
Harry Styles

Allyson Lavoie

@theh1ghpriestess on TikTok


Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 2

0. 1. The Magician 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. The Wheel Of Fortune 11. 12. The Hanged Man 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21.

The Major Arcana cards represent the life lessons and big themes and events that are influencing your life. The Major Arcana cards are more “big picture” whereas the are more specific. Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 3 0 The Fool —

Upright: beginnings, freedom, innocence, adventure, new chapter

The Fool generally means a beginning of a new chapter in your life, usually a positive change or fresh start. He begins on a blank slate. He has a juvenile, child-like wonder in his eyes and is prepared for an adventure. He has no worries as he explores the new opportunities in his life.

Reversed: reckless, naive, gullible, lost

The Fool reversed can literally mean that you are behaving like a fool by not fully understanding the magnitude of your actions. A reversed Fool card can indicate that you are focusing only on the present and not looking ahead for your future. The reversed Fool also cautions you to not be gullible, you may be in a position where you are being taken advantage of. Something in your life may be too good to be true.

Astrology: Uranus Element : Air Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 4 1 The Magician —

Upright: determination, skill, manifestation, well-rounded

The Magician is the embodiment of pure power and skill. You are a powerful creature that is able to create and manifest your world. The Magician may be urging you to use your untapped potential. You have a plethora of skills and talents, and you are able to juggle multiple tasks at once. The Magician can also be a sign from your guides that your manifestations are on their way.

Reversed: manipulation, wasted talent, illusion, deception

The Magician reversed might mean its time for a change. The reversed Magician is a master of deception. You may be misled by the flashiness of their showmanship, but there may be manipulation happening behind the façade. This card could indicate someone in your life may not have the best intentions with you. This could also mean you may be becoming obsessed with your talents and power. Careful not to get a big head.

Astrology: Mercury Element : Air Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 5 2 The High Priestess —

Upright: intuition, mystery, spirituality, higher enlightenment, divine feminine

The High Priestess is linked with the divine. She appears as a message to you to listen to your intuition and your knowledge of higher power. The High Priestess is a mysterious female that knows the truth about the world around her. She is extremely intuitive and connected wholly with their spirituality. This card may indicate it may be a good idea for you to meditate, pray, or do other spiritual work. There is a message being communicated to you through signs or your gut intuition, She is calling to you to listen. You have all of the answers, even if you don’t realize it.

Reversed: repressed intuition, hidden motives, confusion

The High Priestess reversed can mean that you are ignoring or having trouble following your intuition. You need to remove the blockages between you and your higher self. You may be confused, but you need to ask questions. Knowing the answers may unlock a new path forward for you.

Astrology: Moon Element : Water Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 6 3 The Empress —

Upright: sensuality, fertility, nurturing, motherhood, abundance

The Empress shows us messages related to our femininity (whether you identify as female, male, or anything in-between). These messages can relate to fertility, expression, creativity and nurturing. This can be a call to get in touch with your sensuality so that you can attract abundance into your life. This may indicate self-care is overdue. The Empress is also a strong indication of pregnancy and motherhood. It can also represent a motherly figure in your life. The Empress card could also indicate a different “birth” such as the birth of a new idea, business, or project. This card is a sign of success, but not without dedication.

Reversed: insecurity, overbearing, negligence

The Empress reversed may indicate that you are too busy helping others that you may have forgotten to take care of yourself. You may be going overboard showing your affection to others. Though you mean well, it may come across as too much, or you may be completely neglecting your own needs. You could also be relying on others to take care of you. This card reversed is an indication that you need to find your confidence.

Astrology: Venus Element : Earth Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 7 4 The Emperor —

Upright: stability, protection, authority, discipline, masculinity

The Emperor is all about control and authority. The Emperor can represent the discipline of fatherhood. He is the paternal figure that needs structure, rules, and shares their wisdom. He rules with a firm hand. Although he can be harsh, he has the kingdom’s best interest at heart. This card may indicate that you are able to reach your goals. As long as you approach them strategically, your goals are not too far out of reach. You could be put in a position where you have to be a leader, perhaps a promotion in your career. Use your wisdom and fairness.

Reversed: tyrant, stubborn, lack of discipline

The Emperor reversed is a representation of abusing power. It can indicate a possessive partner. It can indicate that you feel powerless, or someone is taking away your power, whether that be a romantic partner, or even a boss at work. You may be slacking in a leadership position, or not giving it your full effort. You may be letting people “walk all over” your authority. Make sure you are not dominating other people, and don’t let them dominate you.

Astrology: Aries Element : Fire Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 8 5 The Hierophant —

Upright: education, knowledge, spiritual guidance, teacher

The Hierophant is a teacher, or someone who has a lesson for you to learn. This can also indicate a religious leader, perhaps a ritual or other religious ceremony is near. The Hierophant stands for tradition and convention. This can indicate a marriage or a legally binding arrangement. This card is representative of all types of people who may offer guidance or lessons such as teachers, counsellors, priests, coaches, advisors, etc. Your spirit guides may have a lesson for you.

Reversed: rebellion, non-conformity, ignorance

The Hierophant in reverse may mean that you are feeling stuck with all of the rules you have to follow. You feel powerless and wish to “break free.” You may be the type to take an untraditional path in life. You aren’t a follower. You may be questioning old values and traditions. The Hierophant reversed can also indicate that you are unwilling to learn or cooperate.

Astrology: Taurus Element : Earth

Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 9 6 The Lovers —

Upright: love, unions, partnerships, relationships, balance

The Lovers is an indication of a positive relationship, whether it is romantic, platonic, or business-related. This is a bond where the two people strengthen one another and grow together. This can indicate a big step in a relationship such as asking someone to officially date, moving in together, or getting engaged or married. The Lovers can also indicate a big decision, one where there is no compromise, it is either one choice or the other. Take time to weigh the options and choose the one that will bring you the most balance. This card is a blessing to receive in a reading, you are surrounded by love and admiration.

Reversed: imbalance, conflict, detachment, codependency

The Lovers reversed can show a conflict or divide. There is imbalance and possibly a rift in your relationships. This card can also be a sign of miscommunication or misunderstanding. A once solid foundation may be becoming divided. Have you been avoiding responsibility for your actions? Did you make the wrong choice and now you are unhappy with the outcome? You need to make amends with the people around you who were affected by your choices and actions.

Astrology: Gemini Element : Air Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 10 7 The Chariot —

Upright: success, ambition, determination, speed, victory

The Chariot tarot is about determination leading you to victory. You are achieving your goals by working hard and going for everything you want. Be bold, brave, and do not take “no” for an answer. You are kicking ass and taking names. There is an energy of conquering and coming out on top. Take charge without becoming aggressive.

Reversed: forceful, aggression, obstacles

The reversed Chariot is a warning to keep your aggression in check. It can make you question what direction you are heading in; are you going down the path you are supposed to? You may need to understand that you won’t win everything, or come out on top all of the time. Give up control. It can also indicate blockages or obstacles in the way of what you desire. How can you overcome them? Instead of trying to barrel through them, try to think of a different path to gain what you desire.

Astrology: Cancer Element : Water

Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 11 8 Strength —

Upright: courage, confidence, compassion

The Strength card shows that you have courage and strength despite whatever struggle you are facing. Despite what life throws at you, you remain calm and conquer your obstacles with bravery and grace. You take care of others, even if that means neglecting yourself. You are patient and accomplish every goal you set your mind on. You are resilient, fierce, and fearless. This card can indicate your compassion will be rewarded soon.

Reversed: doubt, weakness, low confidence, cowardice

Strength reversed can mean that you are experiencing intense anger or fear. You can’t find the strength or confidence in this moment to face what you are struggling with. Have you lost your passion? This can be an indication of depression, or a lack of care for things you once loved. Try not to withdraw. It may seem like everyone around you is happy, except you. This is not the case, you will find your strength again with time.

Astrology: Leo Element : Fire Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 12 9 The Hermit —

Upright: reflection, withdrawal, solitude

The Hermit wanders alone in search for himself. This card may indicate it is time to disconnect from the crowds whose voices drown out their own. He walks alone with only the north star illuminating his way home. Your guides are telling you that you need time alone, possibly to rediscover who you are. This isn’t selfish, and you should not take this card as a negative warning. It is just time to reconnect with your inner voice, it has a lot to say. The Hermit can also be a sign that a new mentor figure is coming into your life.

Reversed: loneliness, isolation, rejection

When reversed, your desire to be alone may be starting to become harmful to yourself or others. You may feel lost, or you could have landed in a dark part of your mind that you feel trapped in. This may be a sign that you need to reach out for help. Having alone time is good, but only in moderation.

Astrology: Virgo Element : Earth Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 13 10 The Wheel Of Fortune —

Upright: cycles, fate, luck, unexpected events

The Wheel of Fortune shows us how our lives are made up of good and bad and we have very little control over the way things turn out. This isn’t a bad thing, this is just the way of life. This card is telling you to enjoy when times are good, because there will come a day when bad things happen. It also means the opposite: when things are bad, remember that the sun will come out and shine again. This card can indicate fate playing out, a force beyond your control. Usually The Wheel Of Fortune indicates good luck. This is like the “wild card” of tarot, it can indicate an unexpected event that shakes up your situation.

Reversed: bad luck, unwelcome changes, delays

When The Wheel is reversed, it means that luck has not been on your side. However, like the upright Wheel, these misfortunes were completely out of your control. The Wheel will turn again, and things will get better in time. This can be an indication to let go of something. What is meant for you will find its way back to you. There is a new cycle starting, but it can only start once we let go of where we are now.

Astrology: Jupiter Element : Fire Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 14 11 Justice —

Upright: karma, law, honesty, integrity, actions and consequences

Justice indicates that whatever has been done will be met with the appropriate consequences. This card is all about fairness and karma, you will reap what you sow. If you have been wronged, this is a sign that you will get your justice. But if you did someone else wrong, this card is a caution that you will be hit in the face with karma. The party in the wrong will be held accountable for their actions. This card can also be about the truth. Something will be revealed to you in time. Do not trust gossip, focus on the facts. This card may also be an indication that you may be dealing with the legal system soon. This can be a positive legal agreement, such as a marriage. You may also be in trouble with the law. If Justice appears in a career reading, your guides may be nudging you into a career in law enforcement, such as a government official or a police officer.

Reversed: injustice, dishonesty, corruption, unfairness

A reversed Justice card can mean you are unwilling to own up to your actions. You may be feeling extremely guilty. How can you right your wrongs? In legal matters, this card could indicate an unfair outcome of a case. It could also indicate a negative or undesired legal matter, such as a divorce.

Astrology: Libra Element : Air Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 15 12 The Hanged Man —

Upright: sacrifice, waiting, uncertainty, perspective

The Hanged Man is finally seeing the consequences of past actions or taking a step back from the path he was previously on. This isn’t a waste of time, in fact this is a crucial step in his journey. He hangs upside-down, which could indicate someone who sees the world a bit differently or has a unique perspective. This card can also symbolize a time of waiting with the metaphor of “suspension.” You might also be “on trial” for a wrongdoing that you will have to take accountability for.

Reversed: stalling, stagnation, apathy

The Hanged Man reversed represents a feeling of putting all your effort into something and getting nothing in return. You might also have made an offer and you are waiting for a response. Like The Hanged Man upright, this can indicate that you are “on trial.” However if The Hanged Man is reversed, you are likely “on trial” for something you didn’t do. Someone may be pointing fingers at you even though you had nothing to do with the situation at hand.

Astrology: Neptune Element : Water Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 16 13 Death —

Upright: transformation, endings, change, transition, letting go, release

I swear to you, the Death card is not as scary as you think it is. It’s a very powerful card, but it can actually be incredibly positive, arguably one of the most positive cards in the deck. Death indicates a major chapter of your life is coming to a close, and you are beginning on a blank page ahead of you. It’s like the saying “when one door closes, another one opens.” Y ou could be venturing into a new career, ending a relationship, or even getting rid of a bad habit. This could be a time of transformation for you. The “old you” literally die s to make room for the “new you.” Death can also mean that you need to let go of something. If you are codependent on another person, it may be time to shed this attachment. Of course, the Death card may sometimes indicate an actual death, it usually refers to a metaphorical death.

Reversed: fear of change, repeating negative patterns, stagnancy

The Death reversal meaning is similar to the upright meaning. Death reversed indicates change, though you may be trying to fight it. You may be unable to let go of something or someone at this time. Your guides are trying to show you that this is actually hurting you. You are afraid of the unknown, which is understandable, but your guides are trying to tell you that it’s okay to feel a little vulnerable, you are on the right path, don’t fight it.

Astrology: Scorpio Element : Water Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 17 14 Temperance —

Upright: balance, peace, tranquillity, serenity

Temperance indicates moderation, balance, and patience. You know what you want, and you are making it happen, though you know that good things will come to those who wait. You find peace in the journey, not the destination. You work well with others, and there is harmony in all of your relationships. You have a calm and comforting presence. Temperance may also be an indication that you should straighten out your priorities in order to balance your efforts. This is a beautifully positive card of someone who is grounded and appreciative of life.

Reversed: imbalance, excess, extremes, hastiness

Temperance in reverse is an indication of imbalance and anxiety. This can also be a warning to choose your path wisely, one path may lead you down a very slippery slope. Temperance reversed can indicate that you are not planning ahead and you may lack purpose and direction. Everything is good in moderation, do not get caught up and go overboard.

Astrology: Sagittarius Element : Fire

Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 18 15 The Devil —

Upright: oppression, addiction, obsession, dependency, temptation

The Devil highlights your feelings of entrapment. You may feel an obligation to something or someone that you wish you didn’t have. You may quite literally feel like a slave to something. This card can indicate an addiction to substances or material pleasures. This may be what you feel trapped with. The Devil represents something enticing and addictive, but you have to fight the temptation, do not let it consume you.

Reversed: independence, freedom, revelation, release, reclaiming power, reclaiming control

The reversed Devil card can be the moment we break our worst habits. You are literally shaking the devil off of your back. This won’t be easy, but it will pay off in the long run. This card in reverse indicates not just change, but self-improvement. You will become a better version of yourself than you were before.

Astrology: Capricorn Element : Earth Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 19 16 The Tower —

Upright: disaster, destruction, upheaval, trauma, sudden change, chaos

The Tower represents an extreme, groundbreaking change. Old foundations will crumble before you in order for you to build new ones. It might be scary, it will seem like a terrible loss or destruction, but it is all in good faith. This can indicate losing your temper, and perhaps indicating a fight approaching. Choose your words carefully. This can indicate a relationship coming to an end. This is a warning, be proactive and open the line of communication before everything comes crashing down.

Reversed: avoiding disaster, delaying the inevitable, resisting change

The Tower reversed can mean there is an inevitable disaster ahead of you that you are trying to hold off. You may be relying on something that isn’t working for you anymore. Your world is changing, and you have to change with it.

Astrology: Mars Element : Fire Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 20 17 The Star —

Upright: hope, inspiration, faith, healing, rejuvenation

The Star brings hope and rejuvenation to you. You are blessed and the universe is on your side. You have likely gone through a trauma or loss, but you survived it and came out stronger. You have managed to go through this without losing hope. Look around and appreciate all that you have. You are so powerful, count your blessings. You may feel incredibly inspired. This can be the start of a new project or creative endeavor. A big idea may be coming to you.

Reversed: hopelessness, despair, negativity, lack of faith

The Star card reversed can feel like everyone and everything is against you. You have lost faith in something, likely yourself. You may feel unmotivated, uninspired, and feel a complete lack of creativity. Use this time of uncertainty to care for yourself and heal.

Astrology: Aquarius Element : Air Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 21 18 The Moon —

Upright: illusion, intuition, secrets, unconscious

The Moon card may be telling you to trust your intuition, let it guide you through the dark night. You may be feeling intense fear or anxiety at this time. Let this negative energy go. Use it to motivate you, rather than inhibit you. The Moon card can also indicate an illusion. The truth has yet to be revealed to you, secrecy may be holding you back. You are highly intuitive, trust your gut. Your intuition will never lead you down the wrong path.

Reversed: fear, anxiety, misunderstanding, misinterpretation

The Moon reversed can show confusion and unhappiness in your life, despite the fact that you desperately want to feel better. You have to fight your demons in order to feel better and move forward. Your anxieties can be stemming from miscommunication and confusion, where you are stressing over something that isn’t even real. You will feel liberated once you eliminate those fears.

Astrology: Pisces Element : Water Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 22 19 The Sun —

Upright: happiness, success, optimism, confidence

The Sun card represents all the positive things in life like success and abundance. There is much joy coming to you. You are an inspiration to others, and people may even describe you as a “ray of sunshine.” You provide people with so much warmth, your beautiful energy is contagious. You are likely a very confident person, and rightly so. The Sun in tarot is a sign from your guides that the outcome of your situation will be positive. For example, if you ask your guides if you will get that big promotion you’ve been wanting, pulling The Sun will be an overwhelming YES.

Reversed: pessimism, unrealistic expectations, conceitedness

The Sun reversed may indicate you have trouble finding the positives in a less-than-favorable situation. You likely are struggling to feel confident and/or powerful. There may be some sort of setback that you are experiencing at the moment. Although a lot of times The Sun reversed means you are pessimistic, it can also sometimes indicate that you are overly optimistic, to the point where your ideas are unrealistic. You need to take that into account before you can move forward.

Astrology: Sun Element : Fire Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 23 20 Judgement —

Upright: self-evaluation, awakening, renewal, purpose

Judgement is all about reflecting on our actions. You have to take into account where you are now so you know how you can grow from here. You are at a very important time in your life where it may be time to evaluate yourself. This is a time of clarity. This can be an indication to make small changes to your daily life or possibly make a huge change that not only affects you, but the people around you. You may be facing a big decision that will greatly impact your life. You may also be at the “point of no return.” Keep moving forward.

Reversed: doubt, lack of self-awareness, failure to learn lessons

The reversed Judgement card can symbolize doubt and judgement. You may be missing important opportunities because you are getting in your own way. You are losing momentum. This card can also indicate your schedule is too busy and you might need to take a step back or take a break. You are being too critical of yourself and you need to give yourself the time to reflect and learn the lessons you are meant to learn.

Astrology: Pluto Element : Fire Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 24 21 The World —

Upright: completion, achievement, fulfilment, belonging, wholeness

The World indicates unity and wholeness. It means the end of a cycle, the completion and fulfillment of something. Your efforts are beginning to pay off. It can mean you are at a major milestone in your life. The World may indicate completion of a long-term project, study, or any other major event in your life. It can also be a huge event like the birth of a child, marriage, graduation or any other thing that you have accomplished. With all of this blessing, The World card shows that you have a desire to give back. You wish to make the world a better place.

Reversed: lack of closure, lack of achievement, feeling incomplete, emptiness

You are at the end of a journey or chapter. You have accomplished a lot, but you do not feel fulfilled. What is missing? What keeps you from feeling complete? From feeling whole?

Astrology: Saturn Element : Earth

Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 25 Rings (Wands) —

In this tarot deck, the suit of fire is not depicted as w ands or rods like in typical tarot, but as Harry’s signature rings!

The Suit of Rings is associated with primal energy, determination, strength, ambition, and rapid growth.

The Suit of Rings is associated with the element of Fire. Fire can’t be tamed; it’s wild, unpredictable, and full of life. It can be used to create, or it can be used to destroy. Fire symbolizes passion, sexuality, masculinity, and aggression.

Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 26 Ace of Rings —

UPRIGHT : Inspiration, new opportunities, change REVERSED: Lack of direction, obstacle, distraction

Two of Rings —

UPRIGHT : Planning ahead, progress, decisions REVERSED: Fear of unknown, lack of planning, stagnation

Three of Rings —

UPRIGHT : Progress, expansion, possible travel REVERSED: Playing it safe, not planning ahead, unexpected obstacles

Four of Rings —

UPRIGHT : A celebration, joy, gathering, homecoming REVERSED: Personal gain, conflict with others, transitioning

Five of Rings —

UPRIGHT : Conflict, arguments, competing, tension REVERSED: Inner conflict, avoidance

Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 27 Six of Rings —

UPRIGHT : Success, recognition, confidence REVERSED: Ego inflation, loss of status

Seven of Rings —

UPRIGHT : Challenge, competition, persevering REVERSED: Fatigue, overwhelmed

Eight of Rings —

UPRIGHT : Travel, rapid change, action REVERSED: Delays, avoiding change

Nine of Rings —

UPRIGHT : Persistence, resilience, strength, holding onto faith REVERSED: Difficulty, overwhelmed, anxious

Ten of Rings —

UPRIGHT : Working hard, responsibility, completing a major task REVERSED: Doing too much, burden, release

Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 28 Page of Rings — UPRIGHT : Big ideas, invention, potential, messenger REVERSED: Limiting yourself, petulence, rebelliousness PERSON : A person with Page of Rings energy is someone who is enthusiastic and up for anything; they are likely a huge risk-taker. They see every day as a new opportunity, they may forget to slow down and to stop and smell the roses.

Knight of Rings — UPRIGHT : Fearless, self-assured, adventure REVERSED: Restless, haste, impulsive, impatient PERSON : A person with Knight of Rings energy is someone who has limitless energy. They are witty and clever, and have no problem charming other people with their magnetism. They are very determined to finish everything they start, however this can sometimes make them hasty and impatient.

Queen of Rings — UPRIGHT : Optimistic, independent, charming, positive, authoritative, attractive REVERSED: Confident, visionary, introverted PERSON : A person with Queen of Rings energy is someone who is very generous and headstrong. She expresses her true beauty through her kindness, intellect, and her celebration of her sexuality. She embodies fire energy by being feisty and stubborn, though she uses this fire energy to also protect and serve. This is a card of feminine energy, though it can describe a person of any gender expression.

King of Rings — UPRIGHT : Leader, entrepreneurial, influential, charming REVERSED: Impulsiveness, ruthless, manipulative PERSON : A person with King of Rings energy is someone who is confident and charming. He radiates power and leadership. He is attractive, intelligent, and stylish. He finds passion in his career and he stands out amongst the crowd. You may wonder how they are able to get so much done. A re they even a real person? This is a card of masculine energy, though it can describe a person of any gender expression. Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 29 Pearls (Cups) —

In this tarot deck, the suit of water is not depicted as cups like in typical tarot, but as Harry’s signature pearls!

The Suit of Pearls deals with our emotions and are associated with love, feelings, unity, and partnerships.

The Suit of Pearls is associated with the element of water. Water is fluid and gentle, but it also holds a lot of power. It can be soft and gentle like a stream, or full of power and force like a waterfall.

The element of water is symbolic of emotions, intuition, healing, and harmony. It is a feminine element, opposite of fire, and reflects the calm, nurturing energy typically found in women.

Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 30 Ace of Pearls —

UPRIGHT : Love, new relationship, creativity, unity, abundance REVERSED: Self-love, repressed emotions

Two of Pearls —

UPRIGHT : New relationship, partnership, attraction, unity REVERSED: Break-ups, unbalanced, distrust

Three of Pearls —

UPRIGHT : Gathering, celebration, friendship REVERSED: Autonomy, over-partying

Four of Pearls —

UPRIGHT : Meditation, contemplation, reflection REVERSED: Withdrawal, checking in with yourself

Five of Pearls —

UPRIGHT : Failure, disappointment, regret REVERSED: Personal obstacles, moving on

Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 31 Six of Pearls —

UPRIGHT : Nostalgia, innocence, joy REVERSED: Living in the past, too serious

Seven of Pearls —

UPRIGHT : False opportunities, choices, illusion REVERSED: Overwhelmed by choices

Eight of Pearls —

UPRIGHT : Disappointment, abandonment, isolation REVERSED: Indecision, lack of direction, walking away

Nine of Pearls —

UPRIGHT : Satisfaction, feeling content and grateful, wish fulfillment REVERSED: Materialism, overindulgence, dissatisfaction

Ten of Pearls —

UPRIGHT : Divine love, harmony, fulfillment, family REVERSED: Disconnection, trouble in relationships

Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 32 Page of Pearls — UPRIGHT : Imaginative opportunities, intuition, youthful, romance REVERSED: Sensitivity, not trusting intuition, emotional PERSON : A person with Page of Pearls energy is someone who is sensitive, romantic, and ethereal. They have immense wisdom and a unique perspective. They do not conform to expectations and have trouble finding people like them.

Knight of Pearls — UPRIGHT : Artistic, romance, good news, beauty REVERSED: Unrealistic, jealous, impulsive PERSON : A person with Knight of Pearls energy is one of the dreamiest people you will ever meet. They go out of their way to fulfill all of their loved ones’ desires. They can be a little too sensitive at times or worry too much, but it’s only because they are so passionate. They follow their heart over logic.

Queen of Pearls — UPRIGHT : Compassionate, nurturing, intuitive, loving, healing, psychic REVERSED: Introspective, self-care, codependency PERSON : A person with Queen of Pearls energy is someone who is incredibly nurturing and understands other people’s emotions. She gives love unconditionally. She is creative, kind, generous, and highly intuitive and spiritual. This is a card of feminine energy, though it can describe a person of any gender expression.

King of Pearls — UPRIGHT : Emotionally balanced, compassionate, diplomatic REVERSED: Self-indulgence, heartache, overly emotional, emotionally manipulative PERSON : A person with King of Pearls energy is someone who is sensitive and psychic. He makes time for creativity and celebration. He is often overly emotional, but if he is able to balance these emotions, he rules with wonderful diplomacy. This is a card of masculine energy, though it can describe a person of any gender expression.

Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 33 Music (Swords) —

In this tarot deck, the suit of air is not depicted as sw ords like in typical tarot, but as Harry’s music, the most incredible gifts to come from Harry’s mind!

The Suit of Music deals with mental functions that involve the mind and the intellect. Music cards represent your thoughts, creativity, and intelligence.

The Suit of Music is associated with the element of Air. Air cannot be seen, but exists all around us. Air can be still, or it can be a roaring wind.The air element symbolizes knowledge, big ideas, and change. It is a masculine energy that is more subtle than the energy of the fire element.

Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 34

Ace of Music —

UPRIGHT : Clarity, new idea, breakthrough, victory, truth, new beginning REVERSED: Cloudy judgement, disconnection, obstacles, introspection

Two of Music —

UPRIGHT : Decision, illumination, weighing options REVERSED: Indecision, illusion, delusion, confusion

Three of Music —

UPRIGHT : Heartbreak, pain, grief, obstacles REVERSED: Forgiveness, healing, sacrifice

Four of Music —

UPRIGHT : Rest, meditation, recovery, reflection REVERSED: Nervousness, burden, stagnation, fatigue

Five of Music —

UPRIGHT : Conflict, competition, gossip, ego, mistrust REVERSED: Making amends, closure, standing up for yourself

Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 35 Six of Music —

UPRIGHT : Change, recovery, new adventure, travel REVERSED: Resisting change, unfinished business, holding onto attachments

Seven of Music —

UPRIGHT : Deception, selfishness, betrayal REVERSED: Keeping secrets, self-doubt, attachments, insecurity

Eight of Music —

UPRIGHT : Self-victimization, helplessness, pessimism, restriction REVERSED: Critical, learning from past, moving past blockages

Nine of Music —

UPRIGHT : Anxiety, fear, depression, guilt REVERSED: Secrets, time to make a change, ask for help

Ten of Music —

UPRIGHT : Betrayal, loss, ending REVERSED: Recovering, avoiding an inevitable end, transformation

Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 36 Page of Music — UPRIGHT : New idea, passion for knowledge, communication, enthusiastic REVERSED: Self-expression, overthinking, haste PERSON : A person with Page of Music energy is someone who is extremely ambitious and thinks outside the box. They learn quickly and grasp abstract concepts easily. They excel in planning, communicating, and compartmentalizing. They make wonderful authors and teachers.

Knight of Music — UPRIGHT : Ambitious, goal-oriented, energetic, skilled REVERSED: Antisocial, abrasive, critical, burn-out, mind racing PERSON : A person with Knight of Music energy is someone who is intelligent and enthusiastic. They set lofty goals and are determined to reach them. People may wonder how they meet these impossible standards. They often manifest their hopes into existence.

Queen of Music — UPRIGHT : Independent, impartial, truthful, wise REVERSED: Perfectionist, cold-hearted, overanalyzing PERSON : A person with Queen of Music energy is someone who is clever and insightful. She sees through bullshit with her analytical mind. She uses her time and resources wisely. She is very decisive and is incredibly mature. She is loyal and supportive. This is a card of feminine energy, though it can describe a person of any gender expression.

King of Music — UPRIGHT : Analysis, intelligent, authority, reason REVERSED: Insensitive, abuse of power, manipulation PERSON : A person with King of Music energy is someone who is intelligent and good at decision-making. He thinks with his head and not his heart. He may come across as insensitive, because he is hyper-focused on getting everything done efficiently. He is responsible and often very inventive. He makes a great engineer or scientist. This is a card of masculine energy, though it can describe a person of any gender expression. Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 37 Fruit (Pentacles) —

In this tarot deck, the suit of earth is not depicted as pent acles like in typical tarot, but as Harry’s fruit, a subject Harry often references in his music!

The Suit of Fruit deals with abundance and value in our lives such as health, money, careers, and fulfillment. It can also be associated with ego and the way we view ourselves.

The Suit of Fruit is associated with the element of Earth. Earth is tangible, like money, and creates the foundation from which we grow and develop. It supports everything on this planet. It is a feminine element that is resourceful and stable.

Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 38 Ace of Fruit —

UPRIGHT : New opportunity in career or finance, abundance, manifestation, fertility REVERSED: loss, financial risk, exploitation, lack of planning

Two of Fruit —

UPRIGHT : Balance, flexibility, multiple opportunities, prioritizing REVERSED: Overwhelmed, too many commitments, disorganized

Three of Fruit —

UPRIGHT : Collaboration, teamwork, skill, artistic REVERSED: Working alone, obsession, controlling, insecurity

Four of Fruit —

UPRIGHT : Conservatism, materialism, control, saving money REVERSED: Overspending, fear of poverty

Five of Fruit —

UPRIGHT : Financial loss, worry, hardship, poverty REVERSED: Recovery from financial instability, newfound optimism

Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 39 Six of Fruit —

UPRIGHT : New opportunities in career, generosity, charity REVERSED: Imbalance, being taken advantage of, debt

Seven of Fruit —

UPRIGHT : Perseverance, intuition, meditation REVERSED: Frustration, limited reward, imbalance

Eight of Fruit —

UPRIGHT : Education, skill mastery, craftsmanship, industry REVERSED: Neglecting relationship, perfectionism, neglecting well-being

Nine of Fruit —

UPRIGHT : Luxury, abundance, stability, growth, sensuality REVERSED: Overindulgence, over-investment, no concrete goals

Ten of Fruit —

UPRIGHT : Prosperity, long-term success, financial stability REVERSED: Rigid, emotional void, financial loss

Harry Styles T arot Guidebook . 40 Page of Fruit — UPRIGHT : Dedicated, entrepreneurial, youthful, financial opportunity REVERSED: Procrastination, learn from failure PERSON : A person with Page of Fruit energy is someone who is grounded, kind, and confident. They have a youthful innocence that makes them appear extremely down-to-earth. They love to explore, though they tend to be more introverted. They are calm, dedicated, and patient.

Knight of Fruit — UPRIGHT : Hardworking, committed, conservative REVERSED: Self-discipline, stubborn, detail-oriented PERSON : A person with Knight of Fruit energy is someone with an old soul. They are wise, experienced, and have strong opinions. They make a very loyal, committed partner in romance and business. They think carefully and keep all of their promises. He tend to have more traditional views.

Queen of Fruit — UPRIGHT : Nurturing, provider, fertility, down-to-earth REVERSED: Energetic blockages, need for security, unbalanced PERSON : A person with Queen of Fruit energy is motherly and nurturing. She is a great provider and supports everyone she knows. Being around her fills you with warmth and a sense of security. She is connected to nature and spirit. She is great at balancing all of her commitments. This is a card of feminine energy, though it can describe a person of any gender expression.

King of Fruit — UPRIGHT : Wealth, business-oriented, leader, reliable, abundance REVERSED: Materialistic, possessive, rigid PERSON : A person with King of Fruit energy is someone who is highly successful and business-oriented. He is always one step ahead and is always capable of offering guidance. He is connected to nature and spirit. He is wise and well-off due to the strong connections he has built. This is a card of masculine energy, though it can describe a person of any gender expression.