Machine for Outting Or Shortening Linotype Slugs. Application Filed Feb, 15, 1906
No, 823,788, PATENTED JUNE 19, 1906. R., F. JACOBS, MACHINE FOR OUTTING OR SHORTENING LINOTYPE SLUGS. APPLICATION FILED FEB, 15, 1906. 2 SHEETS-SHEET , Rew. s. GRAA co, roto-irilogRAPHERS, WASklog, c. No. 823,788, w PATENTED JUNE 19, 1906. R. F. JACOBS, MACHINE FOR OUTTING OR SHORTENING LINOTYPE SLUGS, APPLICATION FILED FEB, 15, 1906. 2 SHEETS-SHEET 2. N . <Z% E. I t a - NS s % s seass Es 9s 3 see . NSbNN (s Sse 2x ae SNN a ity al SAzeSF'ss eae Elektklubs N2S es 2 a e. N s SNSS1 a a Y FOSS al X S 24% s : X- itsa a D - - - - - - E e O se/ RSSŠ sae w Š5 NS ASSs es s N f N s Š 8wewtot le-- Aa e g s . too es SR SS 3 6%a24. (22.22% Q4 2-z, / al?y %Coorg, UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE. ROBERT F. JACOBS, OF BALTIMORE, MARYLAND, ASSIGNOR OF ONE-HALF TO CHARLES F. WALTHER, OF HOWARDWILLE, MARYLAND. MACHINE FOR cutting OR SHORTENING LINotype-slugs. No. 828,788. Specification of Letters Patent. Patented June 19, 1906. Application filed February 15, 1906, Serial No. 301,184, To all whom it may concern: provide a slug-cutting machine with a limit 55 Be it known that I, ROBERT F. JACOBs, a ed number of attached but movable spacers citizen of the United States, residing at Bal of varying widths, the variations being ac timore, in the State of Maryland, have in cording to the point system so that one or vented certain new and useful Improvements several spacers may be quickly moved into in Machines for Cutting or Shortening Lino position, and thereby locate a stop or abut type-Slugs, of which the following is a specifi ment where it will accurately represent a cation.
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