Merchant Protest Removes Rt. 35 Barrier Pravda Blast Spurs Far East

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Merchant Protest Removes Rt. 35 Barrier Pravda Blast Spurs Far East Merchant Protest Removes Rt. 35 Barrier SEE STORY BELOW Sunny and Hot THEDMLY FINAL Sunny and hot today. Clear and warm tonight. Sunny, hot Red Buik, Freehold again tomorrow. I Long Branch EDITION (Sea Detain, Pago 3ft 7 Monmouth County's Home Newspaper for 92 Years VOL. 93, NO. 45 RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1969 24 PAGES 10 CENTS Pravda Blast Spurs Far East War Speculation By WILLIAM L. RYAN ented" regime. The sugges- north. what the reaction might be to Pravda article on Egypt is the economic and political about war with Israel. king will likely appear to be What Pravda had to say tion seemed to be that total The long Pravda article, a preventive strike at China's intriguing. difficulties which arose after The Russians historical- a monstrous threat. this week about Egypt and war with Israel could wait fashioned perhaps more for nuclear potential. Some say Pravda spoke glowingly of the disastrous six-day war ly detest being required to ' Mao Tse-tung, said Prav- China makes the reader won- until Egypt is stronger. world opinion than for Pe- these reports are exagger- the internal program Nasser with Israel in 1967. watch two major fronts si- da, is seeking "superpower" der whether there isn't more Yesterday, Pravda re- king ears, seemed to lay down ated, but Pravda's words proposed early in 1968 as Pravda finds "reaction- multaneously, and China seems status, and his regime "has danger for full-scale war ported, growing Soviet ears, seemed to lay down make it seem that the Krem- holding good prospects for, ary" forces in Egypt trying to be the more worrisome taken a dangerous, absurdly in the Far East than in the anxiety over Red China's an advance Kremlin case, lin wants both Peking and the neutralizing his . domestic to impede Nasser's program one. Yesterday's Pravda at- adventurist stand on ques- 1 Middle East. x calls "for war' at a time should Moscow feel provoked world to recognize the possi- foes. by saying that now, while Is- tack, one of the tough- tions of war and peace which On Wednesday, the Soviet when "the military arsenals to action against China or its bility. The program includes land raelis occupy Egyptian terri- est-sounding to date, seemed affect the destinies of peoples Communist party newspaper of the Maoists are filling up nuclear installations. While the possibility exists, reform and the breaking up tory, is not the time to be also part of a concentrated of the entire planet." Mao warmly approved the idea with new weapons." All this appears to Moscow would hardly relish of big holdings for redistribu- talking of social-economic re- Soviet propaganda campaign is, it said, pushing "his fa- that Gamal Abdel Nasser The point was difficult to strengthen , reports -* evi- the risk of a major Middle tion among the peasants. The forms. This may be Mos-. to arouse widespread anti- vorite conception of the inevi- should concentrate on miss. Those new Chinese dently leaked by Communist East conflagration which Pravda writer says this cow's way of suggesting that Chinese feeling among the tability of war." But the Egypt's internal economy to weapons* are nuclear-tipped sources in Washington—that could produce a big-power; would broaden Nasser's poli- Nasser tend to his domestic Soviet propulation. To the So- U.S.S.R. is "afraid of no- strengthen his "socialist-ori- missiles which can be pointed the Russians are probing for showdown. In this light, the tical base and help solve knitting and not be hasty viet reader of the article, Pe- body's threats." PANMUNJOM, Korea (AP)'. chief North Korean represen- Maj. Gen. Lee Choon - Sun, OH23 helicopter over North — North Korea said today all tative said Capt. David H. said doctors are treating Korea. three American helicopter; Crawford of Pooler, Ga., and them, but he gave no further Lee apparently was refer- crewmen who Were shot Spec. 4 Herman E. Hofstat- information on their condi- ring to the arrangement un- down Aug. 17 are alive and ter of •Lowpoint, 111., were tion. der which North Korea re- offered to exchange them for seriously injured. He said He said North Korea would leased two other American a confession and apologies WO Malcom V. Loepke, the consider' their return '"in ac- helicopter crewmen in 1964, from Washington. pilot, of Richmond, Ind., was cordance with past practices" a year after they were shot At a meetingj)fjhe Korean slightly injured. if the Americans admitted down on May 17, 1963. The Armistice Commission, the The North Korean delegate, "criminally" sending the North Koreans returned them after the U.N. Command signed a document admitting they were spying, then re- pudiated the confession as soon as the men were re- turned. The same procedure was followed to get the Pueb- PROTESTERS — Art Williams, left, proprietor of D & W Liquors (formerly Soden's) and Dan Trezza, owner of lo crew back last Decehiber. Family Delicatessen, expressed satisfaction yesterday as traffic resumed in northbound lane of Rt. 35, Middle- Once again U.S. officials town, which serves their stores. Merchants protested through Mr. Williams to state Department of Transporta- contend that the helicopter pi- lot lost his way and flew in- fion when northbound lane remained clojed though paving work on it had ceased. (Register Staff Photo) to North Korean air space by mistake. But there was no in- dication from the U.S. repre- sentative on the armistice commission, Marine Maj. Gen. Arthur H. Adams, how Highway Block Removed soon a similar confession- apology and then repudiation By BOB BRAMLEY Told that representatives of the department would be in might be forthcoming. MIDDLETOWN — "I made a lot of noise," Art Wil- touch with him, Mr. Williams adopted an attitude of watch- The disclosure the men liams, proprietor of D & W Liquors, Rt. 35, told The Daily ,ful waiting. were alive came at the third Register yesterday. At 2:05 p.m., he reported, two men from the Transpor- Panmunjom meeting held Mr. Williams, whose store is in the stretch of north- tation Department and a representative of the contractor sind the helicopter was shot bound lane being paved after the median divider was in- called on him. down. stalled, said he and neighboring businessmen didn't mind "I told them the lane had been closed all day, hut no their side of the highway being closed three days while the work had been done. The contractor's man disagreed: he contractor was actually working. said they had swept the shoulder," Mr. Williams said. ' "We'd go along with that for safety, even though it hurts "But the Highway Department men said I was right. Alarm Out our business temporarily," Mr. Williams said. "But today They opened the road at about 2:20 p.m.," the liquor deal- the road was' closed and they weren't even working. We're er continued. For Escaped all protesting," he added. Mr. Williams' protests, made by telephone at 1:15 p.m. Mr. Williams will keep an eye on things from now on, he yesterday directly to the office of state Transportation Com- declared. And if there's any more closing of the highway FIGHTING THE FIRE — A Red Bank fireman climbs a ladder to cut a hole near Prisoner missioner David Goldberg, got prompt results. with, no work done, he'll make "a lot of noise" once again. * the roof of an automobile upholstery firm at 140 Bergen Place that burned last night. (See story, Page 3) (Register Staff Photo) Arrest Mafia Leader, 3 Others NEWARK (AP) — Reputed One count of the indictment Saperstein for non payment dictments are an outgrowth Floating Jetport Plan Mafia leader Angelo "Gyp" charges the four men with of the loans. of the "truth in lending" law • j Several other counts name which bars making any loan DeCarlo and three other men conspiring to use. extortional X have been arrested.after in- DeCarlo, Cecere and Polver- where both the lender and dictment of the four by a fed- means to collect and to at- ino. One accuses the trio of the borrower agree- eral grand jury on charges tempt to collect the loans actually making the loans. ment or understanding that, Nets Varied Reaction delay or failure in making of extortion. from Saperstein. Three more accuse them of By MALACHI KENNEY seph Azzolina found the idea moter, Kenneth W. Bratcher According to Assistant U.S. Another count charges the using extortionate means to loan payments will result in RED BANK — The propos- promising but wished to of Texas. He expressed con- Attorney Donald Horowitz, four with conspiring to use collect the funds. physical harm to the borrow- al to build a huge floating reserve judgment until they cern over the question of ju- all four are charged in the extortionate means to punish Federal officials say the in- er or damage to his property. Jetport in international wa- knew more about it. Both risdiction outside of United indictments with conspiring ters off Sandy Hook drew re- agreed that the idea might States territorial waters in to demand extortionate credit action of interested skep- not be practical with Mr. Az- gambling and narcotics. I NEWARK NJPOLP from the late Louis B. Saper- zolina calling it a "great ticism and a desire for a lot Mr. Azzolina said he would stein, a mortgage broker. dream." ; more details from county po- . not oppose a solution of this 111163 i The U.S. Attorney's office Matawan Parents Promised litical leaders yesterday.
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