Marlo Dillon

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Marlo Dillon / PAGE SDtTEEN FRIDAY, AUGUST 18, 1967 jiRanrlifatfr liitfralli I AvwatfiDgiiyNfitPraMRm The Weather Weak Ended ' David C. Pierson, son of Mr. CkMdy, -waxm and taumSd ’ 7. Aagoat 13, 1447 tofisy, toMgUt and tomorrow, About Town and Mrs. Samuel D. Pierson of ^oom8 bought School* to Register Directors Hear 67 Arvine PI., will enter Bates 70% oHsneo of abOMWw tb- Ituioe Qpl. WilUam Ladrinai- College, Lewiston, Maine in Sep­ c . For Studente The ofiBce of the super- Five Compltiints ifigM, Mgh 35-40; tow 66-70. tto, aon o i Mr. and Mn. W. tember as a member of the Mtendeut of schodi an­ 1 4 ,5 0 8 Laurlnaltla a t 14 French (Rd., freshman class. A t College nounces Hhhit all Miancltes- About Traffic Manchester^A City of Village Charm i haa racently completed a de> ter dementeiy schools will (Olaasifled Advertiaiiig on Page 9) PRICE SEVEN CENTS plojment with Marine Attack Communications Technician J(Aa Gannon, director of be open fbr registration six persons appeared last VOL. LXXXVL NO. 272 (TWELVE PAGES^TV SECTION) MAN(XIESTEIL CONN., SATURDAY, AUGUST 19, 1967 Squadron S24 to the Marine l.C. Gary C. Dougan, son of student personnel for 3ifen- Thunday, Aug. SI from 10 night at a regularly-scheduled Corps Air Station, Yuma, Mr; and Mrs. John C. Dougan Chester Comimmllty OoUege, re­ ajn. unW noon. Board of Directors’ public-com­ ports a throwing need to house Aria., and has rejtumed to the of 44 Gardner S t, has recently IMS regMtmtton date Is ment session .land five of them Air Station at Beaufort, S.C. students attending the college for an piqpOs presently reported for duty with the not complained of traffic conditiona from distant Connecticut towns enrolled In the elementary Naval Communication Station, on .five separate town strMts. Shoe Prize and from out-of-state. achooli and includes Mn- VFW Auxiliary wilt have a San Miguel, Philippines. The sixth complained that his poUuck Tuesday at 6 p.m. at Currently, he Is attempting deigBiitsn children who did Rap Brown Arrested dONWAY, Ark. (AF) — New Aid for Farmers garbage can was not being re­ to help approximately 10 new­ not regtater eailter In the TRuii "Red” KUgioce, who the home of Miss Helen Gus­ turned to his back yard. year. has been efcleitag bhoea alnoe tafson, 22 Turnbull Rd. Those Wapping (rirl ly enrolled students find mod­ The healing, held from 6:80 attending are reminded to bring erately priced furnished roonu Parentis are ashed to befbre Worid Wlar H, Uiruat to 8:30 p.m. ih the Municipal Ifis hrand In to a oowtxxy b oot place settings. Faces Charge or apartments, which appear to bttog certiflcates of small­ Building, was manned by Re­ be in short aupply. pox, dUpMfaeifa end pdio that -he woo Stoning recent­ publican David Odegard and For Carrying Rifle ly and fbuud aomettfing in Anyone in the Manchester inununlaatiion. Ih addWlDn, Miss Susan Paine, daughter In Accident Democrat Francis Mahoney, th e toe. Revealed by President of Mr. and Mrs. Donald C. area who haa available suitable a urth ceitmcate must be former mayor. rental housing is asked to con­ presented. ”X knew wliwt (t w«s,” Paine o f 215 T im rod R d., w ill A Wapping girl, Judith E. Woodbrldge St. and Hackma­ NEW YORK (AP) — Kilgore said. "It has a feel tact Gannon in the collie of­ Additional Information enter Centenary College for Weiman, was charged with fail­ tack Rd. conditions were criti­ Federal figenits s e i^ mili­ Uke ixSMng etoe.” fices at Manchester High about bua and cafeteria Women, Hackettstown, N.J., cized for speeding incidents and tan t Blaick Power advocate KDgone said he returned ure to grant the right of way S ch ool. scheduleB, actwol hours, in September. for the heavy and noisy truck (tie boclB to the woman yesterday at 4:30 after the car home roam esaignmenta E. Rap Brown as he came ."The problem of housing our tra ffic. who had ML them with No Change and the ahmUar Information out of a friendls Manhat­ 'she was dri'ving hit a car on Students will be a'continuing Complaints were registered Mm a weric ago at a bar­ wm be pdblshed Tuesday, tan apartment today and Summit St. near Washington one as the ocdlege continues to also of speeding on Hartford Rd. ber Shop, along wftti what Sept. 5 In the HeraM’a an­ him with canying In Outlook eocpand its programs,” Gannon and on W. Middle T’pke., be­ he had tound In the toe: A FRESH CANDY St. '' nual back-tb-school supple­ said. He said the new Hotel- tween Broad and Main St. a .30-calibre autenuitic car­ roll of tidity-Ave $20 UUa. WHITMAN, SCHBAFPT She is scheduled to appear ment. Hie edBtkm wtll In­ Restaurant Management cur­ A fifth complainant recom­ bine on fUghta between CANDY CUPBOARD in court Sept. 11. clude Information for all On Vietnam riculum, particularly. Is draw­ mended that a stop sign be plac­ New Yoric and New Or­ towns In the Herald cflrcuia- The Weiman vehicle was ing students from a wide area. ed at the Intersection of Wether-. leans while under indict- ARTHUR DRUG tkxi area. WASHINGTON (A P )— driveable, police indicate, but The new currioulum, begun ell and Horace Sts. He called the ment. the other ■vehicle, a station wag­ China Army Presid^t Johnson has un­ last year, trains students for situation there "very serious, The chairman of the Studeut veiled a new fiarm 'policy on belonging to the Bantly Oil middle management careers in of dietetics at Yale-New Haven dangerous and hazardous.” Nonviolent OoonUnating Com­ Co. and driven by Allen F. the food and travel services Hospital, New Haven, Conn., has The board’s public sessions mittee, indleted in Maryland tor In Rebellion while standing pat on an Behnke o f 178 E . C enter St. had field and is the only one of its received the highest award of are held on the first Tuesday aUoged arson, rioting and Incit­ old policy for Vieftnam. to be towed away with left rear kind offered by a Connecticut the American Dietetic Associa­ and third Thursday of each ing to riot, was arrested by m- Mis.- At his first broadcast-teleoast dam age. Oommimlty College. tion. month. The next one will be tenial Revenue Service agents Near Canton news conference In 6% months, A parked vehicle belonging to Doris Johnson, a Pli.D., was Sept. 6, from 9 to 11 a.m., In the on a West Side street, briefly Johnson said he thinks "the HONG KONG (AP) —Two f a Y Andrew Stevenson, 21, o f 231 DIETETIO AWARD MADE given the Marjorie Huisizer Go­ Municipal Building Hearing questlonned and Jailed In the farmers are on the short end of Guards Too Good, Brink^s Truck Locked brigades of Canton’s security Center St. was damaged by a CHICAGO (AP)—The director pher Memorial award Thursday. R oom . Federal House of Detention. the stick" and should have the forces are In open rebellion be­ right to bargain coUectively tor FAIRWAY hit and run car as the Steven­ Two Brinks drivers who locked themselves out of their armored truck walk Brown, a preacher of Black cause their military commander better prices tor their produqt§. son vehicle was parked on Cen­ dejectedly away on a downtown Kansas City street after protesting a photog­ Revolution, “was disturbed by F/R^'T has disappeared, travellers "Today," the President said, ter St. yesterday night. rapher’s intention of taking a picture. A third crewmembw stepped behind a tt, cf course he was,” said hla from the Red China city report­ "the farmer gets a smaller per­ Police say minor damage was layer, TmUam KunsUer. “I utility ^ le. A technician eventually opened the door and a tow truck hauled ed today. centage of the dollar tor the done to the left rear fender of talked to him over the phone. both storos open the vehicle away. (AP Photofax) They said the rebel brigades food that he produces tor us the car. They made him call collect. He have occupied a hlU in Canton than In any other period. "I sold ’Just come down and do tonight tffl 9! A car driven by Albert J. and are threatening the city’s would very much hope . that the something.’ The U.S. attorney Thlbideau, 63, of Hartford, hit South Windsor Gallon Donors airport, which has been used to administration at some date in told me they Intend to ask tre­ a truck driven by Robert C. bring in troc^ loyal to Mao the reasonably near future m endous ball—125,000.” McDonnell, 20, of Wapping yes­ To Be Honored T ^ -tu n g. could find some legislation that Brown was scheduled to be terday morning at Broad St. and At present, travelers say, would give to the farmer a arraigned today before U.S. W. Middle Tpke. Minor damage By Red Cross som e 16,000 m en o f the 47th means of bargaining reasonably Man Collapses, Dies Oommisstoner Earle Blahopp. was reported to both vehicles Chinese Army have surrounded and coUectively aa we permit Stephen Kaufman, Asst U.S. at­ and both were driven from the The Annual "Gallon Donor the city of Canton. The troops workers to do." Day" of the Manchester Red torney In charge of the New scene. are under orders from Red And, in a totally different After Stabbing Wife Cross Blood Program will be York office’s criminal division, In the parking lot at the Park- Chinese Premier Chou En-lal field, Johnson told a Congress held this year In connection with said he would ask for Brown’s school not to fire.
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