
Nazi Definitions of Jewishness  German citizenship for those with: . “German or racially related blood” . “A Jew cannot be a citizen of the Reich. He has no right to vote in political affairs and he cannot hold public office.”  Banned marriage and sex between and Mischlinge  November 1935 = first supplementary decree: . “Definition of the Concept Jew” . Jew = at least three “full Jewish” grandparents . Practicing Jews, regardless of blood  Mischling = someone with one or two Jewish grandparents . BUT, classed as “full Jew” if . . . ▪ A member of a Jewish religious community ▪ OR, married to a “full Jew”  Mischlinge needed special permission to marry Germans  Mischling, 1st Degree = “half-Jew” . one Jewish parent  Mischling, 2nd Degree = one Jewish grandparent, and no Jewish parent  Quick summary: . 3 Jewish grandparents = Jewish . 2 Jewish grandparents = Mischling, 1st Degree . 1 Jewish grandparent = Mischling, 2nd Degree  BUT, one was also “full Jew” if: . They were practicing . They were married to a “full Jew”

 January 1937 = civil servants could only by married to non-Jews, or 2nd Degree Mischlinge  March 1937 = Mischlinge banned from Labor Service foremen jobs  Dec. 1937 = Mischling civil servants forced to retire  Exceptions? . Only for WWI veterans  September 1941 decree = all Jews must wear yellow stars . Jewish husbands in mixed marriages exempt . . . ▪ . . . So long as their children “do not count as Jews”  Quarter-Jews cannot marry each other . But a Quarter Jew can marry a half-Jew?  Race, not religion, determines inclusion in religious communities  330,892 Jews . 0.42% of population  72,738 1st Degree Mischlinge . 0.09% of population  42,811 2nd Degree Mischlinge  Reinhard Heydrich on the Mischlinge . . . . Proposes to kill all 1st Degree ▪ Exception: Mischling married to a German, with children ▪ Exception: “honorary Aryans” . Sterilization?  “endless administrative work”?  Loss of labor from Mischlinge?  Sterlization vs. liquidation?  Heydrich tables the issue . . .  (1902-1953), from Interior Ministry . Hesitant . . . . Appointed SS major general  Continuously stalls . . .  Hitler is not supportive of  Example of the “polycratic state” . No order from Hitler, but deputies still work on it . Competing agencies  Mischling downgrade possible . . . . “personal appearance” . “personal merits”  initially established need to define the concept of the Jew  Supplementary decrees were required . . .  shows how complex this was . . .