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€<3»- TIDE TABLE FOR NOVEMBER High Water Low Water Sun- Sun- Date A.M. P.M. A.M. P.M. rise set 19 6.05 6.24 11„40 1220 6.52 5.16 20 6.54 7.10 12.28 1.10 $.53 5.16 INCORPORATING THE ROYAL GAZETTE (EstabUshed 1828) and THE BERMUDA COLONIST (Established 1866) VOL. 22—NO. 272 HAMILTON, BERMUDA-mURSDAY, NOVEMBER 19, 1942 3D PER COPV-40/. PER ANNUM BROADCASTING RIGHTS TO WAR LOAN BILL IS READ ALLIED PARATROOPS SWOOP ON AXIS LOCAL COMPANY GRANTED SECOND TIME BY HOUSE HELD AIRDROMES IN TUNISIA WHILE Modification Of Some Points Bulk Of Issue Is Likely To In Subsequent Bill Likely Be Given To Local Investors MAIN FORCE CROSSES THE FRONTIER: EXCLUSIVE FRANCHISE ALSO STRONG FEEUNG IS AGAINST TENTATIVELY APPROVED LIBERAL OUTSIDE BUYING In a 17 to 3 division, the House of Mr. Butterfield encountered no NEW HUN FORCE ATTACKS STALINGRAD Assembly yesterday afternoon opposition ta the House of Assembly agreed to the introduction of a biU yesterday afternoon when he pilot to incorporate The Bermuda Broad ed The War Loan (Contribution to casting Company, Limited along the Imperial Government) BiU — pro MAIN ALLIED FORCE IS ALLIED FORCES PROBABLY NAZIS TRYING TO DIG IN Unes recommended by the majority viding for a £600,000 interest-free report of a joint committee of the loan to the Mother Country — 0VER TUNISIAN BORDER IN BENGHASI BY NOW AT STALINGRAD FRONT Legislature. through the committee stage after The action taken by the House second reading, aU clauses betag does not mean that all the recom unanimously adopted. Paratroops Seize Airdromes Wide Enveloping Movement Throw New Divisions Into mendations ta the majority report There was a strong indication wiU be adopted because Mr. Trim during considieration of the biU ingham, the member ta charge, that subscriptions to the loan From Axis As Clashes Spread By British Forces Is Hinted Drive For Winter Quarters made it clear that when the biU was should be confined as far as pos introduced amendments could then sible to Bermudian investors. FLYING FORTRESSES JOIN ALEXANDER TELLS OF HEAVY ICE F0RMING~0N VOLGA AND be moved. Said Mr. Butterfield at the out One of the main points discussed set of a short debate,: "In Bermuda IN ATTACKS ON ENEMY BLOWS STRUCK AT ROMMEL HAMPERING RED SUPPLIES was the position of Cable & Wireless at the present time a good deal of (West Indies) Limited. 'At the pres stock ta trade of business has been converted into cash. Furthermore, ALLIED HEADQUARTERS. North CAIRO, Nov. 19 (Thursday). (Re By HAROLD KING ent time," said Mr. N. H. P. Vesey, "they have a franchise which was due to the fact that people have Africa, Nov. 18 (Reuter)—British and uters—According to the latest re MOSCOW, Nov. 18. (Reuter).— Ice not found it necessary to use as American paratroops racing the ports here, AUied advance troops granted under The Wireless Tele floes have begun to form on the graphy & Signalling Act, 1925. It has much money in ordinary commercial Axis for key points in Tunisia occu should soon be ta Benghasi, if they River Volga near Stalingrad, causing enterprises, many of them who have pied two vitally important airdromes are not already there. The entry not yet lapsed." difficulties in transport which are Mr. Trimingham repUed: "As far had mortgages on their houses or as the !*££& body of the AlUed for into Benghasi wiU ta all probabUity heroically being overcome. other obUgations have fortunately ces, sweeping over the Tunisian be nothing more than an unopposed as I know the Cable & Wireless fran The German Command is fighting chise is entirely restricted to com been able to liquidate them, but the frontier from Algiers, clashed with march in. With the occupation of only in the northern industrial par* people who were the owners of the General Nehring's reconnaissance Benghasi, aU important points ta mercial cables and messages. This of the city, with the hope of ensur is not a two-way station." mortgages — many of them mar parties. the Libyan "camel hump" jutting ing winter quarters for its troops. ried women and widows — have British paratroops were dropped into the Mediterraean wiU be in pos Mr. Smith pointed out that ac Red Star, the Army newspaper, cording to the terms of the 1925 act, found themselves with large by American transport planes on session of the British. says: "The successful defence of Lt.-General Hugh A. Drum, commanding Eastern Defence Command amounts of cash ta hand," Monday deep inside Tunisia, while of the United States (second from left), with Brigadier General Alden under wtach he understood the LONDON, Nov. 18 (Reutor).—The the factory area will amount to monopoly of commercial telegraphy the Americans landed simultaneous winning the battle of Stalingrad." G. Strong, commanding general, Bermuda Base Command (extreme right), INVESTMENT DIFFICULTIES ly near the frontier. At some places, German Nows Agency stated tonight was granted to the present Cable "Strong British motorised patrol The Soviet Command is making and two officers of the Command, during a visit to Fort Bell army base Company, "wireless telegraphy" was French soldiers have joined the ceaseless air-raids agatast the rail He stressed the difficulties of in paratroops. troops wero unsuccessfutty attempt at St. David's. defined as meaning "any system of vesting ta British securities at this ing to push through Southern Cy way stations where the suppUes for communication by telegraph or time due to the sending back and It was announced here today that renaica by way of 3Msus to onvolop the German troops have been accu Flying Fortresses, maldng their first telephone without the aid of any forth of certificates and affidavits tho Gorman and ItaUan roar guards." mulated. wire connecting the points from and "ta order to get income from these appearance ta the battle of Tunisia, Reutor points out that Msus is The Germans are intensively forti 3have heavUy bombed Bizerte, the at which the messages or other com loans free of British income tax." 70 mUes southeast of Bonghasi. fying the heights and the river munications are sent and received." main Axis supply port. They attack It may bo that these aro the troops banks in the area of Nalchik, en U.S. East Coast Defence Commander It appeared to him advisable that ed from a low altitude, setting pet He added that under the same Act, the Bermuda Government should w3hich were roforrod to in today's deavouring to stem the Soviet ad wireless sets are Ucensed, which rol and ammunition dumps ablaze. British communiqfie, wtach stated vance. The Soviet units have over provide a medium for Bermudians Several planes were wrecked on the would appear to him to conflict with to loan their money to the United that troops of tho Eighth Army were whelmed minefields, anti-tank ditch» Pays Visit Of Inspection To U.S. the Cable Company's franchise. ground. within this distance of Bonghasi. es and barbed-wire entanglements. Kingdom to be used ta the war ef The Fortresses encountered heavy Tho appearance of British troops By night a Soviet unit crossed the A member of the joint committee, fort. In addition, it would with anti aircraft fire over Bizerte, and in tho Msus aroa would moan a 60 deadly zone and forced an impor Mr. Misick, said that Mr. Smith's draw amounts of money which one of them was riddled with shrap milos push southwest of MekiU and tant waterway, thus making way .Army Base Command In The Colony question was the first one raised might lead to inflation. nel but returned safely. On the way threaten tho cutting off of any Axis for the whole advancing group. when the committee began its de He informed the House that since home, the giant bombers shot down forces noar tho North Libyan coast. liberations. He added that ta con the new loan was mooted, a tele Winter has set ta on the eastern sultation with Mr. H. J. Tucker (one an 3360J 109 From Msus tho^rack runs about front, from the Caucasus peaks ta The highest jajn&jgg United States,. Army: officer to pay an official gram had been dispatched to Lon Genoral Giraud's French -troops iiifrtd^faiilos southwest to Agedabia, i visit-of inspection to the Bermuda Base Command of the American Army, of the petitioners), the latter had don outlining the terms. A reply the south through the Volga battle told the committee that the petit had been received expressing con Tunisia are givihg the AUies'valuable the forefront of tho area when area to the arctic north. It-General Hugh A. Drum, commanding the Eastern Defence Command help. German transport planes Marshal Rommel is expected to ioners had satisfied themselves as currence. Dreading to be left without winter of the United States, told a press conference here yesterday at the con the result of quite exhaustive in which tried to land at a point on make a stand. quarters, the German Command at "The hon. member," began Mr. the Tunisian coast were driven off clusion of a two-day visit that the 3Kindley Airfield the Army were build quiries that they would be on per J. E. P. Vesey, "referred to local German and Italian planes de StaUngrad has thrown into the fectly sound ground. people having aU this money lying by French forces. One plane was stroyed on the ground on enemy battle for the northern part of the ing would have great commercial possibilities for the Colony in times of shot down by anti aircraft fire.