Hon. James B. Utt Hon. Ray J. Madden
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20372 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD -_- ·HOUSE September 19 By Mr. McSWEEN: men and women; to the Committee on the By Mr. KEARNS: H.R. 9298. A bill to amend the Social Se Judiciary. H.R. 9306. A bill for the relief of, Helen curity Act to establish a new Federal-State By Mr. LINDSAY: . Duey Hoffman; to the Committee on the program of public assistance to victims of H.J. Res. 581. Joint resolution to amend Judiciary. chronic respiratory polio who must spend section 316(a) of the Federal Communica By Mr. PUCINSKI: their lives in iron lungs with extensive at tions Act of 1934, as amended; to the Com H.R. 9306. A bill for the relief of Josef tendant care; to the Committee on Ways and mittee on Interstate and ForeigJl Commerce. Leszka; to the .committee on the Judiciary. Means. By Mr. SHELLEY: H.R. 9307. A bill for the relief · of Kyria By Mr. MILLS: H. Res. 470. Resolution providing salary in koula Michalopolous; to. the Committee on H.R. 9299. A bill to amend the Social Se crease for majority and minority employees; the Judiciary. curity Act to authorize grants, contracts, and to the Committee on House Administration. jointly financed cooperative arrangements H.R. 9308. A bill for the relief of Mrs. for research relating to maternal and child Caroline Rumbutis; to the Committee on health services and crippled children's serv- PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS the Judiciary. ices, and for other purposes; to the Commit- By Mr. ROSTENKOWSKI: tee on Ways and Means. Under clause 1 of rule XXII, priyate H.R. 9309. A bill for the relief of Salvatore By Mr. WALTER: ·· bills and resolutions were introduced Gambino; to the Committee on the Judi H.R. 9300. A bill to provide that the House and severally referred as follows: ciary. of Representatives shall be composed of 439 By Mr. RYAN: Members beginning with the 88th Congress; By-Mr. BROYHILL: - H.R. 9310. A bill for' the relief of Angelikr ·· to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 9302. A bill for the relief of Thomas By Mr. WESTLAND: Lee; to the Committee on the Judiciary. Devaris; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.R. 9311. A bill for the relief of Efstra H.R. 9301. A bill to provide for payment of By Mr. GRIFFIN: tios Vlahos; to the Committee on the interest on overtime compensation owing to H.R. 9303. A bill for the relief of Chan employees of the Alaska Railroad, and for Fook Yuen and sons, Kin Kung Chan and Judiciary. other purposes; to the Committee on the Chew Ming Chan; to the Committee on the By Mr. SANTANGELO: Judiciary. Judiciary. H.R. 9312. A bill for the relief of Fara By Mr. DOMINICK: By Mr. GUBSER: Teresina; to the Committee on the Judiciary. H.J. Res. 680. Joint resolution proposing an H.R. 9304. A bill for the relief of Elef- H.R. 9313. A bill for the relief of Mrs. amendment to the Constitution of the therios Brailas; to the Committee on the Bertha Lang; to the Committee on the United States relative to equal rights for Judiciary. Judiciary. EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS A Letter to Look Magazine and he found many willing transmission rendered e-xceptional service as a mem lines through the public media to do this. ber of the important Ways and Means Because of some of Mr. Welch's state Committee of the House of Representa-_ EXTENSION OF REMARKS ments, the John Birch Society was vulner OF able and became the first target of attack, tives. and I am not too surprised to find Look to During the 82d Congress, I had a first HON. JAMES B. UTT be a willing helper in this program. hand opportunity to recognize his out OF CALIFORNIA I herewith demand a retraction of that standing abilities as an expert on inter IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES part of the article which named me as a national affairs when he was a member· member of that society. of the Special Committee To Investigate Tuesday, September 19, 1961 Yours very truly, the Katyn Forest Massacre. As chair Mr. UTT. Mr. Speaker, under unani JAMES B. UTT, man of that special congressional com-. Member of Congress. mous consent to revise and extend my mittee, I also had the opportunity to remarks in the Appendix of the RECORD, observe during our hearings in this coun I wish to enclose a letter which I wrote try, London, and Europe, his wide ac to Look magazine: Hon. Thaddeus M. Machrowicz quaintance with leaders of other nations SEPTEMBER 18, 1961. and especially the high regard and Mr, CHESTER MORRISON, esteem with which he was held by offi Look Senior Editor, EXTENSION OF REMARKS cers and members of the Polish Govern-· Look Magazine, OF ment-in-exile; and also, former leaders New York, N.Y. of other nations which are now behind DEAR SIR: This letter is with reference to HON. RAY J. MADDEN your article on the John Birch Society pub the Iron Curtain and fighting for their lished in the September 26 issue of Look. OF INDIANA freedom and independence from Com This is to advise you that I am not now nor IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES munist enslavement. have I ever been a member of the John Tuesday, September 19, 1961 We all hope that his duties as Federal Birch Society. It would have been perfectly judge will not prevent him from con simple for you to have determined this by Mr. MADDEN. Mr. Speaker, the First tinuing his activities in international a telephone call to me. However, you ap Congressional District of Michigan lost affairs and especially use his prestige and pear to be so dedicated to carrying out the an outstanding Representative in Con anti-anti-Communist program of Gus Hall, influence in Polish organizations to keep chairman of the Communist Party of the gress when THADDEUS M. MACHROWICZ alive the fight for not only Poland's free:. United States of America, that true facts are resigned last week to accept an appoint dom but also the restoration of self-gov of little consequence to you. ment as Federal district judge. ernment in other satellite governments In August 1960, I wrote a letter to Mr. Of course, all of his friends congratu now under the Communist yoke. Robert Welch telling him that some of his lated him on his elevation to the Federal The gentleman from Michigan, Con intemperate statements would open the bench and agree that his appointment gressman MACHROWICZ, is highly qual John Birch Society to a massive attack. was a well-merited reward for his out ified for his new work in the judicial I fully support the patriotic goals of the . standing public service in various city, John Birch Society but I do not agree with branch of our Government. He is an the statements made by Mr. Welch in the State, and National offices during the outstanding lawyer arid he possesses the Politician. last 30 years. THAD and his family can temperament to sit on the Federal bench At the last convention of all of the Com indeed be proud of his record as a World and successfully dispense· justice and in munist Parties held in Moscow on December War I soldier in the Polish Army of terpret the law impartially to the satis 10, 1960, formal recognition was taken of the American Volunteers; as a technical ad faction of all litigants and petitioners damage which the anti-Communist organ viser to the Polish Government in 1920- who seek fair and honest interpretation izations were inflicting on the international 21; city attorney, Hamtramck, Mich., of legal problems presented before the Communist conspiracy and that the pro 1934-36; legal adviser of Michigan Pub Federal court. gram for 1961 was to be the total destruc tion of these anti-Communist organizations. lic Utilities Commission, 1938-39; mu I wish THAD and his family a long pe Gus Hall, chairman of the Communist Party nicipal judge of Hamtramck, 1942-50; riod of health, happiness, and success in of the United States of America, was to im and his service in six sessions of Con their new assignment and service to their plement this program in the United States gress since January 3, 1951. H e has State and Nation. 1961 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-_ HOUSE 20373 Philipsburg, Mont., Has New Timber The national forests, dedicated to Crosby, Culberson, Dallam, Deaf Smith, Don supplying timber on a sustained yield ley, El Paso, Foard, Glasscock, Hardeman, · Industry To Replace Mines · basis, along with the other multiple uses Hartley, Haskell, Hemphill, Hudspeth, Irion, of this great public resource, will pro Jeff Davis, Jefferson, Kendall, Kent, Kerr, EXTENSION OF REMARKS King, Kinney, Loving, Lubbock, McMullen, vide the logs to. make the mill go. The Martin, Matagorda, Maverick, Midland, OF ingenuity of private enterprise will con Moore, Oldham, Parmer, Potter, Presidio, HON. LEE. METCALF vert the logs to lumber for all America. Randall, Reagan, Real, Reeves, Roberts, I welcome Montana Forest Products to Schleicher, Sterling, Sutton, Swisher, Terrell, dF MONTANA the Treasure State and wish them every Val Verde, Ward, Winkler, and Yoakum. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES success. Our previous correspondence with you is Tuesday, September 19, 1961 Mr. President, I ask unanimous con being returned as requested. sent to insert in the RECORD an editorial Very truly yours, Mr. METCALF. Mr. President, on entitled "Philipsburg Has New Timber W. LEWIS DAVID, September 22, Philipsburg, Mont;, will Industry to Replace Mines," which ap State Administrative Officer.