who’ll make me look has been toiling in "The Sixth THE EVENING STAR someone B-7 reasonably attractive some- man,” wife Janet Leigh has Wethington, D. C. I «niU3CIHCIII» I’d like Tuetdoy, September 13, 1960 THE LYONS DEN one. say, Cary Grant.” been running a nursery school for 15 small children at their THE BUDGET: Senator Joe ¦¦NOW THRU SEPT. 17 MV By LEONARD LYONS O’Mahoney, who is retiring HOLLYWOOPefgH home and also working on the from office, has a clerk who’s charity premiere of "Spartacus" served with him for many By SHEILAH GRAHAM in which Tony has a role. In- da n h I the Kirk Douglas It Looked Too years. The clerk once told Wil- cidentally, TONIGHT dlelicj Easy liam O. Douglas, then with the film, ’’Day of the Gun,” with —¦—¦——- ON THE hidden pocket took broke on the 14th —JHH , wont be shown .—The judge at and from a SEC: "I’m bills and until next spring—because a trial In New York, some years 27 folded *lOO paid and 29th of every month.” Kirk’s has PlayliouAe "Spartacus” prior- ago, urged a witness to speak the cashier. “This is a tough Douglas said he was broke on Difference of Opinion night I ity. and he has an Oscar in TERRACE “Mr. Savo. the town,” he said. “Last the 10th and 22d of every up: speak up. Paris. bills.” (NANA). in And every star wants mind. So does Otto Preminger MINDY way we’ve all heard you do on was stuck up for 27 *1 month. The next day Douglas FEATURING and "Oscar” musi- to be in this Walter Wanger for “Exodus.” Also Stanley a stage.” The wistful comedian, was nominated to the Supreme Danny Kaye BEARD: Bemel- production. . . Merrill THE CARSON THE Ludwig . Gary Kramer with his fine movie SHOREHAM . clerk dif- who died in Italy last week, Court. . . O’Mahoney’s cian Andre Previn had a mans was at the Colony the explained to me why he and version on "Inherit the Wind.” is smiled, cast his eyes downward wrote him: “Now that the about the BINGINGSTRINOS ference of opinion Bette divorced: "Bette other day, clean-shaven for the Davjs These will all be in the • and said: “But I’m a pantoml- President has fixed up your biggies "TWO FOR THE first time In He’d finally music for Danny’s upcoming and I had a different way of mlst." years. personal budget, how about running. SUZANNE • shaved his beard, he said, not television spectacular, after life. And we were hurting the •* * * SEESAW" His ambition always had mine.” of his children.” in celebration new book, Andre had difference of Lawrence author of NICOLE been to speak up, on a stage. a opin- *? ? Dun-ell, with PHIL BOSCO “Are You Hungry? Are You THE RIDE: P. » and Irving Lazar, been He started as a juggler, ion with Mrs. Kaye Sylvia No believes the remark "Justine,” has writing Directed Cold?” but the result of a the fabulous Hollywood agent, one by Roger Graef as care once spent two years practicing Fine, who has always taken new dialogue’ for "Cleo- dinner in Madrid. There travels de luxe. He’s made by Simone when some MON. thru SAT. B:4S the most difficult trick in the party always of music for and Signoret HAL LOMAN the Danny TICKETS from $2.00 were several Cuban guests at lust opened a New York apart- she patra.” Another interesting world: He balanced a cue ball done very well for him. Andre, was queried in Paris anent •nd HIS PLAYMATES and the host he will is for $1.45 billiard stick on his fore- the party, gave ment, to which com- is with husband Yves Montand and thing about this epic that, Optional Dinin, atop a I’m told, no longer Dinner end dancing to the a choice either decided supper Bemelmans mute. He therefore to while movie is on location i SPECIAL REDUCTION—! head. another cue ball atop a Danny. Marilyn Monroe—l don’t give the sparkling music of 808 CROSS billiard stick in his left shave the beard so that the try flying in the tourist section: Dining from 7 SHOW & DINNER hand, is jubilant be- in Egypt, a documentary will end his orchestra. a damn.” She does. . Prin- wouldn’t be offended “It’s the the . . Res- $3.95 or $4.9$ juggling three balls with his Cubans or same plane as p.m. Dencing 8:15_to .12:45. cause he will have off the be of all the monuments and if I can paid cess Grace Rainier in her made ervations: Phone ADams ,4 0700. right hand, while rotating a leave. He shaved the beard. first-class flight, peas- *500,000 he owes Warners for that be moved to make way for MATINEES!MATINtiESI THURS.THURS. 8I SAT. ItNI:M .” He was loop with his right foot. He save *lOO a flight .. ant ’kerchief at the Olympics ALL SEATS-SSEATS—SI.7S2 7I his release the end so that the MEMOS: Betsy Blair willre- front in the getting by the Aswan Dam, mastered but abandoned it assigned a seat ST. 3-2350 it, of this year. He did it with in Rome last week, received world will see what will be lost. because audiences didn’t ap- turn to Broadway as Jack Lem- tourist section, glimpsed SHOREHAM three movies—“ From the Ter- almost as much attention as And perhaps save the historic PRESIDENTIAL ARMS the CONNECTICUT AVE. AT CALVERT plaud. It looked too easy. mon’s leading, lady in "Face of through dividing partition, race,” "Exodus” and the about- the athletes. buildings to be put up on an- and said: “This is the most ex- 1320 G St. N.W. Savo then turned to - - - panto- a Hero.” . . Phil Silvers and to into production “Paris While husband Curtis other site. . made." go Tony mime, hoping it would lead to pensive flight I’ve ever . Paul and wife Jo- willdo TV Blues.” . . Polly Bergen a joint For he noted Spyros Skouraa good comedy speaking roles in Woodward have formed no others in anne spectacular—with sitting in the first-class section. Broadway shows. He finally their own company, and now the cast. . Col. Boy- . . Pappy “If I’d been in there with such in Earl Carroll’s him," won roles, ington revealed that the red- hope tq be able to save some of ’’Vanities” and "Wine, Women sighed the agent, “I could have the of his the thousands of dollars they head on cover novel, nailed him easily for a *300,000 & Song.” In each show, after earn. "Tonya,” Is his wife.... Gladys sale.” he spoke his lines, the police story *» * • Robinson, ex-wife of Edward G. rushed in and arrested the British star Joan Greenwood will sell her French THE EX-CRITIC: At last cast. Robinson, and Italian at a Wednesday night’s premiere of of the fascinating froglike voice His big chance came withthe paintings Parke-Bernet auction “H. M. S. Pinafore" at the will do "Hedda Garler” the spectacular "White Horse Inn,” starting on October 19. Phoenix Theater, Brooks Atkin- West End stage with her hus- but he was replaced by William son entered just as the lights band, Andre Morell. "We’re like Gaxton. Savo had a run-of- THE ROLE: In “Hellto Eter- dimmed. For the first time in 35 children in Joan and sued teen-age love,” the-play contract, who is 6 nity,” Jeffrey Hunter, the retired drama critic I was in London the producers—who interposed years told me when feet 2, portrays the Marine a seat in the center this summer, "If we’re a novel defense, fraud, because occupied adding, hero. Guy Gabaldon, who is instead of the aisle. And also not too old.” Is too old Savo’s agent, the late Sam Ly- on anyone really 5 feet 4. Gabaldon said for the first time he did that to act like a teen-ager in love? ons, had assured them Jimmy of this casting: "It’s more im- critic does—- Joe Mankiewics will start Savo was "the finest comedian which no drama portant to have an actor who “Justine” in in the world.” Lyons disclaimed applauded a performance. January, probably looks like what the public the quote: "All I told them was thinks hero should look like.” that Savo such hit in a was a Similarly, Rose . . when Billy London the Duke of Windsor . STANLEY-WARNED was to be portrayed in films he wanted to wait to see Jimmy said: "I’d like to be played by perform, before abdicating.” For 25 years he worked in a tattered suit his father had 1 NEW HIGH AND MIGHTY ADVENTURE THRILLER P bought, secondhand, for *25. g How When it fell apart, Savo | scoured the for a simi- Bowery \$TAk§J Frem WARNER ISOS. TECHNICOLOR lar suit in vain. He finally had • * EFREM ZIMBAUSE I a Park avenue tailor reproduce MfOANA ANDREWS RHONDA FLEMING * for 2 rrw it, *2OO. He himself wore fl ANNE FRANCIS • KEENAN WYNN • TROY DONAHUE -PATSY KELLY I *4O suits offstage, smoked See Historic Sights three-for-a-dime NCXT ATTRACTION ']3 Ghosts!’ cigars, and on Potomac. See J week ends spent summer in a Washington'i Home O iIM tent a rented lot in F««r.fl II DAILY DAILY on pitched NOW at BOXOFFICE A)»« DwR I 1 TICKET! Iffl |1 A Tr»»t Manhattan Beach. fl i /• 1 Star*. AAA, American Security r k I i When his amputated H IB leg was BtiA 1 I IT ak Timo Academy Award Champion I FLAGSHIPS FLAGSHIPS because of a malignancy, he BoioHlc. Opw IIi.e.» I.lite. | |f | || spent his recuperation work- TO TO ing out new routines for his t | | | | nightclub act. Eight weeks '"i iln i later he resumed his career. nwnr m 1 PHILADELPHIA f 1 NEW YORK * Once, after finishing a week at 1 11 iiiul he 11 19 a Kentucky case-casino, pocketed the 27 *lOO bills given a delicious him as salary. On the way home gunmen held him up and took SEA FOOD (TIM‘KWJI 1 SHOW TQNIGHTjSoMr 2 the money from his pocket. MAT. TOM'W,.SAT. & SUN., p.m. The next morning Savo showed DINNER BOIOFTICt OPEN TOBIT II».«.H BIS r.a. . gkfS up at the bank to buy a *2,700 banker’s check. at O’Donnell’s He removed his artificial leg nets the STAGE TSCHNtcOLOa 3 — £ rj/wiik-uuj.l 1'1 n for a fine evening Tickets Also Available *1 Fallowing locations KIM KIRK DOUGLAS entertainment WEEKS NOVAK, of —Mmr- AM.rrt.e S.eurUv A Tml C.. 4e4r»- **A. MllrmU.J. W. W.rlWr I-*"'l F...1.. Ore.. IV 1«l» Sl.-H Alt St.imv at THEATRE. wBL f.»« o,w. the I coop Pf,'-',e,»v a-.aM.il. tmei. Call WO. "STRANGERS Sateial Ca««ifferat»a»» Crvtw TMatra Rtrtit* A Creua*: WHEN WE MEET" OdONNELLS EASTMAN COLOR SEA QRIUUS TRANS-LUX ’{* In The Theatre District 1207-1221 E St. N.W. RE. 7-2102 Free Admission No Cover • FABULOUS) (her. Whet they ~T efceet Now Appearing BETHESDA ALLEN The Sensational DRIVE-IN Vfwwt- BELTSVILLE Steve Gibson’s E DRIVE-IN ONLY BIKINI BABY" “RED CAPS”

Direct from Wildwood U.S. 40—11 Ml. W. et I.Maui, MA 9-11-12:45 NSW THU TIAN—Mt. V.wvtee 3 Shows: Slide. wtl* ttmlHog Teheeeen FINANCIAL and SECRETARIAL and his W Jack French SNACK BAR -GIFT SHOP for Orchestra dancing Snedel Creey let.,—Write *• llhreit Chr. MS. ADMINISTRATION 1/1 INOtAMTtO K»HT, 2 Minimum $3.00 per person in or Drinkt Food Dolly -1» AJ4. 'TH Dork Strayer has been accredited by the National Accrediting Open In Children'. Birthday Portia., for Schools os o Junior College of 1/5 1 cateredl Commission Business f ROOM Phone: Globe CHAMPAGNE the Ginsorbread Houw. is conferred in DAILY DAILY DAILY Business. The Associate in Arts degree . 1314. If |f fj |f f| |V ME. 8-1061 Financial Administration, Secretarial Administration (legal, medical, or private), and in Accountancy. ’| FLAGSHIPS |f | FLAGSHIP |f | FLAGSHIPS |f Raqueit a copy of the NEW catalog | TO | I TO || TO | Before the show enjoy I HARTFORD I 1 PROVIDENCE I 1 BOSTON f our incomparable 'V —¦ 601 13th ST. N.W. WASH., D. C. NA. »-174» __ I | STEAKS WJ SOKOOL and COLLEGE at their very best p|||g >lUdirecto

• Forking Only Step! Awoy Closed Sunday AIR COND. COLUMBIA TECHNICAL INSTITUTE Press 14th F Sts. AsM < National Bldg., and NW. Short Evening Shop-Lab Course Starts September 19 For Reservations, Call EX. 3-3030 50th Year Vermont Ave, at N St N.W. ME. 8-5626 or 8-5627 Recommended by Jo dit Cards Honored BEAUTYINSTITUTE « •««'» A COOL 36 FLAGSHIPS NORTH!

UNDER DIRECTION OF WORLD RENOWNED HAIR STYLIST ALBERT DE PARIS LEARN BEAUTY CULTURE IN B'/j MONTHS. AGE NO BARRIER. 16 TO 60. START ANYTIME,DAY AND EVENING CLASSES Quick as you can say American, the simmer’s out of summer and BUSINESSTADMINISTRATIONSsutIuastern Univarsity Co-Educational 50 D. north in air conditioned bliss. You’lltravel relaxed and 1736 G St. N.W., Washington, C. NAtional 8-2661 cnd2669 you’reon your way fyeand, in of Evening classes School Accounting, Business Administration and Transportation for successful leading to degress of Bachelor and Master of Business Administration, Bachelor in men and women of and and Master or preparing and Master Commercial Science Bachelor es Science Trans- aboard American Airlines’ Settle the as a Flagships. portation and C.P.A. review courses. Those courses are designed to give crisp perky penguin careers in business and Government. student the required knowledge for advancement to executive positions in business. for Fall Semester that is opening on September 15. Registration being accepted and iced as or write Catalogue. back in seats refreshing beverages By concentrating on one area of education—accountancy Call for free deep, roomy enjoy you this one and finance—and by doing thing superlatively COLUMBIA TECHNICAL INSTITUTE and DRAFTING And no matter where treated to the friendly, well we are able to give our students practical spe- travel. you’re going, you’re Ave. at N St. N.W. ME. 8-5626 or 8-5627 cific for and and to (Air Conditioned) Vermont training accounting auditing positions Day or Evening. Start Now. All Branches—soth Year—Veteran Approved to that need... that kind furnish a basis for advancement administrative positions. personal attention anticipates your every special hun- Columbia Technical Institute The effectiveness of this program is shown by the ENGINEERING Vermont Ave. N ME. 8-5626 or 8-5627 travelers. dreds who have risen to positions as chief accountant, ct St. N.W. of service that has made American first choice of experienced Specialized Evening Units Week of Sept, 19th—Veteran-Approved—soth Year comptroller, treasurer, vice president and president of nationally known organizations and to responsible admin- MACHINE SHORTHAND n.w.' Why travel any other way? See your Travel Agent or call American Government. Lists of these 734 st. istrative positions in the (Air Conditioned) NA. 8-8320 or NA. 8-8373 Our prominent alumni are found in our Bulletin which also THE NATION'S TOF-RANKING MACHINE SHORTHAND SCHOOL, 26th yoor. In the number is Executive 3-2345. training secretaries (100-150 w.p.m.) court and convention reporters Airlines. Washington, telephone prepares immedi- contains full information about the school. (225-300 w.p.m.). Each student receives NEW STENOGRAPH MACHINE 27. ately. Free demonstrations. New day class Sepf. 26, new night class Sept. SEND FOR BULLETIN NOW

DAY and EVENING CLASSES NOW FORMING RADIO & TELEVISION COLUMBIA TECH. 50th Year Vermont Ave. at N St. N.W. ME. 8-5626 or 8-5627 BENJAMIN FRANKLIN Short Eve. Shop lob. Courses Start Week of September 19th—Veteran-Approved CML AMERICAN UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF SECRETARIAL ”m> temple school DOWNTOWN, 1338 G St. N.W., NA. 8-462 V BETHESDA, 7233 Witc. A»4.. 01. 2-1300 AMERICA'S LEADING AIRLINE and Financial Administration ALEXANDRIA,604 Montgomery St., TE. 6-66V6: 7 CORNERS, 6306 Will.ton,JE. 4-Vl3l Accountancy MT. RAINIER, 3301 Porry St., UN 4-7913. Temple .pecioliie. in intensive courses: I (1) Gregg Shorthand, 12 weeks. (2) ABC Shorthand, 6 weeks. (3) Typing Individu- Eve. 1100 SIXTEENTH STREET, N. W. at L REpublic 7-2262 ally taught. (4) IBM Keypunch. .5) Switchboard. (6) Stenotype. Day or