\\W THIS WEEK IN TEXAS September 19-25. 1986

MOVIES Goy Characters in Dona Her/indo ond Her Son and Desert Bloom SHOWSIZ Jock Varsl Skirts the Issue of Troy Donohue & PHOTO ESSAY Dallas' Tera Gandy SNAPSHOTS Son Antonio' s Goy Fiesta Tera Gond." In Oak Lawn T€XAS FR€€DOM PARAD€ II...... u4 Tribute to f?i.chardRggers . _I SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2~,~986 ~.~ 3:00PM

.'Ij IC€L€D;:AT~Cn~ IN L€€ PARK cA Tribute to Howie Deire Sponsored by Dallas Tavern Guild and Pride '86 Committee DALLAS THE OLD PLANTATION SATURDAY, SEPT. 20

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I CONTENTS Volume 12. Number 27 September 19-25. 1986

17 TWT NEWS Brandi West Found Guiltl,!. NOW State Convention in Austin. 29 COMMENT Letter to the Editor 33 BOOKS Hord-Core Murder bl,! Bob Henderson Reviewed bv David Fields 38 MOVIES Dona Herlinda and Her Son Reviewed bV 0_ Flores Alvarez Desert Bloom With Reviewed bV Harrv Deutsch Mono iiso With Michael Caine Reviewed bV Donalevan Maines 42 SHOWBIZ Joeu Heatherton Sings Huskl,!.Troo Donahue Doesn't. . bV Jack Varsi 46 BACKSTAGETexas Entertainment and Theatre bV BiIHeDuncan 52 ART Menashe Kadishman. International Artist bV Mitchell M. Bartlow 57 HOT TEA Texas Freedom Parade in Dollas ... 68 SNAPSHOTS San Antonio's Gal,! Fiesta 71 SPORTS Texas Sports bV BabbV Miller 75 STARSCOPEFrom Love to Sensuolitu bV Milton von Stern 80 COVER/PHOTO ESSAYTera Gandl,! Photographs bV Michael McHinnev 85 CLASSIFIEDWant Ads and Notices 97 CALENDARSpecial One-Time Onll,! & Non-Profit Communitl,!Events 99 THE GUIDE Texas Business/Club Directoru

1WT (ThisWeek in Texas) is published weekly by Texas Weekly Publishing Co., at 2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006, phone: (713) 527-9111. Opinions expressed by columnists are not necessarily those of TWT or of its staff. Publication of the name or photograph of any person or organization in articles or advertising in TWT is not to be construed as any indication of the sexual orientation of said person or organization. Subscription rates: $66 per year, $44 per half year. Back issues available at $2 each. Payment must accompany all orders. Copyright © 1986 by Texas Weekly Publishing Co. All rights reserved. Partial or complete reproduction of any advertisement, news, article or feature, copy or photograph from TWT is specifically prohibited by federal statute.


the I NEWS 65'1 of the first people in Texas to begin the - fight against AIDS. - The theme for Dallas' gay pride ac- tivities is "Dallas: United for Life and CLUB Freedom." The grand marshals are Jackie Baker and Don Baker who were selected for their contributions in the The late Howie Daire (/) and Richard Rogers 01 Dallas, fight against AIDS and in the fight to honored at this Sunday's Texas Freedom Parade. overturn Texas Penal Code 21.06.They TWT HEWS stall photos. will speak at Lee Park with other guest speakers, Dallas city councilmembers BIG TEXAS and the Rev. Troy Perry, founder of the Metropolitan Community Church, FREEDOM stated Ross. 1 A Food Bank truck will be in the PARADE parade, allowing individuals to put the Rogers" Daire Honored food on the truck as it passes. The Food Bank provides food for Per- At Dallas Pride Parade sons with AIDS or ARC throughout the ThisSunday; Starts 3 P.M. community, whether they live at home DALLAS - Thousands of out-of- or in the Oak Lawn Counseling Center's 'l.'..,~, •• ~. towners are in Big D this weekend for PWA House, stated Melvin Myers, direc- ~ the big Texas Freedom Parade and tor of Social Services. Celebration in Lee Park-the windup to this city's Pride '86 extravaganza this FEMINISM ..Mlchd;;[~cKlfiijJY;h;; ..oo"eTi;:;grC;~~St6' 'iiS"ot;;rtS. Sunday afternoon, September 21. if:io!lle~81"~ ..W' ~~ ..pl$tefan<:i .... "The parade will begin at 3 p.m. at the IN ACTION S1'ATEWIDEDISTRIBUTIONSteve Miles Oak Lawn Library and follow the tradi- ...... RECEPTIONISTS DoUas-Steve Miles tional parade route down Cedar Springs Weekend State Convention HO!)st9r:tArpy Burr1E1tt Roadto Lee Park," stated organizer Alan For National Organization Ross. Of Women Meets in Austin; SALES "The Celebration in Lee Park will EXECUTIVESALESMANAGER Addresses Issueof Lesbianism! Jim Veteto follow immediately after the parade," he AUSTIN - This city's Sheraton Crest Adverti~ng rates are available on request by tele- told TWT NEWS. The Lee Park affair will phoning the salesperson In your nearest city .. feature a stirring band concert, parade Hotel on Town Lake will be the site of DEADLINEFORAU ADS: the statewide convention of the Na- Friday, one week prior to publication. award presentations and several short speeches under a backdrop of red,white tional Organization of Women (NOW) AUSTIN and blue pride. which opens Friday, September 19 and Scott Taylor .. ..(512) 926-0253 runs for three days through the DAllAS The parade and Lee Park event will Alan Gellman.. ..(214) 521-0622 paytribute to the memories of two well- weekend. FORT WORTH "A reception will kick things off on Steve Miles.. ..(214) 521-0622 known Dallas men who recently died of HOUSTON/GAlVESTON AIDS. The Texas Freedom Parade has Friday so that individuals registered at Scot Roberts.. ..(713) 527-9111 the convention as well as the general SAN ANTONIO/CORPUS CHRISTI been dedicated to Richard Rogers who Tim Ramm.. ..(512) 822-9213 had contributed toward the successes public will havethe opportunity to meet of past parades and made other valuable with their state legislators," spokesper- CLASSIFIEDDEPARTMENT son Ann Robinson told TWT NEWS. Dollas Bureau-Steve Miles contributions to the community. Houston Bureau-Scot Roberts The Celebration in Lee Parkwill honor On Saturday there will be entertain- 1WT MAGAZINE the memory of Howie Daire, founder of ment and the election of state officers Texas Weekly Publishing Co. plus an auction for NOW. ..,> ~ .:0 > 'Ithe Oak Lawn Counseling Center, one PAGE 17 PAGE 16 TWT SEPTEMBER 19 _ SEPTEMBER 25 198" TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 On Sunday, Sarah Weddington will be the eve of the Texas Freedom Parade. the keynote speaker. Weddington is Cocktails are at 7:15 p.m., followed by known for her stance on equal rights for dinner at eight and dancing till midnight. women. John Thomas of the Dallas Dinner There are twelve workshops schedul- Committee said this year's theme was ed plus three issues hearings. Among "United Our Way." The dinner is a the workshops are those on Lesbian- benefit forthe Human Rights Campaign ism, AIDS, Child Care, Feminism as a Fund plus local non-profit organiza- commitment to Our Lives, Conscious- tions. HRCF takes 50% of net proceeds, ness Raising, Pay Equity, , it was explained. Reproductive Rights, Sexual Harass- Last year's dinner at the Fairmont ment, ... Isms in Our Hearts, Clinic raised more than $43,000 and was split Violence and Women and Spirituality. betwen the HRCF, the Foundation for The convention is open to the public. Human Understanding, the Metropol- However, voting privileges are extend- itan Community Church, the Oak Lawn ed only to NOW members, stated NOW Counseling Center, the Turtle Creek official Beverly Black. Special room Chorale and the Texas Human Rights ratesare available along with alternative Foundation. housing and child care, she said. Members of this year's steering com- mittee are Mike Anglin, Becky Kidd, Ray Kuchling, Eddie Nunns, Jack Pettit, Mark Rogers, Mike Stewart, Thomas, Dick Weaver and William Waybourn. Highlight of the evening will be the presentation of awards to a national in- dividual and to a local individual who have helped the community. For more information, contact Thom- as at (214)559-2166.

San Francisco City Supervisor Harry Britt in Dallas this Satur· GAY LOBBY day night to keynote Bteck-Tie Affair. TWT NEWS photo by Blase DiStefano. MEETS TO PLAN LGRAHolds Meeting in HARRY BRITT Austin to Plan Strategy. KEYNOTES BLACK· AUSTIN - The board of directors of the state's gay rights lobby, Les- TIE SOIREE bian/Gay Rights Advocates (LGRA), has planned a strategy meeting for this San Francisco City Saturday, September 20. Supervisor Guests at The meeting will be held at the Anatole Hotel Affair_ Metropolitan Community Church, 1100 Dinner Benefit. Springdale Road, beginning at 1 p.m., stsona» lobbyist Pat Cramer announced. "All in- DALLAS - TWT NEWS has been ad- dividuals and organizations are invited vised that San Francisco City Super- to attend," she advised TWT NEWS. visor Harry Britt will return to his native Agenda items include a discussion • _~~Texas to keynote this year's black-tie on the recent Dallas-sponsored Gay soiree presented by the Dallas Dinner Leaders Conference's legislative pro- Committee. posal and the lobbying effort to be put The $150-a-plate dinner will be held forth by LGRA for the next regular ses- at Khmer Pavillion in the Anatole Hotel sion of the Texas Legislature which this Saturday night, September 20, on meets for its 70th session next January.

TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 PAGE 19 Wednesday, September 24 PANELISTS SEASON PRElVlIERE HOLD DALLAS WORKSHOP * {{ Persons With AIDS/ARC conduct Honest Rap About * Dealing With Their Illness. Exclusive 7WT NEWS Report. DALLAS - A panel of four coura- geouSpersons who have been diagnos- ed with AIDS and/or ARC conducted a Sitting on panel of Dallas persons with AIDS/ARC are (I-r) David Sharpton, Curt Vandenberg and Billy Burton. workshop Saturday, September6, to tell TWT NEWS photo by Chuck Patrick. now they are dealing with their illness, how their friends and employers have Panelist Curt Vandenberg said that not dealt with it and how it has affected when he was first diagnosed with ARC, their lives. "the company where I worked said I The workshop was' held at the couldn't come back until I tested MCCD's Dallas Activity Center where an negative on the virus." Last April eager exchange of ideas was com- Vandenberg was laid off and his dis- municated in an honest and touching missal is now under litigation. "But, my manner as the audience quizzed the friends have stood by me," he stated. panel. Doctors agree that the mental an- Among those sitting on the panel was guish of seeing friends, lovers, family DINNER & DYNASTY David Sharpton who told the audience, and employers desert persons with 6:30-8PM $5 Steak Dinner with all the trimmings "I had to give up my job at the sugges- AIDS/ARC is as bad as the disease itself. tion of my employer after he found out 8PM Dynasty on Austin's LARGEST video screen I was ill. My roommate also asked me MCCD HONORS 1------. --11 to move out." w Another panel member stated, "Un- EVELYN PRUITT 611 East 7th • (512) 477-3391 austlft • fortunately, there is still a lot of apathy Eastman & Troy Spotlighted about AIDS here in Dallas. People are still going out late and doing lots of At Friday's Pride Banquet. drugs." DALLAS - This weekend of Panelist Billy Burton agreed, adding September 19-21 is a very special one that "there's still a lot of fear in the com- for MCC-Dallas. TONIGHTB~[KSTRE~!oWTIME munity about AIDS." Burton told of how On Friday, September 19, MCCD his lover had left him. hosts an MCC Pride Banquet at the and every Friday lO:30PM Sharp "But actually he wasn't leaving me, Dallas Hilton Inn on Central honoring '*"* '* he was leaving the disease, out of fear," the Reverend Elder Don Eastman who explained Burton. just won the Texas Freedom Award last Burton also said that when he first weekend at the Majestic Theatre per- FRIDAY'S FOLLIES found out he had the disease, "I felt a formance. Eastman will be moving to with Austin's finest discoveries great deal of anger, but mostly a lot of Los Angeles to assume a full-time posi- fear. I was terrified that my doctor didn't tion in the Fellowship. have an answer or a cure. The Reverend ElderTroy Perry will be "I went home and cried and the first a special guest at the Friday's banquet three friends I called were dead. That's when MCCD honors Evelyn Pruitt for when I went to the Oak Lawn Counsel- her community work with the MCCD ing Center," stated Burton. AIDS Crisis Fund.

PAGE 21 TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 which could be leased to the clinic. Perhaps there are those who could make a donation to the Clinic Building WORRIED ABOUT AIDS? Fund to help cover the cost of a perrna- nent clinic site, Audette stated. It was stressed that the Montrose [P>~OIiJJUC~'~IrO~ A n~THE Clinic is not for sale; only the property. ~l~O~G7 ~MMU~[E~V~l[EM Nevertheless, the clinic has been plac- MONTROSE ed on a30-dayoccupancy notice. "This means we can be evicted or choose to OJr Phannacist is a specialist in the fiek:i of , CLINIC #~: ,~'0::.~«lJv1t<}ilM,'j{t(~t!...~e0!Y,:,~!::~ vacate the property with little warning," Envronrrental Medidre; he11giveyuJ nsgn mo FOR SALE said Audette, describing it as a "critical ~r rrmre SyStem ard M1at~ can cbb keep l situation." working property. .11111

'om Audette stands in front of Montrose Clinic where a "For BRANDI WEST Come in or call cor MailOrder Oejj. :a/e" sign signals that the building has been placed on the We'" cbour best to hep! 'pen market. TWT NEWS photo by Chuck Patrick. GETS LIFE IN PRISON CLINIC'S FATE 101 Entertainer Gets Maximum 5636 E. MOO

PAGE 24 nUT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1981 TUJT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 PAGE 25 strong statements. But, unfortunate- I up till now not too much was ever BecauseYou're Worth It ... ~~ittenor known on the subject of nutri- tfiI Planned tion. Little hands-on research was ever done. 1I:fJ Parenthood® THE EXPERIENCE Now that is beginning to change as of San Angelo, Inc. such prominent persons as heart trans- WEEKEND plant pioneer, Dr. DeBakey; nobel prize winner in medicine, Dr. Julius Axelrod; • Birth Control Information immunology expert and cancer resear- and Supplies for Men cher, Dr. Robert Good; among others, and Women havecollaborated to come up with the • Physical Examinations ..A time to get to know first scientifically produced wellness • Pregnancy Testing and yourself and your power." program on nutrition. Pap Smears The company that has pulled this • Counseling for Men and monumental nationwide process to- Tony Dorsett, running back of Dallas Cowboys, uses and gether is United Sciences of America, endorses USA's nutritional formulas. Women/Referrals Inc.(USA).Since its start-up earlier this year,it has known phenomenal growth, For instance, the American swim- NEW ADDRESS DALLAS being tagged by Wall Street as "the ming team is now testing one of the USA 2619 Sherwood Way SEPTEMBER 27 & 28, 1986 fastest growing corporation in U.S. formulas to see how it increases their San Angelo, Texas 76901 business history." stamina. The Harvard Medical School is Clinic: 9151944-1909 The company now has spread into now conducting ongoing testing of Administration Office Information: (214)824-4008 Texas where interest is running high another USA formula to see how it in- 9151944-2699 \.. among not only prospective marketers creases the cardiovascular system, but also among consumers at large. something that marathon runners like TWTNEWSrecently viewed a video Bill Rodgers are vitally interested in. tape presentation on the corporation. USA, Inc. is attempting to take the The USA story was narrated by William guesswork out of what constitutes a NEWLY DESIGNED • ONE BEDROOM APARTMENTS Shatner of Star Trek fame. Even Dallas good nutrition program, bringing cur- AUTOMOMY-LUXURY-PRIVACY Cowboy pro-football hero Tony Dorsett, rent knowledge to acritical tuming point IF YOU CAN RENT, YOU CAN OWN AT ... tennis star Chris Everett-Lloyd and in vitality and stamina. baseball's Steve Garvey endorse the As a company spokesperson put it, USA program of wellness. "USA has the unshakeable faith that its What is the program? Clearly, it is nutritional products present to the. more than its fiber energy bars, calorie American consumer a first-ever break- control formulas or other burgundy and through nutrition package that will bring white bottles of complex ingredients, as better health and well-being for it is the result of human research by over everyone." 300 doctors' studies vigorously pro- With such determination, it's clear grammed into USA's computerized data that USA will likely avoid the problems braintrust. of some of its better-known brethren like What does all this mean to the unbridled Herbalife. average reader of TWT?Perhaps, at last, To harness the USA power, it plans science has come up with a state-of-the- to put together a distributorship net- art formula of good nutrition and work of 100,000 during the next year. wellness. And that's where Texas fits into USA's And that sure beats spending hun- national puzzle. THE NEW OASIS dreds of dollars on assorted vitamins Already branches are in place in such 5000 BOWSER • DALLAS • (214)526-0144 and minerals taken haphazardly- major Texas cities as Dallas and Hous- ton, TWTNEWShas learned. Others are MONDAY-FRIDAY 9 A.M.-5 P.M. • SATURDAY 10 A.M.-6 P.M. something that most doctors warn against because all too often this can certain to follow as Texans eager to be RENTS START AT $350 ALL UTILlTI ES PAl D. produce a negative toxic effect on the both successful and healthy plug into immune system. the USA engine in the Lonestar State.

"AGE 517 PAGE 516 TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 515 1986 TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 515 1986 ~ -- \\DII .___-----COMMENT ;;;;hiS column readers exchange ideas with other readers and with our editor in a public forum. Addressall letters to: Comment, TWT,2205 Montrose, Houston, Texas 77006.All letters become theproperty of TWTand must be signed (if you don't wish your name printed, please specify).

promise, rwr COMMENT would be agreeable Macho Latinos to re-openlng this ongoing Issue to debate DearTWT: on these pages.-Editor Your TWT NEWS article on the [Labor Day weekend Statewide] Tejano's Conference Actively Gay? contained some "logic" that really got me riled. " ... It is often easier to simply DearTWT: I thought Professor Ray Hill's article on say I got AIDS from IV drugs rather than "How Actively Gay Are You?" [rwr admit to being gay." VIEWPOINT, Vol. 12, No. 25] really hit home What the hell do these boys think for a lot of us. It's a very true assessment coming out is all about? And when of what we must all do to push for the diagnosed with AIDS, your days are rights that we as citizens of this great numbered. Will these macho Latinos lie till they die? The joy of knowing your country deserve. So many of us scream injustice, but "friends" and family love you for you make coming out worth it. And there is a when it comes time to act and really do something about the injustices, we are great relief in knowing you don't have to prone to making up excuses for not lie. Keep up the good work, "Tejanos." ... voting, not writing that letter to protest homophobic attitudes, or not getting M. Barnes • together with others to combine our Houston, Texas strength in attacking important issues. Well, the time is no more critical than lesbian or Gay Woman? now to act. We must show our resent- DearTWT: ment toward the Supreme Court for their I'd like to suggest that you entertain miscarriage of civil justice tegarding the the idea of running some kind of a sodomy laws. "reader survey" of your female readers to I think that the planned march on get their opinions on the necessity of Austin next spring is a great way of using the word "lesbian" to identify showing this. I know it will turn out themselves rather than simply allowing bigger and better than anyone imagined the word "gay" to cover us all. if all gay and concerned people out there In most of the women's movements it will just make a commitment of self. seems that one issue is to de-genderize What we're fighting is pre-judged our language where it can be done. The attitudes-the very same unfounded recent trend towards adding the term fears and prejudices that led to the "lesbian" to the names of our community burning of so-called witches in Salem. organizations seems to me to be heading The sodomy laws are a judicial materiali- in the opposite direction. But! It does zation of these prejudices, and that's recognize the females in our community. exactly what they are-not laws Maybe they like the way it's heading. I necessary for civil existence, but would just like to hear it from them .... prejudices that belong back in the SUNDAY Michael-Tyler C. Sarlow seventeenth and eighteenth centuries MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY Fort Worth, Texas along with the witch burnings. 5PM BEER PARTY WHITE 10PM Old Music. I implore all of your readers to show BUST and with Weekend LIQUOR BUST NIGHT. FREE Old Prices. Party Starter 4-7PM There are definitely two schools of LIQUOR BUST. FREE the people of Texas and everywhere else All white BEER. Baar with TGIF with thought on this controversial word-issue of Food service BEER that we are not the perverted monsters well liquor No Drawing BUFFET 25' DRAFT lesbians vs. gay women. Those preferring on patio. 10PM. only $1. Cover. Midnight. 5PM. starts 4PM. to be called "gay women" maintain that they that their prejudices have led them to find the word "lesbian" uncomplimentary believe, but normal pleasant people that and are uncomfortable with its use. Yet, they rub elbows with every day. Protest. others stand by the use of lesbian. While Show your face. Go to the march on there seems to be little room for com- Austin and hold your head up high and

TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 PAGE 29 be proud of what you are. You do matter, organization we have in place by and your votes and protest do count for November, 1987, will not only help the good of the whole. produce votes for these candidates, but Kenneth Foster will also be a source of talent and Dallas, Texas experience for the candidates' campaigns. Dear TWT: We have already begun planning As Ray Hill has written, it is time for all strategy in one of these campaigns. This of us to register and to prepare to vote work will begin in earnest after the first regularly for candidates supporting us. of the year. Most of the gay community realizes the For the current election season, we [Houston] mayor and councilmembers have made a superior effort in planning have abandoned us, but more need to and organizing. We are registering voters open their eyes. at bars and businesses in the Montrose When you see the unprecedented and area every weekend in September. (The CITY WIDE DELIVERY undeserved harassment of gays in every deadline is October 3.) We will phone 7 DAYS A WEEK place from Memorial Park to Foley's bank the week before the election. The Northwest Mall, you will see that we also election newsletter which is mailed to need to institute a PAC (political action the entire HGPC mailing list is already in PHONE ORDER SERVICE 7 AM-7PM committee) to put up some money to production. CREDIT CARDS BY PHONE help support our candidates .... To pay for all this activity, we have two Robert Hill fundraisers planned. The "Montrose High BALLOON DELIVERY Houston, Texas School Homecoming Dance" will be on Sunday afternoon, September 28, at WIRE SERVICE What Boring Election? Heaven. We will choose a Homecoming Dear TWT: King and Queen. On October 25, we will (512) 271 ..3643 The various candidates in the Novem- have a dinner honoring David Scondras, ber election are busily producing more the opealy gay member of the Boston yawns than anything else. However, City Council. ... those active in Houston Gay Political At the HGPC Endorsement Meeting, Caucus are not bored. September 17, we will decide which Since focusing more than ever before candidates' names will appear on our on long-term plans for precinct slate card. The work to make those organization, each of us in HGPC is endorsements effective is fascinating. aware that what we do now will influence We are not bored. If you want to help, our success in years to come. Work we either in the overall effort, or in your own do in election precincts will be of benefit precinct, give us a call. Then you too will next year and the year after, and not just not find this election boring. in terms of numbers voting in each Joe Thornton election. Chair, Republican Committee One of our goals is the election of Houston Gay Political Caucus Republican and Democratic Precinct Houston, Texas Chairs. The next election date for them is May, 1988, but the filing deadline is Brandi West Support February, 1988. In other words, less than DearTWT: a year-and-a-half from now. As we look I want to thank everyone at the TWT for people to work in precincts, we are office, once again, for the help and also looking for precinct chair candidates support they gave me during Cliff and people to attend precinct and other Youens' [a.k.a, Brandi West] time in jail Political conventions in 1988. Sixteen and during last week's trial. Every time months is not an excessive amount of Cliff needed dates or information, time for this kind of work. everyone there was very nice and did As we find openly gay men and women whatever they could to help. to run for precinct chair, we hope that we Everybody around me has been very I.W.mark! are developing a pool of people sweet and helpful. Please continue to .Jeweleu inc. _ interested in running for other elective believe in Cliff; he does need his friends Offices. There will be candidates in the now and some real support! 3841 Bellaire Blvd .• Houston. Texas 77025 hffi\ 7t3/668·5000 II (g; Houston Municipal Election next year Gayla Who are openly gay. The precinct Dallas, Texas 'IV'

PAGE 30 rurr SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 PAGE 31 '." .. ":~". l;,., ~ ._', .... '•....

The New " rriMPLE ,;;:;-". MILDRED'S PLACE ~', . }} ~ *" *" )} "* * {c IIiiIIII The High Energy 1r (c CHEREE CIN & )} Miss Tri-Cities Fa ceNAMONof th WAD. *" and regula e Year '87 (c ~ r cast memb )} COMING ATTRACTIONS UX&ws_ <==erFELISH4~

.••.ONDAYS 25' Draw Beer175' Domestlc

TUEsDAYS * 75' COOler NIIlbt/75' Domestlc WEDNEsDAYS HARD- }} 25' Draw Beer THURSDAYS CORE Male Strip Night With emcee CInnaoto Wade October 3rd n FRIDAYS MURDER TASHAKOHL Fantastlc FrIday Show MGT/MGA (c (Always an out-Of-toWn Guest Star) SATURDAYS SUper Saturday Show though slightly more respected, profes- regular cast With guest Hard-Core Murder by Bob Henderson; fiction; 189pp.; The Acolyte Press, P.O. Box 12731, sion. SUNDAYS Bob Henderson, the author, has a )} Beer Bust NL-1100 AS Amsterdam, The Netherlands; softcover (please write to The Acolyte Press potentially intriguing, entertaining for price and/or catalogue of their other series on his hands, but his initial install- books). ment is somewhat disappointing. Tech- nically speaking, the case is orches- trated well, but the characters could be fleshed out more completely. Spiros Reviewed by David Fields himself could be made a more complex personality. October 17th One of the newest gay mysteries to Initially, he appears full of the hustler {t NAOMI SIMS appear in American markets, Hard-Core "mindset," arrogant, disdainful, frivo- MGT/MGA {c Murder comes to us from Amsterdam lous, checking out the action. His credi- (Acolyte Press) and is set in Greece. A bility as a detective, though he claims Shows at IlPM/Licensed Security Guard Always on Duty to be licensed, is very poor. The transi- •'While visiting in Temple, be sure to stop in at GIRTY'S, most improbable gay detective, Spiros and in Waco, your party place is TALLULAH'S." Giorgiou is a 23-year-old Greek hustler tion from the hustler mindset to the who aspires to a more legitimate, private investigator mindset-Iaw-

PAGE32 TUlT SEPTEMBEfI19 - SEPTEMBER25 19861 nuT SEPTEMBER19 - SEPTEMBER25 1986 PAGE33 abiding, respectful, analytical, per- Announcing: severing--is difficult for the reader to believe. In fact, the story starts out as he 5¢ Draft, $1 Well 1-6 Friday Beer bust 7-11 focuses his eye on two "lovelies"; he is Monday - Friday Free Munchies drawn to the male transvestite, rather David Oleson OJ Thursday Steak Night than to whom we find out later is the TV's sister. Spiros is drawn to Ursula, from Sweden, who is in Greece with his Now that Driscoll Street Cafe & sister to make a few more porno movies Saturday Beer Bust 6-11 Sunday Beer Bust Cabaret is Closed, we want to with Big Billy Paris. Paris is a "big- CHUTES Free Food 9:30 2-8 Free Food thank you for your patronage 1732 Westheimer name" producer of light comedy, thril- and invite you to our new home-- (catered by Bill Diamond) Live Band Houston lers and hard-core pornography. THE HUNT ROOM on Kirby 523-2213 David Oleson OJ the B-Jay's 6-10 When Ursula's sister, Britt, is found David Oleson OJ Where you are going to find the brutally slashed and murdered on a same quality of food, great service hillside, Spiros shifts moral and profes- and casual atmosphere that made sional gears to help solve the murder for Driscoll St. one of your favorites. Ursula. As he has aged, his happy-go- lucky attitude has changed as well; he ,.. - -CLIP AND USE- - """ Leather Fantasy Party is a more sober, serious person. And and Contest though he has "street-smarts," the Buy one Dinner-get ~ Saturday, September 20 readerstill cannot help but feel he is un- I qualified for the job, and unable to give one Free! Contest Judged On: Spiros her/his confidence. Offer good through 1) originality If Henderson addresses these issues, September 25, 1986 2) teather apparel future installments will reflect Spiros' 3) (one coupon per table, please) Cash Prizes developing and maturing personality for top 3 winners and outlook. Hard-Core Murder would applications at the Bar only benefit from characters with more '/-loHle of S.'P.O'J. depth, from a less sensationalistic treat- ment, and from more involvement of the glories and contributions of Greek culture and philosophy. Henderson's Home of Eagle Leather first effort holds an implicit promise of ~ For the Man that Knows what He Wants entertaining things to come. ~

What if I Enclosed is $8.50 (postpaid) for The the President of the United I o States had a son who was gay? I President's Son. name _ What if the President's most I powerful advisors were willing to address _ go to any length necessary to I keep that fact a secret? I city THE I state zip _ I Alyson Publications, Dept. P-2S PRESIDENT'S 40 Plympton St. SON Boston, MA 02118 a novel of political intrigue by Krandall Kraus ~

------:------lTWunT:-;S5EE:ppnTE~MMBiEE:;;:R1199-::-_;s;eEi>PTTiE~M!EBiEERR22;S51199i8B661 TUJTSEPTEMBER19 - SEPTEMBER2S 1986 PAGE 35 PAGE 34 :~~ ,.~ ~~ 9l.e- -1986 ~ ~ en tIZ'_ --- • o»: ~- _4/1,. :'~ N";""L~' N."'~-::l.x-·,,..., _.~.._.,·,, ~ c:T~ CJ~'rr/ "....,."""-.~~:.~~',jll(·. TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23-10:30PM WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24-10:30PM at SASSY'S • 3319 RALEIGH • DALlAS, TEXAS "An official preliminary to Miss Gay America"


P.O. BOX 4699

OPEN: Monday-Friday 4PM; Live Entertainment Nightly 5aturday 7PM Never a Cover ,. , 5unday 4PM The PRIVATE CELLAR is J)onaCHarlinda AND HERSON ready! Readyto kick off , a new game plan for a Reviewed by O. Flores Alvarez winning season. Waiter, Waiter Dona Herlinda and Her Son is the story of a five-partner marriage. There is •Austin's best- Dona Herlinda, a well-to-do widow and herdoctor son, Rodolfo (Marco Antonio -serving spirits Trevino). There is Rodolfo's lover, Ramon(Arturo Meza)and Rodolfo's new with spirit- bride,Olga (Leticia Lupersio) and Rodol- to's son. .'. Dona Herlinda is happy with her suc- ,'," . '0." Arturo Meza and Marco Trevino (reflected), cessful son. They live in a nice home and manage trips to the lake every Sunday. done some stage work in Guadalajara, GAME PLAN ':',r ' ...•• So if Rodolfo wants a male lover, Dona where the film was shot. As the lovers, Herlinda isn't too upset by it all. She they are believable and sympathetic. SUNDAY PLAYER'S PARTY~ '".~:; .." evenarranges forthe loverto move into Their relationship grows in a variety of their nice house so that her son will twists and turns as Dona Herlinda FREEBEER-FREEHOT DOGS-3PM 'til ? spend more time at home. And for a manipulates them into a face-saving $6 Liquor Bust-8PM 'til Closing while it's just the three of them. triangle. Then Dona Herlinda moves to phase When Rodolfo returns from his MONDAY LOCKER ROOM PARTY two of her plan, to have her son marry honeymoon, his present to Ramon is a well. Enter Olga, Dona Herlinda's per- jar of Nivea cream to use during sex. 75~well drinks for everyone in shorts sonal choice for Rodolfo. They get mar- Nothing new, except that now it will be and tank-tops. Low, low party prices ried and soon after, Olga delivers ason. used on Rodolfo, which had previously announced all night long. They move in with Dona Herlinda and been forbidden. It seems that having now it's just the five of them. A crowded proved he was a man by getting married, marriage, maybe, but one that meets Rodolfo can back off the macho image TUESDAY TOUCHDOWN CELEBRATION everyone's needs. a bit. $3 Cover-Free drinks from 9-11PM Dona Herlinda is played to parakeet Olga is understandable. Lupersio Happy Hour all night long perfection by Del Toro. With wonderful plays her with a little quiet tolerance and flaming red hair, always neatly whisked a lot of focus. Olga wants to get married, WEDNESDAY uTEA TIME" upon top of her head and an arrayof chic havea baby and havesomeone else take clothes, Dona Herlinda is modern and care of the baby while she goes off to 8PM Long Island Teas-$3.25 self-servingly pragmatic. Never too far grad school. With Rodolfo and Ramon Happy Hour all day-all night away from a plate of food or a tequilla she gets everything she wants. Rodolfo bottle, Dona Herlinda always has a smile married her, and Ramon will take care of THURSDAY WARM-UP GAME on herlips and her hand in the air calling their son. for the waiter. Nothing, it seems, can Everyone, it seems, gets what they Stoli Kamakazis, Crown Royal, upset her-or stop her from getting want. Or at least most of what they want. '" Jack Daniels-$1.75 another drink. And everyone is a little wrong for it. .'. Corona Beer-$1.25 Del Toro is a newcomer to the big But as Ramon's friend tells him when screen, having acted only in a short film he asks her what she would do if she i,;' \:/J? FRIDAY & SATURDAY by her student son which was seen by were in his situation, "Me? Don't ask me, Dona Herlinda's director, Jaime I would kill myself. Cyanide." ~.. " .,.~:."' Gametime-Happy Hour 2-8PM Humberto Hermosillo. Ramon doesn't kill himself. He just 75~well drinks-2-4PM Rodolfo and Ramo (Trevino and Meza) goes about the business of getting most arealso newcomers, although they had of what he wants. "IIr

709 East 6tlL· austIn • (512) 477·6440 TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 PAGE 41 \\W I {6d t;; SHO~~g••••m opus more or less intended for au- Iy October with the opening of the pro- diences made up of those people you mising Peggy Sue Got Married, starring always see waiting for calls at phone Kathleen Turner, Nicolas Cage, Barry booths in senseless-killing neighbor- Miller and Catherine Hicks. In this one, hoods. Get a load of the cast: Wendy O. Kathleen plays Peggy Sue Bodell (no Williams (as a "hardened lesbian con"), relation to Buddy Holly), a fortyish Sybil Danning (as a "Bible-quoting mother of two grown children. Sounds warden") and Pat Ast (as a "mannish like a far cry from Romancing the Stone, matron"). I think I'll wait for the video- Crimes of Passion and Prizzi's Honor! cassette .... And let me send my heart- Anyway, Peggy Sue has a lousy mar- felt condolences to poor Mary Wells, the riage, but, thanks to a freakish incident ex-Motown chanteuse who claims that at her 25th high school reunion, she she was recently kidnapped (along with finds herself back in the year 1960 and her husband and baby) by fans who faced with the opportunity to live her life wanted her to record a song they'd writ- over with the benefit of her "adult" ten.... By the way, this week's column wisdom. Don't worry, Michael J. Fox is also available in your better super- doesn't show up in a cameo .... There's markets. also a slim chance that Coppola's next Martine Beswick (center) in Prehistoric ROLLING THUNDER -Ifanymovie- epic, the controversial Gardens of Women with Joey Heatherton look-alike (felt); and prehistoric Joey Heatherton maker is on a roll right now, it has to be Stone, could be finished in time to (above). Francis Coppola, whom many would premiere in late December, which could argue is America's greatest film direc- result in the director being in direct com- ,~YCHO-BABBLE - One person 1972 with a remake of Ferlln's country tor. You might recall that both of Cop- petition with himself for next year's slew you just don't dare ask how she's do- classic "Gone." ... Another sequence pola's Godfather epics were Oscared for of Oscars. Gardens of Stone, describ- ing these days is erstwhile starlet and could be called "Joey Meets Troy Best Picture and he also took home the ed as both "pro-American" and "anti- Vegas headliner Joey Heatherton- Donahue," because those two actually statuette for directing the second one war," stars James Caan, Anjelica beloved by many of us for a "cinematic" starred together in My Blood Runs Cold. in 1974. On the strength of these ac- Huston, , Dean career that has included the likes of I can't imagine how Joey escaped be- complishments, it's not important that Stockwell, Lonette McKee and Sam Bot- Twilight of Honor (1963), Where Love ing charged for that offense .... Inciden- Coppola's subsequent films-Apoca- toms. I'll be interested to see if Griffin Has Gone (1964),My Blood Runs Cold tally, this is as good a time as any to in- lypse Now, One From the Heart, Rum- O'Neal's scenes make it to the final print (1965), Bluebeard (1972) and, I swear, form you that Troy Donahue is coming ble Fish, The Outsiders and The Cotton stage, since poor Griff, as you've heard, The Happy Hooker Goes to Washington back (again) in something called Club-didn't result in hard-ons for Rex has been implicated in the death of Cop- (1977).Now, I don't want to joke around Cyclone. The dream cast also includes Reed,Gene Shalit, Pauline Kael and the pola's son during filming of Gardens of about Joey's recent difficulties (which Martin Landau, , Tim Con· like, or earn billions at the box office Stone. .,_. ,1,1I, have included, in alphabetical order, way Jr., and the magnificent Martine either. Coppola, with or without his head charges against her for disorderly con- Beswick, whom The Film Encyclopedia up his ass, is always interesting and I duct, drug possession, felonious completely omits despite the fact that for one am even willing to forgive him assault and theft of services), but you'll Ms. Beswick dazzled us in such cellu- for making the notorious Captain EO, haveto agree that we have here a classic loid treasures as Prehistoric Women that new 17-minute Michael Jackson example of life imitating art. I simply (1967), Dr. Jekyll and Sister Hyde (1971) film which reportedly cost in the can't wait for the inevitable TV-movie- and Seizure (1974). In the latter, she neighborhood of $20 million. Not that The Joey Heatherton Story-which played "The Queen of Evil" and one of I'll ever get to view the thing-I mean, would be the ideal vehicle for a Linda her co-stars was-you guessed it-Troy I'm just not into cruising Florida's EP- Blair comeback, wouldn't it? One se- Donahue.... If you really don't have the COT Center or the California branch of quence of the scenario could be called patience to wait for The Joey Heather- Disneyland. And these are the exclusive "Joey Heatherton Sings Ferlin Husky," ton Story, I suggest you check out a neW locations where Captain EO is to b since, as you've no doubt forgotten, celluloid treasure called Reform School shown .... The Coppola roll will gather Joey actually had a hit record back in Girls, a low-budget, women-behind-bars even more momentum (or moss) in ear-

PAGE 42 TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 2S 1986 I TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 Miss Ellie's 2015 Place proudly presents The 2nd Annual Toaster Awards Wednesday, Sept. 24-9pm featurtnq your favorite bar personalities from allover town plus 1985-86 Toaster Award Winners-The Blister Sisters M.C.-"Sir" Pauletta Lei~h voluntary door donation to benefit SATG'sAIDS Fund

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PAGE 45 ww ~- BACKSTAGE .-- by BillieDuncan

they wisely refrain from loading their act tendency to strain a bit uncomfortably with tired chestnuts. Euphoric Heat is on some of his high notes. Davis is a a refreshing musical combination that sultry, dynamic songstress who bears goesbeyond the talents of each person. further review. As soon as I know where Theywill be back at Cutters on Septem- she is playing next, I will definitely share ber 26, 27 and 28, but you can catch that information with you. them this weekend (September 19 and LADIES OFTHE MUSICAL EVENING. 20)at Tam O'Shanter. Some very popular females will grace On last Saturday at Cutters, Atwood various stages with widely exciting was joined by Lee Aldridge and Dana variations of style and material. Davis, who filled in for Comeaux, who On Saturday, September 20, at the hada prior commitment that night and First Unitarian Church, Channing Hall, could not sing. Aldridge is very cute, The Reel World String Band will bring with some very nice renditions of var- their joyous blend of bluegrass and con- ioustunes, but he should perhaps lower temporary folk for the first time to two female vocalists, Valerie Johnson the key in some cases, as he has a Houston audiences. This is part of Once again this column will be and Jean July. July's gutsy get-down Hazelwitch Productions' Fall Series, a oriented towards Houston entertain- power is complimented by the smooth ment, as I have a lot of work ahead of force of Johnson, as each of these me to establish pipelines in other cities femme musicales moves in and out of through which wonderful entertainment the spotlight. happenings can be illuminated. And while Club Flamingo is on your So, if you are an entertainer or asso- mind, remember that the monumental ciated with entertainment, please give talents of Martha Turner (with Wayne me a call or send me a note and let me Lyles on piano) will be showcased again know what is going on. This column can this coming Monday and Tuesday. only be as good as the information Starting Tuesday, September 24 (and available to it. going through the 28th), Mercedes Benz HOT HUNKSAND HONEYSIN HOUS- will be pumping out the tunes at Club TON MUSIC. Closing on Sunday, Flamingo. The group, which features September 21, are the sizzling sounds the singing talent of San Lee does a of Commercial Art at Club Flamingo. wide variety of music, including pop, top Ably led by dynamic Barry Coffing on 40, R&B and some Broadway. keys and vocals, this group is Fun with TWO MORE ON THE FRONT BURN- a capital "F." So, it's only fitting to fill ER.Jerry Atwood and Rick Comeaux are this review with F words. Commercial Euphoric Heat, and that's no exagera- Art is fine, flairful, flawless, fresh, tion. I caught them at Cutters this past faceted, facile, friendly, festive, week and was suitably impressed. foudroyant, fantastic, fervant, feeling, Singer Comeaux seems like a darker, fashionable, fit, fascinating and more intense John-Boy with a voice like fabulously funky. the strong warmth of spring love. He Although their material is heavily belts, croons and musically emotes while Atwood sits, quietly maniacal, weighted in the area of current pop-rock, ~ they have some solid originals that manipulating a veritable bank of elec- .'!! might form the basis for the group's tronic musicalities, playing with fingers, '"~ " future ascendancy. toes and even whole hands and feet. $ One of the group's main attractions They have an extensive song list that Q) o is the strong contrasting styles of the will thrill the ardent cabaret-lover, but -s

PAGE 46 TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 Call (713)228-8421.Asinamalif will also play for one performance at the Univer- sityof Houston-Clear Lake on October 1. Call (713)488-9334. $5. cover .25 well drinks 0 Luna Vista, a zany comedy by *. Douglas Gower, will run through Oc- tober 4 at Chocolate Bayou Theater Company's St. Regis Theater location. *Jl1 surprise night 0 Call (713)528-0119. Anthony Newley will direct and star in Stop the World, I Want to Get Off, September 23 through 28, at the Music • door 7pm free well drinks 7'9 $1. longnecks 0 Hall. Call (713)526-1709or go by any Ticketron or Rainbow Ticketmaster ning voice and her high humor. outlet. Other news from Rascals is that Joe Egg closes this weekend at Montgomery, Plant & Stritch will be tak- Stages. Call (713)52-STAGE. • dorko ing a six-week break, because Plant is FINE FAIRIES FEATURE FUN. The havingher tonsils removed. And she has Miss Camp America Pageant is the suchnice ones! Of course, Montgomery result of carrying dedicated amateur and Stritch could still do an act, while drag to its illogical conclusion. Both as • dorko Plant sat in the audience eating ice a fund raiser and as an entertainment cream. On second thought, it just event, the pageant is invariably wouldn't be the same. (Good luck on the successful. • new music $3. cover free drought beer 0 surgery, Rebecca.) The members of the club all represent At Lawndale Annex, on Saturday, the states, just as the beauties in Atlan- September 20, Trish Herrera's band, tic City represent their states. No, let me Women with Instruments, will be take that back. Camp America is a much new music S4. cover double well drinks 0 featured as part of an exhibition of per- fairer presentation, because winning is JIll formance, literary and visual works. Also not based on beauty, talent, intelligence on the 20th will be a film by Maureen or any of those other silly qualities. It * after hours 19 and over O'Malley, as well as Orson Maquelani is based on pure dumb luck. reading The Black Cafe and Charlie Sart- With that in mind, BACKSTAGE would welle reading Tales of Fornication. Per- like to congratulate this year's winner, door 9pm except Su 7pm formance starts at 8 p.m. at the Annex, Joe "Evelyn" Cooney (Miss Tennessee), 5600 Hillman. who worked backstage in this year's NOTHINGBORINGONTHE BOARDS. pageant. When he was announced as Houston theatre is sizzling right now the winner, he took his triumphant stroll with an overwhelming number of nifty down the runway with a red robe over \ t; shows currently ready for sampling. his black tee-shirt and blue jeans, a glit- ~~!, Briefly: tering tiara on his sparse manly tresses r.~-: Little Shop of Horrors is delighting au- and a smile as wide as the Blue Ridge diences at the Tower with its tale of a Mountains on his mustached face. ~! boy and his man-eating r,~ plant. Call (713)526-1709or ~~i ~::t·.::~!~·::~••::.:~.; goby any Ticketron or Rain- r,:~ ~::WISMS l\'IW-'; ,I/j bow Ticketmaster outlet. ;j;i t~ Asinamalif, the critically :~.:: :~ f..;: acclaimed show being brought to Houston by the ~l~ Alley Theatre and the Socie- ~>:~ :.::i :P' ty for the Performing Arts ~::.:;,:: from South Africa's Market lheatre, opensSeptember30. 02401 san jacinto Tun SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 OUR 5th ANNIVERSARY ,A~ SALE restaurant & cabaret

2702 KIRBY HOUSTON 713-524-627 $1.00 OFF ALL RECORDS plus Free Beer & Wine All Day Friday, September 19 & SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 20 Saturday, September 20 and Tuesday, September 23 thru Friday, September 26 [ ... t.1i1 MARSHA CARLTO .~ • and CLAY HOWEL , -··M'

DINNER SERVED MONDAY-THURSDAY 7..10:30PM FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 7..11:30PM Dinners start at $6.50 including House Salad and ." Vegetable de jour r

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PAGE 50 TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 19861 run SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 PAGE 51 WEDNESDAYS SUND.AYS DynASTY ¢Bloody Marys, Cape Cods . Screwdrivers and Schnapps 75 .- . Noon 'til 8pm SeasoniP.re~r 8pm 'til Closing This Wednesday, "Sept. 24th

CORONK BEACH CLUB PARTY Come party with your friends and watch . toncneck ~i1ly$1.2 the season premier on our new $10.000 Giant two-sided Video Screen. plus "DYNASTY HEADQUARTERS" $1 25 oil well drinks Season Closer '-1-8pm (juice drinks excluded) Complimentory'QbQ·mpagne B-9pm Q4't~ . Good times . WE'VE GOT A NEW"ATTlTUDE! AND NEW PRICES. ; Good friends . Bottle Beer ~Oe> $1.75 at your favorite neighborhood bar Well Drinks .$2.S~,.. $2.25

808 Pacificl 521-2519 \\OW I HOT TEA

presented a check for $500 from their "Night of 1,000 Drums" party to OlCe s Bill Appleman. Cheers to the Arena .... Don't miss The Flirts, live in concert on the OP stage this Saturday night. They were such a big hit last time they were in Dallas that Ruby brought them "back by popular demand." ... Meanwhile, Club ALICE DOES DALLAS - Happy fifth Soda nights, every Monday and Wednes- anniversary to our friends at Oak Lawn day at 4001, are really packing in a Records. David, Ray and their crew (see young and handsome crowd. In fact, CRUISE CAMERA photo above) consistently Kathy "PMS" Jack told HOT TEA "there's support our community and we wish more chicken in there than at Col. them many more successful years .... Sanders." Kathy ought to know, she says HOT TEA wishes Jeff Portell of the Fraterni- that Dee is "finger lickin' good." And ty a happy 30th birthday, a belated birth- speaking of butch, Dana Riggs won last day to Tex Massey of TR-II and to Terry weekend's Official Ms. Butch Contest at "Pie in the Puss" Chapman who received Raye's Sassy's Club. Watch for the Miss a special birthday "present" from Ben Four States Pageant coming there soon. Price at last weekend's Dallas Tavern ... Baby's invites you to "Go For The Guild Big Event. ... Speaking of the Big Gold" next Thursday as Ginger and Dion Event, it raised over $2,200 for this year's "Race for the Gold" preparing for MGA Texas Freedom Parade. Lucky Ron J. won '86, with Tiffany Arieagus as referee .... the raffle and will soon jet-off for some Finally, Patrick's grand re-opening last fun in Acapulco. Congratulations! ... week was a big success. Manager Dan JR's new manager, Lonnie Hallmark, in- (see photo below, I) and doorman Paul vites all HOT TEA readers to attend the welcomed hundreds back into their new- season premiere of Dynasty this Wednes- ly redecorated cruise bar. Howard Okon day night. It should clear up the cliff- told HOT TEA to watch for an all new hanger. ... Don't miss Tramp Night, a Chippendale-style dance show every Sun- fundraiser for the OLCC, this Saturday at day and Thursday coming soon .... And Tramps, reminded manager Jimmie Bart- guess who else is getting into the act? It's lett.... On the subject of fundraisers, Jim Ryan, who's threatening to become Arena owners Terry (I) and Vince (r) the emcee.

PAGE 57 , 'I Flirts are coming back to Houston and will be live in concert on Heaven's stage this Sunday night after the free drink splash.... Spinning the records at the Copa's Teen Night this Friday will be deejay Chris Kelley of KRBE "Power 104" FM.... Speaking of deejays, BRB's David Royalty has arranged a special Janie Frickie country music giveaway this Friday evening .... And this Saturday night at Chutes, Ted and Floyd present a leather fantasy party and contest to be judged on originality, leather apparel and eroticism. The next night, B-Jays Band cranks up the excitement on the patio. That's perky Becky (I) and lovable Johnny shown in the CRUISE CAMERA photo below. Yes, B-Jays Band is a hit, Sunday nights on Chutes' patio.

HOUSTON HOteaLlNE - Not only does JR's have a new California attitude, it also has a new manager, hairy-chested Reed Mitchell (I), shown in the CRUISE CAMERA photo above with mega-club owner, Charles Armstrong. And that's not all that's new, as JR's also has a new two-sided drop-down video screen to show the season premiere of Dynasty on this Wednesday night. ... Also new to the party town of Houston is Mecca, 2401 San Jacinto, opening for the first time this weekend! You'll see lots of familiar faces like owner Dan Cain, manager Harry Goldberg and deejay Jon Mott. Lines will be long, so go early to see Mecca and its new light show, new sound, new colors and new state-of-the- art look .... Speaking of Mecca, it's landed its first big date-the 8th anniver- sary private party of Fitness Exchange on CHEERS & JEERS - Cheers in Dallas Saturday evening, October 4. Incidental- to the AIDS Resource Center for 40 ly, Fitness Exchange will raffle off a Foster & Kleiser billboards, advertising the membership during the party .... Cheers center's 24-hour telephone number. to the AIDS Foundation which went over Some are in Spanish .... Jeers in Dallas the top in their $100,000 summer fund- to those who missed Saturday's raiser drive. To celebrate topping their PlaySafe workshop. You should have goal, they'll hold a Victory Party this Sun- seen Mike Richards putting a PlaySafe day, 2-4 p.m. at Kindred Spirits .... rubber on Danny Swinford's . Or Guess who's coming to NRG for Hallo- was it Dan Parkhurst's? Seriously, even ween? Divine! And at NRG this Thurs- though it was a fun session, there still day, September 25, it's Debra Danburg's was much good and timely information birthday party and campaign fund raiser. shared by those in attendance. It meets World-renown master-class aerobics in- on the first Saturday of every month. structor Marc Duvall will be there so Don't miss the next one. It could save Wear your dancin' shoes.... The fab your life!

TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 PAGE 59 AUSTIN CASH - John Brogg missed winning his age in cash when his license plate, ZN9-477, was published on Sep- tember 5 in rwr's Lucky License cash giveaway! Remember, you must have a lWT bumper sticker on your car to win. Incidentally, lWT bumper stickers are available in the Capitol City at both Liberty Books and Mr. Video.

. .. And now the CRUISE CAMERA tastes the boiling-pot delights at Snuffy's annual Chili Cookoff. The winners were (l-r) 1st place: French Connection, 2nd place: Miss Ellie's 2015 and 3rd place: Paper Moon. Later, the.first annual Ms. Chili Cookoff contest was held. After the all- important question, "How has chili af- fected my life in Texas" was answered, Desi (see below) was chosen as the win- ner. That talent? Photos by Tim Ramm.

SAN ANteaONIO - Timmy's Tea: The sixth annual Fandango party at Bonham Exchange lived up to its name as party goers (see CRUISE CAMERA photo above) danced till dawn. Only at the Bonham! Next is the second annual Jungle party this Saturday night .... Fall means you can now cheer your favorite football team on to victory every Sunday at The Crew on big-screen TV. Followed, of course, by Miss Kitty's famous buffet .... The Noo Zoo hosts a fund raiser for BOAT this Monday. Executive director PARADE TEA - This Sunday, Bettie Naylor who will be on hand, says thousands of Texans will converge on the goal is $3,000. Remember that Dallas for the annual Texas Freedom BOAT, your voice in the Texas Parade, which rolls down Cedar Springs Legislature, needs your help .... The se- beginning at 3 p.m. It's the biggest gay cond annual Toaster Awards will be pride parade in Texas! Following the handed out this Wednesday at 2015-a parade is the Celebration in Lee Park high camp affair featuring bar per- beginning at 4 p.m. It will feature sonalities from all over town on stage in speeches by Dallas City Councilwoman dreaded drag .... Next Saturday, the Lori Palmer and a host of other River City Outlaws and Snuffy's Saloon dignitaries, as well as performances by host a Leather & Lace party. So wear several bands, presentations and awards, your best and meet the specially-invited and lots of entertainment. See you in out-of-town club members .... Have vou Dallas this Sunday as we become seen the SATe's SafeSex brochures? Very "United for Life and Freedom." The colorful and easy to understand. Inciden- Texas Freedom Parade is sponsored by tally, make note that we now have a ne~ the Dallas Tavern Guild and the Pride '86 AIDS information hot line, (512)821-6218. Committee.

------TTuwi1T~siEei>PTnEMEMiBEiERRj:199_=-!siEep:PTTEEM~BEiERR22PAGE60 :s5j:199s8bI TLuTsePTEMBER19- SEPTEMBER25 1986 PAGE61 ------·------the Question Of The Week: Will daddy ------Ab wear a grass skirt and do the hula at lC,,\IVI ,,,lS\Cl\. ,IR'I(I\ON this Saturday night's Hawaiian Luau? ... In Dallas, Don Eastman of MCCD won _ .""'s",. "\1* the annual Texas Freedom Award last ",\1" 50% 0" lNNUl\. DUIS Saturday night at the Majestic Theatre. Congratulations from HOT TEA to a deserv- ing gentleman. --=------TEXAS TElETYPE - Around $4,000 was raised for the Oak Lawn Counseling ------Center and AIDS Resource Center at ,pertec------_.your bodY and train Clearview Club in Dallas last Sunday, t donating their door and beer proceeds to tor hea\\h .' · with our super- the cause on Sunday which is now gay night every week .... In Houston, Mark vised program designed tor Schmidt, owner of the new Parkway s Athletic Club, confirmed that his new continUoUs progres \ health and exercise facility would open this fall on Rosine Street. TEA - The producers NAME DROPPER - Always all smiles of Ann-Margret's new movie, Tiger's Tail, is the man who bears his city's name- have arranged to film some of the female Mel Austin (see above)-of Austin, a impersonators at Houston's Copa. It • former TWT cover boy, now bartending seems they know about the Copa girls for Randy at Snuffy's Saloon downtown even in tinsel town and want their legs in in the capitol city .... In San Antonio, a movie sequence.

~r~ - - __ Aa(lat:i~ ~ ~~I ~ ·W (.... e- 2. 32 OPEN 24 HOURSA DAY •.• 7 DAYS A WEEK O~lV.S HOUStON 2525...wooo ;;223 ~f\\\~IF" II ~ 2900 R,c;HMO"D A'" PIIOIIE 956- \1 e~~ PIIOIIE 524-99 3 LARGE SCREENAUDITORIUMS • 14 CHANNEL 25¢ VIDEO ARCADE 63 VIDEO TAPE SALES& RENTAlS • NO VIDEO CLUB MEMBERSHIP FEES N~ut\\.US fOR M£N ~NO ~OM£N JUST PAY REFUNDABLE DEPOSIT & RENTAL FEE FIlN£SS £XCHANG£. 8t\"lANNN£RSAP:( c£1£8RAlION HUGE SELECTION OF NEW VIDEOS ONLY $3/DAY OR $5/3 DAYS 11 •••• _ •••• -~7.-1~O~PM~-;.A••1URDA'(~ccr.~OC_10••.EB.R••4••th••A••i VIDEO SALESALWAYS $39.95·$59.95 240 sAN JACINtO. HQ\l5'l0N.1EJ(AS 1 ~ ~ fREE JUICE ... fREE SOH pRINKS ... fREE oMH BEER w\\h Hors D'oeu'Ires

Free admISSion "'"" 0 Filfl8SS£xcnoOO" MembelshlP COld. OOIIOSOf \IOUston. Each mambel is alloWed IWOguests wi'h MembershiP cord.

TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 PAGE 63 ~~o "Halloween is a drag without a good 330 San Pedro - San Antonio 512-224-7739 set of nails!" PARTY OF THE WEEK - Last Sunday Bart's back in Austin-are geared up to Pre-polished in Houston, after the daily sub-tropical welcome madonna-sound-alike, Regina, * Snuffy's downpour, the sun came out. And so did singing her hit "Say Goodbye," among * Custom sized and the hundreds (see above) of party animals for others, on stage this Sunday. That should .19 baked coats of enamel River City Outlaws the 20th annual Follyball Fest. Although be an en-"rich" -ing experience .... It * welcome volleyball was the traditional main attrac- won't be long now till Chain Drive holds tion, so were the vivid cheerleaders, $30 for a set of 10 nails club participants from a Monte Carlo afternoon of black jack shown below arriving in a special conver- and poker on Sunday, September 28. It's all over the state to our We carry all the accessories! a citywide benefit .... Friday's Follies is new for fallon the Backstreet stage NAILS BY CYNTHIA featuring Austin's newest talent discoveries .... And that's not all that's (713) 789-7040 TI @~ ®ODODQDmQ new downtown as James Uselton told HOT-TEA that he plans to open the Red River Diner next to the Crossing this fall, ~@m~GD@(f mOD@) probably in October .... Speaking of the Crossing, that popular club celebrates its sixth anniversary this weekend with an ~m@@ action-packed event schedule. High on the list is the Marci Fletcher look-alike contest this Monday night. Wow! Marci [Pm(f~~ (r) is shown in the CRUISE CAMERA photo below with Richard (I) and Granny. One reason why they all look so happy is that this wet photo was taken while it was Saturday, September 27 raining. And we all know what a rainy 9pm-2am day means to the cash registers at the proper attire encouraged Crossing, don't we, Fred and Roy? WI

AUSTINteaCIOUS - At Nexus (l-r) Davie and Phillip are getting set to welcome hot country singer Dena Kaye NO COVER EVER back to the Nexus stage this Wednesday, September 24.... Over at Hall's, Steve Higgenbotham and Bart Johnson-yes,

PAGE 64 rurt SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 WJ1 ~ ;, ~NAPSHOTS GAY FIESTA '86 unday, September 14 at La Villita Assembly San Antonio photos by Tim Ramm \\OW t- __ SPOATS bV Bobbu Miller Eight spelunkers had a thrilling time at Cascade Caverns. They climbed down into a 25-foot vertical tube situated in the'rnlddle of an underground cave lake. The trip was ex- citing (and not nearly as hard as it sounds). It is sure to be repeated again. For the month of September the group has Houston's Baby Jane Bowling League champions, The Baby their annual brunch planned for this Satur- Jane Dolls, show off their trophies. day, September 20. For information on this TWT SPORTS photos by Bobby Miller. event call Jim at (512)452-5658.Then on Sun- day, September 21, the Town Lake morning BABY JAN E DOLLS jog will take off. The jog is a two- to four-mile very leisurely event. For information call WIN SEASON Frank at (512)345-7284. HOUSTON - The summer season of the In October, acamping tripto Big Bend Na- What Ever Happened to Baby Jane Mixed tional Park is in the planning stages. A recrea- Bowling League has ended, reported Phill tional vehicle will be rented and driven to the Blakeway to TWTSPORTS. The Baby Jane Dolls park. Friday and Saturday will be spent tak- ran away with the title. They racked up 34 ing in the spectacular canyon and hiking. The wins to only 10 losses to dominate the drive back on Sunday may leave time for a season. Sonora Canyons visit. This trip is sure to fill The only team even close were the B.J. up fast so call early for your reservation. Call Bombers who came in second with 25V2 wins Dave at (512)448-1329. and 18V2 loses. Bear's Golden Girls were only The Adventuring Outdoors Group is a non- one-half game back with 25 wins and 19 profit, non-membership, all-volunteer losses and took third. organization serving the gay and lesbian com- The Baby Jane League will start its new munity in the Austin area. Its purpose is to season on September 18 as it combines encourage and publish group outings and forces with the MSA Thursday Night League social gatherings. For information call and forms a new league called the Houston (512)445-7216. Thursday Nite Mixers. For information on this new venture call Blakeway at (713)784-6373 MSA BILLIARDS or Steve Stepleton at 973-1358. FINALE HOUSTON - After 16 weeks the 1986 MSA Billiards League has ended the summer season with the Ranch Hands I securing a first place position. Ranch Hand I remained undefeated until the last week of play when they forfeited to the second place team, The Rancheros. The Barn captured third place after a close match with Bacchus I, reported league secretary Dennis Lord to TWT SPORTS. Bac- chus I ended up in fourth place with Bacchus II close behind in fifth. Bear Paws and the Venture-N tied for sixth place and will play off this week to see who wins the trophy. AUSTIN OUTDOORS The winter season will begin in the latter AUSTIN - The Adventuring Outdoors part of October. Registration will be held at Group had a busy August. Thirteen Adven- the Barn on October 5 and October 12 from turers enjoyed the cool Frio River and the 2-4 p.m. Anyone interested in playing should beautiful scenery at the Garner/Lost Maples attend one of those dates. For more informa- during a camping weekend. Lost Maples is tion call Mitch Mitchell at (713)723-1113or sure to be another trip this fall. Roger Pruett at 869-6108.

TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 PAGE 71 (606). Looks like John wants to wrap up a WOMEN'S SOFTBALL trophy early in the season. .r orabilias HOUSTON - The short fall season of the There is still room for more teams or in- 08 (ijedar i!5priQgs Houston Women's Softball League has final- dividual bowlers in the league. Call your bgll!!I~ff2~ ~ TEXAS2' alias 52~660t ly begun after a rain delay last week. If the friends and get a team together. Or if you first game played was a preview of what is don't have any friends, join the league and AG~~OUSBrownSVille * to come, there is going to be some great soft- make lots of new ones. For information call ball played. In the first game, Faster Women Stepleton at (713)973-1358. SUN, SURF, SAIL and the Coffee Beans tied (2-2) in heated ON SOUTH PADRE ISLAND competition. Include, an evening in Mexico The second game marked the start of the (No minimum drinking age) season for the summer season champions, :;;:::z Marion & Lynn's Rebels. Just back from the World Series in New Haven, Connecticut, they were all fired up and ready for blood as they shut out the Herricanes (11-0). The Women's Softball League plays at Lions Field in the Heights on 13th near Shepherd. Games begin on Sunday morning VINTAGE CLOTHING at 10a.m. and continue until 5 p.m. For infor- AND ACCESSORIES mation on the league call Carolyn at (713)868-6256. FT. WORTH PINS Thenew officers for the Oak Lawn Bowling Association (l-r) FT. WORTH - The Longhorn Bowling Ken Stewart, treasurer; Nancy Peoples, president; Alan Write or call for brochure. Association has begun the falilwinterseason, Covin, vice president; and Jim Beck, secretary. 120 E. Atol st. P.O. Box 2326 reported Joan Hunter to TWT SPORTS. After 'South Padre Island, Texas 78597 two weeks of play, Vice Squad & Gutter Ball (512) 761-LYLE Kings (14-2)are tied for first place. In second, DALLAS BOWLING Maybe Babies (12-4)are chasing the leaders. DALLAS - The Oak Lawn Bowling Rounding out the top three are Golden Girls Association is in its second week of bowl- (10-6). ing. The league has 66 teams already com- High game (210) and series (558) for the peting for the top spots; however, there is still men was turned in by Todd Pollard. In room for more players, reported Jim Beck to T,.adif;onal Sunday women's play, Jo Lenfesty rolled the high TWT SPORTS. What better way to spend a Mon- game (160)and Shelly Carter took the series day night than socializing with the girls (real Ba,.-B-Que$ (386). and those that think they are). There is still time to get in on the popular After two weeks of action, the standings and growing Longhorn Bowling League are as follows: Red Division: 1-A Strand of Ate Back!!! season. For information contact Hunter at Girls (8-0), 2-Round Up Rustlers (7-1) and EVERY SUNDAY, 2·4PM (817)624-2151. 3-Bowling Bags (6-2).Male high game (233) HOUSTON, ONLY! went to Tom Paulson and the series (640)to Chris Beck. Female high game (221) and THEY'RE OFF series (557) went to Candy Holland. $3.00 Lockers on HOUSTON - The MSA Monday Night Blue Division: 1-Lone Star Boys (8-0), Wednesday Nights in Bowling League has started the falilwinter 2-Baker & Buns (7-1)and 3-Up-And-Comin' Dallas season, reported Steve Stepleton to TWT (7-1). Male high game (245) and series (600) SPORTS. There are four divisions in this went to Dan Rich. Female high game (179) action- packed league. and series (481) went to Jackie Baker. $3.00 Lockers on Monday The standings after only one week of a For information on the OLBA league call Nights in Houston looong season are as follows: Division A: Beck at (214)528-2963. 1-Yogi Bear & Boo Boo (3-1),2-A-1 (3-1)and The Thursday Night Lambda League is also 3-A-7(3-1). Division B: 1-Miss Dee Deeand in its second week of the new season, the 000 Dahs (3-1),2-Patti LaBowlers (3-1) reported John Kinchelow to TWT SPORTS. I and 3-Big Judy & Her Boys (3-1). Division Phelta Thi (7-1)are in first place followed by C: 1-Strike Busters (3-1), 2-C-5 (3-1) and USDA Prime (7-1) in second. Rounding out 3-Pretty & White (3-1). Division 0: 1-We the top three is a tie between Tom Boys & Deliver Videos (4-0), 2-Michael's Fireman T.J.'s Hookers (6-2). (3Y2-Y2)and 3-501 Blews (3-1). There is still room in the Thursday league John Elford had his high heel bowling for more bo.wlers. For information call shoes on and took the game (229)and series (214)331-6448or 522-4678. ~

TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 PAGE 73 ~ I STARSCOPE bu Milton von Stern

STARSCOPE Stars (front I to r): Bruce Springsteen 9-23-49; Twiggy 9-19-49; Sophia Loren 9-20-34; (back) Christopher Reeve 9-25-52; Meryl Streep 9-22-50_

WEEK OF SEPTEMBER 19·25 FULL HARVEST MOON - The annual Full Harvest Moon reached full illumination lastThursday, September 18 in Piscescausing frequent stressful outpourings of erno- tions and inner sufferings over hurt feelings. Good news: The worst is over asthe Full Moon is over. As the Moon grows smaller nightly, you should notice that your problems also grow smaller. AUTUMN BEGINS - Fallofficially begins next Tuesday,September 23 at 3 a.m.,Texas Daylight Time. That's when the Sun passes over the equator from the northern to the southern hemisphere. It is also on the same day that the Sun leaves Virgo and enters Libra at 2:59 a.m. About two hours later, the Moon moves from Taurus into Gemini. FALL ROMANCE - As summer slips into fall, Venus-the planet which rules love-

TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 PAGE 75 slipsfrom Libra (partnerships and true romance) into Scorpio (lustand sex).Thischange o I I InVenus' position in your horoscope indicates that there will now be lessernphesls on love and more emphasis on sensuality as a new season dawns. Readthis week's STARSCOPE messageto find out how this Venus placement affects you. VIRGO:(Aug. 23 - sep. 22) With Venus cause Venus, the love planet, is now in now in your third house of travel and your sign through early October. September 19, 9pm .c: communication, you are urged to take SAGITTARIUS:(Nov. 22 - Dec. 21) With 20,9pm OJ a trip, sign documents, write contracts, Venus now in your twelfth house, you

21,8pm 'c"0 communicate, converse with those you will find most of your romantic pursuits 25,8pm 'E wish to persuade, and deal in long dis- to be secretive and subtle. Romance .8 tance deals. All such matters currently takes on a low profile, although it issure- are favorably blessed by fortunate ly there. You can find yourself doing E.,; Venus.Thissweeping cycle lastsuntil ear- more thinking about romance than ac- ,... ly October. ,... tually doing something about it. Now, LIBRA:(Sep.23 - Oct. 23)Venus has now through early October is a time for plan- C) ning rather than acting, as Venus will c traveled into your second house of ;: j§ money, causing most of your romantic enter your sign later this year. So, «S '(ij CD ~ pursuits to become monetarily involved, prepare yourself for romantic adven- CI) ·0 o but in a favorable way. It's a good time tures when autumn arrives. o tV o to purchase things of beauty and art. 'u CAPRICORN:(Dec. 22 - Jan. 19) With CD Romancemaynot come asreadily to you, Venus now in your eleventh house, you Co .,;E en .¥ since Venus has left Virgo, but the Sun can expect to be quite busy with friends, C\I givesyou added zest and vitality rou nd- parties and with social affairs. Venuscan Reservations .8 ing out September asan upbeat month . also increase your popularity among the Now Being Accepted E SCORPIO:(Oct. 24 - Nov. 21) With Venus right people, people who can help you. .,; having now moved into your sign, you Your hopes and wishes can now be at- 524·0806 ,... ,... can expect this planet of love to bring tained through early October, thanks to romance more readily into your life the blessing of beneficial and fortunate en through early October. In fact, others Venus. a: may be quickly attracted to you. Those ::J AQUARIUS:(Jan.20 - Feb. 18)With Venus Join us-Old Friends & New Staff LOOKING FORWARD TO SEEING YOU o who never noticed you before now do now in your tenth house of career, you l: so. You also find yourself looking and will find your job flowing smoother. Pro- feeling better asVenussendsgood vibra- motions and advancement come more =W= tions into your soul. In short, this isyour readily. Pronouncements of your job D 804 Pacific Houston, Texas 77006 524·0806 Z best time of the year for romance be- ability are expounded by superiors. It is

o EUPHORIC HEAT ~ ILL ATTORNEY AT LAW 9PM Seot. 19 & 20 a GREE&L .,s~; ';:i -MEMBER- Ill> American Bar Association r/l (713) 266·1004 State Bar of Texas e: Houston Bar Association HAPPY HOUR 4PM-8PM "a. Harris County Bar Association ., Answered 24 Hours BEAR HOUR 8-9PM Harris County Criminal c c ~ General Practice Lawyer Association 75 Well & 50 Draft' Federal District Court & Criminal Defense (Eastern Dist.) of Texas The Bear is NOT IN HYBERNATION, DWI ' / .'" U.S. Tax Court he's back and Lewd Conduct. Drugs U.S. Court of Aooeals 5th Circuit Wills· Divorces HE's IN SHOW BUSINESS Former Elected State Dist. Attorney, 3rd Dist. ~ (~./--/',.(j ~~ Incorporations rormer Elected County Attorney, Anderson Co The finest live entertainment in Houston, Personal Injury Nt. Cert. by Tx. Bd. of Lg. Spec. 6121 Hillcroft • 771-2470 M O'SHA~i.

PAGE 76 TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 PAGE 77 also a good time for job hunting and in- now in your sixth house you should have terviewing, for starting your own little trouble dealing with coworkers and business or taking a new career direc- accomplishing mundane work-related tion. Romance can even find you in YOur office tasks. Your health picture also ap- work through early October. pears bright. Any occurring illness will PISCES:(Feb. 19 - Mar. 20) With Venus now be Short-lived, quickly diagnosed, and in your ninth house of travel and educa- easily treated, because Venus is spew- tion, this late September period be- ing out its positive vibrations on such comes most ideal for a late summer vaca- sixth-house matters as job and health. tion or sojourn. It is also a splendid time This cycle lasts through early October. for educational planning and enrollment, CANCER: (June 22-July 22) With Venus since Venus, which is a fortunate and now in your fifth house of love affairs, benefic planet, is traveling through your you can expect romance to literally seek learning house. This favorable cycle lasts you out. Others are attracted to you through early October. quickly. Your personality exudes a ro- ARIES: (Mar. 21 - Apr. 19) With Venus now mantic charm like a magnet. Love affairs in your eighth house of other people's are blessed by Venus and this ongoing money, now would be a wonderful time romantic love affair with love continues to strike a partnership deal with mutual through early October. But don't con- money as the centerpiece for a bargain. fuse a love affair with marriage. Investments begun now are bound to be LEO: (July 23 - Aug. 22) With Venus now fruitful and yield success. Venus is now in your fourth house of the home, you encouraging all planning in estate, tax will find most domestic matters progress- and mutual money matters. Your sex ing nicely. In fact, apartment hunting, drive is also finely tuned for maximum buying real estate, decorating the home, AUSTIN output. entertaining at your address, and simply Reservations Unltd. 512-837 -4646 TAURUS: (Apr. 20 - May 20) With Venus staying at home are all blessed by for- now in your seventh house of romance, tunate Venus. Venus allows you to enjoy DALLAS this is an ideal time for marriage. If single, your home, to keep it beautiful, and to Fantastic Voyage 214-522-5215 you could not find. a better time to go find love and enjoy romance within your mate-hunting and tie the knot. If already four walls. Such a lovely domestic cycle HOUSTON married, the cycle is ideal for deepen- lasts through early October. ing your present relationship. Venus also Advance Travel 713-682-2002 COMING NEXTWEEK: The October 3 New blesses business partnerships. This live Moon sets the stage for your October cycle lasts through early October. LOVESCOPE-amonthly forecast for love, GEMINI: (May 20 - June 21) With Venus sex and romance. "IIr

~ LUCKY LICENSE CASH JACKPOT .-- liiiii~iiiiIiio--"1ioiiiO __ "" 1IIiiiio1iiiiii ••• - ---arp&MAll 1 ENCLOSED IS S 1.00 FOR ,lONE TWT BUMPER STICKER I I My License Plate TEXAS • WIN DOUBLE '. REGISTER TO YOUR AGE BX-1161 WIN WITH 1 NAME IN CASH COUPON (right) " SESQUICENTENNIAL 1 ADDRESS ,_:~ITY ---ST-A-T-E ----Zl-P----

If this is your license plate number and you have a T.W.T. Bumper Sticker MAIL TO: BUMPER STICKER, 2205 MONTROSE, on your vehicle, contact your nearest T.W.T. office before noon, Monday, 11,; September 22, 1986 to obtain your cash.


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Houston. S. Gessner/Bellaire, z-bedroorn 2-baths RIVER OAKS studio. 1280 sq. feet, 20-foot-ceiling, loft bedroom. Also spacious t-bedroorn, 780 sq. feet. Many walk- COURTYARD In closets. Beautiful views. Pool, laundry, quiet. Bills paid. Free cable TV. (713)771-0249. 2 BDRM. APT. Completely remodeled complex w/private courtyard Da//as. Oak Lawn condo, furnished or unfurnished, and pool. All new appliances, carpet, mini-blinds $4oo/mo. Security, pool, (214)559-3046 or 526-6079. and cable TV. Immediate occupancy at 2007 Brun. Small pets accepted. Call (713)861-5556. Jerry Houston. Montrose/Rice/Medical. Unique 2 bedrom, Klump & Co. 2V2 baths studio. 1200 sq. ft. Bedrooms upstairs. French windows & doors, skylight, patio, fans. Also Houston. SUPER NEAT EFFICIENCY, Near Down- large 1 bedroom. Pool, laundry, secure. Bills paid. town/Montrose, Pool, Sauna, Cable. (713)523-8286, Free cable TV. (713)523-5028. 880-4800.

Houston. Da//as. All Bills Paid FIVE MINUTES TO DOWNTOWN Efficiency & 1 Bdrm. Knox/Fitzhugh area, one and two bedroom floor- Weekly & Monthly plans, new gray carpet, pool, controlled access $50.00 Move-In gates. Starting at $325.00 with one month free. (713) 523-8224 (214)826-7863.

Houston. Houston. Galleria Area. A" adult, privately owned 2 + 2 condo. Second floor courtyard view, covered Office Space parking, microwave, mock fireplace, built-in book- Office space is currently available located at 2205 shelves, mini blinds. Pet OK. A" bills paid. $500.00 Montrose with all electric paid. For more informa- month. Call after 6pm. (713)370-8224. tion contact Scot Roberts at (713)527-9111. Houston. Missouri St. near Commonwealth. 1 br. Da//as. studio apt. in smau quiet complex. Pool, security ONE MONTH FREE gates, laundry & covered parking. (713)520-7084.

1/1, 5 minutes to downtown, near arts district, Da//as. WBFP, mirrored walls, ceiling fan, skyline view, ja- cuzzi, pool, exercise room, intercom entry gate, $99 OAK LAWN AREA deposit. (214)821-7798. !!!SPECIAL!!! Da//as. THE HUB APARTMENTS One bedroom, one bedroom loft, two bedroom, two • OAK LAWN'S FINEST ADDRESS bedroom studio and townhouses. Vaulted ceilings, ·1,2 & 3 Bedroom Apartments skylights, some fenced patios, large living spaces, • All Bills Paid a" adult. Starting at $325 plus electric. (214) • Plus lots of extras 741-2821. 3136 HUDNALL (214) 528-3311 Da//as. • SAVE $150/RENT. DUPLEX-WEST HIGHLAND PARK Houston. MONTROSE/CHERRYHURST, SUPER 1 and 2 bedrooms, recently remodeled TWO BEDROOM APARTMENT, 1701 Michigan at (214)526-0970 Windsor, Fourplex, Ceiling Fans, Cable, (713) 523-8286, 880-4800. Houston. Montrose. Richmont Square Apartments. Quality and security. (713)522-1035. Houston. SPACIOUS TWO BEDROOM APART- MENT, Near downtown/Montrose, central air/heat, Houston. Heights Blvd.: New Patio home, 2J2V2/2 pool, sauna, cable. Special price. (713)523-8286, garage, slick contemporary, Jenn-Air, Jacuzzi, 880-4800. fireplace, $750.00. (713)522-5651. Houston. VERY LARGE ONE BEDROOM APART- MENT, Near downtown/Montrose, central air/heat, Houston. Montrose/Medical Center. Two 3/1 pool, sauna, cable. (713)523-8286, 880-4800. homes. Nice. $300; $500. (713)526-2908.

TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 2S 1986 PRGE 85 Houston. 1 BR garden apt. Small complex with pool. Dallas. Fully equipped lounge for sale or lease. Kirby area. $300. (713)521-1395. Owner will negotiate. Good Credit! Call now! (214)828-2370 (serious only, please). Dallas. Houston's NORTH DALLAS/SOUTH OF LBJ Houston. 1/Study/1'12/2 New Condo Newest Pizza inn$ Brick WBFB, 19 ft. vaulted ceiling, washer/dryer, HEIGHTS HOME pool, alarm system, all electric appliances (M-wave), Call (713)861-3692. private patio, call (214)343-3708. Delivery (Hotline) Houston. Montrose area apartments wants Dallas. qualified tenants to live In selected quiet, secure, $100 Deposit complex. Rents as low as $265.00. Call Republic spacious two bedroom flats and town homes. Wet Rental (713)523-5559. bars, balconies, large pool. Well-lighted off-street 522-5676.' Houston. Montrose. All apartments as unique as parking. Bills paid. Large laundry (214)526-4990. we Ale Houston Proud Ih Montrose yourself. No two apartments alike. Some with hard- Dallas. wood floors, some with skylights. All have good TOPPINGS TO CHOOSf FROM SPACIOUS LIVING OAK LAWN CONDO closet and cabinet space, lots of windows, tropical •can,!dl~~~:::::0:J~J~~~",!p~~~~~:usag. 2-2-Flreplace, pool, patio garden, security, more. environment. Excellent security, pool, laundry, free • alack Olives. Green Olives. CheeSe. Jalap.nos • Onion ALL BILLS PAID $600 month. (214)522-0175. cable. Starting at $245.00. (713)528-5218 . Dallas. Houston. Pecan Park 9 room house. $400.00 month. 1 MONTH FREE We Pay The Deposit (713)523-5125. 41"""------. PRORATED OVER 6 MONTHS Cute one-bedroom apartments in small complex. $3 off, $2 off, $1 off Pool, laundry, well·lighted, manager lives on proper- Dallas. Oak Lawn with Everything. 2-1 V2 studio con- Get $3 off the regular price of any () w I 2 MONTHS FREE ty. $365/mo. all bills paid. (214)526-4991. do in Oak Lawn with security entrance and parking. en large pizza, $2 off any medium r- PRORATED OVER 12 MONTHS Small complex with swimming pool. Tennis and I Dallas. Oak Lawn Condo. 2 Bedroom, 2 bath. Gray ;:)pizza or $1 off any small pizza. 9; I park across the street. 7 minute bus ride to carpet. Mirrored walls. Mini-blinds. Washer-dryer, downtown from front door. Ceiling fans and much Ici!S Thin, pan or wheat. Present this nI!I 1 BEDROOM FROM $288 dishwasher, pool, patio & cable. (214)357-3311. coupon with guest check. Valid .,..... I more for only $625/month including all utilities. Adults only. No pets. Available now, call Q.. at 3105 S. Shepherd only. (Not C 2 BEDROOM FROM $371 Houston. I Montrose Efficiencies (214)871-2994 or 349-4976. valid with any other offer or ::J en I 3 BEDROOM FROM $608 Ceiling fans, mini·blinds, close to shopping and bus U coupon) offer expires 10-15-86. m Dallas. Oak Lawn Condo. 2 bedroom/2 bath, gray I lines. 2501 Yoakum. Mgr. apt. #16. $115 semi- carpet, mirrored wall, mini-blinds, washer/dryer, Valid on delivery and pick-up on- monthly + elec. dishwasher, pool, patio, cable. (214)357-3311. ly. Limited delivery area. ~ eAlI Adult e6 Pools eLocated in Ihe Galleria Area ·Security Patrol Dallas. Oak Lawn Apts. Eff., 1 & 2 Bdrms. Newly Houston. Montrose. 2 Br. house; hardwood Ilocrs, redecorated, designer-colored carpets, mini-blinds, 4 ceiling fans, beamed ceilings, clawfoot tub, eDoor-lo-Door Trash Pick-up ·8 Laundry Rooms near bus line. (214)526-0722. '------'3105 S. Shepherd monitored security system, cats preferred. Nexl Door 10 Record Rack Dallas. $575/(713)526-7322. THE GARDENS Houston. Montrose Eff. & 1 BA. from $200. Close Spacious, clean, quiet & safe, 2 Bdrm/2 bath/2 to everything. (713)521-2179. patios. $495 a month, all bills paid. (214)526-4991/526-4990. Houston. Bright two bedroom, 2 bath, den apart- ment in Montrose. Hardwood floors, mini-blinds, ar- Dallas. Clean 1-1, central heat/air, near lower Green- ches between rooms. Good security. (713)847-3444. ville & downtown. $320 plus utilities. (214)821-8807. ~ Houston. Montrose: Garage Apt. Efficiency, Dallas. Small friendly community near Highland remodeled. Lots of Windows. $200/mo. COMMUNITY ~ Park Bank. Close to buses, S.M.U. & downtown. Eff. (713)522-5900. ~ & 1 bdr. start as low as $335. ABP if you lease this week. Call Paul (214)526-0491. Houston. Shepherd Forrest -3/1, hardwood floors, MEDICAL ~ STEVE D. MARTINEZ, M.D. central AlH, mini-blinds, ceiling fans, beautiful yard Dallas. Great location, great value! 1 and 2 bdr. w/deck. $550. (713)869-6519 or 280-9626. apartments available now. $345 to $475 +. Won't CLINIC i last long. Call Gary (214)528-6275 for appt. Austin. 3/2 CACH, fireplace, dishwasher, E. Rund- INTERNAJ MEDICINE berg, $550. (512)835-0051. Discreet & Personal Care Ft. Worth. i INFECTIOUS DISEASES GARAGE APT. Houston. Montrose. Lovely two bedroom in small By Appointment Only l SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED 1 Bdrm., appliances, ceiling fan. Lots of Oak Trees quiet complex near Shepherd and Alabama. OnlX and privacy. Conveniently located off highway 121. $295 plus bills or ask about "bills paid.' DISEASES $250. (817)831·2086/834·4644. • General medicine (713)529-4903. AIDS/KS DIAGNOSIS Dallas. • Discreet, confidential. individualized Houston. Montrose. Large apartments in small BE AN URBAN PIONEER adult complex. Central air/heat, fully carpeted, walk- Great apartment space and/or office in Deep Ellum. • Diagnoses and treatment OPEN: MON.-FRI. 8:30-5:30 in closets, pool, covered parking, laundry, 1 of sexually transmitted diseases Modem appliances, bath, security system, skylights bedroom. $285/mo. + elec.2 bedroom $345/mo. + (same day appointment) and deck. Call (214)939-0201 between 9:00 and 5:00 elec. Also garage apt. $200/mo. + elec. To see call • SANUS& HUMANA Physicians SATURDAY and THURSDAY M-F. Bob (713)524-7921 or Jim (713)651-2096. Available 8:30am-12 noon Dallas. OAK LAWN WITH EVERYTHING Houston. One bedroom duplex apt. Montrose $275. 2-1 V2 studio condo in Oak Lawn with security en- (713)522-2073. trance and parking. Small complex with swimming Houston. West Univ. Cute single family, 3/2, West pool. Tennis and park across the street. 7 minute U area, All appliances plus full WID remain, Fenc- Office Hours by Appointment bus ride downtown from front door. Ceiling fans and ed yard too! $850.00 Mo., call Phil Dyer, Acker-Blum, much more for only $625/mo., including all utilities. 3911 LEMMON AVE. Leasing, (713)520-9898. Adults only, no pets. Available now, call DALLAS, TEXAS (214)871·2994 or 349-4976. Houston. Montrose: Hi-Rise, Park IV, 1/1, Designers (214) 520-1810 Dallas. Oak Lawn Condo, 2 BR/2 bath, gray carpet, Unit, Immediate possession, overlooks Blvd., ren- (Telephone answered 24 hours a day) mirrored wall, mini-blinds, washer/dryer, tal includes utilities. Call Roland-Broussard, Acker- dishwasher, pool, patio, cable (214)357-3311. Blum, Leasing. (713)520-9898.

TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 2S 1986 PAGE 87 TU.lT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 PAGE 86 Houston. Montrose: Large Montrose Duplex, 211ea, FOR SALE upper and lower available, close to bus line and TROPICAL HEAlWAVE downtown. $430.00 ea., call Roland Broussard, Dallas. Acker·Blum, Leasing, (713)520-9898. 1 Bedroor;n startinq at , . : $249 Houston. Montrose: Wonderful end unit HYUNDAI Fort Worth townhouse large patio, brick & mirrored walls, track cars that make sense. " 2 Bedroom startinq at $349 lighting. 2:2V2, $600 mo. includes all utilities paid. Contract: Thomas Risner, your friendly salesman " ~ $50\,Depbsit i ./ ~ Call Phil at Acker·Blum, Leasing (713)520·9898. (214) 931-8686 ~}~'-\"'4d ' ,./ 4 Counseling "(starting prices from $4995.00) Houston. Montrose: 2·sty, 3 BRl1 V2 bath home corn- , 569 MOVE IN OR d ~ Center pletely updated. New Orleans ctyard/custom Ga/veston. papers/skylights/decks. Freshly painted Interior. ONBM0NTH FREEREN't $875.00 mo. Call Gloria - day (713)529-0060; Even. WEEKEND RETREAT ONm'MONTH'(LEASE" 529-5870. Looking for that special place? Galveston Island is the place to be. We have many listings with after- Staffed by mental health professionals dable prices. Call Michael Rosenblum at The House Our center is structured to mee! !he varied Houston. Montrose: Studio style condo, 2 stry., 1/1 Companies. (409)763·8030 days (409)763-0451 • All Adult r~'<.- needs of our clients and includes: small complex, private patio and entrance, built-ln evenings. kitchen, new carpet and paint, call Phil Dyer, Acker- .jiCov~e9 ParRin~ /'<~ Individual Counseling Blum, Leasing, (713)520·9898. Texas.Deep 8 hour tan in one hour with SUN·EXCEL! proup Counseling (214)520-2050. Distributorships available. • IJecmator BOORshelves Couples Counseling Houston. Spacious one bedroom, Medical Center Houston. Triumph Spitfire convertible 1976 sold as Family Counselin. area, hardwoods, balcony, security gates, on site is $3,600-Best offer or will trade. (713)270-1828. • Manicured Grounds laundry. $425. (713)520·9768 METROPOLITAN " WE HAVE AN AIDS PROJECT TO PROVIDE Dallas. AKC Russian Wolfhound puppies. MANAGEMENT. • SJIiallPets Accepted AIDS/AWARENESS INFORMATION AND Males/female, excellent confirmation and markings. , r(/ ,\ 1 1 '\ A COUNSELING/SUPPORT GROUP. Houston. Two bedroom in Montrose. Split floor BlacklWhlte, reds, camel white (214)522-1458 . • SpaGious F oor Pans plan, hardwoods and carpet, central air and heat. CONFIDENTIALITY IS MAINTAINED $375. (713)520-9768 METROPOLITAN Houston. Moving-living, dining, bedroom, lawn equip., piano. Fri.-$at.-$un. 1749 Sui Ross @ AT ALL TIMES MANAGEMENT. 659 SOUTH JENNINGS STREET Woodhead. DEL MONTE APARTMENTS Houston. Montrose duplex: Spacious two FORT WORTH, TEXAS 78104 Oak Cliff. bedrooms, formal living room and dinlnQ room, ser- 817/335·1994 Open House (713) 780-7803 vice porch with washer/dryer connections. $450. 831 South Van Buren (713)520·9768 METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT. 6403 Del Monte • Houston sat.: Sept. 20 t-som Located in the San Felipel\7oss/Gallerta Area Houston. Montrose garage apt. One bedroom, hard- Sun.: Sept. 21 t-sprn wood floors, ceiling Tans, black & white tile floor in Tastefully renovated 2-2·1 with bonus room facing kitchen. $260. (713)520-9768 METROPOLITAN Ruthmeade Park. CH/A, french doors, WID conn., MANAGEMENT. sprinklers. $57,500. Jim Richardson & Assoc., Realtors. (214)941·9797, Casey Conners (agent) Houston. 1840 Branard, one bedroom downstairs (214)948-1446. in a fourplex. Black and white tile in bath, Dallas. TRUE VICTORIAN Interior. 95% of work done. dishwasher, only $250.00 METROPOLITAN Refinished woodwork. 2·2 or 1 bed w/study. Perfect MANAGEMENT (713)520-9768. for entertaining. Cook's kitchen. Large backyard Houston. 1731 Marshall. Very large two bedroom w/landscaped patio. Beside East Dallas Historic duplex, formal dininQ room, large back porch, dists. A steal at $74,500.00. Call (214)745-8858. WHERE THE GIRLS ARE! washer/dryer connections, fenced back yard, two Dallas. car garage Included. $600.00 METROPOLITAN 401 E. 2ND. austin. 495-9553 MANAGEMENT (713)520·9768. Fully Equipped Houston. Montrose modern one bedroom apart- LOUNGE FOR SALE. ment on a tree lined street; Central air, dishwasher, disposal, covered parking, mini-blinds; only $300.00. GOOD CREDIT QUALIFIES! METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT (713)520·9768. (214) 828-2370 Houston. 2301 Norfolk. Two bedroom studio style Serious Only - Call Nowl apartment, central air, hardwood floors downstairs, carpet up, off street parking, laundry on site. $375.00. METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT (713)520-9768. Houston. Cadillac, 1982 Coupe DeVille. Brown, velour interior, excellent condition. $7,000 firm. Houston. 1624 Bonnie Brae, two bedroom studio (713)528-3610 after 6. style apartment, all rooms are large, hardwood up and downstairs, rnlnl-bllnds, covered parking. Houston. Soloflex $300. (713)529-1485. 475.00. METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT (713)520·9768. HELP WANTED - - ---~- --- Houston. River Oaks Area. Small one bedroom, Dallas. upstairs, hardwood, mini-blinds, three closets, covered parking, laundry on site. $275.00 OPEN CALL AUDITIONS Wednesday, September 24 METROPOLITAN MANAGEMENT (713)520-9768. FOR SINGERSIPIANIST. MUST BE EXPERIENCED WITH LARGE REPERTOIRE. CALL (214)733-5121 Austin. Room and board. Private, furnished room FOR MORE INFORMATION. 9:30PM $3 Cover with meals in luxury south Austin condominium (close-In), Family atmosphere, minutes to Austin. Resumes. Handcrafted, fairly-priced. Same- downtown U.T. for mature, employed male, or male day service. (713)472·7209. student. $400 monthly plus deposit. References reo 25¢ DRAFT BEER quired. (512)44"'878. Houston. Visions is. hiring!

TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 251986 PAGE 89 PAGE 88 OIFW. Gay electronic bulletin board. D/FW area on- ly. 300/1200 band. 8N1. 24 hours. (Metro)577-1495. Dal/as. Houston. ******************** Oal/as. Levi/Leathermen make tracks to the TRES- Professional Auto Mechanic ST. THOMAS TLE. 412 S_ HASKELL (In Deep Ellum). Sunday 10 years experience Advertising Agency "MAN-TO-MAN PARTY" after the 30% less than garage & parade/celebration. (214) 337-8068 BUTCH Richardson, Plano, McKinney. GIW/M, 30, seeks 24 Hour Emergency Service M·I·D· r·o·W·N TOP HANDBALL experts. Reply: Occupant, 1000 E. Air Conditioning & Heating Co. 14th, Suite #168, Plano, TX 75074. ******************** A winning combination! TexaslUSA. BIORHYTHMS-Your physical, emo- Houston. Houston. All types home remodeling and repair. tional, intellectual cycles charted. Interpretation Ceramic tile, sheetrock, carpentry. References guide. Six months l$5.oo). Twelve months ($7.00). (713)630.0413 Larry. Send name, birthdate, SASE, check or money order Dal/as. Painting, light remodeling, wall fabric, to P.O. Box 676, Cleburne, Texas 76031. wallpaper. (214)526-4406. Rod. Dal/as. Houston. Hate housework? Let Lavelle Visitors, WELCOME TO DALLAS- (713)529-0228. TEXAS FREEDOM PARADE, Sunday, 3:PM CELEBRATION IN LEE PARK, Sunday, 5:PM Dal/as. NEED A MOVER?? In tribute to Richard Rogers and Howie Daire. Signed: Grand Marshals BI-CUTS two men & a truck Don Baker and Jackie Baker Haircuts ROBERT JONES Perms and Frosts Houston. Hairstylist will come to your home. Treat Feb. 21, 1951-Sept. 9, 1986 Tanning Call Mark. (713) 529.Q404 yourself. $20 Richard (713)524-9316. 4200 Herschel Suite 6 Robert Jones (see above), passed away at Dal/as. Anyone tape Miss America? Will pay $50 for Medical Center In San Antonio on September 9 after (Herschel at Throckmorton) loan of tape. Ray (214)357-9993. Mon-Sat 10am-8pm being hospitalized with spinal meningitis for less $8.00 Haircutl$6.oo Tanning Houston. than a year. Services were held September 11 at the (214) 522-1646 Texas. Hair loss? Proven European product grows BRAND SPANKING NEW COUPLE family home. hair safely. Applied topically. (512)476-2732. Just moved to Houston. Desires to meet other Robert, a former Mr. Texas winner, was a native Dal/as. Maid in oak Lawn_ I clean homes, offices & couples or Singles for sincere friendship, fun, din- Texan who was a popular bartender at clubs in San apartments. Professional work at reasonable prices. Houston. ners, movies, etc. We are W/M's 25 and 43 filled with Antonio and Houston: Copa, Parade, Babylon, Briar Refs. Contact Steven (214)686-8059. energy to explore and be part of our new city. Great Patch, Old Plantation, Locker and DepoSitory, Dal/as. love for outdoors and both have various interests. among others. E & J Plumbing Co. Write us, with phone #. Kent Miller, 12893 His vibrant personality will be missed by all those Discount on repair through October. GOOD HAIR CARE Westheimer, Suite 117, Houston, Texas 70727. Look- who knew him. Farewell, Robert, till we meet again. (214) 520-3601 ing forward to hearing from you-and you tool. " ;"'-"','-".',. INTRODUCTORY OFFER Dal/as. Houston. Michael S. Happy Birthday, with all My BELLOMY EXPRESS MOVES $13.00 Love! Fred. F.. Let our men handle your move or hauling needs. San Antonio. 48, 6'2", 180, attractive, masculine Good rates (214)331-4188. 713-526-HAIR seeks friendship/relationship with young attractive 00000000000000000000 HAIR PLUS by DON. masculine man. Near San Antonio. Tel. Dal/as. 1-512-393-4162. Serious Inquiries only. Houston. TV, VCR, Stereo Repair Houston. GIW/M-37( 6'2, 320 Ibs. looking for chub- Professional Service SAME DAY MOVING CO. by chaser. Mail to Bind Box 43F, 2205 Montrose, OMNI VIDEO Hou., TX 77006. Throckmorton at Cedar Springs "THE BEST TRAVEL (214) 559-3009 00000000000000000000 MOVERS" Houston. TRAVEL CONSU LTANTS-complete travel arrangements. All services are FREE. 2402 Da//as. Quenby-off Kirby Dr., Houston, Texas 77005. Serving Houston 7 Years (713)529-8464. CONSIDER IT DONE (713)947 MOVE Houston. Montrose: Robert Adams, Steve McNabb Jaime V. Soto (above) & Jess Kalinowsky. Expert service. Best travel Painting interiors/exteriors Aug. 12, 1956-Aug. 28, 1986 values! Ask about our RSVP Cruise Feb. 14-21 & Residential/commercial Mar. 21-28, 1987. Weekend specials from $199.00 Take his hand References David (214)321-8050 PERSONALS Thanks giving! TRAVEL RESERVATIONS INC. and touch his heart (713)523-3444. Give him courage Houston. Handwork. The things you didn't, won't Texas. can't, hate to do. Tony (713)521-2753. ANNOUNCEMENTS A new day to start Da//as. Young man will clean offices. At night. ClassiPhone When a loved one goes Dallas. The second service of Oak Lawn Christian Honest and reliable. David (214)826-9449. Telephone Classified Service To the valley of the deep * Place Your Free Ad: (713)526-4423 Center was held on Sunday Sept. 14, 1986. At 4552 Be happy and tell ourselves * Hear Explicit Classlfieds: (713)526-4669 Cedar Springs at 10:45 a.m. God's ecstacy Is their sleep. Da//as. A "Back to School" cookout is planned for Satur- Get Connected Vince Soto Residential/Commercial day, Sept. 27, 1986 at 6 p.m. at the church address. Cleaning, household and proprty mngt, landscape, Dal/aslFt. Worth. DFW Gay BBS (Metro)654-9252. It is BYOB - Bring your own beef (to COOk). Dress ROLAND FINKBEINER, 36, died September 7, lawn and plant maintenace. References, insured, is casual, shorts acceptable. 1986. Roland was the first resident of Omega bonded. Casey Conner (214)948-1446. Texas/f>.FW. Swiss made replica watches of Bible study and sellership will start on Tuesday, House. Bom In Wittendorf, West Germany on April Sept. 30, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. BYOB - Bring your own Houston. Electrician. Top quality, medium rates. -ROLEX 10, 1950, Roland was a purchasing agent in a bank. Bible (NIV preferred). Remodeling a specialty; no job too small. Jeff -PIAGET Graveside services and interment were held at 2:00 For more information regarding services, social (713)862-5518. -CARTIE!! p.m. Tuesday, September 9 1986 at Earthman- PRICE-QUALITY -SERVICE events, or the bible study fellowship, contact Pastor Resthaven Cemetery with Michael Shuff, officiating. L. Clark at (214)521-54~3. Dal/as. Lady Painters-Experienced, dependable. Free color brochure! Earthman Funerals, 2420 Fannin, 659-3000. (214)528.Q957. DFW METRO (8m 572-5033

TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 PAGE 95 PAGE 94 TWT SEPTEMBEA 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1980 ~ ~ofCAr. __-:(ALENDAR PARKWAY FRIDAY - SEPTEMBER 19 (FW) Agape MCC: Prayer Ser. 7:3Op (HO) Montrose Co. Cntr. "Worried Well," 7p ATHLETIC CLUB (SA) MCCSA Coffeehouse: Servo 7:30·11 p o~ SATURDAY - SEPTEMBER 20 Texas Freedom Festival - Dallas NEW 30,000 (OA) Anatole Hotel: Human Rits. Campaign Fund Dinner, 7:15p Square-Foot Location .~ (HO) CCF: Services, 6:3Op (HO) Dignity Center. Dignity Mass, 7:3Op Opening Soon Serving Houston's SUNDAY - SEPTEMBER 21 Texas Freedom Festival - Dallas Finest Fresh (AB) EMCC: Services, 11a & 7p Featuring (AM) MCC: Services, 11a & 7p Caj un Seafood (AR) Mld·Cltles MCC: Services, 11a & 7p featuring: (AU) MCC: Services, 11a; 7:3Op - Racquetball/Handball Cts. (AU) Oasis: Serv., 6p - Nautilus & Freeweights -Blackened Redfish (CC) MCC: Services, 5p - Aerobics Studio -Cajun Shrimp (DA) Celebration in Lee Park: Tribute to Howie Dalre,4p - Gymnasium/Basketball/Volleyball (OA) D.A.G.L.E.S.: Mtg. -Nurnerous Pastas - Barber Shop and much more ... (DA) FUC: Mtg., 7:3Op (DA) Grace Fellowship: Serv., 11a - Tanning Solariums (DA) Holy Trinity Comm. Church: Serv., 11am - Full Linen Service Bayou City Oyster Company (DA) MCCD: Serv., 10:3Oa, 7:15p (DA) O.L. Christian Cntr. Services, 10:45a - Pro Shop 2171 Richmond Ave. (DA) Texas Freeom Parade: Tribute to Richard - Locker Room, Steam Room, Rogers,3p (713) 523-6640 Saunas & Whirlpool Spa (DA) UCC: Services, 11a (FW) Agape MCC: Services, 11a & 7p - Massage Room (GA) MCCG: Services, 11a - Rental Lockers (HO) CCF: Services, 10:45a (HO) Bering Mem. Ch.: Servo 10:50a - Nutrition Classes (HO) Churcl1 of the Rock: Servo 10:3Oa - Juice Bar (HO) Comm. Gospel Church: Servo 11a ~ 1213 (HO) FUC: Serv, 11:15a - Meeting/Conference Rooms V--0 RICHMOND (HO) Living Water Church: Serv., 6p HOUSTON (HO) MCCR: Services, 10:45a & 7:15p (HO) New Freedom Christ. Chrch: Serv., 10a 527-9071 (HO) Pres. Cntr.: Parents FLAG, Mtg., 2p (LU) MCC: Servo 11a, 7p :CONSTRUCTION SALE~ (SA) MCCA: Service, 10:45a (Temple/Killeen) HMCC: Serv., 7:3Op Sept. 20 & 21 only MONDAY - SEPTEMBER 22 lOam to 6pm (AU) Lambda: Men's Group, 8p (DA) Affirmation Methodist: Mtg., 7p Charter Membership AvaiIable (HO) Gay Fathers of Hou.: mtg, 8p (HO) Integrity: Eucharist & Program, 7:3Op 33070 savings (HO) Montrose Co. Cntr: AIDS Support, 6:30p TUESDAY - SEPTEMBER 23 (DA) Dignity: Mtg., 7:15p Allen Parkway (DA) Grace FeilowshiplOak Clift Serv., 7:3Op (DA) MCC: Oak Lawn Band Mtg. " ..c (HO) H.A.G.LE.S.: Mtg., 7p '8 ~ (HO) Mont. Co. Cntr. Women's Support Group, 7p ..: " ~ (HO) Montrose Sym. Band: Reh, 7:3Op WEDNESDAY - SEPTEMBER 24 l~B 11:1 (AR) MJd.Cities MCC: Service, 7:3Op W. Dallas (AU) MCC: Services, 7:3Op Thursday: September 25 JOCK SHORT & DANCE CONTEST, 10PM (DA) AA: Together Group: Mtg., 8p (DA) Mormon Affirmation: Mtg. with M.C. Brucella DeVall (DA) Oak Lawn Co. Cnter: AIDS Support, 6p (HO) CCF: Bible Study, 7:3Op Friday: BEER BUST, 6pm-Midnight (HO) Mont. Business Guild: Mtg., 7p (LU) MCC: Servo 7p Saturday: BEER BUST, 6pm-Midnight (SA) MCCSA: Service, 7:30p 800 Rosine St. THURSDAY - SEPTEMBER 25 Friday, Saturday, Sunday: BEER BUST (AU) Lambda: Women's Group; 7:30p 528-5467 (DA) FUC: Lambda Narcotics Anon., Mtg., 8p Houston Parking Across the Street on Richmond (DA) Gay & Lesbian Young Adults: Mtg., 7:00p


PAGEANT IN TEXAS TEXAS ORGANIZATIONS Rupert's 617 Red River 477-1128 $100,000 goal B.O.A.T. 720 Brazos SI. #602178701 (Austin) (512)472-3333 Sally'S ApI. 2828 Rio Grande 478-6782 Lesbian/Gay Rights Advocates .. P.O. 822 .. Austln/78767 Snuffy's Saloon 113 San Jacinto 479-6965 by September 21. Lesbian/Gay Oem. of Texas (Dallas).P.O. 64493.(214)821-4838 Uncle Charlie's 1301 Lavaca 474-6461 L.G.R.A. (Gay Lobby) (Austin) Box 822, 78767 AUSTIN COUNSELING (Area Code: 512) NGAYA (Nat'l Gay Alliance for Young Adults)P.O. 190426 Menefee, Mike, Ph.D 1500 W. 6th SI. 476-5419 ...... (Dallas) 75219-0426 Waterloo Co. Center 6901 N. Lamar #109 452-5966 "WE MADE IT Rural Coalition Waller·Zanghi Box 611 (Blum, Tx.) 76627 AUSTIN DENTIST (Area Code:512) TEX-RAY'S Texas Association of Nudists . Box 49636 . Austln/78765 Ralph J. Branch, D.D.S 2907 Duval SI.. 472-5633 OVER THE TOP!" Texas Gay Rodeo Assoc .... P.O. 66973#1194, (Houston) AUSTIN DOCTORS (Area Code:512) ...... (713)526-5001 Dwyer, Edward J., MD ... 2906 Medical Arts ... 47S-3453 Texas Human Rights Foundation P.O. Box 191312 Richardson, Phillip C., MD .#7 Medical Arts Sq .. 472-0223 ...... (Dallas) 75219 Smith, Thomas H., MD .. #7 Medical Arts Sq ... 472-0223 Texas Lesbian/Gay Student Organ. Coalition . AUSTIN ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES (Area Code:512) ~ll~~·@IkW P.O. 275, UT Union Bldg., AustlnI78712 (512)441-3678 Adventuring Outdoors Club .. P.O. 43918178745 .. 445-7216 Texas Republican Alternative Comm . Affirmation (Mormon) . P.O. 4102178765 .458-8608/480-8387 P.O. 1077, Austln/78767 (512)453-5028 AI·Anon-Lambda 5518 Bumet Rd 453-0016 VICTORY Uvalde Organization P.O. 1124, Uvalde, TX 78802 Alcoholics Anon.-Lambda .. 5518 Bumet Rd .. 453-0016 ABILENE CHURCHES (Area Code: 915) American Gay Atheists P.O. 8644178713 1l~~~ CELEBRATION Exodus MCC ..... 1925 Collins/P.O. 2473 ..... 673-4134 Austin AIDS Project P.O. 4874178765 452-9550 ABILENE CLUBS (Area Code: 915) Austin Alliance ..... 7115 Bumet Rd. #12O ~ Walnut SI. Pub 4th & Walnut 677-2522 Austin Latino/a Lesbian & Gay Organization . This Sunday AMARILLO CHURCHES (Area Code: 806) ...... P.O. 13501178711 lAuILIA~@~ MCC 2123 S. Polk SI. 383-0084 Austin Pride Week Task Force P.O. 2619178768 September 21 AMARILLO ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 806) Austennis 8926 N. Lamar #1003178753 emcee-COOKIE LaCOOK 2-4PM at AA (24-hours) 373-6025 Austin Gay Nudists P.O. 49636178765 Crisis Intervention 376-4251 Austin Lambda 7115 Bumett Rd. #120 ..... ~ KINDRED Positive Image P.O. Box 2342179105-2342 Austin Les/Gay Pride Week Task Force . P.O. 13303178711 FRIDAY, SEPT. 26 ARLINGTON BUSINESSES (Area Code: 817) Austin VD Screening & Clinic 15 Waller .'469-2070 SPIRITS Gaspipe III 1407 N. Collins (metro) 461-7711 Classic Chassis Car Club 451-2329 (200 POUNDS MINIMUM) ARLINGTON CHURCHES (Area Code: 817) Dignity/Austin (Catholics) P.O. 2666178768 467-7234 4902 Richmond Mld·Cities MCC 401 Lillard (metro) 265-5454 Family & Friends of Les. & Gays 328-3630 ARLINGTON CLUBS (Area Code: 817) Gayline P.O. 8559178712 477-6699 65l1Arllngton 1851 W. Division 275-9138 Gay Fathers of Austin 458-6544 Little Bear's .. 701 E. Randol Mill Rd (metro)261-9428 Gay & Lesbian Jews of Austin 447-1778 Rumors 701 E. Randol Mill Rd. @ Collins Gay and Lesbian Students Association P.O. 275, 11111111h'",~~II ARLINGTON ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLlNES(Area Code: 817) ...... UT Union Bldg 456-3971 Lambda AA 401 Lillard 86Hl260 Hotline-MH/MR (24 hrs.) .472-HELP AIDS FOUNDATION Tarrant County Gay Alliance .. P.O. 11D441FI. Worth, 76109 Integrity/Episcopalians P.O. 180272178718 451-1802 ...... 336-8242 Law Students for Gay & Lesbian ConcemsU.T. School of Law UTA Comm. Servo Cntr. (psychiatric help) 273-2165 ...... 727 E. 26thl78705 450-1003 OF HOUSTON AUSTIN ADULT BOOKSTORES (Area Code: 512) Lesbian/Gay Political Caucus .. P.O. 822178767 .. 474-2717 Austin News & Video 7103 Hwy. 290 929-'l737 Lesbian/Gay Rights Advocates P.O. 822178767 2812 NORTH 19th SUMMER FUNDRAISER Mr. Video-UT 1910 Guadalupe 473-0407 Lesbian/Gay Speakers Group .. 7115 Bumett Rd. #120 .. Ms. Video 718 Red River 478{)243 ...... ~ WACO(817) 753-9715 DRIVE Oasis Bookstore 9601 N. 1-35 835-7208 Lesbian/Gay Unitarians 454-2441 River City Newsstand 8004 Research Blvd 459-8274 Republican All. Comm. P.O. Box 1077f78767·1077 453-5028 River City University 613 W. 29th 477.0457 River City FrontRunners 345-7284 AUSTIN BUSINESSESISERVICES (Area Code 512) QUEST Nick Nickel 453-0728 Designer Hair Club (Hair Restoration & Replacement) S.T.D. Clinic 15 Waller 469-2070 ...... 9010 N. 1-35 #105 834-1231 Texas Gay Rodeo Assoc 442-1628 Encore Jewelers 2442 Highland Mall 45Hl359 Womenspace 2330 Guadalupe 472-3053 Forbidden Fruit 512 Neches 478-6358 BAYTOWN ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code 713) J.M. Auto Service 603 E. 45 450-1075 Baytown Lambda Group 427-1378 Liberty Books 1014B N. Lamar Blvd 495-9737 Young Adults for Social Unity (Lambda) 447.()207 Meyer Constructlon .. 5OO So. Congress #143 .. 476-1755 BEAUMONT BUSINESS (Area Code: 409) Meyer Electric 1802 Sanchez 499-6594 James D. Courts (Hypnotherapist)2626 Calder #101833-6933 Reservations Unltd 312 E. Rundberg Lane 837-4646 BEAUMONT CHURCHES (Area Code: 409) Taylor, Scott (photography TWT Magazine) 926-0253 Golden Triangle Church of Christian Faith786-38451866-7189 AUSTIN CHURCHES (Area Code: 512) BEAUMONT CLUBS (Area Code: 409) Dignity/CatholiC P.O.2666178768 Copa 304 Orleans 832-4206 First Unitarian Church 452-6168 SCandals 653 Park 833-7313 Integrity/Episcopalians P.O. 180272178718 451-1802 Sundowner 497 Crockett 833-3989 MCCA 1100 Springdale Rd 929-3680 BEAUMONT ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 409) Oasis Ministry 3704 Jefferson 441-9191/834-6357 Lambda Group AA (Inter.Qroup) 724-6501 AUSTIN CLUBS (Area Code: 512) Triplex AIDS Network (T.A.N.) .. P.O. 847177704 .. 839-4826 Back Street 611 E.7th 477-3391 BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION CLUBS (Area Code: 409) Badlands 115 San Jacinto 479-6965 Crossing 222 North Main n9-7039 Boathouse 407 Colorado 474-9667 BRYAN/COLLEGE STATION ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES Chain Drive 802 E. 7 ...... •..... 478{)295 (Area Code: 409) Crossing 611 Red River 476-3611 Gay Student Network .. P.O. 13870/C.S.I77841 .. 696-9486 505 Club 505 East 3rd 479-5050 Gay Student Services P.O. 8109177844 .... 775-1797 Hall's 404 Colorado 473-2501 Carltas MCC 401 E. 31st(Bryan) 775-7219 Nexus 401 East 2 495-9553 CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH (Area Code: 512) Private Cellar 709 East 6th 477-6440 MCC 1705 10th SI. 682-TALK

TWT SEPTEMBEA 19 - SEPTEMBEA 2S 1986 TWT SEPTEMBEA 19 - SEPTEMBEA 25 1986 PAGE 99 PAGE 98 CORPUS CHRISTI CLUBS (Area Code: 512) Evans·Harris Realtors (Daryl Denny) 526-6216 Evangelicals Concemed (D/FW Chapter) . HlddeQ Door 1003 Morgan Ave 882-0183 Fantastic Voyage Travel 522·5215 ..... Box 532332 Grand Pralrlel75053 642-3185 Corley, Andre C.S.W 357.2371 Other Door 1911 So. Staples 882.()()42 Fish Etc 4025 Lemmon Ave 521-1910 First Unitarian Church 01 Dallas 4015 Normandy HenboId, Susm, MS.5327 N. Central @ Airline, #318526-3374 CORPUS CHRISTI ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES Foto Plus 3218 Oaklawn 526-6202 Grace Fellowship 2727 Oaklawn Ave 528-2811 Julian, Debra, M.S...... •...... 644-8757 (Area Code: 512) G&G Property Mgmt .2607 Throckmorton #107 .521·2910 Holy Trinity Community Church 4402 Roseland 827.5088 Moms, Vicki L., R.N., M.S.W 631-5217 Coastal Bend AIDS Foundation . Box 331416 .883-CARE Gasplpe #1 4422 Maple 526·5982 MCC-Dallas 2701 Reagan 526-6221 Park Cities Counseling .. 5327 N. Central at Airline #318 Gay Alcoholics Anon 1705 10th St. 991-4506 Gaspipe #2 9191 Forest Lane #5 699-3955 Oak Lawn Christian Center 4552 Cedar Sprlngs521.5473 ...... 52&3374 Helpline 882-8255 Glen Apts 5000 Bowser 526-0144 Oak Lawn Church 01 Religious Sclence349-83701744.5554 Oak Lawn Counseling Ctr ..... 5811 Nash 351.1502 Parents & Friends 01 Lesbians & Gays (Vel)937·2311 Glide Lubricant 4071 Buena Vista 520-6634 DALlAS CLUBS (Area Code: 214) Whole Woman Center ... P.O. 140504175214 324-8751 Texas Riviera Empire 747 Lum 993-5973 Lobo Bookshop 4008 "C" Cedar Springs 522·1132 Arena 4025 Maple Ave 522.7572 DALLAS DOCTORSIDENTISTS (Area Code: 214) DALLAS ACCOMODATIONS (Area Code: 214) Logan & Glass Consolidated Servlces4001 Bouser526-6372 Baby's 3501 McKinney 521-4748 Allergy & Health Emporium5636 E. Mocklngblrd828-4500 Logan's Point 4001 Bouser 520-6534 Mel's Area Movers (metro)328-0181 Buddies 3415 Mahanna 526-8720 Community Medical Clinic. 3911 Lemmon Ave.. 520-1810 DALLAS ADULT THEATRES (Area Code: 214) Memorabllias 3908 Cedar Springs 522-6601 Club Soda, a juice bar coming Soon Fraternall, Paul DDS 4310 Westside #G 522.2000 Continental Theatre ..... 2036 Commerce 742-0022 Memorabilias Boutique ..... 3109 Regan 521-8217 Copa 01 Dallas 115 N. Carroll 821-6425 Olson, Richard M., D.O 3911 Lemmon 520-1810 La Cage 1812 W. Mockingbird 630-7071 Mockingbird Paint & Body .6650 Harry Hines .358-4155 Crews Inn 3215 N. Fitzhugh 526.9510 Saginaw, Michael, D.P.M. (loot sp.)3505 Turtle Creek #510 DALLAS ATTORNEYS (Area Code: 214) MoveMasters 521·8155 Den, The coming soon .. 745-1020 and 5034 Royal Lane #250 .. 369-5819 Birdwell, Jerry R. 357-3311 Nast AccountlngfTax Tom Nast 941-4384 Dentyne's Patio 3911 Cedar Springs 526.()690 Wycliff Medical 2525 Wycliff !/113 559-4450 Day, Kim K. 522·2281 Newton, Sandra G. (C.PA) 39XJLemmon Ave.,#2205266292 Eighth Day 2509 N. Fitzhugh 827-3765 Watson, Dr. Terry R. 3911 Lemmon 520-1810 Holt, Robert B.9XJJackson 1IWl, Founders SqJ772027486353 Oak Lawn Records 3810 Congress #121 521-0350 Emle's Wild Crowd 2215 N. Fitzhugh 826-0916 DALLAS FITNESS CENTER (Area Code: 214) Kowalski, John 3210 Oak Lawn 526·9699 Off the Street 3921 Cedar Springs 521·9051 4001 4001 Cedar Springs 522-4001 Club Body Center 2616 Swiss 821.1990 Nelson, M. William .. 1010 Regency Plaza, 3710 Rawlins Omnl Video 4OOO-CCedar Springs 55~ Fratemlty 3963 Cedar Springs 559-3257 Fitness Exchange 2525 InwOod #233 956-8311 ...... Box 9175219 526·9881 Premier Travel 1440 Empire Central #160 630-4911 Hideaway 4144 Buena Vista 559-2966 Stewart, Charles L. 3500 Oak Lawn #400 521-3804 Rod Comedy Entertainment Agency 943-1330 Hidden Door 5025 Bowser 528-9211 DALLAS ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES (Area Code: 214) Solomon, Klng 3500 Oak Lawn #400 521-3804 Scott's Abler Movers (metro)263·7oo7 High Country 3121 InwOod 351.2278 AIDS Hotline 351-4335 DALLAS BATHS (Area Code: 214) Shades 01 Grey(Leather, etc.)1925 Greenville Ave.828-4739 J.J.'s 1909 N. Henderson 824.1691 AIDS Resource Center .. 3920 Cedar Springs .. 521.5124 Midtowne Spa 2509 Pacific 821-8989 TWT Magazine. 39XJ Lemmon Ave. at Reagan#220175219 Jugs 3414 Kings Rd 521.3474 AlcohOlics Annonymous (Dallas Lambda AA) 487.7667 DALLAS BUSINESSESISERVICES (Area Code: 214) ...... 521-0622 JR's 3923 Cedar Springs 528-1004 ...... (Llve & Let Live) 871.9447 Abacus Printing 3810 Congress #123 528-1332 Union Jack 3918 Cedar Springs 528-9604 No Name Bar 2513 N. Fitzhugh 826-3200 Alcohol Treatment Center 3949 Maple 558-4350 All City Insurance 4311 Lemmon 559-0806 DALLAS CHURCHES (Area Code: 214) North Forty Saloon 6316 Denton Dr 350-6327 Beth EI Blnah (Jewish) 521-8288/526-2085 ..... 341 W. Jefferson ~ Abundant Llle Church 01 Truth. P.O. 683175221 .946·7260 Old Plantation 3911 Cedar Springs 949-2398 Branding Iron Club P.O. 190471175219 286-9478 .. 3510 W. Walnut (Garland) .. 494-6000 Affirmation (Methodist) 948-1546 Patrick's 2629 Oak Lawn 522.5461 BWMT (BlacklWhlte Men Together) 521-3146 Bl-Cuts Hair Salon .... 3905 Cedar Springs 522·1646 Affirmation (Mormon) 871·2824 Round·Up Saloon 3912·14 Cedar Springs 522.9611 CHRYSALIS (Home Care & Hosplce)3300 W. Mockingbird ...... 4200 Hershel #6 522·1646 Bethany Presbyterian Church 528-4084 Sassy's Two · 3319 Raleigh 521-0202 '132 956-7977 Casey Conner (House Cleaning) 948-1446 Christian Outreach Servo (Evangeleglcal Support Group) Tramps 4117 Maple Ave 741.9426 Concemed Amer.lPreserv/Human Rights 233-3100 Community Bookstore .. 3930 Cedar Springs .. 521-8919 P.O. 671371175367 783-6932 Throckmorton Mine Co... 3014 Throckmorton .. 521-4205 Couples (Metro Dallas) 559-4486 Crestmont Apts 3328 Cedarplaza Lane 521·2851 Church 01 Christ (support group) 691·1179 TRII 5025 Lemmon Ave 526.2340 Dallas Altemative Businessmen's Assoc.522-8477/522-0098 Crossroads Market 3930 Cedar Springs 521-8919 Complete Joy P.O. 671371175367 783-6932 Trestle 412 S. Haskell 828-4959 D.A.G.L.E.S P.O. Box 25241175225 881.1291 Douglas Park Apts 3109 Douglas 748-6550 Dignity/Dallas P.O. 190133175219-0133 520-2554 DALLAS COUNSELING (Area Code: 214) Dallas Emergency 744-4444 Electrolysis lor Men 528-0759 Emergence (Christian SCientist) P.O. 2878175221 522-3086 Boothman, Michael ..... 5415 Maple #419 ..... 631.5217 Dallas Gay Alliance P.O. 190712175219 528-4233 Dallas Gay Archives 3930 Cedar Springs

KEY . . ot4~\\'Il~ 6 ~ Of'.\V The Best l;A'61 austin WEST Little Guest House ! ..h- '- announces its in Town MONTE CARLO • REASONABLE RATES AFTERNOON • CONTINENTAL BREAl\F AST A benefit for the Austin AIDS Project • ROOMS WITH INDIVIDUAL ..0. tropical island paradise and CLIMATE CONTROL America's premier gay resort area. For Come gamble to stop AIDS. FREEKey West .information and brochures • PRIVATE BATHS from member guesthouses write: The Key so we can stop gambling West Business Guild, P.O. Box 4640-5, Key with the disease, • FREE PARKING West, FL33041. FOR RESERVATIONS Sunday, September 28 Name _ CALL (504) 566-1177 Noon-6PM Address _ 1118 URSULINES STREET

City State __ Zip __ 602 E. 7th [512] 478-0295 NEW ORLEANS, LA 70116

PAGE 100 TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 TUJT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 PAGE 101 Oak Lawn Block Assoc P.O. 190408175219 Dallas Gay Black Coalition .... P.O. 190712 528-4233 Oak Lawn Bowling Association Jlm 528-2963 GALVESTON BUSINESS (Area Code: 409) Gay & Lesbian Mormons (Davtd) 523-9821 Dallas Gay & Lesbian Engineers & Scientists . Oak Lawn Country Cloggers 526-6486 DlaI·A·Beach Info line 762-3583 Gay People In Christian Science. P.O. 6131Belialrel77401 ...... P.O. 17298 Ft. Worth176102 881-1291 Oak Lawn SymphoniC Band ········ .960-1927 Garza's Liquor & Beer Mart .... 1102 Strand 763-5920 ...... 665-2642 Dallas Girth & Mirth P.O. 28857/75228-0857 Oak Lawn Tennis Assoc .... P.O. Box 11389 739-2726 Isleworks 2214 Mechanic (In GaJbo's) . Houston Interfaith Alliance 888-8997 Dallas On Tap P.O. 190973175219 960-1927 Oz (Computer BBS) Logln:guest 528-0110 GALVESTON CLUBS (Area Code: 409) Integrity (Episcopalian) . P.O. 66008177266-6008 ..524-1489 Dallas Outdoors P.O. 35474175235 Parents Anonymous 264-1108 GaJbo's 2214 Mechanic 763-5922 living Water Church Main & Blodgett (HOliday Inn)27H1472 Dallas Tavem Guild 3900 Lemmon /1220 526-5292 Police Harassment Reporting 528-4233 Kon-Tlkl 315 23rd (Tremont) 763-9031 Lutherans Concemed 52Hl8631931.Q648 Deaf Action Center 52Hl407 Presbyterians for LesblanlGay Concems 623-2317 Mary's II 2502 Q1f2 SI. 763-9435 MCCR 1919 Decatur 861·9149 Drug Treatment Center 2701 Inwood 956-7181 Pride III 3920 Cedar Springs 528-4233 Robert's LaFitte 25th & Q SI. 765-9092 MCC New Freedom In Grace .829 Yalel77008 .863-8377 Experience Weekend 12262 Inwood 111206175234 Razzle-Dazzle Dallas, Inc P.O. 2245621752224562 GALVESTON ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 409) Pentecostal Family of Montrose 521-0511 Friends & Relatives of Gays 845 E. Arapaho 11107, SMU-Gay/Lesblan Student Org P.O. 1636175275 Metropolitan Community Church 1824 Broadway 765-7626 Presbytery of New Covenant (Pres. Ctr.) 41 Oakdale Richardson, TX 644-8757 STD Clinic 1936 Amelia Ct 92().795Q Lambda AA 763-1401 ...... 526-2585 Foundation for Human Understanding3920 Cedar Springs Stonewall Group (Narcotics Anon.) 699-9306 HOUSTON ADULTMDEO BOOKSTORES (Area Code: 713) Rothko Chapel 1409 Sui Ross 524·9839 ...... 528-4233 Suicide & Crisis Center 828-1000 Ballpark 1830 W. Alabama . St. Stephens Epls. Ch 1805 W. Alabama Forty Plus (40 + ) ..... 3920 Cedar Springs ..... 528-4233 Teach Only Love (Course In Miracles) P.O. 35833175235 Big City News & Video .. 10105 Gulf Frwy. So 947-8999 Unitarian Men's Group 528-1571 Gay Academic Union of N. TX. P.O. 2402175221 221-7410 ...... 3530057 Mangum Rd. News 3837 Mangum Rd 956-2991 Weslayan Fellowship , 864-8899 Gay Community Center .. 3920 Cedar Springs .. 528-4233 Texas Gay Rodeo Assoc. (Dallas) 550-1046 Richmond News 1201 Richmond HOUSTON CLUBS (Area Code: 713) Gay Hispanic Coalition of Dallas . THRF (Texas Human Rights Foundatlon)P.O. 191312175219 Stadium Bookstore 4629 W. 34th SI. 663-1886 Bacchus 523 Lovett 523-3396 ...... P.O. 190922175219 324·5220 Texas Sidekicks (cloggers) 33Q.()1oo Studz News 1132 W. Alabama . Bam 710 Pacific 528-9427 Gay/Lesbian Young Adults 3920 Cedar Springs 528-4233 T.R.U.S.T. (adolescent children of gayllesbian parents) ... HOUSTON ADULT THEATRES (Area Code: 713) Brazos River Bottom 2400 Brazos 528-9192 Gayllne (Comm. Res. Cntr.) .P.O. 190835175219 .~283 Adolescent Support Group 631-6217 French Quarter 3201 Louisiana 527'()782 Briar Patch 2294 Holcombe 665-9678 Gay Mensa 522-3867 Turtle Creek Chorale .... P.O. 190806175219 521·1053 HOUSTON ATTORNEYS (Area Code: 713) Chutes 1732 Westhelmer 523-2213 Gay Parents 467·2038 Violence Against Gays NGTF Hotline 1-8Q().221-7044 Gaitz, Michael 9575 Katy Frwy. 11450 46S-3997 Club Flamingo 907 Westhelmer 527-8830 Gay Unitarians 52S-3990 Womyn Together P.O. 190712175219 528-4233 Green, Bill (24 hours) 266-1004 Copa 2631 Richmond 528-2259 Greater Dallas Info & Referral Service 747-3711 DALLAS RESTAURANTS (Area Code: 214) HOUSTON BATHS (Area Code: 713) Cousins 817 Fairview 528-9204 Greater Dallas Music Foundation 960-1927 Hunky's 4OOO Cedar Springs 522·1212 Club Body Center 2205 Fannin 859-4998 Cutters 804 Pacific ...... •.... 524-7933 Integrity (D/FW) .. P.O. Box 190331/75219-0031 .. 522·2219 Wok Restaurant 4006 Cedar Springs 528-0000 Mldtowne Spa 3100 Fannin 522·2379 Dirty Sally's 220 Avondale ....•.... 529-7525 Interdemonimational-Study Group (GLCF of Sherman/Denl· DALLAS THEATRES (Area Code: 214) HOUSTON BUSINESSESISERVICES E/J's 1213 Richmond 527·9071 son) ... 2424 Hwy. 75N Lot 27, Sherman, Tx. 75090 Granada 3524 Greenville Ave 823-9610 (Area Code: 713) Galleon 2303 Richmond 522·7616 L.A.M.B.D.A. (Bowling) 331-644815224678 Inwood Theatre 5458 Lovers Lane 352-6040 A·1 Key & Lock 1612 Westhelmer 526-2657 Heaven Pacific @ Grant 521·9123 Lesbian/Gay Democrats of Dallas CountyP.O. 190302175219 Pocket Sandwich Theatre. 1611 Greenville Ave .. 821-1860 Acapulco Villas & Travel 222·7852 JR's 808 Pacific 521·2519 ...... 526.()6()() EL PASO CLUBS (Area Code: 915) Advance Travel 10700 NW Fwy. . 682·2002 Just Marlon & Lynn's 903 Richmond 528-9110 Lesbian/Gay Democrats of Texas .P.O.64493 .821-4838 Old Plantation 219 S. Ochoa 533-0055 Ascot Leasing (Auto Leasing) 973-0070 Kindred Spirits 4902 Richmond 623-6135 Lesbian/Gay Political Coalition of DaliasP.O. 224424/75222 San Antonio Mining Co 800 E. San Antonio .. 546-9903 B. Adams Ltd. (Leather by Boots Shop) 611 Hyde Park Mary's 1022 Westhelmer 528-8851 ...... 528-06531526-8345 EL PASO ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 915) Basic Brothers Clothing 1220 Westhelmer 522·1626 Michaels 428 West helmer 529-2506 Lutherans Concerned 521·5615 Alpha Plasma Center 720 Texas Ave 532·5322 Chateaux DIJon Apts 5331 Beveriy Hills 626-3660 Montrose Mining Co 805 Pacific 529-7488 Metroplex Republicans P.O. 191033175219 9874132 Dlgnlty/EI Paso P.O. Box 26523 Downbeat Records 2111 Richmond 523-8346 NRG 901 N. Shepherd 863.()()10 Narcotics Anon 24 Hrs 699-9306 MCC EI Paso 2201 Mills, P.O. 3121 ..... 542·1227 Doug's Electronics (TV Repair, etc.)4212 Woodhead526-2358 Numbers 300 Westhelmer 52&8338 N.OW. Lesbian Rights 3108 Roulh SI 742-6918 FORT WORTH BUSINESSES (Area Code: 817) Eagle, The 1544 Westhelmer 524-7383 Outlaws, The 1419 Richmond 528-8903 All City Insurance 4119-B E. Lancaster . Eurotan 3701 Montrose 529-5100 Ranch 9150 S. Maln 668-3464 ...... 534·5111/Metro 817·540-0960 Fitness Consultant (Ed Kinser) 779-2143 Rascals 2702 Kirby 524-6272 Grany's Gifl Shop 665 So. Jennings ..... 335-8360 Greenway Place Apts 3333 Cummins Lane .. 623-2034 Ripcord 521·2792 Scott's Abler Movers (metro)263-7oo7 He & She Productions 2205 Montrose 523-5293 Rock 'N' Horse 5731 Kirby 520.9910 Yours Truly .... 3408-A Camp Bowie .... 334'()122 Hollie Hollister Photography (TWT) 222-6717 Studio 13 1318 Westhelmer 521·9030 FORT WORTH CHURCHES (Area Code: 817) I.W. Marks Jewelry 3841 Bellaire Blvd 668-5000 The 611 Hyde Park at Stanford 528-9079 ()~~a~e Agape MCC 4615 S.E. Loop 820 535-5002 Kwlk·Kopy 3317 Montrose 522·1896 Venture-N 2923 S. Main 522.QOOO Evangelicals Concerned (D/FW Chapter) . Leather By Boots 711 Fairview 526-2668 ~~e ..... Box 532332 Grand PrairieI75053 642-3185 Leather By Boots at the Ri pcord · \a ~\. 0.\ \...o.'-l"l HOUSTON COUNSELING (Area Code: 713) FORT WORTH CLUBS (Area Code: 817) Missouri Street Gallery 1006 Missouri .... 526-3663 Felps, Stuart Ph.D 524-8277 va\'(\t f>.\\\)~~e'l ()~ ~a~e D.J.'s 1308 St. Louis ·· .927-7321 Montrose Venture Wholesale .2205 Montrose . 527.Q688 Gonzales, A.; MSW, CSW 527·9302 Miss Ellie's coming soon Movemasters 1925 Westhelmer 63Q.6555 Hewes, Ted, MSW. (psychotherapy) 665.Q496 Other Place 200 N. Vacek 335-1901 Pet Shop & Bird Cllnlc3118 Smith @ Westhelmer529-7266 Hinkle, David, MD; Kingan, Peter, MH; Treese, Gary, MSW ~~e Partners 1612 Park PI. 927·9546 RMS Automotive 1759 West helmer 529-5856 · \a ~\. 0.\ \...o.'-l"l (Psy. & Family Therapy Center)3400 Montrose 11501 The 651 Club 651 S. Jennings 332'()745 Record Rack 3109 S. Shepherd 524-3602 ...... 522·9816 va\'(\t f>.\\\)\~e'l ()~ ~a~e The Lumber Company Re-opening Soon 332'()192 Rlnn's Speedy Printing ... 1617 W. Alabama 527'()o27 Montrose Counseling Ctr. ..900 Lovett 11203 .. 529.Q037 Vickery Station 224 E. Vickery 654·1108 Rosewood Estates 6130 S.W. Freeway 78().7010 Professional Counseling Services 523-7239 FORT WORTH ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES Ruhlman Design 2205 Montrose 527·9698 Town & Country Psychiatry, Tony Carroll, MSW 932·9999 ~~e (Area Code: 817) Sir (Leather By Boots) (Venture·N) 2923 So. Main · \a ~\. 0.\ \...o.'-l"l Wm. Scott & Assoc 900 Lovett 529-1913 Branding Iron Club . P.O. 1904711Dallas 75219 .923-2598 Specs Unlimited 4709 Richmond 961·9705 HOUSTON MEDICAL PROFESSIONALS: va\'(\t f>.\\\)\~e'l Cowtown Symphonic Band ..... Jay (214)960-1927 Stacy Kogan Furs 7700 San Felipe, 3rd fl. 785-6700 HOUSTON CHIROPRACTOR (Area Code: 713) ()~~a~e Crisis/Suicide Intervention (24 hours help) 336·3355 Tafl Automotive Center 1411 Taft 522·2190 Martin, Dr. Jerry .. 3233 Weslayan 11191.. 963.()()8(), ext. 1 Dallas Gay Lesbian Engineers & Scientists . TexEscort (models/escortslmasseurs) 524-9511 HOUSTON DENTISTS (Area Code: 713) · \a ~\.~~e0.\ \...o.'-l"l ..... P.O. 25241/Dallas/75225-1241 294·9962 Touch of Leather Shop ..... 817 Fairview 528-9204 Butier, Ron DDS 427 Westhelmer 524-0538 Dlgnlty/Ft. Worth 4503 Bridge SI176103 283-8588 Travel Reservations, Inc. . .. P.O. 616177001 523-3444 Smith, Bruce W., DDS 1006 Missouri 5294364 va\'(\t f>.\\\)\~e'l DFW Gay BBS (Metro)654·9252 TWT Graphics (Art, Design, Typesetting) 527·9111 HOUSTON DOCTORS (Area Code: 713) Ft. Worth Counseling Cntr.lAIDS Project & Referrals Union Jack 1212 Westhelmer 528-9600 Martinez, Steve M.D .. 4126 SW Freeway 111000 .621-7771 ...... 659 So. Jennings 335-1994/335-1995 Wit & Wisdom of Oscar Wilde Books1103 Callfomla522·9808 Montrose Clinic ..... 803 Hawthorne lnfo·528-5531 FI. Worth Gay Pride Assoc. P.O. 3235/76113 294-2447/8774419 HOUSTON CHURCHES & RELIGIOUS ORGANIZATIONS ...... business 528-5535 Imperial Court-Golden Lion ······ . 87()'1364 (Area Code: 713) Strauss, Gerald Z., MD .4242 SW. Frwy, /1300 .877-8805 Knights of Malta 5890913 Affirmation-Mormon (David) 523-9821 HOUSTON OPTOMETRISTS (Area Code: 713) Lambda AA 332-3533 Aytz Chaylm (JewiSh) ...... 688-8997 Johnson, Dr. Thomas .... 4709 Richmond .... 961·9705 Longhom Bowling Assoc Joan 624-2151 Bering Memorial UMC 1440 Harold 526-1017 HOUSTON FITNESS CENTER (Area Code: 713)· Longhorn Imperial Council ········ . 87()'1364 Chapel of the Woodlands. 7500 Pinemontll503 .46().1712 Fitness Exchange 2900 Richmond 524·9932 3212 Smith, Suite 102 Parents & Friends & Lesbians & Gays 834-6943 Church of Christ 524·9281 HOUSTON ORGANIZATIONSIHELPLINES (Area Code: 713) Pleasure Chest (gay computer BBS) 926-6034 Church of the Resurrection (SE Houston) 489-0167 A Capella Chorus (Church of Christ Gays) 528-1852 526·7911 Houston Tarrant Co. Gay AlilanceP.O. 110441761Q9336.TCGAf336.8242 Church of the Rock .... 10133 Long Point 5B().8456 ACLU 1236 W. Gray 524-5925 24 Hour Phone Answering Texas Gay Rodeo Association P.O. 786176101 Community Gospel Church .. 3207 Montrose .. 521-0511 AID for AIDS P.O. 86414177266 526-6077 V.D. Clinic 1800 University 87()'7223 Congregation Aytz Chaylm (Jewish Group)7266181f688.8997 AIDS Foundation 3400 Montrose, 11700 524·AIDS W.A.D.S 7405 Gaston Ave 457·9422 Dignity (Gay Catholics) ... P.O. 66821177266 ... 523-7644 AIDS Hotline c/o Switchboard 529-3211 FORT WORTH RESTAURANTS (Area Code 817) Emergence (Christian Sclence)P.O. 613, Bellaire Texl77401 A Place in the Sun 522·7695 D.J.'s Restaurant 1308 St. Louis 927·7321 ...... 665-2642 American Gay Athelsls P.O. 66711177266 527·9255 First Unitarian Church .... 5210 Fannin SI. .... 526-1571 Astro Rainbow Alliance for the Deaf ..... TTY 52Q.()732

TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 PAGE 102 TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 PAGE 103 Gay Rights National Lobby P.O. 1892,Washlng1on,DC 20013 Autry House 6265 So. Maln · .. Mixed Bowling Mike Weikert 973-1358 Helpline (Drug Abuse Central) 225-4068 Baby Jane Mixed League (Bowling) Phlll ... 688-6970 · Racquotball Roger 865-8094 ...... (202)546-1801 Integrity P.O. 15006/78212 734.()759 Baytown Market SI. Lambda 422.()81117J2.7214 ...... Soccer Robert 621·5571 Herpes Clinic H300-423-02OO Lambda AA 1312 Wyoming 225-5611 Hispanic United Gays L1berado 5619 14th Ave. #l-C CH E P.O. 3045177253 68().3346 · Volleyball Nick 777·1823 Lutherans ConcernedP.O. 2~8178520696'()3071734'()759 Montrose Softball league Box 22272177227-2272524-3144 Choices Unlimited (Lesbian Social Group) 5~211 ...... Brooklyn, N.Y. 11219 Mustang Club, Inc P.O. 12551178212 Colt 45's 528-9192 Montrose Symphonic Band P.O. 6861317726&6613527-9454 Human Rights Campaign Fund . Parents of Gays 736-6847 Comm. for Public Health Awareness P.O. 3045177253 Montrose Tennis Club Rich 524-2151 . P.O. 1396, Washington, DC 20013 .(202)546-2025 River City FrontRunnersP.O. 5844/78212822-20191737-1224 ...... 522·5084 Montrose Writers Guild. P.O. 27084/77227-7084.621-3008 Lambda Legal Defense 132 W. 43rd NYC 10039 River City Stompers 732-5649 Community Political Action Committee. P.O. 2005177252 Mother's Group (Lesbian Mothers) .... 868-55021563-8926 ...... (212)944-9488 Runaways (Youth Service Project) 299-7660 ...... 2:J6.8666 National Assn. Lesbian & Gay Alcoholism Professionals Media Fund for Human Rights . San Antonio AIDS Foundation P.O. 120113178212 Conroe Area Lambda .. 304 Harris Blvd... (409)76Q.1509 (NALGAp) Texas Chapter Ron 921-3132 P.O. 'A' Old Chelsea Stat. NY., NY/1oo11(212)98SSl22 .... (24 hour hotllne) 733-3429 (office) 733-1853 Couples P.O. 70884177270.0884 Parents and Friends of Lesbians & Gays (FLAG)464-6663 National Assoc. of Black and White Men Together ..... San Antonio Gay Pride Week CommitteeP.O. 12063178212 Crisis Hotline 228-1505 Presidents Club (GPe past pres.)P.O. 66844177266523-6024 .. 584 Castro SI., #140, San Francisco, CA/94114 San Antonio Gay Switchboard P.O. 120402178212-9602 Project FOOD (KS/AIDS Foundation) 524-2427 Democratic Committee of GPC 527-9143 ···············~~~···4·m··· ····················· 733-7300 Dlal-A-Gay-Atheist. 527-9255 Revista Paz y L1beraclon P.O. 6000631/77260 National Assoc. of Business Councils . San Antonio Plasma Servlces112 Auditorium Cir.223-2958 Diana Foundation 2700 Mason/77006 524·5791 Rice Gay/Les. Support Group(c/o Gay Swltchboard)5~111 P.O. 15145, San Francisco, CA 94115(415)88&6363 San Antonio Tavern GUild-AIDS Fund 821-6218 Dignity Center 3217 Fannin 528-0111 Shantl (AIDS Peer Counseling) P.O. 3045-77253 National Assoc. Gay & Lesbian Democratic Clubs ..... Tejas Motorcycle Club 533-6001 E.S.O.P.S. (Private Proff. Social Club) 961·9876 Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) 4400 Memorial Dr. 1742Mass Ave SE,Washing1on,DC2IXXl3(:ll2)547-3104 The Bridge (youth shelter) .. 606 Wilson Blvd 734-9532 Ewnts UnlimHed(Fonaie Group)3333W. AIabanaf77OOB52.ffiOO ...... /12175177007 684-6174 National Gay Alliance for Young Adults (NGAYA)P.O.190426, SOUTH PADRE ISLAND ACCOM. (Area Code: 512) Family Connection (youth shelter) 523-6825 Society for 2nd Self (Trl-Ess) Gulf Coast Transvestite · Dallas, 1)( 75219-0426 Lyle's Deck (guesthouse) ... 120 E. Atol SI. ... 761-LYLE FrontRunners (runners, joggers) P.O. 66371177266 Chapter P.O. 90335177090 Nat'l Gay Health Ed. Foundation P.O. 784, NYC 10036 TEMPLE CLUBS (Area Code 817) ...... 520-80191522.()899 Texas Gay Rodeo Association P.O. 66973 #1194 526-5001 · (212}563-6313 Girty's 201 S. Main 77Q.()Q81 Garden Party _.. 3317 Montrose 111067/77006 Texas Human Rights Foun P.0.66574177266-6574 National Gay Rights Advocates . Studio M 414 So. 1st 776-9989 Westheimer Colony Arjs. Assn 1001 Westheimer #163 Gay & Alive Sharing (GASE) 526-1311 540 Castro, San Francisco, CA 94114(415)863-3624 TEXARKANA CLUB (Area Code 214) Gay Asians & Friends 785-3633 ...... ~~33 National Gay/Lesbian Crislsllne 1.800-221-7044 B.J.'s (P.C.).... FM 989 (14 Mile So. US67).... 632-3038 Gay Fathers of Houston P.O. Box 66973 1116277006 Women's Encounter Group. P.O. 920952 #262177292.Q952 National Gay & Lesbian Task Force. 1517 U Street, NW. TEXARKANA ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code 214) · 432·1394/695-8584 Women's Lobby Alliance ..... 4 Chelsea ..... 521.()439 · .... Washington, D.C./20009 ..... (202)332-6483 Northeast Texas Mental Health-Mental Retardation (MHMR) Women's Softball League6431 PlneshadeI77008868-6256 Gay & Lesbian Hispanics Unidos P.O. 600921/7726Q.0921 Planned Parenthood of San Angelo 2619 Sherwood Way ...... 2717 Summerhill Rdl75501 793-7585 Womynspace 2033 Norfolk 869-6510 ...... 5~947 ...... 944-1909 Southwest Arkansas Counseling & Mental Health Center Gay/Lesbian Student Assoc .. , : . Box 314 . HOUSTON RESTAURANTS (Area Code: 713) ODESSA CLUB (Area Code: 915) 2904 Arkansas Blvdl755021.8Q0652-91661(501)773-4655 ...... 4800 Calhoun 5~211 Bayou City Oyster Bar .. 2171 Richmond Ave 523-6640 Nlte Spot 8401 Andrews Hwy 366-6799 Texarkana Co-Op (501) 772-1660 Gay Nurses Alliance 88(}.9486 Charlie's Restaurant 1102 Westheimer 522-3332 SAN ANGELO CLUB (Area Code: 915) TEXAS GUEST HOUSEIACCOMODATIONS(Area Code 817) Gay People in Christian ScienceP.O. 613, Bellalre, Tx. 77401 Chapultepec 813 Richmond 522-2365 Phase III 10 North Taylor 942-9188 EI Rancho VlstalELV Travel Box 245, Glen Rose 897-4982 ...... 665-2642 Cutters 604 Pacific 524.()8Q6 Red Bandana Saloon ... 506 So. Chadbourne 655-4010 TYLER CLUB (Area Code 214) Gay Political Caucus (P.O. 66664, Houston 77266) House of Pies 3112 Kirby 526-3816 SAN ANGELO ORGANIZATION (Area Code: 915) Chez Vous Hwy. 31 East 592-6900 ...... ~4~ Hunt Room 3404 Kirby 521-9838 Gay Angelo Students (GAS) . P.O. 60963176906.942-8115 UVALDE TEXAS Gay Rights A.C.L.U P.O. 66844177006 Rascals 2702 Kirby 524-6272 SAN ANTONIO BUSINESSES (Area Code: 512) Uvalde Organization P.O. Box 1124178802 Gay & Lesbian SwitchboardP.O. 66591177261Hl5915~11 Pizza Inn Delivery 3105 S. Shepherd 522-5676 Bexar Florist 802 Montana 271-3643 WACO CLUB (Area Code: 817) Greater Montrose Business GuildP.O. Box 66973,Suite 1029 Westheimer Cafe 1525 Westheimer 526-4350 Kevin Wagner Unique Cards/Gifts 1900San Pedr0733-3555 Studio M 2812 N. 19th 753-9715 77006 528-1111/723-8368/524-9511 HOUSTON THEATRES (Area Code: 713) On Main 2514 Main 737-2323 Tallulah's 507 Jefferson # 5th 753-9189 Guardian Angels .. ' 415 Westhelmer 943-1236 Alley Theatre 615 Texas 226-8421 Oscar Mendiola Photography 225-8222 Hazelwitch Productions P.O. 66242177266 Curtain Call on Line (Theatre Reviews) 526-1446 SAN ANTONIO CHURCHES (Area Code: 512) Herpes H.E.L.P. Hotline 996-9414 Greenway III .. ,Hwy. 59 © Buffalo Spdwy 626.()4Q2 Community of SI. Francis .... 332 Wilcox 923-2266 Homophile Interfaith Alliance 729 Manor 52~969 River Oaks W. Gray & Shepherd 524-2175 Dignity (CathOlic Gays) ... P.O. 12484178212 349-3632 Houston Bar Owners Assoc. (HOBO) %528-9192 The Group (Theatre Workshop) .. 3217 Fannin .. 522-2204 Integrity P.O. 15006 734'()759 Hou-Tex Tennis Club David 926-7171 KEY WEST, FLORIDA BUSINESS (305) MCCSA 1136 W. Woodlawn 734.Q048 HouTex Tennis Toumament J.C., Director 529-7467 Key West Business Guild (Information) P.O. 4840-5/33041 River City Living Church311 Melrose PI.822.1121/734.0377 LONGVIEW CHURCHES (Area Code: 214) Houston Area Gay & Lesbian Engineers & Scientists Trinity Council 311 Melrosel78212 P.O. 66631mOO6 439-1879 Faith Community Church .. 1116 S. Mobberly .. 757-7338 SAN ANTONIO CLUBS (Area Code: 512) Houston Council of Clubs 526-8054 LONGVIEW CLUB (Area Code: 214) Ab's Westernaire 622 Roosevelt 533-9928 Rainbow Connection .. 2110 S. Eastman Rd... 757-5593 Houston Data Professionals 52~922 Bonham Exchange 411 Bonham 271-3811 Houston Gay Health Advocates .. Box 66123 .. 790-9448 LUBBOCK CLUB (Area Code: 806) Crew 309 W. Market 223-0333 Houston Flag & Drill Corps 952-2776 The Company 1806 Clovis Rd 744-5250 Downtown SA 240 Broadway 223-6285 LUBBOCK ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 806) Houston Health Dept. ... 1115 N. McGregor 222-4201 EI Jardin 106 Navarro 223-7177 Houston North ProfessionalsP.O.3840Humblel7734782Hl26 Dignity/Lubbock P.O. 10752179417 763-9155 French Connection 330 San Pedro 225-2353 Houston Outdoor Group 521-3641 or 961-2905 IntegrityIW. Tex. (Episcopalians)Box 10752179417639-2609 Gemini Club 504 Pleasanton Rd 923-9918 Houston Tennis Club Shawn 524-2151 Lubbock Gay Alliance .... P.O. 84746179484 796-2403 Miss Ellie's 2015 2015 San Pedro 733-3365 Ingersoll Speakers Bureau (Gay Atheist) . P.O. 391177401 MCC 5501 34th/P.O. 84574; 79484 . Noo Zoo 10127 Coachlight 341-4778 Interact (over 40) P.O. 16041/77022 529-7014 Student Services for LeS/GaysTexas Tech. US.O.S. Office Paper Moon 1430 No. Main 225-7330 It's OK (AIDS Support Group) 529-2416 Box 8179409-4310 742-2192 Phazez 119 EI Mio 342-9053 Jerry Kauffman Cancer Fund 776-4106 McALLEN CLUBS (Area Code: 512) Rose, The 4121 Gardendale 696-4944 The lesbian is an attorney, an Bumpers 1617 N. 11Y2 SI. 687-9922 KPFT Radio 419 Lovett 526-4~ Sliver Dollar Saloon 1418 N. Main 227-2623 architect, or an engineer. She is Lambda Alanon 521-9772 Other Face 200 N. 29th 686-9635 Snuffy's Saloon 820 San Pedro 224.7739 Lambda Center For Alcoholics .. 1214 Joanne .. 521-9772 P.B.D.'s Lounge Ware Rd. © Daffodil 682-8019 SAN ANTONIO COUNSELING (Area Code: 512) the blind poet and s0!Jgwriter. MESQUITE DOCTORS/DENTISTS (Area Code: 214) Lone Star Nudist Group Box 740572177274 JOhnson, Toby, Ph.D.... 1616 San Pedro #10 ... 7324~ Lower Westheimer Police Community Center .. 529-3100 Olson, Richard M., 0.0.3434 E. Highway 67, Bldg. C #140 Menefee, Michael, Ph.D.. 7744 Broadway #103 .821-5905 She is the welfare recipient, an Metropolitan Wind Ensemble 529-9610 ...... 613-3030 Menchaca Jr, Reymundo 847-7563 auto mechanic, a veterlnarlan, an Miss Camp America P.O. 142 Bellaire, Texl77401 MIDLAND/ODESSA CHURCH (Area Code: 915) SAN ANTONIO ORGANIZATIONS (Area Code: 512) Montrose Area NOW P.O. 96714177213 Free to Be (AA) 3201 W. Wall (Midland) .... 669-6339 AIDS Information 821-6218 alcoholic, a telephone operator, Montrose Art Alliance c/o 1006 Missouri 529-4364 MCC 3201 W. Wall, Midland, P.O. 1152179702 Alamo Human Rights Comm 656-1487 a civil service or civil rights Montrose Chamber Singers 526-3810 ...... 669-6339 Alcohol Counseling 227 Guilbeau 226-9241 Missouri SI. Gallery 1006 Missouri 526-3663 NACOGDOCHES ORGANIZATION (Area Code: 409) Alcohol Counseling & Detox MHMR 421 6th SI. 225-4227 worker. And, being a woman in Montrose Chamber Singers 526-3810 GLAS (Gay/Lesbian Association of Students) . Alpha Plasma Center 302 S. Flores 224-1749 Montrose Co. Cloggers 456-8861 ...... P.O. 491175963.a491 Church Theatre 1150 S. Alamo 224-4085 Western society, she is certain- Montrose Computer Conn.P.O. Box 66895177266526-3737 NEW ORLEANS ACCOMODATION (504) Crisis Hotline (lOa-lOp) 733-1111 ly a Clerk-typist, secretary, or Montrose Mailbox (Computer Connection) 527-8566 New Orleans Guest House .1118 Ursulines SI. .566-1177 Crisis Hotline (24 hrs) 227-4357 Montrose Awareness Patrol Group 527-8438 NATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS Detoxification Center 622 Dolorosa 225-5481 bookkeeper. Montrose Singers .(a gay men's chorusXMlke) .526-3810 AIDS Action Counsel729 8th SI. SE, /I2OOWash.D.C'/2~3 Drug Abuse MHMR 3721A S. Presa SI. '" .533-9156 - Del Martin and Phyllis Lyon Montrose Sports Assoc (Director) Nick 777-1823 ...... (202)547-3101/547·3102 Fiesta Run P.O. 169672178280-3272 · Billiards Dennis 72H,505 AIDS Information recording 1-600-342-AIDS Forward Foun., Inc. (community education) 224-7663 ...... Bridge Jlm 862-7397 Gay & Lesbian Press Association . Gay Fathers of SA P.O. 15495/78212 653-8544 · .. Monday Mens Bowling ... Tommy 699-8160 P.O.'A' Old ChelseaStat., NY., N.YJ1OO11(212)989€622 Gay Switchboard .733-7300

TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 PAGE 104 TWT SEPTEMBER 19 - SEPTEMBER 25 1986 PAGE 105 OUR BIG SIXTH cheap thrills ANNIVERSARY BLOW OUT BiiouVideo Sales' semi-annual storewide sale THIS WEE·KEND EVERY TAPE REDUCED 95 SATURDAY, SEPTEMB~R"~O PRICES FROM $19 .$75 4-7PM: $6 LIQUOR BUST 7-9PM: Compllmeptary well Over 900 titles in stock dr.nks & Cal\.lfedbeer Save onthese titles,plus many more ~~ piUS: Dancing to the Crossing's @ star deejays all night ~ $59~~.'69" $52~~.'59" SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 2. ~ NOON-MIDNIGHT:..••lse DRAFT BEER. THE YOUNG & THE HUNG THE IDOL 4PM TILL AT L~AST7P",: $6 LIQUOR B~ST SIZING UP THE BEST MEN @ 7PM: $ I FAJITA DINjNERon the patio 9PM: Art Auct.on t beneftt AAP BOYS ON FILM CENTURIANS OF ROME Austin AID· Project BELOW THE BELT BOY'S CAN'T HELP IT § NIGHTCRAWLER ROUGH TRADES § MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 22 TWO HANDFULS NIGHTHAWKS IN LEATHER O:J I PM: All-Star Str'p Show Sta~~~ng ------If you------don 't see a recenfly released tit!e, call us fa see if if is available.-, • Hunter & Headliners r SPECIFYPAYMENT: BUOU VIDEO SALES ::E [I;] 0 CHECK (requires 75business days) ~ TilE (jIW fI([)E(} E)(PERT.f • 0 M.O. 0 VISA 0 MC 0 AmEx __ .3.9N.W." ••Chgo,Il606'O-- 0 56.00 Complete Catalog Only.

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