Repudiate the US-Aquino Regime

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Repudiate the US-Aquino Regime Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo English Edition Vol. XLI No. 19 October 7, 2010 Editorial Repudiate the US-Aquino regime enigno Aquino III's much-vaunted agenda of Cojuangco-Aquino family intimidated, deceived and change has lost its appeal among the people. bribed the peasants and farm workers of Hacienda B After 100 days in power, his government is fast Luisita to make it appear that their long-drawn Stock becoming exposed as a puppet regime that is no dif- Distribution Option (SDO) gimmick enjoyed wide- ferent from previous reactionary regimes. In the face spread support, thus enabling them to continue of a series of issues that ex- avoiding the distribution of the hacienda land. Aqui- ploded during Aquino's first no feigned a hands-off policy regarding 100 days in Malacañang, his this scheme. But he has only suc- regime's pro-imperialist, elitist, ceeded in demonstrating his lack shallow, inutile, militarist and rotten of intention to advance genuine to the core character is becoming evi- land reform whether in Haci- dent to the people. enda Luisita or other estates In accordance with a US- in the country. brokered agreement between He has paved the way for Aquino and Gloria Arroyo, further US intervention in ex- the current regime has not change for political, military, eco- shown any seriousness in nomic and financial prosecuting Arroyo for her myriad support from the crimes against the people. Aquino US. He is in favor of promised this to court mass support, allout counterrevolutionary but up to now, the only thing he US military intervention in the has done is to form the Philippines and utilizing the coun- Truth Commission as try as a base for US military domina- an investigative tion in Southeast Asia and the body. The commis- Pacific region. Aquino also fa- sion now faces several legal and vors the permanent presence of other impediments. This pro- US combat troops in the country. He has vides Arroyo and her cohorts a not fulfilled his pledge to take up the issue of wide berth to come up with legal, po- the Visiting Forces Agreement in meeting with litical and other maneuvers to US Pres. Barack Obama. evade prosecution and punish- Despite his statements on “peace,” he has ment. not shown any serious interest in conduct- One month after their ing formal peace talks with the National clan's ascent to power, the Democratic Front of the Philippines (NDFP). Pandering to foreign This issue’s Grand imperialist 5 peasant leaders slain interests at the deception PAGE 3 PAGE 11 highlights... people’s expense PAGE 7 Instead, he has demanded a al budget for 2011 is counterrevo- massive push to the further dena- “ceasefire” as a precondition for lutionary, neoliberal, mendicant tionalization, privatization, liberal- any talks, in violation of The Hague and antipeople. It allocates the ization and deregulation of the Joint Declaration and other agree- biggest portion to debt service and Philippine economy. It is frenzied- ments. His security and military of- practically doubles the budget of ly selling strategic industries, pub- ficials are currently preoccupied the Armed Forces of the Philippines lic utilities and other businesses with their “local peace talks” (AFP) to give further stress to and resources to big foreign capi- scheme which involves nothing COIN. The Depart- talists. Aquino's main con- more than the reactionary govern- ment of Social Wel- cern during his US visit ment talking to its own shadow. fare and Development was to sell to big capi- Aquino's hands are stained in (DSWD) received the hefti- talists hundreds of blood with his orders to extend the est increase in accord- billions of pesos previous regime's OBL terrorist ance with the US' worth of privatiza- campaign even as he readies his design to keep im- tion, invest- own version of this counterinsur- poverished countries ment and com- gency (COIN) operational plan. The and peoples dependent mercial projects in US-Aquino regime turns a deaf ear on doleouts, and the country that have to the people's widespread grievan- likewise enable been made more at- ces against rampant injustice and the DSWD to tractive through vari- violations of human rights. At least play a major role in ous tax exemptions 16 activists have been killed by COIN. On the other and other privileges. armed agents of the state since hand, government sub- The people are being made Aquino came to power. The Morong sidies for farmers to bear the brunt not only of 43 are still in detention despite the and rice consumers the government's bankruptcy flimsy case that has been filed as well as other support and the losses incurred by its de- against them and in the face of for agriculture, public colleges and graded services, but also of the widespread calls in the country and universities, government hospitals high cost of privatization. worldwide for their immediate re- and health programs for the poor, Water companies servicing Met- lease. At least 388 other political housing programs and legal sup- ro Manila are set to hike their fees prisoners continue to languish in port for migrant workers and other this October and fares at the Metro jails and military camps nation- important economic and social Rail Transit and Light Rail Transit wide. needs have all been slashed. will also be raised in November, all The US-Aquino regime's nation- The Aquino regime is giving a in a bid to make them more lucra- tive and attractive to prospective ANG investors. Contents Contrary to one of Aquino's Editorials campaign promises, his regime is Vol. XLI No. 19 October 7, 2010 Repudiate the US-Aquino regime 1 on the lookout for opportunities to Imperialist deception 3 impose new taxes on the people. It Ang Bayan is published in Pilipino, Philippines for sale 5 had planned on collecting the 12% Bisaya, Iloko, Hiligaynon, Waray and Jueteng rooted in rottenness of society 6 English editions. Water rates hiked 6 VAT on toll fees on expressways, It is available for downloading at QC-CBD: Boon to foreigners, bane to the people 7 but was stymied by intense opposi- the Philippine Revolution Web Central Demolition halted 8 tion to the move and cases filed by Education budget suffers further cuts 9 located at: the people in court. Victorious tactical offensives The country and the entire Ang Bayan welcomes contributions 1003rd Brigade punished 10 in the form of articles and news. 8th ID victories belied 10 world were witness to Aquino and Readers are likewise enjoined to send Fascist state on a rampage his administration's grave incom- in their comments and suggestions for 5 peasant leaders slain 11 petence during the hostage-taking the betterment of our publication. You 80 days, 8,000 victims 12 crisis in Manila on August 23. From can reach us by email at: Protest for land reform 12 [email protected] start to finish, the incident was a demonstration of failure and disor- Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee ganization that culminated in the of the Communist Party of the Philippines death of eight foreign tourists as 2 ANG BAYAN October 7, 2010 well as the hostage-taker. It thor- Editorial oughly exposed the rottenness and incompetence of the ruling system and the Aquino adminis- Grand imperialist tration. An investigative commit- tee has recommended filing the appropriate charges against at deception least ten police and government officials, but has nonetheless he United Nations set in the year 2000 the so-called Millennium faied to zero in on Aquino's ac- Development Goals (MDG)—eight targets purporting to resolve countability. T poverty and concomitant global problems by 2015. Ten years Aquino has appointed corrupt after, it is clear that the MDG has no other objective but to serve as officials to his cabinet and other window dressing for neoliberalism and cover up the brutal onslaught of high-ranking positions. These are imperialist globalization and aggression. mostly payback for political debts, US imperialism put up the Mil- been pushing for decades. especially for the huge amounts lennium Challenge Account (MCA) The MDG is now one of the in- invested in his electoral cam- as its own instrument in pushing struments being used by imperial- paign. He has turned a blind eye for the MDG. The MCA is being ist countries to keep poor coun- to the glaring cases these officials utilized to fund so-called poverty tries backward, unindustrialized, are embroiled in, among them the alleviation programs as well as mendicant and subjugated. illegal numbers game jueteng. He projects to uplift the low quality Through this, the imperialists has defended the guilty and ma- of life of people living in impover- deflect the people's attention ligned those who have exposed ished countries. Such assistance is from the root causes of their pov- them. These controversies have granted on condition that the erty and shift it to shallow indica- exposed the factional conflicts donees implement the imperialist tors of poverty and socio-econom- within his government and under- policies of privatization, liberali- ic problems. Meantime, imperial- scored the fractiousness and dirty zation and deregulation and do ists are able to continue with political maneuvers, the infirmi- not default on their debts. It is their plunder as they divert the ties of the executive and Aquino's these same policies people with such lofty targets. failure to govern. that the International Even as they give doleouts, Aquino's demonstrated pro-im- Monetary Fund monopoly capitalists further perialist, pro-landlord and anti- and World Bank tighten their hold on worldwide people stance in these issues por- (IMF-WB) have food production and supply sys- tends even greater suffering for tems.
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