Congressional Record-Senate. March 31
, 3550 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. MARCH 31, amending the interstate-commerce law-to the Committee on In- PETITIONS AND ME.MORIA.LS, terstate and Foreign Commerce. - · l\Ir.,HANSBROUGH. I presentresolutions adopted a.ta. meet Also, resolution of the San Diego (Cal.) Chamber of Commerce, ing of citizens of South Minnewaukon Township, in the county for the passage of House bill No. 7097, providing for a reorganfaa of Ramsey, N. Dak., declaring in favor og the Boers in South- ~ tion of the consular service-to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. Africa, against a tariff as to Puerto Rico, against the ship-subsidy By Mr. NORTON of Ohio: Petition of E. B. Hubbard and other bill, and against the war in the Philippines. I ask that the reso druggists of Tiffin, Ohio, for the repeal of the stamp tax on medi lutions, which can not be sent to any particnlar committee, be cines, etc.-to the Committee on Ways and Means. printed in th~ RECORD . • Also, papers to accompany House bill No. 7798, for the relief of There being no objection, the resolutions were ordered to lie on Dentpn Whipf?-to the Co~mittee on Military Affairs. the table and to be printed in the RECORD, as follows: Also, resolution of the Ohio Association of Local Fire Insurance Agents urging the passage of House bill No. 6252, relating to the SOUTH MrnNEWAUK.AN TOWNSHIP, N. DAK., March 19, 1900. collection of tax on fire-insurance policies-to the Committee on To the Senators and Rep1·esentative of North Dakota in Congress: Tile residents of Sou th Minnewaukan Township in mass meeting assembled.
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