Bedfordshire. Luton

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Bedfordshire. Luton IHR&C rORY.] BEDFORDSHIRE. LUTON. 14.7 Robertson Sarah (Mrs.), grocer, 15 Grove road 1 Scruby E. A. & C. l\1. (.:Hisses), confectioners, 6 Leagrave road Robinson Albert & Gustavus, straw hat manufacturers, 13 Scrutton Arthur, grocer, ll John street Collingdon street & 12 & l2A, Liverpool road Seabrook Charles, shopkeeper, 24 Dumfries street Robin~on Arthur, insurance agent, 11 Ivy road Searle \\'illiam George, dairyman, 45 Dudley street Robinson Charles, hat m<J.nuf&ctur~r. 30 Cheapside Seath Ethelbert, photographer, 98 Church street Robimon Rupert George, draper, 20 Park street Seckstone Thoma.s Henry, shopkeeper, 15 Lea road Robinson \Villiam, straw hat block maker, 16 Bridge street Sell Harry I. house agent & certificated bailiff, 9 Princess street R~bus Ada (Miss), midwife, 70 Queen street Sell Henry Lord, school attendance officer for the borough Rodell Arthur Paul, engineer, 104 Midland road of Luton & deputy registrar of marriages Luton district, Rodell Ernest, window cleaner, 11 Alma street Luton union, \Valler street Rodell Frederick, sweep, 86 Albert road Serevena Rosarios, shopkeeper, 106 Langley street Rod\:'11 Henry, chimney sweep, 128 New Town street Sewage \Vorks (J. \V. Tomlinson, borough engineer; C. Henry Roe Edward, grocer, 57 Hitchin road & 2:H Dunstable road Hamlin, forman), Windmill road Roe William, greengrocer, 1 Tennyson road Sewell Frederick \Yilliam, fried fish dealer, 31 Collingdon street Rogers & Ash by, straw plait bleachers & dyers, Dunstablc & 51 Hitchin road; fishmonger, 64 Dallow road & beer re- road tailer, 2 Liverpool road Rogers Frcderick, Volunteer P.H. Brache street Seymour J on a than Francis, farmer, The Brache farm Rogers Hubert, shopkeeper, 41 Dallow road Shackleton Mary Ann (l\Iiss), shopkeeper, 35 lnkerman street Rogers J ames, Albiun P.H. Ebenezer street Sharman F. & Co. 'Limited, outfitters, 34 Langley street Rogers Sidney Maurice, seedsman, 73 Park street Sharp E. & Co. bout dealers, 9A, Mill street Rollings Arthur, hair dresser, 1 Park l[lne & 140 Dunstable road Sharp Kate (.l'tli88), dress maker, 38 Tavistuck street Rolt '·Villiam, straw hat manufacturer, 7 Hazclbury crescent Sharp Sarah (:\1iss), shopkeeper, Round green Room \\'alter Harry & Co. straw hat merchants, 30 Bute street Sharpe Claudius Galen Kaye M. B., eh. B. (firm, Sworder, Lloyd & Rose William Da.vid M.B., C.M. physician & surgeon,& medical Sharpe), physician & surgeon, & ophthalmic surgeon to the officer to Luton union workhouse & children's home, 6 George Luton Education Committee, 26 Park street west street west Sharpe Joseph, commercial travlr. Jersey ho. New Bedfordrd Rosen Hinda, loan office, 25 Cheap3ide Sharpe William, butcher, 2 Hibbert street Ross Agnes (l¥1rs. ), apartments. 53 Cardiff road Sharpe William Albert, straw hat manufacturer, 5 Victoria &t Rosson H. & Co. straw ha.t manfrs. 90 & 92 Collingdon street Sharples & Co. bankers, see Barclay & Company Limited Rowe Ernest George, straw hat block maker, l5A, Elizabeth st Shedd Alfred, baker, ll Hitchin road Rowe John \Villiam, straw dyer, Collingdon street Shedd llany, baker, 39 Manchester street Row lands ).[ay (Mrs.), costumier, 18 Frederick street Shepheard & Bass, straw hat manufacturers, 7 Melson street Rowles & Sons, dyers & cleaners, 13 Castle street Shepheard John, straw hat manufacturer, 72 Alma street Rowley Alfred, chimney sweep, lA, Burr street Hhephcrd Edwin, size manufacturer, 41 Duke street Rowlinson \Villiam Thomas, accountant, 31 King street Shepherd Henry, agricultural implement repairer, 34 Man- Royal Army Medical Corps Eastern Mounted Brigade Terri· chester street t.orial Force (Lieut.. Col. E. J. Cross M. D. commanding; Shepherd John, greengrocer, 74 Salisbury road Hon. Ueut. J. Ashurst, orderly officer; Sergt.-l\'Iajor Canter· Shoo! bred & Connell, electrical engineers, 11 Cheapside bury, instructor); head quarters, Grove road Hhoosmith Francis Edwd. straw hat manfr. 18 UpperGeorgest Royal Engineers East Anglinn Divisional Territorial Force, : Shoosmith Hy. Chas. pawnbroker, see Harman & Shoosmith Luton detachment of 2nd Field Co. (Sergt. Ernest William 'Shorthouse Charlotte (Miss), midwife, 170 Wellington street Robert Page, in charge); head quarters, 7 Napier road Shrive Charles, boot maker, 22 Barber's lane Royal Liver J;'ricndly Society (district office) (Pearson Walshaw, Shuter Wm. J as.Rawling,;, baker,8 Brache st. & 21 Tennyson rd district superintendent), 92 Dallow road - Sibley George, Crown P.H. 3 George street Rudd & Sons, confectioners, 8 Chapel street; 3 Church street; Sibley Thomas, Jolly Toper P.H. Round green 7l Park street & 164 Dunstable road Sills Annie H. (}Irs. ), laundry, 98 Castle street Rudd Henry C. coal merchant, see Godden & Rudd Sills Daniel, upholsterer, I Alfred street Ruffett \Villiam. grocer, 98 Ash road Sills Frederick James, straw hat manufr. 19 Hazelburv cres R11mblow Waiter, watch maker, 6 Hastings street Simmons Thomas \''illiam, straw hat manufr. 5 Hazelbury cres Russell Edgar, shopkeeper, 85 New Town street Simpson John & Sun, sewing machine repairers, 5 Vicarage st Russell Herbert \Vood, grocer, 160 Park street Simpsun George R. surveyor of taxes, 4 Cardiff road Russall Sirlney, hair dresser, 59 Park street Simpson J ames, hair dresser, 81 Duke street Sach Brothers, leather merchants, 13 Market hill Simpson Sidney, manufacturers' agent, 6 Silver street Sach Henry, boot maker, 80 Leagrave road Simpson Thomas Ernest, shopkeeper, 45 Buxton road .Sadd Thoma.s, straw hat manufacturer, 20 Park road west Simpson \Villiam Ebenczer, shopkeeper, 78 Park street .Safetee Controlling Appliances Co. Limited, manufacturing Sinfield D. \V. & Co. bleachers & dyers, 1 Grove road electrical engineers, Langley street Sin field Annie \V. C~Irs. ), stationer, 66 l>allow roaO. Sage Joseph, Queen's Head P.H. Chapel street Siufield Sidney Charle8, fruiterer, 68 High Town road Saint Hettie (:Mrs.), confectioner, 52 Langley street Sinfield William, straw hat manufr. see Clydesdale & Sinfield .St. Dominic's School for Girls (Sisters of Dominican Convent), Singer Sewing Machine Co. Limited (The), sewing machine Rothesay road manufacturers, 39 \Vellington street Sale Brothers, straw hat manufacturers, 25 Williamson street Singleton Edwin, solicitor & commissioner for oaths, 2 Stuart st Sale R. G. H. & Co. cardboard box makers, 34 & 36 Church st Sivil Clarence Sidney, dairyman, 43 Ridgway road Salt George \Villi am, shopkeeper, 2 Stanley street Skelton C. & Co. drapers, 7 4 Dallow road Samms Edward E. furniture dealer, 12A, Park street Skelton Agnes (}Iiss), dress maker, 74 Dallow road Sanders & Brightman, straw hat manufacturers, 5 "C'pper Skelton Albert Henry, painter, 131 \Vellington street George street & Kridge street Skelton :\!arcus William, hoot maker, 15 l~pper George street Sanders \Yilliam E. & Sun, butchers, 74 \\'ellington street Skidmore & Bailey, confectioners, 32 Chapel street Sanders Amos, builder, 76 Princess street Skinner :\brtin, straw hat manufacturer, 103 Hitchin road Sanders John, grocer, 54 Hastings street Skinner Heginald Hellyar, shopkeeper, 79 2'\ew Town road Sanders William Nicholls, coach builder, 43 Chapel street Skinner 'Yilliam, confcctionr 9, & news agent 11, \Vallcr street Sander~on Fredcrick George, grocer, 15 'Valdeck road Skinner William, florist, ng High Town road Sandys Samuel A. E. news agent, 86 & 88 Castle street Skinner \Yilliam, grocer, 3 Shaftesbury road Sapwell Alfred, straw hat manufacturer, 42, 4-l & 46 CheapsidEo Skinner \Yilliam, straw hat manufacturer, 148 Park street Saunders James & Co. straw hat manufrs. 61 & 63 Cheapside Slater Arthur Theodore, shopkeeper, 44 Shirley road Saunders John & Son, builders & brick makers, 50 Duke stmet Slater John, confectioner, 18 Park street Saunders Joseph, shopkeeper, 188 Dallow road Sleight William, straw plait merchant, 55 Cheapsid• Sauter Elizabeth ( ..Hiss), milliner, 38 Cheapside Slough Alfred Edward, weights & shops inspector, Town hall Sawyer J ames, laundry, 67 High 'fawn road Slough \Yilliam, straw hat manufacturer, 6 & 8 Dudley street Saxby Brothers, ham & beef dealers, 42 Chapel street; 142 Smart Bernard, straw hat manufacturer, see Butcher & Smart Dunstable road & 3 New Bedford road & pork butchers, Smart Frederick \V m. stmw hat manufr. 70 & 72 Collingdon st o9 High Town road Smart George, straw hat block maker, see Scott & Smart Scales W. 0. & Co. Ltd. straw hat manufrs. 60 Old Bedford rd Smart \Yalter, stmw hat manufacturer, 26 & 28 John street Scales Amos, confectioner, 87 Lea road Smith A .. & Co. straw hat manufacturers, 35 Cheapside Scales Emest, fruiterer, 8 Hastings street Smith Arthur & Co. straw plait merchants, 3 King street Schmidt & Glaeser Ltd. straw hat polish manfrs. 32 Barber's la. Smith Charles & Co. straw hat manufrs. 65 & 67 Guildford street Schoeppler A. M. (Mrs.), pork butcher, ~ George street Smith & Lister, straw hat manufacturers, 1 Peel street Schweizer Ernest, straw hat materials merchant, 6 Peel street Smith 11. & Co. dyers & pleaners, 3~, George street Scott Alice & 0. (:\'lisses), drapers, 76 Leagrave road Smith & Small Ltd. straw hat manufactmers, 33 & 35 Bute st Scott & Smart, straw hat block makers, l2A, Stuart street Smith Albert, hair dresser, 4 Langley road Scott Fred, hat block maker, 61A, Inkerman street Smith Albert, umbrella maker, 5·! \Vellington street Scott Frederick Charles, straw hat manufacturer. 35 John st Smith Albert Edward, builder, 59 Leagrave road Scott Herbert Ernest, straw hat manufacturer, 19 Hegent st Smith Arthur, briGklayer, 26 Hibbert street Scutt \Villiam Arthur, painter, 60 Xew Bedford road. JSmith Arthur, farrier, S:dishury Arms yard, \Yindsor 1'1treet Scruby E. & G. (:\fuses), girls' school, 37 Westbourne road Smith Arthur John, straw hat manufacturer, 9 Clarendun read 1\KUS. 1 0* .
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