Marlo Dillon
/ PAGE SDtTEEN FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1967 jiRanrlifatfr liitfralli I AvwatfiDgiiyNfitPraMRm The Weather Weak Ended ' David C. Pierson, son of Mr. CkMdy, -waxm and taumSd ’ 7. Aagoat 13, 1447 tofisy, toMgUt and tomorrow, About Town and Mrs. Samuel D. Pierson of ^oom8 bought School* to Register Directors Hear 67 Arvine PI., will enter Bates 70% oHsneo of abOMWw tb- Ituioe Qpl. WilUam Ladrinai- College, Lewiston, Maine in Sep c . For Studente The ofiBce of the super- Five Compltiints ifigM, Mgh 35-40; tow 66-70. tto, aon o i Mr. and Mn. W. tember as a member of the Mtendeut of schodi an 1 4 ,5 0 8 Laurlnaltla a t 14 French (Rd., freshman class. A t College nounces Hhhit all Miancltes- About Traffic Manchester^A City of Village Charm i haa racently completed a de> ter dementeiy schools will (Olaasifled Advertiaiiig on Page 9) PRICE SEVEN CENTS plojment with Marine Attack Communications Technician J(Aa Gannon, director of be open fbr registration six persons appeared last VOL. LXXXVL NO. 272 (TWELVE PAGES^TV SECTION) MAN(XIESTEIL CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1967 Squadron S24 to the Marine l.C. Gary C. Dougan, son of student personnel for 3ifen- Thunday, Aug. SI from 10 night at a regularly-scheduled Corps Air Station, Yuma, Mr; and Mrs. John C. Dougan Chester Comimmllty OoUege, re ajn. unW noon. Board of Directors’ public-com ports a throwing need to house Aria., and has rejtumed to the of 44 Gardner S t, has recently IMS regMtmtton date Is ment session .land five of them Air Station at Beaufort, S.C.
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