Joy in the Journey Shared Ministry in the Upper St

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Joy in the Journey Shared Ministry in the Upper St NOVEMBER 2009 THE NEW BRUNSWICK ANGLICAN / 1 A SECTION OF THE ANGLICAN JOURNAL NOVEMBER 2009 SERVING THE DIOCESE OF FREDERICTON Federal government invests in Camp Medley BY ANA WATTS continue to nurture and support young people and the whole com- Camp Medley will have a new munity for many generations to staff house in time for the 2010 come.” camping season, thanks to a Fund-raising team member $236,000 investment from the Peter Graham of St. Paul’s, Government of Canada’s Eco- Rothesay, thanked Mr. Ashfi eld nomic Action Plan. The Hon. and ACOA on behalf of Arch- Keith Ashfi eld, Minister of state bishop Miller. “The federal funds for the Atlantic Canada Opportu- from ACOA are a tipping point nities Agency (ACOA) and Mem- for Camp Medley and will allow ber of Parliament for Frederic- this project to continue uninter- ton made the announcement at rupted.” the Diocese of Fredericton Synod Each year Camp Medley pro- Offi ce on Thursday, Oct. 8. vides a well-rounded camp ex- “This investment will benefi t perience for young people from the surrounding communities of throughout New Brunswick Camp Medley by providing ac- beyond. Just over half of the cessible space for meetings and campers who register each year functions during the off-season, are Anglican. The rest come from as well as improving the quality other denominations. Young of facilities for campers,” said people from inner city neigh- Mr. Ashfi eld. bourhoods who might otherwise Archbishop Claude Miller was never enjoy a camp experience, unable to attend the announce- are sponsored by the camp as ment, but in earlier conversa- well as by many Anglican par- tions with ACOA he said, “When ishes. government and the community The diocese is in the third work together, wonderful things phase of a capital campaign happen. Camp Medley has par- on behalf of both of its youth WATTS ticipated in the development camps, Medley and Brookwood. The federal government will invest $236,000 in Camp Medley over the winter, and help the camp complete its and formation of generations Camp Brookwood has completed refurbishment with the construction of a new staff house that will be ready to use during the 2010 camping season. of young New Brunswickers. several of its necessary upgrades, The Hon. Keith Ashfi eld (right), Minister of state for the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA) and In partnership with the federal but Camp Medley embarked on a Member of Parliament for Fredericton made the announcement at the Diocese of Fredericton Synod Offi ce on government we will complete the complete renewal of its infra- Thursday, Oct. 8. Peter Graham of St. Paul’s, Rothesay, thanked Mr. Ashfi eld and ACOA on behalf of Archbishop refurbishment of the camp and See “Kids with” on page 2 Claude Miller who was out of town. Joy in the Journey Shared Ministry in the Upper St. John River Valley Following is a description of the process of develop- mundston to Perth-Andover. depends on the willingness of • we cope with the issues and participants to journey together, ing a shared ministry for the Upper St. John River infl uences of our rural/agricul- in response to God’s leading, Valley, written by the parish clergy who facilitate tural/seasonal nature. toward mission and ministry in Conversation and commit- this time and in this area. With the endeavour: the Rev. Deacon Fran Bedell, the ment are the foundation of com- that understanding, clergy and PPreparerepare Rev. Bonnie (Bonita) LeBlanc, the Rev. Bob LeB- munity, they strengthen, change laity can move in new directions and transform. Individuals and together and even fi nd the cour- YYee lanc and the Rev. Amanda Longmoore. congregations come together to age to take creative risks. build a sense of community … In response to our fi rst vision- IN THE BEGINNING … from the Parish of Kingston to ours is a work in progress. ing day, with its emphasis on TThehe WWayay Bishop Claude Miller called a the Parish of Andover; The fi rst step of our journey building a faith community, we clergy team together and asked: • her husband, the Rev. Bob toward shared ministry in this instituted: “Is a shared ministry possible in LeBlanc, moved from the Parish area was a two-day workshop • Evening contemporary praise this region? If it is, how could of Central Kings to Denmark, with wardens, treasurers and the and worship services in two it happen, and what would it Madawaska and Grand Falls. clergy. We provided a safe envi- locations; look like?” We thought it was The bishop gave us the man- ronment in which participants • Two coffee house evenings; Get the news fi rst at possible and likened the process date to design a plan for shared shared their concerns, joys, ideas • Some shared worship services to weaving a cloth or making a ministry. We began that journey and plans for the future. The outside of the regular Sunday patchwork quilt. in May of this year. It is unique results were amazing. The con- morning celebrations. While you’re there, As we fi nd our way, it looks to this area. We are pioneers. We versations and the environment In response to our second vi- like four clergy serving five share a vision of re-connection freed our people to trust and sioning day, where the mind-set subscribe to E News and parishes: with the diocese, with other com- move together with a common moved from survival to explora- • the Rev. Deacon Fran Bedell, munities within our cluster, and purpose. They take great com- tion mode with a new sense of get the news delivered with a long-time ministry in with wider communities. fort in the knowledge that their commitment, we are planning: Edmundston (Parish of Mada- spiritual needs will be met in • A hymn-sing with potluck, and to your in-box each week waska); WHAT WE LOOK LIKE … the places where they are accus- various other musical events; • the Rev. Amanda Longmoore, In addition to four clergy in fi ve tomed to worshipping, and that a • A joint vestry retreat; Click on the News button brought from the Diocese of parishes: pastor is always available. • To continue with shared wor- at the top of the page and Nova Scotia and Prince Edward • we have 10 regularly used ship services in the various com- Island to the Parish of the To- church buildings; HOW SHARED MINISTRY munities outside of the regular choose E News from the bique; • we measure about 150 kilo- TAKES SHAPE … Sunday morning celebrations, drop-down menu • the Rev. Bonnie LeBlanc, moved metres end-to-end, from Ed- The success of shared ministry See “A clearer vision” on page 2 2 / THE NEW BRUNSWICK ANGLICAN NOVEMBER 2009 D I O C E S A N N E W S Provincial Synod Briefs D I O C E S A N C O U N C I L Governance and leadership is- General Synod. The Working Nicholls and Norah Bolton pre- sues dominated the September Group is looking into the canons sented their work on the offi ce meetings of the Synod and of and the necessary changes in and role of the Primate, includ- the Council of the Ecclesiastical constitutional legislation re- ing a review of the history of the Province of Canada in Gander, quired to reduce the size of Gen- primacy. Small groups discussed Newfoundland. A total of 73 eral Synod and its Council, as questions related to the primacy delegates and 15 invited guests well as the number of delegates and the responses gathered were represented the seven dioceses from each diocese. given to the task force to assist of the province — Montreal, Que- Provincial Synod later defeat- them in their work. bec, Fredericton, Nova Scotia & ed a motion to reduce the size of Prince Edward Island; Western diocesan delegations by two. Constitutions & Canons Newfoundland, Central New- A panel of four Province of Changes were made to these foundland, and Eastern New- Canada members of the na- documents in order to set out foundland & Labrador. tional Governance Working clearly the purpose, rights, re- Group — Dr. Randall Fairey, sponsibilities and prerogatives Archbishop Cynthia Haines-Turner, Bishop of the Synod. Of course of most signifi cance Sue Moxley and Harry Huskins in the Diocese of Fredericton Interfaith Committee — discussed indigenous minis- WATTS was the election of our Bishop try, beginning with a historical A motion to affi rm and uphold Brian Hudson (right), a professional engineer and project management Claude Miller as Metropolitan of overview and moving on to the the importance of interfaith professional, offered members of Diocesan Council a primer he called the Province of Canada. challenges of creating new struc- dialogue by requesting the Met- tures that would support the ropolitan to appoint a resource Leading and Managing Change at its inaugural meeting in Mactaquac on Work between sessions National Indigenous Bishop, pos- person on interfaith dialogue, in Sept. 18 and 19. Synod 2009 called for transformational change in the Because Provincial Synod only sibly with indigenous dioceses. consultation with the Provincial diocese. A certifi ed trainer of the Prosci Change Management Process, meets once every three years, The question remained, however: Executive, passed. Brian worships at St. Luke’s, Gondola Point and is a new member of synod requested the Metropoli- How does this work within the council. He is seen here during a lunch break with another new council tan to act, with the advice of the tradition and the current struc- Presentations member, Anna Caines (left) of the Parish of the Nerepis and St.
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