A Snapshot of the Danish Energy Transition Objectives, Markets, Grid, Support Schemes and Acceptance STUDY A Snapshot of the Danish Energy Transition IMPRINT STUDY A Snapshot of the Danish Energy Transition Objectives, Markets, Grid, Support Schemes and Acceptance WRITTEN BY Agora Energiewende Rosenstrasse 2 | 10178 Berlin | Germany Stephanie Ropenus, Ph.D.
[email protected] DTU Management Engineering Danmarks Tekniske Universitet | Produktionstorvet Bygning 426 | rum 109 2800 Kongens Lyngby | Denmark Prof. MSO Henrik Klinge Jacobsen, Ph.D.
[email protected] Typesetting: UKEX GRAPHIC, Ettlingen Please quote as: Cover: © robertharding/Fotolia Agora Energiewende and DTU Management Engineering (2015): A Snapshot of the Danish Energy Transition. Objectives, Markets, Grid, Support Schemes 084/17-S-2015/EN and Acceptance. Publication: November 2015 www.agora-energiewende.de Preface Dear Readers, In recent years, Denmark has gained considerable interna- underlying grid expansion within Denmark? What types of tional attention as one of the first movers in implementing consumer participation schemes exist? a green energy transition – the so-called grøn omstilling. In order to achieve an energy system independent from fos- This paper aims to explore some of the lessons learned from sil fuels by 2050, Denmark is pursuing an integrated policy the Danish experience. At the same time, this paper can approach that takes all energy sectors into account. In 2014, serve as an introductory overview to the Danish power wind energy covered 39 percent of Danish electricity de- system and the policies that govern it. The paper is part of mand. Wind and bioenergy – the latter in particular for the Agora Energiewende’s “Lessons Learned from Denmark” se- conversion of combined heat and power plants – will play ries.