Annual Report 2 019

Table of Contents

1. Message from the FUTI President / FUTI at a Glance 2007-2019 2. Report on the FUTI Global Leadership Programs 3~4. Roster of Global Leadership Award Recipients, 2019 5. Roster of Ito Foundation U.S.A.-FUTI Scholarship Recipients, 2019-2020 6. Report on the Ito Foundation U.S.A.-FUTI Scholarship Program 6~8. Status of FUTI Research Funds 8. FUTI Alumni Association Established 9. Fundraising Results of FY 2018-2019 10. Summary of Financial Statement FY 2018-2019 / FUTI Lecture Series 11. FY 2018-2019 List of Donors / FUTI Organization Message from the FUTI President

I am pleased to present you the 2019 Annual Report.

Since its inception in 2011 under the leadership of the inaugural Presidents Masuda and Kobayashi, Friends of UTokyo, Inc. (FUTI) started providing excellent opportunities to a number of highly talented students from the U.S. and Japan through FUTI’s summer scholarships. In 2015, Professor Yamada assumed the Presidency of FUTI, and has greatly expanded the FUTI’s scope of activities by implementing scholarships to mid- to long-term study abroad programs, supported by a generous donation from the Ito Foundation, USA. ese scholarships have been clearly making substantial impact on the lives and early career development of outstanding University of students in science, technology, and arts and humanities elds as potential next-generation leaders in the world. As the fourth President of FUTI, succeeding Professor Yamada’s legacy, I will do my best to continue and further the FUTI’s mission with the help of Vice-President Kuwama and FUTI Board/Advisory Board Members, as well as to explore productive collaborations with the UT Foundation, USA and the UTokyo NY Oce. I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all those who have supported FUTI in its mission to foster the young global leaders of tomorrow and ask for your continued support.

Iwao Ojima President Friends of UTokyo, Inc.

FUTI at a Glance 2007 - 2019 Funds Raised to Date Scholarships and Grants $617,000 Awarded to Date 575 Donations+ received to date from 40 Individuals and alumni Ito Foundation U.S.A.-FUTI General Public Scholarship Awards

Total donations received to date 21 $1,837,000 Grants to Universities $726,400

165+ Ito Foundation U.S.A. $493,600

FUTI Global Leadership Awards Shintech, Inc.

1 Report on the FUTI Global Leadership Programs

Under the Global Leadership Program, FUTI provided scholarships to (UTokyo) students planning to study in the U.S. and U.S. students intending to participate in an internship or study at UTokyo. Most funds for this program came as donations from alumni and Shintech, Inc. In 2019, 21 UTokyo students applied and eight were selected to receive a scholarship.

In recent years the programs to support study abroad at UTokyo have signicantly expanded. is includes package programs which facilitate study abroad. For example, many programs only have an in-house selection process, relieving the need for students to independently search for summer programs abroad, correspond with the host school, and nd housing. However, since the scholarship oered for these programs are not able to cover all the necessary costs, FUTI lls the gap for select students.

In the FUTI program, applications from the GEfIL (Global Education for Innovation and Leadership) continue to grow. ose in the GEfIL program are required to complete two summer study abroad programs in their junior and senior year. GEfIL provides its own scholarships funded by corporate donations, but with expensive tuition and cost of living in the United States, their scholarship alone cannot cover all the costs. us FUTI receives applications from those wishing to attend a summer program in the U.S. is year, FUTI awarded scholarships to three students attending Harvard University, University of California Davis, and University of Michigan.

In the University of Tokyo medical school curriculum, students are required to do a clerkship in April-May of their nal (i.e. sixth year). In 2019, FUTI awarded scholarships to two medical school students who conducted clerkship at Harvard University coordinated by UTokyo’s IRCN (International Research Center for Neurointelligence).

U.S. university students also show a good deal of interest in attending summer programs at UTokyo and, as a result, demand for scholarships is high. In 2019, FUTI received 50 applications and awarded nine scholarships.

Internships for the science and technology majors include UTRIP (University of Tokyo Research Internship Program), UTSIP-Kashiwa (University of Tokyo Summer Internship Program in Kashiwa), and ESEP (Engineering Summer Education Program). With exceptional undergraduate students from the U.S. and around the world attending these summer internships, our hope is that they would come back to UTokyo for their graduate studies. Although UTokyo’s policy is to cover all costs including living expenses except in a few cases in which FUTI Global Leadership Award Recipient, students have full outside support, FUTI extends its support to Nicole Lee (second from left) with ESEP participants UTokyo by providing scholarships to outstanding students, covering their full costs or costs other than housing.

e schools in the University of California system have a study abroad network around the world including in Japan, through UCEAP (University of California Education Abroad Program), including summer study abroad programs. In 2019, FUTI received ve applications from this program for science and technology related internships and awarded two scholarships. Additionally, to support the IRCN’s summer program, FUTI gave scholarships to two Harvard undergraduates studying life sciences.

Although U.S. students attending summer programs at UTokyo mostly work in research labs, a good deal of cross-cultural exchanges have taken place between the students and sta of the labs and visiting U.S. students. At the same time, UTokyo students’ reports on their participation in U.S. summer programs clearly show that even in a brief period, their experience far exceeded what they had imagined and helped to expand their horizon and grow professionally. erefore, it is our belief that FUTI’s mission to contribute to the globalization of UTokyo is being fullled.

2 Roster of Global Leadership Award Recipients, 2019

*All information listed are based on data collected at the time of application

Thao Dinh Mami Horikawa Ikuo Kamei

Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of Southern California University of Tokyo Sophomore Junior Senior Physics Chemistry Department of Information and Communication Engineering University of Tokyo University of Tokyo Summer Internship Program in Kashiwa Research Internship Program University of California, Berkeley Summer Session

Ivee Lee Jiyeon Lee Suwen Nicole Lee

University of California-Irvine University of Tokyo University of California, Berkeley Sophomore Master 2nd year Sophomore Pharmaceutical Sciences Graduate school of Arts and Sciences BioEngineering Department of Advanced Social University of Tokyo and International Studies University of Tokyo UCEAP Summer Lab Research UCEAP Summer Lab Research Engineering & Science University of California, Berkeley Engineering & Science Summer Session

Karl Matthew Lin Alex Liu Kazuma Nakano

Middlebury College Massachusetts Institute of Technology University of Tokyo Junior Freshman Sophomore Molecular Biology & Biochemistry Chemistry Literature 3 (PEAK) and Japanese Studies University of Tokyo Harvard University University of Tokyo Yamanouchi Lab Internship Data Mining for Business Program Summer Internship Program in Kashiwa

3 Kaori Okado Vanessa Roser Riho Sato

University of Tokyo Harvard University University of Tokyo Sophomore Sophomore Sophomore College of Arts and Sciences Neuroscience Human Sciences I
