ride my bike places but it is too dangerous Coordinate transportation improvements with other infrastructure needs I-75, I-275 & I-71 use needs to be reviewed on a regular basis. The politicians need to pass legislation to restrict over the road trucks from I-71 & I-75. Why can other states & cities restrict trucks and we refuse to restrict them. Using I-275 is the best way to cut down on traffic congestion, pollution and improving traffic flow in our area. The I-75/71 Brent Spence bridge needs to be replaced and a toll to help finance this is the way to go. Tolls should be based on vehicle size & weight I love the Cincinnati Streetcar and can't wait to ride it! Thanks for all of the work you do! the river navigation infrastructure is in desperate need of recapitalization When creating new roads, plan for extra side lines for future road work. Heavy traffic being squeezed into one lane is impossible for some of us Expanded roadways may only increase congestion. Improved connectivity through better design and alternate routes, and also increased opportunities for multi modes of transportation seems a better approach Walkability is key. Developing technologies that allow us to travel without physical or manual operation Electric Cars or golf cart style cars to rent in our communities to get about would be a help for seniors and stay at home moms. A truly direct, express route from downtown to one destination would be nice. Not having it also make 20 other stops on the way and adding 10-15 minutes tothe route (specifically the Delhi express that runs from Glenway Crossing). I would like to see OKI adopt a "complete streets" policy to force developers to build sidewalks into new communities and a plan for existing communities to add sidewalks Would be great if we had rail transportation to other major cities I believe active transportation is critical - including walking, biking, public transportation. We also need to repair/replace infrastructure

I once worked in Columbus. It was ridiculous to see so many people I knew driving to Columbus every morning. We'd wave to each other all the while wishing there was a rapid system to get us there and back. I still frequently drive to Columbus for business meetings. It is a shame in 15 years since working in Columbus there is no movement on this issue A trip to Cincinnati from the north along I-75 is frequently a nightmare and prevents me and my family from participating in Cincinnati events. We would rather drive to Columbus even though it is further. The drive is quicker and so much more relaxing. I hate to drive to downtown Cincinnati along I-75. We need a light rail or some other connection from Dayton to Cincinnati that takes cars off the road -- but I am afraid the region's shortsightedness has made that almost impossible

Bike paths would be a great improvement. Sell bike license plates to support construction/maintenance of bike trails. Decreased driving would greatly reduce traffic and pollution in the area. There has been more and more discussion recently about implementing daily train service between Cincinnati and Chicago. This appears to have broad support and should be aggressively supported by OKI as well. As i stated above. OKI has vast areas between the major cities that car travel takes too long. Getting to and from airports is a major problem in this region. All could be solved with ultra modern high-speed rail. This would open up commerce between all the cities in OKI. Also relieve stress on the under maintenanced roads that never seem to get completed. Let's start moving forward on something that the tax payers can be proud of Creating walkable, livable neighborhoods is the key to increasing spending at the types of businesses that keep our money in the Tristate area. Here's a concept I had for high frequency transit circulators Coordinate schedules between Metro and TANK to increase efficiency The City of Cincinnati needs to spend money smartly. Don't tell me you can't pave the tiny little potholed alley behind my house b/c of lack of money and then throw millions away on fruitless "bridge talks" and trolleys that will only serve a limited number of tax payers and a bunch of people who don't pay taxes at all! Nada

I would like Metro Plus to have an additional or different OTR stop, around 14th & Vine. The findlay market area stop is frankly dark and scary especially in the morning before the market opens Please push for rail transit in the greater Cincinnati area. I would absolutely love to be able to get around Cincinnati without having to use a car, and the current bus transit situation is atrocious, due to the length of time it takes to get anywhere on a bus in our city. When you want to travel when & where you want, nothing beats a personal auto. I also use Uber for short distances where I don't want to spend time & money parking. I also enjoy riding protected bike trails, but won't use the street lanes for safety reasons. Cars have dominated our streets for too long. I love my car and I use it to visit family in the suburbs (I would prefer a train). I wish there were more shared roads in general, and less roads for cars specifically in my downtown neighborhood so that it can be safer to get around on bike and foot rail service to cities in the OKI area Fast train service to link major metropolitan areas like most other cities have. Street cars that actually link places and are not just a tourist attraction. Improved safety on buses so more people will ride them Integration of transportation modes (e.g. shared bike/walk sidewalks or paths, protected bike lanes on streets, promotion of park & ride) will go a long way to attitudes viewing transportation as a system of integrated & interchangeable parts rather than the interests of drivers versus bikers versus public transportation.

The Federal Government should fund important major interstate projects such as the Brent Spence Bridge replacement/update. States cannot afford & tolls are targeted taxation on locals. Consider Elevated Trains. Encouraging on-street bike improvements in the region and especially in Cincinnati to implement their bicycle Transportation plan. Would love to see the subway completed and put to use eventually Please work on getting light rail around the 275/75/71 interstates and while I don't go north very often, I probably would if there was a high speed connector from Cincinnati to Dayton to Columbus to Cleveland. I used to be a big supporter of rail service but now I think that autonomous vehicles are the future. dedicated lanes for autonomous buses like BRTs could easily connect local destinations as well as connect cities for a whole lot less money than rail. Creating autonomous only lanes on the highways could result in higher density and safer roads it would be nice to have cleaner buses that could help people to connect to

The inefficiencies lie with enabling single user car drivers to dictate suburban spread. Reign in development areas and thus funds can go toward mass tarnsit and fixing existing infrastructure Streetcar out to Avondale to banks

Given the lead-time on project planning, nothing in my lifetime will have the impact that the Eastgate to Oakley corridor would have. Nonetheless, the updates at Eastgate I-275 were great I would like to evaluate train from downtown Hamilton to Union Terminal(they are already existing facilities) Get the Brent Spence Bridge Project DONE! Tolls or another alternative form of funding will have to be a part of the financial package since money does not grow on trees and we are paying less in gasoline taxes due to more efficient vehicles. Without the bridge, jobs will go elsewhere. I work with the elderly and have a disabled mother who can't drive. I would like to see more ways for those who can't drive to get around without having to rely on friends or family If it's true the Federal annual budget is $360B and our car and fuel taxes support the infrastructure, then we should expect to have our bridges covered by Federal and State funds without the use of tolls drive 275 to work everyday, both the Colerain and the Mt. healthy on ramp is always stopped which causes all lanes to stop. this should be expanded to make for easier merging The expansion of Ky 536 through Campbell needs to be sped up to help with the congestion in Campbell County Cincinnati is losing to our peer cities by not investing in more options for transportation, including light rail. Minneapolis just opened a new light rail line that has already far surpassed projections. Widening highways is not the answer, and OKI should study Denver, Minneapolis & Charlotte for cities that have recently expanded rail transit Please it convenient to make connections with the express ways As a means to creating inexpensive rapid transit corridors, oversized roads like Clifton Ave could sacrifice one lane in either direction for rapid transit lanes It seems as if gas taxes are the most logical way to fund roads etc. These taxes will also decrease air pollution. Why are we even talking about tolls.? The region should focus on maintaining the roads it has and not on building more. Maintenance should come before expansion. A rail line to the airport would be very helpful I would really like to use public transport, but every time I look into it, it is too expensive and takes too long to get to where I need to go. I live in downtown Cincinnati and do almost everything within a 12 mile radius, typically going to Newport shopping center or places in Oakley. I also do a lot in my own neighborhood, so I am very much looking forward to the streetcar opening up. I hope that I can buy an affordable streetcar yearly pass. I believe a connector that would link I-71 with I-275, giving traffic between Louisville & Columbus a more direct route without going through Downtown Cincinnati would solve the current overcrowding problem & eliminate replacing the Brent Spence bridge Interstates are cars only, bike trails are for bikes, the rest of the roads are for all of us, and should be designed to be safe for all of us, bicycles and cars alike. Traffic laws should be enforced for cyclists too - too many bikers blow through stop signs or lights and give us all a bad name. SUPPORT TRAFFIC RED LIGHT CAMERAS! The top priority should be replacing Brent Spence. It should be funded at the Federal level without tolls. I live on a steep hill in Mt. Auburn (as do many residents with the hills surrounding downtown), which makes walking, biking (especially with kids) not a viable option. Would love more public transit options that can be used, with ease to get downtown/uptown from my home without using a car and having to find parking. Would also love improved transportation modes from Cincinnati to other major cities Passenger rail between Cincinnati and surrounding cities such as Louisville, Indianapolis, and Cleveland would make visiting family easier and save my family and me at least two days of driving each month, not to mention gas, car maintenance, and the inconvenience and danger of driving for several hours at a time. It would also expand our options for employment and probably keep me from relocating to another city to be near family. the public transportation system in the region is one of the key components to sustaining a viable economy, keeping real estate values up and attracting highly educated talent to the area I would like to hear more information regarding the Eastern Bypass Transit is what will set us apart as a city and region. We need to look to this as the future. we need more options for transit. light rail, more bus, more bike path Fix l -75 corridor.....Brent Spence Bridge. Charge Tools I want to see the Wasson Way get built. Would like for OKI to improve the imbalance of funding going to transit; it can only do what it gets in investment - transit needs a larger share My fourth priority would be creating walkable neighborhoods I would also like to see train service between Louisville - Cincinnati - Columbus - Cleveland Consider this: Wants vs Needs. Invest in roads not multi paths. James Lankford's R-OK "100 Federal Fumbles" page 45. Read and read of the wasted money given to WANTS and forgetting the NEEDS! The Brent Spence Bridge is in dire need of replacement. I do not see this happening until something tragic happens and the bridge HAS to be replaced. It has been talked about by politicians for years but no one can seem to come up with the money. Kenton, Boone and Campbell Counties are rapidly growing thus leaving areas congested, especially getting to Cincinnati via I-75/I-71 and 471. Our "pieces" of bike and hike trails need to be connected and extended. Anderson Township seems to have a good plan which they are implementing We travel throughout Ohio for business. On the whole the experience is great. Roads and directions are marked and easy to find. Roads in Cincinnati are one of the nicest. Thank you for the work you do to keep me safe during those late night drives on stormy nights. The redone I-75/Mitchell Ave. interchange is definitely a lot better. The double on-ramps for I-75 N are great, and the lights are much better timed. Thanks!! The west side of Cincinnati has very few bike paths. We have Miami white water county park which is very nice bike path but does not connect to any thing just goes in a big circle. The east side has paths all over the place that are all connecting to each other. I would love to know the actual miles of bike paths broken down between the two different sides. talk about wasting gas, I have to get in my car and drive to the other side of town with my bike to find a nice bike path that does not go in a circle truck 18 wheeler traffic is growing exponentially and needs to be addressed. More rail? The Brent Spence bridge is a disaster waiting to happen just like Minnesota a few years back. The federal government should fund this project because of the volume of interstate traffic and there should not be a toll. Please build a rail network that connects the region. Light rail similar to the 2006 plan. Our region's transit system is sorrly lacking, especially when compared with other similar metropolitan areas. We absolutely need to make it a priority to massively improve our regional bus system, and develop a regional light rail system We need to have more public transportation in the city and reduce the dependencies on cars. We need to reduce our dependence on cars and trucks. We should build more density, and think of transportation as more than cars and trucks. Stop building massive parking garages (see Rookwood) and build for livability instead. This is a huge blind spot in our region. We need walkability, protected cycle transportation, and rails or buses to connect the nodes. Stop thinking of cycling and walking as not being transportation! Let's become more creative and live better in the process! RAIL PASSENGER SERVICES ARE NEEDED AS OPTIONAL MODES OF PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION. It's all about connections. Bus to streetcar. Bike to bus. Rail to Chicago. Connected. No TOLLS! Bike lanes also help alot to expand options Also a one cost shuttle to the airport from anywhere in Hamilton county

I am a car owner living downtown in Cincinnati. I primarily use my bike (or Red Bike) to commute to work, but I still have a car in order to shop and visit family that live in the suburbs. I'm excited ACE Hardware is expanding and that the OTR Kroger updated their produce section, last year, but find a lot of retail needs are still inaccessible from the area. Also, Red Bike is fantastic and great work installing the streetcar downtown! Excited that Red Bike has expanded to Kentucky and for the potential light rail has for the area. I would love to be able to stay in my hometown and not own a car, and prior to these improvements the prospects of that were very bleak. Like many of my friends who moved out of town for walkable areas, I too was thinking about leaving the city until it committed to the tram system and red bike. Thank you for your work and bringing more options to Cincinnati! Light rail, please. Downtown to Mason, and to CVS, then expand to Columbus, Cleveland, the 71 corridor, then maybe Louisville. We cannot add more vehicles or greenfield development sustainbly, must look at alternative transportation to link and rebuild the existing infrastructure we already have like our urban core, neighborhood business districts, and first ring suburbs. Connectivity is important which lacks for a growing city like Cincinnati, congestion costs people/businesses time and money. Congestion is noticeably worse in most areas around town and region within the past 5 years. This city DESPERATELY needs rail transit. We need a fast, light rail system to connect our suburbs to downtown. That is the ONLY thing that will help relieve some of the insane traffic problems we have on our highways. True high speed rail to Chicago at least comparable to what Detroit and St. Louis each have to Chicago. NOT just expanding the current dismally slow Amtrak service. New, upgraded route -- perhaps the line from Cin to Indy via Greensburg I hope the Cincinnati streetcar expands to Uptown, and then to other neighborhoods as soon as possible The underinvestment in public transit in the region has dramatically increased congestion and will ultimately stunt growth. A balanced approach between maintaining the existing highway system and expanding transit are necessary for the long term success of the region. It's critical for the region to plan and implement a regional light rail system and expand the streetcar. Streetcar connecting to Covington would improve public transportation options. So would light rail to CVG, just as many similar-sized cities already enj I yearn for the day when public transit is subsidized at as high a level as highways are. Light rail to Xavier via Wasson line! Require people who use bike lanes to learn roadway rules as motor vehicle drivers, fees would help pay for bike trails/lanes and significantly improve road and bike safety. Majority OF BIKERS DO NOT OBEY THE LAWS!

We spend more money cutting grass in medians than we do on transit investment. For the cost of adding one lane on I-75 and Brent Spence Bridge, we could have a regional transit system. High speed rail would be great. This region desperately needs a regional public transit system of bus and rail. Without this we won't stay competitive and our vibrant economy will stagnate Fear of excessive tolls on local indaviduals traveling from KY to OH and back ,7 days a week just to work for our families For whatever reasons, Northern KY vehicular traffic seems to have gotten worse this past year. We would use public transportation more if it were frequent (every 10 minutes), accessible and is destination friendly. Please do something about the Brent Spence. I drive it daily and it is dangerous. I think tolls would be unfair to Kentuckians but if they are needed, maybe the locals could get a discount I think the best way for our region to grow and to attract more business is a better public transit infrastructure that connects people to their workplaces more effectively. All of the options on question 8 are important in making this region a desirable place to live. I will ride rail transport options, however I do not like buses that much The government should help pay for the cost of a new bridge. I can't afford an extra toll every time I cross it especially since it is done daily I do not want ANY toll bridges or roads! Decent mass transit must be developed in the mid-west. I should be able to take a decent commuter train to Columbus, Indy, Chicago, St Louis and then have decent public transportation when I get to those cities - and not have to rent a car (or drive my own to those cities). I don't need a car in London or Munich. Fundamental to city life is an adequate transportation system which ought to include heavy and light rail as its bedrock. Improving connections in the region via rail solutions should be the priority for the region. It's what so many other regions do in the world with similar population as Cincinnati, and to great success and efficiency. Connecting people with jobs via public transportation shows we understand the importance of living in a civilized, fair society. Plus it maintains and attracts the next generation of young people who seem more interested in living in urban areas without a car. It's time Cincinnati modernizes. It is vitally important for economic development and growth to invest in more advanced modes of transportation. Light rail is a must I am concerned that autonomous vehicles will always be vulnerable to cyber threats and do not consider them a viable option for the future. We need transportation to airports other than CVG. For example to Dayton to fly Southwest. Walkable communities and public transit make for more vibrant, divers, and interconnected communities. Crosstown transportation should be more frequent so people aren't waiting for a long time in iffy areas. Would also like improvement in rail service to Chicago. See question #5: Quit destroying South Fairmount with eminent domain! Tell the Sierra Club to jump off the Brent Spence bridge and stay in the river until they drown. Infrastructure must be maintained. We are currently replacing large amounts of infrastructure due to not keeping it up-to-date. Fix the Bridge 71/75 Thank you for providing this opportunity for me to share my concerns. Multimodal transport to neighborhoods for Millennials. Especially more streetcar expansion or light rail from Airport to Blue Ash with parking at terminal commuter stations with bike transport and red bike in job centers. I would like to see implemented as suggested by Metro several years back a light rail system servicing the loop & downtown Cincinnati with longer rail lines going up to Mason or Monroe, to Harrison & an East side station centrally located. There are so many unused rail tracks that could be converted, that are just decaying all around the city. The US is so far behind Europe & their use of light rail systems. I think the newly implemented Red Bikes are great for those who live within the city. Repair or replace the BrentSpence Bridge. If there were a safe and efficient public transit, such as light rail, to downtown, we would go dowton weekly for dinners, shows, shopping, etc. we would also go to Chicago monthly if there were better rail service. We need the Eastern Bypass. Period.. The downtown Cincinnati light rail is a good start. My opinion is that it should be added to over time, first by making a line that goes to the airport, then branch lines that go to other parts of the city and county. I would like to see more bike lanes and bike paths I hope that in some glorious future I won't have to drive my car because light or regional rail, street cars and subways meet my needs. I AM BICYLE COMMUTER COORDINATOR FOR TRIHEALTH AND INFRASTRUCTURE CHAIR WITH QUEEN CITY BIKE More public transportation! Improved bus service and additional street car/rail options. N/A We need real light rail along I-75, not just a streetcar. The rent for the temporary storage of an empty vehicle should be reflective of the true market opportunity costs for the land that the parking space takes up. We should remove parking minimums from any zoning or building codes. I would love more bike paths, but will only use those separated from traffic - it is too dangerous to have them on the road. Complete the Mill Creek Greenway through the county and I could safely bike to work in less than half the time the bus currently takes.

Cincinnati has reached the point where the automobile is accelerating an overall decline in the quality of life within the metropolitan area. Too much pollution, congestion, inept motorists, choke- point stoplights and access points, fuel efficient cars don't have much value because regardless of how efficient they may be - going nowhere because of idling in traffic results in 0 mpg. Projects that do not make any economic sense should not be considered. Ie. Downtown Cincinnati's Street Car.

I would like to see way more investment on putting Cincinnati city roads on 'diets'--to reduce speed and increase safety. I'd love to see more biking infrastructure like bike lanes, protected bike lanes, and improved public transportation on roads that are unlikely to be made bike friendly. I also want decisions about transportation to be evidence-based, not same old business as usual. ? I would use the bus system, but it is inconvenient and does not go where I want to. I only live 9 miles from downtown. But, that's a 40 minute bus ride, and there are no safe bikeable routes to town... so, I drive a car. Alone. Everyday. Surely there's a better way! In the longer (25-year) view, we must promote multiple alternatives to today's model of car ownership and single passenger trips. The poor resource utilization is unsustainable. Public transportation, vehicle sharing, and biking/walking are equally important replacements. Biking/walking also address obesity/public health problems.

Public Transit needs to be more convenient. Even if its a smaller bus or vehicle one time out and one time in daily, we need see if we can adapt certain vehicles to curtail vehicular traffic at peak times during the day. Especially with destinations to business and retail centers. Public Transit has to be aware also of bus stops. Being sure stops have ADA access and not stuck somewhere in the middle of a grass field or gravel path to the bus stop or up or down a grade that is NOT ADA compliant. I have 2 such stops in my city near a med center on US27. I would definitely use Metro if it provided more routes and more frequent stops. In general there are not enough West to East options (major roads) and not enough from Indiana (NW to SE)!

It drives me crazy that suburbanites cannot get to major events on public transport (a bus). Why can't Metro add routes for Reds/Bengals/Taste of Cincinnati/Oktoberfest, etc. Also, express routes do not work for suburbanites who may need to leave downtown midday for appointments or childcare, etc. You simply have to have a car in the suburbs and most do not live on even an express route. I love to ride my bike but not in traffic and the weather is not conducive to doing it often and if there is no secure place for it or way to carry groceries it is not practical. I only ride my bike for recreation. I will not drive into downtown, pay to park, and then pay to ride a different form of transportation. There are not enough sidewalks to get to shopping in many neighborhoods in Anderson. They keep adding walkways for kids near schools that just end without going anywhere. Newtown Rd in Anderson is dangerous, no shoulder or walkway and teens coming from Turpin have to use the roadway. I have to drive to park to walk the Five Mile Trail. There is no grocery, bar, library, bus stop or restaurant within walking distance.

I-275 needs to be widened, Cross County Highway being extended from its current terminus at Montgomery Rd to a point on I-275 between Milford and Wards Corner Rd. would draw a lot of traffic off of the northern tier of I-275. Light Rail from Milford to Lunken Airport to Downtown Cincinnati. A bypass around Withimsville is needed. An on/off ramp from Clough Pike to I-275 would alleviate traffic tie-ups around Withimsville. Express Lanes and Local Exit lanes that Exist on I -271 Outerbelt Freeway are needed on I-275 to prevent so much congestion from on/off ramps. I like turtles Adding rail transit would be a great option. Cincinnati is enjoying a lot of new development in areas - we just need to make sure that we can support the additional traffic. We don't want to become a traffic-bound city like Atlanta. The future demand on transportation infrastructure could be reduced by public policies that encourage infill development in existing neighborhoods and discourage the development of suburban new suburban housing beyond the I-275 loop. Cincinnati would be so much better with more public transit. I would love to see a train service to Oxford, and to other cities in the region (high-speed train) Thanks so much for taking on this difficult very important task. Extend the streetcar I strongly favor the Cincinnati streetcar and hope its route will be expanded as soon as possible. Community I live in does nothing for its residents as far as transportation. You are on your own. Subway system Must diversify transit options. With more options more varied development can take place. Would love to have off-road bike trails that could use for local trips to businesses, grocery, restaurants and other places. Cars are not the only mode of transportation, but we rely very heavily on them in this city. Finding alternative transportation options is long overdue in Cincinnati. Having efficient streetcar, light rail and high speed rail would make the region a more viable, enjoyable place to live. Fix the Brent Spence Bridge traffic on 75 bridge is the largest bottle neck I face daily Think federal and state governments should pay for Brent Spence replacement wo tolls When I do travel to Kentucky, the Brent Spence Bridge is increasingly nerve-wracking to drive over. Hoping a remedy to the congestion/safety concern is an area of focus for officials in the coming years. We need more transit options and not just buses. Maybe some smaller vehicles for places like Mt Adams where buses don't fit, and aerial trams could be an option. Particularly between OTR or nothern downtown and Mt Adams. More routes like MetroPlus are needed. The reason I do not take the bus more when it is a viable option for me is because it is too slow. It takes anywhere from 25 to 45 minutes to go 3.5 half miles from Uptown to Downtown. I wish there was another MetroPlus route in Uptown besides the stops in Corryville. Ft. Wright (Kenton Co.) Highland Avenue is a major concern since I live on Reeves Drive and have to drive it everyday...People from the surrounding neighborhoods are using it more and concern and a concern that has been around for years is turning in the street...yellow flashing lites would help make people aware that this street is there especially since people are driving on a straight-away at 45+ miles an hour.... With the way Highland Ave is ...if I-75 North is backed up on Kyles Lane ramp...there is no where for the traffic going to Dixie Hwy. to go ...not enough roadway to branch off at Kyles Lane /St. Anthony Circle. People have to sit and wait for the I-75 traffic to move...This area has built up over the past few years and really needs to be studied to make the traffic move more smoothly..... We are WAY behind other "peer" cities and states in terms of rail transportation of all kinds. We moved here in 1993. Since that time, several "peer" cities and comparable states have aggressively developed rail transportation. Ohio and Cincinnati have failed to do so. This is already a competitive disadvantage, and that disadvantage will continue to grow. The discrepancy is huge if you compare us to "peer" International cities. This has to affect our attractiveness as a potential location for international firms. Do this without additional tolling please ! Already taxed to death. The Cincinnati Region focuses too much on expanding capacity when we really need to maintain our current system of roadways and improve modes of transit.

More public transportation options in general as well as increased public transportation between neighborhoods. Increased investment in parks as well as creating more walkable neighborhoods. Tolls are not the answer to the Brent Spence. Tolls will hurt Kentucky the most. A new bypass through Campbell and southern Kenton will no only alleviate much of the traffic snarls, but open a new area to development and help the entire region. Get the bridge done! No tolls. bike paths are for recreational purposes and not a priority. I believe OKI needs to work to expand Amtrak connectivity to Chicago out of Union Terminal. I am in favor of the east west corridor smaller buses make sense for less busy times I absolutely do not favor a toll on the Brent Spence bridge. A new bridge, or a refurbished bridge is needed, but primarily should be financed by Federal and State government. The BS handles traffic from 3 Interstate highways, and is a major economic and security thorough fare for the US. Imposing a toll on the BS bridge will impact the pocketbook of all users and have a negative impact on commerce in our communities. Expand the Road System so that we have four consistent lanes through and around the city. Enact Left Lane laws that help keep the traffic flowing. Eliminate all Left Lane Exits. Toll Roads for any vehicle with three or more axles. I am very excited for the full use of the cincinnati streetcar. I hope one day it will expand to suburbs as far as Loveland even. I pray one day we will have high speed rail technology like that in Europe which would take us to nearby cities like Columbus, Louisville and Lexington in just 30min. No tolls unless Covington gets a cut of every toll. i also want "improving connectivity among our region & Midwest cities" with public transit & trains. With very little government money I believe in tolls to get the bridges built in this area. My time is money and if a new bridge will get me home to my family quicker then I will pay it. I drive more than I would like too. If there was better bike infrastructure or better public transit I would gladly leave the car at home. I think that instead of focusing on the Brent Spence Bridge, a bypass should be seriously considered for the area, despite what the highly paid lobbyists might suggest. I moved to Cincinnati because of the streetcar plan. It was a blazing beacon of progress. My friends and and a high percentage of millennials are sick of the excuses and intolerances that keep rail from happening. Let's keep up the momentum and expand the system! We need light-rail for the metro area and rail connections to other Midwest cities. I'd also like to see more walkable neighborhoods The bipass would cause hundreds of people, who find solace in the countryside, to move. please enforce traffic safety laws! Cincinnatians drive too fast and recklessly and think it's their right to do so--and it seems they're right because no one ever is told not to! More traffic calming measures would be helpful and lower speed limits with enforcement. I don't want to pay a toll to cross the Brent Spence bridge Would like either light rail or train from eastside to downtown We need to explore more rail options in the region. Please build light rail to run along the 71 and 75 corridors Replacement cost for the Brent Spence Bridge should be born entirely by the federal government. Light rail, expand the Streetcar and find our dangerous bridges RAIL TRANSIT!!! Commuter rails, streetcars, open the subway. Do you get it yet? Commuter rail is key going forward. More investment in highways will produce quickly diminishing returns We need more passenger rail service Please continue to explore ways to expand public transit and promote "share the road" philosophy We need more transit options besides car. We keep on expanding highways which is the same thing than an obese person hoping to lose weight by loosening the belt. More lanes doesn't improve congestion. We need public transit. We need light rail. This is so much more efficient. We need to expand the streetcar to uptown and start linking other communities to the two major employment centers (downtown and uptown). Another very congested area is turning onto Orphanage Rd. from Dixie Highway in the morning & turning onto Dixie Highway from Orphanage Rd. in the evening.. Lightrail for Ohio! We need to create structures like the eastern corridor. Think DC to NYC. It could work for Cincy to Cleveland even Detroit I wish we had access to light rail. If we had better public transit O would never consider leaving the region. Please expand public transit options with high speed rail! Conitnued rail. YES! I would like it to be pedestrian-friendly EVERYWHERE. There should be a focus on connecting neighborhoods with workplaces through non-automotive means. We needed light rail and other regional transit a decade ago. Stop wasting money on yet more roads and let's spend money sensibly. I would love better and more efficient public transportation. I hate driving. I often take the bus to work but only if I'm coming right home after work. If I want to go anywhere else or come home later, the bus is not at all convenient, so I drive Get the streetcar uptown and lets get d one regional light rail. Traffic on 71 in Ohio is worse then 75 in NKY Expand Cincy streetcar route and other passenger rail options! Looking forward to the next street car phase allowing uptown to be accessible as well Would love for our city to have a transit system that would allow me to no longer drive a car. Lived in Chicago for a while and getting around was easy on their transit system. I feel that the OKI area needs to move towards more alternative modes of transportation for the safety and environmental stability of the region. I'm opposed to tolling as a funding option for a new Brent Spence Bridge. It says a lot that the first four options you offer in question 8 concern roads. You all need to grow up, and grow a pair. If you want to be a big boy city, do big boy things. Paving roads is for amateur politicians with small ideas. Think big. The roadways in the morning are a mess and congested. Need a way to open up more alternatives to free up roadways. Development of a mass transit system to compliment bus routes and streetcar. Light rail should be a priority Thank you for supporting bike infrastructure! I love OKI! I could only check three in the box above, but I believe it's vital that we have high-speed rail service from Cincinnati to other Midwest cities I would ride my bike more often if there were bike lanes on Memorial Pkwy and across the 471 overpass into Newport. Rail transit! We need light rail all over the city! I really believe the lack of efficient and expansive public transportation is a huge issue for the region going forward. I would love to see more investment in building density within communities and then adding connectivity between them through rail, improved bus service, and bike lanes. Raid transit please. I have been studying the Cincinnati Eastern bypass and I think that would be wonderful for the city it would open up and give lots of new people to come and live and lots of opportunity for growth . I'm encouraged by the addition of the streetcar. I would love to see light rail being planned in the next 10 years. Also, in question 6, you should have "become a single car household" as an option, because many couples/families would like to keep one car but don't want to buy/maintain/garage multiple cars. It's car-light instead of car-free. Extend the streetcar to Uptown and to CVG! We need light rail within the city and railway transportation to other cities like Dayton, Columbus, Cleveland, Toledo, Chicago, Indianapolis, Louisville, Lexington and more. We do NOT want Tolls anywhere I wish our region was more connected in general. I would love to be able to take a train from Cincinnati to Indianapolis to Chicago. How great would it be if you could take a train to the airport and not have to worry about traffic? Or even the option to take a train from Cincinnati to Cleveland. There needs to be more options available than simply having to drive everywhere. Locally I wish there was more frequent bus service. After 5:30pm bus service is drastically scaled back which makes it more trouble than its worth for me to catch the bus home from work. I also think that the streetcar within the city could be expanded and service as a nice complement to our bus system and possible connect to future lightrail. Would be amazing to have more transit options. Bring back metromoves! Expand the streetcar to uptown. Rail service to Chicago I am opposed to any toll proposal for the Brent Spence Bridge. (1) this is an unjust tax on those who live in Northern Kentucky; (2) it will displace traffic onto already congested alternate routes; (3) I75 is a significant interstate motorway and Northern Kentucky residents should not be made to bear the cost of replacement by interminable tolls; (3) it will disadvantage Northern Kentucky businesses to the benefit of Ohio businesses. Please invest in regional rail. Developing a better network of alternative transit networks can only serve to strengthen the region and help it grow in a healthier way. Please keep investing in fixed rail! Focus on fixing rush hour traffic jams. You know where they are. Expand streetcar system to Uptown, Avondale, Walnut Hills and northern Kentucky. Develop regional light rail network. Improve passenger rail service. Traffic volume on Kyles Lane and on E Henry Clay Ave in Ft. Wright is increasing at an alarming rate. Lack of government action on the I71/I75 upgrade including the bridge to Ohio is unbelievably bad and is unacceptable. Do something about it. More efficient modes of transportation will encourage better neighborhood development. Get the steering wheels out of human hands. Our inability to focus on the task of driving has exceeded our ability to design reasonably safe driver-controlled vehicles and maintain efficient traffic flow. Need fixed (ie. streetcar) accessible transportation for all of Hamilton County for quick trips to all shopping, work, entertainment centers, etc... Not having enough choice for transportation, especially non-automobile options, is potentially a national security issue. I do not want to have tolls on the interestate system. It will discourage economic dev and will cause massive congestion when people try to bypass them. We need more buses Thanks for listening The eastern bypass is one of the smartest ideas I have seen in my lifetime... which is why I assume it will never happen. I'm a supporter of public transit but feel like investment in autonomous cars is most important. Also, love Red Bike but would like to see a city path similar to what they have in Indy. The downtown streets are too narrow and congested for an enjoyable Red Bike experience. I would love to see expansion of the streetcar!! want to see streetcar expanded to uptown, park-and-ride bus service from old Loveland area, rail service from suburbs to downtown, better crosstown bus service, expanded rail within Ohio and to other areas of the country Roundabouts, Roundabouts, Roundabouts. Metro light rail. Regional rail. Need to connect Cincinnati-Dayton-Columbia and Clevelnd with passenger rail. NO TOLLS period. We already pay enough in taxes to pay for the roads. Stop using the money from fuel taxes for projects that do not benefit the users such as bike paths and such. If they want them then let them pay for use of the bike paths. Rail transportation needs to be a part of our regional transit plans in the future--we are behind the cities that we are competing with for new talent moving to our area, and a big part of that is our lack of regional connectivity and lack of rail. More public rail transit. We need a 25 year rail transit plan that we can plan our other infrastructure improvement projects around within the Cincinnati area. Connecting the urban core to the east and westside must be done strategically to ensure an efficient long-term system. We must also partner with other regions to to connect the downtowns of Cincinnati to Dayton as well as Middletown, Hamilton, Oxford, Mason, Blue Ash, Milford, and Florence. The region needs viable alternative to cars. The current bus routes /schedule tend to take longer than driving and road improvements don't seem to ease traffic. It seems to me that your assumptions about the future are based on the belief that road expansion will continue to happen, enabling people to live further out. However, if we invested in creating better, and different, options of getting around in our current neighborhoods, instead of expansion, then our footprint would not continue to grow. As you have laid out, there are serious environmental concerns to spreading out and driving more, not to mention adverse health effects. Simply encouraging people to walk more every day -- by building better sidewalks and public transportation -- would greatly increase the level of livability and physical quality of life in our region. I firmly believe that we should invest in what we currently have, and not chase illusory growth that might reside over the next hill. Need more investment in public transit. It is challenging to be Carfree in Cincinnati. Also need better integration of TANK bus and public transit options to CVG airport. Having a Complete Streets policy for Hamilton County would do wonders for the economic vitality of our city, for attracting young professionals, and for raising the profile of the Cincinnati region. We need a good alternative to i-75, regional rail connecting major centers of employment will position our region to grow and compete with international cities. Cities with not only walkable neighborhoods but expansive public transit systems have flourished. Kansas City is expanding at a record rate and young professionals are moving to cities with forward-thinking infrastructure. Not only local public transit is important, but regional options are important to consider too. Investment in public transit should be a primary focus.

Who do you contact when you want to find a solution to the traffic concerns in your neighborhood when your city council can't . Things such as speed bumps, signs and other things? Expand the streetcar route. Build the Cincinnati Bypass through Clermont County will be a tremendous improvement. Other cities have those bypasses, Peoria is one, Davenport is another. This region is falling behind big time being roads only Light rail within the 275 loop, streetcar routes to neighborhood business districts and improved bus quality/service is much more important to our family than expanding/extending roadways.

It is important to connect people and jobs. That would best be accomplished by forming one regional bus system connecting all 13 counties. All mass transit options need to be investigated. We need to get busy building rail systems -- streetcars, light rail, and high-speed inter-city. The rest of the world is leaving us behind. High speed rail would be amazing Getting to 80-100% reductions in transit emissions in under 30 years is CRITICAL. It is already the focus of many cities - because of politics, we are already playing catch up. The time is now for bold plans that transition regional dependence on personal transit. Since housing, transit & energy are an ecosystem - each dependent on the other - OKI should be working with housing orgs and Duke Energy to develop long term plans for future development of all three. strongly support ways to reduce our dependence on cars - light rail, trains, high speed trains, bike routes separate from cars, etc After having traveled abroad, the lack of public transportation options in the Greater Cincinnati area are flat out disgraceful. It gives the region, which has so much else going for it, a black eye. Overseas visitors frequently comment on the "backwater" nature of it. I believe regional rail service is imperative in growing Cincinnati in the future. Cities with diverse and efficient means of public transit will be better positioned for growth in the coming decades.

I live just a few blocks from an express bus route and would love to use the bus more often if the express ran more often! Light rail and bike paths are also of great interest to me.

Although I checked three items above all which I think are critical, I also think it is incredibly important to develop a metro map that is not radial - I need to get from the West Side to the University of Cincinnati, but to do so have to take a bus downtown, making the bus commute long as well as unreliable as buses are often late and a missed connection means a missed class. I think it is also important to develop a rail system connecting Dayton, Columbus and Cincinnati that reduces commuter cars and expands interconnection between the three cities. Extend the streetcar - to the airport, to Clifton/Northside, Walnut Hills/Hyde park, west side. We need more RAIL! Not just downtown street car, but at a minimum the two trunk lines of the MetroMoves Light Rail (Mason to CVG and West Chester to NKU). And connect the street car all the way through Uptown to Xavier and Hyde Park. Light rail up 75 and 71 corridor would be useful. To the airport too. Extending street car to University of Cincinnati. hope at some point in my lifetime owning a car will not be a requirement for keeping a job in Hamilton County Rail is the way forward! The most significant need for the region is a viable and attractive system of transit during peak hours. For the most part, our roadway network provides adequate connectivity and capacity during off-peak hours. The main problem is capacity at peak hour. If our region is to grow, we need to be able to move commuters more efficiently and reliably using a combination of BRT and light rail. I really think the Brent Spence Bridge has to be one of the top priorities. It's unfortunate that the Brent Spence Bridge project does not include any improvements in public transportation, walking/cycling infrastructure, or even HOV lanes. Most other states are now including such provisions with major infrastructure projects. Encouraging more people to take transit across the river could be more effective than simply adding several additional lanes to the BSB. Walkable neighborhoods, transit, and rehabbing our current infrastructure before building new is important as we move forward to 2040. We need rail transit within the region and inter-city rail as well! glad to input The Brent Spence bridge needs to be replaced, without adding tolls. I am retired so do not use car to work. I-75 improvements would help immensely Roads and alternatives seem so much better in and around Columbus and Cleveland than here. Seems like Cincinnati gets "left out." Even the rest stops down here are old and outdated compared to what they have up north in this state. Commuter lines in from the airport to downtown, from West Chester to downtown and from Mariemont to downtown would substantially help. So would moving as much traffic OFF the cut-in-the- hill as possible. Please stop the politics around the replacement of the BS bridge and get a plan in place to get this project done. Delaying it will mean it will cost more Maintaining existing roads and bridges are top priority. Building an eastern bypass should be next. Keeping the through traffic, including trucks, out of the roads in the inner city will help a lot. Survey does not include how improvements paid. Some questions not easily "prioritized" with single response (choices confusing or non inclusive for me). This area is a dangerous mess with all the construction. Do something about traffic congestion I-75 north from 275 to bridge. Make the Brent Spence bridge safe for travel. I am reluctant to drive to Cincinnati for entertainment or shopping because of traffic & safety. We need more roads to grease the wheels of commerce. the East Cincy Bypass is a game changer and would save money. A brand new Brent Spence bridge does nothing to change the transport situation. If tolls are in the plans, forget about it! Your either insane are stand to profit if you are for tolls. Since our leaders have let the railroads die over the past 40 years, and old rail lines have been sold, creating intrastate and interstate rail lines from scratch would not be feasible, due to cost. The ideal situation would have been to develop rail terminals every 100 miles, with shipping by rail, and delivery by truck within a 50 mile radius, but alas, our past leaders saw over the road trucking as the answer, even though it destroys highway pavement, because the interstate highway system was designed for automobiles, not heavy trucks!

This survey was not easy to find - is there even a link from your website as they keep saying on the news? (not Facebook, that's where I finally found it, but I am more determined than most) There's getting to be too many people in Northern Kentucky Traffic is very bad just due to the numbers involved of drivers. Not to mention so many of them are driving distracted cell phones and the like BLAH NO TOLLS on I-75 Fixing the Brent Spence Bridge problem should be the number one priority. PS ... tolls will move more traffic onto local streets and bridges The brent spence bridge is of the greatest concern. I cross it everyday. Long time resident of Fort Wright (48 yrs) Good city good law inforcement. Tolls on the Brent Spence will hurt the community, but a bridge that doesn't have an exit for the Covington riverfront will kill businesses. Even moving the exit up to 12th street will still destroy the riverfront. We have 2 business that are still growing after 20 years and they will die faster than you can imagine. The Eastern Corridor has been a complete boondoggle and the work that has been done has done nothing but create more traffic and increase transit times (Eastgate, Fairfax, Newtown, etc...) Its a shame that the money that has been wasted on studies, outside consultants, and meetings couldn't have been spent to improve existing roads (rather than congest them further) and put trains on existing underutilized rail lines. Interstate 75! Is a huge concern from Dayton to Florence ky including the Brent spence bridge Fix the bridge or build a new one to relieve traffic. We need to improve management of storm water runoff flowing from roadways to streams. Such runoff carries pollutants, induces flooding and causes torrential flows, which in turn increase erosion, sedimentation and habitat destruction I find that I spend more time just sitting in my car on my drive to and from work everyday. I do not understand why drivers stop and go on 275 every morning. I usually travel from Milford to 75 on 275 every morning and every evening. I'm against tolls on the bridges. Bikeways Are a waste of money and cause congestion on Riverside Drive especially during a weather event We still need additional modes of transportation The Brent Spence Bridge is a major problem. I do not kow about its structural problems, but the access and exit points requiring all the lane changes on the bridge are extremely problematic and designed to crate accidents iwith todays traffic volume. Adjust traffic signals at Kyles and Highland, and at Kyles and KY17 I would love to see an expansion of non-road based transport. Busses and Street Cars are fine, but a passenger train between the airport and downtown/uptown would make a lot of sense and ease congestion on the bridges. I wish we had a rail system like Atlanta and other similar cities allow people to select more than one top concern. NO tolls 1) Need electric vehicle infrastructure. 2) Stop building parking. Autonomous vehicles will go park themselves. none Educating drivers about driving around larger vehicles. stop wasting money on projects like the streetcar and invest in the infrastructure that serves the entire region! Consideration needs to be given toward the long term maintenance of our existing bus and road transportation system before we consider new routes or modes. look at louisville,look at indianapolis something ..please...who is the next Gene Synder...and Wendell Ford Design of the merging of 275 with 75 is accident prone. Needs to be reworked. again if gas taxed was used what is is suppose ot go to would not need tolls---how can we build bridges in weeks in irag and other places and we cant get ours done here---also need term limits on politicians--mcconnell needs to go had that dam 3 billion dollars there---oboma did photo obt on brent spence what a bunch of you know what--no body thingks of small businesses we have one in the tri state would cost our company hundred of thousands of dollars if tolls were put in Have more running trail/bike trail signs for people who like to run around areas of town, such as downtown, giving them mileage or a good route to run with limited traffic crossings. I'm 68. By the time all the studying is done I will no longer need much in the way of transportation High speed rail connecting our communities and to our region is critical to begin eliminating the need for expensive road repairs or additional lanes or highways Gridlock is major concern. Build and expand new I-75 bridge ASAP. Tolls are OK. NO TOLLS... On I-75/71 bridge (I cross the bridge 6 to 8 times daily) Use gas tax for its intended purpose. Keep politics out of what is best for the areas' residents and businesses. 100% against tolls for new Brent Spence bridge. This leg of 71/75 is crucial to the American economy, and as such, should be paid for by the federal government through the gas tax they already hose us on. Taxpayers are squeezed enough and should not have to shell out more money to cross the river. FDR successfully passed the Federal Highway Act and the federal government is responsible for fixing this issue. Not taxpayers. If we would stop wasting money on foreign aid and entitlements, there would be plenty of federal tax dollars that wouldn't be wasted for once and could go to this project. Our president campaigned on fixing our infrastructure and in 2009 passed a $900 billion stimulus that was supposed to fix infrastructure and create jobs. Where did that money go? What was fixed? Us taxpayers have had enough and it's time for the federal government to step up and do what they are supposed to and stop wasting our tax dollars and build a new bridge. It's time to put the needs of the American people first. Period. I believe any tolls would be a mistake in promoting growth within our our region, specifically hurting Northern Kentucky. Additionally, alternate plans such as the proposed eastern bypass should be considered rather than just accepting the current conventional wisdom already being pushed by local agencies. We on the West Side in the Price Hill-Sedamsville area have consistently had our needs ignored despite numerous pleas to the city. I live only a couple of miles from the closest shopping area/grocery store, but it might as well be 30 miles when you can no longer afford a car and are crippled. We are at the mercy of drug dealers, house thieves and hookers by the score, all of whom seem to be able to afford vehicles, and are constantly in fear of our very lives. The two of us cannot EVER leave the house together because someone must ALWAYS be home to ward off the drug dealers and thieves. It would be so much easier for us to get around if the 77 was a full-time, day-long bus instead of just a Sun Run. Please keep my (and other commuters') costs as low as possible. Please note: I used to travel 30-40 weeks of the year using air travel and the management of the CVG airport did not do this and drove airport traffic to other cities. NO NEW TAXES..... to justify the street car. Use the current tax funds wisely to maintain roadways Please consider the costs and benefits in all decisions. The Brent Spence Bridge really needs to be replaced. Please seriously consider signs about the speed limit on the Bridge - I cannot tell you how many times I pass people who are going 40-45mph in the high speed lane on there. THANKS!

Our region needs to have a more cohesive system of non-automobile transportation options. A better public transit system (more routes and higher frequency route times) coupled with a connected multi-modal trail system and on-road bike infrastructure will make our region more sustainable and attractive to economic development for the next 50 years. I would love to ride my bike more often but the roads, including US 42 are all two lane and 55 mph. It's not safe! NoKy needs alternate route into Cincy area & to so. Ohio with out traveling thru the "Heart of Cincy's "constant congestion!!! I oppose tolls on the Brent Spence Bridge and support an independent analysis of the Cincinnati Eastern Bypass I strongly oppose Brent Spence bridge tolls. It will simply create traffic nightmares on other routes as drivers avoid a toll. no tolls I75 Bridge is a big problem. Development of Southern Kenton County has put a strain on roads in Northern Kenton County. This region must find alternative methods of transportation. We can not keep growing and adding cars to road systems. Most major cities have some form of light-rail or subway system to help alleviate roadways. You need to fix the mess of the Brent Spence Corridor. Expanding by an additional lane is not going to fix this issue. A solution like the Cincy Eastern Bypass needs to be evaluated on its merits by independent sources. The lack of transparency on the matter by OKI , KDOT and ODOT is suspicious. Moreover, I think it is wrong that hard-working individuals are potentially being asked to pay out a large portion of their earnings to use a bridge to get to work I oppose tolling and support an independent analysis of the Cincy Eastern Bypass. I support tolls for the Brent-Spence bridge - local residents have options to bypass it, so I believe it will mostly target through-traffic. I also feel that local residents should be eligible for steeply reduced toll fees to reduce our burden of paying for the bridge. I do not support the brent spence toll bridge plan, i do however support an analysis of the cincy eastern bypass . I do not support a toll bridge No tolls. Kenton County is so far behind on expanding roads Infrastructure.... With all the money government has wasted on programs surely they could assist with the expense of the bridge being built. I don't believe a toll is necessary. A light rail system to/from Mason and West Chester, etc. w/ downtown to ease congestion along 71/75 and perhaps east/west along 275. New road construction has fed large amounts of traffic on to Highland Ave in Ft Wright heading to and from I 75. This makes it dangerous for residence to enter or exit residential streets. This has become an issue when trying to sell a home along Highland Ave. What's the big deal just fix the damn bridge by getting the Fed's to do it, tell them to stop giving all our tax money to other country's END OF STORY Use road funds for roads and not other projects. bike paths are a complete waste of money in our area, they are used very little I live 4.5 miles from downtown Cincinnati and public transportation is not available to me unless I drive more than 2 miles to Dixie Highway (US 25). Then where would I park my car? I just want them to replace the Brent Spence bridge. Work to replace the Brent Spence bridge without using tolls to pay for it Don't put in a toll for the bridges. It will negatively affect the NKY economy and decrease the Cincinnati economy for those who don't want to pay for having a night on the town in Cinci I like the bypass better than a new Brent Spence. Also, I think 3-L should be extended down Madison Pike into Covington to make access into Covington better. That would help with development from Holmes High to the River. The federal Gov't is responsible for funding 80% of a new I-75 bridge. NO TOLLS. I'm in favor studying alternative routes like an eastern corridor that bypasses downtown Cincinnati. Since 75 is so heavily truck trafficked, having an alternative to get around the metropolitan area makes sense to travelers just wanting to go around and keep going north or south. aeiou I oppose tolls on the Brent Spence Bridge. It will be a never ending tax and increase avoidance traffic on other routes. It is a very bad idea. I live in both CA and NKY and I know how once tolls are in place they will never 'die', the demographic in the NKY area is far different than in CA the added expense on families takes a huge bite in budgets and is not viable in the area in my opinion based on my experiences. No tolls ever ! Regional businesses are in a gridlock due to a lack of alternate routes and NKY lacks east/west routes No Tools! I am aware of various bridges that our Army Corp is engaged in other countries. Let's build our infrastructure here! Not there! No tolls please. Why are the republicans against infrastructure maintenance? Boehner on one side of the river and O'Connell on the other and they did not even want to talk about a new bridge for us - what a bunch of crap... Obama wanted to use stimulus monies to address infrastructure and the Republican would not allow him so that he would not look good to the public. Democracy lasts 200-250 years and it looks like we are at the end of the road. Feel sorry for my children and their children - we at least had hope when I was growing up... am strongly against tolls on the Brent Spence bridge. I like the idea of the Eastern Bypass and rehabbing the Brent Spence bridge. Our roads and bridges have to be a priority. They are falling apart and ineffective. This is much more important that bike paths OKI is not a useful organization and should be defunded. I firmly oppose an eastern bypass as it only serves to increase the coffers of the developers pushing for said option. If they want it, they can pay for it, not our tax dollars. Any bridge or roadway with tolls I would avoid at all cost Interested in a southern cross counties highway in NKY. The Brent Spence Bridge is "Failing Down" fix the problem. NEW BRIDGE tolls or not High speed rail would be great connecting regions and the airport - NOT the Street Car. The Street Car is a waste of tax payer money. Please fix that dam bridge it is unbelievable to a normal person that it would take 20 years to build a bridge what has happened to us in the USA CONCRETE I'm from New York City. The public transportation system here is definitely "SORTA." Light Rail Now! I am a big fan of the LED lighted stop signs , the cost shouldn't be a factor I see plenty of wasted funds . As a lifelong non-driver, I depend on public transit and find Metro to be inadequate. I would like to have buses, street cars, Rapid Transit, more trains at scheduled to leave and arrive at convenient hours, not 3 am in the morning. I would like to see Cincinnati partner with outer neighborhoods on the red bike program Is there a way to replant TREES along I-75 & I-71 in Cincinnati after the needed expansions are completed? Trees clean the air , hold the soil on hillsides, and are good for the soul. A major, multi-front initiative for better transportation would help us compete with other cities AND be the biggest job boost/help us beat the recession faster locally. you will disrupt thousands of homeowners, the environment and hurt the economy Bike lanes on Central Parkway are ridiculous! Cars parking out in what seems the middle of the road, lost parking spaces, illogical set up, when I have rarely EVER seen anyone biking along there. Waste of funds! I would ride a bike more often roads were safe. I do not want tolls on the brent spence. I don't beleive a new bridge is necessary if other more reliable and safe modes of transportation exist such as street car or rail Bike lanes are cheap and relatively easy to create; I think that they are a good place to start. We desperately need some kind of light rail system. Development of a secondary public transit routing system with smaller vehicles to travel into more congested areas. I would appreciate your planning focus on pedestrian safety and improved transit options. Keep up the good work on advancing the Brent Spence Bridge project. Mass transit should be a much greater priority than it currently is (and the street car is a joke). We need to be investing in mass transit now. It will only become more expensive the longer we wait and adding more highway lanes is not a solution. Put in a giant parking lot at I-275 and I-75 and put folks on a subway/light rail/whatever into downtown. See above. I love Cincinnati, but it's so lacking in reliable, efficient public transit. I would love not to drive to work every day, but it's either a 40-minute bus ride or a 10-minute drive from my neighborhood (Northside) to my office downtown, so of course the fast method wins out. I'm excited about the street car, but I can't use it to commute every day. I have friends in New York and Chicago, and I really do believe reliable public transit would make us a more competitive city for Millennials. believe there needs to be a mix of new construction/expansion while also investing in alternative modes of transportation. We still need to get goods in and through the greater Cincinnati areas, suburbs of the region are still expanding, so it will be necessary to accommodate new higher volumes of through and around traffic while offering alternative options for those looking to get into the city. Light Rail along the median of I-75/I-71 would be great Passenger stations could be in Mason, Westchester, and Florence. KY17 and KY16 should be linked and continued through Covington in some location, then connected to the Clay Wade Bailey Bridge or connected to the new Route 9 in Campbell county. would strongly support increased public/mass transportation within cincinnati and between the major midwest cities. Will be a win-win for aging populations and to reduce the impact of pollution and greenhouse gas. Build a bridge to replace Brent Spence with future growth in mind with no tolls. Bicyclists often ride on the sidewalk and force me into the street. When creating other modes of public transit always consider getting to the stops via car and allowing for parking (park and ride esp for train or street car expansion. Until an active public transit system is operational we need to include cars in the equation (parking options). You have to make it easy to switch. Please work on regional and local rail! Inter-city high speed rail, and local light rail, plus expansion of the streetcar. Keep the ten speed riders in fag shorts of the roadways. Brent Spence Bridge should be the region's top priority Trains! Way to go OKI you are awesome! To stay competitive as a region, we need to improve our transit systems. It is too hard for people to commute to work currently using transit. Millennials are choosing to live in cities with robust transit systems and we are going to left behind if we don't work to make ours better. I avoid traveling to Cincinnati as much as possible due to traffic congestion on I-75. I fear that as the Cincinnati and Dayton metro areas grow into each other, traffic to the north of Cincinnati will continue to deteriorate until it resembles that within the I-275 loop. I would like to see some kind of commuter train type system from multiple points in the suburbs to downtown. No tolls on a new bridge! Better yet, keep the current bridge and create a bypass, thus eliminating congestion Spend my tax dollars for the basic services like police, fire, trash collection and roadway maintenance If the existing roadways were properly maintained, signed and allumliated traffic would flow nicely. When you need to change lanes to dodge potholes like east bound I-275 going into Ohio traffic slows down and gets congested. I would like to see more attention paid to safe and accessible alternative modes of transit such as bike lanes and paths, more and better bus routes, rail, etc., and an emphasis on getting folks around their local areas instead of just moving more trucks through the region. legally blind - can't drive Please consider bringing back Route 23 express back to the Fairfield area Multi-modes of transportation is a very important and needs to be improved over the coming years. (Transit, Passenger rail, bicycle and pedestrian facilities) In Q. 8 there is much similarity between 2nd & 3rd types. This questionnaire omitted addressing Brent Spence: in short, something needs to be done sooner (& tolls are ok) vs. later and a 68-mile loop is NOT the answer More dedicated bike lanes need to be built and MAINTAINED. Bus frequency need to be increased outside of few major corridors. In planning transportation needs, it must be understood that not all roads lead to downtown Cincinnati. People live/work & play in suburban areas and connecting these areas is just as important. "Make no little plans; they have no magic to stir men's blood and probably themselves will not be realized. Make big plans; aim high in hope and work, remembering that a noble, logical diagram once recorded will never die, but long after we are gone be a living thing, asserting itself with ever-growing insistency. Remember that our sons and our grandsons are going to do things that would stagger us. Let your watchword be order and your beacon beauty." For the next 30 years, build a Medium Speed magnetic rail system on I-75 connecting OH, KY, TN, IL. We could do it, if the US Goverment would stop wasting our money. Metro moves was a good plan on paper. Until gas increases, it is a dead program. Too bad. Complete the outer loop I-71 Design our region with each mode of transportation being the same priority. Car, bus, light rail and bike infrastructure equally important. Public mass transit is non existent in this area. The streetcar in downtown Cinti should be just the first step. If we want this area to be seen as forward thinking then we better get with it REALLY soon. I'd like to see a public dock west of Covington (somewhere from Ludlow to end of RT 8 in Boone) no tolls, no P3's for transportation I have concerns that NKY is going to pay for the up keep of our local bridges though taxes aka tolls. I am already paying for a tax to support my roads. Let's get this to use. Please quit wasting our road dollars on bike paths. I do not believe the full Brent Spence replacement plan is needed. We only have congestions for 1-2 hours each day and its called Rush Hour. Been in much worse traffic in other cities. I am also opposed to tolls on such a vital location LITE RAIL WOULD BE A HELP FOR PEOPLE THAT WORK IN OTHER PARTS OF THE REGION No tolls The downtown streetcar is a great first step towards a progressive transportation program. Want to see that expand to include UC, Clifton Hospitals, Xavier, Covington, Newport, Hyde Park / Oakley, Kenwood, Montgomery. Do not, DO NOT marginalize Covington with any nonsense regarding the Brent Spence Bridge additions. This is completely unacceptable. I feel a direct link from 71/75 to 471 in southern Kenton/Campbell counties would really help to alleviate Brent Spence traffic. The new Cincinnati Trolley would be a hit if its route included Covington. Trucks are the reason 71 is so congested: Dedicated Lane/Road for trucks, Fee, or take alternative route. Also minimum speed is not enforced for commercial trucks resulting in thousands of lost man hours due to congested traffic and creating safety hazards. I fully support the Eastern Bypass proposal instead of building a new BSB Need an east /west route (expressway) Mistake to drop eastern corridor connector. Need eastern by-pass and BS bridge repairs. Historically eastsiders have gotten the shaft with no cross county highway through Indian Hill. No eastern corridor connection or relocated 50 to 275, all killed by affluent neighborhoods. Discrimination, plain and simple. I am strongly against any options that require tolls I do not want to see the Eastern Bypass built. I'd much rather have all the truck traffic moving North and South on I-75 and i-71 stay on I-75 and I-71 as it moves through the area. Replace the Brent Spence bridge and add all the feeder lanes necessary to accommodate the numbers. Funds cannot maintain or improve transportation modes as they lose money No tolls, no P3. Thanks. None I would very much like to see the downtown Cincinnati streetcar expanded. I would also like to see rail extending out to the suburbs and outer 275 loop to relieve highway congestion. I would very much like to see rail connections (light or otherwise) to the major cities in the region. Due to cut backs, and rising costs, I know it is hard to plan five years out specially 20/30 years out. With the growing population, and growing transportation needs, how does the state plan on keeping up, rather than falling short of well needed projects. Meaning, a design is implemented, the project is complete, but the project is already five years behind the growth spurt. How do you curve this issue? I think the Cincinnati Streetcar Project is a great addition to the city and I think that it should be expanded to all over the city. As for regional transportation, I think a regional light rail that not only connects Cincinnati to surrounding suburbs, but also other Midwestern Cities would be a great idea. I also think that improving electrical car technology is vital for improving environmental and air quality issues. We need better highway access to the southwest part of Dearborn County It is time time to explore alternative to the current I-75 corridor plan. Building an efficient Multi-modal transportation system is essential for our cities and urban neighborhoods to thrive. Light rail, smaller mass transit vehicles that run more often and intra-city connected bike paths. I know because of our size, walking is sometimes not an option, but perhaps in the future it could be. Connecting to major shopping centers via public transportation would be helpful. We should be investing in new forms of transit such as rail and bike lanes. Then money should be spent to maintain what we currently have. We should not be expanding road capacity for cars at all. The congestion in getting through Cinn./N. Ken. needs improvement. I'm confused by Question 6. I do no own a car and never plan to. While I selected the first answer, there should also be an option for those who do not own cars, whether out of choice or necessity. The bridge issue, although very important, is not our #1 concern as the media and business leaders who have a financial stake in the game want the public to believe. Building a new bridge just to get the traffic to the other choke points faster is not a viable solution. Fix the 3 choke points as well as the bridge. In addition, if you remove the dip right before the bridge on I-75N between the 12th street exit and 5th street entrance, the traffic flow would improve as no one in this area knows how to navigate a hill of any size. the cost ratio for bike paths vs usage is too high and unnecessary. If I wanted to ride my bike I could find a place without having one build in my city etc. fix roadway that are being used now none NOOOOO Street car in KY Stick with the basics on moving traffic and forget bike paths and other feel good options that add very little to solving the problem. The current plan for the Brent Spence Bridge is terrible and an unnecessary waste of money. Come up with a right sized plan that appropriately addresses the issues. Multimodal transportation and walkable neighborhoods will have far greater impacts on our communities than automotive network development ever will. The safety issue of US HWY 50 in Dillsboro is my greatest concern. The speed limit is 60 mph and very dangerous to cross or access the highway at intersections. New access roads cannot be opened due to "limited access" designation. This portion of the 4-lane highway is serious and needs to be addressed by INDOT and others regionally. Traffic is becoming heavier as development occurs in Ripley and Decatur counties. I am hoping Midwest leaders can make more public transportation projects happen in the entire region. I'd like to be able to get to other cities by public transportation (Dayton, Columbus, Cleveland, Chicago, Indy, Louisville, Lexington). Our air quality is terrible, and climate change is a top concern of mine. Let's see some creative leadership, ideas and collaboration rather than fighting and resistance to change. If their is any ways to make traveling cheaper for people, would be my suggestion One way to reduce congestion on N71/75 in KY is to make people who have Ohio tagged vehicles actually live in Ohio. On my daily commute at least 1 in 5 vehicles that i see in traffic has Ohio tags. All are travelling north in the morning. Does that mean that they are Ohio residents who have 3rd shift jobs in KY? Unlikely. The state of KY is losing money to these freeroading scofflaws. Sorry for the rant, but this mornings commute was longer than usual. Eastern By-Pass is a better option Bike paths, Bike lanes, Bike facilities!!! We need to lead the way nationwide on bikeway facilities. It is sad our politicians don't have the kahunas to implement a gas tax. Gas is as low as it has ever been in recent times, and raising the gas a dime would not hurt the economy, but it would fix the budget. I won't vote for any Tea Party members as they have no care of the country's needs and are only concerned for their next election. I belive OKI should consider an outer connector loop on the east side of the Cincinnati. I belive this would enhance development in the area and aliviate the need for most truck traffic to continue thru the city on Interstate 75. Love to live in Clermont, there is no easy way to get to Cincinnati or the Interstate, Vacation or Family come in to visit. Transportation is really needed to get around. I worked at JTA in Florida and I work for ODOT. Transportation is harsh up here. Encourage more transportation options throughout the region Seems there's so much construction and it takes so long that the public no longer pays attention to traffic barrels or cones.A lot of paving etc. seems to still take place during peak driving hours causing congestion of traffic. There are still a lot of inexperienced flaggers out there ( all are not odot ) Detours seem to take forever around these areas...and a lot of detours are not well marked for those not familar with the area. The new round abouts they have decided to make are very confusing! especially to older drivers . We need to do more inhouse work..contracting out isnt always a savings .. some work has to be done over .. Eastern Corridor, make it happen. US 50 is backed up like crazy, Red Bank exit is a mess and getting worse, and the rail line is something I'd LOVE to use Currently, I do not have to deal with Cincinnati traffic very often. I am planning on moving sometime in the near future and will have to get used to the increase in traffic volume. Downtown access from the east needs to be addressed! Upgrading existing facilities will not cut it! More funding is necessary for locals to add sidewalks to promote foot traffic. A good place for additional sidewalks would be on SR 48 in Warren Co, from US 22/3 north to Dwire Road, several neighborhoods are close by which would benefit from pedestrian access to the local shopping. I think the "Bright Connector" study is a waste of funds. The road down the hill will be too steep. Dearborn County doesn't have the funds. Bike Trail Connectivity is important to me! The East Bypass is not a solution to the 71/75 bridge issue. We need more Bridge Capacity and do not need the sprawl that the East Bypass would create. The people that want to live there want it to stay RURAL! Urban and near Suburban Re-Development is the future. Would be great if the Brent Spence bridge project would proceed We need better busses and local/regional rail options. Wish that they would bring back the 3C project of a high speed train between the cities of ohio Lack of timely maintenance due to budget restraints OKI is doing a terrible job and needs to be disbanded. I have to travel south on 4 often to the 275 exchange. The lights are never ending and it seems that if you get stopped by one, you are stopped by most. I absolutely HATE having to drive on 4 I find a lot of non highway traffic problems is due to poor light timing. I support the idea of a Cincinnati Bypass. I believe this will relieve a lot of our daily congestion. I am happy to leave my email address but I have no interest in a Red Bike Annual Pass. Can we take ARTIMIS back from ODOT, since central office is where all good things go to die. Find ways to reduce the amount of congestion on our highways. Get slower cars to move out of the way! I should not have to pass on the right or center lanes when on the highway! Paint routes on the roadways more often, and mark the roadway with special schemes to show people they are in an exit only lane. can't think of anything our population has grown and there is a stronger need to expand transportation routes and modes to get people within and outside the beltway connected to jobs, community, and social activities. Build new roads across southern Boone, Kenton and Campbell counties. Place tolls on all interstate bridges throughout Kentucky to contribute to bridge construction on all interstate roads in all of Kentucky We must develop an effective multi-modal system for future generations...regardless of will be expensive but not more so than other options, I believe, in the long term future. I think Boone Co. especially needs more options for getting around. More lanes of travel on the roadways are not going to solve our transportation problems. Additionally, we have proven ineffective to take care of the roads and bridges that we already have...Therefore, I think we should focus our efforts on strategically improving the infrastructure that we already have and create more options and support for alternative transportation and transit- -whether it be for multi-modal paths / trails, car-sharing, etc. As someone who lives in the downtown Cincinnati area without a car, I find it extremely difficult to get around with ease. The streets do not feel enough safe for biking at high traffic hours. I have used car share programs that are super helpful. I would like to see quick public transit through the region. currently do not own a car and am frustrated that OKI does not recognie the number of car-free households we already have in our metro, as evidenced by question #6. In reference to the question about what 3 types of transportation improvements are most important to me, I consider walkable neighborhoods an extremely valuable asset to cities, however, that is much more systemic than just transportation-related and a much bigger buy-in than only OKI will be needed to encourage more of them. Separately, MORE roads are better than BIGGER roads. DO NOT BUILD A BYPASS, ITS A FOOL'S BARGAIN DESIGNED ONLY FOR DEVELOPERS TO GET RICH AT THE TAXPAYER'S EXPENSE. There needs to be more focus on expanding transit service and less focus on expanding/new construction on roadways. Also note that the I-75 and I-275 interchange is very poorly designed on both ends. It requires ridiculous merges and crossover of vehicles moving at high speeds The Brent Spence Bridge replacement needs to be a TOP priority for our region. Brent Spence Bridge! Kenton County needs major upgrades in roads. some of our roads are circa 1930's and in need of reconstruction. I can site several roads that are a disgrace. KY 1829 Richardson Road, Wayman Branch Road, KY 177 Decoursey Pike, Bromley Crescent Springs Road, KY 17 south of Independence to Piner. Kenton County needs a major investment in East West routea connecting Campbell County, Kenton County to I-75. I commute +/- 1,000 miles each year to work and back by bicycle. I rarely pass any other riders. Bike/ped infrastructure and acceptance (at least in the northern Cincy suburbs) is sorely lacking. The suburbs need bike/ped infrastructure too, not just the urban core. Alternative transportation and maintenance of existing infrastructure must be priorities.