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" , , ,. '" , , .' . • . , . , . " " Page Ten THE JEWISH POST Thursday, AuguSt 2, 1962 I', : - -. in Briel servers for the Ecumenical Cowell Board and Room Wanted World News Equal Rights ,like other ;rewish organizations." Young man, post graduate uni (Cont. from pagel) versity .student, wishes board and \I Berlin ' in Yiddish, Mr.' Blumel was in FINED FOR RIOT quiet private room in River Heights. Some 1,500 persons enrolled this summer in the first adult education formed, werc the writings of Ber- . Manchester (J'i'A) _ Thirty per- Phone 453-0086. courses in Jewish subjects arranged in Berlin since the rise of the Nazi Mrs. R. Goldstein, Miss Lynne gelson which appeared in January sons werefinEid varying sums from L regime, it was reported here this week. The participants, who included G ldste· M Lo 1 and .the· poems of Schwarzman. 2 pounds ($5.60) up in magistrate's Wanted W.E ,D'DING. 0 m, r. me Go dstein, Mr. T.hirty ~'-ousand ,copI'es of 'ea~h' w~re several nDn-Jews, attended lectures on Jewish history, art, culture and , d Mr Lll V court here as a result of arrests fol- Kosher Butcher wanted ·to take· Hebrew 'language. The winter term will feature courses in Jewish (COnt. from page 3) an s. S. Mamott, Dr.n. L. James, printed. An anthology of works by lowirig a riot during an open ~ over a business in a community of , religion and Israeli folk dances. The courses are intended to promote ;;;;:Lx:E~TilIT:@ii,;~-wTI~rn~:G,~rIiruRisriAY,~UJGU:S1~~li)6!~----~-:-"N;'-32 "Mr. and Mrs. Alan Richman, Mrs. J. Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Laskin, Mr. and He!d'! ~~d' has bii~g Pbe- rally· conducted by the fasCIst BrI- 800 Jewish families with one other :.r understanding ;md 'enlightelUllent in Jewish affairs. Vol. WINNIPEG, Y, AUGUST 9, 1962 No. 32. f Goodman., Miss Jud'", Go. odman, Mrs. R. M. Bernstein, MrS. A. Kal- pa' m a' I IS trans atIon, ut tish Union. movement, headed by butcher. Fully equipped shop. ~. nsk Mr d Mrs S'd Gold' what surprised M. Blumel was the Sir Oswald Mosley. Eight defend-. Owner fo'rced to leave because of Jerusalem -~---,-,.---=-------~..,-'----,---~--~-~----:,----:---- Miss. Malca Ghitter,' Mrs. Alan ~ y, ' . an ,1 . en- forthcoming publication in Russian be g'Mr d Mr W M' I ants, including Geo. lIrey'. H. amm, illnesS. For complete informatio.n. ;; ,·.~del .and Mr•. ·Bob. n~thbe'...u r' g,' all' . r, s.. argo us, of an anthology of Israeli. po'etry' and secr.e tary 0 f the U mon movemen,t write .Jewish 'Community' Council The finance committee' of the Knesset. (Israel's Parliament) has decided , of Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. M; Mourer and daugh- prose. He was also told that' 198 pleaded ,not guilty. and obtained Kashruth Committee 305 Mercan- to increase' the salary of Israeli President· Izhak Ben-Zvi, from 4,500 Nazi Collaboralor? " , ter, Mrs, H. Baltzan, Mr. and Mrs. ,,!orks ~YYiddis~writefS,were.ilUb- adjournments fort4eir cases.' Th!! tile BuUding. Edmon'ton Albert;l. pounds ($1,500) a year to 18,000 pounds ($6,000). '~addition to his " MrS. ,Walter, Hofman; Burbank, L 'Rollinghe'" Mr' and, Mrs' :A lished·m RUSSIa last year m 19 prosecution. praised the police auth.. '. ' I', salary, President Ben-Zvi has been receiving annual aUowances' of Calif; '. Mrs. Jack Schiff, Fresno, R'llin' h ~' . .'...' .. languages. Altogether they account- 'orities for preventing "moJ(e' serious Nursery School Teacher' o g er,lI .. and Mrs. A. Segal ed for .140 million copies.' ir' bl "d 1 ~5,OOO pounds ($5,000) which he and 'Mrs. Ben-Zvi cDnsistently tumed CJC ASKS ,POLI'CE PROBE Calif.; ,Mrs. Ann Narvey, Melville; and daughtc'", Mr. and Mrs. SO.nny , ou e, ec arlng!hat it, was due, . Trained and experienced Nursery over to libraries in development .centres and ,for rural synagognes i\nd . Mr and Mrs' . Chas n_thbe' M I to commendable police action that a School teacher available fDr Win...; other cultural <ind educational activities.' ' Mr' 'M'.' 1'· . ...u rg, e - Superstein,Mr. Hersh Sorokin al).d DENIES SENDING OBSERVER very, very serious disturbance did nipeg in the fall. PleaSe phone fort; .• e ~ La,imon, Kamsackj fiancee,all of Edmonton, and Mr. .Vulpera, Switzerland (JTA)-.·Dr. not erupt.", WHitehall 2-0785. ,The Cabinet decided yesterday to appoint 'a special minister~al committee OF TORONTO NEWSMAN Miss Libbyhaimo~, .R~gina.', and'Mrs.,_ M. FromsDn of' Calga'i'y. Nahum Goldmann, president of. the .;.;.;;,;;;;;;;;;;;..;;..;;.;.;;;;;.---..,~~,--"'" to investigate the' "use of. Israeli passpori4l_ by emigrants who, forgJl , <~ ---__~._.;:.,'__:..__,_ ___ -~...,.....-,-..;..::.-'-------_=_.::.,_ World Jewish Congress, now vaca- FurnishedRooni for Rent . Room for Rent practical purposes, severed ties with i;he State." Stricter procedures Toronto (JTA) - The Royal Canadian MOUnted Police ha~· bee~ requesied by the Canadian Jewish .•J .. among. Israeli. consulates abroad regarding the renewal of passports, · ,·ve. n a. p, ',a. Ce... ~~ning here, denied a report J;lub:-. FumishedroDm for' rent" ~ 279 Ideal home in Riv~r Hftights for Congress to investigate into the Nazi past of Dr. Joseph M. Kirschbaum,' secretary-general Df Slovakian fascist .G '1 _ ed by The New York Tunes Hartford Ave West Kildonan. <h'"lattending university. Phone and to require 'IsraeliS abroad to return home within a specified time Hlinka ~arty, which collilborated with Hitler. stating that he ''has canceled rep- " .... to retain .their citizenship /U'C being studied.. It is estimated that of , , MDSeoW, chaim ~a~ Bia~ andSholem .Asch 'are two amOl),g a resentation of the WJC" at the Phone ED 9-4866. 542-802& or write Box C; The Jewish 120,000 emigrants from Israel, some .80,000 continue to. use (heir 'Israeli The request· was made by Sidney ferred d~ing the war' wlth Adolf baum's entry into this I;ountry , j .Eichmann ,I lerigthy list, of Jewish literary fignres given prominent places in the forthcDmingEcumenical Council, rr:~~~~~~;:,!",~~::::::;::.:'~'it Post, 1244 Main St., Winnipeg 4. passpDrts,. despite. the fact that they have 'severed ties, with Israel. M. Harris, national chairmail of the about the liquidation of I was valid. finot, we believe the , first~olume ,!f the ~oviet Literary Encyclopedia. Soviet Jewish writers, schedUled to begin 'October 11. MALE HELP WANTED Board and Room Joint Community RelationS Com- Slovakian Jewry,' and that, ulti- Government should take pro too,.mclu?ing DaVId Bergelson who, together with 23' Dther Yiddish "The' World Jewish· Congress Wanted - aggressive man or mittee of the Canadian Je'\Yish Con-. mately, 71,000 Slovakian Jews had' cedures for deportation back to SoVI~t WrIters, was s~ot on Stalin's orders just ten years ago, are given woUld not be entitled anyhow" to youth for fumiture showroom. 'Room and board for university London gress and < B'nai. B'rith. Reports been sent to Nazi death camps. his CDuntry of origin." COllSidm:llble space m the ,new EncyClopeClia. Qther Yiddish writers name a representative to the Vati- Typing or selling exp'erience an I st\J.dent, in South End. Preferably A Jewish scientist who WaS one of the Soviet Union's topmost nuclear a~ut the wartime. activities .of Dr. The ~o~cil has also been reported According to Mr. Kayfetz, mem . 'Whose life--st!)ry and work are also mentioned.are the 'Yiddish novelist cim, he added: "The' WJC asset but not Ii necessity: Whole- in a hDme where there are univer- experts died July 28 in Moscow. The. dispatch points up the fact that Kirschbaum, whp IS now t;ditor.?f. as ha~mg deI?-anlied that Canada bers of the CJC in Toronto had had Vendrof, Aron Vergelis, the Editor of the "Sovietish Heinlland" 'alid the sending Df Jewish sale Furniture Mart. 44 Princess sity' st:udents.Reply to Box 580, 10 per cent of all scientists in lhe USSR are Jewish. A black-bordered a weekly newsp,aper published ~ extra~te Dr. Kirschbaum to C,zecho- I personal contact during World War .\ ~therB now connecte? with ~e publication of the new Yiddish journal St., .1st Boor. Swift Current, SaSk. ' item on page one of Pravda, official organ .of the Communist Party of Canada, called Kanadsky Slovak, slovakia. .'... II with Dr. Kirschbaum, and knew . the USSR; announced the "tragic death" of Dr. Natan' Aronovich have been ~ccumulated here by the A statem~t by Mr. ~s de- him to be the principal official of m. ~~scow. There 18. a brief paragraph on. the Israeli "progressive In need of a Babysitter? Daily ,B. oard and .Room ··Aval·lab1.e poet, Nathan Alterman, whose poems, the artiCle declares "have Room for Rent 'Yavlinsky.. A doctor of physics and mathematical science, Dr. Yavlinsky, Toronto office of the, Congress; ac-. clared: 'We have been disturbed the Hlinka Party P' t h ldin frequently ~ed the capitalist world." " Cleaning . Woman? Household Board and room in quiet home, known asaJew;was head of,a laboratory at the Kurchatov. Institute cording to Ben Kayfetz, secretary of for sometime byth~· stories which that' post, Mr. Ka;t::;,' ~aid~ pf. Help or Offioe Cleaning? Qne or twq rooms for rent. Quiet River Heights. Phone HU 9-7161. of Atomic Energy in Moscow. In April, 1958, he was one of a team of the CJC here. '. h~ve been ,emanating about Mr. Kirschbaur,n had been the leader Df' 1 . " home. Close to transportation. Suit- scientistS awa'rded the LeI}inand State. prizes for Uhighly valuable The reports mclude a lengthy Kirschbaums past. We have ac- the Bratislava student sect' n 'f th I . HElD OVER SECOND WEEK' AT THE . phone Gray's Service Agency able .for stuaents.Parking available.