Our Bishop Is Now an Archbishop

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Our Bishop Is Now an Archbishop SEPTEMBER 2020 THE NEW BRUNSWICK ANGLICAN / 1 MARKING 175 YEARS RE-OPENING IN NEW FEATURE SERIES: STRAWBERRIES AS A DIOCESE THE DIOCESE MY JOURNEY & ICE CREAM 2 5, 7 HERE 10 17 A SECTION OF THE ANGLICAN JOURNAL SEPTEMBER 2020 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF FREDERICTON Our bishop is now an archbishop BY GISELE MCKNIGHT The Rt. Rev. David Edwards, Bishop of the Anglican Diocese of Fredericton, has been elected Metropolitan of the Ecclesiasti- cal Province of Canada. The Province announced the news June 17. “I’m looking forward to being able to serve in this new role both within the Province and nationally,” said Archbishop- elect David. The election became neces- sary with the retirement of David Edwards assumed the Archbishop Ron Cutler, bishop position of Metropolitan of the of the Diocese of Nova Scotia & Ecclesiastical Province of Canada Prince Edward Island and cur- on Aug. 1. rent Metropolitan. Despite its name, the Eccle- siastical Province of Canada’s region includes the Dioceses of Canada.” Montreal, Quebec, Fredericton, His vision, he said, is difficult Nova Scotia and Prince Edward to perceive due to the pan- Island, Western Newfoundland, demic’s effects, but “the National Central Newfoundland, and Church appears to be making Eastern Newfoundland and Lab- strides towards a more missional rador — much of the land from approach, and I’m almost certain Montreal eastward. the Province of Canada will be David, 60, was chosen by playing a role in that.” three groups of delegates: bish- The roles of archbishop are to ops, clergy and laity, and was chair provincial synods, call pro- elected on the third ballot. He vincial meetings, consult with will be known as the Most Rev. other archbishops across the David Edwards. The role is ef- country and with the primate, fective Aug. 1 until he retires or and be involved with the discus- resigns. sions surrounding the future of PHOTO BY MARK MOIR As for a ceremony, the ef- the Anglican Church of Canada. fects of COVID-19 will dictate “I’ll probably have a few more when that happens, though it meetings to go to, but really, will likely take place during the it’s a continuation of my role as Pick-up service at your door installation of the not-yet elected bishop of Fredericton, which new bishop of Nova Scotia and will continue to take up most of Prince Edward Island. That elec- my time,” he said. tion is planned for September. “I want to offer my congratu- Those in the Parish of Ludlow and Blissfield who were not using e-offering were still giving their In explaining what led to this lations to Bishop David on his Sunday offering with a slight twist during the COVID-19 lockdown. They taped their offerings to change of title and increased election as the next Metropolitan their doors or other designated areas, and each Sunday of the pandemic, nine-year-old acolyte responsibility, David said, “Every of the Province of Canada,” said Parker Moir collected the offerings in his area, delivering them to the parish treasurer. bishop has to allow their name Archbishop Ron. “In my time to stand and write a vision of ministry for the Province of Archbishop continued on page 2 “SHARING HOPE & HELP” 2 / THE NEW BRUNSWICK ANGLICAN SEPTEMBER 2020 D I O C E S A N N E W S Diocese marks 175 years Celebrations are hard to come even before his arrival. Just four by this year during a pandemic, The Letters Patent months after he set foot in New but we did not want this 175th “ Brunswick, the cornerstone was anniversary to pass without designated Fredericton laid and the work continued — acknowledgement. as the seat of the dio- for eight years, mainly due to a Here are some highlights, cese, thus propelling the lack of funds. Most of the finan- compiled by Gisele McKnight, town to city status, much cial support came from outside of the early years of the Diocese to the chagrin of Saint the diocese. of Fredericton, from the book, John. The Cathedral was conse- Citizens With The Saints, A crated in 1853 “in the presence Brief History Of Anglicanism in of most of the bishops in British New Brunswick, by Lyman N. North America and a number Harding, 1994. laid for what Queen Victoria of distinguished guests from the was to designate the Diocese of United States…” (p. 25) Anglicanism in New Brunswick Fredericton and for the 47-year During the construction of did not begin with Bishop John episcopate of John Medley.” (p. the Cathedral, he oversaw the Medley and the creation of the 15) building of St. Anne’s Chapel of Diocese of Fredericton. Medley lived from 1804-1892. Ease. The two buildings ‘set the Anglicans had been living and He arrived from Britain and was pattern’ for church buildings yet worshipping in the province for enthroned as the first bishop of to come in the province, another many generations, helped along Fredericton on June 11, 1845, St. legacy with some still standing by the work of the Society for Barbabas’ Day. He had been con- today. Photo of a painting of Bishop John Medley hanging in Christ the Propagation of the Gospel in secrated on May 4 in Lambeth A comment from him at the Church Cathedral. Foreign Parts, and of course, the under Letters Patent of Queen 1873 diocesan synod shows arrival of the Loyalists in 1783. Victoria, by the Archbishop of how little life has changed in Many churches and parishes Canterbury and the bishops of the church, and also shows his were established in these years London. willingness to be flexible: From 2019 parish reports — in such places as Maugerville, The Letters Patent designated “If the Church is to make Kingston, Saint John, St. An- Fredericton as the seat of the progress, and to show such signs Licenced clergy: 122 (active, retired and other) drews, Gagetown and Frederic- diocese, thus propelling the of life as to make it worthwhile ton. town to city status, much to the for any person outside her com- Licensed lay evangelists: 7 In 1787, the Archbishop of chagrin of Saint John. munion to join her, she must Parishes: 71 + Christ Church Cathedral Canterbury consecrated the Rev. Medley arrived in New meet the want of the present Church buildings: approximately 125 Charles Inglis, former rector Brunswick having suffered much generation, not by proclaiming of Trinity Church in New York tragedy in a short period of time. stereotyped formulas and nega- Parishioners: approximately 13,600 — 1,700 City, as bishop of Nova Scotia, In 1839, his son died, and his tive propositions, but by present- of whom are children which included jurisdiction wife, Christina, died two years ing all Scriptural and Catholic over New Brunswick and other later of tuberculosis. Six children truth in its purity to the minds territories. He and subsequent remained, the youngest only of the young, in a way that can bishops visited the province one year old. In 1843, his oldest interest and attract them, and several times. daughter, who had taken over by occasionally resorting to a Slow but steady growth running the household, died of new form in order to deepen the through the ensuing 50 years scarlet fever, and the next year, truth enshrined in the old.” (p. DEADLINE for news and photos brought about the need for its his mother, sitting beside him 20) for the October edition of the New own diocese and bishop. in a carriage, was killed when it After his son’s death in 1889, Brunswick Anglican is Sept. 1. “Where there had been six crashed. He himself was severely the bishop was in sharp decline, Send submissions to clergy in 1786, there were now injured. never recovering from this loss. [email protected] 32 in active service,” by 1844 (p. Nevertheless, two months “By the time of his death in 14) after his arrival, he launched a 1892, Medley’s mark was to be “The lack of episcopal su- tour of the diocese, confirming clearly and indelibly stamped pervision and the shortage of 795 candidates, consecrating on the Church in his diocese clergy meant that, in many areas, four churches, and ordaining — visibly in terms of wood significant numbers of Anglicans three priests and one deacon. and stone, and less tangibly in had been lost to other denomi- Apart from building the countless other ways, not the nations. diocese and a long list of other least of which is the high esteem www.anglican.nb.ca “Nevertheless, the first steps accomplishments, Medley’s most in which the lay people of the OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE DIOCESE OF FREDERICTON had been taken towards self- visible legacy is Christ Church diocese have traditionally held A SECTION OF THE ANGLICAN JOURNAL support, and firm foundations Cathedral, which he planned their bishop.” (p. 17) The Most Rev. David Edwards Bishop and Publisher Gisele McKnight Editor Cheryl Jacobs & Ben Bourque Proofreaders From bishop to archbishop, as of Aug. 1 Published 10 times per year. Price of subscription $10.00 Archbishop continued Province of Canada.” integrity.” Please send news and photo submissions to from page 1 Debbie Collicott Edwards, There are six Anglican 115 Church St., Fredericton, NB E3B 4C8 married to David for almost six archbishops in Canada, mostly Phone: 506-459-1801, ext. 1009; E-mail: [email protected] months, is proud of her husband based on geography: Canada (as as Metropolitan, I very much Please send subscription renewals and changes of address to: enjoyed getting to know people and his new role.
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