An Investigation Into Some Aspects of the Location of Clothing Retailers in Metropolitan Cape Town
MR IN LIBRARY C01 1006 9421 II I I I ...... •... AN INVESTIGATION INTO SOME ASPECTS OF THE LOCATION OF CLOTHING RETAILERS IN METROPOLITAN CAPE TOWN. Town Cape A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements -' for the degree of Master of Urban and ofRegional Planning. DAVID DEWAR B.A. (HONS) (CAPE TOWN) University OCTOBER, 1969. The -' .-.- ·---=-,~ _,..,·_ : ... ,.:,_ ;;c-,.-.c~·=::.c_.,:___ , _ _,_,_":::,-c,. -· ...., ·: ---c;~""-'' '-'.-,:· ,;·_::,..: ::_·o-,-"".."":-.:'7<:.:' :,;7'" • .·:.-"-:t' . ·-·;:;.-;.--:+ ...... !-.~:;'::: ~:-:•. -_.'.;\:."::.~-,~- ·- --;.· __ '::~ The copyright of this thesis vests in the author. No quotation from it or information derivedTown from it is to be published without full acknowledgement of the source. The thesis is to be used for private study or non- commercial research purposes only.Cape of Published by the University of Cape Town (UCT) in terms of the non-exclusive license granted to UCT by the author. University The ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i This writer is indebted to the following : Mr. K.S.O. Beaven, for invaluable help in the form of criticism, suggestions and computer programming. i:'· Mr. z.s. Gurzinski for many hours of stimulating discussion. Miss. Gillian Calderwood who gave up many hours of her time to write a computer ·programme for sequential analysis. Mr. Neil Dewar and Miss. M. Merkel who unselfishly offered and gave help in the fields of mapping and field work. Mrs. Hazel Goddard, the typist. To all these, sincere and grateful thanks are tendered. 1 ' .J '· ' .. ,I C 0 N T E N T S CHAPTER PAGE ACKNOWLEDGE~~NTS i LIST OF PLATES ii TABLES AND GRAPHS iii ONE INTRODUCTION 1 TWO THE PATTERN OF CLorHING RETAILERS IN METROPOLITJUi CAPE TOWN 4 ·-· TIIREE--:.~~--- -MICRO.:.ANAL'!s-rs-- OF -THE LOCATION- PATTERN --- IT - -- --- FOUR A STUDY OF SEQUENCES 33 FIVE THE INDIVIDUAL STORE 41 SIX A NEW APPROACH TO THE PROBLEM OF RETAIL LOCATION 54 \ ··-· -- ·- f REFERENCES.
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