A black cracked wall with blood stains from my knuckles just like a bull when the matador is sticking knives in the bulls back but my twisted mind thinks of the matador dressed in his traditional clothing but in black with gouged out eyes and pale skin stabbing me with colorful long knifes like the broken plates with caviar on the floor

I see myself in a tuxedo with a straight jacket over it in the corner of a luxury mansion sobbing into the fancy red carpet with a beam of moonlight on me the emotion makes me see red like when I can't carry a heavy weight in the gym and it falls to the floor making a heavy sound like it mocks you

The emotion is like poison from a black widow spider going through your blood slowly making it toxic

I’ve never felt more of this feeling than when I let the bullies win the bruises were on me like stitches on a sweet fluffy toy I felt like a toy they could just throw around the O-blood was rushing in the shower like a hypnotizing red river

The words were in my head going back and forth like a ping pong game but the ball is covered in spikes making my brain mush until I choose to be the bigger person in my throne of skulls and victory I rose over the bullies they have won the fight but I have won the war of acceptance for who I am and how I am slowly fighting threw the savage jungle of life like Lana living in the land of gods and monsters

I was an angel, who's wing got cut off and had to staple them back on. Wishing to fly away from this hell away from this emotion that makes me want to jump off the edge But life slowly gets better tear by tear.