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Global Handwashing Day

Celebrate Global Handwashing Day to promote handwashing with soap throughout the world. It is a way to support a global and local culture of handwashing with soap, shine a spotlight on the state of handwashing in each country, and raise awareness about the benefits of handwashing with soap.

Handwashing with soap is among the most effective and inexpensive ways to prevent diarrheal and and most oral disease. [Type here]

About Global Handwashing Day (GHD) Global Handwashing Day was initiated by the Public Private Partnership for Handwashing (PPPHW) in August 2008 at the annual World Water Week in Stockholm, Sweden. This means that the first Global Handwashing Day took place on 15 October 2008. The date was appointed by the UN General Assembly. The year 2008 was also the International Year of .

The focus for Global Handwashing Day's inaugural year in 2008 was school children. In that year, the members pledged to get the maximum number of school children handwashing with soap in more than 70 countries. In in 2008, cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar and his teammates joined an estimated 100 million schoolchildren around the country in lathering up for better health and as part of the first Global Handwashing Day. In 2014, Global Handwashing Day was used as an opportunity to fight Ebola. Global Handwashing Day is the centerpiece of a week of activities that aim to mobilize millions of people to their hands with soap. This simple activity could save more lives than any or medical intervention, preventing the spread of . [Type here]

In Qatar Red Crescent We take advantage of this event to encourage people to wash their hand in the best way. and teach them how they can teach their families and their society our washing hand way till we reach the point that we made handwashing is a life habit for those people.

-Day by day During the week of activities related to handwashing in all camps(Khazir-Al-Salamiah -Nimrud- Ashti) and schools. First Day 14/10/2017 We made Sessions about , timing of hand washing and right way of hand washing. And showing photos and videos for clarifying importance and timing of hand washing. Also we Played songs about hand washing to make children interacting with songs and clap their hand.

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Second Day 15/10/2017 coloring brochures activities about hand washing and Children hand prints on board by let children feel about shape of their hands and how dirty hand leaves trace.

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Third Day 16/10/2017 playing of dolls about hand washing and let children feel how it is important.

practicing hand washing one by one. distributing soaps as prize.

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Fourth Day 17/10/2017 We made Sessions about hand washing and right way of hand washing. Showing photos and videos about hand washing. Playing songs about hand washing. Playing of dolls about hand washing and its importance. Hand prints on board Activities. Distributing hygiene kits special for disabled children. [Type here]

Fifth Day 18/10/2017 Inviting adults to present a session about the importance of hand washing and discussing the diseases that result from not washing hands properly.

Not just children need to know the important of handwashing because everyone can contribute to promoting handwashing with soap.

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Sixth Day 19/10/2017 Special day for women to present a session about the women's issues and presentation photos regarding washing hands. And give our handwashing way to the mothers to let them teach their children if they couldn’t attend our sessions.

And explaining to the mothers that Kids learn best by example, so the best way to teach isn’t by explaining or talking it’s by demonstrating. And made discussing about children behaviors if they wash their hand by their self or they need someone to remind them every time.

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Nub of Nub Of Name of Camp Sessions + Material distributions beneficiaries Activities S = 8 500 Soap+ 100 T- Ashti 1317 A = 17 Shirt S = 8 800Soap + 100 T- Khazir 975 A = 15 Shirt S = 7 Al- Salamiah 820 Soap 820 A = 13 S = 9 Nimrud 615 Soap 615 A = 6

Nub of Material Nub Of Name of School Sessions + distributions beneficiaries Activities S = 2 Derok school 75 Soap 75 students A = 4 S = 3 Kobani school 80 Soap 80 students A = 6 S = 2 Afrin school 70 Soap 70 students A = 2 S = 3 Rwbar school 82 Soap 82 students A = 3 S = 8 Bahrka school 252 Soap 252 students A = 8 S = 2 Dijlah school 60 Soap 60 students A = 4 S = 4 Badrkhan school 115 Soap 115 students A = 6 [Type here]

S = 3 Taakhi school 96 Soap 96 students A = 3 then Ismael Bashekchi S = 1 36 Soap 36 students School A = 2

Some Facts about how much important the Handwashig • Simple Handwashing with soap can save a million lives per year. • Handwashing with soap can reduce the risk of diarrheal diseases by approximately 50% • Mothers who wash their hands with soap can reduce the risk of newborn death by 44% • Handwashing with soap can reduce the number of pneumonia- related in children under the age of five by • Providing soap in schools can reduce school absenteeism due to by 30 percent Handwashing with soap is the single most effective and inexpensive WASH intervention for preventing diarrheal diseases and pneumonia, accounting for 3.5 million child deaths annually

In Qatar Red Crescent Every Day Is Handwashing Day.