Wellington's Regional Land Transport Plan Working Paper 2 – Background Trends and Issues Data & Analysis Team For more information, contact the Greater Wellington Regional Council: Wellington PO Box 11646 January 2015 T 04 384 5708 F 04 385 6960 www.gw.govt.nz www.gw.govt.nz
[email protected] Contents 1. Introduction 5 1.1 Policy context for RLTP working papers 5 1.3 Outline of this working paper 8 2. Population 9 2.1 Recent trends 9 2.2 Population projections 12 2.3 Wellington City’s CBD intensification 13 2.4 Population age structure 13 2.5 Trip rates by age group 15 2.6 Employment trends and forecasts 16 2.7 Summary 21 3. Vehicle ownership 23 3.1 Light vehicle ownership per capita 23 3.2 Access to a motor vehicle 24 3.3 Vehicle ownership and VKT 26 3.4 Vehicle licence holders by age group 27 3.5 Summary 28 4. Wellington region’s transport network 29 4.1 State highway network 29 4.2 Local road and bus network 31 4.3 Rail network 32 4.4 Freight transport 33 4.5 Access to the airport 33 4.6 Summary 33 5. Census travel patterns and trends 35 5.1 Regional journey-to-work trips by origin (local authority area) 36 5.2 Regional journey-to-work trips by destination (local authority area) 37 5.3 Intra- and inter-sector journey-to-work trips, by origin and destination 38 5.4 Regional journey-to-work trips to Wellington City CBD 39 5.5 Total regional journey-to-work trips 42 5.6 Summary 44 6.