Sunday, January 3, 2021 Second Sunday of Christmas ACP: the Episcopal / Anglican Province of Alexandria Diocese of Kootenay: Rt
Praying with our Partners in Mission Daily Intercessions January 1 to March 31, 2021 ACP: Anglican Cycle of Prayer ACC: Anglican Church of Canada ELCC: Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada ACIP: Anglican Council of Indigenous Peoples TEC: TEC Friday January 1, 2021 The Naming and Circumcision of Jesus The Diocese of Aba – The Church of Nigeria Saturday January 2 The Diocese of Aba Ngwa North – The Church of Nigeria Sunday, January 3, 2021 Second Sunday of Christmas ACP: The Episcopal / Anglican Province of Alexandria Diocese of Kootenay: Rt. Rev. Lynne McNaughton. Clergy retired from Diocese of Kootenay: Alan Akehurst, Nissa Basbaum, Harold Bates, Jane Bourcet, Ray Bray, Bill Christensen, Julia Craig, David Crawley, Peter Davison, Walter Donald, Dick Fletcher, Art Gans, Isaac Graham, Jack Greenhalgh, Catherine Dafoe Hall, Patricia Horrobin, Elizabeth Huether, David Hughesman, William Inglis, Mary Johnson, Michael Karabelas, Doug Lewis, Elizabeth Lewis, Leslie Lewis, Maxine Maclean, Terry Neilson, Peter O’Flynn, Rick Paulin, Bryan Porter, John Privett, Simon Shenstone, Derrick Smith, Barbara Stewart, Sandra Stickney, Ray Turner, Charles Wilkins, Yme Woensdregt, Ann Wood. ACPO: Advisory Committee on Postulants for Ordination - Coordinator Canon Susanne House, Candidates and Assessors as they wait for a safer time to gather. ACC: The Most Rev. Mark MacDonald, National Indigenous Anglican Archbishop, and the staff of Indigenous Ministries; the Anglican Council of Indigenous People. ELCIC: Bishop Michael Pryse, the people and rostered ministers
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