Appendix C: Special Status Species Summary Tables

The following tables summarize special status species that are present or are likely to be present in the Half Moon Bay Planning Area. Table C-1 is specific to animal species, and Table C-2 is specific to species.


Monarch Butterfly -/CR Winter roost sites extend along the Winter roosts have been located (Danaus plexippus) coast from northern Mendocino to within Eucalyptus groves at (Wintering sites) Baja . Roosts are typically Sweetwood Group Camp area, within located in wind-protected groves of Wavecrest near Magnolia Avenue Eucalyptus, Monterey pine or (site has been inactive in recent Monterey cypress, with nectar and years), and at other areas with water sources nearby. Native tree location information suppressed due species are typically preferred for to their sensitivity. their higher habitat value. Half Moon Bay - Local Coastal Land Use Plan Appendix C


San Bruno Elfin FE/-- Found in coastal, mountainous areas No records for the Planning Area and Butterfly (Incisalia with grassy ground cover, mainly in no suitable habitat. Nearest records mossii bayensis), the vicinity of San Bruno Mountain. are from the vicinity of Montara Colonies are located on steep, north- Mountain. facing slopes within the fog belt. Larval host plant is Sedum spathulifolium.

Steelhead - Central CA FT/-- Well-oxygenated streams with Pilarcitos Creek and Frenchmans Coast ESU riffles; loose, silt-free gravel Creek are historic spawning streams (Oncorhynchus mykiss) substrate. ESU encompasses for Steelhead. Pilarcitos Creek, drainages in San Francisco and San Frenchmans Creek, Arroyo Leon and Pablo Bays east to the Napa River. Apanolio Creek within the Planning Area are designated Critical Habitat for Steelhead.

Northern tidewater FE/CSC Found in brackish water habitats Potential habitat may occur during Goby along the California coast from San portions of the year when tidal (Eucyclogobius Diego County to the mouth of the lagoons form at the mouth of newberryi) Smith River. Found in shallow Pilarcitos Creek, but the species has lagoons and lower stream reaches. never been documented in the Needs fairly still but not stagnant Planning Area. Nearest record is from water and high oxygen levels. Tunitas Creek in 2015.

California Red-legged FT/CSC Mostly in lowlands and foothills Breeding sites are located at the Frog in/near permanent sources of deep Caltrans mitigation site near the SAM (Rana draytonii) water but will disperse far during plant, City property near the City and after rain. Prefers shorelines Corporation Yard and at the Half with extensive vegetation. Moon Bay Golf Links (Ocean Course). Has been documented in Pilarcitos

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Creek, Frenchmans Creek, Arroyo Cañada Verde, at Wavecrest, the Casa del Mar neighborhood, and elsewhere.

Santa Cruz black --/CSC Mixed deciduous and coniferous No observations within the Planning salamander woodlands and coastal grasslands in Area. Nearest occurrence is at (Aneides niger) San Mateo, Santa Cruz and Santa Huddart Park in Woodside. Clara Counties. Adults are found under rocks, talus, and damp woody debris.

California giant --/CSC Known from wet coastal forests near No observations within the Planning salamander streams and seeps from Mendocino Area Nearest occurrence is at the end (Dicamptodon ensatus) County south to Monterey County of Purisima Creek Road near and east to Napa County. Aquatic Purisima Creek Redwoods Open larvae are found in cold, clear Space Preserve. Also known from the streams, occasionally in lakes and Tunitas Creek watershed southeast of ponds. Adults are found in wet Half Moon Bay. forests under rocks and logs near streams and lakes.

Western Pond Turtle -/CSC Aquatic turtle of ponds, marshes, No known records within Half Moon (Emmys marmorata) rivers, streams, and irrigation Bay, but suitable habitat for this ditches with aquatic vegetation. species occurs within the City. Needs basking sites and suitable upland habitat for egg-laying (sandy banks or grassy open fields).

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San Francisco Garter FE/CE, CFP Found in vicinity of freshwater Documented as occurring near the Snake marshes, ponds and slow-moving mouth of Pilarcitos Creek and along (Thamnophis sirtalis streams in San Mateo County. Pilarcitos Creek near downtown. U.S. tetrataenia) Prefers dense cover and water Fish and Wildlife Service found depths of at least one foot. Also suitable dispersal habitat for this requires uplands near aquatic species in Wavecrest and nearby habitats. areas, Pacific Ridge, Beachwood.

Northern Harrier -/CSC Coastal salt marsh and freshwater San Mateo County Breeding Bird (Circus cyaneus) marsh; nests and forages in Atlas indicates past confirmed (nesting) grasslands; nests on ground in nesting just south of town near Verde shrubby vegetation, usually at marsh Road and probable past nesting just edge. north of town near El Granada. This is a regularly occurring species in Half Moon Bay in winter. Common in winter at Wavecrest and the open fields west of Railroad Avenue.

White-tailed Kite -/CFP Open grassland and agricultural Breeding confirmed at Wavecrest (Elanus caeruleus) areas throughout Central California. south of Smith Field park. San Mateo (nesting) County Breeding Bird Atlas indicates possible past nesting near Miramontes Point. A regularly occurring species in winter. Common in winter at Wavecrest and the area west of Railroad Avenue. Over 100 were counted in the fall of 2007.

Sharp-shinned Hawk -/WL Breeds in ponderosa pine, black oak, San Mateo County Breeding Bird (Accipiter striatus) riparian deciduous, mixed conifer, Atlas recognizes possible past nesting

C-4 Half Moon Bay - Local Coastal Land Use Plan Appendix C


(nesting) and Jeffrey pine habitats. Prefers, within Half Moon Bay. Breeding but not restricted to, riparian confirmed just north of town near El habitats. All habitats except alpine, Granada in 1993. A regularly open prairie, and bare desert used in occurring species in winter, winter. especially at Wavecrest.

Cooper’s Hawk -/WL Nests primarily in deciduous San Mateo County Breeding Bird (Accipiter cooperii) riparian forests; forages in open Atlas indicates past confirmed (nesting) woodlands. nesting just south of Half Moon Bay near Verde Road, and possible nesting just north of town near El Granada and just east of town in Higgins Canyon. A regularly occurring species in winter, especially at Wavecrest.

Ferruginous Hawk BCC/WL Inhabits open country. Winters in Winters in small numbers in the Half (Bueto regalis) small number along California coast Moon Bay area. Observed annually in (Wintering) and inland valleys. winter at Wavecrest and in the vicinity of the Half Moon Bay Airport.

Swainson’s Hawk BCC/CT Breeds in stands with few trees in Occasionally found at Wavecrest in (Buteo swainsoni) juniper-sage flats, riparian corridors winter and fall migration. An (nesting) and oak savannah. Requires suitable individual of this species that spent adjacent foraging areas such as the winter of 1998-1999 at grasslands or alfalfa or grain fields Wavecrest represents the first record supporting rodent populations. of overwintering Swainson’s hawk in coastal Northern California.

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Golden Eagle BCC/WL, CFP Typically frequents rolling foothills, Occasionally found in Half Moon Bay (Aquila chrysaetos) mountain areas, sage-juniper flats in winter. Has been found some (nesting and wintering) and desert. years at Wavecrest.

American Peregrine Delisted, Inhabits open wetlands near cliffs, Species nests at Devils Slide and Falcon BCC/Delisted, CFP also occurs in some cities where winters in the area. Occasionally (Falco peregrinus) nests on buildings and bridges. found foraging in Half Moon Bay. (nesting)

Merlin -/WL Breeds in Canada, winters in a Winters annually in small numbers in (Falco columbarius) variety of California habitats, Half Moon Bay. Found every winter in (wintering) including grasslands, savannahs, the area west of Railroad Avenue, wetlands, etc. Wavecrest, and the Half Moon Bay Golf Links.

Western Snowy Plover FT, BCC/CSC Found on sandy beaches or marine Nests at Half Moon Bay State Beach, (Charadrius and estuarine shores; also salt pond which is designated as critical alexandrinus nivosus) levees and shores of large alkali habitat. Nesting assisted by Plover (nesting) lakes; requires sandy, gravelly or Watch Program run by State Parks friable soil substrate for nesting. with the help of Sequoia Audubon Threatened due to beachfront Society volunteers. Also winters on development, human disturbance, beaches in the area (40 to 60 can be off-leash dogs and other factors. seen at Half Moon Bay State Beach each winter).

Marbled Murrelet FT/CE Nests inland along the coast from Marbled Murrelets breed in the San (Brachyramphus Eureka to Oregon border and from Francisco Watershed in forests marmoratus) Half Moon Bay to Santa Cruz in old located within four miles of Half (nesting) growth redwood dominated forests, Moon Bay. The breeding areas are to often in Douglas fir, up to six miles the north and inland of El Granada.

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inland. Feeds on the ocean near During the breeding season foraging shore. birds fly over land to the sea and can be found just offshore from anywhere in Half Moon Bay.

Short-eared Owl -/CSC Found in marshes, both freshwater A population of up to five individuals (Asio flammeus) and salt; lowland meadows; winters annually at Wavecrest and (nesting) irrigated alfalfa fields. Tule the area west of Railroad Avenue. patches/full grass needed for Wavecrest is the most important nesting and daytime seclusion. wintering site for the species in San Nests on dry ground in a depression Mateo County, one of the most concealed in vegetation. important wintering sites in the San Francisco Bay Area and is a coastal wintering site for the species of statewide significance. The species of concern designation protects nesting sites, and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife and California Coastal Commission have indicated protections for the wintering population at Wavecrest are warranted.

Burrowing Owl BCC/CSC Found in open dry annual or Occasionally found in the Planning (Athene cunicularia) perennial grasslands, deserts and Area. This species has occurred along scrublands characterized by low the ocean bluffs in Half Moon Bay, at growing vegetation. This species is a Wavecrest, and most recently at Half subterranean nester, dependent Moon Bay State Beach. upon burrowing mammals, most

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notably the California ground squirrel.

Olive-sided Flycatcher BCC/CSC Uncommon to common, summer A fairly common nesting species in (Contopus cooperi) resident in a wide variety of forest Half Moon Bay in areas with taller (nesting) and woodland habitats below 2800 trees, particularly on the inland side meters throughout California. of the city where taller eucalyptus Requires large, tall trees, usually and Monterey cypress occur. conifers, for nesting and roosting sites.

Loggerhead Shrike BCC/CSC Habitat includes open areas such as San Mateo County Breeding Bird (Lanius ludovicianus) desert, grasslands and savannah. Atlas indicates past probable Nests in thickly foliaged trees or tall breeding just south of Half Moon Bay. shrubs. Forages in open habitats, Small numbers occur in Half Moon which contain trees, fence posts, Bay in winter and during migration. utility poles, and other perches.

Purple Martin --/CSC Uses a variety of wooded, low- In 2016, a breeding population of this (Progne subis) elevation habitats throughout species was identified approximately California. Uses hardwood and four miles from Half Moon Bay along hardwood-conifer habitats as well as Skyline Boulevard. The birds likely riparian habitats. Now a rare and forage at times near the mouth of local breeder on the coast and in Pilarcitos Creek. interior mountain ranges.

San Francisco Common BCC/CSC Requires thick continuous cover Breeding by this species has been Yellowthroat down to water surface for foraging; confirmed in the mitigation wetlands (Geothlypis trichas near the sewage treatment plant, sinuosa) along Frenchmans Creek, at the

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tall grasses, tule patches, willows for mouth of Pilarcitos Creek, in riparian nesting. corridors at Wavecrest, and on the Half Moon Bay Golf Course (Old Course).

Yellow Warbler BCC/CSC Breeds in deciduous riparian San Mateo Breeding Bird Atlas lists (Septophaga petechia) woodlands, widespread during fall this species as a nesting species in (Nesting) migration. riparian habitat within Half Moon Bay. Nesting Yellow Warblers have been documented along Pilarcitos Creek in the riparian area behind Safeway and in the riparian area upstream from the Main Street Bridge. Species is common in Half Moon Bay during fall migration.

Grasshopper Sparrow --/CSC Found in dense grasslands, This species breeds in various spots (Ammodramus especially those with a variety of in Half Moon Bay. Nesting has been savannarum) grasses and tall forbs and scattered documented in grasslands at the shrubs for singing perches. Johnston House, at Wavecrest and in the coastal prairie between Kelly and Poplar Avenue. Sites vary from year to year; some sites are not used annually.

Bryant’s Savannah --/CSC Occupies low tidally influenced This is a common species in Half Sparrow (Passerculus habitats, adjacent ruderal areas, Moon Bay. A sizeable and important sandwichensis moist grasslands within and just breeding and wintering population alaudinus) has been documented in Half Moon Bay. The area of highest use is

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above the fog belt, and, infrequently Wavecrest and the area west of drier grasslands. Railroad Avenue, generally between Kelly Avenue and Redondo Beach Road. Lower densities exist south of Redondo Beach Road adjacent to the golf course, and some also occur to the north of Kelly Avenue.

Large-billed Savannah --/CSC Breeding habitat limited to open, For at least two winters one or two Sparrow (Passerculus low salt marsh vegetation, including Large-billed Savannah Sparrows sandwichensis rostratus) grasses, pickleweed, etc. around the wintered near the City of Half Moon (wintering) mouth of the Colorado River and Bay at Pillar Point Harbor. The adjacent coastlines of the uppermost species may winter on Half Moon Bay Gulf of California. Winters along beaches. shorelines.

San Francisco Dusky- -/CSC Found in forested habitats of San Francisco dusky-footed woodrat Footed Woodrat moderate canopy and moderate to houses can be found in riparian (Neotoma fuscipes dense understory. vegetation, Central Coast Scrub annectens) habitat, and in forested areas, particularly on the inland side of the City where taller eucalyptus and cypress occur.

American badger -/CSC Drier open stages of most shrub, The CNDDB documents occurrences (Taxidea taxus) forest, and herbaceous habitats; of American badger in the hills needs sufficient food, friable soils northeast of Half Moon Bay. and open, uncultivated ground.

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Pallid bat --/CSC Roosts primarily in oak woodland Has not been reported from the (Antrozous pallidus) and ponderosa pine habitats; forages Planning Area but could occur. in open areas.

Townsend’s Big-eared --/CCT, CSC Found in desert scrub and Has not been reported from the Bat coniferous forests. Roost in caves or Planning Area but could occur. (Corynorhinus abandoned mines and occasionally townsendii) are found to roost in buildings.

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Table C-1 Status Codes:

FE: Federally-listed Endangered CE: California State-listed Endangered FT: Federally-listed Threatened CT: California State-listed Threatened FPE: Federally-proposed Endangered CR: California Rare FPT: Federally-proposed Threatened FP: California Fully Protected BCC: USFWS Bird Species of Conservation Concern CSC: CDFW Species of Special Concern WL: CDFW Watch List Species

Table C-1 Sources:

California Department of Fish and Game. November 1990. California’s Wildlife, Volume II, Birds.

California Department of Fish and Wildlife, Natural Heritage Division. California Natural Diversity Data Base for the Half Moon Bay 7.5-Minute Quadrangle Map and surrounding areas, May 2018.

California Department of Fish and Wildlife. Special Animals List. July 2017.

Jaramillo, Alvaro. 2016. Local Expert Ornithologist and Senior Biologist, San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory. Notes submitted to the City of Half Moon Bay regarding the General Plan Update.

Jaramillo, Alvaro. 2018. Local Expert Ornithologist and Senior Biologist, San Francisco Bay Bird Observatory. Personal Communication.

Sequoia Audubon Society. May 2001. San Mateo County Breeding Bird Atlas.

Shuford, David W. and Thomas Gardali, editors. 2008. California Bird Species of Special Concern. Western Field Ornithologists and California Department of Fish and Game.

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STATUS OCCURRENCE IN HALF MOON PLANT SPECIES HABITAT FED/STATE/CNPS BAY PLANNING AREA San Mateo thorn-mint FE/CE/1B.1 , valley and foothill coastal scrub, Has not been documented as (Acanthomintha duttonii) vernal pools. Endemic from very occurring in the Half Moon Bay uncommon San Mateo serpentine vertisol Planning Area. clays. 50-200m.

Blasdale’s bent grass -/-/1B.2 Coastal dunes, coastal bluff scrub, coastal Has not been documented as (Agrostis blasdalei) prairie. Sandy or gravelly soil close to rocks; occurring in the Half Moon Bay often in nutrient-poor soil with sparse Planning Area. vegetation. 5-105m

Franciscan onion -/-/1B.2 Found in cismontane woodland and valley Has not been documented as ( peninsulare and foothill grassland in clay soils and occurring in the Half Moon Bay franciscanum) serpentine on dry hillsides. 100-300m. Planning Area.

Bent-flowered fiddleneck -/-/1B.2 Cismontane woodland and valley and Has not been documented as (Amsinckia lunaris) foothill grassland. 50-500m. occurring in the Half Moon Bay Planning Area.

Anderson’s manzanita -/-/1B.2 Broadleaved upland forest, chaparral, North Has not been documented as (Arctostaphylos andersonii) Coast coniferous forest, open sites, redwood occurring in the Half Moon Bay forest. 180-800m.. Planning Area.

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STATUS OCCURRENCE IN HALF MOON PLANT SPECIES HABITAT FED/STATE/CNPS BAY PLANNING AREA Kings Mountain manzanita -/-/1B.2 Broadleaved upland forest, chaparral, North Has not been documented as (Arctostaphylos regismontana) Coast coniferous forest, on granitic or occurring in the Half Moon Bay sandstone outcrops. 305-730m. Planning Area.

Montara manzanita -/-/1B.2 Slopes and ridges in chaparral and Coastal Has not been documented as (Arctostaphylos montaraensis) scrub. 150-500m. occurring in the Half Moon Bay Planning Area.

Coastal marsh milk-vetch -/-/1B.2 Found in mesic sites in dunes or along Has not been documented as (Astragalus pycnostachyus var. streams in coastal dunes and coastal salt occurring in the Half Moon Bay pycnostachyus) marshes. 0-30m. Planning Area.

Pappose tarplant --/--/1B.2 Found in mesic and often alkaline site in Has not been documented as (Centromadia parryi ssp. parryi) coastal prairie, meadows and seeps, coastal occurring in the Half Moon Bay salt marsh and valley and foothill Planning Area. grasslands. 2-420m

Points Reyes salty bird’s beak -/-/1B.2 Usually in coastal salt marsh with Salicornia, Has not been documented as (Chloropyron maritimum spp. Distichlis, Jaumea, Spartina, etc. 0-15m. occurring in the Half Moon Bay palustre) Planning Area.

San Francisco Bay spineflower -/-/1B.1 Found on sandy soil on terraces and slopes Has not been documented as (Chorizanthe cuspidata within coastal bluff scrub, coastal dunes, occurring in the Half Moon Bay cuspidata) coastal prairie and coastal scrub. 5-550m. Planning Area.

Franciscan thistle -/-/1B.2 Found in Coastal bluff scrub. Boadleafed Has not been documented as (Cirsium andrewsii) upland forest, coastal prairie on ultramafic occurring in the Half Moon Bay soils. –150m Planning Area.

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STATUS OCCURRENCE IN HALF MOON PLANT SPECIES HABITAT FED/STATE/CNPS BAY PLANNING AREA Fountain thistle -/-/1B.2 Endemic to serpentine seeps in valley and Has not been documented as (Cirsium fontinale fontinale) foothill grassland and chaparral in San occurring in the Half Moon Bay Mateo County. 90-180m. Planning Area.

San Francisco collinsia FE/CE/1B.1 Found in closed-cone coniferous forest and Has not been documented as (Collinsia multicolor) coastal scrub. Usually on decomposed occurring in the Half Moon Bay mudstone shale mixed with humus. 30- Planning Area. 250m.

Western leatherwood -/-/1B.2 On brushy slopes and mesic sites mostly in Has not been documented as (Dirca occidentalis) mixed evergreen and foothill woodland occurring in the Half Moon Bay communities. 30-550m. Planning Area.

San Mateo woolly sunflower -/-/1B.2 Endemic to cismontane woodland in San Has not been documented as (Eriophyllum latilobum) Mateo County, often on roadcuts and occurring in the Half Moon Bay serpentine. 45-150m. Planning Area.

Hillsborough chocolate lily FE/CE/1B.1 Endemic to serpentine cismontane Has not been documented as (Fritillaria biflora ineziana) woodland, valley and foothill grassland of occurring in the Half Moon Bay San Mateo County. Planning Area.

Fragrant fritillary -/-/1B.1 Coastal scrub, valley and foothill grassland, Has not been documented as (Fritillaria liliacea) coastal prairie, often on ultramafic soils. 3- occurring in the Half Moon Bay 410m. Planning Area.

San Francisco gumplant -/-/3.2 Coastal bluff scrub and grasslands. 15-400m. Has not been documented as (Grindelia hirsutula var. occurring in the Half Moon Bay maritima) Planning Area.

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STATUS OCCURRENCE IN HALF MOON PLANT SPECIES HABITAT FED/STATE/CNPS BAY PLANNING AREA Short-leaved evax -/-/1B.2 Sandy bluffs and flats in Coastal bluff scrub, Has not been documented as (Hesperevax sparsiflora var. coastal dunes. 0-200M. occurring in the Half Moon Bay brevifolia) Planning Area.

Marin western flax FT/CT/1B.1 Chaparral, valley and foothill grassland. Has not been documented as (Hesperolinon congestum) Found in serpentine barrens and serpentine occurring in the Half Moon Bay grassland and chaparral. 31-365m. Planning Area.

Kellogg’s horkelia -/-/1B.1 Closed-cone coniferous forest, coastal scrub. Has not been documented as (Horkelia cuneata ssp. sericea) Old dunes, coastal sandhills; generally under occurring in the Half Moon Bay 200 m. Planning Area.

Point Reyes horkelia -/-/1B.2 Coastal dunes, coastal prairie and coastal Has not been documented as (Horkelia marinensis) scrub; in sandy flats and dunes of grassland occurring in the Half Moon Bay or scrub habitats near the coast. 5-30m. Planning Area.

Perennial goldfields -/-/1B.2 Coastal bluff scrub, coastal dunes and Present in the Planning Area. (Lasthenia californica ssp. coastal scrub. 5-520m. This species occurs along the macrantha) edge of the coastal bluff within Coastal Prairie habitat at Wavecrest and the area west of Railroad Avenue. Populations as mapped in the CNDDB are included in Figure 6-3 and are designated as Potential ESHA.

Coast yellow leptosiphon -/-/1B.1 Coastal bluff scrub and coastal prairie. (10- Has not been documented as (Leptosiphon croceus) 150m). occurring in the Half Moon Bay Planning Area.

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STATUS OCCURRENCE IN HALF MOON PLANT SPECIES HABITAT FED/STATE/CNPS BAY PLANNING AREA Rose leptosiphon -/-/1B.1 Coastal bluff scrub. 0-100m. Has not been documented as (Leptosiphon rosaceus) occurring in the Half Moon Bay Planning Area.

Crystal Springs lessingia -/-/1B.2 Grassy slopes, roadsides in serpentine soils Has not been documented as (Lessingia arachnoidea) of coastal sage scrub, valley and foothill occurring in the Half Moon Bay grassland and cismontane woodland. 60- Planning Area. 200m.

Ornduff’s meadowfoam -/-/1B.1 Agricultural fields. Meadows and seeps. 10- Has not been documented as (Limnanathes douglasii ssp. 20m. occurring in the Half Moon Bay ornduffi) Planning Area.

Arcuate bush mallow -/-/1B.2 Found in gravelly alluvium in chaparral. 80- Has not been documented as (Malacothamnus arcuatus) 355m. occurring in the Half Moon Bay Planning Area.

Davidson’s bush mallow -/-/1B.2 Sandy washes in coastal scrub, riparian Has not been documented as (Malacothamnus davidsonii) woodland and chaparral. 180-855m. occurring in the Half Moon Bay Planning Area.

Marsh microseris -/-/1B.1 Closed-cone coniferous forest, cismontane Has not been documented as (Microseris paludosa) woodland, coastal scrub, valley and foothill occurring in the Half Moon Bay grassland. 5-300m. Planning Area.

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STATUS OCCURRENCE IN HALF MOON PLANT SPECIES HABITAT FED/STATE/CNPS BAY PLANNING AREA Woodland woollythreads -/-/1B.2 Chaparral, valley and foothill grasslands Has not been documented as (Monolopiagracilens) (serpentine), cismontane woodland, occurring in the Half Moon Bay broadleaved upland forests, North Coast Planning Area. coniferous forest. Found in grassy sites in openings in sandy to rocky soils. Often seen on serpentine after burns but may have only weak affinity to serpentine. 100-1200m.

White-rayed pentachaeta FE/CE/1B.1 Mostly on soils derived from serpentine Has not been documented as (Pentachaeta bellidiflora) bedrock or open, dry rocky slopes and occurring in the Half Moon Bay grassy areas of valley and foothill grassland. Planning Area. 35-620m.

Choris’s popcornflower -/-/1B.2 Grassy and moist places, coastal scrub, Present in the Planning Area. (Plagiobothrys chorisianus) chaparral; < 100m. This species occurs within the mix of grassland, scrub, wetlands and coastal prairie at Wavecrest and the area west of Railroad Avenue. Populations as mapped in the CNDDB are included in Figure 6-3 and are designated as Potential ESHA.

Oregon polemonium -/-/2B.2 Found in Coastal prairie, coastal scrub and Has not been documented as (Polemonium carneum) lower montane coniferous forest. 0-1830m. occurring in the Half Moon Bay Planning Area.

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STATUS OCCURRENCE IN HALF MOON PLANT SPECIES HABITAT FED/STATE/CNPS BAY PLANNING AREA Hickman’s cinquefoil FE/CE/1B.1 Open habitats within closed cone coniferous Has not been documented as (Potentilla hickmanii) forest, coastal bluff scrub, freshwater marsh, occurring in the Half Moon Bay meadows and seeps, wetlands. 10-149m. Planning Area.

Chaparral ragwort -/-/1B.2 Known from foothill woodland and Has not been documented as (Senecio aphanactis) chaparral habitats. 15-800m. occurring in the Half Moon Bay Planning Area.

San Francisco campion -/-/2B.2 Often on mudstone or shale in coastal scrub, Has not been documented as (Silene verecunda veracunda) valley and foothill grassland, coastal bluff occurring in the Half Moon Bay scrub, chaparral and coastal prairie. 30- Planning Area. 645m.

Saline clover -/-/1B.2 Found in mesic alkaline sites in marshes and Has not been documented as (Trifolium depauperatum var. swamps, valley and foothill grassland and occurring in the Half Moon Bay hydrophilum) vernal pools. 0-300m. Planning Area.

San Francisco owl’s clover -/-/1B.2 Coastal prairie, valley and foothill grassland, Has not been documented as (Triphysaria floribunda) on both serpentine and non-serpentine. 10- occurring in the Half Moon Bay 160m. Planning Area.

Long-beard lichen -/-/4.3 North Coast coniferous forest, broadleaved Has not been documented as (Usnea longissima) upland forest. Grows in the “redwood zone” occurring in the Half Moon Bay on a variety of trees including big leaf maple, Planning Area. oaks, ash, Douglas fir and bay. 0-700 m in California.

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Table C-2 Status Codes: FE Federal-listed Endangered FT Federal-listed Threatened FPE Federal Proposed Endangered FPT Federal Proposed Threatened CE California State-listed Endangered CT California State-listed Threatened CR California Rare FP California Fully Protected CSC California Species of Special Concern

California Rare Plant Rank 1A: presumed extirpated in California and either rare or extinct elsewhere. California Rare Plant Rank 1B: Plants rare, threatened, or endangered in California and elsewhere. California Rare Plant Rank 2A: Plants presumed extirpated in California, but more common elsewhere. California Rare Plant Rank 2B: Plants rare, threatened, or endangered in California, but more numerous elsewhere. California Rare Plant Rank 3: Plants about which more information is needed – a review list. California Rare Plant Rank 4: Plants of limited distribution – a watch list.

California Native Plant Society Threat Ranks 0.1-Seriously threatened in California (over 80% of occurrences threatened / high degree and immediacy of threat) 0.2-Moderately threatened in California (20-80% occurrences threatened / moderate degree and immediacy of threat) 0.3-Not very threatened in California (<20% of occurrences threatened / low degree and immediacy of threat or no current threats known)

Table C-2 Sources:

California Natural Diversity Data Base, Natural Heritage Division, California Department of Fish and Wildlife for the Half Moon Bay 7.5-Minute Quadrangle Map and surrounding areas, information dated May 2018.

Corelli, Toni. 2017-2018 Consultation. Professional Botanist and Environmental Consultant, California Native Plant Society

C-20 A-21