United States Department of Commerce Economic and Statistics Administration Foreign Trade Division FT895/05

U.S. Trade with Puerto Rico and U.S. Possessions, 2005 Report Title U.S. Trade With Puerto Rico Issue and U.S. Possessions 2005 Issued April 2006 Foreign Trade Statistics FT895/05

Consumer Income Program Subtitle

U.S. Department of Commerce Carlos M. Gutierrez, Secretary

Economics and Statistics Administration Elizabeth (E.R.) Anderson, Deputy Under Secretary for Economic Affairs (Acting)

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU Charles Louis Kincannon, Director SUGGESTED CITATION

FT895/04,U.S.TradeWithPuertoRico andU.S.Possessions,2004


Economics and Statistics Administration Kathleen B. Cooper, UnderSecretary for Economic Affairs

U.S. CENSUS BUREAU Charles Louis Kincannon, Director Hermann Habermann, Deputy Director Thomas L. Mesenbourg, Associate Director for Economic Programs C. Harvey Monk, Jr., Assistant Director for Economic Programs William G. Bostic, Jr., Chief, Foreign Trade Division CONTENTS

Description of the Foreign Trade Statistics Program: Merchandise Trade Statistics ...... 1

Abbreviations for Units of Quantity ...... 12

Tables 1. Shipments From the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation ...... A-1 2. Shipments From the United States to the Virgin Islands by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation ...... B-1 3. Shipments From Puerto Rico to the United States by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation ...... C-1 4. Shipments From U.S. Possessions to the United States by HTSUSA Commodity ...... D-1

iii Description of the Foreign Trade Statistics Program: Merchandise Trade Statistics

INTRODUCTION documents, as required by law to be filed with the U.S. Customs Service. Data on imports of electricity and natu- This description covers all phases of the foreign trade ral gas from Canada are obtained from Canadian sources. statistics program and may contain portions not pertinent to this report. COVERAGE

SOURCE OF INFORMATION The official U.S. import and export statistics reflect both government and nongovernment shipments of merchan- Exports dise between foreign countries and the U.S. Customs Terri- tory (the 50 states, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico), Published information on U.S. exports of merchandise U.S. Foreign Trade Zones, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, with- from the United States to all countries, except Canada, is out regard to whether or not a commercial transaction is compiled primarily from copies of Shipper’s Export Decla- involved. In general, the statistics record the physical rations (SEDs) that must be filed with customs officials. movement of merchandise between the United States and The SED is unique among Census Bureau forms since it is foreign countries. not sent to respondents soliciting responses, as in the The following types of transactions are excluded from case of surveys. The U.S. Customs Service initially collects the statistics used to compile the merchandise trade bal- the SED at the port of export and subsequently transmits ance: it to the Census Bureau. Each SED represents a shipment of one or more kinds of merchandise from one exporter to 1. United States trade with U.S. possessions, trade one foreign importer on a single carrier. Filing the SED is between U.S. possessions, and trade between U.S. mandatory under Chapter 9, Title 13, United States Code. possessions and foreign countries (except Puerto Rico Qualified exporters, forwarders, or carriers submit SED and the U.S. Virgin Islands). data by automated means directly to the Census Bureau. The United States is substituting Canadian import sta- 2. Merchandise shipped in transit through the United tistics for U.S. exports to Canada in accordance with a States from one foreign country to another. 1987 Memorandum of Understanding signed by the Cen- 3. Shipments to the U.S. Armed Forces, including post sus Bureau, U.S. Customs Service, Canadian Customs, and exchanges, for their own use, as well as U.S. merchan- Statistics Canada. Similarly, under this Memorandum of dise returned by the U.S. Armed Forces for their own Understanding, Canada is substituting U.S. import statis- use. tics for Canadian exports to the United States. This data exchange includes only U.S. exports destined for Canada 4. Monetary gold and silver. and does not include shipments destined for third coun- tries by routes passing through Canada or shipments of 5. Issued monetary coins (in current circulation) of all certain grains and oilseeds to Canada for storage prior to component metals. exportation to a third country. These shipments are 6. Bunker fuels and other supplies and equipment for reported on and compiled from SEDs. use on departing vessels, planes, or other carriers Department of Defense Military Assistance Program engaged in foreign trade. Grant-Aid shipments being transported as Department of Defense cargo are reported directly to the Census Bureau 7. Shipments of furniture, equipment, and supplies to by the Department of Defense. U.S. government agencies, as well as such merchan- dise when returned to the United States. Imports 8. Imports for repair under warranty. Published information on U.S. imports of merchandise is compiled primarily from automated data submitted 9. Some other transactions not considered to be of sta- throughtheCustomsAutomatedBroker Interface. tistical importance, such as shipments of personal and Data are compiled also from import entry summary forms, household effects of travelers and certain temporary warehouse withdrawal forms, and Foreign Trade Zone exports and imports.


U.S. Census Bureau Exports For statistical purposes, imports are classified by the type of transaction: Exports measure the total physical movement of mer- chandise out of the United States to foreign countries 1. Merchandise entered for immediate consumption whether such merchandise is exported from within the (duty-free merchandise and merchandise on which U.S. Customs Territory or from a U.S. Customs bonded duty is paid on arrival). warehouse or a U.S. Foreign Trade Zone. The following are 2. Merchandise withdrawn for consumption from U.S. examples of some types of shipments that are included in Customs bonded warehouses and U.S. Foreign Trade the statistics but are of such a nature that their inclusion Zones. merits separate mention: 3. Merchandise entered into U.S. Customs bonded ware- 1. Department of Defense Military Assistance Program houses and U.S. Foreign Trade Zones from foreign Grant-Aid shipments under the Foreign Assistance Act. countries. 2. Foreign military sales. Bonded Warehouses 3. Shipments of commodities for economic assistance under the Foreign Assistance Act. (Totals for exports Bonded warehouses are authorized by U.S. Customs for under this program are published quarterly or as they storage or manufacturing of goods on which payment of become available.) duties is deferred until the goods are removed into the U.S. Customs Territory. These goods are not subject to 4. Shipments of agricultural commodities under P.L. 480 duties if re-shipped to foreign points. (Agricultural Trade Development and Assistance Act of 1954) as amended, and related laws. (Totals for Foreign Trade Zones exports under this program are published as the data become available from the Department of Agriculture. Foreign Trade Zones are enclosed areas, operated as Additional information may be obtained from the Eco- public utilities, under control of U.S. Customs, with facili- nomic Research Service of the Department of Agricul- ties for handling, storing, manipulating, manufacturing, ture.) and exhibiting goods. The merchandise may be exported, destroyed, or sent into the U.S. Customs Territory from the 5. Sales of U.S. vessels to purchasers in foreign coun- zone, in the original package or otherwise. It is subject to tries. customs duties if sent into U.S. Customs Territory, but not 6. Satellites launched by U.S. space vehicles limited to (1) if re-shipped to foreign points. foreign origin and (2) launched on behalf of interna- tional organizations. American Goods Returned After Processing and/or Assembly Domestic Exports Domestically produced goods are shipped from the Exports of domestic merchandise include (1) commodi- United States to other countries for processing and/or ties that are grown, produced, or manufactured in the assembly and then returned to this country. Imports con- United States and (2) commodities of foreign origin that taining U.S. content that qualify for special duty-free treat- have been changed in the United States, including U.S. For- ment on the U.S. portion fall into the following groups: eign Trade Zones, from the form in which they were imported, or that have been enhanced in value by further 1. Articles of metal manufactured in the United States, manufacture in the United States. which were exported for further processing abroad and returned to the United States for more processing. Foreign Exports (Re-Exports) 2. Textile articles assembled abroad and entered under a Exports of foreign merchandise (re-exports) consist of Special Access Program or Special Regime. commodities of foreign origin that have entered the 3. Articles assembled abroad from components produced United States for consumption or into U.S. Customs in the United States, except textile articles entered bonded warehouses or U.S. Foreign Trade Zones, and that, under a Special Access Program or Special Regime. at the time of exportation, are in substantially the same condition as when imported. Separate statistics are available on American goods returned after processing and/or assembly abroad. Imports General Imports Imports of merchandise include commodities of foreign origin as well as goods of domestic origin returned to the General imports measure the total physical arrivals of United States with no change in condition, or after having merchandise from foreign countries, whether such mer- been processed and/or assembled in other countries. (See chandise enters consumption channels immediately or is subsection entitled ‘‘American Goods Returned After Pro- entered into bonded warehouses or Foreign Trade Zones cessing and/or Assembly.’’) under customs custody.


U.S. Census Bureau Imports for Consumption The one-digit level end-use categories provide data for the following broad aggregates: (1) Foods, feeds, and bev- Imports for consumption measure the total of merchan- erages; (2) Industrial supplies and materials; (3) Capital dise that has physically cleared through customs, either goods, except automotives; (4) Automotive vehicles, entering consumption channels immediately, or entering after withdrawal for consumption from bonded ware- parts, and engines; (5) Consumer goods (nonfood), except houses under customs custody, or from Foreign Trade auto; and (6) Other merchandise. This seasonal adjust- Zones. Many countries use the term ‘‘special imports’’ to ment procedure is designed to reflect seasonal patterns at designate statistics compiled on this basis. the most detailed commodity levels. The adjustment is made at that end-use commodity level for which signifi- STATISTICAL MONTH cant stable seasonality is identified. The month of importation is the month in which the The use of the end-use commodity classification system U.S. Customs Service releases the merchandise to the for seasonal adjustment ensures methodological consis- importer. The month of exportation is based on the date tency with the quarterly adjusted balance of trade data when the merchandise leaves the United States. (For ves- published by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) and sel or air shipments, it is the date when the carrier departs reflects the BEA coding descriptions that combine data or is cleared from the port of export.) into broad categories based upon principal uses of the commodities. MERCHANDISE TRADE BALANCE The Summary of U.S. Export and Import Merchandise Trade (FT900) for each month includes revisions for carry- The merchandise trade balance represents the differ- over to the prior month’s aggregate unadjusted and sea- ence between U.S. exports based on free alongside ship sonally adjusted (current and constant dollar) export, (f.a.s.) values and U.S. general imports based on customs import, and trade balance figures, as well as to the end- values. (See subsection entitled ‘‘Valuation.’’) This balance use totals. These revisions do not appear in other foreign corresponds to a measurement of the international pay- trade reports. ments or credit flows resulting from the physical move- ment of goods between the United States and foreign Tables of the seasonal factors are available free of countries. Monthly balances are based on seasonally charge from the Foreign Trade Division. Historical data, as adjusted data. well as the detailed unadjusted and adjusted data, are available on a cost basis on either hard copy or diskette. SEASONAL ADJUSTMENT CONSTANT DOLLAR ADJUSTMENT The Census Bureau adjusts the merchandise trade data for seasonal and working-day variations at the most Effective with January 1990 statistics, the Census detailed end-use level possible. These detailed data are Bureau is publishing, on an experimental basis, seasonally then summed up to the one-digit level for release with the adjusted merchandise trade data on a constant dollar monthly merchandise trade totals. basis (1987=100). This is a requirement of the Omnibus The seasonal adjustment procedure, based upon a mul- Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988. Publication of tiplicative model, estimates the monthly movements as these additional data improves the ability of users to percents above or below the general level of the series, examine trends in import and export volumes. Because unlike other methods that redistribute the seasonal merchandise trade is volatile, cumulations of data over at excesses and deficits over the calendar year. As a result, least a 3-month period are recommended in order to iden- the calendar year totals will differ from the unadjusted tify underlying trends. totals, with the differences generally being quite small in percentage terms. These data are adjusted for price change using monthly The seasonally adjusted data also are provided to the deflators developed in accordance with the deflators used Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA) for use in compiling the in the National Income and Product Accounts (NIPAs) pub- quarterly National Income and Product Accounts (NIPAs). lished by the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA). These The BEA supplements these data in the NIPAs with quar- deflators are based upon price indexes and deflators pro- terly adjustments for six of the end-use categories that duced by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), BEA, and exhibit seasonality on a quarterly basis but not on a other sources. All series are adjusted at the lowest pos- monthly basis. Because of the extremely variable move- sible end-use level. (See discussion of end-use commodity ments of the data series for aircraft, users studying data category under subsection entitled ‘‘Commodity Classifica- trends may wish to analyze aircraft separately from other tions.’’) trade.


U.S. Census Bureau Contacts for further information on: ‘‘assists’’ is identified and separately reported, it is sub- tracted from the value during statistical processing. How- Adjustments to merchandise trade data for seasonality ever, where it is not possible to isolate the value of and price change: ‘‘assists,’’ they are included. In these cases, the unit values Special Projects Branch may be increased because of the inclusion of such Foreign Trade Division ‘‘assists.’’ U.S. Census Bureau Washington, DC 20233 Import Charges The import charges represent the aggregate cost of all NIPA and the deflators used by BEA: freight, insurance, and other charges (excluding U.S. National Income and Wealth Division import duties) incurred in bringing the merchandise from Bureau of Economic Analysis alongside the carrier at the port of exportation in the U.S. Department of Commerce country of exportation and placing it alongside the carrier 1401 K Street, N.W. at the first port of entry in the United States. In the case of Washington, DC 20230 overland shipments originating in Canada or Mexico, such costs shall include freight, insurance, and all other BLS International Price Indexes: charges, costs, and expenses incurred in bringing the mer- Division of International Prices chandise from the point of origin (where the merchandise Bureau of Labor Statistics begins its journey to the United States) in Canada or U.S. Department of Labor Mexico to the first port of entry. Washington, DC 20212 C.I.F. Import Value VALUATION The cost, insurance, and freight (c.i.f.) value represents the landed value of the merchandise at the first port of Note that, in the FT895 tables, the ‘‘-’’ indicates that the arrival in the United States. It is computed by adding value is more than 1 kg and less than 1,000 kg (base is ‘‘Import Charges’’ to the ‘‘Customs Import Value’’ (see 1,000 kg and data below 1,000 kg are rounded up to immediately preceding subsections for definitions) and 1,000 kg). therefore excludes U.S. import duties. Customs Import Value Dutiable Value of Imports andCalculatedDuty The customs import value is the value of imports as The dutiable value represents, in general, the customs appraised by the U.S. Customs Service in accordance with value of foreign merchandise imported into the United the legal requirements of the Tariff Act of 1930, as States that is subject to duty. The calculated duty repre- amended. This value is generally defined as the price actu- sents the estimated import duties collected. Estimated ally paid or payable for merchandise when sold for expor- data are calculated based on the applicable rate(s) of duty tation to the United States, excluding U.S. import duties, as shown in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United freight, insurance, and other charges incurred in bringing States Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes the merchandise to the United States. The term ‘‘price (HTSUSA). actually paid or payable’’ means the total payment (whether direct or indirect, and exclusive of any costs, F.A.S. Export Value (Excluding Exports to Canada) charges, or expenses incurred for transportation, insur- ance, and related services incident to the international The free alongside ship (f.a.s.) value is the value of shipment of the merchandise from the country of exporta- exports at the U.S. seaport, airport, or border port of tion to the place of importation in the United States) made, export, based on the transaction price, including inland or to be made, for imported merchandise by the buyer to, freight, insurance, and other charges incurred in placing or for the benefit of, the seller. In the case of transactions the merchandise alongside the carrier at the U.S. port of between related parties, the relationship between buyer exportation. The value, as defined, excludes the cost of and seller should not influence the customs value. loading the merchandise aboard the exporting carrier and also excludes freight, insurance, and any charges or trans- In those instances where assistance was furnished to a portation costs beyond the port of exportation. foreign manufacturer for use in producing an article that is imported into the United States, the value of the assis- U.S. Exports to Canada tance must be included in the value reported for the mer- chandise. Such ‘‘assists’’ include both tangible and intan- The use of Canada’s import data to produce U.S. export gible assistance, such as machinery, tools, dies and molds, data requires some adjustments to make the two compa- blue prints, copyrights, research and development, and rable. U.S. exports are valued at the U.S. seaport, airport, engineering and consulting services. If the value of these or border port of export in the United States and include


U.S. Census Bureau inland freight charges. Canadian imports are valued at the 1. Standard International Trade Classification (SITC- point of origin in the United States and do not include United Nations Statistical Papers, Series M, No. inland freight to the U.S. port of exit. To compensate, 34/Rev. 3). Canada adds an estimated 4.5 percent of the value to each The SITC is a statistical classification of the commodi- transaction to cover inland freight (except for shipments ties entering external trade designed to provide the where freight is not a consideration; e.g., large aircraft, commodity aggregates needed for purposes of eco- vessels, and drilling platforms). nomic analysis and to facilitate the international com- Average monthly exchange rates as quoted by the Fed- parison of trade-by-commodity data. eral Reserve Board are applied to adjust the Canadian import data to U.S. dollars. A formula for converting U.S. The Harmonized System and SITC Revision 3 are inter- total exports to corresponding Canadian imports is pro- related. The rearrangement of import and export data vided in the initial release of the statistics (FT900), along reported in terms of the Harmonized System into the with the monthly conversion rate. SITC allows for an additional means of comparison between the United States and its trading partners in COMMODITY CLASSIFICATIONS terms of commodity classification and trade statistics. Certain foreign trade reports present HTS and Sched- The export statistics are initially collected and compiled ule B classifications summarized into approximately in terms of approximately 8,000 commodity classifica- 3,000 five-digit SITC codes. tions in Schedule B, Statistical Classification of Domestic and Foreign Commodities Exported from the United Within the SITC framework, ‘‘Manufactured Goods’’ States. Schedule B is a U.S. Census Bureau publication and includes all products classified in groups 5 through 9. is based on the Harmonized Commodity Description and Manufactured goods conform to the SITC sections that Coding System (Harmonized System). include chemicals and related products, n.s.p.f. (not The import statistics are initially collected and compiled specifically provided for); manufactured goods classi- intermsofapproximately18,000commodityclassifica- fied chiefly by material; machinery and transport tions in the Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United equipment; miscellaneous manufactured articles, States Annotated for Statistical Reporting Purposes n.s.p.f.; and commodities and transactions not classi- (HTSUSA), an official publication of the U.S. International fied elsewhere. Trade Commission. The HTSUSA is the U.S. import version of the Harmonized System. 2. North American Industry Classification System (NAICS) The United States and Canada both compile their mer- NAICS is an industry classification system that groups chandise trade statistics in terms of the Harmonized Sys- establishments into industries based on the activities tem; however, they have different annotations beyond the in which they are primarily engaged. basic six-digit codes. In July 1994, the OMB announced plans to develop a Approximately 80 percent of the U.S. Schedule B export new industry classification system in cooperation with classifications are directly comparable to Canadian import Mexico’s OMEGO and Statistics Canada/ The new sys- classifications. These classifications account for 85 to 90 tem, NAICS, replaces the current U.S. Standard Indus- percent of the total value of U.S. exports to Canada. Many trial Classification (SIC). of the remaining 20 percent of the Schedule B classifica- tions represent little or no trade with Canada. In these United States imports and exports of goods will be cases, the Canada import code is recoded to a single available using NAICS and SIC for the year 2000. For Schedule B, usually the class with the most trade or the future time periods, SIC will be replaced by NAICS. residual classification for the root six-digit Harmonized 3. End-Use Commodity Category. System code. There are some instances where the U.S. and Canadian The HTS and Schedule B classifications are summa- Customs agencies do not agree on the six-digit Harmo- rized into six principal ‘‘end-use’’ categories and fur- nized System code under which a particular commodity or ther subdivided into about 140 broad commodity group of commodities should be classified. In these cases, groupings. These categories are used in developing each statistical agency may classify under the six-digit seasonally adjusted and constant dollar totals. The code designated by its national customs agency. Efforts by concept of end-use demand was developed for bal- the U.S. and Canadian customs agencies to align detail ance of payments purposes by the Bureau of Economic statistical classifications will continue over the next sev- Analysis. (See subsection entitled ‘‘Seasonal Adjust- eral years. ment.’’) In some reports, the HTSUSA and Schedule B classifica- 4. Agricultural and Nonagricultural Commodities. tions are rearranged and summarized into other classifica- tion systems as follows: Agricultural commodities consist of nonmarine food


U.S. Census Bureau products, natural fibers, unmanufactured tobacco, and Export Country of Destination other farm products subject to federal legislation such Country of destination for exports is the country where as Section 22 of the Agricultural Adjustment Act. the goods are to be consumed, further processed, or Some processed agricultural commodities are included manufactured, as known to the shipper at the time of if the value added by manufacturing accounts for less exportation. If the shipper does not know the country of than 50 percent of the final value of shipments is ultimate destination, the shipment is credited to the last reported in the latest Census of Manufactures. country to which the shipper knows that the merchandise Examples of processed agricultural commodities will be shipped in the same form as when exported. include cereal flours, dairy products, canned meats, canned fruits and vegetables, vegetable oils, animal Import Country of Origin hides, fur pelts, wine, and beer. Textiles, leather prod- ucts, distilled beverages, forestry, and fishery prod- Country of origin for imports is the country where the ucts are classified as nonagricultural commodities. merchandise was grown, mined, or manufactured, in accordance with U.S. Customs Regulations. In instances Assignments of individual HTS and Schedule B classifi- where the country of origin cannot be determined, trans- cations generally are determined by the U.S. Depart- actions are credited to the country of shipment. ment of Agriculture and differ from the guidelines in the Standard Industrial (SIC) Classification of the Import Country Subcodes United States. Certain foreign trade reports show the following coun- 5. Advanced Technology Products (ATPs). try subcodes to indicate special tariff treatment afforded some imported articles: Approximately 500 of the HTS and Schedule B com- modity classification codes used in reporting U.S. Code Definition. exports and imports are identified as ‘‘advanced tech- OGN Country of origin; no special program claimed by nology’’ codes that must meet the following criteria: importer. a. The code contains products whose technology is SHP Country of shipment; country of origin unknown. from a recognized high technology field (e.g., bio- GSP Articles imported under the Generalized System technology). of Preferences (GSP) provisions of the HTS. b. These products represent leading edge technology PTA Articles imported under the provisions of the in that field. United States -Canada Automotive Products Trade Act. c. Such products constitute a significant part of all items covered in the selected classification code. ACA Articles imported under the provisions of the Agreement on Trade in Civil Aircraft. This product and commodity-based measure of CFT Articles imported under the provisions of the advanced technology differs from broader SIC United States -Canada Free-Trade Agreement industry-based measures that include all commodities Implementation Act of 1988. produced by a particular industry group, regardless of the level of technology embodied in the commodities. CBA Articles imported under the provisions of the Caribbean Basin Economic Recovery Act of 1983. COUNTRY DESIGNATIONS IFT Articles imported under the provisions of the Israel Free-Trade Implementation Act of 1985. Country Classification CFA Articles imported under the Compact of Free Associations Act. The names and codes of the countries of the world are listed in Schedule C, Classification of Country and Terri- PRR Puerto Rico product improved in a Caribbean tory Designations for U.S. Foreign Trade Statistics, the sys- Basin Initiative Country and returned to the tem used for publishing both import and export country United States. statistics. Schedule C is arranged in geographic order Statistical Presentation according to continents. Countries and territories are listed in sequence within each continent, generally from Abbreviated country designations are used in lieu of north to south and west to east. The classifications complete country names in the foreign trade program. appearing in Schedule C conform to those prescribed by Numerical codes are used for automated purposes. Alpha- the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) betical abbreviations are used for published reports. and are recommended by ISO for international exchange. The designation UNIDENT (Unidentified Countries) in Schedule C is published as a statistical annex in HTS and the export statistics reflects shipments of certain grains as a part of Schedule B. and oilseeds for storage in Canada but ultimately destined


U.S. Census Bureau for third countries, the specific country of ultimate desti- 2. Rail, truck, pipeline, or other overland transporta- nation being unknown at the time of shipment. This is not tion – the customs district through which the mer- a part of the United States/Canada Data Exchange. Annu- chandise crosses the U.S. border into foreign territory. ally, by Special Announcement, based on information sup- 3. Aircraft exported under their own power are credited plied by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, specific coun- to the customs district from which they are flown out try of destination information on exports of such grains of the United States. and oilseeds is published. This designation also includes satellites launched in the United States on behalf of inter- Import District of Entry national organizations. The designation OTH CTY used in some reports repre- The district in which merchandise clears customs for sents the total for countries from or to which imports or entry into consumption channels, bonded warehouses, or exports of the particular commodity averaged less than Foreign Trade Zones. $50,000 per month on a cumulative year-to-date basis. Import District of Unlading The major world areas for which foreign trade data are shown represent individual Schedule C countries or group- The district where merchandise is unloaded from the ings of several countries into geographic areas or eco- importing vessel or aircraft. nomic unions. Statistical Presentation QUANTITY AND SHIPPING WEIGHT Abbreviated customs district designations are used instead of complete names in the foreign trade program. Quantity Numerical codes are used for automated purposes. Alpha- Units of quantity shown are published in terms of the betical abbreviations are used for published reports. units specified in the HTS and Schedule B for each classifi- cation. When two units of quantity are required for an item Special Districts in the HTS or Schedule B, the first or primary unit is shown The following types of shipments are included for sta- along with the value. tistical purposes in special customs districts and are not Also, specific to the FT895 tables, a ‘‘0’’ in the ‘‘Net reported by geographical location of the individual cus- Quantity’’ column means that no quantity has been toms district of entry or exportation: reported for that particular commodity. 1. Vessels under their own power or afloat (imports and Shipping Weight exports).

Shipping weight represents the gross weight in kilo- 2. Low-value imports and exports (see subsection grams of shipments, including the weight of moisture con- entitled ‘‘Low-Value Statistics’’). tent, wrappings, crates, boxes, and containers (other than 3. Mail shipments (exports only). cargo vans and similar substantial outer containers). Ship- ping weight information is available for shipments by ves- 4. Norfolk, VA -Charleston, SC -Mobile, AL (exports of sel and air only. bituminous coal). See discussion of customs districts Also, specific to the FT895 tables, a ‘‘0’’ in the ‘‘Shipping under subsection entitled ‘‘Sources of Error.’’ Weight’’ column means that no shipping weight has been 5. Wilmington, NC -Savannah, GA (exports of cotton reported for that particular commodity. linter pulp). See discussion of customs districts under subsection entitled ‘‘Sources of Error.’’ CUSTOMS DISTRICTS STATE STATISTICS District andPort Classification Export data by state denote the state (as reported by The names and codes of the customs districts and ports the exporter or agent on the Shipper’s Export Declaration) are listed in Schedule D, Classification of U.S. Customs from which the merchandise actually starts its journey to Districts and Ports for Foreign Trade Statistics. The geo- the port of export. This may not be, necessarily, the state graphical limits of each district are published in the U.S. where the merchandise is grown, produced, or manufac- Customs regulations. Schedule D is published as a statisti- tured, nor necessarily the actual location of the exporter. cal annex in HTS and as a part of Schedule B. In the case of consolidated shipments, it is the state of the commodity of greatest value or the state of consolidation. District of Exportation Foreign Trade Zone shipments are included in the U.S. 1. Vessel or air – the customs district in which the mer- total and states/territories total, and are distributed chandise is loaded on the vessel or aircraft that takes among individual states and territories. A separate Foreign the merchandise out of the country. Trade Zone total is shown for reference only.


U.S. Census Bureau LOW-VALUE STATISTICS TRANSPORTATION STATISTICS Methodof Transportation Exports The transportation statistics are presented in terms of Export statistics are fully compiled on shipments to all three categories (vessel, air, and all methods), based on countries, except Canada, where the value of commodities the method of transportation by which the merchandise classified under each individual Schedule B number is over arrived in or departed from the United States. In some $2,500. Value data for such commodities valued under instances, shipments between the United States and coun- $2,501 are estimated for individual countries using factors tries abroad enter or depart through Canada or Mexico. based on the ratios of low-value shipments to individual Such shipments are recorded under the method of trans- country totals for past periods. The estimates for low- portation by which they enter or depart the United States value shipments are shown under a single Schedule B regardless of the transportation mode between Canada or number and are omitted from the statistics for the detailed Mexico and the country of origin or destination. commodity classifications. Shipments valued under There are some differences in the coverage of these sta- $2,501 to all countries, except Canada, represent slightly tistics, primarily as follows: less than 2.5 percent of the monthly value of U.S. exports 1. The data for all methods of transportation include to those countries. exports and general imports by vessel, air, truck, rail, As a result of the data exchange between the United air mail, parcel post, and other methods of transporta- States and Canada, the United States has adopted the tion. Canadian import exemption level for its export statistics 2. The data for vessel and air exports and general on shipments to Canada. The Canadian import exemption imports represent waterborne and airborne shipments level is based on total value per shipment rather than on only (merchandise actually leaving or arriving in the value per commodity classification line item. Prior to data United States aboard a vessel or an aircraft). exchange each month, the United States furnishes Canada with a factor to convert data reported on Canadian import 3. Imports and exports of (a) vessels moving under their documents from Canadian dollars to U.S. dollars. Line own power or afloat and (b) aircraft flown into or out items reported on documents where the total shipment of the United States are included in the all methods value is the equivalent of $900 (Canada) or more are data but excluded from the vessel and air statistics. included in the appropriate Schedule B classifications in 4. Mail and parcel post shipments (including those trans- chapters 1 through 97. Out of this group, those items val- ported by vessel or air) are included in the all methods ued $2,500 (United States) or less are assigned to the spe- data but excluded from the vessel and air statistics. cial customs district for low-value exports with no method 5. Low-value shipments are included in the all methods of transportation detail. The remaining items, i.e., those data but excluded from the vessel and air statistics. valued over $2,500 (United States) are published with both customs district and method of transportation detail. Types of Vessel Service Items reported on Canadian documents having a total Waterborne statistics are presented in terms of type of shipment value equivalent to less than $900 (Canada) are service: (1) liner; (2) irregular or tramp; and (3) tanker. published under a single Schedule B number established Liner service is that type of service offered by a regular for Canadian low-value shipments and certain other ship- line operator of vessels on berth. The itineraries and sail- ments that Canada does not identify by kind. Such ship- ing schedules of vessels in liner service are predetermined ments represent 2 percent of the monthly value of U.S. and fixed. exports to Canada. Irregular (or tramp) service is that type of service afforded by vessels, other than tanker vessels, that are Imports chartered or otherwise hired for the carriage of goods on special voyages. Vessels in this type of service are not on Import statistics are fully compiled on shipments val- berth and their sailing schedules are not predetermined or ued over $1,250 or, under certain textile programs, for fixed. any article that must be reported on a formal entry. Value Tanker vessels are primarily designed for the carriage data for shipments that are valued under $1,251 and that of liquid cargoes in bulk. All others are classified as dry do not have to be reported on formal entries are estimated cargo. for individual countries, using factors based on the ratios of low-value shipments to individual country totals for Intransit Shipments past periods. The estimates for low-value shipments are Shipments of merchandise transported in bond through shown under a single HTS number. They are omitted from the United States en route from one foreign country to the statistics for the detailed commodity classifications. another without having been entered as an import are The total value excluded represents slightly less than 1 called intransit shipments. The intransit statistics include percent of the monthly import value. only inbound or outbound merchandise moving by vessel.


U.S. Census Bureau Vessel entrances and clearances by Customs district are import figures are subject to the possibility of errors that published monthly. may arise from incorrect reporting and/or processing of information as to commodity classification, net quantity, U.S. TRADE WITH PUERTO RICO AND U.S. value, and other statistical factors, month of inclusion (see POSSESSIONS subsection entitled ‘‘Carryover,’’) and errors that may result from the estimation of certain shipments. (See the Source of Information subsection entitled ‘‘Low-Value Statistics.’’) Statistics on shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, and on shipments from Puerto Carryover Rico to the United States, are compiled from information Carryover is the term used to identify the trade records furnished on SEDs, which must be filed with customs offi- received and/or processed too late for inclusion with cials, and shipments by qualified exporters who have records for that transaction month. There are several been authorized to submit data by automated means causes for carryover. Among them is the customs proce- directly to the Census Bureau. dure that allows importers to file import documentation Statistics on shipments from the U.S. Virgin Islands and up to 10 workdays after the date of release of the mer- other U.S. possessions to the United States are compiled chandise. Processing problems, such as rejection of a ship- from automated data submitted through the Customs ment because the data failed to meet certain edit criteria Automated Commercial System and from import docu- established to protect the accuracy of the statistics, also ments filed with Customs officials. contribute to carryover. The current carryover rate is 0.5 Data on shipments from the United States to other U.S. percent for exports and 2.5 percent for imports. possessions, as well as between the possessions, are not Each month, in the Summary of U.S. Export and Import compiled. Merchandise Trade (FT900) only, the total import, export, Coverage and trade balance figures, as well as the end-use totals for the prior month, are adjusted for carryover. SITC and Statistics are separately published covering shipments country detail data are not revised. (1) between the United States and Puerto Rico, (2) between the United States (including Puerto Rico) and the U.S. Vir- EstimatedCalculatedDuty gin Islands, and (3) from other U.S. possessions to the United States. U.S. possessions refers to those listed in Estimates of calculated duty do not necessarily reflect Schedule C, Classification of Country and Territory Desig- amounts of duty paid and should, therefore, be used with nations for U.S. Foreign Trade Statistics. caution. The figures may be somewhat overstated as a Previous discussions and definitions relating to the result of the inclusion in the figures of some U.S. products export statistics should be applied to statistics on ship- returned after processing or assembly abroad, for which a ments from the United States to Puerto Rico and the U.S. portion of the value is eligible for duty-free consideration. Virgin Islands, and on shipments from Puerto Rico to the In cases where articles are dutiable at various or special United States. Similarly, previous discussions and defini- rates, a dutiable value is shown, but no duty is calculated. tions relating to the import statistics should be applied to Estimates of calculated duty are understated to the extent statistics on shipments from the U.S. Virgin Islands and that these situations exist. other U.S. possessions to the United States. Shipments Not Classifiedby Commodity Trade With Foreign Countries Single classifications are provided for the following Puerto Rico is a customs district within the U.S. Cus- shipments without commodity detail: toms Territory, and its trade with foreign countries is 1. Exports to all countries, except Canada, valued under included in the U.S. export and import statistics. The U.S. $2,501. export and import statistics include merchandise trade between the U.S. Virgin Islands and foreign countries even 2. Exports to Canada, reported on Canadian documents though the Virgin Islands of the United States are not offi- having a total shipment value less than $900 cially a part of the U.S. Customs Territory. Data on trade of (Canada). other U.S. outlying possessions with foreign countries are not compiled by the United States. 3. Exports to all countries, except Canada, valued $2,501 through $10,000 that are reported on Ship- ADDITIONAL INFORMATION per’s Export Declarations without a valid Schedule B number. (The United States/Canada data exchange Sources of Error allows that portion of the value formerly shown under The procedures used to compile the statistics include this classification as exports to Canada to be distrib- processing checks designed to protect the accuracy of the uted among the appropriate commodity classifica- statistics to the fullest practicable extent. Export and tions.)


U.S. Census Bureau 4. Exports of goods of Canadian origin being returned to Customs District Canada. Statistics for two or more customs districts may be 5. Exports of goods of other foreign origin being combined and published under an arbitrary designation, returned to Canada. or shipping weight may be excluded from an individual customs district as a solution to disclosure situations. 6. Import transactions valued under $1,251 (and not Consequently, statistics for individual ports may be under- requiring formal entry). stated because of the suppression of the weight of the Classifications other than those listed above exclude affected commodities. the information shown under these provisions and are undercounted to the extent that such shipments are made. State Data The term ‘‘Not Specified’’ represents instances where Comparison of Commodity Data exporters have reported more than one state of origin or The omission of a commodity number from certain where the designation ‘‘US’’ has been reported. Transac- reports does not necessarily mean that there were no tions originating in a Foreign Trade Zone for which no exports or imports of the commodity during the month. It number or state designation is reported are also included is possible that some shipments may not be classified by under ‘‘Not Specified.’’ commodity (see the preceding subsection). Other designations are ‘‘Re-exports,’’ ‘‘Estimated Ship- Data users are cautioned that comparison of U.S. ments,’’ and ‘‘Unreported.’’ Those shipments designated as exports with corresponding Canadian import data at ‘‘Re-exports’’ (foreign exports) are exports having a foreign detailed commodity levels is not recommended. Correc- country as the point of origin. The ‘‘Unreported’’ designa- tions and differences in classification interpretation and in tion includes those cases where either no state of origin editing and processing environments make these compari- was reported or an undecipherable abbreviation was sons uncertain. reported. See the subsection entitled ‘‘Low-Value Statistics’’ In addition, the comparison of data on U.S. exports for a discussion of such shipments. after 1989 with data for prior years at levels other than for total exports and exports by country may show distortion. REVISIONS TO THE STATISTICS These distortions may result from the availability of detailed data for undocumented exports to Canada that Revisions to the import and export statistics occur in were previously estimated only at the total level. Distor- several ways. Monthly, the aggregate import, export, and tions may also result from the changeover to the Harmo- trade balance figures, as well as the end-use totals for the nized System, effective with the January 1989 statistics. prior month, are adjusted for carryover (data received and/or processed too late for inclusion in the proper When publication of data under a particular commodity month). These revisions will appear only in the Summary classification causes disclosure of an individual firm’s of U.S. Export and Import Merchandise Trade (FT900). transactions on a world-wide basis, it is sometimes neces- sary to combine several classifications into one. Even Revisions to the import and export statistics in the form though the detail is reported, it is not published. of errata are issued quarterly and are available free of charge upon request. These errata provide corrections to Country Designation statistics issued in prior months’ foreign trade reports. The data are presented by statistical month in commodity Statistics tend to be overcounted for shipments to number arrangement only. The revisions are shown in trans-shipment countries, such as Hong Kong and the commodity classification, by country, by customs district Netherlands, and undercounted for other countries. Fur- order as net amounts to be added to or subtracted from ther, since the export statistics reflect the country of desti- the previously issued statistics. Shipments by all methods nation only as known to the exporter at time of shipment, of transportation combined are reflected. There are no the statistics will not reflect any further distributions of separate data for shipments by vessel or by air. the merchandise made after the shipment leaves the Annually, the Census Bureau publishes revised mer- United States. chandise trade statistics for the prior year. These revisions include import and export data adjusted to eliminate car- Quantity ryover (that small portion of the monthly statistics that Quantity data for shipments of one commodity to or arrives too late for inclusion in the transaction month). from a specific country may not be published when the Reflected also in these statistics are the application of statistics disclose a particular company’s transactions with quarterly errata and other corrections to the published that country. Similarly, quantity data for shipments of one monthly data. commodity to or from all countries may not be published The initial release of the statistics (FT900) and certain when disclosure occurs on a world-wide basis. reports include special announcements, as warranted, to


U.S. Census Bureau call attention to the discovery of large or significant errors Copies of foreign trade statistics are available for public and to provide information on the appropriate data correc- reference use at various International Trade Administration tions and program changes. district offices, Census Regional offices, and at some U.S. The Census Bureau receives revisions from Canada; Customs Service offices. Since the distribution of foreign however, our process does not permit corrections to detail trade material varies among offices, inquiries regarding for data previously published. Therefore, the Census the availability of particular types of data should be made Bureau will make corrections for prior period transactions to: as changes to the cumulative-to-date total for U.S. exports to Canada. Data Dissemination Branch Foreign Trade Division SOURCES OF FURTHER INFORMATION ABOUT THE U.S. Census Bureau FOREIGN TRADE STATISTICS Room 2279, Federal Office Building No.3 Supplementary information and explanations of interest Washington, DC 20233 to users of foreign trade statistics (such as notices of (Located at Suitland, MD) changes in statistical procedures) are included as special announcements in current issues of the statistical publica- tions. Reports providing additional detail compiled, but not published, may be obtained on a cost basis.


U.S. Census Bureau Abbreviations for Units of Quantity

Abbreviation Description Abbreviation Description

A Amperes AC Alternating current LTR Liters BBL Barrel LT Long tons BFT Board feet BRU Mechanical brushes BU Bushels MTR Meters MTN Metric tons CAR Carets C Celsius MC Millicuries CG Centigrams ML Milliliters CMS Centimeters MM Millimeters CYK Clean yield kilograms MUN Million units NESOI Not elsewhere specified or included CYP Clean yield pounds CGR Content grams NO Number CKG Content kilograms OZ Ounces CMT Content metric tons ODE Ozone depletion equivalent CLB Content pounds PKS Packs CST Content short tons PRS Pairs CTN Content tons CC Cubic centimeters PCS Pieces CFT Cubic feet LBS Pounds CBM Cubic meter PFG Proof gallons PFL Proof liters CYD Cubic yards RPM Revolutions per minute CUR Curie DC Direct current RBA Running bales DOZ Dozen SET Set DPR Dozen pairs STN Short tons DPC Dozen pieces SSG Single-strength gallon JWL Dutiable jewels SQ Square FT Feet FBM Fiber meter SCM Square centimeters GAL Gallons SFT Square feet SQM Square meters GM Grams SYD Square yards GRS Gross THS Thousands GBX Gross boxes GCN Gross containers GKG Gross kilograms MBF Thousand board feet MCF Thousand cubic feet GRL Gross lines TCM Thousand cubic meters GTN Gross metric ton MLF Thousand linear feet GRP Gross pair MYD Thousand linear yards GLB Gross pounds GKG Gross yield kilograms THM Thousand meters MSF Thousand square feet GTN Gross tons TNV Ton raw value (metric) GVW Gross vehicle weight TOZ Troy ounces HSP Horsepower VA Voltampere HND Hundred CWT Hundred weight VOL Volume IN Inches WT Weight KG Kilograms WG Wine gallons KDR Kilogram dry rubber content YDS Yards KW Kilowatts LNM Linear meter X No units of quantity required


U.S. Census Bureau Table 1 A- 1

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) U.S. TO PUERTO RICO TOTAL 20,993,860 5,283,009 12,972,867 62,338 7,323,554 0101100000 HORSES AND ASSES, PUREBRED BREEDING, NO 23 158 32 70 1 89 LIVE 0101901000 HORSES, LIVE, EXCEPT PUREBRED BREEDING NO 130 1,768 0 0 71 1,768 0102100030 BOVINES, PUREBRED BREEDING, MALE, LIVE, NO 1 4 0 0 1 4 EXC DAIRY 0102100050 BOVINES, PUREBRED BREEDING FEMALE, NO 15 32 0 0 15 32 LIVE, EXC DAIRY 0103910000 SWINE, LT 50 KG EA, LIVE, EXC PUREBRED NO 819 43 15 43 0 0 BREEDING 0104200000 GOATS, LIVE NO 333 15 0 0 18 15 0105110010 CHICKENS, LT=185 G, BREEDING STOCK, NO 88,595 116 181 116 0 0 EGG-TYPE, LIVE 0105110020 CHICKEN, LT=185 G, BREEDING STOCK, NO 124,280 131 36 65 5 66 MEAT-TYPE, LIVE 0105110040 CHICKENS, LT=185 G EA, LIVE, EXC BREEDING NO 833,863 450 0 0 40 450 STOCK 0105120000 TURKEYS, LT=185 G EACH, LIVE NO 8,054 12 16 12 0 0 0105990000 TURKEYS, DUCKS, GEESE AND GUINEAS, GT NO 9,096 6 0 0 1 6 185 G, LIVE 0106110000 PRIMATES, LIVE NO 107 8 0 0 - 8 0106900000 ANIMALS, LIVE, NESOI X 0 24 62 19 - 5 0201100010 CARCASSES/HALF-CARCASSES OF VEAL, KG 1,333,051 4,836 1,360 4,836 0 0 FRESH OR CHILLED 0201100090 CARCASSES/HALF-CARCASSES OF BOVINES, KG 2,622,853 11,061 2,629 11,061 0 0 FR/CH, NESOI 0201203550 MEAT OF BOVINES, W ITH BONE, PROCESSED, KG 1,304,628 4,426 1,339 4,269 9 157 FR/CH 0201206000 MEAT OF BOVINES, WITH BONE, FR /CH, EXC KG 274,962 1,502 189 727 97 775 PROCESSED 0201303550 MEAT OF BOVINES, BONELESS, PROCESSED, KG 2,311,564 6,374 2,289 5,984 33 391 FR/CH 0201306000 MEAT OF BOVINES, BONELESS, FR /CH, EXC KG 8,541,815 30,373 8,688 30,084 19 290 PROCESSED 0202100010 CARCASSES AND HALF-CARCASSES OF VEAL, KG 168,351 297 175 297 0 0 FROZEN 0202100090 CARCASSES/HALF-CARCASSES OF BOVINES, KG 838,532 1,479 886 1,479 0 0 FROZEN, NESOI 0202203550 MEAT OF BOVINES, W/ BONE, PROCESSED, KG 1,121,992 2,992 1,128 2,992 0 0 FROZEN 0202206000 MEAT OF BOVINES, W/ BONE, FROZEN, EXC KG 1,035,866 3,156 1,049 3,156 0 0 PROCESSED 0202303550 MEAT OF BOVINES, BONELESS, PROCESSED, KG 5,049,902 17,886 5,221 17,856 3 30 FROZEN 0202306000 MEAT OF BOVINES, BONELESS, FROZEN, EXC KG 4,862,937 16,529 5,050 16,480 3 49 PROCESSED Table 1 A- 2

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 0203110000 CARCASSES/HALF-CARCASSES OF SWINE, KG 27,630 56 29 56 0 0 FRESH/CHILLED 0203121000 HAMS, SHOULDERS & CUTS SWINE, W /BONE KG 2,783,566 7,261 2,928 7,261 0 0 PROCESD FR/CH 0203129000 HAMS SHOULDERS CUTS SWINE W /BONE KG 1,323,202 3,233 1,332 3,233 0 0 FR/CH EXC PROCESD 0203192000 MEAT OF SWINE, PROCESSED, FRESH OR KG 17,907,482 47,392 18,202 47,392 0 0 CHILLED, NESOI 0203194000 MEAT OF SWINE, FRESH OR CHILLED , NESOI KG 13,433,000 29,413 14,992 29,408 2 5 0203210000 CARCASSES AND HALF-CARCASSES OF SWINE, KG 412,273 800 435 800 0 0 FROZEN 0203221000 HAMS SHOULDERS & CUTS SWINE W/ BONE KG 5,471,890 11,028 5,802 11,028 0 0 PROCESSED FRZN 0203229000 HAMS, SHOULDERS & CUTS, SWINE, W/ BONE, KG 9,678,119 17,578 9,686 17,578 0 0 FRZN NESOI 0203292000 MEAT OF SWINE, PROCESSED, FROZEN, NESOI KG 8,089,670 15,840 8,505 15,840 0 0 0203294000 MEAT OF SWINE, FROZEN, NESOI KG 6,220,103 14,443 6,270 14,443 0 0 0204100000 CARCASSES AND HALF-CARCASSES OF LAMB KG 1,078 6 1 6 0 0 FRESH/CHILLED 0204220000 MEAT OF SHEEP, WITH BONE, FRESH OR KG 1,788,089 5,513 1,960 5,513 0 0 CHILLED 0204230000 MEAT OF SHEEP, BONELESS, FRESH OR KG 218,615 768 219 768 0 0 CHILLED 0204300000 CARCASSES AND HALF-CARCASSES OF LAMB, KG 7,231 38 8 38 0 0 FROZEN 0204410000 CARCASSES AND HALF-CARCASSES OF SHEEP, KG 5,414 16 6 16 0 0 FROZEN 0204420000 MEAT OF SHEEP, WITH BONE, FROZEN KG 89,898 362 96 362 0 0 0204500000 MEAT OF GOATS, FRESH, CHILLED OR FROZEN KG 47,236 136 50 136 0 0 0206100000 OFFAL OF BOVINES, EDIBLE, FRESH OR KG 23,597 77 24 77 0 0 CHILLED 0206210000 TONGUES OF BOVINES, EDIBLE, FROZEN KG 3,179 7 3 7 0 0 0206220000 LIVERS OF BOVINES, EDIBLE, FROZEN KG 114,710 93 124 93 0 0 0206290010 HEARTS OF BOVINES, EDIBLE, FROZEN KG 142,244 419 148 419 0 0 0206290020 KIDNEYS OF BOVINES, EDIBLE, FROZEN KG 2,547 3 3 3 0 0 0206290090 OFFAL OF BOVINES, EDIBLE, FROZEN, NESOI KG 325,599 423 351 412 1 10 0206300000 OFFAL OF SWINE, EDIBLE, FRESH OR CHILLED KG 17,214 36 17 36 0 0 0206490020 HEARTS OF SWINE, EDIBLE, FROZEN KG 32,000 115 38 115 0 0 0206490090 OFFAL OF SWINE, EDIBLE, FROZEN, NESOI KG 1,693,090 1,415 1,752 1,415 0 0 0206800000 OFFAL, EDIBLE, FRESH OR CHILLED , NESOI KG 219,420 650 222 650 0 0 0207110020 CHICKENS, WHOLE, YOUNG, FRESH OR KG 4,819,025 9,928 4,851 9,928 0 0 CHILLED 0207110040 CHICKENS, WHOLE, FRESH OR CHILLED, KG 5,836,154 7,915 5,971 7,915 0 0 EXCEPT YOUNG Table 1 A- 3

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 0207120020 CHICKENS, WHOLE, YOUNG, FROZEN KG 3,529,709 5,575 3,753 5,575 0 0 0207120040 CHICKENS, WHOLE, FROZEN, EXCEPT YOUNG KG 13,233,518 15,002 13,512 14,999 4 4 0207130000 MEAT & EDIBLE OFFAL OF CHICKENS , FRESH KG 16,038,322 34,172 16,316 34,172 0 0 OR CHILLED 0207140010 LEG QUARTERS OF CHICKENS, FROZEN KG 19,973,562 26,316 20,620 26,316 0 0 0207140025 LEGS OF CHICKENS, FROZEN, NESOI KG 3,056,967 5,584 3,096 5,584 0 0 0207140030 WINGS TIPS PARTS THEREOF OF CHICKENS, KG 1,006,057 2,488 1,046 2,485 1 3 FROZEN 0207140045 FEET (PAWS) OF CHICKENS, FROZEN KG 25,003 36 26 36 0 0 0207140050 OFFAL OF CHICKENS, EDIBLE, FROZEN KG 951,951 1,885 1,013 1,885 0 0 0207140090 MEAT OF CHICKENS, FROZEN, NESOI KG 33,153,278 70,989 34,436 70,974 4 15 0207240000 TURKEYS, WHOLE, FRESH OR CHILLED KG 216,498 473 227 473 0 0 0207250000 TURKEYS, WHOLE, FROZEN KG 7,345,776 10,636 7,600 10,636 0 0 0207260000 MEAT & EDIBLE OFFAL OF TURKEYS, FRESH KG 340,069 818 351 818 0 0 OR CHILLED 0207270010 LEGS OF TURKEYS, WITH BONE, FROZEN KG 85,547 161 86 161 0 0 0207270025 LEG MEAT OF TURKEYS, BONELESS, FROZEN KG 19,504 51 20 51 0 0 0207270030 WNGS, OR PARTS THEREOF OF TURKEYS, KG 132,222 316 138 316 0 0 FROZEN 0207270045 BREASTS, OR PARTS THEREOF OF TURKEYS, KG 726,485 1,526 781 1,526 0 0 FROZEN 0207270050 OFFAL OF TURKEYS, EDIBLE, FROZEN KG 38,776 106 39 106 0 0 0207270090 MEAT OF TURKEYS, FROZEN, NESOI KG 2,791,617 6,877 2,877 6,877 0 0 0207330000 DUCKS, GEESE AND GUINEAS, KG 10,225 31 11 31 0 0 WHOLE , FROZEN 0207350000 MEAT & EDIBLE OFFAL OF POULTRY, FR/CH, KG 2,444,832 4,650 2,493 4,650 0 0 NESOI 0207360000 MEAT & EDIBLE OFFAL OF POULTRY, FROZEN, KG 2,178,803 4,642 2,217 4,642 0 0 NESOI 0208100000 MEAT & EDIBLE OFFAL OF RABBITS /HARES, KG 14,288 40 16 40 0 0 FR/CH, FRZN 0208300000 MEAT AND EDIBLE OFFAL OF PRIMATES, KG 702,771 1,980 704 1,980 0 0 FR/CH OR FROZEN 0208900002 MEAT & EDIBLE OFFAL, FRESH /CHILLED OR KG 21,392,930 57,118 22,151 57,115 1 3 FROZEN NESOI 0209000000 FAT, PIG/POULTRY FR/CH FRZN SALTD BRINE KG 2,032,313 2,247 2,141 2,243 1 4 DRIED SMKD 0210110000 HAMS SHLDRS CUTS SWINE W/BONE SLTD KG 1,579,488 3,652 1,613 3,652 0 0 BRIN DRIED SMKD 0210120020 BACON OF SWINE KG 446,568 1,541 487 1,541 0 0 0210120040 BELLIES, CUTS, SWINE SALTD BRINE DRIED KG 24,519 23 29 23 0 0 SMKD NESOI 0210190000 MEAT OF SWINE, SALTED, BRINE, DRIED, KG 319,173 760 339 760 0 0 SMOKED, NESOI Table 1 A- 4

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 0210200000 MEAT OF BOVINES, SALTED, IN BRINE, DRIED KG 60,410 77 70 77 0 0 OR SMOKED 0210910000 MEAT & OFFAL OF PRIMATES, SALTED BRINE KG 165,305 416 168 416 0 0 DRIED SMKD 0210990000 MEAT & OFFAL, SALTED, BRINE, DRIED, KG 77,225 213 95 213 0 0 SMOKED, NESOI 0301100000 FISH, ORNAMENTAL, LIVE X 0 374 22 54 34 320 0301990000 FISH, LIVE, NESOI X 0 6 1 3 2 3 0302110090 TROUT, FRESH/CHILLED, EXC FILLET LIVER KG 58,095 278 24 60 37 218 ROE, NESOI 0302120003 ATLANTIC SALMON, FARMED FR/CH EXC KG 3,599 25 2 16 1 9 FILLET LIVER ROE 0302120042 SOCKEYE (RED) SALMON, FR/CH, EXC FILLET KG 598 3 1 3 0 0 LIVER ROE 0302120062 PACIFIC & DANUBE SALMON, FR/CH EXC FIL KG 6,329 44 4 25 2 19 ETC, NESOI 0302190000 SALMONIDAE, FRESH OR CHILLED, EXC KG 987 9 0 0 1 9 FILLET ETC NESOI 0302210000 HALIBUT/GREENLAND TURBOT EX FILLET, KG 55,765 282 30 127 27 155 LVR, ROE FR/CH 0302290000 FLATFISH NESOI EXCEPT FILLET, LIVER ROE KG 6,949 36 6 26 1 10 FRESH/CHLD 0302310000 ALBACORE/LONGFINNED TUNAS, FR /CH, EXC KG 163,571 653 174 653 0 0 FILLET ETC 0302320000 YELLOWFIN TUNAS FR/CH EXCEPT FILLETS KG 1,071 12 1 12 0 0 LIVERS & ROES 0302350000 BLUEFIN TUNAS, FR/CH, EXC FILLETS, KG 24,800 65 25 65 0 0 LIVERS & ROES 0302390100 TUNAS, FR/CH, EXCEPT FILLETS, KG 8,442 45 8 45 0 0 LIVERS & ROES, NESOI 0302500000 COD EXCEPT FILLETS, LIVERS & ROES, FRESH, KG 1,116 3 1 3 0 0 CHILLED 0302620000 HADDOCK, FRESH OR CHILLED, EXC FILLET, KG 9,865 23 10 23 0 0 LIVER, ROE 0302630000 ATLANTIC POLLOCK, FR/CH, EXCEPT FILLET, KG 18,143 3 18 3 0 0 LIVER, ROE 0302697000 FISH NESOI FRESH/CHILLD EXCEPT KG 99,914 565 17 81 85 484 FILLETS/LIVERS/ROES 0303190012 CHINOOK (KING) SALMON, FROZEN, EXCEPT KG 588 8 1 8 0 0 FILLETS, ETC 0303190022 CHUM (DOG) SALMON, FROZEN, EXC FILLET, KG 2,220 11 2 11 0 0 LIVER & ROE 0303190032 PINK (HUMPIE) SALMON, FROZEN, EXCEPT KG 816 8 1 8 0 0 FILLETS, ETC 0303190062 PACIFIC SALMON, FRZN EXC KG 25,607 69 28 69 0 0 FILLET , LIVER & ROE NESOI 0303220000 ATLANTIC & DANUBE SALMON FROZEN KG 18,271 105 18 96 1 9 EXCEPT FILLETS ETC Table 1 A- 5

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 0303290000 SALMONIDAE, FROZEN, EXC FILLET, KG 124,398 464 130 454 1 10 LIVER & ROE, NESOI 0303310015 ATLANTIC & PACIFIC HALIBUT FROZN EX KG 11,168 71 12 71 0 0 FILLET/LVR/ROE 0303310030 GREENLAND TURBOT FROZEN EXCEPT KG 51,038 180 53 180 0 0 FILLET, LIVER & ROE 0303390060 FLAT FISH EXCL FILLETS/LIVERS/ ROES; KG 721 5 0 0 1 5 FROZEN, NESOI 0303490100 TUNAS, FROZEN, EXCEPT FILLETS, KG 314,575 987 315 987 0 0 LIVERS & ROES NESOI 0303740000 MACKEREL, FROZEN, EXCEPT FILLETS, KG 3,968 7 4 7 0 0 LIVERS AND ROES 0303750090 SHARKS, FROZEN EXCEPT FILLETS, KG 8,263 31 8 31 0 0 LIVERS & ROES NESOI 0303770000 SEA BASS, FROZEN, EXCEPT FILLETS, LIVERS KG 21,445 89 22 89 0 0 AND ROES 0303792094 TILAPIA, FRESHWATER FROZEN EXC FILLET, KG 16,057 51 16 51 0 0 LIVER & ROE 0303794015 ATKA MACKERAL, FROZEN, EXCEPT FILLET, KG 5,024 14 5 14 0 0 LIVER & ROE 0303794040 BUTTERFISH, FROZEN EXCEPT FILLETS, KG 1,211 3 1 3 0 0 LIVERS AND ROES 0303794093 PATAGONIAN TOOTHFISH, FROZEN, EXCEPT KG 2,444 9 2 4 1 5 FILLETS, ETC 0303796050 PACIFIC OCEAN PERCH, FROZEN, NESOI KG 46,267 62 50 62 0 0 0303796060 SCORPIONFISH, FROZEN, EXCL FILLETS, KG 4,557 10 0 0 5 10 LIVERS, ROES 0303796090 FISH EXCL FILLETS, LIVERS, ROES , FROZEN, KG 154,723 566 164 557 1 9 NESOI 0303804040 SALMON ROE, FROZEN KG 23,285 114 26 114 0 0 0304104061 TILAPIA FILLETS AND OTHER MEAT, FRESH KG 21,552 78 21 75 1 3 OR CHILLED 0304105090 FISH FILLETS ETC EXCEPT STEAKS, NESOI, KG 271,618 1,082 276 1,023 11 59 FRESH, CHLD 0304203025 COD FILLETS, FROZEN KG 61,628 396 68 396 0 0 0304205005 HALIBUT FILLETS, FROZEN KG 8,337 95 6 65 3 30 0304206042 TILAPIA (TILAPIINAE) FILLETS, FROZEN KG 44,173 170 46 170 0 0 0304206093 PATAGONIAN TOOTHFISH FILLETS, FROZEN KG 610 9 - 4 - 6 0304207000 ALASKA POLLOCK (THERAGRA KG 187,671 955 205 955 0 0 CHALCOGRAMMA) FILLET FRZN 0304208600 FISH FILLETS, NESOI, FROZEN KG 232,780 1,006 249 1,003 - 3 0304901004 SURIMI, FROZEN, BULK/CONTAINERS GT 6.8 KG 1,349 4 1 4 0 0 KG EA NESOI 0304901005 COD MEAT MINCED FZ IN BULK /CONTAINERS KG 4,102 8 4 8 0 0 GT 6.8 KG EA Table 1 A- 6

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 0304901009 FISH MEAT MINCED FZ BULK /CONTAINRS GT KG 308 4 - 4 0 0 6.8 KG NESOI 0304908700 FISH MEAT NESOI, EX FISH STEAKS OR KG 10,827 41 11 41 0 0 MINCED, FROZEN 0305100000 FISH MEAL FIT FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION KG 113,179 198 114 170 5 29 0305204020 SALMON ROE, DRIED, SMOKED, SALTED OR IN KG 2,076 13 2 13 0 0 BRINE 0305300000 FISH FILLETS, DRIED, SALTED OR IN BRINE, NT KG 179,051 865 189 865 0 0 SMOKED 0305410000 PACIFIC, ATLANTIC AND DANUBE SALMON, KG 1,154 9 1 9 0 0 SMOKED 0305420000 HERRINGS, INCLUDING FILLETS, SMOKED KG 18,234 73 18 73 0 0 0305510000 COD, DRIED, WHETHER OR NOT SALTED BUT KG 568,228 1,290 625 1,290 0 0 NOT SMOKED 0305594000 FISH, DRIED, SALTED OR NOT, BUT NOT KG 118,297 474 118 474 0 0 SMOKED, NESOI 0305690000 FISH NESOI,SALTED NOT DRIED OR SMOKED; KG 12,520 42 13 42 0 0 IN BRINE 0306110000 ROCK LOBSTER AND OTHER SEA CRAWFISH, KG 22,262 432 22 424 - 8 FROZEN 0306120000 LOBSTERS, INCLUDING IN SHELL, FROZEN KG 118,936 1,699 130 1,660 2 39 0306130003 SHRIMP/PRAWN FROZEN SHELL-ON COUNT SZ KG 89,912 955 90 940 2 14 LT 33 PER KG 0306130006 SHRIMP/PRAWN FRZN SHELL-ON COUNT SIZE KG 74,343 850 75 843 1 8 33-45 PER KG 0306130009 SHRIMP/PRAWN FRZN SHELL-ON COUNT SIZE KG 20,347 199 21 199 0 0 46-55 PER KG 0306130012 SHRIMP/PRAWN FRZN SHELL-ON COUNT SIZE KG 17,296 147 18 147 0 0 56-66 PER KG 0306130015 SHRIMP/PRAWN FRZN SHELL-ON COUNT SIZE KG 5,198 41 5 41 0 0 67-88 PER KG 0306130018 SHRIMP/PRAWN FRZ SHELL-ON COUNT SIZE KG 8,802 66 9 66 0 0 89-110 PER KG 0306130021 SHRIMP/PRAWN FRZN SHELL-ON COUNT SZ KG 13,800 109 14 109 0 0 111-132 PER KG 0306130024 SHRIMP/PRAWN FRZN SHELL-ON COUNT SZ KG 7,333 44 7 41 1 3 133-154 PER KG 0306130027 SHRIMP/PRAWN FRZN SHELL-ON COUNT SZ KG 16,673 81 17 81 0 0 GT 154 PER KG 0306130040 SHRIMPS AND PRAWNS, FROZEN, PEELED KG 356,109 2,344 371 2,335 1 9 0306142000 CRABMEAT, FROZEN KG 79,272 473 84 456 2 18 0306144090 CRABS, FROZEN, EXCEPT CRABMEAT, NESOI KG 618 5 1 5 0 0 0306220000 LOBSTERS, FRESH, CHILLED, DRIED , SALTD KG 2,666 22 3 22 0 0 OR IN BRINE 0306230000 SHRIMPS/PRAWNS INC SHELL FR/CH KG 25,312 251 0 0 25 251 /DRD/SALTED/IN BRINE Table 1 A- 7

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 0306242000 CRABMEAT, NOT FROZEN KG 11,931 74 8 54 4 20 0307100040 OYSTERS NESOI LIVE/FRSH/CHLD/FZ KG 9,853 38 11 38 0 0 /DRD/SALTD/IN BRINE 0307290000 SCALLOPS INCL QUEEN, FROZEN KG 16,426 103 16 103 0 0 /DRIED/SALTED/IN BRINE 0307310090 MUSSELS, LIVE, FRESH OR CHILLED , NOT KG 3,054 11 3 11 0 0 FARMED 0307390000 MUSSELS, FROZEN, DRIED, SALTED OR IN KG 3,804 13 4 13 0 0 BRINE 0307410020 LOLIGO SQUID, LIVE, FRESH OR CHILLED KG 8,169 29 8 29 0 0 0307410040 SQUID, LIVE, FRESH OR CHILLED, EXCEPT KG 7,159 21 8 21 0 0 LOLIGO 0307490010 SQUID FILLETS, FROZEN KG 44,415 86 43 82 1 3 0307490022 SQUID, LOLIGO OPALESCENS, FZ (EXC KG 82,282 143 91 143 0 0 FILLET), DRD ETC 0307490029 LOLIGO SQUID, FRZN (EXC FILLET) , DRIED, KG 7,367 20 7 20 0 0 ETC NESOI 0307490050 SQUID, FRZN (EXC FILLET), DRD /SALTD/IN KG 998 3 1 3 0 0 BRINE NESOI 0307510000 OCTOPUS, LIVE, FRESH OR CHILLED KG 2,452 19 2 12 1 7 0307590000 OCTOPUS, FROZEN, DRIED, SALTED OR IN KG 42,408 196 42 196 0 0 BRINE 0307910030 CONCH, LIVE, FRESH OR CHILLED KG 2,769 34 3 34 0 0 0307990080 MOLLUSC/AQUATIC INVRTEBRTE NESOI KG 12,259 90 15 90 0 0 FZ/DRD/SALT/BRINE 0401100000 MILK AND CREAM, NT CONCNTRD, NT L 128,587 140 210 140 0 0 SWEETD, NOV 1% FAT 0401200000 MILK/CREAM NT CNCTRD/SWT, FAT CONTENT L 17,036,469 12,911 17,407 12,911 0 0 OV 1% NOV-6% 0401300000 MILK & CREAM, NOT CONCNTRD/SWTN , FAT L 10,447,463 7,625 15,281 7,625 0 0 CONTENT OV 6% 0402100000 MLK & CRM CNTD W/N SWT POWDR KG 1,018,458 2,264 1,027 2,262 2 3 GRAN/SLDS NOV1.5% FAT 0402210000 MLK/CREAM CNCTRD NT SWTN PWD /OTH KG 10,620,051 10,282 10,674 10,282 0 0 SOLIDS OV 1.5% FA 0402290000 MLK & CRM,CNTD,SWTND,POWDR /SOLIDS, KG 95,672 180 97 180 0 0 OVER 1.5% FAT 0402910000 MILK & CREAM WHTHR/NT CONCENTRATD NT KG 10,822,034 13,359 11,075 13,359 0 0 SWEETND NESOI 0402990000 MILK/CREAM, WHTHR/NOT CONCENTRATED, KG 1,065,973 1,197 1,066 1,197 0 0 SWEETND, NESOI 0403100000 YOGURT, W/N SWEETENED, FLAVORED OR KG 4,446,942 9,043 4,792 9,043 0 0 CNTG FRUIT/COCO 0403900000 BUTTERMILK/KEPHIR/CURDLED FERMNTD X 0 81 41 81 0 0 ACIDFD MLK & CRM 0404100500 WHEY PROTEIN CONCENTRATES WHETHER KG 42,550 59 43 59 0 0 OF NOT SWEETENED Table 1 A- 8

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 0404100850 MODIFIED WHEY, NESOI KG 20,971 17 21 17 0 0 0404104000 WHEY, WHETHER OR NT CONCENTRATD OR KG 89,324 42 90 42 0 0 SWEETEND, DRIED 0404900000 PRODUCTS OF NATURAL MILK KG 481,806 707 509 707 0 0 CONSTITUENTS, NESOI 0405100000 BUTTER KG 709,159 1,827 768 1,827 0 0 0405200000 DAIRY SPREADS KG 379,223 801 409 801 0 0 0405900000 FATS AND OILS DERIVED FROM MILK , NESOI KG 106,141 139 112 139 0 0 0406100000 FRESH CHEESE (INC WHEY CHEESE) NT KG 4,158,762 11,543 4,495 11,543 0 0 FRMNTD, AND CURD 0406200000 CHEESE OF ALL KINDS, GRATED OR KG 7,035,988 20,388 7,407 20,388 0 0 POWDERED 0406300000 CHEESE, PROCESSED, NOT GRATED OR KG 7,368,881 20,177 7,642 20,173 - 4 POWDERED 0406400000 CHEESE, BLUE-VEINED, NESOI KG 15,312 50 18 50 0 0 0406901000 CHEESE, CHEDDAR, NESOI KG 1,203,726 4,866 1,293 4,866 0 0 0406909550 CHEESE, INCLUDING MIXTURES, NESOI KG 14,175,724 35,164 14,496 35,146 2 18 0407000020 BIRDS' EGGS, IN SHELL, FOR HATCHING DOZ 2,000,548 3,440 1,720 3,440 0 0 0407000040 BIRDS' EGGS, IN SHELL, FRESH, PRESERVED DOZ 21,402,004 14,923 19,158 14,923 0 0 OR COOKED 0408110000 EGG YOLKS, DRIED, WHETHER OR NOT KG 120,537 297 124 297 0 0 SWEETENED 0408190000 EGG YOLKS, FRSH, FRZN, COOKED BY WATER, KG 2,300,768 3,645 2,402 3,645 0 0 MOLDED ETC 0408910000 BIRDS' EGGS NOT IN SHELL, DRIED , W/N KG 193,653 456 208 456 0 0 SWEETENED 0408990000 BIRDS' EGGS NT IN SHELL, FRSH FRZN COOKD KG 637,369 1,076 680 1,076 0 0 WATER ETC 0409000025 COMB HONEY AND HONEY PACKAGED FOR KG 5,868 15 6 15 0 0 RETAIL SALE 0409000055 HONEY, NATURAL, NESOI KG 24,311 58 24 58 0 0 0410000000 EDIBLE PRODUCTS OF ANIMAL ORIGIN, NESOI KG 6,643,490 18,650 13,432 18,616 19 34 0501000000 HUMAN HAIR, UNWORKED AND WASTE OF KG 10,612 186 0 0 11 186 HUMAN HAIR 0502100000 PIGS, HOGS, BOARS BRISTLES & KG 53,638 175 63 175 0 0 HAIR & WASTE THEREOF 0503000000 HORSEHAIR AND HORSEHAIR WASTE KG 22,679 20 23 20 0 0 0504000020 HOG GUTS, BLADDERS, STOMACHS FOR KG 168,931 443 172 443 0 0 SAUSAGE CASINGS 0504000050 BEEF TRIPE, FROZEN, NOT FOR USE AS KG 1,319,241 1,289 1,356 1,289 0 0 SAUSAGE CASINGS 0504000070 BEEF INTESTINES, FZ,NOT FOR USE AS KG 173,946 491 188 491 0 0 SAUSAGE CASINGS 0504000080 PORK INTESTINES, FZ,NOT FOR USE AS KG 8,507,386 13,124 9,002 13,124 0 0 SAUSAGE CASINGS Table 1 A- 9

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 0504000090 GUTS, BLADDERS & STOMACHS OF ANMALS, KG 1,473,057 3,082 1,496 3,082 0 0 NESOI 0506100000 OSSEIN AND BONES TREATED WITH ACID KG 19,014 16 33 16 0 0 0506900000 POWDER AND WASTE OF BONES AND KG 65,111 546 79 481 12 65 HORN-CORES, NESOI 0507900000 TORTOISE-SHELL, WHALEBONE,HORNS ,ETC, KG 1,665 22 2 22 0 0 &POWDER/WASTE 0508000000 CORAL, SHELL OF MOLLUSCS ETC KG 773 15 1 15 0 0 UNWORKED POWDER/WASTE 0509000000 NATURAL SPONGES OF ANIMAL ORIGIN KG 1,285 30 - 4 1 26 0510004040 CANTHARIDES, GLANDS USED FOR KG 7,760 992 8 992 0 0 PHARMACEUTICAL PRDCTS 0510005000 AMBERGRIS, CASTOREUM, CIVET & MUSK; KG 193,950 2,724 18 52 195 2,672 BILE,W/N DRIED 0511100000 BOVINE SEMEN DS 110,534 782 0 0 2 782 0511995050 ANIMAL PRODUCTS NESOI, DEAD ANIMALS CH KG 117,367 345 116 328 1 18 1, INEDIBLE 0601100000 BULBS, TUBERS, CORMS, CROWNS & RHIZOMS NO 20,495 55 7 55 0 0 ETC DORMANT 0601200000 BULBS, ETC IN GROWTH OR FLOWER; NO 16,555 96 55 96 0 0 CHICORY 0602100000 UNROOTED CUTTINGS AND SLIPS OF PLANTS, NO 4,608 4 0 0 - 4 NESOI 0602200000 TREES SHRUBS AND BUSHES THAT BEAR NO 21,526 314 60 141 71 173 EDIBLE FRUIT/NUT 0602400000 ROSES, GRAFTED OR NOT NO 27,056 133 51 133 0 0 0602902000 ORCHID PLANTS, LIVE KG 980 9 0 0 1 9 0602905000 MUSHROOM SPAWN KG 18,143 3 18 3 0 0 0602906010 TREES AND SHRUBS WITH SOIL ATTACHED TO NO 11,620 117 59 117 0 0 ROOTS NESOI 0602906090 PLANTS, LIVE, WITH SOIL ATTACHED TO NO 134,138 812 572 812 0 0 ROOTS, NESOI 0602909010 TREES AND SHRUBS LIVE WITHOUT SOIL NO 12,095 81 100 81 0 0 ATTACHED, NESOI 0602909090 PLANTS, LIVE, WITHOUT SOIL ATTACHED TO NO 39,452 166 107 152 1 15 ROOTS NESOI 0603100000 CUT FLOWERS AND FLOWER BUDS, FRESH X 0 378 78 104 48 274 0603900000 CUT FLOWERS/BUDS DRIED, DYED OR X 0 53 19 50 - 4 OTHERWISE PREPARED 0604100000 MOSSES & LICHENS, FRESH, DRIED OR X 0 3 1 3 0 0 OTHERWISE PREPD 0604910000 FOLIAGE, BRANCHES ETC, FRESH X 0 849 484 846 - 3 0604990000 FOLIAGES, BRANCHES ETC DRID X 0 151 373 151 0 0 /DYED/BLACHD/IMPREG ETC 0701100000 POTATOES, SEED, FRESH OR CHILLED KG 2,635,438 816 2,665 816 0 0 Table 1 A- 10

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 0701900000 POTATOES (EXCEPT SEED), FRESH OR KG 11,369,127 7,120 11,433 7,120 0 0 CHILLED 0702000010 CHERRY TOMATOES, FRESH OR CHILLED KG 98,306 123 98 123 0 0 0702000030 ROMA (PLUM TYPE) TOMATOES, FRESH OR KG 100,000 91 110 91 0 0 CHILLED 0702000050 TOMATOES, FRESH OR CHILLED, NESOI KG 15,823,891 20,315 16,128 20,315 0 0 0703102000 ONION SETS, FRESH OR CHILLED KG 2,142,952 1,735 2,146 1,735 0 0 0703105000 ONIONS AND SHALLOTS, FRESH OR CHILLED, KG 3,473,257 2,413 3,527 2,413 0 0 NESOI 0703200000 GARLIC, FRESH OR CHILLED KG 306,973 616 307 616 0 0 0704100000 CAULIFLOWER AND HEADED KG 29,215 39 29 39 0 0 BROCCOLI , FRESH OR CHILLED 0704902000 CABBAGE, FRESH OR CHILLED KG 2,990,231 1,577 3,034 1,577 0 0 0704904020 BROCCOLI INCLUDING SPROUTING KG 411,947 217 414 217 0 0 BROCCOLI, FRSH/CHILLD 0704904040 KOHLRABI & SIMILAR EDIBLE BRASSICAS, KG 120,572 86 121 86 0 0 FR/CH, NESOI 0705110000 HEAD LETTUCE (CABBAGE LETTUCE), FRESH KG 9,514,088 8,299 9,925 8,115 62 184 OR CHILLED 0705190000 LETTUCE, EXCEPT HEAD LETTUCE, FRESH OR KG 2,141,058 1,963 2,245 1,963 0 0 CHILLED 0706103000 CARROTS, FRESH OR CHILLED KG 149,672 117 149 113 1 4 0706900000 SALAD BEETS, RADISHES&SIM EDIBLE KG 87,289 120 93 120 0 0 ROOTS,FR/CH,NESOI 0708200000 BEANS (VIGNA SPP., PHASEOLUS SPP.) FRESH KG 121,162 125 124 125 0 0 OR CHILLD 0708900000 LEGUMINOUS VEGETABLES, FRESH OR KG 72,328 96 69 90 5 6 CHILLED, NESOI 0709200000 ASPARAGUS, FRESH OR CHILLED KG 32,802 143 33 143 0 0 0709300000 EGGPLANTS (AUBERGINES), FRESH OR KG 537,363 1,160 560 1,160 0 0 CHILLED 0709400000 CELERY OTHER THAN CELERIAC, FRESH OR KG 1,526 3 2 3 0 0 CHILLED 0709510100 MUSHROOMS, OF THE GENUS AGARICUS, KG 60,552 123 0 0 62 123 FRESH OR CHILLED 0709600000 FRUITS OF GENUS CAPSICUM OR PIMENTA, KG 3,716,970 4,329 3,825 4,329 0 0 FRESH/CHILLED 0709904500 SWEET CORN, FRESH OR CHILLED KG 111,552 83 112 83 0 0 0709905000 VEGETABLES, FRESH OR CHILLED, NESOI KG 60,900,760 73,325 62,560 71,677 492 1,648 0710100000 POTATOES UNCOOKD/COOKED BY BOILING IN KG 366,217 286 362 273 6 13 WATER, FROZN 0710220000 BEANS, RAW/ COOKED IN BOILING WATER, KG 123,283 234 129 234 0 0 FROZEN 0710400000 SWEET CORN RAW/COOKED BY STEAM KG 2,564,655 2,249 2,629 2,249 0 0 /BOILING IN WATER,FZ Table 1 A- 11

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 0710800010 ASPARAGUS, RAW/COOKED BY BOILING, KG 900 3 1 3 0 0 FROZEN 0710800050 VEGETABLES, RAW/COOKED BY BOILING, KG 2,251,898 5,100 2,315 5,055 19 45 FROZEN, NESOI 0710900000 VEGETABLE MIXTURES, RAW/COOKED BY KG 8,441,467 13,199 9,185 13,165 13 34 BOILING, FROZEN 0711590000 MUSHROOM & TRUFFLES, PRESERVED, KG 2,387 5 2 5 0 0 INEDIBLE, NESOI 0711905500 VEG & VEG MIX, PROVISIONALLY PRES, KG 182,782 276 197 276 0 0 INEDIBLE, NESOI 0712202000 ONION POWDER OR FLOUR KG 207,377 443 221 443 0 0 0712204000 ONIONS, DRIED, EXCEPT POWDER OR FLOUR KG 70,091 118 71 118 0 0 0712320000 WOOD EARS (AURICULARIA SPP.), KG 60,951 360 66 360 0 0 DRIED,WHOLE,CUT,ETC 0712390000 MUSHROOMS & TRUFFLES, DRIED, WHOLE, KG 4,459 10 4 10 0 0 SLICED, NESOI 0712903000 POTATOES, DRIED, W/N CUT/SLICED , NOT KG 51,137 53 52 53 0 0 FURTHR PREPED 0712904020 GARLIC POWDER OR FLOUR KG 54,540 135 59 135 0 0 0712904040 GARLIC, DRIED, EXCEPT POWDER OR FLOUR KG 368,835 934 386 934 0 0 0712909002 VEGETABLES & MIXTURES OF VEGETABLES, KG 285,576 566 308 566 0 0 DRIED, NESOI 0713101000 PEAS, SEEDS OF A KIND USED FOR SOWING KG 2,288 5 2 5 0 0 DRD, SHELLED 0713104020 GREEN PEAS, EXCEPT SEED, DRIED, SHELLED KG 26,308 31 26 31 0 0 0713321000 SMALL RED (ADZUKI) BEANS, SEEDS FOR KG 17,928 18 18 18 0 0 SOWING, DRIED 0713322000 SMALL RED (ADZUKI) BEANS, KG 494,957 331 498 331 0 0 DRIED , SHELLED, NESOI 0713331020 NAVY OR PEA BEANS, SEED OF A KIND USED KG 78,000 64 79 64 0 0 FOR SOWING 0713333000 NAVY OR PEA BEANS, EXCEPT SEED, DRIED, KG 505,301 336 506 336 0 0 SHELLED 0713335020 DARK RED KIDNEY BEANS, (EX SEED ), DRIED, KG 36,286 34 36 34 0 0 SHELLED 0713335040 LIGHT RED KIDNEY BEANS, (EX SEED), DRIED, KG 1,956,306 1,402 1,962 1,402 0 0 SHELLED 0713335050 PINK KIDNEY BEANS, (EX SEED), DRIED, KG 4,752,279 3,309 4,803 3,309 0 0 SHELLED 0713335070 KIDNEY BEANS, DRIED, SHELLED, NESOI KG 480,498 280 528 280 0 0 0713391000 BEAN (VIGNA SPP, PHASEOLUSI, SEEDS, DRIED, KG 17,237 12 17 12 0 0 NESOI 0713391500 COWPEAS, EXCEPT SEED, DRIED, SHELLED KG 19,958 13 20 13 0 0 0713395010 BLACK BEANS, EXCEPT SEED, DRIED , SHELLED KG 1,195,102 661 1,195 661 0 0 0713395030 BABY LIMA BEANS, EXCEPT SEED, DRIED, KG 4,166 5 5 5 0 0 SHELLED Table 1 A- 12

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 0713395040 LIMA BEANS, DRIED, SHELLED, NESOI KG 93,963 73 94 73 0 0 0713395050 PINTO BEANS, EXCEPT SEED, DRIED , SHELLED KG 1,424,151 916 1,426 916 0 0 0713395060 WHITE BEANS, SEED, DRIED, SHELLED, NESOI KG 139,706 87 140 87 0 0 0713395070 CRANBERRY BEANS, EXCEPT SEED, DRIED, KG 39,916 26 40 26 0 0 SHELLED 0713395090 BEANS, DRIED, SHELLED, NESOI KG 18,143 13 18 13 0 0 0713402000 LENTILS, DRIED, SHELLED, NESOI KG 37,363 30 40 30 0 0 0713909000 DRIED LEGUMINOUS VEGETABLES, SHELLED, KG 11,147 11 11 11 0 0 NESOI 0714202000 SWEET POTATOES, FRESH OR DRIED, W/NT KG 316,379 209 325 209 0 0 SLICED/PELLET 0714905560 ROOTS & TUBERS, FRESH OR DRIED; SAGO KG 24,545 59 25 59 0 0 PITCH, NESOI 0801110000 COCONUTS, DESICCATED KG 5,588 5 6 5 0 0 0801190000 COCONUTS, OTHER THAN DESSICATED KG 2,472 9 0 0 2 9 0802110000 ALMONDS, FRESH OR DRIED, IN SHELL KG 6,776 50 7 50 0 0 0802120000 ALMONDS, FRESH OR DRIED, SHELLED KG 15,698 122 16 122 0 0 0802210000 HAZELNUTS OR FILBERTS, FRESH OR DRIED, KG 191,268 327 195 327 0 0 IN SHELL 0802310000 WALNUTS, FRESH OR DRIED, IN SHELL KG 23,824 64 24 64 0 0 0802320000 WALNUTS, FRESH OR DRIED, SHELLED KG 79,177 357 79 357 0 0 0802400000 CHESTNUTS, FRSH OR DRIED, W/NT SHELLED KG 1,736 11 2 11 0 0 OR PEELED 0802502000 PISTACHIOS, FRESH OR DRIED, IN SHELL KG 1,632 10 2 10 0 0 0802504000 PISTACHIOS, FRESH OR DRIED, SHELLED KG 8,574 63 9 63 0 0 0802901500 PECANS, FRESH OR DRIED, SHELLED KG 5,816 65 6 65 0 0 0802909100 NUTS, FRESH OR DRIED, IN SHELL, NESOI KG 32,810 68 33 68 0 0 0802909500 NUTS, FRESH OR DRIED, SHELLED, NESOI KG 331,445 1,397 333 1,397 0 0 0803000000 BANANAS AND PLANTAINS, FRESH OR DRIED KG 15,909 42 16 42 0 0 0804100000 DATES, FRESH OR DRIED KG 636 6 1 6 0 0 0804400000 AVOCADOS, FRESH OR DRIED KG 111,761 180 112 168 5 12 0804500000 GUAVAS, MANGOES AND KG 2,820 25 3 25 0 0 MANGOSTEENS , FRESH OR DRIED 0805100020 ORANGES, TEMPLE, FRESH OR DRIED KG 457,177 518 475 518 0 0 0805100040 ORANGES, FRESH OR DRIED, NESOI KG 176,417 240 178 240 0 0 0805200020 TANGERINES, FRESH OR DRIED KG 1,047,478 1,105 1,102 1,105 0 0 0805200040 MANDARINES & SIMILAR CITRUS HYBRIDS, KG 21,963 61 25 61 0 0 FR/DR, NESOI 0805400000 GRAPEFRUIT, FRESH OR DRIED KG 11,176 12 12 12 0 0 0805502000 LEMONS (CITRUS LIMON, CITRUS LIMONUM) KG 2,065 3 2 3 0 0 FRESH/DRIED Table 1 A- 13

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 0805505050 LIMES (CITRUS AURANTIFOLIA/ LATIFOLIA) KG 239,891 242 242 242 0 0 FRESH/DRIED 0805900100 CITRUS FRUITS, FRESH OR DRIED, NESOI KG 944,613 1,513 990 1,513 0 0 0806100000 GRAPES, FRESH KG 4,153,347 6,503 4,894 6,489 5 14 0806200000 GRAPES, DRIED (INCLUDING RAISINS) KG 279,816 1,096 315 1,096 0 0 0807110000 WATERMELONS, FRESH KG 1,294,756 921 1,295 921 0 0 0807191500 CANTALOUPES, FRESH KG 173,253 141 174 141 0 0 0807199000 MELONS, FRESH, NESOI KG 61,198 48 61 48 0 0 0807200000 PAPAYAS (PAPAWS) FRESH KG 15,200 11 15 11 0 0 0808100000 APPLES, FRESH KG 10,842,462 11,670 11,062 11,667 2 3 0808200000 PEARS AND QUINCES, FRESH KG 716,497 710 738 710 0 0 0809100000 APRICOTS, FRESH KG 61,615 77 62 77 0 0 0809200020 CHERRIES, SWEET VARIETIES, FRESH KG 83,287 250 36 74 52 176 0809300000 PEACHES, INCLUDING NECTARINES, FRESH KG 251,755 188 247 140 31 47 0809400000 PLUMS, PRUNE PLUMS AND SLOES, FRESH KG 396,750 429 387 420 10 9 0810100000 STRAWBERRIES, FRESH KG 652,946 2,038 524 1,557 154 482 0810905500 FRUITS, FRESH, NESOI KG 7,684,702 12,635 8,164 12,613 9 22 0811100000 STRAWBERRIES, UNCOOKED/COOKED BY KG 103,847 171 113 171 0 0 WATER, FROZEN 0811902028 BLUEBERRIES UNCKD/COOKD STEAM /BOIL KG 870 3 1 3 0 0 WATER FZ, NESOI 0811909000 FRUIT & NUTS UNCOOKED/COOKED BY KG 552,775 1,449 567 1,439 4 10 WATER, FZ, NESOI 0812908800 FRUIT & NUTS PROVISIONALLY PRESERVD KG 35,660 59 39 59 0 0 INEDIBLE NESOI 0813200000 PRUNES, DRIED KG 234,852 610 262 610 0 0 0813300000 APPLES, DRIED KG 1,360 18 1 18 0 0 0813402010 WILD BLUEBERRIES, DRIED KG 612 9 1 9 0 0 0813408500 FRUIT, DRIED, EXCEPT OF HEADINGS KG 85,705 224 91 224 0 0 0801-0806, NESOI 0813500020 MIXTURES CONTAINING ONLY DRIED FRUITS KG 12,785 41 14 41 0 0 OF CHAPTER 8 0813500040 MIXTURES CONTAINING ONLY NUTS OF KG 39,425 88 41 88 0 0 CHAPTER 8 0813500060 MIXTURES OF NUTS OR DRIED FRUITS OF KG 49,077 95 49 95 0 0 CHAP 8, NESOI 0814000000 PEEL, CITRUS OR MELON, FRSH KG 1,124 9 1 9 0 0 /FRZN/DRIED/PROVSL PRES 0901110000 COFFEE, NOT ROASTED, NOT DECAFFEINATED KG 81,032 199 37 92 44 107 0901120000 COFFEE, NOT ROASTED, DECAFFEINATED KG 19,181 50 19 50 0 0 0901210000 COFFEE, ROASTED, NOT DECAFFEINATED KG 287,053 1,033 302 1,033 0 0 0901220000 COFFEE, ROASTED, DECAFFEINATED KG 34,547 240 40 240 0 0 Table 1 A- 14

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 0901902000 COFFEE SUBSTITUTES CONTAINING COFFEE KG 2,008 17 2 17 0 0 0902100000 GREEN TEA (NOT FERMENTED) IN PACKINGS KG 2,019 13 2 13 0 0 LT=3KG 0902200000 GREEN TEA (NOT FERMENTED) NESOI KG 1,460 15 1 15 0 0 0902400000 BLACK TEA FERMDT & OTHER PARTLY KG 8,491 53 8 53 0 0 FERMENTD TEA NESOI 0904110000 PEPPER OF GENUS PIPER, NEITHER CRUSHED KG 1,067,769 1,619 1,298 1,619 0 0 NOR GROUND 0904120000 PEPPER OF THE GENUS PIPER, CRUSHED OR KG 168,813 288 202 288 0 0 GROUND 0904200000 FRUITS OF GENUS CAPSICUM OR PIMENTA, KG 24,867 40 30 40 0 0 DRD/CRSH/GRND 0905000000 VANILLA BEANS KG 48,577 2,864 50 2,864 0 0 0906100000 CINNAMON & CINNAMON-TREE KG 29,482 94 42 94 0 0 FLOWERS,NOT CRUSHD/GROUND 0906200000 CINNAMON & CINNAMON-TREE FLOWERS, KG 2,083 9 2 9 0 0 CRUSHD OR GROUND 0907000000 CLOVES (WHOLE FRUIT, CLOVES AND STEMS) KG 3,621 20 4 20 0 0 0908100000 NUTMEG KG 74 4 - 4 0 0 0909100000 SEEDS OF ANISE OR BADIAN KG 1,400 3 1 3 0 0 0909300000 SEEDS OF CUMIN KG 39,306 85 39 85 0 0 0910100000 GINGER KG 2,360 5 3 5 0 0 0910300000 TUMERIC (CURCUMA) KG 43,251 47 49 47 0 0 0910500000 CURRY KG 1,993 6 3 6 0 0 0910910000 MIXTURES OF SPICES REFERRED TO IN NOTE KG 9,931 44 8 24 2 20 1(B) CHAP 9 0910990000 SPICES, NESOI KG 909,882 5,143 922 4,874 10 269 1001901000 WHEAT AND MESLIN SEED (EXCEPT DURUM) KG 24,497,321 4,879 24,497 4,879 0 0 1001902055 WHEAT AND MESLIN, EXCEPT SEED, NESOI T 88,860 18,007 97,792 18,007 0 0 1002000000 RYE IN THE GRAIN T 247 20 247 20 0 0 1003002000 BARLEY FOR MALTING PURPOSES T 180 48 180 48 0 0 1004000080 OATS, EXCEPT SEED T 1,355 166 1,355 166 0 0 1005100010 YELLOW CORN (MAIZE), SEED KG 134,884 265 134 261 1 4 1005100090 CORN (MAIZE) SEED, OTHER THAN YELLOW KG 39,803 51 41 51 0 0 CORN 1005902020 YELLOW DENT CORN (MAIZE), U. S. NO. 1, T 9,364 1,376 9,365 1,376 0 0 EXCEPT SEED 1005902030 YELLOW DENT CORN (MAIZE), U. S. NO. 2 T 254,082 27,850 261,824 27,850 0 0 EXCEPT SEED 1005902070 YELLOW DENT CORN (MAIZE), EXCEPT SEED, T 20,100 2,366 20,103 2,366 0 0 NESOI 1005904041 POPCORN UNPOPPED, PUT UP IN KG 1,386,353 2,053 1,557 2,051 3 3 MICROWAVEABLE PACKAGES Table 1 A- 15

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 1005904049 POPCORN, UNPOPPED, EXCEPT SEED, NESOI KG 421,129 255 438 255 0 0 1005904055 CORN (MAIZE), WHITE, NESOI T 270 46 275 46 0 0 1005904065 CORN (MAIZE), NESOI T 144 30 144 30 0 0 1006100000 RICE IN THE HUSK (PADDY OR ROUGH) KG 23,447,803 4,950 23,456 4,950 0 0 1006202000 RICE, BASMATI, HUSKED (BROWN) KG 44,219 24 45 24 0 0 1006204020 RICE, LONG GRAIN, HUSKED (BROWN ) KG 49,997 21 50 21 0 0 1006204040 RICE, MEDIUM GRAIN, HUSKED (BROWN) KG 6,456,685 1,625 6,457 1,625 0 0 1006204060 RICE, SHORT GRAIN, HUSKED (BROWN) KG 4,080 3 4 3 0 0 1006204080 RICE, MIXTURES OF ANY SIZE GRAIN, HUSKED KG 352,325 125 355 125 0 0 (BROWN) 1006301020 RICE, SEMI OR WHOLLY MILLED, PARBOILED, KG 2,211,232 1,312 2,216 1,312 0 0 LONG GRAIN 1006301040 RICE, SEMI/WHOLLY MILLED, PARBOILD,INC KG 2,843,142 952 2,843 952 0 0 MIXS, NESOI 1006309010 RICE, SEMI/WHOLLY MILLED, LONG GRAIN, KG 32,499,827 10,465 32,713 10,465 0 0 NESOI 1006309020 RICE, SEMI/WHOLLY MILLED, NESOI , MEDIUM KG 87,846,524 26,474 87,852 26,474 0 0 GRAIN 1006309030 RICE, SEMI/WHOLLY MILLED, SHORT GRAIN, KG 2,042,264 751 2,043 751 0 0 NESOI 1006309040 RICE, SEMI/WHOLLY MILLED, MIXTURES OF KG 1,789,502 571 1,807 571 0 0 GRAINS,NESOI 1006400000 RICE, BROKEN KG 20,967 5 21 5 0 0 1008200000 MILLET KG 1,489,625 1,126 1,502 1,126 0 0 1008300000 CANARY SEED KG 2,320,514 1,717 2,321 1,717 0 0 1008900040 CEREALS, NESOI KG 8,394,098 19,009 8,836 19,009 0 0 1101000000 WHEAT OR MESLIN FLOUR KG 8,968,660 4,868 9,252 4,868 0 0 1102100000 RYE FLOUR KG 367,710 65 370 65 0 0 1102200000 CORN (MAIZE) FLOUR KG 3,420,905 1,716 3,464 1,716 0 0 1102300000 RICE FLOUR KG 1,980,738 727 2,039 727 0 0 1102900000 CEREAL FLOURS OTHER THAN OF WHEAT OR KG 1,011,219 258 1,082 258 0 0 MESLIN, NESOI 1103130020 GROATS AND MEAL OF CORN KG 293,962 365 305 365 0 0 (MAIZE) , CORNMEAL 1103200010 PELLETS OF WHEAT KG 3,663,300 317 3,664 317 0 0 1103200090 PELLETS OF CEREAL, NESOI KG 2,096,312 314 2,108 314 0 0 1104120000 GRAINS, ROLLED OR FLAKED, OF OATS KG 52,919 35 59 35 0 0 1104199000 GRAINS ROLLD/FLAKD OF CEREAL EX RICE KG 3,782 8 4 8 0 0 OF 1006,NESOI 1104220000 GRAINS WORKED (HULLD PEARLD SLICED KG 12,709 10 15 10 0 0 KIBBLD) OF OATS 1104291000 GRAINS WORKD (HULLD PEARLD SLICED KG 19,322 17 19 17 0 0 KIBLD) OF BARLEY Table 1 A- 16

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 1104299000 GRAINS WORKED ETC, OF CEREAL EX RICE OF KG 9,813 9 10 9 0 0 1006 NESOI 1105100000 FLOUR, MEAL AND POWDER OF POTATOES KG 1,397,037 2,116 1,488 2,116 0 0 1105200000 FLAKES, GRANULES AND PELLETS OF KG 1,075,882 1,912 1,114 1,912 0 0 POTATOES 1106100000 FLOUR MEAL AND POWDER OF DRIED KG 38,010 137 40 137 0 0 LEGUMINOUS VEG 0713 1106200000 FLOUR MEAL & POWDER OF SAGO, KG 78,454 128 79 128 0 0 ROOTS/TUBERS OF 0714 1106300000 FLOUR, MEAL & POWDER OF THE PRODUCTS KG 2,583,422 3,069 2,803 3,069 0 0 OF CHAPTER 8 1107100000 MALT, NOT ROASTED KG 5,017,687 1,381 5,054 1,381 0 0 1107200000 MALT, ROASTED KG 606,661 289 614 289 0 0 1108110000 STARCH, WHEAT KG 325,364 105 335 105 0 0 1108120000 STARCH, CORN (MAIZE) KG 5,069,005 3,892 5,078 3,697 56 195 1108130000 STARCH, POTATO KG 19,958 34 20 34 0 0 1108190000 STARCHES, NESOI KG 886,018 904 914 904 0 0 1109000000 WHEAT GLUTEN, WHETHER OR NOT DRIED KG 2,892,911 3,228 3,398 3,216 13 13 1202100000 PEANUTS (GROUND-NUTS) RAW, IN SHELL KG 157,314 159 158 159 0 0 1204000000 FLAXSEED (LINSEED), WHETHER OR NOT KG 1,151,456 137 1,154 137 0 0 BROKEN 1205100000 LOW ERUCIC ACID RAPE OR COLZA SEEDS KG 214,073 154 225 154 0 0 1206000061 SUNFLOWER SEEDS FOR HUMAN USE, IN KG 650,641 1,329 655 1,329 0 0 SHELL 1206000069 SUNFLOWER SEEDS FOR HUMAN USE, KG 57,033 43 57 43 0 0 SHELLED 1207200010 COTTON SEEDS FOR SOWING KG 312,576 242 316 242 0 0 1207200090 COTTON SEEDS, EXCEPT FOR SOWING KG 8,460,192 1,952 8,461 1,952 0 0 1207300000 CASTOR BEANS, WHETHER OR NOT BROKEN KG 1,896 3 2 3 0 0 1207400000 SESAME SEEDS, WHETHER OR NOT BROKEN KG 110,786 148 113 148 0 0 1207990190 OIL SEEDS & OLEAGINOUS FRUITS W /NT KG 29,788 5 30 5 0 0 BROKEN, NESOI 1208100000 FLOURS AND MEALS OF SOYBEANS KG 65,303,634 15,689 65,574 15,689 0 0 1208900000 FLOUR & MEAL OIL SEED /OLEAGINOUS FRT KG 631,963 267 695 267 0 0 EX MSTD NESOI 1209100000 SUGAR BEET SEED OF A KIND USED FOR KG 1,505 7 2 7 0 0 SOWING 1209210040 ALFALFA (LUCERNE) SEED FOR SOWING KG 5,804 16 6 16 0 0 EXCEPT CERTIFIED 1209299020 BENT GRASS (GENUS AGROSTIS) SEED FOR KG 4,657 25 0 0 5 25 SOWING 1209299026 BERMUDA GRASS SEED FOR SOWING, NESOI KG 1,757 4 0 0 2 4 1209299050 SORGHUM-SUDAN GRASS SEEDS FOR SOWING KG 1,750 5 2 5 0 0 Table 1 A- 17

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 1209299096 SEEDS OF FORAGE PLANTS FOR SOWING, KG 24,875 40 25 40 0 0 NESOI 1209300020 PANSY SEEDS FOR SOWING KG 62 4 - 4 0 0 1209300080 SEEDS HERB PLANTS PRNCPLY FLOWERS,FOR KG 11 11 0 0 - 11 SOWNG,NESOI 1209914000 ONION SEEDS FOR SOWING KG 3,008 36 0 0 5 36 1209915000 PARSLEY SEEDS FOR SOWING KG 498 3 - 3 0 0 1209916010 SWEET PEPPER SEEDS FOR SOWING KG 8,578 50 1 6 9 44 1209916090 PEPPER SEEDS FOR SOWING, NESOI KG 20,288 33 21 23 3 10 1209918008 GREEN CABBAGE SEED OF A KIND USED FOR KG 1,534 7 0 0 2 7 SOWING 1209918040 CUCUMBER SEEDS FOR SOWING KG 1,620 35 0 0 2 35 1209918050 LETTUCE SEEDS FOR SOWING KG 3,754 29 4 26 - 3 1209918060 SQUASH SEEDS FOR SOWING KG 12,234 39 14 39 0 0 1209918070 TOMATO SEEDS FOR SOWING KG 2,405 34 0 0 3 34 1209918090 VEGETABLE SEEDS FOR SOWING, NESOI KG 5,465 56 6 53 - 3 1209994040 WATERMELON SEEDS, FRUIT AND SPORES KG 21,652 155 11 79 15 77 USED FOR SOWING 1209994075 MELON SEED, NESOI, OF A KIND USED FOR KG 784 4 0 0 1 4 SOWING 1210200020 HOP CONE PELLETS, FRESH OR DRIED KG 16,796 55 17 52 - 3 1211909025 SUBSTNCES PRNCPLY USED AS/IN MEDICAMNT KG 37,074 238 3 106 38 133 NESOI FR/DR 1211909080 HERBAL TEAS & INFUSIONS (SINGLE SPECIES, KG 64,680 173 72 173 0 0 UNMIXED) 1211909095 PLANTS & PARTS, NESOI, FRSH /DRIED USED KG 37,769 76 26 44 17 32 PERFUMY ETC 1212200000 SEAWEEDS & ALGAE FRSH/DRD CHLLD FRZN KG 39,055 40 39 40 0 0 W/NOT GROUND 1212301000 NECTARINE STONES AND KERNELS, EDIBLE KG 499,804 176 528 176 0 0 1212910000 SUGAR BEET, FRSH/DRD/FRZN CHD T 24,856 1,863 24,964 1,863 0 0 WHETHER/NOT GROUND 1212991000 SUGAR CANE, FRSH/DRD/FRZ/CHD WHETHER T 63,700 7,350 63,976 7,350 0 0 OR NOT GROUND 1212999000 VEGETBLE PRODCT (INC UNRT CHICORY RT) KG 62,345 74 66 74 0 0 EDIBLE,NESOI 1214100015 ALFALFA (LUCERNE) MEAL/PELLETS, NESOI, T 7,917 1,130 7,928 1,130 0 0 DEHYDRATED 1214100060 ALFALFA (LUCERNE) MEAL AND PELLETS, T 2,870 403 2,871 403 0 0 NESOI 1214900010 ALFALFA HAY, NESOI, WHETHER OR NOT T 3,741 813 3,777 813 0 0 DOUBLE COMPRESD 1214900015 HAY, NESOI, WHETHER OR NOT IN THE FORM T 59 9 59 9 0 0 OF PELLETS Table 1 A- 18

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 1214900040 RUTABAGAS LUPINES VETCHES & SIMLR T 367 85 370 85 0 0 FORAGE PRD NESOI 1301100000 LAC/SHELLAC/STICK LAC/SEED LAC /BUTTON KG 575,541 837 576 834 - 3 LAC/OTHR LAC 1301200000 GUM ARABIC KG 35,443 177 34 155 2 23 1301900000 NATURAL GUMS, GUM RESINS, RESINS AND KG 100,794 362 101 333 1 29 BALSAMS NESOI 1302130000 VEGETABLE SAPS AND EXTRACTS OF HOPS KG 120,740 379 126 379 0 0 1302140000 VEGTBL SAP & EXTRACT OF PYRETHRUM/RTS KG 3,407 31 3 31 0 0 CNT ROTENONE 1302190000 VEGETABLE SAPS AND EXTRACTS, NESOI KG 178,834 461 179 431 8 30 1302200000 PECTIC SUBSTANCES, PECTINATES AND KG 9,100 59 9 59 0 0 PECTATES 1302310000 AGAR-AGAR KG 6,447 80 5 61 1 19 1302320000 MUCILAGES/THICKNRS FRM LOCUST KG 14,833 71 15 71 0 0 BEAN/SEED, GUAR SEED 1302390000 MUCILAGE & THICKNER W/N MODIFIED,FRM KG 17,213 32 19 32 0 0 VEG PRD NESOI 1401100000 BAMBOO, USED PRIMARILY FOR PLAITING X 0 12 1 12 0 0 1402009100 VEGE HAIR USED PRIMARILY AS STUFFING OR KG 8,660 47 9 47 0 0 PADDING 1402009900 VEGETABLE MATERIALS FOR STUFFING OR KG 1,398 19 1 19 0 0 PADDING, NESOI 1403009350 VEGETABLE MATERIALS USED IN KG 28,382 220 33 220 0 0 BROOMS & BRUSHES NESOI 1404100000 RAW VEGETBLE MATERIALS USED IN DYEING KG 10,612 134 15 134 0 0 OR TANNING 1404900000 VEGETABLE PRODUCTS NEOSI KG 1,241,736 2,127 1,302 2,127 0 0 1501000020 LARD KG 3,731,632 2,974 3,778 2,974 0 0 1501000080 OTHER PIG FAT AND POULTRY FAT, KG 342,275 414 377 414 0 0 RENDERED, NESOI 1502000020 TALLOW, EDIBLE KG 140,118 56 142 56 0 0 1503000000 LARD STEARIN/LARD OIL/ETC NT EMULSIFIED KG 262,166 141 283 141 0 0 OR PREPRD 1504100000 FISH-LIVER OILS & THEIR FRACTIONS NT KG 50,218 58 49 55 3 3 CHEM MODIFIED 1504207000 FISH FAT & OILS EX LIVER, NESOI , NOT CHEM KG 526 7 1 7 0 0 MODIFIED 1505001000 WOOL GREASE, CRUDE KG 11,658 26 12 26 0 0 1505009000 WOOL GREASE EX CRUDE & FATTY SUBSTNCS KG 23,299 77 23 77 0 0 INCL LANOLIN 1506000000 ANIMAL FAT & OIL & FRACTION NESOI NT KG 41,037 33 41 33 0 0 CHEM MODIFIED 1507100000 SOYBEAN OIL & FRACTIONS, CRUDE, KG 18,788 8 19 8 0 0 WHETH/NOT DEGUMMED Table 1 A- 19

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 1507904020 SOYBEAN OIL, ONCE-REFINED NOT KG 1,036,553 703 1,037 703 0 0 CHEMICALLY MODIFIED 1507904050 SOYBEAN OIL, FULLY REFINED, NT KG 7,358,842 5,563 7,791 5,563 0 0 CHEMICALLY MODIFIED 1508100000 PEANUT (GROUND-NUT) OIL, CRUDE, NT KG 39,057 32 39 32 0 0 CHEM MODIFIED 1509102000 OLIVE OIL, VIRGIN, N/CHEM MODIFD, IN CONT KG 1,063,164 1,568 1,220 1,564 14 4 LT 18 KG 1509104000 OLIVE OIL,VIRGIN, N/CHEM MODIFD , IN CONT KG 106,934 206 120 206 0 0 18KG/OVER 1509902000 OLIVE OIL, REFINED, N/CHEM MODIFD,IN KG 353,753 970 383 970 0 0 CONT LT 18 KG 1509904000 OLIVE OIL, REFINED, N/CHEM KG 125,965 192 145 192 0 0 MODIFD,INCONT 18KG/OVER 1510000000 OLIVE-RESIDUE OIL & BLENDS (1509&1510) NT KG 13,916 31 14 31 0 0 CHEM MOD 1511100000 PALM OIL, CRUDE, NOT CHEMICALLY KG 42,761 46 47 46 0 0 MODIFIED 1511900000 PALM OIL, REFINED BUT NOT CHEMICALLY KG 103,607 101 114 101 0 0 MODIFIED 1512190020 SUNFLOWER-SEED OIL, REFINED, NOT KG 78,953 130 81 130 0 0 CHEMLY MODIFIED 1512210000 COTTONSEED OIL CRUDE W/NT GOSSYPOL KG 70,471 20 70 20 0 0 HAS BEEN REMOVD 1512290020 COTTONSEED OIL, ONCE-REFINED, NT KG 513,339 229 514 229 0 0 CHEMICAL MODIFIED 1512290040 COTTONSEED OIL, FULLY REFINED, NOT KG 25,490 7 25 7 0 0 CHEMLY MODIFIED 1513110000 COCONUT (COPRA) OIL, CRUDE, NOT KG 181,520 116 188 116 0 0 CHEMICLLY MODIFIED 1513190000 COCONUT (COPRA) OIL, REFINED, NT KG 18,143 15 18 15 0 0 CHEMCLLY MODIFIED 1514110000 RAPESEED/COLZA OIL, LOW ERUCIC ACID, KG 1,995 8 2 8 0 0 CRUDE 1514190000 RAPESEED/COLZA OIL, NESOI, LOW ERUCIC KG 300,685 394 334 394 0 0 ACID 1514990000 RAPESEED/COLZA/MUSTARD OIL, NESOI, KG 1,315,891 1,470 1,431 1,470 0 0 REFINED 1515110000 LINSEED OIL, CRUDE, NOT CHEMICALLY KG 91,930 26 92 26 0 0 MODIFIED 1515190000 LINSEED OIL, REFINED, NOT CHEMICALLY KG 41,050 39 42 39 0 0 MODIFIED 1515210000 CORN (MAIZE) OIL, CRUDE, NOT CHEMICALLY KG 637,606 744 694 744 0 0 MODIFIED 1515290020 CORN (MAIZE) OIL, ONCE-REFINED, NT CHEM KG 7,327,767 9,325 8,048 9,325 0 0 MODIFIED 1515290040 CORN (MAIZE) OIL, FULLY REFINED , NT CHEM KG 6,400,729 6,430 7,143 6,430 0 0 MODIFIED Table 1 A- 20

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 1515300000 CASTOR OIL/ITS FRACTIONS W/N REFINED KG 48,593 59 53 59 0 0 NOT CHEM MODF 1515500000 SEASAME OIL WHETHER/NOT REFINED NT KG 51,901 34 1 7 90 27 CHEM MODIFIED 1515906000 JOJOBA OIL WHETHER OR NOT REFINED NT KG 229 6 0 0 - 6 CHEM MODIFIED 1515908000 FIXED VEGETABLE FATS/OILS,NESOI , NOT KG 168,686 225 169 219 4 5 CHEM MODIFIED 1516200000 VEGETABLE FATS & OILS/FRACTIONS KG 1,422,817 1,721 1,656 1,701 15 20 HYDROGENATED ETC 1517100000 MARGARINE, EXCLUDING LIQUID KG 9,341,346 8,819 9,483 8,819 0 0 MARGARINE 1517903020 SALAD & COOKING OILS, EDBL ARTFL MXTRS KG 6,953,678 6,819 7,437 6,819 0 0 (1501-1515) 1517903040 BAKN/FRYN FATS WHOLLY VEGTLB OILS KG 2,775,804 4,288 2,788 4,288 0 0 EDBL ARTFL MXTRS 1517903060 BAKING OR FRYING FATS, EDIBLE ARTFL KG 198,266 222 211 222 0 0 MXTRS, NESOI 1517903080 ARTIFICAL MXTRS EDIBLE ANML /VEGE KG 266,214 343 293 340 - 3 FATS & OILS NESOI 1517904015 SALAD & COOKING OIL, PARTIALLY KG 19,956,014 13,541 21,752 13,541 0 0 HYDROGENATED, NESOI 1517904035 SOYBEAN OIL, WHOLLY HYDROGENATED, KG 78,692 83 79 83 0 0 EDIBLE, NESOI 1517904055 COTTONSEED OIL, WHOLLY HYDROGENATED, KG 4,182 6 4 6 0 0 EDIBLE, NESOI 1517904085 EDIBLE ANIMAL/VEGETBLE FATS & OILS KG 249,101 298 253 298 0 0 NESOI (EX 1516) 1518000000 ANML/VEG FATS & OILS CHEM MODIFIED; KG 18,554 78 20 78 0 0 INEDBL MXT ETC 1520000000 GLYCEROL (GLYCERINE) CRUDE; GLYCEROL KG 1,873,864 1,753 1,877 1,736 1 17 WATER & LYES 1521100000 VEGETABLE WAXES (OTHER THAN KG 4,257 34 4 34 0 0 TRIGLYCERIDES) 1521900000 BEESWAX AND OTHER INSECT WAXES AND KG 17,753 19 19 19 0 0 SPERMACETI 1522000000 DEGRAS; RESIDUES FROM FATTY KG 2,295 14 3 14 0 0 SUBSTNCS/ANML/VEG WAXS 1601000010 SAUSAGES & SIMILAR PRDTS, OF POULTY, OF KG 5,041,785 7,232 5,415 7,232 0 0 CHICKEN 1601000020 SAUSAGES & SIMILAR PRDTS, OF OTHER KG 25,485 67 27 67 0 0 POULTY 1601000090 SAUSAGES & SIMILAR PRDTS, OTHER THAN KG 5,019,569 10,973 5,572 10,973 0 0 POULTRY, OTHR 1602100000 HOMOGENIZED PREPS OF MEAT, MEAT OFFAL KG 124,737 318 143 318 0 0 OR BLOOD 1602310020 PREPARED MEALS OF TURKEY KG 444,151 298 449 298 0 0 Table 1 A- 21

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 1602310030 OTH PRPRD/PRSRVD TURKEY MEAT, PASTE OF KG 55,727 116 58 116 0 0 TURKEY, MST 1602310050 OTH PRPRD/PRSRVD TURKEY MEAT, PRFRMD KG 171,235 295 177 295 0 0 PTES OR SMLR 1602310090 OTH PRPRD/PRSRVD TURKEY MEAT, OTHER KG 5,181,150 10,040 5,372 10,040 0 0 1602320020 PREPARED MEALS OF CHICKEN OF HEADING KG 1,553,698 7,949 1,733 7,949 0 0 0105 1602320035 OTHR PRPD/PRSVD CHKN MEAT, PSTE OF KG 566,092 279 620 279 0 0 CHKN, MSC 1602320050 OTHR PRPD/PRSVD CHKN MEAT, PRFMD KG 6,017,466 20,962 6,087 20,962 0 0 PATIES & SMLR PRD 1602320090 OTHER PREPARED/PRESERVED CHICKEN KG 10,233,992 28,323 10,615 28,323 0 0 MEAT, OTHER 1602390025 PREP MEALS, POULTRY OF HEADING 0105 EX KG 279,476 825 304 825 0 0 TURKY/CHICK 1602390045 MEAT/OFFAL (EX LVR) POULTRY OF 0105 KG 1,563,297 5,707 1,723 5,707 0 0 NESOI PRP/PRS 1602411000 HAMS, CUTS CONTAINING CEREAL OR VEG, KG 2,300,193 3,863 2,349 3,863 0 0 PREP OR PRES 1602412000 HAMS AND CUTS OF SWINE, BONED /COOKED KG 328,576 1,010 353 1,010 0 0 AIRTIGHT CNTR 1602419000 HAMS AND CUTS THEREOF NESOI, PREPARED KG 2,495,913 7,705 2,588 7,705 0 0 OR PRESERVED 1602424000 SHOULDERS AND CUTS THEREOF NESOI, KG 5,324 22 6 22 0 0 PREPARED, PRESVD 1602491000 OFFAL OF SWINE (EX LIVER) PREPARED OR KG 28,689 57 29 57 0 0 PRESERVED 1602492000 SWINE MEAT NESOI BONED/COOKED CND NO KG 1,142,392 4,350 1,195 4,350 0 0 CEREAL OR VEG 1602494000 SWINE MEAT NESOI, NO CEREAL OR VEGS, KG 258 4 - 4 0 0 PREP OR PRES 1602497000 SWINE MEAT PREP OR PRES INCL MXTRS, KG 39,862 112 50 112 0 0 NESOI 1602509020 PREP MEALS OF MEAT OF BOVINE ANMLS KG 164,766 1,064 186 1,064 0 0 WITH CEREAL/VEG 1602509500 MEAT OR MEAT OFFAL OF BOVINE ANMLS KG 1,332,685 3,854 1,456 3,854 0 0 NESOI PREP/PRES 1602900000 ANML MEAT NESOI BLOOD PREPS OF ANY KG 1,700,903 6,017 2,025 6,017 0 0 ANML, PREP/PRES 1603009010 EXTRACTS AND JUICES OF MEAT KG 339,909 2,108 408 2,108 0 0 1603009500 EXTRACT/JUICES OF FISH, CRUSTACEANS, KG 115,811 889 160 889 0 0 MOLLUSCS ETC 1604112000 SALMON, WHOLE/PIECES, IN OIL IN AIRTIGHT KG 156,030 295 211 295 0 0 CONTAINER 1604114010 CHUM (DOG) SALMON, NOT IN OIL, CANNED KG 77,035 237 86 237 0 0 1604114020 PINK (HUMPIE) SALMON, NOT IN OIL, CANNED KG 281,987 989 296 989 0 0 1604114040 SALMON, NESOI, NOT IN OIL, CANNED KG 342,187 779 401 779 0 0 Table 1 A- 22

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 1604114050 SALMON, WHOLE OR IN PIECES, BUT NOT KG 72,056 154 72 154 0 0 MINCED, NESOI 1604130000 SARDINES/SARDINELLA/BRISLING NOT KG 20,127 34 20 34 0 0 MINCED, PREP/PRES 1604140000 TUNAS/SKIPJACK/ATLANTIC BONITO NT KG 369,180 933 383 933 0 0 MINCED PREP/PRES 1604150000 MACKEREL, PREPARED OR PRESERVED KG 3,130 4 3 4 0 0 1604160000 ANCHOVIES, NOT MINCED, PREPARED OR KG 5,670 5 6 5 0 0 PRESERVED 1604195500 FISH STICKS, FILLETS ETC, BREADED/COATED KG 119,565 383 128 383 0 0 ETC 1604197000 FISH WHOLE/PIECES, NOT MINCED, PREP OR KG 174,704 668 212 640 5 27 PRES, NESOI 1604200500 PRODUCTS, MEAT CRUSTACEAN /MOLLUSCS KG 75,174 173 76 173 0 0 ETC, PREP MEALS 1604201300 FISH PASTES; BALLS, CAKES AND PUDDINGS KG 75,652 210 88 210 0 0 1604204500 FISH STICKS ETC OF MINCED FISH, KG 1,573 13 2 13 0 0 BREADED/COATED ETC 1604206000 FISH, PREPARED OR PRESERVED, NESOI KG 103,869 348 105 348 0 0 1605100500 CRAB PRODUCTS CONTAINING FISH MEAT; KG 2,929 13 3 13 0 0 PREPARED MEALS 1605102025 SNOW CRABMEAT, PREP, NESOI, IN AIRTIGHT KG 3,271 23 3 23 0 0 CONTAINERS 1605102040 CRABMEAT, PREPARED, NESOI, IN AIRTIGHT KG 9,260 35 9 35 0 0 CONTAINERS 1605104020 CRABMEAT, NESOI, PREPARED, FROZEN KG 828 3 1 3 0 0 1605106000 CRABS, PREPARED OR PRESERVED, NESOI KG 10,207 62 11 56 1 6 1605200500 SHRIMP, PRAWN PRODUCTS WITH FISH MEAT; KG 1,009,551 3,709 1,051 3,702 1 7 PREP MEALS 1605201010 SHRIMPS AND PRAWNS, FROZEN, IN AIRTIGHT KG 37,770 313 40 313 0 0 CONTAINERS 1605201025 SHRIMPS AND PRAWNS, PREPARED, FROZEN, KG 451,906 3,286 493 3,286 0 0 NESOI 1605201040 SHRIMPS AND PRAWNS, CANNED KG 18,492 85 18 85 0 0 1605201050 SHRIMPS AND PRAWNS, PREPARED OR KG 91,479 783 101 783 0 0 PRESERVED, NESOI 1605300500 LOBSTER PRODUCTS WITH FISH MEAT; KG 55,670 323 62 323 0 0 PREPARED MEALS 1605301020 LOBSTER, IN AIRTIGHT CONTAINERS KG 13,868 83 19 83 0 0 1605301040 LOBSTER, PREPARED OR PRESERVED, NESOI KG 27,085 150 28 150 0 0 1605900500 MOLLUSCS ETC PRODUCTS WITH FISH MEAT; KG 18,071 45 20 45 0 0 PREP MEALS 1605901500 CLAMS, PREPARED OR PRESERVED KG 10,432 24 10 24 0 0 1605906040 SCALLOPS, PREPARED OR PRESERVED KG 2,423 23 3 23 0 0 1605906050 LOLIGO SQUID, PREPARED OR PRESERVED KG 1,633 5 2 5 0 0 Table 1 A- 23

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 1605906055 SQUID EXCEPT LOLIGO, PREPARED OR KG 748 3 1 3 0 0 PRESERVED 1605907000 MOLLUSCS, AQUATIC INVERTEBRATES NESOI, KG 561 13 1 13 0 0 PREP, PRES 1701110000 CANE SUGAR, RAW, SOLID FORM, W /O ADDED KG 7,135,741 2,120 7,424 2,115 20 5 FLAV/COLOR 1701911020 CANE/BEET SUG REF SOLID FLV/CLR , BEV KG 1,331,521 1,300 1,357 1,300 0 0 BASE, RETAIL 1701911040 CANE/BEET SUG REF SOLID FLV/CLR BEV BASE KG 1,094 5 1 5 0 0 NT RETAIL 1701913020 CANE/BT SUG REF SOLID, FLV/CLR EXC BEV KG 21,668 39 22 39 0 0 BASE RETAIL 1701913040 CANE/BEET SUG REF SOLID FLV/CLR NOT KG 370,494 1,326 172 405 241 921 RETAIL NESOI 1701992020 CANE/BEET SUG REF/IMP SUG DRAWBK NO KG 551,513 797 563 790 1 7 FLV/CLR RETAIL 1701992040 CANE/BEET SUG REF/IMP SUG DRAWBK NO KG 11,277,302 8,194 11,438 8,190 5 4 FLV/CLR/RETAIL 1701994000 CANE/BEET SUGAR, SOLID, REFINED , NO KG 193,694 126 208 123 4 3 FLV/CLR, NESOI 1702110000 LACTOSE & LACTOSE SYRUP CONT 99% MORE KG 2,633,044 1,562 2,655 1,562 0 0 LACTSE BY WT 1702190000 LACTOSE IN SOLID FORM AND LACTOSE KG 1,812,330 1,500 1,815 1,492 5 8 SYRUP, NESOI 1702200000 MAPLE SUGAR AND MAPLE SYRUP KG 359,784 438 373 438 0 0 1702300020 GLUCOSE (DEXTROSE) KG 4,643,374 2,467 4,683 2,461 11 6 1702300040 GLUCOSE SYRUP, LESS THAN 20% FRUCTOSE KG 334,412 283 354 283 0 0 IN DRY STATE 1702400000 GLUCOSE & GLUCOSE SYRUP CONTAINING KG 22,048,451 4,682 30,634 4,682 0 0 20-49% FRUCTOSE 1702500000 CHEMICALLY PURE FRUCTOSE IN SOLID KG 349,893 1,108 351 1,108 0 0 FORM 1702600050 FRUCTOSE SYRUP,GT 50% BY WEIGHT OF KG 50,551,034 20,495 52,844 20,495 0 0 FRUCTOSE, NESOI 1702600060 FRUCTOSE, IN SOLID FORM, NESOI CONT OV KG 2,055,526 1,810 2,054 1,648 3 162 50% FRUCTSE 1702904500 SUGARS AND SYRUPS, NESOI, DERIV FR SGR KG 3,640,050 1,312 3,573 1,252 99 59 CANE/BEETS 1702905000 SUG/SYRUP NT FLAV/COLR NESOI; ARTFL KG 20,500,983 8,353 20,781 8,302 29 51 HONEY; CARAML 1703900000 MOLASSES FROM EXTRACTION/REFING KTS 173,252 94 254 94 0 0 SUGAR, NESOI 1704100000 CHEWING GUM, WHETHER OR NOT SUGAR KG 759,677 790 768 790 0 0 COATED 1704903000 CONFECTIONS/SWEETMEATS, READY FR KG 5,089,438 21,605 5,503 21,599 1 6 CONSUMPTN, NO COC 1704907000 SUGAR CONFECTIONERY, WITHOUT COCOA, KG 3,229,965 7,701 4,054 7,638 10 62 NESOI Table 1 A- 24

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 1803200000 COCOA PASTE, WHOLLY OR PARTLY KG 6,350 18 6 18 0 0 DEFATTED 1804000000 COCOA BUTTER, FAT AND OIL KG 34,920 53 35 53 0 0 1805000000 COCOA POWDER, NOT SWEETENED KG 8,274 19 8 19 0 0 1806100000 COCOA POWDER CONT ADDED SUGAR OR KG 1,099,840 1,499 1,162 1,499 0 0 OTHER SWEETENING 1806206000 CONFECTIONERS COATINGS/PRODS 6.8% KG 43,635 147 47 144 - 3 COCOA SOLID BULK 1806209000 COCOA PREPARATIONS IN BULK FORM , NESOI KG 17,540 159 14 121 4 38 1806310040 CHOC/COCOA PREP CONFECTNRY BLK /BAR KG 811,521 2,447 847 2,423 6 24 NOTOV2KG FILLED 1806310080 CHOC/COCOA PREP NONCNFCTNRY BLK /BAR KG 273,229 566 292 566 0 0 NTOV 2KG FILLD 1806321000 CHOC/COCOA PREP CONFCTNRY BLK /BAR KG 38,490 53 37 45 1 8 NTOV2KG NT FILLD 1806323550 CHOC/COCOA PREP BAR ETC NTOV2KG EXC KG 61,259 157 62 157 0 0 FILLD/CNFCTNRY 1806900063 CONFECTIONERY, COCOA FOOD KG 7,328,354 15,809 8,263 15,539 48 270 PREPS , NESOI, FOR RETAIL 1806900073 COCOA PREPS EXCEPT CONFECTIONERY KG 108,920 149 124 149 0 0 NESOI, FOR RETAIL 1806900083 CONFECTIONERY, COCOA FOOD KG 18,254 59 23 59 0 0 PREPS , NESOI, NOT RETAIL 1806900093 COCOA PREPS, NESOI, NOT FOR RETAIL, KG 295,446 1,012 299 1,009 - 3 EX/CONFETIONEY 1901100000 PREPARATIONS FOR INFANT USE, FOR RETAIL KG 2,366,580 7,573 2,467 7,516 7 57 SALE 1901200005 MIXES AND DOUGHS FOR COOKIES, WAFFLES KG 231,985 431 238 431 0 0 AND WAFERS 1901200015 MIXE & DOUGH FOR PASTRY/CAKE KG 5,362,083 8,102 5,931 8,085 2 18 /GINGERBREAD/PUDDING 1901200025 MIXES & DOUGHS, NESOI, CONTAIN LT 40% KG 662,901 897 671 897 0 0 COCOA POWDER 1901901500 MALT EXTRACT KG 8,507,340 4,580 9,345 4,580 0 0 1901902500 PUDDINGS READY TO EAT WITHOUT FURTHER KG 825,976 1,131 917 1,131 0 0 PREPARATION 1901903020 MALTED MILK KG 107,483 149 109 149 0 0 1901903040 ARTICLES OF MILK OR CREAM NESOI KG 723,218 1,464 831 1,464 0 0 1901909082 FOOD PREPS, NESOI, CORN-SOYA MILK KG 16,333,185 3,368 18,952 3,314 40 54 BLENDS 1901909085 FOOD PREPS, NESOI, WHEAT-FLOUR -SOYA KG 915,431 508 1,037 508 0 0 BLENDS 1901909500 FOOD PREPARATIONS FLOUR, STARCH , DAIRY KG 4,852,433 15,464 5,087 15,389 11 75 ETC, NESOI 1902112000 PASTA WITH EGG UNCOOKED NOT STUFFED KG 2,865,936 4,657 3,078 4,657 0 0 OR OTHRWSE PRE Table 1 A- 25

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 1902114000 PASTA WITH EGG NESOI SAUCE NOT KG 100,596 158 109 158 0 0 STUFFED/OTHRWS PREP 1902192000 PASTA NO EGG UNCOOKED NOT STUFFED OR KG 367,406 395 382 395 0 0 OTHRWISE PREP 1902194000 PASTA NO EGG NESOI INCL SAUCE NT KG 765,742 679 808 679 0 0 STUFF/OTHRWS PREP 1902200020 PASTA, STUFFED, CANNED KG 3,639,615 6,700 4,135 6,700 0 0 1902200040 PASTA STUFFED, FROZEN, WHETHER KG 2,336,168 2,806 2,354 2,806 0 0 OTHERWISE PREPARED 1902200060 PASTA STUFFED WHETHER COOKED KG 19,760 19 20 19 0 0 /OTHERWISE PREP, NESOI 1902300020 PASTA, CANNED, NESOI KG 9,392,919 19,798 10,822 19,798 0 0 1902300040 PASTA, FROZEN, NESOI KG 30,593 81 31 81 0 0 1902300060 PASTA, NESOI KG 1,712,110 2,423 1,734 2,423 0 0 1903000000 TAPIOCA AND SUBSTITUTES FROM STARCH IN KG 26,718 29 28 29 0 0 FLAKES, ETC 1904100040 SWELLING/ROASTING CEREAL/CEREAL KG 4,455,463 10,724 4,977 10,724 0 0 PRODUCT CONT SUGAR 1904100080 SWELLING/ROASTING CEREAL/CEREAL KG 3,134,157 6,920 3,572 6,920 0 0 PRODUCT, NO SUGAR 1904200000 PREP FOOD FROM UNROASTED CEREAL KG 1,502,955 3,614 1,829 3,614 0 0 FLAKES/MIXTURES 1904900120 CEREAL N/CORN GRAIN FORM PRECOOK PREP KG 53,165 83 53 83 0 0 FRZ,NESOI 1904900140 CEREAL NT CORN GRAIN FORM KG 589,742 1,091 589 1,088 1 3 PRECOOK/OTHWS PREP NESOI 1905100000 CRISPBREAD KG 407,134 627 434 627 0 0 1905200000 GINGERBREAD AND THE LIKE KG 1,736 9 2 9 0 0 1905310000 COOKIES (SWEET BISCUITS) KG 7,496,417 14,305 7,899 14,305 0 0 1905320000 WAFFLES AND WAFERS KG 433,099 802 511 802 0 0 1905400000 RUSKS, TOASTED BREAD AND SIMILAR KG 33,714 73 34 73 0 0 TOASTED PRODUCTS 1905901041 PASTRY/CAKE/SWEET BAKED PRODUCTS, KG 6,824,708 15,073 7,192 15,073 0 0 PUDDINGS, FROZEN 1905901049 BREAD/BISCUIT ETC, W/NT CONTAIN CHOC KG 5,197,956 9,702 5,849 9,695 2 6 ETC FROZEN 1905901050 PASTRY/CAKE/PUDDING WHETHER/NT CONT KG 17,176,187 30,567 19,801 30,562 8 5 CHOC ETC NESOI 1905901080 BREAD/BISCUITS/SIMILAR BAKED PRODUCTS, KG 2,292,298 4,716 2,517 4,716 0 0 NESOI 1905909030 CORN CHIPS AND SIMILAR CRISP SAVORY KG 14,483,071 25,376 16,326 25,368 7 8 SNACK FOODS 1905909060 PIZZA AND QUICHE KG 2,261,108 7,184 2,332 7,168 21 16 1905909090 COMMUNION/SEALING WAFER RICE PPR KG 1,765,817 3,810 1,904 3,786 5 24 EMPTY CAPSULE ETC Table 1 A- 26

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2001100000 CUCUMBERS, GHERKINS, PREP/PRES KG 380,819 275 392 275 0 0 VINEGAR/ACETIC ACID 2001903400 ONIONS, PREPARED/PRESERVED BY KG 52,764 118 54 118 0 0 VINEGAR/ACETIC ACID 2001906500 VEGT/FRUIT/NUTS ETC NESOI PREP /PRES BY KG 1,404,778 2,506 1,849 2,506 0 0 VINEGAR ETC 2002100000 TOMATOES WHOLE/PIECES PREP/PRES EX KG 228,414 300 250 300 0 0 VINEGAR ETC 2002900060 TOMATO PASTE KG 5,894,356 6,481 6,022 6,481 0 0 2002900080 TOMATOES NESOI PREP/PRES EX BY KG 86,995 71 89 71 0 0 VINEGAR/ACETIC ACID 2003100100 MUSHROOMS (AGARICUS), PREP/PRES EX BY KG 57,263 312 55 307 2 5 VINEGAR 2003900000 MUSHROOMS, NESOI, PREP/PRES EXCEPT BY KG 9,548 23 10 23 0 0 VINEGAR 2004108020 POTATOES, FRENCH FRIED, FROZEN KG 2,765,321 2,495 2,947 2,495 0 0 2004108060 POTATOES (EX FRENCH FRIES) PREP /PRES KG 101,167 127 108 127 0 0 NESOI, FROZEN 2004901000 ANTIPASTO, PREPARED OR PRESERVED NESOI, KG 10,894 52 11 52 0 0 FROZEN 2004908000 BEANS, PREPARED OR PRESERVED NESOI, KG 442,761 550 460 536 3 14 FROZEN 2004908520 CARROTS, PREPARED OR PRESERVED NESOI, KG 207,579 163 227 163 0 0 FROZEN 2004908540 SWEET CORN, PREPARED OR PRESERVED KG 1,712,835 1,024 1,777 1,024 0 0 NESOI, FROZEN 2004908580 VEGETABLES INCL MIXTURES NESOI KG 4,747,162 7,090 4,969 7,090 0 0 PREP/PRES NESOI FRZ 2005100000 VEGETABLES, HOMOGENIZED NOT FROZ KG 1,617,041 2,410 1,956 2,410 0 0 (SUBHEADNG NTE 1) 2005200020 POTATO CHIPS, PREPARED OR PRESRVD, NOT KG 807,430 2,565 837 2,561 1 4 FROZEN 2005200040 POTATO GRANULES, PREPRD OR PRESRVD KG 2,110 14 2 14 0 0 NESOI, NOT FROZ 2005200070 POTATOES NESOI, PREPRD OR PRESRVD KG 236,059 295 254 295 0 0 NESOI, NOT FROZN 2005400000 PEAS (PISUM SATIVUM) PREP/PRES NESOI, NOT KG 282,724 268 306 268 0 0 FROZEN 2005512020 COWPEAS, BLACK-EYE, SHELLED, DRIED KG 36,671 48 37 48 0 0 CANNED 2005514020 BEANS (EX BLACK-EYE COWPEAS) SHELLED, KG 2,434,765 1,456 2,449 1,456 0 0 DRIED CANNED 2005514040 BEANS NESOI, SHELLED, PREP/PRES NESOI, KG 261,494 245 269 245 0 0 NOT FROZEN 2005590000 BEANS, NOT SHELLED, PREP/PRES NESOI, NOT KG 3,503,130 3,878 3,734 3,878 0 0 FROZEN 2005600000 ASPARAGUS, PREPARED OR PRESERVED KG 92,877 256 93 256 0 0 NESOI, NOT FROZEN Table 1 A- 27

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2005700000 OLIVES PREP/PRES EX VINEGAR /ACETIC ACID KG 305,153 742 355 742 0 0 NOT FROZEN 2005800000 SWEET CORN, PREPARED/PRESERVED NESOI, KG 3,022,922 4,215 3,183 4,215 0 0 NOT FROZEN 2005903000 SAUERKRAUT, PREPARED OR PRESERVED KG 93,082 97 95 97 0 0 NESOI, NOT FROZN 2005906550 PREPARED/PRESERVED VETETABLES, NOT KG 4,494,164 4,081 4,595 4,066 5 15 FROZEN, NESOI 2006005550 VGTBLS/FRUIT/NUTS/FRUIT-PEEL ETC, KG 56,771 49 57 49 0 0 PRSRVD BY SUGAR 2007100000 HOMOGENIZED PREPARATNS OF FRUIT KG 3,330,107 3,935 4,038 3,935 0 0 (SUBHEADNG NOTE 2) 2007911000 CITRUS FRUIT PASTES AND PUREES COOKED KG 9,458 14 10 14 0 0 W/N SWEETEND 2007916000 CITRUS FRUIT JAMS/JELLIES /MARMALADES, KG 119,378 159 119 159 0 0 COOKED PREPS 2007998000 FRUIT/NUT PASTES & PUREES NESOI COOKED KG 458,097 487 478 487 0 0 W/N SWEETND 2007999000 JAMS/FRUIT JELLIES/MARMALADES NESOI, KG 27,812 57 31 57 0 0 COOKED PREPS 2008111000 PEANUT BUTTER KG 353,287 622 555 622 0 0 2008119000 PEANUTS (GROUND-NUTS) PREPARED OR KG 201,645 417 213 417 0 0 PRESERVED NESOI 2008191040 CASHEWS, PREPARED OR PRESERVED NESOI KG 100,931 536 210 536 0 0 2008194000 ALMONDS, PREPARED OR PRESERVED NESOI KG 79,180 531 82 531 0 0 2008198500 MIXTURES NUTS PEANUTS OR OTH SEEDS KG 42,931 287 43 287 0 0 PREP/PRES NESOI 2008199500 NUTS OR SEEDS NESOI, OTHERWISE KG 36,727 65 37 63 - 3 PREP/PRES, NESOI 2008200000 PINEAPPLES, PREPARED OR PRESERVED KG 1,412,967 1,345 1,620 1,345 0 0 NESOI 2008307000 GRAPEFRUIT, PREPARED OR PRESERVED KG 62,982 16 66 16 0 0 NESOI 2008309000 CITRUS FRUITS, NESOI, OTHERWISE KG 645,985 806 734 806 0 0 PREPARED/PRESERVED 2008400000 PEARS, OTHERWISE PREPARED OR KG 1,333,517 1,541 1,399 1,541 0 0 PRESERVED, NESOI 2008500000 APRICOTS, OTHERWISE PREPARED OR KG 1,209,780 1,143 1,422 1,143 0 0 PRESERVED, NESOI 2008600020 CHERRIES, MARASCHINO, PREPARED OR KG 225,530 426 228 426 0 0 PRESERVED NESOI 2008600040 CHERRIES, SWEET VARIETIES, KG 4,885 8 6 8 0 0 PREPARED/PRESERVD NESOI 2008701000 NECTARINES, OTHERWISE PREPARED OR KG 39,382 45 43 45 0 0 PRESERVED 2008702000 PEACHES, NESOI, OTHERWISE PREPARED OR KG 2,482,115 2,432 2,762 2,432 0 0 PRESERVED Table 1 A- 28

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2008800000 STRAWBERRIES, PREPARED OR PRESERVED KG 269,365 167 296 167 0 0 NESOI 2008922550 MIXTURE FRUIT/NUTS/ETC PREP CEREAL KG 66,748 177 60 166 8 10 PRODUCTS, NESOI 2008924000 MIX OF FRUIT, NUTS, ETC NESOI OTHERWISE KG 767,502 1,085 798 1,085 0 0 PREP/PRES 2008991910 WILD BLUEBERRIES, CANNED KG 11,040 3 13 3 0 0 2008991990 BERRIES, NESOI, OTHERWISE PREP OR PRES, KG 663,956 368 664 368 0 0 NESOI 2008997550 FRUIT/EDBL PLANT PRTS NESOI OTHWSE KG 3,004,417 6,049 3,204 6,049 0 0 PREP/PRES NESOI 2009110020 ORANGE JUICE UNFERMNTD FROZEN CNTR L 9,175,220 9,088 8,458 9,088 0 0 UNDER .946LITER 2009110040 ORANGE JUICE UNFERMNTD FROZEN CNTNRS L 1,208,608 1,601 1,707 1,601 0 0 .946-3.785L 2009110060 ORANGE JUICE UNFERMNTD FROZEN CNTRS L 2,433,380 1,050 1,846 1,050 0 0 OVER 3.785L 2009120000 ORANGE JUICE, NOT/ FROZEN, OF A BRIX L 186,359 219 270 219 0 0 VALUE < 20 2009190000 ORANGE JUICE, NOT FROZEN, BRIX VALUE L 132,906 129 229 129 0 0 EXCEEDING 20 2009210000 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, OF A BRIX VALUE NOT L 1,128,678 1,872 928 1,872 0 0 EXCEEDING 20 2009290000 GRAPEFRUIT JUICE, UNFERMENTED, NESOI L 366,337 362 295 362 0 0 2009311550 LIME JUICET, OF A BRIX VALUE NOT L 172,167 34 15 34 0 0 EXCEEDING 20 2009315010 LEMON JUICE, BRIX VALUE NOT EXCEEDING L 61,713 46 41 46 0 0 20 2009315090 CITRUS JUICE(SINGLE FRUIT) ,NESOI, BRIX L 905,849 596 579 596 0 0 VALUE < 20 2009391550 LIME JUICE, NESOI,NO VITAMINS L 550 4 3 4 0 0 /MINERAL,UNFERMENTED 2009396010 LEMON JUICE,SINGLE FRUIT,NESOI, L 58,541 43 34 43 0 0 UNFERMTD 2009396090 CITRUS JUICE,SINGLE L 517,658 521 817 521 0 0 FRUIT,NESOI , UNFERMTD 2009412000 PINEAPPLE JUICE,BRIX VALUE <20, L 139,139 74 61 74 0 0 N/CNCNTRD,<3.5 CN 2009414000 PINEAPPLE JUICE,BRIX VALUE <20, NESOI, L 32,720 24 31 24 0 0 UNFERMENTED 2009492000 PINEAPPLE JUICE,NESOI, NOT CNCNTRD L 214,531 117 148 117 0 0 OR<3.5 CNCNTRN 2009494000 PINEAPPLE JUICE, NESOI, NO VITAMINS, L 946,012 751 344 751 0 0 UNFERMENTED 2009500000 TOMATO JUICE (DRY WEIGHT CONTENT LESS L 61,709 46 34 46 0 0 THAN 7%) 2009610000 GRAPE JUICE & MUST, BRIX VALUE <20, L 5,480,416 1,238 1,075 1,238 0 0 UNFERMENTED Table 1 A- 29

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2009690000 GRAPE JUICE & MUST, NESOI L 2,233,226 2,980 2,831 2,980 0 0 ,UNFERMENTED,NO VITAMINS 2009710000 APPLE JUICE, BRIX VALUE < 20, L 372,836 493 513 493 0 0 UNFERMENTED 2009790000 APPLE JUICE, NESOI, NO L 1,431,999 932 835 932 0 0 VITAMINS , UNFERMENTED 2009800000 JUICE OF ANY SINGLE FRUIT /VEGTBLE L 47,605,167 28,371 27,776 28,371 0 0 UNFERMENTD NESOI 2009902000 MIXTURES OF VEGETABLE JUICES, L 3,244,114 2,700 2,781 2,700 0 0 UNFERMENTED 2009904000 MIXTURES OF FRUIT JUICES, UNFERMENTED L 17,854,457 33,573 51,029 33,573 0 0 2101112126 INSTANT COFFEE N/FLAVORED N /DECAF FOR KG 42,328 357 93 357 0 0 RETAIIL SALE 2101112129 INSTANT COFFEE, NOT FLAVORED, NOT KG 11,889 155 22 133 3 22 DECAF, NESOI 2101112139 INSTANT COFFEE, NOT FLAVORED, DECAF, KG 2,679 25 5 21 1 4 NESOI 2101112941 COFFEE EXTRACT/ESSENCE /CONCENTRATES, KG 166,291 98 176 98 0 0 NESOI, RETAIL 2101112949 COFFEE EXTRACT/ESSENCE /CONCENTRATE, KG 34,554 130 38 130 0 0 NESOI N/RETAIL 2101120000 COFFEE EXTRACTS/ESSENCES KG 48,319 205 49 202 - 3 /CONCENTRATES $ PREP 2101200020 SOLUBLE/INSTANT TEA/MATE CONT NO KG 150,200 133 252 133 0 0 SUGAR/CEREAL/ETC 2101200040 TEA OR MATE EXTRACTS KG 985,729 897 1,033 885 3 12 /CONCENTRATES & PREPS, NESOI 2101300000 ROASTED CHICORY & OTHER ROASTED KG 11,728 30 0 0 12 30 COFFEE SUBSTITUTES 2102100000 YEASTS, ACTIVE KG 1,391,263 2,596 1,513 2,596 0 0 2102200000 YEASTS, INACTIVE; OTH SINGLE -CELL DEAD KG 7,988 16 8 16 0 0 MICRO-ORGNM 2102300000 BAKING POWDERS, PREPARED KG 337,273 364 342 364 0 0 2103100000 SOY SAUCE KG 216,805 379 308 379 0 0 2103202000 TOMATO KETCHUP KG 7,498,461 7,093 8,997 7,093 0 0 2103204000 TOMATO SAUCES, NESOI KG 5,325,897 6,030 5,674 6,030 0 0 2103300000 MUSTARD FLOUR AND MEAL AND PREPARED KG 17,300 39 19 39 0 0 MUSTARD 2103909020 MAYONNAISE KG 17,108,916 9,995 17,191 9,995 0 0 2103909040 SALAD DRESSINGS, NESOI KG 1,084,269 1,615 1,155 1,615 0 0 2103909070 MIXED CONDIMENTS AND MIXED SEASONINGS KG 5,413,217 17,685 5,643 17,681 1 4 2103909090 SAUCES AND PREPARATIONS THEREFOR, KG 15,669,299 24,359 16,652 24,346 11 13 NESOI 2104100020 SOUPS, BROTHS AND PREPARATIONS KG 1,372,156 2,995 1,403 2,418 81 577 THEREOF, DRIED Table 1 A- 30

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2104100040 SOUPS/BROTHS/PREPS OF, BASED ON KG 1,162,362 785 1,248 785 0 0 FISH/SEAFD, NT DRD 2104100060 SOUPS, BROTHS & PREPS THEREOF, NESOI, EX KG 4,472,837 8,784 5,149 8,784 0 0 DRIED 2104200000 HOMOGENIZED COMPOSITE FOOD KG 1,126,982 2,127 1,410 2,127 0 0 PREPARATIONS (NOTE 3) 2105000010 ICE CREAM, WHETHER OR NOT CONTAINING KG 16,570,641 31,167 16,687 31,167 0 0 COCOA 2105000060 EDIBLE ICE, WHETHER OR NOT CONTAINING KG 345,091 413 539 413 0 0 COCOA, NESOI 2106100000 PROTEIN CONCENTRATES & TEXTURED KG 692,638 3,873 724 3,697 11 176 PROTEIN SUBSTANCES 2106901650 COMPOUND ALCOHOLIC PREP FOR KG 276,496 391 275 383 7 8 MANUFACTURE BEVERAGES 2106903900 ARTIFICIALLY SWEETENED COUGH DROPS KG 175,847 279 176 274 1 5 2106904800 ORANGE JUICE FORTIFD W/VITAMN /MINERAL L 1,678,619 1,892 1,605 1,892 0 0 CONCENTRATED 2106905200 SINGLE FRUIT/VEG JUICE FORTI W L 1,306,967 1,772 1,187 1,772 0 0 /VITAM/MIN CONCENTRD 2106905400 MIX FRUIT/VEG JUICE FORTI W /VITAM/MIN L 4,972,711 4,147 3,239 4,130 6 17 CONCENTRATED 2106905800 FOOD PREPARATIONS OF GELETIN, NESOI KG 1,312,341 5,823 1,448 5,756 7 66 2106906571 PREPS FOR MANUF BEVERAGES CONT KG 545,439 2,501 578 2,496 - 5 ASPARTAME/SACCHARIN 2106906572 PREPS FOR MANUF BEVERAGES CONT KG 4,506,987 12,371 4,710 12,341 10 30 CANE/BEET SUGAR 2106906573 PREPARATIONS FOR MANUFACTURE OF KG 2,806,608 7,817 3,531 7,654 30 164 BEVERAGES, NESOI 2106906575 COFFEE WHITENERS, NON-DAIRY KG 166,308 415 168 415 0 0 2106906580 CREAM OR MILK SUBSTITUTES, NESOI KG 497,898 871 617 871 0 0 2106906585 CONFECTIONERY INCL GUM CONTNG KG 258,579 1,072 273 1,042 15 30 SYNTHETIC SWEETENERS 2106906587 HERBAL TEAS & HERBAL INFUSIONS OF KG 37,887 345 17 213 31 133 MIXED HERBS 2106906592 FOOD PREPARATIONS, NESOI, CANNED KG 24,931,269 45,322 25,067 44,976 34 346 2106906595 FOOD PREPARATIONS, NESOI, FROZEN KG 16,308,691 36,817 16,388 36,817 0 0 2106907020 EDIBLE PREPS, NOT CANNED/FROZEN , CONT KG 22,529,527 36,487 22,541 36,449 7 38 SUGAR, NESOI 2106907090 EDIBLE PREPS, NOT CANNED/FRZN, N/CONT KG 3,024,010 8,640 3,082 6,971 79 1,669 SUGAR, NESOI 2201100000 WATER, MINERAL & AERATED NATRL /ARTFCL L 1,858,148 698 1,262 675 48 22 NT SWTN/FLAV 2201900000 WATERS NOT SWEETND OR FLAVORED NESOI; T 5,446 2,813 5,557 2,784 4 29 ICE AND SNOW 2202100020 CARBONATED SOFT DRINKS, CONTNG L 6,285,466 1,292 1,859 1,292 0 0 ASPARTAME/SACCHARIN Table 1 A- 31

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2202100040 CARBONATED SOFT DRINKS, NESOI L 11,007,864 2,283 1,674 2,283 0 0 2202100060 WATERS INCL MINERAL & AERATED, L 1,552,594 553 766 430 200 124 SWTND/FLAVORD NESOI 2202901500 MILK-BASED DRINKS, NONALCOHOLIC L 387,481 792 379 743 24 49 2202903400 ORANGE JUICE FORTI W/VITAMIN /MINERAL L 5,118,317 6,862 7,333 6,862 0 0 N/CONCENTRATE 2202903600 SINGLE FRUIT/VEG JUICE FORTI W /VIT/MIN L 2,411,061 1,915 1,134 1,915 0 0 N/CONCENTRD 2202903800 MIX FRUIT/VEGE JUICE FORTI W /VITAM/MIN L 4,160,324 3,334 2,956 3,334 0 0 N/CONCENTRD 2202909010 NONALCOHOLIC BEER L 68,936 74 99 74 0 0 2202909090 BEVERAGES NONALCOHOLIC NESOI EXCL L 28,991,623 23,325 31,170 23,325 0 0 FRUIT/VEGT JUICE 2203000000 BEER MADE FROM MALT L 124,435,225 109,035 125,872 109,035 0 0 2204100000 SPARKLING WINE OF FRESH GRAPES L 78,296 128 214 128 0 0 2204212000 EFFERVESCENT WINE OF FRSH GRAPE IN L 6,559 9 17 9 0 0 CNTR 2L OR LESS 2204214000 GRAPE WINE NESOI NOV 14% L 1,650,742 8,889 3,038 8,870 1 19 CNTRS 2L OR LESS 2204217000 GRAPE WINE NESOI OVER 14% ALCOHOL L 64,816 61 14 57 - 4 CNTRS 2L OR LESS 2204290020 GRAPE WINE NESOI NOV 14% ALCOHOL L 22,079 35 20 35 0 0 CNTRS OV 2 LITERS 2204290040 GRAPE WINE NESOI OVER 14% ALCOHOL L 51,904 39 19 39 0 0 CNTRS OV 2LITERS 2205900000 VERMOUTH/GRAPE WINE FLAVORED WTH L 453 4 1 4 0 0 PLANTS ETC OV 2LS 2206001500 CIDER, WHETHER STILL OR SPARKLING L 505 3 1 3 0 0 2206007000 FERMENTED BEVERAGES, NESOI L 169,966 268 236 268 0 0 2207103000 ETHYL ALCOHOL UNDENATURED 80% PFL 5,661,365 2,632 3,240 2,632 0 0 /HIGHER, FOR BEVERAGE 2207106000 ETHYL ALCOHOL, UNDENATURED 80% L 5,192,762 3,314 2,017 3,314 0 0 /HIGHER, NONBEVERAGE 2207200000 ETHYL ALCOHOL & OTH SPIRITS DENATURED L 22,325,420 11,195 10,199 11,195 0 0 ANY STRENGTH 2208200000 GRAPE BRANDY PFL 567 3 1 3 0 0 2208306020 WHISKIES, BOURBON, CONTAINERS NOT OVER PFL 68,077 603 127 603 0 0 4 LITERS EA 2208309020 WHISKIES EX BOURBON, CONTAINERS NOT PFL 18,040 57 35 57 0 0 OVER 4 LITERS 2208400030 RUM AND TAFIA, CONTAINERS NOT OVER 4 PFL 88,337 95 37 95 0 0 LITERS EACH 2208400050 RUM AND TAFIA, CONTAINERS OVER 4 LITERS PFL 659,403 2,748 1,296 2,748 0 0 2208600000 VODKA PFL 194,158 342 285 342 0 0 2208700000 LIQUEURS AND CORDIALS PFL 126,867 466 177 466 0 0 Table 1 A- 32

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2208909000 OTHER SPIRITUOUS BEVERAGES, NESOI PFL 132,057 352 81 352 0 0 2209000000 VINEGAR & SUBSTITUTES FOR VINEGAR L 1,663,742 412 632 412 0 0 FROM ACETIC ACID 2301100000 FLOUR MEAL & PELLET MEAT/MEAT OFFAL T 283 467 297 467 0 0 INEDIB; GREAVE 2301200000 FLOUR MEAL & PELLET OF FISH T 322 250 329 250 0 0 CRUSTACEANS ETC INEDIB 2302100000 RESIDUES OF CORN, DERIVED FROM MILLNG, T 2,265 193 2,266 193 0 0 SHIFTING ET 2302300000 BRAN SHARPS & OTH RESIDUE DERIVED FRM T 70 5 70 5 0 0 MILLNG WHEAT 2303100010 CORN GLUTEN FEED, WHETHER OR NOT IN T 20,726 1,666 20,729 1,666 0 0 PELLETS 2303200020 BEET-PULP, DRIED, WHETHER OR NOT IN T 5,631 780 5,632 780 0 0 PELLETS 2304000000 SOYBEAN OILCAKE & OTH SOLID RESIDUE, KG 35,548,083 8,760 35,562 8,760 0 0 WH/NOT GROUND 2305000000 PEANUT OILCAKE & OTH SOLID RESIDUE, KG 8,296 3 8 3 0 0 WH/NOT GROUND 2306700000 CORN GERM OILCAKE OTHR SOLID RESIDUE KG 1,216,976 110 1,217 110 0 0 WH/NOT GROUND 2306900000 VEGETABLE OILCAKE & SOLID RESIDUE KG 498,483 175 500 175 0 0 NESOI W/NT GRND 2307000000 WINE LEES; ARGOL KG 12,486 85 12 85 0 0 2308001000 ACORNS AND HORSE-CHESTNUTS USED FOR KG 68,381 35 68 35 0 0 ANIMAL FEED 2308009820 CITRUS PULP PELLETS OF A KIND USED IN T 322 73 328 73 0 0 ANIMAL FEED 2308009900 VEGETABLE MATRLS/WASTE/RESIDUE KG 5,246,511 2,212 5,252 2,212 0 0 /BY-PRODUCTS NESOI 2309100000 DOG AND CAT FOOD, PUT UP FOR RETAIL KG 7,279,973 6,399 7,361 6,399 0 0 SALE 2309901010 PET FOOD PUT UP FOR RETAIL SALE EX KG 41,479,322 24,298 41,957 24,295 1 3 DOG & CAT FOOD 2309901020 POULTRY FEEDS, PREPARED T 2,432 1,319 2,476 1,319 0 0 2309901030 DAIRY CATTLE FEED, PREPARED T 766 867 776 867 0 0 2309901040 LIVESTOCK FEED, PREPARED, NESOI T 266 251 271 251 0 0 2309901050 MIXED FEEDS OR MIXED FEED INGREDIENTS, T 4,960 3,431 5,057 3,404 26 27 ANML, NESOI 2309903010 MILK REPLACER, OF A KIND USED IN ANIMAL KG 23,117 79 23 79 0 0 FEEDING 2309908500 PREPARATIONS USED IN ANIMAL FEEDING KG 1,403,080 1,051 1,409 1,038 1 13 NESOI 2401102020 CONN. SHADE TOBACCO, NOT STEM /STRIP OV KG 1,005 43 1 43 0 0 35% WRAPPER 2401102040 TOBACCO NOT STEM/STRIP OVER 35% KG 214,734 1,259 226 1,259 0 0 WRAPPER TOB, NESOI Table 1 A- 33

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2401105130 FLUE-CURED CIG LEAF TOB NT STEM /STRIP KG 19,911 62 18 54 2 8 LT 35% WRPPR 2401105180 MARYLAND CIG LEAF TOB NOT STEM /STRIP KG 1,480 8 2 8 0 0 LT 35% WRPPR 2401105195 OTHER CIG LEAF TOB NOT STEM /STRIP LT KG 18,143 88 18 88 0 0 35% WRAPPER 2401105340 CIGAR BINDER TOBACCO, NOT STEM /STRIP LT KG 1,035 13 1 13 0 0 35% WRAPPR 2401109570 TOBACCO NESOI NOT STEM/STRIP, LESS THAN KG 34,510 791 30 752 6 39 35% WRPPR 2401202040 TOBACCO NESOI STEM/STRIP NOT THRESHED KG 25,847 75 26 75 0 0 OV 35% WRPPR 2401202970 CIGAR BIND TOB INC CIGAR LF NT THRESH LT KG 1,765 9 0 0 2 9 35% WRAPR 2401206040 TOBACCO NESOI FROM CIGAR LEAF, KG 161,281 407 164 407 0 0 THRESHED STEM/STRIP 2401208080 TOBACCO NESOI, THRESHED, PARTLY KG 483,578 3,076 525 3,065 2 12 /WHOLLY STEM/STRIP 2401305000 TOBACCO STEMS KG 47,400 132 54 132 0 0 2401309000 TOBACCO REFUSE, NESOI KG 1,814 5 2 5 0 0 2402103030 SMALL CIGARS/CHEROOTS /CIGARILLOS THS 1,669 191 8 181 1 11 W/TOB LT $.15 EA 2402107000 CIGAR/CHEROOT/CIGARILLO CONTAINING THS 660,040 1,699 76 1,337 15 362 TOBACCO NESOI 2402200000 CIGARETTES CONTAINING TOBACCO THS 1,982,246 109,762 2,738 109,654 15 108 2402900000 CIGAR/CHEROOT/CIGARILLO/CIGS OF TOB THS 5,470 167 18 119 1 48 SUBSTITS NESOI 2403100020 PIPE TOBACCO, IN RETAIL-SIZED PACKAGES KG 87,588 395 94 395 0 0 2403100040 SMOKING TOBACCO, EX/PIPE TOBACCO, KG 9,300 51 0 0 12 51 RETAIL-SIZED PKG 2403100060 SMOKING TOBACCO, NESOI KG 104,220 831 116 831 0 0 2403910000 HOMOGENIZED OR RECONSTITUTED KG 321,146 1,180 332 1,180 0 0 TOBACCO 2403990030 CHEWING TOBACCO KG 24,383 448 27 448 0 0 2403990040 SNUFF AND SNUFF FLOUR KG 660 13 1 13 0 0 2403990065 PARTIALLY MANUFACTURED, BLENDED OR KG 862 3 1 3 0 0 MIXED TOBACCO 2403990070 MFG TOBACCO, SUBT, NESOI INCL KG 21,361 72 21 72 0 0 EXTRACTS & ESSENCES 2501000000 SALT, PURE SODIUM CHLORIDE; SEA WATER T 31,141 5,233 31,221 5,204 82 29 2502000000 UNROASTED IRON PYRITES T 260 17 259 17 0 0 2503000090 SULFUR, REFINED, NT SUBLIMED, PRECIPTD T 1,065 78 1,065 78 0 0 OR COLLOIDL 2504900000 NATURAL GRAPHITE EXCEPT POWDER OR KG 1,603 4 2 4 0 0 FLAKES Table 1 A- 34

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2505100000 SILICA SANDS AND QUARTZ SANDS, NATURAL T 13,604 3,105 13,170 3,105 0 0 2505900000 SANDS, NATURAL, NESOI T 5,825 1,104 5,902 1,090 14 14 2506100000 QUARTZ (OTHER THAN NATURAL SANDS) T 532 145 548 145 0 0 2507000000 KAOLIN AND OTHER KAOLINIC CLAYS T 1,063 352 1,087 352 0 0 2508100000 BENTONITE, INCLUDING CALCINED T 284 169 313 169 0 0 2508200000 DECOLORIZING EARTHS AND FULLER'S T 27 28 29 28 0 0 EARTH INCL CALCND 2508300000 FIRE CLAY INCLUDING CALCINED T 154 45 153 45 0 0 2508400050 CLAYS, NESOI T 5,018 839 5,033 839 0 0 2509000000 CHALK KG 19,955 3 20 3 0 0 2511100000 NATURAL BARIUM SULFATE (BARYTES ) T 39 37 39 37 0 0 2512000000 SILICEOUS FOSSIL MLS& EARTHS ,SPECIFIC T 218 108 207 108 0 0 GRAVITY LT=1 2513190000 PUMICE, EXCEPT CRUDE OR CRUSHED KG 3,533 22 4 22 0 0 2513201000 EMERY, NAT CORUNDUM,GARNET & OTHER KG 460 6 - 6 0 0 ABRASIVES,NESOI 2513209000 EMERY, NAT CORUNDUM, GARNET & KG 11,748 39 12 39 0 0 ABRASIVES NESOI 2514000000 SLATE, CRUDE OR ROUGHLY TRIMMED T 6 27 7 27 0 0 2515110000 MARBLE AND TRAVERTINE, CRUDE OR T 36 6 42 6 0 0 ROUGHLY TRIMMED 2515120000 MARBLE AND TRAVERTINE CUT IN BLOCKS T 44 73 44 73 0 0 OR SLABS 2515200000 CALCRS MNMTL OR BLDG STONE NESOI; T 1 3 1 3 0 0 ALABASTER 2516120000 GRANITE, CUT INTO BLOCKS OR SLABS T 46 56 43 53 1 3 2516210000 SANDSTONE, CRUDE OR ROUGHLY TRIMMED T 21 26 19 26 0 0 2516220000 SANDSTONE, CUT INTO BLOCKS OR SLABS T 20 37 21 37 0 0 2517100015 PEBBLES & GRAVEL T 2,629 179 2,611 179 0 0 2517100020 LIMESTONE, EXCEPT PEBBLES & GRAVEL T 31 10 31 10 0 0 2517100055 CRUSHED OR BROKEN STONE NESOI T 2,882 1,460 2,852 1,458 1 3 2517200000 MACADAM OF SLAG, DROSS OR SIMILAR IND T 86 55 80 55 0 0 WASTE 2517410000 MARBLE GRANULES, CHIPPINGS AND POWDER T 534 125 508 125 0 0 2517490000 STONE GRANULES, CHIPPINGS & PWDRS (EX T 58 160 57 156 1 4 MRBL) NESOI 2519100000 NATURAL MAGNESIUM CARBONATE T 71 8 73 8 0 0 2519905000 MAGNESIUM OXIDES, NESOI KG 70,413 97 70 94 1 3 2520100000 GYPSUM; ANHYDRITE T 684 431 678 431 0 0 2520200000 PLASTERS CONSTNG OF CALCND GYPSUM OR T 2,507 968 2,601 968 0 0 CALCM SULFATE 2521000000 LIMESTONE FLUX; LIMESTONE & OTHER T 20 10 18 10 0 0 CALCAREOUS STONE Table 1 A- 35

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2522300000 HYDRAULIC LIME KG 236 3 - 3 0 0 2523100000 CEMENT CLINKERS T 262 47 258 44 10 4 2523210000 WHITE PORTLAND CEMENT WHTHR OR NT T 138 97 139 97 0 0 ART COLORED 2523290000 PORTLAND CEMENT NESOI T 325 35 339 35 0 0 2523300000 ALUMINOUS CEMENT T 71 33 75 33 0 0 2523900000 HYDRAULIC CEMENTS, NESOI T 186 20 189 20 0 0 2525100000 CRUDE MICA AND MICA RIFTED INTO SHEETS KG 41,532 36 42 36 0 0 OR SPLTTNGS 2525200000 MICA POWDER KG 145 5 - 5 0 0 2526100000 NATURAL STEATITE AND TALC, NT CRSHD, NT KG 107,984 120 108 117 - 3 PWDRD 2526200000 NATURAL STEATITE AND TALC, CRUSHED OR T 5,559 707 5,524 685 40 22 POWDERED 2528900000 NATURAL BORATES AND NATURAL BORIC KG 9,071 18 9 18 0 0 ACID NESOI 2529100000 FELDSPAR T 330 35 330 35 0 0 2529300000 LEUCITE; NEPHELINE AND NEPHELINE T 42 25 39 25 0 0 SYENITE 2530100000 VERMICULITE, PERLITE AND CHLORITES, KG 70,173 105 71 105 0 0 UNEXPANDED 2530200000 KIESERITE, EPSOM SALTS (NATURAL KG 1,122 14 1 3 1 11 MAGNESIUM SULFATE) 2530902000 NATURAL MICACEOUS IRON OXIDES KG 570 15 1 15 0 0 2530908060 MINERAL SUBSTANCES NESOI KG 82,250 117 84 117 0 0 2601110030 IRON ORE NONAGGLOMERATED T 693 41 696 41 0 0 CONCENTRATES 2601110090 IRON ORE NONAGGLOMERATED NOT COARSE T 45 3 46 3 0 0 2601120030 IRON ORE AGGLOMERATED PELLETS T 2,572 201 2,585 201 0 0 2601200000 ROASTED IRON PYRITES T 73 6 73 6 0 0 2603000010 COPPER ORES AND CONCENTRATES, COPPER CKG 75,152 137 215 137 0 0 CONTENT 2603000015 COPPER ORES & CONCENTRATES: PRECIOUS GM 2,294,332 557 3 557 0 0 METAL CONTENT 2603000035 COPPER ORES AND CONCENTRATES, OTHER KG 20,599 142 32 142 0 0 METAL CONTENT 2605000000 COBALT ORES AND CONCENTRATES KG 1,855 19 2 19 0 0 2606000090 ALUMINUM ORES A CONCENTRATES NOT T 2,111 427 2,108 427 0 0 CALCINED BAUXITE 2607000020 LEAD ORES AND CONCENTRATES, LEAD CKG 63,664 50 67 50 0 0 CONTENT 2607000045 LEAD ORES AND CONCENTRATES, OTHER KG 430 12 - 12 0 0 METAL CONTENT 2608000030 ORES AND CONCENTRATES, ZINC CKG 1,286 4 2 4 0 0 CONTENT Table 1 A- 36

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2608000035 ZINC ORES & CONCENTRATES: PRECIOUS GM 379,026 131 - 131 0 0 METAL CONTENT 2608000055 ZINC ORES AND CONCENTRATES, OTHER KG 24,620 160 43 160 0 0 METAL CONTENT 2611000000 TUNGSTEN ORES AND CONCENTRATES KG 2,990 70 3 70 0 0 2614000000 TITANIUM ORES AND CONCENTRATES KG 23,200 7 24 7 0 0 2615903000 SYNTHETIC TANTALUM-NIOBIUM KG 7,770 75 8 75 0 0 CONCENTRATES 2616900040 PRECIOUS METAL ORES & CONCEN, GM 4,955 50 0 0 - 50 NESOI:GOLD CONTENT 2616900070 PRECIOUS METAL ORES, NESOI: OTHER X 0 65 99 65 0 0 METAL CONTENT 2618000000 GRANULATED SLAG FROM THE T 919 735 993 735 0 0 MANUFACTURE OF IRON/STEEL 2619000000 SLAG, DROSS, SCALINGS &OTHR WSTE FROM KG 42,576 45 3 6 45 39 MANU IRN/STL 2620600000 ASH/RESIDUES CONTAIN ARSENIC, KG 25,658 1,097 0 0 26 1,097 MERCURY,THALLIUM,ETC 2620910000 ASH/RESIDUES CONTAIN SB,BE,CD ,CR OR KG 12,274 74 12 74 0 0 THEIR MIXTURES 2620991000 ASH & RESIDUES CONTAINING MAINLY KG 39,457 85 47 85 0 0 VANADIUM 2620998550 ASH& RESIDUES, NT IRN/STL MANUFACTURE, KG 432,415 522 441 519 - 3 NESOI 2701110000 ANTHRACITE COAL, NOT AGGLOMERATED T 342 32 343 32 0 0 2701120050 BITUMINOUS COAL NT METALLURGICAL, NOT T 19 4 19 4 0 0 AGGLOMERATED 2701200000 BRIQUETTES, OVOIDS, SIMILAR SOLID FUELS T 924 93 925 93 0 0 FROM COAL 2703000000 PEAT (INCLUDING PEAT LITTER), INCL T 503 49 503 49 0 0 AGGLOMRTD 2705000000 COAL GAS, WATER GAS, PRODUCER KM3 6,204 204 129 204 0 0 GAS & SIMILAR GASES 2706000000 MINERAL TARS, INCLUDING RECONSTITUTED L 20,979 15 21 15 0 0 TARS 2707100000 BENZENE L 14,505 6 13 6 0 0 2707200000 TOLUENE L 859,572 408 296 408 0 0 2707300020 O-XYLENE L 110,739 57 56 57 0 0 2707300030 P-XYLENE L 6,823 4 10 4 0 0 2707300060 XYLENES, NESOI L 918,525 950 665 950 0 0 2707400000 NAPHTHALENE L 771,978 283 742 283 0 0 2707500000 OTH AROM HYDCNS 65PCT AO DSTLS A 250DC L 527,635 179 485 179 0 0 ASTM D 86 2707602000 , NESOI KG 78,211 74 84 74 0 0 2707995010 CARBON BLACK FEEDSTOCK BBL 467 7 114 7 0 0 Table 1 A- 37

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2707995090 OILS & OTHER PRODUCTS OF COAL TAR KG 2,694 12 2 9 - 3 DISTLLATN, NESOI 2710111510 LEADED GASOLINE BBL 1,347,610 101,134 175,172 101,134 0 0 2710111519 UNLEADED GASOLINE, NESOI BBL 104,012 7,318 12,490 7,315 2 3 2710111520 JET FUEL, NAPHTHA-TYPE BBL 59 8 9 8 0 0 2710111550 MOTOR FUELS NESOI BBL 557,572 27,878 84,051 27,878 0 0 2710111890 MOTOR FUEL BLENDING STOCK, EXCEPT BBL 425 44 58 44 0 0 RBOB 2710112500 NAPHTHAS, EXCEPT MOTOR FUEL OR BBL 642,836 43,630 76,493 43,630 0 0 BLENDING STOCK 2710114500 HYDROCARBON MIXTURES LT=50% BBL 17,792 1,484 2,211 1,484 0 0 HYDROCRBN COMPND NESOI 2710119000 LIGHT OILS/PREPARATIONS FR BITUMINS BBL 56,436 1,465 7,337 1,465 0 0 MINERALS,NESO 2710190505 NO 4 FUEL OIL, LT 25 DEGREES AP , LT=500 PPM BBL 237 9 32 9 0 0 SULFUR 2710190515 NO 4 FUEL OIL, LT 25 DEG API, GT 500 PPM BBL 326,434 20,335 45,118 20,335 0 0 SULFUR 2710190520 HEAVY FUEL OILS UNDER 25 DEGREES API BBL 204,144 8,167 30,737 8,167 0 0 2710190550 FUEL OILS UNDER 25 DEGREES API NESOI BBL 191,737 13,544 26,730 13,544 0 0 2710191005 LIGHT FUEL OILS GT=25 DEG API, LT=500 PPM BBL 789,997 45,713 116,413 45,713 0 0 SULFUR 2710191007 LIGHT FUEL OIL GT=25 DEG API, GT 500 PPM BBL 370,974 22,642 50,980 22,642 0 0 SULFUR 2710191050 HEAVY FUEL OILS TESTING 25 DEGREES OR BBL 100 3 14 3 0 0 MORE 2710192100 KEROSENE MOTOR FUEL BBL 117 4 16 4 0 0 2710192200 KEROSENE MOTOR FUEL BLENDING STOCK BBL 215 5 29 5 0 0 2710193010 AVIATION ENGINE LUBRICATING OILS BBL 7,258 842 1,128 822 8 20 2710193020 AUTOMTVE, DIESEL OR MARINE ENGNE LUB BBL 316,048 28,234 45,843 28,223 2 11 OILS 2710193030 TURBINE LUBRICATING OIL, INCLUDING BBL 3,827 576 602 576 0 0 MARINE 2710193040 AUTOMOTIVE GEAR OILS BBL 16,081 2,152 2,426 2,152 0 0 2710193070 QUENCHING OR CUTTING OILS BBL 250 57 40 57 0 0 2710193080 LUBRICATING OILS WITH OR WITHOUT BBL 82,906 12,223 12,834 12,219 1 4 ADDITIVES, NESOI 2710193750 LUBRICATING GREASES WITH OR WITHOUT BBL 7,460 1,198 1,057 1,190 3 8 ADDITIVES 2710194530 WHITE MINERAL OILS, MEDICINAL GRADE BBL 2,069 162 319 159 7 3 2710194540 WHITE MINERAL OILS, EXCEPT MEDICINAL BBL 938 112 126 112 0 0 GRADE 2710194545 INSULATING OR TRANSFORMER OILS, NESOI BBL 2,181 194 326 194 0 0 2710194590 MIX OF HYDROCARBONS NESOI ,LT=50% 1 BBL 1,866 161 264 158 7 3 HYDCBN COMPOUND Table 1 A- 38

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2710199000 PET OILS/OILS FROM BITUMINOUS MINERALS, KG 11,816 644 12 633 - 11 NESOI 2711120000 PROPANE, LIQUEFIED BBL 12,414 283 1,002 283 0 0 2711130000 BUTANES, LIQUEFIED BBL 63,216 947 6,588 947 0 0 2711140000 ETHYLENE, PROPYLENE, BUTYLENE AND KG 411,249 131 427 131 0 0 BUTADIENE LIQIFI 2711190000 PETRO GASES & OTHER GAS HYDROCRBNS, X 0 1,369 742 1,369 0 0 LIQUID, NESOI 2711290000 PETROL GAS A OTH GAS BBL 9,331 484 1,439 484 0 0 HYDROCARBONS,GASEOUS, NESOI 2712100000 PETROLEUM JELLY KG 140,649 130 142 130 0 0 2712200000 PARAFFIN WAX LESS THAN 0.75 PERCENT OIL KG 585,791 464 581 454 5 10 2712900000 MINERAL WAXES, NESOI KG 902,323 432 904 432 0 0 2713110000 PETROLEUM COKE, NOT CALCINED T 10 8 10 8 0 0 2713200000 PETROLEUM BITUMEN T 344 49 348 49 0 0 2714100000 BITUMINOUS OR OIL SHALE AND TAR SANDS T 20 4 18 4 0 0 2714900000 BITUMEN & ASPHALT, ASPHALTITES AND T 48 5 46 5 0 0 ASPHALTIC ROCKS 2715000000 BIT MIX FR NAT ASP/BIT, PETRO BIT, MNRL T 122 88 123 88 0 0 TAR/PITCH 2801100000 CHLORINE KG 19,205,907 6,005 19,262 6,005 0 0 2801200000 IODINE KG 158 7 - 7 0 0 2803000010 CARBON BLACK KG 454 8 - 8 0 0 2803000050 OTHER FORMS OF CARBON NESOI KG 404,546 973 406 973 0 0 2804100000 HYDROGEN KM3 18,006 538 1,012 538 0 0 2804210000 ARGON KM3 3,290 231 497 231 0 0 2804290010 HELIUM KM3 346 994 411 994 0 0 2804290050 OTHER RARE GASES KM3 20 4 0 0 2 4 2804300000 NITROGEN KM3 404 72 46 41 - 30 2804400000 OXYGEN KM3 417 29 3 29 0 0 2804500010 BORON KG 27 4 - 4 0 0 2804500020 TELLURIUM KG 29 4 - 4 0 0 2804610000 SILICON CONTAIN BY WT NT LT 99.99% OF KG 3,942 274 0 0 4 274 SILICON 2804691000 SILICON BETWEEN 99.99 PERCENT AND 99 KG 101,480 215 40 70 72 144 PERCENT PURE 2804695000 SILICON LESS THAN 99 PERCENT PURE KG 12,658 61 12 58 - 3 2804700000 PHOSPHORUS KG 434,268 845 915 845 0 0 2804800000 ARSENIC KG 15,263 29 21 29 0 0 2804900000 SELENIUM KG 480 7 - 3 - 4 2805110000 SODIUM KG 100,580 245 105 237 1 8 Table 1 A- 39

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2805120000 CALCIUM KG 32,501 91 33 91 0 0 2805193050 STRONTIUM AND BARIUM KG 522 13 - 9 - 4 2805300000 RARE EARTH METAL,WHETTER/NT KG 548 7 1 7 0 0 INTERMIX/INTERALLOYED 2805400000 MERCURY KG 23,550 851 24 851 0 0 2806100000 HYDROGEN CHLORIDE (HYDROCHLORIC T 3,702 2,027 5,794 2,027 0 0 ACID) 2806200000 CHLOROSULFURIC ACID KG 29,985 45 30 45 0 0 2807000000 SULFURIC ACID AND OLEUM T 104 122 107 122 0 0 2808000000 NITRIC ACID AND SULFONITRIC ACIDS KG 402,861 473 403 473 0 0 2809200030 PHOSPHORIC ACID OTHER THAN FERTILIZER T 1,763 1,322 1,870 1,322 0 0 GRADE 2809200040 POLYPHOSPHORIC ACIDS T 321 221 342 221 0 0 2811110000 HYDROGEN FLUORIDE (HYDROFLUORIC ACID) KG 11,004 18 12 18 0 0 2811196005 HYDROGEN KG 1,989 3 0 0 2 3 2811199000 ACIDS, INORGANIC, NESOI KG 189,278 278 192 278 0 0 2811210000 CARBON DIOXIDE T 542 288 526 268 18 20 2811220000 SILICON DIOXIDE KG 225,082 2,407 193 1,462 50 945 2811230000 SULFUR DIOXIDE KG 34,053 162 38 158 1 4 2811290000 INORGANIC OXYGEN COMPOUNDS OF KG 716,714 1,424 723 1,418 2 6 NONMETALS, NESOI 2812105090 CHLORIDES AND CHLORIDE OXIDES OF KG 10,158 11 10 11 0 0 NONMETALS, NESOI 2812900000 HALIDES & HALIDE OXIDES OF NONMETALS, KG 123,401 481 135 481 0 0 NESOI 2814200000 AMMONIA IN AQUEOUS SOLUTION T 5 12 7 12 0 0 2815110000 SOLID SODIUM HYDROXIDE (CAUSTIC SODA) KG 1,674,791 2,679 1,694 2,679 0 0 2815120000 SODIUM HYDROXIDE IN AQUEOUS SOLUTION KG 23,441,314 3,642 23,465 3,635 94 7 2815200050 POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE (CAUSTIC POTASH); KG 204,396 1,111 205 1,111 0 0 SOLID FORM 2815200090 POTASSIUM HYDROXIDE (CAUSTIC POTASH), KG 292,012 354 305 354 0 0 NESOI 2815300000 PEROXIDES OF SODIUM OR POTASSIUM KG 29,347 73 28 51 2 21 2816100000 MAGNESIUM HYDROXIDE AND MAGNESIUM KG 455,507 394 506 394 0 0 PEROXIDE 2816402000 BARIUM OXIDES, HYDROXIDES AND KG 21,076 148 23 148 0 0 PEROXIDES 2817000000 ZINC OXIDE AND ZINC PEROXIDE KG 125,492 394 125 394 0 0 2818100000 ARTIFICIAL CORUNDUM KG 5,802 3 6 3 0 0 2818200000 ALUMINUM OXIDE, EXCEPT ARTIFICIAL KG 582,124 486 594 474 1 11 CORUNDUM, NESOI 2818300000 ALUMINUM HYDROXIDE KG 434,943 157 436 157 0 0 2819100000 CHROMIUM TRIOXIDE KG 26,307 49 28 49 0 0 Table 1 A- 40

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2819900000 CHROMIUM OXIDE & HYDRIDE, EXC CHROM KG 7,045 31 7 31 0 0 TRIOXIDE,NESOI 2820900000 MANGANESE OXIDES, EXCEPT MANGANESE KG 6,727 18 6 14 1 4 DIOXIDE, NESOI 2821100005 SYNTHETIC PIGMENTS OF IRON OXIDES AND KG 90,582 183 92 183 0 0 HYDROXIDES 2821100050 IRON OXIDES AND HYROXIDES, NESOI KG 60,131 334 61 334 0 0 2823000000 TITANIUM OXIDES KG 221,052 494 207 473 17 22 2824900000 LEAD OXIDES, NESOI KG 1,872 9 2 9 0 0 2825100000 HYDRAZINE & HYDROXYLAMINE & THEIR KG 128,935 343 136 338 3 5 INORGANIC SALTS 2825200000 LITHIUM OXIDE AND HYDROXIDE KG 13,047 82 13 72 - 10 2825300010 VANADIUM PENTOXIDE (ANHYDRIDE) CKG 27 3 0 0 - 3 2825500000 COPPER OXIDES AND HYDROXIDES KG 988 9 - 6 1 3 2825600000 GERMANIUM OXIDES AND ZIRCONIUM KG 307 29 - 29 0 0 DIOXIDE 2825800000 ANTIMONY OXIDES KG 12,308 32 0 0 13 32 2825900000 INORGANIC BASE; METAL OXIDES, & KG 5,902 79 6 42 - 37 PEROXIDES, NESOI 2826110000 FLOURIDES OF AMMONIUM OR OF SODIUM KG 18,143 31 18 31 0 0 2826900000 FLUOROALUMINATE & OTHER FLUORINE KG 8,783 43 12 40 - 3 SALTS, NESOI 2827100000 AMMONIUM CHLORIDE KG 55,323 35 58 35 0 0 2827200000 CALCIUM CHLORIDE KG 80,070 111 80 111 0 0 2827310000 MAGNESIUM CHLORIDE KG 18,990 76 19 76 0 0 2827320000 ALUMINUM CHLORIDE KG 183,886 148 187 148 0 0 2827330000 IRON CHLORIDE KG 276,074 204 278 204 0 0 2827340000 COBALT CHLORIDE KG 180 3 0 0 - 3 2827350000 NICKEL CHLORIDE KG 13,607 36 14 36 0 0 2827360000 ZINC CHLORIDE KG 2,677 5 3 5 0 0 2827399050 OTHER CHLORIDES, NESOI KG 83,645 542 104 538 1 4 2827410000 CHLORIDE OXIDES AND CHLORIDE KG 1,783 5 2 5 0 0 HYDROXIDES OF COPPER 2827490000 CHLORIDE OXIDES AND CHLORIDE KG 293,849 179 299 179 0 0 HYDROXIDES, NESOI 2827510000 OF SODIUM OR POTASSIUM KG 25,227 110 25 110 0 0 2828100000 COMMERCIAL CALCIUM HYPOCHLORITE KG 998,078 1,751 1,069 1,751 0 0 2828900000 HYPOCHLORITES, CHLORITES, AND KG 90,132 117 90 117 0 0 HYPOBROMITES, NESOI 2829110000 SODIUM CHLORATE KG 8,797 3 0 0 10 3 2829900000 PERCHLORATE; BROMATE, PERBROMATE; KG 27,727 133 28 133 0 0 IODATE,PERIODATE 2830100000 SODIUM SULFIDES KG 18,508 10 19 10 0 0 Table 1 A- 41

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2831101000 SODIUM FORMALDEHYDE SULFOXYLATE KG 9,072 16 9 16 0 0 2831900000 DITHIONITES & SULFOXYLATE, EXC OF KG 61,770 112 62 112 0 0 SODIUM, NESOI 2832100000 SODIUM SULFITES KG 77,491 58 81 58 0 0 2832200000 OTHER SULFITES, EXCEPT SODIUM SULFITES, KG 6,086 27 6 24 1 3 NESOI 2832300000 THIOSULFATES KG 60,635 53 60 45 1 8 2833115000 DISODIUM SULFATE, EXCEPT SALT CAKE, KG 20,347 7 20 7 0 0 NESOI 2833190000 SODIUM SULFATES, EXCEPT DISODIUM KG 220,635 266 187 213 43 53 SULFATES, NESOI 2833210000 MAGNESIUM SULFATE KG 42,962 47 43 47 0 0 2833220000 ALUMINUM SULFATE KG 101,712 193 103 193 0 0 2833240000 NICKEL SULFATE KG 48,884 104 51 104 0 0 2833250000 COPPER SULFATE CKG 551,564 718 572 718 0 0 2833270000 BARIUM SULFATE KG 705 21 1 21 0 0 2833290000 OTHER SULFATES, NESOI KG 11,900 46 12 46 0 0 2833300000 ALUMS KG 48,413 42 50 42 0 0 2833400000 PEROXOSULFATES (PERSULFATES) KG 1,039,499 1,869 1,085 1,869 0 0 2834100000 NITRITES KG 4,712 3 5 3 0 0 2834290500 BISMUTH NITRATES KG 15,937 11 18 11 0 0 2834296050 NITRATES, NESOI KG 701,458 414 706 414 0 0 2835100000 PHOSPHINATES (HYPOPHOSPHITES) & KG 40,186 122 42 122 0 0 PHOSPHONATES 2835220000 MONO- OR DISODIUM PHOSPHATES KG 40,211 115 32 99 9 15 2835230000 TRISODIUM PHOSPHATE KG 27,686 45 26 40 2 6 2835240000 POTASSIUM PHOSPHATE KG 254,776 314 245 288 12 26 2835250000 CALCIUM HYDROGENORTHOPHOSPHATE KG 447,732 1,085 457 1,063 13 21 (DICALC PHOSPHATE) 2835260000 OTHER PHOSPHATES OF CALCIUM, NESOI KG 267,639 717 269 717 0 0 2835299050 PHOSPHATES, NESOI KG 98,644 227 99 221 1 6 2835310000 SODIUM TRIPHOSPHATES (SODIUM KG 45,949 47 47 47 0 0 TRIPOLYPHOSPHATE) 2835390000 POLYPHOSPHATES, NESOI KG 214,298 288 219 285 - 3 2836200000 DISODIUM CARBONATE KG 16,631,901 1,852 16,598 1,837 49 15 2836300000 SODIUM HYDROGENCARBONATE (SODIUM KG 650,021 354 664 344 12 10 BICARBONATE) 2836400000 POTASSIUM CARBONATES KG 214,578 128 217 128 0 0 2836500000 CALCIUM CARBONATE KG 2,723,263 1,534 2,750 1,534 0 0 2836600000 BARIUM CARBONATE KG 487 18 - 18 0 0 2836910050 LITHIUM CARBONATES, EXCEPT U.S.P. GRADE, KG 39,048 109 39 109 0 0 NESOI Table 1 A- 42

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2836992000 BISMUTH CARBONATE KG 242 11 - 11 0 0 2836999050 PEROXOCARBONATES (PERCARBONATES ), KG 1,606 4 2 4 0 0 NESOI 2837110000 AND CYANIDE OXIDES OF SODIUM KG 18,205 28 18 16 - 12 2837190010 POTASSIUM CYANIDE KG 237 4 0 0 - 4 2837190020 OTHER CYANIDES AND CYANIDE OXIDES, KG 11,040 2,729 0 0 11 2,729 NESOI 2837200000 COMPLEX CYANIDES KG 474 9 0 0 - 9 2839110000 SODIUM METASILICATES KG 6,952 19 7 19 0 0 2839190000 SILICATE OF SODIUM, EXC SODIUM KG 268,526 399 206 168 71 231 METASILICATE, NESOI 2839200000 SILICATE; COMM ALKALI METAL SILICATE, KG 22,233 59 22 59 0 0 OF POTASSIUM 2839900000 SILICATE; COMMERCIAL ALKALI METAL KG 26,304 71 27 71 0 0 SILICATES, NESOI 2840110000 ANHYDROUS DISODIUM TETRABORATE KG 2,000 3 2 3 0 0 (REFINED BORAX) 2840190000 DISODIUM TETRABORATE, EXC ANHYDROUS, KG 32,159 48 32 48 0 0 NESOI 2841100000 ALUMINATES KG 1,687,176 1,156 1,688 1,156 0 0 2841501000 POTASSIUM DICHROMATE KG 3,240 3 3 3 0 0 2841509000 CHROMATE & DICHROMATE; KG 703 27 1 27 0 0 PEROXOCHROMATE, NESOI 2841610000 POTASSIUM PERMANGANATE KG 1,655 4 2 4 0 0 2841690090 MANGANITES, MANGANATES AND KG 2,743 13 3 13 0 0 PERMANGANATES, NESOI 2841900000 SALT OF OXOMETALLIC OR KG 3,456 307 3 307 0 0 PEROXOMETALLIC ACIDS, NESOI 2842100000 DOUBLE OR COMPLEX SILICATES KG 30,063 151 27 126 4 25 2842900000 SALT OF INORGANIC ACID /PEROXOACID, EXC KG 530,662 230 545 165 - 65 AZIDE,NESOI 2843100000 COLLOIDAL PRECIOUS METALS GM 229,976 6,498 0 0 - 6,498 2843210000 SILVER NITRATE KG 19,083 2,843 19 2,839 - 4 2843290000 SILVER COMPOUNDS, EXCEPT SILVER KG 7,327 1,568 2 376 5 1,191 NITRATE, NESOI 2843300000 GOLD COMPOUNDS KG 17,248 234 18 229 - 5 2843900000 ORGANIC COMPOUND PRECIOUS METAL; KG 5,856 7,889 2 213 4 7,675 AMALGRAMS, NESOI 2844105000 ALLOYS, DISPERSIONS & CERAMIC PRODUCTS, KG 2,862 43 3 32 - 11 NESOI 2844400010 ELEMENT, ISOTOPE & COMPOUND W/ GBQ 159,536 1,356 17 1,335 - 21 RADIOACTIVITY ONLY 2844400020 RADIOACT ELEMENT, ISOTOPE & COMPOUND, MBQ 6,741,345 1,412 0 0 14 1,412 NESOI Table 1 A- 43

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2844400050 ALLOYS, DISPERSIONS; RADIOACTIVE X 0 30 3 24 - 6 RESIDUES, NESOI 2844500000 SPENT FUEL ELEMENT (CARTRIDGE) OF KG 23 5 0 0 - 5 NUCLEAR REATORS 2845100000 HEAVY WATER (DEUTERIUM OXIDE) KG 4,536 74 5 74 0 0 2845900000 ISOTOPE EXC HDG 2844; COMPOUND KG 609 35 - 3 1 32 INORGAN/ORGAN,NESOI 2846100000 CERIUM COMPOUNDS KG 200 6 0 0 - 6 2846900000 COMPOUNDS, INORGAN/ORGAN, RARE -EARTH KG 17,937 293 18 123 - 170 METALS, NESOI 2847000000 HYDROGEN PEROXIDE, WHETHER/NOT KG 387,806 270 355 248 41 22 SOLIDIFIED W/ UREA 2848009000 PHOSPHIDE, EXC FERROPHOSPHORUS, OF KG 133 63 - 63 0 0 METAL/NONMETALS 2849100000 CARBIDES, CHEMICALLY DEFINED OR NOT, OF KG 128,931 60 134 55 2 5 CALCIUM 2849201000 CARBIDE, CHEM DEFINED/NT, OF SILICON, KG 1,224 6 1 6 0 0 CRUDE 2849202000 CARBIDE, CHEM DEFINED/NT, IN KG 74,155 64 74 64 0 0 GRAIN/GROUND/REFINED 2849903000 CARBIDES, CHEM DEFINED/NOT, OF CKG 1,512 334 1 111 1 224 TUNGSTEN 2849906000 CARBIDES, WHETHER OR NOT CHEMICALLY KG 37,417 719 39 713 - 6 DEFINED, NESOI 2850000000 HYDRIDES & NITRIDES, CHEMICALLY KG 4,922 54 5 50 1 4 DEFINED/NT, NESOI 2851000005 CYANOGEN CHLORIDE KG 3,480 13 5 13 0 0 2851000065 INORGANIC COMPOUNDS, ETC, NESOI KG 166,008 396 343 391 - 6 2901101000 ETHANE AND BUTANE KG 1,407 21 2 10 1 11 2901106000 SAT ACYC HYDROCRBNS (EXCL ETHANE AND KG 192,954 943 195 943 0 0 BUTANE) 2901210000 ETHYLENE (ETHENE) KG 683 29 1 29 0 0 2901220000 PROPENE (PROPYLENE) KG 54,936 55 56 55 0 0 2901243000 ISOPRENE KG 2,478 3 3 3 0 0 2902110000 CYCLOHEXANE KG 277,845 408 164 265 114 142 2902190000 CYCLANES, CYCLENES AND CYCLOTERPENES KG 58,530 301 63 301 0 0 NESOI 2902300000 TOLUENE WITH A PURITY OF 95% OR MORE L 1,589,979 988 1,289 984 1 4 BY WEIGHT 2902430000 PARA-XYLENE L 25,000 22 25 22 0 0 2902440000 MIXED XYLENE ISOMERS L 975 41 12 41 0 0 2902500000 STYRENE KG 491,899 873 492 865 - 8 2902600000 ETHYLBENZENE KG 18,323 40 18 40 0 0 2902903050 OTHER ALKYL AND POLYALKYL BENZENES KG 130,448 128 130 102 1 26 Table 1 A- 44

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2902909500 CYCLIC HYDROCARBONS NESOI KG 311,532 325 312 325 0 0 2903110010 CHLOROMETHANE (METHYL CHLORIDE) KG 4,799,452 2,023 4,876 2,023 0 0 2903110020 CHLOROETHANE (ETHYL CHLORIDE) KG 17,894 12 18 12 0 0 2903120000 DICHLOROMETHANE (METHYLENE KG 6,398,993 5,190 6,420 5,190 0 0 CHLORIDE) 2903130000 KG 86,058 93 86 93 0 0 2903191000 HEXACHLOROETHANE AND KG 23,143 100 23 100 0 0 TETRACHLOROETHANE 2903196010 METHYLCHLOROFORM (1,1,1 KG 23,291 13 25 13 0 0 -TRICHLOROETHANE) 2903196050 OTHER SAT CHLORINATED DERIV OF ACYCL KG 254 11 - 11 0 0 HYDROCARBONS 2903210000 VINYL CHLORIDE (CHLOROETHYLENE) KG 28,075 9 29 9 0 0 2903220000 TRICHLOROETHYLENE KG 26,724 74 28 74 0 0 2903230000 TETRACHLOROETHYLENE KG 166,416 296 174 296 0 0 (PERCHLOROETHYLENE) 2903301520 METHYL KG 204,527 241 226 241 0 0 2903301550 BROMINATED DERIVATIVES OF ACYCLIC KG 344,066 74 343 69 1 5 HYDROCARBONS 2903302005 1,1,3,3,3-PENTAFLUORO-2 KG 406 9 - 6 - 4 -(TRIFLUOROMETHYL)PROP-1-EN 2903302015 FLUORINATED HYDROCARBONS, NESOI KG 166,874 1,475 191 1,441 21 34 2903302050 OTHER FLUOR, BROMIN OR IODIN DERIV OF KG 140,498 1,492 164 1,460 1 32 ACYLC HYDCAR 2903410000 TRICHLOROFLUOROMETHANE KG 5,005 33 5 33 0 0 2903420000 DICHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE KG 43,643 439 75 439 0 0 2903440000 DICHLOROTETRAFLUOROETHAN(CFC KG 28,493 152 37 152 0 0 -114)&CHLOROPE(CFC-115 2903450000 DERIV PERHALOGEN ONLY W/ KG 94 9 0 0 - 9 FLUORINE & CHLORINE NESOI 2903470000 OTHER PERHALOGENATED DERIVATIVES KG 14,783 146 16 146 0 0 2903499010 CHLORODIFLUOROMETHANE (HCFC-22) KG 817,013 2,660 1,127 2,660 0 0 2903499060 DERIV ACYLIC HYDRCARB CONT TWO OR KG 8,713 60 9 56 - 5 MORE HALOGENS 2903590000 HALO DERIV OF CYCLANIC, CYCLENIC OR KG 1,596 24 2 24 0 0 CYCLOTERPE,ETC 2903690000 HALOGENTD DERIV OF AROM KG 9 10 0 0 - 10 HYDROCARBONS NESOI 2904100000 HYDROCARBON DERIV CONT ONLY SULFO KG 23,322 118 25 110 - 9 GROUPS, ETC 2904206000 HYDROCARBON DERIV CONT ONLY NITRO OR KG 18,143 16 18 16 0 0 NITROSO ETC 2905110000 METHANOL (METHYL ALCOHOL) L 6,589,202 2,539 3,159 2,337 15 202 2905120010 PROPAN-1-OL KG 55,420 141 24 80 32 62 Table 1 A- 45

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2905120050 PROPAN-2-OL KG 778,620 1,630 780 1,615 6 15 2905130000 BUTAN-1-OL (N-BUTYL ALCOHOL) KG 47,159 1,072 47 1,072 0 0 2905145010 2-METHYLPROPAN-1-OL (ISOBUTYL KG 27,670 5 28 5 0 0 ALCOHOL) 2905145050 BUTANOLS, NESOI KG 516,808 3,287 517 3,287 0 0 2905150000 PENTANOL (AMYL ALCOHOL) AND ISOMERS KG 14,733 65 15 65 0 0 THEREOF 2905160050 OCTANOLS AND ISOMERS (EXC KG 10,707 10 0 0 12 10 ETHYLHEXAN-1-OL) 2905170000 LAURYL ALCOHOL, CETYL ALCOHOL AND KG 219,965 331 220 331 0 0 STEARYL ALCOHOL 2905190005 3,3-DIMETHYLBUTAN-2-OL (PINACOLYL KG 598 25 1 25 0 0 ALCOHOL) 2905190065 SATURATED MONOHYD ACYC ALCHLS & KG 16,988 25 0 0 19 25 THEIR DERIVS NESOI 2905220000 UNSATURATED ACYCLIC MONOHYDRIC KG 135,251 3,547 135 3,547 0 0 TERPENE 2905299000 UNSATURATED MONOHYDRIC KG 3,344 44 3 44 0 0 ALCOHOLS , NESOI 2905310000 ETHYLENE GLYCOL (ETHANEDIOL) KG 304,405 351 304 345 1 6 2905320000 PROPYLENE GLYCOL (PROPANE-1,2 -DIOL) KG 1,145,423 1,631 1,127 1,605 22 26 2905390000 ACYCLIC DIHYDRIC ALCOHOLS NESOI KG 51,948 198 53 198 0 0 2905410000 2-ETHYL-2-(HYDROXYMETHYL KG 129,936 173 132 169 3 3 )PROPANE-1,3-DIOL 2905430000 MANNITOL KG 126,461 680 125 672 1 7 2905440000 D-GLUCITOL (SORBITOL) KG 1,228,056 1,448 1,410 1,448 0 0 2905450000 GLYCEROL KG 534,329 831 535 831 0 0 2905490000 ACYCLIC POLYHYDRIC ALCOHOLS NESOI KG 452,706 1,825 496 1,825 0 0 2905590000 HALO SULF NITRO OR NITRSATD DERIV OF KG 50,298 3,521 59 3,521 0 0 ACYC ALCL NES 2906110000 MENTHOL KG 82,054 136 82 126 - 11 2906120000 CYCLOHEXANOL, METHYL AND DIMETHYL KG 21,930 32 22 32 0 0 CYCLOHEXANOLS 2906130000 STEROLS AND INOSITOLS KG 522 14 1 14 0 0 2906140000 TERPINEOLS KG 19,329 72 19 72 0 0 2906191000 4,4' KG 36,477 475 38 475 0 0 -ISOPROPYLIDENEDICYCLOHEXANOL; & MIX ETC 2906195000 OTHER CYCLANIC, ETC ALCOHOLS AND KG 651 40 1 40 0 0 SULFO, ETC DERIV 2906210000 BENZYL ALCOHOL KG 2,993 109 2 82 1 28 2906290000 AROMATIC ALCOHOLS AND THEIR HALO ETC KG 4,724 52 5 52 0 0 DER NESOI 2907110000 (HYDROXYBENZENE) AND ITS SALTS KG 24,146 20 0 0 27 20 Table 1 A- 46

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2907120000 CRESOLS AND THEIR SALTS KG 1,759 19 2 19 0 0 2907190000 MONOPHENOLS NOT ELSEWHERE SPECIFIED KG 2,095 322 2 18 - 304 OR INCLUDED 2907210000 RESORCINOL AND ITS SALTS KG 4,718 77 3 45 2 32 2907220000 HYDROQUINONE (QUINOL) KG 5,131 32 5 32 0 0 2907230000 BISPHENOL A, DIPHENYLOLPROPANE) AND ITS KG 2,874 34 1 21 2 13 SALTS 2907290500 PHENOL-ALCOHOLS KG 688 5 0 0 1 5 2907299000 POLYPHENOLS, NESOI KG 6,453 36 6 36 0 0 2908102000 PENTACHLOROPHENOL AND ITS KG 1,656 37 2 37 0 0 SALTS;2,4,5-TRICHLPHENOL 2908200000 DERIV OF PHENOLS OR PHENOL -ALCHLS KG 8,750 28 9 28 0 0 CONT ONLY SULFO 2909110000 KG 5,191 26 6 26 0 0 2909191800 ETHERS OF MONOHYDRIC ALCOHOLS, NESOI KG 1,555,016 1,869 1,557 1,869 0 0 2909193000 TRIETHYLENE GLYCOL DICHLORIDE KG 8 7 - 7 0 0 2909196000 ETHERS OF POLYHYDRIC ALCOHOLS, NESOI KG 2,295 30 5 30 0 0 2909200000 CYCLANIC, ETC ETHERS AND THEIR HALO, KG 32,282 118 43 118 0 0 ETC DERIV 2909300000 AROMATIC ETHERS AND THEIR HALO, SULFO KG 4,849 92 4 26 - 67 ETC DERIV 2909410000 2,2-OXYDIETHANOL (DIETHYLENE GLYCOL, KG 40,044 49 40 49 0 0 DIGOL) 2909420000 MONOMETHYL ETHERS OF MONO OR DI KG 13,971 78 14 78 0 0 -ETHYLENE GLYCOLS 2909430000 MONOBUTYL ETHERS OF MONO OR DI KG 4,408 6 3 3 1 4 -ETHYLENE GLYCOLS 2909440000 OTHER MONOALKYL ETHERS OF MONO OR KG 384,477 1,540 646 1,535 - 5 DI-ETHYLENE GLYC 2909490000 ETHER-ALCOHOLS AND THEIR HALO ETC KG 7,030,187 12,467 7,033 12,463 - 4 DERIV NESOI 2909500000 ETHER-PHENOLS ETC AND THEIR HALO ETC KG 796 23 1 23 0 0 NESOI 2909600000 ALCOHOL PEROXIDES, ETHER PEROX, KG 50,682 80 56 80 0 0 KETONE PEROX ETC 2910100000 OXIRANE (ETHYLENE OXIDE) KG 118,864 278 119 278 0 0 2910300000 1-CHLORO-2,3-EPOXYPROPANE KG 13,535 58 14 58 0 0 (EPICHLOROHYDRIN) 2910900000 EPOXIDES, EPOXYALCOHOLS ETC WITH KG 10,429 64 9 58 2 6 3-MEMBER RING ETC 2911001000 1,1-BIS-(1-METHYLETHOXY) CYCLOHEXANE KG 18,098 13 18 13 0 0 2911005000 ACETALS & HEMIACETALS,W/ OR W/O OTH KG 119,744 140 120 140 0 0 OXY FUNC,NESOI 2912110000 METHANAL (FORMALDEHYDE) KG 21,353 21 23 21 0 0 2912120000 ETHANAL () KG 109,220 137 109 137 0 0 Table 1 A- 47

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2912210000 BENZALDEHYDE KG 49,225 1,931 50 1,931 0 0 2912300000 ALDEHYDE-ALCOHOLS KG 181 3 0 0 - 3 2912410000 VANILLIN (4-HYDROXY-3 KG 21,001 195 21 191 - 3 -METHOXYBENZALDEHYDE) 2912490000 ALDEHYDE-ETHERS, ALDEHYDE -PHENOLS KG 40 9 0 0 - 9 ETC NESOI 2912501000 METALDEHYDE KG 3,500 16 4 16 0 0 2912505000 CYCLIC POLYMERS OF ALDEHYDES, NESOI KG 2,908 245 3 245 0 0 2912600000 PARAFORMALDEHYDE KG 4,536 8 5 8 0 0 2914110000 ACETONE (PROPANONE) KG 3,446,430 5,599 3,461 5,599 0 0 2914120000 BUTANONE KG 49,988 93 46 90 4 3 2914130000 4-METHYLPENTAN-2-ONE (METHYL KG 40,871 65 41 65 0 0 ISOBUTYL KETONE) 2914190000 OTHER ACYCLIC KETONES WITHOUT OTHER KG 4,351 5 4 5 0 0 OXYGEN FUNCTN 2914221000 CYCLOHEXNONE KG 39,432 62 40 62 0 0 2914290000 CYCLANIC, ETC KETONES WITHOUT OTHER KG 3,954 9 5 9 0 0 OXY FUNC NESOI 2914310000 PHENYLACETONE (PHENYLPROPAN-2 -ONE) KG 1,028 7 1 7 0 0 2914391000 7-ACETYL-1,1,3,4,4,6 KG 204 91 - 91 0 0 -HEXAMEHTYLTETRAHYDRONAPHTHALE 2914401000 4-HYDROXY-4-METHYLPENTAN-2-ONE KG 37,001 161 38 161 0 0 (DIACETONE ALCOHOL) 2914406000 1,3-DIHYDROXYACETONE KG 5,435 13 5 13 0 0 2914409000 KETONE-ALCOHOLS AND KETONE KG 4,790 6 5 6 0 0 -ALDEHYDES, NESOI 2914500000 KETONE-PHENOLS AND KETONES WITH KG 23,829 126 24 122 - 3 OTHER OXYGEN FUNCT 2914691000 QUINONE PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS KG 62,779 287 63 287 0 0 2914692000 QUINONE KG 61,015 569 61 569 0 0 2914699000 OTHER QUINONES KG 7,179 173 2 22 5 151 2914700000 HALO, SULFO, ETC DERIV OF KG 500 3 1 3 0 0 KETONE-ALCOHOLS ETC 2915110000 FORMIC ACID KG 348,604 184 376 184 0 0 2915130000 OF FORMIC ACID KG 2,152 9 2 9 0 0 2915210000 ACETIC ACID KG 1,233,071 1,531 1,254 1,531 0 0 2915220000 SODIUM ACETATE KG 3,497 43 2 15 2 28 2915240000 ACETIC ANHYDRIDE KG 5,628 10 6 10 0 0 2915290000 OTHER SALTS OF ACETIC ACID KG 62,594 32 63 32 0 0 2915310000 ETHYL ACETATE KG 2,213,865 3,644 2,214 3,640 7 4 2915320000 VINYL ACETATE KG 12,312 53 8 50 6 3 2915330000 NORMAL BUTYL ACETATE KG 93,099 192 93 192 0 0 Table 1 A- 48

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2915340000 ISOBUTYL ACETATE KG 29,867 56 30 56 0 0 2915350000 2-ETHOXYETHYL ACETATE KG 35,382 47 35 47 0 0 2915391000 BENZYL ACETATE KG 40 16 0 0 - 16 2915394510 NORMAL-PROPYL ACETATE KG 201,343 304 201 304 0 0 2915399050 ESTERS OF ACETIC ACID NESOI KG 804,456 2,730 808 1,921 1 808 2915400000 MONO-, DI- OR TRICHLOROACETIC ACIDS, KG 9,675 47 10 39 - 9 THEIR DERIV 2915501000 KG 779,696 835 780 835 0 0 2915503000 OTHER SALTS AND ESTERS OF PROPIONIC KG 55,044 95 55 95 0 0 ACID 2915600000 , VALERIC ACID, THEIR SALTS KG 66,175 129 66 124 - 5 AND ESTERS 2915700000 PALMITIC ACID, STEARIC ACID, THEIR SALTS KG 89,933 673 90 655 2 18 AND ESTRS 2915900000 SAT ACYCLIC MONOCARBOXY ACIDS AND KG 441,945 19,461 522 19,456 - 5 DERIV NESOI 2916110000 ACRYLIC ACID AND ITS SALTS KG 27,455 124 28 124 0 0 2916125010 ETHYL ACRYLATE KG 16,554 19 16 16 1 3 2916125020 METHYL ACRYLATE KG 777 5 1 5 0 0 2916125040 2-ETHYL-1-HEXYL ACRYLATE KG 2,448 8 2 8 0 0 2916126000 ESTERS OF ACRYLIC ACID NESOI KG 159 3 - 3 0 0 2916130000 METHACRYLIC ACID AND ITS SALTS KG 217 15 0 0 - 15 2916141000 DICYCLOPENTENYLOXYETHYL KG 3,489 86 0 0 4 86 METHACRYLATE 2916142010 ETHYL METHACRYLATE KG 4,241 23 4 23 0 0 2916142020 METHYL METHACRYLATE KG 794,761 851 803 690 57 161 2916142050 OTHER ESTERS OF METHACRYLIC ACID KG 454,588 3,318 82 903 442 2,415 2916191000 POTASSIUM SORBATE KG 30,732 102 31 96 - 6 2916192000 SORBIC ACID KG 3,499 17 3 17 0 0 2916194000 UNSAT ACYCLIC MONOCARBOX ACIDS AND KG 350 27 - 27 0 0 DERIV NESOI 2916310000 , ITS SALTS AND ESTERS KG 686,063 1,102 707 1,102 0 0 2916321000 BENZOYL PEROXIDE KG 13,464 196 1 46 14 150 2916322000 BENZOYL CHLORIDE KG 2,653 48 3 48 0 0 2916341500 ODORIFEROUS OR FLAVORING COMPOUNDS KG 629,614 11,567 631 11,550 1 17 2916343550 PHENYLACETIC ACID ITS SALTS ,NESOI KG 2,720 9 3 9 0 0 2916351500 ESTERS OF PHENYLACTIC ACID KG 115,515 281 114 224 5 57 ,ODORIFEROUS/FLAVOR CMP 2916390000 AROMATIC MONOCARBOX ACIDS AND DERIV KG 16,584 158 13 120 4 38 ETC NESOI 2917110000 OXALIC ACID, ITS SALTS AND ESTERS KG 35,963 102 39 102 0 0 Table 1 A- 49

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2917122000 SALT AND PLASTICIZERS OF ADIPIC KG 8,604 52 9 52 0 0 ACID 2917125000 OTHER ADIPIC ACID SALTS AND ESTERS(EXC KG 3,029 29 3 29 0 0 PLASTICIZR) 2917140000 MALEIC ANHYDRIDE KG 9,358 7 9 7 0 0 2917191000 FERROUS FUMARATE KG 12,142 27 5 10 8 18 2917191600 FUMARIC ACID (TRANS-BUTENEDIOIC ACID) KG 17,600 27 19 27 0 0 2917197025 ACYCLIC POLYCARBOXYLIC ACIDS KG 7,284 51 7 51 0 0 PLASTICIZERS 2917340000 OTHER ESTERS OF ORTHOPHTHALIC ACID KG 842 4 1 4 0 0 2917350000 PHTHALIC ANHYDRIDE KG 13,608 34 14 34 0 0 2917360000 TEREPHTHALIC ACID AND ITS SALTS KG 720 6 1 6 0 0 2917370000 DIMETHYL TEREPHTHALATE KG 138,322 101 141 101 0 0 2917391500 ISOPHTHALIC ACID KG 609 8 1 8 0 0 2917392000 AROMAT POLYCARBOX ACID PLASTICZS AND KG 80,924 207 51 174 32 32 THEIR DERIV 2917394000 AROMATIC POLYCARBOXYLIC ACIDS ,ETC KG 3,198 35 3 35 0 0 NESOI 2918110000 LACTIC ACID, ITS SALTS AND ESTERS KG 27,967 84 9 36 22 48 2918120000 TARTARIC ACID KG 11,921 67 11 64 - 3 2918140000 CITRIC ACID KG 3,506,645 5,884 3,512 5,830 17 54 2918150000 SALTS AND ESTERS OF CITRIC ACID KG 2,343,608 2,899 2,379 2,891 1 7 2918160000 GLUCONIC ACID, ITS SALTS AND ESTERS KG 20,411 14 20 14 0 0 2918191350 PHENYLGLYCOLIC ACID, ITS SALTS AND KG 1,597 3 2 3 0 0 ESTERS 2918191550 CARBOX ACIDS WITH ALCOHOL FUNCT ETC KG 12,636 568 11 43 3 525 NESOI 2918211000 AND ITS SALTS SUIT FOR KG 100,668 143 101 143 0 0 MEDICIN USE 2918220000 -ACETYLSALICYLIC ACID (ASPIRIN) , SALTS KG 62,085 293 67 293 0 0 AND ESTERS 2918230000 ESTERS OF SALICYLIC ACID AND ITS SALTS KG 15,255 55 12 45 3 10 NESOI 2918290000 CARBOXYLIC ACIDS WITH PHENOL FUNCTION KG 41,690 319 42 316 - 4 ETC NESOI 2918300000 CARBOXYLIC ACIDS WITH ALDEHYDE OR KG 9,220 36 10 36 0 0 KETONE FUNC ETC 2918902010 2,4-DICHLOROPHENOXYACETIC ACID; ITS KG 6,379 34 7 34 0 0 SALTS AND ESTS 2918906000 CARBOXYLIC ACIDS WITH ADDITIONAL OXY KG 49,919 320 48 304 2 16 FUNC NESOI 2919001500 TRIPHENYL PHOSPHATE KG 22,993 189 23 189 0 0 2919002500 AROMATIC PLASTICIZERS NESOI KG 80,415 285 81 285 0 0 Table 1 A- 50

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2919003000 OTHER AROMAT PHOSPHORIC ESTERS AND KG 7,675 70 8 70 0 0 THEIR SALTS ETC 2919005010 NON AROMATIC PLASTICIZERS KG 7,163 66 7 66 0 0 2919005050 NON AROMATIC PHOSPHORIC ESTERS AND KG 9,220 20 9 20 0 0 SALTS, NESOI 2920100000 THIOPHOSPHORIC ESTERS AND THEIR SALTS KG 1,783 11 - 3 1 8 AND DERIV 2920905010 TRIMETHYL PHOSPHITE, TRIETHL KG 199,054 489 198 481 1 8 PHOSPHITE, DIMETH ETC 2920909000 ESTERS OF OTHER INORGANIC ACIDS ETC, KG 63,616 311 69 176 - 135 NESOI 2921110000 METHYLAMINE, DI OR TRIMETHYLAMINE KG 536,230 1,639 572 1,636 1 3 AND THEIR SALTS 2921120000 DIETHYLAMINE AND ITS SALTS KG 23,357 65 27 65 0 0 2921191000 MONO- AND TRIETHYLAMINES,ETC AND KG 512,882 991 546 959 - 32 THEIR SALTS 2921193000 3-AMINO-3-METHYL-1-BUTYNE;2 KG 217,303 409 217 409 0 0 -CHLORO-N,N-DIMETHYL... 2921196010 N,N-DIALKYL-2-CHLOROETHYLAMINES KG 1,200 23 0 0 1 23 & PROTONATED SALTS 2921196090 ACYCLIC MONOAMINES AND THEIR KG 21,486 93 23 93 0 0 DERIVATIVES, NESOI 2921210000 ETHYLENEDIAMINE AND ITS SALTS KG 133,682 203 122 176 13 27 2921220000 HEXAMETHYLENEDIAMINE AND ITS SALTS KG 4,932 90 5 90 0 0 2921290020 TRIETHYLENETETRAMINE KG 32,293 122 20 91 14 31 2921290055 OTHER ACYCLIC POLYAMINES AND DERIV; KG 29,492 79 30 79 0 0 SALTS THEREOF 2921300000 CYCLANIC, CYCLENIC ETC MONO- OR KG 3,035 4 3 4 0 0 POLYAMINES ETC 2921420000 ANILINE DERIVATIVES AND THEIR SALTS KG 1,850 5 2 5 0 0 2921430000 TOLUIDINES (AMINOTOLUENES) AND THEIR KG 1,478 28 1 28 0 0 DERIVATIVES, 2921440000 DIPHENYLAMINE AND ITS DERIVATIVES; KG 163 4 - 4 0 0 SALTS THEREOF 2921450000 1-NAPHTHYLAMINE (ALPHA KG 20,272 32,524 0 0 21 32,524 -NAPHTHYLAMINE), 2-NAPHTHYLA 2921510000 O-, M-, P-PHENYLENEDIAMINE, KG 5,996 57 6 57 0 0 DIAMINOTOLUENES ETC 2921590000 AROMATIC POLYAMINES NESOI AND THEIR KG 2,145 15 2 12 - 3 DERIVATIV 2922110000 MONOETHANOLAMINE AND ITS SALTS KG 1,753,027 1,696 1,755 1,696 0 0 2922120000 DIETHANOLAMINE AND ITS SALTS KG 50,374 43 51 43 0 0 2922130000 TRIETHANOLAMINE AND ITS SALTS KG 790,608 6,618 118 181 695 6,437 2922140000 DEXTROPROPOXYPHENE (INN) AND ITS SALTS KG 1,588 149 0 0 2 149 Table 1 A- 51

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2922191950 AROMATIC DRUGS, CONTAIN ONLY ONE KG 10,228 543 6 47 5 496 OXYGEN FUNCTION 2922199510 N,N-DIMETHYL-2-AMINOETHANOL ETC KG 209,357 1,330 206 385 3 945 & PROTONATED SALTS 2922199519 N,N-DIALKYL-2-AMINOETHANOLS & KG 36,396 516 36 516 0 0 PROTNATD SALTS NESOI 2922199595 AMINO-ALCOHOLS ETC, NESOI KG 39,363 2,317 33 506 7 1,811 2922210000 AMINOHYDROXYNAPHTHALENESULFONIC KG 307,634 381 334 381 0 0 ACIDS AND SALTS 2922220000 ANISIDINES, DIANISIDINES, PHENETIDINES KG 1,880 200 0 0 2 200 AND SALTS 2922290000 AMINO-NAPHTHOLS AND OTHER AMINO KG 44,615 239 0 0 49 239 -PHENOLS NESOI 2922410000 LYSINE AND ITS ESTERS; SALTS THEREOF KG 236,000 371 239 371 0 0 2922420000 GLUTAMIC ACID AND ITS SALTS KG 1,180 12 1 8 - 4 2922491000 M-AMINOBENZOIC ACID, TECHNICAL; (PABA), KG 7,284 225 1 10 7 215 ETC. 2922492050 AROMATIC AMINO-ACIDS ETC FOR USE AS KG 642 15 1 12 - 3 DRUGS 2922493800 AROMATIC AMINO-ACIDS AND THEIR ESTERS KG 23,054 638 19 248 5 390 ETC NESOI 2922498050 AMINO-ACIDS (EXCLUDING AROMATIC ) ETC KG 358,661 35,486 324 28,511 38 6,975 NESOI 2922504500 AROMATIC AMINO-ALCOHOL-PHENOL, OTH KG 768,273 20,312 613 13,827 209 6,485 AMINO W OXG ETC 2922505000 NON-AROMATIC AMINO-COMPOUNDS WITH KG 541,756 17,534 542 13,122 30 4,412 OXYGEN FUNCTION 2923100000 CHOLINE AND ITS SALTS KG 15,972 19 2 7 21 12 2923201000 PURIFIED EGG PHOSOPHOLIPIDS, ETC KG 6,900 38 8 38 0 0 2923202000 LECITHINS AND OTHER KG 2,499 35 3 31 - 4 PHOSPHOAMINOLIPIDS, NESOI 2923900000 OTHER QUATERNARY AMMONIUM SALTS AND KG 28,009 125 29 118 - 7 HYDROXIDES 2924190000 ACYCLIC AMIDES AND THEIR DERIV ETC, KG 522,837 926 538 919 - 7 NESOI 2924231000 2-ACETAMIDOBENZOIC ACID KG 2,458 52 2 52 0 0 2924297597 AROMATIC CYCLIC AMIDES (INC CYCLIC KG 1,857,041 12,342 1,886 12,243 5 99 ) ETC 2924298000 2,2 -DIMETHYLCYCLOPROPYLCARBOXAMIDE KG 528 22 1 22 0 0 2924299500 CYCLIC AMIDES & THEIR DERIV, NESOI KG 3,747,910 27,240 3,748 27,219 1 21 2925110000 SACCHARIN AND ITS SALTS KG 11,186 120 11 108 - 12 2925204500 AROMATIC IMINES AND DERIVATIVES; SALTS KG 248 16 - 16 0 0 THEREOF 2925209000 NON-AROM IMINES AND THEIR DERIV , ETC KG 1,738 32 - 25 1 7 NESOI Table 1 A- 52

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2926100000 ACRYLONITRILE KG 65,396 93 60 90 7 3 2926900002 NITRILE FUNCTION COMPOUNDS, NESOI KG 2,645,420 5,596 2,687 5,596 0 0 2928001000 METHYL ETHYL KETOXIME KG 21,178 129 21 129 0 0 2928001500 PHENYLHYDRAZINE KG 8,775 83 9 83 0 0 2929101000 TOLUENEDIISOCYANATES (UNMIXED) KG 1,460,565 1,226 1,460 1,226 0 0 2929101500 MIXTURES OF 2,4- AND 2,6 -TOLUENE KG 86,818 280 90 280 0 0 DIISOCYANATES 2929108010 METHYLENEDI-PHENYLENE ISOCYANATE KG 18,143 16 18 16 0 0 (MDI) 2929108050 ISOCYANATES NESOI KG 7,403 63 7 52 2 11 2930201500 THIO AND DITHIOCARBAMATES USED AS KG 433,699 822 468 822 0 0 PESTICIDES 2930206050 THIOCARBAMATES AND DITHIOCARBAMATES KG 364 14 - 14 0 0 NESOI 2930303000 TETRAMETHYLTHIURAM MONOSULFIDE KG 40,060 27 41 27 0 0 2930400000 METHIONINE KG 198,766 373 204 373 0 0 2930901000 AROM ORGANO-SULFUR CMPDS USED AS KG 13,196 96 13 96 0 0 PESTICIDES, NESOI 2930902000 OTHER AROM ORG-SULF CMPDS (EXCL KG 446,231 8,921 531 8,721 5 200 PESTICIDES) 2930904420 PEST CMPNDS CONT PHOS ATOM BONDED TO KG 8,462 50 9 46 - 5 ALKYL GRP ETC 2930904495 NON-AROM ORGNO-SULFR CMPDS USED AS KG 15,358 81 17 81 0 0 PESTICIDE NESOI 2930904530 THIOGLYCOLIC ACID AND KG 21,972 35 22 35 0 0 MERCAPTOCARBOXYLIC ACIDS 2930904550 OTHER ORGANO-SULFUR ACID COMPOUNDS KG 106,607 199 106 178 1 21 2930909007 O,O-DIETHYL S-PHOSPHOROTHIOATE KG 4,656 72 3 4 2 68 & THIODIGLYCOL ETC 2930909025 ORGNO-SLFR CMPDS CONT PHOS ATOM KG 24,494 39 24 39 0 0 BNDED TO ALKYL GRP 2930909065 ORGANO-SULFUR COMPOUNDS, NESOI KG 219,341 969 219 420 2 550 2931001200 4,4'-DIPHENYL-BIS-PHOSPHONOUS ACID, ETC. KG 56 23 0 0 - 23 2931002200 AROMATIC ORGANO-INORGANIC KG 7,361 503 7 498 - 6 COMPOUNDS USED AS DRUGS 2931002500 AROM ORGANO-INORGANO CMPDS USED AS KG 127,070 192 128 192 0 0 PESTICIDES 2931009060 ORGANO-INORGANIC COMPOUNDS, NESOI KG 69,033 625 94 531 - 93 2932110000 KG 2,152,065 5,153 2,302 5,065 20 88 2932120000 2-FURALDEHYDE (FURFURALDEHYDE) KG 2,050 5 2 5 0 0 2932130000 FURFURYL ALCOHOL AND KG 798 9 1 9 0 0 TETRAHYDROFURFURYL ALCOHOL 2932190000 CMPDS CONT AN UNFUSED FURAN RING ETC KG 72,641 6,102 73 6,080 - 22 NESOI Table 1 A- 53

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2932291000 AROMATIC LACTONES USED AS PESTICIDES KG 3,609 22 1 5 3 17 2932292000 AROMATIC LACTONES USED AS DRUGS KG 9,042 3,331 0 0 9 3,331 2932296000 LACTONES NESOI KG 73,582 28,295 68 24,268 17 4,027 2932910000 ISOSAFROLE KG 15,563 18 19 18 0 0 2932990400 2,2-DIMETHYL-1,3-BENZODIOXOL-4 -YL KG 69,304 160 69 160 0 0 METHYLCARBAMATE 2932990800 2-ETHOXY-2,3-DIHYDRO-3,3 KG 632,976 1,107 633 1,107 0 0 -DIMETHYL-5-BENZOFURANYL 2932993500 2-HYDROXY-3 -DIBENZOFURANCARBOXYLIC KG 587 25 1 25 0 0 ACID 2932996560 AROMATIC PESTICIDES WITH OXY KG 11,288 1,394 10 5 3 1,389 HETERO-ATOM(S) NESOI 2932999000 HETEROCYC CMPDS WITH OXY HETERO KG 14,128 6,473 - 11 14 6,461 -ATOM(S) ONLY NESOI 2933110000 PHENAZONE (ANTIPYRINE) AND ITS KG 36 4 0 0 - 4 DERIVATIVES 2933194350 AROM OR MOD AROM CONT AN UNFUSED KG 2,259 3 3 3 0 0 RG ETC 2933210000 HYDANTOIN AND ITS DERIVATIVES KG 142,044 4,098 125 2,648 21 1,450 2933290000 CMPDS CONT AN UNFUSED RING KG 31,188 992 13 372 20 620 ETC NESOI 2933310000 PYRIDINE AND ITS SALTS KG 134,302 561 143 561 0 0 2933321000 PIPERDINE KG 527 8 1 8 0 0 2933325000 PIPERIDINE AND ITS SALTS, NESOI KG 2,014 3,246 1 8 1 3,238 2933391500 QUINUCLIDIN-3-OL KG 34 5 0 0 - 5 2933399090 COMPOUNDS CONT AN UNFUSED PYRIDINE KG 327,300 14,389 326 14,245 1 144 RING ETC, NESOI 2933491350 ETHOXYQUIN (1,2,-DIHYDRO-6 KG 21,591 41 22 41 0 0 -ETHOXY-2,2,4-TRIMET)ETC 2933492250 DRUGS CONT A QUINOLINE OR ISOQUINOLINE KG 4,512 2,068 0 0 5 2,068 RNG-SYS ETC 2933497050 CMPDS CONTAIN QUINOLINE /ISOQUINOLINE KG 18,143 149 18 149 0 0 RING, NESOI 2933520000 MALONYLUREA (BARBITURIC ACID) AND ITS KG 226 71 - 71 0 0 SALTS 2933530000 , , KG 2,493 662 0 0 3 662 (INN) NESOI 2933590500 PESTICIDES CONT A PYRIMIDINE RING OR KG 31,759 184 34 181 - 4 PIPERAZINE RN 2933595960 DRUGS CONT A PYRIMIDINE OR PIPERAZINE KG 35,531 14,500 30 2,661 12 11,839 RING ETC 2933599550 CMPDS CONT A PYRIMIDINE OR PIPERAZINE KG 81,969 7,911 94 4,020 5 3,891 RING, NESOI 2933610000 MELAMINE KG 11,651 23 12 23 0 0 Table 1 A- 54

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2933690000 CMPDS (EXC MELAMINE) CONT AN UNFUSED KG 118,055 285 118 279 1 7 TRIAZINE RING 2933710000 6-HEXANELACTAM (EPSILON KG 18,800 20 19 20 0 0 -CAPROLACTAM) 2933790002 LACTAMS, NESOI KG 12,326 570 7 24 6 546 2933910000 ALPRAZOLAM, CAMAZEPAM, KG 1,780 490 - 4 2 486 CHORDIAZEPOXIDE (INN), ETC. 2933992350 AROMATIC OR MODIFIED AROMATIC KG 52,540 1,315 57 1,315 0 0 PESTICIDES 2933992400 AROMATIC/ MODIFIED AROMATIC KG 40,408 127 40 127 0 0 PHOTOGRAPHIC CHEMICALS 2933992600 KG 916 97 - 90 1 7 2933994200 ACRIFLAVINE; ACRIFLAVINE KG 294 55 - 55 0 0 HYDROCHLORIDE ETC 2933994600 ANTI-INFECTIVE AGENTS, NESOI KG 1,124 129 0 0 1 129 2933995100 HYDRALAZINE HYDROCHLORIDE KG 16,799 5 18 5 0 0 2933995300 CARDIOVASCULAR DRUGS, NESOI KG 12,754 10,462 6 1,116 7 9,347 2933995500 , ANTIPYRETICS AND KG 4,009 146 4 84 - 62 NON-HORMONAL ETC 2933995800 CLOZAPINE; DROPERIDOL; AND IMIPRAMINE KG 2,981 865 0 0 5 865 HYDROCHLORID 2933996100 , TRANQUILIERS ETC, KG 800 230 1 230 0 0 NESOI 2933996500 ANTICONVULSANTS, AND KG 8,387 11,041 8 2,320 - 8,721 2933997000 DRUGS PRIM AFFECT THE CENT NERV KG 24,658 440 23 174 1 266 SYSTEM, NESOI 2933997500 AROMATIC OR MOD AROMATIC DRUGS KG 2,081 19 - 10 2 9 W/NITROGEN ETC, NES 2933999550 HETEROCYCL CMPDS (EXC AROM OR KG 16,425 266 10 39 7 228 MOD-AROM) ETC NESOI 2934100000 CMPDS CONT AN UNFUSED THIAZOLE RING IN KG 5 27 0 0 - 27 THE STRUCT 2934200000 CMPDS CONT A BENZOTHIAZOLE RING KG 30,737 44 33 44 0 0 -SYSTEM ETC 2934302300 ANTIDEPRESSANTS, TRANQUILIZERS AND KG 3,060 13 0 0 5 13 OTHER PSCH AGTS 2934302700 DRUGS W/ A PHENO RING SYS (W/T HYDRO), KG 391,238 13,251 464 13,218 - 33 NESOI 2934305050 CMPDS (EXC DRUGS) CONT A PHENOTHIAZINE KG 3,506 209 2 119 1 89 RING ETC 2934910000 AMINOREX, , CLOTIAZEPAM KG 77 194 0 0 - 194 (INN) ETC. 2934990000 NUCLEIC ACIDS & THER KG 515,756 233,834 497 43,533 119 190,301 SALTS;HETEROCYCLIC COMP,NESOI 2935004000 SULFONAMIDES USED AS DRUGS KG 29,567 15,873 12 2,124 19 13,749 Table 1 A- 55

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2935009550 SULFONAMIDES, EXCLUDING DRUGS KG 390,226 11,003 213 9,726 218 1,277 2936100000 PROVITAMINS, UNMIXED KG 47,493 171 45 91 2 80 2936210000 VITAMINS A AND THEIR DERIVATIVES KG 245,156 973 227 758 19 215 UNMIXED 2936220000 VITAMIN B1 (THIAMINE) AND ITS KG 194,288 2,329 222 2,326 - 3 DERIVATIVES 2936230000 VITAMIN B2 (RIBOFLAVIN) AND ITS KG 13,521 76 14 71 - 5 DERIVATIVES 2936240000 D- OR DL-PANTOTHENIC ACID (VITMIN B3 OR KG 29,350 307 29 307 0 0 B5)AND DER 2936250000 VITAMIN B6 (PYRIDOXINE ETC) AND ITS KG 74 3 0 0 - 3 DERIVATIVES 2936260000 VITAMIN B12 AND ITS DERIVATIVES KG 3,968 87 4 83 - 4 2936270000 VITAMIN C (ASCORBIC ACID) AND ITS KG 119,036 1,162 75 366 48 796 DERIVATIVES 2936280000 VITAMIN E AND ITS DERIVATIVES KG 4,774 180 5 180 0 0 2936291000 FOLIC ACID KG 2,356 5 0 0 2 5 2936291500 AND NIACINAMIDE KG 25,618 130 26 127 - 3 2936299055 OTHER VITAMINS AND THEIR DERIVATIVES, KG 1,499,826 7,328 1,866 6,649 36 679 NESOI 2936900000 OTHER INCLUDING NATURAL CONCENTRATES KG 212,930 1,283 201 962 16 321 2937110000 SOMATOTROPIN, ITS DERIVS & STRUCT GM 2,084 261 0 0 - 261 ANALOGUES 2937120000 INSULIN AND ITS SALTS GM 32,000 211 0 0 - 211 2937190000 POLYPEPTIDE, PROTEIN & GLYCOPROTEIN GM 6,000 9 0 0 - 9 HORMONES,NESOI 2937210000 CORTISONE, HYDROCORTISONE, GM 7,279,206 3,363 1 14 7 3,349 PREDNISONE, ETC 2937220000 HALOGENATED DERIV OF ADRENAL GM 347,493 517 - 10 - 507 CORTICAL HORMONES 2937230000 ESTROGENS AND PROGESTINS GM 902,842 2,762 0 0 1 2,762 2937290000 ADRENAL CORTICAL HORMONES AND DERIV GM 353,000 311 - 3 - 308 NESOI 2937310000 EPINEPHRINE GM 211,680 720 0 0 - 720 2937390000 CATECHOLAMINE HORMONES (EXCL GM 3,798,046 952 0 0 4 952 EPINEPHRINE), ETC 2937400000 AMINO-ACID DERIVATIVES GM 2,057,358 14,335 - 20 2 14,315 2937500000 PROSTAGLANDINS, THROMBOXANES & GM 359,077 69 0 0 - 69 LEUKOTRIENES 2937900000 HORMONES, PROSTAGLANDINS, ETC NESOI GM 717,599 1,621 - 429 1 1,193 2938900000 OTHER GLYCOSIDES, NATURAL OR KG 8,160 343 8 339 - 4 SYNTHETIC AND DERIV 2939110000 CONCENTRATE OF POPPY STRAW, GM 199,629 930 0 0 - 930 BUPRENORPHINE (INN) Table 1 A- 56

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 2939190000 ALKALOIDS OF OPIUM AND THEIR DERIV, GM 25,308 102 0 0 - 102 SALTS, NESOI 2939210000 QUININE AND ITS SALTS GM 1,947,000 135 2 135 0 0 2939290000 ALKALOIDS OF CINCHONA AND THEIR DERIV GM 145,000 299 0 0 - 299 NESOI 2939300000 CAFFEINE AND ITS SALTS KG 1,294 19 1 10 1 10 2939410000 EPHEDRINE AND ITS SALTS KG 430 36 0 0 - 36 2939420000 PSEUDOEPHEDRINE AND ITS SALTS KG 37,854 1,521 17 1,052 21 470 2939590000 THEOPHYLLINE & AMINOPHYLLINE & KG 13,585 221 13 206 - 15 DERIVS, SALTS NESOI 2939690000 ALKALOIDS OF RYE ERGOT & THEIR KG 3,843 123 0 0 4 123 DERIV & SALTS, NESO 2939910000 COCAINE,ECGONINE,LEVOMETAMINE, ETC; KG 2,469 41 2 41 0 0 SALTS & DERIV 2939990000 VEGETABLE ALKALOIDS, THEIR SALTS & OTH KG 309,857 3,289 339 3,289 0 0 DERIV NESOI 2940002000 D-ARABINOSE KG 1,014 80 1 80 0 0 2940006000 SUGARS, CHEM PURE (EXC SUCROSE KG 1,179,701 2,445 1,163 2,338 18 107 ,LACTOSE,ETC) NESOI 2941101000 AMPICILLIN AND ITS SALTS KG 848,286 2,528 0 0 848 2,528 2941106000 AND THEIR DERIVATIVES ETC KG 3,776 701 1 177 3 524 NESOI 2941300000 TETRACYCLINES AND THEIR DERIVATIVES; GM 538,510 2,103 1 1,477 - 626 SALTS THEREOF 2941400000 CHLORAMPHENICOL AND ITS DERIVATIVES; KG 4,479 619 2 47 3 572 SALTS THEREOF 2941500000 ERYTHROMYCIN AND ITS DERIVATIVES; GM 6,358,203 1,429 0 0 6 1,429 SALTS THEREOF 2941901010 AMINOGLYCOSIDE ANTIBIOTICS KG 292 16 0 0 - 16 2941906000 ANTIBIOTICS NESOI KG 104,639 22,299 76 536 30 21,763 2942000000 ORGANIC COMPOUNDS NESOI KG 85,861 7,911 56 1,130 32 6,782 3001100000 GLANDS AND OTHER ORGANS, DRIED, INCL KG 9,181 1,134 0 0 14 1,134 POWDERED 3001200000 EXTRACTS OF GLANDS OR OTHER ORGS OR KG 359,785 522 360 522 0 0 SECRETIONS 3001900000 HEPARIN AND ITS SALTS; OTHER HUMAN OR KG 11,421 1,102 5 432 8 671 ANIMAL SUBST 3002100110 HUMAN BLOOD PLASMA KG 1,117 960 0 0 1 960 3002100120 NORMAL HUMAN BLOOD SERA, INCLUDING KG 4,111 1,100 0 0 5 1,100 FREEZE-DRIED 3002100130 HUMAN IMMUNE BLOOD SERA KG 391 177 0 0 1 177 3002100140 FETAL BOVINE SERUM (FBS) KG 7,385 2,800 0 0 7 2,800 3002100190 BLOOD FRACTIONS NESOI KG 84,086 14,946 19 7 67 14,939 3002200000 VACCINES FOR HUMAN MEDICINE KG 178,110 35,497 147 3,093 35 32,404 Table 1 A- 57

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 3002300000 VACCINES FOR VETRINARY MEDICINE KG 4,194 224 3 29 2 194 3002901000 FERMENTS KG 176,219 10,045 0 0 194 10,045 3002905110 WHOLE HUMAN BLOOD KG 1,102 307 0 0 1 307 3002905120 ANTIALLERGENIC PREPERATIONS, NESOI KG 2,183 112 0 0 3 112 3002905150 HUMAN BLOOD;ANIMAL BLOOD PREPARED KG 16,385 20,374 13 88 5 20,286 FOR THERAP,NESOI 3003100000 MEDICAMENTS CONT PENICILLINS OR KG 157,144 14,003 2 18 165 13,985 DERIVATIVES ETC 3003200000 MEDICAMENTS CONTAINING OTHER KG 53,697 3,225 13 516 42 2,710 ANTIBIOTICS ETC 3003310000 MEDICAMENTS CONTAINING INSULIN BUT KG 6,944 589 7 360 - 229 NOT ANTIBIOTICS 3003390000 MEDICAMENT CONT HORMONES OR PROD OF X 0 47,017 10 321 439 46,696 HD 2937 ETC 3003400000 MEDICAMENTS CONTAINING ALKALOIDS OR KG 16,481 156 4 8 15 148 DERIVAT ETC 3003900000 OTHER MEDICAMENTS (EXC GOODS OF HDS KG 384,483 710,233 280 3,125 116 707,108 3002,3005 ETC) 3004101010 MEDICAMENTS CONT G SLTS FOR KG 29,308 299 21 117 10 182 VETRIN USE 3004101020 PENICILLIN G SALTS(SINGLES) NOT FOR KG 12,786 393 10 236 4 157 VETERINARY USE 3004101045 COMBINATION ANTIBIOTICS CONTIANING KG 39,586 4,698 21 1,987 20 2,711 PENICILLIN G 3004105010 MEDICAMENTS CONTAINING PENICILLINS OR KG 35,251 925 7 87 34 838 DERIV ETC 3004105045 COMBINATION ANTIBIOTICS CONTAIN KG 22,908 1,480 8 414 15 1,066 PENICILLIN, NESOI 3004105060 COMB. ANTIBIOTICS, NESOI KG 69,040 3,851 62 1,320 12 2,531 3004200010 MEDICAMENTS CONT ANTIBIOTICS NESOI, KG 7,284 221 4 62 4 159 VET USE 3004200020 ERYTHROMYCIN, SINGLES OR IN COMB ETC KG 77,881 6,637 14 940 74 5,697 NOT FOR VET 3004200030 TETRACYCLINE, SINGLES OR IN COMB ETC KG 2,483 447 - 17 2 430 NOT FOR VET 3004200060 MEDICAMENTS CONTAIN OTHER KG 1,014,905 38,903 961 16,602 67 22,300 ANTIBIOTICS, NESOI 3004310000 MEDICAMENTS CONT INSULIN BUT NOT CONT KG 39,120 5,491 3 163 42 5,328 ANTIBIOTICS 3004320000 MEDICAMENTS CONTAINING KG 68,301 4,829 44 1,649 27 3,181 CORTIC0STEROID HORMONES ETC 3004390010 MEDICAMENTS W/ HORMONES OR OF 2937, KG 12,624 928 3 12 11 916 VETERINARY USE 3004390050 MEDICAMENTS W/ HORMONES OR PRODUCTS KG 231,380 31,205 63 3,319 190 27,886 OF 2937, NESOI 3004400005 MEDICAMENTS CONTAINING ALKALOIDS OR KG 2,101 60 0 0 3 60 DERIVATIV ETC Table 1 A- 58

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 3004400010 CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICAMENTS, NO KG 65,277 25,735 22 1,186 46 24,549 HORMONES/ANTIBIOTIC 3004400020 ANTICONVULSANTS,HYPNOTICS KG 52,555 5,404 40 3,929 19 1,475 ,SEDATIVES,DOSES FOR SALE 3004400030 ANTIDEPRESSANTS,TRANQUILIZERS ,PSYCH KG 86,462 22,514 4 342 91 22,172 AGT,NO HORMONE 3004400040 OTHER MEDICAMENTS PRIM AFFECTING THE KG 100,776 49,073 9 29,629 106 19,444 CNS NESOI 3004400050 DERMATOLOGICAL AGENTS AND LOCAL KG 51,752 3,137 34 79 19 3,058 ANESTHETICS 3004400060 MEDICAMENTS AFFECTING EYES,EARS OR KG 146,112 17,515 41 334 116 17,181 RESPIRATORY SYS 3004400070 OTHER MEDICAMENTS CONTAINING KG 84,858 14,395 8 645 86 13,750 ALKALOIDS ETC 3004504500 MEDICAMENTS OF HEADING 2936 CONT KG 624,133 2,485 613 1,728 71 757 VITAMINS ETC 3004505005 OTHER MEDICAMENTS CONT VITAMINS ETC, KG 41,670 468 30 266 16 202 NESOI 3004505010 SINGLE VITAMINS,COMB WITH MINERLS OR KG 308,936 4,361 303 3,997 25 364 OTHER NUTRNTS 3004505020 SINGLE VITAMINS,NOT COMB WITH KG 104,190 1,966 21 216 93 1,750 MINERLS/NUTRIENTS 3004505030 MULT VITAMINS COMB WITH MINERLS OR KG 999,507 8,525 959 7,415 45 1,110 OTHER NUTRIENTS 3004505040 MULT VITAMINS NOT COMB WITH KG 421,647 5,011 263 1,813 188 3,198 MINERLS/NUTRIENTS 3004901000 MEDICAMENTS CONT ANTIGENS OR KG 3,629,384 13,835 3,746 6,799 165 7,036 HYALURONIC ACID,ETC 3004909103 MEDICAMENTS FOR VETERINARY USE IN KG 68,981 2,490 62 1,295 7 1,195 DOSES/PKG,NESOI 3004909105 SULFONAMIDES IN DOSED/PKG FOR RETAIL KG 12,464 1,037 4 224 10 813 SALE 3004909110 ANTI-INFECTIVE MEDICAMENTS NESOI KG 529,641 54,499 299 6,868 271 47,630 3004909115 ANTINEOPLASTIC AND IMMUNOSUPRESSIVE KG 57,751 42,966 6 877 63 42,090 MEDICAMENTS 3004909120 CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICAMENTS, NESOI KG 456,308 120,279 224 9,672 264 110,608 3004909125 ANALGESICS, ANTIPYRETICS AND NONHORM KG 846,069 57,729 751 9,675 128 48,054 ANTI-INFL ETC 3004909130 ANTICONVULSANTS, HYPNOTICS & SEDATIVES KG 222,564 15,338 11 2,028 251 13,310 FR RTL SALE 3004909135 ANTIDEPRESSANTS, TRANQUILIZERS ,OTHER KG 349,225 409,631 2 264 374 409,367 PSYCH AGT,NES 3004909140 MEDICAMENTS AFFECT CENTRAL NERVOUS KG 128,797 20,305 11 156 135 20,149 SYSTEM, NESOI 3004909145 DERMATOLOGICAL AGENTS AND LOCAL KG 233,800 6,344 222 1,727 29 4,618 ANESTHETICS ETC. 3004909150 LAXATIVES IN MEAS DOSES/PKG FOR RETAIL KG 145,399 1,921 131 571 20 1,350 SALE Table 1 A- 59

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 3004909155 ANTACIDS IN MEAS DOSES/PKG FOR RETAIL KG 628,129 5,191 654 4,372 38 819 SALE 3004909160 MEDICAMENTS PRIMARILY AFFECT DIGEST KG 512,650 68,524 496 25,561 122 42,963 SYSTEM NESOI 3004909165 DIURETICS IN MEASURED DOSE/PACK FOR KG 62,632 4,274 3 208 72 4,066 RETAIL SALE 3004909170 MEDICAMENT PRIM AFFECT KG 596,806 3,342 516 1,530 122 1,812 ELECTROLY,CALORIC ETC,NESOI 3004909176 COUGH AND COLD PREPARATIONS, NESOI KG 1,926,386 21,157 1,956 19,652 31 1,505 3004909180 ANTIHISTAMINES IN MEAS DOSES /PKG RTAL KG 405,441 29,481 324 13,797 94 15,684 SALE 3004909185 MEDICAMENTS AFFECT EYES/EARS KG 1,024,467 52,476 407 21,658 751 30,818 /RESPIRATORY SYS NESOI 3004909190 MEDICAMENTS IN MEAS DOSES FOR RETAIL KG 11,066,764 2,950,551 10,199 1,981,802 1,339 968,749 SALE, NESOI 3005100000 ADHESIVE DRESSINGS AND OTHER ARTCL KG 938,938 10,151 898 7,306 63 2,846 HAVING ADH LAY 3005900000 WADDING, GAUZE AND SIMILAR ARTICLES KG 3,286,510 57,691 3,267 49,820 39 7,871 ETC NESOI 3006100000 STERILE SURGICAL CATGUT, SIMILAR KG 30,732 1,899 17 478 15 1,421 STERILE MATER ETC 3006200000 BLOOD-GROUPING REAGENTS KG 69,581 3,982 65 1,962 5 2,021 3006300000 OPACIFYING PREPARATIONS FOR X -RAY KG 20,601 583 19 328 2 255 EXAMINATIONS ETC 3006400000 DENTAL CEMENTS AND OTHER DENTAL KG 71,577 1,276 68 420 3 857 FILLINGS ETC 3006500000 FIRST-AID BOXES AND KITS KG 1,239,843 14,649 60 581 1,414 14,067 3006600000 CHEMICAL CONTRACEPTIVE PREPS BASED ON KG 109,785 9,184 18 1,085 101 8,098 HORMONES ETC 3006700000 GEL PREPS FOR HUMAN & VET MEDICINE AS KG 158,500 4,605 148 4,593 13 12 LUBRICANT 3006800000 WASTE PHARMACEUTICALS KG 1,360,322 12,191 1,438 12,058 12 133 3100000000 FERTILIZERS & FERT MATERIALS X 0 10,198 0 10,157 0 41 3201100000 QUEBRACHO EXTRACT KG 1,279 143 0 0 1 143 3201200000 WATTLE EXTRACT KG 13,218 32 13 32 0 0 3201900000 TANNING EXTRACTS OF VEGETABLE ORIGIN, KG 680,827 1,718 720 1,715 3 3 NESOI 3202100000 SYNTHETIC ORGANIC TANNING SUBSTANCES KG 32,052 164 33 164 0 0 3202900000 INORGANIC TANNING SUBSTANCES & KG 412 6 - 6 0 0 TANNING PREP, NESOI 3203000000 COLORING MATTER OF VEGETABLE OR KG 33,950 690 34 667 1 23 ANIMAL ORIGIN 3204110000 DISPERSE DYES AND PREPARATIONS BASED KG 13,135 97 14 94 - 3 THEREON 3204120000 ACID DYES & PREPS, MORDANT DYES & PREPS KG 195,099 1,237 202 1,047 4 191 Table 1 A- 60

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 3204130000 BASIC DYES AND PREPARATIONS BASED KG 45,355 478 51 436 2 42 THEREON 3204140000 DIRECT DYES & PREPARATIONS BASED KG 2,460 22 1 9 2 12 THEREON 3204150000 VAT DYES & PREPARATIONS BASED THEREON KG 228 3 - 3 0 0 3204160000 REACTIVE DYES & PREPARATIONS BASED KG 3,092 19 1 4 2 15 THEREON 3204170000 PIGMENTS & PREPARATIONS BASED THEREON KG 228,547 889 240 889 0 0 3204192550 SOLVENT DYES & PREPARATIONS BASED KG 8,821 47 9 44 - 3 THEREON 3204196000 OTHER INCLUDING MIXTURES, NESOI KG 71,336 788 71 779 1 9 3204200000 SYNTHETIC ORGANIC PROD, FLUORESCENT KG 12,863 70 13 70 0 0 BRIGHTNG AGENT 3204900000 SYNTHETIC ORGANIC COLORING KG 41,963 576 47 414 - 163 MATTER,NESOI 3205000010 YELLOW COLOR LAKES & PREPS, IN NOTE 3 KG 19,992 473 12 165 12 308 TO THIS CHAP 3205000020 RED COLOR LAKES & PREPS, IN NOTE 3 TO KG 12,323 353 10 192 4 160 THIS CHAP 3205000030 VIOLET COLOR LAKES & PREPS, IN NOTE 3 TO KG 1,499 72 0 0 2 72 THIS CHAP 3205000040 BLUE COLOR LAKES & PREPS, IN NOTE 3 TO KG 8,249 211 6 141 3 69 THIS CHAP 3205000050 COLOR LAKES & PREPS, IN NOTE 3 TO THIS KG 17,854 822 4 120 16 703 CHAP, NESOI 3206110000 PIGMNT/PREPS CONT GE 80% TITANIUM KG 4,141,563 8,026 4,309 8,020 1 6 DIOXIDE, DRY MT 3206190000 PIGMENTS & PREPS BASED ON TITANIUM KG 362,064 1,058 310 894 66 163 DIOXIDE, NESOI 3206200000 PIGMENTS & PREPARATIONS BASED ON KG 6,596 31 7 27 - 4 CHROMIUM COMPOUND 3206410000 ULTRAMARINE AND PREPARATIONS BASED KG 12,077 48 17 48 0 0 THEREON 3206430000 PIGMENTS & PREPARATIONS BASED ON KG 18,143 21 18 21 0 0 HEXACYANOFERRATES 3206492000 PREPARATIONS BASED ON IRON OXIDES KG 82,063 244 83 184 3 59 3206496000 OTHER COLORING MATTER AND OTHER KG 352,366 1,841 347 1,446 19 395 PREPARATION, NESOI 3206500000 INORGANIC PRODUCTS OF A KIND USED AS KG 904 425 0 0 1 425 LUMINOPHORES 3207100000 PREPARED PIGMENTS,OPACIFIERS KG 7,011 55 7 52 - 3 ,COLORS & SIMILAR PREP 3207200000 VITRIFIABLE ENAMELS & GLAZES KG 2,158 98 1 76 1 22 ,ENGOBES(SLIPS),ETC 3207300000 LIQUID LUSTRES AND SIMILAR KG 35,067 357 35 357 0 0 PREPARATIONS Table 1 A- 61

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 3207400000 GLASS FRIT & OTH GLASS, IN FORM OF KG 97,348 3,475 73 1,732 30 1,743 POWDER/FLAKES 3208100000 PAINTS & VARNISHES,IN NONAQUEOUS L 1,281,281 4,038 1,740 4,038 0 0 MEDIUM,POLYESTERS 3208200000 PAINTS & VARNISHES,NONAQUEUS L 845,953 4,440 1,006 4,431 1 9 ,ACRYLIC/VINYL POLYMER 3208900000 PAINTS & VARNISHES,IN NONAQUEUS L 1,705,142 8,365 3,046 8,323 3 42 MEDIUM,NESOI 3209100000 PAINTS & VARNISHES,AQUEUS, ACRYLIC OR L 4,248,991 11,237 6,375 11,196 4 40 VINYL POLYMR 3209900000 PAINTS & VARNISHES,IN AN AQUEOUS L 419,785 1,556 651 1,535 3 22 MEDIUM, NESOI 3210000000 OTHER PAINTS & VARNISH,PREP WATER L 237,531 285 251 285 0 0 PIGMTS FOR LETHR 3211000000 PREPARED DRIERS KG 407,776 2,903 463 2,903 0 0 3212100000 STAMPING FOILS M2 145,225 1,777 97 1,728 2 49 3212900010 METALLIC ALUMINUM PIGMENTS KG 79,526 936 83 936 0 0 3212900050 PIGMENTS,NONAQUEUS,OTH COLORING KG 3,024,036 6,836 3,042 6,759 4 77 MAT,RETAIL,NESOI 3213100000 ARTISTS' STUDENTS'COLORS ETC, COLORS IN X 0 381 78 359 3 22 SETS 3213900000 ARTISTS' STUDENTS'COLORS ETC, NESOI PCS 8,460,890 7,602 6,423 7,597 - 6 3214100010 CAULKING COMPOUNDS KG 246,296 712 314 703 1 9 3214100020 MASTICS, OTHER THAN CAULKING KG 65,307 301 55 243 12 58 COMPOUNDS, NESOI 3214100090 PAINTERS' FILLINGS KG 417,583 1,465 427 1,465 0 0 3214901000 GLAZERS' PUTTY,ETC, BASED ON RUBBER KG 183,797 597 191 536 1 60 3214905000 GLAZERS' PUTTY,ETC, NESOI KG 1,691,176 2,533 1,694 2,522 1 11 3215110010 PRINTING INK,BLACK, NEWS KG 1,061,590 2,537 1,060 2,179 7 358 3215110020 PRINTING INK, BLACK, FLEXOGRAPHIC KG 33,379 292 32 70 3 222 3215110030 PRINTING INK, BLACK, GRAVURE KG 1,039 33 1 4 1 28 3215110040 PRINTING INK, BLACK, LETTERPRESS KG 6,964 61 6 40 1 21 3215110050 PRINTING INK, BLACK, OFFSET KG 5,072 98 5 91 - 7 LITHOGRAPHIC 3215110060 PRINTING INK, BLACK, NESOI KG 1,486,717 17,555 1,546 17,134 14 421 3215190010 PRINTING INK,OTHER THAN BLACK, NEWS KG 24,825 74 31 74 0 0 3215190020 PRINTING INK,OTHER THAN BLACK, KG 1,590 46 1 25 1 21 FLEXOGRAPHIC 3215190030 PRINTING INK, OTHER THAN BLACK, KG 1,578 277 0 0 2 277 GRAVURE 3215190040 PRINTING INK, OTHER THAN BLACK, KG 265 80 - 67 - 12 LETTERPRESS 3215190050 PRINTING INK,OTHER THAN BLACK ,OFFSET KG 37,731 415 40 415 0 0 LITHOGRAPHIC Table 1 A- 62

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 3215190060 PRINTING INK, OTHER THAN BLACK, NESOI KG 1,633,920 11,133 1,657 10,966 4 167 3215901000 DRAWING INK KG 2 5 0 0 - 5 3215905000 INK,NESOI KG 484,135 4,145 483 4,000 1 145 3301110000 ESSENTIAL CITRUS FRUIT OILS OF BERGAMOT KG 5,173 151 3 134 2 17 3301120000 ESSENTIAL CITRUS FRUIT OILS OF ORANGE KG 151,713 573 156 525 5 48 3301130000 ESSENTIAL CITRUS FRUIT OILS OF LEMON KG 65,888 1,478 68 1,478 0 0 3301140000 ESSENTIAL CITRUS FRUIT OILS OF LIME KG 1,222 435 1 435 0 0 3301190000 ESSENTIAL OILS OF CITRUS FRUIT, NESOI KG 67,862 752 64 696 4 56 3301210000 ESSENTIAL OILS OF GERANIUM KG 907 41 1 41 0 0 3301220000 ESSENTIAL OILS OF JASMINE KG 1,636 53 1 28 1 25 3301240000 ESSENTIAL OILS OF PEPPERMINT (MENTHA KG 6,438 243 7 243 0 0 PIPERITA) 3301250020 ESSENTIAL OILS OF SPEARMINT KG 2,810 72 3 72 0 0 3301250060 ESSENTIAL OILS OF MINTS, NESOI KG 174,429 2,419 183 2,419 0 0 3301295045 ESSENTIAL OILS OF CEDARWOOD, CLOVE AND KG 7,239 66 7 66 0 0 NUTMEG 3301296000 ESSENTIAL OILS, EXC THOSE OF CITRUS KG 2,884 122 2 85 1 38 FRUIT, NESOI 3301300000 RESINOIDS KG 1,647,244 70,315 1,671 70,310 1 5 3301901000 EXTRACTED OLEORESINS KG 1,897 37 2 33 - 4 3301905000 CONCENTRATES OF ESSENTIAL OILS IN FATS, KG 1,518,845 3,045 1,522 3,041 - 4 NESOI 3302100000 MIXTURES ODORIFEROUS SUBSTANCE USE KG 8,598,961 55,141 8,826 53,049 83 2,092 FOOD/ DRINK IND 3302900010 PERFUME OIL BLENDS, PROD USE FINISHED KG 187,134 3,700 192 3,663 1 37 PERFUME BASE 3302900050 ODORIFEROUS SUBSTANCE USE AS RAW KG 43,409 372 37 292 6 79 MATER IND, NESOI 3303000000 PERFUMES AND TOILET WATERS KG 1,698,727 30,696 1,664 29,574 42 1,122 3304100000 LIP MAKE-UP PREPARATIONS X 0 1,639 161 1,534 3 104 3304200000 EYE MAKE-UP PREPARATIONS X 0 1,567 76 790 29 777 3304300000 MANICURE OR PEDICURE PREPARATIONS X 0 2,767 246 2,607 10 160 3304910010 ROUGES X 0 226 21 226 0 0 3304910050 MAKE-UP POWDER, WHETHER/NT X 0 5,039 579 4,162 153 878 COMPRESSED, NESOI 3304991000 PETROLEUM JELLY PUT UP FOR RETAIL SALE X 0 668 52 604 9 64 3304995000 BEAUTY & SKIN CARE PREPARATION, NESOI X 0 44,285 7,520 37,292 476 6,993 3305100000 SHAMPOOS X 0 30,206 5,301 30,042 13 164 3305200000 PREPARATIONS FOR PERMANENT WAVING OR X 0 620 159 615 - 4 STRAIGHTENING 3305300000 HAIR LACQUERS KG 344,529 1,250 354 1,250 0 0 3305900000 PREPARATIONS FOR USE ON THE HAIR, NESOI KG 2,232,348 8,611 2,246 8,535 5 76 Table 1 A- 63

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 3306100000 DENTIFRICES X 0 1,620 357 1,620 0 0 3306200000 YARN USED TO CLEAN BETWN THE TEETH X 0 94 26 94 0 0 (DENTAL FLOSS) 3306900000 PREPARATIONS FOR ORAL/DENTAL HYGIENE, KG 1,530,725 3,482 1,519 3,208 15 274 NESOI 3307100000 PRE-SHAVE, SHAVING OR AFTER -SHAVE X 0 755 210 687 11 68 PREPARATIONS 3307200000 PERSONAL DEODORANTS AND X 0 4,183 791 4,148 7 36 ANTIPERSPIRANTS 3307300000 PERFUMED BATH SALTS AND OTHER BATH KG 381,464 992 406 976 1 16 PREPARATIONS 3307410000 AGARBATTI & ODORIFEROUS PREPS OPERATE X 0 183 26 129 9 53 BY BURNING 3307490000 PREPARATIONS FOR PERFUMING KG 1,413,566 5,840 1,604 5,823 1 17 /DEODORIZING ROOMS 3307900000 PERFUMERY, COSMETIC OR TOILET X 0 18,277 3,467 18,061 21 215 PREPARATIONS, NESOI 3401110000 SOAP & OTH ORGANIC SURF ACT PROD, KG 4,597,289 9,013 4,689 8,447 3 566 TOILET USE, BARS 3401190000 SOAP & OTH ORGN SURF ACT PROD NOT KG 31,593,885 25,853 33,385 25,853 0 0 TOILET USE,BARS 3401200000 SOAP IN OTHER FORMS KG 2,034,586 3,658 2,069 3,649 2 10 3401300000 ORG SURF-ACTIVE TO WASH SKIN; KG 534,395 1,367 545 1,347 6 20 LIQUID/CREAM, RETAIL 3402110000 ANIONIC ORGNIC SURFACE-ACTIVE AGENTS KG 13,509,338 18,351 14,506 18,279 16 72 3402120000 CATIONIC ORGANIC SURFACE-ACTIVE KG 29,302 115 31 115 0 0 AGENTS 3402130000 NONIONIC ORGANIC SURFACE-ACTIVE KG 1,684,172 2,640 1,748 2,524 14 116 AGENTS 3402191000 ORGANIC SURF ACT AGENTS,OTHER, KG 12,316 83 11 72 1 11 AROMATIC 3402195000 ORGANIC SURF ACT AGENTS, OTHER, NOT KG 170,303 359 166 295 5 63 AROMATIC 3402201100 PREP CONT AROMAT SURFACE-ACTIVE KG 16,099,634 16,295 16,166 16,292 - 3 AGENT, RETAIL SALE 3402205100 SURFACE-ACTIVE PREPARATIONS FOR KG 8,906,767 19,869 9,622 19,866 - 3 RETAIL SALE, NESOI 3402901000 SYNTHETIC DETERGENTS KG 5,984,583 7,414 6,236 7,301 7 113 3402903000 SURFACE-ACTIVE PREP, AROMATIC OR KG 375,103 694 407 694 0 0 MODIFIED AROMATIC 3402905010 WASHING PREPARATIONS KG 1,251,596 11,112 1,294 3,220 82 7,892 3402905030 CLEANING PREPARATIONS KG 6,472,323 14,327 6,889 14,150 12 177 3402905050 SURFACE-ACT PREP, NOT AROMATIC ,NOT KG 838,157 915 848 873 3 42 MODIFIED AROM 3403111000 PREPS, TREATMENT OF TEXT KG 52,616 191 56 191 0 0 MATERIALS,CONT PETROLEUM Table 1 A- 64

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 3403115000 PREP FOR,TREATMENT OF LEATHER FURS KG 80,331 192 96 192 0 0 KINS,ETC, NESOI 3403190000 LUBRICATING PREPS CONT PETROLEUM OIL KG 1,814,378 3,985 1,819 3,981 1 4 FR BITUMINOUS 3403910000 PREP, TREATMENT OF TEXT,FURSKIN ETC KG 2,792 36 4 31 - 4 EXC CONT PETRO 3403990000 LUBRICATING PREPS,NOT CONT PETROLEUM KG 507,123 1,818 574 1,802 1 15 OILS,NESOI 3404100000 ARTIFICIAL WAXES & PREP WAXES ,OF CHEM KG 24,201 80 25 80 0 0 MOD LIGNITE 3404200000 ARTIFICIAL WAXES OF POLYETHYLENE KG 107,736 179 107 154 1 25 GLYCOL 3404900000 ARTIFICIAL WAXES AND PREPARED WAXES, KG 1,892,794 1,914 1,924 1,914 0 0 NESOI 3405100000 POLISHES,CREAMS,PREPARATIONS FOR X 0 443 83 433 3 10 FOOTWEAR ORLEATHR 3405200000 POLISHES,CREAMS AND SIMILAR PREPS FOR X 0 504 208 504 0 0 WOOD 3405300000 POLISHES AND PREPS FOR X 0 284 72 284 0 0 COACHWORK,EXCEPT METAL POL 3405400000 SCOURING PASTES AND POWDERS AND OTHER KG 73,614 198 79 190 - 8 SCOURING PRP 3405900000 POLISHES AND CREAMS ETC, NESOI X 0 825 265 817 - 9 3406000000 CANDLES, TAPERS AND THE LIKE KG 2,214,074 3,494 2,254 3,480 3 14 3407002000 MODELING PASTES, PUT UP FOR CHILDREN'S KG 5,134 21 6 7 - 13 AMUSEMENT 3407004000 DENTAL IMPRESSION COMPD OR WAX, KG 1,937 75 1 51 1 24 RETAIL SALE, NESOI 3501100000 CASEIN KG 1,111 15 1 15 0 0 3501902000 CASEIN GLUES KG 109,818 639 110 639 0 0 3502110000 EGG ALBUMIN, DRIED KG 99,224 148 104 148 0 0 3502190000 OTHER EGG ALBUMIN, EXCEPT DRIED KG 40,805 92 41 88 2 4 3502200000 MILK ALBUMIN, 2 OR MORE WHEY PROTEIN KG 790,758 2,521 792 2,521 0 0 CONCENTRATES 3502900000 ALBUMIN & ALBUMIN DERIVATIVES, NESOI KG 7 7 0 0 - 7 3503005040 EDIBLE GELATIN AND PHOTOGRAPHIC KG 267,161 740 268 740 0 0 GELATIN 3503006000 GELATIN; GLUE ANIMAL ORIGIN, EXC CAESIN KG 328,975 1,694 328 1,601 2 93 GLUE,NESOI 3504001000 PROTEIN ISOLATES KG 34,115 15,581 30 25 5 15,556 3504005000 PEPTONES, PROTEIN SUBSTANCES, & HIDE KG 56,527 578 56 567 - 11 POWDER, NESOI 3505100020 DEXTRINS, NESOI KG 64,825 116 69 116 0 0 3505100040 MODIFIED STARCHES DERIVED FROM CORN KG 3,275,073 2,028 3,342 2,028 0 0 (MAIZE) STARCH Table 1 A- 65

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 3505100092 MODIFIED STARCHES, NESOI KG 5,805 28 5 24 1 4 3505200000 GLUES BASED ON STARCHES KG 89,206 115 89 115 0 0 3506100000 PROD USE AS GLUE/ADHESIVE, FOR SALE, NT KG 301,832 1,679 305 1,271 7 408 WT LE 1 KG 3506910000 ADHESIVES BASED ON POLYMERS OF 3901-3913 KG 1,407,901 5,129 1,425 3,367 31 1,762 OR RUBBER 3506990000 ADHESIVES, FOR RETAIL SALE, NET WT LE 1 KG 615,526 972 618 950 1 21 KG NESOI 3507100000 RENNET AND CONCENTRATES THEREOF KG 5,874 67 4 39 2 28 3507902000 PENICILLIN G AMIDASE KG 12 4 0 0 - 4 3507907000 AND PREPARED ENZYMES, NESOI KG 86,800 1,816 40 596 50 1,219 3602000030 DYNAMITE IN CARTRIDGES SUITABLE FOR KG 12 3 0 0 - 3 BLASTING 3602000060 PREPARED EXPLOSIVES, EXC PROPELLANT KG 371 66 - 66 0 0 POWDERS, NESOI 3603000000 SAFETY FUSES; DETONATING FUSE; THS 36,581 836 64 823 - 13 PERCUSSION CAPS ETC 3604101000 CLASS 1.3G FIREWORKS KG 37,344 92 39 92 0 0 3604109000 FIREWORKS, NESOI KG 1,163 40 1 40 0 0 3604900000 OTHER PYROTECHNIC ARTICLES, NESOI KG 903 47 - 21 1 26 3605000000 MATCHES, EXC PYROTECHNIC ARTICLES OF GCN 21,737 26 6 23 2 3 HDG 3604 3606100000 LIQUID FUEL IN CONT FOR LIGHTERS NT NO 283,739 330 131 330 0 0 EXCEED 300 CM3 3606900000 FERROCERIUM; ARTICLE COMBUST MATER KG 135,995 185 136 185 0 0 NOTE 2 CHP 36 3701100030 XRAY FILM FOR MEDICAL, OTHER THAN M2 302,234 2,165 117 1,348 29 817 DENTAL IN FLAT 3701100060 XRAY FILM, EXCEPT MEDICAL & DENTAL IN M2 9,328 240 6 223 1 17 THE FLAT 3701200000 INSTANT PRINT FILM NO 283,816 1,239 50 1,074 3 165 3701300000 OTH PLATES & FILM, WITH ANY SIDE M2 87,408 713 31 617 4 96 EXCEEDING 255 MM 3701910000 PHOTO PLATES & FILM FOR COLOR X 0 325 22 256 - 69 PHOTOGRAPHY, FLAT 3701996030 GRAPHIC ART FILM EXCEPT FOR COLOR M2 22,712 72 9 57 - 15 PHOTOGRAPHY 3701997000 GRAPHIC ARTS FILM, EXCEPT DRY PLATES M2 156,082 903 95 861 - 41 3702100030 X-RAY FILM IN ROLLS FOR MEDICAL , OTHER M2 197,341 733 31 664 3 69 THAN DENTAL 3702100060 X-RAY FILM IN ROLLS, EXCEPT FOR M2 25,295 244 15 240 - 4 MEDICAL & DENTAL 3702200000 INSTANT PRINT FILM IN ROLLS M2 299,147 306 27 303 - 3 3702310000 FILM W/O PERFORATIONS, FOR COLOR NO 380,562 694 64 391 2 303 PHOTOGRAPHY,ROLLS Table 1 A- 66

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 3702320030 MICROFILM, W SILVER HALIDE EMULSION IN M2 9,851 59 1 32 1 27 ROLLS 3702320060 OTHER FILM WITH SILVER HALIDE M2 2,840 37 3 30 - 7 EMULSION, ROLLS, NES 3702390000 FILM W/O PERFORATIONS, LE 105MM , IN M2 37,122 141 1 7 1 134 ROLLS, NESOI 3702420000 FILM, W/O PERFORATIONS,WIDTH GT 610 MM, M2 13,849 6 0 0 - 6 NOT COLOR 3702430000 FILM W/O PERFORATION,WIDTH GT M2 5,000 17 - 3 - 14 610MM,LENGTH LE 200M 3702440060 FILM W/O PERFORATIONS, GT 105 MM, LE 610 M2 5,141 67 1 14 - 54 MM, NESOI 3702510000 FLM, CLR PHOTO,NT OV 16MM & NT OV 14M IN NO 15,794 13 2 13 0 0 LENGTH 3702520060 FLM, CLR PHOTO, NT OV 16MM & OV 14M, EXC M2 162 8 0 0 - 8 REVERSAL 3702530000 OTH FLM,CLR PHOTO,OV 16MM,NT OV 35MM& NO 2,016 3 - 3 0 0 NT OV30M,SLD 3702540000 OTH FLM,CLR PHOTO,OV 16MM,NT OV NO 800,197 1,100 30 867 4 233 35MM<30MM,EX,SLD 3702550030 REVERSAL COLOR FILM, OV 16MM & NT OV M2 1,146 36 0 0 - 36 35MM OV 30 M 3702550060 FLM, CLR,OV 16MM & NT OV 35MM ,OV M2 408,055 747 30 663 1 84 30MM,EXC REVERSAL 3702560060 FLM, CLR PHOTO, OVER 35MM, EXC MOTION M2 12,381 36 0 0 - 36 PICTURE FILM 3702910100 PHOTOGRAPHIC POLYCHROME FILM, WIDTH M2 252,891 388 243 386 - 3 LE 16MM, NESOI 3702930000 MONOCHROME PHOTO FILM GT 16 MM, LE 35 NO 60,452 87 1 38 - 49 MM, LE 30 M 3702940000 MONOCHROME PHOTO FILM GT 16 MM, LE 35 M2 1,595 15 - 15 0 0 MM, GT 30 M 3702950000 MONOCHROME PHOTO FILM GT 16 MM, LE 35 M2 527,587 805 0 0 1 805 MM, GT 35 M 3703103070 SLVR HALIDE PAPER, PICTORIAL USE, ROLLS M2 270,050 235 47 235 0 0 OVER 610MM 3703103090 SLVR HALIDE PAPER, LINE M2 392,609 220 77 220 0 0 REPRODUCT,ROLLS OV 610MM 3703106000 PHOTO PAPER, IN ROLLS OVER 610MM, M2 769,929 625 138 619 - 6 UNEXPOSED,NESOI 3703203000 SLVR HALIDE PAPER, CLR PHOTO, IN ROLLS M2 614,710 365 82 360 - 5 LT 610 MM 3703206000 PHOTO PAPER,IN ROLLS LT 610 MM, M2 35,456 832 119 832 0 0 UNEXPOSED, NESOI 3703903070 SLVR HALIDE PAPER, PICTORIAL USE, EXCEPT M2 38,535 33 8 33 0 0 IN ROLLS 3703906000 PHOTO PAPER,PAPERBOARD&TEXT M2 34,370 332 47 297 - 35 SENSITIZE, UNEXP,NESOI Table 1 A- 67

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 3704000000 PHOTO PLATES, FLM, PAPER, ETC, EXPOSED, M2 46,585 106 18 101 - 6 NT DEVELOP 3705100000 PHOTO PLATES & FILM, EXPOS & DEVL,FOR NO 130,055 230 14 123 44 107 OFFSET REPRO 3705205000 MICROFILMS NESOI X 0 310 25 304 - 7 3705900000 PHOTO PLATES & FILM, EXPOS & DEVL, NESOI X 0 93 6 38 1 55 3706103000 SOUND REC., MOTION PICT FLM, FOR EXHIBIT M 14 21 0 0 - 21 GE 35 MM 3706106030 POSITIVE RELEASE PRINTS FOR FEATURE M 1,321,633 1,236 14 46 8 1,189 FILMS GE 35 MM 3706106060 FEATURE FILM, EXCEPT POS. RELEASE PRINT M 16,643 22 0 0 - 22 GE 35M 3706106090 MOTION-PICTURE FLM, EXPSD & DEVLP., GE M 7,477 3 0 0 - 3 35MM, NESOI 3706900000 OTH MOTION-PICTURE FILM, EXPOS & DEVLP, M 11 11 0 0 - 11 LT 35 MM 3707100005 SENSITIZING EMULSIONS FOR USE IN CLOLR KG 66,086 345 67 345 0 0 NEG. PHOTO 3707100090 SENSITIZING EMULSIONS FOR PHOTO USES KG 18,762 569 18 16 1 553 3707900000 CHEM PREP,PHOTO USE, MEAS/RTL SALE, KG 434,923 1,275 464 1,137 2 137 NESOI 3801100000 ARTIFICAL GRAPHITE KG 9,610 29 10 29 0 0 3801200000 COLLOIDAL/SEMI-COLLOIDAL GRAPHITE KG 86,484 32 1 3 88 28 3801300000 CARBONACEOUS PASTES FOR KG 39,990 115 40 115 0 0 ELECTRODES&SIMILAR PASTES 3801900000 PREPARATIONS BASED ON GRAPHITE, NESOI KG 15,163 163 5 99 10 65 3802100000 ACTIVATED CARBON KG 378,013 492 379 481 1 10 3802902000 ACTIVATED CLAYS AND ACTIVATED EARTHS KG 382,756 476 384 476 0 0 3802905000 ANIMAL BLACK, INCLUDING SPENT ANIMAL KG 43 8 0 0 - 8 BLACK, NESOI 3804001000 LIGNIN SULFONIC ACID AND ITS SALTS KG 307,559 199 299 181 9 18 3804005000 RESIDUAL LYES FROM MFG WOOD PULP, KG 60,664 34 61 34 0 0 NESOI 3805100000 GUM, WOOD OR SULFATE TURPENTINE OILS L 60,000 30 20 30 0 0 3805200000 PINE OIL KG 209,726 245 210 245 0 0 3805900000 TERPENIC OIL,CRUDE DIPENTENE ,CRD KG 16,180 418 17 418 0 0 PARA-CYMENE,NESOI 3806200000 SALTS OF ROSIN OR OF RESIN ACIDS KG 6,163 36 7 36 0 0 3806300000 ESTER GUMS KG 68,947 356 73 356 0 0 3806900000 RUN GUMS, NESOI KG 99,991 269 105 269 0 0 3807000000 WOOD TAR,VEGETABLE PITCH ETC, KG 4,279 33 4 33 0 0 &SIMILAR PREPARATION 3808100000 INSECTICIDES KG 5,112,362 20,269 5,421 19,662 14 607 3808200000 FUNGICIDES KG 196,530 655 207 650 - 5 Table 1 A- 68

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 3808300000 HERBICIDES, ANTISPROUTING KG 952,814 10,356 999 6,207 49 4,149 PRODUCTS & PLT-GRWTH REG 3808400000 DISINFECTANTS KG 645,892 2,222 650 2,006 39 217 3808900000 RODENTICIDES AND SIMILAR PRODUCTS, FOR KG 889,979 2,400 911 2,400 0 0 RETAIL SALE 3809100000 FINISHING AGENTS & DYE CARRIER OF KG 2,692 6 3 6 0 0 AMYLACEOUS SUBST 3809910000 FINISHING AGENTS USED IN TEXTILE IND., KG 4,013,300 5,035 4,042 2,991 18 2,045 NESOI 3809920000 FINISHING AGENTS, DYE CARRIERS, USED IN KG 32,160 48 33 48 0 0 PAPER IND 3810100000 PICKLING PREP FOR METAL SURFACES, KG 30,000 368 27 99 4 269 SOLDERING, ETC 3810900000 FLUXES & OTH AUXILIARY PREP, SOLDERING, KG 28,669 150 29 115 - 35 ETC, NESOI 3811190000 ANTIKNOCK PREPARATIONS, NESOI KG 96,626 346 85 187 12 159 3811210000 ADDITIVES FOR LUB OIL CONT KG 572,726 912 589 912 0 0 PETRO/BITUMINOUS MINERL 3811290000 ADD FOR LUB OILS, EX THOSE WITH PETROL KG 490,605 615 509 615 0 0 OIL ETC 3811900000 ADDITIVES FOR LUBRICATING OILS, NESOI KG 1,425,329 20,353 1,445 20,225 4 127 3812100000 PREPARED RUBBER ACCELERATORS KG 75,912 642 78 642 0 0 3812200000 COMPOUND PLASTICIZERS FOR RUBBER OR KG 61,666 294 62 294 0 0 PLASTICS 3812300000 ANTIOXIDIZING PREP & OTH COMPND ,FOR KG 157,780 707 158 678 8 30 RUBBER/PLASTIC 3813000000 PREP & CHGS FOR FIRE -EXTINGUISHERS ETC KG 23,038 87 23 64 1 23 3814000000 ORGANIC COMPOSITE SOLVENTS & KG 551,862 1,812 564 1,748 4 64 THINNERS, NESOI 3815110000 SUPPORTED CATALYSTS W NICKEL /NICKEL KG 9,123 76 9 76 0 0 COMPOUND ETC 3815120000 SUPPORTED CATALYSTS W PREC METAL/PREC KG 42,397 2,897 7 32 39 2,865 MTL COMPND 3815190000 SUPPORTED CATALYSTS, NESOI KG 54,315 328 44 277 12 51 3815900000 REACTION INITIATORS & ACCELERATORS, KG 14,087 113 11 81 4 31 ETC, NESOI 3816000010 REFRACTORY CEMENTS,MORTARS KG 296,909 379 304 374 1 5 ,CONCRETES OF CLAY 3816000050 REFRACTORY CEMENTS, MORTARS, EXC OF KG 289,627 446 293 446 0 0 3801, NESOI 3817001250 MIXED ALKYLBENZENES, NOT OF HEADING KG 18,143 16 18 16 0 0 2707 OR 2902 3818000000 CHEM ELEM DOPED, USED IN ELECTRON, KG 66,548 467 67 434 1 32 DISCS WAFERS ET 3819000000 HYDRAULIC BRAKE FLUIDS/LIQ FOR KG 1,281,294 1,548 1,375 1,538 - 10 HYDRAULIC TRANS ETC Table 1 A- 69

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 3820000000 ANTIFREEZING PREP & PREPARED DEICING KG 1,280,242 1,206 1,299 1,194 8 13 FLUIDS 3821000000 PREPARED CULTURA MEDIA FOR DEVEL OF KG 161,231 6,015 73 1,913 115 4,102 MICROORGANISMS 3822000002 DIAGNOSTIC/LAB REAGENTS, EXC 3002/3006; KG 1,322,587 77,355 863 6,515 537 70,841 CERT REF 3823110000 STEARIC ACID KG 349,240 349 348 337 2 11 3823130000 TALL OIL FATTY ACIDS KG 297,893 261 308 261 0 0 3823194000 INDUSTRIAL MONOCARBOXYLIC FATTY KG 22,899 53 26 41 - 12 ACIDS, NESOI 3823704000 INDUSTRIAL FATTY ALCOHOLS, FM KG 679 3 1 3 0 0 ANIMAL/VEG ORG.NESOI 3823706000 INDUSTRIAL FATTY ALCOHOLS NESOI KG 139,097 504 140 504 0 0 3824100000 PREPARED BINDERS FOR FOUNDRY MOLDS OR KG 511 13 1 10 - 3 CORES 3824200000 NAPHTHENIC ACIDS, WATER -INSOLUBLE KG 983 9 1 9 0 0 SALTS & ESTERS 3824400000 PREPARED ADDITIVES FOR CEMENTS, KG 2,331,381 1,754 2,358 1,748 - 6 MORTARS/CONCRETES 3824500010 WET NONREFRACTORY MORTARS AND T 2 5 2 5 0 0 CONCRETES 3824500050 NONREFACTORY MORTARS AND CONRETES T 469 540 477 540 0 0 EXCEPT WET 3824710000 MIXTURES CONTAINING HYDROCARBONS KG 100,763 487 121 487 0 0 3824790000 MIXTURES CONTAINING HYDROCARBONS, KG 4,735 8 5 8 0 0 NESOI 3824901100 CULTURED CRYSTAL IN THE FORM OF INGOTS KG 51,118 442 26 160 25 282 3824901900 CULTURED CRYSTALS, WGT GE 2.5 G EA, EXC KG 203,012 899 209 822 7 77 INGOTS 3824904000 FATTY SUBST OF ANIMAL/VEGETABLE ORGIN KG 473,508 1,118 471 1,089 2 29 MIXTURES 3824904600 MIXTURES OF CHLORINATED, NT KG 2,443 13 2 13 0 0 HALOGENATED HYDROCARBN 3824904795 MIXTURES OF HALOGENATED KG 280,456 2,447 385 2,447 0 0 HYDROCARBONS, NESOI 3824909110 MIXTURES OF UNSUBSTITUED ALCOHOLS KG 41,854 42 7 16 40 25 WITH C11 OR LOW 3824909140 MIXTURES, ACYCLIC, MONOHYDRIC, UNSUBST KG 65,312 190 13 29 60 162 ALCH, NESOI 3824909161 MIXTURES OF CHEMS CONT PHOS ATOM KG 333,783 526 354 518 - 8 BOND TO ALKYL GRP 3824909170 CHEM PRODUCTS & PREPS OF CHEM /ALLIED KG 2,426,050 14,925 2,424 10,375 50 4,550 INDUST, NESOI 3825200000 SEWAGE SLUDGE X 0 63 8 59 - 4 3825500000 METALPCKLNG, HYDRAULIC, BRAKE, X 0 151 167 151 0 0 ANTIFREEZE FL WASTE Table 1 A- 70

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 3825610000 WASTES OF MAINLY ORGANIC X 0 12 0 0 2 12 CONSTITUENTS, NESOI 3825690000 WASTE FROM THE CHEMICAL OR ALLIED X 0 356 120 356 0 0 INDUSTRY, NESOI 3825900000 WASTES, AS SPECIFIED IN NOTE 6 TO CHAP 38, X 0 47 12 30 2 17 NESOI 3901100010 LINEAR LOW DENSITY POLYETHYLENE ,SPEC KG 2,524,375 3,749 2,583 3,663 3 86 GRAV LT 0.94 3901100020 POLYMERS WITH SPECIFIC GRAV. LT 0.94 KG 4,413,858 6,701 4,525 6,666 10 35 3901100030 MEDIUM DENSITY POLYETHYLENE, SPEC KG 574,236 1,203 594 1,189 - 14 GRAVITY LT 0.94 3901200000 POLYETHYLENE HAVING A SPEC GRAVITY OF KG 33,172,462 40,142 33,707 39,468 336 675 0.94 OR MORE 3901302000 ETHYLENE-VINYL ACE COPOLY:VINYL KG 279 26 0 0 - 26 ACE-VINYL CHLR-ETH 3901306000 ETHYLENE-VINYL ACETATE COPOLYMERS, KG 29,322 118 28 107 2 11 NESOI 3901901000 POLYMERS OF ETHYLENE IN PRIMARY KG 66,159 6,969 2 25 70 6,944 FORM,ELASTOMERIC 3901905500 ETHYLENE COPOLYMERS KG 137,567 203 142 203 0 0 3901909000 POLYMERS OF ETHYLENE IN PRIMARY KG 61,398 107 62 88 - 18 FORM,NESOI 3902100000 POLYPROPYLENE KG 5,982,988 7,950 6,342 7,897 13 53 3902201000 POLYISOBUTYLENE,ELASTOMERIC KG 27,213 83 27 83 0 0 3902205000 POLYISOBUTYLENE,NESOI KG 17,662 83 18 83 0 0 3902300000 PROPYLENE COPOLYMERS KG 1,040,806 1,534 1,091 1,521 3 13 3902900010 POLYBUTYLENE KG 4,580 25 5 25 0 0 3902900050 POLYMERS OF PROPYLENE/OTHR OLEFINS KG 130,114 429 115 328 18 100 PRIM FORM,NESOI 3903110000 POLYSTYRENE,EXPANDABLE KG 1,497,945 2,255 1,519 2,206 7 48 3903190000 POLYSTYRENE,NESOI KG 668,740 1,601 681 1,591 5 9 3903200000 STYRENE-ACRYLONITRILE (SAN) KG 21,291 48 21 48 0 0 COPOLYMERS 3903300000 ACRYLONITRILE-BUTADIENE-STYRENE (ABS) KG 480,501 1,026 335 729 175 297 COPOLYMERS 3903900000 POLYMERS OF STYRENE, IN PRIMARY FORMS, KG 649,649 1,097 666 1,081 1 16 NESOI 3904100000 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE,NOT MIXED WITH ANY KG 16,570,788 17,717 16,575 17,231 74 486 OTH SUBSTANC 3904210000 OTHER POLYMERS OF POLYVINYL KG 96,877 162 72 115 31 47 CHLORIDE,NONPLASTIZED 3904220000 OTHER POLYMERS OF POLYVINYL KG 1,950,606 4,348 2,002 4,096 31 252 CHLORIDE,PLASTICIZED 3904400000 OTHER VINYL CHLORIDE COPOLYMERS KG 11,579 39 - 12 11 27 3904500000 VINYLIDENE CHLORIDE POLYMERS KG 417,537 2,020 418 2,015 1 5 Table 1 A- 71

Shipments from the United States to Puerto Rico by Schedule B Commodity and Method of Transportation Calendar Year 2005 {See the explanation of statistics for information on coverage, definition of F.A.S. Export value, and sources of error in the data} All Methods of Transportation Vessel Air

Schedule B Commodity Unit of Net Value Shipping Value Shipping Value Description Quantity Quantity (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) Weight (Thousands) (1000 KG) (1000 KG) 3904610000 POLYTETRAFLUOROETHYLENE (PTFE) KG 110,138 1,318 0 0 126 1,318 3904691000 OTHER FLUORO-POLYMERS ,ELASTOMERIC KG 202 4 - 4 0 0 3904695000 OTHER FLUORO-POLYMERS,EXCEPT KG 10,999 424 10 377 2 47 ELASTOMERIC 3904900000 POLYMERS OF OTH HALOG OLEFINS ,PRIMARY KG 24,753 140 21 119 3 21 FORM, NESOI 3905120000 POLYMERS OF VINYL ACETATE, IN