Las Ruinas Enterradas De Pompeya Y Un Antiguo Ejemplar Enigmático De Epigrafía Fortuita Romana
DOCUMENTA & INSTRUMENTA, 2 (2004), PP. 173-192 LAS RUINAS ENTERRADAS DE POMPEYA Y UN ANTIGUO EJEMPLAR ENIGMÁTICO DE EPIGRAFÍA FORTUITA ROMANA THE SUNKEN RUINS OF POMPEII AND AN AGE-OLD ENIGMATIC SPECIMEN OF ROMAN INCIDENTAL EPIGRAPHY CARLOS PÉREZ-RUBÍN Resumen: Artículo en el cual se ofrece una visión general de las tempranas excavaciones arqueológicas españolas en el Golfo de Nápoles y en otros lugares (siglo XVIII) así como un análisis a fondo y un intento, debidamente documentado, por elucidar definitivamente el famoso cuadrado enigmático ROTAS-SATOR hallado dos veces en Pompeya (siglo XX) y en otras ruinas a lo largo del Imperio Romano. Palabras clave: Alcubierre, Arqueología, Círculo (Cuadratura del), Cruz (Griega), Cuadrado Mágico, Encrucijada, Excavaciones, Gnosticismo (Cristiano), Herculano, Laberinto, Mandala, Metafísica, Mismidad, Nápoles (Reino de), Palenque, Pompeya, Psicología (Profunda), Rotas- Sator y Rueda Solar. Abstract: An article giving a brief overview of early (18th century) Spanish archaeological excavations on the Gulf of Naples and elsewhere, as well as an in-depth analysis of, “and a properly documented attempt at”, finally elucidating the famous enigmatic ROTAS-SATOR square found twice at Pompeii (20th century) and at other ruins over the length of the Roman Empire. Keywords: Alcubierre, Archaeology, Circle (Squaring the), Cross (Greek), Crossroads, Excavations, Gnosticism (Christian), Herculaneum, Labyrinth, Magic Square, Mandala, Metaphysics, Naples (Kingdom of), Palenque, Pompeii, Psychology (Depth), Rotas-Sator, Selfhood and Sunwheel. EARLY EXCAVATIONS IN POMPEII As American writer Ignatius Donnelly (†1901) commented in 1882, [...] “for a thousand years it was believed that the cities of Herculaneum and Pompeii were CARLOS PÉREZ-RUBÍN myths”. That, incidentally, was just the case also with Troy which was discovered by Schliemann, the German archaeologist at that time (late 19th century), and with Ur, which was discovered by Sir C.L.
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