Activity Report 2017

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Activity Report 2017 Activity Report 2017 - 2018 Copyright © 2018 / All rights reserved Editors: Dr Sreedevi Yadavalli, Neha Hassija Design: Y Yedukondalu, N Kishore Kumar, N Ramgopal and C Sreenivasulu Assistance: Aarti Rawat, Shobha Mocherla and V Mounika Photography: SBN Chary and Naresh Gattu; Dr Srinivas Marmamula; and LVPEI Archives Donor Relations: Sam J Balasundaram, Mahaveer Jain and Jacob Printers: Pragati Offset Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad Working towards preventing needless blindness and vision impairment Education Eye Bank Advocacy, Technology Policy & Clinical Care Innovation Planning Rural & Vision Product Community Rehabilitation Development Eye Health Capacity Research Building Contents Foreword Year at a Campus Vision Eye Research Capacity LVPEI’s Donor Board Glance News Rehabilitation Banking Building New Stories Members Frontiers 4 6 9 10 14 22 26 30 34 38 42 46 50 51 52 53 54 59 65 Rural and Advocacy Network Awards & Community and Policy Donor Map Honours Patient Care Eye Health Education Innovation Making Linkages Support Progress Near and Far Notable progress along diverse functional task of creating a “Universal Eye Health areas and enhancement of partnerships Programme”, with funding of Rs 670 crores marked the year 2017-18, while “Institutes (about US $100 million) - indeed a great of Excellence” and “Primary Eye Care”, privilege and opportunity to create an eye the themes from our “Next 25” strategic health system for over 40 million people. initiatives, accelerated ahead. The Governments of Andhra Pradesh and Telangana too have allocated resources, The Tej Kohli Cornea Institute (TKCI), Child and we are involved in varying degrees in Sight Institute and Aurobindo Geriatric the planning, implementation, training Eye Centre continued to expand, with Foreword and evaluation of these programmes. TKCI launching programmes in Myanmar, Meanwhile within our network, the spread Cambodia, Oman, Liberia and Mexico. New of primary care vision centres continued institutes of excellence launched included with almost two new centres added each Brien Holden Institute of Optometry month. and Vision Sciences, Institute for Vision Rehabilitation, Centre for Cerebral A new development is the ability to take Visual Impairment in Vijayawada, and advanced, tertiary level care closer to rural Bio-Imaging Laboratory and Centre for doorsteps. Advanced surgical procedures Retinitis Pigmentosa and Allied Diseases in such as the latest partial thickness corneal Hyderabad. transplants, DMEK (Descemet’s Membrane Endothelial Keratoplasty) are now done In primary care, it is heartening to see the at secondary centres. We also adopted Governments of three states committing emerging technology for rural screening funds to eye care. In Odisha, Vice-Chair and tele-ophthalmology, improving Taraprasad Das has been made Chairman connectivity across the tiers of our pyramid. of the Empowered Committee with the 4 Two large scale children’s screening on research methodology, manuscript initiatives were funded by US AID and writing and biostatistics. We also had some Lavelle Fund of New York, the overall outstanding scientists visit us, including results providing valuable information for two Nobel laureates, and forged important better planning of services in the future. partnerships with Harvard Ophthalmology, RIKEN of Japan, and a UK-India programme. For the first time, we ventured into new geographies by launching a programme in As always, we have had several individuals the Republic of Liberia, in response to a call recognized for their excellence. The from their President. An eye centre offering Institute was ranked by both the “Times high quality comprehensive eye care was of India” and the “The Week” as the inaugurated in the capital city of Monrovia Best Eye Hospital in India. Our “Centre in July, with encouraging results. for Technology Innovation” continues to garner recognition. The various awards Our education academy focused on and honours are listed in the following leveraging technology and tools, and pages of the report, While we are thrilled enhancing quality while expanding reach, with the accolades, we are also conscious with special emphasis on comprehensive of the responsibility that comes with it. ophthalmology and residency training, besides capacity building of residency The generosity of our friends continued programmes and optometry schools. with two big individual contributions, one of them being the largest single More of our clinician faculty is allocating contribution till date. To them, and many greater time for research, a trend that others who shared their wealth in various augurs well for the future. The Institute has forms, we are indebted. As a friend of ours always promoted a culture of research, with - a High Court judge - very eloquently said, each faculty member allotted dedicated “You are becoming wealthier day by day. research time, thus helping build a great Every morning, millions of people must track record of peer reviewed publications. be showering their blessings on you when We are now working to enhance the quality they open their eyes. What other form of of publications through expert workshops wealth can equal that!” Gullapalli N Rao Chair, Board of Trustees 5 New centres inaugurated April 2017 - March 2018 23 Vision Centres 2 Secondary Centres Karnataka Odisha Telangana LVPEI Eye Care Network LVPEI Andhra Pradesh Karnataka 6 Total Centres: 195 1 Centre of Excellence Serves 50 million+ population 3 Tertiary Care Centres Each serves 5 million+ population 18 Secondary Eye Care Centres* 9 Partner Centres Each serves 500,000 – 1 million population 171 Primary Eye Care Centres** Each serves 50,000 population Vision Health Guardians Serves 5,000 population * Secondary Centres ** Vision Centres ***Additionally, we have 2 urban city centres, in Hyderabad and Ballari As of March 2018 Govt of India has adopted LVPEI's Vision Centre and Eye Health Pyramid model for eye care service delivery Outpatients treated 13.16 Impact Surgeries performed 1.37 1987 to March 2018 Children reached 3.34 Rehabilitated 0.17 Villages reached 9617 26.04 Corneas harvested 84,297 People Served Corneas distributed 46,372 Innovative stem cell based procedures 1633 Eye care professionals trained 20,046 50%+ services Publications 2302 provided free of cost, regardless of complexity PhDs awarded 46 Patents filed 2 Outpatients treated 13.16 Impact Surgeries performed 81 1.37 02 1987 to March 2018 hc 1,480,861 Children reached 3.34 raM outpatients served o t 7 t 153,110 615,565 surgeries reached through Rehabilitated 0.17 10 performed community eye 2 li 2 health initiatives Villages reached 9617 rp A 142 26.04 awards & honours Corneas harvested 84,297 People Served 279 publications 2,249,536 535 People served 17,836 Corneas distributed 46,372 presentations visually impaired rehabilitated Innovative stem cell based procedures 1633 Eye care professionals trained 549 20,046 trained 50%+ services 24,000 9691 delegates donor corneas Publications 2302 provided free of cost, participated in harvested *CMEs and other regardless of complexity programs 5775 PhDs awarded corneas 46 distributed Patents filed 2 * Continuing Medical Education 9 Awards & Honours Times of India and The Week magazine rank LVPEI as the Best Ophthalmology Hospital in India 10 • Bajaj Service Excellence Award • Indywood Medical Excellence Awards in the category of “Best Initiative for Eye Care” • Organization of Pharmaceutical Producers of India Health Access Award • Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry - R&D Award • State Formation Day Award, Government of Telangana Awards • Institute for Vision Rehabilitation: Project of the Year, Project Management Institute India Awards received • LVPEI Center for Innovation wins the following accolades: (a) Bull’s Eye Dropper - for self instillation of eye drops, in Five Top Ideas transforming healthcare, BioAsia Conference (b) Best Innovative Idea award, Govt of Telangana State, Department of IT, Electronics and Communication (c) Pediatric Perimeter received Public Action Grant, Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (d) Fittle, the world’s first 3D Braille printed puzzle, won a Bronze at the Eurobest awards in Healthcare category Hitesh Agarwal Sayan Basu Goura Chattannavar Rohit Dhakal rd • Best poster, Uveitis Society of India • Editorial Board, Indian Journal of • 3 rank in Erudio quiz, Academic • Best scientific presentation poster, Ophthalmology achievers award Mohammad Javed Ali Dr EV Memorial Scientific Session, • Steering Committee, International • Honoured by naming a Gold Sai Naga Sri Harsha Ch Sankara Nethralaya KPro Study Group medal after his name ‘Dr Javed Ali • Young Innovator, second prize, Sourav Datta Gold Medal’ which will be given Shrikant Bharadwaj InnoHEALTH conference • Research training fellowship, annually for the best surgical • Section Editor, Optometry and Anthony Vipin Das Wellcome Trust-DBT India Alliance video by Society for Clinical and Visual Sciences, Indian Journal of • Chevening science and innovation Experimental Hypnosis Endoscopy Ophthalmology Anasua Ganguly leadership fellowship, UK Govt- Congress • (a) Best physical poster award Jay Kumar Chhablani Rolls Royce • All India Ophthalmological Society in oculoplasty (b) first prize in • Winner global video contest, - Indian Journal of Ophthalmology Sujata Das FDC Pixel AIOS quiz, All India American Academy of Silver Award • Lead Co-Convener, CII-Health Care Ophthalmological Society Ophthalmology and Life Science Panel, Odisha Ramam
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