Engineer Field Manual Volume II Military Engineering
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01 ,O LC6 1t~ WAR DEPARTMENT ENGINEER FIELD MANUAL Volume HI MILITARY ENGINEERBING (TENTATIVE) PART ONE COMMUNICATIONS U S.Army Mliliar Ft:siorv anstitut8 ELNGINEER FIELD MANUAL, VOLUME II MILITARY ENGINEERING (TENTATIVE) PART ONE COMMUNICATIONS PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1932 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, Washington, D. C. Price 30 cents rrarFw 0F US ARMY WAR DEPARTMENT, WASHINGTON, June 16, 1932. Part One, Communications, Engineer Field Manual, Volume II, Military Engineering (Tentative), is published for the information and guidance of all concerned. [A. G. 062.11 (7-19-30).] BY ORDER OF THE SECRETARY OF WAR: DOUGLAS MACARTHUR, General, Chief of Staff. Major General, The Adjutant General. II LIST OF FIELD MANUALS A MANUAL FOR COMMANDERS OF LARGE UNITS. (M. C. L. U.) Vol. I. Operations.-A guide for commanders and staffs for tactical operations of large units. II. Administration.-A guide for the administration of large units in a theater of operations. STAFF OFFICERS' FIELD MANUAL. (S. O. F. M.) Staff principles and functions applicable to the staffs of all units, together with perti- nent reference data. BASIC FIELD MANUALS. (B. F. M.) Training, administrative, and reference data applicable to more than one arm, with special reference to the smaller units. Vol. I. Field Service Pocketbook. (F. S. P.)-The individual. II. Infantry Drill Regulations. (I. D. R.)-Drill, dismounted ceremonies, and inspections; the infantry pack; display of equipment, and tent drill. III. Basic Weapons. (B. W.)-Marksmanship and mechanical training of the rifle, automatic ridfle, pistol, machine gun, 37-mm. gun, 3-inch trench mortar, bayonet, and grenade instruction. Technique of fire (37-mm. gun, 3-inch trench mortar, and machine gun); musketry and combat practice of small units, instruments. IV. Signal Communication. (S. C.)-Signal regulations and technical informa- tion needed by officers and enlisted men on signal communication duty of arms other than the Signal Corps. V. Transport. (T.)--Equitation, training remounts, use and care ofanimals and of animal-drawn, pack, motor, and tractor transport. VI. Administrative Regulations. (A. R.)-Army Regulations essential to small units. VII. Mllilitary Law. (M. L.)-The Manual for Courts-Martial, including the Articles of War; the Rules of Land Warfare, including recent conventions relative to the sick and wounded of armies in the field and to prisoners of war; an epitome of the legal principles applicable to military forces when aiding the civil power. VIII. Operations of Combined Arms (Small Units). (O. C. A.)-The principles, doctrines, and methods governing the tactical employment of combined arms with reference to the small units. III IV LIST OF FIELD MANUALS FIELD MANUALS FOR THE ARMS The manual for each arm contains, primarily, the principles, doctrines, and methods governing the employment of that arm and pertinent reference data. Infantry Field Manual. (I. F. M.) Vol. I. Units other than Tanks. II. Tank Units. Cavalry Field Manual. (C. F. M.) Field Artillery Field Manual. (F. A. F. M.) Vol I. Organization and Drill. II. Tactics and Technique. Coast Artillery Field Manual. (C. A. F. M.) Vol. I. Iarbor Defense, Railway and Tractor-drawn Units. II. Antiaircraft and Artillery Units. Air Corps Field Manual. (A. C. F. M.) Engineer Field Manual. (E. F.'M.) Vol. I. Engineer Troops. II. Military Engineering. Signal Corps Field Manual. (S. C. F. M.) Vol. I. Signal Corps Troops. II. Signal Corps Operations. FOREWORD Engineer Field Manual, Volume II, Military Engineering, is a compendium of technical information and suggestions as to the conduct of the most common operations undertaken by engi- neer troops in the theater of operations. The user of this manual should recognize that local conditions in the field will always profoundly affect the application of the principles and formulas given herein. The manual contains suggestions and guides to judgment rather than regulations to be rigidly adhered to. The manual will be published in three parts as follows: Part One. Communications: Chapter 1. Roads. 2. Bridges. 3. Military railways. 4. Surveys and maps. (This chapter will be published when it becomes neces- sary to revise TM 2180-30 and 2180- 37.). Part Two. Defensive measures: Chapter 1. Camouflage. 2. Field fortifications. 3. Explosives and demolitions. Part Three. Construction and utilities: Chapter 1. General construction. 2. Water supply. 3. Light and power. TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1. Roads: Paragraphs Pages Section I. General principles ..-..- 1-10 1-6 II. Reconnaissance------------------------------------- 11-16 6-9 III. Construction -...-------------- --------- 17-29 9-30 IV. Maintenance and repairs ...- ----------.----------- 30-39 30-39 V, Reference data -------------------- 40-44 39-48 VI. Plant and equipment.....-.....- 45-50 48-55 Chapter 2. Bridges: Section I. General principles, classification, and types -------- 51-75 56-95 II Reconnaissance -....-------------- ------------------ 76-82 95-104 III. Maintenance, reinforcement, and repair -... 83-94 106-109 IV, Erection --------------------- 95-111 109-134 V. Floating bridges ...-..... ------------ 112-128 134-169 Chapter 3. Military railways: SectionI. General principles, classes and types - .-...129-147 170-195 II, Reconnaissance -......... 148-155 195-201 III. Location and construction -..... ... 156-169 202-234 IV. Operation -.......---------------------- 170-171 234 V. Maintenance of way ...-............. 172-182 234-239 VI. Light railways .--... l.-...............-183-188 239-243 VIT ENGINEER FIELD MANUAL VOLUME II, MILITARY ENGINEERING (TENTATIVE) Part One Communications (The matter contained herein supersedes TR 445-170, June 29, 1929 (including Cl, January 2, 1931); 445-205, July 13, 1923; 445-210, January 24, 1925; 445-220, July 13, 1923 (including Cl, January 2, 1931); 445-230, November 26, 1924; and 445-235, July 13, 1923; Military Railways, Edition of 1917 (Professional Papers No. 32, Corps of Engineers, U. S. Army), and the Ponton Manual, 1917. Volume II supersedes the Engineer Field Manual, Edition of 1918 (Professional Papers of the Corps of Engi- neers, U. S. Army, No. 29).) CHAPTER 1 ROADS Paragraphs SECTION I. General principles-.... _.......... 1-10 II. Reconnaissance -11-16 III. Construction .----------------------------------------------- 17-29 IV. Maintenance and repairs .-.......... 30-39 V. Reference data ------...........- 40-44 VI. Plant and equipment -........- - --------------.-- 45-50 SECTION I GENERAL PRINCIPLES 1. General.-Economy of time, material, transportation, and labor requires the maximum utilization of the existing road net. New road construction is held to the minimum by the repair and maintenance of existing roads, meeting increased demands by increasing the capacity of existing roads rather than by undertaking new construction. Under the heavy and contin- uous traffic of operations, maintenance alone entails a large supply of materials with much plant and a considerable force. Experience has shown, however, that certain new road construc- tion is necessary in connection with base establishments, and in major operations new roads of emergency construction are often required to facilitate supply and the movement of artillery. 1 2 ENGINEER FIELD MANUAL 2. Traffic demands.-Road traffic is at a maximum during offensive operations when, in addition to food, forage, and oil, demands for ammunition and engineer materials are at their highest. The exploitation of a tactical success requires that the advance of troops be not halted on account of lack of supplies. The roads in the forward areas must therefore be made passable as soon as practicable for animal-drawn vehicles, field and com- bat trains, and field artillery. 3. Road capacity.-By the capacity of a road is meant the maximum practicable transport tonnage which can be moved over it in a given period of time. This is dependent upon the width, structural character, and condition of the road and upon the reg- ulation of the traffic. The capacity of a road may be limited by the capacity of its bridges. These may fix the character of traf- fic loads which may be permitted to use the road, and, if narrow and at fairly short intervals along the road, may limit the number of lanes of traffic which the road might otherwise be suitable to carry. The amount of transportation which can use a given road in a given period of time depends upon the speed at which the vehicles are permitted to travel and the interval between the vehicles. Experience indicates that the amount of transporta- tion is not increased by excessive speeds, since these imply a corresponding increase of interval between vehicles for safety. Excessive speeds increase maintenance requirements, and hence the capacity of a road is also limited by the question of mainte- nance. 4. Tactical requirements.-At least one road for two col- umns of traffic or its equivalent is necessary for each infantry division in line. This distribution would normally give the division 1 road, the corps 2 roads, and the army 6. The distance at which troops can be supplied by a road varies with the road condition. In the World War this was found to vary from 60 to 75 miles from the railhead. 5. Traffic regulation on roads.-In order that the roads may give the maximum of service, it is necessary to regulate traf- fic both as to direction and speed and to separate slowly moving columns from rapidly moving columns. High