
The Devil and (15/6)

The archetypal system of Tarot, applied to you through a numerological calculation of birth data developed by the Amberstones, brings forward the distinct symbiotic fields of energy that are here to be expressed through your Soul Print and life journey. ______

You are the energetic archetypal combination of (#15 in the Tarot) and The Lovers (#6 in the Tarot). As such, you represent two dualities that alternate in a feedback loop: The Lovers see and experience the bliss of unity and creation, while The Devil thrives in the individuality that emerges through the destruction cycle.

As The Lovers, you are encoded with and embody “unity in duality”: female-male, moon-sun, receptivity- action. With this embodiment, you are here to observe and honor the dualities in Life and see the emerging creations that result from their "marriages." Your path is to see the varying shades of gray that birth from the black and white. At the root, The Lovers delight in seeing themselves in All That Is; and, you as The Lovers, naturally and orgasmically "release" when you yourself create. Walking this path inherently carries themes of naiveté, tendency for irresponsibility, self-interest and a lack of depth – these are the growth edges.

As The Devil (in which card The Lovers also reside, but in chains), You link one to another by force and by need and desire. The link, however, acts as a separation - with each individual isolated from the other. Note the image: It is a place of boundaries and discipline. And although separate and limited, you as The Devil know that it is here where unique individuality blossoms. The Devil asks you to free yourself from shallow psychological chains: use the limits to activate the push that will free your voice. As Devil, you are imbued with tendencies to separate and individualize: for your path, this is where ultimate fulfillment is possible. As Devil, you are seeded with a brilliance, a seductive energy, and a resonance with destructive forces. At your foundations, you contain the wisdom that from comes life. It is the cycle of the whole at play.

When understood, accepted and allowed to flow naturally, the Devil-Lovers archetype within you will see and express the mysteries of the universe. It is from this, your natural place of wholeness, where infinite power is accessed, creativity flows readily, and the interiorly-held complex processes of The Devil will feed the harmonious expression of The Lovers within you so as to emanate that into . This theme is part of your Soul Print.
