Torquemada, the Inquisition, and the Expulsion of the Jews
Click here for Full Issue of EIR Volume 32, Number 13, April 1, 2005 EIRStrategic Studies Torquemada, the Inquisition, And the Expulsion of the Jews by Timothy Rush Even after 1492, when the Jews were expelled from Spain, Dutch Liberal operations against Islam, we must study there was no anti-Semitism. It was not a religious question. the way in which Grand Inquisitor Torquemada’s 1492 It was not a racial question. Their expulsion from Spain in decrees (dictated to the Spanish monarch) set into motion 1492 had been a military question—the Jews had allied the internal religious warfare, led by the Habsburgs, in with the Moors, and for military reasons of state security, Europe, which continued until the 1648 Treaty of the Hapsburgs could no longer have the Jews in Spain. Westphalia. Fernando Quijano, “Black Legend hides the truth Lyndon LaRouche, e-mail reply to a correspondent, about America’s Discovery,” speech delivered Jan. 7, 2005. Sept. 2, 1990 (EIR, Oct. 19, 1990). The Hitler regime typifies nothing other than the “Beast- The essential conflict between Europe and Islam must be Man” concept of Martinist ideologue Joseph de Maistre, seen in the context of the earlier alliance between Charle- and of such Maistre followers as Friedrich Nietzsche and magne and the Baghdad Caliphate’s Haroun el-Rashid. Hannah Arendt’s beloved Nazi philosopher, Martin Hei- The origin of the conflict is essentially traced to the period degger. However, as Maistre himself insisted, . his prox- approximately 1000-1400 A.D., when Europe was domi- imate model for what we have come to know as the Nazi nated by the so-called ‘ultramontane’ partnership of usuri- and Nazi-like model echoed by Vice President Cheney ous Venetian financier-oligarchy and the Norman chiv- today, was the Spanish Grand Inquisitor.
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