
ISSN 1610-2606 ISSN 1610-2606 newsletter 19/11 DIGITAL EDITION Nr. 302 - November 2011 Michael J. Fox Christopher Lloyd

LASER HOTLINE - Inh. Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Wolfram Hannemann, MBKS - Talstr. 11 - 70825 K o r n t a l Fon: 0711-832188 - Fax: 0711-8380518 - E-Mail: [email protected] - Web: www.laserhotline.de Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 editorial Hallo Laserdisc- und DVD-Fans, Zustand auf dem DVD-R-Rohling, wie längerem angekündigt, nur noch Mega- liebe Filmfreunde! sie gerade zufällig in den Archiven der Seller in Form von DVD oder Blu-ray Studios vorliegen. Ganz abgesehen von physisch verfügbar zu machen. Alles MOD lautet das Zauberwort der Stun- der Haltbarkeit der DVD-R, die im Ge- andere (und das ist gigantisch viel!) de. MOD – das steht als Abkürzung für gensatz zu der industriell gefertigten wird als MOD und/oder als Download “Manufactured On Demand” und über- DVD erheblich kürzer sein dürfte. Und vermarktet werden. Es ist davon auszu- setzt sich ins Deutsche als “Wird auf das obwohl sich die Studios ihre MOD- gehen, dass sich andere Labels diese Bestellung hergestellt”. Gemeint ist Produkte vergleichsweise teuer bezah- Vertriebsform ebenfalls zu eigen ma- damit die neue Vermarktungspolitik len lassen. Keine schöne Sache also, chen werden. Für die Sammler unter einiger amerikanischer Major-Labels die sich da augenblicklich abspielt. uns ist das natürlich eine herbe Enttäu- wie MGM, Warner oder Sony. Die näm- Wenn Sie im vorliegenden Newsletter schung. Letztendlich jedoch war dieses lich sind nicht mehr gewillt, weniger einmal einen Blick in unsere amerikani- Vorgehen nur eine Frage der Zeit, steht wichtige Filme als Standard-DVDs be- sche Abteilung werfen, werden Sie es doch in direktem Zusammenhang mit reitzustellen, da dies logistisch gese- schnell feststellen, dass sich die An- der marktbeherrschenden Macht der hen einfach zu teuer ist. So zumindest zahl der MODs rasant vermehrt. Nicht großen Discounter, deren hemmungslo- die Einschätzung der MOD-praktizie- alle dieser MODs können wir aktuell ses Preisdumping immer größeren renden Studios. So setzen diese nun- über unsere Großhändler in den USA Druck auf die Videoindustrie ausgeübt mehr auf die Herstellung bei Bestel- beziehen, sind aber guter Hoffnung, hat. Die nämlich war dadurch gezwun- lung. Will heissen: der Film wird bei dass dort über kurz oder lang das ge- gen, ihre Produkte immer weiter kosten- Bedarf als gebrannte DVD-R bereitge- samte Sortiment zur Verfügung stehen effizient herzustellen. Dass dabei an stellt. Aus kaufmännischer Sicht be- wird. Insbesondere für Freunde alter der Qualität zuallererst gespart wird ist trachtet macht dieses Verfahren durch- Hollywood-Ware ist dies inzwischen nichts Neues und wurde in vielen an- aus Sinn, hilft es doch Lagerüber- die einzige Möglichkeit, die Klassiker deren Branchen bereits verwirklicht. kapazitäten zu verhindern. Aus Sicht überhaupt einmal im eigenen Heimkino Die Hersteller und die Märkte freuen der Filmfreunde verheisst dieses neuar- zu sehen. Wünschenswert wäre natür- sich – der Konsument ist der Dumme. tige Vertriebsmodell jedoch nichts Gu- lich, dass sich die Studios bei der Be- tes. Denn - so scheint’s – werden die reitstellung der MODs genauso viel Ihr Laser Hotline Team als MOD veröffentlichten Filme nicht Mühe geben wie bei den regulären aufwändig “geremastert” oder gar re- DVD-Releases. Auch Warner Home stauriert, sondern landen just in dem Video Deutschland hatte ja schon vor

Werbebotschaft eines amerikanischen Anbieters, der seinen Kunden die von MGM veröffentlichten MODs anbietet. Hochinteressant der Hinweis unter „PLEASE NOTE“, dass derartige DVD-Rs nur in reinen DVD Video Playern abspielbar sind und möglicherweise in keinen anderen Geräten (dazu gehören DVD-Recorder und auch PC- Laufwerke) funktionieren.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 2 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog Montag, 07. November 2011 Die attraktive junge Krankenschwester so sein. Drama und Thriller mit dem ausländischen Akzent hat es Der langweiligste Film der Saison und ihm angetan. Hals über Kopf beginnt Dienstag, 08. November 2011 ein brauchbarer Thriller aus dem der wesentlich ältere und prominente Aller guten Dinge sind drei deutschsprachigen Nachbarland gaben Schriftsteller Brand eine Affäre mit der Und da Leitsprüche immer ernst ge- sich heute die Klinke in die Hand. schwarzhaarigen Angela. Dabei hat er nommen werden sollten, gab es auch eigentlich schon genug Ärger am Hals. gleich drei Pressevorführungen heute. FAUST (1:1.33, DD 5.1) Zum Einen liegt seine langjährige Ehe- OT: Faust frau, eine bekannte Schauspielerin, im Verleih: MFA (Filmagentinnen) Krankenhaus und ringt mit dem Tode. Land/Jahr: Russland 2011 Zum Anderen plagen den Künstler Regie: Alexander Sokurow Geldsorgen. Sein neues, im Entstehen Darsteller: Johannes Zeiler, Anton begriffenes Buch soll ihm aus der Pat- Adasinskiy, Isolda Dychauk sche helfen. Dumm nur, dass Angela Kinostart: 19.01.2012 mit einem türkisch-stämmigen Kriminal- beamten verheiratet ist. Und der ist Der Gelehrte Faust will endlich wissen, extrem eifersüchtig. Mehr und mehr wie das Leben wirklich ist. Die Wissen- wird Brand in einen Strudel aus Eifer- schaft jedenfalls gibt ihm darauf keine sucht, Hass und Gewalt gerissen... ausreichende Antwort. In seinem Drang Souverän wie immer trägt Josef nach Wissen schließt er einen verhäng- Bierbichler in der Rolle des ständig nisvollen Pakt mit Mephisto, dem Ge- fotografierenden Schriftstellers den genspieler Gottes, der ihn seine morali- ganzen Film. Sein “Brand” ist sehr schen und ethischen Werte vergessen überzeugend. Nicht minder überzeu- lässt... Frei nach Johann Wolfgang von gend ist seine attraktive Kollegin An- Goethe inszenierte der russische Regis- gela Gregovic, die eine verängstigte seur Alexander Sokurow seine 12-Mil- und auch sehr leidenschaftliche “An- lionen-Euro teure Interpretation des gela” mimt. Thomas Roth inszeniert Stoffes. Herausgekommen ist dabei seinen Thriller mit sicherer Hand eine extrem eigenwillige Inszenierung, durchweg spannend. Einzig der in Er- die von ihrer Bildästhetik sehr an alte scheinung tretende Krankenhaus- Stummfilme erinnert. Im ältesten aller seelsorger, der Brand mit bohrendem Bildformate, dem fast quadratischen Blick eine Beichte abverlangt, wirkt ATMEN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) 1:1.33, und mit surrealer Farbgestal- etwas weltfremd. Aber das muss in ei- Verleih: ThimFilm (24 Bilder) tung, teils anamorphotisch verzerrten nem österreichischen Krimi vielleicht Land/Jahr: Österreich 2011 Einstellungen und (gewollten?) Bild- Regie: Karl Markovics unschärfen liefert Sokurow einen Darsteller: Thomas Schubert, Karin “Faust” ab, der extrem gewöhnungs- Lischka, Liebmann, Georg bedürftig ist und schon aufgrund sei- Friedrich ner Lauflänge von fast zweieinhalb Kinostart: 08.12.2011 Stunden kein großes Publikum wird erschließen können. Ich persönlich Mit 14 Jahren tötete er einen Men- fühlte mich von diesem Film gleichzei- schen. Seither fristet Roman sein Le- tig überfordert und gelangweilt. Fazit: ben im Jugendknast. Jetzt, mit 19, ist er es muss sich um ein Kunstwerk han- Freigänger und auf der Suche nach deln. Und von Kunst verstehe ich be- einem Job. Den geeigneten Job für ihn kanntermaßen nichts. zu finden, ist für den in sich gekehrten und kontaktarmen Roman nicht einfach. BRAND (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Nur seinem Bewährungshelfer ist es zu OT: Brand – Eine Totengeschichte verdanken, dass er nochmals eine Verleih: Zorro Chance bekommt. Die will er bei einem Land/Jahr: Österreich, Deutschland Bestattungsunternehmen nutzen. Das 2010 vollkommen neue Umfeld, die Berüh- Regie: Thomas Roth rung mit Toten und der vorurteils- Darsteller: Josef Bierbichler, Angela behaftete Kollege machen es dem jun- Gregovic, Erika Deutinger gen Mann schwer, sich zurecht zu fin- Kinostart: 01.12.2011 den. Schafft er es nicht, sich zu inte-

LASER HOTLINE Seite 3 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog grieren, wird dies die Aussicht auf seinem Erzrivalen ist auf dem Höhe- extrem zurückhaltend inszeniert und frühzeitige Entlassung schmälern... Erst punkt. Jetzt zählt jede Stimme. Nichts damit auch für eine Nachmittagsaus- nach und nach füttert Regisseur Karl darf mehr schiefgehen. Als sich Mey- strahlung geeignet. Immerhin hat der Markovics den Zuschauer mit der Le- ers jedoch mit der jungen Praktikantin Meisterregisseur ein Auge für exquisite bensgeschichte seines Protagonisten. Molly, die ebenfalls für Morris arbeitet, Locations (Vieles wurde am Bodensee Dass er von seiner Mutter bereits als einlässt, macht er eine folgenschwere gefilmt) und für stimmiges Dekor, das Baby dem Jugendamt übergeben wurde Entdeckung: Molly wurde von Morris Kameramann Peter Suschitzky sehr und er seither nur in Heimen aufge- geschwängert. Meyers versucht zu souverän einfängt. Im krassen Gegen- wachsen ist, schafft Verständnis für retten was noch zu retten ist... Mit ei- satz dazu allerdings stehen die visuel- Romans Verhaltensweisen und macht nem durchweg guten Ensemble verfilm- len Effekte, die als solche leider pro- den Außenseiter mehr und mehr sym- te George Clooney ein Theaterstück blemlos erkannt werden können. An pathisch. So sehr, dass man ihm unwei- von Beau Willimon. Und das macht er den Darstellern gibt es hingegen nichts gerlich helfen möchte. Der exzellent so perfekt, dass dem Film das theater- auszusetzen. Insbesondere Keira fotografierte (Kamera: Martin hafte nicht mehr anzusehen ist. So ist Knightley überzeugt in ihrer Rolle als Gschlacht) und mit perfekter Filmmusik ein spannender Film über Loyalität und Sabina Spielrein. Den Wahn, den sie (Herbert Tucmandl) ausgestattete Film Verrat entstanden, der von Anfang bis anfangs zur Schau stellt, nimmt man ihr wartet mit einem überzeugenden En- Ende fesselt und tiefe Einblicke in ame- problemlos ab. Fazit: für einen Film wie semble auf und sollte auf einer mög- rikanische Wahlkämpfe gibt, bei denen diesen braucht es keinen Regisseur lichst großen Leinwand konsumiert stets dreckige Wäsche gewaschen wird vom Kaliber eines David Cronenberg. werden. – unter Ausschluss der Öffentlichkeit versteht sich. Ein ambitionierter Polit- Mittwoch, 09. November 2011 Thriller mit einem eindrucksvollen Ey, mach mal den Beat, Alter! Score von Alexandre Desplat. Von Zweien die auszogen um zu Rap- pen – die heutige Pressevorführung EINE DUNKLE BEGIERDE (1:1.85, DD bot viel Musik. 5.1) OT: A Dangerous Method BLUTZBRÜDAZ (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Verleih: Universal Verleih: Constantin Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Kanada, Groß- Land/Jahr: Deutschland 2011 britannien, Schweiz 2011 Regie: Özgür Yildirim Regie: David Cronenberg Darsteller: Sido, B-Tight, Tim Wilde Darsteller: Michael Fassbender, Keira Kinostart: 29.12.2011 Knightley, Viggo Mortensen Kinostart: 10.11.2011 Otis und Eddy haben nur eines im Kopf: Rappen was das Zeug hält. Ge- Anfang des 19. Jahrhunderts wird der meinsam träumen die beiden Berliner Psychoanalytiker Carl Jung durch eine Kumpels davon, im Musikgeschäft Fuß seiner Patientinnen in eine Sadomaso- zu fassen und groß herauszukommen. Beziehung verstrickt. Zur selben Zeit Mit einem geklauten Mikrophon und beginnt der Wissenschaftler eine der Unterstützung einiger Freunde neh- Freundschaft mit Sigmund Freud, die men sie ihre ersten Tracks auf. Die ein- jedoch durch dessen Übermächtigkeit fach produzierte Musikcassette findet schon bald in eine Rivalität zwischen im Plattenladen eines Bekannten rei- THE IDES OF MARCH – TAGE DES den beiden umschlägt... ßenden Absatz und die beiden bekom- VERRATS (1:2.35, DD 5.1) Mit seinem Ausflug in die Geschichte men ihr erstes Gig. Dort wird ein Sony- OT: The Ides Of March der Psychoanalyse liefert der für harte Manager auf sie aufmerksam. Die bei- Verleih: Tobis Stoffe bekannte Kanadier David den gehen einen Deal mit ihm ein. Doch Land/Jahr: USA 2011 Cronenberg eine eher konventionelle mit wachsendem Erfolg scheint sich Regie: George Clooney Geschichte ab. Und nicht nur die auf das Duo zu entzweien... Der sicherlich Darsteller: Ryan Gosling, George wahren Begebenheiten beruhende Ge- autobiographisch angehauchte Musik- Clooney, Evan Rachel Wood schichte ist konventionell – auch die film (“Otis” liest sich rückwärts fast Kinostart: 22.12.2011 Inszenierung selbst ist es. Das Ganze “Sido”!) zeigt den harten Kampf zweier erinnert irgendwie an einen Fernsehfilm Deutsch-Rapper im Jahre 2000, die von Stephen Meyers steht voll zu seinem ohne Werbeunterbrechung. Pikante einer großen Karriere träumen und Gouverneur Mike Morris, für den er als Szenen wie etwa die sado-masochisti- letztendlich von der mächtigen Musik- unersetzlicher Polit-Berater tätig ist. schen Sexszenen zwischen Michael industrie kaputtgemacht werden. Eine Der Wahlkampf zwischen Morris und Fassbender und Keira Knightley sind Industrie, die so mächtig ist, dass sie

LASER HOTLINE Seite 4 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog sogar Jahrzehnte lange Freundschaften mit vielen unterschiedlichen Stilmitteln sich Charlotte Isabel nennt und von zerstören kann. Der in perfektem haben die PERSEPOLIS-Macher der Mutter für eine ganze Woche in die Rapper-Gossen-Slang inszenierte Film Marjane Satrapi und Vincent Obhut des leiblichen Vaters gegeben dürfte für Zuschauer, die sich in dieser Paronnaud eine Graphic Novel von wird. Dem lebenslustigen Jarle passt Szene nicht auskennen, etwas Satrapi als Realfilm umgesetzt. Der al- das gar nicht und auch die kleine “Lot- gewöhnungsbedürtig sein, wirkt dafür lerdings wirkt fast so, als sei er ein te” ist nicht gerade angetan von Jarles aber recht authentisch. Oder fühlt sich Animationsfilm, den ein Hauch von verwahrloster Studentenbude ge- zumindest so an. Es gibt ein paar coole orientalischem Märchen umgibt. Es schweige denn davon, plötzlich einen Sprüche, die im Publikum ganz sicher gibt viele surreale Bilder, dazwischen neuen Papa zu haben. Doch im Verlaufe für schallendes Gelächter sorgen wer- sogar eine Zeichentricksequenz. Nach dieser einen Woche weicht die anfäng- den. Nicht alles im Drehbuch ist aller- und nach erfahren wir, warum der Mu- liche Distanz zwischen den beiden und dings zu End gedacht. So beginnt der siker so sehr an seiner Geige gehangen verändert Jarles bisheriges Leben radi- sich in festen Händen befindende Otis hat, warum seine große Liebe unerfüllt kal... Die norwegische Komödie ICH eine Affäre mit einer Musikmanagerin, blieb und warum er eine Frau ehelichte, REISE ALLEIN (eine Anspielung auf die jedoch ebenso wenig weitergeführt die er gar nicht liebte. Die Geschichte das Schild, das Lotte bei sich trägt, wird wie die feste Beziehung. Beides einer großen Liebe, die keine Erfüllung während sie ganz alleine mit dem Flug- bleibt in der Luft hängen und wird findet, jedoch durch die Kunst leben- zeug zu ihrem Papa reist) behandelt nicht aufgelöst. Dafür bietet der Film dig wird, hat zweifelsfrei ihre Starken zwar kein neues Thema, doch sie er- natürlich eine ganze Reihe von schein- Momente, wie z.B. die von Musik ge- zählt es dafür umso rührender. Auch bar aus dem Stegreif entwickelter Rap- tragene Schlusssequenz, doch kippt wenn sich anfangs der Eindruck ergibt, Nummern, deren Texte amerikanische das Interesse an dem Film zwischen- dass Stian Kristiansens Inszenierung Jugendschützer vermutlich auf die Bar- durch immer wieder. Die Darsteller in- ein bisschen der Pfeffer fehlt, so rikaden treiben würde. Der Film wurde des sind gut ausgewählt und passen schließt man als Zuschauer doch zuse- uns in der heutigen Pressevorführung sich ihren Rollen sehr gut an. Irrefüh- hends die kleine Lotte (wunderbar ge- leider in einer nicht finalen Version rend ist der Titel des Films, der eine spielt von der kleinen Amina Eleonora gezeigt. Mein Urteil kann daher auch kulinarisch-sinnliche Reise suggeriert. Bergrem) ins Herz und kann damit die nicht als final betrachtet werden. Gefühle verstehen, die den Protagoni- Freitag, 11. November 2011 sten mehr und mehr dazu veranlassen, Donnerstag, 10. November 2011 Wie der Vater zu seiner Tochter kam sein bisheriges Leben zu überdenken. Orientalisches Liebesmärchen Eine nette kleine Komödie aus dem Wohltuend anders als in Hollywood- Der Titel der heutigen Pressevor- hohen Norden rundete meine Presse- Komödien gibt sich dann auch das führung lässt einem bereits das Wasser woche an diesem Freitag ab. Ein schö- Ende des Films – realistisch und den- im Munde zusammenlaufen. Tut’s der ner Ausklang. noch versöhnlich, aber trotzdem trä- Film selber auch? nenreich. So muss Kino sein. ICH REISE ALLEIN (1:2.35, DD 5.1) HUHN MIT PFLAUMEN (1:2.35, DD OT: Jeg Reiser Alene Montag, 14. November 2011 5.1) Verleih: Neue Visionen OT: Poulet Aux Prunes Land/Jahr: Norwegen 2011 PERFECT SENSE () Verleih: Prokino (Fox) Regie: Stian Kristiansen OT: Perfect Sense Land/Jahr: Frankreich, Deutschland, Darsteller: Rolf Kristian Larsen, Amina Verleih: Senator Belgien 2011 Eleonora Bergrem, Pål Sverre Valheim Land/Jahr: Deutschland, Großbritanni- Regie: Marjane Satrapi, Vincent Hagen en, Schweden, Dänermark 2011 Paronnaud Kinostart: 29.12.2011 Regie: David Mackenzie Darsteller: Mathieu Amalric, Edouard Darsteller: Ewan McGregor, Eva Green, Baer, Maria de Medeiros Jarle ist 25, studiert Literaturwissen- Ewen Bremner Kinostart: 05.01.2012 schaft an der Universität, hat seine Kinostart: 08.12.2011 eigene Bude und genießt sein Leben in Nasser-Ali Khan ist ein begnadeter vollen Zügen. Wenn er nicht gerade in Dienstag, 15. November 2011 Künstler im Teheran des Jahres 1958. der Vorlesung sitzt, hängt er auf Partys Kolumbus in Bolivien und Anne im Keiner spielt die Geige so wie er. Doch ab und vergnügt sich mit schönen siebenten Himmel sein geliebtes Instrument ist bei einem Mädchen. In einem Wort: Jarle fühlt Erst Dienstag und trotzdem bereits das Ehestreit zu Bruch gegangen. Weil er sich pudelwohl. Doch ein kurzer hand- Ende der Presse-Woche. Dafür aber keine gleichwertige Violine finden geschriebener Brief bereitet all dem ein gab es zwei gute Beiträge auf der gro- kann, beschließt Nasser-Ali zu sterben. jähes Ende. Jarle muss erfahren, dass ßen Leinwand. Im Verlaufe von acht Tagen lässt er sein One-Night-Stand vor genau sieben nochmals sein ganzes Leben Revue Jahren und neun Monaten zu einem UND DANN DER REGEN (1:2.35, DD passieren... Visuell eindrucksvoll und hübschen Ergebnis geführt hat, das 5.1)

LASER HOTLINE Seite 5 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog OT: Tambien La Iluvia und mit ein paar Jungs aus der Schule. Verleih: Piffl Ihre Klassenkameradinnen haben alle Land/Jahr: Spanien, Frankreich, Mexiko schon einen Freund. Doch bei ihr hat 2010 noch kein Junge ein Kribbeln ausge- Regie: Icíar Bollaín löst. Das ändert sich schlagartig, als Darsteller: Gael García Bernal, Luis Philipp mit seinen Eltern in die Nach- Tosar, Raúl Arévalo barschaft zieht. Ausgerechnet in jenes Kinostart: 29.12.2011 Haus, von dem ihr Bruder behauptet, dass es dort spukt. Zusammen mit Bea- Mitten in Bolivien will der junge spani- te schmiedet Anna einen Plan, um ihre sche Regisseur Sebastian seinen Groß- Erzrivalin Ellen bei Philipp auszuste- film über Christopher Kolumbus dre- chen... Dieser Jugendfilm sprüht nur so hen. Besonders am Herzen liegt ihm zu vor grandiosen Regieeinfällen! Das zeigen, wie die Ureinwohner durch die Abscannen eines Klassenfotos inklusi- von der Gier nach Gold getriebenen ve der Schilderung wer mit wem Entdecker systematisch unterjocht und verbandelt ist oder verbandelt sein versklavt wurden. Da das Budget für möchte ist da nur einer von vielen. den Film knapp kalkuliert ist, ist die Anne Sewitsky inszenierte die Verfil- Filmcrew auf die Rekrutierung von boli- mung eines sehr bekannten Kinderbu- vianischen Statisten angewiesen. Auf- ches über die erste Liebe einfach gran- grund herrschender Armut ist der Zu- dios. Zusammen mit Kamerafrau Anna strom gigantisch. Einer der Statisten, Myking führt sie den Zuschauer virtu- Daniel, schafft es, die Rolle des Füh- nimmt man ihm nicht so recht ab. os durch den Mikrokosmos der kleinen rers der amerikanischen Ureinwohner Bollains Film ist durchweg gut besetzt. Anne (vorzüglich gespielt von Maria zu übernehmen. Was Sebastian und Gael García Bernal mimt den besesse- Tandero Berglyd), die sich unsterblich seine Crew noch nicht wissen: Daniel nen Regisseur, der nur seinen Film im verliebt und gegen Modepüppchen ist auch Anführer eines Aufstandes Kopf hat. Luis Tosar gibt einen wun- Ellen durchsetzen muss. Das hat nicht gegen die Obrigkeit, die der armen Be- derbar geldgierigen Produzenten ab. nur einen Bruch mit ihrer besten Freun- völkerung das Wasser abdreht... Wie Und Newcomer Juan Carlos Aduvirir ist din zur Folge, sondern gipfelt auch in einst Kolumbus und seine Mannen bei die perfekte Besetzung für den Kämpfer einer Demütigung, die sie Ellen antut. der Entdeckung Amerikas fällt auch die im doppelten Sinne: als Hatuey, Anfüh- Kein Jugendfilm ohne Moral. Und hier spanische Filmcrew in Bolivien ein. Ihr rer der Ureinwohner in der Vergangen- gibt es dann gleich mehrere. “Jeder Benehmen erinnert an die Eroberer, die heit, sowie als Daniel, Anführer der macht mal einen Fehler. Wichtig ist nur, sich ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste das Aufständischen in der Gegenwart. was man danach tut”, sagt Annes Mut- nehmen was sie wollen. Produzent Co- ter zu ihrer verliebten Tochter. Aber es sta zahlt den bolivianischen Statisten ANNE LIEBT PHILIPP (1:2.35, DD 5.1) geht nicht nur um das Bereuen und das Hungerlöhne, die er anderswo nicht OT: Jørgen + Anne = Sant “Um-Entschuldigung-bitten” sowie das zahlen könnte. Der schlaue Daniel Verleih: farbfilm (24 Bilder) Verzeihen, auch darum, nicht alles zu durchschaut das Spiel genau. Regis- Land/Jahr: Norwegen, Deutschland glauben, was die Erwachsenen erzäh- seur Icíar Bollaín lässt in seinem Film 2011 len. Und es geht auch darum, zu sich mehrere Handlungen parallel laufen: Regie: Anne Sewitsky selbst zu stehen. Anne möchte nicht die Szenen für den Kolumbus-Film, die Darsteller: Maria Tandero Berglyd, nur deshalb geliebt werden, weil sie Invasion der Filmcrew und den Auf- Otto Garli, Aurora Bach Rodal sich hübsch anzieht (was sie hasst!), stand der Bevölkerung, die für ihr Kinostart: 12.01.2012 sondern um ihrer selbst Willen. Der in Recht auf Wasser kämpft. Eine depri- Bild und Ton hervorragend gestaltete mierende Erkenntnis prägt seinen Film: Anne war schon immer ein bisschen Film ist ein wunderbarer Film über die seit der Eroberung durch die Spanier anders. Nie tut sie das, was man von allererste Liebe, könnte jedoch auf- hat sich nicht viel geändert. Dass sich ihr erwartet. Das “Wikinger und Prin- grund einiger gruseliger Momente für am Ende ausgerechnet der skrupellose zessinnen”-Spiel hat sie schon im Alter kleinere Zuschauer etwas zu heftig Produzent für die Menschen in Bolivi- von fünf Jahren nicht gemocht. Jetzt ist sein. en einsetzt und den Film Film sein Anne zehn und in der fünften Klasse. lässt, erscheint etwas aufgesetzt. Die Ihre Freizeit verbringt sie mit ihrer be- Wandlung vom Saulus zum Paulus sten Freundin Beate, ihrem Bruder Ole

Wolfram Hannemanns Film-Blog gibt es immer tagesaktuell im Internet: www.wolframhannemann.de

LASER HOTLINE Seite 6 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011

LASER HOTLINE Seite 7 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044207 Yigal Naor, Amit Shah, Mina Anwar, Soraya Radford, Miranda Hart, Matt Lucas, Paul Animation Weihnachtsmann Junior - DVD 2 Kaye - Dir. Josh Appignanesi Santapprentice Interviews, Audiokommentar, Making of Komödie 2010 101min. Augsburger Puppenkiste - Der Fantasy 2006 72min. Universum Film(Universum Kids) Senator Home Entertainment 02.12.2011 Löwe ist los & Kommt ein Löwe 02.12.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044160 geflogen (2 Discs) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044164 Dir. Harald Schäfer Alles koscher! (Blu-ray) Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1965-1966 240min. The Infidel S.A.D. Home Entertainment 14.11.2011 Omid Djalili, Richard Schiff, Archie Panjabi, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044148 Film Yigal Naor, Amit Shah, Mina Anwar, Soraya Radford, Miranda Hart, Matt Lucas, Paul Augsburger Puppenkiste - Hilde, Kaye - Dir. Josh Appignanesi Die 7 Masken des Judoka Interviews, Audiokommentar, Making of Teddy und Puppy, Vol. 3 (2 Discs) Komödie 2010 105min. Casse-Tête Chinois Pour Le Judoka Hilde Nocker Senator Home Entertainment 02.12.2011 Heinz Drache, Marilù Tolo, Marc Briand, Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm 1967-1968 120min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044174 Pidax film media(Pidax film) 02.12.2011 Franco Maistre - Dir. Maurice Labro 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044187 Action 1967 90min. Altitude - Tödliche Höhe Pidax film media(Pidax film) 06.01.2012 Altitude 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044256 Augsburger Puppenkiste - Jessica Lowndes, Julianna Guill, Ryan Kruse Jubiläums-Edition (3 Discs) Action Box, Vol. 2 (2 Discs) Donowho, Landon Liboiron, Jake Weary, Don Blech & der goldene Junker / Gut Mike Dopud, Ryan Grantham, Chelah Nighthawks / I Am Omega / Paragrahp 78 / gebrüllt, Löwe! / Urmel Horsdal, Ian Robison, Michelle Harrison, Alien Agent Dir. Harald Schäfer Teghan Gentles, Ranaweera - Dir. Sylvester Stallone, Billy Dee Williams, Kurzporträt Max Kruse, Behind the Scenes, Interview Kaare Andrews Kinderfilm/Puppenfilm min. Rutger Hauer, Mark Dacascos, Jennifer Lee Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer S.A.D. Home Entertainment 14.11.2011 Wiggins, Geoff Meed, Jurij „Gosha“ Horror/Mystery 2010 87min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044149 Kutsenko, Wladimir Wdowitschenkow, EuroVideo Bildprogramm 12.01.2012 Anastasiya Slanevskaya, Billy Zane, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044253 Beyblade Metal Master - Volume Amelia Cooke - Dir. Bruce Malmuth, Griff 3 (Folgen 11-14) Furst, Mikhail Khleborodov, Jesse V. Altitude - Tödliche Höhe (Blu-ray) Johnson Metaru Faito Beibureedo Altitude Action 1980-2007 395min. Dir. Kunihisa Sugishima Jessica Lowndes, Julianna Guill, Ryan MIG Film 12.01.2012 Trickfilm/Action 2009 80min. Donowho, Landon Liboiron, Jake Weary, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044264 Edel Germany(Panini) 18.11.2011 Mike Dopud, Ryan Grantham, Chelah 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044128 Horsdal, Ian Robison, Michelle Harrison, Alien Agent (Blu-ray) Teghan Gentles, Seth Ranaweera - Dir. Beyblade Metal Master - Volume Alien Agent Kaare Andrews Mark Dacascos, Billy Zane, Amelia Cooke, Behind the Scenes, Interviews, Trailer 4 (Folgen 15-18) Emma Lahana, Kim Coates, John Tench, Horror/Mystery 2010 91min. Metaru Faito Beibureedo Darren Shahlavi, Lindsay Maxwell - Dir. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 12.01.2012 Dir. Kunihisa Sugishima Frank Preissler (SynchronRegie) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044267 Trickfilm/Action 2009 80min. Science Fiction/Action 2007 95min. Edel Germany(Panini) 18.11.2011 MIG Film 12.01.2012 Am Fuß der blauen Berge - 3 un- 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044129 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044273 gekürzte Farbfolgen Das Dschungelbuch, DVD 3 Laramie Der Allergrößte bin ich (Blu-ray) , John Smith - Dir. William Kinderfilm/Zeichentrick 2009-2011 55min. (k.J.) Witney, Universum Film(Universum Kids) The Big I Am 1959-1963 140min. 02.12.2011 Leo Gregory, Vincent Regan, Michael Pidax film media(Pidax film) 09.12.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044161 Madsen, Robert Fucilla, Beatrice Rosen, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044136 Die Pinguine aus Madagascar - Philip Davis, Steven Berkoff, Paul Kaye, MC Harvey, Terry Stone, Bronagh Gallagher, American Eiskrem Operation: Impossible Possible Jâms Thomas, Dyfrig Morris, Joel Beckett - Fraternity Vacation The Penguins Of Madagascar Dir. Nic Auerbach Stephen Geoffreys, Sheree J. Wilson, Dir. Bret Haaland Thriller/Action 2010 110min. Cameron Dye, Leigh McCloskey, Tim Zeichentrick 2008 90min. MIG Film 19.01.2012 Robbins, Britt Ekland - Dir. James Frawley Paramount Home 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044240 Komödie 1984 91min. Entertainment(DreamWorks) 05.01.2012 SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(WGF) tba BestellNr.: 20044237 Der Allergrößte bin ich (k.J.) 06.12.2011 The Big I Am 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044229 SpongeBob Schwammkopf - Die Leo Gregory, Vincent Regan, Michael Helden aus Bikini Bottom Madsen, Robert Fucilla, Beatrice Rosen, Amsterdam Heavy - Jetzt wird’s Spongebob Squarepants Philip Davis, Steven Berkoff, Paul Kaye, MC verdammt ernst (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Bonusepisode Harvey, Terry Stone, Bronagh Gallagher, Amsterdam Heavy Zeichentrick/Komödie 1999-2006 95min. Jâms Thomas, Dyfrig Morris, Joel Beckett - Michael Madsen, Alison Carroll, Vincent Paramount Home Entertainment 05.01.2012 Dir. Nic Auerbach van Ommen, Dorien Rose Duinker, Maryam tba BestellNr.: 20044239 Thriller/Action 2010 105min. Tarami, Amy Huckabay, Semmy Schilt, Rik MIG Film 19.01.2012 Weihnachtsgeschichten - Die Sinkeldam, Horace Cohen, Erwin Bozzolini 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044230 - Dir. Michael Wright schönsten Bilderbuch-Filme Action/Thriller 2011 95min. Zeichentrick 50min. Alles koscher! EuroVideo Bildprogramm 12.01.2012 cms constructive media service(Child) The Infidel 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044268 01.12.2011 Omid Djalili, Richard Schiff, Archie Panjabi,

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Amsterdam Heavy - Jetzt wird’s Universum Film 16.12.2011 McAuley, Christopher McDonald, Tony verdammt ernst (k.J.) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044184 Curran, Scott Mechlowicz, Karel Roden, Michelle Lombardo, D.L. Hughley - Dir. John Amsterdam Heavy Bikini Girls on Ice (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Stockwell Michael Madsen, Alison Carroll, Vincent Bikini Girls On Ice Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes van Ommen, Dorien Rose Duinker, Maryam Cindel Chartrand, Suzi Lorraine, Danielle Action/Thriller 2011 106min. Tarami, Amy Huckabay, Semmy Schilt, Rik Doetsch, William Jarand, Christina Germany(Universal) Sinkeldam, Horace Cohen, Erwin Bozzolini Sciortino, Caroline Faille, Tarek Ghader, 12.01.2012 - Dir. Michael Wright Kerrie Taylor, Ivan Peric, Sandy Greig, Mi- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044219 Action/Thriller 2011 91min. chael Aaron, Michele Malone - Dir. Geoff EuroVideo Bildprogramm 12.01.2012 Klein Chucky - Die Mörderpuppe 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044254 Thriller/Horror 2009 78min. Child’s Play Catherine Hicks, Susan Sarandon, Alex Angèle und Tony Infopictures 13.01.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044287 Vincent, , Gerrit Graham, Angèle Et Tony Christine Elise, Brad Dourif, Clotilde Hesme, Grégory Gadebois, Evelyne Bikini Girls on Ice (k.J.) Zabriskie, Peter Haskell - Dir. Tom Holland Didi, Antoine Couleau, Jérôme Huguet, Bikini Girls On Ice Horror/Thriller 1988 84min. Patrick Descamps, Patrick Ligardes, Corine Cindel Chartrand, Suzi Lorraine, Danielle Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Marienneau, Lola Dueñas - Dir. Alix Doetsch, William Jarand, Christina Germany(MGM/UA) 25.11.2011 Delaporte Sciortino, Caroline Faille, Tarek Ghader, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044234 Drama/Lovestory 2010 87min. Kerrie Taylor, Ivan Peric, Sandy Greig, Mi- good!movies(Kool) 02.12.2011 chael Aaron, Michele Malone - Dir. Geoff Civic Duty 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044127 Klein Civic Duty Peter Krause, Kari Matchett, Ian Tracey, Aquamarin - Die vernixte erste Thriller/Horror 2009 75min. Infopictures 13.01.2012 Richard Schiff, Khaled Abol Naga - Dir. Jeff Liebe (Blu-ray) 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044279 Renfroe Aquamarine Thriller/Drama 2006 94min. Emma Roberts, Joanna Noelle Levesque, Blood and Bone / Black Dynamite Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 27.01.2012 Sara Paxton, Jake McDorman, Arielle (2 Discs) (k.J.) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044281 Kebbel, Claudia Karvan, Bruce Spence, Blood And Bone / Black Dynamite Roy Billing, Julia Blake - Dir. Elizabeth Allen Civic Duty (Blu-ray) Michael Jai White, Arsenio Hall, Tommy Komödie 2006 min. Civic Duty Davidson, Julian Sands, Eamonn Walker - Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Peter Krause, Kari Matchett, Ian Tracey, Dir. Scott Sanders, Ben Ramsey Germany 06.01.2012 Richard Schiff, Khaled Abol Naga - Dir. Jeff Action 2009 171min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044142 Renfroe Universum Film 16.12.2011 Thriller/Drama 2006 98min. 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044190 Un bambini di nome Gesù (2 Splendid Film(I-On New Media) 27.01.2012 Discs) Blutsfreundschaft 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044289 Un Bambino Di Nome Gesù Helmut Berger, Harry Lampl, Melanie Colombiana Matteo Bellina, Alessandro Gassman, Bekim Kretschmann, Heribert Sasse, Manuel Colombiana Fehmiu, María del Carmen San Martín - Dir. Rubey, Michael Steinocher, Oliver Zoe Saldana, Jordi Mollà, Cliff Curtis, Franco Rossi Rosskopf, Mathias Franz Stein, Jazz Gitti, Lennie James, Michael Vartan, Callum Blue, Drama 1987 384min. Gregor Seberg, Manfred Schmid, Christo- Amandla Stenberg, Beto Benites, Graham Pidax film media(Pidax film) 02.12.2011 pher Schärf, Stefan Bachmann, Margarethe 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044154 McTavish - Dir. Olivier Megaton Tiesel, Alexander Jagsch, Marvin Filipp, Making of, Featurettes, B-Roll, Storyboards, Interviews, Valentin Frais, Paul Matic, Aaron Karl - Dir. Trailer The Bang Club Peter Kern Action/Thriller 2011 104min. The Bang Bang Club Interview, Bonusfilm Universum Film 27.01.2012 Ryan Phillippe, Taylor Kitsch, Malin Drama 2009 95min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044167 Akerman, Frank Rautenbach, Neels Van Filmgalerie 451 06.01.2012 Jaarsveld, Ashley Mulheron, Russel 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044278 Colombiana (Blu-ray) Savadier - Dir. Steven Silver Colombiana Interviews, Making-of Box (3 Discs) Zoe Saldana, Jordi Mollà, Cliff Curtis, Drama 2010 104min. Kalter Hauch / Grenzwolf / Der weiße Büf- Lennie James, Michael Vartan, Callum Blue, Senator Home Entertainment 09.12.2011 fel Amandla Stenberg, Beto Benites, Graham 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044166 Charles Bronson McTavish - Dir. Olivier Megaton Action/Drama 1972-1980 279min. Making of, Featurettes, B-Roll, Storyboards, Interviews, The Bang Bang Club (Blu-ray) EuroVideo Bildprogramm 12.01.2012 Trailer The Bang Bang Club 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044265 Action/Thriller 2011 108min. Ryan Phillippe, Taylor Kitsch, Malin Universum Film 27.01.2012 Akerman, Frank Rautenbach, Neels Van Cat Run (Blu-ray) (k.J.) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044178 Jaarsveld, Ashley Mulheron, Russel Cat Run Savadier - Dir. Steven Silver , Janet McTeer, Alphonso Dittsche: Dittsche Delüxe - Reine Interviews, Making-of McAuley, Christopher McDonald, Tony Sonder DVD (2 Discs) Drama 2010 108min. Curran, Scott Mechlowicz, Karel Roden, Olli Dittrich, Jon Flemming Olsen, Franz Senator Home Entertainment 09.12.2011 Michelle Lombardo, D.L. Hughley - Dir. John Jarnach - Dir. Olli Dittrich 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044177 Stockwell Making of Audiokommentar, Entfallene Szenen, Behind the Scenes Komödie 370min. Basic / From Paris with Love (2 Action/Thriller 2011 110min. Universal Music_Strategic Marketing Discs) Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) (USM)(Comydor) 06.12.2011 Basic / From Paris With Love 12.01.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044152 John Travolta, Connie Nielsen, Samuel L. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044223 Jackson, , Kasia Die drei Musketiere Smutniak - Dir. John McTiernan, Pierre Cat Run (k.J.) The Three Musketeers Morel Cat Run , Milla Jovovich, Matthew Thriller 2003-2010 182min. Paz Vega, Janet McTeer, Alphonso Macfadyen, Ray Stevenson, Luke Evans,

LASER HOTLINE Seite 9 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011

LASER HOTLINE Seite 10 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Mads Mikkelsen, Orlando Bloom, Christoph Hardy Krüger, , Arthur Sunfilm Entertainment 05.01.2012 Waltz, Gabriella Wilde, James Corden, Juno Brauss, Paul Breitner - Dir. Peter Schamoni 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044227 Temple, Freddie Fox, Til Schweiger, Nina Trailer, DVD-ROM-Part, Hintergrundinfo, Kurzfilme Eichinger, Markus Brandl, Christian Oliver, Western 1975 FF DD 1.0 94min. Gangster Kartell (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Susanne Wolff, Florian Brückner - Dir. Paul absolut MEDIEN 25.11.2011 Gangster Exchange W.S. Anderson 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044202 Christopher Russell, Sarain Boylan, Aaron Abenteuer 2011 106min. Poole, Nobuya Shimamoto, Jasmin Geljo, Highlight Communications Federicos Kirschen - Cenizas del Zeljko Kecojevic, Walter Alza, Steven P. (Deutschland)(Constantin) 09.02.2012 cielo Park, Denis Akiyama, David Krae - Dir. Dean tba BestellNr.: 20044179 Cenizas Del Cielo Bajramovic Celso Bugallo, Gary Piquer, Clara Segura, Trailer Die drei Musketiere - 3D Premium Beatriz Rico, Fran Sariego, Txema Blasco, Action 2010 90min. Edition (Blu-ray 3D ) (Blu-ray) Raquel Hevia, Eduardo Antuña - Dir. Jose Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Mr. Banker Films) 27.01.2012 The Three Musketeers Antonio Quiros 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044170 Logan Lerman, Milla Jovovich, Matthew Drama 2008 95min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment(W-Film) Macfadyen, Ray Stevenson, Luke Evans, Gangster Kartell (k.J.) Mads Mikkelsen, Orlando Bloom, Christoph 27.01.2012 Gangster Exchange Waltz, Gabriella Wilde, James Corden, Juno 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044158 Christopher Russell, Sarain Boylan, Aaron Temple, Freddie Fox, Til Schweiger, Nina Poole, Nobuya Shimamoto, Jasmin Geljo, Eichinger, Markus Brandl, Christian Oliver, Der Ferienarzt - Staffel 1 (2 Discs) Zeljko Kecojevic, Walter Alza, Steven P. Susanne Wolff, Florian Brückner - Dir. Paul Drama/Melodram 270min. Park, Denis Akiyama, David Krae - Dir. Dean W.S. Anderson Universum Film(ZDF Video) 25.11.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044196 Bajramovic Abenteuer 2011 111min. Trailer Highlight Communications Footloose Action 2010 87min. (Deutschland)(Constantin) 09.02.2012 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Mr. Banker Footloose tba BestellNr.: 20044185 Films) 27.01.2012 Kenny Wormald, Julianne Hough, Andie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044156 Die drei Musketiere (Blu-ray) MacDowell, Dennis Quaid, Miles Teller, Ziah The Three Musketeers Colon, Kim Dickens, Patrick John Flueger, Ghettogangz - Die Hölle vor Paris Amber Wallace - Dir. Craig Brewer Logan Lerman, Milla Jovovich, Matthew / Ghettogangz 2 - Ultimatum (2 Macfadyen, Ray Stevenson, Luke Evans, Drama/Komödie 2011 109min. Mads Mikkelsen, Orlando Bloom, Christoph Paramount Home Entertainment 23.02.2012 Discs) (k.J.) Waltz, Gabriella Wilde, James Corden, Juno tba BestellNr.: 20044252 Banlieue 13 / Banlieue 13 - Ultimatum Temple, Freddie Fox, Til Schweiger, Nina David Belle, Cyril Raffaelli, Tony D’Amario, Eichinger, Markus Brandl, Christian Oliver, Footloose (+ DVD, inkl. Digital Philippe Torreton - Dir. Pierre Morel, Patrick Susanne Wolff, Florian Brückner - Dir. Paul Copy) (Blu-ray) Alessandrin W.S. Anderson Footloose Action/Thriller 2004-2009 179min. Abenteuer 2011 111min. Kenny Wormald, Julianne Hough, Andie Universum Film 16.12.2011 Highlight Communications MacDowell, Dennis Quaid, Miles Teller, Ziah 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044197 (Deutschland)(Constantin) 09.02.2012 Colon, Kim Dickens, Patrick John Flueger, tba BestellNr.: 20044184 Amber Wallace - Dir. Craig Brewer Das Gold von Texas Drama/Komödie 2011 113min. The Lucky Texan E-Love - Schneller als im wahren Paramount Home Entertainment 23.02.2012 , Barbara Sheldon, Lloyd Leben tba BestellNr.: 20044266 Whitlock, George ‘Gabby’ Hayes, Yakima Canutt, Eddie Parker, Gordon De Main, Earl E-Love Dwire - Dir. Robert N. Bradbury Anne Consigny, Antoine Chappey, Carlo Freerunner Freerunner Biografie Brandt, Carole Franck, Jacky Ido, Maher Western 1934 55min. Sean Faris, Danny Dyer, Tamer Hassan, Kamoun, Serge Renko, Evelyne Didi, Claude da music(Great Movies) 18.11.2011 Seymour Cassel, Mariah Bonner, Ryan Duneton, Laurent Arnal, Keren Marciano, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044208 Rebecca Marder, Alain Libolt, Laurent Doyle, Warren Ostergard, Dylan W. Baker - Manzoni, Pascal Demolon - Dir. Anne Dir. Lawrence Silverstein Die große Erich Kästner-Box (12 Villacèque Trailer Action/Thriller 2011 84min. Discs) Komödie 2011 95min. Sunfilm Entertainment 05.01.2012 Götz George, Liesl Karlstadt, Marianne polyband Medien GmbH 27.01.2012 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044222 Koch, Paul Dahlke - Dir. Kurt Hoffmann, 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044286 Robert A. Stemmle, Curt Linda, Josef von Es ist nicht vorbei Freerunner (Blu-ray 3D, + 2D Ver- Báky sion) (Blu-ray) Dokumentationen Anja Kling, Tobias Oertel, Ulrich Noethen, Komödie/Drama 961min. Freerunner Melika Foroutan, Merle Juschka, Georg Universum Film(Universum Kids) Sean Faris, Danny Dyer, Tamer Hassan, Tryphon, Justus Carrière, Silke Matthias, 02.12.2011 Seymour Cassel, Mariah Bonner, Ryan Catherine Bode, Peter Fieseler, Kirsten 59,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044163 Block, Sinha Gierke, Ernst-Georg Schwill, Doyle, Warren Ostergard, Dylan W. Baker - Marie Gruber, Rosa Enskat, Thomas Dir. Lawrence Silverstein Haider lebt - 1. April 2021 Bading, Thomas Rudnick - Dir. Franziska Trailer Action/Thriller 2011 88min. August Diehl, Traute Hoess, Heinrich Herki, Meletzky Sunfilm Entertainment 05.01.2012 Günter Tolar, Hilde Sochor, Hannes Drama 2011 90min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044228 Thanheiser, Christine Kaufmann, Paulus KNM Home Entertainment 06.12.2011 Manker, Robert Hauer Riedl, Urs Hefti, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044146 Freerunner (Blu-ray) Hanspeter Müller-Drossaart, Alena Baich, Michou Friesz, Peter Turrini, Robert Schin- Europäische Westernfilme - Freerunner Sean Faris, Danny Dyer, Tamer Hassan, del, Marlene Steeruwitz, Helmut Berger, Potato Fritz (Zwei gegen Tod und Seymour Cassel, Mariah Bonner, Ryan Michael Schottenberg, Christoph Schutti - Teufel) Doyle, Warren Ostergard, Dylan W. Baker - Dir. Peter Kern Potato Fritz / Texas Jack und der letzte Dir. Lawrence Silverstein Interview, Bonusfilm Satire 2002 74min. Pistolero Trailer Action/Thriller 2011 88min. Filmgalerie 451 06.01.2012

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 12 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044277 Schicha, Nina Schmieder, Sabine Bach, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044283 Yvonne Burbach, Bojana Golenac, Annabel Halloween II (30th Anniversary Faber, Sascha Kekez, Marianne Rappen- Jenseits der Stille (Blu-ray) Edition) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) glück, Martin Kaps, Maike von Bremen, Nils Tatjana Trieb, Sylvie Testud, Howie Seago, Halloween II Rovira-Munoz, Hans Stadlbauer, Antonio di Emmanuelle Laborit, Sibylle Canonica, Donald Pleasence, Jamie Lee Curtis, Nancy Mauro, Carina Diesing, Daniela Ziegler, Selestina Stannisavijevic, Matthias Habich, Loomis, P.J. Soles, Charles Cyphers, Brian Timothy Peach, Andreas Potulski, Peter Hansa Czypionka, Horst Sachtleben, Doris Andrews, John Michael Graham, Nancy Günther - Dir. Daniel Anderson, Verena S. Schade - Dir. Caroline Link Stephens, Arthur Malet, Mickey Yablans, Freytag, Petra Wiemers Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Interviews Drama 1996 112min. Brent Le Page, Adam Hollander, Robert Drama 605min. Universum Film 02.12.2011 Phalen, Tony Moran - Dir. John Carpenter Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 09.12.2011 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044210 Horror/Thriller 1978 Ltbx DTS-HD (D) DTS- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044131 HD (E) 90min. Das Kabinett des Schreckens Intergroove Media(Starlight) 28.01.2011 Hoffnungslos glücklich 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044145 Matching Jack (Blu-ray) Jacinda Barrett, James Nesbitt, Tom The Funhouse Hand aufs Herz, Folgen 91-120 (3 Russell, , Kodi Smit- Elizabeth Berridge, Shawn Carson, Jeanne Discs) McPhee, Yvonne Strahovski, Colin Friels, Austin, Jack McDermott, Cooper Huckabee, Julia Blake, , Nicole Largo Woodruff, Miles Chapin, David Vanessa Jung, Andreas Jancke, Oliver Gulasekharam, Krista Vendy, - Carson, Sonia Zomina, William Finley - Dir. Petszokat, Caroline Maria Frier, Christopher Dir. Nadia Tass Tobe Hooper Kohn, Verena Mundhenke, Sebastian Hölz, Trailer Interview, Trailer, Bildergalerie, Wendecover Marie Schneider, Franziska Traub, Selina Drama 2010 99min. Horror 1981 93min. Müller, Rocco Stark, Sonja Bertram, Atlas Film Home Entertainment 27.01.2012 Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Mr. Banker Franciska Friede, Dennis Schigiol, Kasia 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044280 Films) 27.01.2012 Borek, Amelie Plaas-Link, Barbara Sotelsek, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044172 Ulrich Drewes - Dir. Kai Meyer-Ricks Hoffnungslos glücklich (Blu-ray) Drama 660min. Matching Jack Kapitän Bontekoes Schiffsjungen Black Hill Pictures 09.12.2011 Jacinda Barrett, James Nesbitt, Tom De Scheepsjongens Van Bontekoe 35,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044132 Russell, Richard Roxburgh, Kodi Smit- Pim Wessels, Martijn Hendrickx - Dir. McPhee, Yvonne Strahovski, Colin Friels, Steven de Jong Hannibal / Hannibal Rising (2 Julia Blake, Daniela Farinacci, Nicole Abenteuer 2007 131min. Discs) (k.J.) Gulasekharam, Krista Vendy, Jane Allsop - FilmConfect Home Entertainment 09.12.2011 Hannibal / Hannibal Rising Dir. Nadia Tass 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044186 Sir Anthony Hopkins, Julianne Moore, Ray Trailer Liotta, Gaspard Ulliel, Gong Li, Rhys Ifans - Drama 2010 103min. Kehraus Dir. , Peter Webber Atlas Film Home Entertainment 27.01.2012 Gerhard Polt, Gisela Schneeberger, Niko- Thriller 2001-2006 252min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044288 laus Paryla, Dieter Hildebrandt, Jochen Universum Film 16.12.2011 Busse, Hans-Günter Martens, Karl 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044198 Hotel Lux Obermayr, Elisabeth Welz, Hans Stadt- Michael Bully Herbig, Jürgen Vogel, Thekla müller, Wolfgang Gropper, Bruno Jonas, Hausmeister Krause - Ordnung Reuten, Alexander Senderovich, Valery Veronika von Quast, Erhard Kölsch - Dir. muss sein, Staffel 8 (2 Discs) Grishko, Juraj Kukura, Sebastian Blomberg, Hanns Christian Müller Axel Wandtke, Steffi Kühnert, Matthias Tom Gerhardt, Irene Schwarz, Janine Komödie 1983 88min. Brenner, Robert Dölle, Josef Ostendorf, Kunze, Axel Stein, Jürgen Tonkel - Dir. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 12.01.2012 Thomas Thieme, Gennadi Vengerov, Johann Chico Klein, Friedrich Schaller, Gerit 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044257 Adam Oest, Daniel Wiemer - Dir. Leander Schieske Haußmann Komödie 1999 192min. Kehraus (Blu-ray) Drama/Tragikomödie 2011 min. Highlight Communications Gerhard Polt, Gisela Schneeberger, Niko- Highlight Communications (Deutschland)(Constantin) 09.02.2012 laus Paryla, Dieter Hildebrandt, Jochen (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.03.2012 tba BestellNr.: 20044180 Busse, Hans-Günter Martens, Karl tba BestellNr.: 20044183 Obermayr, Elisabeth Welz, Hans Stadt- müller, Wolfgang Gropper, Bruno Jonas, Herzflimmern - Die Klinik am Hotel Lux (Blu-ray) See, Vol. 6 (3 Discs) Veronika von Quast, Erhard Kölsch - Dir. Michael Bully Herbig, Jürgen Vogel, Thekla Hanns Christian Müller Bettina Redlich, Sven Waasner, Nova Reuten, Alexander Senderovich, Valery Komödie 1983 92min. Meierhenrich, Jan Hartmann, Michael Schil- Grishko, Juraj Kukura, Sebastian Blomberg, EuroVideo Bildprogramm 12.01.2012 ler, Stephan Schill, Caroline Beil, Ralph Axel Wandtke, Steffi Kühnert, Matthias 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044270 Schicha, Nina Schmieder, Sabine Bach, Brenner, Robert Dölle, Josef Ostendorf, Yvonne Burbach, Bojana Golenac, Annabel Thomas Thieme, Gennadi Vengerov, Johann Krieg der Götter Faber, Sascha Kekez, Marianne Rappen- Adam Oest, Daniel Wiemer - Dir. Leander Immortals glück, Martin Kaps, Maike von Bremen, Nils Haußmann Henry Cavill, Mickey Rourke, Luke Evans, Rovira-Munoz, Hans Stadlbauer, Antonio di Drama/Tragikomödie 2011 min. John Hurt, Freida Pinto, Stephen Dorff, Mauro, Carina Diesing, Daniela Ziegler, Highlight Communications Isabel Lucas, Kellan Lutz, Joseph Morgan, Timothy Peach, Andreas Potulski, Peter (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.03.2012 Peter Stebbings - Dir. Tarsem Singh Günther - Dir. Daniel Anderson, Verena S. tba BestellNr.: 20044190 Action/Drama 2011 min. Freytag, Petra Wiemers Highlight Communications Drama 605min. I Phone You (Deutschland)(Constantin) 30.04.2012 Edel Germany(Edel:Motion) 09.12.2011 Jiang Yiyan, Florian Lukas, David Wu, tba BestellNr.: 20044182 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044130 Wang Haizhen, He Bing, Annette Frier, Fritz Roth, Tino Mewes, Marie Gruber - Dir. Dan Herzflimmern - Die Klinik am Krieg der Götter (Blu-ray 3D) (Blu- Tang ray) See, Vol. 7 (3 Discs) Trailer Immortals Bettina Redlich, Sven Waasner, Nova Drama/Lovestory 2011 91min. Henry Cavill, Mickey Rourke, Luke Evans, Meierhenrich, Jan Hartmann, Michael Schil- STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment John Hurt, Freida Pinto, Stephen Dorff, ler, Stephan Schill, Caroline Beil, Ralph Germany(Arthaus) 19.01.2012

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Isabel Lucas, Kellan Lutz, Joseph Morgan, Der Mann auf dem Baum Der Nebel / Zimmer 1408 (2 Discs) Peter Stebbings - Dir. Tarsem Singh , Suzan Anbeh, Jannis The Mist / 1408 Action/Drama 2011 min. Michel, Bernhard Schütz, Philip Danne, Thomas Jane, Marcia Gay Harden, Laurie Highlight Communications Sven Pippig, Lena Stolze, Eva Löbau, Tobi- Holden, John Cusack, Samuel L. Jackson, (Deutschland)(Constantin) 30.04.2012 as Kay, Anna Kubin, Diane Willems, Audrey Mary McCormack - Dir. Frank Darabont, tba BestellNr.: 20044189 von Scheele - Dir. Martin Gies Mikael Håfström Komödie 2011 89min. Horror 2007 221min. Krieg der Götter (Blu-ray) good!movies(Zorro) 25.11.2011 Universum Film 16.12.2011 Immortals 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044185 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044193 Henry Cavill, Mickey Rourke, Luke Evans, John Hurt, Freida Pinto, Stephen Dorff, Der Mann, der zuviel wusste Niemand ist eine Insel Isabel Lucas, Kellan Lutz, Joseph Morgan, (OmU) Iris Berben, Henning Baum, Stefanie Peter Stebbings - Dir. Tarsem Singh The Man Who Knew Too Much Stappenbeck, Paula Knüpling, Peter Action/Drama 2011 min. James Stewart, Doris Day, Bernard Miles, Lerchbaumer, Aglaia Szyszkowitz, Rolf Highlight Communications Brenda De Banzie, Ralph Truman, Alan Kanies, Franziska Weisz, Dieter Schaad, (Deutschland)(Constantin) 30.04.2012 Mowbray, Daniel Gélin, Christopher Olsen - Kerem Can, Martin Hentschel, Jan Spitzer, tba BestellNr.: 20044188 Dir. Alfred Hitchcock Johannes Allmayer, Holger Hauer, Sabine Vitua - Dir. Carlo Rola Lila Lili / Petites Révélations - Thriller 1956 75min. da music(Great Movies) 18.11.2011 Melodram 2010 90min. Zwei Filme von Marie Vermillard 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044215 Highlight Communications (OmU) (Deutschland)(Constantin) 12.01.2012 Lila Lili / Petites Révélations Miss Nobody tba BestellNr.: 20044153 Alexia Monduit, Geneviève Tenne, Simon Miss Nobody Abkarian, Marilyne Canto - Dir. Marie Leslie Bibb, Adam Goldberg, Kathy Baker, Eine offene Rechnung Vermillard Missi Pyle, Brandon Routh, David Anthony The Debt Drama 1998-2006 160min. Higgins, Geoffrey Lewis, Vivica A. Fox, Helen Mirren, Sam Worthington, Jessica Filmgalerie 451 02.12.2011 Patrick Fischler, Paula Marshall, Sam Chastain, Jesper Christensen, Marton 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044205 McMurray, Eddie Jemison - Dir. Tim Cox Csokas, Ciarán Hinds, Tom Wilkinson, Romi Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2010 90min. Aboulafia - Dir. John Madden Lost at War MIG Film(WGF) 19.01.2012 Audiokommentar, Featurettes Drama/Thriller 2010 108min. Lost At War 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044232 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Ted Prior, James Brinkley, Adam Stuart, Jim 26.01.2012 Hazelton, Billy Hayes VII, Marisa Karl, Miss Nobody (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044221 Danielle Jacobs I, David Brian Alley, Hash Miss Nobody Patel, Carl Watts - Dir. David A. Prior Leslie Bibb, Adam Goldberg, Kathy Baker, Eine offene Rechnung (Digital Trailer Missi Pyle, Brandon Routh, David Anthony Action/Mystery 2007 91min. Higgins, Geoffrey Lewis, Vivica A. Fox, Copy) (Blu-ray) Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 09.12.2011 Patrick Fischler, Paula Marshall, Sam The Debt 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044188 McMurray, Eddie Jemison - Dir. Tim Cox Helen Mirren, Sam Worthington, Jessica Komödie/Kriminalfilm 2010 94min. Chastain, Jesper Christensen, Marton Lost at War (Blu-ray) MIG Film(WGF) 19.01.2012 Csokas, Ciarán Hinds, Tom Wilkinson, Romi Lost At War 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044242 Aboulafia - Dir. John Madden Ted Prior, James Brinkley, Adam Stuart, Jim Audiokommentar, Featurettes Hazelton, Billy Hayes VII, Marisa Karl, Moby Dick Drama/Thriller 2010 113min. Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Danielle Jacobs I, David Brian Alley, Hash Moby Dick 26.01.2012 Patel, Carl Watts - Dir. David A. Prior William Hurt, Ethan Hawke, Charlie Cox, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044225 Action/Mystery 2007 94min. Raoul Trujillo, Eddie Marsan, Gillian Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 09.12.2011 Anderson, Donald Sutherland, Billy Boyd, Oliver Twist 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044209 Daniyah Ysrayl, James Gilbert, Matthew Oliver Twist Lemche, Billy Merasty, Onyekachi ‘Lucky’ Richard Charles, Tim Curry, Sir Michael Der Mandant Ejim, Gary Levert, Richard Donat, Glen Hordern, Timothy West, , The Lincoln Lawyer Matthews, Stephen McHattie - Dir. Mike Cherie Lunghi - Dir. Clive Donner Matthew McConaughey, Ryan Phillippe, Barker Marisa Tomei, William H. Macy, Josh Lucas, Trailer Drama 1982 98min. John Leguizamo, Michael Peña, Bob Abenteuer/Drama 2010 121min. Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Gunton, Frances Fisher, Bryan Cranston, Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde 09.12.2011 Trace Adkins, Laurence Mason, Michaela Home Edition) 28.11.2011 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044191 Conlin - Dir. Brad Furman 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044236 Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurettes, Interviews, Trailer Die Olsenbande - Mallorca Box Drama/Thriller 2011 113min. Moby Dick (Blu-ray) (14 Discs) Universum Film 02.12.2011 Moby Dick Ove Sprogøe, Morten Grunwald, Poul 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044162 William Hurt, Ethan Hawke, Charlie Cox, Bundgaard, Kirsten Walther - Dir. Erik Raoul Trujillo, Eddie Marsan, Gillian Balling Der Mandant (Blu-ray) Anderson, Donald Sutherland, Billy Boyd, Kochbuch, Audio-CD The Lincoln Lawyer Daniyah Ysrayl, James Gilbert, Matthew Kriminalfilm 1260min. Matthew McConaughey, Ryan Phillippe, Lemche, Billy Merasty, Onyekachi ‘Lucky’ ZYX Music 18.11.2011 Marisa Tomei, William H. Macy, Josh Lucas, Ejim, Gary Levert, Richard Donat, Glen 149,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044159 John Leguizamo, Michael Peña, Bob Matthews, Stephen McHattie - Dir. Mike Gunton, Frances Fisher, Bryan Cranston, Barker Operation Polarfuchs Trace Adkins, Laurence Mason, Michaela Trailer Gränsen Conlin - Dir. Brad Furman Abenteuer/Drama 2010 121min. André Sjöberg, Bjørn Sundquist, Antti Reini, Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Featurettes, Interviews, Trailer Concorde Home Entertainment(Concorde Marie Robertson, Mathias Alstadsäter, Ro- Drama/Thriller 2011 118min. Home Edition) 28.11.2011 bert Follin, Rasmus Troedsson, Jens Universum Film 02.12.2011 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044244 Hultén, Johan Hedenberg, Jonas Karlström 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044175 - Dir. Richard Holm Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 15 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 116min. Wendecover Kusnitz, Janelle Ortiz, Joe Adler, Jonathan Capelight Pictures 06.01.2012 Horror 2009 92min. Keltz - Dir. Joe Nussbaum 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044206 MIG Film 12.01.2012 Behind the Scenes, Outtakes 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044271 Komödie 2011 100min. Operation Polarfuchs (Blu-ray) Walt Disney Studios Home Entertainment Gränsen Pastewka - Staffel 1-5 (12 Discs) 12.01.2012 André Sjöberg, Bjørn Sundquist, Antti Reini, Bastian Pastewka 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044284 Marie Robertson, Mathias Alstadsäter, Ro- Komödie 2005-2011 1920min. bert Follin, Rasmus Troedsson, Jens Sony Music Entertainment & New Business Die purpurnen Flüsse / Die pur- Hultén, Johan Hedenberg, Jonas Karlström Division(Spassgesellschaft) 09.12.2011 purnen Flüsse 2 (2 Discs) - Dir. Richard Holm 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044235 Les Rivières Pourpres 1 + 2 Entfallene Szenen, Audiokommentar, Making of, Trailer Jean Reno, , Nadia Farès, Drama/Kriegsfilm 2011 120min. Phase IV Benoît Magimel, Christopher Lee - Dir. Capelight Pictures 06.01.2012 Phase IV Mathieu Kassovitz, Olivier Dahan 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044211 Nigel Davenport, Lynne Frederick, Michael Thriller 2000-2004 200min. Murphy, Alan Gifford, Robert Henderson, Universum Film 16.12.2011 Paladin - Der Drachenjäger Helen Morton - Dir. Saul Bass 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044195 Dawn Of The Dragonslayer Science Fiction/Thriller 1974 84min. Richard McWilliams, Nicola Posener, Ian Paramount Home Entertainment 05.01.2012 Putty Hill / Hamilton - Zwei Filme Cullen, Philip Brodie, Adam Johnson, Ciaran tba BestellNr.: 20044238 von Matt Porterfield (OmU) O’Grady, Anthony Murphy, Maggie Daniels, Putty Hill / Hamilton Nick Devlin, Michael O’Flaherty, Lemuel Plötzlich Star Sky Ferreira, Zoe Vance, James Siebor Jr. Black - Dir. Anne K. Black Monte Carlo - Dir. Matt Porterfield Fantasy/Abenteuer 2011 99min. Selena Gomez, Leighton Meester, Katie Drama/Experimentalfilm 2006-2009 154min. Splendid Film 27.01.2012 Cassidy, Cory Monteith, Andie MacDowell, Filmgalerie 451 02.12.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044282 Catherine Tate, Brett Cullen, Amanda Fair- 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044204 bank-Hynes, Pierre Boulanger, Luke Paladin - Der Drachenjäger (Blu- Bracey, Valérie Lemercier, Joël Lefrançois Rache ist sexy! (Blu-ray) - Dir. Thomas Bezucha ray) John Tucker Must Die Komödie 2011 min. Dawn Of The Dragonslayer Jesse Metcalfe, Brittany Snow, Ashanti, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Richard McWilliams, Nicola Posener, Ian Sophia Bush, Arielle Kebbel, Penn Badgley, Germany 06.01.2012 Cullen, Philip Brodie, Adam Johnson, Ciaran Jenny McCarthy, Fatso Fasano, Kevin 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044126 O’Grady, Anthony Murphy, Maggie Daniels, McNulty, Patricia - Dir. Nick Devlin, Michael O’Flaherty, Lemuel Plötzlich Star (Blu-ray) Action/Komödie 2006 min. Black - Dir. Anne K. Black Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Monte Carlo Fantasy/Abenteuer 2011 103min. Germany 06.01.2012 Selena Gomez, Leighton Meester, Katie Splendid Film 27.01.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044143 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044290 Cassidy, Cory Monteith, Andie MacDowell, Catherine Tate, Brett Cullen, Amanda Fair- Removal - Einfach aufgewischt! bank-Hynes, Pierre Boulanger, Luke Panik im Needle Park Removal Bracey, Valérie Lemercier, Joël Lefrançois The Panic In Needle Park Billy Burke, Mark Kelly, Oz Perkins, Emma - Dir. Thomas Bezucha , Kitty Winn, Alan Vint, Richard Caulfield, Kelly Brook, , Sharon Komödie 2011 min. Bright, Kiel Martin - Dir. Jerry Schatzberg Omi, Evan Helmuth, Christopher Tomaselli, Twentieth Century Fox Home Entertainment Drama 1971 105min. Kim Estes, Bronwyn Cornelius - Dir. Nick Germany 06.01.2012 EuroVideo Bildprogramm 12.01.2012 Simon 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044138 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044260 Thriller/Horror 2010 90min. Poolboy - Drowning Out the Fury MIG Film(WGF) 19.01.2012 Pans Labyrinth / Das Waisenhaus 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044231 (2 Discs) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) El Laberinto Del Fauno / El Orfanato Poolboy: Drowning Out The Fury Removal - Einfach aufgewischt! Sergi Lopez, Maribel Verdú, Ivana Baquero, Kevin Sorbo, Danny Trejo, Ross Patterson, (Blu-ray) Jason Mewes, Edi Patterson, Bryan Callen, Belen Rueda, Fernando Cayo, Roger Removal Mark Curry, Robert LaSardo, Alanna Ubach Príncep (Simón) - Dir. Guillermo Del Toro, Billy Burke, Mark Kelly, Oz Perkins, Emma - Dir. Garrett Brawith Juan Antonio Bayona Caulfield, Kelly Brook, Elliott Gould, Sharon Komödie/Action 1990-2011 90min. Thriller 2006-2007 216min. Omi, Evan Helmuth, Christopher Tomaselli, Senator Home Entertainment 09.12.2011 Universum Film 16.12.2011 Kim Estes, Bronwyn Cornelius - Dir. Nick 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044176 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044199 Simon Poolboy - Drowning Out the Fury Thriller/Horror 2010 94min. Paranormal Investigations 3 - MIG Film(WGF) 19.01.2012 Tödliche Geister (k.J.) 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044241 Paranormal Entity Poolboy: Drowning Out The Fury Shane Van Dyke, Erin Marie Hogan, Fia Kevin Sorbo, Danny Trejo, Ross Patterson, Reservoir Dogs / Death Proof - Perera, Norman Saleet - Dir. Shane Van Jason Mewes, Edi Patterson, Bryan Callen, Todsicher (2 Discs) (k.J.) Mark Curry, Robert LaSardo, Alanna Ubach Dyke Reservoir Dogs / Grindhouse: Death Proof - Dir. Garrett Brawith Wendecover Harvey Keitel, Tim Roth, Chris Penn, Kurt Horror 2009 88min. Komödie/Action 1990-2011 86min. Russell, Sydney Tamiia Poitier, Vanessa MIG Film 12.01.2012 Senator Home Entertainment 09.12.2011 Ferlito - Dir. Quentin Tarantino 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044258 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044165 Thriller 1991-2007 203min. Paranormal Investigations 3 - Prom - Die Nacht deines Lebens Universum Film 16.12.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044200 Tödliche Geister (Blu-ray) Prom Paranormal Entity Aimee Teegarden, Thomas McDonell, Robinson Crusoe auf dem Mars Nicholas Braun, Danielle Campbell, Nolan Shane Van Dyke, Erin Marie Hogan, Fia Robinson Crusoe On Mars Sotillo, Kylie Bunbury, DeVaughn Nixon, Perera, Norman Saleet - Dir. Shane Van Paul Mantee, Vic Lundin, Adam West - Dir. Cameron Monaghan, Yin Chang, Jared Dyke Byron Haskin

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 17 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Science Fiction 1964 110min. Intergroove Media(Savoy Film) 09.12.2011 Musikvideo, Outtakes, Bildergalerie, TV-Spots, Texttafeln, SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(WGF) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044194 Wendecover Thriller/Horror 1996-2000 394min. 19.01.2012 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment tba BestellNr.: 20044233 Schlafkrankheit Germany 08.12.2011 Pierre Bokma, Jean-Christophe Folly, Jenny 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044141 Robinson Crusoe auf dem Mars Schily, Hippolyte Girardot, Maria Elise Miller, (Blu-ray) Sava Lolov, Francis Noukiatchom, Ali Scream 1 - 3 (Special Edition, 4 Mvondo Roland, Isacar Yinkou, Thierry Robinson Crusoe On Mars Discs, Uncut) (k.J.) Paul Mantee, Vic Lundin, Adam West - Dir. Hancisse, Ali Barkaï - Dir. Ulrich Köhler Scream 1 - 3 Byron Haskin Drama 2011 87min. Neve Campbell, David Arquette, Drew Science Fiction 1964 113min. Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Farbfilm) Barrymore, Courteney Cox, Sarah Michelle SchröderMedia HandelsgmbH(WGF) 27.01.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044155 Gellar - Dir. Wes Craven 19.01.2012 Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Erweiterte und entfalle- tba BestellNr.: 20044243 ne Szenen, Featurettes, Interviews, Kurzfilm, Making of, Schlafkrankheit (Blu-ray) Musikvideo, Outtakes, Bildergalerie, TV-Spots, Texttafeln, / Saw II / Saw III / Saw IV / Pierre Bokma, Jean-Christophe Folly, Jenny Wendecover Thriller/Horror 1996-2000 379min. / Saw VI / (7 Discs) Schily, Hippolyte Girardot, Maria Elise Miller, Sava Lolov, Francis Noukiatchom, Ali STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Mvondo Roland, Isacar Yinkou, Thierry Germany 08.12.2011 Saw / Saw II / Saw III / Saw IV / Saw V / Hancisse, Ali Barkaï - Dir. Ulrich Köhler 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044135 Saw VI / Saw 3D Drama 2011 91min. Cary Elwes, Danny Glover, Monica Potter, Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Farbfilm) Scream of the Banshee Donnie Wahlberg, Franky G., Shawnee 27.01.2012 Scream of the Banshee Smith, Tobin Bell, Angus Macfadyen, 30,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044169 Lauren Holly, Lance Henriksen, Kim Costas Mandylor, Scott Patterson, Betsy Ormiston, Monica Acosta, Marcelle Baer, Russell - Dir. , Darren Lynn Schnee am Kilimandscharo Eric F. Adams, Don Lincoln, Edrick Browne, Bousman, , Kevin Greutert Snows Of Kilimanjaro Todd Haberkorn, Misty Ormiston, Leanne Audiokommentare, Making ofs, Behind the Scenes, Interviews Gregory Peck, Susan Hayward, Ava Cochran - Dir. Steven C. Miller Thriller/Horror 2004-2010 649min. Gardner, Hildegard Knef, Leo G. Carroll, Making of STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Horror 2011 87min. Torin Thatcher, Marcel Dalio, Vincente Germany 01.12.2011 Senator Home Entertainment(After Dark) Gomez - Dir. Henry King 49,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044139 16.12.2011 Drama 1952 113min. 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044151 Saw / Saw II / Saw III / Saw IV / da music(Great Movies) 18.11.2011 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044214 Saw V / Saw VI / Saw 3D (7 Discs) Scream of the Banshee (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Scream (Uncut) (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Scream of the Banshee Lauren Holly, Lance Henriksen, Kim Saw / Saw II / Saw III / Saw IV / Saw V / Scream Ormiston, Monica Acosta, Marcelle Baer, Saw VI / Saw 3D Neve Campbell, David Arquette, Courteney Eric F. Adams, Don Lincoln, Edrick Browne, Cary Elwes, Danny Glover, Monica Potter, Cox, Matthew Lillard, Skeet Ulrich, Rose Todd Haberkorn, Misty Ormiston, Leanne Donnie Wahlberg, Franky G., Shawnee McGowan, Drew Barrymore, Jamie Kenne- Cochran - Dir. Steven C. Miller Smith, Tobin Bell, Angus Macfadyen, dy, Lawrence Hecht, W. Earl Brown, Lois Making of Costas Mandylor, Scott Patterson, Betsy Saunders, Kevin Patrick Walls, David Horror 2011 91min. Russell - Dir. James Wan, Darren Lynn Booth, Carla Hatley, Joseph Whipp, C. W. Senator Home Entertainment(After Dark) Bousman, David Hackl, Kevin Greutert Morgan - Dir. Wes Craven 16.12.2011 Audiokommentare, Making ofs, Behind the Scenes, Interviews Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Erweiterte Szenen, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044168 Thriller/Horror 2004-2010 619min. Featurettes, Interview, Outtakes, Bildergalerie, TV-Spots, STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Texttafeln, Wendecover Thriller/Horror 1996 111min. Snow Beast - Überleben ist alles Germany 01.12.2011 STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Snow Beast 39,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044133 Germany 08.12.2011 John Schneider, Jason London, Danielle Der Scharfschütze 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044140 Ryan Chuchran, Paul Hunt, Dale Thomas, Brittany Wiscombe, Kenneth Hill, Anthony Gunfighter Scream (Uncut) (k.J.) Straga, Cory Anderson II, Keston Wing, Gregory Peck, Helen Westcott, Millard Scream (Uncut) Gregg Christensen (Schneeungeheur), Mitchell, Jean Parker, Karl Malden, Skip Neve Campbell, David Arquette, Courteney Beki Diamond - Dir. Brian Brough Homeier - Dir. Henry King Cox, Matthew Lillard, Skeet Ulrich, Rose Wendecover Western 1950 81min. McGowan, Drew Barrymore, Jamie Kenne- Horror/Abenteuer 2011 91min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 12.01.2012 dy, Lawrence Hecht, W. Earl Brown, Lois EuroVideo Bildprogramm 12.01.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044262 Saunders, Kevin Patrick Walls, David 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044255 Der Scheich Booth, Carla Hatley, Joseph Whipp, C. W. Morgan - Dir. Wes Craven Snow Beast - Überleben ist alles The Sheikh Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Erweiterte Szenen, (Blu-ray) Agnes Ayres, Rudolph Valentino, Adolphe Featurettes, Interview, Outtakes, Bildergalerie, TV-Spots, Snow Beast Menjou, Walter Long, Lucien Littlefield, Texttafeln, Wendecover John Schneider, Jason London, Danielle Frank Butler - Dir. George Melford Thriller/Horror 1996 107min. Ryan Chuchran, Paul Hunt, Dale Thomas, Drama 1921 86min. STUDIOCANAL Home Entertainment Brittany Wiscombe, Kenneth Hill, Anthony da music(Great Movies) 18.11.2011 Germany 08.12.2011 Straga, Cory Anderson II, Keston Wing, 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044213 13,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044134 Gregg Christensen, Beki Diamond - Dir. Das Schießen - Nur der Stärkste Scream 1 - 3 (3 Discs, Uncut) (Blu- Brian Brough Wendecover überlebt ray) (k.J.) Horror/Abenteuer 2011 95min. The Shooting Scream 1 - 3 EuroVideo Bildprogramm 12.01.2012 Jack Nicholson, Millie Perkins, Warren Neve Campbell, David Arquette, Drew 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044269 Oates, , B. J. Merholz, Cuy El Barrymore, Courteney Cox, Sarah Michelle Tsosie - Dir. Monte Hellman Gellar - Dir. Wes Craven Sommer in Orange Audiokommentar, Behind the Scenes, Erweiterte und entfalle- Western 1966 90min. ne Szenen, Featurettes, Interviews, Kurzfilm, Making of, Petra Schmidt-Schaller, Amber Bongard,

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Bela Baumann, Georg Friedrich, Oliver Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Mr. Banker Tod im Spiegel Korittke, Brigitte Hobmeier, Chiem van Films) 27.01.2012 Shattered Houweninge, Daniel Zillmann, Daniela Holtz, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044157 Tom Berenger, Bob Hoskins, Greta Scacchi, Wiebke Puls, Thomas Loibl, Florian Karl- Joanne Whalley, Corbin Bernsen, Jedda heim, Heinz-Josef Braun, Bettina Stahlkappen (Blu-ray) Jones, Debi Monahan, Bert Rosario, Scott Mittendorfer, Gundi Ellert, Carla Sprenger, Steel Toes Getlin - Dir. Wolfgang Petersen Thomas Wittmann, Daniel Brunner - Dir. Ron Lea, Joel Miller, Marina Orsini, Michael Thriller 1991 94min. Marcus H. Rosenmüller Rudder, Ivana Shein, Ivan Smith, Linda E. EuroVideo Bildprogramm 12.01.2012 Komödie 2011 106min. Smith, David Strathairn - Dir. Mark Adam, 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044259 Majestic Filmverleih 20.01.2012 David Gow 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044137 Trailer Tod im Spiegel (Blu-ray) Drama/Action 2006 88min. Shattered Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Mr. Banker Sommer in Orange (Blu-ray) Tom Berenger, Bob Hoskins, Greta Scacchi, Films) 27.01.2012 Petra Schmidt-Schaller, Amber Bongard, Joanne Whalley, Corbin Bernsen, Jedda 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044171 Bela Baumann, Georg Friedrich, Oliver Jones, Debi Monahan, Bert Rosario, Scott Korittke, Brigitte Hobmeier, Chiem van - The Next Generation: Getlin - Dir. Wolfgang Petersen Houweninge, Daniel Zillmann, Daniela Holtz, Thriller 1991 98min. Wiebke Puls, Thomas Loibl, Florian Karl- The Next Level: Einblick in die EuroVideo Bildprogramm 12.01.2012 heim, Heinz-Josef Braun, Bettina nächste Generation (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044272 Mittendorfer, Gundi Ellert, Carla Sprenger, Star Trek - The Next Generation Thomas Wittmann, Daniel Brunner - Dir. Trailer Tödliche Dämonenliebe Marcus H. Rosenmüller Science Fiction 1987-1994 182min. Turnaround Komödie 2011 110min. Paramount Home Entertainment 31.01.2012 Monique Parent, Fred Lane, Tamara Landry, Majestic Filmverleih 20.01.2012 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044245 Morcos Araya, Sir Nicolas Baker - Dir. Jeff 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044144 Mandel Steel Robot Erotik 1998 105min. Sonnenallee (Langspielfassung) Robotjox da music(Great Movies) 18.11.2011 Alexander Scheer, Alexander Beyer, Ka- Gary Graham, Anne Marie Johnson, Paul 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044218 tharina Thalbach, Henry Hübchen, Detlev Koslo, Robert Sampson, Danny Kamekona, Buck, Teresa Weißbach, Elena Meißner, Hilary Mason, Ian Patrick Williams, Jason Tödliche Versprechen / Das Impe- Robert Stadlober, David Müller, Martin Marsden, Carolyn Purdy-Gordon, Thyme rium der Wölfe (2 Discs) Moeller, Patrick Güldenberg, Annika Kuhl, Lewis, Gary Houston, Russel Case - Dir. L’ Empire Des Loups / Eastern Promises Ignaz Kirchner, Benno Frevert, Andreas Stuart Gordon Viggo Mortensen, Naomi Watts, Vincent Pietschmann, Margit Carstensen, Traute Science Fiction 1989 83min. Cassel, Jean Reno, Arly Jover, Jocelyn Hoess, Thorsten Ranft, Winfried Glatzeder Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Quivrin - Dir. David Cronenberg, Chris - Dir. Leander Haußmann 09.12.2011 Nahon Interviews, Making of 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044189 Komödie 1999 96min. Thriller 2005-2007 220min. EuroVideo Bildprogramm(Delphi) Tactical Force (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Universum Film 16.12.2011 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044201 12.01.2012 Tactical Force 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044261 Steve Austin, Michael Jai White, Michael Traitor / Unthinkable (2 Discs) Shanks, Lexa Doig, Darren Shahlavi, Mi- Das Spiel ihres Lebens chael Eklund, Steve Bacic, Adrian Holmes, (k.J.) The Game Of Their Lives Keith Jardine, Candace Elaine, Peter Kent, Traitor / Unthinkable Wes Bentley, Gerard Butler, Jay Rodan, Peter Bryant - Dir. Adamo P. Cultraro Samuel L. Jackson, Brandon Routh, Michael Zachery Ty Bryan, Louis Mandylor, Costas Interviews Sheen, Guy Pearce, Don Cheadle, Jeff Mandylor, Gavin Rossdale, Jimmy Jean- Action 2011 89min. Daniels - Dir. Gregor Jordan, Jeffrey Nach- Louis, Nelson Vargas, Deborah Corday, Sir WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) manoff Patrick Stewart, Terry Kinney, John Rhys- 27.01.2012 Thriller/Drama 2008-2010 203min. Davies, Tim Vickery - Dir. David Anspaugh 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044291 Universum Film 16.12.2011 Trailer, Bildergalerie 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044203 Drama/Komödie 2005 100min. Tactical Force (k.J.) Lighthouse Home Entertainment 18.11.2011 Tactical Force Untote wie wir - Man ist so tot 15,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044147 Steve Austin, Michael Jai White, Michael wie man sich fühlt (k.J.) Shanks, Lexa Doig, Darren Shahlavi, Mi- Das Spiel ihres Lebens (Blu-ray) The Revenant chael Eklund, Steve Bacic, Adrian Holmes, Chris Wylde, David Anders, Louise The Game Of Their Lives Keith Jardine, Candace Elaine, Peter Kent, Griffiths, Jacy King, Emiliano Torres, Cathy Wes Bentley, Gerard Butler, Jay Rodan, Peter Bryant - Dir. Adamo P. Cultraro Shim, Wally White, Zana Zefi, Clint Jung - Zachery Ty Bryan, Louis Mandylor, Costas Interviews Dir. D. Kerry Prior Mandylor, Gavin Rossdale, Jimmy Jean- Action 2011 85min. Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Audiokommentar Louis, Nelson Vargas, Deborah Corday, Sir WVG Medien(E1 Entertainment One) Horror/Komödie 2009 112min. Patrick Stewart, Terry Kinney, John Rhys- 27.01.2012 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Davies, Tim Vickery - Dir. David Anspaugh 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044285 19.01.2012 Trailer, Bildergalerie 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044220 Drama/Komödie 2005 103min. Der Tank (Blu-ray) Lighthouse Home Entertainment 18.11.2011 Tank Untote wie wir - Man ist so tot 18,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044150 , Shirley Jones, C. Thomas wie man sich fühlt (Steelbook) Howell, Mark Herrier, Sandy Ward, Jenilee Stahlkappen Harrison, James Cromwell, G. D. Spradlin - (Blu-ray) (k.J.) Steel Toes Dir. Marvin J. Chomsky The Revenant Ron Lea, Joel Miller, Marina Orsini, Michael Bildergalerien, Trailer Chris Wylde, David Anders, Louise Rudder, Ivana Shein, Ivan Smith, Linda E. Abenteuer/Komödie 1983 110min. Griffiths, Jacy King, Emiliano Torres, Cathy Smith, David Strathairn - Dir. Mark Adam, Lighthouse Home Entertainment(Mr. Banker Shim, Wally White, Zana Zefi, Clint Jung - David Gow Films) 27.01.2012 Dir. D. Kerry Prior Trailer 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044173 Entfallene Szenen, Making of, Audiokommentar Drama/Action 2006 85min. Horror/Komödie 2009 117min.

LASER HOTLINE Seite 19 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc BRD

Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Jagger, John Ericson, Gene Barry, Robert Jonas Hämmerle, Valeria Eisenbart, Walde- 19.01.2012 Dix, Jack Carroll, Gerald Milton, Evelyn mar Kobus, Nic Romm, Christian A. Koch, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044224 Brent, Ziva Rodann - Dir. Samuel Fuller Olaf Krätke, Mike Maas, Patrick Reichel, Western 1957 76min. Jörg Moukaddam, Mercedes Jadea Diaz, Untraceable - Jeder Klick kann EuroVideo Bildprogramm 12.01.2012 Sanne Schnapp, Eva Padberg, Ella Maria töten (Blu-ray) 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044263 Gollmer, Hoang Dang-Vu, Günther Kauf- Untraceable mann, Christoph Maria Herbst, Antoine Diane Lane, Colin Hanks, Billy Burke, Jo- Wickie auf großer Fahrt Monot, Jr., Christian Ulmen - Dir. Christian seph Cross, Mary Beth Hurt, Tim De Zarn, Jonas Hämmerle, Valeria Eisenbart, Walde- Ditter Daniel Liu, Zack Hoffman - Dir. Gregory mar Kobus, Nic Romm, Christian A. Koch, Abenteuer 2011 min. Hoblit Olaf Krätke, Mike Maas, Patrick Reichel, Highlight Communications Thriller 2007 101min. Jörg Moukaddam, Mercedes Jadea Diaz, (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.03.2012 Universal Pictures Germany(Universal) Sanne Schnapp, Eva Padberg, Ella Maria tba BestellNr.: 20044186 19.01.2012 Gollmer, Hoang Dang-Vu, Günther Kauf- 20,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044226 mann, Christoph Maria Herbst, Antoine Das Wunder von Fatima Monot, Jr., Christian Ulmen - Dir. Christian Señora De Fátima Velocity Ditter Ines Orsini (Lucía Abóbora), Maria Dulce, The Wild Ride Abenteuer 2011 min. Eugenio Domingo, Fernando Rey, Tito Jack Nicholson, Georgianna Carter, Robert Highlight Communications Junco, Antonia Plana, Julia Caba Alba, Félix Bean, Carol Bigby, John Bologni, Gary (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.03.2012 Fernandez - Dir. Rafael Gil Espinosa - Dir. Harvey Berman tba BestellNr.: 20044181 Drama 1951 93min. Trailer, Bildergalerie Intergroove Media(Voulez Vous) Action 1960 85min. Wickie auf großer Fahrt (Blu-ray 09.12.2011 da music(Great Movies) 18.11.2011 3D) (Blu-ray) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044192 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044216 Jonas Hämmerle, Valeria Eisenbart, Walde- mar Kobus, Nic Romm, Christian A. Koch, Vier für ein Ave Maria Olaf Krätke, Mike Maas, Patrick Reichel, I Quattro Dell’Ave Maria Jörg Moukaddam, Mercedes Jadea Diaz, Special Interest Terence Hill, Bud Spencer, , Sanne Schnapp, Eva Padberg, Ella Maria Brock Peters, Kevin McCarthy, Livio Gollmer, Hoang Dang-Vu, Günther Kauf- Lorenzon, Steffen Zacharias - Dir. mann, Christoph Maria Herbst, Antoine Topfighter 2 Giuseppe Colizzi Monot, Jr., Christian Ulmen - Dir. Christian Top Fighter Western/Komödie 1968 117min. Ditter Bruce Lee, Jackie Chan, Jet Li, Jean- Paramount Home Entertainment 05.01.2012 Abenteuer 2011 min. Claude van Damme, Angela Mao, Cynthia tba BestellNr.: 20044251 Highlight Communications Rothrock, Yukari Ôshima (Deutschland)(Constantin) 15.03.2012 Bildergalerie, Trailer Dokumentation/Film 1995 94min. Vierzig Gewehre tba BestellNr.: 20044187 Forty Guns da music(Great Movies) 18.11.2011 , Barry Sullivan, Dean Wickie auf großer Fahrt (Blu-ray) 9,90 EUR BestellNr.: 20044217

LASER HOTLINE Seite 20 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011

LASER HOTLINE Seite 21 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

min. and Cobra troops alike! Lionsgate 03.01.2011 Action, Family, Special Forces 540min. Animation 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105515 Shout Factory 10.01.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105118 .hack//Quantum: The Complete 3 Care Bears: Helping Hearts OVA Series (Blu-ray + DVD Com- Discover the wonders of friendship with a little help from the Happily N’Ever After 2: Snow Care Bears! The gang from Rainshine Meadows is always White (Valentine’s Day Faceplate bo) (Blu-ray) ready and willing to help a friend in need. Whether it’s Foreign, International TV, Japanese, helping to rebuild an ice cream truck, adopting a glittering + Cards + DVD) Science Fiction, Anime, Based On Video baby star, or giving out a little tough love to a friend, Grumpy, This time Princess Snow White is a misguided teenager Funshine, Oopsy and their pals realize that a happy heart is a who’d rather have fun with Red Riding Hood, Game, Action, Adventure 75min. helping heart! Get ready to join the Care Bears for more Goldilocks and Little Bo Peep than help peasants. When Funimation 14.02.2012 delightful adventures full of good cheer in Care-a-lot! Snow White’s father is matched up with Lady Vain - a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105309 2007 min. scheming witch brewing to rule the kingdom - Snow White Lionsgate 03.01.2012 becomes a thorn in Lady Vain’s side. Snow White is soon 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105516 tricked by Lady Vain (with Rumpelstiltskin’s help) into The Adventures Of Chuck And spreading vicious gossip about the townspeople, forcing her to flee. Through rebuilding the three little pigs’ houses with Friends: Friends To The Finish Chrome Shelled Regios: The the seven dwarves leading the way, Snow White learns the Chuck the Truck and his incredible cast of friends are value of helping others. Only Snow White can foil her dad’s featured in this delightfully fast-paced, song-filled, high- Complete Series wedding to stop Lady Vain. With Mambo and Munk in tow, energy series for preschoolers. Every visitor to the truck Snow White proves she can rule the kingdom, while bringing stop where Chuck lives fuels his exciting fantasies, and he Action, Adventure, Anime, Apocalyptic balance back to the scales of good and evil. enlists his pals Digger, Boomer, Rowdy, Soku, Biggs and Future, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Comedy, Computer Animation, Fairy Tales, Handy to turn those fantasies into reality Japanese, Science Fiction 2009 600min. Family, Adventure, Animated Feature Films Music, Preschool 110min. Funimation 14.02.2012 2009 min. Shout Factory 14.02.2012 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105303 Lionsgate 03.01.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105148 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105518 Clifford: Be My Big Red Valentine Angelina Ballerina: Love To (Valentine’s Day Faceplate + Jem And The Holograms: Season Dance Cards + DVD) Two Put on your dancing shoes and get ready to take center stage with Angelina Ballerina! On Angelina’s first day at Camembert Can you guess what is the biggest, reddest thing about Adventure, Cult Film / TV, Drama, Family, Academy she discovers new forms of music and dance, like Clifford? It’s his great big, lovable heart! Get the fun started Fantasy, Music, Romance 600min. jazz, tap, and hip-hop. Together with her friends, Angelina with these amazing adventures to a magical land of kings, realizes that becoming a prima ballerina requires queens, princesses and treasure! Shout Factory 14.02.2012 collaboration and compromise - but that doesn’t mean it can’t Family, Holidays, Preschool, Animated 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105139 be fun! Get ready to step, leap and groove as you discover Animals 2003 min. your own love of dance in these fun-filled episodes! Lionsgate 03.01.2012 Ballet, Dancing, Animated Animals 2010 Lady And The Tramp: Diamond 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105517 min. Edition Lionsgate 03.01.2012 Peggy Lee, Alan Reed, George Givot, Dal 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105513 Easter Triple Feature McKennon Triple Feature, Holidays, Animated Animals Fall in love with Walt Disney’s Beloved Classic, Lady And The Angry Beavers: Season 140min. The Tramp! Experience the thrilling adventures of Lady, a Gaiam Americas 07.02.2012 lovingly pampered cocker spaniel, and Tramp, a freewheeling Three - Part One mutt with a heart of gold. This heartwarming tale now charms 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105410 a new generation of families and fans with its exquisite Nick Bakay, Richard Steven Horvitz animation, unforgettable songs and one of the greatest love Your two favorite twin animated beavers - Norbert Foster and stories of all time. This is the night to share a special bella Daggett Doofus - return for the first half of a hilariously fun Fairy Tail: Part Four (Blu-ray + notte with your family and introduce to them to the film Janet third season! Join them for your daily dose of laughter, as DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) Maslin of the New York Times News Service hails as „one of they continue their hysterical pursuit of the wild bachelor Disney’s most enduring classics“! lifestyle! Includes favorite episodes like Spooky Spoots, Anime, Fantasy, Foreign, International TV, Romance, Classics, Disney, Family, AFI Top Muscular Beaver 3, Moronathon Man, Stump’s Family Reuni- Japanese, Action min. 100, Animated Animals 1955 76min. on, Too Loose Latrine and more! Funimation 28.02.2012 Comedy, Family, , Animated Disney / Buena Vista 27.03.2012 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105311 Animals 240min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105529 Shout Factory 28.02.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105149 Fist Of The North Star: The Lady And The Tramp: Diamond Complete Series Collection - Edition (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Barney: Be My Valentine: Volume 4 Copy) (Blu-ray) (Valentine’s Day Faceplate + Ten long years after Kenshiro left with Yuria, the world is still not at peace. Bat and Lin’s Hokuto Army has risen to protect Peggy Lee, Alan Reed, George Givot, Dal Cards + DVD) the weak, waging a bloody war for a better tomorrow. When a McKennon Roses are red, violets are blue, and Barney and his friends martial artist with incredible power is forced to perform acts Fall in love with Walt Disney’s Beloved Classic, Lady And want to celebrate Valentine’s Day with you! Come along with of evil, Kenshiro returns from the North to settle the score - The Tramp! Experience the thrilling adventures of Lady, a Barney and his friends as they exchange Valentine’s wishes, but a diabolical successor to a secret new Hokuto style lovingly pampered cocker spaniel, and Tramp, a freewheeling enjoy heartwarming songs, and dance. Visit the Queen of captures Lin as his new bride! Now Kenshiro must find a way mutt with a heart of gold. This heartwarming tale now charms Hearts’ royal Valentine Castle where there are magical to defeat a monster: Raoh’s lost brother, whose fists eclipse a new generation of families and fans with its exquisite surprises behind every door. With exciting games to play and any man Kenshiro has ever faced. Kenshiro’s back, and he’s animation, unforgettable songs and one of the greatest love delightful songs to sing, your imagination will soar as you filled with rage in the final chapter of his epic journey! stories of all time. This is the night to share a special bella enjoy this fun-filled Valentine’s Day celebration with Barney Contains the complete second series. Episode 110-152! notte with your family and introduce to them to the film Janet and his friends! Anime, Drama, Foreign, International TV, Maslin of the New York Times News Service hails as „one of Dinosaurs, Educational, Family, Holidays, Japanese, Martial Arts, Action 1987 FF S Disney’s most enduring classics“! Romance, Classics, Disney, Family, AFI Top Preschool min. 1000min. 100, Animated Animals 1955 76min. Lionsgate 03.01.2012 Eastern Star 08.11.2011 Disney / Buena Vista 07.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105514 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105531 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105567

Barney: We Love Our Family G.I. Joe: A Real American Hero - Lady And The Tramp: Diamond (Valentine’s Day Faceplate + Series 2 Season 1 Edition (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Cards +DVD) The incredible adventures of General Hawk, Sgt. Slaughter and their international team of heroes - known as G.I. JOE - (Blu-ray) All we need is love from our family and friends and, of course, continue! Together, they defend the globe against Cobra, a Barney! Discover the joys and laughter that moms, ruthless organization led by Serpentor and the recently Peggy Lee, Alan Reed, George Givot, Dal grandparents and cousins can bring in this collection full of rejuvenated Cobra Commander who are both determined to McKennon unforgettable moments of warmth and togetherness the whole conquer the world by any means necessary. In 1989, a popular Fall in love with Walt Disney’s Beloved Classic, Lady And family will cherish! second G.I. JOE animated series was created and helped The Tramp! Experience the thrilling adventures of Lady, a Educational, Family, Preschool, Puppets revived the franchise by introducing fans to new G.I. JOEs lovingly pampered cocker spaniel, and Tramp, a freewheeling

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 22 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA mutt with a heart of gold. This heartwarming tale now charms Thrillers, Anime, Based On Comic Book, the tracks of Sodor to fix bridges, plan parties and learn the a new generation of families and fans with its exquisite rewards of friendship. So grab on to your whistles and bring animation, unforgettable songs and one of the greatest love Fantasy, Foreign, Japanese, Science your best friends along for unforgettable journeys with Tho- stories of all time. This is the night to share a special bella Fiction, Action, Adventure 300min. mas! notte with your family and introduce to them to the film Janet Viz Entertainment 24.01.2012 Computer Animation, Transportation min. Maslin of the New York Times News Service hails as „one of Disney’s most enduring classics“! 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105245 Lionsgate 03.01.2012 Romance, Classics, Disney, Family, AFI Top 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105519 100, Animated Animals 1955 76min. Princess Jellyfish: The Complete Disney / Buena Vista 07.02.2012 Series (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) Thomas & Friends: Team Up With 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105565 (Blu-ray) Thomas Anime, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Foreign, Join Thomas & Friends for more heartwarming tales on the Lady And The Tramp: Diamond tracks filled with all-new adventures, important new lessons Japanese 275min. and brand-new friends. There is fun around every turn with a Edition (DVD+ Blu-ray Combo) Funimation 28.02.2012 welcoming party, and exciting festival, a puppet show and even a surprise snowstorm. But when friends encounter (Blu-ray) 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105312 unexpected obstacles, they quickly discover that friendship Peggy Lee, Alan Reed, George Givot, Dal means choosing cooperation over competition. So get on board McKennon Redakai: Conquer The Kairu - for a journey among friends - with Thomas & Friends! Family, Stop Motion Animation 2009 min. Fall in love with Walt Disney’s Beloved Classic, Lady And The Journey Begins The Tramp! Experience the thrilling adventures of Lady, a Lionsgate 03.01.2012 lovingly pampered cocker spaniel, and Tramp, a freewheeling From the makers of the global phenomenon Bakugan Battle 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105520 mutt with a heart of gold. This heartwarming tale now charms Brawlers and based on Spin Master Ltd.’s innovative trading a new generation of families and fans with its exquisite card game, Redakai follows three teenage friends who are on animation, unforgettable songs and one of the greatest love a quest to find a mystical energy called Kairu. Redakai: Underdog: The Complete Series - stories of all time. This is the night to share a special bella Conquer The Kairu is a treasure hunt pitting teen Kairu notte with your family and introduce to them to the film Janet fighters against each other - on a journey that crisscrosses Collector’s Edition Maslin of the New York Times News Service hails as „one of the planet, with fantastic locales and untold dangers waiting When the city is in trouble, humble and loveable dog Disney’s most enduring classics“! around every corner. Redakai „The Journey Begins“ includes Shoeshine Boy turns into his alter-ego Underdog to stop a Romance, Classics, Disney, Family, AFI Top an exclusive trading card and 13 action packed episodes on 2 series of villains including Simon Bar Sinister and Riff Raff. discs. TV reporter Sweet Polly Purebred often ends up getting into a 100, Animated Animals 1955 76min. Cartoon Network, Martial Arts, Action, situation and must be saved by her hero, Underdog! This Disney / Buena Vista 07.02.2012 Adventure 161min. popular ’60s cartoon canine superhero series ran on NBC 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105566 Warner Bros. 28.02.2012 from ’64-’67 and continued in syndication until ’73. Classics, Family, Superheroes min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105243 : Season Shout Factory 24.01.2012 104,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105150 1 - Volume 3 Rocko’s Modern Life: Season Two A new half-hour animated comedy series starring Bugs Bunny , Carlos Alazraqui, Mr. Veggie Tales: If I Sang A Silly and Daffy Duck. No longer confined to 7-minute shorts, Bugs Lawrence, Charles Adler and Daffy are out of the woods and living in the suburbs Song among such colorful neighbors as Yosemite Sam, Granny, Rocko, Spunky and Heffer are back for another series of Tweety and Sylvester. In addition to each episode’s main warped adventures and surreal moments in modern life as they This incredible, one-of-a-kind collection features the best of story, The Looney Tunes Show also features „cartoons within know it. Season Two misadventures include a ski resort, a the best from 20 years of VeggieTales Silly Songs plus an all- a cartoon.“ The Tasmanian Devil, Speedy Gonzales, Marvin bad hair day, camping, a Christmas special, appendicitis and new Silly Song chosen from thousands of ideas submitted by the Martian and other classic characters sing original songs more. Finally for the first time on DVD, you can get all of fans! Larry the Cucumber hosts „The Silly Song Telethon“ and in two-minute music videos called Merrie Melodies. The Rocko’s Season Two antics and exploits to enjoy whenever counts down the top favorite Silly Songs of all-time—voted for legendary Looney Tunes cartoons are getting a 21st century you want! by the fans! Features the top 10 songs of the first decade of relaunch and a CGI overhaul for a new generation. Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Nickelodeon, VeggieTales with such classics like „Where is My Hairbrush“ and „The Cheeseburger Song“ plus the top 10 songs from the Animated Animals, Cartoon Network, Animated Animals 286min. second decade including „Pants“, „The Stapler Song“ and Comedy min. Shout Factory 07.02.2012 „Monkey“. The fun continues with the surprise introduction of Warner Bros. 13.03.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105146 a never-before-seen, fan-chosen Silly Song! 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105500 Computer Animation, Family, Music, Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings - Preschool, /Spirituality min. Mickey Mouse Clubhouse: I Heart Big Idea 07.02.2012 Complete Series (Blu-ray + DVD 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105544 Minnie (DVD + Digital Copy) Combo) (Blu-ray) Join Minnie, Daisy and all your Clubhouse pals for a mousekemagical celebration of friendship and fun. Today is Anime, Action, War, Drama, Foreign, Inter- Minnie’s birthday, and you’re invited! But can Mickey and the national TV, Japanese, Martial Arts 325min. gang get everything ready and keep the party under wraps Funimation 07.02.2012 until it’s time to shout „Surprise!“? Only if you help them pick Film the right Mouseketools. Next, jump up on your feet and dance 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105307 with Daisy in the big talent show at Mickey Park. Then journey to the end of the rainbow to find Leprechaun Pete’s Sengoku Basara: Samurai Kings The 1000 Plane Raid pot of gold! Overflowing with music, laughter and delightful Christopher George, J.D. Cannon, Laraine never-before-seen* adventure, I Heart Minnie is the perfect 2 - Complete Series (Blu-ray + way to say, „I love you!“ Stephens DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Adventure, Animated Animals, Computer a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A Animation, Disney, Family, Fantasy, Anime, Action, War, Foreign, International U.S. Air Force colonel convinces the Allies during World Preschool 120min. TV, Japanese 325min. War II that a daylight bombing raid of Germany will bring a Disney / Buena Vista 07.02.2012 Funimation 07.02.2012 quick end to the war. War, World War II, Action, Aerial Action, Air 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105397 97,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105308 Force, Military 1969 94min. MGM MOD 06.12.2011 My Little Pony: Friendship Is Superjail: Season Two You waited! You begged for it! Guess what. You get it! 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105563 Magic - The Friendship Express Superjail is getting released from solitary and slammed back In My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, the benevolent in general population for a second season on DVD. Double The 40-Year-Old Virgin (Blu-ray + Princess Celestia, ruler of Equestria, selects unicorn the insanity. Double the crazy. You are hereby guilty of being Twilight Sparkle for a very important assignment - to learn given what you asked for...don’t say we didn’t warn you. DVD+ Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) about the most important magic of all: friendship. With her new Cartoon Network, Comedy, Prison, Adult friends, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Catherine Keener, Paul Rudd, Steve Carell Pinkie Pie, Twilight set out on amazing adventures, as they Swim 2011 min. Andy Stitzer (Steve Carell) has bone 40 years without „doing learn what it means to be true friends. Warner Bros. 13.03.2012 it.“ Now his pals are making it their mission to help him score.....fast! Can he survive their hilariously bad advice? Animated Animals, Family, Fantasy, Horses 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105496 Will he land in the arms of the way-too experienced or the 110min. way-too-drunk? Or can he find true love where he least Shout Factory 28.02.2012 Thomas & Friends: Railway expects - from a gorgeous grandmother (Catherine Keener)? 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105543 With both the Unrated and Theatrical version, The 40-Year- Friends Old Virgin on Blu-ray Hi-Def makes the pleasure last forever! It’s full steam ahead for adventure and fun in this Thomas & Comedy, Romance, Sexy Comedies 2005 Naruto Shippuden: Volume 9 Friends collection featuring all-new CGI animation! Join, min. Thomas, Percy, Gordon and the entire gang as they race down

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 23 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Universal Studios 10.01.2012 Music, War, World War II, Comedy 1974 Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105448 103min. Ron Howard, Richard Dreyfuss, Cindy MGM MOD 06.06.2011 Williams, Suzanne Somers, Paul LeMat, The 40-Year-Old Virgin (DVD+ Di- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105401 Mackenzie Phillips, Candy Clark, Harrison gital Copy) Ford, Charles Martin Smith, Wolfman Jack The Adventures Of Milo & Otis Features the coming of age of four teenagers on their last Catherine Keener, Paul Rudd, Steve Carell summer night before college. Rediscover drag racing, Inspira- Andy Stitzer (Steve Carell) has bone 40 years without „doing (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) tion Point and drive-ins all over again in this nostalgic look it.“ Now his pals are making it their mission to help him A curious kitten named Milo and his inseparable friend, a pug- back at the early ‘60’s. The incredible soundtrack brings you score.....fast! Can he survive their hilariously bad advice? nosed puppy named Otis, tumble through on exciting escapade the most memorable rock ‘n’ roll hits of the era. Will he land in the arms of the way-too experienced or the after another in The Adventures of Milo and Otis, a Classics, Comedy, Drama, Historical / way-too-drunk? Or can he find true love where he least heartwarming live-action film. Milo and Otis start life together expects - from a gorgeous grandmother (Catherine Keener)? on a farm and spend their days exploring the barnyard and the Period Piece, National Film Registry, With both the Unrated and Theatrical version, The 40-Year- surrounding countryside. One day, the little feline is swept Nostalgia, Romance, Troubled Youth 1973 Old Virgin on Blu-ray Hi-Def makes the pleasure last forever! down a rushing river and Otis takes off in pursuit to rescue min. Romance, Sexy Comedies, Comedy 2005 his friend, thus beginning a series of adventures. The Universal Studios 10.01.2012 min. Adventures of Milo and Otis, which took four years to complete, is a film that will delight both the young and young 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105449 Universal Studios 10.01.2012 at heart. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105390 Buddy Pictures, Comedy, Family, American Graffiti (DVD+ Digital Friendships, Adventure 1989 min. 8 Mile (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Copy) Copy) (Blu-ray) 24.01.2012 Ron Howard, Richard Dreyfuss, Cindy Rolling Stone. For Jimmy Smith, Jr. (Eminem), life is a daily 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105314 Williams, Suzanne Somers, Paul LeMat, fight just to keep hope alive. Feeding his dreams in Detroit’s Mackenzie Phillips, Candy Clark, Harrison vibrant music scene, Jimmy wages an extraordinary personal Alien Vs. Ninja (Blu-ray + DVD Ford, Charles Martin Smith, Wolfman Jack struggle to find his own voice-and earn a place in a world Features the coming of age of four teenagers on their last where rhymes rule, legends are born and every moment...is Combo) (Blu-ray) summer night before college. Rediscover drag racing, Inspira- another chance. From Academy Award winner Curtis Hanson tion Point and drive-ins all over again in this nostalgic look (L.A. Confidential) and Oscar-winning producer Brian Grazer The filmmakers behind Tokyo Gore Police and The Machine Girl join studio Sushi Typhoon for their first creation in a line back at the early ‘60’s. The incredible soundtrack brings you (A Beautiful Mind), 8 Mile is the triumphant film Time Magazi- the most memorable rock ‘n’ roll hits of the era. ne hails as „Powerful!“ and Entertainment Weekly applauds as of pure and entertaining cult cinema. Centuries ago, the „Electrifying“ and „Mesmerizing!“ fiercest ninjas of the Iga clan face their toughest enemies - National Film Registry, Nostalgia, Romance, and they aren’t from this planet! A fiery mass crashes in the Troubled Youth, Classics, Comedy, Drama, Drama, Music, Rap min. forest and soon horrifyingly savage creatures reduce the Universal Studios 10.01.2012 warriors to tasty snacks. But these extraterrestrials have Historical / Period Piece 1973 min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105447 bitten off more than they can chew. Swords and throwing Universal Studios 10.01.2012 stars may fail against unearthly goons, but ninja skills don’t 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105393 stop at sharp stuff. If you’re into Army of Darkness, you’ll be Abduction taking bets over who’ll win this over-the-top battle for Taylor Lautner explodes on-screen as a young man whose survival! American Scream King secret past is set to collide with a dangerous reality. After Ninjas, Science Fiction, Comedy, Fantasy, Two low life street thugs get their hands on a video camera uncovering a deadly lie, Nathan (Lautner) is propelled on a Foreign, Horror, Japanese, Action, Aliens and decide to make a horror movie, there’s only one problem; lethal, no-holds barred mission to learn the truth. Aided by a they don’t know anything about special effects, fake blood, or devoted family friend (Sigourney Weaver), Nathan’s hunt for 85min. movie making in general! They decide that there’s only one the facts pits him against ruthless assassins and questionable Funimation 21.02.2012 way that they can make a good horror movie, just kill a bunch allies. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105310 of girls for real! Mystery, Thrillers, Action, Adventure, Serial Killers, Horror 108min. Detectives, Drama 91min. All The President’s Men (Blu-ray) Brain Damage Films 03.01.2012 Lionsgate 17.01.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105454 Robert Redford, Dustin Hoffman, Hal 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105298 Holbrook, Jason Robards, Jack Warden, Martin Balsam Anatomy Of A Murder: The Abduction (Blu-ray + Digital In the Watergate Building, lights go on and four burglars are Criterion Collection Copy) (Blu-ray) caught in the act. That night triggered revelations that drove a US President from office. Washington reporters Bob James Stewart, Ben Gazzara, Lee Remick, Taylor Lautner explodes on-screen as a young man whose Woodward (Robert Redford) and Carl Bernstein (Dustin George C. Scott, Eve Arden, Kathryn secret past is set to collide with a dangerous reality. After Hoffman) grabbed the story and stayed with it through doubts, Grant, Wendell Mayes, Otto Preminger, Otto uncovering a deadly lie, Nathan (Lautner) is propelled on a denials, discouragement. All President’s Men is their story. lethal, no-holds barred mission to learn the truth. Aided by a Directed by Alan J. Pakula and based on the Woodward/ Preminger devoted family friend (Sigourney Weaver), Nathan’s hunt for Bernstein book, the film won four 1976 ® A virtuoso James Stewart plays a small-town Michigan the facts pits him against ruthless assassins and questionable (Best Supporting Actor / Jason Robards, Adaptation lawyer who takes on a difficult case: that of a young Army allies. Screenplay / William Goldman, Art Direction and Sound). It lieutenant accused of murdering the local tavern owner who Mystery, Thrillers, Detectives, Drama, Ac- also explores a working newspaper, where the mission is to he believes raped his wife. This gripping, envelope-pushing get the story - and get it right. courtroom potboiler, the most popular film from Hollywood tion, Adventure 107min. provocateur Otto Preminger, was groundbreaking for the Lionsgate 17.01.2012 Classics, Conspiracies, Drama, Academy frankness of its discussion of sex-more than anything else, it 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105305 Award Winners, AFI Top 100, National Film is a striking depiction of the power of words. With its Registry, Thrillers 1976 128min. outstanding supporting cast-including a young George C. Warner Bros. 10.01.2012 Scott as a fiery prosecuting attorney and legendary real-life Act Of Vengeance attorney Joseph N. Welch as the judge-and influential jazz 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105279 score by Duke Ellington, Anatomy of a Murder is a Hollywood Jo Ann Harris, Jennifer Lee, Connie Strick- landmark; it was nominated for seven Oscars, including best land picture. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using The Ambassador Mystery, Classics, Crime, Criterion a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. , Ellen Burstyn, Rock Five raped women band together to form a „Rape Squad“...to Collection, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues avenge themselves on the sadistic man who attacked them and Hudson 1959 161min. who gets off by forcing the women to sing „Jingle Bells“ as he This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Criterion 21.02.2012 assaults them. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. An American ambassador, his wife, and her Arab lover are 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105380 Revenge, Thrillers, Crime, Drama, girl caught up in a dangerous game of intrigue, extortion, and power, Independent Women 1974 90min. murder, in the explosive Middle East. In this taut political MGM MOD 12.10.2011 thriller about the high price of honor, a beautiful woman Anatomy Of A Murder: The gambles her marriage for a moment of love, one man risks his Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105259 reputation for lust, and another risks his life for the cause of peace. James Stewart, Ben Gazzara, Lee Remick, Adolf Hitler: My Part In His Politics, Thrillers, Drama, Marriage Woes George C. Scott, Eve Arden, Kathryn Downfall 1984 95min. Grant, Wendell Mayes, Otto Preminger, Otto MGM MOD 16.05.2011 Preminger Geoffrey Hughes, Jim Dale, Arthur Lowe, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105433 A virtuoso James Stewart plays a small-town Michigan Windsor Davies lawyer who takes on a difficult case: that of a young Army A fun-loving trumpet player experiences both high jinks and lieutenant accused of murdering the local tavern owner who grim realities of war when he trains as a member of a British American Graffiti (Blu-ray + DVD+ he believes raped his wife. This gripping, envelope-pushing artillery unit during World War II. courtroom potboiler, the most popular film from Hollywood

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 24 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011

LASER HOTLINE Seite 25 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA provocateur Otto Preminger, was groundbreaking for the Copy) (Blu-ray) Rip Torn, Loretta Swit frankness of its discussion of sex-more than anything else, it Academy Award® winner and Best Picture nominee, Babe is This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using is a striking depiction of the power of words. With its a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A outstanding supporting cast-including a young George C. the inspirational story of a shy Yorkshire piglet who doesn’t quite know his place in the world. But when Farmer Hoggett Madison Avenue ad-agency executive devises a highly Scott as a fiery prosecuting attorney and legendary real-life successful commercial campaign to sell beer. attorney Joseph N. Welch as the judge-and influential jazz (James Cromwell) wins him at the county fair, Babe discovers score by Duke Ellington, Anatomy of a Murder is a Hollywood that he can be anything he wants to be, even an award- Comedy 1985 83min. landmark; it was nominated for seven Oscars, including best winning sheepdog! With the help of a delightful assortment of MGM MOD 08.11.2011 picture. barnyard friends, the heroic little pig is headed for the challenge of his life in this endearing and fun-filled tale the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105252 Classics, Crime, Criterion Collection, Dra- whole family will love. ma, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Mystery 1959 Academy Award Winners, Adventure, Behind The Mask 161min. Comedy, Double Features, Drama, Family, Dorothea Kent, Barbara Reed, Kane Criterion 21.02.2012 Fantasy min. Richmond, George Chandler 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105443 Universal Studios 10.01.2012 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105450 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. Another Man, Another Chance Amateur sleuth Lamont Cranston, alias „The Shadow,“ is called upon to solve the murder of a newspaper columnist. Genevieve Bujold, James Caan, Francis Babe (DVD + Digital Copy) Mystery, Thrillers, Crime, Drama 1946 Huster Introducing a barnyard full of captivating characters unlike 67min. A love story between a French girl and an American doctor, any you’ve ever met! There’s farmer Hoggett; Fly, the sheep set against the backdrop of France in 1870, after Napoleon III dog; Rex, her shepherding partner; Ferdinand, the quacky MGM MOD 26.10.2011 has just lost the war against Prussia. In the wild west, they duck; Maa, the elderly ewe; and the newest addition Hoggett 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105209 silently and carefully fall in love for the second time in their Farm, Babe, a most unusual Yorkshire piglet. It’s a delightful lives... story the whole family will love! Romance, War, Drama, Historical / Period Academy Award Winners, Adventure, Benji: The Deluxe Collection Includes: Writer-director Joe Camp, who created the original Piece 1977 104min. Comedy, Double Features, Drama, Family, Benji brings back the beloved mutt in a family adventure that MGM MOD 27.06.2011 Fantasy min. is truly for all ages. Lost and alone on the streets of a small 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105351 Universal Studios 10.01.2012 Mississippi town, Benji struggles to save his mom from a backyard puppy mill, avoiding two dopey dogcatchers-and an 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105400 unwanted sidekick. Sheldon isn’t the brightest guy in the Apollo 13 (DVD + Digital Copy) world but he knows what’s right, even if his partner won’t The Bandits Of Corsica listen to him, while Colby is a fourteen year old boy who Tom Hanks, Gary Sinise, Kathleen Quinlan, takes a big risk to help Benji. When these three unsuspecting Kevin Bacon, Bill Paxton Richard Greene, Paula Raymond, Raymond find a common purpose, things will change - and lives Houston, we have a problem.“. Nominated for nine Academy Burr will be saved - because Benji is off the leash! Benji’s back in Awards®, including Best Picture, Apollo 13 blasts off onto This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using this second hit from writer-director Joe Camp, along with Blu-ray? Hi-Def with exclusive bonus features. Produced by a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. Cindy (Cynthia Smith) and Paul Chapman (Allen Fiuzat) and Academy Award® winner Brian Grazer and directed by , Richard Greene (as good and bad brothers) beloved housekeeper Mary (Patsy Garrett). They’re en route Oscar® winner Ron Howard, Apollo 13 stars two-time and Raymond Burr are among the dueling protagonists as the to a vacation in when a fellow passenger, Chandler Academy Award® winner Tom Hanks, Kevin Bacon, Bill Corsican Brothers revolt against the oppressive rule of a Dietrich (Ed Nelson), „borrows“ Benji for just long enough to Paxton, Gary Sinise and Ed Harris in the inspiring and cruel tyrant. tattoo a mysterious message on his paw. Separated from the riveting story of the real-life space flight that gripped a nation family in Athens, Benji finds himself on the run from an and changed the world. Swordfighting, Torture, Action, Drama 1953 assortment of international spies see Space, Technology, Academy Award 82min. Family 360min. Winners, Action, Adventure, Disasters, MGM MOD 18.10.2011 Gaiam Americas 07.02.2012 Drama 1995 min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105187 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105409 Universal Studios 10.01.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105394 A Beautiful Mind Best Picture Academy Award , Christopher Plummer, Ed Winners April Morning Harris, Jennifer Connelly, Josh Lucas, Paul The English Patient Winner of 9 Academy Awards® including Susan Blakely, Tommy Lee Jones, Chad Bettany, Adam Goldberg, , Best Picture, Best Director (Anthony Minghella) and Best Anthony Rapp Supporting Actress (Juliette Binoche), The English Patient is Lowe, Robert Urich a „fiercely romantic“ (The New York Times. Shakespeare In This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Winner of 4 Academy Awards® including Best Picture, A Beautiful Mind is directed by Academy Award® winner Ron Love Love is the only inspiration in this witty, sexy smash a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. starring Oscar winner Gwyneth Paltrow among an all-star The „April Morning“ here is the famous April 19, 1775 upon Howard and produced by his long-time partner, Academy Award® winner Brian Grazer. A Beautiful Mind stars Russell Academy Award®-winning cast including Judi Dench, which the „Shot heard ‘round the world“ was fired, signalling Geoffrey Rush, Colin Firth and Ben Affleck. When Will the start of the American Revolution. Crowe in an astonishing performance as brilliant mathematician John Nash, on the brink of international acclaim Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes) needs passionate inspiration War, American Revolution, Americana, Dra- when he becomes entangled in a mysterious conspiracy. Now, to break a bad case of writer’s block, a secret romance with ma, Historical / Period Piece 1987 99min. only his devoted wife (Academy Award® winner Jennifer the beautiful Lady Viola (Paltrow) starts the words flowing MGM MOD 29.06.2011 Connelly) can help him in this powerful story of courage, like never before! There are just two things he’ll have to learn passion and triumph. about his new love: not only is she promised to marry 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105352 someone else, she’s successfully impersonating a man in Academy Award Winners, Biopics, Drama, order to play the lead in Will’s latest production! Triumphant Mental Illness 2001 min. winner of 7 Academy Awards® including Best Picture, Shake- Assisi Underground Universal Studios 10.01.2012 speare In Love is „a visual treat“ (San Francisco Chronicle. James Mason, Ben Cross, Irene Papas 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105402 No Country For Old Men. Chicago. Crash. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Mystery, Romance, Thrillers, Academy a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Award Winners, Boxed Sets, Drama This gripping story of the crucial work done by the people of A Beautiful Mind (Blu-ray + DVD) Assisi to rescue hundreds of Italian Jews from Nazi execution 631min. during their occupation of Italy in 1943. Ben Cross and (Blu-ray) Lionsgate 31.01.2012 Maximillian Schell star. Russell Crowe, Christopher Plummer, Ed 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105105 War, World War II, Drama, Holocaust 1984 Harris, Jennifer Connelly, Josh Lucas, Paul 113min. Bettany, Adam Goldberg, Judd Hirsch, The Big Boodle MGM MOD 16.05.2011 Anthony Rapp Rossana Rory, Errol Flynn 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105434 Winner of 4 Academy Awards® including Best Picture, A This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Beautiful Mind is directed by Academy Award® winner Ron a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Attack Of The Vegan Zombies Howard and produced by his long-time partner, Academy Errol Flynn plays a croupier in a Havana casino who is Award® winner Brian Grazer. A Beautiful Mind stars Russell falsely accused of counterfeiting pesos. As self-protection, he A married couple hires a college professor and a group of Crowe in an astonishing performance as brilliant is forced to uncover a racket involving highly respected college students to help them harvest a bountiful crop of mathematician John Nash, on the brink of international acclaim banking officials. grapes at their vineyard. Unbeknownst to them, a spell gone when he becomes entangled in a mysterious conspiracy. Now, wrong has made given the grapes life and now that they have only his devoted wife (Academy Award® winner Jennifer Crime, Drama, Gamblers, Gambling 1956 it, they are attacking everyone and turning them into vegan Connelly) can help him in this powerful story of courage, 84min. zombies. passion and triumph. MGM MOD 16.05.2011 Zombies, Horror 76min. 2001 min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105459 Brain Damage Films 03.01.2012 Universal Studios 10.01.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105455 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105451 The Big Caper James Gregory, , Robert Babe (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Beer Harris

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 26 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Digital Copy) Gleason a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Five strangers with nothing in common, except each other.. An indebted con man persuades a crime boss to bankroll a Matt Damon, Joan Allen, Franka Potente, They were five students with nothing in common, faced with heist on a small town bank, posing as a married couple with Julia Stiles, , Gabriel Mann, Karl spending a Saturday detention together in their high school the bosses girl. Urban library. At 7 a.m., they had nothing to say, but by 4 p.m. they Thieves, Caper, Crime 1957 85min. They should have left him alone. Academy Award® winner had bared their souls to each other and become good friends. MGM MOD 06.12.2011 Matt Damon is back as expert assassin Jason Bourne in this John Hughes creator of the critically acclaimed Sixteen 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105551 stunning, non-stop action hit. Fuelled by awesome fight Candles, wrote, directed and produced this hilarious and scenes and some of the most breathtaking chase sequences often touching comedy starring Emilio Estevez, Anthony ever filmed, it’s a state-of-the-art espionage thriller that Michael Hall, Judd Nelson, Molly Ringwald and Ally Sheedy. Billy Elliot (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- explodes into action and never lets up! To the outside world they were simply the Jock, the Brain, the Thrillers, Action, Chases 2004 min. Criminal, the Princess and the Kook, but to each other, they tal Copy) (Blu-ray) would always be The Breakfast Club. With Oscar®-worthy performances, Rex Reed (The New Universal Studios 10.01.2012 Romance, Troubled Youth, Comedy, Drama, York Observer) calls „a triumph!“ Don’t miss Billy Elliot - the 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105469 Friendships, High School 1985 min. triumphant tale of one boy who reaches beyond his place in the world to follow his heart’s desire. Universal Studios 10.01.2012 Troubled Youth, Comedy, Dancing, Drama, The Bourne Ultimatum (DVD + 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105476 Art House, Ballet 2000 min. Digital Copy) Universal Studios 10.01.2012 Matt Damon, Albert Finney, Scott Glenn, Bright Angel 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105441 Joan Allen, Julia Stiles, Edgar Ramirez, Bill Pullman, Delroy Lindo, Burt Young, Lili Paddy Considine, David Strathairn Taylor, Dermot Mulroney Blood Bath Matt Damon returns as highly trained assassin Jason Bourne, This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using who is on the hunt for the agents who stole his memory and a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A Sandra Knight, Marissa Mathes, William true identity. With a new generation of skilled CIA operatives teenaged Montana boy, shaken by events at home, agrees to Campbell tracking his every move, Bourne is in a non-stop race around take a runaway girl to Wyoming so she can bail her brother This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using the globe as he finally learns the truth behind his mysterious out of jail. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A past. Loaded with incredible fight and chase sequences, it’s Drama, Marriage Woes 1991 93min. succession of beautiful women mysteriously disappear, the exhilarating movie with „mind-blowing action“ (Roger MGM MOD 12.10.2011 shocking the city of Venice, . Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times) that you can’t afford to miss! Listen to our Exclusive Podcast with Bourne Producer Frank 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105258 Vampires, Horror 1966 62min. Marshall! MGM MOD 16.05.2011 2007 min. Brokeback Mountain (Blu-ray + 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105464 Universal Studios 10.01.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105471 DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Blood Feast Collection (Alternate Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal, Anne Art) Hathaway, Anna Faris, Michelle Williams, Linda Cardellini, Randy Quaid Christopher George, Judy Geeson, Jack Robert Stevenson, Wanda Hendrix, Don Directed by Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Ang Lee, Ging, Ray Dannis Beddoe Brokeback Mountain is a sweeping epic that explores the The Undertaker And His Pals Memorial Valley Massacre It This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using lives of two young men, a ranch hand and a rodeo cowboy, Happened At Nightmare Inn Pieces Die Sister Die a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. A who meet in the summer of 1963 and unexpectedly forge a Slasher, Collections, Horror 461min. tale of the city aimed at young audiences...A small newsboy, lifelong connection. The complications, joys and heartbreak his dog and a friendly hobo stumble upon a briefcase they experience provide a testament to the endurance and Image Ent. 01.05.2010 containing $100,000. With honesty in their hearts, they set off power of love. Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal deliver 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105108 to find the owner. But... the owner is a crook desperately emotionally charged, remarkably moving performances in „a searching for his loot! movie that is destined to become one of the great classics of Bobbie Joe & Outlaw Thieves, Action, Crime, Family, Kidnapping our time“ (Clay Smith, The Insider). 1961 73min. Cowboy, Drama, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Marjoe Gortner, Lynda Carter Academy Award Winners, Art House, This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using MGM MOD 18.10.2011 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105188 Romance, Western 2005 min. stunning carhop who wants to be a country singer and her Universal Studios 10.01.2012 sweetheart who dreams he’s Billy the Kid become involved in 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105505 robbery and murder. The Brass Legend Music, Romance, Thieves, Country Music, Nancy Gates, Raymond Burr, Gerd Oswald Crime, Drama, Love Gone Bad 1976 89min. An honest sheriff attempts to save an 11-year-old boy who Brokeback Mountain (DVD + Digi- MGM MOD 18.04.2011 helped him capture a notorious killer. tal Copy) Revenge, Western 1956 79min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105493 Jake Gyllenhaal, Heath Ledger, Linda MGM MOD 02.05.2011 Cardellini, Anna Faris, Anne Hathaway, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105413 The Boss Michelle Williams, Randy Quaid Doe Avedon, , William Bishop Directed by Academy Award®-winning filmmaker Ang Lee, The Breakfast Club (Blu-ray + Brokeback Mountain is a sweeping epic that explores the This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using lives of two young men, a ranch hand and a rodeo cowboy, a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. DVD + Digital Copy) who meet in the summer of 1963 and unexpectedly forge a Political corruption is vividly depicted as a ruthless WWI Anthony Michael Hall, Judd Nelson, Molly lifelong connection. The complications, joys and heartbreak veteran takes almost complete control of a state with the help they experience provide a testament to the endurance and of a crooked lawyer. The film is enhanced by John Payne’s Ringwald, Ally Sheedy, Emilio Estevez, Paul power of love. Heath Ledger and Jake Gyllenhaal deliver persuasive performance as „The Boss.“ Gleason emotionally charged, remarkably moving performances in „a Politics, Crime, Drama, Lawyers / Legal Five strangers with nothing in common, except each other.. movie that is destined to become one of the great classics of Issues 1956 89min. They were five students with nothing in common, faced with our time“ (Clay Smith, The Insider). spending a Saturday detention together in their high school Romance, Western, Academy Award MGM MOD 06.06.2011 library. At 7 a.m., they had nothing to say, but by 4 p.m. they 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105396 had bared their souls to each other and become good friends. Winners, Art House, Cowboy, Drama, Gay / John Hughes creator of the critically acclaimed Sixteen Lesbian Interest 2005 min. The Bourne Identity (DVD + Digi- Candles, wrote, directed and produced this hilarious and Universal Studios 10.01.2012 often touching comedy starring Emilio Estevez, Anthony 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105479 tal Copy) Michael Hall, Judd Nelson, Molly Ringwald and Ally Sheedy. To the outside world they were simply the Jock, the Brain, the Matt Damon, Franka Potente, Chris Cooper, Criminal, the Princess and the Kook, but to each other, they Brian Cox, Clive Owen would always be The Breakfast Club. Racing to unlock the secret of his own identity, he discovers Comedy, Drama, Friendships, High School, Lita Baron, Bill Williams, Howard Duff the deadly truth: he’s an elite government agent, a 20 million Romance, Troubled Youth 1985 min. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using dollar weapon the government no longer trusts. Now this top a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. operative is the government’s number one target in this super- Universal Studios 10.01.2012 Bill Gentry (William Williams), a deputy sheriff meets with charged, thrill-a-minute spectacular loaded with „non-stop 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105474 resistance when he tries to investigate the murder of a action!“ (Bill Zwecker, FOX-TV) Mexican. However, when he does find the murderer, it turns Thrillers, Action, Drama 2002 min. out to be Frank Smead (Howard Duff), his best friend and a The Breakfast Club (DVD + Digital fellow deputy. Universal Studios 10.01.2012 Copy) Murder Mysteries, Western, Drama 1956 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105467 82min. Anthony Michael Hall, Judd Nelson, Molly MGM MOD 25.07.2011 Ringwald, Ally Sheedy, Emilio Estevez, Paul The Bourne Supremacy (DVD + 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105324

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 27 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011

LASER HOTLINE Seite 28 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

MGM MOD 16.05.2011 go horribly awry - and a mute child witness only adds to the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105462 extreme tension and intrigue! Bucky Larson: Born To Be A Star Serial Killers, Horror 1973 Ltbx S 92min. Nick Swardson, Christina Ricci, Stephen Allegro Entertainment 27.09.2005 Dorff, Don Johnson Busting 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105183 Bucky (Nick Swarsdon) is a small town grocery bagger, Elliott Gould, Michael Lerner, Antonio going nowhere in life until he discovers that his conservative Fargas, Robert Blake, Allen Garfield parents were once adult film stars! Armed with the belief that Cannon For Cordoba he has found his destiny, Bucky packs up and heads out to LA, This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using hoping to follow in his parents footsteps. Also starring Chri- a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. George Peppard, Giovanna Ralli, Don Gor- stina Ricci, Don Johnson and Stephen Dorff. Elliott Gould and Robert Blake star in this comedy/drama don, Raf Vallone, Pete Duel Sexy Comedies, Comedy 2011 min. about vice officers, assigned to the mean streets of L.A., who This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using wage a war against crooked cops on the force. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Action, Cops, Crooked Cops 1973 92min. George Peppard is a young man who leads a small group to 17.01.2012 MGM MOD 20.12.2011 destroy six cannons before the rebel leader (Raf Vallone) and 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105117 the Mexican army can use them. A rousing, action-filled 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105557 historical adventure. Western, Action 1970 104min. Bucky Larson: Born To Be A Star MGM MOD 22.09.2011 (Blu-ray) This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105399 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. A Nick Swardson, Christina Ricci, Stephen detective falls in love with the diamonds—and the girlfriend— Dorff, Don Johnson of a thief he’s pursuing. Captain America Bucky (Nick Swarsdon) is a small town grocery bagger, Mystery, Thieves, Thrillers, Detectives going nowhere in life until he discovers that his conservative Melinda Dillon, Scott Paulin, Kim Gillingham, parents were once adult film stars! Armed with the belief that 1960 71min. , Ronny Cox, Darren McGavin, he has found his destiny, Bucky packs up and heads out to LA, MGM MOD 22.09.2011 Michael Nouri hoping to follow in his parents footsteps. Also starring Chri- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105248 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using stina Ricci, Don Johnson and Stephen Dorff. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Comedy, Sexy Comedies 2011 min. The Red Skull defeats Captain America in 1941, but the super Sony Pictures Home Entertainment California hero is thrown into suspended animation. Captain America is 17.01.2012 Faith Domergue, Jock Mahoney revived 50 years later to face the Red Skull one more time. Superheroes, Action, Based On Comic 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105128 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. Book 1992 97min. Monterey, California...1841. The people of the Mexican MGM MOD 20.09.2011 Buffering territory unite in their movement to break free of Mexico and apply for admission to the . 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105335 Seb and Aaron are sick of trying hard to make ends meet so they decide to get creative and take matters into their own Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1963 hands - by turning their bedroom into a porn studio and selling 76min. The Careless Years their wares online to sex-hungry consumers. As their MGM MOD 26.10.2011 performances become ever more popular, the physical, emotio- Dean Stockwell, Natalie Trundy, John Larch nal and industry demands start to take a toll on their 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105207 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using relationship - and it doesn’t help that the barely-clothed boy- a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A next-door keeps causing a serious distraction! A deliciously Call Me Bwana young man’s plan to forego college education to marry his light-hearted take on the consequences of unexpected sexual teenage sweetheart becomes complicated when the boy’s escapades, this is one sexy romp. Bob Hope, Anita Ekberg, Edie Adams father intervenes. Sexy Comedies, Comedy, Drama, Gay / This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Romance, Drama, Dysfunctional Families a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. 1957 70min. Lesbian Interest 82min. Laugh along with this breezy comedy as Bob Hope heads for TLA Releasing 06.12.2012 the African Jungle where he finds himself on an outrageous MGM MOD 02.05.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105168 safari with elephants, hippos, and...spies? Co-stars Anita 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105426 Ekberg and Edie Adams. Comedy 1963 102min. The Carpenter Bull Durham (Blu-ray) MGM MOD 27.06.2011 , Trey Wilson, Susan Wings Hauser 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105353 Building a dream house can be a real nightmare!. Wings Sarandon, Kevin Costner, Robert Wuhl Hauser builds a hallucinogenic house of horrors in this It’s all about sex and sport. What else is there?. Two of Call Of The Wild bloodcurdling thriller! Alice is experiencing a breakdown. Her America’s favorite pastimes—baseball and sex—team up in cold, unsympathetic husband is cheating on her. She is having this winning comedy. Set in the bedrooms and ballfields of a Charlton Heston vivid psychotic nightmares and the only thing keeping her minor league town, this love triangle leads off with Crash This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using happy is setting up house in her newly acquired country Davis, a seasoned catcher whose best years on the ballfield a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. estate. But the home - and her shattered nerves - are in need are behind him...but whose finest moments in the bedroom still Based on the 1903 Jack London (White Fang) adventure of repair. Until Alice discovers the perfect man for the job. In lie ahead. Crash is assigned to prepare a cocky young classic, Call Of The Wild is an exciting tale of gold fever and the delirious dead of night, a strange solitary worker (Wings pitcher, „Nuke“ LaLoosh, for the majors. But the team’s adventure in the Yukon. Hauser - Vice Squad, Tough Guys Don’t Dance) is unofficial trainer and handler Annie Savoy intervenes, stating Adventure, Drama, Family, Historical / inexplicably renovating her house. And before her „There’s never been a ballplayer who slept with me who didn’t disbelieving eyes, all the people who bring her harm are being have the best year of his career.“ Period Piece 1972 103min. hideously butchered by the craftsman and his bloody tools of Classics, Comedy, Drama, Baseball, MGM MOD 18.04.2011 terror. Is he an adoring guardian angel or a demonic mass Romance, Sports 1988 108min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105487 murderer? Is it an insane dream or just the gruesome work of MGM / UA 10.01.2012 The Carpenter? Thrillers, Horror 1987 Ltbx 16x9 M 89min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105159 Campus Rhythm Scorpion Releasing 08.11.2011 Robert Lowery, Gale Storm, Johnny Downs 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105528 Bullseye This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Roger Moore, Sally Kirkland, Michael Caine a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A radio songstress runs away from her sponsor and guardian to Caterpillar This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using enroll in college under an assumed name. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Sabu Kawahara, Arata, Shinobu Terashima Michael Caine and Roger Moore play two crooks who are College Life, Drama, girl power, Indepen- „A Masterpiece“ -The Hollywood Reporter. Set during the dead ringers for two nuclear scientists who are illegally dent Women 1943 61min. time of the Second Sino-Japanese War, Caterpillar tells the auctioning off a super energy producing cold fusion technique. MGM MOD 22.09.2011 story of a Japanese soldier who returns home horrifically Buddy Pictures, Comedy 1990 93min. mutilated. Liutenant Kurokawa is literally nothing but a human 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105246 torso: he has lost both his arms and legs, and with burns MGM MOD 06.12.2011 covering half his face, he is also unable to speak. His wife, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105546 The Candy Snatchers: Deluxe Shigeko (Shinobu Terajima), is given the grueling task of looking after him, which, in addition to feeding and washing Burn, Witch, Burn! Collector’s Edition him, includes the job of satisfying his sexual desires — Tiffany Bolling, Susan Sennett, Bonnie impulses that remain as strong as ever in spite of his disabled Janet Blair, Peter Wyngarde condition. Taught to be dutiful and to do her part for her This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Boland, Brad David, Ben Piazza, Christo- country, Shigeko bears her burden — but as she realizes that a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A pher Trueblood, Vince Martorano her husband’s life lies entirely in her hands, she begins to college psychology professor sets out to debunk the , Rich girl Candy (Susan Sennett of Big Bad Mama), is question the role she has accepted. A film that won Shinobu only to find himself under attack by a practitioner of the abducted and buried alive by three inept criminals - Jessie Terajima the Silver Bear award for Best Actress at the 2010 supernatural. (Playboy pinup and B-movie queen Tiffany Bolling), her Berlin Film Festival, Caterpillar is at heart a powerful College Life, Horror 1962 89min. psychotic brother Alan (Brad David), and their pal Eddie indictment of Japan’s militaristic, nationalistic past. From (Vince Martorano) - in exchange for ransom. But soon, things acclaimed director Koji Wakamatsu (United Red Army).

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Politics, Romance, War, Foreign, Japanese, Family 185min. Marriage Woes 2010 85min. Warner Bros. 22.11.2011 Counterplot Kino Video 17.01.2012 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105526 Forrest Tucker, Allison Hayes, Gerald Mil- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105318 ton Cloudburst This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Centre Place a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. An Robert Preston, Elizabeth Sellars American, hiding from the police, is aided by an unscrupulous Romance, Comedy 82min. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using lawyer who plans to double-cross him. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A Celebrity Video Distribution 14.02.2012 World War II veteran, working in the British Foreign Office, Thrillers, Action, Lawyers / Legal Issues 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105453 avenges his wife’s murder. 1959 77min. Revenge, War, World War II, Drama 1951 MGM MOD 26.10.2011 The Ceremony 83min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105222 Laurence Harvey, John Ireland, Sarah MGM MOD 18.04.2011 Miles, Ross Martin, Robert Walker 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105490 Creature Collection (Alternate This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Art) a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Coal Miner’s Daughter (DVD + Di- The brother of a man sentenced for committing murder during a James Earl Jones, Jose Ferrer, Yvette bank robbery plans his brother’s escape on the condition his gital Copy) Mimieux, Jennifer Holmes, Joseph Cotten, brother’s girl dates him instead. , Tommy Lee Jones, Levon John Agar Thieves, Drama 1963 107min. Helm Blood Tide Snowbeast The Demon Lady Frankenstein Night MGM MOD 04.04.2011 A treasure to watch.“ — Roger Ebert, Chicago Sun-Times. Fright 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105468 Coal Miner’s Daughter. Science Fiction, Collections, Cult Film / TV, Music, Western, Academy Award Winners, Fantasy, Monsters 444min. Chalet Girl Country, Drama, Independent Women 1980 Image Ent. 01.05.2010 Brooke Shields, Felicity Jones, Sophia min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105113 Bush, Tamsin Egerton, Bill Bailey, Bill Nighy, Universal Studios 10.01.2012 Ed Westwick 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105480 Crime Against Joe Pretty tomboy Kim (Felicity Jones, Like Crazy, Brideshead Julie London, , Henry Calvin Revisited) used to be a champion skateboarder, but now she Cold Mountain (Blu-ray) This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using flips burgers to support herself and her dad. Opportunity a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. comes knocking when she lands a winter-long catering job in Renee Zellweger, Jude Law, Nicole An innocent man is accused of murdering a cabaret singer. one of the plushest ski chalets in the Alps. At first, Kim is Kidman, Natalie Portman, Philip Seymour His loyal classmates, although suspicious of his guilt, provide overwhelmed by this bizarre new world of posh people, Hoffman, James Gammon, Kathy Baker, him with false alibis. When the man investigates, to really vintage champagne, epic mountains and waist-deep powder. clear his name he encounters a real threat to his life from Then she discovers snowboarding, and her natural talent Jena Malone, Donald Sutherland, Brendan those classmates. soon sees her training for the end-of-season competition, with Gleeson, Ray Winstone, Giovanni Ribisi, a chance to win major prize money and just maybe the Thrillers, Crime, Drama 1956 69min. affections of her boss’ handsome son Jonny (Ed Westwick, Lucas Black, Ethan Suplee, Charlie MGM MOD 02.05.2011 TV’s Gossip Girl). Brooke Shields, Bill Nighy and Bill Bailey Hunnam, Jay Tavare 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105425 lend their incomparable talents to this charming and fun-filled Nicole Kidman (Academy Award winner - Best Actress, The comedy. Hours, 2002) stars with Academy Award winner Renee Romance, Sports, Comedy 2011 97min. Zellweger (Best Supporting Actress, Cold Mountain, 2003) Crowbar MPI 31.01.2012 and Academy Award nominee Jude Law (Best Actor, Cold The killings of Wendell Graves.. In the small town of Coburg, Mountain). At the dawn of the Civil War, the men of Cold a young boy named Wendell Graves witnesses the brutal 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105374 Mountain, North Carolina, rush to join the Confederate army. murder of his parents in their own bedroom. He watches in Ada (Kidman) has vowed to wait for Inman (Law), but as the horror as a masked man stabs the couple repeatedly with a war drags on and letters go unanswered, she must find the crowbar. Wendell escapes and spends the next 15 years of will to survive. At war’s end, hearts will be dashed, dreams his life silently locked up in his aunt’s farmhouse. There she Beverly Garland, Brian Keith, fulfilled and the strength of the human spirit tested...but not plays the innocent caretaker, brainwashing him into believing This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using broken! Directed by Academy Award winner Anthony that anyone and everyone who enters his parents’ home is an a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Minghella (The English Patient, 1996). intruder who must meet the same fate as they did. Crowbar is Brian Keith stars as Jim Fremont, an Illinois States Attorney Drama, Historical / Period Piece, Academy a thrilling slasher film in the vein of Halloween and Psycho fighting corrupt unions in Chicago. The union crooks in Award Winners, American Civil War, that dives deep into the psyche of jealousy and hatred. collaboration with a gambling syndicate try to pin a murder Romance, War 2003 154min. Slasher, Horror 2010 FF 100min. rap on an uncooperative union leader Blane (Dick Foran). ADA 08.11.2011 Crime, Drama, Film Noir, Gambling 1957 Lionsgate 31.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105533 73min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105123 MGM MOD 18.04.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105492 Consuming Passions Crusoe Vanessa Redgrave, Freddie Jones, Aidan Quinn This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using The Christine Jorgensen Story Prunella Scales, Sammi Davis, Thora Hird, a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Joan Tompkins An exciting and insightful re-telling of the classic legend. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using This historically faithful drama challenges the morals of the a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A time as Crusoe, no an American slave trader, confronts a The true story of the first sex-change operation which satire about what happens when three men are accidentally „Friday“ who is his equl. Renowned cinematographer Caleb changed „George“ into „Christine“ in 1950s Denmark. shoved into a vat of chocolate in a candy factory...and Deschanel directs in visually spectacular style. Transgender, Drama 1970 89min. chocolate lovers favor the resulting confections. Action, Adventure 1989 95min. Cannibalism, Comedy 1988 98min. MGM MOD 12.10.2011 MGM MOD 28.01.2011 MGM MOD 22.09.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105256 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105502 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105253 Curse Of The Faceless Man A Cinderella Story / Another The Count Of Monte Cristo Cinderella Story (2 Pack) Elaine Edwards, Robert Donat, Elissa Landi, Louis Calhern, This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Hilary Duff, Drew Seeley, , Sidney Blackmer, Raymond Walburn a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A Jennifer Coolidge, Jane Lynch, Selena Robert Donat stars in this classic swashbuckler based on the stone figure unearthed in Pompeii followed by a series of Gomez, Dan Byrd, Chad Michael Murray 1844 novel by Alexandre Dumas. It tells the story of Edmond skull crushing murders. Glass slippers are soooo last millennium. Fairytale romance Dantes, a common seaman falsely accused of spying during Mystery, Horror 1958 67min. gets not one, but two, modern spins! Hilary Duff stars in A the Napoleonic Wars. Imprisoned without trial in the infamous MGM MOD 27.06.2011 Cinderella Story, scrubbing diner floors, coping with wicked Chateau d’If, he spends over a decade in solitary confinement. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105354 siblings and all the while dreaming of Princeton (the perfect With the aid of a fellow captive, he makes a daring escape. spot for a would-be princess to find a prince!). Chad Michael Once outside, he fabricates a stately new identity as the Murray co-stars. Selena Gomez has dancing shoes instead of Count Of Monte Cristo and vows to bring the villains who Cyberbully glass slippers and Andrew Seeley is the dreamy new guy in framed him to justice. school in Another Cinderella Story. Happily-ever-after Mystery, Action, Adventure, Classics 1934 Kelly Rowan, Emily Osment, Kay Panabaker becomes dancing-ever-after in this musical, magical update min. TV Movies, Drama, Family, High School bursting with energy and style. Join the fun! Hen’s Tooth 07.02.2012 87min. Musical, Romance, 2 Packs, Comedy, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105110 Gaiam Americas 07.02.2012

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 31 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105416 law-enforcing plainsmen. Thieves, Western, Drama 1943 59min. Devil Worship Collection (Altern- MGM MOD 25.07.2011 Daddy Longlegs ate Art) With Daddy Longlegs (formerly known as Go Get Some 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105328 Rosemary), Josh and Benny Safdie have crafted a realistic Christopher Plummer, Barbara Steele, fairy tale that captures the magic-and perils-of parenthood, Def-Con 4 / Hell Comes To Karen Black, Erika Blanc, Neville Brand, Mel invoking memories of their inventive dad from their own Ferrer, Dack Rambo childhood. Divorced and alone, Lenny (the perfectly cast Frogtown (Double Feature) The Pyx Horror Hotel Good against Evil The She- Beast The Ronald Bronstein) is the father of two young boys he gets to Devil’s Nightmare see a couple of weeks a year. He cherishes these days with Sandahl Bergman, Kate Lynch, Lenore the kids, being both stern parent and lovable buddy, inventing Zann, Maury Chaykin, Roddy Piper, John Collections, Devils And Demons, Horror myths and somehow living them, all while working overtime in Walsch 442min. the big city. When the going gets tough, Lenny uses some Two cult classic, post-apocalyptic B-movies at a great low Image Ent. 01.05.2010 unusual, perhaps even hazardous, techniques to keep the kids price! Howe (Tim Choate), Jordan (Kate Lynch), and Walker 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105107 safe from the world. Because of the film’s fluid style, we feel (John Walsch) are three astronauts who return to earth two that we are in the boxing ring alongside Lenny, as flawed as months after a nuclear holocaust and must confront a new and he is charismatic, champion of each day, yet totally black and terrifying reality. All the cities and towns have been Devil’s Angels blue. As the storm of society continually rains on him, Lenny destroyed. Shanty towns have been constructed from the laughs through it all. Isn’t life crazy? refuse of the old world. Civilization has given way to Beverly Adams, Salli Sachse, John Art House, Comedy, Drama, Dysfunctional barbarism. And the battle for the future of the world has just Cassavetes, Buck Taylor Families 2009 98min. begun. Sam Hell (Roddy Piper) is a muscle-bound This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using combination of wise guy cool and deadly force. It’s up to Hell a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. A Zeitgeist Films 13.12.2011 and the armed and dangerous beauty Spangle (Sandahl killer motorcycle gang that sweeps through towns like a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105320 Bergman) to brave the barren wasteland once known as Earth desolating plague...looting, terrorizing and running and ruled by slimy, green overgrown amphibians. Their amok...band together to prove their innocence when accused mission: to perpetuate the race by impregnating as many of rape. The Dalton Girls fertile women as possible. Humanity’s last hope for survival Crime, Drama 1967 83min. Penny Edwards, John Russell lies in the abilities of a beauty and a beast! MGM MOD 18.10.2011 Science Fiction, Action, Apocalyptic Future, This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105189 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Double Features 174min. The four daughters of a slain notorious outlaw decide to Image Ent. 13.12.2011 continue in their father’s footsteps—with a life of banditry and Diary Of A Bachelor robbery. Two of the daughters soon want out. The other two 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105287 love it. Cornered, all four will have to gun their way to Arlene Golonka, Dom DeLuise, Joe Silver freedom. The trials and tribulations of a bachelor who recently gets Western, Crime, girl power, Independent Defiance engaged and what happens when his bride-to-be accidentally Women 1957 71min. James Mason, , Jan Michael stumbles upon his „diary.“ Rocky Relationships, Comedy 1963 87min. MGM MOD 12.10.2011 Vincent MGM MOD 06.12.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105263 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105554 An out-of work merchant seaman single-handedly tames a Davy Crockett, Scout powerful street gang („The Souls“) that has been terrorizing his neighborhood on New York City’s Lower East Side. Do The Right Thing (Blu-ray + Ellen Drew, Noah Beery Jr, George Vigilante Justice, Action, Drama, Gangs DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Montgomery 1980 102min. John Turturro, Spike Lee, John Savage, This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using MGM MOD 20.04.2011 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A Ossie Davis, , Richard Edson, Bill U.S. military scout is assigned to stop Indian attacks on a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105489 defenseless group of wagon trains making their way West. Nunn, Giancarlo Esposito, Danny Aiello Native Americans, Western, Military 1950 It’s the hottest day of the summer. You can do nothing, you can Dennis The Menace: Season Four do something, or you can.... This powerful visual feast 71min. Gloria Henry, , Herbert Anderson, combines humor and drama with memorable characters while MGM MOD 04.04.2011 tracing the course of a single day on a block in the Bedford- Joseph Kearns, Billy Booth Stuyvesant area of Brooklyn. It’s the hottest day of the year, a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105472 Airing on CBS from ‘59-’63, Dennis the Menace is a TV scorching 24-hour period that will change the lives of its series based on the popular and iconic Hank Ketcham comic residents forever. Danny Aiello co-stars with Spike Lee in Dead Hooker In A Trunk strip of the same name. The show follows the lives of the this absorbing tale of inner-city life that heats up with vivid Mitchell family - Henry, Alice, and their only child, Dennis. images and unforgettable performances. Four friends set out on an everyday errand and end up in a Dennis is an energetic, well meaning, but trouble prone boy Comedy, Drama, AFI Top 100, Art House, fight for their lives when they discover the body of a dead and sometimes a mischievous child. He often tangles with hooker in their trunk. Lead by sexy, impulsive Badass, her peace-and-quiet-loving neighbor, George Wilson. National Film Registry 1989 min. distant twin sister Geek, their bible-thumping friend Goody Universal Studios 10.01.2012 Two Shoes, and chaotic rock star pal Junkie, the group must Classics, Comedy, Family 915min. put aside their differences to dispose of the body as they face Shout Factory 10.01.2012 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105506 off against persistent police, a sleazy motel manager, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105115 chainsaw-wielding triads, and a brutal serial killer. All the Do The Right Thing (DVD + Digi- while they are followed by the mysterious Cowboy Pimp who wants to claim the corpse for his own. Identical twin sisters The Destructors tal Copy) Jen and Sylvia Soska wrote, directed and produced this explosive ride filled with gun fights, extreme violence, blood, James Mason, Anthony Quinn, Michael Ossie Davis, Ruby Dee, Richard Edson, guts, gore, and goats. Caine Spike Lee, Bill Nunn, John Savage, John Mystery, Thrillers, Action, Horror 89min. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Turturro, Danny Aiello, Giancarlo Esposito MPI 31.01.2012 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A It’s the hottest day of the summer. You can do nothing, you can tough U.S. Embassy official in Paris is assigned to break a do something, or you can.... This powerful visual feast 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105375 narcotic ring, but after several of his agents are killed he combines humor and drama with memorable characters while hires a professional killer. tracing the course of a single day on a block in the Bedford- Deadly Intent Thrillers, Action 1974 90min. Stuyvesant area of Brooklyn. It’s the hottest day of the year, a MGM MOD 18.04.2011 scorching 24-hour period that will change the lives of its Lance Henriksen, Steve Railsback, David 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105488 residents forever. Danny Aiello co-stars with Spike Lee in Dukes, Maud Adams, Lisa Eilbacher, Persis this absorbing tale of inner-city life that heats up with vivid Khambatta, Fred Williams images and unforgettable performances. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Detective School Dropouts National Film Registry, AFI Top 100, Art a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. An Valeria Golino, George Eastman, Mario House, Comedy, Drama 1989 min. archeologist is murdered after returning from a dig with a Universal Studios 10.01.2012 priceless gem, and now his widow has become a target. Brega, Christian De Sica This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105481 Thrillers, Crime, Drama 1988 86min. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. MGM MOD 12.10.2011 Two of the most inept detectives that ever bungled a case find 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105193 themselves way over their heads in this wacky action Doctor Blood’s Coffin adventure that leads them from to Rome and Ian Hunter, Kieron Moore, Hazel Court Venice. Trying to reunite a pair of misplaced lovers, our This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Death Valley Rangers incompetent duo begin a crazed caper with two Italian a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. families—feuding for 1,700 years! These misguided Americans There is horror in a small Cornish village when a disbarred Bob Steele, Ken Maynard, Hoot Gibson solve no crimes, but provide an outrageous good time. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using doctor starts performing grafting experiments on the a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A Slapstick, Comedy, Detectives 1986 90min. unfortunate and terrified villagers. succession of stagecoach robberies prompts the citizens of a MGM MOD 18.10.2011 Horror 1961 92min. Death Valley outpost to send for the Trail Blazers, a trio of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105198 MGM MOD 26.10.2011

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40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105212 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105163 Mr. Wong attempts to solve the murder of a shipping tycoon and the theft of contraband bonds. Dog Jack Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Comedy, The English Patient (Blu-ray) Eddie Huchro Lawyers / Legal Issues 1940 68min. Ralph Fiennes, Kristin Scott Thomas, Willem A Civil Warm family film about 14-year-old Jed, a slave who MGM MOD 23.08.2011 Dafoe, Colin Firth, Jurgen Prochnow, escapes with loyal dog Jack to join the Union Army. Dog Jack is inspired by the historical true-life adventures of the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105342 Naveen Andrews, Juliette Binoche, Julian beloved dog mascot of the Pennsylvania 102nd, who was so Wadham prized by his regiment for his skills in battle that he was The Double Winner of 9 Academy Awards, including Best Picture, Best twice exchanged for Confederate prisoners of war. Director (Anthony Minghella) and Best Supporting Actress War, American Civil War, Drama, Family Richard Gere, Topher Grace, Tamer (Juliette Binoche), this powerful motion picture is an Hassan, Stana Katic, Martin Sheen, Odette experience you will never forget. During World War II, a 2010 113min. mysterious stranger (Ralph Fiennes) is cared for by British Screen Media Films 31.01.2012 Yustman, Stephen Moyer allies unaware of his dangerous past. Yet, as the mystery of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105405 Keep your enemies close. When a United States Senator is his identity s revealed, an incredible tale of passion, intrigue brutally murdered, the evidence points to a Soviet assassin and adventure unfolds. Also starring Kristin Scott Thomas, code-named Cassius, who was long-thought to be dead. Two Colin Firth and Willem Dafoe. Dolphin Tale (Blu-ray + DVD + men who know Cassius best are thrown together to catch him. Paul Shepherdson (Richard Gere, An Officer And A Gentle- Drama, Academy Award Winners, AFI Top Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) man) is a retired CIA operative who spent his career tracking 100, Romance, War 1996 162min. Cassius around the globe. Ben Geary (Topher Grace, Spider- Lionsgate 31.01.2012 Ashley Judd, Cozi Zuehlsdorff, Morgan Man 3) is a hotshot young FBI Agent and family man who has Freeman, Kris Kristofferson, Harry Connick studied the killer’s every move. Ben thinks he knows 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105127 Jr., Nathan Gamble Cassius, but Paul knows he is dead wrong. Now, time is In an inspiring story of the bond between animals and humans, running out to stop this merciless killing machine before he Enter The Ninja a boy named Sawyer discovers an injured dolphin, who is finds his next target. Martin Sheen (The Departed), Stephen brought to a marine hospital and named Winter. Unfortunately, Moyer (True Blood), Odette Yustman (Cloverfield) and Stana Franco Nero, Susan George, Sho Kosugi her injuries cost Winter her tail, without which she may not Katic (Castle) costar in this tense thriller from the co-writers This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using survive. But with Sawyer’s devotion, a marine biologist’s of Wanted and 3:10 To Yuma that will keep you guessing until a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. (Harry Connick Jr.) and the brilliance of a prosthetist the very last shot. The absorbing martial arts film that exposes Ninjutsu, the (Morgan Freeman) charged with creating a new tail, Winter Murder Mysteries, Politics, Thrillers, Drama, lethal, little-known „Art of Invisibility“... which includes the may receive a second chance at life. FBI 2011 98min. use of hypnotism, explosives and super-human fighting skills. Ninjas, Action, Martial Arts 1981 100min. Drama, Family, Friendships 2011 113min. Image Ent. 31.01.2012 MGM MOD 18.10.2011 Warner Bros. 20.12.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105501 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105152 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105186 The Double (Blu-ray) Everybody Loves Raymond: The Dolphin Tale (DVD + Digital Copy) Richard Gere, Topher Grace, Martin Sheen, Ashley Judd, Cozi Zuehlsdorff, Morgan Tamer Hassan, Stana Katic, Odette Complete Seventh Season Freeman, Kris Kristofferson, Harry Connick Yustman, Stephen Moyer , Patricia Heaton, Madylin Jr., Nathan Gamble Keep your enemies close. When a United States Senator is Sweeten, Peter Boyle, Ray Romano, Brad In an inspiring story of the bond between animals and humans, brutally murdered, the evidence points to a Soviet assassin Garrett, Sawyer Sweeten, Sullivan a boy named Sawyer discovers an injured dolphin, who is code-named Cassius, who was long-thought to be dead. Two brought to a marine hospital and named Winter. Unfortunately, men who know Cassius best are thrown together to catch him. Sweeten her injuries cost Winter her tail, without which she may not Paul Shepherdson (Richard Gere, An Officer And A Gentle- Standup comedian Ray Romano stars as Ray Barone, a survive. But with Sawyer’s devotion, a marine biologist’s man) is a retired CIA operative who spent his career tracking successful sportswriter who deals with his brother and (Harry Connick Jr.) and the brilliance of a prosthetist Cassius around the globe. Ben Geary (Topher Grace, Spider- parents, who happen to live across the street. Patricia Heaton (Morgan Freeman) charged with creating a new tail, Winter Man 3) is a hotshot young FBI Agent and family man who has (The Goodbye Girl), Peter Boyle (While You Were Sleeping), may receive a second chance at life. studied the killer’s every move. Ben thinks he knows Doris Roberts (Remington Steele), and Brad Garrett Drama, Family, Friendships 2011 113min. Cassius, but Paul knows he is dead wrong. Now, time is (Gleason) round out the stellar cast. CBS, Comedy, Family, girl power 2002 Warner Bros. 20.12.2011 running out to stop this merciless killing machine before he finds his next target. Martin Sheen (The Departed), Stephen 720min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105130 Moyer (True Blood), Odette Yustman (Cloverfield) and Stana Katic (Castle) costar in this tense thriller from the co-writers HBO Home Video 15.11.2011 of Wanted and 3:10 To Yuma that will keep you guessing until 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105244 Dolphin Tale 3D (Blu-ray 3D + the very last shot. Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) Drama, FBI, Murder Mysteries, Politics, Fashion Model Thrillers 2011 98min. (Blu-ray) Marjorie Weaver, Lorna Gray, Robert Image Ent. 31.01.2012 Ashley Judd, Cozi Zuehlsdorff, Morgan Lowery, Tim Ryan 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105510 Freeman, Kris Kristofferson, Harry Connick This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Jr., Nathan Gamble a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. Down Three Dark Streets When a fashion model is killed, a stock boy suspected of the In an inspiring story of the bond between animals and humans, murder and another model set out to solve the crime. a boy named Sawyer discovers an injured dolphin, who is Ruth Roman, Martha Hyer, Broderick brought to a marine hospital and named Winter. Unfortunately, Murder Mysteries, Thrillers, Drama, Fashion her injuries cost Winter her tail, without which she may not Crawford 1945 62min. survive. But with Sawyer’s devotion, a marine biologist’s This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using MGM MOD 18.10.2011 (Harry Connick Jr.) and the brilliance of a prosthetist a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. (Morgan Freeman) charged with creating a new tail, Winter After an FBI agent is shot, his friend must handle the caseload 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105208 may receive a second chance at life. and avenge his death. Drama, Family, Friendships 2011 113min. Revenge, Thrillers, Drama, FBI 1954 86min. Fast Times At Ridgemont High MGM MOD 27.06.2011 Warner Bros. 20.12.2011 (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105153 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105355 (Blu-ray) Don’t Worry, We’ll Think Of A Dragon Age: Redemption Sean Penn, Jennifer Jason Leigh, Judge Reinhold, Phoebe Cates, Ray Walston, Ro- Title Felicia Day, Doug Jones, Adam Rayner Action, Fantasy 2011 min. bert Romanus, Brian Backer Rose Marie, Morey Amsterdam Hey bud, let’s party!. Academy Award® winner Sean Penn This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using New Video DVD 14.02.2012 stars as the unforgettable Jeff Spicoli in the film that defined a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. A 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105136 the outrageous and bold teen comedy genre, Fast Times at bumbling short-order cook? A secret organization thinks he is Ridgemont High. Follow a group of Southern California high a defected Soviet cosmonaut in hiding! The result? Extreme school students as they explore their most important subjects: confusion and hilarious slapstick mayhem. End Call sex, drugs and rock ‘n’ roll. Directed by Amy Heckerling Slapstick, Comedy 1966 84min. The last call you’ll ever make.. A group of high school girls (Clueless) and written by Cameron Crowe (Almost Famouss), struggling with exams and lecherous teachers are ready to this hilarious portrait of 1980s American teen life features film MGM MOD 18.10.2011 sell their souls if it would bring them luck. When they hear debuts of future stars Nicolas Cage and , 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105197 about a secret telephone number that will make a caller’s plus decade-defining music from The Go-Go’s, Oingo Boingo dreams come true, they figure they have nothing to lose. But and The Cars. little do they know that the Devil has granted their wishes, Classics, Comedy, Cult Film / TV, Drama, and will now own their souls! High School, AFI Top 100, National Film , , Grant Foreign, High School, Horror, Japanese Registry, Stoners, Troubled Youth 1982 Withers, Melvin Lang 2008 Ltbx S 94min. min. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Allegro Entertainment 24.01.2012

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Universal Studios 10.01.2012 one of them decides to take the piece home. The sculpture is seeking new commander. But to a man, they’re duty-bound to from the Yoruba goddess Araromire, who bestows seven obey - even when it means almost certain disaster. John 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105507 years of good luck on anyone who encounters it. But no one Wayne, Henry Fonda and many familiar supporting players told them about the next seven years... from master director ’s „stock company“ saddle up Fast Times At Ridgemont High Nigerian, Thrillers, Foreign 2010 FF S for the first film in the director’s famed cavalry trilogy (She 120min. Wore a Yellow Ribbon and Rio Grande are the others). (DVD + Digital Copy) Roughhouse camaraderie, sentimental vignettes of frontier Allegro Entertainment 10.01.2012 Jennifer Jason Leigh, Sean Penn, Judge life, massive action sequences staged in Monument Valley - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105161 all are part of Fort Apache. So is Ford’s exploration of the Reinhold, Phoebe Cates, Brian Backer, West’s darker side. Themes of justice, heroism and honor that Robert Romanus, Ray Walston Ford would revisit in later Westerns are given rein in this National Film Registry, Stoners, Troubled The File Of The Golden Goose moving, thought-provoking film that, even as it salutes a Edward Woodward, , Charles legend, gives reasons to question it. Youth, AFI Top 100, Classics, Comedy, Cult Classics, Cowboy, Drama, Western 1945 Film / TV, Drama, High School 1982 min. Gray A U.S. Treasury agent (Yul Brynner) joins a Scotland Yard 128min. Universal Studios 10.01.2012 detective (Edward Woodward) in going „undercover“ to bust a Warner Bros. 21.02.2012 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105482 brutal counterfeit gang known as the Golden Goose. But, in a 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105306 massive double-cross, his British partner defects to the other side... Fatal Charm Crime, Detectives 1969 106min. Fort Bowie Mary Frann, Amanda Peterson, Christopher MGM MOD 27.06.2011 Jan Harrison, Kent Taylor, Jana Davis, Ben Atkins 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105398 Johnson This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. He may have been convicted of raping and murdering six Film Socialisme Attempting to affect peace between his men and the Apaches, young women, but to a smitten teenage girl who’s initiated a the commander of a fort unwittingly inspires an Indian relationship-by-mail, he’s just a cute guy who couldn’t Patti Smith, Alain Badiou, Elisabeth Vitali, Christian Sinniger, Lenny Kaye massacre. possibly be guilty. Did he...or didn’t he? Native Americans, Western 1958 80min. Prison, Serial Killers, Thrillers, High School Legendary director Jean-Luc Godard returns to the screen MGM MOD 04.04.2011 1992 90min. with Film Socialisme, a magisterial essay on the decline of European Civilization. As a garish cruise ship travels the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105475 MGM MOD 06.12.2011 Mediterranean (with Patti Smith among its guests), Godard 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105541 embarks on a state of the EU address in a vibrant collage of philosophical quotes, historical revelations and pure Fort Defiance cinematographic beauty. The Fearmakers , Dane Clark Music, Art House, Drama, Foreign, French This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Dana Andrews, Dick Foran 2010 101min. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Kino Video 10.01.2012 The story of a young blind man, the brother he worships and a a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105316 Civil War veteran who intends to kill the latter. Korean veteran cooperating with a Senate committee uncovers Western 1951 81min. subversives. MGM MOD 04.04.2011 Politics, Thrillers 1958 84min. Film Socialisme (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105473 MGM MOD 02.05.2011 Patti Smith, Alain Badiou, Elisabeth Vitali, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105428 Christian Sinniger, Lenny Kaye Fort Yuma Legendary director Jean-Luc Godard returns to the screen Felicity: An American Girl with Film Socialisme, a magisterial essay on the decline of Peter Graves, Joan Taylor, John Hudson European Civilization. As a garish cruise ship travels the This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Adventure - Deluxe Edition Mediterranean (with Patti Smith among its guests), Godard a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. Marcia Gay Harden, , embarks on a state of the EU address in a vibrant collage of When an Apache chief is killed by a settler, war is declared. philosophical quotes, historical revelations and pure Native Americans, War, Western, Historical , John Schneider, David cinematographic beauty. / Period Piece 1955 79min. Gardner Drama, Foreign, French, Art House, Music MGM MOD 26.10.2011 Meet Felicity Merriman, a 10-year-old girl who’s as spirited 2010 101min. and independent as the American colonies she lives in. For 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105214 the first time ever, Felicity comes to life on screen in Felicity: Kino Video 10.01.2012 An American Girl Adventure, a full-length live-action movie 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105365 based on American Girl’s best-selling books. When Felicity Four Boys And A Gun meets Penny, a beautiful copper-colored mare, she knows with The Finest Hour James Franciscus, Frank Sutton all her heart that she must free Penny from her cruel owner. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Felicity desperately wishes for that same sureness of heart Tracy Griffith, Rob Lowe a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. about the rumors of revolution swirling through Williamsburg. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using The moving story of 4 young men struggling against Felicity’s father believes that the colonies should be free of a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. overwhelming odds to remain honest. Crooked employer England’s rule, but her beloved grandfather and her best Two Navy S.E.A.L.S. are sent on a dangerous mission to shorts their earnings; they turn to crime, their first theft friend support the king. With fiercely conflicting loyalties destroy an Iraqi missile installation containing chemical ending in tragedy. dividing the colonists, something as simple as a cup of tea warheads aimed at the U.S. ships entering the Persian Gulf. could divide Felicity from her best friend forever. As Thieves, Crime, Drama 1957 74min. Christmastide draws near, Felicity struggles to hold her Navy, Special Forces, War, Drama, Gulf MGM MOD 18.04.2011 family and friends close, and to find ways for love and War, Military 1991 105min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105491 friendship to rise above the growing conflict. MGM MOD 06.12.2011 TV Movies, Family, Horses 2005 86min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105547 Warner Bros. 15.11.2011 The Fourth War 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105272 Roy Scheider, Jurgen Prochnow, Tim Reid Five Guns To Tombstone This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using James Brown, John Wilder, Walter Coy a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A Few Options This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Cold War thriller in which and American colonel and his Brad Dourif, Laura San Giacomo, Erin Dani- a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Soviet counterpart engage in a private, potentially disastrous Lots of action animates this Western saga of a fugitive who war. els, Michael Sheen, Rainn Wilson, Kenny must convince his retired gunslinger brother to join him in a Thrillers, War 1989 91min. Johnson, David Marciano bank heist. The brother agrees, but goes undercover to foil MGM MOD 06.06.2011 When a convicted drug smuggler leaves prison after 22 years the robbery and his brother. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105388 for one youthful mistake, he just wants to start over and obey Thieves, Western, Action 1961 71min. the law. But, unable to find work, he’s forced to take a MGM MOD 12.10.2011 supposedly legitimate job with his old crime partners. And Fred 2: Night Of The Living Fred they have big plans for their newest employee. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105264 (Lucas Cruikshank) is back in an all-new Crime, Drama 2011 90min. movie adventure, and his life has gone from kooky to spooky. Monarch Home Video 24.01.2012 Fort Apache (Blu-ray) Fred’s beloved music teacher, Mrs. Felson, has mysteriously 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105347 disappeared, and Fred is convinced that her replacement, Mr. John Wayne, Henry Fonda, , Devlin, has a secret life as a vampire! And to make matters Pedro Armendariz, Victor McLaglen, Anna worse, Mr. Devlin is dating Fred’s mom! With the help of his The Figurine (Araromire) Lee, Mae Marsh, Irene Rich, Ward Bond, awesome dad (WWE Superstar John Cena) and his friends A 2009 Nigerian thriller, The Figurine is a multicultural John Agar, Guy Kibbee, Grant Withers, Dick Bertha (Daniella Monet from „Victorious“) and Talia (Ariel contemporary feature highlighting the essence and efficacy of Winter from „Modern Family“), Fred begins a weird and wildly tradition, friendship, betrayal, and love. While serving at a Foran comic quest to expose Mr. Devlin’s true identity, before he National Youth Service Corps camp, two friends find a John Ford’s Stirring Ode to Frontier Heroism.. The soldiers turns Fred’s cul-de-sac into a community of bloodsuckers! mystical sculpture in an abandoned shrine in the forest, and at Fort Apache may disagree with the tactics of their glory- Comedy, Family, Mystery 83min.

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 35 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Lionsgate 07.02.2012 Birdsall MGM MOD 26.10.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105372 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105190 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Gavin Lamb is a 31 year-old virgin who, in just a few days, Frida (Blu-ray) will lose his virginity to one woman, almost be forced to marry Greatest Heroes & Legends Of another, and possibly find true love with a third in this Geoffrey Rush, Salma Hayek, Alfred hilarious English comedy. The Bible Triple Feature Molina, Valeria Golino, Mia Maestro, Antonio Romance, British, Comedy, Foreign 1989 Religion/Spirituality, Triple Feature min. Banderas, Edward Norton, Roger Rees 102min. Gaiam Americas 07.02.2012 Nominated for six 2002 Academy Awards including Selma Hayek for Best Actress, Frida is the triumphant motion picture MGM MOD 06.12.2011 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105411 about an exceptional woman who lived an unforgettable life! A 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105550 product of humble beginnings, Frida Kahlo (Hayek) earns Greyeagle fame as a talented artist with a unique vision. And from her enduring friendship with her mentor and husband, Diego Ghost Town Paul Fix, Lana Wood, Ben Johnson, Jack Rivera (-Spider-Man 2), to her scandalous Kent Taylor, Marian Carr, John Smith Elam, Jacob Daniels, Alex Cord, Iron Eyes affairs, Frida’ uncompromisinng personality would inspire her A stage headed West with a group of passengers is attacked Cody greatest creation! Also starring Antonio Banderas (Spy Kids) by Cheyenne Indians, and takes refuge in a nearby ghost Ashley Judd (Kiss The Girls), Edward Norton (Rounders) This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using town. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. In and Geoffrey Rush (Pirates Of The Caribbean)! Native Americans, Western 1955 77min. Drama, Art House, Biography, Biopics, this variant of 1956’s The Searchers, a tough frontier trapper MGM MOD 02.05.2011 tracks the young Cheyenne warrior who kidnapped his Photography/Art 2002 123min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105412 daughter. Lionsgate 31.01.2012 Native Americans, Revenge, Western, Ac- 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105124 tion, Chases, Kidnapping 1978 104min. Ghost Warrior MGM MOD 12.10.2011 From The Inside Janet Julian, Hiroshi Fujioka, John Calvin, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105251 Charles Lampkin Dave Daniels While exploring a cave, two skiers find the body of a 400- Alone in their isolated home where no cars pass and no one year-old samurai warrior entombed in ice. He is brought to the Gun Brothers lives nearby, Vincent and Tally suffer together in a loveless United States in a hush-hush operation and revived through Ann Robinson, Buster Crabbe, Neville marriage. But what they don’t know is that they are not as cryosurgery. Unfortunately, he is then forced to battle for his alone as they think — a criminal and his psychotic brother are freedom, dignity and life. Brand watching them through binoculars. They stare lustfully at Buster Crabbe and Neville Brand star as brothers on opposite Tally through the windows and plan something horrible for the Samurai, Drama 1985 81min. sides of the law. Chad (Crabbe) is a law abiding rancher, unhappy couple when night falls... MGM MOD 13.10.2011 while Jubal (Brand) has opted for life as an outlaw. The Horror, Marriage Woes 2010 82min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105192 siblings manage to keep peace until a jealous Indian maiden Tempe DVD 28.02.2012 tells Jubal that his brother has turned him into the authorities. Western 1956 79min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105215 The Girl In Black Stockings MGM MOD 02.05.2011 Anne Bancroft, , Lex 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105415 La Fuerza Del Destino Barker The story begins with Ivan and his mother Alicia, returning to This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using the land of his birth. His mother takes a job as a servant for a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A Gun Duel In Durango the Lomelí Curiel family. At the home of the Curiels, Ivan beautiful young starlet is mysteriously murdered at a chic Ann Robinson, George Montgomery, Steve continues his studies with the generous help of Doña Carlota, Utah resort. Brodie until he is 19. Meanwhile, Maripaz, one of the daughters Murder Mysteries, Thrillers, Crime 1956 returns home after having studied abroad. She seduces Ivan This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using and becomes pregnant. When Maripaz’s mother, Lucrecia, 75min. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. hears of the scandal she sends men out to beat Ivan. During MGM MOD 16.05.2011 He (Robert Montgomery) is the leader of a notorious gang. He the brawl, one of the men is killed and Ivan is wrongfully 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105458 wants to settle down. She (Ann Robinson) says she will accused of the crime. Having nothing to lose, Ivan crosses the marry once he has proved his newfound virtue. His former border illegally into the U.S. and heads for Los Angeles gang buddies have other ideas and a final showdown gunfight where he meets an older businessman who adopts him and The Glory Stompers is inevitable. pays for his education. After 11 years, he returns to Mexico to Western, Cowboy, Gangs 1957 74min. face his past. Dennis Hopper, Jody McCrea This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using MGM MOD 27.06.2011 Crime, Drama, Foreign, Mexican 2011 min. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105356 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 07.02.2012 The Glory Stompers The motorcycle-gang leader of the Black 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105140 Souls steals the girlfriend of the rival Glory Stompers’ leader in a fracas. In revenge, the Glory Stompers go after the Black The Gun Runners Souls to get the young woman back, who had nearly been sold Eddie Albert, Futureworld into the Mexican white-slave market. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using , Peter Fonda, Arthur Hiller, Revenge, Action, Gangs, Kidnapping 1967 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. 84min. The owner of a cabin cruiser in Florida innocently rents it to Stuart Margolin a ruthless gun merchant who sells arms to a revolutionary This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using MGM MOD 29.09.2011 group in Cuba. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105343 An amusement park of the future caters to any adult fantasy. Action, Drama 1958 83min. Lifelike androids carry out your every whim. A fun place, MGM MOD 18.04.2011 right? Not so, as a reporter and his Girl Friday find out while Gog 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105478 on a press junket to the newly opened Futureworld... Herbert Marshall, Constance Dowling, Ri- Robots / Androids, Science Fiction, chard Egan Gun Slingers Collection Technology 1976 104min. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using MGM MOD 28.01.2011 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A John Wayne, Jeffrey Hunter, James Caan, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105503 security agent investigates sabotage and murder at a secret Charles Bronson, Lee Van Cleef, Joseph underground laboratory, home of two experimental robots. Cotten, Robots / Androids, Science Fiction 1954 Gun Slingers Collection. Death Rides A Horse Yuma Geronimo 83min. Vengeance Valley Winds Of The Wasteland Against A , Kamali Devi MGM MOD 06.12.2011 Crooked Sky Bells Of San Angelo Deadly Companions Abi- This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using lene Town Find A Place To Die Kansas Pacific The Proud And a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105562 The Damned Springtime In The Rockies Chino Little Moon Chuck Connors stars as the legendary Apache leader in this And Judd McGraw Beyond The Law The Trail Beyond Dan sweeping 1883 story that has the brave Geronimo steadfastly Golden Needles Candy’s Law Minnesota Clay Guns Of The Revolution The holding his ground against both U.S. and Mexican military Cowboy And The Señorita forces. Burgess Meredith, Elizabeth Ashley, Western, Action, Classics, Collections, Native Americans, Western 1962 101min. Frances Fong, Joe Don Baker, Jim Kelly, Cowboy, Drama 1676min. MGM MOD 04.04.2011 Roy Chiao Image Ent. 02.03.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105477 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105177 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. The suspense story of a priceless ancient Chinese statue that Getting It Right is pursued halfway across the world. The legend of the Gun Street golden statue (which contains seven youth-restoring Helena Bonham Carter, Lynn Redgrave, acupuncture needles) promises the owner health and James Brown Jane Horrocks, Judy Parfitt, Shirley Ann incredible vigor...but can also deliver a painful death. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. A Field, John Gielgud, Peter Cook, Jesse Action, Drama 1974 92min. sheriff goes in pursuit of an escaped convict who is bent on

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 36 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA paying back the people responsible for his imprisonment. Harry In Your Pocket Western, Adventure, Classics, Comedy Revenge, Thrillers, Chases, Crime, Drama Trish Van Devere, , Michael 1230min. 1962 67min. Sarrazin Shout Factory 28.02.2012 MGM MOD 31.10.2011 A highly professional team of pickpockets (James Coburn, 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105512 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105206 Michael Sarrazin, Trish Van Devere and a scene-stealing Walter Pidgeon) roam through varying cityscapes in the U.S. and Canada, preying—with disturbing charm—upon the Hero’s Island Gunfighters Of Abilene innocent. Rip Torn, James Mason, Warren Oates, Judith Ames, Buster Crabbe, Barton Thieves, Comedy, Crime 1972 103min. Neville Brand MacLane MGM MOD 02.05.2011 On an island off the Carolina coast, an 18th-century family is This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105421 being besieged by murderous local fisherman. An outsider a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. A (Warren Oates) joins the family, aided by a mysterious gunman receives a request for help from his brother, but stranger who turns out to be Blackbeard the Pirate! arrives too late to save him from rancher who Haunted Summer Pirates, Adventure, High Seas, Historical / wanted him dead. Alice Krige, Eric Stoltz Period Piece 1962 94min. Western 1960 67min. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using MGM MOD 31.10.2011 MGM MOD 26.10.2011 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105341 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105219 Romantic poets Lord Byron and Percy Bysshe Shelley, along with Shelly’s future wife, Mary, and her beautiful stepsister, Claire, travel blissfully through Switzerland one summer. Both Hey Dude: Season 2 Gurozuka women share Shelley’s bed, while the tortured Lord Byron A fun getaway turns into a journey to Hell for some teenage flounder in a secret relationship with his physician. They Joe Torres, Christine Taylor, Debrah girls visiting an isolated house to rehearse and perform a play experiment with opium, „free love“, and the nature of good and Kalman, Kelly Brown, David Lascher, David for their private movie club. Taking the trip with an adult evil. The events form the foundation for Mary Shelley’s Brisbin, Josh Tygiel chaperone, the girls learn a previous club member supposedly famous novel, Frankenstein. This drama is part surreal, part went missing. historical - of lust and fantasy, of ecstasy and horror, of the Western, Comedy, Family, Nickelodeon Horror 84min. inner strings of creativity. 1260min. Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1988 Synapse Films 10.01.2012 Shout Factory 31.01.2012 106min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105319 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105138 MGM MOD 06.06.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105357 The Halliday Brand Hickey And Boggs Bill Cosby, Robert Culp Viveca Lindfors, Betsy Blair, Joseph Hazel: The Complete Second Cotten, Ward Bond This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Season a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Joseph H. Lewis directed this intense Western about a young Bill Cosby and Robert Culp (I Spy) are united again as man’s (Joseph Cotten) disillusionment with his father (Ward Shirley Booth, Don Defore private eyes in this Walter Hill-scripted „film noir.“ Searching Bond), a corrupt sheriff. When his dad turns away from the Long before wisecracking maids Alice (Brady Bunch), Florida for a missing girl, they find themselves involved with vicious lynching of his sister’s lover, the boy rebels and his father (Good Times) or Florence (The Jeffersons) there was Hazel! criminals and precipitating a string of deaths. declares him an „outlaw.“ Based on Saturday Evening Post cartoons, this popular TV Mystery, Serial Killers, Crime, Drama, Film Western, Crime 1957 79min. series centers around Hazel (Shirley Booth), a take-charge Noir 1972 111min. MGM MOD 27.06.2011 maid who works for the Baxter family. George Baxter (Don MGM MOD 06.10.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105389 Defore) is the head of the family which consists of his wife, Dorothy and their son, Harold. Its very clear that Hazel runs 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105338 the household and often preempts George’s authority in very The Happy Thieves amusing ways. Based On A Comic Strip, Classics, Comedy, High School Hellcats , Rex Harrison, Joseph Drama, Family, On The Job min. Brett Halsey Wiseman Shout Factory 21.02.2012 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105511 troublemaking, all-girl gang rules over the females of a high dapper art thief enraptures a wealthy duchess, then steals a school ...until the gang leader is killed in an abandoned movie priceless painting from her estate. Hell Bound theater. Thieves, Drama 1961 88min. Crime, Drama, Gangs, girl power, High MGM MOD 18.04.2011 John Russell, Stuart Whitman This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using School 1958 69min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105486 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. MGM MOD 16.05.2011 His scheme: to steal war-surplus narcotic drugs from a ship 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105463 Happy, Happy in the Los Angeles harbor. However, he requires backers— which he seeks with a 16mm promotional film shown to Family is the most important thing in the world to Kaja. She is gangsters. They agree. Bad decision. Higher Ground (Blu-ray + DVD an eternal optimist in spite of living with a man who would War, World War II, Crime 1957 71min. rather go hunting with the boys, and who refuses to have sex Combo) (Blu-ray) MGM MOD 16.05.2011 with her because she „isn’t particularly attractive“ anymore. Vera Farmiga, Joshua Leonard, Dagmara Whatever. That’s life. But when „the perfect couple“ moves in 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105460 next door, Kaja struggles to keep her emotions in check. Not Dominczyk only do these successful, beautiful, exciting people sing in a Vera Farmiga’s directorial debut, Higher Ground, depicts the choir; they have also adopted a child from Ethiopia! These Hennessy landscape of a tight-knit spiritual community thrown off-kilter new neighbors open a new world to Kaja, with consequences when one of their own begins to question her faith. Inspired for everyone involved. And when Christmas comes around, it Rod Steiger, Richard Johnson, Lee Remick by Carolyn S. Briggs’ memoir, This Dark World, the film tells becomes evident that nothing will ever be like before even if After his wife and child are killed during violence in Belfast, the story of a thoughtful woman’s struggles with belief, love Kaja tries her very best. an Irishman plots to assassinate the Queen of England in and trust. A woman who learns that no matter how many times revenge...by bombing the British Parliament when the Royal she loses her footing, she has within herself all that’s Comedy, Drama 88min. Family is in attendance. Magnolia Home Entertainment 24.01.2012 necessary to get to a higher place. Revenge, Royalty, Thrillers, Drama 1975 min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105484 105min. Sony Pictures Home Entertainment MGM MOD 06.06.2011 10.01.2012 Happy, Happy (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105358 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105120 Family is the most important thing in the world to Kaja. She is an eternal optimist in spite of living with a man who would rather go hunting with the boys, and who refuses to have sex Here Comes The Brides: The Honey 2 with her because she „isn’t particularly attractive“ anymore. Complete Second Season From the director of Honey comes Honey 2. The legacy of Whatever. That’s life. But when „the perfect couple“ moves in legendary dancer and choreographer Honey Daniels lives on next door, Kaja struggles to keep her emotions in check. Not Joan Blondell, Bobby Sherman, Bridget in spirited 17-year-old Maria Bennett (Katerina Graham). only do these successful, beautiful, exciting people sing in a Hanley, David , Robert Brown, Mark When Maria returns to her gritty Bronx roots to pursue her choir; they have also adopted a child from Ethiopia! These Lenard dreams of dancing, her killer moves attract the attention of new neighbors open a new world to Kaja, with consequences Brandon (Randy Wayne), who urges her to help lead a rowdy for everyone involved. And when Christmas comes around, it Set in the mid-nineteenth century, this classic TV series revolves around The Bolt brothers (Brown, Sherman and group of rising dancers to win a fierce national competition. becomes evident that nothing will ever be like before even if Maria’s in for an unforgettable showdown in this inspiring Kaja tries her very best. Soul) who own a mountain and logging camp in the rugged landscape of Seattle. As the area’s only employer, the story of courage, dedication and the will to never give up. Comedy, Drama 88min. brothers borrow money and head east to bring back a shipload Also starring Mario Lopez and Audrina Patridge, Honey 2 Magnolia Home Entertainment 24.01.2012 of lovely ladies to boost morale. But if any of the women leave features moves from some of America’s top dance crews, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105508 Seattle within a year, the Bolts lose their mountain to the man including , Beat Freaks, Strikers All-Stars, Super that lent them the money. Cr3w, Fanny Pak and more! Music, Comedy, Drama min.

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Universal Studios 21.02.2012 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. place to go but into the tour bus and on the road with the band. An astronaut contracts a disease that causes his flesh to melt. With no inclination toward fatherhood, Ethan continues his 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105377 In order to stop the rapid deterioration of his flesh is to feed hard-living ways, leaving Janie to fend for herself in the dive on the flesh of other human beings. bars and sleazy motels along the way. As Ethan’s self- Honey 2 (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Science Fiction, Space, Cannibalism, Horror destructive spiral threatens to destroy his band’s future, 1977 86min. Janie uses her own surprising musical talents to help guide Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) him down the rocky road to redemption. Nivola and Breslin From the director of Honey comes Honey 2. The legacy of MGM MOD 26.10.2011 naturally embrace their musical characters both actually sing legendary dancer and choreographer Honey Daniels lives on 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105344 and perform in the film while developing Ethan and Janie’s in spirited 17-year-old Maria Bennett (Katerina Graham). relationship in a refined way to delicately express the emotio- When Maria returns to her gritty Bronx roots to pursue her nal needs of the characters. Writer/director David M. Rosen- dreams of dancing, her killer moves attract the attention of Inside Out thal blends the musical setting with road trip movie elements Brandon (Randy Wayne), who urges her to help lead a rowdy Elliott Gould, Jennifer Tilly, Dana Elcar, that add subtle layers to the dynamic of his two main group of rising dancers to win a fierce national competition. characters. Maria’s in for an unforgettable showdown in this inspiring Beah Richards, Howard Hesseman Music, Drama 2010 101min. story of courage, dedication and the will to never give up. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using New Video DVD 31.01.2012 Also starring Mario Lopez and Audrina Patridge, Honey 2 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A features moves from some of America’s top dance crews, drama that tackles agoraphobia, the fear of open spaces. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105119 including Quest Crew, Beat Freaks, Strikers All-Stars, Super Gould plays a man who fears leaving his New York apartment; Cr3w, Fanny Pak and more! his only contact with the world are through the phone and Johnny Cool Music, Comedy, Drama min. delivery services. Drama 1986 86min. Henry Silva, Elizabeth Montgomery, Richard Universal Studios 21.02.2012 MGM MOD 20.12.2011 Anderson 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105438 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105558 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Hong Kong Confidential Criminals who betrayed a crime boss are in for a bloody revenge. A Sicilian mobster (Henry Silva) is in town to rub Allison Hayes, Beverly Tyler, Gene Barry them out. Among those waiting for the bullets are Telly This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using , Constance Ford Savalas, Mort Sahl, Jim Backus and Brad Dexter. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. In This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Revenge, Crime, Drama 1963 102min. this energetic „B“ actioner, Gene Barry portrays a secret a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. agent out to rescue an Arabian prince from Soviet spies. Sterling Hayden plays a sheriff faced with continuing moral MGM MOD 27.06.2011 dilemmas. Should he relate a deathbed confession which 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105360 Action, Kidnapping 1958 68min. falsely implicates his son in a murder? Should he carry out MGM MOD 26.10.2011 his threat to cold-bloodedly kill the real murderer—or bring 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105340 him to legal justice? The Josephine Baker Story (Blu- Western, Drama 1957 73min. ray) MGM MOD 25.07.2011 Horror Classics Craig T. Nelson, , David 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105325 Alien Invasions, Aliens, Boxed Sets, Dukes, Ruben Blades Classics, Ghosts, Horror 300min. Before … Before Marilyn… There Was Josephine.. The Iron Triangle Outrageous, shocking, sensational - Josephine Baker (Lynn Gaiam Americas 07.02.2012 Whitfield) was born poor, but achieved fame and fortune 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105418 Beau Bridges, Haing S. Ngor through her sizzlingly exotic and erotic performances. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Starting life on the American Vaudeville circuit, success a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A takes Josephine to Paris where her semi-nude dancing Hot Cars U.S. Army Captain, serving in Vietnam in 1969 is captured by causes an international sensation. Through her marriages to a 17-year old Vietcong solider. The pair end up developing a an Italian pseudo-count (Ruben Blades) and orchestra leader Joi Lansing, John Bromfield bond. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using (David Dukes), to her bond with army officer Sidney Williams a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A Odd Couples, Vietnam War, War, Army, (Louis Gossett, Jr.), Josephine’s life is a roller coaster ride likable car salesman, facing a financial crunch involving Drama 1988 91min. of love and rejection from both her lovers and her country. But urgent medical attention for his infant son, is tricked into MGM MOD 06.06.2011 semi-nude, or head-to-toe in sequins; in battle fatigues or selling stolen cars. Framed for the murder of a cop, he finds rags - her beauty and ambition ensured that Josephine Baker himself in life-or- death combat with the real killer on a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105391 will always be remembered as the first, and possibly most zooming rollercoaster. loved, truly international star. Thrillers, Drama 1956 61min. Is This A Joke? Drama, HBO, Biopics, Black Heritage, TV Movies 1991 131min. MGM MOD 27.06.2011 Nicola Fiore, Steve Arons 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105359 A high-energy throwback to the dirty joke movies of the HBO Home Video 17.01.2012 1970’s, more than 70 classic dirty jokes have been brought to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105367 life in Is This A Joke? These dirty jokes we all remember I Sold My Soul To Satan hearing and telling years ago have never been funnier as they Welcome to La La Land.. Real zombies, vampires, witches and come to life with a young and funny cast. There’s priests, Jungle Heat demons - nothing is off limits in La La Land. Thousands of rabbis, chickens crossing the road, naked ladies, drunks, Lex Barker Hollywood hopefuls lineup around the block to be selected to rednecks, gorillas, dog bites, vomiting, cucumbers — This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using strike a deal with Satan himself in order to achieve the something for everyone! Sit back, relax and prepare to smile! a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. unattainable stardom they so desperately seek. The turnout Sketch Comedy, Comedy 2011 75min. Japanese fifth columnists create havoc in the industries and yields not only dedicated actors and musicians who can’t get Tempe DVD 28.02.2012 plantations of Pre-Pearl Harbor Hawaii, until an American a break, but a legion of seemingly successful people willing to doctor helps defeat them. sign in blood not to attain immortality or world peace - but for 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105216 material things like money, houses, cars and diamonds or even Action, Jungle 1957 min. lesser things like a gun you never have to re-load. Ultimately, MGM MOD 06.12.2011 Kai Blackwood, an aspiring rock star is chosen and embarks It Rains In My Village 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105539 on a nefarious path of real-life occult practices following the Annie Girardot, Eva Ras instructions laid out in the ancient book „Le Grande “ This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using and proceeds to literally sell his soul to the Devil. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. In Justified: Season Two (Blu-ray) Devils And Demons, Horror 2010 FF 75min. a rural Yugoslavian village, social and psychological tensions Timothy Olyphant, Joelle Carter, Natalie ADA 08.11.2011 rise when a young swineherder is seduced and abandoned by a schoolteacher, kills his young wife, and his father takes the Zea, Erica Tazel, Nick Searcy, Jacob Pitts 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105535 blame. In the aftermath of the deadly showdown that freed Harlan County from the Crowder family crime reign, U.S. Marshal Prison, Revenge, Drama 1969 80min. Raylan Givens must now take on even greater criminal forces MGM MOD 09.08.2011 looking to seize power - including hellbent nemesis Boyd This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105333 Crowder and the arrival of brutal, new adversary Mags a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. Bennett (Emmy Winner ). Filled with Based on a short story by Rod Serling (The Twilight Zone), a treacherous twists at every turn... the second season of cop „mistakenly“ kills a 14-year-old boy during a robbery. Janie Jones Justified proves „spectacularly entertaining“ (TV Guide) and Although acquitted for the shooting, the cop is haunted by his Peter Stormare, Frank Whaley, Elisabeth has established itself as a show for the ages. crime. Crime, Drama, FX, Action 2011 min. Shue, Alessandro Nivola, Frances Fisher, Thieves, Tragedies, Cops, Cops On The Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Abigail Breslin, Brittany Snow, Joel David Edge, Crime, Drama 1962 85min. 03.01.2012 Moore, Rodney Eastman, Michael Panes, MGM MOD 13.10.2011 84,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105122 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105194 David Lee Smith Ethan Brand (Alessandro Nivola) and his band are on the comeback trail when a former flame (Elisabeth Shue) drops a Keaton’s Cop The Incredible Melting Man bomb in his lap: their 13-year-old daughter, Janie Jones (Abigail Breslin). Ethan refuses to believe Janie is his kid, Don Rickles, Abe Vigoda, Lee Majors , Burr DeBenning but when her mom suddenly leaves for rehab, the child has no This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players..

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 39 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

When a ruthless mob hit-man mistakenly murders the wrong Kit Kittredge: An American Girl - Leave It To Bever: 20 Timeless guy, a detective (Lee Majors) and his partner (Don Rickles) are ordered to protect the intended target (Abe Vigoda) in this Deluxe Edition Epsidoes hard-edged action-comedy. Abigail Breslin, Stanley Tucci, Joan Barbara Billingsley, Hugh Beaumont, Tony Chases, Detectives, Drama 1990 95min. Cusack, Wallace Shawn, Glenne Headly, Dow, Jerry Mathers, Ken Osmond MGM MOD 16.05.2011 Julia Ormond, Jane Krakowski, Ann One of the most popular series in TV history, Leave It to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105435 Beaver (1957-1963) stood out from the flock during TV’s Peacock, Valerie Tripp, Ellen L. Brothers, golden age. While most of its contemporaries (i.e. The Donna Lisa Gillan, Julie Goldstein, Patricia Rozema Reed Show and The Adventures of Ozzie & Harriet) were Kid Colter The Great Depression hits home for nine year old Kit star-driven vehicles in which the kids were merely supporting Jim Stafford, Jim Turner Kittredge when her dad loses his business and leaves to find players, Beaver’s action centered on the children; seven year This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using work. Academy Award nominee Abigail Breslin stars as Kit, Theodore „Beaver“ Cleaver and his 12-year-old brother a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A leading a splendid cast in the first ever American Girl Wally. Though the show went off the air in the ’60s, it country boy is attacked and left for dead in the mountains, but theatrical movie. In order to keep their home, Kit and her continues to charm new generations even today. he manages to survive to get his revenge on the men who tried mother must take in boarders - paying house - guests who Classics, Comedy, Family min. to kill him. turn out to be full of fascinating stories. When mother’s lockbox containing all their money is stolen, Kit’s new hobo Shout Factory 31.01.2012 Revenge, Wilderness, Action, Drama, Kid- friend Will (Max Thieriot) is the prime suspect. Kit refuses to 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105141 napping 1945 102min. believe that Will would steal, and her efforts to sniff out the MGM MOD 25.07.2011 real story get her and friends into big trouble. Chris Legally Blonde (Blu-ray) 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105327 O’Donnell, Joan Cusack, Glenne Headly, Jane Krakowski, Stanley Tucci and Wallace Shawn costar in a „surprisingly Reese Witherspoon, Selma Blair, Jennifer satisfying“ story „amazingly relevant to our times“ (Lou Coolidge, Luke Wilson, Victor Garber, Kill A Dragon Lumenick, New York Post). Mystery, Drama, Family, Historical / Period Matthew Davis Jack Palance, Aldo Ray, Fernando Lamas Boldly going where no blonde has gone.. She’s a California This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Piece 2008 86min. sorority girl who’ll do anything to keep her man. Even if it a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. New Line Home Entertainment 15.11.2011 means going all the way to law school! Reese Witherspoon When a dangerous load of TNT lands on a beach near Hong 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105273 (Election) stars with Luke Wilson (Charlie’s Angels), Selma Kong, the islanders claim it as their own. The owner wants it Blair (Cruel Intentions), Matthew Davis (Pearl Harbor) and back and threatens to blow up the island. To the rescue: Jack Victor Garber (Titanic) in a knock-out comedy with a heart of Palance and a group of martial arts experts! The Last Of The Finest gold - and hair to match! Elle Woods (Witherspoon) is a Action, Martial Arts 1967 91min. California blonde with couture clothes, fabulous friends and Brian Dennehy, Jeff Fahey, Bill Paxton, Joe the hottest boyfriend on campus. So when Warner Huntington MGM MOD 26.10.2011 Pantoliano, Guy Boyd, Henry Darrow III (Davis) suddenly dumps her and heads for Harvard Law 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105210 An honest, independent-minded Los Angeles cop and his School, Elle takes matters into her own perfectly manicured comrades discover sinister forces at work while attempting to hands. She enrolls too! Now getting Warner back should be a bust drug traffickers. snap, right? Wrong! Elle’s about to begin the toughest fight of Killer Elite Cops, Crime 1990 106min. her life - for love, honor, justice and respect for blondes Jason Statham (The Italian Job), Academy Award® nominee MGM MOD 26.10.2011 everywhere! Clive Owen (Inside Man) and Academy Award® winner Comedy, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Romance (Raging Bull) star in Killer Elite, „one of the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105339 best action thrillers of the year!“ (Richard Roeper) When two 2001 Ltbx DTS 96min. of the world’s most elite operatives , Danny, a retired contract MGM / UA 10.01.2012 killer (Statham), and Hunter, his longtime mentor (De Niro) go Last Of The Summer Wine: 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105158 up against the cunning leader of a secret military society Vintage 1991 (Owen), their hunt takes them around the globe from Australia to Paris, London, and the Middle East. As the stakes rise Peter Sallis The Lie along with the body count, Danny and Hunter are soon The world’s longest-running sitcom returns with more antics plunged into an action-packed game of cat-and-mouse where from everyone’s favorite geriatrics! Compo is just as smitten Jess Weixler, Jane Adams, Alia Shawkat, no one is what they seem. Based on a shocking true story, it’s with Nora as ever, so when Smiler becomes her lodger, Mark Webber, Joshua Leonard an explosive, no-mercy thrill ride where the predator Compo is left depressed. The trio tracks down one of Compo’s Once an idealistic young man with artistic aspirations, Lonnie ultimately becomes the prey. old friends from school hoping to cash in on an old debt. is stuck and doesn’t quite know it. Working at an unfulfilling Thrillers, Action, Crime min. Foggy also has his inventor’s cap back on this season. He job, he longs to realize his lifelong dream of becoming a creates a chair lift to get up the hills and a pole vault to help musician. When his wife, Clover, is presented with a career Universal Studios 10.01.2012 Compo hang a washing line for Nora, but as usual, his opportunity that could provide them with the stability she 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105133 brilliant ideas lead to a few mishaps along the way. Finally, in craves (but one that goes against their beliefs), Lonnie cannot the Christmas special, Foggy starts a new business venture, muster the resolve to endure another day at work, so he tells enlisting Compo as his first employee. a lie - a life-alerting lie that he cannot take back. Candid, yet Killer Elite (Blu-ray + DVD + Digi- BBC, British, Comedy, Foreign, International hysterical, The Lie is a black comedy about what it means to tal Copy + UltraViolet) (Blu-ray) TV 1991 330min. be an adult, and the steps we take to get there... eventually. Art House, Comedy, Drama 80min. Jason Statham (The Italian Job), Academy Award® nominee BBC Home Video 21.02.2012 Screen Media Films 24.01.2012 Clive Owen (Inside Man) and Academy Award® winner 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105499 Robert De Niro (Raging Bull) star in Killer Elite, „one of the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105403 best action thrillers of the year!“ (Richard Roeper) When two of the world’s most elite operatives , Danny, a retired contract Laurel & Hardy Comedy Classics killer (Statham), and Hunter, his longtime mentor (De Niro) go Little Cigars Boxed Sets, Buddy Pictures, Classics, up against the cunning leader of a secret military society Angel Tompkins, Felix Silla (Owen), their hunt takes them around the globe from Australia Comedy 270min. to Paris, London, and the Middle East. As the stakes rise On the lam from her sadistic gangster boyfriend and his two along with the body count, Danny and Hunter are soon Gaiam Americas 07.02.2012 henchmen, a gun moll becomes involved with a team of midgets plunged into an action-packed game of cat-and-mouse where 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105420 who are, in reality, crooks. no one is what they seem. Based on a shocking true story, it’s Chases, Comedy, Crime 1973 92min. an explosive, no-mercy thrill ride where the predator Law & Order: The Tenth Year MGM MOD 22.09.2011 ultimately becomes the prey. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105255 Thrillers, Crime, Action min. Cops, Crime, Detectives, Lawyers / Legal Universal Studios 10.01.2012 Issues, Murder Mysteries, NBC min. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105157 Universal Studios 28.02.2012 The Living Ghost 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105323 Joan Woodbury, James Dunn James Dunn stars as Nick Trayne, a retired detective, hired The Killer Is Loose to look for missing banker Walter Craig. During the Rhonda Fleming, Joseph Cotten, Wendell Laws Of Gravity investigation Craig shows up in a zombie-like state and murders his brother-in-law. But is the banker the killer or is Corey Peter Greene, Edie Falco, Adam Trese someone controlling him? The trail leads Nick to the real This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using culprit, a mad scientist, who has been conducting experiments a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. on Craig. bank robber’s (Wendell Corey) wife is shot during his arrest Two petty crooks, Jimmy and Jon, find the opportunity for a by a cop (Joseph Cotten). He escapes to kill the cop’s wife big score when Frankie, an old friend and ex-con, arrives in Mystery, Detectives, Drama 1942 61min. (Rhonda Fleming) as retribution. Despite the cop’s protest, town with a load of illegal handguns for sale. The guns are MGM MOD 12.10.2011 the police decide to use Fleming as a lure. the source of tension for the friends and their families. When 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105260 Prison, Revenge, Thieves, Cops, Crime, a domestic dispute lands Jon in jail, Jimmy goes to sell the Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1955 guns to raise the bail. When Frankie discovers that his merchandise is missing, he goes after Jimmy and the guns. Lost Lagoon 73min. Tragedies, Crime, Drama 1992 98min. Peter Donat, Jeffrey Lynn MGM MOD 29.06.2011 MGM MOD 16.05.2011 He is an unhappy husband who is a castaway on a Caribbean 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105392 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105456 island and thought dead. He meets a lovely lady and they create a holiday resort. The idyll ends when an insurance investigator tracks him down and takes him back to his wife.

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Comedy, High Seas, Marriage Woes 1957 stop war from his flying airship (the „Albatross“)...a cross between a zeppelin and a helicopter. Adapted from two Jules 80min. Malone Verne novels— Master Of The World and The Conqueror. MGM MOD 06.06.2011 Burt Reynolds, Cliff Robertson, Scott Adventure, Aerial Action, Fantasy, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105361 Wilson, Cynthia Gibb, Lauren Hutton, Historical / Period Piece 1961 99min. Kenneth McMillan MGM MOD 26.10.2011 Lost TV Shows This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105345 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. John McIntire, Joan Davis, Lugene Based on the novel „Shotgun“ by William Wingate, this drama Sanders, Jack Webb, Lloyd Bridges, Vic depicts an ex-CIA hit man on the run who stumbles into a real- Mercenary Fighters Morrow, Jim Backus, Mike Connors, estate swindle/murder plot in Oregon. Reb Brown, Peter Fonda, James Mitchum Groucho Marx, Rick Jason, William Bendix, Crime, Drama 1987 92min. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using , Tommy Rettig MGM MOD 18.10.2011 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. This Lost TV Shows collection contains 20 episodes of some 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105195 International mercenaries descend on an African tribe to of the greatest TV shows that were produced during the 1950s smother an uprising as pawns of a corrupt African President. and 1960s. A great many of these episodes have not been Acting legend Peter Fonda stars as one of the mercs who shown on TV for as long as two to three decades. Lassie The The Man In The Iron Mask realize they’ve been duped and sets out to make things right. Life Of Riley You Bet Your Life I Married Joan Combat! Sea Joan Bennett, Alan Hale, Joseph Schild- Special Forces, Action 1988 min. Hunt Burke’s Law Dragnet Wagon Train Mister Ed kraut, Warren William, Miles Mander, Louis MGM MOD 06.12.2011 The Adventures Of Robin Hood 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105538 Thrillers, Variety / Game Shows, War, We- Hayward, Walter Kingsford stern, Adventure, Classics, Collections, James Whale’s exciting adaptation of the Alexandre Dumas novel centers on twin heirs to France’s throne who are A Midsummer Night’s Dream Comedy, Cops, Detectives, Drama, Family, separated at birth. The first-born Louis, is raised as a prince, High Seas, Mystery 870min. but Philippe is brought up ignorant of his true identity. When Barbara Jefford, Derek Godfrey, Nicholas Image Ent. 01.03.2009 Philippe is arrested with his companions, d’Artagnan and the Selby three Musketeers, he meets his brothers, now the king, face- This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105169 to-face. The tyrannical Louis decides Philippe could be useful a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A to him as a look-alike, but complications arise when Philippe film adaptation of ’s famous play in which Love Is A Ball meets the kings beautiful fiancée. Whale’s film is a four lovers sort out their problems with the help of fairies at swashbuckling adventure tale, full of palace intrigues and midnight in the forest of Athens. Hope Lange, Glenn Ford, Charles Boyer thrilling sword fights. Romance, Shakespeare, Drama, Magic Action, Adventure, Classics min. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using 1968 120min. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Hen’s Tooth 14.02.2012 MGM MOD 06.06.2011 Charles Boyer zestfully portrays a (self-appointed) 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105382 matchmaker on the French Riviera, conducting a lively cast 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105349 on a slippery road to Romance. Romance, Comedy 1962 113min. The Man In The Net Mr. Wong, Detective MGM MOD 06.06.2011 Carolyn Jones, Alan Ladd 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105362 Alan Ladd portrays a painter with an alcoholic and Boris Karloff, Maxine Jennings, Grant dissatisfied wife (Carolyn Jones). She disappears-leaving Withers behind his slashed paintings. He is accused of murdering her, Mr. Wong investigates the deaths of 3 partners in the poison Love, Cheat & Steal and flees to the woods. Among the pursuers: one of her former gas export trade - each death occuring while the person was Eric Roberts, , Madchen Amick lovers—a tough cop. alone in his quarters. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Mystery, Substance Abuse, Chases, Cops, Mystery, Crime, Detectives 1938 68min. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A Crime, Marriage Woes 1959 97min. MGM MOD 02.05.2011 beautiful young woman who has recently married a wealthy older man feels that she has finally eluded her wild past. MGM MOD 19.08.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105423 However, when her ex-husband, an escaped convict, finds 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105395 her, she realizes her happy new life could be shattered by her Mrs. Pollifax: Spy secrets she thought were buried forever. Rocky Relationships, Thieves, Thrillers, Mannix: The Sixth Season Nehemiah Persoff, Rosalind Russell, Dar- Love Gone Bad 1993 96min. , Mike Connors ren McGavin, Harold Gould Action, CBS, Crime, Detectives, Drama, This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using MGM MOD 12.10.2011 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105262 Mystery 1972 1214min. bored widow looks for excitement—and finds it when she Paramount Pictures 24.01.2012 begins working for the CIA. The Lucy Collection (Alternate 76,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105131 Comedy 1971 110min. MGM MOD 12.09.2011 Art) Margin Call 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105254 Lucille Ball, John Wayne, Carol Burnett, Set in the high-stakes world of Wall Street, Margin Call is an Vivian Vance, Gale Gordon, Don Rickles, entangling thriller involving the key players at an investment MST3K Vs. Gamera: Mystery Jack Benny, George Burns, Phil Silvers, firm d uring the earliest hours of the 2008 financial crisis. When an entry-level analyst unlocks information that could Science Theater, Volume XXI Milton Berle prove to be the downfall of the firm, a roller-coaster ride CBS, Classics, Comedy 900min. ensues as the firm’s employees must weigh whether to save (Standard Edition) Image Ent. 02.03.2010 their own company (and their jobs) at the risk of fleecing What could possibly be more suited to the always-quotable 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105132 millions of investors. wisecracks of beloved SOL captive Joel Robinson and his Thrillers, Crime, Drama min. faithful robot sidekicks Tom Servo and Crow T. Robot than a Lionsgate 20.12.2011 about a giant flying turtle? The answer is-four Lust In Hell other movies about same flying turtle! Behold the first-ever 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105171 themed collection of Mystery Science Theater 3000 classics: After losing her parents in a traffic accident, Koto discovers all five Gamera episodes from the particularly fertile third the ability to communicate with the souls of the dead. She season of the long-running cult comedy television series-in meets Shinji, who lost his lover in the same accident, and they Margin Call (Blu-ray) their own shell! Gamera Gamera Vs. Barugon Gamera Vs. begin a torrid and tempestuous affair. Set in the high-stakes world of Wall Street, Margin Call is an Gaos Gamera Vs. Guiron Gamera Vs. Zigra Foreign, Horror, Japanese 2009 Ltbx S entangling thriller involving the key players at an investment Comedy, Comedy Central, Cult Film / TV, 85min. firm d uring the earliest hours of the 2008 financial crisis. When an entry-level analyst unlocks information that could Science Fiction min. Allegro Entertainment 24.01.2012 prove to be the downfall of the firm, a roller-coaster ride Shout Factory 08.11.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105162 ensues as the firm’s employees must weigh whether to save 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105422 their own company (and their jobs) at the risk of fleecing millions of investors. The Magnetic Monster Thrillers, Crime, Drama 107min. The Mugger King Donovan, Richard Carlson, Jean Lionsgate 20.12.2011 Nan Martin, Kent Smith, James Franciscus, Byron 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105225 Stefan Schnabel This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. A When a young scientist’s experiments with a new radioactive Master Of The World police psychiatrist attempts to find a mugger obsessed with isotope cause it to double in size every 12 hours, a nearby Vincent Price, Charles Bronson, Henry Hull, the need to seek out lonely women and slash their faces. town’s existence is threatened by the deadly radiation. Crime, Detectives, Drama 1958 74min. Science Fiction 1953 80min. David Frankham MGM MOD 18.10.2011 MGM MOD 20.12.2011 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. In 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105196 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105561 1848, a fanatical inventor seeks to fly around the world and

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This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Torture, Action, Military 1986 100min. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. The Music Lovers An innocent couple, seeking to clear themselves of a homicide MGM MOD 06.12.2011 Glenda Jackson, , charge, discover that a jealous enraged detective is the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105549 Christopher Gable, Max Adrian murderer. Mystery, Thrillers, Crooked Cops, This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Outlaw’s Son Detectives 1953 76min. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Lori Nelson, Ellen Drew, Dane Clark, Ben Ken Russell directs Richard Chamberlain and Glenda MGM MOD 12.10.2011 Jackson as ill- matched lovers in this divine bio-pic of the Cooper great musician Peter Tchaikovsky — a lavish film filled with 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105261 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using brilliant Tchaikovsky music selections. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Music, Romance, Biopics, Classical Music, The Nun And The Sergeant The deserted son of an outlaw gets on the town’s bad side after killing a local banker, and years later tries to fit into Drama, Historical / Period Piece 1971 Robert Webber, Anna Sten, Leo Gordon society by becoming a deputy marshal. 124min. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Thieves, Western, Drama 1957 88min. MGM MOD 12.10.2011 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A sergeant commanding a mission in Korea is joined by a MGM MOD 25.07.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105257 schoolgirl and a nun. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105326 War, Drama, Korean War, Military 1962 My Gun Is Quick 74min. Outrage: Way Of The Yakuza Richard Garland, Whitney Blake, Robert MGM MOD 16.05.2011 In a ruthless battle for power, several yakuza clans vie for Bray 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105461 the favor of their head family in the Japanese underworld. The This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using rival bosses seek to rise through the ranks by scheming and a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. making allegiances sworn over saké. Long-time yakuza Otomo Detective Mike Hammer becomes curious when a woman he Nutcracker: The Motion Picture has seen his kind go from elaborate body tattoos and severed befriended is murdered. fingertips to becoming important players on the stock market. Julie Harris Theirs is a never-ending struggle to end up on top, or at least Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Detectives, This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using survive, in a corrupt world where there are no heroes but Drama, Gangs 1957 91min. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. constant betrayal and vengeance... The colorful holiday classic is finally brought to the big MGM MOD 02.05.2011 screen, designed by famed children’s story author and artist Thrillers, Crime, Drama 109min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105419 Maurice Sendak, and written for the first time to be as close Magnolia Home Entertainment 31.01.2012 as possible to the original story. A lavish, exciting and heart- 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105485 warming celebration of dance, of music, and of life. Based My One And Only upon the Pacific Northwest Ballet’s original production. Renee Zellweger, Logan Lerman, Mark Music, Ballet, Christmas, Classical Music, Outrage: Way Of The Yakuza Rendall Family, Fantasy, Holidays 1986 min. (Blu-ray) An unusual road trip movie about a mother driving her two MGM MOD 06.12.2011 In a ruthless battle for power, several yakuza clans vie for sons from New York to Pittsburgh to St. Louis and eventually 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105540 the favor of their head family in the Japanese underworld. The Hollywood in her quest to find a man to take care of them all. rival bosses seek to rise through the ranks by scheming and Adventure, Biography, Comedy 2009 making allegiances sworn over saké. Long-time yakuza Otomo 108min. Oklahoma Territory has seen his kind go from elaborate body tattoos and severed fingertips to becoming important players on the stock market. 20th Century Fox 10.01.2012 Ted De Corsia, , Bill Williams Theirs is a never-ending struggle to end up on top, or at least 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105111 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using survive, in a corrupt world where there are no heroes but a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A constant betrayal and vengeance... district attorney prosecutes an Indian chief on a murder Thrillers, Crime, Drama 109min. Mysteries Of Lisbon charge, gets a conviction and then arranges his escape when Raúl Ruiz’s masterful adaptation of the eponymous it’s discovered that the Indian chief is innocent. Magnolia Home Entertainment 31.01.2012 nineteenth-century Portuguese novel by Camilo Castelo Native Americans, Western, Lawyers / 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105509 Branco evokes the complex intertwined narratives of Victor Legal Issues 1959 67min. Hugo and Charles Dickens. The core story centers on Joao, the bastard child of an ill-fated romance between two members MGM MOD 02.05.2011 Park Row of the aristocracy who are forbidden to marry, and his quest to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105417 Gene Evans discover the truth of his parentage. But this is just the start of This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using an engrossing tale that follows a multitude of characters Old Dracula a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. whose fate conjoin, separate and then rejoin again over three Director Sam Fuller, who once worked in tabloid journalism, decades in Portugal, Spain, France and Italy. David Niven, Teresa Graves, Nicky Henson, breathes real life into this drama about a man trying to start an Mystery, Portuguese, Drama, Foreign, Jennie Linden, Peter Bayliss opposition paper. His old employer tries endless dirty tactics Historical / Period Piece 266min. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using to put him out of business as a circulation war rages. Music Box Films 20.12.2011 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. In Drama 1952 83min. this spoof of the Transylvanian legend, David Niven stars as MGM MOD 02.05.2011 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105182 Count Dracula, who sinks his fangs into a bevy of Playboy Bunnies in order to find the right blood type to resurrect his 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105429 Mysteries Of Lisbon (Blu-ray) dear-departed wife. Raúl Ruiz’s masterful adaptation of the eponymous Vampires, Comedy, Dracula, Horror 1975 The Passage nineteenth-century Portuguese novel by Camilo Castelo 89min. Malcolm McDowell, Anthony Quinn, James Branco evokes the complex intertwined narratives of Victor MGM MOD 18.04.2011 Hugo and Charles Dickens. The core story centers on Joao, Mason the bastard child of an ill-fated romance between two members 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105494 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using of the aristocracy who are forbidden to marry, and his quest to a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. discover the truth of his parentage. But this is just the start of One Man’s Way During World War II, a Basque peasant smuggles a French an engrossing tale that follows a multitude of characters scientist and his family into Spain. They are pursued by a whose fate conjoin, separate and then rejoin again over three Diana Hyland, William Windom, Don Murray brutal German SS officer. decades in Portugal, Spain, France and Italy. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using War, World War II, Action, Chases, Drama Mystery, Portuguese, Drama, Foreign, a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. 1979 101min. Don Murray is wonderful in his portrayal of Norman Vincent Historical / Period Piece min. Peale in this moving biographical drama based on the life of MGM MOD 22.09.2011 Music Box Films 20.12.2011 the world-famous minister, lecturer and best-selling author. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105249 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105227 Diana Hyland makes her film debut. Religion/Spirituality, Biography, Biopics, Patty Hearst Drama 1963 105min. The Mystery Of Mr. Wong Dana Delany, Frances Fisher, Jodi Long, MGM MOD 25.07.2011 Boris Karloff, Dorothy Tree, Grant Withers Ving Rhames, Natasha Richardson, William 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105331 Chinese criminologist Mr. Wong investigates the murder of a Forsythe curio collector who had obtained a famous gem known as the This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using „Eye of the Moon.“ Opposing Force a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A Murder Mysteries, Mystery, Crime 1939 Tom Skerritt, Lisa Eichhorn, Richard dramatization of the newspaper heiress’ abduction and subse- 70min. quent brainwashing by the Symbionese Liberation Army. Roundtree, Anthony Zerbe Biopics, Drama, Kidnapping 1988 103min. MGM MOD 02.05.2011 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105424 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. MGM MOD 04.04.2011 The only female soldier in a military experiment designed to 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105465 simulate POW torture conditions falls victim to the No Escape commanding officer—who justifies his insidious actions upon Gertrude Michael, Lew Ayres, Sonny Tufts her as a training technique. Phaedra

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Anthony Perkins, Melina Mercouri, Raf 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105527 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105346 Vallone This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using The Quatermass Xperiment Report To The Commissioner a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. The wife of a Greek shipping tycoon has a love affair with her Margia Dean, Brian Donlevy, Jack Warner Richard Gere, Yaphet Kotto, Susan Blakely, stepson. A spacecraft returns to earth with only one terrified Michael Moriarty Drama 1962 116min. passenger left aboard...and a creeping monster. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using MGM MOD 06.06.2011 Science Fiction, Space, Alien Invasions, a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Aliens, British, Foreign 1955 82min. This action-loaded drama set in New York City stars Michael 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105363 Moriarty as a naive rookie cop whose youtful idealism thrusts MGM MOD 12.10.2011 him into an interdepartmental power play with disastrous The Piano 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105269 consequences. Winner of 3 Academy Awards® including Best Actress (Holly Cops, Drama 1974 112min. Hunter) and Best Supporting Actress (Anna Paquin), The A Quiet Place In The Country MGM MOD 16.05.2011 Piano weaves the passionate tale of Ada, a young mute woman 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105457 (Hunter) desired by two men. Sold into marriage to a husband Vanessa Redgrave, Franco Nero, Georges (Sam Neill) who doesn’t understand her, Ada finds herself Geret drawn to her darkly intense neighbor (Harvey Keitel), stirring This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Restless (Blu-ray + DVD Combo) up vengeful jealousies and violent emotions. But in the end, a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A only one man truly understands how to win Ada’s heart popular painter, plagued by nightmares that he and his lover/ (Blu-ray) through her beloved piano. sales agent are engaging in bizarre, ritualistic, sadistic Mia Wasikowska, Henry Hopper, Chin Han, Academy Award Winners, Art House, sexual acts, seeks to escape the city and rent a house in the Jane Adams, Lusia Strus, Ryo Kase Biopics, Drama, Independent Women min. country. War, World War II, Drama, Haunted Houses, From acclaimed director Gus Van Sant (Good Will Hunting) Lionsgate 31.01.2012 comes a quirky, coming-of-age love story between a young Horror 1970 106min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105284 man (Henry Hopper) who has given up on life and a beautiful, MGM MOD 09.08.2011 charming young girl (Mia Wasikowska) who possesses a 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105334 deep-felt love of life and the natural world. When these two The Piano (Blu-ray) outsiders chance to meet at a funeral, they find an unexpected common ground in their unique experiences of the world. Holly Hunter, Anna Paquin, Harvey Keitel, Quincannon, Frontier Scout Produced by Brian Grazer, Ron Howard, Bryce Dallas Sam Neill Howard and Gus Van Sant. Winner of 3 Academy Awards® including Best Actress (Holly Peggie Castle, Tony Martin, John Bromfield 2011 min. Hunter) and Best Supporting Actress (Anna Paquin), The This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Sony Pictures Home Entertainment Piano weaves the passionate tale of Ada, a young mute woman a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. (Hunter) desired by two men. Sold into marriage to a husband An ex-army officer leads a search party into Indian territory to 24.01.2012 (Sam Neill) who doesn’t understand her, Ada finds herself investigate the disappearance of a top-secret shipment of 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105304 drawn to her darkly intense neighbor (Harvey Keitel), stirring repeating rifles. up vengeful jealousies and violent emotions. But in the end, Native Americans, Western 1955 85min. only one man truly understands how to win Ada’s heart MGM MOD 27.06.2011 The Retrievers through her beloved piano. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105384 Robert Wagner, Betty White, Robert Hays Drama, Independent Women, Academy The Lowry family is in transition - they’ve recently moved to a Award Winners, Art House, Biopics small town and are having a hard time adjusting. They find Radio Inside themselves „adopted“ by a stray, and pregnant, golden 120min. retriever named ! Raising Pilot’s puppies brings great joy Lionsgate 31.01.2012 Elisabeth Shue, Dylan Walsh, William to the Lowrys, until they have to give them up for adoption. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105154 McNamara, Gil Goldstein Pilot won’t see her family split apart and is determined to A sexy coming-of-age story set in the lush city of Miami retrieve her pups. Eventually, the Lowrys take Pilot’s lead Beach about a young man searching for answers after his and embark on a comical adventure to reclaim the puppies; a Police Woman: The Complete father’s death, who soon falls for his older brother’s noble quest which reminds the Lowrys that family always girlfriend. comes first. Second Season Romance, Drama 1994 91min. Comedy, Family 2001 min. Pat Morita, Larry Hagman, Earl Holliman, MGM MOD 20.12.2011 Gaiam Americas 07.02.2012 Philip Michael Thomas, , 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105559 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105407 Cathy Rigby NBC TV series revolved around Sgt. „Pepper“ Anderson (Angie Dickinson), an undercover police officer working for A Rage To Live Return Of The Rebels the Criminal Conspiracy Unit of the LAPD. She reported to Suzanne Pleshette, Bradford Dillman, Ben Barbara Eden, Jamie Farr, Don Murray Sgt. „Bill“ Crowley (Earl Holliman) and worked together with Gazzara This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using other undercover team members to solve multiple crimes. In a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. A many episodes, Pepper went undercover (as a prostitute, This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A motorcycle gang reunites to help a former member’s girlfriend, nurse, teacher, flight attendant, etc.) in order to get close Barbara Eden, whose tourist business is being threatened by enough to the suspects to gain valuable information that would wealthy, free-swinging young woman tries marriage, only to discover she still needs to have affairs with other men. a gang of young, hell-raising „river rats.“ lead to their arrest. Drama, Gangs 1981 96min. Action, Classics, Cops, Crime, Detectives, Drama, Marriage Woes 1964 101min. MGM MOD 18.10.2011 Drama min. MGM MOD 06.06.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105191 Shout Factory 07.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105350 68,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105145 Raiders Of The Seven Seas Return To Treasure Island Psychotica Donna Reed, John Payne Porter Hall, Dawn Addams, This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Caught in the middle of a menacing social experiment, a group a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A of teenage heroin addicts barricades themselves in an a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A lusty pirate, Barbarossa (John Payne), escapes from a descendant of Jim Hawkins visits Treasure Island with a abandoned farmhouse in order to kick the habit. But they must priceless map. also overcome the murderous forces within the house, as well Spanish prison. With other inmates as crew, he captures a as the threat that is closing in from down the road. With galleon—complete with a Spanish countess (Donna Reed). Action, Adventure, High Seas 1954 75min. nowhere to run, they must face their greatest fears and fight And, love blooming, he takes on the armada and the garrison MGM MOD 27.06.2011 for their very survival... in Havana. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105385 Horror 2010 Ltbx S 90min. Pirates, Romance, Action, Adventure, Dra- ma, High Seas, Historical / Period Piece Allegro Entertainment 10.01.2012 The Reunion 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105173 1953 88min. MGM MOD 25.07.2011 Ethan Embry, Amy Smart, John Cena 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105336 After the death of her father, a daughter (Amy Smart) is Pure Country 2: The Gift / Pure charged with fulfilling her father’s last wish - to bring his three sons back together... Sam (WWE Superstar John Country (2 Pack) Rebel In Town Cena), a hardened cop currently on suspension; Leo, (Ethan George Strait, Katrina Elam, Cheech Marin, Embry) a loud-mouthed overbearing bail bondsman and Ruth Roman, John Payne Douglas, a handsome 20-year old thief fresh out of prison. Michael McKean, Bronson Pinchot, William An ex-Confederate soldier accidentally kills a small boy after When Leo discovers the con he pledged a lot of money for is Katt, Jackie Welch, Dean Cain, Travis Fim- a bank robbery. Later, the boy’s father saves the soldier’s suspected of kidnapping one of the wealthiest men in the mel life. country, he convinces his two brothers to join him on what Music, Musical, Religion/Spirituality, 2 Thieves, Drama, Historical / Period Piece will become a dangerous, yet exhilarating adventure. Action, Adventure, Crime, Drama, Kidnap- Packs, Country Music, Drama 2010 min. 1956 79min. ping 2011 96min. Warner Bros. 22.11.2011 MGM MOD 23.08.2011 WWE Home Video 07.02.2012

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 44 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105534 is raising her to be a lady, but her life starts changing the day The Sasquatch comes in the tradition of retro hits such as she meets Nellie O’Malley, the servant girl next door. Though Grindhouse andis packed with drive in-style fun from cult they come from different worlds, they become fast friends, director Steve Sessions. The Reunion (Blu-ray) facing happiness and sorrow, adventure and danger together. Slasher, Horror 81min. But nothing can prepare them for the life-altering surprises Ethan Embry, John Cena that await them this holiday season. BayView Entertainment 10.01.2012 After the death of her father, a daughter (Amy Smart) is 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105217 charged with fulfilling her father’s last wish - to bring his TV Movies, Christmas, Drama, Family, three sons back together... Sam (WWE Superstar John Holidays 2004 86min. Cena), a hardened cop currently on suspension; Leo, (Ethan Warner Bros. 15.11.2011 Sledge Hammer!: The Complete Embry) a loud-mouthed overbearing bail bondsman and Douglas, a handsome 20-year old thief fresh out of prison. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105274 Series When Leo discovers the con he pledged a lot of money for is David Rasche, Harrison Page suspected of kidnapping one of the wealthiest men in the Satan’s Blood Rebel cop, Sledge Hammer (David Rasche) is everyone’s country, he convinces his two brothers to join him on what favorite trigger-happy lawman and a one-man crusade against will become a dangerous, yet exhilarating adventure. Angel Aranda, Mariana Karr, Sandra crime. His extreme, unorthodox methods which include, firing Crime, Drama, Kidnapping, Action, Alberti, Luis Barboo, Manuel Pereiro warning shots at jaywalkers, dragging suspects around Adventure 2011 96min. Terror, sex and satanic rituals are on a one-way ride to hell parking lots by his rear bumper until they confess, blasting a in Satan’s Blood, one of the most horrific and sexiest thrillers building-demolishing bazooka shot at a sniper, and talking to WWE Home Video 07.02.2012 from Spain! In this occult chiller, Andy and Anna are a bored his .44 Magnum have gotten him suspended from the force 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105568 couple who decide to go for a drive in the country. On the more times than he can remember... but he gets results! way, they meet another couple who claim to know them from Harrison Page and Anne-Marie Martin co-star in this many years before. Despite their uncertainty, Andy and Anna hilariously deranged lampoon of Dirty Harry. This special The Revolutionary agree to visit the mysterious couple’s country house and end collection includes both seasons from Sledge Hammer!, one of Robert Duvall, Jon Voight, Seymour Cassel up staying the night. A simple game with a Ouija board goes the funniest, most notorious series in television history whose This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using badly wrong and the evening begins to turn into a nightmare rabid cult of fans grows to this day! a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A after a passionate menage a trois. Things get even worse ABC, Comedy, Cops, Cops On The Edge, radical student feels that he has been betrayed by the college when Anna is viciously attacked by a mysterious stranger. Crime, Cult Film / TV 1025min. association to which he belongs, and thinks more violent When Andy goes to investigate, he discovers that they have actions must be taken in order to alter the existing system. strayed into the clutches of a dangerous pair of Satanists who Image Ent. 13.12.2011 Troubled Youth, College Life, Drama 1970 plan a fate for them far worse than death. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105289 Spanish, Foreign, Horror 1978 Ltbx 16x9 M 101min. 82min. MGM MOD 25.07.2011 A Small Town In Texas Scorpion Releasing 08.11.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105332 Susan George, Morgan Woodward, Timothy 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105530 Bottoms, Bo Hopkins, Art Hindle Riot In Juvenile Prison This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Scary Movie 1-3 Set (Blu-ray) a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Scott Marlowe Scary movie: This hilarious, must-see comedy smash places After serving three years in prison, a young man’s hopes of This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Carmen Electra (TV’s Baywatch), Marlon Wayans reuniting with his sweetheart and baby are dashed when he a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. (Senseless), Jon Abrahams (Boiler Room, The Faculty), and discovers that the sheriff has taken up with his girlfriend. When the shootings of two juvenile inmates bring public some of today’s hottest young stars in a wickedly funny send- Prison, Drama 1976 96min. protest, a psychologist is brought in to see if he can do up of today’s most popular horror movies! A familiar-looking MGM MOD 06.12.2011 anything to control the problems peacefully. group of teenagers find themselves being stalked by a more- Prison, Drama 1958 72min. than-vaguely recognizable masked killer! As the victims begin 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105552 MGM MOD 06.06.2011 to pile up and the laughs pile on, none of your favorite scary movies escape the razor-sharp satire of this outrageously Snow Buddies (Blu-ray + DVD 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105386 funny parody! With Shannon Elizabeth, Shawn Wayans, and Cheri Oteri adding sidesplitting performances, there’s nothing Combo) (Blu-ray) Riot On Sunset Strip to fear in this scary movie ... unless you’re afraid of laughing too much. (Scary Movie 2: All of your favorite Scary Movie Whoopi Goldberg, Lothaire Bluteau, Skyler Mimsy Farmer, Aldo Ray, Michael Evans characters are back in a laugh-packed sequel that scares up Gisondo, Molly Shannon, Cynthia A crowd of undisciplined young people gather for kicks on the even more fun than the original. Marlon Wayans (SCARY Stevenson, Lise Simms, Lorna Johnson, Sunset Strip. Aldo Ray plays a police lieutenant who is (Scary Movie, Requiem For A Dream), Shawn Wayans sympathetic to the kids but is pressured by businessmen to (Scary Movie, White Chicks ) and Anna Faris ((Scary Movie, Lilana Mumy, Kris Kristofferson, Jim clear them out. House Bunny) lead a stellar cast that takes extreme pleasure Belushi, Tom Everett Scott, Dylan Sprouse, Troubled Youth, Cops, Drama 1967 86min. in skewering Hollywood’s most frightening feature films and Jimmy Bennett, Richard Karn, John MGM MOD 06.06.2011 spoofing Kapelos, Josh Flitter, Dominic Scott Kay, Boxed Sets, Comedy, Horror min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105387 Paul Rae, Mike Dupod, Henry Hodges, Lionsgate 06.12.2011 Dylan Minnette, Charles C. Stevenson Jr. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105125 Rocksteady Disney’s favorite adorable talking pups mush their way to the Great White North for their most epic adventure yet in Snow Cedric Sanders Shakespeare In Love (Blu-ray) Buddies - available for the first time in this 2-disc Blu-ray Action, Auto Racing, Comedy, Drama 2010 combo pack! The Buddies venture to the frosty Arctic and Gwyneth Paltrow, Joseph Fiennes, Colin 85min. team up with new friends in a thrilling dogsled race across Firth, Geoffrey Rush, Judi Dench, Ben Alaska. The daring dogs have to band together with their new Screen Media Films 17.01.2012 Affleck pals, Talon and Shasta, and muster up the courage to face the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105404 fur-raising challenges ahead. But will they have what it takes A comedy about the greatest love story almost never told.. to win the race and find their way back home? This fun-filled Triumphant winner of 7 Academy Awards - including Best movie about the power of teamwork and following your dreams The Rose Garden Picture - this witty, sexy smash features Oscar-winning Best will win the hearts of your entire family. Actress Gwyneth Paltrow and an amazing cast that includes , Peter Fonda, Maximilian Schell Academy Award winners Judi Dench, Geoffrey Rush and Ben Comedy, Family, Adventure 88min. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Affleck! When Will Shakespeare (Joseph Fiennes) needs Disney / Buena Vista 31.01.2012 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. In passionate inspiration to break a bad case of writer’s block, a 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105282 modern-day Germany, an aging Jewish man is on trial for his secret romance with the beautiful Lady Viola (Paltrow) starts seemingly unprovoked attacked on a former German army the words flowing like never before! There are just two things officer. But as his attorney (Liv Ullman) digs into the facts, he’ll have to learn about his new love: not only is she Something Wild it’s revealed that the officer was responsible for the deaths of promised to marry someone else, she’s successfully innocent children in a Nazi concentration camp. impersonating a man in order to play the lead in Will’s latest Carroll Baker, Ralph Meeker Drama, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1989 production! A truly can’t-miss motion picture event with This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using outstanding critical acclaim to match its impressive collection a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A 112min. of major awards- everyone will love this funny behind-the- young girl leaves home to try and cope with a brutal attack MGM MOD 02.05.2011 scenes look at the writing of the greatest love story ever told! she suffers and keeps hidden from her family. A garage mechanic saves her from a deep depression but will the past 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105431 Comedy, Drama, Historical / Period Piece, repeat itself in this raw drama. Academy Award Winners, AFI Top 100, Drama, Kidnapping 1961 112min. Samantha: An American Girl Romance, Shakespeare 1998 93min. MGM MOD 06.12.2011 Holiday - Deluxe Edition Lionsgate 31.01.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105537 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105126 Jackie Brown, Mia Farrow, AnnaSophia Robb, Olivia Ballantyne, Karen Eyo, Jordan The Song Of Lunch Bridges Shriek Of The Sasquatch Alan Rickman, Emma Thompson For years, girls have wished for a movie about their favorite Julie (Scarlet Salem Strip Club Slasher) and Nick (Donny Alan Rickman and Emma Thompson star in this powerful and American Girl. Finally, that wish comes true in the first-ever, Versiga Sinister) Are on a road trip which derails after they visually arresting fusion of poetry and drama. The Song Of full-length, live-action movie starring long-time favorite become involved in a series of gruesome murders committed Lunch is based on Christopher Reid’s narrative poem Samantha Parkington. Samantha’s prim and proper Grandmary by what seems to be a large ape-like creature. Will either of following the story of an unnamed book editor who is meeting them survive to learn the secret of the Sasquatch? Shriek Of

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 45 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA his former love 15 years after their break-up for a nostalgic for himself. (BURIAL GROUND, MALABIMBA), now presented in a lunch at the Soho restaurant they used to frequent. The Adventure, Aerial Action, Desert 1953 brand-new High Definition transfer from the original uncut and woman is now living a glamorous life in Paris, married to a 84min. uncensored camera negative! world-renowned writer. The unnamed editor has failed in his Cult Film / TV, Erotica, Foreign, , Hor- MGM MOD 26.10.2011 writing career, detests his mundane publishing job and ror, Italian, Mystery, Serial Killers, Slasher, regrets the end of their love affair. When he arrives at the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105337 restaurant, he finds it under new management and much Thrillers 1975 98min. changed, and this seems to fuel his resentment about growing Blue Underground 27.03.2012 older and being left behind. The stage is set for an emotional Stolen Hours and bittersweet reunion. As the wine flows, and the couple 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105504 rake over their failed relationship, nostalgia slowly turns to Diane Baker, Susan Hayward, Michael recrimination. Craig Stripes (Blu-ray) TV Movies, BBC, British, Drama, Foreign, This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Bill Murray, John Candy, Harold Ramis, P.J. International TV, Rocky Relationships 2010 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Susan Hayward stars as a rich Texas playgirl with no real Soles, Sean Young, Warren Oates 50min. ambition who meets a young Welsh doctor who sees the The story of a man who wanted to keep the world safe for BBC Home Video 07.02.2012 despair beneath her indifference — and the illness she’s democracy...and meet girls.. Bill Murray has joined the Army, 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105275 trying to hide. and the Army will never be the same! When John Winger Romance, Drama 1963 97min. (Murray) loses his job, his, car, his apartment and his MGM MOD 04.04.2011 girlfriend—all in one day—he decides he only has one option: The Sopranos: The Complete volunteer for Uncle Sam. He talks his friend Russell into 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105466 enlisting with him. Where else, they figure, can they help Series save the world for democracy...and meet girls! John and James Gandolfini, Michael Imperioli, Stormhouse Russell find basic training a snap: they are arrested twice, have endless run-ins with their drill sergeant and get into a Lorraine Bracco, Edie Falco, Drea De In 2002 the Military captured and imprisoned a supernatural big mess at a female mud-wrestling match. They even steal a Matteo, Robert Iler, Tony Sirico, Steven Van entity at a secret underground base. In the final four days of top-secret government vehicle to take some gorgeous female their experiment a ‘Ghost Whisperer’ is brought to MPs on a date, and wind up behind the Iron Curtain. Zandt Stormhouse by the Government to make contact with the Meet Tony Soprano: your average, middle-aged businessman. captured entity. But her arrival triggers a series of events, Comedy, Military, Army 1981 min. Tony’s got a dutiful wife. A not-so-dutiful daughter. A son which leads to the entity’s escape, plunging the base into a Sony Pictures Home Entertainment named Anthony, Jr. A mother he’s trying to coax into a horrific nightmare leaving everyone on board fighting for their 24.01.2012 retirement home. A hot headed uncle. A not-too-secret lives! mistress. And a shrink to tell all his secrets, except the one 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105313 she already knows: Tony’s a mob boss. These days it’s Horror 87min. getting tougher and tougher to make a killing in the killing Lionsgate 07.02.2012 business. For Tony Soprano, there’s no such thing as 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105373 Sugar Hill business as usual. Balancing the demands of his immediate Betty Anne Rees, Robert Quarry, Richard family - wife Carmela, daughter Meadow and son Anthony, Jr - Lawson, Don Pedro Colley with the demands of his other family - Paulie Walnuts, Silvio Straw Dogs Revenge, Zombies, Blaxploitation, Dante and Big Pussy Bonpensiero - means walking a James Woods, Kate Bosworth, James tightrope no self-respecting mobster should have to walk. Exploitation, Horror 1974 91min. With his mother and uncle plotting against him, his older Marsden, Alexander Skarsgard sister Janice wreaking her own special kind of havoc, and the A young couple (James Marsden and Kate Bosworth) moves MGM MOD 12.10.2011 very real threat that one of his closest allies is wired by the to a quaint southern town. Soon their perfect getaway turns 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105270 F.B.I., Tony needs the support of his psychiatrist Dr. Melfi out to become a living hell when dark secrets and lethal more than ever. Some suburban households have two cars. passions spiral out of control. Trapped by a pack of depraved Some have two houses. But Tony Soprano has two famil locals led by a ruthless predator (Alexander Skarsgard, TV’s The Sunset Limited Boxed Sets, Crime, Drama, Dysfunctional True Blood), they face a night of agonizing suffering and Samuel L. Jackson, Tommy Lee Jones Families, HBO 5160min. endless bloodshed. Now their only hope for survival is to From Cormac McCarthy, author of No Country For Old Men become more savage than their merciless torturers. Also and The Road comes this searing two character drama about HBO Home Video 22.11.2011 starring two-time Academy Award Nominee James Woods the choice people frequently make; to go on or give in to 439,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105498 (Best Actor, Salvador, 1986 and Best Supporting Actor, despair. Set in a New York tenement apartment, the story Ghosts of Mississippi, 1996). focuses on two very different men, a black ex-con (Samuel L. Thrillers, Drama 2011 min. Jackson) who claims to hear the voice of Jesus, and the white Spiderhole Sony Pictures Home Entertainment professor (Academy Award® winner Tommy Lee Jones) he Emma Griffiths Malin, Moya Farrelly, George stopped from throwing himself in front of an oncoming train, 20.12.2011 The Sunset Limited. What follows is a philosophical debate Maguire, John Regan 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105121 with incredibly high stakes - can Black convince White that Molly, a vivacious young artist and her three friends embark life is worth living, that once he goes out that door he should upon a mission to find an empty house in London where they not head for a return date with the Sunset Limited? Souls are can live as squatters, free from rent and free to party. After Straw Dogs (Blu-ray) bared and secrets shared, with Black’s faith increasingly finding what seems like the ideal place, they turn the house James Woods, Kate Bosworth, James challenged by White’s bleak but meticulously reasoned view into their home. But darkness pervades their new dwelling, of a world gone wrong. The conflict reaches a shattering and a malevolent force soon sets to work ridding the house of Marsden, Alexander Skarsgard conclusion that will leave you thinking well after the final its unwanted residents. Spiderhole. A young couple (James Marsden and Kate Bosworth) moves frame. Thrillers, Haunted Houses, Horror 2010 to a quaint southern town. Soon their perfect getaway turns out to become a living hell when dark secrets and lethal TV Movies, Drama, HBO, Religion/ 82min. passions spiral out of control. Trapped by a pack of depraved Spirituality 2011 90min. MPI 31.01.2012 locals led by a ruthless predator (Alexander Skarsgard, TV’s HBO Home Video 07.02.2012 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105376 True Blood), they face a night of agonizing suffering and endless bloodshed. Now their only hope for survival is to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105278 become more savage than their merciless torturers. Also Star Trek: The Next Generation - starring two-time Academy Award Nominee James Woods The Sunset Limited (Blu-ray) (Best Actor, Salvador, 1986 and Best Supporting Actor, The Next Level (Blu-ray) Ghosts of Mississippi, 1996). Samuel L. Jackson, Tommy Lee Jones Patrick Stewart, Michael Dorn, Jonathan Drama, Thrillers 2011 min. Nothing is every black or white. From Cormac McCarthy, author of No Country For Old Men and The Road comes this Frakes, Brent Spiner, Marina Sirtis, Wil Sony Pictures Home Entertainment searing two character drama about the choice people Wheaton, Gates McFadden, LeVar Burton 20.12.2011 frequently make; to go on or give in to despair. Set in a New Set in the 24th century, the exploits of the U.S.S. Enterprise 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105129 York tenement apartment, the story focuses on two very continue as it explores the universe, seeking new life and different men, a black ex-con (Samuel L. Jackson) who claims new worlds. to hear the voice of Jesus, and the white professor (Academy Cult Film / TV, Science Fiction, Space, Star Strip Nude For Your Killer (Blu- Award® winner Tommy Lee Jones) he stopped from throwing himself in front of an oncoming train, The Sunset Limited. Trek 182min. ray) What follows is a philosophical debate with incredibly high Paramount Pictures 31.01.2012 Edwige Fenech, Solvi Stubing, Nino stakes - can Black convince White that life is worth living, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105155 that once he goes out that door he should not head for a return Castelnuovo, Femi Benussi, Franco date with the Sunset Limited? Souls are bared and secrets Diogene shared, with Black’s faith increasingly challenged by White’s The stunning Edwige Fenech (The Case Of The Bloody Iris, bleak but meticulously reasoned view of a world gone wrong. The Strange Vice Of Mrs. Wardh) stars in this infamous The conflict reaches a shattering conclusion that will leave Tab Hunter, , Rod Cameron, shocker that packs more grisly violence and sexual depravity you thinking well after the final frame. Richard Erdman, John Abbott into each frame than most any other film in the entire giallo TV Movies, Drama, HBO, Religion/ This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using genre. There’s succulent flesh aplenty as a mysterious killer a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. dressed in black leather and wearing a motorcycle helmet Spirituality 2011 90min. When their plane crashes in the Sahara, pilot Mike Monohan begins butchering beautiful young fashion models with no HBO Home Video 07.02.2012 (Rod Cameron) and his crew try to reach civilization in an old mercy and one deranged request: Strip Nude For Your Killer! 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105368 German Afrika Korp tank they find. What they don’t know is Nino Castelnuovo (THE UMBRELLAS OF CHERBOURG) that hidden on the tank are diamonds. But sheik Mustapha El and Femi Benussi (HATCHET FOR THE HONEYMOON) co- Melek (John Abbott) does and he tries any scheme to get them star in this sleazy ’70s classic directed by Andrea Bianchi Take A Giant Step

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Ruby Dee Heritage 2011 105min. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using A Thousand Clowns HBO Home Video 17.01.2012 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A young black man raised in a white neighborhood feels ill at Barbara Harris, Barry Gordon, Martin Bal- 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105369 ease and becomes delinquent. sam, Jason Robards Troubled Youth, Drama 1959 99min. This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Time Traveller: The Girl Who MGM MOD 02.05.2011 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. In Leapt Through Time 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105432 this four-time Oscar nominated film (including Best Picture), Jason Robards stars as a nonconformist who is forced to find Riisa Naka a conventional job. Barbara Harris and Martin Balsam co- Based on the hit anime The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. Tales From The Crypt: The star. Akari is the daughter of the time-traveling teen from the anime On The Job, Comedy 1965 114min. classic The Girl Who Leapt Through Time. In order to help Complete Fifth And Sixth MGM MOD 20.04.2011 her mother, she travels from the present to the 1970s, where Seasons (2 Pack) she must contend with a world without instant communication 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105495 AND meet her father, who she never knew! John Kassir Time Travel, Adventure, Foreign, Japanese Thrillers, 2 Packs, Based On Comic Book, Three Outlaw Samurai: The Ltbx S 122min. Comedy, Fantasy, HBO, Horror, Horror Criterion Collection Allegro Entertainment 24.01.2012 Series, Science Fiction 1590min. Tetsuro Tamba, Mikijiro Hira 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105165 Warner Bros. 03.01.2012 This first film by the legendary Hideo Gosha is among the 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105497 most canonized chambara (sword-fighting) films. An origin- Timebomb story offshoot of a Japanese television series phenomenon of the same name, Three Outlaw Samurai is a classic in its own Patsy Kensit, Michael Biehn Teresa right. In it, a wandering, seen-it-all ronin (Tetsuro Tamba) This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Teresa is a young woman dominated by her own greed. She becomes entangled in the dangerous business of two other a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. would rather lie and cheat her way out of poverty than find an samurai (Isamu Nagato and Mikijiro Hira), hired to execute a Michael Biehn stars in this exhilarating story of a man who honest job. Her parents have made great sacrifices to give band of peasants who have kidnapped the daughter of a consults a psychiatrist for help after he begins suffering an her a good, decent life, but Teresa wants more, a lot more. corrupt magistrate. With remarkable storytelling economy and unrelenting series of terrifying flashbacks. Mariano, Teresa’s boyfriend, is truly in love with her and thrilling action scenes, this is an expertly mounted tale of Drama 1991 96min. stands behind all of her decisions; Teresa, however, sees him revenge and loyalty. MGM MOD 20.12.2011 merely as a convenient accessory, someone always eager and Revenge, Samurai, Swordfighting, Action, ready to do her bidding. Time and again she will use her 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105556 beauty and cunning to run after other men with power and Criterion Collection, Feudal Japan, Foreign, money. Japanese, Kidnapping 1964 93min. Drama, Foreign, International TV, Spanish Criterion 14.02.2012 Tiny Furniture: The Criterion min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105378 Collection Vivendi Visual Entertainment 17.01.2012 Lena Dunham 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105147 Three Outlaw Samurai: The Lena Dunham got her start making YouTube videos, but she emerged as a major talent thanks to the breakthrough success Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) of this exceptionally sharp comedy, which garnered the There Be Dragons twenty-four-year-old writer-director-actor comparisons to the Tetsuro Tamba, Mikijiro Hira likes of . The filmmaker herself plays Aura, a Geraldine Chaplin, Olga Kurylenko, This first film by the legendary Hideo Gosha is among the recent college graduate who returns to New York and moves Dougray Scott, Wes Bentley, Charlie Cox most canonized chambara (sword-fighting) films. An origin- back in with her mother and sister (played by their real-life Even saints have a past.. Dougray Scott leads an acclaimed story offshoot of a Japanese television series phenomenon of counterparts). Though Aura is gripped by stasis and cast in Oscar Nominee writer/director Roland Joffe’s epic the same name, Three Outlaw Samurai is a classic in its own confusion about her future, Dunham locates endless sources story of passion, faith and betrayal. When journalist Robert right. In it, a wandering, seen-it-all ronin (Tetsuro Tamba) of refreshing humor in her plight. As painfully confessional as Torres (Scott) is assigned to write a book about Josemaria becomes entangled in the dangerous business of two other it is endlessly amusing, Tiny Furniture is an authentic, Escriva (Charlie Cox), the controversial founder of Opus samurai (Isamu Nagato and Mikijiro Hira), hired to execute a incisive portrait of a young woman at a crossroads. Dei, he hopes it will bring him closer to his father (Wes band of peasants who have kidnapped the daughter of a Art House, Comedy, Criterion Collection Bentley), Escriva’s childhood friend. As Torres uncovers corrupt magistrate. With remarkable storytelling economy and more about his father’s past, he learns dark secrets that will thrilling action scenes, this is an expertly mounted tale of 2010 99min. change his world forever. Inspired by actual events and revenge and loyalty. Criterion 14.02.2012 featuring Geraldine Chaplin and Olga Kurylenko, There Be Criterion Collection, Feudal Japan, Foreign, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105379 Dragons is a „rousing epic“ and a „stirring vision of virtue.“ Japanese, Kidnapping, Action, Revenge, (Colin Covert, Star Tribune) Samurai, Swordfighting 1964 93min. War, Biography, Drama 2011 Ltbx DD 5.1 Tiny Furniture: The Criterion Criterion 14.02.2012 122min. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105440 Collection (Blu-ray) 20th Century Fox 10.01.2012 Lena Dunham 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105176 Lena Dunham got her start making YouTube videos, but she Thurgood emerged as a major talent thanks to the breakthrough success There Be Dragons (Blu-ray) of this exceptionally sharp comedy, which garnered the In the fight for equality, there was no equal.. Thurgood was twenty-four-year-old writer-director-actor comparisons to the Geraldine Chaplin, Olga Kurylenko, filmed in front of a live audience at the Kennedy Center’s likes of Woody Allen. The filmmaker herself plays Aura, a Dougray Scott, Wes Bentley, Charlie Cox Eisenhower Theater in Washington, D.C. during Black recent college graduate who returns to New York and moves History Month. The one-man play stars Laurence Fishburne back in with her mother and sister (played by their real-life Even saints have a past.. Dougray Scott leads an acclaimed counterparts). Though Aura is gripped by stasis and cast in Oscar Nominee writer/director Roland Joffe’s epic in his Tony-nominated performance as Thurgood Marshall, the remarkable Civil Rights lawyer and Supreme Court Justice. confusion about her future, Dunham locates endless sources story of passion, faith and betrayal. When journalist Robert of refreshing humor in her plight. As painfully confessional as Torres (Scott) is assigned to write a book about Josemaria Thurgood was written by Academy Award® and Emmy® Award winner George Stevens, Jr.; directed by Emmy® it is endlessly amusing, Tiny Furniture is an authentic, Escriva (Charlie Cox), the controversial founder of Opus incisive portrait of a young woman at a crossroads. Dei, he hopes it will bring him closer to his father (Wes Award winner Michael Stevens; and executive produced by Bentley), Escriva’s childhood friend. As Torres uncovers Bill Haber. Comedy, Criterion Collection, Art House more about his father’s past, he learns dark secrets that will TV Movies, Americana, Black Heritage, 2010 99min. change his world forever. Inspired by actual events and Drama, HBO, Lawyers / Legal Issues, Criterion 14.02.2012 featuring Geraldine Chaplin and Olga Kurylenko, There Be Dragons is a „rousing epic“ and a „stirring vision of virtue.“ Plays On Stage 2011 105min. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105442 (Colin Covert, Star Tribune) HBO Home Video 17.01.2012 Drama, Biography, War 2011 Ltbx DTS 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105322 Tomorrow Is Forever 122min. Natalie Wood, Claudette Colbert, Orson 20th Century Fox 10.01.2012 Thurgood (Blu-ray) Welles, George Brent 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105226 Laurence Fishburne This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using In the fight for equality, there was no equal.. Thurgood was a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Those Lips, Those Eyes filmed in front of a live audience at the Kennedy Center’s Claudette Colbert, , George Brent and Natalie Eisenhower Theater in Washington, D.C. during Black Wood star in this moving, romantic drama about a soldier, , Jerry Stiller History Month. The one-man play stars Laurence Fishburne previously thought lost in action, who returns years later to This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using in his Tony-nominated performance as Thurgood Marshall, the find his wife remarried. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. remarkable Civil Rights lawyer and Supreme Court Justice. Romance, War, World War I, Drama, Stagestruck adolescent learns about love the hard way while Thurgood was written by Academy Award® and Emmy® Marriage Woes 1945 104min. interning in Cleveland summer stock during the early ‘50’s. Award winner George Stevens, Jr.; directed by Emmy® MGM MOD 25.07.2011 Drama 1980 106min. Award winner Michael Stevens; and executive produced by 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105329 MGM MOD 04.04.2011 Bill Haber. TV Movies, Drama, HBO, Lawyers / Legal 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105470 Issues, Plays On Stage, Americana, Black

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Top Banana wife (Nicole Kidman), a teenage daughter (Liana Liberato) Van Dyke Show Petticoat Junction and a wealthy estate - is confronted with the reality of losing Classics, Collections, Comedy, Family Rose Marie, Phil Silvers it all? That is what Kyle Miller (Nicolas Cage) must come to This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using terms with as he and his family become the victims of a 1090min. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. vicious home invasion. Led by Elias (Ben Mendelsohn) and Image Ent. 02.03.2010 Phil Silvers stars as „the funniest man on television,“ a top Jonah (Cam Gigandet), a gang of cold-blooded thugs holds 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105172 comedian who meddles once too often and gets outsmarted by Kyle and his loved ones hostage as they carry out their plans himself in this hilarious adaptation of the smash Broadway to take everything that Kyle holds dear, including his life. production. Thrillers, Action, Crime, Drama, Hostage TV’s Greatest Westerns Comedy 1954 84min. Crisis 2011 90min. Henry Fonda, John McIntire, Paul Fix, Gail MGM MOD 22.09.2011 Millennium Entertainment 01.11.2011 Davis, Roy Rogers, Edgar Buchanan, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105247 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105223 Chuck Connors, Bill Williams, Clayton Moo- re, , Scott Brady, Gene Barry, Top Gun Trooper Hook Jock Mahoney, , Dickie Sterling Hayden, William Bishop Barbara Stanwyck, Joel McCrea Jones, Will Hutchins This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Your favorite episodes from the best in classic Western TV! a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A Bat Masterson The Life And Legend Of Wyatt gunman accused of murder is cleared and elected marshal. woman, scorned by the whites for living with the Apaches and Earp The Lone Ranger Wagon Train The Roy Rogers Show Revenge, Western, Crime, Gangs 1955 having a child by the chief, begins anew with a cavalry The Deputy Shotgun Slade The Gabby 75min. sergeant. Hayes Show The Cisco Kid Annie Oakley Judge Roy Bean Native Americans, Western, Drama 1957 Range Rider Buffalo Bill Jr. The Adventures Of Kit Carson MGM MOD 12.10.2011 Western, Action, Classics, Collections, 83min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105267 Cowboy 1080min. MGM MOD 12.10.2011 Image Ent. 02.03.2010 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105265 Treasure Buddies 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105175 Richard Riehle, Tucker Albrizzi Disney’s irresistible talking puppies — Budderball, B-Dawg, Tuff Turf / Under The Boardwalk Uncle Joe Shannon Rosebud, Buddha and Mudbud — are back in an all-new (Double Feature) movie that takes them halfway across the world to the ruins of Burt Young, Doug McKeon ancient Egypt. With the help of some exotic new friends, this Kim Richards, Danielle Von Zerneck, Robert This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using epic adventure is a treasure trove of pure Buddy fun. In a Downey Jr., James Spader, Richard Joseph a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. A race against a devious cat, the Buddies and their new friends, trumpet player, self-destructive after the death of his wife and Cammy and Babi, must avoid booby traps, solve puzzles and Paul child in a fire, befriends a disabled youngster on a journey of explore a mysterious tomb — all in search of the greatest Two 80’s classics at a great low price! Morgan Hiller (James hardships, truth and redemption. treasure known to animalkind. Packed with action, heart and Spader), recently transplanted from an East Coast prep Music, Drama, Jazz 1978 108min. tail-wagging bonus features, Treasure Buddies unleashes a school where he was a known troublemaker, hopes to make a celebration of teamwork and friendship your family will enjoy fresh start at his new school in Los Angeles. Unfortunately, MGM MOD 26.10.2011 again and again he gets off on the wrong foot when he breaks up an attempted 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105199 mugging by Nick Hauser (Paul Mones) and his gang, the Adventure, Comedy, Disney, Family 93min. Tuffs. Now, the Tuffs are after Morgan and it doesn’t help that Disney / Buena Vista 31.01.2012 Nick’s girlfriend Frankie (Kim Richards) is interested in the Unforgiven (Digibook) (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105276 handsome newcomer. Welcome to the mean streets of Tuff Turf! Nick Rainwood (Richard Joseph Paul) and Allie Yorpin Clint Eastwood, Morgan Freeman, Gene (Danielle von Zerneck) are a modern day Hackman, Richard Harris, Lochlyn Munro, Treasure Buddies (Blu-ray + DVD living in southern California, separated by the unbridgeable Saul Rubinek, Frances Fisher, Jaimz gulf of their backgrounds and torn between loyalty to their Combo) (Blu-ray) „gangs“ and their real desires. This is a tale of two star- Woolvett, Anna Thomson, Ron White crossed lovers trying to overcome the rivalry, prejudice, and Unforgiven is a modern classic that „summarizes everything I Richard Riehle, Tucker Albrizzi feel about the Western,“ director/star Clint Eastwood told the Disney’s irresistible talking puppies - Budderball, B-Dawg, violence of the highly-charged surf scene, where all hopes and fears come to a head in a final surf contest - a „surf to the Los Angeles Times. This American Film Institute Top 100 Rosebud, Buddha and Mudbud - are back in an all-new movie American Movies selection rode off with four 1992 Academy that takes them halfway across the world to the ruins of death“ duel! Featuring the music of The Drifters, The Untouchables, Surf Punks, Smithereens and The Broadc Awards®, including Best Picture, Director, Supporting Actor ancient Egypt. With the help of some exotic new friends, this () and Editing (Joel Cox). Eastwood and epic adventure is a treasure trove of pure Buddy fun. In a Romance, Sports, Surf, Action, Double Fea- Morgan Freeman play retired outlaws who pick up their guns race against a devious cat, the Buddies and their new friends, tures, Drama, Gangs, High School 214min. one last time to collect a bounty. Richard Harris is an ill-fated Cammy and Babi, must avoid booby traps, solve puzzles and Image Ent. 13.12.2011 killer-for-hire. And Hackman is a lawman of sly charm...and explore a mysterious tomb — all in search of the greatest chilling brutality. Unforgiven is „a Western for the ages“ treasure known to animalkind. Packed with action, heart and 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105290 (Kenneth Turan, Los Angeles Times. tail-wagging bonus features, Treasure Buddies unleashes a celebration of teamwork and friendship your family will enjoy Cowboy, Academy Award Winners, Action, again and again. The Tuskegee Airmen (Blu-ray) AFI Top 100, National Film Registry, We- Comedy, Disney, Family, Adventure 93min. Laurence Fishburne, John Lithgow, Chri- stern 1992 131min. Disney / Buena Vista 31.01.2012 stopher McDonald, Allen Payne, Cuba Warner Bros. 21.02.2012 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105280 Gooding Jr., Andre Braugher, Courtney B. 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105364 Vance, Ron Hutchinson, Paris Qualles, Treasure Buddies (DVD + Blu-ray Trey Ellis, William C. Carraro, Robert United Red Army Combo) (Blu-ray) Markowitz Yoshio Harada, Maria abe, Anri Ban, Arata Fireballs of high speed air action explode off the screen in One of the best films of the decade!“ -Sight & Sound. Koji Richard Riehle, Tucker Albrizzi this exciting story of the „Fighting 99th“ - the first squadron of Wakamatsu’s (Caterpillar) epic docudrama explores the Disney’s irresistible talking puppies - Budderball, B-Dawg, black American pilots to be allowed to fight for their country. It political unrest of 1960s Japan, when mass student uprisings Rosebud, Buddha and Mudbud - are back in an all-new movie is 1943 and the Germans are winning the Second World War coincided with the beginnings of the far-left United Red Army that takes them halfway across the world to the ruins of as the U.S. suffers huge losses on the ground and in the air. group, which tortured and murdered its „deviant“ members ancient Egypt. With the help of some exotic new friends, this Four newly recruited pilots are united by a desire to serve during a 1972 training session. An uncompromising piece of epic adventure is a treasure trove of pure Buddy fun. In a their country, at a time when black flyers are not welcomed in filmmaking from one of Japan’s most controversial filmmakers, race against a devious cat, the Buddies and their new friends, the Air Force. Now, through the brutal demands of their with a score by former Sonic Youth member Jim O’Rourke. Cammy and Babi, must avoid booby traps, solve puzzles and training, to the perils of flying over nations at war, the men explore a mysterious tomb — all in search of the greatest they call „The Tuskegee Airmen“ must undertake the riskiest Drama, Foreign, Japanese 2007 190min. treasure known to animalkind. Packed with action, heart and mission of their lives - to prove to America that courage Kino Video 17.01.2012 tail-wagging bonus features, Treasure Buddies unleashes a knows no color. Their success could earn them respect, save 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105317 celebration of teamwork and friendship your family will enjoy lives and help win a terrible war. Their failure could destroy again and again. more hopes and dreams than their own. Comedy, Disney, Family, Adventure 93min. Drama, Black Heritage, War, World War II Up The Creek Disney / Buena Vista 31.01.2012 1995 106min. Tim Matheson, Sandy Helberg, Stephen 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105281 HBO Home Video 17.01.2012 Furst, Novak 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105444 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Trespass (DVD + Digital Copy) Four delinquents from the worst university in the area have Nicole Kidman, Nicolas Cage, Jordana TV’s Greatest Comedies one chance to bring honor to their institution, in this hilarious Spiro, Liana Liberato, Emily Meade, Cam Ron Howard, Dick Van Dyke, Andy Griffith, and titillating whitewater raft race flick. College Life, Comedy 1984 96min. Gigandet, Dash Mihok, Ben Mendelsohn, Lucille Ball, Mary Tyler Moore, Irene Ryan, MGM MOD 20.12.2011 Nico Tortorella Bea Benaderet, Buddy Ebsen When terror is at your doorstep, you can run. Or you can Your favorite episodes of TV’s Greatest Comedies. The Andy 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105560 fight.. What happens when a man with everything - a beautiful Griffith Show The Lucy Show Dick

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 48 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011

LASER HOTLINE Seite 49 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

Valerie Criterion 28.02.2012 Art House, British, Drama, Foreign 1967 Sterling Hayden, Anita Ekberg, Anthony 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105446 47min. Steele MGM MOD 27.09.2011 An upstanding Civil War vet is tried for the attempted murder Vice Squad 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105271 of his wife and the murder of her parents. Paulette Goddard, Edward G. Robinson, War, American Civil War, Drama, Historical / K.T. Stevens Wings Period Piece, Lawyers / Legal Issues 1957 This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Clara Bow, Gary Cooper, Charles Rogers 82min. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Romance, War, World War I, Action, Drama, MGM MOD 12.10.2011 The life of a captain of detectives during the course of an Military 1929 144min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105266 ordinary day in the 1950s. Action, Detectives, Drama 1953 88min. Paramount Pictures 24.01.2012 MGM MOD 20.12.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105321 Vampire Collection: Volume 2 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105555 (Alternate Art) Wings (Blu-ray) Alan Ormsby, Jennifer Billingsley, Gaby War Paint Clara Bow, Gary Cooper, Charles Rogers Fuchs, Paul Naschy, John Considine, Jack Peter Graves, Joan Taylor, Robert Stack, Drama, Military, Action, Romance, War, Taylor, Robert Winston Charles McGraw World War I 1929 144min. Five terrifying vampire films for the horror movie fan! A commissioner delivering a treaty to the Indians is murdered Paramount Pictures 24.01.2012 Includes: The Vampire’s Night Orgy, The Werewolf Vs. The by a fanatic who later becomes a guide for unsuspecting Vampire Woman, Children Shouldn’t Play With Dead Things, American troops. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105366 The Thirsty Dead, Blood Thirst. A bus carrying a group of new employees winds up in a small village after their driver Native Americans, Western 1953 85min. has a sudden heart attack. The passengers stay at an old inn MGM MOD 12.10.2011 Witches And Demons (Alternate where the food, drink and service all seem great until strange 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105268 Art) things begin to occur. Elvira is traveling through the French countryside with her friend Genevieve, searching for the lost Arthur Franz, Claudia Jennings, Merry An- tomb of a medieval murderess and possible vampire, Countess John Wayne Collection ders, Linda Christian, Gerald McRaney, Wandessa. Six friends dig up a corpse named Orville. They decide to experiment with witchcraft and voodoo rituals on the John Wayne Tony Lo Bianco, Robert Alda, Rodolfo poor rotting Orville, only to be surprised and terrified by the John Wayne Collection. Blue Steel Star Packer The Trail Acosta awakening of the dead as they rise from their graves. Women Beyond Texas Terror Lawless Range Hell Town Angel And Night Of Bloody Horror God Told Me To Legacy Of Blood are being kidnapped off the streets of and taken to a The Badman Paradise Canyon West Of The Divide Sagebrush Sisters Of Death The Devil’s Hand cave where they are forced to take part in a ritual to some god Trail Winds Of The Wasteland Randy Rides Alone McLintock Collections, Devils And Demons, Horror who provides them all with eternal life if they drink some The American West Of John Ford John Wayne Retrospective spiked human blood during the ceremony. In the city of Manila, Western, Action, Collections, Cowboy, Hol- 411min. a baffling spree of terrible mu lywood Legends 1005min. Image Ent. 01.05.2010 Vampires, Zombies, Collections, Horror, Image Ent. 02.03.2010 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105112 Kidnapping 433min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105166 Image Ent. 01.05.2010 Wolf Town 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105109 Welcome To L.A. Josh Kelly Geraldine Chaplin, Sally Kellerman, Lauren Kyle, a shy college student finds himself and three of his Vanya On 42nd Street: The friends trapped in an old western ghost town by a pack of Hutton, Harvey Keitel, Keith Carradine ferocious wolves and has to overcome his personal fears to Criterion Collection This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using confront the wolves and lead his friends to safety. a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. A Thrillers, Horror, Killer Animals 2010 89min. Wallace Shawn, George Gaynes, Andre self-important group of outcasts from Los Angeles realize how Gregory, Julianne Moore, Brooke Smith, worthless their lives are. Millennium Entertainment 14.02.2012 Lynn Cohen, Phoebe Brand, Larry Pine, Rocky Relationships, Drama 1976 103min. 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105301 Jerry Mayer MGM MOD 26.10.2011 In the nineties, André Gregory mounted a series of spare, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105201 World On A Wire: The Criterion private performances of ’s in a crumbling Manhattan playhouse. These treasures of pure Collection theater would have been lost to time had they not been When Harry Met Sally (Blu-ray) Barbara Valentin captured on film, with subtle cinematic brilliance, by Louis Malle. In Vanya On 42nd Street, a stellar cast of actors- Billy Crystal, Meg Ryan, Bruno Kirby, Carrie TV Movies, Art House, Conspiracies, including Wallace Shawn, Julianne Moore, Brooke Smith, and Fisher Criterion Collection, Film Noir, Foreign, George Gaynes-embark on a full read-through of Uncle Vanya Tender, amazing and magnificent! An acutely perceptive and German, International TV, Science Fiction (adapted into English by David Mamet); the result is as comically radiant love story!“ -The Hollywood Reporter. Will memorable and emotional a screen version of Chekhov’s sex ruin a perfect relationship between a man and a woman? 1973 212min. masterpiece as one could ever hope to see. This film, which That’s what Harry (Crystal) and Sally (Ryan) debate during Criterion 21.02.2012 turned out to be Malle’s last, is a tribute to the playwright’s their trip from Chicago to New York. And eleven years later, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105381 devastating work as well as to the creative process itself. they’re still no closer to finding the answer. Will these two Criterion Collection, Drama, Dysfunctional best friends ever accept that they’re meant for each other...or will they continue to deny the attraction that’s existed since World On A Wire: The Criterion Families, Friendships 1994 120min. the first moment When Harry Met Sally? Criterion 28.02.2012 Comedy, Drama, Romance 1989 96min. Collection (Blu-ray) 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105383 MGM / UA 10.01.2012 Barbara Valentin 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105160 TV Movies, Art House, Conspiracies, Vanya On 42nd Street: The Criterion Collection, Film Noir, Foreign, Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) Where The River Runs Black German, International TV, Science Fiction 1973 212min. Wallace Shawn, George Gaynes, Andre Criterion 21.02.2012 Gregory, Julianne Moore, Brooke Smith, This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players. An 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105445 Lynn Cohen, Phoebe Brand, Larry Pine, orphaned boy who was raised in the jungle is brought Jerry Mayer back to civilization by a priest who knew his father. In the nineties, André Gregory mounted a series of spare, Religion/Spirituality, Drama, Jungle 1986 XII private performances of Anton Chekhov’s Uncle Vanya in a 96min. Nick Searcy crumbling Manhattan playhouse. These treasures of pure A man found guilty of a crime against a minor is released from theater would have been lost to time had they not been MGM MOD 26.10.2011 prison and returns to get revenge on the jury who sent him captured on film, with subtle cinematic brilliance, by Louis 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105204 there. Malle. In Vanya On 42nd Street, a stellar cast of actors- including Wallace Shawn, Julianne Moore, Brooke Smith, and Revenge, Thrillers, Horror 2008 80min. George Gaynes-embark on a full read-through of Uncle Vanya The White Bus Millennium Entertainment 28.02.2012 (adapted into English by David Mamet); the result is as 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105302 memorable and emotional a screen version of Chekhov’s Anthony Hopkins, Arthur Lowe masterpiece as one could ever hope to see. This film, which This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using turned out to be Malle’s last, is a tribute to the playwright’s a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. The Year Dolly Parton Was My devastating work as well as to the creative process itself. An impassive young girl is taken from her suicidal London life, back to her home in North England on a bizarre bus trip. Seen Mom Criterion Collection, Drama, Dysfunctional through the poetic eye of the camera, this is a commentary of Families, Friendships 1994 120min. doomed British morbidity, and a prelude to director Lindsay Macha Grenon, Gil Bellows, Dolly Parton Anderson’s much acclaimed If. It’s 1976 and Elizabeth is just your average suburban 11-

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 50 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA year-old praying for adolescence to arrive when she stage partners were likewise showered with critical acclaim: Documentary, Music 62min. discovers her whole life has been a lie. With only her „Garanca’s Mozartean background prepared her for a imagination to guide her, Elizabeth runs away in search of her dazzling display of bel canto. . .D’Arcangelo used his suave, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment true identity. Her adoptive mother Marion is then forced to ebony bass to excellent effect“ (Opera News). 13.12.2011 break out the carefully constructed „truth“ she’s been clinging Classical Music, Concerts, Music, Opera, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105167 to and go after her daughter. This leads to a cathartic cross- country trek by a mother searching for a daughter who’s Orchestral 2011 min. searching for a mother - both of them really searching for Universal - Music 20.12.2011 Thunder Soul themselves . . . The Year Dolly Parton Was My Mom is a 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105437 poignant, sometimes funny, very female, coming of age story Documentary, Jazz, Music 100min. that explores the tension between creating identity and finding Lionsgate 31.01.2012 it within . . . Fantomas: The Director’s Cut 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105283 Music, Road Trips, Country, Drama 2011 Live - A New Years Revolution 95min. Concerts, Music min. Twisted Sister: From The Bars To Osiris Entertainment 24.01.2012 Fontana DVD 06.09.2011 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105181 The Stars 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105294 Concerts, Hard Rock, Heavy Metal, Music min. The Jeff Healey Band: Full Circle Eagle Rock 14.10.2011 Elaine Edwards, Craig Hill This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using - The Live Anthology 91,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105297 a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A Concerts, Contemporary Blues, Jazz, doctor is on the run from the mob after he identifies two hoods involved in a murder. Music min. Action, Chases, Drama 1961 73min. Eagle Rock 01.11.2011 MGM MOD 06.12.2011 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105296 Special Interest 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105548 Lady Gaga Presents: The Monster The ABCs Of Love And Sex 40756 Ball Tour At Madison Square Gar- In between the mondo mayhem of Australia After Dark and the soft-core teenage classicFelicity,producer/director John Leslie Phillips, Kate Burton, Gawn den (Edited Version) Lamond schooled the continent with this graphic grindhouse Grainger, Anthony Hopkins Concerts, Music, Pop Music min. jaw-dropper: What was ostensibly presented as a serious This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using study of sexual behavior is actually an erotically-charged trip a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. Universal - Music 21.11.2011 through an alphabet of deviant sexual pleasure, including Set in 1890s North Wales over a long, hot August weekend, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105370 mile-high clubs, female masturbation, mincing homosexuals, the Victorian calm of a household is suddenly upset with the hot lesbians, enormous genitals, disco music, rape fantasies, arrival of a London couple who impose their city ways and interpretive dance, socio-cultural blathering, relentless nudity thoughts on the more rurally based family. An adaptation of Last Fast Ride and even a bit of creepy stop-motion animation. Marilyn Anton Chekhov’s play, Uncle Vanya. This film is the first and only feature-length documentary Rodgers (Felicity) and Maj-Brith Berström-Walan of The Substance Abuse, Drama, Dysfunctional about the infamous bay-area punk rock performer Marian Swedish Institute For Sexual Research star in this Anderson. Singer, model, prostitute, bisexual, drug addict, delightfully dubious documentary relic, now fully restored Families, Historical / Period Piece 1995 insane, beautiful, talented, selfless, violent... all words used from a print originally seized by the Australian Classification 94min. to describe Marian Anderson. Plagued by sexual abuse, Board and presented uncut & uncensored for the first time MGM MOD 25.07.2011 mental illness and self-destruction, Marian’s story is a ever in America. Bonus Features: Audio Commentary with cautionary tale of hope, broken dreams, and shattered Director John Lamond and „Not Quite Hollywood“ Director 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105330 endings. Through a combination of concert footage, Mark Hartley, John Lamond Trailer Reel. photographs, and interviews with key people in Marian’s life, Australian, Comedy, Documentary, director Lilly Ayers pieces together the portrait of a fragmented and damaged girl who was left to fend for herself Exploitation, Foreign 85min. in a world of danger and exploitation. CAV 31.01.2012 Music Documentary, Music, Punk min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105285 Virgil Films And Entertainment 21.02.2012 Allman Brothers Band: Live At 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105545 Air Power: East Vs. West It’s East vs. West as the might of the Soviet air force clashes The Beacon Theatre Gordon Lightfoot: Live In Reno with the unstoppable power of the United States’ aerial Concerts, Music min. fighting authority! Soviet Air Power. US Air Power. Concerts, Easy Listening, Music min. E1 Entertainment 06.12.2011 Aerial Action, Air Force, Documentary, Mili- E1 Entertainment 08.11.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105184 tary 2008 FF S 120min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105185 Artsmagic DVD 08.11.2011 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105532 Cage The Elephant: Live From Rimsky-Korsakov: The Legend Of The Vic In Chicago The Invisible City Of Kitezh Woody Allen: A Documentary Concerts, Music min. Opera, Performing Arts 187min. Woody Allen Red 03.01.2012 Naxos 01.12.2011 Biography, Documentary, Film About Film, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105521 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105178 PBS 192min. Docurama 01.12.2011 Cage The Elephant: Live From Rush: Time Machine 2011- Live In 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105114 The Vic In Chicago (Blu-ray) Cleveland (Blu-ray) Concerts, Music min. Concerts, Music, Progressive Rock 2011 Amazing Earth Collection Red 03.01.2012 min. Technology, Discovery Channel, 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105564 Universal - Music 21.12.2011 Documentary, Science 215min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105151 Gaiam Americas 21.02.2012 Carlo Colombara: The Art Of The 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105414 Bass Taylor Swift: Just For You Bass, Music, Opera, Performing Arts Taylor Swift American Teacher 68min. Known for her catchy lyrics and heartwarming smile, Taylor One of the toughest jobs in the world is getting tougher.. As Naxos 13.12.2011 Swift has exploded on the music scene, breaking all the debate over America’s public schools rages on, the one boundaries between pop and country genres. But Swift wasn’t thing everyone agrees on is the need for great teachers. Yet 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105180 always a global superstar. Growing up on a Christmas tree while research has shown that teachers are the most farm in Pennsylvania, she was a long way from the life she important in-school factor in a child’s success, America’s Donizetti: Anna Bolena (Blu-ray) leads now - complete with sold-out tours, hit songs and high- educators are so underpaid that almost two-thirds must work profile romances. Learn how her songwriting helped her cope a second job in order to make a living. Chronicling the stories Elina Garanca, Peter Jelosits, Francesco with her teenage troubles and get all the details on her past of four teachers in different areas of the country, American Meli, Brian Large, Anna Netrebko loves including Joe Jonas, Jake Gyllenhall and John Mayer. Teacher reveals the frustrating realities of today’s teachers, Watch was Swift explores her musical talents and pens some the difficulty of attracting talented new educators, and why so Anna Netrebko „scored a personal triumph as Anna Bolena“ many of our best teachers leave the profession altogether. (The New York Times) in her debut as the hapless Tudor of the decade’s most popular albums in this up-close-and- personal look at America’s sweetheart. Can we re-value teaching and turn it into a prestigious, queen in this new, first-ever production of Donizetti’s bel financially attractive and desirable profession? With almost canto masterpiece at the Vienna State Opera. Netrebko’s Unauthorized Biographies, Country, half of American teachers leaving the field in the next ten

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 51 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA years, now is the time to Vinci. Deep in the heart of Italy, Naples is the ideal launching ordinary man who has made an extraordinary life despite Teachers, Biography, Documentary, High point for exploring some of Italy’s great historic treasures. tremendous odds. Marvel at the ancient city of Pompeii and the devastation of Western, Documentary, Family, Horses School, Interview 2011 80min. Mount Vesuvius, hop a ferry to the isle of Capri, and drive the First Run Features 14.02.2012 spectacular Amalfi coast to take in magnificent views. 2011 89min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105522 Documentary 100min. MPI 27.12.2011 Questar 29.06.2010 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105156 Australia After Dark 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105228 Five years before he turned the world on with his schoolgirl Frank Capra A World At War sexploitation classic Felicity, producer/director John Lamond Best Of Europe: London & War, World War II, Boxed Sets, made his indelible debut with this ‘mondo’-style look at the Documentary 254min. depraved underbelly of a land down-under. It’s an ultra- Beyond (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital sleazy, full-frontal journey through „the weird and the Gaiam Americas 07.02.2012 pathetic, the ugly, the obscene and the beautiful,“ featuring Copy) (Blu-ray) 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105427 strippers, swingers, murderers, devil worshippers, nutty Rudy Maxa, the most trusted name in travel, goes beyond the gurus, drunken aborigines, and much more. From the back guidebooks to share his authoritative „tips, trips and secret alleys of the big cities to the savage cruelty of the outback, places.“ Now, Europe looks even better in spectacular Blu- China’s Century Of Humiliation discover a continent of pleasure, pain, erotic art, wriggling ray. The world’s most popular destinations, hidden treasures cuisine, tiny bikinis, alien landings, record-breaking beer and off-the-beaten path surprises pop off the screen in Chinese, Documentary 2011 77min. consumption and insane amounts of ’70s nudity, now fully spectacular high definition, making these discs a must-own Passion River 31.01.2012 restored from a print recently discovered in the cellar of the collectible for millions of travel buffs. The first three discs in 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105300 Lower Wonga Drive-In and presented uncut & uncensored for this collection make up the first travel series photographed in the rst time ever in America. Bonus Features: Audio high definition. Rudy, one of America’s foremost travel Commentary With Director John Lamond and „Not Quite experts, is seen on more than 300 PBS stations every week, Steve Coogan Live Hollywood“ Director Mark Hartley, John Lamond Trailer Reel is the popular voice of The Savvy Traveler as heard on NPR, Steve Coogan Australian, Documentary, Exploitation, and is the contributing editor of National Geographic’s Traveler magazine. Savor London’s traditional sights such as These phenomenally successful stage shows established Foreign, Historical / Period Piece 90min. Buckingham Palace and the Changing of the Guard, and pop in Steve Coogan as one of the best live comedy performers CAV 31.01.2012 to see where Charles Dickens penned Oliver Twist. around. They feature all the favorite Coogan characters, 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105286 Contemporary London comes into view from atop the London including Alan Partridge and Paul and Pauline Calf, with Eye observation wheel and at the Tate Modern Art Museum. fresh, laugh-out-loud material. The release also features Conjure a bit of magic with a visit to the Georgian city of Bath highlights from Coogan’s Australia tour, Paul and Pauline Calf Bellydance Superstars: Flow - and follow tales of Camelot into South Wales. You wi animations, and a behind the scenes documentary, Steve Documentary min. Coogan: An Inside Story, featuring appearances by Julia Graceful Arms & Hands With Davis, Vic Reeves, and Bob Mortimer. Whether you’re a fan Questar 29.06.2010 of live comedy or a Coogan lover, this is a DVD to be Bozenka 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105230 watched over and over again! Bozenka BBC, British, Comedy, Foreign min. Bozenka is one of the world’s most famous bellydancers and Best Of Europe: Music Lover’s BBC Home Video 07.02.2012 sought after instructors. Her reputation has continued to grow 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105525 as having taught, choreographed and help to incorporate Europe (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital bellydance into her act for Latin pop star Shakira. Bozenka’s workshops are sellouts around the world and she has a very Copy) (Blu-ray) Nick Di Paolo: Raw Nerve strong following in the United States. This instructional DVD Rudy Maxa, the most trusted name in travel, goes beyond the teaches the nuances of the fluidity of the body while Scathingly satirical comedian Nick DiPaolo brings his razor guidebooks to share his authoritative „tips, trips and secret wit, trademark sarcasm and strong political views to this bellydancing. places.“ Now, Europe looks even better in spectacular Blu- Bellydance, Dancing, Instructional Dance socially relevant, typically reckless standup performance. ray. The world’s most popular destinations, hidden treasures Comedy 55min. min. and off-the-beaten path surprises pop off the screen in Image Ent. 13.12.2011 Vivendi Visual Entertainment 06.12.2011 spectacular high definition, making these discs a must-own collectible for millions of travel buffs. Rudy, one of America’s 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105288 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105371 foremost travel experts, is seen on more than 300 PBS stations every week, is the popular voice of The Savvy Traveler as heard on NPR, and is the contributing editor of Dog: The Bounty Hunter - Taking Best Of Europe: Beautiful Greece National Geographic’s Traveler magazine. Wherever you are (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) headed in Europe, music rings out in concert halls, opera It To The Streets houses, local festivals, markets, and street corners. Rudy Duane Chapman (Blu-ray) shares his favorite musical moments in destinations that are Dog the Bounty Hunter and his crew return for more high- Rudy Maxa, the most trusted name in travel, goes beyond the worth a special trip: from Italy and the French Pyrenees to stakes adventure in the special collection, Dog: The Bounty guidebooks to share his authoritative „tips, trips and secret Ireland’s County Clare and Norway. This music provides a Hunter - Taking It To The Streets. In four action-packed places.“ Now, Europe looks even better in spectacular Blu- backdrop for enthralling local scenery and engaging local episodes of the A&E hit reality series, Dog, Beth and the ray. The world’s most popular destinations, hidden treasures stories. In musical Salzburg, Rudy visits the house where the Chapman clan track a meth dealer and his pregnant girlfriend and off-the-beaten path surprises pop off the screen in young Mozart was born and where he composed his first mas through the high plains of Colorado, then it’s a dangerous trip spectacular high definition, making these discs a must-own Documentary, Music 75min. to Hawaii for the pursuit of a dangerous fugitive that will lead collectible for millions of travel buffs. Rudy, one of America’s Questar 27.07.2010 them through the jungles on their way to a midnight raid. Next foremost travel experts, is seen on more than 300 PBS it’s back to Colorado, where Dog squares off with a family stations every week, is the popular voice of The Savvy 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105231 determined to protect a runner with more than a decade’s Traveler as heard on NPR, and is the contributing editor of worth of trouble with the law. Finally, Dog masterminds a National Geographic’s Traveler magazine. Following a tour of Bizarre Foods: Collection 5 - Part risky hoax involving the felon’s family in an attempt to bring Athens’ historic sites, take a pilgrimage to the famed Oracle of him to justice. Delphi, and visit a beautiful medieval monastery. On the 2 Action, Bounty Hunters, Reality min. Peloponnesian Peninsula, scope out Nafplion’s charming port, and visit the epic ruins of King Agamemnon in the ancient Andrew Zimmern A&E 14.02.2012 capital of Mycenae. Go island hopping on the Aegean! On the In this collection, Andrew takes viewers on the journey with 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105135 sun-drenched island of Santorini, discover a city frozen in him to find meaningful connections to people and their time by a volcano’s eruption 3,600 years ago. Catch some cuisines, from the most remote corners of the earth to even the R&R on trendy Mykonos, and then head to sacred Delo most familiar of places. In this collection, Andrew steps out of East Meets West: Oriental his comfort zone and truly tests his own limits, as he fishes min. for piranha in Suriname and samples water buffalo entrails in Medicine And The Future Of Questar 29.06.2010 Indonesia. No matter where he is, though, he’s sure to share Healthcare In America his favorite advice: „ if it looks good, eat it!“ 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105229 East Meets West: Oriental Medicine And The Future Of Documentary 602min. Healthcare In America. Best Of Europe: Italy (Blu-ray + Gaiam Americas 07.02.2012 Documentary, Health 2010 60min. 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105408 DVD + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) Passion River 14.02.2012 Rome beckons with its ancient treasures and modern 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105299 pleasures. Rudy makes the most of your visit with stops at Buck (Blu-ray) Rome’s charming cafes and shops, informative historic city Robert Redford, Buck Brannaman Elevate walks, and a detour to Vatican City. In magical Venice, Rudy There’s no wisdom worth having that isn’t hard won. One of reveals how to escape the crowds by visiting the the biggest documentary hits of the year, Buck, a richly Sports, Basketball, Documentary, NBA 2011 neighborhoods of Dorsoduro, Cannaregio and San Polo. Join textured and visually stunning film, follows Buck Brannaman 81min. Rudy for a rousing drink at the city’s oldest wine bar, take a from his abusive childhood to his phenomenally successful Docurama 14.02.2012 dreamy gondola ride, and journey to the islands of Murano, approach to horses. A real-life „horse-whisperer“, he Burano and Torcello for hand blown glass and lace. Discover eschews the violence of his upbringing and teaches people to 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105137 glorious Florence. Visit the great museums - the Uffizi, communicate with their horses through leadership and Bargello, and Accademia, as well as the landmarks of the sensitivity, not punishment. Buck possesses near magical ESPN Films: Roll Tide / War Renaissance - the Duomo, Bapistery and Giotto’s Tower. An abilities as he dramatically transforms horses - and people - excursion outside of town leads to a Medici villa, a sleepy with his understanding, compassion and respect. A truly Eagle Tuscan town, and a museum with inventions by Leonardo da American story about an unsung hero, Buck is about an

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Of all the great rivalries in sports, none compares to the Great American/European Presidents 720min. venomous and all-consuming in-state college rivalry that is Image Ent. 13.12.2011 Alabama - Auburn. Over the last two years, the intensity Railroads reached new heights as each school celebrated a national 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105291 title, a Heisman Trophy winner and an Iron Bowl win. Take an James Gregory unpredictable and unforgettable journey through the history This film set highlights the power, grace and importance of between the two programs, through interviews with the America’s railroads during the „Golden Age of Steam.“ These How The Universe Works (Blu- schools’ icons, including Auburn alumns Bo Jackson, Charles steel giants helped transform America as they hauled freight, ray) Barkley and Cam Newton, and Alabama alumns Mark Ingram, coal and passengers across the great land. See the steam Gene Stallings and Shaun Alexander. engines and the men who made it all happen in this over 6 How The Universe Works shows you how the cosmos is hour hours of railroad history. In addition, the video exhibits designed, built and how it actually works. From the beginning Sports, Documentary, Football, NCAA European Railroads during this time, including footage of of time, stars, galaxies, planets, solar systems and more have 60min. fascinating powerful smoking monsters as they carry freight been working individually and together to produce all that is ESPN (TM) 22.11.2011 and people across the vast landscape. Meet the men and the and all that we see. See as never before the inner workings of 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105164 famous trains in this historical trip. our world, and explore black holes, supernovas, neutron Transportation, Americana, Documentary stars, dark energy and all the titanic forces that make us who 778min. we are. With a dynamic cast of experts and a new generation The Firm: Cardio Dance Club of CGI, How the Universe Works. Big Bang Black Holes Image Ent. 13.12.2011 Alien Galaxies Extreme Stars Extreme Planets Supernovas Includes: High-energy moves will get your body moving and Alien Solar Systems Alien Moons the calories will start melting off! Spice up your cardio routine 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105292 and move your hips for a total body burn. Focus on the upper Discovery Channel, Science, Space 2011 and lower body as you perform signature island moves. Great Planes 344min. Fitness, Health, Instructional Dance 60min. Get inside the combat aircraft that survived the most Gaiam Americas 28.02.2012 Gaiam Americas 06.03.2012 dangerous missions and see why they were the greatest and 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105452 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105406 most influential weapons in our military history. Paul „Max“ Moga returns as our expert host to help us examine and highlight the stories behind the most strategic and innovative How’d They Build That?: Fire Forbidden Tomb Of Genghis Khan planes. Watch as he analyzes the remarkable technical Truck Using cutting-edge tools and obscure clues from ancient features and examines the groundbreaking tactics of advanced aerial combat. We see them every day - Our favorite fire trucks rushing off texts, National Geographic embarks on the most ambitious and to save the day or getting a meticulous wash at the firehouse. innovative high-tech search for Genghis Khan’s tomb ever Transportation, Aerial Action, Military But where do these fire trucks come from? And how are they attempted. It is an adventure that blends old and new: high- 430min. made? Find the answers on a tour of Seagrave Fire Apparatus tech archaeology on horseback, ancient legends and modern- Gaiam Americas 14.02.2012 the oldest continuously operating fire truck manufacturer in day satellite reconnaissance, a magnificent yet misunderstood the US. Visit their fabulous facility in Clintonville, Wisconsin. ancient ruler and a charismatic Asian-American engineer who 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105430 We’ll tour their factory as they build large fire trucks from the may even share Khan’s DNA. Join National Geographic for a very beginning. See first hand how a handmade custom fire groundbreaking expedition to uncover the secrets of one of Hell And Back Again truck is designed and built. Get close to the highly skilled men history’s most infamous rulers. and women and the machinery they use to build those fire Adventure, Documentary, National In 2009, U.S. Marines launched a major helicopter assault on trucks that you see every day/ View different styles of trucks, Geographic 45min. a Taliban stronghold in southern Afghanistan. Within hours of examine what different models do and what purpose they being dropped deep behind enemy lines, 25-year-old Sergeant serve. Sit in the driver’s seat or the back tillerman’s cab, and Vivendi Visual Entertainment 14.02.2012 Nathan Harris’s unit is attacked from all sides. Embedded in learn how they work from a driver’s view. Using colorful 3D 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105116 Echo Company during the assault, photojournalist and animated models and High Definition live action, you’ll see the filmmaker Danfung Dennis captures the frontline action with steps and process it takes to build such Marvelous Machines. visceral immediacy. When Sergeant Harris returns home to So hop on in, and came see how they built that... Fire Truck!! Girls Gone Wild: Dormroom Sex North Carolina after a life-threatening injury in battle, the film evolves from stunning war reportage to the story of one man’s Family min. Addicts personal apocalypse. With the love and support of his wife, Echo Bridge Home Entertainment What do hot young college girls and their sexy roommates do Ashley, Harris struggles to overcome the difficulties of 13.12.2011 behind closed doors? They do everything - including each transitioning back to civilian life. The two realities other! Meet the horniest girls on campus as they strip down, seamlessly intertwine to communicate both the extraordinary 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105200 hook up and get off! Kara is an all-American girl-next-door drama of war and, for a generation of soldiers, the no-less- brunette from Louisville Kentucky who just happens to love difficult experience of returning home. An unprecedented How’d They Build That?: School sex and loves letting you watch her lick her own hard nipples. exploration of the moving image and a film of uncommon Tessa is a sweet looking blonde from California who takes intimacy, Hell And Back Again comes full circle as it lays bare Bus time off from her studies to satisfy herself with a wild and the true cost of war. Most of us have ridden in a big yellow school bus at one time noisy masturbation session in her dormroom. Jessica and War, War In The Middle East, Documentary, or another. Some of you may ride one to school every day. But Andrea are North Carolina girls who can’t wait to lose their Military 2011 88min. have you ever wondered where that school bus came from, or tops and make out aboard the Girls Gone Wild bus. Devon is how it was made? Learn all about it in a visit to the amazing a southern sweetheart with big boobs that you’re going to love Docurama 24.01.2012 IC School Bus Factory where most of the school buses in staring at. You’ll meet a 19-year-old Tennessee coed whose 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105134 North America are manufactured. This fascinating plant in perfect body looks even better when she takes her tight little Tulsa Oklahoma has an assembly line that is more than a mile dress off, and finally, watch Kristen and Chelsea strip down long under one roof! See first hand the process of building and give each other a long, dripping, moaning climax! When it Hell And Back Again (Blu-ray + one of the safest vehicles on the road. Look at each stage of comes to get it off, these college girls don’t know when to DVD Combo) (Blu-ray) assembly from nuts and bolds, blinking stop lights, safety stop, and that’s a very good thing for us! They’re Girls Gone seats, bright yellow paint to a finished school bus rolling out Wild: Dormroom Sex Addicts! In 2009, U.S. Marines launched a major helicopter assault on the door. We know you see school buses every day, but you Girls Gone Wild min. a Taliban stronghold in southern Afghanistan. Within hours of have never seen them up close, from the inside out like this! GGW Brands, LLC. 03.01.2012 being dropped deep behind enemy lines, 25-year-old Sergeant So take a seat for a fun filled field trip to the School Bus Nathan Harris’s unit is attacked from all sides. Embedded in Factory! 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105170 Echo Company during the assault, photojournalist and filmmaker Danfung Dennis captures the frontline action with Transportation, Family min. visceral immediacy. When Sergeant Harris returns home to Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Girls Gone Wild: My First Time North Carolina after a life-threatening injury in battle, the film 13.12.2011 They’re the sweetest, sexiest girls on campus, away from evolves from stunning war reportage to the story of one man’s home for the first time and ready to do things they’ve never personal apocalypse. With the love and support of his wife, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105202 done before. These horny young coeds are ready for sex - Ashley, Harris struggles to overcome the difficulties of and they want you to watch! Kristie is an athletic, blue-eyed transitioning back to civilian life. The two realities La Jetee / Sans Soleil: The blonde who loves to show off her perky tits and her favorite seamlessly intertwine to communicate both the extraordinary sexual position. Tiffany from Farmersville New York is an 18- drama of war and, for a generation of soldiers, the no-less- Criterion Collection (Blu-ray) year-old dark hair beauty who uncovers her hard nipples on difficult experience of returning home. An unprecedented One of the most influential, radical science-fiction films ever camera for the first time ever. Pretty 19-year-old Brittany from exploration of the moving image and a film of uncommon made and a mind-bending free-form travelogue, La Jetee (The Ohio flashes our cameras from her car, then climbs aboard the intimacy, Hell And Back Again comes full circle as it lays bare Jetty) and Sans Soleil (Sunless) couldn’t seem more different Girls Gone Wild bust to get totally naked. You’ll love first the true cost of war. - yet they’re the twin pillars of one of the most daring and time Grace’s sweet tan lines and perfect boobs and Amanda Documentary, Military, War, War In The uncompromising careers in cinema history. Chris Marker, from Pontiac, Michigan gets completely naked to prove she’s Middle East 2011 88min. filmmaker, poet, novelist, photographer, editor, and now totally shaved. Sweet young rookie Kristen from Ohio strips videographer and digital multimedia artist, has been down and plays with her boobs just so you can watch, and Docurama 24.01.2012 challenging moviegoers, philosophers, and himself for years when 20-year-old Parker gets naked on camera for the first 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105224 with his complex queries about time, memory, and the rapid time, she gets so horny she insists on stroking herself into a advancement of life on this planet. These two films - a tale of wild three-finger orgasm! We guarantee you’ve never seen time travel told in still images and a journey to Africa and these girls on camera, because they’ve never done anything Heroes And Villains Of WWII Japan - remain his best-loved and most widely seen. like this before! They’re young, they’r Twenty documentaries showcasing the greatest heroes and Criterion Collection, Documentary, Foreign, Girls Gone Wild min. most horrible villains of World War II. Celebrate the lives and French, Science Fiction, Short Film GGW Brands, LLC. 03.01.2012 courage of such heroes as Harry Truman, Winston Churchill, Collections, Art House 1963 130min. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105174 Dwight Eisenhower and George S. Patton. Learn about the despicable acts and rise to power of true villains including Criterion 07.02.2012 Adolf Hitler, Joseph Goebbels and Rudolph Hess. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105439 War, World War II, Biography, Documentary,

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 54 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA

T.J. Miller: No Real Reason Flowing from its source 1,000 miles to the north, the Zambezi River reaches the edge of one world and plummets 350 feet Leap Frog: Number Land T.J. Miller into another. Victoria Falls, spanning the border between Educational, Family, Preschool min. T.J. Miller has been a rising star in stand-up comedy having Zambia and Zimbabwe, is over a mile wide. No other waterfall been named as Variety’s 10 Comics To Watch and one of in the world can match her scale, and many consider her one Lionsgate 31.01.2012 Entertainment Weekly’s Next Big Things In Comedy. He’s now of the seven natural wonders of the world. Barrier of Spears - 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105106 arrived in a big way with his first full length Comedy Central Rising sharply from the South African landscape, cliffs like special. T.J.’s fan base continues to grow with each big spines of a dragon form the majestic Drakensberg Mountains. screen role - Unstoppable, Gulliver’s Travels, Get Him To Born of Jurassic molten lava, they span more than 600 miles Limelight The Greek, She’s Out Of Your League - along with his regular and tower more than 10,000 feet. Despite the impossible As the owner of legendary hotspots like Limelight, Tunnel, appearances on Chelsea Lately. terrain and unpredictable weather, Drakensberg is home to a Palladium, and Club USA, Peter Gatien was the undisputed Comedy, Comedy Central 2011 min. fascinating array of animals in search of greener pastures. king of the 1980s New York City club scene. The eye-patch- Documentary min. sporting Ontario native built and oversaw a Manhattan empire ADA 15.11.2011 that counted tens of thousands of patrons per night in its peak 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105436 Questar 20.04.2010 years, acting as a conduit for a culture that, for many, defined 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105238 the image of an era in New York. Then years of legal battles and police pressure, spearheaded by Mayor Giuliani’s Motorcycle Classics determined crackdown on nightlife in the mid-’90s, led to Three great programs brought together to celebrate the Nature: Amazing Places - Hawaii Gatien’s eventual deportation to Canada and the shuttering of greatest in classic motorcycles and the British museum (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) his glitzy kingdom. dedicated to these beautiful machines... There’s bikes, bikes Crime, Documentary 102min. and more bikes on display as 500 motorcycles from the 50s (Blu-ray) Magnolia Home Entertainment 24.01.2012 and 60s gather for Britain’s biggest classic motorcycle run. Mountain of Fire - Kilauea continually molds Hawaii’s Big Track down BSAs, Royal Enfields, Matchless, Sun, Norman, Island. Violent and beautiful, destructive and creative, 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105483 Triumphs, sidecars, scooters and many rare models at rallies Kilauea: Mountain of Fire explores the incredible power of the across the UK. Virtually destroyed by fire in 2003, the volcano and the challenges of life in its shadow. Imagine a Lost Fleet Of Columbus museum has been restored to even greater glory with its lost world with lava flowing down mountainsides, violent priceless collection of historic motorcycles. storms, monster waves, rockslides and even heavy snows. In 1494, Christopher Columbus made a second journey to the Documentary 2010 FF S 170min. This is not science fiction. It is Hawaii-where spectacular Americas - this time with more ships, more men, and a grander Artsmagic DVD 08.11.2011 beauty was forged by fire, and created by turbulent natural mission. His goal: to build the first European colony in the forces. New World. But in just a few short years, this settlement 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105536 would perish - one-fifth of its inhabitants dead, at least six Documentary min. ships sunk in the bay, and the legacy of Columbus Questar 20.04.2010 permanently marred. What happened at this ill-fated settlement Mindy Mylrea: Short & Sweet 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105237 remains a mystery 500 years later. National Geographic joins Cycling two separate teams of archaeologists, one at sea and one on land, as they journey to uncover new evidence of the failure Mindy Mylrea Nature: Extraordinary Animals - of America’s first European city, La Isabela. Are you short on time and need an express workout that will Documentary, Educational, High Seas, Na- get it all in less time? Short and Sweet allows you to pick Africa (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital your time and your intensity. You will be able to choose Combo) (Blu-ray) tional Geographic min. between 3 of the most intense cycle workouts on the planet. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 31.01.2012 Workout one uses the Tabata training timing principle to whip Join Dr. Philip (Flip) Stander as he pits himself against the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105142 you into the best shape of your life. Workout 2 incorporates forbidding Namib Desert to study rarely seen and little an amazing intensity ladder where work and rest ratios understood lions that are making a comeback after being change with every cycle. Workout 3 is all about hill repeats. wiped out twenty years ago. From the mountains in Rwanda Lost Gold Of The Dark Ages You will never grow bored with this one. You can mix and comes an extraordinary story of destiny and triumph. At thirty- match the workouts or keep it short and sweet. three years of age, Titus, a 400-pound silverback gorilla, has With exclusive access to one of the most important ruled for nearly half his life. He still rules over twenty-five discoveries of modern times, National Geographic uncovers Cycling, Fitness, Health 71min. gorillas, an astonishing feat considering the early trials he the secrets of the largest hoard of Saxon Gold ever found. BayView Entertainment 10.01.2012 faced. When Titus was four, poachers slaughtered his father. Through interviews and personal narratives, Lost Gold of the 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105221 Shortly after, an interloper named Beetsme killed his infant Dark Ages chronicles the story of an amateur metal-detecting sister in a coup attempt. His mother and other sister fled, enthusiast who discovered a gold hoard dating back a leaving him orphaned and abandoned. But something in his millennium and valued at over $5 million. To understand the Mindy Mylrea: Tabata Trek character led to greatness in a remarkable life that origins of the hoard, National Geographic travels back to the researchers—beginning with world-renowned primatologist Dark Ages when Christian and pagan tribes fought for control Cycling Dian Fossey and young researcher Kelly Stewart, daughter of of the emerging country of England. Secrets of the Lost Gold Mindy Mylrea actor James Stewart—have chronicled since the day he was takes us from inside the laboratory out on a quest to reveal born. Unprecedented footage of silverback behavior, archival the hidden secrets of the 3,500 piece treasure hoard. Where Mindy Mylrea’s Tabata Trek. Mindy Mylrea is the 2008 ECA OBOW Fitness Presenter of the Year, the 2004 Can Fit Pro footage of Titus as a newborn, and observations by did the gold and garnets come from, why were they buried, researchers and conservationalists chart his dramatic rise and when? And, who were the magnificent Gold Saxon International Presenter of the Yea, the 1999 International Warriors they once belonged to? Programs include Lost Gold IDEA Fitness Instructor of the Year, a National and World Documentary min. of the Dark Ages and Secrets of the Lost Gold. Aerobic Champion, a Gatorade sponsored athlete, and a five Questar 27.07.2010 star presenter for IDEA. She is an advisory board member for Dark Ages, Documentary, National Oxygen Magazine, an international presenter, author, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105239 Geographic 90min. motivational speaker, video personality and CDC provider. Vivendi Visual Entertainment 07.02.2012 Mindy is also the creator and lead talent behind Gliding, the Nature: Extraordinary Animals - 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105143 Gliding discs exercise program. She is a master trainer and on the pro development team for Schwinn Cycling, Body Bar, Bears And Wolves (Blu-ray + DVD Flirty Girl Fitness, and Bosu. Marvelous Machines: Military C-5 Cycling, Fitness, Health 53min. + Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) BayView Entertainment 10.01.2012 The wilds of Yellowstone National Park are a world of & C-130 predators, scavengers and opportunists. In this vast and Official US Department of Defense footage allows kids to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105220 complex kingdom, two dominant predators reign supreme: the learn about the exciting world of military aircraft up close. grizzly bear and the wolf. Size and power square off against Explore these marvelous military machines, from the high National Geographic Classics: speed and teamwork, as mighty grizzly bears contend with flotation landing gear to the massive turbofan engines that powerful packs of wolves for control of the food supply. power the big C-5 and C-130. The Human Body Though these two fearsome hunters would normally rule their ranges uncontested, in Yellowstone they must share Family min. With stunning footage and cutting-edge technology, National resources, or face starvation. A grizzly in his prime is the Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Geographic explores the human body from the inside out as undisputed master, able to take down prey as easily as he is 13.12.2011 never before. In four classic programs, we’ll look how our able to dominate the fresh kills of other predators. The wolves incredible human machine works - from the miraculous in- of Yellowstone must use their numbers to their advantage, 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105205 utero development of a fetus to the mechanics of a beating organizing to take down their prey and defend the spoils of heart, and from the formation of skin to the amazing way our their hunts from the bears. Together, a strong pack of wolves Marvelous Machines: SR-71 & B- complicated systems work together for sensing, adapting, can challenge a solitary grizzly, and defeat it. As these two reproducing, regenerating, and thinking. Programs include fierce competitors test their strategies for survival against 1B How to Build a Beating Heart, Skin, In the Womb, and each other, an entire food chain of scavengers survive in Incredible Human Machine. Using official US Department of Defense footage, kids can their wake. Crafty coyotes and cunning crows take advantage explore the exciting world of military aircraft up close. In this Educational, National Geographic, Science of the predators’ feuds to make the most of any felled f edition of Marvelous Machines, learn about the SR-71, an min. Documentary, Educational min. advanced, long-range reconnaissance aircraft as well as the Vivendi Visual Entertainment 10.01.2012 Questar 29.06.2010 B-1B, a multi-role aircraft that can fly intercontinental missions without refueling. 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105144 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105240 Family 47min. Echo Bridge Home Entertainment Nature: Amazing Places - Africa Pianomania 13.12.2011 (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) Lang Lang 17,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105203 Pianomania. As Steinway & Sons’ chief technician and Master (Blu-ray) Tuner in Vienna, Stefan Knüpfer is dedicated to the unusual

Die Preise bei Importartikeln gelten nur für Kunden mit einem LASER HOTLINE „Persönlichen Importservice“-Vertrag ** Seite 55 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA task of pairing world-class instruments with world-famous wonders takes you rim to rim to hike hidden canyons, plunge BBC Home Video 21.02.2012 pianists. Juggling the demands of the pianist, the piano, and into ancient pools, raft world class white water, discover man the piece to find the perfect match requires boundless made gems and explore extreme backcountry. 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105348 enthusiasm, but also endless patience and nerves of steel. No Documentary 98min. detail is too small or too inconsequential for Knüpfer, not even Swastika the tiniest speck of dust on a piano string. Pianomania is a Questar 29.06.2010 humorous and surprisingly suspenseful peek into the heated 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105233 From Academy Award® winning producer David Puttnam clash of wills between a genius craftsman and the renowned (Chariots of Fire, Midnight Express, The Killing Fields) pianists who rely on his talent - including Lang Lang, Alfred comes the most controversial documentary (that was banned Brendel, Rudolf Buchbinder and Pierre-Laurent Aimand - as Scenic National Parks: at the ) about Hitler ever made. Utilizing they search together for that elusive perfect tone. Yellowstone (Blu-ray + DVD + Di- intimate color home movie footage shot by Eva Braun, it Classical Music, Documentary, Foreign, presents the private life of a dictator, going on picnics and gital Copy) (Blu-ray) joking with friends, displaying an affable face to the man German, Music, Piano 2010 93min. labeled as the Devil incarnate by history. The film First Run Features 14.02.2012 Blu-ray captures like never before the sweeping beauty and interweaves rare propaganda films, which presented Hitler as extraordinary natural wonders of America’s premier national he wanted to be seen, consoling war widows and frolicking 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105523 parks. Filmed and mastered in high definition, Scenic National with young children. Director Philippe Mora combines these Parks takes you off the beaten path to discover untamed materials together to form an unintentional autobiography of Queen Of The Sun places, unique wildlife, and invigorating activities. Vast, Hitler’s rise and fall, from the formation of the Nazi state beautiful and untamed, Yellowstone’s rugged wilderness through the end of WWII. Mora lets the images speak for Documentary, Environmental min. ignites the imagination like no other national park. Llama themselves, leading to misinterpretations and its bans in Music Box Films 13.12.2011 trekking, wolf-watching, and geyser gazing are just a few of Germany and . But it is one of the most fearsome anti- the out-of-the-ordinary activities that await you in this Nazi films ever made. As the opening credits state, „If Hitler 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105179 mesmerizing program that gives you a ringside seat for is dehumanized and shown only as a devil, any future Hitler geothermal wonders and up-close looks at the diversity of may not be recognized, simply because he is a human being.“ wildlife that gave Yellowstone the nickname, „America’s Real World Yoga: Yoga Serengeti.“ War, World War II, Crime, Documentary, Everybody Can Do 98min. Holocaust, Propaganda 1974 M 95min. Kino Video 03.01.2012 Jackie Camborde Questar 29.06.2010 Real Yoga for real people with real bodies. „Twisting yourself 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105232 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105315 into a pretzel? Is this what yoga is all about? We live in the Real World - Let’s do some Real World Yoga!“ It’s the first The Ultimate 2012 Collection line you hear when you pop Jackie Camborde’s Real World Scenic National Parks: Yosemite Yoga in your DVD player, and you know it’s not going to be (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital Copy) Explore the mystery of the Mayan Prophecy in a whole new just another workout. Jackie developed the Real World Yoga light.. A Galactic alignment that occurs every 26,000 years is program because not all people who benefit from yoga are (Blu-ray) just around the corner. This amazing boxed DVD set unveils flexible, young and injury-free. In fact, most of the population the other side to the 2012 enigma; The Underlying Mystery of Experience Yosemite’s awe-inspiring wonders in breathtaking 2012 / The True Nature of Time / Current Evolution of the is battling with at least one of these maladies, if not several. Blu-ray, including such icons as the granite monoliths El Real World Yoga is a program that allows first-time yogis to Human Mind. Geoff Stray and Philip Coppens take us on a Capitan and Half Dome, and the spectacular Bridal Veil and journey into the Mayan mysteries to uncover a startling work at a comfortable level - rest and modification of postures Yosemite Falls. Learn about Yosemite’s fascinating history as is emphasized throughout. On the flip side, experienced yogis perspective on 2012, the lost meaning of the great cycle of the the first land set aside for preservation. From a staggering ages. Explore the mystery of the 2012 prophecy in a whole can use the challenge modifications to go deeper in postures array of wildlife to its sweeping landscape that inspired John and add more power to the program. The workout is a new light, explore how the earth is in the middle of a Muir and photographer Ansel Adams, you’ll discover why transformation that will change the way we live our lives vinyasa-style practice, which means that postures flow from Yosemite is called one of America’s Crown Jewels. one to the next in the rhythm of the breath. Some poses can be forever. Understand how the changes we see around us are held for several breaths to deepen the posture or to gain Documentary min. unfolding right now. Learn the true nature of the Mayan flexibility. The program is a great balance of challenge and Questar 29.06.2010 Calendar; understand the workings and meanings of its cycles relaxation, of give and take, 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105235 and end-date. Yoga, Fitness, Health 80min. Documentary, End Of The World 2011 FF 250min. BayView Entertainment 10.01.2012 Scenic National Parks: Zion & 25,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105218 Reality Films 08.11.2011 Bryce (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105542 Savage Arctic Copy) (Blu-ray) This is a manufactured on demand disc that was created using Blu-ray captures like never before the sweeping beauty and WWE: Raw And Smackdown - a DVD-R disc. It should play in all standard DVD players.. A extraordinary natural wonders of America’s premier national The Best Of 2011 docudrama set in Northern Canada about a nature parks. Filmed and mastered in high definition, Scenic National photographer who raises three timber wolf cubs to save them Parks takes you off the beaten path to discover untamed For the WWE Universe, there are 4 hours of appointment from hunters. places, unique wildlife, and invigorating activities. Zion and television every week, as Raw on Monday nights and Bryce Canyon National Parks - By foot, shuttle, and SmackDown on Friday nights continue to offer the most Wilderness, Documentary 1970 101min. horseback, this program gives you access to the scenic and shocking, surprising, athletic, humorous, and dramatic MGM MOD 20.12.2011 geological wonders of Zion and Bryce Canyon National moments on television. Now for the first time ever, the best of 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105553 Parks. In Zion, embark on a breathtaking ascent of Angel’s Raw and SmackDown are offered in one release - Raw and Landing. In Bryce Canyon, climb sheer cliff walls, tube down SmackDown: The Best of 2011. the Virgin River, and gaze upon thousands of beautiful and Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE min. Scenic National Parks: Glacier, bizarre rock spires known as hoodoos. Bonus Program: Secrets of the Southwest - In this land made famous by Geor- WWE Home Video 31.01.2012 Banff, Jasper (Blu-ray + DVD + gia O’Keeffe, you will discover the secrets of the Southwest 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105211 Digital Copy) (Blu-ray) along famous Route 66 and the Grand Circle, and area that boasts the highest concentration of national parks in the Blu-ray captures like never before the sweeping beauty and country, including the grandest canyon of them all. Discover WWE: Raw And Smackdown - extraordinary natural wonders of America’s premier national how Monument Valley in Utah and Gallup in New Mexico The Best Of 2011 (Blu-ray) parks. Filmed and mastered in high definition, Scenic National became cinematic locations, jet-ski in the brilliant blue waters Parks takes you off the beaten path to discover untamed of Lake For the WWE Universe, there are 4 hours of appointment places, unique wildlife, and invigorating activities. Glacier television every week, as Raw on Monday nights and National Park - Discover the many ways to experience high Documentary min. SmackDown on Friday nights continue to offer the most adventure in „the land of shining mountains.“ Take an Questar 21.09.2010 shocking, surprising, athletic, humorous, and dramatic unforgettable hike along the Highline Trail, raft a wild river or 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105234 moments on television. Now for the first time ever, the best of travel by train aboard the renowned Empire Builder. Behold Raw and SmackDown are offered in one release - Raw and massive glaciers, and get close (but not too close!) to bears. SmackDown: The Best of 2011. Then, kick back at a high altitude chalet. Canadian Rockies: The Sons Of Tennessee Williams Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 720min. Banff and Jasper - Explore a region famed for its hot springs, Mardi Gras, drag balls and politics-where else could these WWE Home Video 31.01.2012 backcountry treks, and fantastic array of wildlife. It is not all elements come together but in New Orleans? Interweaving rugged wilderness, as you will be treated to elegant dining, archival footage and contemporary interviews in the great 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105241 and chateaux retreats. „Getting there“ is an experience in tradition of films such as Paris is Burning and The Cockettes, itself, with train rides aboard the Rocky Mountaineer, scenic The Sons of Tennessee Williams charts the evolution of the WWE: Royal Rumble 2012 drives along the Continental Divide, and Snocoach rides gay Mardi Gras krewe scene over the decades, illuminating across treacherous ice fields. the ways in which its emergence was a seminal factor in the CM Punk, Miz, John Cena, Randy Orton, Documentary min. cause of gay liberation in the South. Alberto Del Rio, Wade Barrett, Kofi Kings- Questar 21.09.2010 Documentary, Gay / Lesbian Interest, Inter- ton, Sheamus, Mark Henry 56,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105236 view 2011 75min. It’s the dream of every superstar-to headline WrestleMania. First Run Features 14.02.2012 Last year’s Royal Rumble was the biggest ever, when for the first time ever, 40 men competed, with Alberto Del Rio Scenic National Parks: Grand 40,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105524 outlasting 39 other competitors, earning him a championship Canyon (Blu-ray + DVD + Digital match at WrestleMania 27, as well as the stunning returns of The Story Of Ireland Kevin Nash and Booker T. This year’s event promises to be Copy) (Blu-ray) even bigger, packed with new surprises and the superstars of Experience the grandeur and supreme spectacle of the Grand Fergal Keane Raw and SmackDown, including past winners Alberto Del Canyon. This insider view of one of the world’s natural BBC, British, Documentary, Foreign 300min. Rio, Randy Orton, and John Cena, and superstars looking to

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LASER HOTLINE Seite 57 Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) November 2011 Neuankündigungen DVD & Blu-ray Disc USA add this impressive goal to their resume, including Wade WWE Home Video 17.01.2012 Barrett, Kofi Kingston, CM Punk, Sheamus, The Miz, Mark Henry, R-Truth, and more will do everything in their power to 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105277 overpower and outlast the competition as the Road to WrestleMania 28 begins at the Royal Rumble. WWE: The Rock Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE min. He electrified a generation of sports entertainment fans with Telefonische WWE Home Video 28.02.2012 his brash style, superb athleticism, and uproarious Bestellannahme: 33,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105213 interviews. He held the WWE Championship a record seven times, and was known for legendary battles with Stone Cold Montags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr Steve Austin, Triple H, Mick Foley, Undertaker, and more. Dienstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr WWE: Royal Rumble 2012 (Blu- And at the peak of his popularity, he made a move to conquer a Donnerstags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr new industry, becoming an enormous movie star. Now, he’s ray) back in WWE, ready to main event the biggest WrestleMania Freitags 16:00 - 18:00 Uhr CM Punk, Miz, John Cena, Randy Orton, in history, The People’s WrestleMania. In the exciting buildup to WrestleMania XVIII, fans can, for the first time ever on Mittwochs, Samstags, Sonn- Alberto Del Rio, Wade Barrett, Kofi Kings- DVD, relive the exciting life and times of the Rock. Packed ton, Sheamus, Mark Henry with brand new interviews as well as a selection of the und Feiertags (Baden- It’s the dream of every superstar-to headline WrestleMania. Rock’s biggest career-spanning bouts, moments, and promos, Württemberg) bleibt unser Last year’s Royal Rumble was the biggest ever, when for the this DVD/Blu-Ray set will electrify every member of Team Verkauf geschlossen. first time ever, 40 men competed, with Alberto Del Rio Bring It! outlasting 39 other competitors, earning him a championship Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 540min. match at WrestleMania 27, as well as the stunning returns of Kevin Nash and Booker T. This year’s event promises to be WWE Home Video 21.02.2012 even bigger, packed with new surprises and the superstars of 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105293 Raw and SmackDown, including past winners Alberto Del Rio, Randy Orton, and John Cena, and superstars looking to add this impressive goal to their resume, including Wade WWE: The Rock (Blu-ray) Barrett, Kofi Kingston, CM Punk, Sheamus, The Miz, Mark He electrified a generation of sports entertainment fans with Henry, R-Truth, and more will do everything in their power to his brash style, superb athleticism, and uproarious overpower and outlast the competition as the Road to interviews. He held the WWE Championship a record seven WrestleMania 28 begins at the Royal Rumble. times, and was known for legendary battles with Stone Cold Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 240min. Steve Austin, Triple H, Mick Foley, Undertaker, and more. And at the peak of his popularity, he made a move to conquer a WWE Home Video 28.02.2012 new industry, becoming an enormous movie star. Now, he’s 45,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105242 back in WWE, ready to main event the biggest WrestleMania in history, The People’s WrestleMania. In the exciting buildup to WrestleMania XVIII, fans can, for the first time ever on WWE: Tables, Ladders & Chairs DVD, relive the exciting life and times of the Rock. Packed 2011 with brand new interviews as well as a selection of the Rock’s biggest career-spanning bouts, moments, and promos, Carnage reigns supreme at WWE TLC! It’s a pay-per-view this DVD/Blu-Ray set will electrify every member of Team event that legalizes the use of Tables, Ladders, and Chairs. Bring It! Newsletter 19/11 (Nr. 302) This night has already become a highlight of the WWE calendar, so the pressure will be on the Superstars of Raw Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 540min. ISSN 1610-2606 and SmackDown to up the ante at this year’s production of WWE Home Video 21.02.2012 Credits WWE TLC. 61,90 EUR BestellNr.: 40105295 Sports, Sports Entertainment, WWE 180min. Redaktion: Wolfram Hannemann Design & Layout: Wolfram Hannemann Assistenz: Beate Hannemann

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