We dedicate this Senior Book to three very special faculty members that have each helped us reach this milestone in our lives. Coach Hubbard, Mrs. Wagner, Coach Nickerson, and Mrs. Nicholson – we would like to wish you a very happy and healthy retirement. Thank you for your many years of hard work and dedication to the students of Brookwood High School.

Special thanks to the following members of the Quill and Scroll Honor Society for the production of this book:

Raven Bibby Cayton Broadhead Karley Foster Jessie Gomez Trent Hutchins Destini Miller Maddie Wilson

Zykedra Rutledge, Editor Mrs. Jennifer Reynolds, Advisor

President – Anna Sogol Vice President – Morgan Carnes Co-Secretaries – Mallory Brantley and Emaleigh Marchant (not pictured) Treasurer – Kendall Holland

President – Austin Herring Vice President –Julie Marsee Secretary – Macy McKeever Treasurer – D’Angelo Johnson

Alma Mater We have ever more been loyal Though our band be few We have rallied ‘round our standards And our colors true.

Here’s to thee, our dear old high school Here’s to thee a song May these happy mem’ries of thee Linger with us long.

Chorus Always faithful, always loyal To our ensign bright, Hail to thee our high school colors Crimson and the White

To the Graduates…from the BHS Faculty and Staff! I can honestly say that this group of seniors has been an amazing class! You have come together as friends to rally around one another and unite in the face of adversity. You've lifted up one another, encouraged one another, and shown a little extra love to those who needed it! It has been an honor for me to play a small role in your lives, and there's no doubt in my mind that each of you have bright, successful futures awaiting you! I wish you all the very best and look forward to watching you grow into awesome adults! I love you! Be careful! Have a groovy day! - Marcy Burnham, Health Science

Class of 2017, Congratulations, I am so proud of each and every one of you!! You have all accomplished so much in your time at BHS. Please remember that this is just the beginning, I can't wait to see all of the big things that y'all will go on to do!! Also remember that Brookwood High School will always be a special place for you, no matter where you are there will always be people here that care about you and will be willing to help you. Enjoy this time with your friends and family, it is truly special! Love, Lisa Carr, Math

It’s hard to believe that our time together is coming to an end. I hope each of you remember our “life lessons.” So as your days at BHS slowly come to an end I have one more lesson for you. The most important one: BE KIND!!!! Years from now, when you run into your classmates on the street they will not remember how popular you were how well you did on test. They will not remember that you scored the winning touchdown or fell down the bleachers in the gym. They won’t remember those things. But they WILL REMEMBER how you treated them. Being kind requires bravery and strength of character. Sometime you will have to make tough choices, even if those choices aren’t popular. In that moment be still, listen to your conscience. It will rarely lead you astray. Be kind to your family and siblings. They are your biggest champions. At the end of the day, should everyone else in this crazy world decide to walk away, your family will stand beside you so treat them well. Trust me on this one. Be kind to yourself. Life is messy!!! People will hurt you. Your heart will break more than once. And in those moments of messiness remember You ARE good enough. Forgive yourself, make amends, learn from it, and move on. Be kind to yourself, and you’ll find that it’s much easier to show kindness to others. So decide how you want to be remembered. Hopefully, you’ll choose kindness. And if you can’t be kind, be quiet. Congratulations!!! This class will always have a special place in my heart. – CHAS Emily Chastain, Career Tech Class of 2018, I wish you all the best in your future endeavors. You all have the potential to accomplish whatever you aspire to be. And remember your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. Keep God #1, and I know that you will all do great things! Love, Laurie Elliott, Math

To the Class of 2018: As you leave us, remember to be kind and considerate, open minded and tolerant of others, and be a good citizen. Be passionate about what you care about and above all remember your vote is your voice. Don't let it be silenced by inaction! Scarlett Gaddy, Social Studies

Congratulations seniors. I know this has been a long time coming and I wanted to congratulate you on making it to this very important milestone. During your time here at BHS I have had the please of teaching many of you three and some even all four years. We have learned a lot from each other. Y’all will always have a special place in my heart. Good luck on your future endeavors. I know you will make all of us here at BHS proud. Remember to keep in touch. And finally don’t forget, don’t do anything stupid. Kristen Halkias, Math

Congratulations on all your hard work. You have completed something that not everyone has. Many of your friends that started school with you in elementary school or middle school are no longer with you. You have persevered and have achieved where others have not. It should be a source of pride but with an attitude of thanks to all who have helped you. Keep learning even though this part of your schooling is over. Treat everyone with kindness even when they don’t deserve it. Do your best at everything; someone is always watching. Be sure you can articulate what you believe and why. The power of government must be limited, but the power of God is unlimited. Ray Hubbard, Social Studies

Class of 2018! Best of luck to you in your future endeavors! You have been a joy to teach and I wish you ALL the best. Remember and practice one of my favorite quotes: " Never, never, never give up." - Winston Churchill Joni Johnson, Science

I want to wish each of you much happiness and stability as you start your new journey. Some days may have a few hiccups but stand strong and learn from each of these. Always look to the Lord for the plan He has in store for you. Regardless of where your journey takes you, never forget where you started as a child, teenager and young adult, You were loved and cared for at Brookwood High School. Be a positive influence throughout your life. Be courageous and reach for higher boundaries as you advance in your career. "GO PANTHERS" Susan Nicholson, Bookkeeper

Congratulations Seniors! “Today is your day. You’re off to GREAT places! You’re off and away!” – Dr. Seuss What a pleasure it has been getting to know each of you over the last four years! It has been an honor and a privilege watching you grow into the bright and enthusiastic young adults that you are today, ready to leave your mark on the world. Each one of you has so much potential and so many gifts and talents to share with others. I’m excited to see where life takes you from here. I congratulate each of you in reaching one of the most important milestones in your lives. I sincerely wish each and every one of you the best of what life and the future has to offer. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to teach and guide you. Thank you for being who you are. Now bless the world by showing us who you will become. Jennifer Reynolds, Science

Seniors, I feel so honored to have taught each and every one of you. I could not have asked for a better group of students. Your compassion and enthusiasm will take you far in life, I am certain. Thank you for your patience during my two jaw surgeries. You have made me so happy during what would have otherwise been an incredibly stressful year. You never fail to surprise me with your ideas, solutions, and humor. If the rest of your peers are as wonderful as you are, the world will be a much better place in twenty or thirty years than it is today. Remember to vote, start saving for retirement early, question the status quo, and be kind. I love each of you so much. I cannot wait to see what the future has in store for you. Perhaps more importantly, I cannot wait to see what you have in store for the future. Callie Rhodes, Social Studies BHS Graduating Seniors, Life promises you nothing and it certainly owes you nothing. YOU have to make your life happen and YOU decide how your life turns out. Don't live with regret...make good choices and treat people fairly. You are always responsible for how you act, no matter how you feel. I wish you happiness and contentment. Janet Sanford, Librarian

I wish you well as you take this next step into adulthood. No one ever said this journey would be easy. Push yourself to be the best you can be and learn from your mistakes. I hope that you grow to appreciate all that life has to offer. Best Wishes! Mrs. Wagner, Career Tech

Ashlyn Marie Argo

School Activities: Volleyball (9-10), Green Team (9-10), Co-op (11-12), National Honor Society (11-12), Beta Club (10-12), Yearbook (10,12-Design Editor), Mu Alpha Theta (12)

Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Ashlyn Argo, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of strong mind and able body do hereby leave the following: My cap, gown, and tassel to my parents for supporting me and pushing me for the past 13 years. I leave the memories of washing lunch tables in Mrs. Thomas’ class with Sammie Criss, which led me to have the greatest best friend in the world. I am so thankful for all our memories and the many more to come, stay cocky!! To Brooke Gamble I leave sneaking out of class to get henrys, the zaxbys we snuck into the Pitch Perfect 3, and I leave our daily phone calls on the way home. I leave all the memories made because I am so thankful I have a found a great friend in you this year!

I leave the torture you put me through in middle school and my broken water bottle from 7th grade, but I’m thankful for our friendship now and all the memories that have been made. To Alex Smith I leave our daily pictures in chastains class, your swollen ankle from falling in the gym, and “feed the baby”. To Jessie Gomez I leave a ball of sunshine because that is exactly what you are and all the encouragement you have given me over the past years. Also, I leave our daily talks at my lunch table. To Trent Hutchins I leave my huge dogs, my new phone, and all of our laughs. To the JV Volleyball team of 2015 I leave our undefeated season because we worked so hard and had an amazing year. To my sweet 9th grade babies in Polly’s class I leave all the labs I had to assist you in, and I’m sorry I had to leave y’all! To Eli Snelson I leave my watermelon socks. I leave a banana to Skylar Crouch and Karley Foster so we may always remember the time we shoved a banana in a backpack and it stayed in there for several days. To Skylar I leave a dented mailbox, well because you know why! To Anna Mckee I leave nasty gummy bears of the floor and of course the matching tie dye “softball rocks” shirts from the picture in Dobbs office. To Alli Cooley I leave the lunch bell and our obsession of being best friends with Dr. Gibbons (btw we are totally up to have tea anytime!!). I leave the stolen rocks from mount cheaha and sweet manly mandy to Sydney Lovell. To Shelby Land I leave all my sarcastic comments and a subway sandwich for future field trips. Also, I leave craig the crayfish from Hiram and Anne to two of my favorite girls, Shelby and Sydney. To Haylee Hardy I leave her blue tortilla chips she eats every day. To Mikayla Hulsey I leave civic chats with Jen, Samuel, “portion control”, all of our jokes and memories over the past years. Also, I leave the fireworks from precious Mrs. Melissa that almost killed us when we tried rolling your house and got caught. To Riley Weems and Shamya Matthews I leave our daily walking stories to the car. I leave all the memories we made in Mrs. Clark’s math class of “gay turtles” and our daily bathroom pictures to Riley Weems, Anna Sogol, Grace Mink, and Destini Miller. To Kelsey Tubbs, Raven Bibby, and Sammie Criss I leave the memories we made of breaking ankles, “raccoons”, and the graveyard incidents of me getting stuck on the fence. To the west wing breakfast club, I leave the struggle of getting there so early, but also our love for west wing and President Bartlett. I leave Tayler Herring a spoon, fork, and knife so you can always have utensils when you need to eat something like peanut butter and you won’t have to use your fingers. To Zykedra Rutledge I leave the “hose pipe” we used in Mrs. Lewis’ class. To all of my friends I leave the homework I probably gave you over the years and all the good times and great memories we have made in the past 4 years. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Ashlyn Argo, will be a high school math or history teacher and be married to a wonderful man with at least one child. She will be an influential person on the next generation and be an awesome teacher. She and her family will love and serve Jesus in every aspect of their life. She will have a regular house and a beach house so she can live at the beach on the weekends. Teacher Last Will:I leave Jennifer Reynolds, my all-time favorite person all of our memories over the past four years. I leave our civic chats on the way home from volleyball games and our daily hugs. So, thank you for not only teaching me so many new things and inspiring to become a teacher but thank you for being my school “mom” and shaping me in to who I am today, you are the best. I leave Mrs. Scarlet Gaddy all the Edmodo work that we have done the past 9 months. I leave Dr. Gibbons many thanks for devoting yourself to your work and being the best teacher I have ever had. I leave Coach Hubbard all the dates and presidents we learned in your class. Also, when we went to the triathlon and had to work like 2 hours past our time and then walk like 4 miles back but thanks for getting me involved in FCA and teaching us that “the power of government should always be limited”. I leave Mrs. Copen some sparkly pens and smiley faces. Thank you so much for being one of the best math teachers I have ever had and helping me find my love for math (if that is even possible!). I leave Mrs. Gentry all the memories we made in her class during 6th period in 9th grade. Thank you for being so sarcastic and one of my favorite teachers ever. Also, I leave me continually asking “how’s the baby/toddler” every time I saw you. To Mr. Franks I want to thank you for being so understanding to me and helping whenever I needed it. To all of my teachers, thank you for investing your time and life to shaping young people to who they will become in the near future, we appreciate all of you! Favorite class: My favorite class was yearbook because I got to the chance to use my creativity and recreate a book of memories that people will look at for many years to come. And of course it was taught by my all-time favorite Jen Ren!! Favorite High School Memories: Some of my favorite high school memories were made on the bus rides after volleyball games, pep rallies, and homecoming week. Favorite Song: My favorite song of 2018 is Tremble by Mosaic MSC. Favorite Movie: My favorite movie of 2018 is Beauty and the Beast. Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trend of 2018 is Birkenstocks. Advice to underclassmen: My advice is to live your life to fullest because you never know what may happen. High school is a time to have fun, make memories and grow your knowledge, so do it with all your heart. Social Media: Facebook: Ashlyn Argo, Instagram: @aashlynargo, Twitter: @aashlynargo, Snapchat: ashlynargo

Molly Grace Banks School Activities: JROTC (9-12) Senior Last Will & Testament: . I, Molly Banks, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of complicated mind and beautiful body do hereby leave the following: I leave my sense of humor and best memories to Brianna Louise Hopkins. My grace and best wishes to Bryanna Carlee. They’re great friends and honest people. And to Bailey Noel Kizziah I’m leaving my childhood Boobah memories. I leave Keeley Williams my strength and honesty, because she really is the strongest person I know; and to my favorite twins, Brandon and Bradley Formby, I leave the memories of all the laughter and fun times, to Maycle McCormick and Samantha Cecil, I leave all of the pettiness and boy talk. I leave all of my attitude to Estoria Brianne Pailey (Breezy), every single bit of it. I leave my kind heartedness and ambichous soul to Lathen Megginson. To Jordan Bradley Pendley, I leave my heart and happiness….because he makes me the happiest girl in the world. I leave to Austin Blake Thomas fearlessness and never being able to give up on what you really want, and effort to do whatever you feel is right to do. To Jaylyn Marie Gillenwater, I leave all of my advice never give up on anything that God throws your way, he does it for a reason. To Antonio Williams and Destin Wright, the first period JROTC memories. Teacher Last Will: Major West, Thank you for teaching me how to be a leader and getting me out of my shy little bubble. You’re the reason why I’m so outgoing today. Mrs. Chastain/Cruce, Thank you for putting up with my attitude on a daily basis and teaching me to never give up on anything no matter what my mind tells me to do. Favorite class: Child services was my favorite class throughout high school because I like to be creative and I love Chastain. Advice to underclassmen: . To the Underclassmen, high school in real life is nothing like high school musical, all of the friends you have now are probably not going to be here for you in the long run, so I would worry about yourself and your grades before you focus on anybody else. Social Media: Facebook: Molly Grace Instagram: @mmollyy.g Snapchat: mollygrace956

Angela Brooke Barger Nickname: Brooke School Activities: Bible Quizzing Team (9th), Volleyball (9th), Cheerleader (9th), Key Club Secretary (9th-10th), Teens for Christ (9th-10th), Spanish Club (9th10th), Dance Line (10th), Delta Tree (9th-10th), Beta Club (9th-12th), Art Club (11th-12th), Stage and Screen Club Secretary (12th), FBLA (12th), FCA (11th-12th), National Honor Society (12th), Quill and Scroll Honor Society (12th), Green Team (11th-12th), National Society of High School Scholars (12th) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Brooke Barger, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of a creative mind and a somewhat clumsy body, do hereby leave the following: I leave my legacy of secretly being a mermaid to Ms, Jazlyn Pinckney. May this information always bless you. I leave all of my Dr. Gibbons’ essays to my sister, Lizzie Barger. I leave my house key to Kaitlyn Cook for all of those times I have left the house and locked you outside, sorry! I leave my cap and gown to my mother and Neal and my father and

Mrs. Angie. And I leave my tassel to Ms. Casey Cunningham To all of my fellow seniors, enjoy life! Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Brooke Barger, will still be blessed with pink hair and travelling around the country with her husband, William Crawford, playing music for anyone and everyone.. They will be expecting their first child within a month. With their spare time, they will be hanging out with friends and living their life the fullest. Teacher Last Will: I leave the memory of The Crucible performance to Mrs. Sellers and Mrs. Morton. Also, thank you Mrs. Sellers for showing me the world of theatre. Mrs. Morton, thank you for mythology class and all of the recommendations. Thank you Dr. Gibbons for critiquing my essays and for introducing so many works of literature to me. Thank you Mrs. Copen for making pre- calculus understandable. Thank you Coach Lewis for tolerating the mandolin concerts in class. Favorite class: My all time favorite classes would have to be Mrs. Morton’s mythology class and Mrs. Sellers’ theatre class. My junior year I always looked forward to Mrs. Morton’s class because she was always dramatic when we read the myths. Mrs. Sellers’ theatre class made me realize how much I enjoyed acting and performing. Favorite High School Memories: One memory that I will carry for the rest of my life will be mine and Casey’s performance of Arthur Miller’s The Crucible. I will always remember our stage slap and how you scared all of the people in the audience afterwards. Another memory that I will look back on will be all the vending machine trips I made with Jazlyn. Favorite Song: My favorite song of the year is Photograph by Def Leppard. Favorite Movie: My favorite movie of the year is Dirty Dancing Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trend of the year is space buns with a ton of glitter. Advice to underclassmen: For my underclassmen, my advice for you is to NOT procrastinate. I would have been better off without putting everything off to the last minute. Social Media: Instagram: brooke.barger28

Ashton Blake Battles

Nickname: Fat Daddy School Activities: Beta Club (11-12), Concert Band (9-10) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Ashton Battles, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of a philosophical mind and body, do hereby leave the following: To Grantland Earle, all of those stressful, repetitive and at the end annoying concert band songs, I leave crazy weekends with Griff, going to

Ken’s and Palo, The Disney Trip, Six flags, Donald trump rally’s and years of priceless friendship. You are my brother for life. I will always have your back and hey, maybe one day I’ll pay you the 40 dollars I owe you! To Griffin Arnett, now we have some stories buddy. I leave all those weekends of building forts in woods, going Hayden’s parties at the bando, going fishing in the “Fishing Lake” but never catching a single fish, braving dad’s guns and eating more candy than my 600 lb. life contestant. The last thing I leave you is

the time we got pulled over with Noah Kornegay in my truck Tannihill General for sleeping in the road for an hour and a half and we didn’t even go to jail. Good times! To Kaylee Boyd, I leave you years of a great friendship and sometimes my voice of reasoning, thank you for being my home room buddy and a friend in the hard times. I leave you all these stressful advanced classes, putting up with my craziness in class, I leave all the times I “Bullied” you in class. Lastly, thank you, I love you my dear friend. To Big Money Paige Bishop, the first thing I leave you is everybody thinking we are dating when we are cousins, chillin’ in the park before work, messing with random people, jamming in the whip and so on. You are one of my favorite people, there’s no way I couldn’t forget all the fun stuff we have done. Thank you for being such a great friend, I love you like a sister. To T.J. Jarvis, Jeffery Hopkins and Thomas Caddell, ya’ll are a great group of guys first of all and some of the best people to be around. I leave all of you the hard but fun times we’ve had in Copen, talking about girls, cars and music. I leave our plans of ever working out together, the stress of school and me asking you all for help in math. I thank you all for helping me, being my friends and for being reliable, responsible, and ,good friends, Love you all like my brothers. Madison Mabry Battles Nickname: Maddie School Activities: 9th- volleyball and softball team 10th- volleyball and softball team 11th- volleyball, beta club, HOSA, green team, FCCLA 12th- volleyball, national technique honor society, beta club, HOSA, green team, FCCLA, and a member of the 2017 homecoming court. Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Maddie Battles, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of scattered mind and stunning body do hereby leave the following: My cap and gown to my parents because without them I wouldn’t be where I am today, thank yall both for the endless amount of love, support, encouraging words, and laughs along the way. Also thank you for supporting my spending habit and never letting me go without something I want/need! I love yall. My diploma and tassel to my baby sister, Morgan, I also leave you my OTBT’s because you wear them more than I do so they might as well be yours. thank you for being so kind hearted and always being my ear to listen no matter the circumstance. Your beautiful inside and out and never EVER let anyone tell you different. Kinslee Gober, I leave you all my strength because here soon you’ll need it to finish these last three years of High School. I also leave you my prom dress since you are the one who convinced me to try it on and I ended up loving it. Thank you for being another little sister and treating me like family. Annaleis Lindsey, my main, my best friend, my go to, I leave you ALL my clothes because we both know we were in each other’s closets more than we were in our own. I leave you all the hugs you gave me anytime we parted ways. I just want to thank you for always being dependable anytime I needed up early for school, a tournament or just whatever, I knew you would always drag me out of bed. Thanks for always being so down to earth and never letting I love you go unheard. Hannah Pierce, I leave you that crazy bus ride when we decided it would be a good idea for me to pierce your 2nd holes. Lol. Hey but at least they are even. And thank you for allowing me to be a part of your baby’s life, he seriously is the cutest kid ever. Emily Seay, I leave you all my cheetah print stuff because you are the only person I know who loves cheetah print as much as I do. Haley martin, I leave you all the banana peppers we ate after getting home from the skating rink so late. Kelsey Tubbs, we both know we had the best senior volleyball season ever and I leave you my jersey, thank you for being a leader on and off the court and I’ll never forget our hug after our very last game and crying like a baby. thank you for stepping up and being a setter your senior year. I leave you all the chicken minis, because you are the only person other than me that I know that eats the chicken first then the bread. I love you so much do big things at UA. Alivia Scruggs, thank you for being a forever friend, I leave you all the limestone trips because without you I couldn’t handle the boys. Brayden Weathers, I leave you all my arguments because me, you, and everyone else knows that you will “WIN” every argument you get in, you are the most stubborn person I know. Connor Antonio, I leave you my glass to my right-side mirror. I don’t think I ever said thanks for fixing it after I hit that mailbox. Kelsea Hogeland, I leave you the best beach trip ever, we both know we had fun and made some unforgettable memories. Julia strange, I leave you all the “HEYY MADDIE-BUG’S” you said to me anytime we first saw each other and all the waves you gave me through the class window anytime you seen me, I love you girl. Ashley Service, thank you for being a friend who can always pick up right where we left off and I leave you camwow, haha we used that app for every selfie we took. Skylar crouch, I leave you all the dill pickle seeds that I never got to eat, we always had fun ridding to the store on our break. Griffy (griffin cook) I leave you all the beach trips of summer 2017 because you are the only one who could hang for all three long trips and all the sunscreen because without that you would have been a lobster. Lawson brooks, I leave you all the softball/baseball talks in French class, and I leave you my final grade in there because without you I’d probably have failed it. Katie Johnson, I leave you all the times you randomly started singing at practice or dancing. I don’t think I have ever seen you have a bad day. Jessica Cross, I leave all the car rides I wasn’t able to give you, your 9th grade year, sorry! But thanks for always making me laugh and always giving me a big hug. Bailey Johnson, thank you for all the volleyball tips throughout the game and in practice you always know what to say and how to say it. And lastly, Alex Gober. You have impacted my life and shown me what true love is from day 1 no matter the age, thank you for all the memories and laughter. Thank you for being my shoulder to cry on and loving me unconditionally. I leave you all the jewelry you bought me, all the pictures we took (even though you didn’t want to take them), I leave you my side of the bed because we always seem to fight about who gets what side, I leave you all the hugs and kisses I never got to give you. xoxoxoxo. And I leave you all your clothes I never returned to you; to all the senior class of 2018- good luck in the real world, hopefully I’ll see yall in 10 !!!

Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Maddie Battles, will be a neonatal nurse at some hospital. She will be married to her middle/high school sweetheart (Alex Gober), and hopefully have 2 kids of her own. Teacher Last Will: I, Maddie Battles, leave the following to my favorite teachers/coaches: I want to thank coach Sisty for giving me the very best volleyball season ever and I leave you my other jersey (I left Kelsey one of them too) but thank you for pushing me to do my best and thank you for never letting me down. Also, thanks for working out with us and showing us, you could do it to. we all look up to you, and I wish you good luck in your future years of coaching and becoming a mother. Marcy Burnham, I leave you the hamburger man story because it is my all-time favorite story that you tell. To the CNP lunch ladies, I leave yall all my school problems, thanks for all the hugs and kind words from all of you and sorry for bugging yall 24/7. But seriously yall are the best. Favorite class: Clinicals is by far my favorite class I have taken throughout my years of high school, I think I like it so much because I get to learn new things every day and I get to help people, and that’s what I love to do. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memories would have to be homecoming week, that’s the week I looked forward to every year and it sure did fly by. Favorite Song: Favorite song of the year- you make it easy by. Jason Alden Favorite Movie: I don’t have a favorite movie, but I do have a favorite T.V. show and that is Riverdale Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trend of the year is bell-bottom jeans Advice to underclassmen: To the underclass, soak it all up and have fun because before you know it you’ll be graduating and starting your life. It will be here before you know it. Social Media: Facebook: Maddie Battles Instagram: _maddiebattless Snapchat: maddie_battle Twitter: maddiebattles

Dalton Glenn Bloomer School Activities: Basketball (10) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Dalton Bloomer, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of positive mind and strong body do hereby leave the following: I want to leave my best wishes to everyone in the class of 2018. They are a good group of people and I am so glad that we all made it this far. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Dalton Bloomer, will be a radiologist technician. He will have a nice house in a very nice neighborhood

Teacher Last Will: I would like to thank all of my teachers for helping me make it this far, especially Coach Hubbard, Coach Smergalia, and Mrs. Reynolds. Favorite class: My favorite class was Coach Cox’s world history class back in 9th grade. He told us great stories and talked a lot about football. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memory was that moment where I got the message saying that I passed all my years in high school, knowing that I am closer to graduating. Favorite Song: DNA, by Kendrick Lamar Favorite Movie: IT 2017 Advice to underclassmen: For all underclassmen, do your very best. Go full speed ahead, no slowing down.

Garrett Boyd

Jessica Shalyn Boyd Nickname: Sometimes Jessie or Jessie Shay (when others feel like it) School Activities: FCCLA member (9-11), served as a Vice President (10), President (11)Brookwood Cabinet Member representing FCCLA (11) Green Team (9-10) FCA (10-12) Civinettes (11-12) Mass Media (11) HOSA (9-12), secretary (10), treasury (11) National Honors Society of High School Scholars (10-12) Beta Club (11-12) Honors Club (11-12) National Technical Honor Society (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Jessica Boyd, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of sassy mind and womanly body do hereby leave

the following: I leave Zykedra Rutledge my freshman schedule from when I meet her at schedule pick up my first year at Brookwood and we automatically became best friends. I leave her Starbucks and Hot Cheetos for all of the times she was a plug for snacks. I leave Zykedra all the inspiring and motivating speeches she would give. I leave Kendall Bridgeman, Julia Strange, and Morgan Carnes a health book from freshman year with Coach Averett, we always had something to laugh about and every day we got closer. I leave Cayton Brodhead and Nyla Burton all of the laughs and story times that were shared in Coach Cox 8th period history class. I also leave Cayton Brodhead a solo cup from a tenth-grade bonfire when we had to pick a girl up out of their own urine. I also leave Cayton white Nike shoes that I stepped on (that she still to this day is mad about). I leave Skylar Crouch pickle roll-ups that everyone begs her to make every potluck. Also, all of the good times we had together and for Sky being a great friend. I leave Riley Weems a shirt from Maurice’s, for the loud hysterical laughs we would have in the hallway, and all the times she would TRY and push me down the stairs. I leave Claire Boyd my fashion fish we made in Chastain’s class when I first meet her and became close friends. I leave Zoe White and Julie Marsee the homework assignments from math they helped me understand. I leave Julie Marsee my makeup bag, memories, laughs, snack times, nap times, and a charger for all the times I asked her to use her charger. She’s an amazing friend and is always there for you in the good times and the bad times sheds the only one who truly understands me and can handle my attitude. I leave Noah Kornegay our Snapchat streak we lost and our end of the year video for junior year we made in Mass Media. I leave Haley Johnson and Kayla Bornstein our poster form FCCLA star events my Junior year, I will always remember the moment in competiton when they told us we only had 1 out of the 5 minutes left and we freaked out. I leave Bailey Early all the times on the bus where we acted a fool and he always got in trouble which isn’t a shocker. I leave Zoe White our duct tape prom dress that we spent a month making, but it turned out to be the best in the class. I leave Zoe the best days of her life and that she will never have a bad day. I leave my mom all of my awards that I got, and she had to sit through long ceremonies for. I leave Emmy Jane a balloon from our last homecoming pep rally where she came and joined the fun. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Jessica Boyd will be finishing college to graduate from Pharmacy school for purists to start a career as a wealthy Pharmacist. I will have a luxury vehicle such as a white Mercedes-Benz G-class. I will be living in Alabama in a nice house with my fiancé and our two dogs in a big city such as Birmingham. My fiancé and I will be planning our wedding and plan a vacation to Barcelona. After I have a solid foundation in my Pharmacy career I plan on traveling very often, I want to travel the world so traveling with my family twice a year will be a necessity. Also, I will still be very involved in Emmy’s life making sure she is given

the best care she could possibly have. Even though I will be away from my mother I will still check on her and call her daily, so she doesn’t freak out or worry about me. I still will be involved in many community organizations to give back to the community. Teacher Last Will: I leave all of the movies and sarcastic mood to Mr. Lewis gave 4rth period world history. I leave Polly Davis every foldable that I ever made junior year. I leave Mrs. Burnham a picture of Emmy because she was always there for students no matter what. I leave Mrs. Copen sparkle gel pens for giving students smiling faces on quizzes or test, it made everyone feel accomplished in life. Mrs. Copen was the best teacher ever I have ever had, she was one of those teachers who knows how to teach. She really made math click for me and taught me how to properly study, also she made me realized that if you want to do good in a class know how to do a problem forwards and backward, not just memorize fit or a day then forget later. I leave Mrs. Skelton an award for being the best senior counselor and making sure students are on a successful path toward their future. I leave Mrs. Guinn a coffee cup because they’re always on her desk, I guess this was her secrete to dealing with kids all day with a positive spirit every day. Never would you see her in a bad mood, she is always trying to make someone laugh. I thank her for genuinely being an amazing teacher and sincerely caring for her students, she will always go beyond and above to see her students thrive. I leave Mrs. Gardner and Mrs. Haygood candy for the candy stash that all office assistance would get into. I leave my gratitude for them being my life counselors and giving me advice that was so encouraging. Also, all the laughs we would have together to make a day better or to make a day go by faster. Favorite class: Out of all of the classes I have taken in High School my favorite class would be Clinical’ s with Mrs. Burnham (Cruce), we had some hand on experience in the medical field. It gave us an opportunity to study, do homework with our classmates, and relax so we didn’t have to come home to so many things to do. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite memories in high school were every pep rally that we ever had, from freshmen year to senior year, winning or losing, class participation or not. It was always an exciting experience every time something new would happen that would be memorable. Favorite Song: My favorite song of the year 2018 is Love Lies by Khalid. Favorite Movie: My favorite movie of the year 2018 is Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trend of 2018 is slaying makeup, destructed jeans, white converse. Advice to underclassmen: My advice for underclassman is to surround yourself with positive friends that are going to motivate you to be the best you can be. Know that your grades matter and don’t slack, learn how to study and do well in a hard class now for future classes. Social Media: Instagram; @Jessieshay_ Snapchat @Jessica_1437

Kaylee Michele Boyd School Activities: Marching and Concert Band (9-12), Band Leadership Team (10-12), Diamond Dolls (9-10), BHS Civenettes (10), French Club (9-11), FBLA (9-10), Panther Peer Mentors (12), HOSA (9-12), National Honor Society (11-12), Beta Club (11-12), National Technical Honor Society (12), Mu Alpha Theta (12), BHS Ambassadors (11-12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Kaylee Boyd, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of big mind and small body, do hereby leave the following: To Macy McKeever, my best friend and my person, I leave Labor Day weekend, all of the many boys, you feeding me ice cream, you abandoning me for UNA, “sizzle like bacon,” “dragonflies getting frisky at bandcamp,” always spelling things for you, you letting me be unofficial guard, “kat kat,” solo and ensemble, kingdom keepers, and everyone thinking we’re sisters, that time that me and gage convinced the entire band that we were brother and sister. There's so many more memories and so much more I

could say but I would be writing for days so I'm just going leave it at that because you already know. You're my best friend, you have been for 6 years now. You've been through everything with me and no matter where life takes us I know we'll always be there for each other. I love you! To Madison Junkin, I leave the fact that we hated each other, being the last six year marchers, all of our stupid inside jokes and fights, helping me face my fear of heights, us being the old ladies in wheelchairs talking crap about everyone in the nursing home, that weekend at your house with all the trouble we almost got into, your brother liking me more than you, and always being each other’s “boyfriend” I love you so much!! To Britani McGhee, I leave you being the drum major but still favoring clarinets, being uniform captains, Labor Day weekend, you opening my soul can every day for me when I got my wisdom teeth out, struggling through math together, talking in Trevor’s room until three in the morning, and your cat trying to kill me. I love you!! To Ashton Battles, I leave you being a bad influence and trying to corrupt me since freshman year, homeroom, us needing to work out, all the jokes that make our classes bearable, and all the “fake people.” I love you!

Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Kaylee Boyd will be a successful Pediatric Nurse, married with at least one kid. She will have a big house with a mini cooper and will vacation in the Bahamas every year. Teacher Last Will: To Mr. Harrison, thank you for helping me become a better musician and encouraging me to put myself out there. To Mrs. Burnham, thank you for being an amazing teacher and helping me to find my passion for my future career. Favorite class: My favorite class was Mrs. Burnham’s Foundations of Health class because that is where I first discovered my passion for nursing. Favorite High School Memories: All of the football games and competitions with my band family. I love y’all! Advice to underclassmen: Surround yourself with good people that you trust, the friends you make now will get you through these four years and they’re the ones you’ll always be able to go to even after your time here is done. Social Media: Facebook: Kaylee Boyd~Instagram: @_kayleeboyd_ ~Snapchat: kayleeboyd42

Briley Reese Brady School Activities: FCCLA (10 and 11), HOSA (12), Beta Club (11 and 12), National Honor Society (11 and 12), National Technical Honor Society (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Briley Brady, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of an exceptional mind and rockin' body do hereby leave the following: I leave my tassel to my brother, Chase Brady- may you leave Brookwood High School with great memories, great friends, and always live your high school years to the fullest, you'll miss it, I promise. I love you; I leave my diploma and pep rally days to my little sister, Lily Eaton- as you enter high school, always try your best and make the most of it. Don't forget to go all out for pep rallies. When the last one comes, you'll just wish you could go back. I love you; I leave my cap and gown to my mom, my dad, and my stepmom- thank you, mom, for being my guardian angel and always watching over me. Thank you, dad and Katie, for always pushing me to be the best I can be and never giving

up on me; To Ashtyn Price- I leave my first for real best friend that I met at Brookwood and all of the good times, bad times, and crazy times. From riding when we weren't supposed to be to staying up all night eating ice cream and talking about life; Gracie Sisk, I leave you our crazy bus rides and memories made all around. Thank you for being one of my besties and always being completely honest with me, whether it's what I want to hear or not; I leave parking lot conversations, weekends at Tannehill, concerts at the beach, and late nights doing absolutely nothing to Kyndal Eaton- even though we'll continue to make many more memories; Jaylan Wade, I leave talks at "your pole" in the hallway between classes, fighting you when you thump me or look at my feet, and always being there for me. Thanks for being my bestie through everything; To Audrey Smithson- I leave church parking lots, bad decisions on guys, and fun memories; Justin Hargett, I leave you driving me around the parking lot in my car and always picking on me in the hallway; Dusty Proctor, to you I leave trips to the field house after school and messing with me in the halls; To Khalil Warren, I leave the bus rides in like the tenth grade, pep rally and football game pictures, you never failing to pick on me and making me laugh, and "what do you want from me" everyday in the lunch line; Sean Carter- I leave to you morning talks in my car before school and Halloween at Tannehill; To Kelsea Hogeland- I leave you one of the best friends I made senior year. I leave you our tears and boyfriend problems we had in third period, I leave you our laughs and jokes, and I leave you always leaving school early; Hannah pierce, I leave to you being best friends in middle school to hating each other the beginning of high school to being good friends again. I leave to you all of our memories from seventh grade to now and many more to come in the future; I leave all the laughs in clinicals to Madison Battles because you always had a story to tell that had us cracking up; To Grayson Higgins- to you I leave a friendship from the time you moved here in tenth grade to now and always. I leave late nights riding somewhere in Brookwood or just in your backyard. I leave hanging out at the shop with your friends or even just your parents. I leave you good times, bad time, rough times, and always getting through anything life threw our way. Lastly, I leave to you a future or many things, whatever that may be; Kalee Stoinski- I leave you all of my math work and math tests because you sure did need them. I leave you a friendship from middle school to now. Thank you for being my bestie and I can't wait to make many more memories with you; To Cody Bohannon, I leave all the answers to everything and naps in every class. Thanks for being one of my good friends since middle school; I leave working at Dewey's and milkshakes to Halle Strong. I leave boy drama and always having another story to tell one after another; To Brookwood High School, I leave the most fun, memorable four years I've experienced. I leave lessons learned and friends made. I leave the greatest four years, but I'm on to better things; Lastly, to the Class of 2018, I leave fun times, hard times, and memories. May you all succeed and become all you’ve ever wanted and more.

Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Briley Brady, will be married with atleast one child and a bunch of dogs. She'll be finishing college to become a Cardiothoracic Surgeon. She'll live in a big, pretty house with her husband, kids, and dogs and be very successful!

Teacher Last Will: To my teachers: Coach Smeraglia, I leave all of the memories from your class my eleventh grade year and hallway talks my senior year. Thank you for all of the advice you’ve given me from friends to boys to life. Thank you for being the teacher I could talk to about anything. Also, thank you for pushing me to be the best that I could; To Mrs. Davis, I leave you all of the foldables I ever did because it was a lot; Mrs. Cruce-Burnham- to you I leave my clinicals because one day I'll be a surgeon, thanks to you and the medical terminology videos. Thank you for never giving up on us; To Mrs. Guinn, I leave the sixth stanza of "Still I Rise," I'll never forget it because it made me cry in class. Thank you for being the best english teacher I had in high school and for teaching me to write, the right way. Favorite class: My favorite classes were math and clinicals. I loved algebra and clinicals was a fun and great experience! Favorite High School Memories: I've had A LOT of great memories made throughout my four years of high school. One of my favorite memories will always be homecoming week, all four years, but mostly my senior year. It was the most bitter sweet, emotional roller coaster that I wish I could do over and over again. Memories made in clinicals from Christmas parties to long talks outside at the picnic tables, will always be some of my favorites. Everyday was a memory that we never knew we were making, we just knew we were having fun. Those are the memories that I'll look back on and cherish forever. Favorite Song: My favorite song of the year would be Right Girl Wrong Time by Jon Langston. Favorite Movie: My favorite movie of the year would be Moana! Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trends of the year are bell bottom jeans, mini skirts, socks and birkenstocks, and oversized sweaters! Advice to underclassmen: My advice to underclassmen, ALWAYS have fun and live your high school years to the fullest. I promise, it flies by and you'll be wishing for it back. NEVER give up on anything. If you want something go after it, no matter what. ALWAYS tell your friends how much they mean to you. They aren't here forever and neither are you. High school may suck now, but as soon as you start realizing "wow, this is really the last time," you'll want to start all over and you'll want it all back. I wish I would've listened when everyone told me not to wish it away. Social Media: Facebook: Briley Brady Instagram: brileyy.b Twitter: brileyyb

Amelia Claire Brantley School Activities: JROTC (9-11), Rifle Team (9-11), Assistant Chaplain (10), Chaplain (11), Leo Club (12), Hosa(11-12), State Finalist: Medical reading (12), Beta Club (11-12), Honor Society (11-12), National Technical Honor Society (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: . I, Amelia Brantley, being of anxious mind and dysfunctional kidneys do hereby leave the following: my good grades with a dash (let’s be honest) a crap ton of procrastination to my little brother J. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Amelia Brantley, will be a compassionate nurse sharing her love with them along with her faith. Then she will come home to her loving husband to share their day. She will be at church as much as she can dedicating her life to Christ. Teacher Last Will: . I, Amelia Brantley, being of anxious mind ,and spirit nature do hereby leave the following: To Major West, my handicapped prayers and dolphin ways. Don’t forget your devotionals! To Mrs. Guinn, every lunch in 11th grade and my faith in you for all the faith you had in me. Don’t ever give up and remember who loves you! To my favorite school nurse, AIRWICKS! Also, being forgotten in your bathroom during the lockdown. Oh and the many many…. many times you found me in the floor and had to talk me down from a panic attack. Thank you for being there for me and on those hard days when every ones sick-just take a breath and remember Psalm 46-10. To the best graduation coach, all the Chick-fil-a sauce, honey roasted barbecue sauce, and Polynesian sauce! You were such a blessing in my life and could always talk some sense into me. Don’t forget to just be a kid! Favorite class: . Mrs. Guinn’s English class 11th and 12th grade because she always made me think and she believed in me! Favorite High School Memories: Too many to write… Favorite Song: Hills and Valley - Tavern Wells Favorite Movie: I Can Only Imagine Favorite Fashion Trend: . I’m not into fashion Advice to underclassmen: Make these years about yourself and your walk. Don’t let other people determine you or your future.

Kendall Michelle Bridgmon Nickname: Kdoll School Activities: Green team (9-11) Beta Club (11-12) SGA (9-11) SGA Class President (9-11) FCA (9-11) FCA Leadership Team (10-11) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Kendall Michelle Bridgmon, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of a grateful mind and a glamorous body, do hereby leave the following: I leave my perfume, brush, snacks, and gum, etc to Maci Pullen, since she steals all of it anyway lol. Don’t let anyone change who you are Maci, I love you more than the sun loves the moon. I leave all of my crazy, yet cringy jokes to Shelby Land, I hope all of your wishes come true. Hannah Boyd, I leave you our streak, may it never be broken. Stay sweet and keep all of the boys chasing after you. I leave Kyla Warren my laughter, because someone has to laugh at all of her crazy stories. Jacob Strange, I leave you my sense of style, so maybe you’ll end up not getting your ears pierced after all. I leave Karrie Tolbert all of my inspiration and advice so she can continue to keep Tori Byrd in line in which I leave my intelligence for, so I know she will graduate. Stay friends forever, I love you two more than the angles love the heavens. I leave Ariel White my artistic skills so she can do much better than me. Stay sweet, you are so amazing Ariel. I leave Chris Foster all of my inspiration so he can continue to lecture students to make them better. Thank you for forcing me to do wall sits, even when I’m in heels, my legs are still sore to this day. I leave Alexa Hubbard my voice, because when we’re together we never stop talking. I leave Mrs. Halkias my GPA, because you always brought it down. Alivia Scruggs, I leave you all of our freshmen and sophomore memories; thanks or being my bestie. You’re crazy as a goose! I love you! I leave Haley Tolbert my closet; life’s not perfect but your outfit can be. You are my bestie forever. I love you like crazy. I leave Brooke Gamble my sweet side, because she always brought it out of me. Thank you for all of your kind words and your sweet soul. I love my redhead more than anything in the whole world. Alex Smith, I leave you my crazy side. I leave you all of our memories about Donald Trump and Pablo and Hozay. You and your crazy self made my high school years. I love you so much. I leave Jacob Martin all of my dating advice and flirting skills because even the Lord knows you need it. Thank you for being such a great friend and always making me laugh. I love you buddy. Callie Hinton, I leave you my compliments, thank you for never failing to make me feel beautiful. I leave Julia Strange my right hand because she my go-to. I leave Jessica Boyd all of our “Cheetah Girls” memories. I leave Sydney Lovell my heart and soul. I have no idea what I would’ve done without you all of this time. Thanks for all you do boo, love you always. I leave Austin Herring all of my love and the best of me. Thank you for loving me so unconditionally and for never failing to make me smile. Thank you for all of the memories and for many more to come. Thank you for being my high school sweetheart. I love you forever and a day. Social Media: FB: Kendall Bridgmon Instagram: @Kendallbridgmon

Cayton Faith Broadhead

School Activities: National Honor Society (11-12), National Technical Honor Society (11-12), Beta Club (11-12), Quill and Scroll (12), Volleyball (9-11), Green Team (9-12), Ambassador (12), Peer Mentor (12). Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Cayton Faith Broadhead, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of creative mind and able body do hereby leave the following: I leave Brooke Gamble all the seasons of Maury, every late night Jam session, every date to go get “nugs”, every heart to heart, and every lyric to every crazy song you sing me. Brookie, I am so thankful God made us so close. You are going to go so far in life and I will be there to cheer you on even when you may not need me. You have the biggest heart and the greatest personality. Stay true to you, and never lose your sassy side it’s what makes you you! I love you Boo. To Alex Smith I leave candy apples, all the bread to feed those crazy geese next door, tanning lotion, and most definitely Aloe Vera because we always get burnt! Thank you for always helping me when I need it most, for getting in trouble with me in Halkias class, and never failing to brighten my day. I hope after high school your life is filled with love and happiness. I can’t wait to do this nursing thing with you by my side so we can stress together! I love you big Al. Dani Glass, I leave our daily runs, ,the ice cream we eat after, the laughs in Spanish, our 1st grade pic with those terrible lace socks are moms made us wear, and all those long talks we shared. No matter how many times we tried to get mad at each other we always end up laughing at something. Im so proud of who you are today. To Hutch, I leave you all the laughs! You never failed to make me smile and always have something crazy to say. I leave our lunch table to you, because thats where most of our tears were shed, laughs were made, and gossip happened. When you go famous I better get an autograph, and you better not get too tan down at the beach. I’ll miss you Trent! Go kill the acting scene and you better make it to the end, don’t be the character that dies out, thats totally not you! Eric Wayne Upson, I leave to you every note you ever wrote me, every memory we have made, every Friday night we shared, every dance, every biscuit, and every step through this long journey that you have walked with me. I thank you for being my best friend, my shoulder to cry on, and my boyfriend, because of you my high school years were some of the best parts of my life. I cant wait to see you accomplish everything you’ve worked so hard for. Eric Upson, you are such a good person with a big heart and I have never been more proud of you. I love you!To Mom and Dad, I leave my cap and gown. Thank you for always encouraging me to do my best and pushing me to the fullest. I wouldn’t be here without my fam jam. I love Yall always! And I can’t wait to see where this life takes you. To Jessie I leave all are car rides and church trips, the tears and the laughs, the wardrobe we share, the songs we sing, and even are petty arguments. Even after eight years and all the change we somehow seem to still always find each other. I leave you a camera and lens, because with these things I know you will further your career as a photographer. Your going to move mountains Jescenia, I love you. To Kendall, I leave your crazy little turtle, our cringy videos, our trips to the lake, and all our memories over the years. No matter how many times we get on each other’s nerves I’m glad its you I get to sit by on graduation. I will never stop yelling KEN-DALL like Millie does from downstairs. Stay you, stay tan, and always follow your heart! Callie Hinton, I leave you all the reeses at dollar general, the of every song you sang on the way to the mall, and the curling iron that lady used to kidnap you from me & Brooke for fifteen minutes. You are one of the craziest friends I have. I love you girl, and I can’t wait to annoy each other for years to come. To my sweet Ash Bug, I leave all our memories from seventh grade to now. I am forever grateful I got to work with a person as cool and godly as you. I will cherish our late night firehouse sub date, our target runs, and TJ Maxx hauls. I am so proud of you for getting into Jacksonville State and happy you finally got the comforter we spent an hour looking for. Do big things in life and you better come visit! The daycare won’t be the same. I love you Ash! Bailee Anne Browning

Nickname: I go by Bae School Activities: Former JROTC squad leader (10th grade), Debate Club Secretary(11th grade), Musical Theater (10-12), Beta Club (11-12), National Honors Society (11-12), IMAC (10-11) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Bailee Browning, a graduating senior of Brookwood Highschool, being of a wandering mind and a stationary body, do hereby leave the following: To all underclassmen in Musical Theater, I leave all the fun and of course, drama, of the stage. To Hannah Colvin I leave all the memes and inside jokes we shared, thanks for being my fabulous friend and putting up with me all this time.To Timothy Nail I leave the honorable title of “Tree,” wear it proudly and enjoy Auburn to the fullest.To Hannah Day I leave all the drawings I did for you and wish you the best of luck for your novel, my the writing gods smile upon thee! To Hunter Swearengin I leave that drawing I did of you, thanks for my first commission and all the help in math and all those times we recited French to each other. To Brooke Barger I leave all the world's pastel pink hair dye, please tell your grandchildren that you're actually a mermaid. I leave my artistic ability to all those who found my doodles on various desks around the school. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Bailee Browning, will hopefully not be having a mid-life crisis and just might be on the way to an animation career. I will have a portfolio to be proud of and have finally gained some self confidence. I'll have found a loving partner and we,ll have a cat (despite my allergies) a cozy apartment, and life will be sweet and soft. Teacher Last Will: To Ms. Humphreys I leave some art projects that may not have been very good but you supported nonetheless! To Dr. Gibbons I leave a series of sometimes mildly good sometimes atrocious essays, thank you for pushing me to take on AP Lit despite all the doubts I initially had. To Mrs. Morton I leave all the stories and cultures I learned about in your classes, they were some of the most fun and you taught be how to be properly sassy when I read literature and speak French. Thank you Coach Hubbard for teaching history in a real and sometimes entertaining way, I will always remember the message “THE POWER OF GOVERNMENT MUST BE LIMITED!” To Mr. Blackwell, thank you for allowing us to have such a fun experience with every play the memories have been great! Favorite class: Of all my classes Musical Theater was the most fun. Putting on a musical each year with my friends and getting to be on an actual stage every year were some of the best moments of high school. Favorite High School Memories: The dress up days of 2018’s Red Ribbon Week (particularly seniors dressing as senior citizens), performing in Peter Pan, Guys and Dolls, and Annie Get Your Gun, all of Mrs. Morton’s retellings of the Greek Myths, just to name a few. Favorite Song: Friday Night Gurus by Studio Killers Favorite Movie: Coco Favorite Fashion Trend: Galaxy print on everything

Advice to underclassmen: .Get your stuff turned in on time kiddos and don't be dumb. If you feel like a class is not right for you, don't feel obliged to take it. Enjoy the books you read in English class, they're more enjoyable than you think. If you take Musical Theater you better show all the energy and enthusiasm you possibly can when you get on that stage Social Media: .Find my art @buttonsanddoodles.tumblr.com

Nyela Robbianna Burton School Activities: Color guard (11-12), Leo Club (12), Prom Committee (10-11) Senior Last Will & Testament: The movie lied to me about high school! I had ups and downs and many obstacles to face. Luckly I had amazing people to make my 4 years a bit smoother. Whoever said save the best for last lied because my best friend always come first Kameron Whitfield. I leave you all the tea and shade. I leave you all the crazy memories we have but you not going nowhere so we will make many more. Jaylen Jones, I leave you all of the stomach hurting laughs that last 5 minutes. They’re always stupid to everyone else but hilarious to us. Halee Shinhoister, I leave all of our inside jokes and out of pocket moments. Whithey, I leave all the appreciation for coming through with the food everyday in 2nd period. Emily Seay, I leave you all of our cut up moments in Mrs. Shelby class and the mood when “today is not the day.” Zac (Muno), I leave maximum for all of the drawings you put on yourself. Pille, I leave psych ward for all of the crazy but funny stuff that comes out of your mouth. Allvia Scruggs, I leave you all the luck and happiness with Conrad. I will always remember our early morning shenanigans in Mrs. Wagners class. Baylee Park, I leave you all the hope in the world and I thank you for giving me food out of your magical purse in 7th period. Brittney Colley, I leave you all of our funny conversations about our parents and childhood. Zykeith Hinton, I leave you all of the struggles we had together in Geometry. Cayton Broadhead, I leave you all of our crazy hilarious conversations in Coach Cox class. Senior Prophecies: In 10 years, Nyela Burton will be a successful doctor. She will be pregnant with a little boy and have an amazing husband. She will be moving into her dream home with lots of money and cars. She will be married to a wealthy man and will have 3 dogs and 3 cars. She will have a bakery business on the side and it will be going very well. Teacher Last Will: I will definetly miss the faculty here at Brookwood. Coach Cox, I thank you for being the best teacher I had your stories will forever be laughed at and remembered. Coach Fitz, I thank you for your tough love and putting some sense into my head when I needed it the most thank you for never giving up on me. Favorite class: My favorite class was Coach Cox class because he always seemed to be his funny life story into the lesson. Every test or exam I would be laughing thinking about his stories. Favorite High School Memories: Some of my favorite memories in high school are the ones I made with my friends. We always laughed and made everything fun and funny. Favorite Song: My favorite song of the year is Stir Fry by . Favorite Movie: My favorite movie of the year is Black Panther Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashions trend of the year is ripped jeans by Fashion Nova. Advice to underclassmen: For the underclassmen, high school will go by fast and your senior year will go by faster. I wish I would have known that everyone isn’t your real friend and it’s okay to just have a few.

Thomas Andrew Caddell School Activities: I have been a member of the golf team (9-12) and Beta Club (11-12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Thomas Caddell, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of sound mind and clean body do hereby leave the following: my struggles in pre-cal to T.J. Jarvis, my golf legacy to Brayden Weathers, all of my chex mix and Cheez-its to Lawson Brooks, and love for history and politics to Brooke Barger.

Senior Prophecies: In 10 years I see myself on the PGA tour playing golf with the best golfers in the world. I will also have a physical therapy degree to keep my body strong and limber. I plan on starting my career as a pro golfer or physical therapist before I settle down and get married. Favorite class: My favorite class was 10th grade history with Coach Hubbard. He was such a good teacher and really cared about you and how you were doing and tried to make sure you actually knew the material. Advice to underclassmen: Prepare to not want to get up every single day, want to quit because you’re so close.

Chandler Shane Capps School Activities: Football (9-12)FCA Leadership Team (11-12)Beta Club (11-12) National Honor Society (11-12) Ambassadors (12) National Technical Honor Society (12) SGA Cabinet (12) Senior Last Will &Testament: I, Chandler Capps, a graduating senior at Brookwood High School, being of the illest mind and average body do hereby leave the following: To Jonah Grammer I leave the leadership of the offensive line. To Chance Carneal I leave my spot on the offensive line.

To D’Shaun Ivory I leave a starting position. To Reganne Toxey I leave my love, my memories, and my dreams. Lastly to my younger brother Carson Capps, I leave Capps Legacy. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Chandler Capps, will be a successful nurse saving many lives. Teacher Last Will: I leave power and Trojan pulls along with “Red 2” to Coach Foster. To Coach Crook I leave Super 7 and all the great advice on college football he gave me. Favorite class: History with Coach Smeraglia because of how laid back it was. Favorite High School Memories: Football games, football practices, and movies after exams. Favorite Movie: Black Panther Favorite Fashion Trend: The man bun Advice to underclassmen: Don’t use a locker, participate in as many things as possible and have fun.

Morgan Kimberly Carnes School Activities: Green team (9-12), Golf team (10-11), Soccer team (10-12), Civinettes (11), FCCLA (9), Beta Club (11-12), SGA (10-12), SGA Vice President (12), FCA (10-12), FCA Leadership team (11-12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Morgan Carnes, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of strong mind and able body, do hereby leave the following: I leave ninth grade health class jokes to Kendall Bridgmon, Julia Strange, Anna Sogol, and Jessica Boyd- thanks for being my very first best friends in the halls of Brookwood High School. I leave cokes and commas to Erin Kroeger; thanks for helping me pass Mrs. Gentry’s class. I leave purple hair dye to Mallory Brown. I leave One Direction to Julie Marsee and BreAnna Neal. I leave all of my homework to Zykeith

Hinton, my 4 year strong study buddy. I leave my golf memories and wins to none other than Hayley Morris. I leave a strand of white hair to Anika Strickland, Grace Mink, and Halle Strong. I leave study group and fortnite to Dalton Ford. I leave Collin Humphryes and Grantland Earle the wonders of showbiz. I leave Jamyla Young the designated title of Baddest Girl in Brookwood. I leave Raven Harkins art class projects- continue to astonish those you meet with your immeasurable talent. I leave Brooke Gamble, Danielle Glass, Cayton Broadhead, and Abby Legger Ninja steakhouse and long car rides. I leave Taylor Doughty the memory of middle school bus rides. I leave Madelyn Wilson pep rally paint, months of laugher, and 8 ball. I leave Hunter Swearengin Green Team and Girl Scout cookies. I leave Matthew Herndon a hairbrush and guitar picks. I leave Jessie Gomez our talks about God and all of the help she has been to me throughout the years. I leave Jeremiah Burton, Daiquon Thedford, LaDaniel Smith, Cole Nalls, Brittney Colley, and Shantrayveon Wallace 7th period gym. To my fellow soccer players that I have competed with- Darla Rhodes, Alana Williams, Rachel Farley, Ashley Vences, Lindsey Reeves, Griffin Cook, Alex Dollar, Brandy Gomez, Madison Smith, and so many more- I leave game day anticipation, tears, bus ride giggles, weird pre game snacks, and my voice yelling at all of you from the sidelines. I leave countless other things to members of previous classes to graduate from Brookwood- I hope you all are doing the best. To my mom, Helen Brunner, I leave my struggles and heartache; thank you for pulling me through everything when I wanted nothing more than to give up. To my brother and sister, Allison Brunner and Cameron Brunner, I leave our beloved childhood- from immature arguments over toys and bedtimes to snuggling with each other because of a scary movie, I leave my childhood to you two. To my dad, Jeffrey Carnes, I leave the movie theatre, debates, meaningful advice, and heavy metal- thanks for never losing faith in me. To my stepfather, John Brunner, I leave honor and respect. To the rest of my family, I leave love and encouragement. I leave my heart and all of my love to Nathan Foster. I am honored to say that you all have guided me to this place. I love you all so dearly. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Morgan Carnes will be a graduate from the University of Alabama School of law, recipient of the Juris Doctorate degree and various other degrees, and a practicing lawyer for the Montgomery County Courts in Alabama. She will be married to a wonderful man and be in the midst of starting a family. Teacher Last Will: I would like to personally thank Dr. Gibbons, Mrs. Gaddy, and Mr. Hubbard. Dr. Gibbons, I was so thankful to have a teacher like you to improve my writing and understanding of the English language. You are so kind and humorous, and in my two years of having you there was never a boring day in your class. You were a wonderful teacher to me, and a dear friend. Thank you for teaching me the meaning of hard work, and what it means to be an independent young woman. Mrs. Gaddy, thank you for mentoring me for three years. You are such an inspiring lady, and you have definitely influenced my chosen career path. Thank you for educating me on politics and inspiring me to influence the world in a good way. I know you will continue to inspire young women for the rest of your life and after. Mr. Hubbard, you are the best history teacher I have ever had. You are so thoughtful and it is so obvious you want all of your students to succeed. Perhaps, I need to thank you more than anyone else on this page, for you have introduced God to me in such a way that I know I will be a devout Christian for the rest of my life and spread the good news to anyone who will listen. Thank you for walking beside me, even if for a moment, on my journey to know God. Favorite class: Of all the classes I took in high school, I can’t decide between 12th grade advanced English with Dr. Gibbons and 10th grade advanced U.S. History 2 with Mr. Hubbard on which was my favorite. Dr. Gibbons always knew how to break hard work and seriousness with relaxed and genuine humor, keeping students lively and laughing. Mr. Hubbard was an excellent teacher, in that his notes were fantastic and he always gave students a way to remember something difficult (The Declaration of Independence, the first 18 presidents, and lastly, the fact that THE POWER OF GOVERNMENT MUST BE LIMITED). Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memories, by far, were the dances (proms and homecomings), the pep rallies, the golf matches, and soccer games. Favorite Song: My favorite song of the year was “My Girl” by The Temptations. Favorite Movie: My favorite movie of the year was La La Land. Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trend of the year was bold brows. Advice to underclassmen: Treat everyone with kindness and don’t focus too heavily on drama. Always wear deodorant and keep an agenda to keep track of assignments. Read or make art frequently to refresh ones mine. Don’t be afraid to voice opinions, even if they’re not what someone wants to hear. Always, always, always respect your substitutes and teachers- they only have what’s best for you in mind. Listen to your parents and always make curfew. Love without boundaries, treat everyone with kindness, self-grow and flourish, and live every day without regret. Social Media: Facebook: Morgan Carnes Instagram: morgankcarnes

Brittney Geneva Colley School Activities: Hosa (10-11) Leo Club (11-12) Beta Club (11-12) National Honor Society (11-12) Debate Team (12)

Hannah Faith Colvin Nickname: “obnoxious but consistent” School Activities: {Green Team (12), Beta Club (12), National Honor Society (12), Musical Theater (10-12, Mr. Smee (10), Lt. Brannigan (11)} Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Hannah Colvin, a graduating senior at Brookwood High School, being of loud mind and pretty nice body do hereby leave the following: this school. Sayonara, my guys.

Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Hannah Colvin may very well be living in Japan after acquiring a four year degree and becoming an English teacher there on the JET program. Maybe after ten years she’ll finally know what she wants to do with her life. From illustrator, to scientist, to a NASA employee, the possibilities are endless. That may not sound very structured, but no one, including aforementioned senior, can predict the future. Teacher Last Will: I would like to thank Mrs. Morton, Dr. Gibbons, Mrs. Reynolds, Ms. Humphreys, Mrs. Copen, Mr. Blackwell, and Coach Hubbard for being my teachers. Mrs. Morton was a spectacular teacher for three of my classes and taught me lots, I don’t think I’d be who I am today without you! Dr. Gibbons really helped me improve my reading, writing, and comprehension skills, I can’t thank you enough! Mrs. Reynolds is a fantastic APEs teacher and one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met, you’ve been amazing to me! Despite only knowing Ms. Humphreys for a year, I’ve really appreciated her kindness in Art class. Thank you for putting up with me, I know I’m not the best artist! Mrs. Copen has been the best math teacher I’ve ever had. I know I can be a bit obnoxious sometimes, but I really do appreciate all you’ve done! Mr. Blackwell helped me learn about by passion and love for theater and I certainly wouldn’t have known without his class, thanks so much! Coach Hubbard taught me that “the power of government must be limited!” This is a rule I will carry with me for the rest of my days. I love all of you and wish you nothing but the best, you’ve all shaped my life for the better! Favorite class: My favorite all time class would have to Mythology class. Not only did I have a fantastic teacher, Mrs. Morton, but I had fun learning all of the myths. Those Greeks, am I right? Favorite High School Memories: Some of my fondest memories include those in Musical Theater class. I had a fantastic time being in productions! Favorite Song: When You Die by MGMT Favorite Movie: Black Panther Favorite Fashion Trend: I wouldn’t say I like a particular fashion trend. I am, however, partial to graphic t-shirts because I’m fairly lazy. Advice to underclassmen: Do not read the forbidden webcomic. If you know what I’m talking about, you’re too far gone. Social Media: Instagram, I guess: @space.isthe.place

Dustin Scott Conner School Activities: National Honor Society (11-12) Beta Club (11-12), FCCLA (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Dustin Conner, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of great mind and able body do hereby leave everything to Brady Boyd. Favorite Song: Glorious Day- Passion Favorite Movie: Cars 3 Social Media: Facebook: Dustin Scott Conner Twitter: dsconner44 Instagram: dconner18 Snapchat: dconner44

Noah Alexander Conway School Activities: JROTC (9-12), Mass Media (9-12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Noah Conway, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of not so sound mind and average body, do hereby leave the following: I leave Savannah Dennison all my love. I leave Jordan Sims my passion for Ford Mustangs. I leave Alex Robinett my need for speed. I leave Nicholas Honeycutt’s G35 begins in my dust! Senior Prophecies: In ten years , Noah Conway, will be a highly sought after and paid automotive mechanic who is married and taking care of his beautiful wife, Savannah Dennison, and their child. He will own a very successful automotive shop and have a beautiful apartment above it. He builds race cars in his spare time and wins many races and make tons of money.

Teacher Last Will: I leave Mrs. Halkias my thanks for putting up with me for 3 years in a row. I leave Mrs. Gentry many thanks for going the extra mile to help me in English for 2 years in a row. I leave thanks to Mrs. Dennis for making my Financial Algebra class fun and easy. Favorite class: Of all my classes. Mrs. Dennis’ Financial Algebra has been my favorite because it is fun and I have good friends and a great teacher. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memories were meeting the love of my life and the pep rally’s with my friends. Favorite Song: My favorite song is “Rock Star” by Post Malone. Favorite Movie: My favorite movie is “ Maze Runner-The Death Cure”. Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trend is Rock Revival Jeans, black Nike shoes, and tees. Advice to underclassmen: My advice for the underclassmen is don’t hang with the wrong crowd. It leads to all sorts of troubles. Social Media: You can follow me on Instagram - @noahc_s197

Allison Nicole Cooley Nickname: Alli School Activities: Marching Band (9), Symphonic Band (9-10), Cheerline (10-12), Cheerline Co- Captain (11), Health Occupations Students of America (10-12), Musical Theatre (10&12), Beta Club (11-12), Prom Committee (11), Cheerline Captain (12), National Technical Honor Society (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Allison Cooley, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of a sassy mind and a body do hereby leave the following: To my fellow Senior Graduates: Haley Martin I leave you a lap around the house, our road trip to Troy, and all of our memories we have made in the past year. Emily Seay, YES MA’AM, I leave you our double dates, baseball games, last minute phone calls for random plans, all of our trips to Mulga, a box of fruit gushers, and one last thing… POP POP! Karley Foster, hey people… I leave you my chili pot which is probably still at your house, movie nights, our fight during homecoming week, and last but not least, this is high school…we don’t do that here. Jackson Ingram, I leave you a cup of apple juice since we shared a glass of it and the next day you tested positive for the flu. Hunter Whitley, I leave you our memories made in band, and my leftover pizza poppers. Caitlin Milam, I leave you our nine day trip to Michigan over thanksgiving break, riding all of the dirt roads and back roads, Penny and Jenny, Teresa, and all of our favorite songs that we had to listen to in the car each time we got in. Anna McKee, I leave you clear blue water. Ashlyn Argo, I leave you the lunch bell and our obsession with Dr. Gibbons. Haley Tolbert, I leave you eating French fries and ketchup in the car at 2:30 in the morning, beach trips, getting our greases too hot and burning the chicken but in reality it was still frozen, and all of the nights spent in Anioch. John Martin Wagner, I leave you a trip to the movies, eating at milos, and our 10th grade homecoming dance. Tayler Herring I leave you all of the bible school songs and singing Father Abraham in pre-cal. Baylee Park, I leave you our songs and dances on the way to the basketball games for cheerline sophomore year. Jessica Boyd, I leave you my hair all over your desk and you wanting to cut it freshman year. To all of my underclassmen: Kalli Criss, I leave you our 17 years of friendship and always knowing that we will always be each other’s lifelong best friend no matter how little we talk now. Dale McKee, I leave you our walks into school every morning. Owen Bailey, I leave you all of the positive and uplifting snapchats that I received every morning and night. Karrie Tolbert and Tori Byrd, I

leave y’all our spring break beach trip and staying in the freezing pool for chicken nuggets. Dusty Proctor, I leave you our day spent in ulta, the nail salon, and panda express. Aric Holliman and Houston Lunceford, I leave y’all car rides to school on random mornings that I was always more than happy to do. Alex Poor, I leave you my cheerline uniform and all of our laughs we shared daily. Gracie Sisk, I leave you our matching ring picture that never got taken because I never had my nails done. Matt Hall, I leave you a piece of gum, and all the times we got in trouble for talking and being on our phones. Kinslee Gober, all I have to say is “you be tha present!!!” To all of the underclassmen, I wish y’all the best throughout your next few years of high school. They will go by so fast, trust me. I know y’all will do big things and I wish you all the best of luck, xoxo. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Alli Cooley, will be 27 and hopefully married and starting a family. She will hopefully have her nursing license and be working towards becoming a nurse practitioner in the NICU. Teacher Last Will: To my teachers: Dr. Gibbons, I leave you my necklace that you said was fabulous and a slice of cold pizza for breakfast. Mrs. Halkias, I leave you my attitude. Mrs. Copen, I leave you our pre-cal study groups and all the nights I spent stressing. Mrs. Chastain/Cruise, I leave you my wardrobe and poshmark account. Mrs. Davis, I leave you “the gum.” Mrs. Burnham, I leave you all of my shoes and my sassiness. Favorite class: Out of all the classes I took in high school, my favorite class was anatomy because it has to do with my future career and Polly Davis is hilarious. Favorite High School Memories: Some of my favorite high school memories include homecomings, all of our breaks, movie nights and get togethers with our class, pageants, prom, football games, baseball games, and just being with my friends and making new memories everyday. Favorite Song: My favorite song of the year is “Losing Sleep” by Chris Young. Favorite Movie: My favorite move of the year is “I Can Only Imagine.” Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trend of the year is socks and chacos. Advice to underclassmen: My advice to the underclassmen is to never change who you are to make other people happy, or to fit in, always stay true to yourself. Also, never doubt quizlet… use it for everything!!! Social Media: Instagram: allicooley_ Snapchat: allicooley Twitter: cooley_alli

Skylar Paige Crouch

School Activities: Varsity softball team(9-12), national honors society(12), national technical honors society (12), beta club (11-12), mu alpha theta (12), hosa (9-12), peer mentors (12), panther pals (12), homecomg court (11-12), homecoming queen 2017 (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Skylar Crouch, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of humble mind and strong body do hereby leave the following: I leave Anna McKee my best friend, the shoulder to lean on whenever I needed it, all the memories, all the long heart to heart talks, all the laughs, lastly I leave you my whole childhood. I wouldn’t be the person I am today without you. Thank you for always pushing me to do my best. Thank you for telling me things I

needed to here even if they weren’t what I wanted to hear. Most importantly, thank you for staying by my side and being my best friend since we were 4! I leave Kayleigh Hagood all of the continuous laughs, the goofiness, all of the mean words knowing we are playing, all the gossiping and all the boy talks. Oh and the black eye you got from me. I am so glad we have become so close this year, I can’t wait to see where life takes you. I am going to miss you like crazy! I leave Hannah Pierce all the complaining about boys, sneaking food in class, and the cutest kid ever award. Thank you for listening and always being there. I leave Julia Strange the little yellow jacket cheer uniform where our whole friendship started, all the craziest talks and laughs, all of the funny things you say, all of the “really”. Thank you for always making my days bright and keeping me laughing when I want to cry, I love you jules. I leave Trent Genery all of the “I love you’s”, all of the crazy adventures, all of the laughs, all of the hard times we have fought through, all the fighting and arguing one minute and then the next being perfectly fine. Thank you for staying by my side and helping me through everything. Thank you for letting me rant to you and for always helping me calm down. I leave Beth Terrell the laughs we had in the hospital, the beach volleyball games to help strengthen your muscles, and the goodies, and most importantly I leave you my whole heart. Thank you for having such an amazing impact on my life and teaching me what humble really means. Thank you for teaching me to be happy even when you know things aren’t going the way you want them to. Thank you for letting us all be your support system when times got rough. I can’t thank you enough for helping me find myself and know what my part was in life. Thank you for everything, I love you Beth. I leave Ashlyn Argo all of the chick fil a morning runs before school, the continuous laughs, and the “hey girl” every day. Oh and that mailbox. I leave Kelsea hogeland all the times we ding dong ditched, the snacking in copen, all the times I yell at you for smacking so loud, our sushi run, and all the dumb arguments. Thank you for sticking by me kels. I leave Tayler Herring all of the crazy beauty walk trips with our moms, the many years of being friends, the many church memories, the times in the church gym that we “played” basketball, all of the stuffed animals you bring back for me from your Disney competitions, and all the laughs we have shared over all these years of being friends. Thank you for always being there for me even if we haven’t talked for days. I leave AnnaLeis Lindsey all of the crazy late nights playing softball, the stupid arguments we have, the rants, the car talks, and the funniest moments. Thank you for everything. I leave Taylor Watson the “bully” of the team, the good ole manvan rides we had, the travelball stories, the car rides to tournaments, and the picking on each other all the time. Thank you for always getting onto me when I need it most and thank you for always cheering me up. I leave Hope Owens the most upbeat attitude of the team, the love for the game, the hardest worker, the go getter, and the best teammate anyone could ever ask for. Thank you for being there to pick me up when I got down on myself and for stepping in and being a great ball player and person all around. I leave Maddie Battles all the gossip talks, all the getting in trouble for talking too much, all the softball memories, and all the lipsense you let me use. I leave Kendall Bridgmon all the mean comments, the complaining about boys, the stories at the lunch table, and the clothes you let me borrow. I leave Sarah Handley all of the crazy dance moves, the clinical days and stories, all the laughs and all the supporting you did for softball season. I am so glad we have become so close this year. I leave Jessica Boyd all of the times we studied for math in second period, all of the times I needed advice, all the rants, all the funny stories, and all the craziness. Lastly but most importantly I leave my cap and gown to my mom and dad. Thank you for always supporting me in everything I do and for always pushing me to do my best. Thank you dad for stepping in and being my dad even when you didn’t have to. Thank you mom for being not only my mom but my best friend and human diary. Thank you for always being there for me when I get down on myself and being the shoulder to cry on all the time. I love you guys more than you could ever know. I leave my diploma to my grandmother watching over me every day in heaven. I know I couldn’t have gotten this far without you. I am so sad that I won’t be able to hear you say “woohoo” louder than anyone at graduation but I can still hear it in my head. I know that you are going to be there with me even if it isn’t physically. Thank you for helping me become the person I am today. I love and miss you more than you could ever imagine. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Skylar Crouch, will be a nurse at St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital in Memphis, Tennessee. She will be helping kids of all ages battling cancer. She will be starting a family and living in a brick house with a big front and back porch. She will be living on a lot of land where her kids will have plenty of space to play. She will also have a pool in the backyard. She will be driving a charcoal grey forerunner with lots of room for her kids. Teacher Last Will: I, Skylar Crouch, leave Mrs. Gentry my “mom” of the school and all of the crazy things that went on in her class. From always laughing to talking too much to having to stand in the corner, thank you for making such a big impact on my life and teaching me so much. I leave Mrs. Burnham all of the best advice she has given me throughout the years. I leave her all of the best and most enthusiastic “good mornings.” I leave her the kindest heart in Brookwood. Thank you for helping me become the person I am today. Favorite class: Out of all the classes I have taken in high school my most favorite is clinicals. We have learned so much in there from finger pricks to giving a TB skin tests to going and experiencing life at the hospital. Favorite High School Memories: My most favorite high school memory is all the laughs I have shared with so many people. Favorite Song: My favorite song of the year is “5 more minutes” by Scotty McCreery Favorite Movie: My favorite movie of the year is moana Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trend of the year is leggings and oversized shirts Advice to underclassmen: My advice for the underclassmen is enjoy the time you have in high school because in a blind of an eye you will be graduating. Never give up on your goals and dreams because you will achieve them. Help others in any way possible and always be nice to people because you never know what they are going through. Social Media: Instagram: _skylar_paige_ Twitter: crouchskylar

Taylor Nicole Doughty School Activities: JROTC (10-12), JROTC Battalion XO (12), Beta Club (11-12), National Honor Society (11-12), National Technical Honor Society (12), Mu Alpha Theta (12), Quill and Scroll (12). Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Taylor Doughty, a graduating senior of Brookwood High school, being of sound mind and tired body do hereby leave the following: I leave my color guard expertise, my love of JROTC, and my leadership skills to Savannah Doughty. I leave my influence and my motivation to Nik Vigne, who may one day use them to lead the battalion in some way. I leave my seat at the lunch table to Clay Como, who always seems to be the last one to get a seat; I’ll never let you stand though, I got your back, and now you’ve got my seat. I leave my incorrect small talk replies to Christain Goodsen, who rarely says hello first. I leave my books to Miranda Kock, as well as our odd last names that all of the substitutes get wrong. To Brianna Asbury I leave my crazy

antics at color guard practice. To John Garrison I leave my sister behind to keep you company as well as a very well worn and loved copy of all the video games we play together. To Jude Taggart I leave my favorite pair of gym shorts since that’s all you wear. I leave my love of music, my old skateboard and my favorite pair of Vans to Jazlyn Pinckney. To Elizabeth Samson, I leave my dumb jokes in the mornings before class. And last but most certainly not least, I leave my color guard legacy to Cole Broadhead, whom I truly believe will follow in my footsteps and go on to one day become one of the best cadets on color guard. Teacher Last Will: Mrs. Morton, thank you so much for being such a wonderful teacher for the past three years that I have been blessed to have your class. You’ve always made it a point to make your class informative but you always keep a smile on the faces of your students, thank you for all that you do. Dr. Gibbons, thank you for challenging me in a way I had never been challenged before. Thanks to your teaching and advice I was able to score a 33 in reading and a 32 in English on my ACT, which dramatically improved the scores that I have gone on to use to get into the college of my choice. Thank you for being such a motivator in my academic career, and for pushing me to always do my best. Major West, thank you for pushing me out of my comfort zone and motivating me to always be better than I thought I could be. Thanks to you I am no longer afraid to talk in front of people, and I have become a leader, which was never something I would have envisioned for myself as a 10th grader taking your class for the first time. I am thankful to know you, and thank you for your guidance. Favorite High School Memories: The Friday night trips with my friends to Tuscaloosa, the football game color guards, and the JROTC drill meets and Camp Horne trips are definitely memories that I will keep with me forever. Favorite Song: “Where Do We Go When We Go” by Neck Deep Favorite Movie: “The Perks of Being a Wallflower” Advice to underclassmen: Underclassmen, make sure you respect your teachers despite whether you like them or not, because there will be teachers that you don’t like. Also, make sure you do your work for that teacher you don’t like. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve heard people say “I don’t like that teacher so I’m not going to do their work.” but you’ve got to remember, not doing your work is only hurting you. So do your work, and turn it in on time, your grades are important. You may think they’re not important now, but they play a role in your life outside of school as well. Don’t rely so much on the counselors, they can’t do everything for you, and they are often off campus for one reason or another, so make sure you do your own research and make sure you’re set for whatever career path you want to follow. Good luck throughout the remainder of your high school years! Social Media: Facebook: Taylor Doughty, Instagram: taylor.doughty, Snapchat: taylor.toxic

Kami Lee Eaves

School Activities: Crimson Star Band Colorguard, Beta Club, National Technical Honor Society, Panther Pals, FCCLA, Musical Theatre, Diamond Dolls

Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Kami Lee Eaves, being of sound mind and do hereby leave the following: William Nicholas- Thanks for being my best friend through it all. You really impact my life like no other. I know you will always be there, give me the shirt off your back, listening to me ramble about nothing, take a good road trip, and be my happiness. I leave us so many more memories to make. I love you! Madison Junkin- We’ve experienced this whole thing called high school together. Guard, all 2 of my cars (about to be number 3), our many jam out sessions, birthdays, band camp, pep rallies, Friday night lights and so much more. I leave to you our castle from eighth grade , our basketball skills from third grade, and 5 years

of memories. I wish us a lifetime of friendship. Can’t wait to come visit you at the doc in a few years! Annalee Fife- We met freshmen year in Nickerson’s class who knew we would stick it out all four years together. I leave to you all our “texts” since sophomore year and sitting together at lunch the past four years. You’re going to be the best labor and delivery nurse, kids are definitely one of your specialties. Macy McKeever- I have enjoyed getting to know you over the past couple of years. You are one of the sweetest people I know. I leave to you our car rides every morning and a life full of Disney magic! Britani McGhee- You have been an amazing drum major the past two years! You always keep things all together for the band family. Keep singing, strumming, directing, and loving as you do! I leave to you Proverbs 3:5-6. Andy Eaves- You will always get on my nerves, but that’s okay. Hate to tell you but, I am still going to be telling you what to do 27 years from now. You have two more years of high school, make the most of it bud. I leave to you all the times mom thought we were fighting, but we weren’t. Luke Eaves- About seven years from now, you will be walking into Brookwood High School as a freshmen. You walk to the beat of your own drum. I highly recommend band to you I just know you would love it. I leave you with endless laughter. Madison Ford- It seems like just last week we were doing band camp for your freshman year. All we ever did in band was talk, mess around, doing anything but actually practicing. I leave you with all the band and musical theatre memories. Ashley Vences- I am so thankful for the past 6 years to call you one of the truest friends I’ve had. You’re always real. I leave you with all of our middle school selfies on the bus. Ricki Smith, Lanee Hand, & Emmah Oglesby- The next three years will go by a lot quicker than you think don’t miss a minute of it. Let’s just all leave art and not look back at it. Senior Prophecies: In 10 years, I see myself being a dental hygienist at a private practice, completed college at the University of Alabama or Birmingham, being happily married, and maybe a kid or two. Favorite class: Coach Hubbard’s 10th grade History Class was my favorite class in high school. It was not easy but. It was a real challenge and I enjoyed his way of teaching. The world needs more teachers like him Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memories are weekends spent in Mississippi, all the afternoons before practice spent with my girls, Friday night lights, performing for guard, competition days, Mississippi State Honor Bands, the many road trips with William, Labor Day 2017, and my sweet 16 weekend trip to the beach. Favorite Song: One Number Away – Luke Combs Social Media: Facebook: Kami Lee Instagram: kami_.lee Snapchat: kami.lee7

Annalee Martelia Fife School Activities: Cheerleading (9th-12th) cheerleading captain (12th) FBLA (10th) musical theatre (12th) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Annalee Fife, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School , being of kind mind and great body do hereby leave the following…To Dalton Ford I leave my support, my smile, my happiness, my junior and senior year, my heart, everything that good in my life is because of you and finally my future. To Madison Junkin I leave you my forever friendship, my 1st grade and on memories, laughing about stupid stuff we do, Friday nights always supporting each other, band performances, you are like my real sister and I am forever grateful for our friendship. To Kami Eaves I leave I leave my sophomore year history class and our “texts” in that class, our interesting weird talks, our lunch tables all four years, and I leave my high school years to you. To Tayler Herring I leave “yeah” by usher and Christian and Gospel music, I leave my favorite cheer memories since 6th grade, and Friday nights on that field being loudest ones, I finally leave our friendship and how much its impacted me along with Madison and Kami and Savannah Angeloff, I leave our god talks and boy talks, I also leave our endless rants about certain people, I also leave our universal trip. To Haley I leave little league cheerleading and the thriller dance we did, I leave our 8th grade memories and Friday nights and cheer practices. To Madison Ford I leave our endless laughs, our daily pictures, our showbiz dance in the play and my friendship and our future memories together. To Savannah Angeloff I leave 10th grade cheer camp where you stole my uniform, Disney world 2018 being my riding buddy, Cheer rants and football games and pep rallies, the team, my school spirit, my math skills, and my friendship, and my favorite memories together, thank you for being the blonde version of me and you’ll be the person I miss the most.. To Shelby land I leave my favorite memories of you, I leave my motivation and positivity and I also leave the cheer team with you too. To Carlee Varner I leave my loudness and my consent touching of your butt chin and one dimple. To Kateria Dykes I leave our accomplishments in stunting, always having my back even though I hurt you a lot... Like a lot I am sorry and I love you, our Disney world fake 360 we hit together with Haley and Kenzie, All of us not knowing how to pronounce your name till a couple months ago, our laughter together when I say something stupid, I will miss you. To Alexa Hubbard I leave our stunts for the last few years and always catching me and keeping it positive and I leave my sweetness and memories on Friday nights and pep rallies. To Matt Hall I leave my cheer memories and “negative Nancy” fiasco. To Shannon Mckinstry I leave my tumbling skills and encouragement and always staying positive. To Savannah Cromer I leave our Disney world Switch up and you always encouraging me to keep my hip up by saying “hip”, and I leave my cheer shoes (literally) for good luck on your tuck and your years left on the team. To Maci Pullen I leave my senior year tryouts with you being my back spot and my blondeness. To Emma Ogelsby I leave my mini me and my confidence in cheer stunts and motivation and patience. To Kenzie Laney I leave our stunts and my singing and dancing to you because you love me sometimes and my senior year stunt. Braliegh Hyche I leave my school spirit and my cheer poms and motivation. To Sidney Currier I leave my school spirit and leadership. To Kinslee Gober I leave my uniform and cheer memories. To Brinklee Jones I leave my cheer spot on the team and to my cheer team I leave my senior year too and great memories. To Zoe White I leave our boy talks and endless blonde moments. To Noah Handley I leave you the panther suit and football memories. Macy Mckeever I leave Disney world and 2nd grade memories and the smile you give me on a bad day. Senior Prophecies: In ten years from now, Annalee fife, will be on her second kid and have a loving, hardworking husband working at Mercedes while I work at Northport DCH women’s pavilion being a labor and delivery nurse. She will married for 7 years by then and living in a house her and her husband had built for them with a big kitchen to cook really good meals when she can. Teacher Last Will: These four years at Brookwood High school I’ve had multiple teachers have influence me to be my best and helped me through my struggles in subjects. Mrs. Crawford I leave my last few years of cheer and being the best coach I’ve had. You have motivated me to be a better tumbler, cheerleader, and person in general. I am who I am because of you and I’m grateful to have a great wonderful role model to look up to. I love our practices we go to joke around and the chicken leg dance we did all the time. I’m happy to have had a chance to have someone like in my life to push myself to be the best. Mrs. Burnham/ Cruce I love those crazy stories you tell in your class and the best one is “the cheeseburger man” I want to thank you for listen to my rants and showing me the mature and level headed person I need to be, I also thank you for motivating and inspiring me to be the nurse I want to be in the future. Favorite class: My favorite class my whole four years is Coach Hubbards Class because I learned so much in that class that I still remember everything I learned from that class especially “ the power of the government must be limited” Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memories are me on the football field with my cheerleaders and the band members and football players. Favorite Song: “Never be the same”- Camila Cabello Favorite Movie: Jumanji Favorite Fashion Trend: Floral design on shirts

Advice to underclassmen: Underclassmen I wish the best of luck to you in your last few years of being young and having fun and enjoying your high school. My advice I give to you is don’t make stupid decisions that will hurt your future and focus on the more important. You may think that all of the stuff you’re doing right now is okay, that you are young and having fun but it’s fun now until the real world hit you start living in the future and less living in the moment. I also suggest being nice to everyone you meet you may not like them you may not agree with things they do or think they are weird. Don’t judge a book by a cover. A person could be having the worst day ever but you being nice and saying sweet things or being helpful may help them out that day. Moral of the story is be the best you can be. Social Media: Facebook: Annalee Fife Instagram: _amf_14

Dustin Fondren

Timothy Dalton Ford

Nickname: Dalton School Activities: Baseball (9-10), Beta club (11-12), National Honor Society (11-12), Mu Alpha Theta (12), Green Team (11),FFA (9) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Dalton Ford, a graduating senior of Brookwood high school, being of strong mind and able body do hereby leave the following: Annalee File I leave my 11th and 12th grade memories. You have completely changed my life forever. I leave you our laughs, our silly arguments and the constant smile and love that we gave each other for almost 2 years now. Olin Stefan - I leave you our childhood memories of playing ball. When I wasn’t doing well you were always there to push me through it. I leave you the middle school banner we won our 8th grade year. I also leave you our trips to New Orleans to watch the Zephyr’s along with our random baseball games to. Lastly, I leave you our friendship forever. Zach Hull- I leave you our middle and high school baseball memories. I leave you our travel ball memories. I leave you our memories of our lake days and jumping in the lake and tubing. I leave you all the dingers I hit off your weak split finger. Kelsey Tubbs- I leave you our childhood and high school memories. Riley Brooks- I leave you are high school memories and all the jokes you and I told. Ashton Battles- I leave you our childhood memories of me coming over and us playing GTA 4 and swimming in the winter. We did so much and I’m glad to call you my brother after so many years. Madison Junkin- I leave you our high school memories and I took your best friend but it’s okay right? Kami Eaves- I leave you our high school memories and all the homework you helped me with in Spanish. Taylor Herring- I leave you our high school memories and all the homework answers we gave each other in Dr. Gibbons I also leave you being my pretend wife from junior year to now. Thank you for helping me become a better person through the years. Macy Mckeever- I leave you our middle school and high school memories. We have dated like 20,000 times and we always thought it would work but never did LOL. JD Smalley- I leave you our high school memories, our political debates and the 30/30 we just got on our physics project. Noah Garner- I leave you our random funny moments playing PS4 until 6 In the morning and our friendship. Senior Prophecies: I see myself married to my beautiful wife, with 2 kids and working our home that we win have built. I will be working in maintenance at Mercedes Benz. Teacher Last Will: . Mrs. Copen- I leave you all my precal homework that I never did and my precal book that I will return but eventually need back. Dr. Gibbons- I leave you my stupid but right answers in our homework discussions (I still don’t know how I passed your class) Mrs. Halkias- I leave you all of my attitude and jokes I gave you in 9th grade and our memories of you driving me around because I didn’t want to ride the bus.

Favorite class: Mrs. Copen/ Precal- I learned a lot from her and she taught me how to be better at math. We always could cut up and get work done. Mrs. Copen’s attitude everyday was great and made us eager to learn. Favorite High School Memories: All of the pep rallies and football games, my baseball years at the high school, Homecoming, Prom, and the day I met the love of my life 2-14-17

Karley Nicole Foster

School Activities: Volleyball (9,11), National Honor Society (11,12), Beta Club (11,12), National Technical Honor Society (12), Quill and Scroll Honor Society (11,12), FCCLA (10,11), HOSA (10,11,12), HOSA VP (12). Senior Last Will & Testament: I Karley Foster, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of extraordinary mind and small body do hereby leave the following: Ashlyn Argo- I leave you dependability and a banana from 11th grade. Dustin Teat- I leave you tears from Suz’s house and a big huh and lots of laughter that followed. I also leave you Mac & Cheese from Thanksgiving dinner. Jacob Martin- I leave you tons of singalongs in the car, and Kid Rock always coming on first. I also leave you truck rides late at night, trips to Chabelys, and you always being such a great friend. I also leave you Lexie and Emily you know why. Cody Bohannon- I leave you

all the handshakes that I thought would break my hand, the time you almost went to jail at one of our get togethers, and lastly the you almost killed me in the McDonalds parking lot during HC week. Luke Martin - I leave you a fake loud laugh that always make me laugh so hard. I leave you a honeybun and that one time at Chabely’s. Jackson Ingram- I leave you the snow day, because we had so much fun slinging each other off the sled. Hunter Whitley- I also leave you loud laughs that everyone got so mad over, and I leave you long talks about Anna, because we both love her so much. Emily Seay- I leave you a beach trip filled with our favorite music that we know all the words to. I also leave you the several pedestrians that I have almost hit several times. I leave you petty arguments that we always get over and a stupid castle project from 8th grade. I leave you tons of laughter because you stay keeping me and everyone else laughing. Lastly, I leave you tears from Alli’s house because to this day that is still my favorite video. Kelsey Tubbs- I leave you a long-time friendship, a doctor’s visit, and tons of sleepovers. I also leave you many cruise adventures. Jon Carter Kilgore- I leave you a friendship that will last forever and all the brother sister arguments we have had. I leave you all the punches we have thrown at each other just messing around. I leave you all the times you just stopped by to hangout considering you are only a few houses down. I leave you “blessed” and the time I almost got us into a fight at Chick-Fil-A. Lexie Miller- I leave you gossip and naps in clinicals, hanging by the Rover everyday after school and Christmas parties. Haley Martin- I leave you a scalpel for that time you let me perform surgery on your toe, and many days of playing with my hair. Alli Cooley- I leave you boy talk, tons of inside jokes, being grounded together over grades, and “people”. Hannah Pierce- I leave you all the love I have for you and Eli, a slumber party for the three of us, all the trouble we used to get in and baby pigs from when we were in tenth grade. Kelsea Hogeland- I leave you all the laughs in clinicals and always being so fun to be around. Anna Mckee- I leave you many rolls of sushi, movies, the Fray, sticking your head out the window, that one time in the McDonald’s parking lot, all the happies we bring each other, long talks about life, and being my very bestfriend. I can’t wait for all the memories we will make in college being roomies. Maddie Wilson- I leave you tons of dance moves, always listening when I needed to rant, never failing to have my back, and being a light in any room you walk into. Maddie Battles- I leave you tons of stories that you told me that always had me laughing so much. Shamaya Matthews- I leave you tons of Gibbons work that you never failed to have our backs on. Shelby Land- I leave you solar eclipses, and a swan that started our friendship. Owen Bailey- I leave you a heart of gold because you are one of the best people I have ever met, I leave you the best advice a person can give because you never failed to give it to me when I needed it most. I also leave you a peck on the cheek because you think you are so slick, and the class of 2018 because you never failed to be at all of our events and you should have been a year older. Lastly, I leave you a swan, because that was the beginning of our friendship. Suzanna Buchanon- I leave you tons of crap talking, me laughing at you all the time because you are hilarious, a chocolate Reece’s heart, and you always being such a good friend. Katie Johnson- I leave you a “little” because you are the best little ever. I leave morning car rides, Brittney spears and Tswift jam sessions. I leave you chicken minis and pizza, always know I am right down the hill. Macy Donaldson- I leave you my cap because it is your turn now. This year will be the best one yet I promise. I also leave you my childhood, because it was mostly spent with you by my side. I leave you spur of the moment Target trips and a frappe to go with it. Make the most of it, it goes by way too fast. Lastly, I leave you my parking spot, so you can finally get out of the pit. The lunch table- I leave you apples, because I swear one got thrown in our direction every day. I also leave yall “y’all may have done that in middle school but this is high school, and we don’t do that **crap** here. You guys were one of the best parts of my day and I will miss this. The Cult- I leave you tons of crazy conversations. Twitter drama, breakfast at Henry’s, and always having each other’s backs. I leave yall all the events we had over the course of Senior year. I leave you rolling that “one” persons house just because, oh and Coach Booth I leave him too. The class of 2018- I leave you pep rallies, spirit sticks, and all of us being so ready to graduate. It went by so much quicker than we thought it would and it truly has been a blast. I wish you all the absolute best that life has to offer, and I will see yall at the reunion. My parents- I leave you both my diploma, because without yall this would have never been possible. Thank you for all the advice and pushing me to be the absolute best that I could be. I love yall. Haiden Rae- I leave you my gown, because you will look up and you will be where I am now. Make the most of the time you have in school, because you will miss being little I promise. I love you chicken nugget. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, I will be beginning my career as a trauma surgeon. I will also be happily married to my smoking hot husband while we continue to travel the world, and hopefully I will be starting my family. Teacher Last Will: Polly D- I leave you tons and tons of foldables, bones, and dissecting frogs. Dr. Gibbons- I leave you the best preparation for college a teacher can give, my mermaid headband, all the questions are class always wanted to ask you but were always too scared, and cold pizza. Mrs. Copen- I leave you kindness, because you accepted all of our stupid questions and made sure that we knew what we were doing. Coach Hubbard- I leave you being the best teacher ever, because you always made learning so much fun. I also leave you the power of government must be limited. Mrs. Chastain- I leave you being my school mother for four whole years, always advising me about hair colors, and making my day 100x better when I see your face. I also leave you geese. Can’t wait for Mardi Grau in a few years. Mrs. Cruce- I leave you all of our long and fun discussions in Clinicals, and always working your butt off for us. Favorite class: Coach Hubbard’s history class, because I learned so much and he is an amazing teacher that I would vote for to be our President Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memories would be all of the pep rallies and football games that followed cheering our team on. Junior and Senior homecoming weeks despite being so tired. All of the get togethers outside of school that really brought me close to all of my friends. Favorite Song: “Bad at love” – Halsey Favorite Movie: The Greatest Showman Favorite Fashion Trend: Flare jeans Advice to underclassmen: Dear underclassmen, don’t blink. It’ll go by faster than you think I promise. Be nice to your teachers because they want to go home equally as bad. Spend as much time with your friends as possible and go to every school event because those memories last forever. Dress up on dress up days I promise you aren’t “too cool”. Lastly, I encourage you to take a step back every once and a while and appreciate your life and the people around you, because we often forget how good we actually have it and how short life is. I hope your Senior year is as fun as mine has been xoxo. Social Media: Facebook- Karley Foster Instagram- karley_foster_ Snapchat- Karl0317 Twitter- _karley_foster

Brooke Daelynn Gamble

Nickname: Brookie School Activities: Beta Club (11-12), National Honor Society (11-12), National Technical Honor Society (12) BHS Ambassadors (12) FCCLA (9-12), Green Team (10-11) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Brooke Gamble, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of confident mind and eager body do hereby leave the following: To my girls; Alex Smith and Dani Glass, I leave behind “our” wardrobe, late night study sessions, Taco Bell dates, jamming and pool days. I appreciate y’all keeping it real with me through the years and always picking me up when I’m down. I’m so thankful we all three got to grow up together and to get make memories after high school, cause let’s face it we stuck together now homies. Haha kidding in all seriousness I know this isn’t the last chapter in our lifelong friendship. I love you both!! Cayton Broadhead, I leave behind all the Friday night lights, hearing you stress over anatomy, our nug dates and all of our petty little fights. I sure am gonna miss getting asked “are y’all sisters?” all the time. Here’s to the memories we haven’t yet made, love you longtime!!! My dear sweet Ashlyn Argo, I leave all of our daily co-op talks, wild pep rally stories and hearing “ BROOKIE COOKIEEE” screamed through the halls every time you see me. You have the best personality so don’t ever change. Go Gamecocks!! Kendall B, I leave behind our daily flirting sessions, selfies and all of our rides in the mustang!!! Thank you for teaching everything I know about football, singing karaoke with me and making sure my outfits are always looking good. I love your kind and caring soul so much KDOLL! To my sassy Callie Sue I leave behind our crazy forensics class, all of our laughs we share over every little thing and the weekends we spend just watching Netflix. I can’t thank you enough for being so close to me and making me feel loved every day. I can’t wait to see where you go in life and just know I will always be here beaming with pride. Trent Hutchins, I leave you all of our fun memories from you singing to me every song that comes on the radio, our car arguments, your super needy dog, to crying over greys anatomy. I have been so blessed to have someone to make me laugh when I feel no joy and to pretend my cheesy jokes are absolutely hilarious. You make me proud every single day Trentey and I hope you don’t forget me when you become famous!! Thank you for being my rock and make sure to come visit me when you move!! Stefan Koll, I leave you with every single bus ride we shared, the funny moments we had and all the wild stories you tell. We have been through it all since I met that shy 9th grade kid: from you trying to jump into my pool without getting wet, you always being down for spontaneous trips to simply just go to foodland and us getting caught rolling your house haha. I can’t wait to see you graduate next year fannie and will always be right down the road if you need me!! And last but not least Michael Upton, To you I leave all of our fashion adventures from making the best duct tape dress to you forcing me to try every crazy flavor of chip out there. Keep on drawing and sketching Micheal because you’re extremely talented and know that I’m so proud of you p.s. quit being late to school Kid! Social Media: . Instagram: Brooke_daelynn Snapchat: brookedaelynn

Ben Garner Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Ben garner, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of a simple mind and strong body do hereby leave the following: Caylea Scales, I leave all the late night just riding around and us singing along to the radio. All of the mornings that we were going to be on time to school but decided we were hungry and stopped to get something to eat instead. I leave you all of the endless laughs and the constant “arguments” at lunch. I wish you the best of luck on your senior year, I know you’re going to do big things. Dustin Mitchell, I leave you all the trips to the office and the phone calls to our parents because we were constantly talking across the classroom. I leave all of the dumb talks after fourth period that we’ll probably never remember to Travis Cummins. To Dustin Teat I leave all of the times we got in trouble in Coach Booths class for taking the gator greenhouse and trying to do burnouts behind the AG shop, and i leave you the Gatorade bottle you dared me to throw off the stare case in summer school that i got suspended for. To The Cult I leave all of our arguments that led to everybody leaving the group then we all apologize and add everyone back. I leave all of the late nights during homecoming week rolling houses and putting whatever we can find on people’s roofs and in front of their doors, and I leave all the fun nights at Karley’s where we all get together just to eat and watch movies. Mason Stephens, I leave you all of our crazy shenanigans in the parking lot and the table we built in AG shop that my grandmother stole when she saw it and liked it. To Maddie Smith, I leave the random trips to the hunting club just to shoot guns or to try and go hunting but we never saw anything. All of the late nights just sitting at Dustin’s playing with the dogs and talking about anything that popped into our heads. Haley Martin, I leave the trips to the Cahaba on the last day of school every year. All of the excursions in Shag and Masons big truck that would last all day or until we ran out of gas. To Alexa Hubbard and Karissa Carter, I thank the both of you for constantly sending me answers to Mrs. Hyde’s test. Y’all are the reason I am passing her class. I wish you both good luck on your senior year. Cristian Orozco, we never did talk much but I leave you with the knuckle bump everyday before fourth period and you just smiling and nodding your head at me. I leave all of the cup checks in the hallway after lunch to Seth Toxey. To Ashtyn Price, you have gave me the best advice i could ever ask for and I thank you for that. I leave you all of the times we got in trouble in Polly’s class for talking to loud, all of the times we go out of our way in the hallway just to shake each other’s hand. I wish you luck on you’re senior year, you’re going to do great. Teacher Last Will: I, Ben Garner, hereby leave the following to the faculty and staff: To Coach Champion, I never learned anything in history until I had your class. I leave all the endless laughs that led to you getting mad and punching the light switch. Coach Booth, I leave you all of the projects I started and never finished. All of days you’d let us go to Mary’s or Henry’s only if we got you something to eat. Mrs. Sisty, you were by far the the best science teacher I had throughout high school. I leave you all the times you got mad because I wouldn’t call you Mrs. Sisty. I leave you all the days you’d get mad because me and Khari were talking to loud. To Mrs. Hagood, I leave all of the tardies you wrote me and me constantly telling you that I’m not gonna be late anymore. Mrs. Rickard, You always went out of your way to make sure that I wasn’t going to fail math. I leave all of the days that I came in your classroom to get help with geometry and all of the times when you should have wrote me up and never did. Mrs. Carr, you always pushed me a little bit harder because you said I was more capable than what i was showing. I leave you will all of the laughs about Greggs pig and I leave you with the foam tractor that Jonathan wells ripped up and I got blamed for. To Mrs Guinn, you always knew how to make English class a little fun. I leave you with all of the arguments about how cold it was in your room and all of the tests that i cheated off of Austin on and you only gave us half credit on the ones that were exactly right. Favorite class: Out of all of the classes i took in high school Forensics had to be my favorite. In Forensics we did a lot of fun projects and Mrs Sisty was a great teacher Favorite High School Memories: Some of my favorite high school memories would have to be going to pep rallies and leaving there to go paint up in the parking lot for the football games. Another good memory from high school would be homecoming week rolling houses and putting chairs on roofs. Advice to underclassmen: The advice I give to underclassmen would be always do your work. If you stay on task all year you won’t be struggling to pass at the end of the year when things get serious.

Trenton Blake Genery

Nickname: Trent School Activities: Green Team (11). HOSA (9-12), Beta Club (12), Basketball (9-11), French Club (12), Freshman Float Committee, Homecoming King (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Trent Genery being of optimistic mind and able body do hereby leave the following: I leave all the freezing cold nights of softball to Ethan. To Skylar I want to wish you good luck, you’re going to do big things if you keep your chin up and stay strong! To Kirby, Trystan, and Eric ; I want to leave you all with the great times and the funny times we had in Smeraglia’s class. To Austin, Mason and Caleb, I want to leave yall with all the great times at softball we had and more than anything, Troy! Thank you to all of my friends that has helped me and pushed me to make it this far! I want to wish the class of 2018 Good Luck! Do big things. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Trent Genery, will be a physical therapist. I will be living in a decent size house; it will be brick, with a big front and back porch. I hope to have at least one child. Teacher Last Will: I want to thank Marcy Burnham and Kristen Halkias for everything from listening to me rant to giving me great advice. Even though I hardly did anything in class, you both still put up with me. And for that, I Thank you! Favorite class: My favorite class I took would be one of Mrs. Burnham’s classes. All her classes have prepared me for what I am wanting to do after school. Favorite High School Memories: Some of my favorite memories would be 9th grade in Mrs. Gentry’s class with Kirby and Trystan. How Skylar used to leave me notes everyday in 10th grade; Troy, and softball season as well. Favorite Fashion Trend: Don’t have one. Advice to underclassmen: To ALL of the under classmen, do all your work and pay attention. Don’t catch senioritis either. Just focus on school and you will do fine. Social Media: If anyone would like to stay in touch here you go: Facebook: Trent Genery, Instagram: trentongenery, Snapchat: trentgenery

Evan Harrison George Nickname: Cadet Major Evan Harrison Token White Jesus Jamal George School Activities: FBLA (9) Beta Club (10-12) Green Team (11-12) JROTC(10-12) S-3(12) LEO Club(12) Senior Last Will & Testament: : I, Evan Harrison George, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of enlightened mind and great body do hereby leave the following: To Nikolas Vigne I leave my goofy and deranged attitude. He is a great person will always be one of my closest friends. To Clay Como I leave my way with women so one day he will find someone. He will all ways be the nicest person I know. To Miranda Kock I leave my confidence in hopes that it will make her grow to who I know she can be. She has always had one of the biggest smiles I’ve ever seen. To Collin Boyd I leave my Colon so I can remember his name. To Cole Brodhead I leave my Major rank because I’m confident he’ll get higher and give it back. And to Kalie Suddeth I leave the luck I had to make great friends and memories throughout high school. Senior Prophecies: I will be continuing my success as a drill sergeant making privets cry and crap themselves. Favorite class: JROTC we always felt like a big family inside the school Favorite Song: Shot down by Khalid Favorite Movie: Black panther Advice to underclassmen: Don’t care about anything Social Media: Snapchat:evan10099

Angela Michelle Gibbons Nickname: Angie School Activities: FBLA (12) FFA (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Angela Gibbons, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of a persuasive mind and capable body do hereby leave the following: I leave of all my wonderful memories with Beth Terrell, Devin White, Hannah Parton, Isaiah Abbott, Caleb Sims, Bre Abbott and my other wonderful friends. May you all have the best of luck and for the ones who aren’t graduating with me this year have a peaceful and happy senior year. To all of the seniors graduating this year congrats!!! We finally made it to the end and now it’s time for us to say goodbye to the easy world and hello to the world of difficulty.

Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Angela Gibbons, will be a proud veterinarian or who knows she might become something better. Teacher Last Will: Going through high school wasn’t that easy and of course I needed a little guidance and support throughout high school and for those who helped me I want to thank. Thank you Coach Averett, Major West, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Rhodes, Mrs. Wagner, Coach Smeraglia, Mrs. Day and all of the other wonderful teachers I’ve had over the years Favorite class: Out of all my classes my top favorites were Enviromental Science, Health, and Algebra with Finance because I had the most amazing teachers and I was able to have a great year(s). Favorite High School Memories: Military Ball 2017, Homecoming 2016, Moments that I spent with Beth Terrell and Hannah Parton. Favorite Song: Start over by NF and Fly away by Lynard Skynard. Favorite Movie: Annilator Favorite Fashion Trend: Don’t ever give up, no matter how hard things may seem you will accomplish whatever comes your way. If you set a goal be sure do your best to keep that goal and don’t ever let anyone tell you not to accomplish your goals. I wish I would have had this advice a while back… Advice to underclassmen: Don’t ever give up, no matter how hard things may seem you will accomplish whatever comes your way. If you set a goal be sure do your best to keep that goal and don’t ever let anyone tell you not to accomplish your goals. I wish I would have had this advice a while back… Social Media: Snapchat: agibbions2000

Danielle Kady Glass Nickname: Dani School Activities: Green Team (10,12), Civs (11), Honor Society (11,12), Beta Club (11,12), FCCLA (10,11,12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I Danielle Glass a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of complicated mind and able body do hereby leave the following: To Alex Smith I leave the 18 years of crazy memories plus the ones to come, the turtle we snuck into Mrs. Shelby’s class that one time, and our crazy seniors from that FCCLA field trip in 10th grade. To Brooke Gamble I leave going to get gas together, our Jacks dates, the get smacked video, and Christmas movie weekends. To Dustin Conner I leave all the jolly ranchers and full moon in the world. To Riley Weems I leave all your stories about your terrible life decisions. To Cayton I leave our talks about rings and promposals and jamming to Jordan Beltford on the way to every football game. To Tayler Herring I leave all the drinks from foodland and hating each other in 11th grade. To Abby I leave girls night, hiding out in Mrs. Rhodes room, Night To Shine, Bad Moms, and your awful driving. To Morgan Carnes I leave musical appreciation with Harrison in 9th grade and all the weekends spent shopping and eating. To Stefan I leave all our bus/ car rides to and from school, going to the country club to swim, and our skype sessions. To Morgan Godsey I leave Jacks milkshakes and going to the Mcwane. To Phillip I leave all our 3rd period jokes and weird drawings. To Jess I leave all our Jesus talks, competing to see who has the best

grades, making fun of each other, and constantly making plans to run away to some beach to get away from school. Lastly, to my parents I leave my cap and gown, thank you for everything you do for me and supporting me. I love y’all. Senior Prophecies: In ten years Dani Glass will be Clinical Social Worker, getting ready to start her own practice in Birmingham. She will be living with her smoking hot husband and her daughter. Teacher Last Will: To Coach Nickerson (Nickie) I leave you calling me your daughter, telling me to “stay away from those Oak Grove boys”, all our talks about boys and the advice you’ve given me, and singing any and every song on the bus. To Chas I leave all of the fashion and life advice you’ve given me, taking every class you offer, and all your words of wisdom. You made high school bearable Thank you both for being my “school parents” and looking out for and caring for me. I don’t know how I’ll make it without you guys being a few classrooms away from me. Y’all mean more to me than I can explain. I love you guys. Favorite class: My favorite class in high school was fashion. I love Chas and she makes everything fun, plus making the duck tape dress was great. Favorite High School Memories: Some of my favorite high school memories are: the pep rallies, football games, homecoming week, prom, going to green team with Alex and Baleigh, the FCCLA field trip we went on in 10th grade, and “Friendsgiving” and “friendsmas” Favorite Song: My favorite song is Perfect by Ed Sheeran Favorite Movie: My favorite movie is Beauty and the Beast. Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trend is leggings and a big t shirt because we can finally wear them Advice to underclassmen: My advice to the underclassmen is to have fun and enjoy high school while it lasts, before you know it you’ll be graduating. Make the most of your senior year, you’ll blink and it’ll be over. Social Media: Facebook: Dani Glass Instagram: danielle_kady Snapchat: jammindani

Alex Brantley Harper Gober Nickname: Goob School Activities: Golf Team (11,12), HOSA (11,12), Homecoming Court (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Alex Gober, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of cloudy mind and tired body do hearby leave the following: I leave my best wishes to Luke Self because I know you will do big things. I leave my cap and gown to Kinsley Gober in hopes you’ll make it as far as I did. I leave my front row parking spot to Brayden Weathers, your always late and you’ll need it. I leave my Diploma to Griffin Cook in case you don’t get one. To Luke Martin and Conner Antonio I leave you all the wild parties at “jake baby’s”. To Madison Battles I leave all of the sweet memories and laughs we shared in the last six years. And last but not least to the class of 2018 I leave you all my greatest wishes and thank you for making high school one of the best experiences I’ve ever had. Favorite class: Coach Booth’s welding class, because I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so much in one year Favorite High School Memories: No memories will ever be greater than all of the pep-rally’s and football games with my classmates.

Jescenia Ruth Gomez Nickname: Jessie, Jess, little brown girl School Activities: National Technical Honor Society (12) National Honor Society (11,12) Beta Club (11,12) Quill & Scroll (12) FCCLA (9-12) Panther Peer Mentor (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Jescenia Gomez, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of scattered mind and small body do hereby leave the following: To all my past besties at one time or another, you shaped me in some ways so thanks. To Trent Hutchins, I leave all of our talks in my car and all of our destructive videos together (EWW). I leave the pain in my stomach from all the times you have made me laugh till we couldn’t breathe and I leave the regret of not becoming your friend sooner and walking up to you in Gentry and stealing you from Savannah. I leave the lost memory of how we became friends but also the satisfaction of getting to know you in this year and absolutely coming to adore you as a huge part of my life and the perfect person to wrap up my Senior year. I'm so proud of you and you inspire me daily with your character and confidence and grace for me and my crazy. Remember me when you all big and famous. To Dani Glass, I leave all of our competitive charisma in mainly Hubbard and the fact that he couldn’t see me and only you. I leave the statement that Smergie still looks like Hank! I leave you lots of back rubs and times of playing with your hair and fighting over whose turn it was to do it. You did always know how to capture a room with your presence. I leave the memory of you locking me in your basement, I leave the love I have for you and still carry. You have been such a piece in my life, with the constant dumb jokes. You are just that person that makes anything funny and we can just laugh till we cry over NOTHING. I leave screaming at the back of the bus to Justin Bieber in Dalton Fords ear and complaining over how unorganized our lives are. I leave nothing but joy and hope that Shelton can handle us. To Ashlyn Argo, Oh Dear, where do I start? I leave the plain fact that we were destined to be friends from the beginning of our lives even if Hueytown Elementary didn’t know what it was starting. I leave the promise that you always inspired me and that your face and smile made my heart skip a beat from the complete content it had for having such an amazing friend. I leave all the fun camp memories and the more to come because lets be real I'm going to own it after Kevin. I leave the imprint you have left on my family and the absolute contagious love they have for you. I leave all the “bless Daniel’s teacher’s heart” I leave all the “housegivings” we have shared and the awesome time of fellowshipping. I leave the moments of happiness and skips I do all the way to your table at lunch. I leave my excitement over OUTCRY, Jesus, Holy Spirit speeches, and AG ministry moments with you. BUT most of all I leave you with the fact that I am so blessed that my soul got to know your soul and that it became attached and prays for many more encounters in the future. I know we will, you haven’t seen my finale moment yet. To Cayton Broadhead, I leave lots of great and crappy memories. I leave all the ridiculous memories we have had that half of them I can’t remember because 8 years is a lot to recall. I leave racing in a thrift store on scooters and lots of thin wheats because well, I ate all of yours. I leave you small shoulders to cry on and lots of hugs if ever needed. I leave all of our Wednesday nights where I get way to crazy and start to get livid. I leave you with the fact you were a huge part of my life for so long and that I was in love with the human you are. You were the closest I came to the sister I never wanted. I leave you with all my annoying quirkiness and loudness and all the embarrassing pictures of you sleeping that may or may not be on Eric’s phone. I leave you with the thankfulness of all the times you calmed my soul during a time I couldn’t hold it together. I can’t verbalize all the emotions you give me or the memories we share or the pain we have went through together and apart but I know if you have concerns about any of them I'm always willing to share. I'm so proud of the woman you are and the nurse you will become and the lives you’ll touch. You’re too hard on yourself so I leave a peach O’s to take a snack break. I leave you with nothing than the best eight years. To Brooke Gamble, I leave you with the knowledge that I have of the person you are but the person you don’t believe in. You are a sassy momma that won’t be told what to do and woman with her own will with a way. But I leave you with all the things I saw in you the last couple of years. Strength, endurance, love, patience, kindness, forgiveness, and compassion. Along with others that conjoined to your personality. Brooke I leave you all the math In the world and thankfulness for getting me through my stress and attitude. For listening to me rant and cry at points and letting me see through your thick wall and see the pain in the beauty. For letting me look into your eyes and see your amazing heart. I leave you Matt and Morgan because they are a handful! I leave you love and joy for what is to come. To Kendall Bridgmon, I don’t leave a lot except the friendship that was established in 11th grade and the snack sharing of dory graham crackers and the laughs in Smergie and the eventfulness in your life that entertained us for days. You’re definitely a character and I loved it. To Alex Smith, I'm going to leave a lot of comments that sum up into basically this one of “I literally hate her, how can she look this good every day,” I leave our sweet talks and all the encouraging comments on each other posts. I leave with the jealousy of all the class and elegance I see you hold yourself with on the daily. I leave you with big hopes for you and such grievance I couldn’t get to know you better. I love you girlllll. To Haley Tolbert, I leave lots of laughs, jokes, coloring sessions and jokes on Eric. I leave you with tons of Markers and paper to write lots of contracts and tape to cover up all your holes. And I leave all the Split videos. You made gov/econ the best. . To Yearbook Fam, I leave my talent because there wasn’t much anyway and lots of food and love. To Alex Mahan, OH MY GOSH, I leave all my stupid jokes that you seem to think are funny. I leave all my jackets that you seem to love to try on when I leave the room. I leave all my necking that you seem to receive. I leave you with lots of my whining and thankfulness for you. You have made me smile everyday over the stupidest stuff and I don’t say it enough but you have become such a light in my day, even though I'm a brat to you I care about you and the fact that teasing you makes me happy. I leave you all of our horrible videos and my rants about how trent has to many woman. Thanks for all the memories Ally Cat and walking me to my car during fights, wait, LEAVING* me and trashing DG. Can’t wait to call you up on random days and make you come see me. To Kat Hall I leave all my love and affection and complaining about how much I wanted to leave 7th, To Brooke Barger I leave our meet ups at DG to go to house parties and our long eventful talks about our boys, life, and music I love you and you’re amazing soul to the moon and back. To The Band, I leave Sammie all the hits I took for her because she was a goodie goodie and I just loved that about her, a wild child that was an amazing person, Kirby lots of amazing memories and me being a brat, Caleb, I leave gummies because I usually ate them. Lastly, Andrew, you don’t go here but it’s MY will, I leave you 5 years of my heart and many to go my Rockstar. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, I see myself traveling across the world and making a difference in people’s lives. I want to be a journalist, photographer, and speaker and I want to help children, young girls, and help individual’s lives and spread the love of Jesus. I want to go and experience other people’s culture and meet people from around the world and serve in any way I can. I see myself married the Now famous and VERY talented Andrew Caffee with a beautiful white brick house and hopefully a swing on the back porch. I see myself being able to cook and clean better than I could ten years ago. Teacher Last Will: To All the Teachers I loved, and impacted in me and believed in me and inspired me in different ways and teased me and knew I was a force to be reckoned with and a woman somewhere deep inside the child, Thank you. I leave you with the fact that you are what make this world go round and you are the teachers that make school enjoyable. Denise, you knew I was sassy and loved me for it and always knew I had more potential than what I gave. You gave me a room to learn where I knew I could do anything if I believed. You made me feel loved even though I was a nutcase. Gentry, you put up with me and Brooke’s drama and our daily talks about nothing and my constant falling asleep. You listened to my dreams and encouraged me. We will always be Besties. I mean we made it official! Smergie, you made your room a safe place for me to rant or eat my sandwich. Thanks for teaching me about our messed up government and how hard it would be to be a president. I leave all my markers, not really, I need them. Chastain, teaching me how important children are and how much the learn in those beginning years and for showing me love and a warm smile every day I walked into your room even if I had a bad attitude. Guinn, I leave with you a love letter to your employer speaking all the truths about you. You are the teacher that students write books about. My dreams for my life were only that, my dreams that have never even be asked of me, that have never be asked to be put to action, and that no one ever looked at me and told me I could. No teacher has ever inspired me as much as you have. You worked me hard but that taught me a lot. You introduced me to some of my now role models and helped realize and grow my curiosity for literature and my love for inspiring and speaking. You took the time out of all your other students to care and guide my life and make sure I worked to purse my goals and to not take the top layer that everyone sees but the deeper meaning. Favorite Movie: Thor: Ragnorak , or anything kid related Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trend is whatever I wear and like Advice to underclassmen: Get some Jesus, he is the only hope I had in high school Social Media: @jessiegomez17

Juliana Evelyn Green Nickname: Jules School Activities: Beta Club (12), National Honor Society (12), Quill and Scroll (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Juliana Green, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of unstable mind and unfit body do hereby leave the following: To my youngest peer Stephen Lewis, I leave our favorite vines that we constantly quoted, a playlist of our afternoon jams and my never-ending intelligence of everything in hopes that we will succeed with flying colors in the years to come. My dearest friend Jamyla, I leave to you our lovely hotel room that was nearly engulfed in flames, my sense of direction- in hopes that it will counteract with yours and make it better, and all of the exotic foods and desserts anyone could imagine. To my friend Abagail, I leave all the chewed pieces of gum stuck on the windowsill, I also hope that every room you walk in from now to forever has the sweet smell of dog sweat. My friend Krystal, or as others may know her; Raven, I simply hope that you and Bubby are able to get along one day. To end on a sentimental note, I would like to wish my dearest Colyeses all of the success that life can give, I leave many memories with all of my friends and loved ones and my biggest wish is to create as many more as possible throughout my life. Favorite class: 9th grade history with Coach Cox Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memories include goofing off in fashion class, making crazy videos in mass media, and going to the Bama to cause mass chaos during play week.

Favorite Song: Although I don’t have a favorite song from this year, one of my favorite songs is the ‘wind cries mary’ by Jimi Hendrix, it holds a special place in my heart Favorite Movie: The incredibles 2 even though I haven’t seen it yet Favorite Fashion Trend: bold colors Social Media: Instagram: @heyitmejule Snapchat: Juliana1876 Twitter: @julianasjules

Austin Groth Nickname: AJ Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Austin Groth, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School being of strong mind and able body do hereby leave the following: everything to every one. Senior Prophecies: In my career…something I love Favorite class: PE I love being active

Breanna Grubb School Activities: Green Team (12) National Honor Society (11-12) Beta Club (11-12) Mu Alpha Theta (12) Spanish Club (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Breanna Nicole Grubb, a graduating senior at Brookwood High School, being of forgetful mind and working body do hereby leave the following: the knowledge that 4×5 is not 9 to Jace Strickland, my vote and support to Anna Sogol for any office she chooses to run for, my Psychology notes for Elizabeth Grubb (don’t worry it’s only 5 pages), and all of my pictures of my cats to anyone who wishes to see them (find me and I’ll give you however many you’d like). Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Breanna Grubb will be earning more money than she knows what to do with due to her invention of a hover disk. She will be a regular benefactor to such causes as St. Jude’s, March for Dimes, Book Aid International, and others as well as fostering her first child. She will also be in the process of building her cat ranch for her twenty-seven cats. Teacher Last Will: To Señora Brooking, I leave the knowledge that it was because of her that I fell in love the Spanish language. To Mrs. Copen, I leave the memory of the one time I made a one hundred on a Calculus test all because of your teaching. To Mrs. Gaddy, I leave the memory of your favorite student ever. Finally, to Dr. Gibbons, I leave the hope that you will continue to teach young minds that which you taught me. Favorite class: My favorite class throughout all for years of high school would have to be my AP Literature class. Sure it was hard with regular essay writing and a looming exam at the end of the year I could not avoid, but it was still the best class I ever took. Dr. Gibbons prepared me for the exam more than I could have imagined, and she helped me better my skills in essay writing and analysis more than I thought I would. But besides all of that, she gave us books to read which expanded our worldview and opened discussions which gave us more insight into the struggles of women, non-whites, and the LGBTQ+ community. It was a class I will always remember and I would recommend it to anyone who can write a good essay. Favorite High School Memories: Of all my memories of high school, my favorite would have to be the day Mrs. Lewis, my 9th grade biology teacher, gave me the 9th grade science award. The only other award I had received had been the A-B Honor Roll award, and since it was all I had expected to get, I had zoned out and was instead think of all the other things I could have been doing with that three hours worth of time. When they said my name, it was a knee-jerk reaction to stand, but I accepted the award in confusion. I had been nowhere near the best grade. Afterward, of course, I asked why she had chosen me, and she just laughed and said she had never seen anyone so enthusiastic about parasites and genetics. It was at that moment that I realized that grades where just a number, and as long as you are passionate about what you are doing, you will always succeed. Favorite Song: “Welcome to Hell” by Saturday Night Live Favorite Movie: Black Panther Favorite Fashion Trend: Wearing black to the Golden Globes Advice to underclassmen: Everyone should take one of Mrs. Burnham’s (known to me always as Mrs. Cruce) classes. Her stories are not only fun but informative. She teaches you things you’ll learn in no other class with humor. You should also take Mrs.

Reynolds’ AP Environmental class in 11th grade if you are on the advanced track because she not only teaches you about how the environment is dying, but how to fix it. Also, I know no one who has said they like the alternative class. Social Media: Facebook: Breanna Grubb (profile image is a cat always), Twitter: @bregrubb

Ricky Jermaine Hamilton School Activities: FFA (9-12), MU Alpha Theta (12), National Honor Society (11-12), Beta Club (1-12), National Technical Honor Society (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Ricky Hamilton, a graduating senior of Brookwood High school, being of strong mind and sound body, do herby leave the following: I leave my best wishes to all students who attend BHS. I hope all my friends achieve success in life and can live comfortably. Finally, I encourage everyone to strive for a better tomorrow. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Ricky Hamilton, will be a successful engineer with multiple degrees. He will share his home with two dogs. He will also be spending time with his family and friends. Teacher Last Will: Thank you, Major West, for making learning fun.

Favorite class: My favorite class is JROTC, because Major West makes it fun. Favorite High School Memories: Watching people trip going up the stairs and Coach Hubbard screaming, “The power of the government must be limited!”

Sarah Elizabeth Handley

Ashley Rita Nicole Hatter School Activities: beta club (12) national honor society (12) national technical honor society (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: .I, Ashley Hatter, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of strong mind and able body do herby leave the past 4 Years to my wonderful boyfriend Seth Toxey, who has always been there when I needed him. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Ashely Hatter, will be finished with college, married to a wonderful husband and hopefully will have at least 1 great child. Teacher Last Will: Thank you to all the teachers who have helped me throughout my high school years.

Favorite class: My favorite classes were mrs Chastain-Cruce because I learned about how to take care of babies, toddlers, how to sew, how to make a duct tape dress I learned a lot of stuff I could use in every day life. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memories will be football games and pep rally’s Favorite Song: My favorite song in the year is: Marry me Thomas Rhett Favorite Movie: My favorite movie of the year is: only the brave Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trend is leggings and t-shirts. Advice to underclassmen: Just make the best of everything and make new friends. Social Media: Snap: ash_hatter6 Insta: ashley_hatter Twitter ashley_hatter6

Callie Cheyenne Hinton School Activities: Jrotc (9-12) National Technical Honor Society (12) HOSA (12) Peer Mentor (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Callie Hinton, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of a brilliant mind and able body do hereby leave the following: I leave the infinite amount of childhood memories to the person who has been with me since birth, my twin brother, Dallas Hinton. We have been through literally everything together from the six different schools we have been to since pre k, to the 10+ homes we have lived in together since birth, to the thousand outdoor adventures and exploring we have done, to our family vacations, to our million+ inside jokes, to our 100+ fist fights, and most importantly our billion unforgettable memories we have made together as brother and sister. No matter what i have always had you right by my side, and when we graduate and start our separate lives as adults, i honestly don’t know how i’ll ever get used to you not being in the bedroom right next to mine. My life wouldn’t have been complete without you Dallas Leroy. I leave the passed three years of my life to you, Travis Cummins, my soulmate and life long partner. Thank you for being here by my side since 9th grade and thank you for growing with me and helping shape me into the woman i am today. Thank you for allowing your family to become apart of my own. Our journey has been filled with nothing but uncontrollable laughter, spontaneous adventures and a butt ton of “i love yous” and inside jokes. i leave all my middle school memories to Whitney Lawrence. I will never forget that summer when i basically lived at your house. i’ll never forget our beach trip nor the countless times we went to super skate, even though neither one of us know how to skate. you will forever be my long lost best friend and i’ll never forget you. i leave all the facetime calls to my bestie, Brooke Gamble. Thank you for all the late night trips to Dollar General for ice cream and our trips to Mcdonald’s for nuggs. Thank you for always being there for me when i need you. I love you Brookie. i leave all of our photo shoots and jam sessions to Cayton Broadhead. Thank you for making Polly Sues class the best class i’ve had and thank you for all the advice you’ve given me when i’ve needed it. You are an amazing friend and i’ll keep you in my heart forever. I leave my cap and gown to my mom for being my biggest inspiration and number one supporter. Thank you for always being there and for always having my back no matter what. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Callie Hinton, will be an FBI:Agent living with her husband in a 5,000 square foot house with a set of twins and another baby boy on the way.

Teacher Last Will: I leave my favorite memory with Coach Champion when he punched the light switch and the light didn’t come on. Favorite class: My favorite class in high school was JROTC my ninth grade year because my class had around 75 kids in it and they were all football players so everyday we would all go outside and play football Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memories are the football games on Friday nights. Favorite Song: My favorite song of the year is Heaven by Kane Brown Favorite Movie: My favorite movie of the year is Fifty Shades Freed Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trend of the year is fuzzy socks with Birkenstocks Advice to underclassmen: My advice to the underclassmen is to just have fun Social Media: Facebook: Callie Hinton Instagram: callieduh13

Zykeith Tyquan Hinton th th th th School Activities: Green team (9 - 12 ), Beta Club (11 - 12 ), National Honor Society (11th- 12th), National Technical Honor Society (12th), FCCLA (9th- 12th), HOSA (9th- 12th). JROTC, (11th- 12th), JROTC Captain (12th), FFA (9th), FBLA (9th), National Society of High School Scholars (10th- 12th), Homecoming Committee (9th – 12th). Leo club (12th), Panther Peer Mentor (12th) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Zykeith Hinton, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of stressed mind and exhausted body do hereby leave the following: My stress and anxiety of senior year to my little sister Alaysia Calhoun. Every snack one could ever buy at target and dollar general to Katelyn Harkins. I leave all my crazy yet fun memories to my best friends Shamya, Jamyla, and Brittney. I leave Shamya my smart mouth, may it help you to become a strong lawyer in the near future. I leave Jamyla all my crazy looking facial expressions so you are able warn people before they even speak of something crazy. I leave them both a fee of $550 for every picture I ever took. I leave Brittney all my procrastination of us doing our math homework and study guides and $20 for bringing me coffee and breakfast every morning. I leave all three of them the laughter and fun we ever had since the eighth grade. I leave Callie Hinton a 2 month supply of gas money for all the rides to work. I leave Morgan Carnes, my four year-long study buddy, all my study habits and my ear to listen whenever. Senior Prophecies: In 10 years, Zykeith Hinton will be graduating with his masters’ degree in counseling psychology and or education working as a junior-senior counselor in Georgia making a lot of money and impacting the lives of the future generation. I’ll still be exploring the world with my best friends and the new ones that I meet along the way and living happily and freely. Teacher Last Will: Coach Hubbard- THE POWER OF GOVERNMENT MUST BE LIMITED!!!!!, thank you for pushing me encouraging me to be a better me Dr. Gibbons-Thank you for improving my writing over the last two years and I leave behind all the jokes we made about the stories we read Mrs. Burnum-Thank you for being one of the most understanding teachers I have ever had and introducing me to the movie seven pounds, I leave the rap that I created from the scientific terminology videos Mrs. Gaddy-Thank you for allowing your AP psychology class to have the craziest conversations and hearing us out when no one else would listen and thank you for allowing me to eat all my snacks in your classroom Favorite class: My favorite class would be Mrs. Morton’s ADV English class because she made her class laugh and she is one of the most dramatic and funniest teachers ever Favorite High School Memories: Some of my favorite High School memories would be the protest of dress code that landed Brookwood on the news and being able to walk into the office and fix my morning coffee Favorite Song: Sativa by Jhene Aiko and Rae Scremmund Favorite Movie: Get Out Favorite Fashion Trend: Ripped Jeans Advice to underclassmen: DO NOT PROSCRASTINATE, start mapping out your plans for after high school as early as possible and get involved in school Social Media: Instagram: zy.kei.th Snapchat: zykee15

Kelsea Taylor Hogeland

School Activities: Softball (9-11) and HOSA (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I Kelsea Hogeland, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of a sassy mind and good looking body do hereby leave the following: I leave behind all the fun and unforgettable memories to Hannah pierce. It’s been a crazy ride. We literally hated each other and now to you being the

person i go to about everything. It all started with precious little Eli. We have made so many memories; to going to eat anywhere and everywhere all the time, to running red lights, to going shopping together all the time even if it’s for the littlest things bc we don’t want to go by ourselves, to forcing Eli in his car seat to go with us, what some crazy times we have had together and wouldn’t trade it for anything. I love you Hannah Bug. I leave behind all the sarcasm and jokes to Brandon Barnett. What would it be like not having you make fun of how i talk; especially the word “butthole” oh and don’t forget “a lil slappy make daddy happy.” Annaleis Lindsey i leave to you all the late nights. There is no telling what we have done late at night but it is all worth it. They were some crazy nights but unforgettable. Can’t forget the first words you said about me: “I’m going to make her like me” and here we are besties 5 ever. So much love for you. Briley Brady i leave to you all the gossiping and boy talks in 3rd period. Wouldn’t wanna talk until we cry with anyone else but you. Senior year has brought us so close and here we are now making memories as life goes on. I leave all the griping, complaining, and the irrelevant arguments to Skylar crouch oh can’t forget all the ding dong ditching we have done. Maddie battles i leave to you all the crazy talks we have about our lives and all the times you have made me make the right decision. I also leave all the fussing you did after i made a stupid decision. I love you forever Maddie B. Anna McKee i leave to you all the “pine straw hill adventures”, playing in the mud, jam sessions in the car, riding four wheelers, and most of all fishing in a boat with water leaking into it but hey we caught a fish. I love you. I leave all the naps in class and vampire diaries to Karley Foster. Kamryn Murdock i leave you the “perfect” duct tape dress. Thank you for making me look so good in it. Couldn’t have looked better without you Kam! Precious little Eli Parker i leave to you my keys and phone bc that’s all you want when you’re with me. I can’t wait to keep watching you grow as life goes on. I’m beyond proud of you’re mommy (Hannah Pierce) all the stuff she does for you and everything she accomplishes to make sure you’re life is perfect. I definitely can’t wait for you to be old enough where you want to come see me all the time so i can spoil you. I love you so much little man. I leave my diploma to Katelyn and Kierston Hogeland, Savannah Angeloff, and Kaleb Davis. All four of you can split it into fours. Don’t wish you’re high school years away because you sure will miss it. Always go all out in the pep rallies because it will be the most fun you ever had. Live life to the fullest, i love each one of you. Lastly but certainly not least, i leave my cap and gown, my smart mouth, all the disrespect, crying, and life lessons to my parents Lori and Jaimon Angeloff. Thank you for everything y’all do for me, i wouldn’t be where i am today without y’all. I love y’all to the moon and back tons of times. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Kelsea Hogeland will be married and have at least one kid. She will already be finished with college with a degree as a Registered Nurse. She will fulfill her life in a brick 2 story house on lots of land with a pool in the back yard with her husband and kids. She will also drive a Range Rover that way her kids will have plenty of room. Teacher Last Will: To my teachers: Mrs. Felecia Hagood, i leave to you all my check in and check out notes. You are one of my all time favorite people here at Brookwood High School. Mrs. Marcy Cruce/Burnham, thank you for always turning my bad days into good days. I leave you all the medical terms that will help me with my caree in the future. Mrs. Copen i leave to you all the math work and all the credit you could give me on each test and quiz. All of it was well worth it. Favorite class: My favorite class was clinicals. It was a great experience because i got to do what i want to do in the future and interact with all kinds of patients. Favorite High School Memories: My overall favorite memory of high school is Homecoming week all 4 years. It was nothing but craziness but lots of fun. Favorite Song: My favorite song of the year is “you make it easy” by Jason Aldean Favorite Movie: My favorite movie of the year is High School Musical 3. Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trends of the year are leggings, oversized T-shirt’s, and Chaco’s.

Advice to underclassmen: My advice to the underclass man is don’t wish you’re senior year away because it will fly by and you are going to miss it. Social Media: Facebook: Kelsea Hogeland, Twitter: HogelandKelsea, Instagram: _kelsea_taylor_ Snapchat: Kelsea5

Cameron De’Vonte Horton

Nickname: Cam School Activities: Basketball (9-10), Leo Club (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Cameron Horton, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of a scarred and influential body, do hereby leave the following: my perspective of humbleness to Matt Herndon-may you leave BHS being grateful and appreciative for what you have: my cap and gown to my mother for being there my whole life and nobody can take your place!: my diploma to a very good friend, Tahj- the apitamy of an positive friend and wrestling talks during English; the “aye’s”: to Nico: Jeremiah- being hilariously funny, making everyone die laughing,

Brittney Pate- for helping me on the days when I came back from being out, being so supportive of me, thank you for the much needed support; Cole Nalls- Mr. Smerglia’s class, getting in trouble for talking too loud, the funny moments from Mr. Smerglia himself; Connor- for being with me in music class and letting me use your hotspot in math- I leave all my good times and great memories; to all the senior class of 2018- wish y’all the best, see y’all in 18! Senior Prophecies: In 10 years I see myself being an experienced Marine in the armed forces or working a high paying full time job at a plant. Teacher Last Will: Mrs. Guinn thank you for being such an inspiring, wonderful teacher. I’ll never forget the “Hey Sweets”, and our time in middle school. Thank you for always making sure I’m alright. Favorite class: My favorite class I took in high school was U.S government. It was my favorite because the assignments and activities were very fun. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memory is seeing all my brothers at the college fair and how they approached me when they saw me. Favorite Song: Drake- “God’s Plan” Favorite Movie: Black Panther Favorite Fashion Trend: “Calvin Klein” Advice to underclassmen: My advice to the underclassmen is to hang around positive people and strive to be the best you can be despite what everyone says. Social Media: Snapchat: begreatcam

Trent Dewayne Hutchins Nickname: Smiley School Activities: Beta club (12th), National Honor society (12th), National Technical Honor Society (12th), FCCLA (12th) Senior Last Will & Testament: I Trent Hutchins, a graduating senior of Brookwood High school, being of joyful mind and fantastic body do hereby leave the following: To Jessie Gomez I leave all of our fun memories from climbing into Mrs. Guinns window to making you think that your car could unlock by itself. You are very talented you have so much going for you. I hope you get to go on that 90 day trip around the world. You better not forget to call me and tell me all of the details.

Don’t let the haters prevent you from doing anything in life. So I’m ready for what the next chapter of your life holds. To Cayton “Ole Broadhead” I leave all of our laughs together I’ll never forget the stupid stuff we laughed about the commercials about “oh no your tires all flat and junk” to “I don’t get no sleep cause of yall”. I leave all of the memories at the lunch table with me laughing with my water shaking in my hand. Anyways Broadhead good luck at UAB. To Haley Johnson “social butterfly” to you I leave anything and everything camera related. You are a very talented photographer and you’re going to very successful in the photography business. Don’t worry I’ve been putting in good words for you to Mrs. Reynolds. Don’t stop being you, even if you do walk with a different guy after every class JKJKJK. Remember to do all of your work next year since you won’t be able to cheat off of me. Also if you get in any trouble the number to call is 911 in case you forget it. But don’t be too social to forget about me. Karley Foster “Karley Girl” to I leave our snowball fight where you slammed by head into the mud instead of the snow. I remember hide and seek that night and me falling of the slide and ripping my new jacket (you still owe me a new one). I also leave the time where we rolled that girls yard and they said if we didn’t clean it up the cops would be called. I also leave that fond memory of the girls’ mom screaming and cussing at us the entire time. Your very talented so don’t stress to much at college. Don’t forget about me. Taylor Watson “tater” to you I leave all the time and frustration you spent on me trying to teach me math. If it weren’t for you I wouldn’t have anyone to yell at me saying Trent that’s a stupid question don’t ask it even though I would ask it anyways. I won’t forget me walking into math every day and saying “hey tater” everyday there would be a different reaction such as hey, shut up, or why do you say that. You crack me up especially when you throw a rant. My advice to you for playing softball at MMI is not to run into any more poles. Maddie Wilson to you I leave our dance moves and those times I would take your phone. I’ll never forget the first time we danced in class to Rolex it was so much fun as you say “shake it like you gotta pay rent” you taught me to just let loose and to go with the rhythm. Also the times I would take your phone and you would ping it while I was in Halkias class and your phone was so fancy so that meant I didn’t know how to turn it off. Anyway don’t dance to much without giving me an invite. To Ashlyn Argo I leave a new umbrella and flash drive. I leave a new umbrella since your umbrella won’t open unless you put your key in it for it to open (it has seen better days). I leave the flash drive to put all my selfies on so you’ll have storage. Your very smart or at least smarter than me so don’t let your professor in college make you think otherwise. Don’t have too much at the daycare. FYI you’re a pretty good party host. To Brooke Gamble I leave all the petty arguments we had, the winks I gave you in class (even though you gave me evil looks), the homecoming nights of me outrunning you because Stefan “pitbull” was after us. To all the milkshake/ snake runs we went on almost every day. I especially leave you my amazing model walk. It’s going to be weird not seeing you on the daily. But whatever you do don’t take no for an answer. Make sure you take plenty of beach trips to come and see me ok Brookie Cookie. To Thomas Caddell I leave my old phone you locked up and some extra golf balls. I won’t forget when I didn’t have a password on my phone and you put one on it and misspelled it twice, so we never figured out the right password. You are an amazing golfer and I hope to see you as one of the best golfers in the world. You have proved that hard work pays off over time especially since you’re going to Australia over the summer. Don’t forget about me when you make it big. To Dustin Patton “patty daddy” I leave you all of our late night calls where we basically talked crap about each other. To learning about your best friend Madison whom I am best friends with now. Just don’t get to petty because I don’t think the world can handle it lol. I hope you get you Range Rover one day with some yeezy’s and a MacBook until then I’ll believe it when I see it. I suggest starting the senior stuff now, senior year is not as easy as it seems. To Keeley Williams I leave all the memories of you talking about your boy drama to even talking about your friend drama. I won’t forget all the times you would be mad then 5 minutes later be perfectly fine. It absolutely did not make sense. I also leave behind that time where we sucked the helium from the balloons your ex gave you for valentine’s day and laughing so hard at our voices. Then the times we would go hiking and you would be steadily complaining about the hike you wanted to go on. Anyways Keeley be good and remember in college you still have to attend classes. Senior Prophecies: In 10 years I hope to see myself on a tv show on my way to the top and getting nominated for Oscars. Teacher Last Will: To Mrs. Reynolds and Mrs. Guinn thank you for the opportunities you have given. I would not be who or where I am today without the guidance, yall both stay positive and care about your students and what their dreams are. So let’s just hope my dreams come true. Favorite class: Homecoming rolling/prom Favorite High School Memories: Candy Paint, Post Malone Social Media: Instagram: thutchins24 Snapchat: thutchins24

Robert GarRett Hyche

Jackson Dillard Ingram School Activities: Musical theatre 12th grade Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Jackson Ingram, a graduating senior of Brookwood high school, being of strong mind and able body, do hereby leave the following: I leave everyone a good time and great memories. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Jackson Ingram, will be a millionaire living a lavish lifestyle somewhere on the beach. I will live somewhere that I like and drive a car that is fun. I will have a stable job making a lot of money.

Teacher Last Will: I leave Coach Wood all the good memories of the class. I leave mrs. Carr all the memories of our many disputes. I leave mrs. Copen all the worksheets that saved my grade. Favorite class: Coach wood in 9th grade because it was fun and wasn’t boring. Favorite High School Memories: homecoming week and pep rallies. Favorite Song: Sad! By xxxtentacion Favorite Movie: Black Panther Favorite Fashion Trend: idk Advice to underclassmen: Pay attention and get good grades it will make everything easier in the end. Social Media: snap: jingram46

Terry Lynn Jarvis

D’Angelo Marshall Johnson

Nickname: D School Activities: FCCLA (12) , FBLA (9), Leo Club (12) Senior Prophecies: I see myself a successful business man. Running my own company or business. Favorite class: Mrs. Frye, Mrs. Guinn, Mrs. Lewis, Mrs. Reynolds, Mrs. Dennis, Coach Crook, Mrs. Halkias, Mrs. Rhodes, Coach Foster, and Mrs. Paley

John Jackson Jones School Activities: FFA (9th), JROTC (9th-12th), Green Team (11th-12th) Senior Last Will & Testament: . I, Jackson Jones, a graduating senior at Brookwood High School, being of strong mind and strong body do hereby leave the following: My gratitude and blessings to Beth Terrell, even though we only met through my best friend, Angela Michelle Gibbons, a couple years ago. As a friend I support her and believe in her because she is the strongest girl you will ever meet. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Jackson Jones, will be working for Burkes Mechanical with a happy family. Teacher Last Will: I, Jackson Jones, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of strong mind and strong body do hereby leave the following: My gratitude and blessings with Mrs. Crutchfield, Coach Cox, Coach Hudson, Mrs. Sisty, Mrs. Rhodes, Major West, and Sergeant Franklin.

Favorite class: Construction is my favorite class because I got to do a lot of hands-on work with tools. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memories were getting to hang out in JROTC and seeing my best friend Angela Michelle Gibbons. Favorite Song: “What Ifs” by Kane Brown Favorite Movie: Conjuring 2 Advice to underclassmen: Do not let anybody hold you down or tell you that you cannot do something, because you can. You are you and that’s all people ask from you. Be yourself. I hope your remaining years of high school are the best.

Madison Leigh Junkin School Activities: Concert Band (9-12), Marching Band (9-12), Beta Club (11-12), National Honor Society (11-12), National Technical Honor Society (12), HOSA (12).

Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Madison Junkin, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of silly mind and curvy body do hereby leave the following: Annalee Fife- all the car rides, random walks, sleep overs, dumb jokes, laughter for no reason, mean insults, family outings, every single boy talk, and the past 12 years of my life. Kami Eves- all the inside jokes, the nicknames, constant disagreements, and cow loving. Katie Goolsby- Zacbees, percussion class, school lunches, smelling our food, and constant fighting. Matt Kimbrell- Sand pigs and all the dumb jokes in English. Walker McDill- fighting all the time, hitting each other, all the Dr. Phil talks, and all our threats. Dalton Wiley- The disgusting looks that we gave every day,

constant insults, and all the advice given. Madison Pruitt- all of my sandwich crusts and constantly asking for my food. Luke Bentley- my parking spot and the bracelet. Madison Ford- all the picture taking in the parking lot in forever being my twin. Bree M.- The Spanish nicknames. Macy McKeever- The past 4 years of colorguard, pull hits, horizontal tosses, the bossiness, second grade, being a mom, and all the pep talks. Kaylee Boyd- wheelchair talks, all my snacks and drinks, phone calls, boy problems, and semi sweet compliments. Sarah Handley- all the jokes, constant laughter, all the napkins and smashed zebra cakes. Jessi Turner- all of my attitudes and complaining, all the chips, all the hair bows, all the advice, and all the dumb jokes that were made in math. Senior Prophecies: In 10 years, Madison Junkin, will be a Registered Nurse at UAB. She will be a caring and compassionate nurse making a difference in peoples lives. She will be married to a handsome man, have a child and plans of having another one in the future. She will be living in a beautiful home with a big backyard filled with lots of dogs. Teacher Last Will: Mrs. Guinn- Constantly preparing me for the real world and making sure I was ready for anything. Smeraglia- For helping me hate history a little less and dealing with attitudes all the time. Favorite class: Health science intern 1 and therapeutic services was my favorite class. I was able to come a step closer in becoming a good nurse, and it showed me what the nursing life would be all about. Favorite High School Memories: Some of my favorite High School Memories are the band banquets, football games, pep rallies, and band concerts Favorite Song: My favorite song of the year is The Middle by Zedd, Grey Favorite Movie: My favorite movie is Jumanji. Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trend of the year was wearing extra large T-shirts and leggings. Advice to underclassmen: My advice for the underclassmen is make sure you keep your grades up and come to school every day.

Bailey Noel Kizzah School Activities: Marching Band (9-12), Concert Band (9-11), Musical Theatre (11-12), JROTC (10-12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I Bailey Kizziah of flamboyant mind and chunkalish body hereby leave the following: To Cheyenne Stephens, my bestfriend, I leave all the memories we have together from chicken wing to staying up late watching scary movies. To Kendall Holland, all of our awkward encounters, all of your awkward boyfriends, and our countless sleepovers to gossip. To Sam Cecil, my soul sister, for the short time I’ve known you, my love is, unconditional, I wouldn’t have made it through this year without your support. To my family, thank you for all the support and love you have given me. To the school, I leave all my stress and heartache, piece out. Senior Prophecies: In ten years I see myself happy and far away from brookwood. Teacher Last Will: To Gentry, I leave my memories and appreciation for you even though you put me in the corner. You were my most supportive and honest teacher, I love you. To Major West, I leave all my shyness, you helped me out of my shell for that I am forever grateful. Favorite class: ROTC is my favorite class I’ve taken, it’s a very welcoming environment where you can be yourself. Favorite High School Memories: The time at a band comp. When Kendall told a band they did good and one of them said “We haven’t even went on yet.” Favorite Song: Tell me you love me – Demi Favorite Movie: Wonder Woman Advice to underclassmen: Don’t try to be anybody other than yourself, because chances are after high school you can’t see them again. Social Media: Facebook – Bailey Kizziah, Instagram- Baileynoel_, Snapchat- Thebetterkendall

Zacary Elliot Knox

Nickname: Zac Knox School Activities: Musical theatre Senior Last Will & Testament: I Zac Knox being of sound mind and awesome body do hereby leave the following. I leave being late to Brent Halbert, I leave my shoes to Phillip Smith, I leave Noah Kornegay apple juice, I leave Triston Woodyard good times at the river, I leave tacos to Whitney Lawrence, I leave Chase Kimbriel an alarm clock, I leave Dalton Ford all the chicken dinners, and victory royals, I leave Gabi Banker my apple watch, I leave Anna Grace all the musical theatre plays, I leave Matt Lewis the doily Driver Senior Prophecies: I see myself Graduated from college and working as a financial advisor

Teacher Last Will: I would like to thank all my teachers they have all influenced me in becoming a great student Favorite class: Family consumer science I liked it because we get to learn how to cook and make new recipes Favorite High School Memories: Pep rallies and talking to friends Favorite Movie: Star Wars the last Jedi Favorite Fashion Trend: Adidas Advice to underclassmen: My advice to underclassmen is to keep your grades up and have fun

Cerridwen Maray Koenig

Nickname: Cara School Activities: Green Team 12 Senior Prophecies: In 10 years I will be in Europe, learning deferent trades. Favorite class: My favorite class in high school was art. There I was free to express myself and my talents. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memory was homecoming. Favorite Song: My favorite song “Feel it Still” by Portigal. The Man

Favorite Movie: Interstellar Favorite Fashion Trend: I had none Advice to underclassmen: Advice for freshmen is don’t act full of yourselves, help others, and enjoy school while you can. Social Media: Facebook- Cara Koenig

Erin Renae Kroeger School Activities: Choir (9-12) Musical Theatre (9-12) Brookwood Singers (10-12) Colorguard (10-12) National Honor Society (11-12) Beta Club (11-12) Colorguard Captain (12) Mu Alpha Theta (12) Ambassador (12)Peer Mentor (12)

Senior Last Will & Testament: , Erin Kroeger, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of stressed out mind and okay body, do hereby leave the following: My love for the stage to Erica Stiff and Emaleigh Marchant, may yall’s remaining time be filled with laughter; my colorguard captainship to Alex Henderson; all my memories from the field to my forever ducklings; having each other’s backs in physics to Hannah Day and Grant Earle; the guy sections in choir to Jaron (Gerund) King and Brady Click; the altoid section to Abby Bentley; inspiring conversations to Destin Williams; the many laughs, funny faces, weird walks, faked high fives, and our many more wonderful memories to Noah Garner and Collin Humphryes. To my best friend BreAnna Neal, I leave the over SIX YEARS of friendship, the laughs, the tears, crawling up the stairs, protecting you from boys, our first “grown up” trip, not being good seniors, and all the things in between…we made it and I couldn’t have done it without you. To J.D. Smalley, I leave our long conversations, the roller coaster emotions, our trips to Disney, my Gaddy work, and the many more memories that are hopefully to come. And to all the teachers and the rest of the Senior Class of 2018, I leave my mark. May this class never be forgotten and may all our memories live on. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Erin Kroeger will be well traveled with many stories to tell to whoever will listen about how “knowledgeable” she is. She will be married to her wonderful husband who will be a successful lawyer but also rock star. Favorite class: My favorite core class is dominated by Pre-Calculus with Mrs. Copen because it’s the first class where I actually began to comprehend math. However, my favorite elective classes would have to be Blackwell because they helped me make new friends and gain more confidence. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memories include every single Play Week, choir trips to New York and Disney, band competitions, band camp, spring guard, playing pranks on Blackwell where none of his students show up to practice, the list could go on and on. Favorite Song: Favorite Song: Not from this year, but “Cabaret” from the musical Cabaret Favorite Movie: Favorite Movie: I didn’t see many, but I really liked The Greatest Showman. But my favorite movie ever has to be Pretty in Pink. Favorite Fashion Trend: Favorite Fashion Trend: The “Old Timey” look and overalls…nothing wrong with a good pair of overalls. Advice to underclassmen: My advice to underclassmen is to STAY ORGANIZED! I know it’s cliché, but I would have saved myself a lot of stress if I would have kept better track of everything. A planner will help; write down anything you could possible forget from assignments, to due dates, to events…everything.

Whitney Rebecca Lawrence School Activities: Beta Club (11-12), National Honor Society (11-12), National Technical Honor Society (12), Green Team (10-11), HOSA ( 9-12), FCCLA (9) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Whitney Lawrence, a graduation senior from Brookwood High school, being of strong mind and able body do hearty leave the following: I leave all of my love and support to the cutest couple Phillip Smith and Macy Donaldson. I leave all my Taco Bell trips, movie tickets, and target runs to Zac Knox. I leave all my Friday nights watching the Vampire Diaries and the Originals to Karah Dingus. I leave my cap and gown to my grandparent for raising me and helping me grow. I leave all my food and snacks to Kameron Whitfield and Nyela Burton. I leave all my paper, pencils, & math grades to Trystan Woodyard. I leave all my middle school and high school drama to Halee Shinholster. I leave all my fruit cups and boy gossip to Dani Glass. I also leave all my inside jokes, late night car rides, random photo shoots, chocolate milkshakes with french fries, sleep overs, and girl talk to my beautiful life long best friend Bryanna Smith. High school wouldn’t be the same without y’all . Teacher Last Will:

I want to give a huge thank you to my cosmetology instructor Morgan Windham. She’s helped me grow and find a passion in a career that I will love forever. She’s more than just a teacher. She’s a my best friend, my second mom, and my role model. Favorite class: Out of all the classes I have taken in high school cosmetology will always be my favorite. It is my passion and my life long career.

Abigail Renae Leger Nickname: Abby School Activities: Volleyball 11th and Beta Club 12th Senior Last Will & Testament: : I, Abigail Leger a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of a simple mind and an able body do hereby leave the following: I leave to Lexie Miller all the cans of peaches she could possibly eat, the rainy day naps in her bed, all Camp Rock movies, all the Swarovski Crystals, and the endless cups of milk. To Riley Kay Weems I leave Anna, our beloved pup, late-night talks, every G-Eazy album, every memory of me watching you make terrible decisions, all the make-up in the world, beach bike rides, and the never-ending laughs we share everyday. I leave to Trenton Genery the multi-colored pack of Nike headbands. To Jamyla Young I leave the disgusting champagne gummy bears she eats everyday, all things organic, endless laughs we share, every roller backpack, all things fashion, and SZA. I leave to Juliana Green the ariel rig she never got, thin crust pizza, our dream trip to

Cali, and every funny vine ever made. To Dani Glass I leave every Night To Shine dance, girls nights, and all the candy lunches. Senior Prophecies: In 10 years I see myself working in the criminal justice line of work, finally affording my dream trip to Greece on a beautiful beach with my hot husband, just no kids yet. Still hanging out with my friends making our same old bad decisions, and probably still driving my mom looking car. Teacher Last Will: : I wanna thank Miss Rhodes for being the best teacher, always encouraging me the do great things and be successful in what I choose to do. She was a huge part of my senior year. I hope your wedding is everything you want it to be, and I hope your years to come as a teacher go smoothly. Favorite class: My favorite class I took in high school would have to be Mrs. Sisty’s science class in 11th grade just because of all the laughs we shared in there. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite memories come from everyday life at Brookwood. Everyday there was something to laugh at with my friends. Favorite Song: : My favorite song of the year would have to just be the whole Demi Lavato album. Favorite Movie: My favorite movie would have to be Thor Ragnarok. Favorite Fashion Trend: Leggings at school being allowed!!!!!!!!! Advice to underclassmen: To the younger ones, I leave you all the advice to be yourself and don’t go out of your way to fit in. Spend your seniors year how you wish to, don’t follow people around, be your own person.

Daniel Collin Lenahan

AnnaLeis Elizabeth Lindsey School Activities: Throughout the past four year of high school I have been a part of the varsity softball team, green team, panther pals and HOSA. Senior Last Will & Testament: I AnnaLeis Lindsey, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of a strong mind and a rocking body do here by leave the following: I

leave my tassel to my sister Madolyn-Grace Farmer, may the next three years be filled with nothing but fun memories and hard work, because you are going to do big things in life. You are so smart and beautiful and you may be taller than me and people may think you are older than me but you will always be my LITTLE sister, I love you big! I leave my cap and gown to my mom and dad for always pushing me to do my best at everything I do and being my number one fans! I love y’all to the moon and back! I leave my softball glove and bat to my little brother Jackson, maybe you can get more use out of it then I ever did lol. But I love you and keep doing what you are doing buddy! I leave my softball uniform to my LuLu and my cousin Stacie, if it wasn’t for you two I wouldn’t have ever learn to love the game! I leave all the foul poles, and all my love to my softball girls!! Thank you all for absolutely everything, good luck next year! I love y’all! I leave my first friendship at Brookwood High School, all future planning, Pinterest pins, kid movies, vampire diaries obsessions, advice, the good and bad arguments and CUTEST baby boy award to Hannah Pierce. Eli Parker, i leave you all the HEART EYES in this world and all my kisses i love you and your mommy big! Kels, (Kelsea Hogeland) I leave to you all the the jam sessions to Taylor Swift songs in the car, the best hiding spots when playing hiding seek in the dark at your house lol, and all the laughs! Anna McKee I leave you all food in my lunch box to make up for the time that you didn’t like me because I didn’t share, the go cart ride at the beach when I had to drive because we couldn’t “get our story straight”, the ketchup stains and the bear crawls after getting in trouble for playing hide n seek in target!, and lastly I leave you all the arguments and crying weather it be happy or sad! Gracie Sisk, i leave you all the “hey sexy” in the halls and i leave you Chase Howard lol! I leave my crown and sash to Kamryn Murdock, you are BEAUTIFUL inside and out also i leave all the stress of working on our duct tape dress, you keep doing you Kam oh yeah and “retweet”. Khalil Warren i leave you all the “hey baby ckaes” in the hallways and my softball number 24! Emily Seay I leave you all the chill bumps i get when I hear you sing, ours dances on the coolers, I also leave to you all make up remover wipes an lots of Ice cold water to “keep you going” lol! Kelsey Tubbs, i leave you all of the elementary school memories haha and gummy worms lol, Jules (Julia Strange) i leave you all the bathroom stops after 2nd just to look at our selves and all the “we look ratchet”s i love you Jules! Ashtyn price I leave you the prom dress shopping, all the “Ashtyn? Is that you girl?!” In the hallways! Braleigh Hyche and Ella-Grace Rose, i leave you two all of the childhood memories from throwing shoes at Ellagrace, to playing house and always being the mom, to eating Oreos on top of gingers car and then having to wash it lol, to making slip in slides in the garage, all the golf cart rides, getting locked in the porta potty together because we were all arguing, all the arguments, the little league softball games and cheers, and i leave y’all Mae Mae lol keep her straight and out of trouble, I’m just kidding but for real always stick together no matter what and make memories, go all out for all the pep rally’s and dress up days, because even though i complain to y’all about how i can’t wait to graduate typing this to y’all right know has me in tears because my High School years are coming to an end! I love y’all so much! Alex Gober, I leave you the pink glittery mascara we put on you in 9th grade, and all the “HEY GOOBY’S” in the hallway! Griffypoo (Griffin Cook) i leave you all my answers to our work in class! Ben Garner i leave you all the naps in Mrs. Quinn’s English class, Liv (Alivia Scruggs) i leave you the walk in the hallway our 11th grade year when my day was absolute crap and all i could do was cry, thank you for all the words that were said and fixing my make up because you got me through that day and the rest of the year in that class! Last but certainly not least Madison Battles, I leave you my wardrobe, my backbone and my attitude, because if it wasn’t for you i would let people walk all over me, i leave you my lotion, all the crazy nights, the funny videos, the ugly and the cutest pics, all the tears good and bad, my covers on my bed because every time you spend the night you take them and I freeze and the best BEST FRIEND award because you have been by my side through it all and I am forever thankful for you! I love you Maddie-B Senior Prophecies: In 10 years I see my self as a nurse in the TSICU and married with a family. Teacher Last Will: Coach Rickard/ Elliot or as I always have called you “mom” I leave you all the the big hugs, rants, all the advice and absolutely all of your help in math! I cannot tell you enough how thankful I am for you, you have made such a HUGE impact in my life and for that I am forever thankful. I leave Coach Smags all the talks, my first almost fight, all the coloring i did in your class, the BEST teacher award and all of the history I have learned because if you want me to be honest I didn’t learn anything in history until my 11th grade year. Mrs. Quinn I wanna leave you all the “hey pretty girl” when I walked in you always made me smile so big! Mrs. Halkias I leave you all the questions I have on my math quizzes and test, I leave you all my candy I shared with you my 10th grade year, thank you for everything. Mrs. Burnham I leave you all the crazy stories you have told, I leave you all the lip sense in this world lol, and a groovy rest of the year. Thank you for absolutely everything you do for all of the students here at Brookwood High School you are AMAZING. Favorite class: Out of all the classes I have taken in high school clinical’s is by far my favorite, because I get a feel for what I really wanna do in the medical field and I get lots of practice!

Favorite High School Memories: My FAVORITE high school memory would have to winning Miss. BHS my 10th grade year, I would give anything to go back to that day and relive that moment. Favorite Song: My favorite song of the year is marry me by Thomas Rhett. Favorite Movie: My favorite movie of the year is forever my girl Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trend of the year is bell bottom pants! Advice to underclassmen: My advice to the underclassmen is don’t wish your high schools days away, because you’re gonna miss it, I promise. Social Media: Instagram: annaleisl13 Snapchat: annaleis13

Alexander Scott Mahan Nickname: Alex School Activities: . Football Beta Club Green Team Hosa FFA JROTC Mass Media Sophomore Float Senior Last Will & Testament: You’ve already had 8 hours of my day everyday for 4 years, I leave you all with a warm farewell. Senior Prophecies: . In 10 years Alexander Mahan will either be working at Mercedes or as a nurse, with a wife if I’m lucky. Driving a fast sports car. Teacher Last Will: You’ve already had 8 hours of my day everyday for 4 years, I leave you all with a warm farewell. Favorite class: Halkais’ 6th period class it was fun Favorite High School Memories: Lunch because it got wild Favorite Song: Anything post Malone Favorite Movie: Jumanji Favorite Fashion Trend: Adidas shoes Advice to underclassmen: Good Luck! Social Media: Instagram: @alexandermahan Snapchat: alexmahan07

Julie Lee Ann Marsee School Activities: HOSA(15-16,16-17,17-18)(Treasurer 16-17)(Secretary 17-18), NHS (16-17, 17-18), Mu Alpha Theta (17-18), Beta Club (17-18), Senior Class Vice President (17-18), FCA leader (17-18) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Julie Marsee, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of bodacious mind and spry body do hereby leave the following: I leave my car keys locked in my car to Kasie Clemons. I leave similar minds that think alike to Raven Harkins. I leave wonderful memories to Mallory Brantley. I leave Just Dance and hair dye to Riley Weems. I leave head massages to Haley Martin. I leave endless studying and photoshoots to Jessica Boyd. I leave almost every single class to Erin Kroeger. I leave Tuscaloosa and Birmingham days to

Grantland Earle. I leave a birth certificate to Matthew Lewis. I leave *grunts* instead of "hello"s to Braden May. I leave 10th-grade career prep to Ryan Linn. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Julie Marsee, will be a traveling nurse while sometimes living in Birmingham, AL. I will be making great memories traveling the country and helping others. Teacher Last Will: I leave sleeping in the hospital bed past the bell to Mrs. Burnham. I leave a Louis Viton Duct Tape dress to Mrs. Chastain.

Favorite class: My favorite classes are AP Language and Pre-calculus. This is because Dr. Gibbons and Mrs. Copen are such great teachers and amazing women that inspired me to learn. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memories were pep rallies and Mrs. Burnaham and Mrs. Chastain's classes. Favorite Song: Young, Dumb, & Broke- Khalid Favorite Movie: Black Panther Favorite Fashion Trend: Scrunchies Advice to underclassmen: Keep your head up and focus on your future. Persevere through the tough times and do not dwell on what is happening now, it will always get better. Social Media: Facebook: Julie Marsee, Instagram: j.marsee, Snapchat: julie_ann023

Breanna Lashea Martin

Nickname: Bree, Breezy School Activities: Beta Club (9-12) Leo Club (12) FCCLA (12) JROTC 9-12) NTHS (12) Quill and Scroll (12) Yearbook (12) Prom committee (9) Senior Last Will & Testament: I Breanna Martin, a graduating senior of Brookwood High school; being of positive mind and able body do hereby leave the following: All if my bad puns and lots of laughs to Nik and Jude for always laughing with me. I leave my back bus seat to Gissell and yj, may Kevin drive the speed limit. I leave my Sunkist to savannah Chavez, because it never failed for you

to drink it anyways! To all of my best friends I leave you all good memories and lots of laughs! To the class of 2018; Good luck on the outside! 

Senior Prophecies: In ten years I, Breanna Martin, will be receiving my Bachelors in psychology. I will be engaged to a wonderful man and will be planning to further the quality of my life. Teacher Last Will: I leave all the amazing yearbook memories with Mrs. Reynolds in hopes her next yearbook staff can compare ;) To coach S I leave all the smiles and graded papers, because he always pushed me to smile when I was upset and now you’ll need someone new to grade your papers! I leave all the encouraging talks to major for always being someone I could look up too! I leave all the girl talks with Chass in 4th period and helped my creativity shine. Lastly, I leave all of my hard work and preparation for the real world with Mrs. Guinn, because no matter what she believed I will go on to do great things! All these teachers helped shape me into the young women I’ve become and I couldn’t express how lucky I was to have them. Favorite class: Coach Smeraglia, because of all the fun memories I shared in that class, with my friends and the horrible puns I’d tell coach all the time just to see his reaction. Favorite High School Memories: The Tannehill Field trips with JROTC. It was fun to just be with all my good friends and exploring in nature! Plus, the kiddie playground got takin over by us every time! Favorite Song: Friends by Ane Marie and Marsh-Mello Favorite Movie: Jigsaw Favorite Fashion Trend: Bomber Jackets and Scrunchies Advice to underclassmen: Don’t be afraid to get involved with school clubs! Social Media: Snapchat- Breezy.Bruhh IG-Brevnnv.nvm

Haley Diane Martin

Shamya Lashun Matthews School Activities: National Honor Society (11-12), Beta Club (11-12), National Technical Honor Society (12), Mu Alpha Theta (12), FBLA (9 &12), FCCLA (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Shamya Matthews, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being tired mind and weak body do hereby leave the following: to Kelsey Tubbs I leave all the unhealthy foods she refused to eat. To Jeremiah Burton I leave thanks for making senior homecoming hilarious. To Tayler Herring, Caitlyn Morgan, Haley Martin, and Alli Cooley I leave the crazy stories/moments we shared everyday in Math. To John Carter I leave my English book to carry and to Jackson Ingram I leave fichas. To my Best friends Jamyla Young and Zykeith

Hinton I leave my blessings, love, thanks, and memories that you guys have created for me over the past 5 + years. To upcoming classes, I leave my luck. You’re gonna need it! And to class of 2018 I leave my absolute best wishes. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Shamya Lashun Matthews will be an amazing lawyer, just finishing building her new glamorous dream house with her cute husband. She will be traveling the world when she’s not working, so good lick getting in touch with her. She will have 3 cars, 2 dogs and 2 kids; all adorable of course. Teacher Last Will: I, Shamya Matthews, being of crazy mind and small body do hereby leave the following: To Mrs. Gentry I leave my bad spending habit stories. 4 years later and I still have an issue with that. To Mrs. Morton I leave the dramatic stories and confusing poems that I then hated but now love. To Coach Nickerson I leave the chicken wings you used to have me heat up everyday in P.E. To Coach Hubbard I leave this confession…The entire class of 2018, including I, has a fascination with your life. Anyone who has had you as a teacher wonders about your day. I’m not making this up Creepy, I know. But I also leave thanks for so much knowledge that I’m positive will take me far after High School. And to all teachers I have had in between I leave thanks, gratitude and appreciation for teaching and helping me through my high school years. Favorite class: Of all my classes I taken in High School, Coach Hubbard’s 10th grade Adv History class is my favorite because everyday I learned, laughed, and retained information in a way that I never did in any other class Favorite High School Memories: Some of my favorite high school memories are pep rallies, homecomings, and proms. Favorite Song: Bodak Yellow- Favorite Movie: All eyez on me Favorite Fashion Trend: Fuzzy socks with everything!!! Advice to underclassmen: My advice is start scholarships ASAP! The more you do, the more you get, the better off you are. Social Media: Facebook: Shamya Matthews Instagram: Shamyamatthews Twitter: Shamya_ Matthews Snapchat: Shamyamatthews

Britani Lynn McGhee School Activities: Softball (9), Beta Club (10-12), National Honor Society (11-12), Mu Alpha Theta (12), Band (9-12; Uniform Captain - 10, Drum Major - 11-12), FCA (10-12; Leadership Team 11-12), SGA Representative (12), FCCLA (10) Senior Prophecies:In ten years, Britani McGhee, will be a Special Education Teacher. She will be involved in her church, encouraging younger girls in their walk with Christ. Ultimately, she will follow the Lord's path for her life. Favorite class: Two of my favorite classes were Mr. Hubbard’s History class and AP Environmental Science class. In Hubbard’s class we learned history through movies and the lessons were taught as if they were interesting stories. AP Environmental was a favorite class of mine because we went on field trips, had multiple labs which involved food, and activities we did outside.

Favorite High School Memories: Some of my favorite high school memories include the bus rides to and from football games and band competitions in which we were either trying to sleep, talk, or sing as loud as possible. Band banquets and the end of season marching parties, as well as birthday parties or sleepovers with my friends, were other great memories. Favorite Song: My favorite songs are Hills and Valleys by Tauren Wells, Forever by Kari Jobe, and Praise the King by Corey Voss. Favorite Movie: My favorite movies are The Notebook, Beauty and the Beast, and The Sound of Music Advice to underclassmen: Advice for the underclassmen is don't be afraid to get involved. Always try your best, because even if you think it won’t affect you now, there is a good chance it will in the future.

Anna Marie Mckee School Activities: Varsity Softball (9-12), National Honor Society (11-12), National Beta Club (11-12), National Technical Honor Society (12), Mu Alpha Theta (12), FCCLA (12), Panther Peer Mentor (12), SGA Cabinet (12), Panther Pals (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Anna Mckee, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of stressed mind and aching body do hereby leave the following: to my mom and dad I leave all the love, support, time, money, and effort that both of you have put into making me the girl that I am today. You guys are the absolute best and I don’t think I could’ve been blessed with better parents. There has never been a time that either one of you has failed me, even when I was doubtful. I love both of you more than words can say. To Skylar Paige Crouch, Skypie, Sky, I leave our countless memories, long talks, dumb fights, belly laughs, and my entire childhood. From ding-dong-ditching, to front yard sports, to making mud pies in the back yard you have been my very best friend. I will always be your shoulder to cry on, hand to hold, ear to listen, and head to think because goodness knows you do dumb things sometimes (but so do I). I love you S. To AnnaLeis Lindsey I leave ketchup packets, base running, Target trips, double dates, and many, many tears. I am so thankful to have gotten the opportunity to be your friend freshman year, even though you didn’t share your food with me back then…You have always been the friend that I can count on to tell me what I need to hear rather than what I want to hear and you’ll never understand how much that means to me. I love you AA. To Kelsea Taylor Hogeland I leave endless summer nights, long beach days, borscht, pine straw hill, and the spur of the moment plans. I love you big time Kel and I’m always going to be here for you so don’t hesitate to pick up the phone and text me. To Taylor Watson I leave this senior will because you aren’t supposed to leave other seniors things. I also leave you grace—you need it with how clumsy you are. Last but certainly not least, I leave you late night heart-to-heart conversations, the weight room (sophomore year), my seventeenth birthday, weddings, Mrs. Frye’s class, and crappy boys. You’re the most honest, straightforward person I have ever met and I couldn’t imagine my life without you. I’m so glad you came back after breaking your ankle sophomore year. I love you T-Wat. To Ashley Serviss I leave naps on the float in the pool, barbeque, and boat rides at the river. Thank you for being a great friend even when I wasn’t one to you. I love you Ash. To Karley Foster I leave snow days, sentimental moments, endless advice, pre-calculus, and the flu. You have never failed to listen to all of my problems even when they are dumb. You are one of the most genuine, beautiful people I have ever met and I’m so glad we have gotten close. I cannot wait to take on UAB with you! It’s going to be a blast! I love you Karlos. To Hunter Whitley I leave senior year, the hoodie I ripped freshman year, and dumb arguments. I never thought we would end up where we are now but I’m so glad we did. You are my happiness and I’m so thankful for you. I love you! To Jackson Ingram I leave all the roast sessions and memories from freshman year. Thank God we grew up! To Jon Carter Kilgore I leave junior prom, our friendship, and extreme awkward moments. Thanks for being a great friend. To Hope Owens I leave cute pictures at Riverwalk and long car ride talks. You are one of the kindest people I have ever met and you have the biggest heart—never change because you are one of a kind. I love you bunches Hopey. To Faith Owens I leave lots of laughs. You constantly have a smile on your face even when there is nothing to smile about and I love that about you. Keep smiling!! I love you Faith. To Bailee Butler I leave the Brookwood High School Varsity Softball Team. There is no better person to lead those girls. Your positivity and kindness never fail to amaze me considering the way you were freshman year. Make your senior year a blast and keep doing what you are doing. I love you so much B. To Kamryn Murdock I leave our lucky bracelets, funny accents, and SNS. You have been so much fun these past couple years and our friendship means the absolute world to me. I love to Kam. To Felicity Frame I leave all the food in the world, center field, endless juice, and the Golden Girls. I’m so glad we have gotten close this year! I love that you never have a bad thing to say about anyone. I love you Facility. To Abby Williams I leave the outfield—keep the girls in line. I also leave the Golden Girls and secrets. I love you lots Abs. To Bella Ferguson I leave flowers, hot fries, PowerAde squirt bottles, and the Golden Girls. I’m so thankful to have gotten to know you this year. I love you Bells. To all of my freshman babies: Katie, Ashlyn, Kyleigh, Brianna, Laura, Marlow, Ella-Grace, and Jess— keep working hard. There is no doubt in my mind that you guys are going to do well in not only softball, but also life! I can’t wait to see where the future takes ya’ll. I love each of you so much! To Kayleigh Hagood, Shaniya Williams, Madison White, Kylie Cordell, and Mackenzie Calhoun I leave my positivity and willingness to be understanding of others. I love all of you guys so much and I’m going to miss each of you dearly. To Gracie Sisk I leave the best birthday dinner there ever was, a number one no pickles add cheese and fries with diet lemonade, our Troy dorm room, and constantly being sassy with each other. I love you so much G and I’m going to miss you oh so much. Finally, to Dale Mckee and Jason Hamilton I leave my nerves because both of you got on every last one, late night jam sessions, ice cream runs, beach trips, mall trips, and an aux cord that never stops working. Stay golden boys; I love ya’ll. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Anna Mckee will be married to a very attractive man. He will have plenty of money and they will have at least five kids. She will be doing something she loves. Teacher Last Will: To Coach Rickard I leave bear crawls in the gym freshman year and so much love. You have had a huge impact on my life and I’m eternally grateful to have gotten to learn so much from you. Thank you Coach. Favorite class: Of all the classes I took in high school, my favorite has to be Dr. Gibbons class because she is one of the sweetest, most perfect people I have ever met and she has definitely prepared me for college. Favorite High School Memories: I do not have one specific high school memory that is my favorite but playing hide and go seek in Target is pretty high on the list. Overall though, high school has been a blast. Advice to underclassmen: Underclassmen: as cliché as it sounds and as much as people tell you, believe me when I say that high school is over in the blink of an eye. Soak it all in and participate in every little thing because your time of lasts is coming soon and you are going to wish you had done it all.

Macy Amandalane McKeever

Nickname: Moo School Activities: National Honor Society (2016-2018), Beta Club (2016-2018), National Technical Honor Society (2017-2018), Mu Alpha Theta (2017-2018), Brookwood High School Symphonic Band (2014-2018), Crimson Star Color Guard(2014-2018), Crimson Star Spring Visual Ensemble (2016-2018), Crimson Star Marching Band Color Guard Captain (2016-2017), 9th Grade Class Officer President (2014-2015), 10th Grade Class Officer Vice President (2015-2016), 12th Grade Class Officer Secretary (2017-2018), SGA Secretary (2017-2018), HOSA Secretary(2017-2018), Brookwood High School Junior A.C.E. Award (2016-2017), Crimson Star Most Outstanding

Color Guard Award (2015-2016), Crimson Star Most Improved Color Guard Award (2016-2017), Randy Daniel Photography Legacy Program (2017-2018), Certified BLS Instructor (2018-2020). BHS Ambassadors(2017-2018), Panther Peer Mentor (2017- 2018),Diamond Dolls (2014-2017), HOSA(2014-2017), and Musical Theater (2017-2018 Last Will & Testament: I, Macy McKeever, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of imaginative mind and smallish body do hereby leave the following: I leave my last full role of electrical tape to Madison Junkin, for all of our years of hard work in color guard together and years before that when we became inseparable. We have moved mountains. Love you. To Kaylee Boyd, my best friend, I leave my kindle because our friendship started with a book. You’re my person, we have experienced so many adventures together. Everyone thinks we are sisters and sometimes people even think we are twins, but there is no doubt that we share a brain, love you. To Anna McKee I leave the picture of us in front of the castle at Disney world and chopsticks in remembrance of all of our great times and the best of wishes. To Grant Earle I leave my Mickey Ears because you are a dreamer like me and have the mind to do great things. To Brittney Sanders I leave my camping chair for our times at the boys’ games and for showing that great things take time. To Erin Kroger I leave my ear buds for your inspiring self and wonderful choice in music. To

BreAnna Neal I leave my lipstick for always looking amazing and always putting a smile on my face. To Annalee Fife I leave my pom poms to bring you happiness and for our shared love for the Friday night lights that we are going to miss dearly. To Dalton Ford I leave the grandeur of Hog Hunting. To Kami Eaves I leave my bows because you are just so precious and because you make everyones day. To Sarah Handley I leave my mirror so you may always see how truly amazing you are. To Jessi Turner I leave our Junior uniform as a reminder of our success together. To all my color guard girls I leave my hairspray and bobby pins so that you will stick to it and be close to one another. So that you will remember that half of guard is getting all dressed up, singing like crazy, and having fun while the other is blood, sweat, tears, and the exhilaration of nailing a show. To savannah Brewer, I hope you’ll always have drive and passion, I leave you guard emergency bag as I pass on my pride and joy to you. To Alex Hedricks I leave my marching shoes so that you may always have success whereve you go and so that you may be a powerful example to all who see you. To Destini Miller and Britani McGhee may God bless you and continue to use you as wonderful examples as yall have been for me. To Zoe, Allie, and Collin, I hope life treats you well and I will miss you like crazy. To Walker McDill I leave my stuffed Mickey because you love Disney as much as I do. To Ashyln Battle and Lorabeth Jordan I leave stand tunes in hopes that you will always be true to your selves and cheer everyone with you attitude and laughter. To Lee Ann Ashworth and Cayde Todd I leave our hilarious bus rides together and the best of wishes. Senior Prophecies: n ten years, Macy McKeever, will be happily married and have children. I have will have become a nurse but will also have worked at Disney and pursued my dreams. Teacher Last Will: To Mr. Harrison, Ms. Gray, Ms. Hadaway, and Mr. Alex I leave years of determination and encouragement as you all pushed me to do my best and led me to what I love. To Mrs. Hyde I leave our hallway chats and for sticking with us till the end. You never gave up on us and I will never be able to thank you enough for your influence on me! I thank Mrs. Burnham for helping reach my dreams and making my future a reality. I thank all of my teachers for their impact on me and for teaching me. Favorite class: Coach Hubbard’s class was my favorite, I learned so much and Coach Hubbard made it seem like he was telling us his own story. It was never boring and there was always so many fun facts and stuff to learn. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite part of high school was definitely Color guard and all the memories and great friendships I gained from it. Favorite Song: Turning Page by Sleeping at last. Favorite Movie: The Greatest Showman Favorite Fashion Trend: Booties Advice to underclassmen: As important as it is to make good grades it is even more important to make memories.

Kayleigh Jane Mcmillian

Destini Michelle Miller School Activities: JROTC Battalion Commander, National Honor Society, National Technical Honor Society, Quill & Scroll, Beta Club, Ambassadors, FCA Leadership, Band, French Club, and many, many more :) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Destini, being of sound, mind, and body do (very happily) leave all of my stress to the one and only, Brookwood High School.

Caitlin Nicole Milam Nickname: “Cait” School Activities: Diamond Dolls (10-11), Beta Club (11-12), Mu Alpha Theta (12), National Technical Honors Society (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I Caitlin Milam, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of strong mind and beautiful body, do hereby leave the following: I leave my cap and gown to my parents for pushing me through school all these years. I leave Alli Cooley, a kitty but not a cat. I leave Haley Martin – England, he still loves you after you were mean to him. I leave Skylar Crouch, all the videos I took of you hitting at games and the trip to the hospital. I leave AnnaLies Lindsey, “BOO”. I leave a remote to Tayler Herring. I leave all my rants and

fishing trips to Dustin Teat. I leave the fishing team from Ms. Wall’s class all the cain we raised in that class and queso dip. I leave Shamya Matthews ice and thanks for keeping me calm in all our classes we had together. I leave Grace Mink all the memories through high school. I leave Ben Garner all the rough times we’ve had and best times, being one of the best friends I’ve ever had and don’t give white lighting too much trouble. I leave my tassel to Audrey Smithson – have fun in school and walk out with the best memories and I leave all the nicknames of the baseball players we had. Senior Prophecies: I see myself being married, with a lot of land and a beautiful ranch house. With 2 kids, 2 dogs and four wheelers. Doing facials and hair. Teacher Last Will: I leave Mrs. Chastain all the talks we had about how I had to be nice and bite my tongue. I leave Lisa Carr my heartless heart. I leave all my hillcrest clothes to Kosloff and Fitz, GO PATS! Favorite class: Mrs. Chastain class for all the fun activities we did and projects. Favorite High School Memories: All the pep rallies and baseball games and homecoming week. Favorite Song: “Small Town Boy” by Dustin Lynch Favorite Movie: Forrest Gump Favorite Fashion Trend: Bell Bottoms Advice to underclassmen: Come to school everyday so you don’t have to take your final exam. Don’t wish your high school life away because it goes by fast. Social Media: Facebook: Caitlin Milam Snapchat: @rolltidebabe Instagram: @rolltidebabe Twitter: @Caitt0320

Morghan Alexus Nail

Timothy Michael Nail Nickname: Tim School Activities: Ambassador Historian (12), Beta Club (11-12), Green Team (11-12), IMAC (9- 11), Mass Media/Panther Talk (12), National Honor Society (11-12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Tim Nail, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of spirited mind and resolute body, do hereby leave the following:  my greatest wishes to my closest friends on their future endeavors, who have endured unimaginable losses within the last several years  luck and encouragement to the next of Dr. Gibbons’s AP Language classes in their work and final exams

 my condolences to the future groups who read Jane Eyre and Walden, admittedly my least favorite summer reading books  the title of “tree” to one Mabry Patrick, upcoming junior Senior Prophecies: In 10 years, Tim Nail will be employed as a full-time journalist at some sizable news organization, either serving as an investigative reporter and traveling around the country or perhaps the world to seek the next big scoop, or staying local and covering nearby happenings. Where he works will depend on the most inviting job opportunity after graduation from Auburn University, whether it be a different state or even different nation. He will be happily in love not just to a woman he can call his wife the rest of his days, but also probably another one of those rascal Jack Russell Terriers whom he adores despite how rotten of a dog they are. Teacher Last Will: Above all those who have educated me at Brookwood High, I am eternally grateful for the English teachers who strengthened my writing abilities these past 4 years but I can’t decide on a favorite. I thank Mrs. Gentry for delighting me with tales like Poe’s Cask of Amontillado (and those comically bad movie adaptations), Mrs. Morton for her almost religious passion toward the subject in general, and Dr. Gibbons for the arduous but amazing assignments and lessons that earned me that 5 on the AP Lang exam! Mrs. Reynolds also deserves my appreciation for inspiring me to be more environmentally friendly to keep our globe green and clean. Favorite class: Mrs. Kornegay’s creative writing class, which I attended for 2 consecutive years as a freshman and sophomore, was fundamental in leading me down my chosen literary career path, and for that I have to rank it over the rest of my courses since it brought out the inner writer inside myself I never knew existed. Favorite High School Memories: There’s been plenty of memorable high school stories, but among the most infamous is almost certainly the Green Team milk incident, where Hunter Swearengin and I were going around the school recycling for Green Team and we ran into a bin reeking of spoiled milk, so strong I thought both of us would collectively throw up before we made it to the dumpsters. It didn’t help when he had to tie up the offending bag containing the odor and the smell wafted out with each step we took down the stairs. There was also that time in Hubbard's 10th grade history class I spent the longest time reading off note cards out of anyone else for a project we were doing where we had to present a person to the class using just the cards. It took me 6 minutes because of how nervous

I was and I didn't even finish, having been cut off by the bell. Definitely one of my more embarrassing moments, and I've felt like Hubbard's had a secret grudge against me ever since, probably advising his later classes not to screw up that badly. Oh, and more recently there was the Green Team trip to Montgomery where we were attending an awards program and “banquet”. When you see that word, you picture a top-of-the-line, 4-course meal, but this was not that. Everyone in the room, even old men who were executives for companies who had received awards, was given a plate of chicken fingers with a bag of Lay’s chips, featuring ketchup in gravy boats and sweet tea in wine goblets. I jokingly referred to them as the “official state tendies” since the governor was there (no, she didn't help herself to Favorite Song: I hope it doesn’t count as cheating because it’s from 2017, but my top song is “We Got the Power” by Gorillaz, which really gets me pumped up every time it appears in my music playlist Favorite Movie: As of the time of this writing I haven’t seen it since it’s not released, but I have no doubt my personal best movie of 2018 will be Avengers: Infinity War, a film I’ve waited for a whole 5 years and one to tell future generations about just as parents now remember classics such as the original Star Wars trilogy or Back to the Future. Favorite Fashion Trend: I don’t follow fashion trends, so if you’re looking for a guy to decide your next week’s outfits each day, I’m not the one. Advice to underclassmen: To current as well as future underclassmen, I highly suggest that you please don’t hesitate to tour and attend visiting events for colleges you’re interested in, and additionally make sure to start the application process as soon as you’ve decided on a couple universities, including submitting the FAFSA. I spent the summer between junior and senior year making 3 college trips and as a result, Auburn instantly moved from my 3rd-choice spot to my 1st after I left. With its down-to-earth staff and students I encountered, I knew it was the institution destined for me, but had I not seen it first-hand I wouldn’t have realized this. After I increased my ACT score that September, I immediately filled out all the necessary forms and was accepted with scholarships by December.

Kayla Marie Noland School Activities: (9th)FBLA, (10th)Softball, Prom Committee, (11th) FCLA, (12th) Green team, Photography Club, Leo Club. Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Kayla Noland, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being a simple mind and snatched body, do hereby leave the following: My tassel to Reggane Toxey, may you leave BHS with a load of crazy and wonderful memories; my cap to my son Karsyn without you I don’t think I would’ve made it throughout my senior year; my gown and diploma to my mom and dad told y’all I can make it and I did even having a baby at 18 years old didn’t stop me from finishing school. And to all the people that told me, “Kayla you’re going to be a Drop-out.” Having a baby just made me work harder than ever so thank you. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Kayla Noland, will be a proud mother of her 11 year old son, and a Pedecitrition Northport DCH. She will be co-parenting with her child’s father. She will have a 4 bedroom & 3 bathroom house, and a new Camero that is baby blue. Teacher Last Will: My favorite teacher is Mrs. Emily Chastain. I remember my 11th grade year we were doing duck tap dresses and somebody told her they were pregnant. She was lost for words. She pushed me to follow through with my dreams and never give up. Favorite class: Child Services was my favorite class because it was taught by Chastain, and because it tough me more things I need to know about how to raise my son. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite memories are; me and Jaylen Jones making up the songs to pass the math test and me bring my son up to see Chastain. Favorite Song: Letter to Lucci Favorite Movie: Fifty Shades of Free. Favorite Fashion Trend: Wearing big hoop earrings. Advice to underclassmen: Take your grades serious 9th-11th grade year because its hard to bring it up in the last year. Social Media: Facebook: Kayla Marie, Snap Chat: baby Kay Kay 15, Instagram: Its K Marie

Hannah Faith Parton School Activities: Beta club (11-12), Honor society (11-12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Hannah Parton, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of elegant mind and able body do hereby leave the following: to Alyssa Ellis I leave our chats about teachers, the laughs we had, the time we got in trouble for hugging in the teachers’ lounge, all the times I took your coffee, our photo session in the bathroom, the endless love I have for you, and our chats about anything and everything. I leave our random little chats in Burnham’s class, our chats about boys, the secrets we shared to Summer Price and Samantha Cochran. I also leave Summer the work we shared and the times I went on about nothing. I leave our chats about boys and how we feel, the times Gentry had to tell me to go to class because we would stand outside her room talking, our

hugs between classes, and the times we walked in silence because we either didn’t have anything to talk about or couldn’t talk about our feelings to Courtney Clark. To Kayla Smith I leave our quick hugs between classes because you are always running late, our super quick chats because we never have time, the chats we had during Sellers class, and the pep talks I gave you. To Beth Terrell and Angela Gibbons I leave the years we have been friends, our few arguments, the secrets we shared, all the food we shared, all the times we laughed so hard we couldn’t breathe, I also leave Angela our chats in the library and our fieldtrip in Crutchfields class. I leave Michaela Newbill our chats about TV, our endless laughter, our arguments about stupid stuff, and all the times I called you to complain about my day. To Jon’darius Sealy I leave our disagreements and the times we laughed and cut up together. To Jaylen Jones I leave our chats in Sistys’ room, the times I had to fix your clasp, the answers we shared, our talks about boys, the time I answered you phone and messed up your interview for old navy, the projects we did together in Sistys’ room. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Hannah Parton, will have a great job making great money. She will be married with a kid. Hannah will continue her writing, but won’t let people see what she writes. She will be living in the house of her dreams. Teacher Last Will: My favorite classes were child services and child services 2 because I got to learn about kids and how to care for them. Favorite class: My favorite high school memories would be the pep rallies, and fieldtrips. Advice to underclassmen: The advice I give to the underclassmen is to take it easy, everything will get better, try not to stress out about the things you can’t change, don’t leave your projects till the last minute, ask for help when you need it, don’t forget that high school is only a small part of your life so don’t get caught up in the drama, and be nice to other people because it could make their day better. I wish I knew how different senior year is than any other year you’ve been in school, how much high school would change me, and how stressful it would be.

Brittney Shea Pate School Activities: Beta club (12th grade), national honor society (12th grade), National technical honor society (12th grade), green team (12th grade), Hosa (12th grade) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Brittney Pate, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of strong mind and able body do nearby leaving the following: I leave my best wishes to kayleigh McMillan. She is my best friend she is an amazing person I can tell her anything and she wouldn’t tell a soul. I wanted to tell you that no matter what happens in life just know God has a plan for you! Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Brittney Pate, will open up a cooking business. She will be married and have two kids living out in the countryside.

Favorite class: My favorite class was child service, because you got to learn about babies and children. The different activities we did we’re very fun and the teacher was really good and nice! Favorite Song: My favorite song of the year is Seein' Red by Dustin Lynch. Advice to underclassmen: My advice for the underclassmen is always do your best and do your homework and pay attention in class Social Media: Add me on Snapchat @bpate66

Austin Bryant Pierce

Nickname: Kirby School Activities: Football, Green Team, FBLA, Mass Media, French Club, JROTC, Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Austin Pierce, being of simple mind and thicccc body do herby leave the following: I will be leaving all my stuff for my girlfriend and a neck slap for Brady McDaniel. Senior Prophecies: In 10 years I see myself marrying my lady women Kasie Clemons (she’s hot) and starting a family in our dream house. Teacher Last Will: Y’all got 8 hours of my time I give you all a sincere goodbye! Favorite class: 6th Halkias we get lit. (senior year) Favorite High School Memories: Football everyday was a memory and lunch because it was a war zone. Favorite Song: Psyche- Post Malone. Favorite Movie: Moana Favorite Fashion Trend: Clout. Advice to underclassmen: Do your work and don’t throw hashbrowns. Social Media: Snapchat: ItsKirb Instagram: Itskirb

Hannah Nicole Pierce School Activities: Green Team(9th), Diamond Dolls(9th, 10th), and HOSA(9th, 10th, 12th), FCCLA(9th, 10th) Senior Last Will & Testament I, Hannah Pierce, being of a bold mind and a mom body do hereby leave the following: I leave behind the best 5 years of my life to my soulmate, my best friend, Brandon Barnett. You have given me the greatest gift I could ever dream of our precious Eli Parker. You have shown me what it’s like to be loved every day. Thank you for sticking by my side since the day I walk in 3rd period in the 7th grade! To my bestie, Kels (Kelsea Hogeland), I leave you our lunch and dinner dates all the time, all of the red lights we ran through in one day. I leave you the night we raced in mermaid and shark snuggie tails, and all of the times you had to fight Eli to get him to sit in his car seat; thank you for loving him as much as I do. To my Anna Bug (Annaleis Lindsey), I leave you all of the so emotional, long talks we had over the years, all of the tears from words we didn’t want to hear but we said anyway because we knew each other needed them. I leave you another egg baby that I crushed of yours in 9th grade, I’m sorry, again. I leave you all of the Disney movie watching, wishing we were still little kids. I leave you all of the makeup talk anyone could dream of. I leave all of my uncontrollable laughter, chick fil a dates, drama talking and all of my ugly middle school throwbacks to Maddie Battles; thank you for sticking by my side through those days. Ashley Hatter, I leave you all of our childhood memories, our beach trips, camping trips, and all of the endless fun and spend the night parties. Alivia Scruggs, I leave you our nights hiding in the closet from crazy guys, our nights spent planning the future, our chicken grease slip-n-slide; oh yes, I went there. Karley Foster, I leave to you, my long lost bestie, our memories of playing with piggies, jumping off of very high cliffs, riding four wheelers, and long rides just to buy buttercup. I leave behind the most “I love you’s” in one day to Julia Strange; I’ll miss those the most. I leave behind all the griping and complaining about boys, all of the party planning, and all of the yelling I did at you for not eating and drinking the right food to Skylar Crouch. Cayton Broadhead, I leave you all of the baby talk we did, even before Eli came along. I leave you all of our talks about how bad some parents were and how we could never understand how or why. I leave all of my middle school memories and high school fights to Briley Brady, I love you. I leave behind every grounding because of a C on my report card, every argument, every lecture, and my cap and gown to my Dad. I know I don’t say it near enough but I love you dad. I wouldn’t be where I am today without you. Bubs (Braylin Pierce), I leave you all of the car rides to and from school jamming out to your music, and all of the times I’ve punched you in the face for multiple reasons. I leave you a huge good luck. I hope to see you do big things with your life after you graduate. And lastly but certainly not least, my little Eli Parker, I leave you my Diploma because I am doing this all for you baby. I leave you all of the times we watched Trolls my senior year, all of the big hugs and kisses, all of the time you’ve destructed my homework in some sort of way. You are my all, my everything, my biggest and greatest blessing. I wouldn’t be here today without you. You’ve helped me grow into an adult, but more importantly you’ve helped me grow into the mother I had always hoped to be. You will never understand the love I have for you. It’s infinite bug. You are my all, Eli. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Hannah Pierce, will be a Registered Nurse. She will have a white house with a wrap-around porch with a red front door. She plans to have more children by then, but if not Eli is just fine. She plans to be driving a white or charcoal gray forerunner or any kind of mom car. Teacher Last Will: I, Hannah Pierce, hereby do leave the following to my all-time favorite teachers. Mrs. Dennis, I leave to you all the advice you gave me in the tenth grade, and all of the times we listened to “Hello” by Adele because we were both so obsessed, I’ll miss you. Mrs. Halkias, I leave you all of the emails and messages helping me do my math work when I was homebound, I wouldn’t have made it this far without you. Mrs. Cruce Burnham, I leave you the most enthusiastic “Good Morning” because my mornings will never be the same. You always know the right things to say, and always the sweetest things about Eli. Favorite class: Of all the classes I’ve taken in high school, clinicals, or health internship, is by far my favorite. In clinicals I got hands on experience in the nursing field. I have always dreamed of being a “baby doctor” and with this class I get to see lots and lots of babies. Thanks to Mrs. Burnham, I have experienced everything I have wanted too in clinicals. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memory would most definitely be pep rallies. Brookwood High school has by far the best pep rallies. Favorite Song: My favorite song of the year would be “Boy” by Lee Brice. Favorite Movie: My favorite movie is “Sweet Home Alabama.” Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite Fashion Trend of the year is oversized t-shirts with sweaters. Advice to underclassmen: My advice to the underclassmen would be to have fun, pay attention, and don’t let others knock you down. You will always be stronger than the ones who try to hurt you. Don’t stress the things that you can’t change. Lastly, slow down and enjoy it. Don’t wish it away. It will go by a lot faster than you think. Make the most out of your high school experience. Social Media: Facebook: Hannah Pierce , Snapchat: hannahpierce14, Instagram: hannahnicolepierce, Twitter: hannahhpierceee

Jacob Paul PIlle School Activities: basketball (9-10), hosa (11), Senior Last Will & Testament: i see myself in ten years still in veterinarian school hopefully almost done and married Favorite class: my favorite class out of all my years was my 11th grade English class because i goofed around and had fun and we had a cool teacher Favorite High School Memories: my favorite high school memories is riding around in the car with my girlfriend listening to music and jamming out in the car Favorite Song: gummo by 6ix9ine

Favorite Movie: Zootopia Favorite Fashion Trend: i like to be comfortable so whatever makes me feel comfortable Advice to underclassmen: to not stress so much and just have fun but make good grades at the same time

Allison Bailey Price Nickname: Allie School Activities: Choir (9-10) FCCLA (9-10) Musical Theater (10-12) HOSA (10-12) Beta Club (11-12) National Honor Society (11-12) Green Team (12) Mu Alpha Theta (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: . I, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School being of a determined mind and a small body, do hereby leave the following: I leave AP Calculus all of my stress and tears. I leave all of my closest friends (you know who you are) our inside jokes, laughs, and procrastination for assignments. To Noah Handley, I leave my heart and happiness. To the whole class of 2018, I leave my gratefulness to have y’all by my side at graduation. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Allie Price will be a graduate of Shelton State Community

College with a nursing degree. She will plan many girls’ nights with Zoe White and Tayler Herring. She will have a great husband with at least one child. They will travel the world while we worship Jesus. Teacher Last Will: To Mrs. Burnham, I leave all of the good memories from having your class in 10th grade. You made me realize that I truly wanted to work in the medical field. Thank you. Favorite class: My favorite class was Musical Theater because it helped me to get over my nerves of being in front of a large amount of people. I also loved being in plays and seeing our hard work paid off during play week. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memories are dressing up during Homecoming week, attending football games, screaming my lungs out at pep rallies, and dancing with all of my friends at Prom. Favorite Song: My favorite song of the year was Party Monster by The Weekend. Favorite Movie: My favorite movie of the year was Trolls. Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trends of the year were fuzzy socks, leggings, and oversized T-shirts Advice to underclassmen: My advice to underclassmen is you don’t need to procrastinate because it’ll stress you out so bad. You should actually try in school because you might get awarded for your hard work. Don’t talk bad about others or start drama because that is the worst idea. Don’t change for your friends. Have fun during homecoming week and don’t worry about what others may think of you. Lastly, don’t wish away your time in high school because it goes by super fast and trust me, you’ll miss it. Social Media: Instagram: @aallie.price Snapchat: alliee.baileyy

Desiree Nicole Price

School Activities: Green Team (10), SGA (11) Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Desiree Price, will be out of college with a Bachelors in business, working for the Navy Reserve as a Master-at-Arms and moving up to an Officer in active duty. I will have starting a family a family and watching then learn and grow. And, most importantly, I will be starting my coffee shop and making a life for myself. Teacher Last Will: I, Desiree Price, a graduating Senior of Brookwood high school, being of strong mind and able body do hearby leave the following: To Mrs. Dennis, I leave you that long overdue wooden spoon I promised back in 9th grade- I do apologize for the wait. To Mrs.Copen, I leave you every confusing moment where I could not word any question in calculus. Favorite class: AP Literature and Mythology were my favorite classes. They each included reading

interesting stories. Dr. Gibbons enhanced my writing skills, and Mrs. Morton taught me about Greek Mythology- inspiring my first tattoo.

Madison Rebecca Pruett School Activities: FCCLA, GREEN TEAM, DIAMOND DOLLS, BETA CLUB & HOSA Senior Last Will & Testament: I Madison Pruett, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School being of strong mind and able body, do hereby leave the following my cap and gown to my Momma for supporting me and pushing me to be a strong ,independent and loving person and for seeing the potential in me to be to be Great ! To Keeley “My Outlaw" and my Ride or Die I leave you all of our secrets, laughs, dirt roads, and Hokkaido, but most of all I leave you my whole heart I Love you! To Madison Junkin I leave you my happy tummy because you always brought me food and we all know how much I Love food! To Houstyn Pruett "Lil Bro" I leave you all of my senior morning trips to school. I may have gotten ill at times but I wouldn't want to spend them with anyone else. And to the Senior Class of 2018 the last four years have been a blast. I wish success and happiness for you all. See you in ten years for sure, but I hope we can keep in touch and see each other often in the meantime! Senior Prophecies: In ten years Madison Pruett better known as "Mad Dawg" nickname courtesy of Coach Cameron will be travelling all over the country as a Nurse in her jacked up Turquoise Jeep wrangler where she will meet her future smoking hot husband a MLB player and they will have twin girls. Teacher Last Will: I would like to leave my Gratitude to Coach "Smerg" Smeraglia for always looking out for my best interest with these crazy boys and promising you won’t let anybody hurt me. And to Coach Hudson I will leave my tears behind because from this point forward I am in control of my own destiny. Thank you for always keeping it real with me and also thank for the Chic Fila in the mornings. Favorite class: My favorite class in High School was Clinicals because Nursing is the career path I am choosing to be a help to others in need. And besides I get to hang out With Mrs. Cruce Burnham my other momma I love you! Favorite High School Memories: Rollin, Rollin, Rollin lol Keely Taylor, JP, & AB Favorite Song: Luke Combs "When it rains it pours" Favorite Movie: Wonder Favorite Fashion Trend: Bellbottoms are back! Advice to underclassmen: Don't talk back to your teachers be respectful and always be on time. Enjoy yourself and have fun! Social Media: Facebook - Madison Pruett, Twitter - Madss_33, Instagram - Madsss_33, Snapchat - Madss_33

Madison Taylor Quinn

School Activities: FBLA (10) HOSA (10) Prom Committee (11) Spanish Club (11) National Beta Club (11-12)National Honor Society (11-12) Mu Alpha Theta (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Madison Quinn, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of stressed mind and able body do hereby leave the following: Kendall Holland, I leave you our lunches in the library, along with all of the goofy and meaningful conversations shared while we were supposed to be in the cafeteria. I leave my constant use of the name “Kenny” to get your attention and the constant frustration I felt when our peers did not understand it was you, also the frustration we both felt when we were trying on prom dresses during the Macy’s department store loud tv crisis. I will miss spending all of our AP classes together (maybe not all of the homework and the stress) and that one time we played Disney Princess fames on your Wii. I leave you all of the times one of us did not say “I love you” back, but still knew the other meant it. I leave you all the times you promised to being food to school our senior year and forgot (which was like 110% of the time). And, finally, I leave you that piece of Styrofoam that hit my car on the interstate, scaring us half- to-death. Kelsey Tubbs, I leave you my use of your full name, since that is all I call you. I leave you the horrendous nicknames you constantly used for me and would yell down the hall confusing everyone. I leave you our trips to the gym and the times we would goof around in AP Bio and in AP Gov, mostly how we would only do 0.2% of the work in Gaddy’s class and still be making an A. I will miss our cars friendship and all the times we spent together and all the times I saw you in Publix shopping. I leave you the beautiful pictures we took on the snow day, mostly mine beside the trash can. I leave you our roly-poly child “NASCAR” and how after being parents for literally 1 hour we let our child off into the world. Anna Sogol, I leave you the spend the nights we had before every ACT we took together, mostly that time my mom “lost” me and we woke up to over 100 missed calls and text. I leave you the football parties at your house and the Hanukkah party in Tuscaloosa. I leave you our Junior Prom and the fun we had together. I will miss all the times you saved me when I forgot/was too lazy to do homework. To AP Bio, I leave you our group text where we helped each other constantly. I will miss how we constantly got off track from the notes and the sillyquestions we asked and mostly how I wrote like 70 pages for the simplest FRQs. I will miss everyone and our field trip to Hudson-Alpha. To AP Calc, I leave our math parties and all of the Practice Problems we forgot to do and had to borrow from each other. I will miss our frustration when we forgot to do something in the first step of a complicated problem. I leave you our “Cal Pals” group chat where we hardly ever text in and Jace’s “Calculator Chat.” Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Madison Quinn, will have obtained her Doctorate in Pharmacy from Samford University and be working as a retail pharmacist. She will own her first home in a quiet neighborhood and will have no kids; therefore, she will be able to spend all of her money on herself. Teacher Last Will: Mrs. Copen, I leave you our bad calculus days when I could hardly do the simple four-functions (practically every day for me). I leave you the parties we planned last minute in your class and how we would goof off and not do our homework (I’m sorry for that). Mrs. Sisty, I leave you the fun times in AP Bio and our gross experiments with chicken enzymes and other gross things. For your first-year teaching AP Bio, you did a great job and I know we are all smarter after leaving your class. I hope your next AP Bio class stays more on topic than us and actually does their reading/homework. Ms. Rutledge, you have been the best student- teacher I have ever had and I know you will do great things in your future class room, hopefully teaching ecology since it was one of your favorites. I leave you the time we were all upset we had to “run” for a lab, but it was all made better when we were given popcorn (and also because my team won). Mrs. Gaddy, I’m sorry. I leave you all of my late assignments and the way we would do current events every day and the 15 different PowerPoints for one chapter. I leave you the text book that I think is in my car, but who knows (so I probably cannot leave something to you that I have lost). Dr. Gibbons, I leave you all the books we have read during senior year, and how The Hours and Death of a Salesman were my favorites. I leave you all the essays I wrote and how I would always make the same mistakes. I love your class and how you sincerely wanted us all to learn and be our best. Favorite class: AP Calculus is my favorite class, because of Mrs. Copen and how it was so nice to finally get a problem right. My favorite part is how most of the equations and formulas we learn will only apply if we were a calculus teacher, but, you know, our futures may change, we may all become calculus teachers. I love how Mrs. Copen cared if we actually learned and wanted us to be as smart as we possibly can be. Favorite Song: “In the Middle” by Dodie “7” by Catfish and the Bottlemen Favorite Movie: Moana Favorite Fashion Trend: Polish-mountain Advice to underclassmen: Do your work on time and do not procrastinate. Senior year is not the easiest year, so do not get “senioritis” early in the year. Social Media: Instagram: mquinn431 Snapchat: mqu1nn431

Robert Wayne Rainwater School Activities: IMAC (9-10), Chess club (11), BETA club (11-12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Robert Rainwater, being of capable mind and able body do hereby leave the following: I leave my sarcastic jokes to Chase Moore, who has been my best friend since elementary school. I leave my books to Timothy Nail, the most skilled writer and kindest person I have ever met. I leave Ricky Hamilton my notebook, where we discussed our future shenanigans. I leave Haley Smith my memories of work and all the laughs we had there. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Robert Rainwater will be a chemistry professor working to discover new things and teaching others about the world.

Teacher Last Will: I leave my memory of the pH lab accident with Mrs. Sisty, and thank her for being such a great teacher. I also thank teachers like Coach Hubbard, Major West, Mrs. Burnham, Mrs. Copen, and Dr. Gibbons for being such great people. Favorite class: My favorite class was AP biology because all my classmates and my teacher were awesome people who would support each other on anything.

Favorite High School Memories: Some of my favorite memories include playing baseball with paper balls in Spanish class, jousting with brooms in IMAC, the field trips in JROTC, riding with Chase Moore to school and all the jokes we made, and the Hudson-Alpha field trip and pH lab accident in AP Biology. Favorite Song: My favorite song this year was “Uncle John's Band” by Grateful Dead Favorite Movie: My favorite movie I watched this year was Reservoir Dogs. Advice to underclassmen: When people say senior year is the easiest year, don't believe them.

Nicholas Eduardo Rico

Nickname: Nico School Activities: Leo Club (12), Workouts (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Nicholas Rico, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being outgoing and loving, do hereby leqave the following: I leave my grade and best wishes to Johnathan Grimes. He’s a brother to me and my bestfriend. I leave the crazy laughs I share with Cameron Horton. May my good friends Noah Kornegay and Matt Herndon leave BHS with good, crazy memories we had in Mrs. Dennis class Favorite class: Coach Ward’s class, workout, because I love to build muscle. Favorite High School Memories: Graduating Favorite Song: Her brains out by Motana 300 Favorite Movie: Project X Advice to underclassmen: You will always be an underclassmen Social Media: Snapchat: nico_rico777, IG: nico.rico777

Daniel Elliott Riker

Zykedra Ja’Quish Rutledge Nickname: Baby Z, Zee School Activities: National Honor Society (11th-12th ), Beta Club (11th-12th ), Ambassador (12th), National Technical Honor Society (12th), HOSA (9th-12th), Green Team (9th-10th), Yearbook Editor (12th), Quill and Scroll Honor Societu(11th-12th), yearbook (9th-12th) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Zykedra Rutledge, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of intelligent mind and thick body, do hereby leave the following: To Jessica Boyd (The Cult Creator), I leave our first time meeting at schedule pick-up at the beginning of freshman year, and the many memories after that. I leave all our naps in Gaddy and Pollard and Peanut Butter and Nutella sandwiches. I love you Jessica

(even though you get on my nerves.) To Ashlyn Argo, I leave every crazy class with noah and riley in it. To Riley Weems I leave countless jokes and Maurice’s clothing that we tried on. I’m so glad that we became so close this year. To Kayla Smith, I leave love, anesthesiology, and beat faces for prom. I can’t wait to see what you accomplish in life. To Maddie Baby I leave the box of girl scout cookies you stole from me junior year. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Zykedra will be the TOP anesthesiologist at UAB, married to a loving and devoted husband, with one little melanin princess or prince. Teacher Last Will: To my YB MOM (Jennifer Reynolds) I leave my love and countless sprites and minute maid lemonades I got for “ you”, I also leave pregnancy brain and the whip cream you put in the freezer because of pregnancy brain. To Mrs. Copen. I leave sparkle smiley faces that I rarely got lol and my first B in math since 10th grade. You truly were the BEST math teacher I ever had and I appreciate everything you did to help me and Jessica pass our quizzes and test. To Coach Nickerson. I leave the sweet tea that you made me go get everyday in 9th grade, and the arguments you, boobie, and shamburger had. That was one of my favorite classes in high school even though it was P.E you made it fun and hilarious. I will miss you bothering me in the hallway and calling me Rutledge, (I’m not sure you knew my first name) lol Favorite class: I honestly enjoyed majority of my classes in high school with an exception to a few that I do not care to name. haha!! Favorite High School Memories: Too many to type! Favorite Fashion Trend: LEGGINGS!! Being able to wear them made high school 10x better. Advice to underclassmen: Choose friends wisely, stay focused, and never let anyone hender you from what is meant for you, oh yea and don’t believe anyone who says senior year is easy , Trust me. Social Media: Snapchat: xoxo_queenz, Instagram: xoxo_zykedra, Facebook: Zykedra Rutledge, Twitter: xoxo_zykedra

Wesley Norris Sanders Nickname: Wes School Activities: JROTC [9-12], Mass Media [10-12], Mass Media Producer [12] Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Wesley Sanders, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of strong mind and healthy body do hereby leave the following: I leave the Jr class with more options and creativity. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Wesley Sanders, will be the owner and CEO of his own Video Game co. He will have a wife and own a large house along with a 1985 Ford Mustang. Teacher Last Will: I would like to say thank you Mrs. Sellers, Mrs. Guinn, and Major West for making me productive, organized, and open to new ideas and people. Favorite class: Of all the classes that I have taken, Mass Media is my favorite because I have new skills that I can apply in the future.

Favorite High School Memories: Here is some advice for the underclassmen. Start planning now Don’t wait until its to late, regardless if it is a small project or a college you want to get into. PLAN NOW! Social Media: Facebook: Wesley Sanders

Alivia Elise Scruggs Nickname: Liv School Activities: Girls basketball team (9th) FCCLA (9-12th), Beta Club (11-12th) National Technical Honor Society (12th), Homecoming court 12th) Senior Last Will & Testament: I Alivia Scruggs, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of strong mind and able body do hereby leave the following: I leave my cap and gown to my mom and dad for all the support and all of the potential they see in me. I leave my diploma to my little sister because I know you will go far in life. I leave Connor Antonio all of the laughs, memorable journey’s and an unbreakable bond we’ve discovered you’re my truest love and my greatest friend. I leave Julia Strange all of the over sized T- shirts and Reese cups and love to your forgettable mind, I’m so grateful for you and all of the tears you’ve brung to my eyes because of all of your dumb jokes. I leave Maddie Battles all of the gossiping, brutally honest opinions, and a love/hate relationship to you, I couldn’t have chosen a better best friend. Alex

Smith I leave you all of the turtle races and geese feeding and you will forever be my “twin”. Alex Gober I leave you the first aid kit you bought me that took an hour to find for my gashed open toe and all of the beach trip memories. Griffin Cook I leave you ALL OF THE HOPE to be successful after high school. Abby leger I leave you all of the M&M’s you could ever ask for and working at the “gut bucket” together. Kelsea Hogeland I leave you all of the sassiness and attitude and a bright future ahead of you because I see the potential. Hannah Pierce I leave you all of the love to your baby boy I am so grateful to be apart of his life, I leave you all of the years we’ve grown up together no matter if we go our separate ways you WILL ALWAYS be in my heart. I leave Skylar Crouch my homecoming crown because you so deserved it you are always so kind and supportive. I leave Annaleis Lindsey all of your dreams to come true because I know you will fulfill them in life. Emily Seay I leave you all of the pumpkin stealing, forking houses, throwing scooters in the lake and a friendship that began in kindergarten. Kendall Bridgmon i leave you all of the yogurt runs, Hokkaido dates and super cute picture poses you come up with. Brayden Weathers I leave you all of the arguments and hope to be everything you want to be in life. I leave Kinsley Gober the strength to make it through high school. Paige Bishop I leave you all of the Cahaba days, lake days, and beach trips. To the grandfather I never got to meet Paul Scruggs I leave you hope that you are looking down on me and are very proud of all of my hard work and achievements and I leave hope that you are watching down on my dad because he needs you more than ever. To April Franklin I leave you the support system that you have always given me and the courage you’ve given me since I’ve known you. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Alivia Scruggs will be a Dental Hygienist with my own house and a family Teacher Last Will: I leave Emillie Dennis my resting face and sassiness and all of the “momma Dennis” talks I also leave hope to marry my high school sweetheart just like you did. I leave Casey Smeraglia gratefulness for sharing a personal heart touching, story that changed my life for the better I give hope for a happy and blessed future. I leave Emily Chastain all of the funny facial expressions and all of the schools taco salad. I leave Felicia Hagood love to your crazy family and the love you have for your fur babies and the strength to deal with “crazy Tim”. Becky Garner I leave you all of the sassiness you have raised in your family. Favorite class: My favorite class in high school was fashion: because of the duct tape dress project and the modeling you get to do in it. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memories are Homecoming week, prom, PEP RALLY’S and getting to be apart of the class of 2018 Advice to underclassmen: My advice to the younger classmen is to always do your best in school because it will help you with college it will help you on your resumes and so much more. Always strive to do better.

Emily Danielle Seay School Activities: Green team (9), Diamond Dolls (9-12), FCCLA (9,10,12), Musical Theatre (10- 12), Choir (10-12), Brookwood Singers (10-12), Prom Committee (11), Queen of Class (9,10,12), HOSA (11,12), SGA Cabinet (12), Leo Club (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Emily Seay, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of fierce mind and ambitious body, do hereby leave the following: To Maddie Battles, I leave the brush, mirror, and pink lipstick that Coach Champion never returned to you… sorry, friend. To kelsey Tubbs, I leave the diets that we never completed, gym trips, and all in all, the chocolate that tasted so much better than the healthy foods we always said we were gonna eat… oh and I leave you some money for all the times that you paid my way into the gym or whenever you bought me food. (: To Alli Cooley, I leave all of our funny sayings and inside jokes. I’ve never met someone as funny, bubbly, SASSY or caring as you, my friend. To Karley Foster, I leave my straightener because the Lord knows that I’ve used on your thick curly hair more than I have used it for myself. I also leave some of the wildest memories… you know what I’m talking about! And I also leave that STUPID castle project from 8th grade that started our friendship. I leave my nasty Crunch Bar out of my pizza lunchable to Hunter Whitley, 1 million crispitos to Jackson Ingram, and one of my double-stuffed Oreos to Haley Martin. To Kameron Whitfield, girl… I leave you unlimited driving classes!!! On a more serious note, I leave you all of the uncontrollable laughs during a choir concert… while we were on stage performing. To Dustin Teat, or should I say “Duthin”? I leave you the ugliest Snapchat selfies I’ve ever taken and out inside joke where we replace every “s” with “th”. Never forget YORO. Luke Martin, I leave you all of the belly aches and tears you gave me from laughing so hard at you all the time. Sydney Lovell, I leave you the turtle that we stopped traffic for on 216 just so he wouldn’t get ran over. Then he peed on you so we put him out. I also leave you all of our Sephora trips! I leave all of my sorority t-shirts to Haylee Hardy (even if she already has plenty of them). Lexie Miller, I don’t have much to leave you but I hope you can leave me at least one more ride in the Rover with the windows down and the music all the way up. I leave all of the throw-up flavored jelly beans to Jamyla Young. I also leave her a washer full of garlic sheets. I leave all of my crazy nicknames, a punch in the arm, and “the up to no good look” to Jaylan Wayde. To my girl Annaleis, I leave a big, pretty, contagious smile because she’s always given me one. I leave all of the phone calls the summer after 10th grade, the memory of “23”, the title “bestie for the restie”, everything Nike, the beautiful singing at the top of your lungs that you always did, and all of our crazy selfies to John Martin Wagner. I leave the hill that I face planted while we were rolling during homecoming week to Anna McKee. And to Suzy B. I leave all of the McDonald’s sweet tea that I drank that night. Khalil Warren, I leave you that HUGE hill that you drove your tuck up when we went riding my 11th grade year. I also leave you all of the anxiety and fear of dying I felt in that moment. I leave the most high-pitched and loud “ASHY” to Ashtyn Price. To Dusty Proctor, I leave the chance I never gave you, but I’ll leave you an A+ for effort because at least you tried; love you buddy! I leave a poppin’ highlight to Nyela Burton. To Julia Strange, I leave the “Best Aunt” award. I aspire to be as good of an aunt to my niece as you are to Emma Kate. Thank you for all of the advice! I leave Matt Hall a large McDonald’s sweet tea in the floorboard of his Jeep… and the car wash I never gave you. Sorry! I leave all of my best advice and words of encouragement to all of my favorite underclassmen girls; y’all got this! I leave all of the juice and my deepest secrets to Halee Shinholster. I leave Owen Bailey a spot in the Class of 2018 because we always invited him to every event. To Jake Napier, I leave the Snapchat streaks that we could never keep up with, and the “Most Country Accent Ever” award, you deserve it! I leave a movie night that turned into rolling a house and putting random furniture items in someone’s yard to The Cult… I’ll never ever forget all of our rolling experiences that we shared. And to ALL of my classmates and closest friends, I leave a big ole hug. Y’all have helped me through some of the most difficult and challenging days/situations and I couldn’t thank the good Lord enough for blessing me with the most supportive and fun group of friends; see ya on the flip! Senior Prophecies: In ten years, I see myself being the owner of my dream salon. My dad will build it for me. I’m not sure what I’ll name it yet. Teacher Last Will: I leave the stage and 3 of the best years of my life to Mr. Blackwell. Thank you for encouraging me to do something I never would have known that I love so much if you wouldn’t have talked me into it. I leave my Tinker Bell wig to Ms. Phipps. Without you, I would have ever gotten that thing on. I leave an apology to Ms. Crawford for always talking while she was teaching, calling her “girl” instead of “Ms. Crawford”, and for all of the times when I was sassy… but I also want to say thank you for being patient with me and listening to me. I leave my favorite club to Mrs. Gentry. Being a Diamond would not have been fun if you weren’t in charge of it! To Mrs. Halkias, I leave 70% of my stress! I’m jk. Thank you for teaching math to the best of your ability, always showing me pictures of Doll your pretty children, and letting me encourage you to spend a whole bunch of money on outfits that they probably didn’t need. Mrs. Guinn, I leave a simple, “Hey sweet”. Sometimes when I was down, you didn’t know it, but your simple way of greeting all of your students at your door for me through the rest of my day; thank you! To Coach Smeraglia and Coach Hudson, I leave a rude comment and then a laugh afterwards to let y’all know that I was just messing with ya! And to Mrs. Rhodes, I leave some new nerves because I know my class got on every last one of yours. Thank you for always being so honest, kind, and patient with us.

Favorite class: Out of all the classes I have taken in high school, musical theatre has been my favorite. It all started in the 10th grade when I was new to the class. On the day of auditions for the role of Tinker Bell, Jaxon Hubbard told me if I didn’t try out for the part, he would punch me in my throat… So I tried out and I got the role. I’ve been passionate about the musicals ever since then! I’ve never loved something more. It’s a whole new world. You get to pretend to be somebody else in front of hundreds of people.. it’s been so much fun! Favorite High School Memories: Some of my favorite high school memories include going to Henry’s before school occasionally with all of my friends, going to Huddle House after football games for chocolate milk, going rolling during homecoming week and putting a couch in someone’s yard (HAHAHA), movie nights, Friendsgiving, pep rallies, dress-up days, going to all of the baseball games, every pageant, prom, and every play. Favorite Song: “Five More Minutes” by Scotty McCreery Favorite Movie: Girls’ Trip Favorite Fashion Trend: Big sweatshirts and t-shirts Advice to underclassmen: My advice for the underclassmen: Join every club you can and be involved. Don’t worry about what others have to say about you if what you are doing makes you happy. You make decisions for yourself; make sure they are wise ones. And if you’re ever upset with a friend, ask yourself, “Will this matter in a year?”, and if the answer is “no”, make things right with them. Life is too short to sit around and stay mad at people. And also!!! It’s not cute or funny to throw food in the lunchroom. I have dodged too many apples this year. Social Media: Facebook: Emily Seay , Instagram: emilyseay_, Twitter: emilyseay_, Snapchat: emilyseay_7

Ashley Nicole Serviss

School Activities: Softball (9-12), FFA (9-11), FCCLA (9-10), Beta Club (11-12), National Honor Society (11-12), Panther Peer Mentor (12), Panther Pal (12), School Mascot (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Ashley Serviss, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School being a simple mind and a rocking body, do hereby leave the fowling: Kyleigh Farris, I leave you my glove to be the best that you can be and to never give up! Madison White, my cleats, fill my shoes Madison, do great things! Ella Grace Rose, my number, number 17, you deserve it, stay strong girly. Bailee Butler, I leave you my bat, “keep your shoulder up!!” enjoy it girl! Faith wens, I leave you all the hair that I braid. Keep cracking jokes and being an amazing third baseman! Hope Owens, thank you for all times that you have picked me up when I was down, and all the advice that you have given me, I’ll miss you! Taylor Watson, where do I start, you kill me girl. We argue all the time, but it never affects us! Do great a Marion, see you in the

long run, I’ll call you for a good arguing if I ever need one! Kaleigh Hagood, you can now be a big! Thank you for being a great little, for going and eating Chicken Salad Chick! Brianna Short, all the Edmodo work in coach Fosters class, and my spirit! Bella Ferguson, thank you for having my back when a ball gets passed me and for being a great friend. Abby Williams, I leave you all my sass and my love for Mexican since you eat Mexican 5 times a week! Kamryn Murdock, I leave you the funny times at the beach during spring break of my 11th grade year, especially the trampoline park! I will miss you. Felicity Frame, thank you for braiding my hair. Keep up the hard work and go YARD!! The Softball Team, I leave each and everyone of you a huge thank you for the best four years of my life, love each and everyone of you all. Emeligh Marchant, I leave you the mascot suit, work it real hard next year! My family, thank you for spending abundant hours with me at ball parks, or at school. I will cherish those moments forever and I will miss you all while I’m gone for college. Finally, Raven Bibby, I leave you all the long talks, the shopping days and the snow days. You have some amazing parking skills!! But, thank you for being the best of the best friend that I have ever had, I will defiantly miss you while I’m at college! Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Ashley Serviss, will be out of law school and on her way to being a great lawyer. She will be married and hopefully one child. She will also be coaching softball. Teacher Last Will: I, Ashley Serviss, a graduating senior at Brookwood High School, being of strong mind and able body, to hereby leave the following: Mrs. Elliot, thank you for being the best women softball coach and tutor that I have ever had, I will miss you and will never forget all of the advice you have given me. Mrs. Sisty, thank you for being an amazing teacher, all of the long talks , and the fun we had moving your room. I really enjoyed being your TA my senior year, I learned a lot of stuff from you! Mrs. Crutchfield, Thank you for teaching me how to make multiple different flower arrangements and how to be “career and college ready”. Coach

Reeves, thank you for coming to Brookwood and being an amazing coach! Mrs. Day, I leave you , the witchcraft from Macbeth, don’t read that book next year! Favorite class: My favorite call was floral design. It was my favorite because I learned several different things I didn’t know before Favorite High School Memories: Peter Pan play, softball games, area and regionals tournament, prom, homecoming week. Favorite Song: Drip by: & Favorite Movie: The longest yard Favorite Fashion Trend: Big shirts and leggings Advice to underclassmen: Do not be shy! Play sports, be in every club. Be social. Social Media: Facebook: Ashley Serviss, Twitter: Ashleyserviss, Instagram: ashleyserviss, Snapchat: ashleyserviss12

Halee Dawn Shinholster School Activities: Beta club (11-12) National Honor society (12) National Technical Honor Society(12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I,Halee Shinholster,a graduating senior of Brookwood High School,being of an open mind,and happy body do hereby leave: I leave all the funny moments, spend the night parties, all the work we had to help each other on, all the selfies we took at school, and our lame inside jokes to Karah. I leave all of our shopping trips, our 4 wheeler riding, and our tanning sessions to Anika. To my mother I leave all the early mornings and the lunch room food. To my brother I leave all the arguments in the morning time and all of the jokes we told. I leave Emily all of our stories in Mrs.Rhodes’ room and running out of the room after school. To my 5th period friends I leave all of our laughs. To my best friend I leave all of our good memories, our little petty

arguments, and all of our secrets we share. I leave Nyela the pocket and all of her good advice for me. I leave Morgan all of our complaining about doing work in Chastain and our America’s Next Top Model. To Kiarra I leave our good gossip and laundry for Mrs crutchfield. Senior Prophecies: In ten years I see myself studying/interning to be a pediatric oncologist. I see myself studying at The University Of Alabama. Teacher Last Will: I,Halee Shinholster,a graduating senior of Brookwood High School,being of an open mind,and happy body do hereby leave: I leave Mrs. Chastain all of our girl talks and her good advice. I leave Mrs.gentry her jokes that most people could not understand. I leave Mrs. Rhodes her wedding dresses and her crazy 7th period. I leave Mrs Guinn her kindness and her motherly advice. Favorite class: My favorite class would have to be Mrs Phipp’s class I may not always like the stuff we are doing in her class, but I can always count on that class to cheer me up and make me laugh. Favorite High School Memories: Some of my favorite memories would be our pep rallys, all the pointless drama, and meeting new people and becoming friends with them. Favorite Song: like I loved you Favorite Movie: The Age of Adaline Favorite Fashion Trend: Leggings Advice to underclassmen: My advice for the underclassmen would be be yourself at all times and if people don’t like you then don’t worry because not everyone will be your friend. Be nice to everyone even teachers you hate because it makes you a better person. Also do your work even if you don’t feel like it because it will help you in the long run.

Mary Kathrine Sims Nickname: Katie School Activities: FFA (9-12) FFA Treasure(10) FFA Vice president(11) FFA President (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: Mary Kathrine Sims ( Katie ), a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being a simple mind and a able body do hereby leave the following: I leave all the work for the next FFA officers. I leave my cap and gown to my parents for always pushing me to do my best and encouraging me to go further into life. To Brittany and Kayla i leave all the memories we made on the State and National FFA Convention from getting out late in Montgomery to get something to waking up late coming back from Indianapolis. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Mary Kathrine Sims will be working and spoiling her nephew. She will be living on her own and taking care of her animals

Teacher Last Will: Mary Kathrine Sims ( Katie ) a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being a simple mind and a able body, do hereby leave: Mrs. Crutchfeild all the memories I made throughout my high school career from me tripping up in the garden bed and almost falling on you to meeting new people because of the organization you run. To Ms. Johnson I thank you for making my last FFA National trip possible and waking us up to go back home from the trip. To Mrs. Leigh Ann Elliot Thank you for making my day so much better when I saw you and you asked how was I doing and telling me to smile. To Mrs. Halkias I leave all of the embarrassing stories you have of me from when I was younger and telling them everytime you could , and I leave all the stress your class caused me my last two years and it is going to be hard getting use to another math teacher. I will miss seeing y’all everyday. Favorite class: Coach Hubbards tenth grade History class without him that class wouldn’t have been fun learning new things. Favorite High School Memories: Katie's favorite memories were always in agriculture from going on field trips to working on the garden in school and out of .

Alexandra Nicole Smith

Nickname: Alex or Al School Activities: Beta Club (11-12), NHS (11-12), Green Team (9-12), FCCLA (9-12), Quill and Scroll (11-12), NTHS (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Alexandra Nicole Smith, a graduating senior of Brookwood Highschool, being of strong mind and able body do hereby leave the following: My tassel to Brooke Gamble and Dani Glass- for pushing me to always do the right thing and encouraging me through every accomplishment. My cap and gown to my mom and dad- for seeing potential in me that I didn’t see in myself. My diploma to my big sister- I hope to follow in your footsteps. I leave my love and best wishes to Gabi Baker- You will accomplish everything and anything you set your mind to, reach for the stars thank you for being the coolest and sweetest sophomore I’ve ever met. My Art 1 sketchbook to Lexi Russell and Aaron Burton-

For countless laughs and memories that will last a lifetime. I leave my binders, textbooks and study guides to Caleb Boyd- For all the late nights you have helped me study for classes you never had, you’re a trooper I look forward to spending this next phase of our lives together. I love you. I leave my wheelchair to Ashlyn Argo- for lending a hand and laughing w/ me as I was wheeled out of the senior meeting with a ankle the size of a softball. I leave my calculator to Cayton Broadhead- for stressing out with me over the easiest math problems, you will go very far in life thank you for all the chats and giving me the best advice even if it wasn’t what I wanted to hear. Teacher Last Wills: Thank you Mrs. Chastain, Mrs. Rickard, Mrs. Crawford and Mrs. Halkais for encouraging me in everything I do. Thanks for all the laughs and for prepping me for the world beyond Brookwood Highscool. I love yall and I will miss yall the most. Thank you Mrs. Reynolds for being the bomb. You rock!

Haley Ann Smith

School Activities: Beta Club (11-12), National Honor Society (12), National Technical Honor Society (12), FFA (9), FCCLA (12), HOSA (11), Green Team (10) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Haley Smith, being strong mind and able body, do here by leave the following: MY cap and gown to my mom and dad for supporting and teaching me to work hard. I leave my diploma to my little sister. To Aj Roberson I hope you make so many memories that last a lifetime. To Emily Snay I wish you the best and I hope you accomplish all your hopes and dreams. To Robert Rainwater I leave all the times you have listened to me rant about any little thing. To Hunter Swearengin telling each other to “shut up” for no reason. To Julia Strange I leave all the times we stressed over Mrs.Halkias’ tests and homework. To my fellow 2018 graduates I wish all of y’all the best in life.

Senior Prophecies: In 10 years, Haley Smith, will be a first grade teacher at Lake View Elementary school. She will be married and she will be starting her family. Teacher Last Will: Mrs.Frye - All of those stories of your foreign exchange students and I leave you all the Sprites you can drink. Mrs.Burnham – The story of the naked cheeseburger man. Mrs.Halkias – I leave all the stress that you caused me my Junior (geometry) and Senior (algebra II) Years. Mrs. Guinn- I leave you all the coffee you can drink. Thank you for teaching me more than just English. Favorite class: My favorite classes that I took in high school is Mrs. Burnham’s health science and human body structure classes. She put so much enthusiasm in her teaching. She was always so positive about everything. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite memory in high school is homecoming week. Advice to underclassmen: My advice for the underclassman is “Always work hard and don’t stress out”. Social Media: Snapchat: Haleyannsmith9, Instagram: Haleyannsmith9

Madison Nicole Smith Nickname: Maddie School Activities: Beta Club (11-12) HOSA (12) Green Team (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Madison Smith, a graduation Senior of Brookwood High School, being of eager mind and tired body do hereby leave the following: I leave the continuous eye rolls and endless drama talks to Sarah Meadows. I have drug you through my infinite amount of problems and you have stuck by my side through it all, for that I am so very thankful. The hours on Snapchat, because for some reason that is just better than texting. The daily “omg I have something to tell you” to the “bye have a good day,” I will miss those so much after this year. Brooke Stephens, I leave you all of the late night shenanigans, and the not so great ideas. You are always willing to sing to the top of your lungs and ride around for hours. From watching the sun come up to riding horses miles and miles from home every day, you never turned down my ridiculous plans. For that, I thank you for growing with me and never letting me down through it all. I have been so lucky to have these two precious souls in my life. I leave my all to my sweet momma, whom I miss every day. You are the woman who made me who I am today. You taught me to give my all in everything I do and to be an independent woman in a world that says otherwise. You deserve the world, and I thank you so much for giving me mine. I would never trade our short fifteen years together for anything else. I know you are watching out for me and I can’t wait to walk across the stage at graduation all for you. Thank you for making me who I am and showing me all that I could be. For showing me there is no such thing as a “man’s job,” and I can do anything I put my mind to. I pray to be half the woman you were. I will leave my entire heart to my dad, the greatest man I’ve ever known. You have done everything under the sun to provide for me. I know it was hard for you to up and raise a teenage daughter on your own, but I would not have wanted it any other way. I’m thankful for all of the time we have spent together, and how much closer we have become. You being my best friend is the absolute greatest feeling. You have taught me so many things that I would never learn in school. You have helped me through all of the tears and stress that come along with growing up. You have taught me that there’s is more to life than money and materialistic things. Never in my life would I want anyone else as a father, no one could ever take your place. I will always be your little girl. I could never thank you enough for putting your all into raising me. You are a true blessing in my life. Teacher Last Will: To the BHS faculty and staff, thank you for everything. I want to leave all of the Cs and Ds in Coach Hubbard’s 10th grade third period class. Although this was by far my hardest class in high school, Coach Hubbard taught me more than any other teacher. The late nights and thousands of flash cards were completely worth it. Thank you Mrs. Gentry, for constantly pushing us through all of the ACT Prep no matter how much we all complained. It’s all thanks to you that I made my highest grade in the English portion on my test. Mrs. Burnham, your bright smile and enthusiastic “good morning,” every day before first period always put me in the best mood. You make quiz-i-poos not so bad, and no matter how annoying, we will always remember medical terminology. Your genuine attitude always made me want to make myself a better person each day. I’m so thankful to have been able to finally take your class in my last year at Brookwood. Favorite High School Memories: Some of my favorite memories from high school are definitely all from homecoming week, and all of the football games. Screaming to the tops of our lungs at pep rallies until we nearly pass out will be a feeling I will never forget. Favorite Song: Be Careful What You Wish For by Luke Combs Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trend from this year is without a doubt that we have been able to wear leggings and giant T-shirts. Advice to underclassmen: My advice for the underclassmen is to take plenty of notes and stay organized! On a less serious note, do not miss a home game during your senior year. Always go all out in the pep rally outfits, no matter how ridiculous you may feel. Lastly, take as many pictures as possible. You’ll be thankful for the overuse of your phones storage later.

Phillip Michael Smith

School Activities: Marching Band- Brass Captain (9-12) Symphonic Band- Section Header (9-12) Musical Theater (12) FFCLA (12) Green Team (9-11) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Phillip Smith, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, of philthilious mind and not so great body do hereby leave the following: I leave the many memories over the years to Trystan Woodyard. I leave my hot bars and concert tickets to Tristan Jewell. I leave all my shoes and swag to Michael Upton. I leave many soccer goals and fire dance moves to Alex Dollar. I leave the movie theater to Whitney Lawrence. I leave a baton and dog treats for Stella to Kaitlyn Creel. I leave a wooden box filled with pencils and gum to the Top Row Boys. I leave the eyerolls and an attitude to Abby Bentley. I leave walks after class to find our person and all my awesome jokes to Dani Glass. I leave my taste in shoes and the gym in 9th grade to Zac Knox. I leave the future of the Crimson Star Band to the underclassmen. I leave the future of the Trumpet section to Trey Rayburn. I leave my heart, all my love, my future, my everything to Macy Donaldson. You are my best friend I’ve ever had. I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you. Thank you for everything you’ve done. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Phillip Smith, will be married to his high school sweetheart, Macy Donaldson, and they will have their own home and family. Phillip will have a college degree and a wonderful job. He will make music with his free time. He will be wealthy and have enough money to buy his parents a house. He will also be the commissioner of the NBA. Teacher Last Will: To Mrs. Dennis, I leave the great times in 4th period in the 2016-2017 year, my notes left on your board, and the knowledge that you’re my favorite teacher. Thank you for being awesome and putting up with me the past two years. To Ms. Gray, I leave all my thanks. You have improved the band program so much since your arrival and have been the best band director I could ask for. Thank you for always being there to give me advice for the present and future and helping improve my playing abilities and pushing me forward. To Mrs. Gentry, I leave the half of the bet I failed. To keep my word on the other half, you are also one of m favorite teachers. You’re welcome. To Mr. Blackwell and Ms. Phipps, thank you for presenting me with the opportunity to be apart of the play. It has been phenomenal Favorite class: My favorite class would have to be Mrs. Dennis’ 4th period my 11th grade year. I met one of my best my friends, met my favorite teacher, and didn’t hate math for one year. Favorite High School Memories: Some of my favorite school memories: Friday Night Lights, band practice, goofing off every year, talking to other leaders at games, musical theater, and the parking lot after school.

Favorite Song: Dark Knight Dummo Favorite Movie: The Shape of Water Favorite Fashion Trend: Fanny packs and durags Advice to underclassmen: To all the underclassmen, just have fun and enjoy it while it lasts. Social Media: Facebook: Phillip Smith, Snapchat: Philltc, Instagram: docta.phill ; thephilthies

Savannah Victoria Smith

Nickname: Vannah School Activities: JROTC (9-10), theater (9-10), Cheerline (10-12), Beta Club (11-12), National Honor Society (11-12), National Technical Honor Society (12), Green Team (11), FFA (9), FCCLA (9-12), Quill and Scroll (12), Culinary (11) Senior Last Will & Testament: I Savannah Smith, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of unique and strong body do hereby leave the following: I leave my good grades to my younger brother Joey Smith. I hope you find the courage to make your own path in life and make the best memories in high school while doing what you need to graduate, and remember I love you. I leave all the funny lunchroom conversations with Taylor Hallman and Matti Mclaughlin and may you keep the memories to remember when you’re having a rough day. I leave my cap and gown to my parents for pushing me and showing me all the reasons I should be something in the world, and finally I leave all of my accomplishments to my nana. I wouldn’t be where I am today without you. Thank you for all you do , I love you. To all the senior class of 2018- Good luck in the future; I hope all goes in your favor. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Savannah Smith, will be graduated from college and starting her career in forensics. She will starting her life at her own home raising a beautiful baby and going on road trips to see her family whenever she finds time and going to visit Colt Coggins at Hepzibah Baptist Church. Teacher Last Will: I leave Kristen Halkias the cheerline memories we made along with the panther award she surprised me with. You have made an impact on my life and I thank you for always believing in me and pushing me to be “full out” with not only dances but in school as well. I leave Coneta Guinn the poems we learned in class and all the life lessons she taught me. You’ve influenced me in ways you don’t know and helped me keep my head up when you didn’t even know I was struggling. You have pushed me to not give up and I thank you. I leave Jennifer Frye getting aggravated with my culinary class because we did almost everything wrong haha and also the good memories we’ve had. You have inspired me to consider culinary as a career and take It into account when I’m lost and don’t know what to do. You’ve taught me home remedies that I use to this day and that I’ll continue to use for rest of my life. Thank you for being a role model to me throughout my years of high school. I leave my creativeness and yearbook family to Jennifer Reynolds. Thank you for being a big inspiration in my life. You always keep me in a good mood and always check on me if you feel something’s wrong. You’re the teacher I can trust the most and I’m going to miss ya! I love you YB mom!

Emily Rose Snay School Activities: Band (9-11) Port Huron High School Historian (10-11) Beta club (11) Green Team (10-12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Emily Snay, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of strong mind and able body do hereby leave the following: my best wishes to Haley Smith on being a elementary teacher. She is a great person in and out and she will be a great teacher. I leave my great memories and laughs to Tailor Taylor. I leave my cap and gown to my dad and sister because I wouldn’t be where I am today without their support. I leave Hunter Swearengin the best of luck on being an Environmental Aid for the president. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Emily Snay, will be working as a social worker while living in Tennessee with her 3 dogs she adopted from the Humane Society, married to her

best friend and life partner with one child. Teacher Last Will: I leave our crazy conversation about the walking dead to Mrs. Dennis. Mrs. Guinn, I leave you coffee and time to read your books. Thank you for introducing me to new books and authors. Favorite class: Out of all the classes I’ve taken in high school, my favorite class I’ve taken was Algebra with finance because the class has taught me things I need to know to be on my own such as budgeting and owning a home. Favorite High School Memories: My all time favorite high school memory is moving from Michigan to Alabama, and being able to experience new things and make great friends. Advice to underclassmen: Do the best you can do while in high school because one day all the hard work will pay off. Be open to meeting new people, some of my friends now are also the people I never would’ve thought to even talk to them.

Anna Sogol

Lacey Cheyenne Stephens Nickname: Cheyenne School Activities: FFA, HOSA, & Beta Senior Prophecies: In 10 years I see my self as a nurse somewhere following my dreams Favorite class: My favorite class would be clinicals because of all the fun stuff we do and Because of mrs burnham Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memory would be the last black out pep rally Favorite Song: I fall apart by post Malone Favorite Movie: Baby driver Favorite Fashion Trend: Belle bottoms Social Media: Insta: Lacey step_

Kalee Ann Stoinski School Activities: Musical theatre(10-12) Theatre (9-11) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Kalee Stoinski, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of strong mind and dancing body, do hereby leave the following: My style, laughter, craziness, pep rallys, Friday night lights, pageants to Alexa Hubbard, thank you for always being you. I leave my braids in 3rd period to Gracie Dunaway. I leave my parking spot and the senior pep rally section to Paige Bishop. I leave my 9th grade year to my 9th grade squad. I leave my 10th grade year to Lexie, and Baylee at our lunch table. I leave my 11th grade to Meredith Montgomery. I leave my senior year to the class of 2018. I leave my cap and gown to my mom and sister for always pushing me to do my best. I leave my high school drama at Brookwood High School. To the class of 2018, we rocked the scene. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Kalee Stoinski will be a cosmetologist with her own salon and have 3 kids and married Teacher Last Will: I leave Blackwell the plays, and dancing. I leave all of the counselors my problems. (They always have the best answers to them). Thank you to Ms. Rhodes for being the best teacher my senior year. Favorite class: My favorite class was my 9th grade P.E. , Coach Bush and Nickerson was always supportive in everyone. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memories are dress up days, Friday nights, football games. Favorite Song: Marry me ( Thomas Rhett) Favorite Movie: The choice. (In life you make a choice & don’t look back) Favorite Fashion Trend: Flowers and velvet Advice to underclassmen: “Don’t wish these 4 years away they are here before you know it”. “Treat everyone with politeness even those who are rude to you- not because they are nice, but because you are”. Social Media: Facebook: Kalee Stoinski , Twitter: Kaleestoinski, Instagram: kaleestoinski, Snapchat: Kalee.Stoinski

Julia Gracen Strange Nickname: Jules School Activities: Hosa (12); Junior float committee (11); Senior float committee (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Julia Strange, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of a forgetful mind and curvy body do hereby leave the following: I leave both my mommas in heaven my cap and all my love. They would be so proud of the woman I have become. I leave my gown to my dad and my grandmother. Without them I honestly don’t know where I’d be. Without them I wouldn’t be the person I am today. My dad was and still my very first best friend. He let me know what it was like to feel beautiful when I didn’t think so myself and the one who always made me happy when I was having a bad or a good day. It didn’t matter. My grandmother let me know what it was like to know and love an almighty King, Jesus Christ. She is such a Godly woman and I can only hope to be like her now and in the future. I leave my tassel to Alaina Strange. I know you will do big things in your life little bug. I can’t wait to watch you grow up into a beautiful woman. I leave my diploma to Annette Strange. My oldest sister. Thank you for blessing me with a gorgeous niece, Emma Kate. I also thank you for everything you have taught me over the years and all your clothes you let me have and wear. I love you so much. I leave my blonde-haired, blue-eyed, curly headed baby brother (Jacob Strange) my whole heart and the best next few years in high school. I also leave you all the jam sessions on the way to school in the mornings, all the pizza I made you buy me at lunch, all my trash I made you throw away, all of our walks to class, all the I love you’s before going to our classes, my gas tank because you always kept it empty. I leave you the basketballs because you were always doing what you could to improve your skills. I leave you all the motivational speeches you made me listen to when I didn’t want to. I leave you the cold nights where you made me get out and come get you from the school after a game. I also leave you the hours I spent after school for your basketball practice. I went so much I started to feel like I was on the team. Most importantly, I leave you the best senior year ever!! Remember to appreciate the little things, be with your friends and spend as much time with them as possible, go to every senior event because if not, you’ll regret it. Make every football game, pep rally, and dress up days memorable. Those I will miss the most. Just always remember to have fun and don’t let anybody get in your way. You are going to do big great things in your life bubba. I cannot see what the future holds for you. I love you more than life itself and you’re never too old to talk to me or tell me your problems. I will be here for you through the ups and downs like I always have. I leave my very best friend, Alivia Scruggs my wardrobe. You have worn every single thing in my closet at least 20 times. I also leave you all the crazy and exciting memories and all the plans you had repeatedly told me about. You have the best personality and you’re so caring. I love you more than ever!!! I also leave you the name Connor because you talked about him like there was no tomorrow. I leave Kendall Bridgmon my right hand because she is my go to. Thanks for never failing to make me smile with all your sweet compliments. Thanks for being my best friend for 10 years and counting. I love you!! I leave Hannah Pierce the pound of baby powder she put on my face because “baking” your face is the best and your makeup will look better. Thanks for always being honest with me even if it meant hurting my feelings. I admire that about you. You’re so honest and you will say whatever is on your mind. Thank you for having little Eli Parker. He is the cutest little boy I have ever seen, he brings out the best in you. I am so thankful for both of y’all. I leave Madison Battles all the lipsense and gloss. Also, the tiny mirror because she pulled that thing out about 10 times in one class period just to do the same thing she had done before. Look at her teeth and lipstick. Also, the name Alex. You definitely love that boy and everybody knew it. I leave Skylar Crouch the tiny mcadory yellow jackets cheerleading uniform because that’s where our sweet friendship started. I also leave you the salad and sushi because her face was lit up with a smile when telling everyone what she brought for lunch. I had never seen someone so excited to eat haha. I leave Emily Seay all the answers to the questions about Emma Kate. I leave Haley Tolbert all my leggings, because every single one of hers had holes in them. All my t-shirts because we both wore them every day. I leave Annaleis Lindsey “Hey Jules” and that big pretty smile of hers. I will definitely miss our bathroom trips everyday after 2nd period. Went in there just to look at ourselves and not even use the bathroom. “Ew I look ratchet” was our favorite thing to say when looking at ourselves even if we were dressed up and looked pretty. I leave Trenton Genery all the rude comments he never failed to give me. Also, the 14 days in a week because you will never let me live that down. I leave Cole Nalls all of last year in Mrs. Gentry’s class. You were always cracking jokes and roasting people. I could look at you and you would just start laughing and ask me some weird random question. I leave Cole Dickinson all of our sweet memories over the years. You were definitely my first love and I will . I leave John Martin Wagner all the heys and the big waves you gave me when you seen me in the hallway. I will miss those. I leave Griffin Cook an alarm clock so you can start waking up on time. I leave Haley Smith all my questions about math because you always helped me even in the middle of doing your own work. I leave Morgan Carnes all of the middle school memories, and our unique friendship. I leave Bailey Collins all the trips to the bathroom before 5th period, all my pants because you about peed yours every day in 5th. I also leave you all the 10 pound weights we lifted and thought we were getting stronger haha. I leave you all the food we ate and the Netflix shows we watched. All the songs we would just burst out and sing no matter who was around. The basketballs that never made the goal and the cupcakes we devoured in 5 seconds. You made 5th period so much fun and I am so thankful we became close. I will miss you. I leave Reganne Toxey all the drama coach foster accused her of starting in his class room. She would get so mad and it was so funny. I leave Chandler Capps the 3-wheeled scooter he had to ride around on when only one leg was able. That was the funniest thing. I also leave you all the church memories. Including the one where I had to get your food for you because you weren’t able too and the chair I had to pull out for you. Can’t forget to leave you the piece of paper where you made one of the most important decisions in your life. I am so proud of you and the things you have accomplished and will accomplish in the future. I love you Chan. I leave Dale Fields all the middle school memories. I was in 7th grade and you were in 6th. I was so blessed to be able to have met you when I did, because we now have so many sweet memories and hilarious stories. Our high school memories are definitely my favorite. I leave you my lunchbox. You always took it and stole all my food and if you didn’t steal my food you always asked for some. I’ll miss you complaining and pouting when I didn’t give you my last reese cup. I leave you all the walks in the hallways after 4th and after 6th. We never failed to make each other laugh. You always said I was dumb and you were so mean to me, but I would just laugh and you hated it. “You have the mind of a 4 year old”. I’ll forever miss you telling me that. I love you so so much dale bug. I can’t wait to see what the future has in store for you. Have the best senior year you could possibly have and don’t ever forget me. Lastly, I leave the Class of 2018 my favorite memories, my favorite year of school, and all the great friendships made. I will miss y’all. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Julia Strange, will be very happy with her life. She will have her dream job as an elementary school teacher, have a rich husband and 2 or 3 kids, she will be best friends with Nick Saban and all the Alabama football players. She will also be doing great things for the world and giving to those in need. Teacher Last Will: I leave Mrs. Guinn all the names I had to write on tiny slips of paper for people getting extra service hours and the cans I checked off. My hand is still sore to this day and I’m still sad that I didn’t win a gift card after all my hard work. I leave Smergs (Smeraglia) all the test he had helped me with because he knew I wasn’t the smartest. I leave him all the funny jokes he once told me and all of my stupid jokes I once told him. I always made you laugh someway. Along with Trenton Genery, I leave you the 14 days in a week too because like Trent, you will not ever let me live that one down either. I’ll miss you Smergs. I leave Coach Hudson all of my niceness because all he ever was, was mean to me. I guess I’ll miss you too. I leave Coach Foster the tiny heart attacks I had from him screaming my name just to ask me a question. I leave Chastain the best three years of my life and it was because I had her class. It made my day walking into your classroom. You were like a mom to me. You were always so honest and caring. I will never forget you Chas. I love you! I leave Coach Dunn all the money you gave me go get you a diet coke with. I also leave you my silliness because it always made you laugh. I also leave you the cupcakes you let me and Bailey go get out of the teachers lounge and the music I was playing to loud in the gym and you yelled at me. Thanks for being so sweet to me.

Favorite class: Child Development. I have loved kids ever since I was a little girl and have always wanted to be involved with any kid possible. Taking this class helped me understand what it is like to be responsible when it comes to kids. I learned a lot. Favorite High School Memories: Staying late after school junior year just to talk to my friends in the parking lot, the pep rallies, the football games, and dress up days. Advice to underclassmen: Never give up , no matter how hard it gets.

James Hunter Swearengin Nickname: Hunty, Super Freshie, Shwerengin School Activities: JROTC 9th, Band 9th -10th, Green Team 9th-12th, Green Team president 12th, Yearbook 11th, Beta Club 11th -12th, French Club 12th, SGA Cabinet member 12th, Leo Club 12th Senior Last Will & Testament: I, James Hunter Swearengin, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of irregular mind and squishy body do hereby leave the following: To my 4th period AP environmental lab group, I leave my tenacity and will perish. To Tailor “tasty”Taylor and Leigh Ann Shuttlesworth, I leave all my loud outburst of random laughter when something happened at “the table” yeah you know the one. To Claire Boyd and Brianna Thompson, I leave my constant RBF and all the terrible puns that I can muster. To Zaire Caddell, I leave my eye rolling ability. To Brittney Pounds I leave you all our banter and insults that we traded. Callie Hinton, Shelby Austin, and Eve Kizziah I leave all of my nerdy jokes and my Netflix account for you all to binge with.... please children don’t fight over it. To Tatianna Horton and Trinity Goldsmith I leave all of my memes of a certain substitute that may or may not resemble a turtle. To Brandon Fomby I leave the tradition of going to six flags when school is nearly out as well as all the memories we made at the crew and at prom when I agreed to go with me just so i wouldn’t be alone,and for that I also leave a big ole thank you!! Most importantly I leave my love for all my underclassmen babies! To my fellow seniors I wish you all good luck. Lacie Willingham, Emily Snay, Haley Smith, Arielle Karluk, Hannah Colvin, Bailee Browning, Hannah Day, Morgan Carnes, Shelby Gibson, and many many others I consider to be friends I am truly sorry that you will be stuck with me. Senior Prophecies: In ten years Lacie Willingham and I will be sharing an apartment with a dog or two, a bunny, and an angry owl while she is outshooting things with a camera (photography) I will be saving the world through the betterment of the environment. And educating the youth, so they may also help to better our world in the same green way. Teacher Last Will: I James Hunter Swearengin, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School leave the following: ah Mrs.Halkias your class was terrible for me so you can have back all the blood sweat and tears you caused me... especially on your exams, and thank you for teaching me to work harder, I guess. Mrs.Morton, I leave you all of my sass I had in French class and I thank you for taking an interest in your students’ personal lives. Mrs.Guinn, I leave you my stories I used to tell you during your 5th period prep all through 11th grade and for pushing me to go farther in life. To Mrs. Gaddy I leave you all the patience I have to deal with the next group of kids and I truly hope you can open their minds to more than what their parents taught them, you helped me realize that I want to be more politically involved. Mrs.Reynolds this is the hardest for me to write; from the first time I met you and you scared me with your optimism from when you initially called me and Lacie the “super freshies” and finally when Laci and I became the co presidents of the Green Team I realized you were more than a teacher you were like my mother. To you Mrs. Reynolds I leave a thank you for all the love and support you showed towards me. And a thank you for helping me realize my true passion is to care for the environment and I can only hope to teach others the way you taught me. Thank you to all the above-mentioned teachers for helping to shape me into the person I have become. Favorite class: My favorite class would either be French or AP environmental, French was my favorite because you could be dramatic and sass the teacher without being written up. AP Environmental was my favorite because environmental science is my passion and with the help of Momma Reynolds I realized it is something I want to do as a career, I am proud to have been one of the “APES”. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite memories were always in Green Team: From riding in trash cans with Brandon Formby to sliding down the halls after school in our socks; doing terrible accents and acting out stories or even ranting to an entire group of people about nothing important whatsoever, sometimes getting caught mid explanation or rant only for whatever teacher it was to give me terrible looks. Favorite Song: Symphony by Clean and Zara Larsson Favorite Movie: Love, Simon

Advice to underclassmen: if you are going to take an advanced or AP class DO NOT BE LAZY especially if it’s government. THE POWER OF GOVERNMENT MUST BE LIMITED Social Media: Snapchat: james_hunter918, Facebook: Hunter Swearengin, Instagram: James.hunty

Dustin Clay Hayes Teat Nickname: DD School Activities: Brookwood Fishing team (9-12), Secretary for Fishing Team 12th Grade. Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Dustin Teat, a graduating Senior at Brookwood High School being of sleep mind and tired body do hereby leave the following: To Gunnar Sellers, I leave all my hunting equipment, man you really need it! To Noah Bentley I leave all my fishing skills, rods and reels, use them wisely and get to Nationals! To Jack Gibson, Gracie Sisk and Kamryn Murdock I leave all the fun times in 6th period Forensics. All the times of getting sent out of musical theatre I leave to Cody Pharr and Khalil Warren. To Luke Martin, Caleb Boyd, Zac Knox, and Jacob Martin I leave all the times of laughing until we couldn't breath, those were good times! To Bailey Johnson and Kelsey Tubbs I leave the best river trips ever! All the great times in 1st period I leave to Seth Toxey, Clayton Riddle and Matt Waldrop. My highest Snapchat streak I leave to Caitlin Milam, enjoy! To Cody Bohannon I leave my driving skills and no speeding tickets, slow down man! Fun Friday nights I leave to Suzana Buchanan and Haylee Hardy, party on! All of the memories in 7th I leave to Emily Seay, Luke Martin, Caleb Boyd and Cole Hartley, good times! All conversations after 1st go to Ben Garner, always good ones! Lastly, I leave the ability to walk in school at 7:45 bell ringing to Aric Holliman. Senior Prophecies: In 10 years I see myself working at Mercedes with not a worry in the world! Teacher Last Will: I love history class with Coach Smeraglia. Thanks for making it interesting. You were great! Favorite class: My favorite class has to be musical theatre. Its laid back and lots of friends are in there. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memories are pep rallies and going to the Bama Theatre for play week. So much fun! Favorite Song: My favorite song was “The Good Stuff” by Kenny Chesney. Favorite Movie: My favorite movie is The Wolf of Wall Street Advice to underclassmen: Advice for all underclassmen is to enjoy everything! It flies by!

Alaina Brooke Thomas

School Activities: JROTC (9-12), JROTC Captain/S-4 (11-12), Beta Club (11-12), National Honors Society (11), Green Team (11-12), FFA Vice President (10), French Club (11-12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Alaina Brooke Thomas, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of a stressed mind and a tired body do hereby leave the following: I leave my title as S-4 to Lauren Drexler. I know you’re going to do a wonderful job for the next two years in JROTC and don’t sweat it. I tried my best to teach you everything I know and I’m always a text or a call away. I leave my will to live to Cole Broadhead. Lord knows you need it seeing as you’re only a ninth grader and all your friends are graduating in the next year or two. I also leave you my best wishes to you during Drill and Color Guard. You have a lot to live up to, but I know you will exceed everyone’s

expectations because you already have. You’ll be okay. To Miranda Kock, I leave the many years we have spent as friends. We both know we are the only ones that understand what we’ve had to deal with and how to deal with the idiotic guys we call our

friends. Evan George, I leave you my Llama mask. You have always been the one to talk to and I have loved every conversation I’ve had with you. The memories we all shared of Color Guard practice and the fun we had will always be in the back of my mind fifty years from now. To Clay Como I leave the memories of the ridiculousness we had to deal with at your house. I also leave a deep appreciation for you. You always made sure I was okay when I was sitting alone. Thank you for that. Mason Garner, don’t do anything stupid. Collin Boyd, keep doing you, Angel Boy. To Fish, I love you and I would adopt you in a heartbeat if I could. You keep doing what you want and don’t let anybody else ruin your happiness. Skylar Rollins, I leave you to take care of Nikolas Vigne. You may be a little overboard sometimes, but I trust you to be there for him when I’m not…don’t take advantage of that, though. Know your place. Christian Goodsen, don’t die. You may be good at parkour, but you are not immune to falling. Everyone on Drill knows that. Savannah Doughty, I leave you my sense and patience. Just chill out. I love you. To Nikolas Vigne: I leave you everything else. These two years have honestly been the best I have ever had, and you have made them that way. Thank you for being my best friend and showing me how to have a life. Now, I give you my life back. I won’t need it in college. I’ll have too much to focus on. I leave my appreciation of you and my thankfulness; my memories of us all the way to the Tannehill field trip of last year and especially my love. I am so proud of you and know you are destined to do amazing things. To the entire rest of the JROTC Battalion, I leave the last remnants of hope I have left for you guys. Every year the program gets smaller and smaller, but I have hope that you guys will make it the way it was when I was a Freshman. Goodbye and I love you guys to death. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Alaina Thomas, will be officially finished with college, veterinary school, and residencies. The rest of her life will be dedicated to taking care of animals and making a family of her own. She will have a nice car and a nice house, but will not use her money frivolously. Teacher Last Will: Mrs. Reynolds, I leave you my deep appreciation for our world. You have been the teacher out of my thirteen years of education that made me psyched to walk into class. I am going to miss you so much and I cannot wait for my sixth-grade sister to tell me stories about how awesome you are. I also cannot wait to see that beautiful baby of yours. I love you so much, Jenny Renny. Favorite class: JROTC – it was the one class that never changed. I have endless memories and all my friends are connected to it in some way. Favorite High School Memories: The REAL Color Guard practices and the afterschool hangouts in the parking lot. Advice to underclassmen: You do not know pain until you are staying up at two in the morning trying to finish a Gibbons assignment that is due by second period the next day. Take advantage of the days with Mrs. Gentry and Mrs. Morton. Social Media: Facebook: Alaina Thomas; Snapchat: Mellowmaniac845; Instagram: Mellowmaniac845; Xbox: Mellowmaniac17

Haley Madison Tolbert

School Activities: HOSA, Cheer Captain, Leo Club, Diamond Dolls, Musical Theatre, Beta Club, National Honor Society, and National Technical Honor Society. Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Haley Tolbert, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of happy mind and strong body, do hereby leave the following: To Carlee Varner, I leave Dominos in PCB, field day at Brookwood Elementary School, our many beach trips, Avery town, the raccoon, sugar cookie chap stick, and the seatbelt in my car. You’ve been such an amazing friend throughout the years, I couldn’t have made it this far without you. Be safe, and always wear your seatbelt. To Sydney Currier, I leave my cheer shoes. Never let your spirit die, and always dance like nobody’s watching. To Kendall Bridgmon, I leave Planet Fitness, pizza, and my cheer bag. Thank you for always putting a smile on my face on my worst days, taking my bag to the office, and binge eating pizza before a workout.

To Alison Cooley, I leave our uncontrollable laughs on our spring trips, thank you for always brightening my days and cuddling with me on cold nights. To Madison Junkin, I leave Cruce’s class, since we had it together for two years. Thank you for putting up with my constant questions and always sharing your food with me. To Julia Strange, I leave all of my leggings and shirts. It never fails, we always match, stay comfy girl. To Annalee Fife and Tayler Herring, I leave Walt Disney World and all of my favorite cheer memories. I’m so happy that we were all able to make it all four years together, I love yall. To Shelby Land, I leave the chicken on the side of hwy 216, my phone because you left it on top of my car and it was ran over, and all of my change since you always help me pay with yours. I swear I’m going to pay you back one day. To Tori Byrd, I leave my aux cord in the morning, you never failed to put me in a good mood with your music before school. I also leave my common sense, remembering to always think things through. To Karrie Tolbert, I leave my perfume and makeup, because you steal it already. My intelligence will also be left with you. Don’t worry, ill always have your back with report cards. To Savannah Angeloff, I leave Cody’s truck, I’ll always be here for you, thank you for being a good friend. To Lexie Miller, I leave all of my childhood memories. You have been a lifelong friend and I am so beyond thankful for you, I’ll always be here when you need me. To Madison Smith, I leave Math Class. Thank you for listening to me complain over the years and always helping me, you’re the best. To Riley Weems, I leave my forensic and math grade, I honestly don’t know how I would have made it through this year without you. To Alex Dollar, I leave Libby Lu’s, I still think that you looked great with your pink and purple hair. To Matt Hall, I leave my cheer skills, even though you don’t need them. Thank you for always being like a brother to me, I can’t wait to see how far you go in life. To Cody Pharr, I leave motivational speeches, “you got it this time, im telling you.” To Cody Bohannon, I leave my heart, happiness, and love. You were my first love, I have loved you since the 8th grade and I always will. Thank you for brightening my darkest days and telling me the truth, even if I don’t want to hear it. Also, thank you for all of the Henry’s and Starbuck’s, you’re the best. To Jessie Gomez and Eric Upson, I leave the 4th period. Thanks for never failing to make me laugh and always throwing sass back at me. To Casey Smeraglia, I leave an orange, you’re the only person that I know that knows the whole story behind it. Thank you for being a father figure to me throughout the past two years. To Kristian Halkias, I leave paper mate flair pins. Thank you for letting me use yours everyday. To Marcy Burnham, I leave all of my medical knowledge. You taught me so much over the years and I can’t wait to use it in the future. To Christy Crawford, I leave my leadership, without you I probably wouldn’t have any. Thank you for always pushing me to be the best I can possibly be, you have truly made a great impact on my life. I also leave my phone charger, because you always needed one. To Coneta Guinn, I leave my most recent ACT score. There is no way that I would have scored as high as I did without your help, thank you so much! To my cheer team, I leave the best of wishes. It is a great program to be apart of, you will make lifelong friends that you will cherish forever, always strive to be the best person that you can be. To the underclassmen, I leave Brookwood High School. Enjoy it while you’re here live your high school years to the fullest. You will miss it when its gone. To the class of 2018, I leave my most favorite memories. I love each of you dearly and I am forever proud to say that I am apart of our class. Senior Prophecies: In ten years I aspire to have graduated from college and working as a nurse practitioner on the ER floor of a hospital that has a great reputation. I will be married and I hope to have started my family or plan to start soon in a nice house with an amazing husband.

Seth Logan Toxey School Activities: beta club (12), National Technical Honor Society (12), Football(9-12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I Seth Toxey a graduating senior of Brookwood High School being of strong mind and able body do hereby leave the following) ( I leave the last four years that will soon be part of our past to Ashley Hatter. She has had my back since our beginning.) (To my fellow athletes that I have competed with -I leave the memory of sharing the field and making it through the practices and games.) (To all the people that have made this year one to remember - I leave the many memories that should never be forgotten. ) Senior Prophecies: In 10 years, Seth Toxey, will be living life with a caring wife. Working and providing for my family and I. Teacher Last Will: I thank all the teachers that have played a part in my way through school. Favorite class: Smeraglia's Government and Economics class because I learned a lot of interesting stuff. Favorite High School Memories: Football games and having fun. Favorite Song: LiL PEEP - Problems Favorite Movie: "Only the Brave" Favorite Fashion Trend: Casual Advice to underclassmen: Just do you and take life as it comes. Social Media: Snap/Instagram: sethtoxey12

Kelsey Grace Tubbs School Activities: Ambassador president, national honors society (11-12), national technical honors society (12), national beta club (11-12), Mu alpha theta (12), diamond dolls (9-12), HOSA, Volleyball (9-12 ) , Volleyball captain (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I Kelsey Tubbs, being of an intelligent mind and an adventurous body do hereby leave the following… To Emily Seay I leave the bleach that I never brushed my teeth with (karma sucks), the Mexicans at the beach, the one time I thought you were dying (please don’t do that again), the beach outside of Blackwell’s classroom, all the baseball games we watched and worked (I’m going to miss that), I leave you my junior and senior hoco week and all the toilet paper (and bottle of syrup) we bought thanks for making it the best and jamming to music with me all week, I also leave you my Junior Queen title so that you can finally have your four-peat. To Sydney Lovell, the first thing I leave you is that rainbow you rode on the chases and the Burger King we never got,

I leave you my parking spot because you’re always there in the morning’s, I leave you the student section (keep it loud for me baby I’ll miss cheering the panthers on with you), I leave you my broken nose and the day of riding we never got to have because of it, the song “last Friday night”, the picture AP sent me (it’s allll yours), and finally I Leave you my Junior year of high school because it was my favorite and you were with me through all those crazy memories (I hope your senior year is as good as that). To Bailey Johnson I leave “get togethers” at her house and washing the dishes in the mornings, all of our lake house memories (the sound that pig made, the boys killing us on the inner tube, and that one time I fell off the rope swing) can’t wait to make more memories this summer, the secrets we literally can’t tell anyone, “the plugs” we always find, my “surprise” birthday party, playing volleyball in your garage, all the food we eat at tournaments, and I leave you the volleyball team. I hope you have the best senior year, I am going to miss playing with you more than anything. I leave Owen Bailey the inspirational talks and advise he always gives me (I’m going to need that in college too so don’t stop), my high score on temple run because he can’t beat it (jk he did), that one time he almost threw up on me, the confidence boosts he always gives me, my volleyball number because he always had it on his face, my popsocket and cell phone because he always has those, I leave him my 23 on the math part of the ACT because I know he can’t do any better, and our 3-0 streak in our favorite sport, all the rides to baseball games, I leave you all of this BUT im not actually leaving you because as much as you think I won’t, I will see you all the time. Thanks for being my bestfriend, love you tons. I leave Alyssa Barger and Madison Marlow my hallway butt grabs (just know if someone does that next year it’s really not me). I leave Brooke Averett some toilet paper. To Azaria Robinson I leave all the food she eats, the cars rides to games, the dance parties before games, and all the jokes she makes about white people (I love them though). I leave butt slaps to Jessica Cross, sorry for making you so uncomfortable all the time I’m going to miss it. I leave my “Big Booty Twin”, Hope Owens, our volleyball handshake and my setter position because God knows you’ll do better than me. I leave Cole Riddlehoover “hola” in the hallway every day, the baseball game talks, gummy worms (except the red ones I’ll keep those), and the lucky penny I gave him (you better keep it forever). I also give Houstyn Pruett a lucky penny, you better keep it too. Don’t worry I’ll be back to watch y’all next year. I leave death stares and abuse in the hallway to Jaylan Wade, I know you love me. I leave Dustin Teat the words “I love you” because we say it every single time we see each other, river trips, late nights at the Johnson residence, card games, and the pig murdering that I witnessed (that will forever be in my memory). I leave AJ, Tristan, and Jonah the “B” in Belsey, Bristan, Baj, Bonah, and Bisty. I leave Hunter “the turtle” Whitley that nickname because I hope it doesn’t follow him to college, I also leave him all the chips we eat at Koby’s, and all the STUPID videos he takes of me. To Khalil Warren I leave all he food in the world because lord knows you ask for it every day, the hugs he always gives me, the pics we take because we never take bad ones, the pink bracelet I gave him (don’t lose it), and I also leave him some eyedrops for your contacts. To alli cooley I leave midnight icecream runs and car jams, the throwup she left on my shoe, “BAMFB”, all the outfits we’ve picked out together, facetimes about EVERYTHING, tanning with afrosheen and burning our butts, all the restaurants we eat at, those fritos that she just couldn’t seem to chew, being the best mouth readers, all the boys, and finally I leave her our ninth-grade year and art class because that was an interesting time and where we became best friends. I leave my senior season of volleyball to Maddie battles. I also leave her the haunted room at camp, braiding my hair, my senior night, the quote “well that’s it for us” (of course you had to make me cry), the workout room at regionals, Alli’s birthday party, all the car rides, powderpuff, and every senior pep rally because she was always right beside me. To Karley foster, I leave ironing Jacob’s pants, traveling the world together, that one time I waited at the doctor with her for four hours, “triple threat”, Panera, truth or dare at her birthday party, our pre-school class (wow we are graduating), the drive to New Orleans, that guy that asked us for money because he gave us directions, drinking out of sippy cups, that time we got grounded for eternity (but it didn’t last that long), and every other memory in between. To Favo, I leave you some fruitloops. To Robert Rainwater, I leave you all the before test reviews you help us with (I would have failed every test without you). To my AP Bio cheat group, bio was my favorite class senior year and all of you made it the best, thanks for all those answers. I leave Madison Quinn her nickname that shall not be named, my full name because she always calls me by it, nascar,all the times she’s been mean to me, all the jokes we make, the study dates, and bullying her. To Anna Sogol I leave footie pajamas, Phineas and Ferb Mac and Cheese, all the vacations we took, and the crap we talk, making you ride the sky coaster, and all our other mems. To Kendall Holland I leave the

beach and mountain trips, the tea parties, the snow days, our tree house, Splash Adventure, just dance, all the football parties, and everything in between. To the cult, I leave y’all all those tickets you saved me from getting (thank you), and getting caught by the cops during hoco week, good thing he liked us. To all my juniors, I leave you the senior lunch table and Mrs. Gaddy’s class (have fun with that), I hope your senior year is the best yet and I hope you know your graduation date before February. To my best friend, Maddie Wilson, I leave you “teamwork makes the dream work”, Colt 45, “plow that *** like a new England corn farmer”, our inside jokes, the looks we give each other, the ability to read each other’s minds, new year’s night, breaking your neck at suz’s, my sweatshirts that you steal, our “esties” necklaces and friendship bracelets, all the gas money I have spent on you (it was worth it though), your glasses I took, the hair in the shower, grants homework, the baseball games, getting kicked out of the homecoming game, homecoming week, living at each other’s houses, all the snacks we eat, our “diets”, “gal pal”, all the selfies we take, that tree at suz’s, andre, and I leave you my senior year. Thank you for being my best friend ever, couldn’t have made it without you. Finally, to my fellow seniors, I leave you the year 2018, because even if we barely talk this year is something each of us will remember forever. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Kelsey Tubbs, will be finishing dental school at UAB and dreaming of starting her own dental office. She will be married to Austin Cook and they will be living in a beautiful home about to start a family. Maddie Wilson is still her best friend and they will both be successful with lots of money, cute husbands, and even cuter kids. Teacher Last Will: I leave Coach Hubbard the only write up I ever received my entire school career, thanks for that (my phone fell out of my pocket y’all I didn’t commit a crime). Even though you “HAD” to write me up, you were still the best teacher I have ever had, so I also leave you the title of being my favorite class I have ever taken. To Coach Lewis, I leave you slamming a book on the ground to wake me up the first week of 11th grade. I thought you would hate me, but you didn’t so thanks for all that candy you gave me. I leave coach Sisty the best volleyball season ever, thank you for always pushing us and believing in us without you my senior year would not have been the same, I love you and Baby Theo so much!!! To Mrs. Gaddy, I leave you all the Edmodo work I turned in late and all the tests I failed. I leave Dr. Gibbons my ability to write a five-paragraph essay in less than 30 min, can’t wait to use that skill in college. I also leave her my English 101 and 102 classes, thanks you making your class 10x harder than the AP exam because I wouldn’t have passed without it. I DON’T leave Mrs. Gentry the diamond dolls (sorry I made you do it this year,, I love you). To Smerg, I leave powderpuff practices and our “hey” in the hallway every day, I’m so sad I never had your class. I leave Mrs. Copen her teaching skills, because they are A1 (best math teacher I have ever had). To coach Fitz, I leave the leggings I couldn’t wear until senior year and all the “yo girl your pants got pockets?” Yes, they had pockets! Favorite class: My favorite class I took in high school was Coach Hubbard’s 10th grade history class. He was the best teacher I have ever had and was actually interested in what he was teaching, so it made us interested as well. I didn’t even have to study for his tests because his lectures were so interesting you learned everything just by listening and taking notes. I loved him and his class… even though he wrote me up and I wasn’t exempt, I forgive you coach. Wish I would’ve had him for every history class I ever took. Favorite High School Memories: I’ve made so many memories throughout my high school years that I can’t even remember all of them, but some of them include: Volleyball camp, getting caught by the cops on homecoming week, homecoming week in general (staying out until 3am, wasting all my money on toilet paper, riding in the back of trucks with all my friends, and that couch…), homecoming dance my senior year, the oak grove football game my junior year (the pick came home!!!), every single dress up day and pep rally (pink out was my fav), volleyball regionals, my sophomore, junior, and senior prom (with my cute bf), meeting my bestie Maddie, mine and Emily’s beach trip, all of our friends gatherings (not class gatherings just to be clear!!!), Koby’s and the cabin, baseball games, and everything else in between. (I’m sure senior trip will be on that list too!) Favorite Song: Havana by Camila Cabello Favorite Movie: Maze Runner series Favorite Fashion Trend: Leggings and an XL T-shirt… Advice to underclassmen: My advice to underclassman would be to get involved in everything!! Dress up for every dress up day, go all out for pep rallies, go to all the sporting events you can, support your classmates, join clubs, skip school on senior skip day, go on a senior trip, participate in homecoming week, and go to prom and homecoming. I say this because one day you will look back and wish you participated in every single part of high school, because you are going to miss it. I also wanted to tell you that everyone lies when they say senior year is easy, IT’S NOT!!! Social Media: Twitter: @kelsey_tubbs, Instagram: kelsey_tubbs_ , AMOS: kelseyy_31

Jessi Leigh Turner School Activities: Crimson Star Marching Band Colorguard {10-12}, Crimson Star Winterguard {10-12}, Colorguard Co-Captain {11}, Art Club {10-12}, National Honor Society {11-12}, Beta Club {11-12}, FFA {11-12}, National Technical Honor Society {12}, Green Team {12}. Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Jessi Turner, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of blunt humorous mind and small stature body do hereby leave the following: a upstanding reputation for my brother to live up to during high school, my cap and gown to my parents to hold onto for their efforts towards my accomplishments, my guard babies a bright smile and spunky spirit on the field and lively attitude throughout the season. Sarah Handley: to marching every friday night to helping you step out of your comfort zone, I wish you the best of luck and hope to keep a strong friendship to last a lifetime. Grantland Earle: I hope you always pursue in piano and find the happiness you deserve! Rolling, jokes at band competitions and musical theatre, and the constant laughs. Kami Eaves: Always laughing and doing the dumbest dances, kamster for always, being there to listen to my craziness and telling me when shady stuff goes on behind my back haha love you always. Erin Kroeger: first grade besties for the resties, wanting to always go to the same schools, lizard attacking us in my room, colorguard struggles and bruises, we’ve been through it all and I love you to pieces. Kaylee Boyd: Parking next to you for 2 years, double dates, giving great advice, adventures with you, roast sessions, meme makers of each other, Zackary and Jon, and especially Madison. Falling apart to fall back; always there for each other, love you always and wish you the best of luck! Macy McKeever: 11th Grade colorguard leadership together, being a believer and voting for McKeever, trying watermelon the first time with you and Kaylee, you always being there to help me up and make me sit out over my knee, disney lovers forever, influencing my bad mouth on you haha, I love you dearly and I hope you enjoy UNA! Madison Junkin: 9th Grade doing your hair everyday, cursing each other out then turning around and sharing gummy bears and gummy worms, MAJOR roasting sessions, you mastering every toss in colorguard while I fling mine across the state, when you thought Franklin Roosevelt invented the lightbulb, snorting while you laugh, mom teaching you anatomy lessons, you’ve been my best friend for the past 4 years and ALWAYS been there to help me, hug me when I cry, tell me I’m stupid but back me up 100%, and all in all, just loving me like a best friend should. I would say I hope we stay close, but honey, I already know we will. JD Smalley: 5th grade weird kid that always fought me over board games, 8th grade bestie and “retard at his finest”, all through high school as close friends, always close, in gossip and all, always making fun of me but helping when I’m down, talking and arguing over anything and everything, basically being the same person haha, I hope you become a super swaggy lawyer! Love ya long time dude. Senior Prophecies: In 10 years, I will be 28, graduated with a masters degree in Biology with education concentration from the University of Montevallo. Employed as some type of science teacher, preferably Anatomy or Forensics, at a very nice, safe high school. Starting a family and married to the love of my life. Teaching colorguard to the high school band I teach at. Plus, getting ready to see all you suckers for our 10 year reunion! Teacher Last Will: Coach Smeraglia: picking on me, letting me stay in your room to eat lunch with my mom, making fun of Madison when I don’t have to, letting Brittany and I take over your classroom 11th grade year, thanks for being “kind of a big deal”. Ms. Humphreys: laughing at me for my crazy comments about my artwork, being patient whenever Kameron and I would mess around with the materials, letting me basically do whatever I want, helping me and giving advice about Montevallo, you have been a very awesome teacher to me the last 3 years. Favorite class: Both 11th grade and 12th grade History with Coach Smeraglia, because he’s “kind of a big deal”. 11th grade Art class, because of all the fun memories and laughs with Kam. 11th grade English when Mrs. Barger was our year long sub, because she let us do whatever we wanted and gave us life lessons. 12th grade English with Mrs. Day, because she is a sassy lady and let us read Macbeth and I loved it, plus making us do Daily Grammar Practice which brought me up 8 points on ACT. 11th grade Forensics with Mrs. Sisty, because she taught the career I wanted to go into and broadened my knowledge on my interest of solving crime. 12th grade Musical Theatre with Mr. Blackwell and Ms. Phipps, because they let me go out with a bang and have fun in our play for senior year, plus, they took my to DISNEY!!! Favorite High School Memories: Guard practice from all my years when we goofed off and laughed our butts off over the stupidest jokes or whatever, before and after football games, cheering on my favorite footballer, DISNEY. Period., La Casa and Henry’s runs after school, my first musical theatre production, “Annie Get Your Gun”, band competitions, crying over meeting Pocahontas, Jasmine, Winnie the Pooh and Tigger, trying Starbucks for the first time ever with Sarah, pep rallies (and winning the spirit stick, when we did), parades, playing with Alex’s puppies after we got fitted for our uniforms, after band camp bowling fun with my favorite people, placing first place at our last band competition at Jacksonville State University for our first time ever, building a relationship and falling in love; never regretting it or giving up, convincing Peter Pan to crow for us, getting my dream car; a jeep, my art sculpture showcased at an art show, carnivals with my girls. Favorite Song: Latch - Sam Smith, Queen for Queen - Motionless In White, The Heart From Your Hate - Trivium, Pale & Perfect - We Sell The Dead, Necessary Evil - Motionless In White, In Between - Beartooth, Young & Unafraid - The Moth & The Flame, Dirty Love - Johnny Weir, Custer - Slipknot, Orchid - Erra, Bad At Love - Halsey, The Way I Are - Bebe Rexha. Favorite Movie: Beauty and the Beast, It, Jigsaw, Guardians of the Galaxy, Sing Favorite Fashion Trend: Leggings, long men shirts, fuzzy socks, chacos or birks, floral print, bralettes, velvet, lace anything, black skinny jeans. Advice to underclassmen: Do not be afraid to try. The more you try, the further in life you get and the better your chances to succeed. Do not ever regret anything because that is how you waste your life away. You’ll figure out what is and is not important over time, the hard way. Be patient, things that are meant to be will happen and things will turn in your favor. Your happiness matters, so do not let others convince you otherwise. Be humble, be kind. Social Media: Facebook: Jessi Turner, Instagram: jessi_leigh21, Snapchat: jessi_leigh21

Eric Wayne Upson School Activities: Football (9-12) Beta club (11-12) National Technical Honor Society (12) HOSA (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Eric Wayne Upson, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of a strong mind and and even stronger body do hereby leave the following: I leave to Cayton Broadhead the love and happiness of a lifetime. You have helped me to grow and become the man that I am today. I am blessed have been with you through my hard time, but cherish every moment we have spent together, and all of the memories we have made. I leave my heart to be yours forever! To my Mom I leave to you my cap and gown to show you that everything you have done for me has gotten me to this point and has prepared me for life. I leave to Coach Smeraglia a pack of notepads and a bottle white out, and I leave you with the greatest gift, “Team America”. I also leave to you my Captains Award for everything you have done for me and for being not only a great coach but a great friend. I leave to Caleb Bowens the blue football helmet from freshman year “Smurf Squad” along with the best answer to any question, “Yeah”. I leave to Cole Dickinson the name “Lucky one”-Coach Crook. I also leave to you my cleats for you always getting your toes smashed during practice along with Mount Crook. To Trystan Woodyard I leave the the memories of those hard practices and work days and the jokes we make. I leave a set of jumper cables an help when needed to Austin Pierce (Kirby) for every time he’s called me to help. To Tre I leave all the fun times we’ve had, the hidden gifts, and the flying objects in the locker room. Along with your phone getting taken at Splash Adventure on the Rampage. To Alex Mahan I leave his signature phrase “YEEET” I also to you the useless memories of Musical Theatre along with all of our great times. To Jonah Grammer I leave you the obnoxious noises and the fishing trip I also leave to you the memories that I will never forget. To Haley Tolbert I leave the 4th period conversations and arguments between us and Smeraglia. I leave JROTC memories of football, and the memories of ole Frontier to Chase Kimbrel along with his favorite song to play “ G.O.M.D. “ Senior Prophecies: In 10 years Eric Upson will be either working for Mercedes, with my wife as a nurse living the perfect life. Teacher Last Will: To Mrs.Guinn I leave my ACT score and knowledge without your help I could not have made what I did. To Mrs. Halkias I leave all the math you have taught me along with the life lessons I have learned. Favorite class: My favorite class that I have taken was Gov./Econ. With Smeraglia Favorite High School Memories: Some my Favorite High School Memories would be JROTC football games. The Friday Night Lights and getting right back into practice the next week. Advice to underclassmen: Don’t get in trouble and just do as your told, time will pass and sooner than you know you’ll be graduating. Don’t make things harder on yourself, high school is already hard by itself.

John Martin Wagner School Activities: Football Team (9 – 12); Team Captain (12 Basketball Team (9 – 12); Team Captain (12) Ambassador (12) Peer Mentor (12) FBLA (10 - 12) National Honor Society (11-12) Beta Club (11-12) HOSA (11) FCA (9-12) SGA Cabinet Member (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, John Martin Wagner, being of strong mind and tall body, do hereby leave the following: My parking spot to Jonah Grammer; My football locker to Ethan Armstrong; My basketball locker and Sunday practices to Micah Gibbs; My place in the stretching line to Dalton Meador; My knowledge of Spanish to Hayley Morris and Owen Bailey. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, John Martin Wagner will be using his Business Management degree and working for a large corporation in a big city.

Teacher Last Will: I leave my teachers the following: All my medical term flashcards and my Nike jacket (so that I won’t cover up my shirt and tie) to Mrs. Cruce-Burnham; A new set of black markers (because I used all of hers up) to Mrs. Chastain- Crews; All the conversations about football to Coach Foster; A big thanks for making me learn all the grammar rules to Mrs. Gentry; Lots of vinyl to keep making shirts and cups to Mrs. Carr; The best serial killer project ever to Mrs. Sisty; The shots you never let me take to Coach Fitz. Favorite class: Child Services with Mrs. Chastain-Crews because I got to show my creativity. Favorite High School Memories: Beating Bryant High in basketball the year they won the State Championship. Favorite Movie: Step Brothers Advice to underclassmen: Don’t take a class that has “C” lunch because all the good food is gone! Social Media: Twitter: @jmwagner1030, Instagram: jmw_80

Shantrayveon Latrell Wallace Nickname: I go by Trè Wallace School Activities: Through my 4 years of high school I played Football (9th-12th) Basketball (9th) Beta Club (12th) Senior Last Will & Testament: I , Shantrayveon Wallace, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, Powerful minded and strong body do hereby leave the following: I leave my sense of humor to the scrub Zekeria Caddel. Because she is the only one who can relate to “Dank Memes”. I leave to D’Shaun Ivory the will of Wakanda and the spirit of the black panther. To my granddaughter Zaire Caddelk I leave my compassion, kindness, and my patients. To the upcoming senior football players I leave to y’all the leadership to guide the underclass players, I also leave to y’all the love I have for football and the will to keep pushing through whatever may happen this upcoming season. To my wrestling teammates I leave my first wrestling medal and my words of wisdom that I gave y’all at every practice and every match. It’s not about the trip it’s about the journey”. To Amauri Jones I leave you my pride, endurance, and speed. To Brandy Gomez I leave to you my tassel because it seems like something want to play with when your bored. To my family I leave my diploma because in my middle school years we never thought the day for me to graduate would come. To everyone else who I didn’t mention to y’all I leave my dreads, my Mohawk, and my drop fade. I also leave y’all my loud sneezes, and goofy laugh. I also leave y’all my unforgettable smile that shows my tiny gap between my two front teeth that complements my brown eyes, and dark skin. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Shantrayveon Latrell Wallace, will be a successful veterinarian who owns his own business. Or a great welder who travels around welding. Teacher Last Will: To Mrs. Halkias I leave all the laughs and jokes that we shared during 6th period. To Mrs. Guinn I leave all the trouble me, Jeremiah Burton, and Brittney Colley gave you in 4th period. To Mrs. Holder I leave all the jokes and love me and Jeremiah gave you and your family.

Favorite class: My favorite classes at Brookwood High School were 4th period English with Mrs. Guinn (11th) Because all my homies was in there. My other favorite class was 6th period Algebra II with Mrs. Halkias (12th) because I always laughed in that class. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite High School memory is when me and Caleb Bowens (Bobby) got ISI because I put a corn cob in his book bag and he found it and threw it at me missed and hit the wall. My second favorite memory of high school was when Jeremiah Burton told me and Brittney Colley the story of how he got hit with a baseball bat. Favorite Song: My favorite song of the year is “Walk it like I talk it” By Migos (feat. Drake) Favorite Movie: My favorite movie of the year is Black Panther. Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trend this year is “clout” Advice to underclassmen: To all underclassmen bruh c’s get degrees. Social Media: Y’all go add yha boy on snapchat @shantray_voen and on Instagram @ _shantrayveon_walldd

Taylor Brianna Watson

Riley Kay weems School Activities: Basketball in 9th and 10th Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Riley weems, of able mind and body, do hereby leave the following: to Haley Martin, I leave long basketball practices, my gibbons homework, and all of the pickles you can eat. To Abby Leger, I leave the trip to baseball playoffs in Montgomery, chips and cheese dip dates at la casa, and all the Camry rides. To Lexie Miller I leave memories of upstairs, riding in the rover, and all the highlight you can afford. To mason Stephens, I leave all the notecards. To Cody Bohannon I leave all the fire calls. To julie marsee I leave just dance 2016, 5sos in the Mercedes,raising the baby bunny, and patoonia. To Ashlyn Argo, Shamya matthews, Alex Smith, and Dani glass I leave all of my stories to learn lessons from. To Dustin Connor I leave all of my lunch table lessons. To the cult, I leave that there’s a cop on covered bridge.

Senior Prophecies: In ten years I see myself as a struggling cosmetologist Teacher Last Will: To mrs. Rhodes, I leave my knitting needles. To Chastain I leave all the sighs and unwillingness to do projects, and the best wishes to diesel if he ever runs away again. To Smeraglia I leave Tom Hanks and “there’s a snake in my boot!”. To Halkais I leave all the money we raised for Cody B. To Mrs. Burnham I leave square dancing lessons and all my ‘riley weems’ outfits Favorite class: Fashion with Chastain because of our ‘senior trips’ to the elementary school. Favorite High School Memories: Every pep rally and football game. Getting 3 hours of sleep during the whole week of hoco. Getting shot at whole rolling. Making a duct tape dress.

Favorite Song: American teen my Khalid Favorite Movie: Moana Favorite Fashion Trend: The homeless look Advice to underclassmen: Don’t try harder than you need to. A 4.0 is a 4.0 whether you’re in advance or standard classes. If you get a 0 it’s not the end of the world. You’re going to make really dumb decisions and you probably won’t look back and laugh at them, but they’ll at least make good stories. Social Media: Instagram : Riley.k.w, Snap: Riley_kay43

Jonathan Daniel Wells Nickname: Wells Senior Last Will & Testament: . I, Jonathan Wells, a graduating senior of Brookwood high, being of strong mind and able body do hereby leave everything leave everything to Colby Pinegar and Kurt Harris. Favorite class: Coach Booth’s room junior Year because I shared the class with many friends and got plenty of practice doing nothing. Favorite High School Memories: . Hanging out with friends, skipping class, not doing what was told, getting on teachers nerves, and cutting down a pine tree my freshman year when everyone else was cleaning brush . Favorite Song: Humble -Kendrick Lamar Favorite Movie: IT Advice to underclassmen: Make the most of high school while you can and don’t let time slip through your fingers because these are the days that you will miss and cherish in the future so make the best of it. Social Media: Facebook: Jonathan Wells , Snapchat: Jonathanwells7, Instagram: Jon_wells1031

Zoe McKenna White

School Activities: National Honor Society (11-12) Beta Club (11-12) Mu Alpha Theta (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Zoe White, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of strong mind and able body do hereby leave the following: To all my friends (you know who you are) I leave all of our good memories and best times together. To all underclassmen, I leave my strength and my determinedness and wish you all the best of luck. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Zoe White, will be out of college working as an elementary teacher. She will be married with at least one child. Teacher Last Will: I thank every teacher, custodian, cafeteria worker, office worker, and any other staff member for your hard work and dedication and for providing me with an education. Favorite class: My favorite class was Musical Theatre because it helped me find my true friends and helped me open up. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memories are on homecoming week. The pep rallies, the dress up days, the parade, and the football games. Favorite Song: My favorite song of the year is Perfect by Ed Sheeran. Favorite Movie: My favorite movie of the year is Annabelle: Creation Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trend of the year is the half up half down top knot hairstyle Advice to underclassmen: DO YOUR WORK ON TIME. Do not procrastinate.

Keeley Michelle Williams

Senior Last Will & Testament: I Keeley Williams, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of strong mind and able body do hereby leave the following: I leave my best wishes to all BHS students and graduates. I leave our best and craziest memories to my “sister” Madison Pruett, all of the late night talks, crazy mud riding days, staying up late to prepare for pep rallies, and all the late night food runs and many many more amazing memories. I leave my mom, dad, & sister my cap and gown to remember how much support they gave me. I leave my tassel to my paw paw because he always pushes me to succeed and try my hardest. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, I Keeley Williams (aka: Kelly) see myself being a nurse and hopefully still being close to everyone as I am now. Teacher Last Will: To Coach Smerg: Thank you for always giving me the best advice and always taking up for me. I’m going to miss seeing you everyday! You are my FAVORITE teacher and “uncle”. I don’t know what I’m going to do without your relationship and drama advice. You have helped me through so much Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memories would have to be all of the pep rallies.

Lacie Aleah Willingham School Activities: Band (9-12), Green Team (9-12), Green Team President (12), SGA Cabinet (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Lacie Willingham, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of nerdy mind and struggling body do hereby leave the following: I leave Michelle Smith my status as senior pit member and the freedom to do whatever in band if you can play your part. To Anna Green i leave the memories of Jeffrey and your head dent. To Hunter Hazelrig, you get to remember whatever times we were actually near each other. Also thte purple dinosaur. Lastly, to all 3 of you, you guys made band and high school fun and I would probably be completely alone without y'all. Thank you for that.

Senior Prophecies: In 10 years I see myself traveling the country/world as a successful photographer. Hopefully relatively well known, possibly as a movie photographer. Teacher Last Will: Mrs. Reynolds, you have been my absolute favorite teacher I have ever had, and I will miss you like crazy. Green team was the best decision i ever made in high school because i met you. Love you Mama R. Mrs. Humphreys, thank you for getting me back into art. It was always something I loved to do, but I stopped. This year I have finally started getting decent at it again, and you made it so much fun. So thank you. Mrs. Grey, out of the 5 band teachers I have had in 7 years, you were definitely my favorite. These last two years in band have been the best, and I'll miss it. I was never very good at playing instruments, but the band room was one place I always knew. After every first day of school, there was the band room, a comfort in a way, because It wasn't something new with people i had never seen before. So thank you. Favorite class: My favorite class I took in high school was art. Both years I took it I absolutely loved it, and it helped me progress as an artist and photographer. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memories were Green Team meetings and trips, my best friend, band competition bus rides, Jeffrey, and all the band camps I claimed to hate but miss now as well as all the late night football games. Favorite Song: My favorite song of the year was Perfect by Ed Sheeran. Favorite Movie: My favorite movie of the year was Annabelle, Creation. Favorite Fashion Trend: I did not have a favorite fashion trend. Advice to underclassmen: Don't cause yourself stress. If it's too much work, don't let it get to you. Enjoy your highschool years and be happy.

Social Media: Instagram: pocket.art.productions , Facebook: Lacie Willingham or Pocket art productions

Madelyn Wilson Nickname: Maddie Wilson School Activities: Beta Club (11-12), National Honor Society (11-12), Musical Theatre (12), Quill and Scroll (12), Yearbook (12), Peer Mentor (120 Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Maddie Wilson, a graduating senior of Brookwood High School, being of peaceful mind and rockin’ body do hereby leave the following: To my favorite freshmen Emily and Olivia, I leave y’all all my dance shoes so y’all can hopefully carry my love for dance by your side throughout the rest of y’alls high school career. I leave y’all all my pep rally bandanas and tie die pants. To my Sydney, I leave all my love. I leave you the reminder that you make everyone around you feel like they are the most important person in the world and I hope you never lose that. You are going to do great things one day and I hope I get to be a part of it. I leave you my senior year because you are going to do such a wonderful job of taking care of the school when we are gone, and soon you will be in my shoes writing your senior will knowing you have made a lasting impression on Brookwood High School. I leave some of my most fun memories from this year to Bailey J, there has never been a time where we haven’t had fun together. Brishel, I leave you all the unwanted hugs I’ve given you. I leave our RT for good luck chip and our endless laughs to my girl Suzy Crip. I leave you all the times I’ve laughed at you for hobbling around in your boot and your endless vine references. I leave you our ability to relate everything back to some type of SpongeBob episode and our ability to put a slide whistle sound with literally anything, I sure will miss that next year. Em C, I leave you our golf cart ride on hoco so we wouldn’t have to walk so far in our heels and the Gardenia I put in your hair in the play. Nick, I leave you all the pieces of paper I’ve stolen out of your binder when you weren’t looking in Dr. Gibbons class. I leave all my decent grades in math to Eric because without our 3rd period study sessions my grade would be even lower than it already is. Baby Z, I leave you girl scout cookies because if I hadn’t stolen your girl scout cookies off your desk junior year you would have never met me. Trent, I leave you all our dance parties in yearbook and my phone from the time I lost it and almost got you a zero on your math test. I leave cactus pillow cases to Shelby because she sure does know the key to my heart. I leave the memory “I don’t wanna die!!” with my Karley girl because it will forever make me laugh. I leave you the time you spilt your drink all over yourself in your car and we had to go in Henry’s and use all their napkins to clean you and your car up. I leave you with the role of being the sentimental friend in the group because there never is a time when we are all together when you don’t hear a “awh I love you guys” from you Karley girl. I leave Haylee all our ridiculous dance moves in musical theatre and for setting me straight for being “fake” hahaha. Dalton, I leave you all the time you’ve flicked me in the throat and I’ve done the same back. I leave you the long competition days that you’ve had to sit through. I leave you all our gossip and all the times you’ve told how it was. Alex, I leave you endless encouragement because you are always encouraging me. I leave you a piece of my heart, Shelby and Dalton, since I won’t be around as much next year to see them. I leave my parking spot to Lawsy because you’ve literally used it all year haha. Kirby, I leave you happy tears for checking on me everyday to make sure I am okay. I leave all our crazy trips to target and my curling iron to Knuckle Head #1 and Knuckle Head # 2 Cole and Houstyn. Jacoby, I leave you the scrunchy you stole from me and I leave you my muscles because we all know mine are bigger. Dalton F I leave you the grumpy cat sticker you gave me at La Casa. To the kids who got me kicked out of my last high school football game EVER, I leave you lots and lots of baby powder. To Owen I leave you all the advice and endless encouragement you’ve given me. I leave you all the times you made fun of me in math last year, if only I would have known then that you would have ended up being one of my best friends in the whole world. I leave you the countless times you’ve tried to teach me how to drive. I leave you all the times you’ve looked out for me and stood up for me when I needed it and I leave you all the times you’ve picked me up when I’m down  . Kelsey, I leave you all the gas money you’ve spent on me. I leave you all the raisins we’ve picked out of countless bowls of Raisin Bran together. I leave you all the episodes of Greys Anatomy we’ve watched and the pints of Cookie Dough ice cream we ate while doing it. I leave you our diet contract and all the times we made exceptions that were completely unnecessary. I leave you all 500 stairs that we climbed at the gym, even though you made it look way easier than I. I leave you the day I found you at the quad, because without that day I just don’t think we would be as close as we are now. I leave you the time you broke my neck yeeting me off Suz’s couch. I leave you all the times you’ve given me advice and led me in the right direction and I leave you all the times you’ve dried my tears and reassured me of the better days to come. Later in life I know I’m going to be able to look back and remember that you were the one who lifted my head when I was losing faith in myself. I know I’m going to remember how you were that one person who knew who I really was. Most importantly, I know I’m going to remember that you were that one person who made the biggest difference in my life. To my Kelsey Grace, I leave all the thankyou’s my heart can give. Thank you for being my soulmate. Thank you for accepting me for who I purely am. Thank you for loving me and

supporting me. Thank you for being your wonderful self, and thank you for being there for me, through thick and thin, even when I'm at my lowest. Thank you for shining your brilliant light into my life and illuminating my world. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Maddie Wilson, hopefully will be studying art history in Europe. She also could be doing almost anything else. She’s not really even sure at this point but its fine. Teacher Last Will: Thank you to all my teachers for always making sure I had something to stress about. Y’all the real MVP Favorite class: My favorite class throughout high school was yearbook. This class was my favorite because you could be as creative as you wanted whenever you wanted. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memories always stem back from homecoming. I love being able to act wild and do dumb stuff with my friends. Favorite Song: My favorite song of the year is I Fall Apart by Post Malone because it describes my mental stability and what my grades look like by the end of this year. Favorite Movie: I’m too cheap for the movies. If I see something I like ill just wait till it comes out on Netflix. Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trend is scrunchies. Those woes look good with anything. Advice to underclassmen: Always have 4$ with you because when Girl Scout Cookie season comes around you’re going to want to get in on some of that. Although it may seem tempting, if you take Gaddy don’t wait till the last day of the nine weeks to do a whole semester worth of government assignments. Never be afraid to ask the kid giving out pizza or donuts for seconds. High School goes by fast and this time in a few years y’all will be writing your senior wills, so make what you want of it and cherish all the big things, little things, and everything in-between. Go to all the games, wear all the funky feathers and face paint for pep rallies, be kind to everyone because you never know who you will become friends with in the years to come. Social Media: Instagram: Maddie__wilson, Twitter: _M_A_D_Z_, Snapchat: maddiewilson826

Destin Lloyd Wright

School Activities: Soccer 12th, Drama 9th-10th, JROTC 9th-12th Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Destin Wright, a graduating senior at Brookwood High School, being of strong mind and body do hereby leave the following: I leave my style and charisma to Antonio Williams. He will forever and always will be my best friend/ brother. I leave my leadership to J’Juan Holmes and Jamarie Belton so they can one day follow in my footsteps and be role models for all the upcoming freshman and sophomores. I leave my soccer cleats and my swag to Logan Harville so he can consume the same speed as I did and look good while doing it. To my fellow soccer teammates I leave to you everything I taught you about aggressiveness and pushing yourselves to your limits until the final whistle. Also to all my JROTC classmates I leave patriotism so you can all lead by the army code and all the memories that we had together. Finally to all my friends and family I leave all you guys my heart for all the love and support you guys gave me all 4 years of high school keep growing strong and stay true to yourself. To Molly Banks I leave my kindness and strong will to you. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Destin Lloyd Wright, will be playing soccer for the rest of his life. He will then be married and have 2 children and they will all follow in their father’s footsteps and pursue their own dream. Favorite class: My favorite class that I took in high school is forensic science with Ms. Holder because that was funny and Ms. Holder always made me laugh and all my friends was there. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memories will have to be all the pep rallys and the football games. Also the homecoming dances and the field trips to six flags and other places. Also just spending time with friends. Favorite Song: My favorite song of the year would 20 min by lil uzi vert Favorite Movie: My favorite movie of the year would be Black Panther. Favorite Fashion Trend: My favorite fashion trend would be supreme. Advice to underclassmen: My advice to the underclassman is to stay successful in school don’t let drama take advantage of you and stay sway from peer pressure and drug and just enjoy the rest of your years here you guys will do great Social Media: Instagram: @destinnn.96, Snapchat: @longstride15

Jamyla Yetunde Young

School Activities: Beta Club (11-12) National Honor Society (11-12) Mu Alpha Theta (12) National Technical Honor Society (12) Senior Last Will & Testament: I, Jamyla Young, a graduating Senior of Brookwood High School, being of open mind and adventurous body do hereby leave the following: I leave Shamya Matthews all of my memories to you because I made most of them with you from going to sketch places and being extremely mad about it to going to on fun adventures. I also leave you spring break 2k17 because it was so trash. Thank you for putting up with my false alarm kidnapping situations. Emily Seay, I leave you Taz, garlic, and Mrs.Frye’s class. You honestly made my high school years better. Julianna Green, I leave you the Rockin’ Rollercoaster, a heater, Shelby County, and iced caramel lattes. For the past years our conversations grew into a friendship that would never be broken. Thank you for contributing to the best times of my life. Abby Leger, I leave you taco, laser tag, and Mrs.Morton’s class. I appreciate all our funny conversations. Stephen Lewis, I leave you SZA, Queen Bey, and RiRi. You always introduce me to new music and trends. Additionally have fun in Mobile and buy me a Louis. Morgan Carnes, I leave you Gaddy’s homework, long talks, and food. You are the most genuine person I know and will be successful one day. Timothy Nail, I leave you funny stories. Kelsey Tubbs, I leave you 50 calories, funny stories, and naps in Dr. Gibbon’s class. I leave petty comments, Ms. Chaistain’s closet, and Mrs.Frye’s class to Halee Shinholster. Anna Mckee, I leave you the window seat in Coach Lewis’s class and emergency car rides. I leave AP Bio to Robert Rainwater. Senior Prophecies: In ten years, Jamyla Young, will be traveling the world making fashion statements with her two dogs: a Yorkie and a Frenchie. She probably will be single but walk around in Prada’s while carrying a Birkin. She also will be riding in a matte mauve G wagon most likely in Malibu or in the Hamptons. Teacher Last Will: Coach Hubbard thank you for being an example of an amazing history teacher. You made history have a different dimension making it stick with the student. Ms. Chastain, I leave you Kate Spade and Rachel Allen. You were a great teacher as well as a person. Mrs. Sisty, I leave you notes, talks, and neon expo markers. Thank you for being a teacher I can talk to and Congratulations once again. I leave labs involving candy, catered food, and days we spent outside. You are such a sweet bubbly person; thank you for being my teacher. Being one of the best math teachers, Mrs. Copen you made geometry, algebra, and trigonometry seem so much simpler in order for us to master pre- calculus. Mrs. Dennis, I leave you funny stories and jokes. Your class was always the funniest class of the day. Favorite class: My favorite class is Musical Theater because it brought me out of my shell and offered the best field trips. Favorite High School Memories: My favorite high school memory was the disastrous field trip to Disney World with Julianna. It started with being late going to Hollywood Studios and ended with almost dying and burning the hotel. The next day we woke up late and missed breakfast but rode the Rocking Rollercoaster three times in a row. We then went to Epcot and saw Whoopi Goldberg at an Italian restaurant where we caused a big scene. We were greeted at the door with “look at the menu and see if you still want to eat here” due to it being an expensive restaurant. The next day we went to Magic Kingdom where we faked a proposal to get publicity. Finally, the last day we woke up an hour late almost missing the bus. Favorite Song: My favorite song is Get You by Daniel Caesar Favorite Movie: My Favorite movie is The Great Gatsby (I fan girl every time Daisy Buchanan goes the Jay Gatsby’s house and he throws his customized shirts at her…omg) Favorite Fashion Trend: I just like everything vintage. Therefore, all the trends that are in such as checkerboard, mules, and berets speak to me. Advice to underclassmen: I advise you to know what college you are going to during freshman year because you can plan your years according to your college and major. Also, apply to scholarships starting freshman year so you won’t have to depend on you test score. Dual Enrollment is better than AP classes. Make sure you apply to college early during senior year. Complete community service hours throughout high school. Social Media: Instagram : Myla.young, Twitter: Qveenmyla

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