Congressional Record United States Th of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION
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E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 116 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 165 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2019 No. 24 Senate The Senate met at 12 noon and was sume consideration of the motion to Sec. 1. Short title; table of contents. called to order by the President pro proceed to S. 47, which the clerk will Sec. 2. Definition of Secretary. tempore (Mr. GRASSLEY). report. TITLE I—PUBLIC LAND AND FORESTS f The senior assistant legislative clerk Subtitle A—Land Exchanges and read as follows: Conveyances PRAYER Motion to proceed to S. 47, a bill to provide Sec. 1001. Crags land exchange, Colorado. The Chaplain, Dr. Barry C. Black, of- for the management of the natural resources Sec. 1002. Arapaho National Forest bound- fered the following prayer: of the United States, and for other purposes. ary adjustment. Let us pray. The PRESIDING OFFICER. All time Sec. 1003. Santa Ana River Wash Plan land O God who rides the wings of the exchange. has expired. Sec. 1004. Udall Park land exchange. wind, You are powerful, yet patient. The question is on agreeing to the Thank you for showing Your mercy to Sec. 1005. Confirmation of State land grants. motion to proceed. Sec. 1006. Custer County Airport convey- those who love You. We praise You for The motion was agreed to. ance. Your presence at our National Prayer f Sec. 1007. Pascua Yaqui Tribe land convey- Breakfast this morning and for the ance. transforming manifestation of Your NATURAL RESOURCES Sec. 1008. La Paz County land conveyance. power. MANAGEMENT ACT Sec. 1009. Lake Bistineau land title sta- Today, continue to lead our Senators The PRESIDING OFFICER. The bility. Sec. 1010. Lake Fannin land conveyance. along fresh paths of understanding, clerk will report the bill by title. providing them with insights to solve Sec. 1011. Land conveyance and utility The senior assistant legislative clerk right-of-way, Henry’s Lake Wil- the problems that impede our national read as follows: derness Study Area, Idaho. progress. May they look to You to di- A bill (S. 47) to provide for the manage- Sec. 1012. Conveyance to Ukpeagvik Inupiat rect their steps as You surround them ment of the natural resources of the United Corporation. with the shield of Your divine favor. States, and for other purposes. Sec. 1013. Public purpose conveyance to City We pray in Your majestic Name. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Sen- of Hyde Park, Utah. Amen. ator from Alaska. Sec. 1014. Juab County conveyance. Sec. 1015. Black Mountain Range and Bull- f AMENDMENT NO. 111, AS MODIFIED head City land exchange. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Ms. MURKOWSKI. Madam President, Sec. 1016. Cottonwood land exchange. The President pro tempore led the I call up substitute amendment No. 111, Sec. 1017. Embry-Riddle Tri-City land ex- change. Pledge of Allegiance, as follows: as modified, with changes at the desk. The PRESIDING OFFICER. The Subtitle B—Public Land and National Forest I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the System Management United States of America, and to the Repub- clerk will report the amendment. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, The senior assistant legislative clerk Sec. 1101. Bolts Ditch access. indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. read as follows: Sec. 1102. Clarification relating to a certain land description under the f The Senator from Alaska [Ms. MURKOWSKI] proposes an amendment numbered 111, as Northern Arizona Land Ex- RESERVATION OF LEADER TIME modified. change and Verde River Basin Partnership Act of 2005. The PRESIDING OFFICER (Mrs. Ms. MURKOWSKI. Madam President, Sec. 1103. Frank and Jeanne Moore Wild FISCHER). Under the previous order, the I ask unanimous consent that the read- Steelhead Special Management leadership time is reserved. ing of the amendment be dispensed Area. f with. Sec. 1104. Maintenance or replacement of fa- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without cilities and structures at Smith CONCLUSION OF MORNING Gulch. BUSINESS objection, it is so ordered. The amendment (No. 111), as modi- Sec. 1105. Repeal of provision limiting the The PRESIDING OFFICER. Morning fied, is as follows: export of timber harvested from business is closed. certain Kake Tribal Corpora- (Purpose: In the nature of a substitute) tion land. f Strike all after the enacting clause and in- Sec. 1106. Designation of Fowler and Boskoff NATURAL RESOURCES MANAGE- sert the following: Peaks. MENT ACT—MOTION TO PRO- SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE; TABLE OF CONTENTS. Sec. 1107. Coronado National Forest land CEED—Resumed (a) SHORT TITLE.—This Act may be cited as conveyance. the ‘‘Natural Resources Management Act’’. Sec. 1108. Deschutes Canyon-Steelhead Falls The PRESIDING OFFICER. Under (b) TABLE OF CONTENTS.—The table of con- Wilderness Study Area bound- the previous order, the Senate will re- tents for this Act is as follows: ary adjustment, Oregon. ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. S1031 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 03:20 Feb 08, 2019 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0624 Sfmt 0655 E:\CR\FM\A07FE6.000 S07FEPT1 S1032 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE February 7, 2019 Sec. 1109. Maintenance of Federal mineral PART I—DESIGNATION OF WILDERNESS IN THE Subtitle D—New Units of the National Park leases based on extraction of CALIFORNIA DESERT CONSERVATION AREA System helium. Sec. 1411. California desert conservation and Sec. 2301. Medgar and Myrlie Evers Home Sec. 1110. Small miner waivers to claim recreation. National Monument. maintenance fees. PART II—DESIGNATION OF SPECIAL Sec. 2302. Mill Springs Battlefield National Sec. 1111. Saint Francis Dam Disaster Na- MANAGEMENT AREA Monument. tional Memorial and National Sec. 2303. Camp Nelson Heritage National Sec. 1421. Vinagre Wash Special Manage- Monument. Monument. Sec. 1112. Owyhee Wilderness Areas bound- ment Area. Subtitle E—National Park System ary modifications. PART III—NATIONAL PARK SYSTEM Management Sec. 1113. Chugach Region land study. ADDITIONS Sec. 1114. Wildfire technology moderniza- Sec. 1431. Death Valley National Park Sec. 2401. Denali National Park and Pre- tion. boundary revision. serve natural gas pipeline. Sec. 1115. McCoy Flats Trail System. Sec. 1432. Mojave National Preserve. Sec. 2402. Historically Black Colleges and Sec. 1116. Technical corrections to certain Sec. 1433. Joshua Tree National Park. Universities Historic Preserva- laws relating to Federal land in tion program reauthorized. PART IV—OFF-HIGHWAY VEHICLE RECREATION Sec. 2403. Authorizing cooperative manage- the State of Nevada. AREAS Sec. 1117. Ashley Karst National Recreation ment agreements between the and Geologic Area. Sec. 1441. Off-highway vehicle recreation District of Columbia and the Sec. 1118. John Wesley Powell National Con- areas. Secretary of the Interior. servation Area. PART V—MISCELLANEOUS Sec. 2404. Fees for Medical Services. Sec. 1119. Alaska Native Vietnam era vet- Sec. 1451. Transfer of land to Anza-Borrego Sec. 2405. Authority to grant easements and erans land allotment. Desert State Park. rights-of-way over Federal Sec. 1120. Red River gradient boundary sur- Sec. 1452. Wildlife corridors. lands within Gateway National vey. Sec. 1453. Prohibited uses of acquired, do- Recreation Area. Sec. 1121. San Juan County settlement im- nated, and conservation land. Sec. 2406. Adams Memorial Commission. plementation. Sec. 1454. Tribal uses and interests. Sec. 2407. Technical corrections to ref- Sec. 1122. Rio Puerco Watershed manage- Sec. 1455. Release of Federal reversionary erences to the African Amer- ment program. land interests. ican Civil Rights Network. Sec. 1123. Ashley Springs land conveyance. Sec. 1456. California State school land. Sec. 2408. Transfer of the James J. Howard Subtitle C—Wilderness Designations and Sec. 1457. Designation of wild and scenic riv- Marine Sciences Laboratory. Withdrawals ers. Sec. 2409. Bows in parks. Sec. 1458. Conforming amendments. Sec. 2410. Wildlife management in parks. PART I—GENERAL PROVISIONS Sec. 1459. Juniper Flats. Sec. 2411. Pottawattamie County rever- Sec. 1201. Organ Mountains-Desert Peaks Sec. 1460. Conforming amendments to Cali- sionary interest. conservation. fornia Military Lands With- Sec. 2412. Designation of Dean Stone Bridge. ´ Sec. 1202. Cerro del Yuta and Rıo San Anto- drawal and Overflights Act of Subtitle F—National Trails and Related nio Wilderness Areas. 1994. Matters Sec. 1203. Methow Valley, Washington, Fed- Sec. 1461. Desert tortoise conservation cen- Sec. 2501. North Country Scenic Trail Route eral land withdrawal. ter. adjustment. Sec. 1204. Emigrant Crevice withdrawal. TITLE II—NATIONAL PARKS Sec. 1205. Oregon Wildlands. Sec. 2502. Extension of Lewis and Clark Na- Subtitle A—Special Resource Studies tional Historic Trail. PART II—EMERY COUNTY PUBLIC LAND Sec. 2001. Special resource study of James K. Sec. 2503. American Discovery Trail signage. MANAGEMENT Polk presidential home. Sec. 2504. Pike National Historic Trail Sec. 1211. Definitions. Sec. 2002. Special resource study of study. Sec. 1212. Administration. Thurgood Marshall school. TITLE III—CONSERVATION Sec. 1213. Effect on water rights. Sec. 2003. Special resource study of Presi- AUTHORIZATIONS Sec. 1214. Savings clause. dent Street Station. Sec. 3001. Reauthorization of Land and SUBPART A—SAN RAFAEL SWELL RECREATION Sec. 2004. Amache special resource study. Water Conservation Fund. Sec. 2005. Special resource study of George AREA Sec. 3002. Conservation incentives land- W. Bush Childhood Home. Sec. 1221. Establishment of Recreation Area. owner education program. Sec. 1222. Management of Recreation Area. Subtitle B—National Park System Boundary TITLE IV—SPORTSMEN’S ACCESS AND Sec. 1223. San Rafael Swell Recreation Area Adjustments and Related Matters RELATED MATTERS Advisory Council. Sec. 2101. Shiloh National Military Park Subtitle A—National Policy SUBPART B—WILDERNESS AREAS boundary adjustment. Sec. 4001. Congressional declaration of na- Sec. 1231. Additions to the National Wilder- Sec. 2102. Ocmulgee Mounds National His- tional policy. ness Preservation System. torical Park boundary. Sec. 1232. Administration. Sec. 2103. Kennesaw Mountain National Bat- Subtitle B—Sportsmen’s Access to Federal Sec.