Abel, Darrel, 167; (A), "Significance of the Aitken, Robert: cash loans of, 395; credit Letter to the Abb6 Raynal in the Progress sales of, 391, 397, 400; losses from bad of Thomas Paine's Thought," 176-90 debts, 392, 398 Abernethy, Thomas Perkins (A), Three Vir- Albemarle Agricultural Society, 42in ginia Frontiers, rev'd, 132-34 Algiers, John Adams on pirates of, 337 Abolition, and free produce movement in All-Friends Conference, 89 Phila., 294-313. See also Antislavery move- Allen, William (1704-1780), and B. Franklin, ment 100-105 Acculturation of immigrants in Boston (1790- Allinson, Samuel, Jr., 302 1865), 366-67 Allison, James, 452 Adams, Abigail, 344, 347, 348 Alsop, Samuel, 302 Adams, John, 60, 6$n, 456, 457, 458; on American Academy of Arts and Sciences, banks, 7; and Canadian campaign, 210; John Adams on, 347 Common Sense attributed to, 205; credit American Book Collectors ... by Cannon, purchases of, 393; letters of, to Van der rev'd, 502 Kemp, 334-50; and Philadelphia Agricul- American Chamber of Commerce, suggested tural Society, 434; and Tom Paine, 161,173 by Frederick List, 71 Adams, John Quincy, 60; John Adams on, "American Economist," by Frederick List, 337-50, passim; letters of, in Society collec- 72-73 tion, 334 American Free Produce Association, 299- Adams, R. G., on political ideas of Am. Rev., 302 181, 182 American Friends Peace Conference (1901), Adams, Samuel, 162, 174; John Adams on, 88 348 American Friends Service Committee, 85, 88, Adams, Thomas, 348 92 Adams, Thomas B., on Luzac, 337 American Historical Association, address by Addison, Agnes (R), 498-99 Klingberg before, 260W Addison, Alexander, 446 American Issues, edited by Willard Thorp, "Address from The Philadelphia Society for Merle Curti and Carlos Baker, rev'd, Promoting Agriculture, with a Summary of 128-30 its Laws, and Premiums offered," 419-20 American Journalism. A History of News- Administration of the American Commissariat papers in the through 250 during the Revolutionary War, by Johnson, Years, 1690-1940, by Frank Luther Mott, rev'd, 492-93 rev'd, 376-77 Age of Reason, by Tom Paine, 170-72, 188 American Land Company, 321 n Agrarian Conflicts in Colonial New York, American Philosophical Society: John Beale ijn-1775, by Mark, rev'd, 114 Bordley, member of, 414, 416, 436; and Agrarian Justice, by Tom Paine, 188, 193, Phila. Agricultural Society, 416, 418, 436 i?4, 195 . . . American Revolution Considered as a Social Agricultural revolution, in America, 410-39 Movement, The, by J. Franklin Jameson, Agricultural societies: Society rev'd, 351-52 for Promoting Arts, Manufactures and American System, labor and, 280-81 Agriculture, 423; history of Philadelphia, American Whig Society, members of, 459W 410-39; Maryland farmers indifferent to, Americanization, of Negroes in Colonial South 415; in , 419W, 425W, 431- Carolina, by Klingberg, rev'd, 487-88 32; Memoirs of Philadelphia Society, Ames, Fisher, John Adams on, 345 rev'd, 125-27; in Virginia, 438^ Anderson, Alexander, 424 Agricultural Society of New Brunswick, 423 Andre, John, 141 Agriculture, on the frontier, 430; pattern Anglican Church, and English humanitarian- farms proposed (1794), 429-3°, 43J> 432; ism, 260-78, passim teaching of, in colleges and public schools, Anglo-American Union . . . , by J. P. Boyd, proposed (1794), 4*9, 43* rev'd, 104-108 509 5io INDEX October

Anti-Constitutionalists (Pa.). See Federalist Barclay, David (d. 1769), IO4« party Barclay, David, Jr., and B. Franklin, 100- Antifederalist party, growth of, in Pa. (1792), 101, iO4« 440-58 Barclay, David, and Sons, 103W, 104 Antislavery movement: in England, 264-72, Barclay, John (fl. 1769), 104W 276; and the free produce societies in Barclay, John (fl. 1792), 449, 452 Phila., 294-313. See also Abolition Baring Brothers, and Stephen Girard, 30, 31 Anti-Slavery Reporter, The, and free produce Barker, Jacob, 479 movement, 306 Barneveldt, Olden, John Adams on, 341 Anti-Slavery Society (Eng.), 264 Barrington, Lewis (A), Historic Restorations Appraisal of the Negro in Colonial South Caro- of the Daughters of the American Revolution, lina: A Story in Americanization, by Kling- rev'd, 374-75 berg, rev'd, 487-88 Barton, Isaac, 298 Archives of Friends in Pa., rev'd, 372-74 Bathe, Greville (R), 377-78 Arch Street Yearly Meeting, Philadelphia, Beardsley, Levi, 317 84, 87, 90 Beaumarchais, Pierre Augustin Caron de, Architectural drawings, in The Historical John Adams on, 340-41 Society of Pennsylvania, 141 Beckley, John, 458 Argens, Jean Baptiste de Boyer, marquis d', Beers, Henry P. (R), 237-38, 498 John Adams on, 345 Belknap, Jeremy, and Phila. Agricultural So- Armaments, naval, Tom Paine advocates ciety, 422 limitation of, 184-85 Bell. John F. (A), "Frederick List, Champion Armbriister, Anthony, cash loans to, by of Industrial Capitalism," 56-83 B. Franklin, 396 Benezet, Anthony, and Granville Sharp, 269, Arnold, Benedict, and Canadian Campaign, 270 208, 211 Bennet, Mr., 277^ Ashburton, Baron. See Dunning, John Bennett, Whitman (A), Whittier, Bard of Astor, John Jacob, 41, 42, 43, 50, 479 Freedom, rev'd, 360-62 Atlee, Edwin P., and free produce, 298 Bentham, Jeremy, and British penal reform, Australia, and British penal reform, 273 273 Berdahl, Clarence A. (R), 230-31 Berks County Historical Society, 64W Bache, Benjamin Franklin, 444, 454,457,458 Berthold, Arthur B. (R), 375-76, 502 Bahama Society for Agriculture, 423 Bible: printed by Aitken, 391W; Tom Paine's Bainbridge, William, 479 views on, 171-72, 196 Baker, Carlos. See Thorp, Willard, et ah Bibliographical Planning Committee, Phila., Bakewell, Robert (1725-1795), 410 report on Philadelphia libraries, rev'd, Ballmer, Mr., 62 216-18 Baltimore Yearly Meeting, 89 Biddle, Charles, 48 Bancker, Charles N., 31 Biddle, Clement, 7 Bank of North America, 1, 2; attitude to- Biddle, Edward R., 74W, 81 ward paper money, 408; and Pennsylvania Biddle, Gertrude B., and Sarah D. Lowrie Assembly, 408 (Eds.), Notable Women of Pennsylvania, "Bank of North America and Pennsylvania rev'd, 499-500 Politics: 1781-1787," by Janet Wilson, 3-28 Biddle, Nicholas, 46 Bank of Pennsylvania, 36, 39, 44-45, 49; and Biddle, Thomas, 74W Bank of North America, 4 Bingham, William, and Bank of North Amer- Bank of United States (First), 414,439W; and ica, 4, 10, 12 Stephen Girard, 32-35 Birch, Thomas, 141 Bank of United States (Second): and Ste- Birch, William, 140 phen Girard's Bank, 37, 46; and William Bird, William: cash loans of, 395; credit sales Jones, 481-82 of, 392,399,400; losses from bad debts, 398 Banknotes: bill for stamp duties on, 36, 47- Blackstone, Sir William, and Somerset case, 48; of Stephen Girard's Bank, 36, 38, 39, 268 41, 44-46, 47-48 m Blake, William, and English humanitarian- Banks: dev. of private, 29-55; history of ism, 274, 275 Stephen Girard's, 29-55; national, pro- Blegen, Theodore C. (A), Norwegian Migra- posed by Alexander Hamilton, 444; and tion to America: The American Transition, settlement of western lands, 316-33, passim rev'd, 230-31 Baptists, John Adams on, 342 Blockley and Merion Society for Promoting Barbe*-Marbois, Francois, marquis de, life of, Agriculture and Rural Economy, 423 by Lyon, rev'd, 359 Boehme, Jacob, 91 194^ INDEX 5" Boggess, A. C, ioo Bronson, Arthur, 321 Bolton, John, 479 Bronson, Frederick, 321 Bonaparte, Jerome, John Adams on, 340 Bronson, Isaac, 321 Bonaparte, Joseph, 70W Brougham, Henry Peter, Baron Brougham Bond, Phineas, 391 and Vaux, and Society for the Diffusion Bond, Sarah, 142 of Useful Knowledge, 292 Bonnet, J. Esprit, 295 Brown, Josias F., & Co., 308 Bookbinding in America, ed. by Hellmut Brown, Kenneth L.: (A), "Stephen Girard's Lehmann-Haupt, rev'd, 375-76 Bank," 29-55; "The William Jones Pa- Book collecting, in America, by Cannon, pers," 479-82 rev'd, 502 Bryan, George, 17, 102; and Antifederalist Books, binding of, in America, rev'd, 375-76 party, 442 ^ Boon, Gerrit, and free produce movement, Buchanan, James, election of, 310 296 Buchanan, James A., 482 Bordentown, N. J., Tom Paine in, 166 Buckingham, Alvah, 322 Bordley, Ariana (Mrs. Thomas), 411-12 Buffon, George Louis Leclerc, comte de, John Bordley, John Beale, and Phila. Agricultural Adams on, 339, 346 Society, 4IO~39 Bunker Hill, battle of, 208 Bordley, Margaret Chew (Mrs. John), 412, Burd, James (1726-1793): biog. of, by Nixon, 4i3> 4H rev'd, 489-90; cash loans of, 395; credit Bordley, Sarah Fishbourne Mifflin (Mrs. sales of, 392, 397, 399; losses from bad John), 414 debts, 398 Bordley, Stephen I, 411 Burgoyne, John, John Adams on, 23$ Bordley, Stephen II, 411 Burke, Edmund: and John Adams' writings, Bordley, Stephen III, 412, 413 344; and slave trade, 271; and Tom Paine, Bordley, Thomas, 411 6 73 Bossard, James H. S. (R), 351-52 BurleighT* 'fr L, MargaretV , 307 Boston, Mass., immigrants in (1790-1865), Burlington County Society for Agriculture rev'd, 366-67 (N. J.), 423 Boston Athenaeum, gift to, 350 Burnett, Edmund Cody (A), Continental Con- Boston Massacre, John Adams on, 338 gress, rev'd, 226-28 Boston Peace Society, John Adams on, 349 Burns, Robert, and English humanitarianism, Boston and Western Land Company, 319-20 274,275 Boston*s Immigrants, 1790-1865, A Study in Burr, Aaron, candidate for vice-presidency, Acculturation, by Oscar Handlin, rev'd, 456-57 366-67 Burritt, Elihu, and free produce movement, Botany Bay, and English penal reform, 273 304, 307, 309, 310 Boudinot, Elias, 434; and Geo. Washington, Burt, A. L. (A), United States, Great Britain, 437 and British North America . . ., rev'd, Boundaries, determination of Pa. and Mary- 108-m land, 413 Burton, Robert, John Adams on, 346 Boyd, Julian P.: (A), Anglo-American Union Bury, J. B., 188, 191, 197, 202, 203 . . ., rev'd, 107-108; (R) 119-122; Butler, Benjamin F., and land speculation, 3*3 Boylston, Zabdiel, John Adams on, 348 Butler, Charles, 321 Brackenridge, Hugh Henry, 26, 27; (A), Byrd, William (1674-1744), secret diary of, "Father Bombo's Pilgrimage," 459, 461 rev'd, 353S^ Bradford, William (1755-1795), 459, 461 Bradley, Sculley (R), 123-24 Brandywine, The, by Canby, rev'd, 106- 107 Cadbury, Henry J. (R), 485-86 Bray, Thomas (1656-1730), Associates of, Cadwalader, George (1806-1879), 96-97 and education of the Negro, 267 Cadwalader, John, 95W; and Geo. Washing- Breton, W. L., 141 ton, 437; and Phila. Agricultural Society, Brinton, Anna Cox, 91 417, 421, 436 Brinton, Howard, 91 Cadwalader, Lambert, and Phila. Agricul- British Empire: Geo. Cuthbert on defense of tural Society, 417, 435, 436 (1775), 212-14; Galloway's plans for pres- Cadwalader, Thomas (1779-1841), and the ervation of (1774.-1788), 107-108 Penns, 95-96 British and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, Cadwalader family, 433, 434 and Phila. Free Produce Assn., 302 Chafee, Zechariah, Jr. (A), Free Speech in the British and Foreign School Society, 263W U. S., rev'd, 504 512 INDEX October

Caird, James, 332 Chew, Benjamin, 412 Caldwell, Mr., 10 Chew, Margaret. See Bordley, Margaret Caldwell, Norman Ward (A), French in the Chew Mississippi Valley, 174.0-1750, rev'd, 488- Chew, Mary. See Paca, Mary Chew 89 Chew, Philemon Lloyd, 413 Cale, Edgar Barclay (A), Organization of Chew, Samuel, 412 Labor in Philadelphia, 1850-1870, rev'd, Cheyney, Edward P. CR), 106-107 Christian Socialism, in 19th century Prot- "Calendar of Letters from John Adams to estantism, 137-38 Francis Adrian Van der Kemp, 1783-1825, , Tom Paine's views on, 170-72 in The Historical Society of Pennsylvania," Cincinnati, Society of, John Adams on, 340 ed. by John H. Powell, 334-50 Civil servants, Frederick List's views on Cameron, Simon, and Indian lands, 331 German, 58 Campbell, Donald, 211 Civil War: history of, by Milton, rev'd, Campbell, George, 479 363-64; Joseph Wheeler and, by Dyer, Campbell, W. B. (A), Old Towns and Districts rev'd, 496-97; Lincoln and the radical Re- 0/ Philadelphia, rev'd, 500-501 publicans, 495-96; Pemberton and McClel- Canada: boundary of (1749-1763), rev'd, lan in, rev'd, 364-66 357-58; campaign against (1775), 210, 211- Claim associations, and western lands,316,322 13; relations with U. S. (1763-1818), 108- Clark, H. H., 191 III Clark, T. D. (R), 132-34 Canals: and dev. of West, 328; Pennsylvania Clark, Thomas, 343 Canal, 6$n; Schuylkill, 74; from Tamaqua Clarke, T. Wood (A), Emigres in the Wilder- to Port Clinton, 73 ness, rev'd, 131-32 Canby, Henry Seidel (A), The Brandy wine, Clarkson, Dr., 400 rev'd, 106-107 Clarkson, Thomas: and American free pro- Cannon, Carl L. (A), American Book Col- duce movement, 298,302; and British anti- lecting, rev'd, 502 slavery movement, 269-72 Capellen, Johan Derk van der, 338 Clay, Henry, 60, 68», 479 Capellen de Poll. See Capellen, Johan Derk Clayton, Sir Robert, i6in van der Clendennin, Samuel, 48 Capital: foreign, invested in Bank of North Climate, of Carolinas, effect on British troops, America, 8, 18-19; methods of transferr- 214 ing, England to America, 30; transfer of, Clinton, DeWitt, John Adams on, 350 in U.S. (1815), 52-54 Clinton, George, 456, 457, 458; John Adams Capitalism, Frederick List, advocate of, $6- on, 337, 344 83 Chosophic Society, 459# Carey, Mathew: and Frederick List, 82; and Cluggage, Robert, 13W Pennsylvania Society for Promotion of Clugston, W. G. (A), Rascals in Democracy: Manufactures and Mechanic Arts, 67, 68 A Case Study of Popular Government, rev'd, Carlisle, political parties in, 450 118-19 Carlton, F. T., 279 Clymer, George, 6n, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 26; Carolinas, Geo. Cuthbert on climate of, 214 and Geo. Washington, 437; and Phila. Carroll, Charles, 412 Agricultural Society, 411, 418, 419, 421, Carter, Clarence E. (R), 494-95 423, 428, 432, 433, 434, 435, 43.6, 438 Carter, Landon, 425 Coal, dev. of anthracite industry in Pennsyl- Carter, Robert (1663-1732), letters of, ed. by vania, 73-78 Wright, rev'd, 218-19 Coats, William, 8, 451 Carter, Robert (1728-1804), biog. of, by Cobden, Richard, and land speculation, 332 Morton, rev'd, 219-21 Codrington, Colonel, 266 Cartwright, T., 140-41 Coffins, sold on credit (18th cent. Phila.), 393 Castagnet, Mr., 34 Coinage, John Beale Bordley on decimal, 414 Cattle: breeding of, 420; fairs, Geo. Morgan Coke, Thomas William, first Earl of Leicester proposes holding of, 424 ^ (1752-1842), 410 Caucus, use of, in Pa. politics, 445 College of Carlisle. See Dickinson College Charity, English, in 18th cent., 261-64 Collinson, Peter, and Franklin's "Vindica- Chase, Samuel, 412 tion," 99-105 Chatham, Earl of. See Pitt, William Columbian Magazine, and Phila. Agricultural Chauncey, Elihu, 74W Society, 420, 425, 426, 427 Chauncey, Isaac, 479 Commerce: aid to world federation, 183, Cherokee Indians, land cessions by, 331 186-87; chamber of, suggested by F. List, Cheves, Langdon, 46, 482 71 1942 INDEX 513

Commerford, John, and early labor move- Cruger family, 210 ment, 287, 288-89 Curoe, P. R. V., 279, 283, 284W, 292 Commissariat, administration of American, Curti, Merle. See Thorp, Willard, et ah during Rev. War, by Johnson, rev'd, Curwen, Joseph, 31 492-93 Custis, Eleanor Parke, 438?* Common Sense: by Tom Paine, 165-66, 173, Cuthbert, Geo., letter to Gen. Dalling (1775), 176, 181, 185, 187; Sir Basil Keith on, 205; 206-215 price of, 398 Cutler, Manasseh, 422 Commons, John R., 279, 283 Condorcet, Marie Jean Antoine Nicolas Cari- tat, marquis de, 170, 337 Confederacy, judicial system of, 116-17 Dallas, Alexander J., 479, 482; and Antifed- Conflict: The American Civil War, by Milton, eralist party, 443, 445-48, 451* 453> 455> rev'd, 363-64 456-57; and Stephen Girard, 44,47,49~55 Connecticut Society for Promoting Arts, Dalling, John, letter to, from Geo. Cuthbert Manufactures, and Agriculture, 423 (1775), 206-215 Connolly, John, 48 Danbury Mechanics' Library Association Conrad, Bryan (A), George B. McClellan, (Conn.), 286 rev'd, 364-66 Daniel, Hawthorne (A), North America, " Consumer Credit in Colonial Philadelphia," Wheel of the Future, rev'd, 504-505 by W. C. Plummer, 385-409 Danton, Georges-Jacques, 162 Continental Army: administration of com- Danville and Pottsville Railroad, 74 missariat, by Johnson, rev'd, 492-93; Geo. Dartmouth, Lord. See Legge, William, 2nd Cuthbert on organization of, 209-10 earl of Dartmouth Continental Congress: and Bank of North Daughters of the American Revolution, res- America, 3, 4, 7, 10-11; differing interests torations by, rev'd, 374-75 in (1775), 214-15; Franklin in, 207; Geo. Davis, Maria, 307 Cuthfcert on (1775), 207-208, 209, 212; re- Dean, Samuel, 431 lations with George Washington, 119-22 Deane, Silas, 15W, 208 Continental Congress, by Burnett, rev'd, Debtors, imprisonment of, in England, 277- 226-28 78 Conway, Moncure, 176 Debts: collection of (18th cent.), 397-99; Conway, Thomas, and Washington, 119-22 owed in Gt. Britain by Am. colonies, 407 Cook and Sargent, 318 Decatur, Stephen, 479 Cooper, Anthony Ashley, and slavery, 276 Defoe, Daniel, and English humanitarianism, Cooper, James Fenimore, John Adams on, 275 35o Deism: and English humanitarianism, 277; Cooper, Thomas, 68, 69, 82 John Adams on, 343, 344; Tom Paine and, Cooperthwait, Joseph, 74^ 170, 200 Cope, Marmaduke C, 302 Delaney family, 210 Cornell, Ezra, and Wisconsin lands, 320 Delaplace, Mr., 208 Cornwallis, Lord Charles, 214; John Adams Delaware Assembly and Bank of North on, 33s America, 14 Costello, Ed.. 141 Delaware Continentals, The, by Christopher Cotterill, Robert S. (R), 356-57 Ward, rev'd, 352-53 Cotton, cottage gin for cleaning, 304 Delaware Indians, land cessions by, 331 Cowper, William, and English humanitarian- Delaware River: defense of (1775), 208; stra- ism, 275 tegic importance of (1775), 212 Coxe, Tench, 6, 47, 436, 458 Democracy: case study of, in Kansas, 118-19; Crabbe, George, and British humanitarian- John Adams on. 339, 340, 349 ism, 273, 274-75 Democratic-Republican party, origins of, in Crawford, William H., 479 Pa., 440-58 Credit: costs of, 394-95; effects of, in col. Am., Depression of 1857, and free produce move- 400, 404-408; 18 th century concepts of, 1; ment, 311 limits on, 396-97; as medium of exchange, Des Moines River Navigation and Improve- 18th cent., 399-400; use of consumer, in ment Company, and land speculation, 328 col. Phila., 385-409 De Tonty, Henry, life of, by Murphy, rev'd, Creigh, John, 23 356-57 Crisis, by Tom Paine, 166, 181, 183, 192 Deutsch Gesellschaft, 82 Crop rotation: interest of Phila. Agricultural DeWindt, Mr., 345 Society in, 420, 427-28; John Beale Bord- Diaries, of Wm. Byrd, rev'd, 353-56 ley's treatise on, 410, 415 Dickens, Charles, and land speculation, 332 5H INDEX October Dickinson, John, 102, 208, 405, 436; and Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 61 John Adams, 434 Emigre's in the Wilderness, by Clarke, rev'd, Dickinson, Philemon: and Geo. Washington, 131-32 437; and Phila. Agricultural Society, 417, Enfield, William, 344 435 England, humanitarianism in 18th cent., Dickinson College, teaching of agriculture in 260-78 .(1794), 429,431 Espionage Act, and freedom of speech, 504 Dickinson family, 433 Evangelicalism, and humanitarianism in Eng- Dinwiddie, Robert, biog. of, by Koontz, rev'd, land, 277W 491-92 Evans, David: business records of, 390-91, Diplomatic History of the Canadian Boundary, 393, 397, 4°°; losses from bad debts, 398 The, 1749-1763, by Max Savelle, rev'd, Evans, George Henry, and early labor move- 357-5? ment, 283-84, 286-87, 289 D'Israeli, Isaac, John Adams on, 346 Evans, Ridgway, 140-42 Dodson, Leonidas (R.), 115-16, 219-21 Everett, Alexander Hill, John Adams on, 345 Downey, Fairfax (A), Indian-Fighting Army, Everyday Things in American Life, 1776- rev'd, 498 1876, by Langdon, rev'd, 501-502 Drake, Sir Francis, John Adams on, 339 " of the Humanitarian Spirit in Drake, Thomas E. (R), 484-85 Eighteenth-Century England, The," by Drinker, Henry (1734-1809), 103 Frank J. Klingberg, 260-78 Duane, William, 458 Ewing, James, i^n Duane, William J., 48 Ewing, W. G. & G. W., 331 Duch6, Jacob, use of credit by, 393 Exchange, media of, in col. Pa., 3, 19, 401, Dulany, Daniel, 412 444 Dunkin, Robert Henry, 451 Excise. See under Taxes, excise. Dunlap, Mr., cash loans to, by B. Franklin, Exports from Phila. (18th cent.), 387 396 Eyre, Manuel, 8 Dunlap, John, 444 Dunning, John, 269 Dupuis, Charles Frangois, John Adams on, Fairchild, Helen L., 334 347 Fairmount Water Works, 140 Dutch, John Adams on, in N. Y., 348 , Lafayette on, 350 Dutch East India Company, John Adams on, Fares, Please! From Horse-Cars to Stream- 348 liners, by Miller, rev'd, 236-37 Dyer, John P. (A), " Fight in' Joe" Wheeler, Farmer's Magazine, 423 rev'd, 496-97 Farmer's and Mechanic's Bank, 36, 39 Farms, tenancy on, and land speculation, Eaton, Amos, biog. of, by McAllister, rev'd, 327-28 124-25 Farmyards, improvements in, advocated by Eckenrode, H. J. (A), George B. McClellan, Phila. Agricultural Society, 420, 427 rev'd, 364-66 Farragut, David Glasgow, biog. of, by Lewis, Economic theories, of Frederick List, 56-83 rev'd, 235-3^ Economy, Rappite community, 61 "Father Bombo's Pilgrimage," by P. Freneau, Eden, Sir Robert, 413 ed. by Lewis Leary, 459-78 Edgar, James, 452 Federalists: John Adams on, 340; in Pa. Education: in 18th cent. England, 263; Fred- (1792), 440-58; and Tom Paine, 172-74 erick List's views on, 71-72; labor and Feminism, and antislavery movement, 307 politics in 1830's, 279-93; and land specu- Ferguson, William, 332 lation, 317, 328,330; of Negroes, 266, 267; Fertilizers, 425, 428 teaching of agricultural theory proposed Fielding, Mantle, 142 (1794), 429, 431 "Fightin' Joe" Wheeler, by Dyer, rev'd, 496- Edwards, Everett E. (R), 114 97 Elections: Congressional, in Pa. (1792), 441, Finance. See under Government finance. 444-56; Presidential, in Pa. (1792), 441, 6 Findlay, James, 446 444-45, 45 -58 Findley, William: and Antifederalist party Elliot, Mr., 348, 349 (1792), 442, 452; and Bank of North Amer- Ellsworth, Henry L., and land speculation, ica, 16, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 26, 27 318,323 Fisher, J. Francis, 94-95, 97 Ellsworth, Henry W., 318, 332 Fisher, Redwood, 70 Emancipation, of Negro slaves in West In- Fisk, Ethel F. (Ed.), Letters of John Fiske, dies, 270, 272 rev'd, 139 1942 INDEX 515

Fiske, John, letters of, rev'd, 139 French, Hannah Dustin. See Lehmann- Fitzhugh, William, 425 Haupt, Hellmut, et al. Fitzsimons, Thomas: and Bank of North French alliance, Tom Paine on, with Am. America, 4, jn, 10, 15, 21; and Federalist Colonies, 181, 183, 184, 185, 186 party, 442 445, 450 French 6migre*s, in Pennsylvania, 131-32 Fletcher, Calvin, 316, 326 French in the Mississippi Valley, 1740-1750, Flexner, Simon, and James Thomas (A), by Caldwell, rev'd, 488-89 % William Henry Welch, rev'd, 502-503 French Revolution: and English humanitar- Flexner, James Thomas. See Flexner, Simon, ianism, 271; John Adams on, 336, 337, 345, and James Thomas. 350; and Tom Paine, 167-70, 197 Floyd, William, John Adams on, 348 Freneau, Philip, 444; biog. of, by Leary, Foreign affairs, U. S., John Adams on, S3S" rev'd, 123-24; "Father Bom bo's Pilgrim- 50, passim age," 459-78 Foreman, Grant (R), 135-37 Friend, The, 306 Forman, Henry Chandlee (R), 374-75 Friends, Society of: American Friends Service Fort Griswold (Conn.), John Adams on de- Committee, 88, 92; archives of, in Pa., fense of, 335 rev'd, 372-74; "birthright" memberships, Fothergill, John, 103 85; disownments by, 86w, 87; and educa- Foundling Hospital, work of, in London, tion, 91-92; and free produce movement, 262-63 294-313, passim; Hicksite and Orthodox Fox, Charles James, and slave trade, 271 groups in, 84, 86, 87, 88, 89; humanitarian Fox, George, 85, 92, 436 interests, 85-86; influence of Pennsylvania Fox and Wisconsin Canal, and land specula- yearly meetings, 84-85; John Adams on, tion, 328 342, 343, 347; pacificism in, 88; and pov- Franchise, in Pa. (1792), 442 erty, 86; and social reform, 89-90; and Tom Francis, Tench: and Geo. Washington, 437; Paine, 164, 165, 169; western meetings in, and Phila. Agricultural Society, 417, 418, 87; Wilburite division, 86; World Confer- 421, 423, 433, 438 ences, 84,89,90; Young Friends Movement, Francis, Thomas W., 32, ^3 87,88 Franco-American Diplomatic Relations, 1816- Friends Union for Philanthropic Labor, 86 1836, by McLemore, rev'd, 111-12 Friends World Conference, 84, 89, 90 Franklin, Benjamin, 385-87; and Antifeder- Frisby, Ariana Vanderheyden. See Bordley, alist party, 442; appointed agent for Penn- Ariana sylvania, 102-104; and Bank of North Frontier: methods of agriculture, 430; of America, 26; and Canadian campaign, 210, Virginia, 132-34 213; cash loans of, 395-96; in Continental Fur Trade, early, and De Tonty, rev'd, 356- Congress (1775), 207, 210, 212; credit sales 57 °f> 39!-97; credit used by, 393, 397; credit, views on, 402-404; and defense of the Dela- ware, 208; and George Logan, 418; and Granville Sharp, 269; on Indian trade, 393; Gage, Thomas, 207; letter to Lord Shelburne, John Adams on, 337, 345, 348; and John 388-89 Jones, 417; losses from bad debts, 397,398- Gallatin, Albert, 479; and Antifederalist 99; on paper money, 406; Peter Collinson party (1792), 44^, 445-46, 45*, 455, 45^; and "Vindication" of, 95-105; portrait of, and financing of War of 1812, 37-46; and by Peale, 393; and Tom Paine, 161, 162, Stephen Girard, 37-44, 45 166; and William Allen, 100-105 Galloway, Joseph: and Anglo-American Un- Franklin, Temple, 396 ion, 107-108; credit used by, 393, 397, 398 Franklin, William, 105W, 396 Gambrill, Olive Moore: (A), "John Beale Franklin Institute, and Frederick List, 72 Bordley, and the Early Years of the Phila- Frazer, Persifor, 8 delphia Agricultural Society," 410-39; (R), "Frederick List, Champion of Industrial Cap- 125-27 italism," by John F. Bell, 56-83 Garrett, Edward, 302 Free Labour Company, 298 Gartner, Philip, \$n Free Produce Movement, in Phila., 294-313 Gates, Horatio, 209; and Washington, 119-22 Free Produce Society of Pennsylvania, 298- Gates, Paul Wallace, 258, 259;^), "The 99 Role of the Land Speculator in Western Free speech: history of, in U. S., 504; John Development," 3J4~33 Adams on, 344 Gay, John, and English humanitarianism, Free trade, Frederick List's views on, 65-66 274 Freedom of the seas, Tom Paine on, 184 Gazette de Leyde, censorship of, 337 Freeman, Douglas Southall, 364 Gen6t, Edmond, 458 5i6 INDEX October

•Geology, Amos Eaton and dev. of American, Guilford, Earl of (second). See North, 124-25 Frederick Geopolitics, 504-505 Gurney, J. J., 86 George III, John Adams on, 349 Gypsum, use of, in agriculture, 428, 437 George B. McClellan: The Man Who Saved the Gyselaer, de. See Gijselaar, Cornelis de Union, by Eckenrode and Conrad, rev'd, 364-66 Germain, George, and John Dalling, 205 Haarlem Society of Science, 340 Germany, feudal system in 18th cent., 261 Hackney, Price, letter of John Adams to, 336 Gerry, Elbridge, and John Adams, 338 Haines, George IV: (A), "Trends in Quaker- Gibbens, V. E., 167; (A), "Tom Paine and the ism, 1900-1940," 84-93; (R), 483-84 Idea of Progress,'* 191-204 Hamilton, Alexander, 43n, 66; and Frederick Gibbon, Edward, 163 List, 82; John Adams on, 340; Sec. of Gibson, Edmund (?), 269 Treasury, 444, 453, 456 Gibson, Elizabeth Bordley, 415, 418« Hamilton, James, 72 Gijselaar, Cornelis de, 346 Hamiltonian system: in New York politics, Gilman, Winthrop, 321 456; in Pa. politics, 444, 445, 453, 456 Gipson, Lawrence Henry (R), 108-111 Handlin, Oscar (A), Boston*s Immigrants, Girard, Stephen, 2; and Frederick List, 63; 1790-1865, rev'd, 366-6^1 history of bank of, 29-55; and Little Hands Off: A History of the Monroe Doctrine, Schuylkill Navigation and Coal Co., 74-77; by Perkins, rev'd, 112-13 and Philadelphia Society for the Promotion Hanway, Jonas, 274 of National Industry, 6jn; and William Hare, Jay V., 77» Jones, 482 Harmon, George Dewey: (A), Sixty Years of Goldman, Eric F. (Ed.), History and Urban- Indian Affairs .... 1789-1850, rev'd, ization, rev'd, 370-71 135-37; (R), 371-72 Goldsmith, Oliver, and English humanitar- Harmony Society, 61 ianism, 275 Harrisburg, 141; and Pennsylvania Canal, Good, H. G. (R), 124-25 631* Good Friends; ship, 31, 32, 34, 35 Harrisburg Convention, 68-69, 72 Government: John Adamsjon, 335-50, passim; Harrison, William Henry, 60 Tom Paine's theories of, 168-69, 180-81, Hart, Thomas, 74» 185-86, 187-88, 189, 193, 194-204 , and Van der Kemp, 349 Government finance, Stephen Girard's bank Hatcher, William B. (A), Edward Livingston, and, 29, 37-44, 49-55 Jeffersonian Republican and Jacksonian Graeff, Arthur D. (R), 492-93 Democrat, rev'd, 494-95 Gratz, Barnard, 386 Haverford College, Taylor MSS. in, 302 Gratz, Michael, 386 Haviland, John, 141 Graves, Samuel, 212 Hay, John, 13W Gray, Thomas, and English humanitarian- Hay, Thomas Robson (R), 364.-66, 496-97 ism, 274, 275 Hay ward, John Shaw, 321 Great Britain: humanitarianism in 18th cent., Hazlehurst, Isaac, yn 260-78; social conditions in 18th cent., Hemp, cultivation of, 42in, 425 165 Henry, George, 14 Great Lakes, in War of 1812, 481 Henry, Patrick, 162 Greece, John Adams on revolution in, 350 Hermann, Augustine, 411 Greeley, Horace, and land speculation, 315, Hessian fly, 421, 423, 424 317 Hicks, Elias, and free produce movement, 297 Greenleaf and Lothers, 42 Hiester, Isaac, 74, 76, 77-78, 8i» Gregg, Andrew, 455 Hiester, Mrs. Isaac, y6n Greuningen, John Paul von (Ed.), Swiss in Hill, Anne Meredith (Mrs. Henry), 417, 434 the United States, rev'd, 228-30 Hill, Henry, and Phila. Agricultural Society, Grew, Mary, 307 417, 428, 432, 433, 434, 436 Griffitts, Samuel Powel, 433, 435, 436 Hill, J. W., 140-41 Grigg, John, 332 Hiltzheimer, Jacob, 427, 428, 434"35 Griggs, Weld & Company, 321-22 Historic Restorations of the Daughters of the Grimes, James W., 323, 325 American Revolution, by Barrington, rev'd, Grimm, Jacob Ludwig Carl, John Adams on, Historical Society of Pennsylvania: letters of 346 John Adams to Van der Kemp in, 334-50; Guide to Ten Major Depositories of Manu- prints & drawings in, listed, 140-60,239-46, script Collections in New York State, edited 379-84; report of Hall and Buildings Com- by Yoshpe and Roach, rev'd, 127-28 194^ INDEX 517 mittee (1941), 256; treasurer's report Illinois Central Railroad, 329; and Webster (1941), 249-55 and Rockwell, 328W Historiography, American, and urbanization, Immigration: to Boston (1790-1865), rev'd, 37O-71 366-6y; and western lands, 314-15 History and Urbanization, Essays in AmericanImports, into Phila., payment for, 388, 389 History in Honor of W. Stull Holty ed. by Indian-Fighting Army, by Downey, rev'd, 498 Eric F. Goldman, rev'd, 370-71 Indiana Yearly Meeting, 87 "History of a Letter," ed. by N. B. Wain- Indians: campaigns against (1865-1890), by wright, 94-99 Downey, rev'd, 498; policy of U. S. to- History of Quakerism, by Russell, rev d, 483- ward, rev'd, 135-37, 367-69; speculation in 84 lands of, 330-31; Tom Paine's views of, Hockley, James, 27 193; trade with, 392-93 Hodgdon, Samuel, 434, 438 Industry, growth of, and English humani- Hogarth, William, 262-63, 27? tarianism, 260-78, passim Holbach, Paul Heinrich Dietrich de, 204 Ingersoll, Charles Jared, 43, 47; and Freder- Holland, John Adams on, 335-50, passim ick List, 68-69, 7°w> and Pennsylvania Holland Land Company, and free produce Society for Promotion of Manufactures and movement, 296 Mechanic Arts, 67, 68, 70 Hollingsworth, Levi, 436 Ingersoll, Jared, 48 Holmes, Charles, Jr., 321 Inoculation, John Adams on, 348 Holmes, Jesse, 91 Interest, rates charged Am. importers of Holroyd, John Baker, Lord Sheffield, 389 British goods, 394~95 Holt, W. Stull, essays in honor of, rev'd, Internal improvements: and land speculation, 370-71 328-30. See also under Canals, Railroads. Homesteads: and early labor movement, 287, Internationalism, of Tom Paine, 168-70, 172, 288-89; and land speculators, 331 176-77, 179, 181-87, 197-98 Hoopes, Alban W. (R), ^67-69 Inventory of Church Archives: Society of Hope and Co., and Stephen Girard, 30 Friends in Pennsylvania, prepared by the Hopkins, Charles Howard (A), Rise of the Pennsylvania Historical Survey, rev'd, Social Gospel in American Protestantism, 372-74 1865-1915, rev'd, 137-38 Irish, in Pa. politics (1792), 443 Hopkinson, Francis, credit purchases of, 393 Hopper, Isaac T., 298 Hortales, Rodriguez, & Company, John Jackson, Andrew, 3,60; election of, and work- Adams on, 341 ingmen, 279; and Frederick List, 78; and Howard, Colonel, 337 land speculation, 323-24, 332 Howard, John, and British penal reform, 273- Jackson, Joseph, 142 74 Jackson, Richard, 102, 103 Howe, Sir William, John Adams and, 338 Jackson, Samuel, 451, 457 Howell, Samuel, 6 Jackson, Sidney L., 258, 259; (A), "Labor, Hubbard, Henry H., 319 Education, and Politics in the 1830*8," Hubley, Adam, 22 279-93 Hughes, John, 105 Jager, Benedict, 81 w Hull, Isaac, 479 James, Abel, 103, 104 Humanitarianism: in 18th cent. England, Jameson, J. Franklin (A), American Revolu- 260—78; in England and America, 257-59; tion Considered as a Social Movement, rev'd, of Tom Paine, 179-80, 188 35l~5'1 Humphreys, Charles, 13 n Jefferson, Thomas, 60, fyn, 6%n, 479; on Am. Humphreys, Joshua, 479, 482 debts owed to Gt. Britain, 407; description Humphreys, Samuel, 482 of Phila., 386; and free produce, 295; and Husbandry, books on, 410, 415 John Adams, 334,.339, 34i, 34^, 347, 349; Hutchinson, James, and Antifederalist party, and land speculation, 324, 332; origins of 443, 445, 446-48, 451-53, 455, 457, 458 Democratic-Republican party in Pa., 440— Hutchinson, Thomas, John Adams on, 344, 58; and Phila. Agricultural Society, 411, 345 418; and Tom Paine, 162, 173-74; views Hynson, Charles, 412 on use of credit, 402-404 Hynson, Mrs. Charles, 412 Jeffersonian party. See Democratic-Repub- lican party Jenifer. Daniel of St. Thomas, and Geo. Iconography, of Philadelphia, 140-60, 239- Washington, 437 48, 379-84 Jennings, Edmund, 411 Illinois and Michigan Canal, 328 Jews, John Adams on, 341, 343 5i8 INDEX October

"John Beale Bordley and the Early Years Knollenberg, Bernhard (A), Washington and of the Philadelphia Agricultural Society," the Revolution. A Reappraisal: Gates, Con- by Olive Moore Gambrill, 410-39 way, and the Continental Congress, 119-22 Johnson, Guion Griffis (R), 233-3$ Kohl, J. G., 332 Johnson, Israel H., 302 Kolb, Dr., 8ow Johnson, John G., biog. of, by Winkelman, Kollner, A., 140 rev'd, 498-99 Koontz, Louis Knott (A), Robert Dinwiddie: Johnson, Thomas, 412 His Career in American Colonial Govern- Johnson, Victor Leroy (A), Administration of ment and Westward Expansion, rev'd, 491— the American Commissariat during the Rev- 92 olutionary War, rev'd, 492-93 Krimmel, John Lewis, 140 Jones, Alfred Winslow (A), Life, Liberty and Kuhn, Adam, and Phila. Agricultural Soci- Property, rev'd, 369-70 ety, 417, 435, 436 Jones, Edward, 13W Jones, Howard Mumford (R), 139 Jones, John: credit purchases of, 393; and Labor: education and politics in 1830's, 279- Geo. Washington, 437; and Phila. Agri- 93; organization of in Phila. (1850-1870), cultural Society, 417, 421, 435, 436, 438 by Cale, rev'd, 232-33 Jones, Rufus, 91 "Labor, Education, and Politics in the 1830's," Jones, Sir William, John Adams on, 347 by Sidney L. Jackson, 279-93 Jones, William: papers of, in The Historical Labor unions, in 1830's, 279-80, 285 Society of Pennsylvania, 479-82; and Ste- Lafayette, Marquis de: on Faneuil Hall, 350; phen Girard, 44, 45-46, 47 and Frederick List, 59, 60, 63, yon; and Jordan, Mildred, One Red Rose Forever, rev'd, Mathew Carey, 6yn; portrait of, by Peale, 130-31 393; and Tom Paine, 162 Journalism, in America, book on, rev'd, 376- Lafayette College, 81 Lamb, Charles, and English humanitarian- Judicial system, of Confederate States, 116-17 ism, 278 Justice in Grey, A History of the Judicial Lancaster, Lane W. (R), 118-19, 369-70 System of the Confederate States of America, Land: free, and early labor movement, 288- by Robinson, rev'd, 116-17 89; speculation in grants of, to states, 330; speculation in Indian, 330-31; speculation in swamp, 330; speculators in, and western development, 3J4-33 Kansas: and land speculation, 329; popular Land agents, in West, 317-20 government in, 118-19 Landor, Walter Savage, 162 Kansas-Nebraska question, and free produce Lane, Wheaton J. (R), 236-37 movement, 310 Langdon, W. C. (A). Everyday Things in Keith, Sir Basil, on Paine's Common Sense, American Life, 1776-1876, rev'd, 501-502 205 Lately Adopted Sons Society (Phila.), 443 Keith, George (1638-1716), biog. of, by Latham, Benjamin, 304 Kir by, rev'd, 484-85 Latimer, George, 48 Kemmerer, Donald L. (A), Path to Freedom: Latrobe, B. F. H., 141 The Struggle for Self-Government in ColonialLawyers, distinguished Maryland (18 th cent.), New Jersey \i 703-177 6), rev'd, 115-16 412 Kendall, Amos, 323 League of Nations, advocated by Tom Paine, Kennedy, David J., 140, 142 186, 187, 197-98 Keppele, Henry, 102 Leary, Lewis: (A), That RascalFreneau . . ., Kickapoo Indians, land cessions by, 331 rev'd, 123-24; (Ed.), "Father Bombo's Kimber, Abby, 307 Pilgrimage," 459"78 Kirby, Ethyn Williams (A), George Keith Lee, Arthur, i$n {1638-1716), rev'd, 484-85 Lee, Charles, '209; John Adams on, 338; and Kirkland, Frederic R.: (Ed.), Letters on the Tom Paine, 161 American Revolution in the Library at "Kar- Legge, William, 2nd Earl of Dartmouth, 209 olfred," rev'd, 221-24; (R), 359 Lehman, George, 140-41 Klingberg, Frank J., 258; (A), "The Evolu- Lehmann-Haupt, Hellmut, French, Hannah tion of the Humanitarian Spirit in Eigh- Dustin, and Rogers, Joseph W., Bookbind- teenth-Century England," 260-78; An Ap- ing in America, rev'd, 375-76 praisal of the Negro in Colonial South Leib, Michael, 458 Carolina: A Story in Americanization, rev'd, Lenox, Mr., 34 487-88; (R), 504-505 Letter to the AbbS Raynal, by Tom Paine, Knight, Joseph, and slavery in Scotland, 269 176-90, 197 1942 INDEX 519

"Letter to Lieutenant-General John Dalling Luther, Seth, and early labor movement, from George Cuthbert," 206-215 280-81, 284, 289 Letters of John Fiske, ed. by Fisk, rev'd, 139 Luzac, Jean, 334, 337, 339, 340, 341 Letters of , 1720-1727: The Com- Lyceums, and early labor movement, 286-87 mercial Interests of a Virginia Gentleman, Lyme (Conn.), Farmers and Mechanics As- ed. by Wright, rev'd, 218-19 sociation, 283 Letters on the American Revolution in the Li- Lyon, E. Wilson (A), The Man Who Sold brary at " Karolfred," ed. by Kirkland, Louisiana, rev'd, 359 rev'd, 221-24 Lyon, Lucius, 323, 325 Lettsome, John Coakley, 424-25 Levin, Bernard S. (R), 127-28 Lewis, (A), David Glasgow Far- ragut, Admiral in the Making, rev'd, 235-36 McAllister, Ethel M. (A), Amos Eaton, Sci- Lewis, Enoch, 302 entist and Educator . . ., rev'd, 124-25 Lewis, Mordecai, 6 McCarty, Nicholas, 326 Lewis, William, 447 McClellan, George Brinton, life of, by Ecken- Lexington, Mass., battle of, reported in rode and Conrad, rev'd, 36^.-66 Phila., 207, 209 McClenachan, Blair, and Antifederalist Libraries: in labor movement (1830), 286; party, 443 report on Philadelphia, rev'd, 216-18 McConaughy, David, I3», 102 Library Company of Philadelphia, drawings McCullough, James, 479, 482 in, listed, 247-48 McDowell, John, 452 Life, Liberty and Property. A Story of Conflict McDuffie, George, 72 and a Measurement of Conflicting Rights, Mclntire, H. B., 142 by Jones, rev'd, 369-70 McKean, Thomas, and Antifederalist party, Lilly, Joseph, 13n 448,449,458 Lincoln and the Radicals, by Williams, rev'd, McKim, Sarah, 307 49J-96 McLemore, Richard Aubrey (A), Franco- Lippincott, Horace Mather (R), £00-501 American Diplomatic Relations, 1816-1836, List, Frederick, 2; champion of industrial rev'd, 111-12 capitalism, 56-83; family of, 6o«, 78W Macaulay, Zachary, 271 List, Karoline, 6on, 6m Maclay, William, 442 Literary societies, at Nassau Hall. (1770), Macon, Nathaniel, 479 459W Madison, James, 60, 68w, 459W, 479, 481; Literature, English: and humanitarianism, John Adams on, 341, 344; on letters of 274-75; John Adams on, 33SS0, passim John Adams, 334 Little Schuylkill Navigation, Railroad and Malthouses, 426 Coal Company, 73-78, 80-81 Man Who Sold Louisiana, The: The Career of Livingston, Edward, 6Sn, 78; biog. of, by Francois BarbS-Marbois, by Lyon, rev'd, Hatcher, rev'd, 494-95 359. Livingston, Philip, 393, 397 Manning, William, 279W Livingston, Robert: and Phila. Agricultural Mansfield, Earl of. See Murray, William Society, 418, 425; John Adams on, 340 Mansion House Hotel (Philadelphia), 70^ Livingston family, 210 Manufactures: growth of, in 18th cent. Loans, rates of interest, 7, 8, 20 Phila., 388-89; Girard on dev. of American, Locke, John, 203; Tom Paine on, 177 40 Locofocos, 287 Manures, use of, 420 Logan, George, 22; agricultural interests of, Maritime law, 343 410, 417, 418, 421, 426, 428, 432, 436, 437 Mark, Irving (A), Agrarian Conflicts in Logan, James, family of, 404-405 Colonial New York, 1711-1775, rev'd, 114 Logan, William, 405 Marshall, John, 61 Logan family, 386 Marshel, James, 452 London Yearly Meeting, influence of, in Amer- Maryland: agricultural improvement in, ica, 84, 86, 90 415; boundary dispute with Pa., 413; Louisiana Purchase, and Barbe"-Marbois, lawyers (18th cent.), 412 rev'd, 359 Massachusetts: Geo. Cuthbert on, 213; John Lovejoy, A. O., 192 Adams on politics in, 338; John Adams on Lowrie, Sarah D. See Biddle, Gertrude B., slavery in, 349; Society for Promoting and Sarah D. Lowrie Agriculture, 419W, 425W, 431-32 Luddington, Nelson, 331 Mathews, George, 31 Ludlow family, 210 Matlack, Timothy, 3 Lukens, John, 436 Mechanics' Association (Lowell, Mass.), 286 520 INDEX October

Medicine, Wm. Henry Welch and dev. of Morris, Gouverneur, 438; and Tom Paine, Am., 502-503 172 Memoirs of the Philadelphia Society for Pro- Morris, Lawrence, J., et al.y eds., Memoirs of moting Agriculture, ed. by Lawrence J. the Philadelphia Society for Promoting Morris, John M. Okie, and Richard Peters, Agriculture, rev'd, 125-27 Jr., rev'd, 125-27 Morris, Robert, 386; and Am. Rev., 406; and Meng, John J. (R), m-12 Bank of North America, 3, 4, 5, 15-20, 21, Mercer, Hugh, biog. of, by Waterman, rev'd, 22, 23; on costs of Eng. goods, 394-95; and 122-23 Federalist party, 441, 449; and Geo. Wash- Meredith, Anne. See Hill, Anne Meredith ington, 437; and Jacob Hiltzheimer, 434; Meredith, Samuel: and Geo. Washington, and Phila. Agricultural Society, 416; views 437; and Phila. Agricultural Society, 416, on use of credit, 402-403 421, 432, 433, 434 Morris family, 386, 405 Metternich-Winneburg, Prince de, 59 Mortgages, chattel, 396 Mifflin, J. F., 433 Morton, John A., 40 Mifflin, John, 416 Morton, Louis: (A), Robert Carter of Nomini Mifflin, Mrs. Sarah Fishbourne. See Bordley, Hall: A Virginia Tobacco Planter in the Sarah Fishbourne Mifflin Eighteenth Century, rev'd, 219-21; (R), Mifflin, Thomas, 414; and Geo. Washington, 218-19, 491-92 437; and Antifederalist party, 443 Mott, Frank Luther (A), American Journal- Mifflin family, 433 ism, rev'd, 376-77 Miles, Samuel, 427 Mott, James, 298 Military intelligence, British, in Am. Rev., by Mott, Lucretia, 307 Van Doren, rev'd, 224-26 Mount Wollaston, John Adams on, 339 Militia, Geo. Cuthbert on colonial (1775), Muhlenberg, Peter, 424 207-212 Murphy, Edmund Robert (A), Henry De Miller, Henry, 13W Tonty, rev'd, 356-57 Miller, John Anderson (A), Fares, Please! Murray, Elsie (R), 131-32 From Horse-Cars to Streamliners, rev'd, Murray, Robert L., 309 Murray, William, 1st Earl of Mansfield, and Milir,3William (R), 128-30 Somerset case, 268 Milton, George Fort (A), Conflict: The Mystic Will, by Howard Brinton, 91 American Civil War, rev'd, 363-64 Mississippi valley, French in (1740-1750), by Caldwell, rev'd, 488-89 Missouri, John Adams on fight over, 348 Napoleon I, John Adams on, 338, 340, 341, Missouri Compromise, John Adams on, 348 343> 345 Mitchell, Samuel Augustus, 332 Nassau Hall. See Princeton University Modern Chivalry, by Brackenridge, 459 National School Society, 263n Money: lending of, in colonial Phila., 395; National System of Political Economy, by scarcity of (1785), 5. See also Exchange, Frederick List, $6 media of, Paper money, Specie National Trades' Union, convention f Monroe, James, 60, 6%n, ^.yg (1834), 285 Monroe Doctrine, history of, by Perkins, Navy, U. S.: administered by William Jones, rev'd, 112-13 480, 481; John Adams on, 33s, 341, 343, Montague, Lady Mary Wortley, John Adams 350; policy (1918-1922), by Sprout, rev'd, ™°n'345 237-38 Montgomery, John, 102 Necker, Jacques, John Adams on, 345 Montgomery, Richard, 211 Negro in Our History, by Woodson, rev'd, Montgomery, William, 455 2 Montgomery County, political parties in 33-35 (1792), 450 Negroes: Americanization of, in colonial Montreal, Canada, and American Revolution, South Carolina, by Klingberg, rev'd, 487- 211-12 88; education of, and Bray Associates, 267; Moore, Edmund A. (R), 137-38 education of, and S. P. G., 266; history of, Morgan, Benjamin, 48 in America, by Woodson, rev'd, 233-35. See Morgan, George, 424, 427, 436 also Slavery, Slave trade, Abolition, Anti- Morgan, Jacob, 451, 457 slavery movement Morgan, John, 434, 436 Neidhard, Dr. Charles, 60 Morgan, Thomas, 392, 395, 398 Neild, James, 2jyn Morris, Benjamin: credit used by, 391, 394, Nesbitt, John M., 7 399; losses from bad debts, 398 Nettels, Curtis (R), 224-26 Neutrality, John Adams on, 341 1942 INDEX 521

New Brunswick, N. J., agricultural society of, Okley, John, 436 4^3 Old Towns and Districts of Philadelphia, by New England, John Adams on intolerance of, Campbell, rev'd, 500-501 348 One Red Rose Forever, by Jordan, rev'd, 130— New England Association, 287 31 New Harmony, Ind., 61 Organization of Labor in Philadelphia, 1850- New Jersey, agricultural societies in, 423; 1870, by Cale, rev'd, 232-33 self-government in colonial, 115-16 "Origins of the Jeffersonian Party in Penn- New York, city, description of (1775), 210-11 sylvania," by Raymond Walters, Jr., 440- New York, state: agrarian conflicts in co- 58 lonial, by Mark, rev'd, 114; Guide to Osage Indians, land cessions by, 331 manuscript collections in, rev'd, 127-28; Otis, James, John Adams on, 340, 347 John Adams on constitution of (1821), 349; "Outlines of A New System of Political John Adams on politics in, 338, 340, 341, Economy," by Frederick List, 68, 69?; 344, 349, 350; political parties in (1792), Owen, Robert, 61 456-57 Owen, Robert Dale, and early labor move- New York Agricultural Society, 423, 425 ment, 283, 284W, 287 New York Assembly, and Canadian cam- piagn, 211 New York Historical Society, and John Paca, Mary Chew (Mrs. William), 412, 413 Adams, 344 Paca, William, 412, 413 New York Life Insurance & Trust Company, Packard, Francis R. (R), 502-503 and western lands, 321 Paine, Thomas, 453; and Bank of North Newspapers: history of, in U. S. (1690-1940), America, 15-17, 23, 24, 25, 27-28; Sir Basil rev'd, 376-77; John Adams on, 339 Keith on, 205; on Christianity, 170-72, Newton, Sir Isaac, John Adams on, 348 200-201; compared to Rousseau, 163-64; Nicholson, Francis, 411 concept of scientific knowledge, 164, 199— Nicholson, James, 456 201; credit purchases of, 393, 397, 398; on Niles, Hezekiah, 69 England, 16$-66, 168; and French Revolu- Niks' Register, 6gn tion, 167; and idea of progress, 167, 191- Nixon, John, 6; and Phila. Agricultural So- 204; influence of Quakerism on, 164; interna- ciety, 416 tionalism of, 168-70,172,176-77,179,181— Nixon, Lily Lee (A), James Burd, Frontier 87, 197-98; and John Adams, 33$, 338; Defender, 1*726-1793, rev'd, 489-90 letter to the Abb6 Raynal, 176-90; member Non-Slaveholder, The, and free produce move- of Convention (1792), 169-70; on paper ment, 306 money, 15; "Victim of the Rights of Man," Norris, Isaac (1671-1735), 405 161-75 Norris, Isaac (1701-1766), 405 Palmer, R. R. (A), "Tom Paine: Victim of the Rights of Man," 161-75 Norris, Robert, 271 an North, Frederick, Lord North: conciliatory Panic of 1837, d early labor movement, propositions sent to Pa. Assembly (1775), 287-88 207; and Granville Sharp, 270 Paper money, 1; Bank of North America and, North America, Wheel of the Future, by 6-10, 19-20; in continental colonies (1775), Daniel, rev'd, 5O4~5°5 207, 213-14; use of, prohibited by Parlia- North Carolina, Highlanders loyal to Gt. ment, 400-401, 406 Brit. (1775), 213 Parish, David, 31, 41, 42, 43, 45> 46, 5°, 479, Northern Pacific Railroad, and land specula- 482 tion, 329 Parker, Miss, 396 Norwegian Migration to America: The Ameri- Parliament: attitude of Am. colonies toward can Transition, by Blegen, rev'd, 230-31 (1775), 213; and Continental Congress, Notable Women of Pennsylvania, ed. by 214; prohibits use of paper money in col- Biddle and Lowrie, rev'd, 499-500 onies, 207, 213-14 Novels: by Philip Freneau, 459-78; by Hugh Parliamentary boroughs, 165 Henry Brackenridge, 459 Parrington, V. L., 191 Parrish, Joseph, 298 Parsons, Theophilus, John Adams on, 340 Odgers, Merle M., 63 Paschall, Stephen, 392, 395 Ogden, William B., 323, 324-25 Paschall, Thomas, 392, 395 Oglethorpe, James Edward, and British Path to Freedom: The Struggle for Self- penal reform, 274 Government in Colonial New Jersey, 1703- Okie, John M. See Morris, Lawrence J., 1776, by Kemmerer, rev'd, 115-16 etal. Peale, Charles, 412 522 INDEX October

Peale, Charles Willson, 412; portrait of Perkins, Mr., 350 Washington, 393, 438 Perkins, Dexter (A), Hands Off: A History of Peale, Rembrandt, 339 the Monroe Doctrine, rev'd, 112-13 Peel, Robert, and James Neild, 2jjn Perot, Elliston, 42 Pemberton, Israel (1695-1754), 386 Perregaux, Lafitte & Company, and Stephen Pemberton, Israel (1715-1779), 386; John Girard, 30 Adams on, 343 Perry, Oliver H., 479 Pemberton, James, 386 Peter I, of Russia, and William Penn, 94-99 Pemberton, John, 386 "Peter Collinson's Letter Concerning Frank- Pemberton, John C. (1814-1881), life of, by lin's 'Vindication,'" ed. by George S. Pemberton, rev'd, 364.-66 WykofF, 99-105 Pemberton, John C. (A), Pemberton, De- Peters, H. T., 142 fender of Vicksburg, rev'd, 364.-66 Peters, Richard (1744-1828): agricultural Pemberton family, 405 interests of, 410, 417, 423, 428, 430, 433; Penal reform, in England, 272-74, 277-78 and Geo. Washington, 437 Pendle Hill, 91 Peters, Richard, Jr. See Morris, Lawrence J., Penn, Granville, and The Historical Society et al. of Pennsylvania, 94-95 Petty, William, first Marquis of Lansdowne, Penn, Granville John, 95-97 Earl of Shelburne, 388 Penn, John, g$n; and The Historical Society Philadelphia: Antifederalist party in (1792), of Pennsylvania, 94 443, 444-58, passim; in 18th century, 206- Penn, Louisa, 95 2O7> 385-89; Federalist party in, 446-58; Penn, Richard, 438 free produce movement in, 294-313; Geo. Penn, Thomas, 94« Washington in, 437-38; iconography of, Penn, William: letter to Peter the Great, 94- 140-60, 239-46, 379-84; novel of old, 99; portrait in armor, 94 rev'd, 377-78; occupations in 18th cent., Penn family, 95a 393-94; organization of labor in (1850- Pennell, Joseph, 141, 142 1870), by Cale, rev'd, 232-33; towns and Pennock, Abraham L., 298, 302 districts of, 500-501 Pennsylvania: John Adams on politics in, "Philadelphia, April 1775," ed. by A. P. 338, 342, 343; origins of Jeffersonian party Watts, 205-215 in, 440-58 Philadelphia Bank, 36 Pennsylvania Anti-Slavery Society, 299,306- Philadelphia County Society for Promoting Agriculture and Domestic Manufactures, Pennsylvania Assembly: and Bank of North 423 America, 3-28, 408; conflict with Proprie- Philadelphia Female Antislavery Society, and taries (1764), 101, 103; and Lord North, free produce movement, 299-300, 307 206; and Stephen Girard's Bank, 36, 38, 48 Philadelphia Free Produce Association of Pennsylvania Bank (1780), and Thomas Friends, 302-313 Paine, 15 "Philadelphia Free Produce Attack Upon Pennsylvania Canal, 63n Slavery, The," by Norman B. Wilkinson, Pennsylvania Gazette, and Phila. Agricultural 294-313 Society, 420, 425, 426 .,„,,.. Philadelphia Libraries . . . A Report to the Pennsylvania Germans, political affiliations Carnegie Corporation of New York by The of (1792), 442 Bibliographical Planning Committee of Phil- Pennsylvania Historical Survey (Comp.), In- adelphia, rev'd, 216-18 ventory of Church Archives: Society of FriendsPhiladelphia Society for Promoting Agricul- in Pennsylvania, rev'd, 372-74 ture, 125-27, 410-39 Pennsylvania Hospital, B. Franklin's bequest "Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of to, 398 National Industry." See Pennsylvania Pennsylvania Mercury, and Phila. Agricul- Society for the Promotion of Manufactures tural Society, 420, 425, 426 And Mechanical Arts "Pennsylvania Society for the Promotion of Philadelphia and Reading Railroad, begin- Manufactures and Mechanic Arts," 2, 67- nings of, 77 69> 70-72 Philanthropy, Tom Paine's views on, 177-79 Pennsylvania State Society of Agriculture, Phillips, P. L., 142 428-33 Physiocrats, influence on Tom Paine, 185 Pennsylvania Yearly Meetings, 84 Pickering, Elihu, 302 Penrose, Boies (Comp.), "Prints and Draw- Pickering, Timothy, 43; and Geo. Washing- ton, 437; and Phila. Agricultural Society, ings in the Collections of The Historical 2 Society of Pennsylvania," 140-60, 239-46, 421, 422, 423, 425, 427, 428, 43I-3 , 433> 379-84 434> 435> 436 1942 INDEX sn Pinckney's Treaty, John Adams on, 345-46 Proprietary party, in Pennsylvania Assembly Pinkney, William, 47, 479 (1764), 101-105, passim Pitman, Frank Wesley, 271 "Protest presented to the House of Assembly, Pitt, William, Earl of Chatham, 104W . . . concerning the sending of Mr. Frank- Pitt, William (1759-1806), 271 lin as an Assistant to our Agent, at the Pittsburgh, meeting condemning excise law Court of Great Britain," 102-103 (1792), 454-55, 456 < m Protestantism, and rise of social gospel, 137- Plaster of Pans, use of, in agriculture, 425 38 Pleasants, Henry, Jr. (R.), I34~35, 3S*S3 Pugh, Sarah, 307 Plowing, trench, 420 Puritanism, Tom Paine's debt to, 163 Plummer, Wilbur C. (A), "Consumer Credit Putnam, Henry C, 318, 320 in Colonial Philadelphia," 385-409 Poetry, English, and humanitarianism, 274-75 Poland, John Adams on, 345 Quakerism: history of, by Russell, rev'd, Political conventions, in Pa. (1792), 445, 446, 483-84; life of George Keith, rev'd, 484-85; 447, 448, 45O, 453, 454 life of John Woolman, rev'd, 485-86; trends Political parties, in Pa. (1792), 440-58 in, 1900-1940, 84-93. See also Friends, Political theories, of Frederick List, 58 Society of Politics: John Adams on, 335-50, passim; Quakers. See Friends, Society of labor, education, and, in 1830's, 279-93; in Pa., Revolutionary era, 5, 16-17 Pomeroy, Samuel C, 329 Pomfret, John (R), 370-71 Race Street Yearly Meeting, Philadelphia, Poor relief, in England, 278W 84, 89, 90, 93 Population: of Pa. (1766), 387; of Phila. Railroads, to anthracite coal fields, 73-78; (1760), 385 Frederick List and, 73-78, 79-80; and land Port Folio, The, John Adams* letters in, 340 speculation, 328-29, 331 Potawatomi Indians, land cessions by, 331 Ralston, Robert, 13n Powel, Samuel I, 386 Ramsay, James, 271 Powel, Samuel II, 386; credit used by, 396 Randolph, John, 479 Powel, Samuel III, 386; credit purchases of, Rapp, George, 61 393; and Federalist party, 448, 449; and Rascals in Democracy: A Case Study of Pop- Geo. Washington, 437; and Phila. Agricul- ular Government, by Clugston, rev'd, 118-19 tural Society, 416, 418, 421, 423, 431, 433, Ratcliffe, E., 309W 434, 436, 438 Rawle, William, and free produce, 298 Powell, John H.: (Ed.), "Calendar of Letters Raymond, Daniel, 82 from John Adams to Francis Adrian Van Raynal, Abbe", and Tom Paine, 162, 166-67, der Kemp. 1783-1825, in The Historical 176-90, 197 Society of Pennsylvania," 334-50; (R), Read, John, and B. Franklin, 396 226-28 Reading, 83, 141; and Little Schuylkill Nav- Presbyterians, in (1775), 210- igation, R. R. & Coal Co., 74 11 Readinger Adler, 64-65, 73, 75 Price, Richard, and John Adams, 350 Redick, David, and Antifederalist party Price, William, J31 (1792), 442, 452 Priest, Loring Benson (A), Uncle Sam's Step- Redman, John, 436 children, rev'd, 367-69 Reed, Joseph, and Antifederalist party, 442 Priestley, Joseph, 162 Reflections on the French Revolution, by Burke, Primitivism: denned, 192; in Tom Paine's 167 writings, 192 Reitzel, William: editorial note by, 1-2, 257- Princeton University, literary societies at 59; (R), 107-108, 216-18 Nassau Hall (1770), 459W : and early American labor move- "Prints and Drawings in the Collections of ment, 283-85, 292-93; John Adams on, The Historical Society of Pennsylvania," 335-50, passim; Tom Paine's views on, 140-60, 239-46, 379-84 188, 200-201. See also under Deism, Chris- Prison reform, in England, 272-74, 277-78 tianity, Friends, Society of, Protestantism, Progress: definition of "idea" of, 191; Tom Puritanism Paine on theory of, 167, 191-204 Remarks on a Late Protest against the Appoint- Progress of the Human Mind,hy Condorcet, 170 ment of Mr. Franklin an Agent for this Propaganda: of Tom Paine for American Province, by Franklin, 99-105 Revolution, 165-66; of Antifederalists Report on Manufactures, by A. Hamilton, 66 (1792), 453; of Federalists (1792), 453~54, Republican party (1792). See Federalist 455 party SH INDEX October "Result of a Course of Agricultural Experi- Saunders, Isaac, 102 ments to Discover the Best Rotations of Savelle, Max: (A), The Diplomatic History Crops," by G. Logan, 428 of the Canadian Boundary, 174.9-1763, rev'd, Revolution, American: administration of 357-58; (R), 488-89 American commissariat, by Johnson, rev'd, Sawyer, Philetus, 331 492-93; Delaware soldiers in, rev'd, 352- Say, Benjamin, 436 53; financing of, 3; letters on, ed. by Kirk- Say, J. B., 69w, 70, 71, 72« land, rev'd, 221-24; social history of, rev'd, Schafer, Joseph, cited, 326 351-52; soldiers' bonus certificates, 5, 43^; Schuyler, Philip John, 211 Tom Paine and, 165-66, 197; Washington Schuylkill Canal, 74 in, 119-22 Schuylkill East Branch Navigation Com- Reynolds, Sir Joshua, and Goldsmith, 2757* pany, 73 Rhoads, Samuel, 302, 309 Science: John Adams on, 335-50, passim; Ricardo, David, 72 Tom Paine on, 164, 183, 188, 199-201 Richardson, Richard, 309 Scots-Irish, in Pa. politics (1792), 442 Rights of Man, by Paine, 167-68, 170, 172, Secret Diary of William Byrd of Westover, 176, 181, 185-86, 188, 196 1709-1712, The, ed. by Wright and Tinling, Rise of the Social Gospel in American Prot- rev'd, 3$3S6 estantism, 1865-1915, by Hopkins, rev'd, Secret History of the American Revolution, by 137-38 Van Doren, rev'd, 224-26 Ritchie, Matthew, i$n Selfridge trial, 341 Roach, George W. See Yoshpe, Harry B., Sellers, John, 436, 438 and Roach, George W. Senn, Alfred (R), 228-30 Roberjot, J. H., 34, 35 Sergeant, Jonathan D., 13; and Antifeder- Roberts, Jonathan, 47 alist party, 443, 452, 458 Robespierre, Maximilien de, 162, 170, 172 Sergeant, Thomas, 74W Robins, Edward (R), 499-500 Sessler, Leonard, 142 Robinson, William, 18 Shaftesbury, Earl of (seventh). See Cooper, Robinson, William M., Jr.: (A), Justice in Anthony Ashley Grey, A History of the Judicial System of Sharp, Granville, and English antislavery the Confederate States of America, rev'd, movement, 267-70 116-17; (R), 235-36 Sharpe, Horatio, 413 Rockwell, John, 328 Sharpless, S. Franklyn, 507 Rodney, Caesar, 393, 397, 398 Sheffield, Lord. See Holroyd, John Baker, Rogers, Joseph W. See Lehmann-Haupt, Lord Sheffield Hellmut, et al. Shelburne, Lord. See Petty, William, first "Role of the Land Speculator in Western Marquis of Lansdowne Development, The," by Paul Wallace Shelling, Richard I. (R), 487-88 Gates, 314-33 Shipley, Thomas, 298 Roman Catholic Church, and education in Shippen, Edward, 393; and Phila. Agricul- early labor movement, 286, 288n tural Society, 417, 418, 433, 436 Romilly, Sir Samuel, 273, 277W Shippen, Peggy, 317 Rosenvich mill, 308-12, passim Shippen family, 433 Ross, James, 450 Shotwell, James T., 357 Ross, John, 7 Shulze, J. Andrew, 73^ Rothney, Gordon O. (R), 357-58 "Significance of the Letter to the Abbe* Ray- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 163; Tom Paine on, nal in the Progress of Thomas Paine's 177 Thought," by Darrel Abel, 176-90 Rush, Benjamin, 402; credit purchases of, Simpson, George, 32,33,34,35, 38,39, 42, 45 393; and free produce, 295; and Geo. Wash- Simpson, Stephen, 32, 33; Marxist ideas of, ington, 437; and John Adams, 334, 343, 291W 349; and Phila. Agricultural Society, 417, Sinclair, Sir John, 439 418,426,434,436 Singleton, John, 425 Rush, Richard, and John Adams, 334 Sixty Years of Indian Affairs, Political, Eco- Russell, Elbert (A), History of Quakerism, nomic and Diplomatic, 1789-1850, by Har- mon, rev'd, 135-37 rev'd, 483-84 Skeene, Major, 208 Ruston, Thomas, 436 Skidmore, Thomas, 288 Slave trade: abolition of, in America, 272; St. Clair, Arthur, 446, 447 fight against, in England, 264-72 Saint-Pierre, Abbe" de, 197, 204 Slavery: and English working conditions, Satires Against the Tories, 459n 276; fight against, in England, 264-72; free 1942 INDEX 525

produce movement against, in Phila., 294- Spinoza, 172 313; John Adams on, 348, 349. See also Spoliation claims, America, against France Slave trade, Abolition, Negroes, Antislav- (1816-36), 111-12 ery movement Sprout, Harold and Margaret (A), Toward a Smilie, John: and Antifederalist party (1792), New Order of Sea Power. American Naval 442,444, 452, 454, 455; and Bank of North Policy and the World Scene, 1918-1922, America, 8, 16, 17, 18, 19, 21, 24, 26 rev'd, 237-38 Smith, Judge, 349 Sprout, Margaret. See Sprout, Harold and Smith, Adam, 66«, 68, 6gn; on colonial in- Margaret debtedness, 389; and Frederick List, 70,71, Squatters, and land speculators, 315-16, 72W 322-23, 327 Smith, Frank, 176 Stael-Holstein,AnneLouiseGermaineNecker, Smith, Gerrit, and free produce movement, baronne de, John Adams on, 345 310 Stael-Holstein, Erik Magnus, baron von, 345 Smith, Hugh, 400 Stampp, Kenneth M. (R), 495-96 Smith, Uselma Clarke, collection, 479 Stauffer, David McNeely, 142 Smith, William, 105, 387 Stephen, Sir George, 266 Snyder, Edward D. (R), 360-62 Stephen, James, 271 Snyder, Simon, and Stephen Girard, 48 "Stephen Girard's Bank," by Kenneth L. Social classes, in America in 1830's, 281-82,291 Brown, 29-55 Social conditions: and English humanitarian- Stephenson, Mrs. See Stevenson, Mrs. Mar- ism, 260-64; industrialism and, in Amer- garet ica, rev'd, 369-70 Stephenson, Isaac, 331 Social history, of American Revolution, rev'd, Stevenson, Mrs. Margaret, 100 Steward, Charles, 479 Social reform: advocated by Tom Paine, 201; Stiegel, Heinrich Wilhelm, 130-31 interest of Friends in, 89 Stokely, Thomas, 452 Society for the Abolition of the Slave Trade, Stokes, Phelps, 142 270 Stone, Thomas, 412 Society for the Diffusion of Useful Knowl- Stoney, John, 54, 482 edge: and early labor movement, 285, Stoudt, John Joseph (R), 130-3^ 376~77> 292-93; and English Whigs, 289 501-502 Society for the Discharge and Relief of Per- Stowe, Calvin E.: and English economic sup- sons Imprisoned for Small Debts, 277;* port of slavery, 276^; and free produce Society for the Promotion of Christian Knowl- movement, 307, 309, 310 edge: and organized philanthropy, 263W; Strahan, William, 105W records of, 278 Strettell, Amos, 102 Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Strickland, William, 141 Foreign Parts: and antislavery movement Strong, Moses B., 319 in England, 264, 265-67, 269, 278; records Stuart, Gilbert, and portrait of John Adams, of, 278 „ 339 Society of Free Enquirers, 283W Sturges, Solomon, 322 Somerset Case, and slavery in England, 268- Suffrage, John Adams on universal, 349 69,270 Sunday schools, in Great Britain, 263W South America: independence of, advocated "Supplement to List of Prints in The His- by Paine, 187; John Adams on revolution torical Society of Pennsylvania," comp. by in> 349 Boies Penrose, 379-84 South Carolina: Americanization of Negroes Supreme Executive Council (Pa.), and Phila. in colonial, by Klingberg, rev'd, 487-88; Agricultural Society, 424 John Adams on politics in, 338 Swift, Jonathan, and English humanitarian- South Carolina Society of Agriculture, 423 ism, 275 Southey, Robert, John Adams on, 349 Swift, Joseph, 74^ S. P. C. K. See Society for the Promotion of Swiss in the United States, ed. by von Greun- Christian Knowledge ingen, rev'd, 228-30 S. P. G. See Society for the Propagation of Sydney, Algernon, 94 the Gospel in Foreign Parts Spahr, Boyd Lee (R), 116-17, 363-64. Specie, scarcity of, in colonial America, 5, 6, 400 Tamaqua, railroad to Port Clinton, 73, 76-77 Specie Circular, and land speculation, 323-24 Tansill, Charles Callan (R), 112-13 Speculators, land, and development of West, Tariff: Act of 1824, 67; protective, advocated 3H-33 by Frederick List, 6$-66, 67-73; and 526 INDEX October

Alexander Hamilton, 66-67; Harrisburg Transportation, history of, by Miller, rev'd, Convention, 68 236-37 Taxation: excise, Pittsburgh meeting con- Treasury Dept., U. S.: and Stephen Girard, demning, 454-55, 456; proposed by A. 37-55; treasury notes, depreciation of, 52- Hamilton, 444; and land speculation, 328 54 Taylor, Bayard, 141 "Trends in Quakerism: 1900-1940," George Taylor, George, 102 Haines IV, 84-93 Taylor, George W., 302-11 Trinity College Historical Society, The, 1892- Taylor, John, of Caroline: John Adams on, 1941, by Nannie M. Tilley, rev'd, 371-72 344, 345; and Phila. Agricultural Society, Trouble Is My Master, by Darwin Teilhet, 411 rev'd, 377-78 Teilhet, Darwin (A), Trouble Is My Master, Tucker, Abraham, John Adams on, 346 rev'd, 377~78 Turgot, Anne Robert Jacques, 204; John Tenancy, and land speculation, 327-28 Adams on, 335, 340 Test Act (Pa.), J, 28 Twells, Godfrey, 432 Thackeray, William M., 141 Tyler, John, 276W That Rascal Freneau. A Study in Literary Tyson, Henry, 13 n Failure, by Lfeary, rev'd, 123-24 Thatched House Society, 277-78 Thetford, England, 165 Thomas, Nathan, 304 Uncle Sams Stepchildren. The Reformation Thomson, Charles, and Phila. Agricultural of United States Indian Policy, 1865-1887, Society, 417 by Priest, rev'd, 367-69 Thomson, James, and English humanitarian- Union Pacific Railroad, and land speculation, ism, 275 329 Thornhill, Edward, 438 United States. See Foreign affairs; Navy; Thorp, Jim, 331 Treasury Thorp, Willard, Curti, Merle, and Baker, United States, Great Britain, and British Carlos, editors, American Issues, rev'd, North America from the Revolution to the 128-30 Establishment of Peace After the War of Three Virginia Frontiers, by Abernethy, 2 18J2, by Burt, rev'd, 108-111 rev'd, i3 -34 University of Pennsylvania, teaching of Threshing floors, 426 agriculture in (1794), 4^9, 431 Threshing machines, 426 Urbanization, and history, rev'd, 370-71 Ticonderoga, capture of, 208 Utrecht, Peace of, and slave trade, 265 Tilghman, Tench, and Geo. Washington, 437 Tilghman family, 433 Tilky, Nannie M. (A), The Trinity College Historical Society, rev'd, 371-72 Tillson, John, Jr., 321 Van Buren, Martin, and Frederick List, 79 Tilton, James, 436 Van der Kemp, Francis Adrian: career of, Tinling, Marion. See Wright, Louis B., and 334; letters of John Adams to, 334-50 Marion Tinling Van Doren, Carl: (A), Secret History of the Tipton, John, and Indian lands, 331 American Revolution, rev'd, 224-26; (R), Tod, William, 23 221-24 Togel, Dr., 8o» Vaughan, John, 436 Tolles, Frederick B. (R), 372-74 Vaughan, Samuel, and Phila. Agricultural "Tom Paine and the Idea of Progress," by Society, 417, 418, 421, 436 V. E. Gibbens, 191-204 Vaux, Roberts, 98; and free produce move- "Tom Paine Victim of the Rights of Man," ment, 297-98 by R. R. Palmer, 161-75 Vergennes, Charles Gravier, comte de, John Tooke, Home, 162 Adams on, 337, 345 Toward a New Order of Sea Power. American Vicksburg Campaign, and John C. Pember- Naval Policy and the World Scene, 1918- ton,rev'd, 364-66 1922, by Harold and Margaret Sprout, "Vindication and Offer from Congress to rev'd, 237-38 Parliament," by Franklin, 99-105 Trade: Continental Colonies with West In- Virginia: frontiers of, 132-34; John Adams dies, 212; of 18th cent. Phila., 387-88 on, 341; Washington urges agricultural Trade unions, in Phila. (1850-1870), by society for, 438n Cale, rev'd, 232-33 Voltaire, Frangois Marie Arouet de, 163, 170, Trades and occupations, in Colonial Phila., 204 393-94 Volwiler, A. T. (R), 489-90 1942 INDEX 527

Wabash Canal, and land speculation, 328 Westward expansion, Robert Dinwiddie and, Wainwright, Nicholas B. (Ed.), "History of by Koontz, rev'd, 491-92 a Letter," 94-99 Wharton, Thomas, Sr., 406 Walker, Mr., 212 Wharton, Thomas, Jr. (1735-1778), 406 Walker, Amos, 310 Wharton, William, 298 Walker, Robert J., 323 Wharton family, 386 Walter, Thomas U., 141 Wheat, attacked by Hessian fly, 421, 424; Walters, Raymond, Jr. (A), "Origins of the methods of reaping, 426; methods of sow- Jeffersonian Party in Pennsylvania," 440— ing, 421, 425, 437^ 58 Wheeler, Joseph, biog. of, by Dyer, rev'd, Walton family, 210 496-97 Wampum belt, given William Penn by In- Wheelock, John, and Van der Kemp, 335 dians, 9$n Whigs (English), and Society for the Diffu- Wangenheim, Karl August von, 58 sion of Useful Knowledge, 289 War of 1812: attitude of Federalists toward, Whiskey, as circulating medium in Pa.(i79o), 42; financing of, 37-46, 48-55; on Great 444 Lakes, 481; John Adams on, 341, 343, 344, Whitehead, George, 99n 345; naval and military prints of, in The Whitehill, Robert, and Bank of North Amer- Historical Society of Pennsylvania, 141; ica, 8, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22, 26, 27 New England and, 40, 43; U. S. Navy in, Whitney, Janet (A), John Woolman, Ameri- 480-81 can Quaker, rev'd, 485-86 Warburton, William, 269 Whitney, Lois, 191, 193-94, 195 Ward, Christopher (A), The Delaware Con- Whittier, John Greenleaf: and free produce tinentals, rev'd, 352-53 movement, 310; life of, by Bennett, rev'd, Warren, James, 421 360-62 Washburn, Cadwallader, 331 Whittier, Bard of Freedom, by Whitman Ben- Washington, George, 213; as an agriculturist, nett, rev'd, 360-62 410, 421, 424, 436-39; appointed Com- Wilberforce, William: and British antislavery mander-in-Chief, 209; before Boston, 210; movement, 269-71; and free produce, 301- candidate for President (1792), 456; John 302 Adams on, 339, 340, 341, 344, 345; and Wilburites, 86 John Beale Bordley, 414, 438;?; proclama- Wilcox, John, 6, 447 tion against Pittsburgh convention (1792), Wildes, Harry Emerson: (A), Anthony Wayne 454, 456; and Tom Paine, 162, 172 . . . , rev'd, 134-35; (R), 122-23 Washington and the Revolution. A Reap- Wilkinson, James, 479 praisal: Gates, Conway, and the Continental Wilkinson, Norman B., 258; (A), "The Phila- Congress, by Knollenberg, rev'd, 119-22 delphia Free Produce Attack Upon Slav- Waterman, Joseph M. (A), With Sword and ery," 294-313 Lancet: The Life of Hugh Mercer, rev'd, Will, William, 23 122-23 "William Jones Papers," by Kenneth Brown, Watt family, 210 479-82 Watts, Arthur P. (Ed.), "Philadelphia, April, Williams, John, 392, 399 1775," 205-215 Williams, Jonathan, 436 Wayne, Anthony, 436; biog. of, rev'd, 134735 Williams, T. Harry (A), Lincoln and the Webster, Daniel, 60; and land speculation, Radicals, rev'd, 495-96 319,328 Willing, Charles, 386 Webster, Henry, 308, 311 Willing, Richard, I3« Webster, Noah, 393, 431 Willing, Thomas, 42, 102, 386; and Bank of Webster, Pelatiah, and Bank of North Amer- North America, 4; on paper money, 10; and ica, 23-24 Phila. Agricultural Society, 416, 433 Welch, William Henry, biog. of, rev'd, 502- Willing, Morris & Co., 386 503 Wills, Richard, 6 Welles, Melvin J. (R), 504 Wilson, James: and Bank of North America, Wells, Richard, 436; and Phila. Agricultural 4, 10-13, 17, 26; and Federalist party, 441, Society, 417 447, 448; and Jacob Hiltzheimer, 435 Wesley, John: and Granville Sharp, 269; Wilson, Janet (A), "Bank of North America John Adams on, 349 and Pennsylvania Politics, 1781-1787," West, Benjamin, 141 3-28 West, the, land speculators and development Winkelman, Barnie F. (A), John G. Johnson: of, 314-33 Lawyer and Art Collector, 1841-1917, rev'd, West Indies, trade with continental colonies, 498-99 212 Wister, Thomas, Jr., 302 528 INDEX October

With Sword and Lancet: The Life of General Wright, Louis B. (Ed.): Letters of Robert Hugh Mercery by J. M. Waterman, rev'd, Carter, /;'20-1727: The Commercial Inter- 122-23 ests of a Virginia Gentleman, rev'd, 218-19; Witmer, Mrs. Lightner, ioow and Marion Tinling (Eds.), Secret Diary of Wittke, Carl (R), 366-67 William Byrd of We stover, rev'd, 3$3~$6 Wollstonecraft, Mary, 162 Wye Island, Md., John Beale Bordley's farm Women, biographies of notable Pa., ed. by on, 411, 413-14, 426 Biddle and Lowrie, rev'd, 499-500 Wykoff, George S.^Ed.), "Peter Collinson's Woodforde, James, 264 Letter Concerning Franklin's 'Vindica- Woodman, Cyrus, 319-20 tion/ " 99-105 Woodson, Carter G. (A), Negro in Our His- Wynkoop, Gerardus, 27 tory, rev'd, 233-35 Wynkoop, Henry, 436 Woodward, William A., 320 Woolman, John: biog. of, by Whitney, rev'd, 485-86; and free produce, 295 York town, battle of, John Adams on, 335 Woolman School for Social and Religious Yoshpe, Harry B., and Roach, George W. Education, 88 (Eds.), Guide to Ten Major Depositories of Working Man*s Advocate, The, and early labor Manuscript Collections in New York State, movement, 283-84, 289 rev'd, 127-28 "Workingmen of Charlestown, Mass.," 290 Young, Arthur, and Phila. Soc. for Promoting Workingmen's Party of New York, and edu- Agriculture, 410, 423-24, 432, 437 # cation, 284W, 287 Young, Edward, and English humanitarian- Worrell, Joseph, 48 ism, 275 Wren, Sir Christopher, and St. Thomas' hos- Young Friends Movement, 86, 87, 88 pital, 2627* Young Men's Library Association (Danbury, Wright, Alexander, 452 Conn.), 286 Wright, Frances, and early labor movement, Young Men's Mutual Improvement Associa- 283, 285, 287 tions, 286-87