Case No. 17/02184/REMMAJ

Item No. 01

Location: Site Of Business Park, Station Road, Pannal, North

Yorkshire, HG3 1JJ

Proposal: Reserved matters application under permission

16/05447/DVCMAJ for Phase 2B commercial area comprising office and retail floor space: and park and rail car parking spaces with access, layout, Scale, appearance and landscaping considered.

Applicant: Forward Investment LLP

Access to the case file on Public Access can be found here:- view file

Reason for report: This application is to be presented to the Planning Committee because the issues surrounding its determination can be considered to be significant, controversial or sensitive.


These Reserved Matters are part of Phase 2 for Pannal Business Park. They form Phase 2b, the commercial element with a mix of B1 office and ancillary retail being proposed. The scheme includes landscaping and formal public spaces, parking for the office and retail uses and park and ride spaces for the adjacent Pannal Station. The site has the benefit of outline planning permission with access considered. The Reserved Matters are for scale, appearance, layout and landscaping. The key concern raised by representations was the loss of Pannal Post office, this matter has now been addressed and the Post Office use will continue. Other points raised by consultees have led to changes in the scheme which are considered to be acceptable for Officers to support. The proposals would contribute to the Council’s employment provision and help address the lack of high quality B1 office space. These economic benefits should be given considerable weight.

RECOMMENDATION: Approve subject to conditions





1.1 The site is on part of the former Dunlopillo site at Pannal. It lies next to the existing built up area of Pannal, where the Village Hall and Post Office are located. Along the length of the site runs the railway line with Pannal Station immediately adjacent. Beyond the railway line there is a residential area accessed off Pannal Avenue.

1.2 On the eastern boundary sits the BMW Garage and Showroom. To the south east, sits the Care Home which was constructed as an earlier phase (phase 1) of the Pannal Business Park scheme.

1.3 To the south west of the proposal boundary is the remainder of the former Dunlopillo site which is proposed for housing as part of a separate Reserved Matter.


2.1 The proposal relates to Phase 2b of the development of outline application

16/05447/DVCMAJ approved on 12/05/2017. The proposal is for the

Reserved Matters for the commercial element of Pannal Business Park.

2.2 The scheme provides for a total of 8600 sq m B1 office use, 508 sq m A1retail use, associated landscaping and formal public areas. 103 parking spaces are proposed for the office use and 62 spaces for the retail and adjacent Pannal railway station.

2.3 The majority of the buildings on site are proposed to be demolished. The exception to this is an office building on Station Road which is to be retained and refurbished. There are 6 buildings proposed to be built in total. A summary of the buildings is set out below:


. Building 1 - Four storeys B1 office and retail

. Building 2 - Three storey B1 office

. Building 3 - Two storey retail

. Building 4 - Four Storey B1 office

. Building 5A - Three storey B1 office

. Building 5B - Four storey B1 office.

2.4 Revisions have been made to the size and layout of the scheme following officer and consultee comments. The revised scheme was re-advertised, the 21 day consultation ended on 6th October.

2.5 When first submitted, the Reserved Matters scheme identified the demolition of the current Post Office building on Station Road, with a new building in its place. As part of revisions to the scheme, the road has been realigned to allow the retention of the Post Office. The Post Office will be relocated once a replacement unit is built on site, a new building will then replace the existing Post Office.

2.6 New pedestrian access up to the boundary of Pannal railway station is shown on the drawings.

2.7 The main vehicular access for the site will be from the already constructed roundabout on the A61. A further access is shown onto Station Road but this has traffic calming measures to discourage it being used as a main access/through route. This access will help to link the scheme to Pannal for local residents on foot and by car.

2.8 The internal spine road is not part of this Reserved Matter. The details for the spine road form part of a separate Reserved Matters application for the residential element, submitted by Bellway Homes, which is currently under consideration. There is a Condition on the Outline consent which requires the implementation of the road and serviced land for the commercial phase.



3.1 The application is accompanied by the following documents:

. Masterplan

. Elevations and Floor Plan Layouts

. Design and Access Statement

. Statement of Community Involvement

. Landscape Masterplan

. Detailed Planting Plan

. Arboricultural Impact Assessment


4.1 13/02358/OUTMAJ Outline application for demolition of existing buildings to be replaced with a mixed use development to include dwellings, serviced employment plots (use class B1), retail units (use class A1), park and ride, sports pitches and amenity space with access considered (site area 10ha). Approved 21.03.2014

4.2 14/02804/OUTMAJ Outline application for demolition of existing buildings to be replaced with a mixed use development to include dwellings, serviced employment plots (use class B1), retail units (use class A1) and care home (use class C2), park and ride, sports pitches and amenity space with access considered (site area 10ha) (revised scheme). Approved 21.10.2014

4.3 16/05447/DVCMAJ Variation of Condition 9 (Affordable Housing) of

14/02804/OUTMAJ for rewording and clarification of affordable housing quota. Approved 12.05.2017.

4.4 17/02123/REMMAJ Reserved matters application (Access, Layout, Scale, Appearance and Landscaping) for erection of 128 dwellings including sports pitches and public amenity space approved under outline application 16/05447/DVCMAJ. Pending Consideration

4.5 Pre-application discussions and meetings have been held between the applicants and Officers of the Council. Advice was given on the improvements sought to the design and layout.



5.1 National Planning Policy

5.2 The National Planning Policy Framework March 2012 (NPPF) sets out the Government’s planning policies for and how these are expected to be applied. Planning permission must be determined in accordance with the development plan unless material considerations indicate otherwise. The National Planning Policy Framework is a material consideration in planning decisions.

5.3 At the heart of the NPPF is a presumption in favour of sustainable development.

5.4 Core Strategy

Policy SG2 Settlement Growth: Hierarchy and limits Policy SG4 Settlement Growth: Design and Impact Policy JB1 Supporting the District economy Policy TRA1 Accessibility Policy TRA2 Transport infrastructure

Policy EQ1 Reducing risks to the environment

Policy EQ2 The natural and built environment and green belt

Policy C1 Inclusive communities

5.5 Harrogate District Local Plan (2001, As Altered 2004)


Policy C2 Landscape Character

Policy HD13 Trees and Woodlands

Policy HD20 Design of New Development and Redevelopment Policy E2 Retention of Industrial/Business Land and Premises Policy E6 Redevelopment and extension of industrial and business development

5.6 Supplementary Planning Documents

5.7 Landscape Design Guide

5.8 Other material policy considerations:

5.9 National Planning Policy Guidance


6.1 NYCC Highways And Transportation – Following discussions with the applicants and the submission of revised plans, Officers are satisfied with the details of the access and level of car parking provided.

6.2 Harrogate Civic Society - No comments received.

6.3 – Concerns over some of the plant species in the landscaping proposals. Welcome the link to the station but seek clarification on how it will be implemented/ funded as Network Rail does not have funds to implement any works.

6.4 Economic Development – It is a long term aim to see this site redeveloped as a modern business park in a sustainable location. There is a lack of good quality, modern office space in the District and the Economic Development Officer welcome the provision of B1 office use which will support the Council’s emerging Economic Growth Strategy.

6.5 Following re-consultation on the revised layout however, Economic

Development Officers are concerned with the reduction in B1 floorspace.


The original Reserved Matters layout was preferable. The amendment reduces the B1 floorspace by 1,135sqm. The value of the retained oak tree is questioned. Economic Development officers consider the economic benefits of creating B1 floorspace outweighs the benefit of protecting the tree.


7.1 A lengthy response on the scheme (first consultation in July) was received from the Parish Council. This is a summary of the points made:

. Object to the loss of the Post Office

. The construction traffic should only use the A61 access

. The traffic calming is not detailed enough

. There is not enough retail parking, or office parking (especially building


. The glazing in Building 1 is not in keeping. Building 1 should be demolished as shown at the outline stage . The access to the station is not clear

. The commercial scheme needs revision to fit in with the style and appearance of the village. 7.2 The Parish Council provided a further response on the scheme revisions

(second consultation in September). This is a summary of the points made:


. Thanks to all concerned for ensuring continuity of the post office services. . A condition is required that all construction traffic must use access from A61. A construction management plan has not been provided . Traffic signs requested on A61 and Pannal Bank indicating restricted access through the site. . The proposed traffic calming tables should be at the maximum height to dissuade rat running. . Parking provision remains totally inadequate. Without more parking on-site, parking problems in the village will be exacerbated. . Specification for proposed aluminium cladding needs to ensure adequate fire retardancy. Details for the proposed stone cladding are required. . Pedestrian access to the station should not be “to be confirmed”.


8.1 A total of 339 representations from the public/local groups have been received. These were all objecting to the scheme, the majority of the comments made relate to the loss of the Post Office/ Local Shop. Over 200 of the objections to the Post Office were in the form of a duplicate letter.

8.2 A summary of the other points of concern raised by the representations are:

. Not enough parking provided

. The existing block on Station Road should be demolished, not refurbished . The Art Deco Building should be retained

. A better pedestrian link to Pannal is needed

. Traffic calming is inadequate to deter rat runs

. Object to the whole scheme as too big

. The scheme is not appropriate/out of keeping for Pannal

. There will be too much traffic


8.3 The original versions of the representations received can be viewed in full by

looking at the details of the application on the Council’s website.

8.4 Voluntary Neighbour Notification

8.5 The applicants have undertaken public consultation events prior to the submission of the Reserved Matters.

8.6 Representatives of Forward Investments LLP attended a meeting of the Parish Council on the 12th January 2017 where the emerging ideas for the Reserved Matter Applications were presented.

8.7 A leaflet drop was undertaken to advertise a consultation drop-in event. The consultation drop in event took place on Thursday 16th February 2017 between 3.30pm and 7.30pm. It is estimated that more than 150 people attended. 122 people responded with comments and these are summarised in the submitted Statement of Community Involvement.


9.1 The main issues in the consideration of this application are as follows: -

. sustainability;

. social sustainability;

. environmental sustainability;

. character and appearance;

. amenity;

. highways;

. trees;

. economic sustainability; and

. other matters.

9.2 Sustainability

9.3 The redevelopment of the former Dunlopillo site is sustainable in planning terms. It represents the re-use of a previously developed site, next to a train


station. Pannal is identified in the Harrogate Local Plan as a Category 2 settlement, the addition of new offices and local retail units will help to improve job opportunities and local facilities for local residents.


9.5 When the Reserved Matters were first submitted they showed the demolition of the existing Post Office building. Whilst replacement premises were shown in the new commercial scheme, the continuity of a Post Office service would have been lost. This generated a significant number of objections from concerned local residents who value having a Post Office in Pannal and who did not want even a temporary loss of service. Given the important social sustainability role a local Post Office plays, Officers required a change to the scheme.

9.6 The applicants have worked closely with NYCC officers to agree an alteration in the Station Road access, to allow the implementation of the road, whilst still retaining the existing Post Office building and use. A revised Reserved Matter plan confirms this. Once suitable new premises have been built on the Reserved Matters site, the Post Office use can transfer and the existing building can be demolished to allow for the proposed new building 3. The Parish Council acknowledges this change to the scheme and Officers are satisfied that no harm will come to the community facility, in line with paragraph 70 of the NPPF and Core Strategy C1 Inclusive Communities.

9.7 The scheme proposes new ancillary retail units along with the new office use. This will help to improve facilities in Pannal for the benefit of local residents and the office workers in the scheme.


9.9 The Reserved Matters layout shows an efficient use of land and buildings on a previously developed site. This approach is in line with guidance in the NPPF as well as Local Policy. The site is highly accessible and sustainable and would allow all modes of travel choices to be used. The proposals would provide a good level of accessibility to jobs, shops, services and community facilities and the inclusion of Park and Ride spaces will help

12 encourage sustainable transport choices for existing and future workers and residents. New landscaping is proposed as part of the scheme which over time will promote biodiversity.

9.10 Character and Appearance

9.11 Great importance is attached within the NPPF to the design of the built environment. Planning policies and decisions should concentrate on guiding the overall scale, density, massing height, landscape, layout, materials and access of new development in relation to neighbouring buildings and the local area. However, permission should be refused for development of poor design that fails to take the opportunities for improving the character and quality of an area and the way it functions.

9.12 Design and layout is a key consideration at Reserved Matters stage.

Comments from the Design Officer were the focus of detailed discussions with applicants and have led to a revision of some building details and revised plans submitted. It is considered that amendments to the scheme reduce the effects of scale and would not result in significant adverse impacts.

9.13 It is considered that the scale, density, layout and design shown in the Reserved Matter proposals make a positive contribution to the spatial and visual quality of the settlement. The use of high quality materials, such as stone is sufficiently in keeping with the surrounding area and character, in accordance with the aims and provisions of saved Policies HD20, SG4 and C2. The introduction of modern materials to create a forward looking business park for the 21st Century will make a positive contribution to the

visual quality of the settlement in line with Policy HD20. The design will help improve the economic competiveness of Harrogate District in terms of inward investment and attracting high quality employers in line with the

Council’s Economic Strategy and Policy JB1.

9.14 The Art Deco Building is an existing structure which was considered for retention at the Outline stage and shown on the Outline Masterplan. This approach was welcomed by Officers. However, the Outline consent

13 authorised the demolition of all structures on site so there was no obligation to require its retention. The Reserved Matters do not include retention of the Art Deco building.

9.15 This is a change of approach from the outline master plan and the applicants were asked to justify it. The applicant’s consider that it would impact the design approach for a contemporary business park; that its location limits the provision of public spaces; and its incorporation into a new building would significantly reduce the commercial floor space, thus affecting the scheme’s financial viability. Furthermore, the heritage report (which accompanied the Outline submission) noted that the building was of limited significance as a heritage asset.

9.16 Officers initially preferred to see the Art Deco building incorporated into the scheme. However, when considering its limited value and the impact its retention would have on the detailed design of the business park; together with the outline consent for demolition; on balance the benefits of the scheme outweigh the loss of the building.

9.17 Amenity - impact on existing and proposed residents

9.18 The scheme will be an improvement on the existing empty, somewhat derelict buildings. Therefore, the level of amenity will be improved. The retention of the existing building on Station Road will not be as much of an improvement on amenity as if it had been removed. However, its refurbishment will be of benefit to the street scene and amenity of nearby residential properties.

9.19 The orientation, separation and set back of the commercial phase and residential phase of the Outline consent have been designed in tandem. Design and layout discussions have been held jointly with both applicants. Officers are therefore satisfied that the amenity of proposed residents will be acceptable in line with Core Strategy policy SG4.

9.20 Landscape

14 9.21 The Landscape Officer is satisfied with the landscaping details submitted and provided no objection, or areas for improvement. The Arboricultural Officer is satisfied with the revised details submitted. There are a number of landscaping details and tree protection conditions on the Outline consent which continue to be in place and do not need to replicated as part of the Reserved Matters. The concerns raised by Network Rail as to the proposed planting by the railway line have been reviewed and addressed by the applicants. Overall, the landscaping and planting proposed is acceptable to Officers and is in line with Local Plan Policies C2 and HD13.

9.22 Highways

9.23 103 parking spaces are proposed for a total B1 (office) floor space of

8,600sq m GIA. The level of parking provision was agreed with NYCC officers at Outline stage at a ratio of 1:70 (1 parking space per 70sqm of floor space). The Reserved Matters application complies with this ratio and therefore the level of parking is supported by Officers. A change to this parking ratio at reserved matters stage is not possible under planning law.

9.24 The level of parking for the Pannal Station Park and Ride was shown at 75 spaces at outline stage. The current Reserved Matters scheme shows 62 Park and Ride spaces. There is no condition on the outline consent requiring the provision of exactly 75 spaces but Officers have queried the figure with the applicants as the higher amount would be preferable. The applicants have indicated that 62 spaces is the maximum they can achieve whilst keeping the office parking ratios to the agreed levels and without compromising the public realm and landscaping elements. On balance, there is still a good level of Park and Ride provision and the landscaping and public realm elements are an important part of the urban realm improvements. The scheme remains compliant to the outline consent and sustainability objectives at national and local policy level. For example, paragraph 34 of the NPPF which states that developments that generate significant movement are located to maximise the use of sustainable transport modes. Also, Core Strategy policies TRA1 and TRA2 state that

15 development should maximise the opportunity to improve accessibility to key services and facilities when sites are adjacent to public transport.

9.25 Officers are satisfied with the traffic calming measures proposed for the access to Station Road. Vehicular access from Pannal will benefit local residents wishing to access the proposals but will deter people using it as a cut through to the A61. Detailed consideration over the new access road from the A61 was had at the Outline stage; the Transport Assessment confirmed the capacity, design and likely impacts on choice of route for vehicle users.

9.26 Concerns have again been raised, at Reserved Matters stage, that the new access would result in vehicles diverting from the new roundabout through the site onto Station Road and into the village of Pannal rather than continuing along the A61 to obviate the need to wait at the Spacey Houses traffic light junction or using the route, which is accessed from the A61. The effect of the access running from the new roundabout through the site onto Station Road was tested by the applicants at Outline stage. The traffic modelling results showed there would be a beneficial reduction in overall traffic flows at the Spacey Houses/Pannal Bank Junction and there would be negligible change in traffic flows on local roads through Pannal.

9.27 The Outline TA also identified that the access through the site from the A61 roundabout would not be more attractive to road users. It would likely add a further distance 1.1km to the journey, the railway bridge signal would add a further delay and additional 20mph speed limits and speed humps through Pannal Village. As this matter has been addressed at Outline Stage and the details of the proposed traffic calming are satisfactory to Officers, the Reserved Matters in this respect are considered acceptable.

9.28 The main access road to the site does not form part of this Reserved Matter.

It has been submitted as part of the Bellway Homes Reserved Matter for the residential element of the Outline consent. This is related to a condition on the Outline which limits the amount of residential occupancy prior to construction of the main road and the serviced plots for the commercial phase. The applicants for both Reserved Matters have worked closely

16 together to ensure the phases have been designed with regard to each

other. Highways officers are satisfied that there is no conflict with the access road and the Commercial phase.

9.29 Overall the site is in a sustainable location and the Reserved Matters help to ensure there is a choice of means of transport for users of the site. As such the proposal meets the requirements set in Core Strategy Policies TRA1 and TRA2.

9.30 Trees

9.31 The Arboricultural Officer objected to the original layout of the scheme as an

Oak tree, which he had assessed as a veteran Oak, was to be removed. The applicant’s tree assessment does not agree that the Oak is of veteran value and the applicants argue that the creation of B1 office space outweighs the harm created by the removal of the tree. There is a condition on the Outline consent which requires the retention of the Oak tree. This has led to a revised layout being submitted which retains the tree, the implication of which is a reduction in B1 office floor space.

9.32 On re-consultation the Arboricultural Officer withdraws the objection.

However, the Economic Development Officer objects to this floor space reduction and questions whether the harm from losing the tree is outweighed by the provision of a greater level of office space.

9.33 The applicant has indicated that they may revisit this element of the scheme as part of a separate application to remove the Oak retention condition. In so doing, this would increase the amount of B1 office provision. However, this is not under consideration as part of this Reserved Matter.

9.34 Clearly the retention of the tree was considered important enough at the outline stage to warrant a specific condition. However, due to the nature of an Outline scheme, the implication on floor space provision has not been fully explored at the outline masterplanning stage. The loss of office provision is not supported by officers but the Reserved Matters must be compliant with the Outline condition. On balance, therefore the revised layout, which retains the Oak outweighs the loss of floor space.


9.36 The scheme is economically sustainable in line with NPPF, Local Planning Policies and the Economic Development aspirations of the Council. Paragraph 19 of the NPPF states significant weight should be placed on the need to support economic growth through the planning system; whilst Core Strategy JB1 seeks to enhance the economic role of the District. The proposals will help achieve this. The proposals are also in line with Local Plan Policy E2 which seeks the retention of employment land; in particular, the mixture of uses on site will add to the village’s vitality and viability.

9.37 There is support from Economic Development Officers for the provision of high quality office space, ensuring continuity of employment use on this important employment site. They consider the B1office use proposed more suited to the site and the aim for the site to be a modern business park. There is a lack of good quality office space in the district and this scheme will help address the shortfall.


10.1 The Reserved Matters show a pedestrian link up to the boundary of the . The intention is for the office scheme to have a direct link to the train station, encouraging workers to travel to the site by train. It will also encourage use of the Park and Ride parking spaces included in the scheme. The applicant has indicated they will be entering into discussions with Network Rail to implement direct access and this may include voluntary funding towards the cost of any link. There is no requirement as part of the Outline consent to require the provision of a link but Officers are satisfied that what is shown on the Reserved Matters allows for the direct link into this site, within the land falls under the applicants ownership. The implementation of anything further is outside the control of the Council.

10.2 Comments from the Parish Council relate to the fire retardancy of any aluminium cladding. This is an important point but lies outside the remit of

18 the planning system. The matter will be covered at the building regulations stage.


11.1 The principle of a large scale office use; ancillary retail and parking for the railway station; on this site has previously been established at Outline stage. The quantum of development and traffic generated was similarly agreed as part of the Outline consent and associated s106 agreement. The submission of Reserved Matters is a welcome indication that the approval is moving forward to implementation and, as such, jobs will be generated for Harrogate District.

11.2 The closure of the Post Office to accommodate the access road was clearly

a concern for many local residents. The willingness of the applicant to revise this aspect of the proposal, to ensure continuity of provision of a key local facility, is supported by Officers.

11.3 The reduction in B1 floorspace in order to accommodate the retention of the Oak tree is disappointing from an Economic Development perspective. However, given the condition in the Outline consent to retain the tree, this Reserved Matter is compliant with that condition.

11.4 The Outline consent gave approval for all buildings on the site to be demolished. In working up the details of the Reserved Matters the applicants and their architects have reviewed the options for optimising the best use of land. The retention of the Art Deco Building was an aspiration at the Outline stage and its retention would be preferable. However, given the limited heritage value it has and the lack of a specific condition on the Outline consent, its removal on balance does not cause such harm as to refuse the Reserved Matter.

11.5 Whilst there are elements of the Reserved Matters that are a variation of the Outline masterplanning documents; the scale and layout of the scheme was reserved and the Outline consent sought the Reserved Matters to “have

19 regard to” the supporting documents. As the Outline consent plans were indicative, this allowed flexibility for the final detailed design. The Reserved Matters submitted, following revisions, are considered by Officers to have adequate regard to the Outline.

11.6 The provision of B1 office use in this sustainable location is welcomed and will help to achieve the job creation objectives of the Council’s Economic Strategy. Overall, the scheme is well designed, with the use of high quality materials. The revised scheme is in line with National and Local Policy and Officers consider an acceptable balance of issues has been achieved.


12.1 That the application be APPROVED subject to conditions.

In the event of any changes being needed to the wording of the Committee's decision (such as to delete, vary or add conditions/informatives/planning obligations or reasons for approval/refusal) prior to the decision being issued, the Chief Planner has delegated authority to do so in consultation with the Chairman of the Planning Committee, provided that the changes do not exceed the substantive nature of the Committee's decision.

1 The development to which this approval of reserved matters relates shall be begun on or before the expiration of two years from the final approval of reserved matters or in the case of approval on different dates, the final approval of the last such matter to be approved.

2 The development hereby permitted shall not be carried out otherwise than in strict accordance with the submitted details.

3 Samples of the materials it is intended shall be used externally in the construction of the roof and walls of the development hereby approved, shall be submitted for the written approval of the Local Planning Authority and the development shall not be started before any such approval.

4 The window frames of the reserved matters hereby permitted shall be constructed as shown on the approved drawings and no other materials shall be used without the prior written approval on the Local Planning Authority.

20 5 Unless modified by other conditions of this consent, development shall be carried out in accordance with the following approved plans received by the Local Planning Authority

7039 SMR P001 Site Location Plan-J

7039 SMR P010 Existing Site Plan-B

7039 SMR P011 Proposed B1 Master Plan-J

7039 SMR P012 Proposed Block 1 Plans-E

7039 SMR P013 Proposed Block 1 Elevations A3-F

7039 SMR P014 Proposed Block 2 Plans Elev A3-C

7039 SMR P015 Proposed Block 3 Plans Elev A3-C

7039 SMR P016 Proposed Block 4 Plans-B

7039 SMR P017 Proposed Block 4 Elevations A3-E

7039 SMR P018 Proposed Block 5 Plans (Sheet 1)-J

7039 SMR P019 Proposed Block 5 Plans (Sheet 2)-E

7039 SMR P020 Proposed Block 5 Elevations A3-F

7039 SMR P021 Proposed Site Sections-D

7039 SMR P022 Existing Block 1 Plans-#

7039 SMR P023 Existing Block 1 Elevations-#

P17-0234.001D Landscape Masterplan

P17-0234.002D Detailed planting plan

Design & Access Statement 7039/DAS v. 2

Arboricultural Impact Assessment 27042017

6 Construction traffic related to this Reserved Matter Phase shall access the site only from the new roundabout on the A61. Construction traffic shall not access the site via Station Road unless otherwise agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

Reasons for Conditions:-

1 To ensure compliance with Sections 91 -94 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. 21 2 In order to ensure compliance with the approved drawings.

3 In order to ensure that the materials used conform to the amenity requirements of the locality.

4 In the interests of visual amenity.

5 In the interests of proper planning and for the avoidance of doubt

6 In the interests of highway safety and the general amenity of the area.


1 Applicants should contact Network Rail in order to discuss and agree a satisfactory pedestrian access to Pannal Station.