Read Commuter's Guide On How To Beat The Aldene Plan — Section 3 Page 8


Seacnd CSSM Won> Pcld SEVENTH-SEVENTH YEAR—No. 39 at W..tfi»M. N, i WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07090, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1997 32 Pages—10 Cents School Voters OK Early News Copy Memorial Day will be cele- brated Tuesday, May 30. As the $3.6 Million For Leader office will tie closed that day we request that news ttems and pictures for publication in New Building the June 1st Issue of the Leader Fanwoud — Voters in the Scotch be submitted as early as pos- Plains - Fanwood Regional High sible. School District Tuesday night ap- proved 2,129 to 1,188 a proposed $3,- 640,000 school expansion program. 'Waiting' On The proposal was $310,000 less Uian a similar proposed bond issue turned down by the voters last year. The Railroad We will start at once to discuss When regularly scheduled commu- the plans for t'he future now that the ter trains from Westfield to New project has been approved by the York via PATH under the Aldcnc votes," commented Sheldon S. An- "POPPY TH'INS"~Taml and Tommy Harrington Plan were Sate Tuesday morning. derson, school board president. Mayor Robert H. Mubeany fired off Included in the 21-year bond issue a protest by wire to Robert A, Day, Mrs. Kamler Heads Plains Student Chosen $2,659,000 for now construction, assistant director. Division of Hail- RAYMOND M1LEFSKY NICHOLAS N. MIGLIOZZI For Science Program $144,000 for alterations of present PARK AND LOCK—Cooperating wtth the National Auto Theft Proven- road Transportation for the State. Poppy Day Sale facilities serving the two communi Him campaign, the Exchange Club rf We»ttleid ka* anwifed far Up to a late hour yesterday no Scotch Plains — Jay Nadelson, ties, $60,000 for site preparation; "Lock Your Car" stickers to Iw placed on all parking meter* In town. reply had been received from the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sidney K. $429,000 for furniture and equipment stale official on the mayor's com- P)ans lia.e been completed for the Above, Police Lieut, Thomas Catalan, and George Goodman, club mem- College Men To Award Nadelson of 8 Oxford ltd., and an and $151,190 for architectural and plaint that the Central was complete- annual Poppy Day by Martin Wail bers are shown placing the first parking meter stickers with the aid eighth grade student at the Terriii legal fees, bonding costs and con' ly ignoring published and approved berg Unit 3 American Legion Aux- of a Meier Maid, Mrt, Pauline CuUtaiae. Road Junior High School has been tlngeneies. schedules. iliary, according to president Holer selected to attend the Columbia Uni- 1 In his telegram the mayor said: Scholarship, Grant t'hrln She has appointed Mrs. Alor Enrollment in the Scotch Plaias- versity Science Honors Program. "Central Railroad of New Jersey ris KamJer as Tvpp-j Ctoaifman, Fanwood High School is expected to Exchange (Jub, Police Join In Effort Jay is one of 600 students selected reach 1,703 next year with a present trains again twenty minutes laic The College Men's Club ol! West- ed annually to bays in the graduat- Ttils year, Tami and Tommy Har- field has announced the winners ol from 4,000 applicants chosen to at- capacity of only 1,320, thus double arriving Westfield this morning. ing class of the WeslfieM High rington will be the "Poppy Twins' ToHalt 'Young Man^Crime'-Car Theft Railroad completely ignoring pub* its annual Scholarship award and its tend the Saturday course during his sessions may be necessary, school School, ihe winners being selected Tney are six >oa! -old twins of Mr, lisliwi and approved schedules. freshman award, totalling $3,600. ntah grade year. t authorities said. Careless motorists contribute heav- (Continued on page 2! and Mrs. Ted Harrington. Mr, Har- young,drivers," he said. "But too Please advise what immediate and ily to wlint has been described as The awards will bo presented at rington Is a past commander o£ Hie many do not, and careless adults, longer range steps are being taken this nation's number one "teenage the annual dinner to be held at 7:45 Post and his wife Jean has held apathetic about heavy social and by 8tai« to correct situation so ns WAA Sidewalk Show to Offer crime," according to Police Chief p.m., Tuesday at the King George several offices in tine Auxiliary. dollar costs of car theEU, arc partly to insure cMkeits prompt itnd ndc- Graves Decoration James F. Moran. Inn in Mount Bethel, Rear Admiral Ttenl fa a member of the Juniors if not largely to Wame." quatc rail service. Patience of citi- The term "teenage crime" was William A. Brockett, USN met.), end Tommy is'a member of the "A parked car wiOi keys in the zens is wearing thin. Your Immedi- now president of Webb Institute of Set At Fairview Sons of the Legion. applied to tlie stealing of cars by ignition is an open invitation to some ate reply will be appreciated." Art In The Park the Federal Bureau of Investigation Naval Architecture, is to be the teenage boy, Chief Moran said. "The Copies ol the wire were also sent Members of Martin Waltborg Post "This Poppy Day I9G? is more in its Uniform Crime Reports. The speaker. titan a day of remembering .. i May 27 At Miiulowaskin accomplishment of the first ear theft to Percy M. Shoemaker, president of „ „. ,. , , ,3, American Legion nlong with other agency reported that 88 percent of leads to its repetition, and often to the line and members of Union Coun- should be a tribute that endures and Mrs. LouiN. Miglioaals A. Migliazz, son i ooff Mr205. veterans organizations will decorate .A sidewalk . art >how and sale, Hostesses, wearing tags so they individuals arrested for car. theft more serious offenses," ty's legistative delegation. oppioximatety 000 veterans' graves for all of Ma. Triie, the small red sponsored by the Westfield Art As- can be identified, will be circulating were under age 25 and that more Livingston St., will receive the club's with flags in Fttirview Cemetery Poppy bears testimony to our re- sociation, will take place in Mindow- in the crowU. They ^ill answer ques- than 50 percent were under 18 years Police files on hardened criminals The delay Tuescfay morning re- annual $3,000 scholarship, Raymond beginning at 10 a.m., Sunday. The membennfi ...'but it is a ram asitin Park, Saturday, May 27, from tions and help negotiate sales. Syd- of age. usually show auto theft to be the suited to a backup of commuters at Miiefsky, son of Mrs. Raymond rain date is Muy 28. first major offense. tivat' endures not just for a,m toipm. ney deCamp Is in charge of this the Police Department in I960 ai- the station ordinarily using fom Milefsky oE 323 Livingston St., will Chairman Harry 0, Powers of this day—tmi for tomorrow as well," Paintings will be hung on a snow | group of club members resled 20 peiaim* fo: .iuto thelHf; "Every ear owner should assumo trains for the trip to Nouoik Moil be given the one-year freshman Wallberg Post refluests that a grat- Mrs. Jfamter said, fence which will front ttm lake on 1 Mrs C C. Wright and Mrs Eti- 10, or 69 [jercent weic 17 or ymuuivt /' il responsibility for locking his had to Uand when ttit'y did got grant oE $600. : er number of volunteers trim the ill aboard. "In w«y community o/ our'grout gene Holland OK' sorving as KflliOMliS^istlCSlOW UUi rt.-j;S(icb . Mrjrjtljgiilojizl:' \vill enter Rul VFW find Le«i&ot Catitf nation, It is a small red Poppy that Show chairman Mi's. Philip need icil• ••y chairmen• . University: iBMUr'S*""** 6r*wwll, Mdtnsidr ana W brings IiDoe and help So many. 'Po uid there Will bo ml oui^stL-rs froir »IL Forum On Vietnam -oarch. At Westfield High. School, with the increased enormity of the of.a batter and brighter tomorrow Richard HausCT cl Watchung plans June i. AduH motorists should rp&lizr that fonv the road to sonous delinquency he was a member of tlie chess team. program. because someone renwmhered today arrive at 10 o'clock and wili be taking und driving a ear is ond ofl A car ready lodnvp is just toamuch Mr. Milefsky wili attend Brigham The flags ate Jirovided by tho to \ycar a POfniy. In1 nwiy n Veter- vailable all day to do charcoal por- the sti'ongcil temptations, to yoiinc- ol a temptation for a teenager,'' Slated Toiiiglt Young University. A member of the Union County Board of Freeholders Woman Is Injured sjters 12 to 16 years of age, Chief ana hospital, it is the traits Norman Webb of Weslficld Chief Moran said. German Club... at Westfield High and are distributed by William W. Mo ran noted Westfield Citizens Conce Jied About Schoolj his other interests Include pijfjmise Waft Ain^noaiis do re- and Lee Gaskins of Far-wood, Ijotli Iu 2-Car Collision by the growth of car Vanderhoof, supervisor of veterans well known New Jersey watercoior- "That is true," lie said, "whether American Foreign Policy iat an or- church activities and art. interment and graves registration ot member and do care," , thefts, the Westfield Police Depart- ganizational meeting hek|ilay 9 at ists, will demonstrate their skills. Miss Jartette O. Oallaghan of 316 the teenager is from a poor ar a A scholarship and grant are award- Union County. ment is intensifying its efforts to the home of Dr. Jane j fcragg of "This year as in the past several For those interested in oil painting Pearl Place, Scotchplains, was in- well-to-do family. The great desire prevent and solve auto thefts, and 234 Dudley Ave,, change* 'Its name fears, our Poppies have been made techniques, Mrs, Bert Souder of jured Monday in an accident at to get behind a steering wheel is at the same time is coperating fully to Foreign Affairs Conc||n Every- by a local veteran, Ralph Oakes," Plainfteld and Mis, Jane Green of Elm Street and E. Dudiy Avenue, there just the same." ; with the town's campaign of educa- one, The group will usethjtacronym, Red Cross Seeking (he chairman added. Westfield will be working in this involving her car and a car driven "Guided by wise parents, 'most tion to persuade mqtorists to help FACE. % Volunteers • *ho wili be seen medium. by James Luckie of 408 Railway youngsters manage to keep the de- curb car stealing, particularly by At tonight's public fortim: "The throughout Mie town will be from The Westfield Girl Scout Emer- Ave. sire to drive under control and de- locking ignitions and doors of parked the American Legion Auxiliary, !fe Administration and Its CfKics—The gency Squad has also volunteered She received a bump on the head velop naturally into properly trained Issues," held in the GrAht School DondrsForBloodmobile Post, Juniors of the Auxiliary and its services and wili be selling soda, and laceration of the knee and said Auditorium, sponsored By FACE, Sons of the Legion. 1 cookies and balloons. she would see her own doctor. the group will distribute a policy Visit Here May 24 statement setting forth FACE ob- Tlie Westfield-MountoinsidG Chap- headquarters at 231151m St. to make jectives. Preliminary drjaft of this ter of tlie American Red Cross is an appointment as a donor. Also, Historical Record Of Town Preserved statement was prepared by J. Rob- working intensively to recruit don- transportation will be provided by ert Hanson, chairman, with revi- ors for tha Bloodmobiie visit here the Red Cross if requested. Due to fire several years ago. and i Shirley Wright of the Municipal Me- ing equipment at no charge through- sions by Dr.- Spragg, Mrs* Mary Car- Wednesday at St. Paul's Episcopal penter, public relations chairman, time , remainingg copiep s mortal Library, Richard Batehelder out the project, the Jaycecs began Church from 1 to 6:30 p.m. and Mrs. Roslyn Harrison, chairman of the Westfield Leader dating bad: of Scotch. Plains, ond president of filming in March. With two man There is an urgent need for new of public meetings. Index to 1907 have been kept nt the office Graphics Mieroliim Corp, and the teams filming every workday eve donors, according to Mrs. Robert of the publisher. With the exception mayor's office, tlie Jnyeees offered ning, it is estimated that the project Mrs, Harrison announced further )haus, chairman and Mrs. Alvin Business Directory ...Sac. 3—6 of legal searches, this historical log to microfilm all existing copies of wili be completed in mid-June. Proj- details concerning the} content of Pfeiffcr, vice chairman. Church News Sec. 3—4 "The Leader," Copies of the micro- tonight's two films, "Wjiy Vietnam" of Westfield has not been available ect chairman, Jnyceo John McCar- More than 100 pints of blood have Collegians Sec,2—4 to (he general public. film rolls wlit be kept at the Munici- thy has indicated that over 60 100- and "Time of the L

MRS. THANK SH1M0NIS MALCOLM C. FRASER UF's Residential Unit Co-ChairmenAppointed 'For the third successive year the been active in many civic affairs L'nitcd Fund of Westfield will rely in town. She has been a member of on a eo-chairmanship of the Resi- the Board a£ Directors of the YWCA dential Division, an arrangement for seven years, is a former chair- that has proved a success in the man of the Ladies Day Out Com- mst two campaigns. mittee; served as Westtield chair- Heading tha Southsidc unit this man for tile lBtitt March of Dimes, is year will be Mrs. Frank Sliimanis, a member of the Civil Defense and Wcstfiekl's acting postmaster, and Disaster Control organization, the on the NorShside the task has been Business and Professional Women's assigned to Malcolm C. Fraser, who Association, a member of the Union tuts served previously as a vice County Psychiatric Ciinic, Westfield chairman of the division, unit, and served on the Pattern Gifts j Their appointments were an- Committee during the recent YM- ! nounced today by Harold S. Jensen, YWCA Building Development Cam- I fiwieral Campaign Chairman for the paign. I Htii7 United Fund appeal in West- field. A native of Elizabeth, Mrs. Shi- monis is the widow of the iate Frank | The mojor portion of the fund's I A. Shimoiiis, a professional engi- Coal each yenr is assigned to the necj. She presently resides at lw Residential Division, it has the lar- Version Ter. gest complement ol volunteer work- Air. Fraser, a resident of 105 Stan- ers, numbering over 1,000 who con- ltATION-A pre-campalfn meeting was held recenlly at the home of Mrs HISTORY ttECOBDED-Rogcr Brady of Ihe WesifUW Ja^cces presents the first of die microfilms of conies more PI. is assistant product man- Donald duct a house-to-house canvass with the, Divtsto,, of the J9B7 United Fund of WcstfMd for the purpos of tU WesUleld Leader to Ml« SUrley Wright, Memorial iWi* director. W^rtTSSZ are Xy ager, compressor division of the In- the official opening of the annual vice chairmen .*, captalna wJth pIalls ,or (ho M (||fs f tkJ^ 8 p Bi enti Kic! ir•*• or Scotch Plains, presitai of Grwhfe Microfilm Corp • appeal for funds to finance the fund's tauiMsses, the soni for which Is a separate «,i« in the Business DlvWot!. f President of the Y's Men's Ciub o£ the ml .\ ° Miss Wright, Mayor Rotert II Mulrony, Waiter J. Lee, publish,* of the Lrater; Mr. Brwly, past prcBkte 14 member agencies. ,*";*' *"« Van VIW. Louis Fit.gcra!.I, D. E. Moor", H 8 ChaUma flI i!lC the YMCA, he is a former chairman t rth T'to " '"' " «^f»«l»nini{ UroJECt. Not present was John Me- R V> SBCV y> PBUl BllUer mni Gr Mrs, Sliiinonis, who has served as of the club's Travei-Atlvenlure ser- w n ? \ " " "• > ™ «»». Division SavrW!&si ,» a district leader in tho past, has . W. Dcvalon and Mrs. JoM mgrnh vice chairmen. A!so prenent were Haroldit L > »«« (Contiaued on page 2) lgB Chalrm-w and Robert C. Fulkr, ExecuUve Director •( ££ -*'j " -

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-•• • •- • / V i?e«cf Commuter's Guide On How To The Aldene Plan Section 3 8


Second Claw Postage Paid VENT Wtittf lftld. N. J WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY 07090, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1967 Published Every Thursday 32 Pages—10 Cents

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.,..•-,-.. ..:. •-•-,'-'.;:,:• .-'•.:. - -,:.:.-• -••.. ,..•..-•>- School Voters OK •,;•) -•.- ,-L-;':""v--- -•• - _•: .- .-. . --.-v v '-.••• Early News Copy Memorial Day will be cele- brated Tuesday, May 30. As Ihe $3.6 Million For Lesdtr office will be closed that day we request that HEWS items New Building and pictures for publication In the June 1st Issue ni the Leader Fan wood — Voters in the Scotch be submitted as early as pos- Pjains - Famrood Regional High sible. School District Tuesday night ap- proved 2,129 to 1.188 a proposed $3,- 040,000 school expansion program. The proposal was $310,000 less than 'Waiting' On mm a similar proposed bond issue turned down by the voters last year. The Railroad "We will start at once to discuss the plans for the future now that the When regularly scheduled commu- project has been approved by the ter trains from Westfield to New voters," commented Sheldon S. An- York via PA'm under the Aldone TWINS"—Tami and Tammy Harrington derstm, school board president. Plan were late Tuesday morning, Mayor Robert H. Mulreany fired off Included in the 21-year bond issue a protest by wire to Robert A. Day, is $2,659,000 lor new construction, Mrs. Kamler Heads I Plains student chosen assistant director, Division of Rail- RAYMOND MILEFSKV $144,000 for alterations of present road Transportation for the State. NICHOLAS N. MIGLIOZZt

For Science Program PARK AND LOCK—CooperaMng wtUiita National Alilo Theft Preven- •1 Pftppy Day Sale facilities serving the two communi- tion caiHpnlgn, the Exchange Club of WeriHeld hu uraiged for Up to a Jate hour yesterday no Scokh Plains — Jay Nadelson ties, $GG,000 for site preparation; "Lock Your Car" stickers to be placed on all parking meien In tows. reply had been received from the $429,000 for furniture and equipment Plans have been completed for Hie !?" * Mr' &nd ms- Sidney K Above, Police Lieut. Thomas Catdlvn, and George Goodman, dub mem- state official on the mayor's com- end $151,190 for architectural and plaint that the Cenlral was complete- College Men To Award anmial Poppy Day by Maitrt WallWall- of « Oxford Rd,? and an bers are shown placing the first parking meter flickers with (ke aid legal fees, bonding costs and con- of a Meter Maid, Mrs. Pauline Culhane. ly ignoring published and approved berg Unit 3, American Legion Mix- ^hth grade student at the Terrill tingencies. schedules, illary, according to president Helen Road Junior High School has been Uhrln; She has appointel Mrs. Mor- selected to attend the Columbia Uni- Enrollment in Ihe Scotch Plains- f In his telegram the mayor said: Scholarship, Grant ris Karnler as Poppy Chairman, versity Science Honors Program. Fanwood High School is expected to Exchange Club, Police JMr. JtflgUwzJ will, enter llutgerci gene d __J ! d Legion ,tyjptsi tf i It ~ Is a small fed Pofcpy-that I. Mr?* Iteiverslty nfixt Sept^t^ WW , Modritmhsidc and brings hope and help to iftany. To w111 In the event Df raiu May 27, the pare for u career in scientUtc\rv- field be present in oi'dcr tu cope U.9fls.U>tpttBhout;the-dfly, affair 'vviil Lake, IJIQCQ Saturday^ have fieen left unlocked.l -"•- y ,- iav#many youniylers from starlin. natn search, At Westficld High School, with the increased enormity of the many a young child it is the promise , Adult njot^rl^ts should ireiriize ^iat ont#ie roa4 to serious delinquency, he was a member of the chess team, and-brighteg r toiriorxeiw Haus^ of WatVhui^ plarig June 3. ...:'.. ... program. 10 o'clock- and will talcing and driving a iar is one of •A ca£ ready to drive is just too much Mr, Milefeky will attend Brigham The flags are provided by the because someone remembered today' *° the fitfongest teinjjiatJDn& to young- of > ^temptation Jor a teenager," Slated Tonigiit Young University* A member of the Union County Board of Freeholders to ^year: a^Poppy.;Iii many a Veter- available aU do ahflrooalpoP- Woman Is gters 12 to 1& years!of 'agip; CliLef Ohief Mcnm sail German Club: at Westficld High and are distributed by William W. It is ; the reassuring Moraa noted. " ij.'v •'.>.,•'. Westfield Citizens Concclned About School his other interests include Vandcrheof, supervisor of 'veterans and Lee Gaaklns of Fanwaod, In 2-Car Collkion Sjtafrfed by the growth of carAmerican Foreign Policyp|at an or- church activities and art. Ifoat Americans do rewel- l known New Jersey watercolor- "That la true," N said, "wjw&lher interment and graves registration of member and do care," Miss Janette O. Oallaglnan of 316 thefts, the Westfield Police Depart- ganizational meeting heldMay 9 at A schoiarship and grant are award- Union County. ists, will demonstrate their skills. the teenager Is from n poor or ament -j? jiitensifylng its efforts to the home of Dr. Jane jffcragg of "This year as in the past several Pearl Place, Scotchplains, was in- well-to-do family. The great desire For those interested In oil painting prevent and solve auto thefts, and 234 Dudley Ave,t changei its name years, our Poppies have been made techniques, Mrs. Bert Soudor of jured Monday in an accident at to get behind a steering wheel is at ihe same time is coperating fully to Foreign Affairs Concha Every- by a local veteran. Ralph Oakes," Plainfleld and Mrs. Jane Green of Elm Streot ana E, Dudly Avenue, there just the same," ; with the town's campaign of educa- one, The group will use^h*acronym, Red Cross Seeking ihe chairman added. Weslfield will be working in llus involving her car and a car driven "Guided by wise parents, ,most tion to persuade motorists to help FACE. Volunteers who be seen i rnedlum. by James Luckle of 40B youngsters manage to keep the de- curb car stealing, particularly by At tonight's public fartfin: "The throughout the town will be from The Westfield Girl Scout Emer- Ave. sire to drive under control and de- locking ignitions and doors of parked Administration and Its CfHics—The Hie American Legion Auxiliary, The gency Squad has also volunteered She received 0 bump on the head velop naturally into properly trained cars. Issues," held in the GnJftt School DonorsForBloodmobile Post, Juniors of the Auxiliary and its services and will be selling soda, and laceration of the knee and said Auditorium, sponsored Liy FACE, Vfcit Here May 24 ..,,,i,.. . ."I • . .i. ., . . v She would see her own doctor, m Viri.|-ii '• Sons of the Legion. cookies and balloons. • •• t the group will distributor a policy '•'I - I r - statement setting forth FACE ob- The Westfield-Mountainside Chap- headquarters at 231 Elm St. to make j jectives. Preliminary draft of this ter of the American lied Cross is an appointment as a donor. Also, statement was prepared by J. Rob- working intensively to recruit don- transportation will be provided by ^ • • Historical Record Of Town Preserved fa ri k -m ert Hanson, chairman, with revi- ors lor the BloodmobiJe visit horethe Red Cross if requested.

1 Wednesday at St. Paul's Episcopal Due lo fire several years ago, and Shirley Wright of the Municipal Me- equipment at no charge through- . - \\- sions by Dr. Spragg, Mrs-, Mary Car- r"'^.::L -> Church from t to 6:30 p.m. time deterioration, remaining copies morial Library, Richard Batchelder penter, public relations chairman, out the project, the Jaycees began There is an urgent need for new of the Westfield Leader dating back of Scotch Plains, and president of filming in March. With two man and Mrs. Koslyn Harrison, chairman Index '• -. h K:; of public meetings, donors, according to Mrs. Robert , -•...... i-ff«,v to 1007 have been kept at the office Graphics Microfilm Corp. and the .F (.I Ul 11 '- I. teams filming every workday eve- Ohaus, chairman and Mrs. Alvin Business Directory ... Sec. 3—5 of the publisher. With the exception mayor's office, the Jaycees oflered Mrs, Harrison announced further ning, it is estimated that the project Ffeiffer, vice chairman, of legal searches, this historical log to microfilm all existing copies of will be completed in mid-June. Proj- details concerning UieJ content of Church News Sec. 3—4 tonight's two [iims, "wt\y Vietnam" More than 100 pints of blood have cf Westfield has not been available "The Leader." Copies of the micro- ect chairman, Jaycee John McCar- -'r Collegians Sec.3—4 and "Time of the Locust," "Why been released from the bank since to the general public. film rails will be kept at the Munici- Uiy lias indicated that over 60 100- Editorial Sec, 3—2 Vietnam" was product!! far the D&- last November, the two said, adding, pal Library for public use. foot rolls of microfilm will be used. Focus Sec. In January, the Westfield Jaycces partment of Defense by Hearst "the chapter is faced with the prob- With constant cooperation'of the Last Thursday the Jaycees pre- talked with Mayor Robert H. Mul- Metrotone, Inc., and fis in a long lem of dwindling supplies that must Garden News Sec. reany about preserving "The Lend- library staff, and Mr. Balchelder's sented to Miss Wright the first 23 Obituaries 4 1 tradition of training I'ilnis used to be restored during the Bloadmobilc's er/ After discussions with Miss contribution of microfilm- completed rolls of microfilm. help new members if the defense j Social Sec, 2—1-B, 3—1 1 visit next week." forces know, "Why ivL fight." Persons may call ihe Red Cross Sports .Sec.4—0, 7 (Continued on page 2) office — 232-70*30 — or visit chaplor Theaters See. 4^

MRS, FRANK S1UMOMS MALCOLM C. FHASER UF's Residential Unit Co-ChairmenAppointed •For the third successive year the been active in many civic affairs United Fund of Westfield will roly in town. Shu has bean a member of on a co-chairmanship of the Resi- the Board of Directors of the YWCA dential Division, an arrangement for seven years, is a former diair- thai has proved a success in theman of the Ladies Day Out Com- last two campaigns. inillce; served as Westfield chair- Heading the Southsido unit this man for the IP66 March of Dimes, is year will be Mrs. Frank Sliimonis, n member of the Civil Defense and Westfield's acting postmaster, and Disaster Control organization, the on the Norlhside the [ask has boeu Business ami Professional Women's assigned to Malcolm C. Fraser, who Association, a member of the Union has served previously as a vice County Psychiatric Clinic:, Wostfield SK^ii£l-'iK'#'J -Sf^Sili chairman of (he division. unit, and served on the Paltcro Gifts Their appointments were an- Committee during the recent YM- nounced locluy by Harold S. Jensen, YWCA Building Development Cam- General Campaign Choinnan for the 10137 United Fund appeal in West- A native of Elizabeth, Mrs. Slii- lidd. morii* is the widow of the late Frank Tlic niajoi1 portion of the fund's A. Shimonis, 3 professional engi- goal each year Is jissifiiHjrl lo the!nvj\ She prescnUy resides at 114 Residential Division. IL has I he lar- Vcrnon Tcr. gest complement of volunteer work- Mr. Fraser, a resident of 105 Stan- PREffRATION—A nrc-eumpaign meeting was held recently sit the home or Mrs. Donald Siiwlcllc"' chiir ors, numbering over 1,000 who con- moTn Pi. is assisLnnt product man- man If Ihe misinesa Division of the JJ)67 Uitlled Fund of Wt-stfleld for the purpose »f ftcfiuaUitlnethe d I inSTORY RECORDED—Roger Brody of the WestEitltl Jaycees presents the first or the microfilms of copies duct u itoiue-to-housQ canvass with ager, compressor division of the Jn- Bfun'JvlcG clinlniien and caplnina with pinna for the drive this fall. Discussion covered the BoUcItnllonf of ihtt Wcstfleld tender to Miss Shirley Wright, Memorial Library director, Others, left lo right, are Ray the official openinK of the gerisoll-Kand Co., In . rclai? ImsincGses, the goal for which is a separate one in the Business Division. Present at tliC meeting Merrlhcw, Jaycee president; Richard Batctielder nf Seoich IMHIIIS, president of Graphic Microfilm Corp.; uppeal for funds lo finuuuc the fund's President of the Y's Men's Club of MesJmncs Peter JIursLls, James Van Vliet, Louis Fltzgeralil, D. E. Moore, B. M. McQuafle f| v Miss Wright, Mayor Robert II. Mulrcany. Walter J. Let', publisher of the Lender; Mr* nrody, pnst prcsiileKt 14 member agencies. ihe YMCA, he is a formur chairman fulufic, Robert Wntsnu. R. V. .Snevily, H. Pnul Kutter, HunUx Grant, Division Ifcadt-rs; Mrs. SanlonV of Ihe Juycct-s, mid James fluihn, acting chairman of Uie mkrolilniinff {uvject. Not present was John Mc- Mrs, Shimonls, wlio hns served as ot the club's TVaveJ-Adventure ser- Mrfi.B.y. Devnlon nnd Mrs, John irogun, vice tlmirmt.-ii. Also present were Hnrtild S. Jensen Carthy, chairman. a district leader in the past, (Continued on page 2) "-- ; » Chairman and Knbert C. FuUer» Exccuiivo Director of tho United Fund. m,M imam, mmmm* mr t*>mt Mrs* Taylor Elected Village Overseer WHS Girl Chosen Trinity Glee Club Mrs. James W, Taylor of West- Under AFS Plan To Give Concert field has been elected an Overseer Barbara Todkiie, daughter of Mr. of Old Sturbridge Village, New Eng-and Mrs. William Toddie of 873 The annual spring concert of the land's center of living history, it Tice PI., has been ehosea to go Holy Trinity High Club will be held has been announced by Bruce A, in the high school auditorium tomor- to Japan under the AFS summier row and Sunday at 8:15 p.m. Brazo, Overseers' chairman. program. She is a studetrt at West- Overseers of the re-created coun- Included in the program will be field High School. selections from "Oklahoma," "With try town of 150 years ago constitute Selection by the local AFS Com- 11 a national organization of men and a Song in My Heart, and the beau- mittee is oaly the first of many tiful and religious "Man Shall Not women who assist Village Trustees steps in the process, the local live By Bread Alone/' |n promoting the development of tiecandidate must compete with ofeher outdoor rauseiuri of early New Eng- Several special groups will be fea- applicants from all over (she country. tured, including Guys 'n' t>olts, com- land life. Wta the student has successfully 1 posed of select voices from the Mix- stirvived the competition and has ed Choir, Travesty Five t'lus One beea declared i finalist, AFS New (falk), a duet ("A Couple of 4 Area Students York is still faced with the formid- Swells"!, StarlUers ^choice senior able task of finding a suitable home and junior girls)-** as well as the GREETINGS—Extending a welcome fe tbe guesi speaker at ihe Cham- abroad. Because the applicants fax traditional iMixed Cliorus, Girls' ber af Commerce dinner last week at the Chl-Am Chateau are. I#ft to Given Grants By BAHBAHA TODDIE otfmumber t&e available homes, groiipH and Boys' group. right> Jack Cohen, vice president of ihe Chamber and dinner chair- both here and abroad, many quail- their customs. man; Bernard MeGarry of th* Social Security office in Elizabeth who Miss Nina Hodge, Miss Beth Cher- on Medicare, and Horace K, Corb£n> Chamber president. Musical Club fled applicants are disappointed each In japan iiaroara will spend the nlchowski, ami Christopher Magyar Yesterday at the annual luncheon year. summer with the family of Professor will accompany the singers on the meeting of the Musical Club of Barbara will leave for San Fran- and Mrs. Kazuo Matsumura at 774piano; John Nelson will perform on Westfield the Scholarship Awards cisco June 12 and after an over- Hirata Hikone, Shiga. Mr. Matsu- the banjo and bass, and Richard UF's Committee, under the chairmanship night stop will proceed to Japan. mura is a professor of language McCrtekin will be the drummer. of Mrs, Henry G, Schneider, an- On arrive In Tokyo she w4t! partici- an4 literature, Barbara will share HATCHING SNACKS for customers fs the purpose ^Continued from page 1> mm need the scholarship students for pate in a four day orienls&tioii pro- her summer experiences wKh a ie&t treasurer of Cub Scout Fade the 1967-68 season. gram designed to acquaint the AFSseventeen year-old sister, Fue Mat- •f IKtt fUiil f«|.'drive-In restaurant, located near the 172; was a tribal chief for Indian As a winner of an award for thestudents with muck useful infor sumuna, who has similar tastes Putdt cgtf center ef Barneveld, Holland. Guides, and serves as a Little; seeorid year, William Stief of 2 and interests. League baseball . He is also a Franklin Ave., Cranford, wilt receive mation about Japan, its people member of the Board of Directors of a $500 scholarship. Mr. Stief Is at- the YftSCA. -. , tending Catholic University in Wash- A WestHoId resident £or nine ington D. C. He is a piano major years, Ut. Fraser is a memt>er of with the organ as his minor. He has the America Soei&fcy of Mechanical also participated in the University Engineers; ile was e captain ifl the Chorus. Residential Division of the United The second student to receive i'und in 1963 ami a district leader scholarship aid is John Adams of in 1964, before serving as a vice 21 Burnside Ave,T Cranford. Ke too, chairman of the division. is a winner for the second time, and Jfe and his wile* the former Joan he will receive $600. Mr. Adams is Marie Jversen of Nuiley, are the studying in at the New Eng- parents of three sons and a daugh- land Conservatory. He is a voice ter. major and participated in the New England Conservatory Choir, . LOUIS B. WAD Another recipient of an award is Forum Robert Grube of 25 Omaha Dr., Mrs. Quad Invited Cranfwrd, Mr. Grube, also, is being {Continued from page 1) given scholarship aid for the second To Participate In time and the grant is for $400, He The 30-mInute film traces the de- Is .currently attending Rutgers Uni- - .• •. -. velopment of international relation-, UNICEF Parley versity and hopes to get into the I". ships from the end of World War II, Mrs. Louis R. Quad of 96i Blvd. lias field of church music. During the -j. -.- - through ihe Korean War, to the .-•I'll" -'-•*-..--.1 ' - -T . =• - •-- -• -' ff • year in addition to his studies, Mr, . L - -•. '• ,; -L- been invited to be part of the pub- . . .' . • h. -. . . J. !.•!•• . • -:..•..'»... .•• .- .I|-n..'!_."- ..'-..." . .i present U. S. involvement in Viet- <.• -. •-• • •-.:..•--••-'•- - »•• i • • • Grube has been organist at the First -Li oil >l'l »-•-•-•- ». • •••. -•--•.--'• licity and public relations panel at V > v nam. It explains the original com- • • I •• -- .. • -I •'-.-.. 1 ." •_•- -• !- Presbyterian Church In Cranford. -i i - _• -•- -__ ^^J-•'-_ : -j mitment of former President Dwight a statewide meeting for UNIOEF . * c-r.:

.:•;'.''->•';•. -' - ;-'-•' ..... The final recipient is Miss Kath- :.:.-\ :" * :• D. Eisenhower, and draws upon representatives, Mrs. C, Howard £J -:\i^. .. i •• ' ••-*• • r :---". ^ leen Bride of 103 Cranford Ave., 1 *KU .•-/•• •/ i. , ' •_• Sfendorn of Glen Ridge, New Jersey i '.-,• .• -. present policy statements -.-•'-.'-. •"

-\- !• •-•_"•••• •..:• Cranford, and she will be given $400, ..'i -• -; .- -•.• •• •. ^L. . President Lyndon B, Johnspn, representative of UNICEF, is in r. -• -.--, - - ; • Although ortaJnally inletiided for chat-go of the meeting which wilt This is the filth year that Miss Bride lervicemen, "Why Vietnam*' has be he-Id at the Brunswick Inn, Newhas received aid from the Musical •'-•it-; _ .1 • _L ken shown to church groups, clubs, Club of Westfield. She is graduating Brunswick, Monday from 10 a.m. tothis spring from Marywood College ind inJiitfh schools neross the coun- 3:15 p.m. try. Scheduling In Westfield was ar- in Scnmton, Pa, Her major was the ranged through the Air Force Film purpose of the meeting is to harp. Distribution Center tfi St. Louis, Mo, evaluate past programs and develop Concurrently she has studied with The American Friends Service new ideas for incoming UNICEF Marcel Grandjany of the JuISliard Committee, a Quaker action service chairmen. Mrs. Quad, who has been School of Music, . group, sponsored production of the active on the UNICEF Committee Miss Bride has appeared several second film, "Time of the Locust." In the Westfield area for the past times as soloist with the Scranton ,?*ti It Is. brief — 15 minutes — and Philharmonic. Orchestra. She has I-'' a twelve years, will offer suggestions \ ^subjective treatment of United been a soloist with the Marywood which have been successful In pro-College Orchestra, She has also been Stages military, intervention in Vtet- •». moting UNSOEF programs at the the harpist vwith the State University w -naatar • The, spun4 track, of the film community , Jr- ^ i : : carries policy sihtemehU by Amer* of New. York at Bin^hnmton* and .«. f J • . i ' • '. :?f as harpEsfcsin productions of the Uni- ?r: * ican officials, whU£~'the'screen por- 'trm } •*i*-* **ri •"* hi:*,. trays the war's realities, versity QV- Scranton Players. fc \ • * ->« "I r

*- ^i A very recent production, "Tiaras One of ithe major objectives of *\*i \ f? * • * ** \*4* 1 the Mustfil Club of Westfield is A" of the Locust ' is in great demand V« V* for group viewing structured for helping fif-ther the advancement of t To Hear Devlin qualified jnusic students. To this mm group discussion immediately after- •I-I •.' end memhters of the club contribut- WU *. v*r' ward. The AFSC discussion gutdo W. •^ I f 'H -^. ed recently to a Scholarship Fund i".' accompanying the Him suggests spe- At Dinner m •~. ades after the YUVtCA movement are open annually to any music ma- ^ m% m •:mt \-^ + tion policies, and Tom X Farer, arship awirds committee, •v.: :;i.-V Y's Men's Ciuli,. • **&&) •=?*; Columbia University School of Law, Serving) with Mrs. Schneider as \ttt m?m who is critical of present policy. Since that time, Jie duh has member^ f=of this committee were >-i. .-•- ".•-' • '•' '•' "i^1.' % % I Mrs. Charles Holder, Mrs. Allen Kit- r"-V-* functioned as a living organism; • K. working through the "V1 for the tleson, Mf|s. Emil Mueller, Mrs. G,

i-i:. C. MundaJ-, Mrs, Bernard Keiter, 1 youth of Westfield and the better- >•]' • ' ' College Men and Mrs. Aames Whiteford. m i ment ot the community. j ••:•* \ The club will mark its 20th an- .w- (Continued from page 1) ivtt niversary with a special program on ihe basis of need, scholarship,

next Wednesday at 5:36 p.m. ifi 1 TRANSFERRED? in.. J character, all-around ability, and •he YMCA. Guest speaker will be personality, according to Grant M. •;, •• Harry Devlin of Westfield, well- Homericp, Inc. will help Botfernwre, president of the club. known commercial artist, cartoonist Serving on this year's Scholarship sad humorist. you f mo your next home •?H?" Committe were Raymond W. Mc- Malcolm Fraser, Y's Men presi- anywkele in the United 3t-. Daniel, chairman; Irving L. Apgar *2*S •^ Rupert W. Miller Jr., and Dr. Wil-dent, urged all fanner Y's Men to ^ ::rri- .-fi> -i- attend the anniversary dinner. States without charge. S%^ ^V(L liam A. Liggitt Stephen C. Dvorak ^ w£ : :KJB£S is chairman of the award dinner. "We have Invited all Y's Men OBJECTJ^S: To help yog find ^si&^a ^ Membership dues and special con- alumni whom we know about, but your noxfj home With a mini- •^- tributions from club members and there are several former active mum of ^ffort, time and ex- I friends enable the club to provide mt)m'bDrs> whose presence we would pense, if you plan to move to these scholarships. The dub also value, but whose present address an unfamiliar city, or just to ^K= holds an annual scholarship dinner has been lost." relocate iieor your present dance to provide additional funds. He asked that any alumni and home, HCJUAERICA, INC wil! i^"rJ" The success of the club's efforts is friends of the club wishing to attend help you IUd the right house, I • l"i(V evidenced by tfce fact that it lias call Deforest Tinkler, Associate In the right neighborhood, at been passible this year to increase • i. n *•>• YMGA secretary, by noon next Men- the new ^l -•'-;:• v ¥ 1 : the four-year award from $2,400 to ir.'' -'-•-V.'--.*s^ & 3.000. and Ihe one-year award from Kenneth Prodo of Sunnywood Rr. SCQF& Operation throughout ^^; to $600. - c^v vv> the enables -J- M - '"^_ J" 20i'h Anniversary Committee Chair- /i •V man, said that the dub's history Horn erica toVurntah you with § •-!• Meanest Thief and accomplishments would be re- detailed in|)rrnatiqn on ain ' \ 8Ui"s. Man&ret Fflttandrea told viewed, and slides of its activities hou&es which if & ydUr require- /police a Motto's Day card with a during the last 20 years would be ments even before your first Haspel stiits are synonymous with wanri / $10 gift ceatif&ate-tf&f stolon from shown. visit to the ne* area! her mailbox Monday. weather. And tio wottderl The tlaspel REMEMBER: Horfterica works L Postal authorities were notified LEADER ADS and officers are investigating the only for YOU I All of their people have been champions of light- efforts ™ research,Wports and reported theft at 210 Cactiola Place. BRING RESULTS advice — are exclusively on weight apparel for over 50 years- Haspel behalf of the prospective has pioneered in many different science buyer. They have f!O connec- tion with the selle It Is their fabrics to obtain the optimum lightweight eoolfiess And responsibility to YOUR Interests. crisp, wrinkle-free smartness . . * and they have a thpr* Randal's For further detail j call the otigh uitderslanclitig of the tailoring needs of these stittt- Homertca representative in the mer fabrics. Don't you think it is tiine to see our When you've run out Westffefcl, Mountainside, Scotch smart collection of Haspels! of museums and new Plains, Fanwood area. movies to take the they will be happy to^send yob Haspel Suits $47.95 children to, bring them I free brochure, In to us for their new Stride Rites, it's Just a* tH£ Pearsall & Franke^bach, much fun, Well... TRIDERITE Inc. almosU Rooltors C SHOE C 207 EAST BROAD STREET, WESTFIELD • 233-1171 c i C Westf!oldf N. J. OPEN MONDAY EVENINGS TUL 9 P.M. 82 ELM ST. Randal's 232-4700 .... J". I -. -f '-' •v I- p- THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADEK, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1867 Page 3 UJC To Dedicate New Sperry Observatory This Weekend New Jersey's second major astro- program will start with an open servatory. nomical observatory wiii be formal- house from 2 to 4 p,m, at the ob- The Sperry Observatory—the first ly opened and dedicated this week- servatory and a reception sponsored on any campus of a two*year col- end on the Union Junior College by the Friends of the College will iege—4will contain two major tele- campus here. follow the dedication ceremonies at scopes: A 24-iach Newtonian-Casse- The William MiUer Sperry Ob- 5 p.m. granian reflector and a 12-inch re- servatory has two domes and wiil Amateur Astronomers, Inc., who iractor. Both will be designed, and contain to major instruments: A will operate the observatory joint- built by AAI and contributed to Un- 24-inch Newtonian-Cassegranian re- ly with Union Junior College, will ion Junior College. AAI is now con- fleeter telescope, and a 12-inch re* sponsor an all-day professional ducting a camf>aign to raise $50,600 fractor telescope. Until the two ma- meeting Saturday. The principal to finance the construction of the jor instruments are built, the observ- speaker will be Dr. Robert Daniel- two instruments. atory will operate with a lZ^inch son ol Princeton University, who Sperry Observatory, which is reflector telescope built by Roger will speak on "Space Astronomy," located m the rear portion of the Tuthill of Mountainside and con- The topic for a panel discussion in p tributed by him to Union Junior the afternoon will be "The Role of Union Junior College campus, has College, and a six-inch refractor the College Observatory in Astrono- two large domes. The 3,700 sq. ft. telescope* which was the personal my" with Lewis C. Thomas of North building contains two telescope Plainfield, a lecturer at the Hayden rooms, an optical shop where the two instrument of the late Albert G. large telescopes wiil be built, a SPERRY OBSERVATORY—Dedication ceremonies wi I be held Saturday and Sunday for the William Miller Ingalls, who was known as thePlanetarium and a member of AAIt SjieiTy Observatory on the Union Junior College campus In Crantord* The twin-dome observatory will con- father of amateur astronomy. will be the moderator. small library-officet a kitchenette, tain a 24-imh Newtonlan-Cass^graitian reflector telescope and a 12-Inch refractor telescope. Union Junior which was included at the insistance Dr. Hartow Shapley of Harvard of Mrs. Beinecke who felt that men College and Amateur Astronomers* fa*., will operate the observatory jointly, it will be New Jersey's second University will be the featured The observatory was built with a major astronomical observatory and the first on any two-year collect campus In the nation. gift of $100,000 from Mrs. Frederick and women laboring long into the speaker at the formal dedication wee hours of the night deserved a ceremonies at 4 p.m. Sunday in the W. Beinecke of New York City and William S, Beinecke of Summit es cup of hot coffee, a dark room, a would not have been possible. Mrs, John Collins, Mrs. Elizabeth theater of the Campus Center. Tlie lobby and display area, and an activ- "El 1 -fr •.«—«» M^. .,,.,... . «^—— -t._W., , a memorial to their lather and Center Volunteers The following list of volunteers re- Ditiore, Mrs, Elaine Newmark, Mrs, Sayre Jr., Rev. J. Edward Gon- grandfather, William Miller Sperry, ity room, w&ich will serve as a r ceived the sincere thanks and ap- Margie Kotliar, Mrs. Ivy B. Merrill, zales, Edward Drollinger, .John En- who was a long-time Cranfard civic classroom- laboratory and meeting preciation of the board, staff and the Mrs. Susan BonrozeT Mrs. Arlene Si- glehart, Mrs. Prank J, Sullebarger, room. Earn Plaudits youth of Westlield. mon, Mrs, Rae Chrone, Mrs. Dolores and business leader. Mr. and Mrs, M. E. McCullough, C. Dr, Henry J. Mlneur of Cranford, With the opening of the observa- Pre-Scboal; Mrs* Beverly Blacfe- Petersen, Mrs, Laura Jansert, Mrs. B. Allen, Donald McNeil, Mrs. Shir- bm-n* Mrs, Charles Hoefig Jr., Mrs. Jane IVrrel, Mrs, Jerry Zimmer- a UJC trustee, will preside at thetory, Union Junior College will offer Board ley Brown, Mrs. Carolyn Kramer, Ir- dedication ceremonies. The invoca- a year-long astronomy course open Lenore Martin, Mrs. Pat Berreman, man Mrs. Samuel Levine, Mrs, Ear- vin West, Miss Kathryn Trenner, William Nortbaver, president of Mrs, Mary Brown, Mrs. Mary Hig- line Troger, Mrs. Joan Beggs. tion will be by the Rev. Wjlliam But- to students in all curriculums. Other the Wostfield Community Center As- Mr^. Harold Sarvetnick, Mrs, Philip ler Sperry, a retired minister of the educational programs will include gins, Mrs. Nancy Sterling, Mrs. Pat Also, Mrs. Maureen Fitzgerald, N. Smith, James X Caivano, Dr. and sociation, hpfi announced that during Riden, Mrs. Pat Stern, Mrs, Marian Mrs. Marlene Bodner, Mrs. Frances Christ Episcopal Church, Detroit, visits and demonstrations at the ob- Mrs. Christian Pieter VanDijk, Dr. servatory for elementary and junior LOOKING THRGUGH-Edward Pearson of Weslftcld and Richard the 1966 program year 253 of West- Peterstm.Mrs, Barbara Bonsall, Mrs. GoJd, Mrs. Nancy Trynin, Miss Eliz- Mich.T and the dedicatory prayer field's leading citizens contributed and Mrs. Ronald L. Sweot, Dr. W. M. and benediction will be by Dr, Ger- high school students, in-service train- ULints of Dtutellen try out the 12H-tnch reflector telescope In the Wil- Leatrice Robbing Mrs. Charlotte abeth C. Davis, Mrs. W, S. Schram, liam Sperry Observatory. The telescope was contributed to Union over 39,705 volunteer hours of serv- Kaufman, W. Rt Northover, Walter Cherteff, rabbi of Congrega- ing courses for elementary and sec- Cunningham, Mrs, Lillian Letter, Mrs. David Redding, Mrs, C. Beh- Katz, Dwtght Berrernan, Mrs. Irene Junior College by Rflger Tuthill of Mountainside and will be used until ice to lie. center's program. Mrs. Jan Elby, Mrs. Helen Martin, rens, Mrs. Boris Bloon^berg, Mrs. tion S'nai Israel* Elizabeth, and a ondary teachers, courses for adults, Kornblatt, Leah Cavanagh, Mrs. UJC trustee. and other lectures, seminars and Amateur Astronomers, Inc., bull da a 24-hi Karen Dailer, our nation's Capitol, Barbara Kolar, Carol Fowicr, Jerry "There will be parades and Hyinan, Lynne Jacobs, Bette Kaerch- speeches, the wearing of the red, er, Robin Sterns, Jean Ann Walker, white and blue. There wilt be pic- Justine Wyatt, Nancy Fedeowsky, nics and outings by families and Irene Mass, Amy Goldman, Mrs. groups. ; Pat Berranan, "Everyone will know, this is the Educational Services: Mrs. Wll- time of year whep vSre•- (jpnor our Ilatn A. Thawley, Mrs. Elaine Zaek, wfer dead. It's MernqrialDay/ Dr. and Mrs. "Robert S. Miner Jr., "Symbolizing the takching hoi* •"••'"'•>• Norman W* , Mrs. William each year is the ante of Bud# D. Brower, William .Caivert,- Mrs. iir- Irene J. Buchner, Mrs. Henry ei r Wars '# the United States. -The •*• Brown, Miss Josephine Heller, Mrs. Buddy Poppies are niade by. dfa "J

R. D. Burleson, Mrs, Clara E, Van- ^ •••• •- "••f •••'•' abled veterans in V.A. homes,sM •"*?: Leuven, Mrs. John VanOeusen, J, s- * hospitals, who receive a nominal *;• C, Alpaugh, Mrs, Nancy H. Trynint wage for their labor. '• Mrs, Joyce Towhsend, Howard Cra- J'Buddy Poppies will be gold in -j- •• vis, Mrs, R. A. Van Sweringen Jr., Westfield tomorrow. They *i*l be Mr, and Mrs. EHc Straus, Ian Rob- sold on street corners, in storey and •Mr. Hurt Mm, {*i*orKi> Whiti? Jr,. f«rm«'Fly off itwolElrii. JV. ¥., are now inson. Uvlitw In tii*-lr new hmite lit HiKl Hit Mile Aw., HmtninlnnUiv, most any ptace where the public *h*->- iutri.'ltHHt-il friiin Mr. itntl Mr*. IIiimluTi Urrutlrt. Mnt, Altm Also, Mrs. J. It. Trowbridge, gathers. Cult I In nt>K"tl[)U*

ministration hospitals. h-.-O "We think of the hearLbreak of •.. -ir1- ,; EVERYTHING FOR THE Mmt style* $19.95 to$2&,9$ mothers and fathers who gave up V -"< *. - , - •?• -. their cherished dreams for stalwart Custom Autographs to $40,00 » L_ . sons- Yes, we pause — at least briefly. "This is the time of year we salute the veterans who gave their lives. camp crowd Let's not forget those who are alive and need the aid provided by funds derived from the Buddy Poppy sale. "We urge everyone to buy a NUNN-BUSH ENRICHES Buddy Poppy and wear it proudly." Name Tapes Sewn On FREE On All FASHION WITH Camp Orders Placed Here Multiple sclerosis is a ciironlc, progressive, disabling disease of the Arrtiflue central nervous system. Prevention and cure remain unknown. H is esti- mated that 500,000 Americans, most A mellow, gold-toned calfskin, antiqued with a of them young people In the vital, i. Make an appointment with Bernie or productive years, suffer from MS hint of brown hand-staining. It ia a colorful year and related diseases, ... and Nunn-Bush assures your satisfaction Warren at AD 3-1111 and one hour of '-•V !?:' • • •-'•.»-* ;with dependable Ankle-Fashioning. You get superior your time will solve your entire •-; ---..-:-..•;' comfort and added months of dollar-saving wear I problem. Going, Going, EDQERTON SHOES FROM $14,85 TO $19.03 Gone!

We have the clothes, uniforms and .*•••

BOSH >%, emblems, plus plenty of experience With all the speed

in outfitting campers* of a rapid-fire auctioneer, a hi. * - Jitti* Classified Ad In the Slylt 2770 Antique Qatdot leader will sell whatever it Is Black CallsHin you wish to dispose of. Just phone ut at $27.00 AD 2-4407 STEV 207 I. BROAD STREET, WESTFIELD 233-1171 233 E. BROAD ST. WESTFIELD AD 3-1 111 WESTFIELD Open Dally Until 6 Monday Evenings Till 9 P.M. OPEN MONDAY NIGHT Tit 9 LEADER .-*• 'ffm. fti; life., Atlanta, Ga., M ties BITUA May II at her residence. TraiMde Director Installs Slate Surviving are her husband; a m I rr 1 jSpcciai daughter, Miss Nancy Jane Oliver; Mirs. Robert Decker, nominating rd.firy: and Miss Adeie DeNitzio, of limes Jr., former siianager of thetwo sons, James William Oliver and F committee ebalnxttn, presented &e Scotch Plans, treasurer, Parley S. Ketcham Private Charies R. Murray, 21, Here Attracts slate of officers for 1967-1968 of Esso Bayway Eefihery and now vice Charles £>. Oliver Jr., all of Atlanta, lo Leave; lakes Ison Df Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth H. Miss Emma McGall, member of Parley S. Ketdham, SI, of 264president of the Enjay Chemical Co. and two brothers, Russell Tandy of Murray of 15 Carol Ro\, completed the Business and Professional Wo- Full House men's (Mb of WestflelS at theihe National Federation Legislation Prospect SL, died Tuesday in Muh- Born In toon Rouge, the youtfa Westfield and John Tarsdy of Win- reconnaissance training May 12 at Committee will Install Hie officers leiiberg Hospital, PlaMieid. lived here since 1962, He was anston-Salem, N. C. Teaching Post the Army Armor Center, Fi. Knox, dinner meeting of tiie club hdd at eighth grade studebt at Thomas A. Dr. Harold N. MoJdenke, director The first Westfield area perform- i&e Ghi*A*n C5sateau, Mountainside. •aat the June dinner meeting to be Mr, Ketcham was born m Lock- Funeral services were held Sat- Ky. fceld June 20, a< the Stage Coach E&lsbn Junior High School and aurday at 2 o'clock at Patterson's of the Trailside Nature and Science ance of "Up With People Sing-Out wood, RY,, and lived in Maryvilte, He received eight weeks of train- of *67/' held Saturday night in Miss Lucille Tunison of Westfield Imt. Scotcji Plains. Ba., before moving here in 1911 asmember of Boy Scout Troop 79. OgleLhorpa Hili Chapel. Rev, Martin Center at the Watchung Reservation, was elected president. The other Surviving also are two brothers, D. Gable officiated. Private inter- submitted his resignation Tuesday ing in the methods of scouting and Roosevelt Jumor High School audi- a school principal. patrolling, with emphasis OR thtoriume , drew a full house and spark- officers elected were: Mrs. Samuel Miss 'Tunis'bn will be tiie delegate Michael and William, at home; four ment was in Arlington Cemetery, to the Union County Park Commis- from the Westfield club at ifae Not- In 1917 he joined the Quaker Oats operation of Army jeeps on rugged ed interest in forming a local "s^- J. Miller^ Jr. of franwood, first vice si&ters, .Mrs. Donald McBumey of Atlanta, In lieu of flowers, contri- sion. president; Mrs. ttaies Scjuadte ional Oonveniion to be held July 23 Company as a salesman. Mr, Ket-New Orleans sM the Misses H'Aty terrain. Instruction was also given out" group. butions were made to the American He said he will leave the post July in camouflage techniques, conceal- Sr., of Clark, second vice president; at the Staiier-HilUm Ilotel in New cham retired sa l$5i as the cereal jane, Louise Elonide and SusanCancer Society, in her name. 24 to accept a position of associate Sponsored by the Onion County Margaret, at home; and tfte paternal ment in natural terrain and handling Miss Jody Dinizo t" >h'o; £*^:i^ OPS,) College and did graduate work Mountainside — Walter 0. Schu- people of Union County, both young ago when several young people can- :-tf•>.-•*m <• -- -Si? celled 'personal plans, sold their Ht S --•'^$ :•>- Mrs. t* EdwaHl Kiiig bert, 63, of 1028 Springfield Ave., and old, have been very fortunate in £U**v! at Columbia University in New York, &C,-^-v-.-5 Wf- having this dedicated man in theActive Members cars and emptied bank accounts to m >^4 :'*,- Sir. Ketctaun was a 50-year mem- died at his home Monday after a •v^ Mrs. T Edward King, 81, a for-long illness. county for the past 15 years." form a national cast of "Up Willt ber of Alias Lodge, 135, F&AM of mer WestfieU resident, died Sunday People,'* • v ^ •••« - A native of Germany, he had lived "His knowledge of the natural his- SBm or. •A- toe fa and of to Westfield Old Guarda. t her home, 42 Sherwood PI., tory of the county and surrounding Given Awards "Putting tfoeir convictions to mu- m here 17 years and in Cranford for WHO WILL ^ iW He attended the First Melliodist Greenwich, Conn. Her late husband 15 years. He operated a roofing areas," Loizeaux continued, "has sic, they demonstrate a new purpose m At the annual dinner-dance of >-!"^> • Ctriiwih. was vice president and Lord & Burn- for their gerenailon, presenting a «J!?^'% J "i ft business since 1945, He was a mem- been instilled in thousands of adult$ ham of Irvington, N. Y. the chapter, the Westfi&ld Jaytees fresh new image of what American •iXtt tie ia survived by his widow, Mrs. ber of the United Church of Christ and children who participated at his PAY ? *& ^ Mrs. King, who resided here from honored feee of their memi?em youth si'ands for," said Mrs, Lynn —frnr=: in Garwaod and the Deutscher Club many lectures and progf&ms at the £$• 'Laura Weiker Ketcfiam; a son, •%= 1925 to 1938, was a native of Newof Rahway. Trailside facility." Jack Hogan was named Jaycee of Downie of the Union County Open ^c:.-i.:• .'• Frank A.( and a daughter, Mrs, Forum, Elizabeth Maidment of Westfield, York City. A graduate of Hunter Survivors include his widow, Dr, Moldenke joined the park sys- the year, John MeDaugtilm wes College in 1907, she was a member Anna; -a son, Walter P. Schubert of tem in 1951 as a part-time consult- named Spark Plug of the Year and She said several Westfield youths end seven grandcWldren, of the College Club ot White Plains Services will be at 2 f*.ni today Cranford, and a grandson. ant and was named supervisor of Howard Cantor was named Spoke of attending Saturday night's perform- since 1938 and served as its presi- rtii In £he First Methodic Church of Services were held at Cray's Fu- nature activities and director of thethe year. ance asked questions and expressed m dent. neral Home at li a.m. yesterday. center in March 1952. interest in forming a local "sing-out" Westfield with the Hev, Dr. Clark She is survived by her son Robert 'Hogan, his wife, Joan, and twoorganza lion- W. Hunt officiating. Interment will Interment was in Fairview Ceme- During his service at the center, 1'ff P. of Port Angeles, Wash,; twotery. attendance grew from G0.000 visits children live at 614 Fairmont Ave. There have also been requests for be in Fair^ew*Cemetery hare. brothers, George P. Babcock of A Jaycee of the year Award is given another "sing-out," to be held in a in Hsu of flowers the family re- in 1952 to more than 290,000 visits Kumson and Robert P. of Fompano last year. In that time, the center each year to the outstanding member larger auditorium, Mrs, Downie Who will pay for your life insuronce? And how will they quests that donations be made to Beach, Bia,, a nephew, Robert fe. was enlarged with aa additional who is not an officer. John. Me- said. pay for it? Whether H is purchased or nor, someone will pay, fche memorial f«nd of the Fi rst NIckerson of Greenwich, and three Miniature RK wing for exhibits and an auditorium kaugftiin lives in Cranford at 22 nationwide exposure of either with money or with suffering. Methodist Church of Westfield or grandchildren. and a heating system was installed Roger Ave, with his wife, Lynn and With People*' on coast to coast the American Cancer Society, Private services were held Tues- to enable year-around use of thetheir two sons. Spark Plug of tiie television, more than 120 regional In the absence of sufficient equfty-buifding insurance will day in Greenwich. facility. year is awarded to the outstanding "sing^out" groups have been farmed, retirement mean a lower standard of living, ct loss of per- Mrs. John L. Ludlow On Saturday, May 27, the He directed the acquisition of member who has been in the chapter involving more than $0,000 young sonal respect dependence upon the generosity of your Mrs. Allen Buck Jr. & Southwestern Railroad will thousands of new exhibits for Trail- for more than one year. The Spake peopje, children? begin its season of operation, tSie side and initiated a two-hour nature of the year recipient, Howard Can- Westfield Mayor HoberE Mulreany Mrs. Dorothy Kohter Ludlow of Mrs. Mary W, Buck, 54, of 5 Debby Does not the wife and mother pay the price when she has line is a full scale operating live day program for school children and tor lives ai 34 Faulkner Dr. in West- greeted Saturday night's young sing- 667 Fourth Ave,, wife of John L. Lane, Warren, died Saturday in ers and Donn Snyder served as mas- to enter the labor market and compete with younger women steam miniature railroad^ operating a natural history refresher course field with his wife, Dena, and their liudlbw, died Monday at Overlook Overlook tfospifoi, Summit. ter of ceremonies. In order to support her children? on a regular time table. for adults. son and daughter. Spoke of the. year Hospital* Summit, after long illness. She was the wife of AHen Buck, She was born in New York City The C & S RR has a real coal is awarded to the outstanding first How about the children? They pay for the non-existent Jr. and had been a resident of Duplicate Winners life insurance too. Without a college education many of the and lived in Westfield 4S years. Warren for fihe last tfhree and oneburning live steam locomotive known year Jaycee. as a 4-8-4 Pocono type, as used mpst profitable and challenging careers are closed to them. (Mrs. Ludlow was an active mem- half years, prior to that she re- It was jilso announced that West- The Mountainside Duplicate ber of i'he Westfield Chapter, Ameri- sided m Westfield for 20 years. many years by the Lacfcawanna Parents Advised Bridge Associatoin, which plays at Have you met your responsibilities to your family? If not, Phoebe Snow. Fully equipped with field Chapter was honored as the can Red Cross, during World War She was a former member of the best diapter in the area fn terms of the WestCIeld YlrfCA the first Friday your loved ones will have to pay* If. air compressor for brakes, an airGive Heed To of each month, announces the win- Westfield Gardeners and was a mem- operated brass bel] and a real steam growth; Roger Brody, outgoing Besides her husband, she is sur-ber of fche Basking liidge Garden President of Westfield Jaycees, wasners of its April match, North-South vived by a son, Johtt L. G. Ludlow cfthne wfti&tet it will capture ihe and East-West teams respectively: Edward Grubman Cltfb and the New»cdmers Club pf imagiiuifion of both young and old,Youths'Voice named outstanding area President first, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Krystaw Recife, Brazil; a daughter, Mrs. Basking Ridge. and awarded a silver tray. As a 909 Boulevard 232-7855 : C. rtiili TUtfbn Paite; A very high grade of coal emits and Mr, and Mrs, Richard Weeks; Besides her htistjand she is sur-very little smoke, buft at the same The Rev. John Millar of thj token of appreciation for his leader- second, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Bimfield Weitfield, N. J. 622-6100 jih; a sister, Mrs, (tebt&e vived i>y three daughter, Mrs. wood Presbytcrien Church dodrcss- ship, Ray Memhew, incoming presi- A, Williamson .lieti B&hk{! ami a time, will give the rider the fee-ling : and Mr. and Mrs, John Halkowich; Dolores EMseo of Locust Valley, LX, of a rep I steam railroad. e4 the Rotary Club tuesda^ at itsdent of the chapter, presented Brody third, Mr. and Mrs, Gene Martin Mutual benefit Life Koitler, k Uts, Beverly Pucher o( King of lunehe&n meeting In the YMCA on with a silver bowl and Mr. and Mrs, Morris IsserUs, e Funeral wiii be hekA today at Prussia, fu, and Mrs. Atena Btick Located on Livingston Ave., ' on the subject "Teen-age Hebeilfon 1 a.m. in the Dooley Colonial Home at home; two sisters, Mrs, Gfene the Becker Farm, in Rosclartd,. the Wants You." wttfe the Rev, A<*e L, fubbs,, Asso- Nesitidfc and Mrs, Ireno ttakowski, rtfHroad is more than a mile in om He reminded the grriui> iHftt.Xhe ciate Minister of the ttfbh 6t Maspetft, L.i; a brother, direction, making the round trip oft-quaied Biblical phrase "Ch&ten, Church officiating. Henry Wliimekl also of Maspcih, two miles. From the station it runs obey your parents ia oil things*.for r t via a real "Horse Shoe" curve thai is pleasing in the tiord," & fol- More opie are ing more fun h,X.t find four grandchildren. lowed by a iess-freqtiehity dusted Services were held in Gray's Fun- through natural scenery. Many i< tmnl E, Into* ye&vs ago Roscland wes known as seiUence," FMners; dqjr *—n«w-« eral Home Tuesday at 10 a.m. In- your chiklreiKto anjijer, r& % Innes, 13, of 2165 B#- terment was in Stiiwator, Pa., Cem-Centcrville, and this accounts for tiie first part of the railroad's tlUe. may not bb,disemirag&l , berry |&ns was found de&d Sunday etery, Tiie Kov. MrV'taiar laid the fc at fco&e. An "Armstrong turn-table is used was bask! oft M^jndfrjgfo** - i.. .*tr at the end of every trip of the steam :i •- J i He!-was the son of Theodore J. Mrs. David C. Reid views with teenagers wfcqri Xi .. locomotive, came to the Pflnwood Chiirch, Mrs. Flonmee L. Reid, wife of It accommodates youngsters as emphasized, thtty aHhtyijgti he had David C. Reid of 228 Sinclair Pi., well as adults. A real automatic drawn certain ednttlustdjts fromj&he ...because died May U at Rahway Hospital. color light signal system governs interviews, lie cdtifo not truihfiitly A native of Chicago, Mrs, Reid all train movements. All trains generalize because, each Individual foave"Cenicrvi!te" station promptly is different, > \ . -\: their vacations lived in Massachusetts from 1927 toaccording to a rigidly adhered time 3949 and in New Hampshire for la He said the teebagerst bi^est table, and one must bo on time to problem was thai parent refused to years, coming to Westfield eight catch the "Ten-Thirty". paid for months ago. listen, and when they did, fh^y d&n't The train operates Saturdays and tafee the young peoplb 'seribusly or She was a member of the found* ; holidays^ up to Uxbov Day, andreally try to understandHflejVu ing group and past mistress of tihe This lacK of underptariding leaves in advance... BAR in Bast Chicago, Ind., and was Wednesday afternoon and evening during July and August, tiie teenager with two alternatives, also a member of and past matron said the Rev. Mr, Millar, "to tile Order of Eastern Star, She was knuckle under and do exactly; as « Monument! a former organist for the Congrega- Man In Dog Suit" they are told, or to rebel" When tional Church in East Chicago. they rebel it is against what; the Survivors in addition to her hus-To Be Staged parents stand for, with the hope they band are two sons, Alan L, of West- can make the parents listen to them, This seal on « fiold, and Di\ David H. Reid of "The Man In the Dog Suit" is thehe declared. monument assures title of a 3-act comedy to be present- The minister advised parents to the best quality. It's Weston, Mass., and 10 grandchildren. ed Juno 3 and 4 by the dramatic Memorial services were held in Speak to teenagers as with an equal, backed by the strongest group of Temple Ematiu-El in thediscussing and listening to his side, guarantee in the monument the First Parish Church in Weston, auditorium at 8:30 p.m. Sunday. and remembering to take him for iridiistry. See our display of The • cast, Under the direction of what he is. "Don't talk down to Select Barre Guild Monuments. Cray's Funeral Home was inMrs. Irvyin Qleich and her assistant charge of local arrangemehts, them, he added. Mrs. Barry Kopt, includes Jerry Questioned about the effects of LL MANNING & SON Krupnick, Mrs. Norman Wetlen, Mrs, television, the Rev. Mr. Millar said MONUMENTS - MARKERS Mrs. C D. Oliver Sr. Charles Herman, William GUckman, that it is a major factor in educa- r Edward Lewis, Mrs, Alex Unger, 405 \V. Front St.. rinl&Held. N. J. Mrs. Jerome Rosenbhim. Mitchell tion, but the bulk of programming Mrs. a Dickson- Oliver Sr.f the is of a psychological nature with 1^61 Phone Ph 8-0700 former Mimi Thomas, of 430 Forest Krauss, Hark Edwards, and Ber- nard Bresky, hate and strife stressed. In answer to a question about the Producer Irwin Gleich will be rebellion toward the drah1 and war, aided by the following stage crew: IS YOURS? the minister answered that the prob- jSUge manager: Marshall Yokelsdn; lem is no worse than So years ago, technical advisor, George Friedman; set design, Bernard Bresky; light- but was being exploited Sy £ne press ing, William Turk and Paul Hach- television and radio. your Vacation Club Now bach; props, Mrs, WUIiam Turk and bEblCATED TO DIGNIFliD SERVICE Mrs. Marshall YokeUoft; costumes, Mrs, Eliot Breifcbarth; make-up, Mrs, Richard Vsm and Kichard Shapiro. • Tickets may be purchased from Mrsi Ludwig Wolf, Mrs. Neil Fox of at the temple office. $250 LEADER WANT ADS BEING k DIVIDENDS PAID ON VACATION CLUBS

Established 1S97


WESTMELD CRANFORD A. Doyla F. H, Gray, Jr* itprmiincni HtMitt*b I'IIIIHH t SOW tiVKN 318 E. BROAD ST. 12 SPRIHGF1ELD AVE Pnone '233-0143 Phona 276-0092


Thfa* I* the new tuwitt of a!r, nnil air*. Ju*tvh A. Httlitiklc nt mi HH1 Broad at Prospect By the ADams 2^4500 :/ 361 Park Avenue »hl» Avis, Hiimt*nin«iiJe* whh'h.lhey imrohctK^il trmii Sir* t Arlliiir J* Aftcnrn thHiuKlt tli« offlt^r of Snnvy F. Heynuliln Hl Th ff U -." '• THE WESTF1EL0

a— "K- Stoffa's Pointings In to extend their residence at 24 Flaw- fcjl • "I1 O Police Training justment Board fihorne Drive and Harry Foskey was tjHOll IS ttJecipient Of Eagle Award ftealtbrs Windtfw granted a setback variance to ex- Michael Stoffa of Westfield is Defers Decision tend a one-family dwelling at 616 DougJas Short, son of Mr. and Mrs. attorney and first scoutmaster of Classroom Here exhibiting some paintings in the Garfieid Ave. Hazen L. Siort of 417 Woodland Ave. Troop 171 when it was formed In window of Edwin 0. Edwards Eeal received the Eagle Scout award, 1933. On Wheels Estate Office, 112 Elm St. Mr. Sto&a Fence Bid the hi$iest sward in Boy Scouting, The present scoutmaster is William is leaviiig for his summer location Cranford Couple Monday night at a Court of Honor. G. Lamb, under whose leadership Chief James F. Moran at Rockport, Mass, in two weeks. Following a hearing \*4iich pro- duced objections by a number ol The fcourt of Honor, lield by Boyfour Eagle Scout Awards were ear- announced that in order to help During the aiimmsr he will conduct ned tills year. commemorate "Police Week" (May residents in the area of Temple Winner In Soout Troop 171, was In Wilson classes for the first lime in New School. 14—May 20), the public j& cordially England and in the autumn will take Emanu-El, the Boa.rd of Adjustment Three of the boys, ChrisLopher* invited to view on display today an extended tour of the United early Tuesday reserved decision on 'Pounds Of Luck' Douglas is in the sophomore class Merrill, Geoffrey Darsie and Doug- the New Jersey Police Commission's Slates and Mexico to paint, the Temple's application to ereci at Wesifield High School were he is las, received American Legion Good Mobile Classroom Trailer which will Mr. Staffa has exhibits in three a 5-foct stockade fence around three A Cranford couple, Mr. and Mrs.a member of the tennis team. Citizenship citations. be parked in front of Police Head- sides of the property. Harry Dorfman of 449 tJrthard &.» His scouting activities include the The Court of Honor was concluded quarters frdm 9 to 5 p.m. shows at the present time, in Spring jLafee and Trenton, and Pittsburgh. The hearing was lengthy as both became tap winners last week in Order bf lhfc Arrow "am} serving as with, the presentation of a prize to The $22,000 one room school house Mr, Stoffa has been teaching in sides presented their cases. Wheri the "Pounds of Luck" contest spon- junior assistant scoutmaster of Troop pduglas and Christopher, who placed is a 10 foot by 60 foot trailer, and Weslfield for many years, the Temple obtained a variance sored by the Retail Diviclori of the 171. third in the 16-17-year-old division is designed to accommw&tfte 30 men is well known in tfoe- East and con-several years ago for a building W&stfield Chamber of Commerce. Vh& presentation was made by of the recent Greek Canoe Race in the classroown, in addition to an stantly reaching a larger audience expansion program, it was stipulated The couple casticd in botli halves of Robert C. Thomson 'Jr., Westfield on the Delaware River. offifce and teaching area the chief throughout the United States and that a screening cf evergreens a winning $100 certificate. gaid. It is also equipped with air Canada. He is listed in "tfho's Who should be planted to shield the Other winners last week include conditioning and electric heat which in American Art". neighboring houses from noise and Bernard Ale^ajider of 50 Sandy Hill carries its own electrical generator, car lights. Rid., who won $50 arid Dennis Jltdge or it can receive outside power. However, representatives of the of 706 South Ave., who cashed in SAX- PLA YERS Carpeting covers the floor and the Temple appeared at the meeting a $10 certificate, Alexander's wife seats are constructed with com- Monday night to stale that their had previously won two $1 certifi- fortable foam rutArer. Borough to Press landscaper said it would be im- cates, e Selmer One of the important highlights possible to comply with this stip- The contest, which ended Saturday, of this mobile unit Qhief Moran ulation because the plantings wmiiil featured big cash prizes to shoppers Varitbne noted are the visual aids (audio), State for Relief not grow in all places and, in fact, mutching two halves of the *'Pouuds overhead projectors, and the EREX because of existing trees, could not of Luck" certificates. The program teaching system which incorporates On Route 22 be planted solidly. was designed to interest shoppers still and motion picture projection Seme 15 residents signed a petition in Westfield's personalized service, with 'behind the screen' projection Mountainside — "the problems of opposing the application, some be- quality merchandise and competive coupled with 'responded' which are Route 22 will continue to plague us cause they do not like a fence in prices. installed at each students desk, The but we will continue to press the preference to shrubbery and others Early winners ihcltido Mi's, Mar- REV. AND MRS, EGBERT W. ANDREWS responder which records answers State Highway Department for a because they |rit the Temple should on . a me&ter recorder, permits the permanent solution," Mayor Freder- comply wiLh the original variance. garet Jorgensen of Upper Montclaii\ and Charles A, Haller, 1555 Lam- instructor to present more material ick Wilhelma said test night at the The board considered the matter berts Mill Rd,, who won $50 each; SAXO Church Arranges in I&s time, and still be able to Borough Council meeting. in executive session after midnight, Early News Copjr $20. winners, Mrs, Rey Merrihew of keep track of his progress in leacJi- The mayor said that the traffic as it did the other cases to come 514 Birch Ave., Alice Ann Nulle of Memorial Day will ha cele- Ing due to the fact that he has light at New Providence Rd. andbefore It Monday night. are Talk By Formosa t Route 22 had been re-phased in an 241 Lamberts Mill Rd,, Miss Mary brated Tuesday, May 30. As the immediate feed-iiack, and knows The board approved the application Leader office will be closed that effort to provide a better traffic Colapietro of Garwood; Miss Cintfy at" all times just how each student of Renahl Inc. to erect seven one- day we request that mvri items is progressing. flow but after a week's triel the Bloragreu of Plainfield and Mtrs, COME IN NEXT MONDAY, lights were returned to the old sys-family dwellings, to seU for between W. D. Henriqiies of 727 Warren fit- and pictures for publication In Obi of Moran also stated Uiat the The congregation of Grace Ortho- the June 1st issue of On- Leader tetn as the experiment proved un* $37,500 and $38,500, on undersized MAY 22 at 9 P.M. dox Presbyterian Church will henr whole idea of tJie mobile unit is Ten doll-ar winners Included be submitted ns early as pos- workable. lots in upper Prospect St.. WilKam Maidment of 102 Dixor professional demonstration the Rev, iHgbert W, Andrews tell of sible. that the police officer does; not have his missionary work in the Orient to travel a long distance to attend The mayor said mat in a discus- The NomaTiog-'an Swim CJlife's, ap- Mrs. E. 11 Thompson of 2 Willow tomorrow at 8 p.m. following e pot- specialized schools, instead, die sion with state officials, he told thorn plica-tion for permission to install Grove Pkw., Mrs. Janice Shepparrf luck supper in the church. school does the traveling, that new Route 78 could throw addi- four tennis courts oh its property a( of 820 Carlton Rd, Mrs. Rose Marko tional traffic on New Providence Rd. S06 Springfield Ave. for use by the The Rev, Mr. Andrews, mission- In essence, the Chief said that as bf ill Elm St., Cranford and Miss ary of the Orthodox Presbyterian Federation Seeks and since it Is the onty street in the club members was recommended to Elizabeth Brescia, 529 Giles Ave., police work becomes more of a borough crossing Route 22 anothr BANDSTAND Church to Formosa, has served in- town counsel for approval. Middlesex, profession than a job, classwork crossing might be considered. termittently in the Orient since 1935. plays a major role in the life of a Dr, and Mrs. F-loyd »J. ponojiue Winning certificates must be re- 1 BROAD Born in China, the son of mission- $1,100 Hike In The mayor appointed a citizens were granted a rear yard variance deemed no later than May 31, aries, he is a graduate of the Uni- law inforcement officer, committee, composed of Nicholas versity of Pennsylvania and West- Teacher Pay Bradshaw, Kenneth Donnelly, Wil- minster Theological Seminary, both Center To Expand bur Groves, Richard Whitcomb and In, PhilHdHlphla. The Westfield Federation of Teach- Charles Warrin0ton, to advise the The Rev. Mr. Andrews served ns ers lias recommended a $1,100 in- council on the sale of bonds for con- missionary in Manehoukou from 1IW5 crease in starting salaries for teach- Drum and Bugle struction projects. He noted that the until 1042. He was repatriated at ers for 1908-1908, loard of Education and the borough that time via the now famous S.S. will be involved in the sale of $1VE Gripsholm in exchange for Japanese The group was organized a couple Corps Here million in bonds in the next year or nationals interned in America. Later of years ago because some teachers so. felt the long-established teachers Edward J. Smith ACSW, Execu- during the war, he returned to China The new bathhouse at the munici- PS a civilian iluison ofticer fur tho group—WcsLfidd Education Associa- live Director of the Wostfield Cora- tion—was not doing an effective job. munity Center, announced that plnns pal swimming pool should be ready Chinese government mid remained for use by June 1 and thd new tennis in China os a missionary after the The sale proposed by the federa- are now underway to expand and re- war. organize the Center's Drum and courts in full use by June 15. Also in tion ceils for a range of $7,000 to Bugle Corps, in-HUM, the corps re- the pool area, volleyball, basketball When the Chinese Communists $14,000 for those with bachelor's de- ceived second placp trophies in the and tetherball facilities have been overran the country, he went to For- grees; $7,300 to $15,055 for master's Pie Infield Fourth of July parade and installed. The pool is scheduled to mosa, where he has been serving degrees; $7,500 to $15,950 for mas- at the Elk's Convention in Jersey open May 30 and be; open weekends ever since. During his furlough he ter's degrees plus additional credits until the close of school. There ara will be researching the church pnd those with doctorates would be ; A new development committee has still a limited number of member- growth in China. $fl00 above the master's plus scale. stiips available. He end Mrs. Andrews, who will They also propose to reduce the been formed WitlfGeorge S. CBafield be with him, will return to Formosa stepfe, or years, to reach the max-and James Jackson as co-chairman. The stprm sewer project in the in the spring of IBM.-Mrs. Andrews imum to 12 steps for bachelor's, 13 W. Hollis Plinton, a member of the Summit Rd.-Darby La. area is 80 was a missionary in India prior to for master's and "14 for the others. Center's board, will serve as direc- per cent complete and tlie council her marriage^ to the Rev. Mr, An- The present schedule colls for a rector of Drum Corps relations. Tuesday night authorized tho issu- drews. She is n registered nurse and starting salary of $5,900 and the top The new committee appointed ance of $190,000 in bond anticipation graduate of Calvin College, Grand salary for those with a doctor's de- Craig Allen as commahder, Mis? pates to temporarily finance the Rnfrlds, Mich.- gree at $12,150. Joan Wright as director of girl'? project. It also authorized advertis- activities and William Sisko, music ing for snow removal bids, which director. will be opened on Monday, June S Mr. Allen, who is a jnember of at 2:30 p.m. at borough hall, the living is the Westfield Police Depurtmetit, Robert E. Wyckdff of 35G New has an extensive background in Providence Rd. was elected a mem- drum and bugle corps. Special em- ber oF the volunteer fire department phasis will be put on drill team work end the council introduced two or- casual and For boys. There will be two units; dinances, one providing for payment ts a to 12 years of age and jun-of thu tennis and volleyball courts J iors, 12 to 13 years of agfe." construction and the other cteatthg Miss Wright, a member of the Na- the office of municipal engineer. comfortable tional Academy of Accredited Twirl- Robert Kosor, superintendent of pub- ing Teachers, will expand and re- 'ic wcrks, will assume this addition- organize all girl tivirlers in four di al title at no additional pay. visions. Tots, intermediates, juniors Residents of Ridge arid Heckel and seniors. She will be assisted by Drs, inquired about the staLus of her pupil, Cordelia Graves, who is their streets, whether there is to be the 1967-68 Captain of the Westfield vhKh Iliry tuirHihHlMt inun new I Ttiis new program will be de- Steengrafe Gives Mr. iiml Mr** Het^lK'r 10, Wlllu-Im Ilirinmh Oir IIITIM* iif II. Clay veloped after the Memorial Day Pa- In*". Mr*. KtitlM'iiuv S, Ilmitlir cif Ihr Piiinrmtil rade. tlit- Guest Talk For Steuben Society Weyman O. Steengrafe, principal of Wilson School, was the speaker at the regular monthly meeting of the Peter Muehtenberg Unit, No. 393, Steuben Society of America, Monday at the Park Hotel, plain- field, He was introduced by George WiIkons, chairman of the unit, who conducted Ihe meeting. Mr, Steengrafe, who resides at 128 Fairmont Ave.t is a graduate ot Rutgers University, ond holds a In the sunny summertime, boys lead a Master of Education from Riitgers, colorful iife in these carefree sports wear. also. He is a member of the Rotary He'll like the new styles fcnd "tough" coiats , :iub, Westfield, and the Board of Mom -will welcome their washuljllUy, and Trustees nnd State Speakers Bureau, the many rieiv fashions in the rion-iroti per- N. J, Branch. United Nations Asso- manent press finish. So, lie sure to "play-it* ciation ot the USA. CUDI" this summer by Stopping in at J()ljn. He spoke on the theme: "Freedom Franks now. vs. Authority." pointing out that llin 'eneral public should not stand 'lack while an individual uproots vhuL a society stands for. When FOOTBALL SHIRTS should an individual be curbed, he asked? When his action is harmful We have a complete selection ojF 'o society. colors and sizes. $2:50 & $3.00 The group will go by chartered bus to the National Founders Day iDnquct in New York Saturday, leaving the Park Hotel nt 6 p.m. ien, Everett M, Dirkaen will be (he speaker, and will be presented with •-1 BOYS' DEPARTMENT ON MEZZANINE FLOOR the Steuben Award, a citation given CALL THE LEADER — AD 2-4407 annually td an outstanding citizen. £ 207 E. BROAD ST., WESTFIELD 233-1171 Mr Dirksen is n member of the J Sleuben Society. 1 - i .' Page THE WESTFIELD (N. J.) LEADER, THURSDAY; HAT M* XH7 . ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE • REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR 5ALE

NANCY F. REYNOLDS PEARSALL EDWIN O. EDWARDS BARRETT & CRAIN RANDOLPH- C. B. SMITH, JR. DANKER & DANKER, ATW • l«]| REALTY WILLIAM A. CLARK REALTOR Realtors Inc. WIEGMAN CO. TWO ELM ST. ASSOCIATES AND Realtor 436 Sourh Ave. West 112 Elm St. •TWO COLONIAL OFFICES" Realtors -— (Cor. North and Elm St. REALTORS Realtors Hembera vf Multiple AD 2-2500 AD J-5555 W#»tffoM Mountai mid* Multiple H*utber Multiple SUGGEST . . . FRANKENBACH 111 C«ntrkL Avt. 149 ELMER STREET McHther Multiple Llatlue; Srktei AD 2-1800 AD 3-1800 103 Moimtala Arc, ALT — IN81/ROR INC. ADnrn* 2-6609 AD 2-9300 WESTFIELD UPSTAIRS IS DOWNSTAIRS ESTABLISHED 1»33 Hfnb'cr ,ot 4 DDRB, X OATH HANOH Umtlnm Myuttm. Multiple C tLj*Um it -sir ADams 2-4841 The uncommon touch La here! RENTALS W»lfteld Scotch I>1B1 ivnter hail to rear living room with fireplace and picture win- We have a few. One particu- SEE OUR UNIQUE WESTFIELD COLONIAL dovr overlooking; garden. Wuud* larly at $275 per month—Colo- IIS Elm St., AD 2-4700 'SCULPTURE IN METAL $31,500 IN WESTFIELD! ed plot, ittLneliKtl kiUht-n. Thrt?r nial with fuur htiUroonis—)>rimo WINDOW DISPLAY CHANNING AVE, COLONIAL heil rooms Jeft of ccnU-r hull lucatlun—uvailalilt? Junv. 15. PAINTINGS ON WOOD' $43,900 FRAME AND MICK «rHh tile bath. Muster bedroom With hay window and fireplace COLONIAl suite and private bath added In Don't miss Ha^el Wards 1 l 196S in separate v?h\g tt> right. AREA RE3PRRSBNTAT1VE: FOR OF HOMES FOR SALE eeL In our 43 Elm Street office In living room; BetmHUe dining Built In 1965 — living room room, eatinp apace In kitchen, 1 /i BATHS Porch off living room. Jieautl- AIR CONDITIONED windows. Included are colorful with fireplace — large kitchen ful BroOkfeide JJark |n Scotch XfM If III Ivn 1 v A i An \J* PROJECTED IN COLOST & Imaginative pieces of metal 1st floor lavatur>\ Three bed- ENTRANCE VESTIBULE NEW USTiNG COLONIAL 1 adjoining a family room — (our rooms, attached garage. Quiet Plain* nearby. Just UfUect at sculpture as well as abstract bedrooms and two baths —- S29.9P0. l> Hip kitchen with dish- fcreakfaat table, i bedrooma, 2\k Brick and fr^me Colonl&l with Living ruum with flreplacu RECREATION ROOM washer—cheery living room— baths. Just 3 yunrti uJd &nd pretty bay window and marbie- nearly 34' long; family sUed Move up to a £-*tlory Culonlal dining: room, den HIHI ret'rea- better than new! Wall to wall fa«6d fireplace in the UvLnir THREE NICE SIZE BEDROOMS 1 1 MCMI ruunt. ShuuUI ^t-11 1 . RM, AD 3*3354 dining' room, bre^Kfatit roum. residence hftviOR a 2G living carpeting and drape a Included, room, a dining room, kitchen lat floor lavatory, plus den and GOOD CONDITION room wllli fireplace, 4 epaeloue 2-cur garage. }42800 with eaUiiyr fiiAice, panelled ilen upen purtrli- Three nice liedrtiomw . . . a arul one-halC And tUed powder room on flrst BAY WINDOW • • "ON A WINDING LANE" , (master han ittf own tmtliH , . . to vurh-sftv^r kit- floor. Three large tjedro^mH and Aibrrt H. C. c An A- room), tiled hath. PHT- VALUE PLUS AT THIS PRICE I chDii , , . ai' family roofn with tiled bath on second flour, A IN WYCHWOOD Mar/ All Tltua tially panelled rec fDoin. nnother fireplace , * < (nrnial SPLIT LEVEL I HE DOGWOOD panellem with Conv«nlent all dining room . - * a huere full IS IN BLOOM fireplace in--the basement and $49,800 b0-H€tnepL and *n overHUftU ga- $24,500 g-ood laundry room complete i on P. 1, Sec. 4) rage . • . AIBU featured is a 24' the house* The yard ifl jno^t at- reirrtntlou rgom ami Set well Imck from the road, tractive wltli 2 rtfl^Htnns |ititl«H, Pl<*lur?Mi|UFf ludetilr IM (fain DOLL HOUSE IN the haus« has c^ntrul iiir-p(jn- Clean anfl neat 4 bcMlrourn, 1 you can enjoy all the frea.utl£fl THRH YEAR OLD one with brick bnrbenue. Ex- une flour CuM»*U«|, . , . New Hating at baths modern (1HB7) H|ilit Iwv^L of aprinir and l\n riot of blpom ceptionally low heating custs hy fuinrd i4WII- COLONIAL MOUNTAINSIDfl Kitchen hua wall ovini, tfthlc in your own yard, In thin tn- (FOUR BEDROOM ue to insulation and aluminum lhiniMburicIT nruhltevt Hny BEAUTIFUL SETTING! top range n\irt ealtner tert;uLhiK JMountalnelde prop- combinations. Convenient to all Fwi A to allied In Ike henrt y located to end all taxl- S e p ii r R U dlnh^r room erty. Rambling1 Cap* COd With Walk to fitatton, schoolb, 1 fhoolb. Fairly priced at |31»- uf Miir 4ie«lrMble WVCIJ- LEE K. WARING LOW TAXES cherry HVLIIR rouni. Serre dining el! adjoining the 13x26 COLONlAt £00- WOOU •ttL-iicm. The "run- B. Surface transportation room and sarugr. Owner tranu- n aval lu bl e. Irving rooni^ BAY WINDOW A FIREPLACE ft. living: room, Yuu can lirk t»m Inlrrli^r (Idml fur II HE1LTOH IN8LHOH f In Fanwood. faat at the kitchen window (TWO-AND-A-HALF-BATHS) *iutlll r»mllr> (k^ntula« Mix dlnlni? room, modern kitchen, IN LIVING ROOM INCOMPARABLE LIVING watch the Hrd* and Bqi ch firiiki IIK romiiH A " (maRter bedroom 12.5x18). Tin*? PRETTY MODERN KITCHEN hobby In (ho utudJn. Cozy den. chrrry kitchen thilt liter- l>mi^ll^d recreation with wecond Stone and frame Colonial levri WYCHWOOD SCHOOL AREA well situated fur privacy. Ideal ally "him r%rr^lkliin/f H fireplace* Deeji lut_ Owner leav- TWO BEDROOMS AND BATH tyjae with BenerwUH center hull. for a coupLti. 13 MEM), nltunicd on u l TWO HAND NEW ing country. Just Hated, |21&00 Especially degimble ie the in n f^ntiwourf QUALITY CONSTRUCTION tF hulh A I^renoh ON FIRST FLOOR larget fnrnily room winy to the nutrd fur ttu doom opvnlnv unt» IB iiut- LISTINGS LARGE FINISHED BEDROOM rear surdi'ji with 11 y ralscil tnll dour iPuilii , , * richly hearth tlrpplftce ot bluo ribbon Ideal for newlywertn or r^ti NEAR FRANKLIN SCHOOL htnut hn*r of ATTRACTIVE RANCH ellcil llrliiK roum witk HALF ACRE, TREES AND BATH ON SECOND stone, other attractive feature uoufllfl wjio only n^ed 2 l the muni lilitcf, vrncrful uti over B'f SCREENED PORCH Include three bi^ l>edronm», 2^ rocimn. There U a lur^e H No need to I>B cramped tor rm with Very attractive two bertrnom wind own 4- hiHikuhelrefl , . * CUTE AS A BUTTON - RANCH, on a quiet cul-de-un<: LatliH LUKE modern k I I c h o ti. room, dining njum mill kllc ranch listed to fireplace, family RECREATION ROOM I laat€r WHJIH nnd areas. May we UH you liasemcnt 1B ideal for the it nil tfcr f IITTH hi dlnlBir upkeep. Very nlc« panelled nay pnri!]i| doublt Attractive Lhr&e bedroom home room, concrete put to. Three COUIDNT BE NICER r^H. HetreHfled guttera en- more? room in tho basement for win- WMc (civpr i2*V> wuuded With 1% ^fmiinlo tiled bflthfl. tiled baths. Ex tret larg^ lm«c- iho exterior litiea, I^and- yuungHtere . . . Mother and Dud rrnr Tho most unuHiial living7 rnnni can watch their favorite pro- |tllit * , , The TV room ter use and a d^lIghtFul porch lot wltk nhltv picket raent, Cyclnne fenced yard. FOR $28,5001 to ifo ^ith tho locution, for summer- The property JB uld p*>Ht Intitern^ d has a beamed, cathedral colling Beautiful gruunriti, tall treets. Llatod ut )sirsuo. Do call now. gram in iho 1st floor TV room. !• and A fctciife fireplace,. and the 3rd floor bedroom and tu tell, way iv«t large enouch for privacy 60x A bvilii of ivy. Mure to tell* «38&00 10fi( yet not requiring: too much Separate dlnlnfcroom* kitchen Ijttlli la a ffoad havon for thfi time iLnd care, with new electric range, tiorcti CENTER HALL COLONIAL leering^ r. The centBr hull »£- iLnd an Wi-VHlzad grurAge. toni» a irouri "traffic" pattern, RANCH HOUSE IN 4 BEDROOMS ~ V/i BATHS 4 LedroomB and 2 bfttha on the Th& owners have given thlra INDIAN FOREST WYCHWOOD 2nd Hour $BU,700. home and tlte beautiful groundn 4 BEDROOMS - $38,000 $34,500 loving care, |25,90Ot Choice ^4 acre plot, tall LOVELY CANTERBURY LANE NEW Center Imll^ circular atalrcna, CHERRY NELSON KITCHEN Whit*1 (-enter lml 1 CulDtilnl only GTRCIOUGI B llvliiff room (17x25), High rolling coutitry^ide on ;j yonrs cilii with let (limr IUML, WARM AND CHARMING wiLf *LTid e»ihr-hulf ii^rea* To bt%lRvutfiry, I>IUH brautlCul VACATION ALL SUMMER SPIC AND SPAN - *ieuT recreatian ruunit niill 3 hhiivc • * wood burtihiRrtihR" (Ircplaij^np . Four bul Hi Choice of listH. Hviililer tlutn wltli wall oviMi, tr' AT HOMEI LIVING ROOM well known to lit*, lilt) roof, 4 kRAkiK(.s r1f»liw*LKhop mill PRETTY NEIGHBORHOOD Scotch Plaint borlrooniH,, thr«e bathvbathv,, twolava- h ewi Flr«t lloar maid's qun.r- LARGE DINING ROOM bedrooms on s*itne levnl. 2-ear ]iuact - W»il-tn-wull t^i FOUR BEDROOMS "SPACIOUS COLONIAL" H 1 Swim ov&ry day In your own Mai to an appointment to irrH. ]*arKTL Hcreened and dttarli^d K^niKO, ill toot on- Incliiilrtr C> w HIT < r^ --- pool . . . bank lr» the sun on TASTEFULLY DECORATED traiKu tit irruilo levol. City Tlay in the 23x24 ft. SO MUCH COMFORT placa, walk^tn olri&et aliri pretty Quiet Circular Strati futiLKl lu location for l?0 : covered phlLo, cif 2-CAR GARAGE j retrt'Ofltlini ronni, or watch TV Deifrabl* LocatiQn The living room and rthilnE Al^Ho, uml* In the don. Center hall floor $30,900 mom have hi-autlful wall-lo- MANY EXTRAS INCLUDED 4 lidlroum ctsntt^r hall Colo 4 Bedroom* & Dr«tsing Rm. 1 plan. 6 bedroom*, 2'£ haths. lnt wal| carpAtLn^ KIMI Hie nioiirni fit $-l49r>00 and 4 hud r o llvlnR: ruum . , . Ilin- AD youl t riMi m w lih room fu r (This i* a New Listing) Realtor TO OUYV SKhlin RRIVT OH 4 BEDROOMS $23,500 s J . . . Well u p *- vvlrlnic, t-te-> WE HAVE SOME NICE ONES Would you like » ,,. to lgo wakk- A tflr!4 viilur M HItki WILLIAM A. CLARK Ini5 dtfltanco to atorun mirt &tft- Wi LEI K. WAMNO, REALTOR 332-9.TOO JULY 1st POSSESSION tlim - - - vraliElnK^ 4*«lance,-to # TOUT call AHee *. ADami 3-2222 Hi-Hltfur imruutalal midypr puhlld ueM-ow (graflu thiOUKh ME*1 unliunl) 4311 South AVN v- , « tu HnJ a hpme-whEre you Barbara M*ri*y aa:t-r.O«7 M, 11. Wick APAMS 2-2500 cuii incrccirtQ the vtthio by Rx- DANKER & DANKER, Inw it up yoilrafeu - - • it Rut PHOTOGENIC, PIUS!" nnrf Ample I'ftrkJnff In llfir tlilu hoUHo may LK tho Answer $28,500 C. B. Smith, Jr. Inc. Gilts K, Atwood fur youl |He«l • an a one-family > Jr. .. ,AI» 2-BM1 Kvrnlnv FhoncB IiniiHu fur tlic lamlly wnuiioiid JAMES J. DAVIDSON mrmhrvn of Uiinrim W. llukimio1, -AH S-l livlny B])Ru6 i f - or in X then •mim- Wnltcr Eckhnrt Alt 2-7054 233-3403 149 ELMER STREET niiipic lifetime nail ItnlMrt MilifinlMl AOil- for ct>nver«li>n to a 2 M Illrla* Hl-thoir , All U ChninWr «f Jtnii MlHi-r Ali;t- i- t y lm-nlt-d mi Nninrj PHIIIIE WIllEnm A, Chirk ,, ,. All 2- ae It's t» H" awe- BRAND NEW 232-4848 mber ot th» t-d Pihlr ulrret^. The Interior In Hvenlnsm Onlf LUXURY CAPE Lnclrll« A. GORGEOUS RANCH H. CLAY FRIEDRICH5, lnc.r Realtor Dlllle LaOmie HIM1 I Inn ruljolnln^ wficnleil purk, i— ii biithn (2 1 Hi-rkrley I .- ILEVAT10N- LISTING! & blith OH IM) , . > ^Jowi'rliiR. ithruh "ftnee/ red- HIGH ON THE HILL living re mm OVER 40 YEARS Aibrrt G. Diinittr ^vooil patio, cantor \\^\\ foyer, BRADWAHL wltk 332-1146 living rnoin, dining: room, kit- At Knob Hill Built Into the hllUUlo In Moun- IN SCOTH PLAINS chen, hupffi rocreutlon room, 2^4 talnakie, ihla home hnn been Imtiiri, four bedrooms, panelled One of tin; law I. "Clcwfl-ln" loca- planned no-ttmt you can enjoy n-^ned piircli. llenu- • T. Danker tlonH In Union Cnunty liiph denB HHivIng- runnil full liane- the view of the countryside |lful rnratlot fl tipaclous fur retlrrvN ^r yimntf i'ouple tvoudcril tunl n hirffe B^loctlf*n of hump In renily t»rM ary avallnhlo, ing . . . there** a 14 Mot bur A beautifully de»l|jni?d pen It you like nnd n ffimtly room HiljolnliiK. The livlnj?: ruuiti rilU-IM S'lMMT AT thr R-nliirn liln-h pi 1ms u tiroplacc Four bcdrooinn on the H«L'UJH1 floor and 2 more In the !Sx44 ft. recroutlpii fniiiljy room, rnnPiled IIeld huino located conveniently MODELS OPEN DAILY to ti Bwlm club. Thorc 1B a lire- (in the third via. an open staircase. Nice yurri. Lovely old nhade Just Listed — Owner Transferred ilen , » , For in Hi t. Comfort. riH»in . # . HiiIviifiM modern place in th& 22* living roam, 12-6 P,M. kltvlirn with r^tlli*ut ilfn- ptpfuatp ilinlii^ rrtoni, Bj»aLlcuri Beautiful 16x32 pool and wooded area to be enjoyed onH: diamond Hill ttd. tn modern kltuhcn *lth n aeimrate "GOOD SCHOOL LOCATION" UifK nren , . . Lnundr^ room FORMAL DINING ROOM btg enough for thaso blrthtlny parLfc» nB Avert rlRlit to HITIKO . . . HumUrk iifT thv kh- breakfast ftren. and ti 20' pan- $37,500 this summer. This S-year-old home has much to offer nnd mnrieln* See Mr. Cain. EARLY AMERICAN Clled family room all on 1st ancl n bright living room with fireplace tu\ti connecUnf? den. tlirn * . , Hfllf A«K |*lnt Three bedrooms. l*i baths plua teen-aae retreat in the attte. in the 4 bedrooms, 3 full baths, panelled recreation or call 4«*-0ar>B or DECOR rr plrte with trees. Wf Ho cm AIL 4 bedrooma on the 2nd Cofonial-in-Levels floor ftro twin iiized, In aJdi- Kranlilln School. room In the basement plus first floor family room. THE BOYLE CO. be nioH kiippy tlon there arfl SV5 hfltlm, S-uar on Cul-d»-Sac Colonial snllt level tantofully jim ihltt r«rc MODERN IN MOUNTA1NSID15. Crlup nnd clean Hpllt level home Excellent school system within walking distance for'>m lit HH- RENTALS AD 3-0065 FA 2-7700 l*1, 1 '.)> hathw, ilrn, IIru- AMPLE PARKING- AT 1IOTI[ OFFICES lin-nh flint I-IMMII, 2-cnr ft COLONIAL JAMES J. DAVIDSON — Kvel. Only — Htorins and Hr-rw'iiH* dolnxe mmrlniGnt willi oii^apft nviillnlili1; I!M,- ti TtciiT UnmpioB HHR-*mSB THE JOHNSON AGENCY, INC. fcir i^T>U per mouth • ^ $38r900 BHALTOR "CAPE COD rail S32-IB22 afttr fl I'M. will r^ivt.^ u 2 yeiir ICMISU. AIMO a KOT Bunthi- ...., ,,...... aa2-nw*« REALTORS INSURORS oat 4 bGdrmim, - balh Cupt* Ctui «n 154 B. BR6AD ST. $27,900 Jrna MeHulre RSD-7B44 a nuk>t Mlr^et In *Woatfield lit IH'TCII C!rilnriiMl near Lovvn £itid ocnitT hull * t jm»T smith .4 ann-HT» 232-0300 numtlu Tell UH what AnotiiOi* fcotid Joofetnp Tn|ie llBth Tnylor 238-7808 26 Prospect Street WUflon K^IMJCJU 3 iM'rirooms ami - Ilvlnir riKuu „ *, Lnr^e Coil home on a titw iriiffk* iorrrt, 1 VJ hmliH, (Iruiilfit'e, rlt-n, your rq Htrrrt hi ^lounlnliiHlik-. Tho fcitrhru, j>» 11 <». AHil ^0'K- WQ'U ilti our best tu III] them, AD 2-7530 with tntlnjff ni>ll lpliiiincd Intvrlur in- MQWI/V LIKTKH—lOXtfi-UKll AIICIIITKCTLIUC with el^ht as-SHim after o r-M- fuiir liiMlrininiN A: - 416 baths, .hrautlful 2if' finished hiwnipnt nil PUHJOBC <1! bi-ilriiitiuN A Inith hot wnt*ir <»il ht^ti; tu'^'oar gjiriigx1, fhr#w> HH-IUHI floor be •IS \M) SOI YOU'RE TRANSFERRED Fuur lieilriiiimn nnH hntli- Ct«or(« P* Rail ...... AT» 3-0044 nil I»t> . . . Sir Itrcrrntloii two lmthn; tc^najf^ bcJroom nnd hath third flnor. Plaii-wLw nnil-13-lin If mi Ktriifiil Arcil 111 liUMVititiitt Nice pint ELSIE BETZ, INC, Realtor uli, Prim is lotrntlon nuar all auutli aide Schools. $ 4T.4O0. In , n-tlh tree* * piitlo, Slitre un rmnn, larwv Since you MUST loswo, let uw • * * lillr^f- brilruom it nit M. WtinoBtie,, , 4AD 2-BASf (Member of the Multiple Listing Br«tem) help you "by Jirruufilny wilb i\ on third « * * llrnutlful plot Hi IN IM II lirnnil m*w ll.iliii^f xt'H, ml-1 inHy »UKK<"«t isunl rnatom tvullt 111^1 PanuMJud liumi! with culU-uttfcU* lu ^tii^ily luforinn- over Mi nere birriErrluitr ihe O. MlnomH!. .,.233-444) "m? iiu i'arIy unly. ^yi!- >q iittrnrHvi- K UIH I'mnu* twni eli'vallcni. AIL Klx rf>*>"»« umi-y- tlun ulpnut lHimt\H In the iircMi <-Untilonk, Ho full mil r (irt'iilni'v It] living rl-lovi'l, 1 twin *itf" us your iicntlnation . . , tlio floor doublt* mw; Oh lii'thMMjm puuultcd on third Hour. bedronm^, ^Vj luithn. l!J' x 1"^ clumcoH »r*? that we ran help! AD 2-1681 **** -ttertntlon nMim luri;^ la rid- We Imvo over U2E rolloagucH In ft t tho inter City IlelocHtlun S sfhJL^f-H Ii I n R 1 *? crtn^t rvjrtlniu ice Lu wlilcli wt belong. GOOD LOCATION - GOOD LIVING IIANCJI—In the heart nf iVychwonfl rm nnvh IL lovely rjulet MUVP In tionJItloii, MVJlui- Own- Ii-built mid 30s with fl|ut<:Juua now L*hi*rry kHrrlicn; J er. saa-na^T- BARRETT &CRAIN Luwrencfl Avohuc—lor the* larse family, fiv^ tin]rooms, throe (vr ;IHL r>n« a« a rkn); two bathw; formal illihlnv rotun, tiaths, rccrt-iitlDii room and den. three (irephic&H, on a 2 Lvvn-c-ur ^HrjiB^- Wliito picKi't fent.0 enclose a untlru spa- foot dpfD 1^(. I5a^5 M. A. MERCNER "TTVO COLONIAL, OFFICES" cr flH1!! ami l.»ath. H Tojiplnir I1II1 Unnil—I-IOKC tu Wilson School, four bertroumH, Ihr riHitn, Ilvlfip ronni wltli II u l^vc-l of iittrnttLvc h uuni, Mtt-urn v\\ lit aiui ^tie-huK imtliii, fuunlry kitchen pud the nelphhu first and ]>atli, lroom a IM] bath NANCY F. REYNOLDS AD 2-1300 couWti't ho nicer! |5l!t900 nk Way—olop-nnt, vrnv flnnr lnp:, lhr«t» bfilrooniflt Inrpi- ; very and PEARSALL KVENINfiS ramtly room wltli Jlrti]»\ I t-tiulLiH^i] puruli anil u must Moving . . . AGAIN? not ovurluuk thl8 I^vtly L 1 ASSOCIATES IT. n. HlmM, Jr AH" -u.'. i I iiUmrilvu ltltclit;!!, YDU • •iOitPIitVp Foil '|'\VO. A IIVI rneiiri r^ri*- in 4 typt- hfPini' with 10 ranuh. area* La-rut? prr^em-fil p^rrh; dK^pE-iro In tin* llvliiu niarn; f Itrnlton If you're imck In t\\x\ IhliHticrl «7' rocPt-atiun ponm; attached |ianiK«. A AMD> IIUHIII^HM, talco ro A. <1. HofTPD*, jr. , , .AD2- litry airul fruit t 1 r ?" for .siitBieorm run wiuuInK tun much to rare fur. ?: YtniVt nnt JuHt one In \i nillllun. JL I*. Ink*lrr ..AD2* # * # * • required, bjil Morn like one of about 5 mil- O. EJhoiiM nwrni-r, •03 h HmilII ADS- HI FRANKENBACH lion fwltte who tnov<\ And lt s * * * • LINCOLN HTIIOOI- *icrft^ thn »trret, Kdisrin Junior HJeh alnnmt jjcttinp worne, Purlnp the IHHI i 232-6300 Inc. two y c H r H , n^xt :i*3«Hl RKALTOR dltltMiin« fur n luns bo; Hummer. Helen Schmidt 232-8098 when our clients nro relnrrLttul. I-ioHiiltEkiity la traditional with II. A. Munre, Jr AI>B-7I>77 202 Mountain Avenue . UllL'lii1!! nil fin Olga Graf ,232-7136 onlj-t llrrhfrt J. irlnn Al>:i-l-ilO MnHe . Alan Urut'e Conlln our office. Telephone ADams 3-1422 oms plus hTwIn riinm or AJIe« A n 3-7333 II. «. Ilurtrli, Jr,, Cl'M THE JOHNSON AGENCY, INC. nurncry, two hutli^h i . ALthIM TV. BIlchFlsnn PUlo Betz _ ...AD 3-0649 iluiriinutn stcirm wlinlnwH. tiir AD2-773S fun EII tl finer il(j\vnfilitirfl, CIJ3* and 3lPhwrJiHhtr and run ftp, wiill-trj- Mrs. Jnnel D, Rlf rhle AD Jt-ir 332-(KH8 Loalup ?l. — Fnawooil . Delmnr Tlliihlr ,. All a- M. A. MERCNER Bnm f h Mnrlon Heaich Plalnn — Multiple Ruth C. Tnio tt* Kntrikilii Maltlple M fin her Multiple * # # * ctxryt 233-BMO and Jnnjur Mln- Atn. Jcnnette Fcdorocko 5J2 Quclley CoiiTt, WentUcId Nnifonirl(1« lteloentlnn Service Fur of Haltlple LI*time A*k for DrDQbun AD 2-8302 UrogJiure* on Pi by THE WE3TFTEX-D (N. JP) , THUBSDAY. MAY 18, Page 7 • REAL ESTATES-SALE • J p, LOTS FOR SALE • FOR SALE HELP WANTED - MALE WANTED • LEGAL NOTICES • Early News Copy ST. A!TGrSTT\E, Florida. One cor-TKLEIVISIOVS — Tables, consoles COLLECTOR WlfiH^M TO BVT ner lot, 200 x 100; OTIC regular lot, guaranteedd, rEcon4itloh«cl, *u TOOL & DIEMAKER JTDTECR Memorial Day will In* Take nbtlcs that Ontennlal 120 x 100. Will accept any reason- brands, $24 up: gtatlori Hadib & TV QUALIFIED AXD KXPRIUENCEP HTOLS, uivor.vnas, KNIVES bratcd Tuesday, May 30. As the able ofter, Al) B-4fi*J0. 5-4U 127A CTeutral Ave., .Monday ami Fri- + No. -100, I.E.P.o.15. of westfifeld, ha« CHARLES O. day tiJl 9. AD 2-486fi. 2-lfl-tf ON THE MAlffTKNAKCE OP tUOLS AND SWOttm. STATE AMD PEh-applied to the Ma3or and Count 11 Leader office will be closed that CERTIFICATION REQUIRKD 4H|ALZ,V. LICBN^ED. C.lWs A**- &f the Town P£ W^etlleld, N, J. for FIRBT OR SECOND SHIFT PKAISKD. ttll.UAMS, PA S-5OTS. h renewal, of u Club Ijlc^nse for day we request Uiat itewe items MElERDIERCk, JR. PAKTV MOVIES Tor rent with pro- 4-18-tC • REAL ESTATE-RENT • Rector, cartridge type reeJ. Any PENSION PLAN premises sttuated at 444 W- llt-oail and pic tuns for publication in eliiid nan run the projector. Jarvla, St., Wesifleldr N, J, WESTFJRM1 — North side. ' good BLUE CROSS AND BLUE SHIELD CASH FOh SIBS'S CI-OIHJNG, rlf- Th& tinmen of the tiffinefs of IMv the June 1st issue of the Leader Realtor 54 351m St., Wefatlleld. 1-24-tr ing: habits, boota, antiques, curias, school area, e roum duplex houj?e, club and the OITU^B they fill re- be submit ltd as early as pos- alliu, yard, garage available $3,000 GROUP LIFE INSURANCE furniture*. brasBware,, RIHBS, china. spertiveljr nn>: Charlie fa^ior, Ex- WOOD Cllli'S for sale. Immediate WolfC-a, US Madison Ave. PU 6-2459. 1, AD 2 9V HOLIDAYS sUH\ Jtuler, 1355 E. Frcnt St., ptuin- sible* Multiple 1,I»IIHB Member of the delivery. Sciimiede Tree Expert Co., 2 5-5-tf FA U'B10». iO-l-tt AND OTHER QBNEUOUS CUHPANT PAID BENEFITS tlald, N. J.; Elmer WUHanm, Trpas^ Uoard of HcaUori urer, T43 Jerusalem n^., ScoU-li wishes to buy old coins Plajiip, X. J.; John A, Kates, Phinii- • REAL ESTATE WNTD. COW OR IIOtlSE Hiatiut-6, W^ll rot- $3,72 and books. PA 2-7452. 10'3-tt ted; farm rich top soil; eiso fin flltt clal secretary, ioU Plalniield Ave., or cindere- Delivered anywhere- PER HOUR 3eotfh Plains, N. J. Trustees: Tres- — J# Bt'ILT and maintained rteW- SEND R&SUMH. CALL 354-joao, on APPLY ASit TOvs made before 1B20. A.ton Smith, 117 Myrtle Aye., Wt>M- hmiiw. About. {3U.0&O- 3 bedrooms, Chestnut Farhk, cali ariy * ' Stiles, 64T-1H9. Write E-F-I>. X, Gil-fl*jld, N. J.. Chairman: W, HUIMH PKRSO.VNEI- DKPAftTMENT roomy kjtcli^n, dent fireplace tie- lette. K. j. s-n-tr Pliiucn, 411 W, tfroaa at., WejtfleJd, Hirer!. Write Box 156, care of Weat- THE WILCOLATOR CO. N. J.; Jps«pn Hale, 43C W. Jiroad St., YOU a UBC for these? field Leader, &0 Kim St, Yuur re- 1001 KEWAtlK AVPr ULIZABliTH, K. a gOffd jilann, Stetnway or Webtn^td, N. J.; William Henry, 121 BRAND NEW LISTING sjniriB^ tu.'knowledjfcd promptly by pp fiber hollow tubes, 4" other, granti or Bmsll. Kindly cill Windsor Ave., We&tfieia, W. i.\ Krn- AN EQUAL. OPFORTUyiTY K&IY sincere buyer. fi-Il-IOt diameter, i" iHsld& dlatnet, MA 3-6AVS. 1-6-tl ^Ft Uavts, 517 Plareuii St.t Wotitflcld, * CLASSIC COLONIAL * 70", Rome fiS" long. Could b« N, J. LATHEf B handacrew and P.4BT Oil P1TLL TIWB. DUTVEH, CENTER HALL KBW 1OKK bank executive, wife, B-B rollerBi or as cares for ritjr - drUli»reBa operators and sel-up men. AIH'IiY IN 1'EUSON, F1HM1TBR ^nd household lt»np. lirts. oh atfedth ^P your n#n , w^p All aph and ail Ij-pes fi>r Cothollc , |C any, should be made Auri, &ml ilau&'liUr lov* Westflftlu. You can have aa many &a you want Many benefits, with overtime, on K PJ1UO CO., 898 24' LIVING ROOM Hiive yciu 4 same level bedroomts jn intef-'BtiiiE aircraft quality parts In MOUNTAIN ATE., MOUNTAINSIDE. Dnuffliters June 3 auction, Wii! pick ly in writing f<> Joy V j for only S1.00 ^acli at the Wtfsfflfild up. Call 232-2946, E-ll-4t Town Clerk of Westfleld, FIREPLACE ii ,newt r liousc Prefer ranch to lowI-eader, feBBlm'Bl. , ivhl.lft tti*K J^et, a. clean shop. Apprenticeship open IJOU ~ UUdUi 6-ll-2t 140'H. Principals reply Box l&8 ean± . J. h Glad to have you come lop* it to qualified youni? men. S&S Llnnu- Charles Triylor SPACIOUS DINING ROOM nf WiKirinhi l,earii*r» E>G tilm St., or them. 10-il-tI iacturlny Co.. 1E7 Wescott Dr., Hah- , collectlGus or hob- cull 212-FA. B-BT61, • __, to display la Barreit & Oraln, CORNER CUPBOARD N. J- BS1-7560. • 9-22-tf ASSISTANT Inc., Realtor*! (43 Elm St.) office No. 400,. IIM'.O OLF.AHAN4.K — All planpa and.or- windows. Please rail or write Mrfl. Weatfttld, N. J. DEN ttanf?, including BAT^pWIN. .DudklTi IS A I.IFf, PRODUCT MANAGER HSIBPI Ward, 72S^fe EaundSra Ave., • VACATION PLACES • J 8-18-fit KITCHEN WITH i tano Co., HpHh Ave, at railroad CAnEKR POR Westfleld. AD 2-8313, 9-U-eow station. Weetaeld. AD ?-88il. Major Life Insurance Company Is l\l)r*THlAL BRUSHES BREAKFAST ROOM LONG HIJACK IS LA Ml _ & bed- ft-4-tf £xi>&nfiLnff in the Westfleld area anil rooinw, jianelleti living room ana —. i - j i . .. ••-•• • • will HdminlHter complete TO CHKDITOHS 4 BEDROOMS - 3 BATHS dlnlntf room, Tennessee etone fire- Firni «h»lec F«r •»«*»• 11 procedures to inrJJvlduuIu l GroiTth oliportunltr INSTRUCTION Estate y£ MAKY WUALEN, rlt GARDENS AREA place, electric kitchen, television, fit a Sales or Sales Management ca.- l norch and dock. All with ma&nill- rt>er. Salary to fS,400. Call Mr- RERd, mnit, , teacher of p Pursuant to the order of MAllY O IMMACULATE vunt view of Barnesat Day. 12 it-WOULD rP 232-12H. 6-4-if met hod a. Classical and pap-KANANJ3, Sui coy m i- of tlie County boat. Available munth of July, *215 Choice of bindinfffi— budget terms. ular. In yuur home. 6B6 uf Union, made on the twelfth ilay INSIDEft OUT per week. E33-fifi25- S-fm-lf For Information call Margaret Anl- uf May A.D., 19G7, upon the ut feld, Reg. Mgr., .1AMT0II for small office building. Hd., Westfield. Call AD S-B396. $53,500. 40 hour week. l,onE term secure no- lumed mi ri-MiiHM* A 6-B-tf tion of Hie umlersJKned, aa IS IS TUB FI/ACIS for summer Hitton. Pl««KiLpt surrouudliiffs. liv^in utur» nf the estate of tju.m dt, vfirntl"iiH» Ntff a-3 Bit waterfront t-9-tt itnd Hucrrtitiful r«i'»rd of notice Is liereby given to thi? (•rcit- j June 12, Oall 232-5000. 5-18-2t I JAHIXRT liiKtrucMnn, Studio at COUUFFH ltors of said deceaseiJ to exhibit in c (iuliJii&il unri furnished for J - F &09 HiMjlfvard. Mr. 8. B(nar|sF »ad- summet laktigUlG vn-™tlons. Hoat, modern blond oak vanity; rniMit: In Iinliufrlnl ApiillfntlnnH Kn imte of Athens Coneervatory. AD 8- the .KultBiTilHtrH under until vr alTlr- 1 £' , 38" wide, 4 drawer*, . 2 MHT MOUNTAINSIDE Rwim, fish, ifnlf, "rack/ 7H hours i i fil^SS", 7899. ' 18-iD-tf tiiatlon thtlr olnims and deitinmls N.W Oily. ChukT June-Hejit. date*. , companion mirror AolomoHc Screw ftjIIr^Hup; or S(«fT MuritPtlup; a ntimt af?fMti«t Lite eslnte of nahl ileeenoed CHARMING & IMMACULATE KLM LAWN fiOTTA(niS, l-aice both for $40. 23S-1S41. WAITI3H V'ithin hU minithH from the ilaiu Machine Ser-Up Stml r^Miimr Mltli rurr^nt *MMtti»rrt iif 6aUi order, or they wilt be foru-ver CAPE COD HOME Oxford, Mnlnu. Culur ™ Oottaafe, 4 drawer PIANO I^HTHUOTIOM now, 5-ll-4t To Pet-up multl antl siFiglt? Accepting limited numbnr of tft-J>arred fruiti proKecutln^ nr rtcover- ENTRANCE VESTIBULE fSS; plank bottom chairs, IS machine*. JJrovn and Shiirpe Hiitlun lui ilig the same uyatuut the sultscrlli- i'etmtiylvania to £t£ each: cupboards, etc. InAirme, nri 2ml shift. Fully paid bene- i and advanced Btuflenta (nter- ers. LIVING ROOM WITH 1, 2, 3, 4 btuiruDiti voug-li pine and soft wood. Cherry in popular and classical ft cFient drawers from fS5 up; corner fits. Mil. llO\Al,n WAff.ACR Jninea P. Wlmlen and wiwin front. All utHiUefl- playing-. Dftndstand Hualc. 13S Mi*iuiel W. Whakn, BAY WINDOW & FIREPLACE VJ off In June- Cull 61O-64S cupboards, braBB and copper coal THf WILCOLATOR CO. Broad St. AD 2-H363. 2-10-tf hods. Other decorator Items, OPEN Executors 5lRfl 1001 Ktwnrlr ATP, I^HKiilieUi^ X, J, NEWARK BRUSH COMPANY EU'ard & MeGall, Altorneyu DINING ROOM DAILY, ntioh to B P.M., Including An Equal Opportunity Employer SUNDAY. Tel. 3S3-2U4 or S2T-9S10. KG mm at. EFFICIENT KITCHEN NOIIT1I 1 H2 SflO NIMIII MkhlWHii Avtmie Weutfleld. N. J. PUMLIBYB'S ANTIQUE SHOP, Route UO yrpm •• Hnutli. New S B-1H-4L Pees 3 BEDROOMS - 2 BATHS No, 1&, T^afayettB (SUBBCX County), Fny Phon* Coin Box e. Call A» far pr#. roorfi, cirlftfjoon, for summer r> N, J. Also will buy. 421it H|»|J(III1« DELIGHTFUL YARD j]7f> iJfer u'^ftfc, Onll Mr. I>on Ser- No HAI.KS n.i:i|lv POH PACKAfJfi TESTING, TESTING , . , $2S,5OO. vantL I3R INC3S4, 0 to II P.M. LAWNMOWER, manual, Amerlcnn fi-18-llt j LIQUOU srTop WITH KTNI? CLIKN- PROPOSAL yep, the skirt blowers are brand, U.'U; guJt bag: cart, R"OOJ ft Oiti>oriHH*t? for ndvii U HALI0K KX[J!CIIII']MCK DM- MVIC »TI>l>IOt lfiOS coiirtltiun. H. 232-7H41. hlich iii'hiftol *rnrt vrlth Central Ava, Westfleld. AD 3-36(3. Xotlce 1ft hprftby eiv^u thut ?enled H will lie received Iti the itecep- In fine working order at APARTMENTS-RENT niQHT MAX. CALL- UUWISE, INC., Instruction on AM Inttrurncnhi tlort Hfjom of tlio Office of the H AIH electric reversible win- , Incluillnff FOlt AI'POr.NTMKNT. 2»3-l 1^3. J L Palisades Amusement Park, MOHAWK VILLAGE daw fan; Royal Hcriyt typewriter, tuition nld iilmt All leHnons private. or, Division of } uri hLiM- mul FOUR rooms, tile bath, private en- Hllghtly useti. 233-3357, ^ fl-7-tf ty! 2nd Hui>r. Huom £#i2-2, Palisades, N.J., as guinea IMMACULATE RANCH trance* clt>se to transportation. Call HKAt. KHTATI3 salcmnan, contact House, Treiiton, New Jcrsoy NEW JERSEY BEU WdHain A. Clnrk. itenltcJr, 53B South I'OIII WI3KK tutoring HBBHIOTI for 0SC2S, on May M, J9C7 at 3:H0 P-M, pig Nicky Peters can les- 232-B8G3 after 6 P.M. or 232-6532, Ave., Wentneld. 2JliM3r LARGE LIVING ROOM 10-B-tf HAM3—CaJqrlC rangp, TV, chiliii-pn grudi'S 1-3, J35. Individual end will lie aliened ttTid reu<4 Imme- Hide-a-Bed chalre, bftby An Equal Opportunity Employer prOBrama In reacting, wrttlng onfl JluN-ly tliereurt^r, f^r tht) follow- itfy. FIREPLACE P i i>oyu -vvnntetl to do- WESTFIR—2nd floor apartment. equipment, games, toys, blkef*. SiU math ]>1UH dally drill. June i>G toIn^: BRIOHT DINING ROOM Convenient to town, 4 rooms, kit- urday, May 20, 10 tt» 5. 785 Fur iriort- liifurnniUMn frtlt liver papers from our curs immedi- July SI nr July U4 to Angr. IS, 23it- A1DITOUMM N^.VMMj Hf»nfl«y thru Prldny 11 A.M. P.M. ately after ttcliool or fiA.M . Sunday, Ml 1|.II|\C M4TKH1ALS—SOUTH chen, and bath, heat and hot water Dr., Weatfletd, PL 7-R601 nf(i»r 7 P.M. MODERN KITCHEN HiipiJilful. SlfiO per month. Available - —1_, . | t iimnpdifitely- For further informa- THJE ATTIC 2 GOOD BEDROOMS tion and Inspection call 233-2700. d Ummi riri TILED BATH 2-9-tf oMstti M« ¥*1* WANT ID - EMPLOY. WANTED BOATS B«tttt# ***** CH1BH SCREENED PORCH THHEE-HOOM apartment- tile bath, laliogany ditUji* table and 4 chairs, FEMALE EXPERT animal grooming, clip »AiLPi?iii, MHRAItV newly decorated. Heat and hot water 45; WftehHtand, fSOj fofdingr Kereen, ng etc., all bre«d«. 232 wlilte, excellent condition, $800. I'L, EilHHAHV ATTACHED GARAGE furnished, parking. Gall 232-2158 or { ( ft-734)l. O-lS-St 6; child'* maj>le deak, |15; Chippen- ptrltnctd all 2 $26,900. AD 3-G40B, 1-26-tC dale mirror. 118; corner cupboard, M4f lir\F] abound ope^ktor, e«cell6ht oppor- 1 123; map it dinette table, 119; round IJG1IT hiiultng . Cellars, atticsP yards OIVK IlOOlff apartment with Idtchert- mahogany empire tfthle, |2fl] wicker tunltr (or rl*ht cleaned, lawn» takrL Junk hauled 1 LEGAL NOTICES i olte and bath mom, private, cen- planter. %&r Tables, chairs, drea&ct ^ away, Ovt-rheml giiru^e rloors In- PI-ATR trally located, sultnMo for on*|j^ii« tHfitur^s, mirrorB, kitchen and stalled anil norvieed, 409-2583, M, nrlulL 232-0222, G-4-tf p TIMB bookkeeper, 36 hour TO WILSON SCHOOL baby equipment, 'b Fine Weatflekl women's Bpe- Veglatte. 11 Orchard Rd PHOPAKK HAS 41K W - Eatute of F. UtlllA HUNT, clatty Hhop, Call Mr. Richards for known us FRANK LAURA HUNT VAilVOtJS rSRAl*HIC AHTS I SMALL HOME - BIG VALUE KSTKH^D — fj blight appointment. 232-4800. 5-4-tf rooinn available July 1&> Heat AP Houn chronic case 5 or fSami HA Vm LAUHA HARTSHORN MGNT ENCLOSED PORCH liliiwl, tlllD, Two easy flights HUNT, rtecPHBtii. WOOD < dnys per wevlc. lAve in, city, coun- WORK C LIVING * DINING ROOMS Vy A IAKK A flIKT from THE POTTERY try, Write Jinx Ui7, euro of PursuRnt to the order of MAKT C. cl^nirnble, flimnclal institution, Oootl KANANE, Surrog-fttfe of the County tippcmentions and the form of hU\t H&fereuccH required. 76E5-7777 muU ri3l0nt>il, fl,H KK^CUIDJT of the Director find muy bo secured by her entertaining: mure enjoy able. for toaby titling nr motlier'a helper 1 prospective Mdcterw during office liM'iitUni, llvlns room, (llnett^, kH- AVO\ COSMETICS! iiuriny Hurnnier niimtliM, Call All 2- MIL PHtnte ^f paid il^rpapert, iiotlpp IB 3 BEDROOMS KIVCMI to the* tri?<1itnrs "-•f liour^t. lEidti muKt h* (1) iniUto mi M ^IIIMI, 1 tn'ciruuiii, l cutttb hint Ion hod- Avrtiuv Invites yon t» Join th6 ivonderftll 1410 after 5 I\M. B-lS-fit I 1 nit t'» wthibll to the sul^-Kttindard proposal formr (2) *. I.C1OHPC1 DEEP, DEEP YARD rtn\m niu\ HIIIIFI^ raom, huthrnnm, Woplrt. of CDHITK^IICK! FtPi-nme SITI In tlu» Bpectnl ld F Kcrlhur uniler nuth or afflrhmtUni FA5T POSSESSION Heat, oli^trlolty, hot uncl t-uM O\n*u U-5 Al'on.-Sat. Avon Lady today, OnM for home WI\DOU xvaHhln^ Ktorin M Mii-lr rlulniH mul dpmamis anftlnst (3) iu*ccittipnni«a by BI cprtlflod illrcL Uar mUH fipHotinl. Interview, 7ri5-0P33, WIIKU*»(] and Kt«ri'tlj HUIIITH L-h'ninLd drawn to tlio order nf %he Hi*? Mtate of an Id d^rfaiseil \\ I 111 In 1 $19,450. . So pets- Avallalilo May 1- Call ftultar, ITapfltroin IT, FBl»ATt must t>e uood typist, and drnlnoiL l^ully Injured. Call AH Mx tniiittlm from the- iliite of an Id of She Hint* of New JurBt-y, or a bid , cost $14&, will take $100; also ctmipoHe lettersP knowledge of orcl€?r, or llity will be r»rever Jinrr**l boml, any of which shall not be loss HnjfHtrnm basa, rod, cosl |H5, Will bookkeeping helpful* Hours 1 to H from pnjBerutlnif or repovertnff the than 10% of the amount of the bid, three rocira apartment, tfilte f 100. Bnth with en wen- Cftll P,M-- Monrluy to Friday. Pfrmfinont WOMAN wiahH Uny*H worn olenn- name »^aln«t Hip pulifl^riber- and (4) delivered ait the niiitvn plains f flit rally lut-nli^l In Wt*Ht- SS«-il77 around G P.M. ABIC furposition. Can Mr. Horton. 332-7232. hip or irouinpr. riiuiu^ 2.13-02 on of before the Hour natn^d HH ti** iiIu July 1. 2:)^-done. I.OUTB J. BUGHI, hid will be accepted nfter the hour STONELEIGH PARK appclflpd, I3ic|y not »t> i*UtjmUtOd will ENGLISH STYLE Duffh1r Jolmston & be ccmatderfld informal and will be ltl>i:iM< K power lawn vlotnltr, 1to ninw&r, one year old, like now, n private home for aged con pie f • IOST AND FOUND • Attorn rejpeted. The Director rfrB*rves the SPACIOUS LIVING ROOM — 4 rooms, convenient 1 no Elm rip'ht tp reject any and all biiiti and All utilities furniHhcd. 3 5aaiai: WeatElo r • J' > *,. ray PtTHi&tt J. to awari contvact ih'ijftrt &r \^ltfti* DEN v now, *Cbtt AD {MIHU- X.i.:j.>.:i^-L I2V12 • nyc^, I^llflt HCUMI vic &.ll-4t If Ucemed to the be At lnt^reBtn of mtile 57 font drniuiryi cov v 2 CORNER CUPBOARDS — AH the cfrnrm of motel, Thyrenay and Bornn Hat lit1* frton fiL nnfl Summit Stalt trt do ria.Th e HUcneM^ful etie^aurt two TTiutpbln^ dust rufflnB . Call 3.13-1370. » f der u 111 be required to furnish IN THE DINING ROOM yi>ui" own In thlH prlvntOp Vory unusual Chinese print. AD 2 dnys, prr hour, 3TC-OD0O, Tali-0 Notice Hint M, Uornnrd Bcrn- surety bond in the full amniirU of 63T0. pln, tradltifi n« Woatfleld liquors LARGE KITCHEN cheii, Uvliu room with flruplace. —AH bin ok fcinale catf small Imn majillEvil tu the Mflyor^ mid lh* ^contra*! °£ ft comtmny author- pouitlon In locnl lpJnily Wesrili*ld Avc, \V«Ht- PANELLED "REC" ROOM ius liftth atiti %, Le^roorn and TKH VCl^!, lfi" S5H Blherer button- ^ iimurance orrtee, lilrliLjili Council uf tHeriencear for emnii lo- MASTER SUITE) trance, nrat flowr, Hffiit liouaeUeep^ tal bllfiltifsfl offk&. Full time, Houra tlonrta centered wllh ptarls and iiB, If any. should b^ raafle Division of Purchase and I up. Ideal for bunlnesH man. Call 9 to B, 6-t town, 2 thi* upptii-Hil-m nf the umlersienoii. At 8 o'c1b<:k th the evohing, In the All Mml^lw—TrtfflMifluUll matter of an apnliratluu for ap- "bush" sandal^ LIVING ft DINING ROOMS S it pel ill Oon^ote I'liiho as iQxeoutor nf thp estate o£ eniri « Neiv HH lltit** Cjinriolt deceased, notice 1B hereby fflveti to proval nf B Preliminary BtihillvlHlnn MODERN KITCHEN th& crerlltors of Sfiid deceased to of Saul rtruzfir. Lot Wo. HA In 1)1 od: STORTFOR RiNT « Dlr^c^ HIIMV Aelhin tto- 3^ t^catlon: lfi0« U, S. Route WITH TABLE SPACE m Full Hlrliic ntt-l ^oii exhllilt U* tlir wuliHirrlher under oath ft IlritntffOl Cnhlnrt or nfTlrniEitlnn their clfilma and de-#22, Mnuhtulnnlde, Ne^ Jersey. rillMK location for store OT office, SERVICES U NEED mands flWtfnHt the estute ot -,sftld Tle^id^ntlal SSmie "REC" ROOMft DEN r piiJirnutce niiliriixlmntHy 1200 flq,ft . Will alter rtoc-enseit within six 'months .from PLANNIN"a BOARD CENTRAL Am CONDITIONED to suit. Off-streeL parking. AI> ^; the 0 fnrevpr h HIT CM! fruni iira^pcutlner Hecretary FOR SUMMER COMFORT ALTENBURG PIANO HOUSE, Inc. BLDG. CONTRACTING •MOVING AND or rpcoverlnts; the same aaalnet the 6-ia-3t Fees jr>-5g NOTITH $37,500. 11,%fl E. Jemej- St., EHiflli**hi SJ J. tt'fl tlml lli'lfnrrt Rrntt ami Pnrotliv h, • OFFICESIFOR RENT* Jf MODERNIZING GENERAL TRUCKING Loelie W. tT HCA Vkltir wuoileji IloOr model > OTIC 13 1 Executor Txike Notice that Martin trading as ('uppy * l-U|tH>rH, wn5TriKl,D wllh secretarial wrv> TV set, as Is, $35. AD g*SB8Bf tilled to tin.1 Maiynr mill C.'iaiinrll uf Pout NIK 3* American Tjpf^1rint Imw iiie and iirivate aecretart&l _ tele- ROOFING A SIDING HRMIV P. TOW1VSEXD «B Kim Street 1 tlui T»wn uf WculfU'liI f(»i* rc*mifl'iLL phone atifliverlne available. Excel- POAVRli mower, 22" real type, applied (o tb* Director of tho Divi- HOUSE OF DISTINCTION CONTRACTOR ALLIED VAN LINES CTcptfluiri, N- J. sion of Alcoholic Beverage Control, JM^rilmtin J.1 r lent for salts rep. or small business. Brletfs & Strait on rutAor, ffOod con- S-4-4t $2112 T tuffctfHi :it K:i 1 South Avo- ONE FLOOR LIVING AT> 3-3701. 2-S-tI dition, $25. AD 257? Rooflnsr. SUllng, Guttern, Leaders, 241 .VUH'JU AVE. xv u-nni Kovvark, N - -3, for rcne vvul »f n Hour Rtrpftlrfl, Joba covered by In- e-e-if Cluli Liconsp for premise a witunlod ratrtelil, N. -J. nt 10na-1f)23 Nurtl. Avf., Wo&t, 1 FOR A SMALL FAMILY UOVVS 2ft" Herculeti bicycle (Ep aurnnce, Take null re that Claire Wleland in vvritlti^ t-> Alrfl, Jny :HU Sfl. I^r. ground flnor, at! utili- a H»h>, 3-aprortr very giuu\ condition. JIIcLR]AN HOOFING A SIDINO CO, d i-Ifiiry HMelaml have applied to r Vrci l;inrlp Tnwn CU'ik uf WLHU PANELLED LIVING ROOM ties, private unrklnr? HTPO, *ia& per IDEAL WAY MOVERS The names of the offlcorw of thLn niontlu Also aE-canil floor amiul oiTl- liensonnhl&B % sUe violin. Phono 1123 Fro spec* St. WestlU-lll th^ Uoruuph of Motmtftinsldfi TOT WITH FIREPLACE ces, $75 per month. 2S3-40&O- - 233-2070. ADAMS A-RA14 FULTON 8-3914 ri*utiwal of the Plenary Retail Con- cluli UIH3 tlie? orfir-ffi they Mil respec- the "7 Mi'CollfjH" Move Tort cenBe for TVJd]and'e tively Rr«e: C«tn cirrl S<-t-tt Mlllcrlnff FAMILY ROOM +H© OKNTT'ltV Dluklonprjr 183!*, 3-23-tf , Jr. CJ2 >i Harold it,i TILE Free Htorngft, free tri^urnrco. Apent po of Mnuntfiinfltde, Inc, t ATTRACTIVE DINING ROOM IMllMi: lnt'iitlcin for store-or c rfiiiBondbtfr, S volumes |lluAtrut^dP hi ed Htorngfi Cniri[iany. Ageiit ff>r prt'nitses looEiteil at lOftfl U. B t N. J-: Hiv Vino C i-Htiioiii. N. .r. 1 pnnrt romlitiaiK Also ane antlciuv Small rejialra. loose tile and grout e-r C, Trnnor, 7^R Tl nitl»r»Jtimatftly 1300 PC|, ft. W1U n't*" * replaced. Stnll nhuwer Ifiiiks re- on ui Vfitt XAwes, Local find Highway rfJJ, MounUlnaide, New Dorothy 1">. ^"Jrininn ULTRA MODERN KITCHEN to suit. Off-strept parklnpr.-232-lsoO; iv nod bed, E"wud tcirMlltlon, ILITi. 352* World Wide Movers. 4-lG-tf Jtsrsuy. tflelfi, N, J.; Jr. Vicn fin 4322- 6-l8-2t paired. Complete bath rooms rpmod- er^ Georg"*1 W* HOUBHCRU, 7Ifi ir> fir^un nniK itoan 2 SPACIOUS BEDROOMS Ei-lS-ti eled. Tub enclosures installed. Full The TiHinrs ami reHldenceB of the in^Mi InllcantK arc* as follows; Oreiicpnt. Wt^tfieUl, X. J,; Adjutant, fp-1 S-21 2 TRED BATHS A BTIIATTOV 4-cycle pow- Inaurniice coverage* Excellept ref- Ituth B. parrott, 15 No. Oottnpe Henry Wlolttn^. 253 Holly Hill, a erences. Frank HIIUcbramUr BH 2-Blp or nmnll Jobs, planna. Applian- er mower, |lfi, 23S-fifl93t 1 j l.t WeBtnrlil, N. J.; l^tnance Offi- LARGE SCREENED PORCH WANTED TO RENT 5011. 2-2B-tr ces, I'" !! ml lure, etc. Frco estimiitos. Mcjunt;LliiH!dc\ N. J- "or Prank Sjimlprs. 72fi Cnl^mun PL, METAL (llr cabinet. $1S; t»ll wal- B-10-tf Clahe Wlulaml, 2f.3 Holly Hill, \VeM.rtelcl, N. J.; A«^t, Adjutant, BEAUTIFUL LANDSCAPING lInor ld, J) or Immediate nren. nut K'^H Victorian lioakcnne - REMODELING & REPAIRS - M«ry B. WulHh, 9B-H Hivor^alc- CL, 1 CHOICE WYCHWOOD family (impeeculilo ref- with drawer on button^ J48; nil* ns, If any, ahould be nintle Scotch Platnnt N, -T-; Historian, Kil- Tnkf nntlrr that Alliut fflmine y In wrltinp IP Elmer A, i ) :i betlroom lunitte or wood kitchen cupbtumi, S^&; Hhul- nn • AtllcK • Cellars win n. Bye. 'SOW Watchunr Avi-,, i mil I MI* aw T(ju ne Ihui^o hiiw :ip- LOCATION Utirnuwh rjlerk of the 1 iqiarlmnul for summer, lliiijt (ers, $3 por pair; wklcer chair anil All Typew Mnnnn^y Work • MISCELLANEOUS PlainliHft. N- J.; Chaplain, Titus K. plii'M lo tin M;iyur mul C*CJIIrhc*l 1 (ri. $49,800. huve nool. Call ATWOOD roclvvn nf Wr aifU hi Fur ri'iitniLl hlffh chair, $20; brans parrot r N. J.: JurJire Alhu! lo tho Aluyor and Council of sist -H rjf all nffU^tH rmmPri ttbove Allun f'hrrnip PLEASANT DINING ROOM Poodltfl find we have a roputatlo* E SHOP (he Town of W^stflplri fnr renewal ffpth^r ivItli truBtee* nann^. »feyer**vltlft ltd* Sold & Ueflnlrihfil, Fr11 'Ci, INC. ^ »nt* car jnnre T^r centum of stock 3 BEDROOMS - VA BATHS nntl block, iiurchuepcl nne r nnil illtt K. Hercnih St. an' IIH fullow^: 3 Service pinlnllMfl, N. .1. Hyor TjiirHcn, SI 7 BhPPlirr>ok Drive, XOTICE Nnl l<-n if* luri'liy ^ I ven that tlio LOVELY YARD Ci sin-il Unxrr Notier tlmt Chrono'« Tjivnm, 'InR1 at311 mi waw tHltfii f»n ;L]t- Wostncld, N. T., Prow.: Doris I E li^anl liy HH> JSonrrl uf AMJnnl- WALK TO ALL SCHOOLS Pawn and Drtxidlc, lltiu- • benutles. LAMP SIIA1>ISH recovered nncl triad* Sewer Cnlt 4 P.M. in f> IMIf. S17 Shprbroutc Inr. hftH HPnlleil to the Mnynr nnrl to onW. bAMPS AM) CHANDE- s Council f>f Ihf llorourrli of Mountntn- ini-nt sit ihL- Tneotlnir Inht May 1TJF AKC rcKlater.rt- fall iiS7-1SB4* l i Tuny Tnirclnnmc Mrlt Jt| Ss ry. anil T WALK TO TOWN IJTEUS repairotl, ^( fln^a^lod lilce m ivb Q for renewal of PI run ry Retail IBflT: You enn fliul us In tho Yellow Objections, If «ny, »hnu|Tirrfl of nlE Tony Light Trucking, CtnrilenJiigr "Wnrk SPIRITS. INC. portable ishonoprnph ,lrli-r« nf CIIRONR'H TAV- al of 1-fnrry for Cnll and Ruliidph Ttcmoval In ^4inil eonclltSon; Q-IHO new N. 3, •ilt^, IOT. nrr IIH fnllowfi; u full v*?ry color I'd hand t'lu 512.32 ijfiuiR Chron^! 40- PrnHT»fct Str&ot. at i <_jurJH:M R Flrret, WeatflphL N- J.: >-. uiul Klnlnn Kl'MMF.H Imliy-HttUiiK WTVICR fnr NOTlCIQ Tl> l NIX dinner plnteH CARPENTER Chrono, 34 I-rfi fSraniJ© Avr- lun hi (TMCI a S, RKPA1HS clillilri'ii iih'i'ii 'A tn 5 frnm 10 A.M. TCntiite of MARY E. DATEI1, lie- Ft Toll for at 2ni-2:^ Flnr- AUTOS FOR SALE • nun, Knnw'flort, NT J. CHARLES G, to L' P.M. TCspiTl^ncfd ttfpn^wer, encp Avt-jnir — f*d In j-NM.l curt.1 anil luucli iiroviilcil. Call tn tho order of MARY C. Tin' nnincfl and r^wiiloncard f ftr rtJL' ^ln i. i*mP ATHTIV IICIAIIT Xilt-y, 232-2hl[>. 5-18-41 NH> Hurrotatt; of the County nfftccrs ft ml *llrut?i,r>rfl of Chr^nfi'n MEIERDIERCK, JR. ^/I1IA<-IO HALE—May 20t 1t> A.M. tn nf Unl'in, mini** nri tlui tv;enty- Appeal r»f N ^ii n Kwiin cover. D - 4 -11 Tavern. Ttl^^ ^ro HW fhlinwH: •1 T.AI. Molf Imp. HCe preworverfl, oiphth dny of April A.D,, 1»fi7, upon i-'resl'loiitr Ijtiula Chroile, 102 Prr»rt- fur pt>rmi^HMj|i i^> 3nstnll fuiir COIM1ITO1UF a^kin^ , All 3- L t-nurtH fit Bftfi Kjn i3iw(]^]fl Avi ninvvhr, t'hlb^M ck ukP vent fun, toys, HIP [ipplir:aiioii of tho undorHil neet St., WpHlH*fld N- J,: Vlrr- Realtor 1 i:'l,OHl']NLR TIM! CO. t 'Iiflt'fl apprnviil to I It f ctHlflrt-n ** i*lnthi>H, plrl's ii-12 and na Kvpt-utor nf thp estate of n H res 3d e-nt: Manrl^e Clirone, :SJ T-R hciy'B 12-1 fi- Smne llkt! new. AIIB- lihi^ in Ceramic •TREE SURGEONS tlPeeuHfd, »«l f<:e l« Ii*/reljy giv&n tn jinn rirnnOe AVGB| Fnnwond. N, J.-; Sec- 218 EAST BROAD STREET tine cT*-dUcrH of snkl ilccrftsecl ta Hl (jf ItflLHlll, Inc. f'»r pr>r- B-ll-tf returv ami Treasurer^ H*1^TI Clirnnr, .- - . . r i-xhiLIt to mo BUi>«critier under octh Urlvo, ^02 Pr^KjiPcl Strict, \V&Btfl<* 1 <1 N"- J, WESTFIELD i;t>ni1ltlnn, one uwniT. Cull 2^2-TT nr fLmrmntlon their claims unrt dc- P nfltfr 0:10 r.JK ur 3B4-SSBO ilurliif; SCHMIEDE TREE EXPERT CO. Directors: I^nuta fTlironc, 4^2 lltn^H nil prup^rty kn« \vn an ITIHIKIH ngalnHt tlie Ctfta:e af siitd day- 6-is-4t Com jil e I e MIHTP rn Tr to Hp rvl net-t Street, W«t«eld N, J; 2 mul :i In nif>i-k US—fltl tleconBrtl ivilhLii nls months Trcm ( t tu iJlfmr»irtp (Su^nl ap 233-6639 BUSINESS SERVICES GARDENING T- Expert tlie dnt* ot twli] order, or thoy will Chrune, iD2 Proapec! Street, T lrnpniu., liti forever barrfifl from proHceu fl«ldt N. J.; Mtmrlfo Cbrone, 34 TM Er> fully S OARDENING SR11VICE. LIT n^'overlriff tlie tame U£&Lnflt Grfirdp Av£-i Fanwinnl, N. J- Erentriira |tlennr mil . MUWt nell to wuttle PRINTING Coniplete .. malnteimnce, new J^wti, E-5-tf ObJ^ctlnjtH. If any* Hhoulfl.he mail*1 p | 1 Clnfrc t9. llrtrker -4in:i nftiM* fiP.M . . tTNIOW COtlNTT HOI5, eHfilb plantliie, lawn rebuild- Immediately In wrltint? to Rtraer A. aiul tn niocllfy 111* L^rniK r*T ing, treatment of nny It hid, top HOII, William O. Van BInroom IIofTarlli* UorfMtirh ni&rk of the Kor- a vnrhi IU'P' ^riintfl <»n i*-L!l-iM uUrl Alter II. nnrl.inKrhltn &13-G&I3 ill imMnillKF, -'b'- luxury OrcnttvB Printing1 n Sprrfatty Nt)tv Jcrney Cortltlud Treo JSsport RIUHT C 8«hmaletitfrrfc>r free efltimat*. fist BerVlce. 7r.7-313T K* ecu tor OUfrh of Mn*mtnlriBif!it\ sedan, air ffuulttiinuMi, power wln- ZQH Klmcr Strcrt 3-23-321 Cnmplfto ItiHiirtnif^ CriVfTUH'p ltoUert W- Younprhnnfl, Attorney CKKOME'S TAVKRN, INC. WrHiflriil, W. J, J STUMP niCMOVAL K, SA i2ll Nurlh AY*. HBO Mountain Avfttiue l uf Ai wiLiTiiuly until March, and PL T-7fWO MniiniiilnHlclc\ N. J. 1-13-tf G-ll-41 WesffipUlr N. J- 5-lS-lt 12-12-tf C-l-4t Peon J21.1Z E-18-2t Ft-Pi* 120.34 Page 8 TOE WESTFIELO mmon morning farewell of gain- after the problem was solved, ac- Under the direction of Miss Jean desks and chairs? No, the land Mr. Gerald Tedesco are the instru- Room cf the Municipal Building. from Newark Airport at 2 p.m. and fully employed mothers and fathers. cording to recent group surveys. served us the desks and chairs. The boys and girls in Mrs. Jean soar to an unknown destination. Nelson, the Edisaa School Orchestra mental music instructors. Musical Mr. Priest succeeds outgoing pres- In the hus-tle and bustle of earning The dinner table was not con- performed for the annual conven- What teaching tools did one use? Baker's second grade class had been selections ranged from marches, ident William J. Shepherd who hasPatrons will be treated to an hour- money for everyday living, do you The wildlife, waters, forest, miner- keenly interested in a study of land and-a-half or fashions, champagne sidered as the time or place tor in- tion of the Music Education Associa- spirituals, traditional favorites, and served for the past three years. take time out to know your children? dividual gripes. Nor is it the time tion of New Jersey held May 12 at als, and soil served as books. The formation as sbopvn on globes and show tunes. Miss Rutti Vincent, mus- Other officers elected at the meet- and hors d'oeuvres. When was the last time you listened change from a formal to an infor- for individual gripes and problems. the Berkley-Carteret Hotel in AS- maps. They boated continents, ic supervisor, was the acompaenist. ing were Mrs, Leonard Siegel, first Mrs, William G. Blount of 30G to your children or shared a few Recall interesting funny tilings. bury Park. Based on recordings mal learning environment and theoceans, rivers, and areas with which vice-president; Mrs, J. E. Rood, sec- Scotch Plains Ave. is in charge of facts of nature with ihem? opportunity to live, learn, and work Twelve third graders in Mrs. Lil- Solve the problems of the day later. which were submitted* a panel of tlhey were familiar. They talked of lian Smith's class prepared a pro- ond vice-president; Mrs, James M. recreations. Proceeds will go to the A recent survey of some families A walk through the trails of one judges selected Edison's orchestra together in the outdoors combined places they had visited. In connec- Condon, secretary; Mrs. Kenneth Woodbridge State School for the to make a learning experience that gram iiased on their reading mater- where both parents of pre-schoolers of Union County's parks on parent's to play at the convention. This tion with this, Mrs. John Nerres, ilines Jr., treasurer; and Mrs. John Mentally Retarded. day off was also suggested. It can marks the first selection of a junior will long be remembered by the ial and presented it to alt of the H. Mucrinen Jr., corresponding sec- were gainfully employed, indicated high school orchestra. The program sixth grade pupils of Jefferson mother of one of the students, visit- primary grades in Wilson School. retary. they used bedtime for a quiet in- provide relaxation and a wonderful included a variety of numbers. "A School. ed the class to share experiences she This involved learning to operate dividual chat with their children. opportunity to listen to and share encountered while traveling exten- the tape recorder and overhead pro- Mr. Snepherd gave a summary of Miss Valentine Et was a good dime for reading a experiences with your children. Trumpeter's Lullaby" by Leroy An- LINCOLN the record or the Westfield YES not- derson featured trumpet soloists Mrs, Shirley Kent's sixth graders sively in Greece. Since Miss Dale jector. Several recorded their voices Hoffac-ker's fourth graders were ing that over the three year period Steven Roth and Richard Haney. have been discussing dialects and reading "T%e Five Chinese Broth- of operation, more than 3,500 youths Heads Zonta At the conclusion of a study of accents as an outgrowth of a lesson studying about Greece, the classes ers," while others prepared picture have been referred to over 3,000 poetry ranging from oriental Haiku in the Scholastic Literature Unit. met together to hear Mrs. Nerres transparencies to corelafte with the jobs. The economic benefit to stu- Miss Margot Valentine of 241 Or- to Bob Dylan's folk-rock, Mrs. Max- They mentioned various expressions discuss the customs ,religion, and words being read. dents and lo the town. r>f Westfteld chard St., has been installed as pres- ine Blumenthal's seventh graders used throughout the country. Mrs. dress of modern Greece. She dis- To.,, add interest and information has been estimated at more than a ident of theZonla Club of New York. 4 MEAT SPECIALS staged a 'poetry ha ppening'' in Doris Ferego, a first grade teacher played objects she had brought from to tiheir study of New Jersey, fifth quarter of a million dollars. Mr. Zonta International is E service Room 223, which had taken on a hi Lincoln School, visited the class Greece and sdie and her daughter, grade classes of Mrs. Edith Andrus Shepherd thanked Mrs. Frederick C. organization of executive women in beatnik atmosphere with such signs to discuss the English language as Stephanie, danced several Greek Carroll, director of personnel, and business and professions who, as There Is A Difference In Ron's * * . it is spoken by the British people. and Mr, Robert Lipman visited the leaders in their communities, devote as "Shoes Must Be Kept On" and dances together. historic sites in Trenton. They ex- the many volunteers who have con- "Poets Mjst Not Picket." With ac- Cockney was explained. The young- tributed to the success of the office. themselves to civic and social wel- Aging • Trimming • Quality companiments of guitars, bongo sters listened to recordings of the Miss Hoffacker's class contributed amined the barracks where Washing- Without their service YES could not fare. The New York Club works pri- drums, and other rhythm instru- Cockney accent and prepared a the results of their study of Greece tan quartered his soldiers, then perform its function as a clearing marily with the Girls Club of New ments, students read their own free chart of jdfomatie phrases, called to the combined class meeting. Also, toured the museum which houses house between employers and stu-York, Clubs are located in 29 coun- verse. Mike Krupnick, in a ragged rhyming slang, used by the Cock- as a summary of their classroom ail, wildlife, and Indian artifacts. dents eager for work, he said. tries around the world. FLANK STEAK LONDON BROIL $ 1.091b. sweatshirt, gold medallion., and Benneys, study, they prepared a television Also in the museum they heard an Miss Valentine, chief technical program albout Greece and invited Any one who has a position open Franklin glasses, read his poem, The excitement of the circus was interesting lecture explaining New for summer employment is urged to papers editor for The Babcock & HOME MADE KNOCKWURST . . . 79c Ib. "Peace," as ha strummed a guitar. experienced by 52 first grade bays other clases to vie wit. Jersey government. They proceeded contact the YES office, located in Wilcox Co., was graduated from.Vas- Jane Moloznick plucked the strings and girls who attended a perform- Fourth grade classes of Mrs. Flor- to the State House where they toured the north side railroad station. Stu- sar College, and was a teacher of of her guitar and Annette Bongar- ance of the Ringling Brothers, Bar* ence Molina and Mrs. Dolores Rob- the senate and assembly rooms. dents who desire employment are mahematics and English for pri- 1st Cut BRISKET POT ROAST . • • • 99c Ib. zone tapped out a steady beat on num and Bailey Circus in Madison inson visited the Edison Museum From Trenton they traveled to asked to register at the office week- vaLe schools in New Jersey for sev- the bongo drums to their rendition Square Garden last month. They en- where they toured Mr. Edison's Washington's Crossing and observed days between 2:30 and 4:30. eral years. She has been active with of "The Hevenge." These and other joyed everything — the activities in workshop and saw models of many the College Woman's Club of West- FRESH CHICKEN PARTS: participants performed In the glow the famous painting of the well- the three rings, the animals, acro- of Jus inventions. They were accom- known event which took place there. field and the Westiield Community of a red spotlight and received ap- bats, the big parade and particu- Fashions To Be Shown Players. Miss Valentine is a mem- LEGS 49clb. proval from their audience in the h panied by Mesd'ames William HOllo. Araompanying the picture Was an larly the clowns, The tired but way, Leon Salzinger, Louis Rosmio, ber at St. Paul's Episcopal Church, form of the snapping of fingers. happy group of children returned to effective tape recording which de- Summer sportswear will be shown BREASTS 59clb. and Artihur Zinszer, scribed Washington's crossing the at Hahne & Company, North Ave., GRANT Westfield with happy memories Baskets were originated lor collect- which inspired many interesting and Tamaques School sixth graders re- Delaware .The group was accom- at 2 p.m. tomorrow in the Designers To climax their study of fire pre- colorful activities the following day. cently visited the Metropolitan Mu- panied by Mesdames Charles Shel- Room. ing and storing grain. LAMB RIBLETS 29c Ib, vention, Mrs, Sybl Haym's third The group was accompanied by their seum of Art. Dividing into small ton, John Gibbons, Harry Ash, grade class visited the New Jersey groups, they toured the museum. Fire Museum in South Orange where teachers, Mrs. Doris Perego and James Garden, and Miss Carol Bar- Miss Madeline Koehler, and Mes-They viewed European and Ameri- thowski, a student teacher. they saw hand-drawn-fire engines **8£i FRESH PRODUCE and other fire fighting equipment dames McCarren, Mangan, Ceccon, can paintings, visited the Egyptian used in the past. During their study, Miller, Rossi, McDermoU, MacCon- Art, In Presence of Kings, and a Educational Secretaries Captain Dries of the Westfield Fire nachie, Waters, Zack, and Braun. Spanish Patio. In the children's mu- CHIQUITA BANANAS llclb. Department was a classroom guest. Lincoln School sixth • graders hod seum the group saw colored slides Hold Annual Session, He demonstrated the various types as their guest Mr, Charles Hassard, and heard an interesting lecture on Elect Officers of fire extinguishers and showed a who showed slides taken on trips to special exhibits and explanations of VINE RIPENED TOMATOES 25c Ib. film entitled "The Fire Triangle." Mexico and Canada, These were of many works of art. They boys par- The Westfield Association of Edu- particular interest because the boys ticularly enjoyed seeing a coIJectron cational Secretaries held its annual JEFFERSON of arms and armor, which is report- Jefferson School sixth grade clas- and girls have been studying about dinner Tuesday evening at Gt30 p.m. ses recently visited the Union Coun- both of these countries, They were edly the most complete in the west- at the Sleepy Hollow Inn, Scotch ty Outdoor Educational Center in impressed with the contrast of Ihe ern hemisphere. Everyone was im-Plains. pressed with the modern paintings the Watchung Reservation, They two countries, especially in land Highlights of this affair were a lAU were accompanied by Mr. John In- forms and climate. by American artists. They enrich- talk given by Mrs. Charlotte Mont- guaggiato, Mrs. Dons Poterson, Mr. McKlNLEY ing experience demonstrated that gomery. "Speaker For tile House" Jerome Sikaitis, Mr. Ken Smith, McKinlcy School third grade clas- while everyone cannot become a of Good Housekeeping Magazine, and great artist, each of us oan develop QUALITY Mrs. Edith Morrison, and Mrs. Eliz- ses have been learning about their a short business meeting after the abeth VVillard. Outdoor education is town of Westfield. In conjunction an interest and appreciation for DR6-B an extension of the school curricu- gre&t works at art. The classes were dinner at Which time the president's with this, they have viewed films annual report was read, lum into the outdoors where the na-and film strips -and have visited the accompanied by their toaohers, Mrs, 763 MOUNTAIN AVENUE tural resources serve as teaching flrehouse, post office, rescue squad Harriot Nichols, Mrs, Beth Klein, The following slate of officers for tools for learning experiences in building, and municipal building. and Mr. Joseph Hawkins, end Mes- the 19G7-6B school year were elected and installed: president, Mrs. talroy SPRINGFIELD language arts, science* social stud- They better understand how a com- dameg William Hoople, Gerald llr. HIM! Mrw, [

$2295 $795 Ifi almost Ilks magic Open Monday end Friday MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM rh« way a Classified Ad In Evenings Until 9 P.M. Buy from a reputable dealer who offers only the Leader praducej results •elected Suburban-Traded Used Car*. fast, whenever you wanf to SERVING NEW JERSEY SINCE 1920 sell, buy, rent or hire. Cast WESTFIELD FORD it tin/I 319 NORTH AVENUE WESTFIELD, N. J WESTFIELD 264 E. Broad St., Westfield Open daily till 9 p.m. AD 2-FORD (3-6-7-3) LEADER AD 2-2900 CiiiMlfH THE WESTFIELD TOTOJSPAV, MAY », See. 55, Social And Club News of the Week in the W&stfield Area

Miss Lolly Bride Garden Reception Follows Wedding William S. Hanger7 Luncheon To Fete LDO Instructors Here Saturday Of Of Mary Glennon, Gregory Domareki Miss Stranahan Instructors of tlie Ladies Day Oul Zeis, Helen S. Price, H. C. RoMen, courses at the Westfield YWCA will Artiiur Aonis, John User, James be honored at a luncheon Wednes- Kipp. Daisies and cornflowers decorated Are Married WmJ. Burbage day at the home of Mrs, Roy Sieg- Also. Mesdames William Boyle the pews of Holy Triaity Church Sat- rist, 1321 Prospect St. by the Ladies urday morning for the wedding of George Bickerstaff, Jtfhn McLay, The Presbyterian Chure&i was the The wedding of Miss Nancy Lee Day Out committee and its chair- George Rraun, F. J. Oertet, E. "IXit- Miss Mary Kielty Glennon to Greg- man, Mrs. William Hartigan. setting Saturday afternoon for theory Joseph Domarebi. Joining Hie Stranahan to William Sherwood Han- tle, S, R. Rose, H. H. Gardiner, marriage of Miss Pamela Susan couple in matrimony at the eleven ger, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Those to be feted are Mesdames Mary Kniozuic, Florence Alevand- LalJy to William Jefferson Burbage, o'clock ceremony was the Rev. An- Hanger of 632 Dorian Rd., took place William Oakley, J. R. Weiss Jr.,, Carolyn Neuman, Stuart Deina- son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Burbage slem Egan. A garden reception was April 22 at Union Church, Hinstlale, E, Law, Lillian Higgins, A. J. Lerag- rest, Claire Palmer, William Plant. of 748 Fadracres Ave. The twhelo d at tlie Glennon's home. 111. The afternoon ceremony, per- er, L, W. Anderson, J, J, Laffaji, R, Two men wiii also be honored o'clock cer&mony performed by the formed by the Rev. Sidney Covitt, J. MacDowell, W. G. Moran, K. S. guests: John Potter and Jerry Gar- The bride is the daughter of Mr. cia, Rev. Ace L. ftibbs, was followed by and Mrs. Matthew Joseph Glennon was followed by a reception at Edge- Hirtle, K. liiggins, A. WMtfaker, C, a reception in Summit at the Hotel of 251 E. Dudley Ave. The groom's wood Valley Country Club, LaGrange Suburban. parents are Mrs. and Mrs. Joseph 111. The bride, daughter of the MeTheodore Domareki of 14B2 Fox Tr., Tiie bride, daughter of Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lally, has Mountainside. Mia. W. Slr&n&h'aa of HiusdaJe, was been residing with her uncle a,nd Given in marriage by her iather, escorted to the altar by har father, aunt, Mr. and Mrs. John C. Laily in tlie bride wore a sown appliqtied She wore a peau de soie gown Scotch Plains, She was given inwith Alencon lace and a matching trimmed with AJencon lace and Distinctive marriage by her brother, Bruce veil. She carried a bouquet of roses pearls with cathedral train and Thomas' holly. Her wedding gown and ivy. a shouldcr-lengtl;, bouffant, illusion was white peau de soie with ap- Miss Anne Glennon, her sister's veil which fell from a flower head- quiques of Alencon lace on tha bod-m^id of honor, wore a gown of white peau de soie with del blue sash and piece. Her cascade bouquet was oF ice and featured a chape] train fall- v.-hite and red roses, baby's breath ing from the shoulders. A lace pill streamers. Similarly costumed were the bridesmaids Miss Kate Glennon and ivy. box hat held her finger tip veil. She and Miss Chrisina Glennon, both sis- Mrs. James Slmeoke of Hinsdale carried a cascade bouquet of roses, —Suburban Candid Photo •—McCutchoon StuflJo ters of the bride, and Mrs. Neil was her sistei-'s honor attendant. MRS, WM. SHiERWOOD HANG-EIl 232-5022 MES, WM. RICHARD BECKER stephanetis and carnations. Volwieder of Philadlpia, the groom's Bridesmaids were "Miss Patty Duet- (Nancy bee Stranahan) ('Donna Marie Keyser) Mrs. William R. Stan^acH of Scotch sister. ting of Larchmont, N. Y,, Miss Plains, her sister's honor attendant, John PaEton of Short Hills was Carol MeClenaiian, Miss Jean Dalen- Bake Sale Saturday For Discriminating Clients Donna M, Keyser, was attired in a costume of hotbest man. Groomsmen were Mat- berg, boLh of Hinsdale; Miss Jennifer pink chiffon with a train and car- thew Glennon Jr,, George and Wes- —Bradford McKcnna of Juno Beach, Fla,, and Tiie SuI>Jujiior Woman's Club of ried a bouquet of pale pink carna- ley Domareki, his brothers, and Neil SIRS. G'llEGORY J. DOMAREKI Miss Kathy Morrow of Columbus, Westfield will hold its annual fcfake W. R. Becker tions. Bridesmaids were Mrs. Harry Volwieder. (Mary Kielty Glennon) Ohio. Suzy Simcock was flower girl sale Saturday at Grant's, Central The newlyweds who will live in for her aunt. Their pink linen cos- Ave., Clark, twginning at 10 a.m. Are Wed Seabright after a trip to Nova Scotia tumes were set off by bouquets of Members will provide homemade James P. Mowry cakes, pies, and croktes. Proceeds •'••"rr ii"------I"1'' -' • "i • h--•-•'•'•'• •----Jl v,ur,?'i;— '•-::>-•- -V-,--. ••:•• . •. 1 in Atlantic City. ter of Mr, and Mrs, Charles Edward •;-:J;..;^.;;i.^ •••- ••'•• • • - alumna of Trinity College, Washing- Is Engaged Robert S. Hanger was bast man Get acquainted Special Keyser Jr, of 225 Midwood PL, and ton, D.C. for his brother. Ushering were Guv- William Rtidiard Becker spoke their Her husband is law dark la Judge Mr, and Mrs. Wilhert L. Burnham en Erdel, of Ankara Turkey; WeKon wedding vows Saturday afternoon Salvest, Manmouth County, A gradu- of Edmonton, Alborta have an- ate of Seton Hall College and its Law t A. .Evans III of Lexington, Ky., at the Christian end Missionary nouced the engagement of their John E, Boyer of Oxford, Ohio, Save $8.00 on Alliance Church. Officiating at the School, will attend London School daughter, Dorothy Ann, to James of Economics in September. Joseph C. Mtinier of Monmouth Hills, ceremony which was followed by Preston Mowryf son of Paul R. N. J. and Kenneth E, Pierson of a reception in the church hall w&s Mowry of We&tfield and Mrs. Allan Hamilton, Ohio. American Tourister's the Rev. Lawrence J. Pyne. Smith Club Elects Hibbard of AUentown, Pa. They will Tho newlyweds are seniors at Given in marriage by her father, be married June 24 in Vancouver, Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, the bride was costumed in a satin Officers For Year British Columbia. where she is an English major and Weekender gown appliqued with lace and seed Miss Burnham is a graduate of her husband is majoring in govern- pearls with a shoulder length veil. Libtie Flower Academy, Vancouver, ment. Mrs, Hanger is In the honors The Smith College Club of Plain- program, a member of Delia Gamma She carried a bouquet of glomelta's. field-Westfteld announced its schol- and the Vancouver General Hospital (Miss Beryl Keyser, maid of honor arship winner and elected oHicers School of Nursing. She is on Hiesorority and a member of APHOTC For her sister, jvore an aqua chiffon at its annual meeting and picnic slaff of the King County Hospital, Angel Flight. gown set off by a boiiquet of white luncheon last weok in the home of Seattle, Wellington, Mr. Hanger is a graduate of the mid yd low daisies. Similarly attired Mrs. Howard Carter Jr., Plaiiifield. Mr, Mowry was graduated from Pinery School. He and his wife are were the bridesmaids Miss Nancy Mrs. Richard E. Freeman of West- Wcstfield High School and Dart- members of the International Club Becker, sister J of the groom, Miss field was re-elocted president with mouth College, class of 1964, where at Miami. Linda Mould of Clark and Miss Mrs. Franklin A. McCarthy of Hill- side and Mrs. Robert M. Priolcau of he was a member of Sigma Nu The rehearsal dinner was hosted Kim Clark of Colts Neck, Westfield re-elected vice president Delta. He is completing his third by the groom's parents at the Drake Best man;wis Stephen Biilcki of and recording secretary respective- year in Uie Medical School of theQalttorook Hotel, Oakbrook, III. University of Washington..SeaC Cranford, dro^raman were John ly. ."•-•• 1 "-? :i 7 Keyser, the bride's brother, Robert New officers arc; Treasurer, Mrs. Montclair Antiques Wife on of Oranford and Rwbert Westfield Service League —Clasalc Klndla E. Morton Fen nor of North Plain- t The annual Montcluir Antiques „ Clark of Colts *jeckt MRS. Wftf. JEIfFBRSON BUHBAGE field, and correspond ing secretary, foe h&ld- May 2^-20 at the now Mis. Becker, is •. a graduate*, of "•-••• (Pameia'Susati Lally) Mrs. Hubert 0. Atwood Jf. of West- s will f fiela, succeeding "Mrs. Laurence C." Its annual luntfiepft'lheetnjg to- g' OlutS >f Ui>pl'r MbnLdair. Llmitid Tint "Wesfcfjeld High fSdioql. Her husband, ol PhilaflGlpriia, sister of are MO p.m. daily except Only! son of Mr. ahdjMrs, William Becker iGriesemer of Topping Hill nd. morrow at Echo Lake'Country Clb! reg the groom; Miss^Kfcrriii J. Pater- It will begin "at 10:30 O'.itiv 'V Friday when dosing hour is 6 p.m. of/ Cranford,! is an alwnwus of Craiv soi> and Miss DVorine^E, Pakcnham, i The slate was presented by Mrs, ford High Scfroial and is sorting in [Frank N, Repp of Fanwood, nom- 2\" Weekenders for men and women both of Westfl^ld, and Miss Sally inating committee chairman. Com- the U. S, 'Ai(my Dental Service J, Baird of MotGdeconk. Their gowns Here's your chance to. start your collection' oF American Unit ot Fort 'd rnilt&e mcmL>ers were Mrs. Walter Tourister Luggage 'ot great savings. It's the only luggage of pale pink chiffon wore set off by B. Borden and Mrs. Irwin G. Sun- Store Your FURS bouquets of dark pink carnations. dcrmQn of Westtteld, Mr.. P. Annes- . • ( with exclusive features such as foam-rubber handles, stain- less steel longue*tn-graave closures and non-spring swfvel Auxiliary, Twigs Best man was John Ff deVoe III. ley Chamberlain Jr. and Mrs. Alfred Groomsmen were William R. Stan- G, Genung of Plainfield. with Mr*. with a locks that can't get sprjng. Trim, sleek slyiing in attractive To Hear Benefit bach, Raymond W, Nevin, Robert Freeman, ex-officio. oerrers colors, F. Simon and Brooke R. Weisloder Miss Susan Bass of Woodbridge is i ouuers oE Bay Head. recipient of this year's scholarship, MASTER FURRIER Report Today Mrs. George V. N. Morin of Wcst- Mr, end Mrs. Burbage, who will Scientific jane smith live in Clark after a trip Lo Bermuda, ricld, scholarship chairman^ an- 167 ELM ST. Mrs, Richard Longley will preside ore graduates of Westfield High nounced. She is top student of a class COLD FUR STORAGE 129-139 CENTRAL AVE, AD 2-4800 nt the annual luncheon of the Senior School'. She is employed by theof 661 this year and last at Wood- • MINIMUM RATES • MAXIMUM CARE TEL AD 2-2400 FREE CUSTOMER PARKING AT 132 ELMER ST. Auxiliary of the Children's Special- Suburban Trust Oo. and he is inbridge Senior High School. A mem- OPEN MONDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS ized Hospital today at the Chantickr, ber ot the National Honor Society the N. J. Bell Telephone Co. account- and the math honor society, she has MHlburn. Joining the Auxiliary will ing office. Cranford, be the Westfjeld and Summit Twigs, received a Lincoln Center student Highlighting the annual reports Pie nuptial showers for thE bride award and attended Columbia Uni- were hosted by Miss Pakeniiam, versity's Science Honors Program, will be that from Mrs. Frederic K Pur Shop of niaUnctlon" Hitchings, chairman of the annual Miss Paterson and Mrs. Robert studying neural basis of behavior benefit parties held at the Far Hills Birkcnmeier. The groom's parents and decision behavior. Miss Bass MADE TO ORDER READY-TO-WEAR Inn for four days in April. Of par-gave the rehearsal party at their is also active in United Synagogue 'i ticular interest will be the account home.* Host at a bachelor party was Youth. REMODELING REPAIRING of the evening party, an innovation Mr. deVoe. Mrs. Peggy Clark Kelley of Brook- .' . \, this year. The parties have been lyn spoke en Smith College's new DELUXE CUSTOM CLEANING ihk given for over 35 years as a fund- Honor Student Performing Arts Center. A designer \ , raising project TOP the hospital. of sets, lighting and costumes for Your Outmoded Furs Can Be Restyled Members of the auxiliary as well Catherine Nelson, daughter of Dr. Broadway shows, Mrs. Kelley is a as the Twigs will continue their voU and Mrs. Francis B. Nelson of 510Smith graduate with a MFA de- at small cost to you. Free Estimates 7k. F unteer work at .the hospital through Prospect St., has attained the honor gree in scenic design from Yale Uni- ST. the summer. :No further formal roll again at Moravian Seminary for versity, She is a member of the 249 E. BROAD STREET • WESTFIELD • ADAMS 2-3423 meetings of Ihc auxiliary will be held Girls, Bethlehem, Pa., where she is board of counselors of Smith Col- Theatre Open Man. 'til 9 p.m. lege. until October, i a member oE UJB 10th grade. ^



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"•'li-f •( —'. r.'*r*\ Ll " Bi • ' ~"" ^j* • ' -' • """ ^"" • •~'i •_ •- • i *!»•• * "•"" • r i • i* ?.. .'* ' Wi^P •u. I.' i * -.1 ".' THE WESTFIEXD «W0 £EA0E&, THURSDAY, MAY 18, ISS7 Page 3 Jr. League Delegate To Wed Barbara E. Price Future Bride Carol E. English, Eagans Head HT Bride-Elect Is Feted At Shower Is Former Resident Former Resident, Miss Kathryn r. i^ostrand, daugh- Mrs. John Meras of New Britain, Plans Wedding Parents Guild ter of Mrs. Evelyn Nostraad of 773 Conn,, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. The betrotol ef their daughter. Summit Ave, was honored Saturday Samuel H. Bunting Jr. of 1395 Wood Miss Barbara Elsie Price, to Wil- s Married Mr, and Mrs. James Eagaa have at a luncheon and lingerie shower. Valley lid., Mountainside, was a liam P. Lyons Jr. has been an- been elected president of the Par-Hostess was Mrs. Nonnan Larsea nounced by Mr, and Mrs, William ents Guild of Holy Trinity High of 771 Summit Ave. delegate last week to the annual Miss Carol Elizabeth English, School. conference of the Association of Oliver Price of 826 Harding St. The daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Rowland Miss Nosirand wil be married in Junior Leagues of America hrid in wedding is planned for Aug. 26, English of Eabesonia, Pa,, formerly Other new officers are: Vice presi- June to James P. Corones o! East Montreal. She JS president-e-teot of The prospective bride was grad- of Weslidek^ became the bride dent, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Kern; re- M.Y. cording secretary, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- the Junior League of New Britain, uated from Westfield High School Saturday afternoon of James Lee aad will receive her bachelor of sci- war-d Hart; corresponding secretary, Conn. Bross, son of Mr. and Mrs, David Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zoller and ence in nuxsmg degree this month 12. Kurtz of Myerstown, Fa. The Mrs. Meras is a graduate of West- from West Virginia Wesleyan Col- treasurer, Mr. and Mrs, Fred Nel- field High School were her father is double ring ceremony was performed son. lege, by the Rev. Hiehard Stroman at the a member of the faculty. Mr, Lyons is the son of Mr, and Farewell remarks at last week's First Presbyterian Church, Reading, meeting were given by Sister Hose Mrs. Lyons of Bunbar, W.Va. He at- Pa. with a reception at &e Holiday Patricia, school principal, who will tended Dunfear High School and is a Inn, be leaving ?t die end of the school Write gift candidate far a bachelor of science The bride wore a satin organza year for another assignment after degree in health and physical educa- serving here for one year. tion in December at the same col- gown and train with pearied Alencon lege. lace. Her French illusion veil fell The Rev. George H. White Jr., for th from a headpiece of matching lace. pastor of ihe First Baptist Church. Cranford, was guest speaker. With —Thomas Studios Fiancee —Karr She was given in marriage by her WEYDEMEYER fate. the audience participating, he cre- Graduate Miss Karen Keinauer of Ridge- ated a different kind of musical pro- wood was haaor attendant. Brides- gram featuring eoJ^nentary on the from Meredith J. Logan J. Scott Ellis importance of music In. everyday maids were Mrs. Mitchell L. Ulnch life. To Wed In July of Womelsdorf, Pa., Mrs. Britt H. —Primrose Studio Parents of the incoming freshmen Is Bride-Elect Jones of Hazleton, Pa. and Miss MRS, JAMES LEE BROSS attended the meeting which ~-WB fol- Suzanne Stevens of Westfield who July 22 has been set as &e date for (Carol Elizabeth English) lowed by refreshments. Mrs, Rudolph H. Sidden of Bask- the wedding of Miss Lee Weyde- is the fiancee of the bride's brother. ing Eidge and Alexander L, liOgan meyer to J, Scott EHis, son of Mr, Terry Artz of Womelsdorf was best JEWELERS of Finderne announced the engage- and Mrs, J. Craig Ellis of fttimrie, man. Ushering were the bride's ment of their daughter. Meredith J, Ind., lormerly of Westfield. brother, Robert English of Westfield, Logan, to Peter G. Firestone, eon The engagement of their daughter Mitchell U Ulrich and Rodney J. at Mrs. Alan T. Fiance Q£ Bask- and announcement of the coming Conarth, also of Womelsdorf. ing Ridge. marriage were made by Mr, and Mrs. English went to Westfield MATERNITY SALE SINGE 1048 Miss Logan Is a farmer resident of Mrs. William E. Weydemeyer of schools before graduating from Con- Westlield, She was graduated from CranforcL The bride-elect, a gradu- rad Weisar High School, RobesonJa, Katharine Gibbs and is presently ate of Westminster College, New Wil- after which she attended Penn Hall Start your graduate employed as Q secretary for Pan mington, Pat, is teaching English Junior College, She is employed by ALL SPRING DRESSES off right* Give a in Basking Eidge. American, New York City, American Safety Table Co., Mohntoo famous Cross pen or Mr. Ellis, an alumnus of Westfield Mr. Firesteme attended school in Pa, penclt In beautiful High School and Bucknell Univer- Her Husboad, a graduate of tfie Lustrous Chroma Peart Rdver, He is a typographer ( sity, is earning his master's degree Only $4-60 each. -*VJ ? with Photo Comp, in New York City same high school, is employed by at Seton Hall University. He is theReading Bone Fertilizer Oo., Read- JNow Off! $9,00 for the set. An early summer wadding is BARBARA ELSIE PRICE owner and operator of Colonial At- ing. They will live in Lecsport, Pa, planned > lantic and Avis rental. North Ave, Rom nay's Wife Speaker Hadassah Elects Hadmsah Head ALL SLEEVE BLOUSES Donna Oetjen For GOP Confab Mrs. George Komney, wife of New President f. Is Bride the Michigan Governor, and Mrs. Wllma Rogalin, president of the N, Y, Federation ot Women's Be- Mrs. Sol Schwantzman of 5 Radley Now Off! Mr, and Mrs. Donald Oetjen of publican Clubs will address the Ct., a member of Badassah, lias been AMERICA'S Park Ridge, IILt announce the 37Wi annual convention of the N. J.installed as president of the West- FINEST marriage AprU 29 of their daughter, field chapter, A native of Cuba, she WRITING Federation of Republican Women in INSTRUMENTS Donna, to Itevld Paul Farley, Mrs. Atlantic City, attended Oberlin College and recei- 10% OFF Oetjen, the former Grace Simpson Attending from the local club ved her E. A. degree at Miami of. WestfieR is the daughter of Gold .00 will be Mrs. J. P. Mitchell, presi- University, TIIG new president, who Gnfy Camp, world leader In the destgn of Mrs, William Soidel (& this town. fiHed set ftmtUanal supports, could CFeafe the exclt* dent, and Mrs. D. J, SawteUe, 1st h-as done post-graduate work at ALL CHILDREN'S SUMMER APPAREL The groom's parents are Rev. and vice president, who were installed Columbia University, has a fluent ing new Cadenza. Lightweight, Wp-sllmrning Mrs. Paul Fartey of Itasoa, IH, The lycra and Camp's excfusJvc hook-type ad- at Tuesday's meeting of the group command of French, Italian, Spanish AH Cross Sets can be Rev. Farley performed tfoe candle- JustrncnrcomNno to provide you wJlh a cir- at Mrs. SawteUe's home; also Mrs. and Yiddish. light ceremony in the Park Ridge beautifully engraved cle of comfort that ftaltensyour lummy antl J. I, Brobeck and Mrs. Gordon Community Ohurdi, Also inducted at Monday's lun- supports your back. So, if you've ZVQ? wasted Aufereoht, Others named to office cheon at Weiiands by Mrs. Eugene Use Martin Jewelers B girdle thai offered more than figure con- The newlyweds are residing in are Mrs. J. E. Cambria, corres- Shapiro, were Mrs. Milton Wasdi, Claire Ann Maternities Forest Park 111. Irof, 3 gfrdfe that Cottfd make you look bet- ponding secretary, and Mrs. Cynmembership- ; Mrs, George Boerer, Convenient Charge or ter, fcel better alt d^ Be s*art? JO -ask your thia 3e&o£ield, member at fund-raising; Mrs. AJexaiijter Koss, -r.v-,..,../,^,-.^. ,,-• arid Budget Plan ; : > • . -• . '•.-'•!«-:^..^-V=a^i-'-. .'-..--:j corse tfore iibouit Caderwa by Camp. Garden Luncheon, Tour education; Mrs. Kot ^ito, fiKan- L

••• • r • • •. cfed secretary; Mrs. William Sh&f^ • '-;•! "•'•' '-•'-'• <• •"• .-' •"••••'• Slated By Club Unit Volunteers Sought *ttt*Hi!(M -*•*!*«• treasurer; Mrs. Laurenjce Sturtloa Chitdrens Apparel QUltm ,K$.fctrs. WU- cording secretary; Mj^fi^swM SOL SCttWART£MAN L •- By Local Twig ler, corresponding secretary, | CORSET SHOP Shelton are in charge of ,. -..r i • j I'll.. Ar next Thursday's meeting of the gar- The Westfteld Twig to the Chil- An oil painting was* jiresent&i 148 E. Broad St. Mrs. Edward Dropkih, o i 252 E* Broad Street, Weslfield AD 2~6857jj AU den department t»f the Woman's dren's Specialized Hospital is seek- 1 Westfield president, by Mrs. Herbert Rochelle Grads Elect Stores In Crttttf«rd Club of Westtteki at 12:30 when ing volunteers in all areas; play Located next to Open Monday nite members wHl bring box lunches, cut- school, feeding patients, pool, tele- In appreciation of her three ADams 3-2615 service to the chapter. Mrs, Joseph Wadjenski of Scotch tings and plants to the garde** of phofie aiwi clerical. PJafns assumed her duties as new Rtalto Theatre 'til 8:30 The Foundation of Our Mrs. Welllam Kettig, 990 Woo&mere This was announced at the final A dialogue on "Israel and u$ president of the Garden Stale Club Business is the Right Dr. A lour of Green Brook Park business meeting of the Twig last sail" was narrated by Mrs. siidel, of the College of New Roctielk* Al- Foundation For Your Figure gardens will follow. week htld at the home of Mrs, Frank Mrs. Waiter Averiek, Mrs, Al F|nkel- umnae after yesterday's meeting in In caso of rain meeting will be Persons, 385 Hyslip Ave. Anyone in- stein and Mrs. Eugene Shaplro.jMiss the home of Mrs. Frank A. Clifford, held at the club bouse, terested is asked to contact Mrs. Nedda Fields entertained with song 520 Clifton St. F. W, Tcwnsend, Indian iy., Moun- selections. New committee chairmen named tainside, Volunteers, who can give include Mrs. Waller Hunt, hospital- their time, will continue their work followed the business meeting were ity, and Mrs, Clifford, publicity, both at the iiospital during the summer \ Mrs. A. B. Crampton, Mrs. H. Ham- of Weslfield. and Mrs. Carl W. months. scorn, Mrs. K. S. Mistretta and Mrs. Thompson of Scotch Plains, activi- Hostesses at the luncheon which < Wintermuto. ties. Don't Let ALL THIS FUSS ABOUT Anything Spoil Your \) Wedding Including Left: One piece stretch/ applique pcm&ls. Yellow or Pink, The Flowers 10-16 $23, : Black and white cotton stripe with embroidered The fit of the shoe Is piqu6 trim. 5*13. 2-pc, hiprider suit $13. Matching jacket, $9. never more important than in the growing, Flowers play a formative years prominent role in of childhood. 121 Qolmby St., Westfield AD 2-1131 That's why our fitters your wedding — Parking in rear * . . walkway to Quirnby St* Open Monday/ Wednesday and Friday take so much care must be perfect* Evenings 'til 9:00 P.M. with every pair they fit

THE ,,, and why they continue} to recommend TRIDE ITE Stride Rite's matchless

-i at Vance's you Will find a capable staff of SHOE quality and support. THt SHOE THAT UNDERSTANDS CHILDREN consultants who have helped make us first choke of brides-to-be.

We will consult with you about your own ideas and work them Into the most beautiful flowers for this most important occasion. Stop in soon io discu&s Doctors' Prescriptions Carefully HEIsd Full line of Orthopedic Shoes your flower plans,


"MAKE RANDAL'S A FAMILY AFFAIR'1 Shop the 321 South Side South Ave. For Parking Convenience AD 2-2525 Inc. 32 ELM ST. ADAMS 2-3600 Open 8 A.M. to 6 P.M. or by appointment Open Monday Evenings Page WESTFIELD w, h\ MEAmft,' ; MAY »* Kappa, is a chapter y the Mount honorary, Chi Gamma Nil. He hasof Westfield High School, Leonard Lee; units, Mrs. Harold Stuart Wallace, .son of Mr. andcate in physical therapy. Department of Music and featuring also been elected president of thewho has beon named to the Claussen; bul letin, M rs. Harry WESTFIELD Mrs. Itelph Wallace of 801 Dart- * * . * members of Mu Phi Epsilon andsociety for the 1967-68 academic list for the fall and winter terms,' is Cordts; public relations, Mrs. Park- moor, has been elected president of Named to the dean's list at Soton Phi Mu Alpha Sinfania, professional year. Howard is the son of Mr. andvice president of Lyman Hall and aer Mitton; arrangements, Mrs. Mil- AD 2-5600 Delta Phi, national social fraternity Hall University College, Newark, music fraternities. A senior music Mrs. J. M. Austin of Shackamaxon member of .Outltag Club, Athletic 'As- stein *rnd education studies as well at Lehigli University. were Kathleen Haney of 1005 Colidge and voice major, she is a member Dr. sociation and Student Council, Oan- as reapparliontnent, Mrs. Brooke * * * * * * stance is majoring in art, and is also St. and M&ry Ann Fittipsldi of 711of Alpha Delta P| sorority, A,tyS., Maxine Wilson of 809 New England Gardiner Arthur Kurz, son of Mr, and Mrs.Summit Ave* Mount Union Choir, and the Music a member of Outing Club, Athletic Adolph Kura of Mountainside, pres- * * * Dr. has been elected a president of Association, and Social Committee. Mrs, Robert Burteson will be chair- Educator's National Conference, Alabama Hall at Emory University^ man of the nominating committee. ently enrolted in the basic course of Janet L. Brandsma of 1019 Summit * * * • * * * the Army Reserve Training Corps Atlanta, Ga., for the spring quarter. Three resident of Westfield area Coordinator of observers will be Ave. has recently been inducted into Dean's list students for the winter * * * Mrs. Louis Cross and "Tins is West- Program at Bucknell University, Sigma Lamba Delta, freshman term at the Pennsylvania State Uni- Karin E. Beyerstedt of 972 Wood- are among candidates for degrees was recently promoted to the rank women's honorary at Syracuse Uni- to be awarded June 4 at the 36th field" will foe distributed by Mrs. versity included Virginia Ritzel tf mere Dr. has been awarded honor- Laurence Susmall. of sergeant. versity. 882 Pennsylvania Aw.', Itob't S. Sut- annyaj commencement exercise^ ,of * * * able mention at Skidmore College * * * ler of 421 Birch Ave,, Karen Hekeler for her scholastic achievements dur- Skidnwe College. They are Patricia BE SURE! Suzanne M. Starks, daughter of Bob Bomchowitz, son of Mr. andof 25Q JUmball Turn and Wm. Mam-ing the 1966-67 academic year. She Hoff, daughter odf Mr. and Mrs. STORE YOUR FURS AT Mr. and Mrs. Allen M. Starks of 70Mrs. Robert Boruchowitz, of 20 Man- men of 509 E. Broad St. John A. Hoff of 532 Highland Ave>t is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Fred counselor system helps the incoming Fair Hl!l Dr., was recently initiated chester - Dr., cow completing his * * * • candidate for .a bachelor of science

J, Beyerstedt. --:--•! :• Into the Alpha Rho Chapter of Phi freshman year at Kenyon College, Kitty Pietsch, daughter of Mr. and * * * degree. She has been a member of freshflww become oriented during FLEMINGTON Chi Theta, national commerce fra- will be managing editor of the Ken- Mrs. Robert B. Pietsch of Zurich, 'Dennis M. Sheridan, son of Harry College Government Association add New Student Week and the beginniafi In the most modern fur storage vaults any- ternity for women at the Florida yon College weekly newspaper — Switzerland, formerly of Westfield, J. Sheridan of BOO Forest Ave., hasthe Athletic Association and weosf bis'college career, as well as aid- ing in the observation and adminis- where.«. firs proof... time locked... auto- State University, Tallahassee. The COLLEGIAN, Ho was copy edi- was a member of the cast of Albert been accepted at the Brandywine vice president of her campus resi- matically controlled... and fully insured. * * * tor this year, Camus' "Le tyTalentendii," presented Junior College, Concord Pike Cam- dence house in her senior year. She tration of college and counselor^ Virginia L. Ritzel was awarded * * * recently by Le Cercle Francais of pus, Wilmington, Del, for classes received honorable mention for regulations concerning dormitory liv- Each garment individually handled by fur : .?•<-•-•-,%•: .•? Sunday at Pennsylvania State Uni- Scott A Barren, son of Mr. andPine 'Manor Junior College. starting in the summer. A senior in academic achievements last y ing. Mitchell, currently a counseler, eiperts only! And our storage charges are '•?•••$ versity by the Honor Society Coun- Mrs. Lloyd E. Barron of Woodland * * * WesUMd High School, he plans to Also, Linda C, Matins, daughter DE is a warstty swimmer and is schol- s. L Hills, Calif,, has been admitted to arship chairman of Delta Tan Delta cil, a silver Evan Fugh medal, The Two students from Westfield will major jn the business administra- Mr. and Mrs. Garrett C. Matliis ol %m :W Evan Fugli honors are awarded an- the honors program of the school of be receiving their bachelor's degree tion curriculum. 717 Prospect St.r candidate for afraternity at Lawrence. He is an :- L.'X nually to students who rank in theletters and sciences of U.C.L.A., June 3 from Nichols College of Busi* * * * honors student. ._.. .:• ^ REMODELING... bachelor of science degree. She has fc;^:stt^ top one-fifth per cent of their class where he is a pre-medieal student. ness Administration, Dudley, Mass, Howard D. Diinond Jr. of 664been a member of the Freshman K *• * Ffemlnftan's fur specialists are adept schalastically. The medals honor the Lloyd Eugene Barron is attending They are Richard Donald Britton, Shadowlawn Dr. has been offered Ohorus and the Skidmore College Sandra K-ay Duncan, daughter of •t creating i new Joak from your ofd first president of the Unlveiaily. Hahnentann Medical College in Phil- son of Mr. arvd Mrs, Richard Britton admission to the University of Penn- Chorus, as well as the Madrigal Mr. and Mrs. Robert Balfour Dun- far.,, arm our low factory prices are m Virginia is a junior majoring in adelphia. Both "boys are graduates of 21 Bennett PL, a graduate of sylvania, He entered Newark Acad- Singers. She was a member of the can of 1130 Minisink Way, was re- ^i-i- the lowest to be found, anywhere! history. of Westfield High School. Admiral Farragut Academy who emy, Livingston, in 1B61 and has ac-Social Judiciary Board of College cently elected !Bfi7-G8 president oE •••' BJJ. * * # + •* * also attended the University of Pitts- celerated In biology and will write Government Association In her soph- the Lake Forest College chapter of LITTLE TUBS Charlotte It. Conrad of 219 Eton •Robert D. Garner, a junior at Up- burgh. A management major, lie the advanced placement examina- omore year and secretary of thetlic Association of Women Students. PL is one of the students honored sola College, East Orange, has join- was on the ruicr roll at Nichols in tion in May. He has been a memNationa- l Student Association in herAWS, a national organization, makes STORED FREE WHEN •:•:*, by Michigan State University for ed Sigma Gamma Phi fraternity. 1965 and 19GG. He is marled to theber of the varsity swim team for junior year. She received honorable rules governing women students* so- SA-FURIZE-CLEANED achieving an alkA record during the A business administration major, former Elizabeth Ellis of Summit. four years, president of the Glee mention for her scholastic achieve- cial activities. She is a junior major- To be certain you don't neglect your winter term. She is a sophomore he is the son of Mr and Mrs, Ray-Upon graduation he will be employ- Club for two years and was last ments in her sophomore year. ing in English. year named for the Key Club, a 'little furs", Remington will store studying pre-vetcrinarian medicine. mond L. Garner of 813 Nancy Way. ed as a materials manager for Keuf- Also, Pamela Scharcnann, daugh- * * * EBEE all capes, stoles, boas and * * * * * * M & Esser Company. group of boys selected for outstand- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Named to the dean's list at Scton Susan Lindtcy, daughter of Mr, Mrs. Lorraine Mullen of 136 Stan. ing character, loyalty, and service scarfs when you have them revital- Also, William Edward Fredericks, SLachel of 19 Fair Hill Rd.. candi- Hall University from Westfield are: |jJ:w-r-'-i-:-^L find Mrs, Samuel Llndlcjy of 752more PL is one of the students en- son of Mr. and Mrs. William H. to the Academy. He was last year date for a bachelor of science de- Joseph Parsons of 92U Columbus ized with Remington's exclusive fur ii.r-.^r-t3T. ,:•.---•.•-.•: : Scotch Plains Ave, has been anoint- rolled In evening programs at New- Fredericks of 107 Hardfwick Ave, the manager of the football team and gree. She lias been $ member of Ave.; Robert Wright of 2127 Newark cleaning process. ed public relation chairman of Sig-ark State College, Union, who were an accounting major and a Westfield a member of the Science Club, the Freshman Chorus and the Skid- Ave.; Timothy Shugrue of 34 West- ma Kwppa sorority at Westminster inducted mto a newly-formed honor * * * DON'T DELAY! N.J. graduate of Westfield High ::^-/v:*:-:-:-::^ brook Rd.; Richard Lang of 718 DO5\-::-.CC.--I more College Ohorus and was pres- 1 •••«•• l.U I 1 •• L College in New Wilmington, Pa. society. The organization, Alpha School. He was on the Nichols hon- •Richard Steiner, son of Mr, andident this year of the Skidmore Col- Tuxedo Turn, and Kenneth Goski • . .1 . .111.1.1. IRING YOUR FURS TO or roll in 1965 and 1967 and the high Mrs, Alois Steiner of 226 Wychwood lege Choitis. She was president of of 218 Massachusetts St. FLEMINGTON honor roll in 1966. Upon graduation Rd.r a senior at Westfield High Clef Club, the music club, in her he Is planning to be married, will School and Edmund Gorton, son ofjunior year when she also received Sofield, daughter of Mr. and NOW! ..•<••.*•• 1 •- 'X .. . J- "-- Mr. and Mrs. Edmund F, Gorton of ?:v-'.-£*•-,•?- •ir i - -i go into the Air National Guard Re- Iwttorable mention for her scholastic Mrs. LeRoy Soflefd of 435 Grove St., *-;.;'.=;>;:! : " -•.'_' ' I Serves and will be employed by Has- 1R05 Dakota St., a senior at Union ,•-•--'I has received notice of her accept- •m Catholic High School, ScotiA Plains, 1 r.i^i WF-i --'.;,-";; ""- *.•**• ance as a member of the September |-&£! H kins and Sells, Accountants. have bepn accepted by Franklin * * + Sue Oox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. freshman class at Russell Sage Col- Pierce College, IUndge, N.H., for lego, Troy, N.Y. Lynn CnsLeel, a freshman at the foil term, 1967. Henry Cox of Haitford PI. is one of Jamestown (N.D. t College, ap- * * + 17 members of a political science peared with The While Heather Las- Joanne Schnitzer, eon of 3\Ir. andclass at Muskingum College, who sies Scottish dance group at "the have been on a field trip to Washing- I Mrs. Louis Schnitzer of 113 Cedar iii Spring Fling performance yester- St., hwt been elected treasurer of ton, D.C where they had an oppor- day on campus. the sophomore class at Harrington tunity to interview and talk with a * * * number of leaders in the field of .„•:. Cadet Col. Robert W. Worthing re- College, Barrington, R.I., where she is a freshman majoring in elemen- government, commerce, labor and =; ceived the Eisenhower Award (Cen- politics. tral N,J. Chapter, Retired Officers tary education. She has served as a * * * Association of the U.S. Army), Sun- junior varsity cheerleader. * * *• Tocher Mitchell, son of Mr. and day at the lOLh annual review of Cadet John J. Dauster Jr. was one Mrs. J. P. Mitchell of 325 Woodland Saint Peter's College ROTC Cadet of 15 Norwich University juniors Ave., has been selected as one of Brigade in Jersey City. He is the honored recently at a banquet spon- 32 Freshman Men's Counselors for --i eon of Mr. and Mrs. Bert T, Worth- sored by the Norwich University the academic year 1967-68 at Law- ing of 605 Norwood Dr. honor society, Epsiloit Tan Sigma rence University, Appleton, Wis. l*he

Cuddled first by your loving hands

1 L" ...and then by Si

W H\ The three most :-":"g>;1 ^important shoes in *0$a child's life. • • for creeping, crawling Eoume and u, -

163 E. BROAD ST. AD 2-5163 114 CENTRAL AVENUE • 232-9762 >v_ LJ * = t -•= •_"_I,'J- •//- .-. -!.•_. THE WEStWaSLD (N. JJXEADER, THURSDAY, MAY 18, 1W7 Page 5 Garden Tour Held Hospital Auxiliaries Engaged Miss Tucker Joins Bride Elect Junior Club Wins Chestnut Hill Alumnae Appear In Recital ' r '*'•' •--.".-> i Winds Up Year Nancy Shenatz atkd Pamela Long- Elect Local Worker genbach of Westfi ^^ By Club Group Peace Corps, To Go State Awards The final meeting of the year for eld and Mrs. Stanley Anderson of West- Rohr of Mountain Urere ^ the Union County GNpter of the the student members j A garden tour was held Monday field was elected vice president and To Thailand The Junior Woman's Club of West- Chestnut Hill College Alumnae of the N conference chairjnafl of the New Music Teachers Assoc4tion {Q ' ; afternoon by the Gardens ires Club fteld received two individual and two Association was held last night at of Weslfield at homes of three of Jersey Association of Hospital Aux- departmental awards at the 40th an- pear in recital Sunday al lhe home iliaries Tuesday at its J9tb annual Jane Tucker, daughter of Mr, and ifoe home of Mrs. Michael Regan, of &s president, Paul Kueter 24 its members. Gardens visited were Mrs. Samuel L. Tucker Jr. has tak- nual spring convention of the N.J. Scotch Plains. those of Mrs. Charles Szymanski, meeting in Atlantic City. She is a State Federation of Women's Ciubs St. Marks Ave. member of auxiliary units at Over- en on the role of teacher amidst her This traditional finale to the year's 240 Rob'm Hood Rd, Mountainside; busy senior year at Cedar Crest Col- last weekend in Atlantic City. 'Mrs. Charles H. Slielfcon, 231 Golf look Hospital and Middlesex General Airs. Albert Martzloff won first activities v.'os followed by a Ohinese Hospital. lege, AHentown, Pa. Her student auction. Plans were made for a Edge, and Mrs. Joseph R Btme- teaching experience with four sev- place in the statewide American detti, 630 Nottingham PI. gift to the college, and for next sea- PfllVATE BEACH • GLORIOUS Over 800 women from 135 auxili- enth grades is significant since she home and gardens department sew- ^mr-7-THE HOTEL A business meeting with refresh- aries throughout the state registered will be using her knowledge id Thai- ing contest for dresses. Carole Plen- son's fund raising project, the sale ments was held at Mrs. Benedetti's for the three-day conference, at- land next fall. As a member ef the ty and Mana Kenny took first places of Christmas cards. home. tending sessions on fund raising, Peace Corps, she will combme her in the sub-junior sewing for dress Warrens Hostesses were Mesdames Herbert health careers, organization and current teaching experience with her and school clothing respectively. ON 1HE QCtAH E membership, psychiatric service, Twig Cooks For Fair F. Sailer Jr., Thornton K, Smith, background in English in a job Mrs. Richard A. Fink received sec- ATTRACTIVE RATES John F. Stanaway and Charles K. shops, volunteers, public relations, which, she hopes, will be useful both ond place award in the Tel-A-Juniar newsletters and publicity. to the people of Thailand and her Casseroles of sweet and sour Write for Brochure gchramm. creative •writing contest for her meatballs were made and frozen Mrs. Walter J. Campbell an- own government. 1 Fin est Spat on th e Jersey Coas\ poem, "My Aim/ A third place Monday hy members of (he Linden nounced a trip Monday for the group award for best all-around work in PRIVATE POOL to the Keane house, Elizabeth, and She notes "This is not an Albert Twig of Muhlenberg Hospital in the f'lirorful rowni-eetUi>K8 fotor- Club Department Slates Schweitzer kind of effort, but our public relations was given to the home of Mrs. Tlwrnss E. Williams, fully apiwinLed. Wonderful Mrs, William H. Bennet revealed fuint, <;nlf. All sportR. Super* services are needed,1* adding "Now IMHACULATA DeMARCO Weslfield club and accepted by Mrs. 641 Knolhvood Tor These will be plans for a plant exchange Tuesday MARTHA JEAN SMITH Anthony Cimei. Tistd arlivitipB for children. Annual Luncheon that I've had twelve weeks of teach- among the items on sale in the FRED 0, COSGRQVE • Owner-Mar. morning at Mrs. Hubert J- Bres- The braille department received a lauer's. The literature and drama depart- Former Resident ing experience in the public schols Nuptials Planned food tent at the fair for the hospi- 261-449-G5EID of Alientown, I see more clearly special award for an outstanding tal to be given June 3 in Plainfield FREE PARKING Looking toward the fall, Mrs. Bres- ment of the Woman's Club of West- case-finding project from the N.J. lauer told of a dessert bridge an<* fie}c| will hold its annual spring than ever that my nest two years in at the Maxon School playground. r Becomes Engaged Thailand will be job-centered, not By Miss DeMarco Commission for the Blind. Thirteen boutique to take place in November. luncheon Monday at 12:30 p.m. in 1 cases and one volunteer were re- Workshops lor the boutique are the clubhouse. Mrs. Clarence Yoder just an 'experience. " Miss Tucker will be assisted by Mesdames An- has found that learning what inter Mr. and Mrs. Frank A DaMarco ferred to the commission by the local scheduled on Mondays throughout Mr. and Mrs. Herbert L. Smith club. Mrs. Wayne Tenneson, who ac- the summer. thony J. Wier, Raymond S. Hoff- of Fair Haven, formerly of Rahway ests and molivaLes students to learn of 335 West Broad St. have an- is the most challenging part of teach- cepted the award, was co-chairman man and Harrison B. Cory as host- Ave,, announced the engagement of nounced the engagement of their esses. ing. daughter, Immaculala to Robert of this group with Mrs. John Meek- Dance Chairman their daughter, Martha Jean, to er. 2nd Lt W. Donald Pickert, sou of When she graduates, 'Miss Tucker Charles Ganw of Rutland, Ver- Larry Imhof of 875 Shadowlawn A program of poetry reading by will receive a teaching certificate mont. A "Meals for Millions'- award of JARVIS Dr. is a chairman for the Catholic members, some accompanied by mu- Mr. and Mrs, William J. Pickert, along with her BA degre, qualifying Miss DeMarco is & graduate of merit was accepted by Mrs. Robert Alumni Club of North Jersey dai^ca sic will follow the lunchepn. Read- of Erdercheim. her for full credentials later if she J. Smith, president, and a;L appreci- tomorrow evening at The Suburban, ers will be Mrs. Albert V. Ward • After graduating from Westfield Holy Trinity High School and the ation award by Miss Lynne Peter- plans to teach in the United States. college of Saint Joseph the Provider. Paramus. and Mrs. Herbert L. Frepwell, High School in 1961, Misa- 'Smith In an early preparation program son, president of the Sub-Juniors. Colonial Dining Room She is an elementary school teacher. attended Betoany College, Bethany, known as Tlie Junior Peace Corps, Mesdames Smith, Tenneson and W. V^' for two years prior to becom- she, last summer, completed her Mr. Garrow is an alumnus of Paul Burton were delegates from ing a stewardess for Delta Air Lines, first 10 weeks of basic training for Mount Saint Joseph Acadamy, Rut- the local club. Also attending were 54 Elm St. Westfield, N. J. Inc. She is presently employed by her work next fall, attending classes land. He is serving as a Petty Of- Mrs, Arthur Fried, advisor from the Electronic Associate, Inc., West from 7;30 a.m. until 5:30 p.m. daily ficer in the United States Navy. Woman's Club; Mesdames Ray Mol- Get acquainted Special Long Branch. at the University of Missouri. Five An August wedding is planned. loyr Blaise A. DeBlass, William Too- p- of those hours were spent in lan- MONDAY: SHOPPERS SPECIAL Lt. Pickert, a graduate of Grove hey, Charles Smith, Jacquie Beckett, guage preparation. Itfartzloff and Cimci. Delegates A In Cniie Complete City, (Pa.) College, attended Prince- Music Students Take ton Theological Seminary, after fin- This surpner Miss Tucker wilj voted support oi a statewide project AH Roasts 1.60 3.10 Save $8.00 on study an additional 10 weeks at the Examinations Given to raise mtmey and perform service ishing Officers' Candidate School. projects for the N.J. Association for Breaded Veal Cutlet, Tomato Sauce 1,35 1.75 Ho Is a company commander, sta- University of Northern Illinois. She By London College tioned at Ft. Monmuulh. does not know at tills time exactly Brain Injured Children. Home Made Meat Loaf, Brown Gravy.-—,. T.25 1,65 what date she will be sent overseas. American Tourister's No date has been set for the Maxine Lillian Shimer, of 2271 Hill Spaghetti with Meat Sauce 1.25 1.65 Ijast year Miss Tucker was an ex- Rd. teacher of piano and bassoon at wedding. change student for a semester at her home and a faculty member oi Chi Omega Slates Final THURSDAY: FAMILT NIGHT Spelman College for women, the old- the Music Department of Montdair Meeting Of Season est cpllege /or Negro women in the State College, presented her students Special Roast (changed each week) ' 1.40 1,75 United States. At Cedar Crest she to Professor Barbara Kirkby-Mason, Single Parents The final meeting until fall of Breaded Ham Steak, Tomato Sauce...... ^... 1,35 1.65 has feeen a member of the concert of Trinity College of Music, London, Northern NGW Jersey Alumnae of phojr and the rcia-drigal singers. She England, to examine their musical Home Made Meat Loaf 1,25 1.65 To Have Picnic is chairman of the honor board and accomplishments. Ohi Omesa will be a picnic and of the Curriculum Committee and a bridge p#rly Friday May 2G, at Children's Dinner 1.00 1.25 Mrs. Howard Sylvester of Altwootl the home of Mrs, Arthur L. Sax- The Single Parents Group, a tlY" member of Who's Who in American Rd. v/as a proctor for the exams Colleges and Universities, ton, Warren. Miss Ruth Anspach FRIDAY: SEAFOOD NIGHT affiliated organization, wilj hold its Monday and Tuesday at the Scotch will be co-hostess with Mrs. Holund family picnic Saturday at Tamaques Plains Baptist Church. F, Hcckcr. Fried Fillet of Sole, Tartar Sauce 1,35 1.75 Park for members and their chil- Students participating were; dren* Mrs. Wilson Named Grade I, Mark Griswold, Mary Mrs, William B. Spencer of Glon Fried Deep Sea Scallops, Tartar Sauce 1.40 1.85 Other events scheduled for the Patricia Torres, Susan Saycr, Cyn- Ridge hus been elected president Breaded Crab Cutlets 1,35 1.75 group are the meeting Friday, May CDA Grand Regent thia Saytsr, Barbara Risher, Linda of the group. 2fl, at which election of officers will Popp, Carole O'Connor, Shir aid Nich- Other officers are Mrs. David Fried Jumbo Shrimp, Cocktail Sauce 1.75 2,25 precede • dancing 8J|tt refreshments olas, Pamela Mauro, Marie Hughes, w Wilsop was elected Lincoln, Summit, 1st vice presi- Broiled Haiibut 5leakr Lemon Butter Sauce..,. 1.45 1.85 find a dinner. June ]}f U» pc Margaret Ciosulil, Peter Confalone, * •- grand regent pf Court Trfpity No. dent ^ Mrs. Dale D. Douglas, Bast \ty folkflirjgjag pnd fencing. Laura Beth Molton, Janis Warner, l 7, Cafchollp Dai|glitpra of America, Robert W-aodbury; Grade II, Claudia Orange, 2nd vice president;; ;Mrs. Members of the clut) jirwst bo the rfecenf meeting in iHb Rescue Perraro, Mary Ellen Clark, Deborah Howard W, Olilsen, Now ProvWence, widowed, diiyorcM *>*" legally ee^- building. • recording secretary; Mrs. Thomas Dinner Served 5 P.M. to 7:30 P.M. FolJ, - Corqliue ; Johnson, Deborah ralqd. Its program is designed to Others, elected were:. Vice ,W fJuinivan, corresponding secre- ptovide so^l contact for.sucii petn teiujteiY Dean. Johnston, Richard Mc- H Luncheon Sarved M;3O to 2 P.M., 80c to $1.25 J*S *+ regent, Mrs. Peter LaUg; tary; Mrs. Oliver 0. Deane, Spring- L. 1 pie who have limited access to more fctahagin, Kathleen Kelly, Lynn Sitek, coup]e-qfleeted groups. Mutual prob- ess, Mrs, Nicholas Ptecopo; finan: Jbdy VcrkouUljs, M"ark Orjiinvokl, field, chapter correspondent; Mrs, lems are shared in discussion groups cial secretary, Mrs. pVan Annette Sliimer; Grade III, Ellen Perry Al. Shoemaker, Wusilfield, and get togethers such as the picnic historian, Mrs. Anthony J Halyorson, Marianne FlaLley, Henry treasurer. by both the parent and thp child who treasurer, Mrs; Vernon Flamraer; Golinski, Katliryn Zickert; Grade ONLY AT ADLER'S monitor, Mrs. Paul Townsend; fien- . , . • . •.'•• : _.^ - • h -- - • - .-•-.,-._ T --'•-- has a one-parent or limited duo- IV, Edward Lambertson, Ellen Eli- tinal, Mrs. Harry Willoughby; ]ec- ades, Judith Mumford, Sandra I • parent association. turer, Mrs. Anthony Checchio; or- Church, Linda Molten, Janet &twud< More information may be obtained ganist, Miss Elizabeth Bonnell; trus- nbk; Grade V, Karen Halvorsentt for men and from the YM-YWCA. tees for three j'ears, Mrs. Kobert Edward Lamberts&n: Grade VI, Byrne and Mrs. James O'-NelH; trus- (bassoon) Paul Griswold. Here's your chance to start your collection of American tee for one year, Mrs. Leo Franco. • - • -• Soloist Chosen Trinity College Music Theory Ex- FINALE Tourlster luggage at great savings. It's the The last study group meeting of aminations will be writLen June 3 - • - • the season will be held Tuesday, in Montclalr. Candidates include: •--v • • For "Creation" June C» at' 1 p.m. In the home of Mrs. Gradel, Linda Popp, Mary Patricia only luggage with exclusive features such as Joseph Brostek, 70 Sandy Hill Kd. Torres, Jams Warner, Carole O'Con- nor, Barbara Rishcr, Laura Beth William R. Aspray of Elizabeth • •jj ^ " ^ ^ foam-rubber handles, stainless steel Molten, Shi raid Nicholson, Richard - '. • • •" • .-*..••'.. i ." /J. .-'•-:•'.--, :V . •> • .• ' will be the tenor soloist in the per- New AJLA Director 1 ' • •• . .. J • • • J - i: r ..' .r i . .i. . . ••• . I J'.l -1 '• 1 Jl . ^ • •- J ; - . • Lander, Susan Sayer, Cynthia Sayer, SATURDAY! "• • •.!. i • i" r r . n . I - ilj .. • . iJ_ I i-f r _ — - . tongue*In-groova closures and non-spring swivel formance of Haydn's "Creation" with Is Speaker Marie Hughes, Pamela Mauro, Peter orchestra (q be performed by the Confalone, Robert Woodbury; Grade

Choral Art Society of New Jersey, Mrs. Hiram D. Black of New ' • -• • -•" ' - '-1- '. '-•- ~~irT ••"'-.;• .-'.-•- • " locks that can't get sprang. Ut Lyn Sitek, Caroline Johnson, June 13 at Roosevelt Junior High Vork City was elected director of Claudia F-erraro, Deborah Fell, .Tody Region III at the 5th annual con- Trim, sleek styling In School. Verkauille, Debcrali Hunter* Ellen • •-• ference of the Association of Jun- _' _^ _ - ^x Mr. Aspry graduated from Sus- Halvorsen, Mark Gri&vvold, Angelo .' i attractive colors^ ior Leagues of America last week CiasulU, Siisan Sayer, Cynthia Say- quohann-3 University with a B. S. in !• ._ • .. in Montreal She was the speaker er, Annette Sliiracr; Grade III, Hen- music education. He has studied ..... voice with Harqld Hedtfpeth, Charles Tuesday at a meeting in Cranford ry Golinski, Marianne Flstloy.'Mary of the provisional members of the Ellen Clark, Kathryn Zickpit, Kath- ' . • • Reading, Giovanni Martnelli and is leen Kelly; Grade IV, Rllen Eliades, currently studying with William Junior League of Elizabeth and Gran ford. Sandra Church, Paul Griswold, Kar- Hess, In the Army, he was a mem- en Halvorsen. ber of the 25th Infantry Division Representing this league at the band in Hawaii. While there he conference were Mrs. Thom&s M, L was also timor soloist at the St. Marshall of 264 W. Dudley Ave., ADLERS Uuebner Jr. of 29 Sunnywood Dr. and Systems, Inc., has been appoin- MANUFACTURING DIAMOND JEWELERS Andrews Cathedral and a membpr ted to the faeult} of the Management IIP NORTH AV£. WEST * of the Honolulu Opera Company. Institute at New York University's L>ully to G::io P To Teach At NYU Won, & PrI. "Til 9 Tile chorus is under the direction Sahoot of .Continuing Eduction.-lie of Mrs. Evelyn Bleeke of WesffieW Robert E. Gilbert, of -746 Knoll will teach "Introduction to Pro- who is also director of the chorus wood Terrace financial systems ad grarqming Electronic Data-Proces- of ths Opera Theatre of New Jersey. ministrator for li^SO sing Systems."


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\ THE THURSDAY, MAT 18, 13CT Aldea Mrs. John H. Wachterr a Hospital Day Sunday of Mrs. F. L. F%dh, 958 Willow day we request that news items Mayflow^Kin descendant of Franrs Cooke, is ban- Mrs. Gleeman Lead Grove Kd. and the telephone com- Early News Copy and pictures for publication in dling publicity. At Lyons Newcomers mittee will gattier at ttie same hour Memorial Day will be cele- the June 1st issue of the Leader To Among those planning to attend In Cranford Play Sunday will be Hospital Day at in the home of Mrs. C. R. Huff, brated Tuesday, May 30. As the be submitted as early as pos- from this area are Mrs. Gsgood S- Lyons Veterans Administration Hos- Events 763 Clerk St. whose assistants will Leader office will be closed that Rogers of Fanwood, former assistant pital, .Families and friends are in- be Mrs. Edward O'Dgnnell aad Mrs. P.- Quiff Haddonfifild, hu- general; Mrs. Christian Oehler, Mra. Mrs. Allen Gleeman of 312 Rogers manist, CiESU^P'T engineer, inven- Ave. is playing the leading female vited to visit for a tour of the facil- Win. Scanlsn. tor andautiirM "La^er of Hope," Richard A. Barker, Mr. and Mrs. William Y. Wallace, Miss Wallace, role in the Cranford Dramatic Club's ities. The Newcomers Clut) house and Wednesday evening the reading will be Saturday at the Mrs. Harold C. Peckham and Mr, current production of "A Shot in the Annual awards will be presented garden committee will meet in the club will assemble in the home of sprug meeting of the So- Dark," a mystery-comedy adapted at a short formal program at 1:30 in YWCA today at 12:45 when Mrs. Mrs. R. Alien Claxton, 157 Lincoln and Mrs, Wachter, ajl of Westiield. 41 Monday Nite ower Descendants in from the French by Harry Kurnitz. Jtjim Qulgley of Summit, formerly the amphitheater. Mrs. Norman Orr George Rogers of Jane Smith will Rd., at 8:30 to discuss Hie Green Jersey at the Upper It will be staged ttiis weekend and of 13U1 Rahway Ave., a member of Beret." The regular evening bridge ntry Club. Presiding of Weslfield, governor of the N. in the clubhouse, 7B Winans speaic on china, linenT and crystal IS FAMILY SHOPPING NIGHT Society of Founders and Patriots of the Garden Club of New Jersey wiU table settings. Hostesses Mill begroup will play in the home of Mrs. Lelloy Bates, gov- Ave., Cranford. be awarded a certificate of merit for John Richards, 645 Arlington Ave., IN 376-jncmber organiza- America, will be among fch*»sehon - Mrs. Richard Fansin, Mrs. John ored at the speaker's table. In the demanding portrayal & 300 hours of service as will Mrs. Umfoerger, and Mrs. Dewey Lund. at 8:30. Josefa, the ebullient suspect in the Harold Tulchin of Mountainside for Tickets are still available for the WESTFIELD iscendaats of the May- murder case, Mrs. Gleeman is doing 100 hours of volunteer work. The ladies bowling group will meet June 3 ball at the Plainfield Coun- ngers, who landed at Pi Beta Phi Dinner ner first major production for the tomorrow morning at 9:45 at Clark try Club from Mrs, Michael Sheri- MOST STORES OPEN TIL Mass,, in 1620, meet twice Cranford club, although she has done Lanes. At 7:30 p.m. the couples get- The Weslfield Area Alumni Club assembly work and experimental Zeta Tau Alpha dan, 541 Fairmont Ave. or Mrs. perpetuate to a remote together group will go to Ihe Stock- Ronald Horst, 302 Harrison Ave. the memory of their Fil- of Pi Beta Phi will hold a dinner workshop productions. Miss Ruth A. Edge, an interior holm Restaurant, Route 22, Somer- &thers ... to cherish and party for husbands Saturday at She appeared recently wiLh Flain- decorator, will be guest speaker at vHIe for a smorgasbord dinner. The the ideals and institutions 7 p.m. in the home of Mrs. Albert field's Parish Players in "The Days the monthly meeting of the Union couples novice bridge group trill P.M. freedom . . . and to Driver, 549 Tremont Ave. and Nights of Bee Bee Fenster- County Zeta Tau Alpha Alumnae play tomorrow at 8:15 p.m. in the To Establish Memorial (PARK FREE JN W«TFIEU> AFTER 6 P.M.) it the spirit ,the purity of pur- Any Pi Phi's in Uie area who msker" and prior to thai with the Tuesday evening at 8 p.m. in the home of Mr. ani Mrs, Richard steadfastness of will of the have not been contacted jand wish Foothills Playtoouse, In November home of Mrs, William Davis, 553 Whitehead, 9oa Franklin Ave., and A memorial to the late Robert im Fathers to those who come to attend may rrtake arrangements local audiences saw her in "Dark of Lenox* Ave. Miss Kathy Trenner Dr. and Mrs. Frank Daniher, 214 Dvorin has been decided upon by Dresden Hat Mpre Of Everything Nice by calling the chairmen, Mrs. Robert the Moon'* presented by the Commu- of Westfield, president, will con- St. Paul Street. the B'nai B'rith Lodge which tie Sach fall the society promotes the nity PJayers servied as vice president until his To Beautify Your Home Schwartz and Mrs. Arthur Assman, i tervance of Compact Day, Nov. 21, duct election of new officers. Tuesday at 12:45, Mrs, William who will assist the hostess, Mrs, Gleeman's stage credits in- death. The memorial wil be a grove New Jersey communities and do- clude three years with the Lansing Further information can be ob- Daly oF 303 Roanoke Rd.( school chil- provisation Players and work in of Scotch Plains, program chair- group. The evening novice bridge led by Herbert Ross, 1606 Rising 9 Elm St., N«ar North Av«. dren studying American history. Twig V of Overlook Hospitel will radio. man. group will meet at 8:30 in the home Way, Mountainside. In charge of reservations for Sat- meet Tuesday morning at 9; 15. Hos- urday's luitcheon is Miss Isabel tess in her home will be Mrs. John Wallace, a lineal descendant of John Hackney, 2086 Dogwood Dr. Smoked Bacon 69cIb. tempt/ BACKYARD Jane* Sautag* Links 99c Ib. Roasting Chickens ...... ,59clb. Long Island Ducks 59c Ib. Turkey Breast ...... 89clb. lewelry sale Fresh Turkeys .59clb. ANTIQUE / COSTUME / SILVERWARE Saturday, May 20 Shop Your Local J&M Market OUR MEATS ARE JUST WONDERFUL Prices Are Right — Top Quality 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. If W» Havin't Got It — It Just Doesn't Grow We Appreciate Your Business All proceeds to further the charitable work of APPETIZING DEPARTMENT NEW EYES FOR THE NEEDY Kitchen Fr»sh — Every Dpy Virflinla Ham ." V* Ib, We Super 549 Mlllburn Avenue / Short Hills, N. J- Genuine Polish Cooked Ham Vilb. 99c Dolkiqus Rare Roast Beef _ Vilb. 99c Market TRY OUR FAMOUS HOME MADE POTATO SALAD - CHOPPED SLAW 856 MOUNTAIN AVE. Very Tasty — D elk to us ^ Oppoiita National Bank BBqBSBMHBHeMVe^BBl German Style Bologna 79c Eb. Lean Cooked Corned Beef _ Vilb. 1.59 Thank you, John and Mabel Lorton First rViie Heod Cheese Vilb.59c Italian Hard Salami ^ Vilb. 89c Fr«h|y Slited Dried Beef Vilb.59c White M*«l Chicken Roll %lb.59c Whole, only 29c Ib. Fint Prtie, Chopped Ham _ _ Vilb. 59c • n -- r Grilling Franks, taity ..59c Ib. j Steer Baby Beef Liver 59c IL Lebanon .Bologna Vi Ibi F Fresh Chicken Livers 59c Ib ALL FRESH CUT MEATS Sirloin Steaks, Choice 89c Ib. NO ENDS - CENTER CUT - DELICIOUS Porterhouse Steaks 99c Ib. Delicious Smoked Tongues 69c Ib. Genuine London Broil 1.49lb. J&M's Famous Hamburger 3 lbs. 1.99 Smoked Pork Goodies, First Prize 79c Ib. Fresh Produce U. S. Choice Ribs of Beef 79c Ib. .-T . Boneless Pot Roast 79c Ib. Iceberg Lettuce Sirloin — Solid Round Pot Roast 99c Ib. CALIFORNIA - NONE Ige.

•rv r- •>••-. PRICED HIGHER! head I Land o' Lakes Butter 69c Ib. FROZEN FOODS Large Fresh Eggs t 9 If doz. 59c Fresh Tomatoes c Unox Pork Loin Roll .3 lbs. 2,99

r Ige. size Stouffer's Chicken, Turkey, Beef Pies . . 49cea. r'' FLORIDA— NONE L T PRICED HIGHER! ctn. 3 to 4 Stouffer's Macaroni and Cheese ... . . 3pkgs.$l S. S. Pierce Green Peas 35c Tropicana Orange Juice .,..,,,... .3 qts. 89c ;#fc Corners ' S. S. Pierce Spinach, Chopped or Leaf 25c m Sara Lee Pound Cake ....., 59c

Raw Oysters can 89c • ; - Fabric Cucumbers Orieda French Fries lb.29c Parkay Oleo ...... /./...... 4 lbs. $1 FLORIDA-NONE Q extra Oreida Cottage Fries Ib. 29c i -.1 -,1 Delicious Cottage Cheese # 4 t + I t , •, . Ib. 29c Sale at PRICED HIGHER! O Ige.size Oreida Potato Puffs lb.29c I Florida Orange Juice + 6-$1 Delicious Ricotta pkg.69c WORLD'S FINEST STRAWBERRIES Sara Leo Butter Gems 39c SINGER! Jumbo Size — Fresh Daily Sara Lee Parkerhouse Rolls 39c Alderney Milk 1 gal. 89c Mrs, Smith's Apple Pies 99c The Best Country Milk CANTALOUPES, Ripe Jumbo 49e s SINGER* Super Prints Florals, abstracts and pais- leys in 100% rayon. 45" DELICIOUS YELLOW CORN wide. , RegJl.19 Savarin Coffee Jl lbs. T.49 Orange Juice, No. 5 - ^ 3-B9c Progress© Olive Oil 99c Dundune Prints • r Floral*, stripes, abstracts In Domino Sugar 5 lbs. 59c .R> Radi Tea ^.qt.69c Tomato Sauce 10-$l 60% ZANTREL rayon, 50% * cotton. 45" wide. " * Chock Full o' Nuts Jl lbs. 1.59 Big Scott Towels 29c P. of F. Tomatoes 3-50c College Inn Tomato Juice -3-$l Reg. *1.98 NOW Sacramento Tomato Juice „— 6-99c Mandarin Oranges 4-85c

Welch's Tomato Juice „ 3-$1 i Country Cousins Kennel Ration ; 6-87c Pineapple Juice 4-$l Soft canvas fook In E0& _ ^ W.R. Prune Juice „ ,. 3-$l AVRIL rayon, 50% cotton. An Mott's Apple Sauce 5-B9c 45" Wide*, Mil Giant Sodas _5-$l V ™O f IQ lUv 4FIIJ|III|JII P*f»rl« P* mm mil »HnHIIIIMH I»V 7 W Grapefruit- Sections, W.R. . . M.29 W.R. Kidney Beans -•"imtti Purex Bleach gpl. 49c

Hoffmann's Mayonnaise...... gal. 2.B9 Icy Point Salmon .._ I •• I •****»•• t !•• And you'fl find all iha newest patterns, Regular Tide .„..._„ -...29c zippers, thread, and tape at your nearest Black Eye Peas ...2-3 5c G,G. Peas _ 4-89c • SINGER CENTER-plus all the expert Cold Power „ pkg. 69c sewing advice you might need! Le Suier Sweet Peas .._ - 29c G.M. FJour „ ...._ 5 lbs* 59c • Rent a SINGER* sewing machine today. Ask about the monthly rental planl Can Hominyr 2n -*4,.- 23c Niagara Spray Starch 49c W.R. Tuna n»+ - - - •- - - «.»-Ui.**i - . 3-$l

Wtat'i new for tomorrow is at SIN C E R today!* B&M Beansy giant »— 69c Del Monte Drink ..n.^-95c Mustard „-.„ .C|t. jor 29c Hunt's Peaches ... .4-$1 P^eifer Russian-Dressing ...— 45e SINGER Premier Mayonnaise Fruit Cocktail _ 3-$1 H-C Drinks _ „ _ 3-99c Heinz Catsup , ._ _ 3-89c 62 ELM STREET W O pone 39c 1 Spfflower Oil 49c • W • 1 CU* JllllllllHljJlllJ •••••<•****•••••»•• •w^«a*hl.^# W** Del Monte Punch ....-, 3-$l WESTFIELD Chock Full o* Nuts Coffee ..... 79c Del Monte Orange Drink — 3-$l FREE BOX "A Trademark of THE SINGER COMPANY PEANUT BRITTLE W.R. Sliced Beets - ~ 8-$1 ALPO BEEF with 5.00 order or over 39 Sklppy Peanut Butter .„._..- _...39c Buy Now — 2-49c rm wtmrmw Mrs. Mol To Head New Wedding Guests Alexander. Coyle of Haven Music Week Noted and Mr, and Mrs. Karl Uebehiwr of Members Group Out of tow^Suests attending the Pforzheim, Germany. eastern pa At Library Officers for the coming year far wedding Saturday of Miss Pamela morriatown nj new members department of theS. Lally and William Burbage in- green wich ctinn The Musical Club of Westfield, Woman's Club of Westfield wffl be cluded Capt. and Mrs. Paul H. Bowdoin Club Speaker in cooperation with. \he Westfield installed Tuesday at the annual Burbage III, brother and sister-in- Public Library, has agaic provided luncheon at 12:30 p.m. in Sleepy law of the groom, and their chil- Glenn K- Richards, alumni Secre- a display at the library celebrating Hollow Inn, Scotch Plaiiis. dren, Richard and Paul of Moody tary of Bowdoin. College, will be the National Music Week. Mrs. Sylvia Mrs. Albert Mol will be seated as Air Force Base, Valdosta, Ga; Drgues. t speaker tomorrow at the an- nual dinner meeting and ladies' •«y. y lt>cal artist, Hilda Stemon, also reservations. an active member of Lhe Musical BOX Club, who has used the medium of paper sculpture to create a dancing Martha Gerhart figure representing the unity of the It's tlmo you started thinking about putting your winter clothes arts. Adjacent to the sculptured figure will be found records, musical !s Accompanist away for the summer. Be sure now, and not sorry in the fall. % scores, and books on musk which Miss Marta Gerhart, daughter ••*?*• the library has available for loan to the piiblic. of Mr. and Mrs. Paul L. Gerfiart of Why take unneccessary chances and contend with cramped Lenox Ave, W0& Ihe accompanist 100% HUMAN HAIR Each year during the month of closets. We'll take your clothes and all the problems off your •t; for Norman Dee, young New York May, ttie Westfield Musical Club winning flutist and guest artist for hands. First we'll clean your clothes and moth proof them. They'll urges residents to take advantage Che Ridgewood Choral annual spring of the opportunities available in concert. WIGLETS theri be safely stored in their boxes. In the fall when you want this area for both performing and An artist in her own right, Miss \U M*fc, iM them, we'll have them freshly pressed and waiting for you, hearing music. Especially at this Gerhart is a giiaduate of the Univer- tali wlgfefi t time of year our schools and church- sity of Colbredo,. College of Music, •MM* es offer concerts open to the public, Where she received ;her master's A word of caution! Do not put your clothes away for the summer and local choral and symphonic degree. She is now accompanist and , unjeps they are thoroughly cleaned. Larvae feast on soil in groups h-ave scheduled Spring per- vocal coach* ht the-'Julliard School, IT'S NCWt formances, carrying out the 196«n7 d was heard last year In the clothes, and whUe they are reputed to like only wool, they'll National Music slogan, "Music Is Vivian Beaumont Theatre of Lincoln THE chew synthetic fabrics to get the food from the stains. • for Everyone". Center playing* the incidental music to their production or* "Country 1 NJMTA Artists Wife. ' Box-Storage Insurance is available at 2 per cent of evaluation. All Music Instructors Open 7 A.M. to 7 P.M. Monday thru Saturday. Same Day Dry- To Recite Invited To Conference cleaning At No Extra Charge. greed dff dH A recital by artfst members of Suburban Symp&wny Guild outdootB*.. the N.J, Music Teachers Association cordially invites all music teachers, la lit YMI can mm t •tmmt will be given Sunday at 4:30 p.m. inpublic or private, to a conference summer-dctlvn, pick nicking, the studio of association president, Sunday, May 28 at the Westfield hamrriock^Wln^ing . < » Paul Kueter, 424 St. Marks Ave. Per- Tennis Club, to gather suggestions AHIHAAD Heri House's great as alt forming will be Grace Hull, Joan and information to promote the outdoors selection* of Stein, Walter Legawiec and Mrsymphony'. s Young People's Con- WIGS VILLAGER and LADYBUG Kueter, cert Series to be given next sea- Bermudas. Prett/ prints Miss Stein, pianist, will perform son. avenue* classic checks, solids. $12. Chopin's "Impromptu in F sharp There will be a presentation of Sizes 5-15 and 6-16. major, Op, 36" and "Sonata in Dchamber music shortly before the 210 BROAD STREET major" by Harold Shapero, Grace 1967 Bask solid color oxford conference begins. Refreshments Hull will play "Three Preludes" by will be served at 7:30 p.m., com- ELIZABETH cloth long sleeve button- Deltas, and Beethoven's "Sonata in down shirts are $6. E minor, Op. 90." Mr, Kueter, pian- pliments of the guild. ist, and Mr. Legawiec, violinist, Sandals? VILLAGER, $13. will perform Mozart's "Sonata in minor, K 304," the Suite, "From Carmel" by Mr. Legawiec, and "An- dante" by Mr. Kueter. Members of the association and guests may reserve concert seats by v • calling Mrs. Elma Adams of Crnn- ford. 106 OUIMBY STREET J 1 In Colonial W«tfi#(d B'nai B'rith Cabaret -' L. .'• v^vV^O^ "/ •• ••"'-• ^ . • . • Shop Dally 10-5:30 The Westfleld-Mwirttalnside Area ti'hdl D'ritM held dtt Israeli Cabaret Mtin. & hi, ev* 'ill 9 Nitc last flight at its meeting at PHARGfci tJNl-CARO femfrk EttiatwMl featuring Israel folk dancfnHp^m lhsthft'tibn tfM Alan Goldstein,and UttusuaTIsraeli food. It wits scheduled ns a salute to

"i " KIDS! WIN THIS SURREY lush, sculptured Installed,.. CONTEST

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Cushioned with heavy waffle pad!

Koos famed tackless installation!

Get it all for 6.66! Easy terms!

- -1 USUALLY 9.50 §Q. YD*. ,. now 6.66, complete! The chance you've been waiting for, you simply can't top it anywhere! Plump, quality Nylon, well worth the 9,50 it usually sells for . . .now you can have it for 6.66 sq, yd In- cluding Koos famous tackless installation over heavy duty waffle padding. Just think of it! A typical 12x15' living room lavishly carpeted wall-to-wall for less Tbf famous Gya-Emdy than $135 ... you can carpet living room, dining room and foyer and save well over $100! If you're thinking of wall-to-wall carpeting sometime in the next year it'll pay you to do it now! Stop at your nearest Koos . . . Tomorrow, or any doy with tbs firings on Up! or evening this week ... and see this value! Sturdy, handsome continuous fila- ment Nylon by a famous maker, in a smart hi-lo loop pile, tightly woven for years Fill In niii III-IIIIY Anil I1p|H)Klt At Our Store* of hard wear, even in heavily trafficked hallways! Spills jusr blot away, spots GYM DANDY SUII1IKY FIIE1S UNTllY lll-AMt sponge off without a trace. So resilient, it bounces back from the heaviest foot- prints, installed, over bouncy 43-oz. waffle padding . . . tackless installation, of tltlilt course, with Koos' legendary craftsmanship for that poured-in-place-look! Choose from six exciting colors! Old Gold, Olive, Surf Green, Mandorin Red, Royal -fV 1-f 1-f it t'-M CTfl «••• I. • *• !•••• I • k •• I Blue, Grecian Gold! Bring your approximate room measurements, let Koas take care'of the rest! Yes. Koos' easy terms are available for this special sale. tu win Jtis* n'Rlflti'r — no imrchiute DRAWING JULY 3rd AIA 4 STORES OPEN EVENINGS!

... A Shop Devoted Exclusively to the Fitting of Children's Shoes . . . HflNW'CIIIIHfiE 17 EtM ST. 233-7172 WEStFIELD RAHWAY, ROUTE 27, FU 8-3700 FREEHOLD, ROUTE 9, PHONE HO 2-0323 Opan Monday Evening PARS1PPANY, RT. 46, DE 4-4100* TRENTON, ROUTE 1, PHONE TU 2-6880 Page 8 THE WEST-FIELD ' bowling at Clark Lanes Wednesday two sisters, Flainfield Country Club, 9 p.m. Mi-1 mornings at 9:30; bridge Wednesday * + * $2,000. Thai's because we import our at 12:30 in the home of Mrs. Arthur Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Hingel of 3,4—Temple Emanu-EI dramatic own distinctive stones and make our SUITS Beindorff; golf Mondays at 1 p m. 128 E. Broad St. became parents group production, temple audito- Miay 8 at Overlook Hospital of & t* own mountings in our own workshop. BEAUTIFULLY CLEANED AND PRESSED and Tuesdays at 9 a.m. at Scotch rium, 6:30 p.m. i •• baby boy. Ifc* • ••* So you get the greatest selection. You Hills; knitting and sewing Tuesday * * * at the home of Mrs, Robert 8—Youth and Family Counselling also get the finest quality diamond maun. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Fedowitz Jr. Service of St. Paul's Church, of Cypress. Calif, announce the picnic, home of Mrs. James rings at surprisingly modest cash birth, April 21, of their second son, Sasso. prices, No wonder we've been a ANY MEN'S OR LADIES' John Andrew Gilbert. Mrs. Fedowllz 10—Westfleld Service League "Carib- girl's (and a man's) best WEDDINO RECEPTIONS is the former Jayne Gilbert, daugh- bean Clambake," home of Mr. friend for over three SOCIAL FUNCTION5 ter of Mr. and Mrs, Zelmer Gilbert and Mrs. Paul R. Cory, 6 Kim- COAT or SUIT of Fpowood. Paternal grandparents PIANO RECITALS ball Cir, 4:30 p.m. generations. are Mr. and Mrs. FcdowiU of Scotch STOKED ft INSURED for $25 MEETINGS Plains. 13—Choral Arts Society of New Jer- PLUS CLEANING CHARGE

• * * * sey, Roosevelt Junior High EXCESS VALUATION 1% BOX STORAGE Railway Hospital was the birth School, ti:30 p.m. iTORE ALL YOUR WINTER WOOLENS ANY Woman's Club place of Kelly Ann Fischer, daugh- 20—Edison Junior High School com- thU economical way! Skirt*, Jackets, . . ow •ttEsTBimi.n ter of Mr. and Mrs, Wllhelm C. mencement exercises, Senior Snow Suiti, Sweater*, Home hold Items Fischer of 550 Woodland Ave., High School, 7 p.m. Menufachiring Diamond Jewelars FUR COAT ... ANYTHING «xc«pt fur, fur »rimm*d 31ft S. EUCUD AVE. Mountainside, who arrived April 22. 219 North AVG. West • Wsttfleld STORED ft INSURED for (50 25 Knopf Street • Linden coats and heavy coat*. 233-7160 233-1821 She is their third child and second 20—Roosevelt Junior High com- EXCESS VALUATION 1% daughter. Her moUicr is the former mencement exercises, Senior STORED IN OUR VAULTS Jill Lemmenman, daughter of Mr. High School, 8 p.m. CRAM IT FULL! and Mrs, Henry Leirunertnun of -99 Mountain Ave,, Mountainside. FUR COAT 2% of Valuation CLEANED 1 GLAZED Plus Cleaning Charge$ COMING EVENTS 26th PINGRY SUMMER SESSION F t A • J P N r June 26-August 4, 1967 ;H I MAY 1967

s M T w T F s :T**t - 1 2 3 4 5 6 REGULAR ACADEMIC SPECIAL COURSES 1>AV CAM* 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Grades 3-12 Psychology—Great Books Ages 5 to. 14 lA|; L- ( f 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Review—Pr«vi«w—Credit 3D Art—Computer Math Two swims daify 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 English—Science—History Typing—Drama Sports—Games Shop-Art—Models—Crafti R V 1 2B 29 30 31 ^ Foreign Languages—Math Study Techniques Metropolitan Adventures - - READING CLINIC TENNIS CLINIC -,M DkY CLFANiNfi H. SHIWT t A > ' N !) t k i N . . Public Speaking Advanced—Remedial Composition Beginners—Intermediates 18—-Wcstfield Art Association, in- Developmental Individual or group lessoni NO EXTRA CHARGE in this stallation of officers, dinner- 3 or 6 week course SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM TESTING DEPARTMENT meeting. Advanced Chem. & Biol. TRANSPORTATION Aptitude—Psychological quiet 13—Antiques department, Woman's Summer Theater- • Club Country Auction, club- house, 11 a.m. • DRIVE-IN place... GARWOOD 19—Westfield Service League, an- PINGRY SCHOOL, 215 North Avenue, Hillside STORE nual meeting luncheon, Echo Lake Country Club, 10:30 a.m. Telephone: 355-6990 20—20th reunion, Westfield High

a book may he read that can lead yon back to health CONFUS You may liftve passed by this quiet place many times-but havo acver entered itYctliero in this peaceful room, ready for you to read, is a book that IIHH restored health to many If your problem is financial, this is a perfect time for —that has renewed and strengthened them us they have learned to nndcrstaud Gad as the source of their well-being. It can do this for National Bank to lend you a hand. you. The place is the Christian Science Reading Roam; the book. Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures by Mary Baker Eddy, STOP in either office and Stop at a Christ inn Science Reading Room scan; read the Bible and Scicnceand Health in the quiet, undisturbed at- mosphere provided for you. WATCH us come up with a solution! Borrow this book, free of • charge. Or bujr it for yourself. Library Edition $4, Paper- back Edition $1.96. Christian Science READING ROOM

116 QUIMDY STREET WESTFIELD NATIONAL BANK Hours: 10 to 4;30 WESTFIELD MOUNTAINSIDE Also Monday, 7 to 9 Information concerning frco public lectures, church services and Sunday school is also avail- Member Federal Dtpwii Zti*iu«nce Corporaiion able. •• •• .'• - ^ THE WESTFIEU) purp- weekend. summer school will be held at of the Vietnam war is being Camp Lejeune, N. C. oses and effects of management at administration building, Warinoneo family education currieuknn for On Saturday, Robert Denning, Park, Elizabeth, 8:30 a.m. eighth grade pupils consisting of five Beecfcwood School starting June %$ for June 9 by the Scotch Prior to joining the Marine Corps the lop level. sessions which started Friday. and ending July 28. Plains-Fanwood Clergy and Laymen he attended Westfield High School While attending the seminar, Elizabeth, will lead a six-niile after- For further information concerning The board approved a one-year Concerned About Vietnam. and also one year at the University Ober will also ilrave program re- noon ramble in the Watctaig Reser- At fche same time, ihe board ap- pilot program in piano instruction of Tennessee. vation. The group will meet at the proved a community service pro- The group met May at the borne sponsibilities for recreation sessions. as part of ihe regular third grade Following his leave he will be Each delegate must carry out a Seeley's Pond parking area at 1 p.m. gram to 'be 'held €tt Deerfield School curriculum. Also approved was the of Rev. Keith Barlow, Mountain stationed at Memphis, Tenn., where Also on Saturday, Bobert Ge&ser, Tuesday, at 8 p.m. on "sex edu- Ave, and Forest B4., Scotch Plains. duty related to maintaining #he c..- appointment of Dr. Theodore Lorenc he will attend Marine Aviation program. Annadale, will lead a fourteen-mile cation as part of family life." T^ie as school doctor at a salary of $850; Speakers at the forum will be a School for training in one of hike iii tlie area of Stokes State guest speaker will toe the Rev. Frank Dr. Irwin Greenbaum, school den- member of the State Department, than 25 aviation schooEs. Forest and High Pointt. The hikers McNulty of Darlington Seminary. and Rev. Chartes Tait of bhe Ameri- ! tist, $800 and Drr Albert Bramberg, will meet at the administration build- Following 'his talk, a panel will consulting school psychiatrist at a can Friends Service Committee, who Accepts $100,000 ing of The Union County Park Com- make comments on his remarks fee of $25 per tiour. formerly worked in intelligence re- $450 YM Grant mission, Warinaneo Park, Elizabeth, and then the audience will be invited Prior to the FTA meeting on May search for the State Department. at 8 a.m. lo ask questions. The panel will in- In Crash Suit 25 at Deerfield School, the board The Scotch Plains group K joining clude Dr. Jane Spragg, WesUieid will conduct an open house to show Awarded Ober Mrs. Margaret M. SchaUer, 34- physioian; DeForest Tinkler, youth with other groups concerned about car and collided 'head-on with the parents the relocatable classrooms tihe war In circulating a petition year old mother and former West- director at the Wesifield YMOA and at the school. David J. Ober Westfield High field resident, agreed in Union station wagon. a psychologist yet to be named. called "Negotiation Now." The School junior and son of Mr, and County Court to accept $100,000 for Mrs. Sehaller, who now lives at Dr. Levin B. Hairigan, superin- Ochrenyk In Vietnam petition calls for U, S. support of Mns. David Ober of 530 Wells St., is injuries she suffered three years G3 Upper Lake view, Riugwood, tendent of schools, noted that the U Thant's proposals for new initiat- the recipient of the Westfield YMCA ago -when a tractor-trailer smashed suffered injuries of the head, neck subject matter has created local, Scotch Plains — Army Specialist ives to bring about a political set- $450 business management school head-on into her station wagon in and back, multiple lacerations and state and national attention recently Four Raymond J. Ocbratyk, 20, son tlement in Vietnam, for a cessation scholarship. E, Broad St., WestfieLd. a fracture of the pelvis. She and and the state has recommended of Mrs. Mary Ochrenyk, 1800 Front of the bombing of North Vietnam, The announcement was made by her children, who received head A Tlie settlement was reached as such courses in the schools. He said St., recently returned to the 1st In- and for North Vietnam and ttie NJLF, Rtfbert R, Barrett Jr., president of trial of Mrs. Schaller's suit was in Injuries, were admitcd to Overlook the local public school and Our Lady fantry Division base camp near as well as South Vietnam, to respond the its fifth day before a jury and Dis- Hospital, Summit. of Lourdes Parochial School have Di An, Vietnam, from "Operation arfirmatively to

i. .


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Hahne & Company Westfield £ •", . fm :>fW for the beUmnaat "upgrade" if a depression local Bepublicans z* well as state oped, however, i& a fetish of keep- •were to rear its ugly head, after officials, Mr. Webster's deep concern ALL I SAID WAS, „ NOW, ing the budget so low that it can be Election Day, of course, for people has resulted in his making " HELLO, LARRK'- SEOR<3E, passed with minimal effort and sup- ^ In any event, with galloping infla- a substantial contribution to the solu- AND HE IGNORED ME/ port. This has become the justifica- tion, how much will be necessary tion of several community problems. CUII po*t*f* paid fct W«*tA#ld N. J. H5'S tion £or eliminating many necessary to "upgrade the diet" of these 8,000 d Thursday a &t Weetaeia. Nefw J*rs*y, by the Wut expenses so that we now find our- In choosing a. candidate for the l*ld leader Printing- amd PubliaJalB* Company. A» Indep*od#*t MY OWN SON — Busy individuals by May, 1968? It could Third Ward Council representative, (tewipaper. HE'S ASHAMED selves behind our former equals in be $30, maybe $15. Official Pftpw for tb« Taw* of WeetSeld and Borough oi PLAYING saJary, in use of computers, in equip- the Republican leaders denied Mr. t&lnside, OFME.i THE ment, and in numbers of specialists. Observe that food stara^js are not Webster his rightful place on the p»r year !• advance. IS.00 out of county. GAME? The situation will be even worse available enly for welfare cases. ballot Why? He has the time, re- Offlc«: 60 UITO Street, Westfleia, N, J. Any certified "have-not" can partici- sources, background, experience TftL AD %-iim — AD 8-4408 next year. Member pate in the program. Once the tax- (former Councilman in Camden), y "Weeklies of New But J have faith in the Westfield payers become accustomed to the education and a distinguished repu- ew Jersey Press Aseociat iomal Editorial Asaocl&tio* voter. I feel that if &e tax payer principle of having what they have tation throughout the corognunity. knew how IBV l>ehind we reajly are, saved by thrift and self-denial tax- Why, with those qualifications, was publl.h.r how close we are to falling to a sec- ed away from them to "upgrade the Mr. Webster shunned by the Repub- ROCEB.T B, . Editor end rate sysetem, he would be will- diet" o£ the "have-nots," what will lican Party? Because he committed ,•**•» ing to support a budget large enough foe next? -Why not "housing stamps" the disastrous blunder of being bom far increased salaries and increased ior the "ilWioused11—who made such a Negro, expenses in other aress as well. a good campaign slogan for P. D.

*-•. .-.• This rejection is Mr. Webster's THURSDAY, MAY 18f 1907 . . After all, many of them have moved Roosevelt thirty years ago? And v (ft to Westfield laecause of the excel- "clothing stamps" for the "ill-reward far dedication, responsibility lent school system. May I, there- clothed"? and accomplishments in the name of .1 - r . •.: - -• i . -• 1 •-:•.'.•.-.'.- -.-i the Republican Party. This is the Lock Out Thieves i'.'. .':' - <- fore, respectfully suggest that the This is the typical technique of •-:•.•• •"-" shameful disgrace trf our town Re- ". i • i \ i board pass next year's budget, not • -.'... i .i.. -- , • L _'_-_'.l' socialism, to strip from the indus- publican leaders ^bo re/used Mr. Authorities agree that car-stealing is primarily a crime THE AGE WHEN A PLAYER by making It ridiculously low and trious and prudent whatever they inadequate, but instead pass it Webster party recognition and back- of young men. It is also a crime of opportunity. Young men DOESN'T WANT TO BE have managed to acquire, and re- ing. Their act, however, follows an EMBARRASSED IN FRONT through a vigorous program of edu- duce them io the level of the Ira- steal cars because car owners make is easy for them to, cation and voter involvement, as has established pattern, evidenced by the OF I- 15 TEAMMATES provident Have a Food. Stamp, fact that in the past few elections do so; they leave their keys in the ignition or they leave the been done in our neighboring com- friend! M '"W munities, they have managed to select candi- ignition in the "on" position. JOHN H. WACHTER dates whose qualifications and ex- The car owner who makes it easy for an irresponsible JOHN S. ELDEH 550 Clark St. perience never came ciose to those boy to steal his ear is contributing directly to the theft President of WEA of Mr, Webster. the next meeting of Westfield 'Principle' We all, of course, now know Mr. problem, Apart from his or her own personal loss, Incon- s Corner CMizens Concerned which takes its Food Stamps •i venience* and expense—for almost every stoles car that form as a debate. The Government's Editor, Leader; Webster's one unpardonable sin, Editor, trader; is recovered has been damaged to some extent—the care- views will Iw presented by Mr. T. J, Recently Amos Webster of H8 WIUJAM BOWERS less driver is tempting some young person to steal on TRYING FOK A SEKIOUS MOMENT Devine, who often speaks at thy The welfare state marches on! Windsor Ave, resigned from the Re- SHIRLEY BOWERS request of the State Department and I have studied the release you pub- publican Party of Weslfield. He did JESSIE B. MARVIN impulse, He is contributing to the high cost of police work also by a Defense Department film, lished on May 4t 1967 relative to so as a matter of principle. His basic HAft&Y H. EPPS • in tracing stolen cars, Finally, he is helping drive the cost: "Why Vietnam?" The opposing view food stamps to lie issued monthly to integrity required such an act so ADA h, EPPS coneept of the federal government having ffie responsibility to 11 oi automobile insurance upwards. provide in somo degree for the financial security, opportunity and physical will bs presented by Mr. T. J. Farcy approximately 3,000 '•eligible in- that he might retain some degree of JOSEPH THORNS ot Columbia University and a short "KAIiPH E. JEFFERSON Though the economic loss from auto thefts is stag- well-being of the citizens of the United States has been established. It dividuals in Union County for "pur- honor among his family and numer- has been implemented by tho Social Security System, medicare, film, "Timo of ths Locust" produced chases" (handouts) of food up to $6 ous frientts in our community. GLOUIA JEFFERSON gering, it isn't the worst evil stemming from the stolen educational assistance, pensions and subsidies to various groups of by AFSC, This meeting \vH be held "to upgrade their diets," The release Mr, Webster has been a dedicated, HOWARD T, JOHNSON car problem. citizens, 'business enterprises and programs to aid training and employ- In Grant School at 8 p.m. Thursday, states thai Union County will prob- Jinrd working member of the Repub- MAXIM2 A. WEBSTER May 33th. Injury and frequently death are the worst of the evils. ment. The ways in which federal funds are now transferred to private ably have food stamps amounting lican Party for many years. He lias citizens are many. Their number and the amounts o£ money involved grow l_ believe this debate will bring us io $1,8 million annually. been an inspiration to those who had It is not a rare occurence for the youthful driver to kill larger with every session of Congress, IWs adds up io tho fact that a closer to the real issues and further Such largesse is being financed lost faith in tiie Republican Party. himself or someone else in his <£joyriding" spree. And with U. S. welfare state now exists—the only question is how far it is to go ia away from the shibboleths and in- •by your lax dollars and mine. And His honesty and energy are diffi- More Letters tragic frequency, innocent people are the victims when the shouldering the individual's responsibilities and to what extent will the nuendos that tend to cloud these this in n period of what the Admin- cult io match. He has demonstrated nation accept federal control of states, local communities and private issues, istration likes Io call "unparalleled outstanding qualities as an able com- Next Page joy riders crash the stolen cars. citizens. HOWARD J. LITNIN prosperity." munity leader. Mr. Webster has won these are not prankish capers of restless youths. They The Fresitat has recommended enlargement of programs dealing 1005 Coolidge St. ii i iimi niriru are crimes—costly, dangerous, and frequently the prelude v/iih urban and rural poverty. Congressional resistance to these requests Is to more violent crimes and the starting of full-scale •mounting. A 20 per cent increase in social security benefits has boon asked Teacher Salaries along with higher levies on employers and employees. The mood of both Editor, Leader: criminal careers. Republicans and Conservative Democrats on the House Ways and Means An open letter to Wcstfield Your Family Financial Friend It doesn't cost you anything to take one simple per- Committee now indicates there will probably be increases in benefits and oi Education: caution against auto theft: Lock your ignition and doors taxes but on a substantially more modest basis than the Administration •Herewith is respectfully submitted whenever you leave your car. This precaution may save lias suggested, Requested expansion of poverty programs will run up the recommendations of Iho West- •against the disposition to examine the efficiency and effectiveness of field Moderation of Teachers Salary your ear from being stolen. It may help keep a youth out activities -ami spending aU'eadyaiit-horized in these areas. Committee on Teacher Salaries for o£ trouble, it may save someone's life. One of Uio most hotly debated welfare issues will.arise over the the school year 1&6IM96EK The rec- • • • * * President's ambitious plans io expand the federal-slate assistance pro- ommendations staled in this report grams that now provide monthly cash payments to 7 million people at wore adopted unanimously by our Are You Prepared For A Disaster? an annual cost of around $7 billion. Administration proposals would in- salary committee, and approved by crease the cost some ID per cent by 3959 and split it between the states our Ex!Hjulive Board and teachers, "Some things are so horrible we would rather not think and the federal government. A recent Journal article reports, Members^ sf the committee .,stand about them, "Federal financing of welfare would be substantially enlarged In th? ready tp 'assist tlic board in inter- poorest states, Federal control would be tightened in ail states by preting (here recommendations to "The possibility that a nuclear bomb might fall in our requiring every Mate welfare agency to pay the nec-tdy the full amount iho citizens of West field and in gain- immediate neighborhood is one of them. of money calculated AS necessary to cover essential living costs: Shelter, ing necessary support for their im- 1( clothing, food and other basics." Resistance to the plan will develop over plementation. To be sure, there is very little one would be able to the latter point, because at present, state welfare payments are not Tho members at the Westfield .iNKY M required io meet these essential living costs if state revenues are not l-.V MO! do if one happened to be in the close vicinity of a direct FVdoralinn of Teachers feol the pres- Y MONI hit. This ghastly picture paralyzes many people in advance adequate, Tho Journal-article observes. "... many states impose dollar ent Wcslfidd salary schedule is se- Nl-.Y MONKV limits oft monthly payments in order to ?aye mt>ney end. avoid complaints verely out of Hue with comparable -V M< *' MO however, so that they reject all thought of preparation of too much liberality. Only 1? stat^Sf^iSd^Kcw York, Connecticut " M i i N r^ t •> \- communities elsewhere in the state !o heavy pressure to enlarge federal financial participation and with this pro for? 3 on nb with similar education ' MONEY MO I MONEY MO Wtetidtoy to Ff iday, 8 to 4 tected against. in all likelihood would come a corresponding increase in federal control and experience. Wo believe that the Tuesday to Friday 8 to 5 ION I '" •>NKY MONE Monday Evening*, 6 to 8 "Ordinary fire would be awful, too, if we had never of state welfare programs. pooplo of Wcslfiuld are not aware o[ the unfavorable posiMon we now seen it before. But we are accustomed to it, use it every Apparently, there is to be little slackening in the tug of war between the philosophy of paternalism and islie tratiftioa of individuality which has occupy in altcmpling to attract and MON; day and only once in a while does it get out of hand, Civil retain a high quality teaching staff, been the leavening force in the economic and political development of NKY t, fiNK Defense authorities have evolved procedures for handling KY MONTY (he United States. The debate goes on, and this offers encouragement that Cntica! points of tho present'teach- ,Y MONKY IV radiation. Someday we will be used to radiation, too. the American Welfare slate nrwry yet be able to avoid following the er's salary schedule- are the number I MONF.Y MO _ F tragic.pattern of pursuing the ideal of social justice with the big stick of of stops on the cuido ond the pres- MONfcY MON! "Knowledge allays unreasoname fears. Anyone can ONTCY MONK' conformity and oppression. ent minima and maxima degree 'NKY MONK' accumulate level-headed facts about radiation and fallout levels. by taking Civil Defense courses.-They are free for the ask- high — we may be asked to give The committee iooh that the siib- even our life, but the reward is milled salary schedule would im- ing. All that is needed is a minimum of 15 students for each FROM ANOTHER prove tho quality ot the instruction- class. worth it." "Victory far Christ's church over al .stuff by on en ura sing toathers to "Perhaps, as a means to a higher endf Civil Defense CORNER every enemy and fellowship with produce more abundantly and more should emphasize the idea of preparing for the more By FLORENCE SBEELS Christ in his eternal glory arc the effectively. This proposed guide will end result - - - but' to have them, attract and maintain teachers o£ psychologically tolerable natural disasters. we must be prepared to pay the higher quality and experience in a "How many families in Chicago, marooned in their Heaven is ours, here, while we price." lime of history wlien such lwrsotmcl homes by blizzards, wish they had stocked up with the live, aware of Spring's leaf bursiingj are at a premium. Your Westfield Federation of Teachers is proud o£ CD's list of survival needs while they wait for trucks to from the limb, summer's luxuriant:! strength, scintillating wisdom in the LETTERS TO THE the reputation achieved by the West- get through with food and other supplies? The CD program Fall* and at last, branches of Winter Held school system in the past and would have been equally valuable in Rhode Island during lying clear so that we look beyond EDITOR submits the staie'd recommenda- tions for the exclusive purpose of the hurricane of 1938 or in Worcester after the tornado them into tho face of God, I pi tern to the editor most 1 achieving this reputation once ngain, of 1953. In Horizon, a pamphlet published bear a signature and 3 street ANTHONY J. BERABDO by the Committee o£ Christian Edu- Address, both of which wtil be Chairman '"These should be sufficient reasons for molting a cation oi the Orthodox Presbyterian authenticated prior to publica- thoughtful householder stack a corner of his cellar with Church, we find these statements; tion. WFT Salary Co-mmiLlcc- Fix Up Your non-perishable food and water, first aid supplies and a "On The Horizon," 'Am I willing to BKEVITY IS ESSENTIAL. pay the price' is a question that con-;! NO LETTER EXCEEDING 200 School Budget transistor radio* Common sense suggests that this same tinuaUy faces every Christian. When1* corner would be a good place to store a shovel, an axe, a WORDS WILL BE ACCEPTED, EdUor, the multitudes followed Jesus he put No anonymous or unsigned An open ieiiei to the Board of WITH their loyalty to the test by saying LOW COST kerosene lamp and one's camping gear, Ii'Uera will be considered. 'Whosoever doth not bear his cross, Education; "It wouldn't hurt. It would be a start. Letters must be wrltteri only Dear Mrs, PSiclps: and come after we, cannot be my on one side ot paper and prefer- "All of which is a round-about way of saying to all: disciple' ". I want to thank you, the other ably typewritten. members of the board, and the four with it! Your Civil Defense director stands ready and "Jesits ptaced the potential cost All letters must be In the members ot the PTA Salary Conv eager to help you. of serving him very high indeed., "Leate" office by FHday it mittee who met v?ith m last night. epair Loan "The time to now. There is no instant Civil He talked of being ready to give up! they are to appear la the follow* The discussion of issues litai Jrinsje Defense." father one! mother, wife and chil-|' mjj issue. benefits, supormaximum longevity, dren ~ even one's o^vn life — as thd The "Leader*' reserves the means of encouraging .toacjicrs io price of doing his work. There was,-i right U* reject or edit any teller take advanced education, helped us Borrow Up To $3500 in fact, no limit on Jesus' demand' conform to "Leader" all to understand our mutual prob- MS Hope Chest for disctplcship. He said, 'Whosoever' lems- More discussions of this na- ho be of you that forsnkcih net All Forum ture, both bc-forc and after we sub- Take Up To 5 Yrs. To Repay If you were suddenly to find yourself confined to a That He Hath, lie cannot- be my mit our prnposnK can only iurther wheelchair for the remainder of your life, what would you disciple," Editor, Leader: this spirit of understfinding. give to bo able to walk again? Think about it i I wish to commend your news- Tnore are two serious questions "So tiie qircslion is — 'When I set paper on the latest forum establish- that come to my mind, however. Fortunately most of us are able to walk on our own out to serve Christ, dic3 I count the ed in your "Letters to the Editor" While [ rcc«3!i&e thai expenses two feet. But there are an estimated 500,000 Americans who cost? Am I really prepared to do column. The leading controversy to- will so up next year, I can net ac- have multiple sclerosis or related neurological disorders whot needs Io be done that the work [; day, the war in Vietnam, needs as cept the concept thai because other of Christ may go forward?* This is fi thorough an airing us possible. costs are t'oing ID by higher, our and many of them are in wheelchairs. Couldn't you give a n Question we nil face in our per-1 As a friend of Wcstfield Citizens salary rocjuest must therefore bo little time to help these MS patients? sonal livos at borne and at work or Concerned about American Foreign lower. This is, in effect, risking us school. It is n question many are The National Multiple Sclerosis Society needs men Policy, my interest lias been to subsidize flip increased eosls of facing today in their relation to by Its two aims; i> to provide as tho program. Hither, if we nrc to and women to volunteer to canvass their neighbors for churches that deny lhe Word of many forums as possible mid 2! tq continue as an oxcellffnt school sys- the MS Hope Chest Drive, The monies raised support Christ, And it is a question we face stimulate as many opinions as can tem, we must si rive for an excellent research into tho cause, prevention and treatment of this In our service in o church that isf be supported by the available frets. salnry scale in addition io the other RAL earnestly pressing forward to spread i Since your paper ha? helped In both expenses. crippling disease, and provide local patient services for ibe faith of Christ." j; of these areas, I feel that tho Con- The system needs new texts, mere SAVINGS those afflicted, as well as community and professional " » * - There are those who may Istitution's guarantee of the rigM to ; audin-visuat equipment, automated education. say, 'The cost is too great. We arc dissent is receiving more than Hie record keeping, additional staff, re- The cause of this debilitating disorder remains un- like the man who 411$ not count the lip service offered by those who vitalizatictn of the library, more see- cost when ho laid the foundation and would suppress this right when the retarini help, "etc. But increases in known. There is no apparent cure, But scientists are work- now our mcoropleted work is about dissenting opinion does not suit these areas must not be paid for ot 1SO Street Wwitfiold ing day and night seeking an answer to MS. That is why io mock us.' If thai is sa .it would them. the expense of teachers' salaries. volunteers are needed—to enable the Society to raise funds be a sad commentary on our com- For those looking for a further The major concern is to provide mitment to Christ and his kingdom. op3>orhtmty to gather information to an adequate budget that can be pre- MtotNrautwcNi CdfaMM to finance this vital research. The price of serving Christ may be. \ • support their convictions, I recom- sented to tlie public as necessary p- •. THE WESTFIELD (N, J.) LEADER, THURSDAY. MAY isf 1967 Page 3 aad loud about the election results Co mmis&ion ed Nelson johnson, Ila Falsted Ave., LETTERS and, if questioned, usually "forgot public intoxication, $25 fine suspend- CMRA Elects Brandt Focus to vote." ed. r. Treasurer for 1967 Finally, to be perfectly candid, the James D. Bates, Elisabeth, care- Sing Out success or—mare important—failure less driving, found innocent, Mountainside—The Chemical Mar- He's The Man To See For Facts oi the Aldene Plan could have quite Douglass G, Farrell, 298 Timber- keting Research Association an- Editor, Leader: an effect on Westfield property val- line lid.. Mountainside, careless nounces the election of Wilfred H. By RUTH B, GILBERT Brandt of 1203 Wyoming Dr., to the After joining with a Union County ues. So let'e support the Plan for a driving, $30. change. Use of Jersey Central serv- Issac Williamson Jr., Elizabeth, office of treasurer for the year 1967- In 1965, the production of Po- y. contingent last Saturday afternoon 68, beginning in July. tatoes in the United SLates was marching in New York City's great ices in the evenings and an occa- no license in possession, $10. sional weekend will also indicate Judith A. O'Doimell, Cranf ord, Mr. Brandt is a graduate of St. 288,927,000 hundredweight ... there support American forces in Vietnam Francis College, Larellft, Pa., and, were i>493,400 acres 'harvested that parade, I was much pleased the our willingness to back good, reason- running a stop sign, found innocent. able and properly-managed railroad Barbara Macletcbie, Old Green- irpon his graduation he joined Olin year and in Alabama, cool wet same evening to be able to attend Mathieson Chemical Corp- He has weather delayed planting. Who the fine "Up With People" Sing-Out transportation. wich, Conn., unlicensed driver, $20 and running a stop sign, $15, served in several capacities and di- cares, you ask? This information, in Roosevelt Junior High School and 6. L. BURNLEY visions of the company and current- contained in the "American Potato see such a large group of young 237 Hazel Ave. Frod Walker, Hazlet, overtime parking, $7. ly is manager, marketing analysis Yearbook" and its companion vol- people demonstrate in our own area of the chemicals group. ume, the "American Tomato Year- similar high standards of morality, Carol Donnelly, Garwood, improp- book", is sold ito agricultural ex- responsibility and patriotism. Program Tonight er parking, $10. Mr. Brandt is council president of periment stations, large growers, Margaret Green, Plainfield, over- Mountainside and is active in other The vigor and enthusiasm with Editor, Leader: community affairs. shippers and jobbers, lo government which the toys and girls sang such JAMES M, HANDEL time parking, $7. agencies in every state in the Union William Kaplan, 1445 Orchard Rd., numbers as "Freedom isn't free, In the past fewmonths , as rayJames and their wives will Organizations in the Art of Creative the books, however, and he con-news writer for the N. Y. Times West Long Branch, N, J. and marketing, and to his know- lends he never understood why there What's in a name? Juliet went on Never a'gain in this area will a share the head table with Mr, andSelling and is art author of articles ledge, they are the only books of and the N, Y. Herald Tribune, He citizen be able to hide behind the Mrs. Ronald F, Mays.