General Remarks

William Osler Health System AGM and Peel Memorial Celebration

Maria Britto, Board Chair, Central West LHIN

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Osler AGM and Peel Memorial Celebration

Thank you John and good afternoon everyone.

MPP Dhillon, Mayor Fennell, Kay, Matt, special guests, members of the local community… on behalf of the Central West Local Health Integration Network I am so very pleased to be here this afternoon, and to help celebrate such an important milestone in the transformation of Peel Memorial Hospital.

The Central West LHIN operates from a simple but profound premise… that the health care needs of local communities are best understood by those who live and work in them. With that said, it was a number of years ago that the Central West LHIN conducted specific work related to both the current and future health care needs of this community. In so doing, the LHIN reached out to engage the local community as an active participant in planning its local health care system.

Let me just say… this community responded!

There were hundreds of people engaged in sharing their ideas, needs and hopes for the future. And, as a result, the LHIN was able to use this invaluable information to help guide its thinking around what the future of local health care could look like… the possibility of a new health care model that was sustainable, cost-effective and truly integrated for the benefit of residents in local and surrounding communities. Given where we are today, I would suggest this community has had an undeniable impact.

Operating unofficially out of a farmhouse in the late 1800s, you may or may not know that it wasn’t until 1925 that Peel Memorial officially became a community hospital. Today, we recognize the vision and support of a community that has helped to bring a second state-of-the- art health facility to and the surrounding area… the soon to be Peel Memorial Centre for Integrated Health and Wellness.

I want to thank the Premier and Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care for such a vivid demonstration of the government’s commitment to meeting the needs of those who will use this Centre.

I also want to acknowledge the work of William Osler Health System’s Board of Directors led by Kay Blair, as well as Matt Anderson and his team. We are fortunate, in the Central West LHIN, to work with an engaged and highly motivated group of Health Service Providers like Osler. It’s through collaborative and integrated approaches to planning and care that we can continue to evolve as a health care system, responsive to the needs of our local communities.

I would also like to acknowledge the leadership of Neil Davis, who shares my passion for health and wellness and for ensuring that all of us live an active, healthy lifestyle. People like Neil really made a mark… a difference… during this journey.

Most importantly, in addition to a strong commitment from the provincial government and the dedication of the William Osler Health System team, this milestone… this achievement… would not be possible if not for the extraordinary support of the local community, philanthropists and those gone before us who have shared a part of their legacy.


Osler AGM and Peel Memorial Celebration

Almost 30 years ago to the day I arrived at Peel Memorial Hospital to deliver a beautiful baby boy… an experience that was truly a labor of love. Some ten years in the making, this project has also been a labor of love… for so many. And now, we’re about to deliver a beautiful new baby.

It’s really quite remarkable thinking about how, when and where this journey began… how we got to this point… and of how the community has come together to wrap itself around this facility.

When I think of how many people have collaborated to make this milestone possible I am so very proud to say that together, we are making healthy change happen.

Thank you.